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Fusayama Takao Corrosion of Gold and Amalgam Placed in

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Corrosion of Gold and Amalgam

Placed in Contact with Each Other

Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan

Gold alloy and silver-tin amalgam are widely used in dental restorations. The contact
with each other of these dissimilar metals in saliva is considered to generate galvanic
current. So far, the following three harmful effects of this current have been reported.
The first effect that has been reported was that galvanic current could be suspected
of having a harmful effect on soft tissues.1-6 However, this was denied by clinical ob-
servers,7-10 who found no difference between gum tissues adjacent to and non-adjacent
to such dissimilar metals that were in contact with each other.
The second harmful effect was the so-called galvanic pain that occurs at the instant
when a tooth with gold restoration comes in contact with an amalgam restoration.14
Mumford,15 however, has found in his clinical observation that the galvanic pain
occurred only in a small percentage of the cases of such a contact, that it was general-
ly not so serious, and that it usually ceased to occur in a few hours or no longer than
a few weeks. Similar clinical results have also been observed by some of the present
authors.'0 Thus, galvanic pain cannot be a factor strong enough to contraindicate the
use of gold and amalgam on opposing teeth in the mouth.
The third effect that has been reported was the corrosion of restorations due to
galvanic current.'0' 17 The potential difference between gold and amalgam in saliva
has been reported to be as great as 0.5 volts,13' 18 and some electrochemical corrosion
of amalgam is considered possible. Schoonover and Souder'7 have reported that gold
restorations were corroded by mercury released from amalgam fillings because of an
electrochemical reaction. Since then, most dental textbooks have recommended against
the use of gold in contact with amalgam in the mouth. It is a fact, however, that many
dental clinicians are routinely using them in contact with each other. Thus, there
seems to be some discordance between past basic experiments and clinical practice.
This study was made to determine whether the contact of gold with amalgam pro-
duced any significant corrosion on those metals. Experimental restorations of the two
materials were placed adjacently in artificial saliva or in the human mouth, under
various conditions for various periods of times, and the corrosion was measured on
their surfaces and sections.
Materials and Methods
Experiments were conducted in vitro with gold and amalgam restorations placed on
extracted teeth, which were stored in air or artificial saliva. A few basic experiments

This investigation was supported in part by a grant from the Department of Welfare of the Japanese
Received for publication November 2, 1962.

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1184 FUSAVAMA, KATAYORI, AND NOMOTO J. dent. Res. September-October 1963
were also carried on for analytic consideration of the reaction. At the same time, a
clinical experiment in vivo was also performed, with restorations placed in the plastic
teeth of experimental dentures to examine the results in the human mouth.
SPECIMENS.-Class II inlays were cast with a gold alloy prescribed by the authors
(gold 20, silver 1, and copper 3 in weight) and cemented in cavities prepared on ex-
tracted or plastic teeth with a zinc phosphate cement.
Class II amalgam fillings were made from a commercial silver-tin amalgam alloy.*
According to the manufacturer's direction, it was proportioned with mercury in a
ratio of 1.0:1.4, mechanically mixed, squeezed, and mechanically packed into prepa-
rations with stainless-steel matrices. Amalgam fillings were polished after 2 days,
according to clinical procedure. More than five specimens were prepared for each sub-
group of different conditions.
An artificial saliva (Table 1) was made by a slight modification of the method used
at Indiana University.'9 Specimens were statically immersed in this solution, which
was renewed every other day.
Na2S ................0............. .0008
Mg2P207 .......................... 0.0008
Mucin ........................... 2.0000
CO(N1H2)2 ..................... . 0.5000
Na2HPO4 .......0 .3000
CaCL2............................. 0.3000
KCI ....... 0.2000
NaCl ....... 0.2000
q.s. 500 ml ....... distilled H20
ARTIFICIAL SALIVA OR IN AIR.-Gold and amalgam restorations placed in ex-
tracted teeth were fixed in contact with each other (Fig. 1). The rubber ring was em-
ployed to give adequate interdental pressure.
The restorations were stored in artificial saliva or in air. The contact in air was
tried for analytical investigation of the causes of reaction. Sodium chloride solution'
was not used for saliva because corrosion is much less likely in saliva than in a sodium
chloride solution, because of the protective effect of saliva against corrosion.2°
Two series of contact were tried-fresh gold inlays (freshly polished) with old
amalgam fillings (stored in artificial saliva for a week) and old gold inlays (stored in
artificial saliva for a week after polishing) with fresh amalgam fillings (immediately
after removal of matrices, i.e., 8 minutes after the start of trituration).
A fresh gold inlay was never brought into contact with a fresh amalgam filling be-
cause there is no chance in clinical settings for such a combination to occur. When a
new gold inlay is placed, the amalgam filling pre-existing on the neighboring tooth has
already been covered with a passive skin of oxide or sulfide as well as a protective
colloidal membrane from saliva.2" 22
Two specimens in contact were stored at room temperature for 1 day, 1 week, 1
month, or 6 months. Changes on their proximal surfaces were first observed with the
* $hofu-Microalloy (No, CEEBF 16), Shofu Dental Manufacturing Co., Kyoto, Japan.

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naked eye. The teeth with restorations were then separately invested in polyester
resin and mesiodistally sectioned through contact points and tooth axes using carbo-
rundum-resin disks under streaming water (Fig. 2). The section surfaces were polished
using a buff with a chromium oxide suspension. Then they were observed both directly
and with the aid of a metallurgical microscope of 50-, 100-, and 400-power magnifica-
The chemical properties of the products produced on gold surfaces by reaction
with amalgam were examined by treating with alcoholic dilute nitric acid (nitric acid
1 and absolute alcohol 2) or alcoholic dilute aqua regia (nitric acid 1, hydrochloric
acid 3, and absolute alcohol 2) for 2 minutes.


FiG 1. -Sketch of the arrangement of a gold inlay and an amalgam filling in contact with each
other. a - amalgam filling; b -gold inlay; c =extracted teeth; d =rubber ring; and e modeling

FIG. 2.-Mesiodistal polished sections through contact points of a gold inlay (left) and an amalgam
filling (right) invested in polyester resin blocks.

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1186 FUSAYAMA, KATAYORI, AND NOMOTO J. dent. Res. September-October 1963
The Knoop hardness under a 50-gm. load was also measured at various portions of
the sectioned surfaces to detect any effect on physical properties.
VARYING TIME OF CONTACT. Gold inlays were brought into contact with amalgam
fillings at various time intervals and stored in artificial saliva for 2 days. The time
intervals between the start of trituration of amalgam and the contact were 8 minutes
(immediately after removal of matrices), 20 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, and 24
hours. The changes were examined on their proximal surfaces.
In one group, a fresh mix of amalgam was immediately packed against fresh gold
surfaces, using experimental plastic cavities (Fig. 3). They were vertically sectioned
through the amalgam and gold after 24 hours and observed under a microscope. This
experiment represented the case of the earliest contact and served as a reference for
the reaction expected when a fresh amalgam mix is carelessly brought into contact
with gold restorations.

FIG. 3.-Stylen resin cavity in which amalgam was packed directly against the gold alloy surface.
a = amalgam; b = stylen resin; c = gold alloy disk; and d = self-curing acrylic resin.


IN SALIVA.-For the purpose of detecting the results purely from the galvanic current,
old gold inlays and fresh amalgam fillings were stored in artificial saliva without
internal contact and electrically connected outside the saliva (Fig. 4). The galvanic
current was read as a function of time on an ammeter, and the changes on the sur-
faces of restorations were also observed.
EXPERIMENT IN vivo.-Experimental dentures were made in patients' mouths. A
pair of teeth* were adjacently planted in the alveolar sockets that were prepared on
an experimental denture and elastically fixed by means of silicone rubber periodontium
(Fig. 5). Gold and amalgam restorations of Class II type were placed in these teeth
so as to be adjacent with a slight interdental pressure. The dentures were used in the
mouth and observed after various periods of time. The conditions of groups were
arranged as in the experiments using artificial saliva.
* Ivorine, Columbia Dentoform Corporation, New York, New York.

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b c

FIG. 4.-External short-circuiting of a gold inlay and an amalgam filling immersed in artificial saliva
without contact. a = amalgam filling; b = ammeter; c = microammeter; d = silver conducting wire;
e = paraffin coverage; / gold inlay; g = extracted tooth; and h = artificial saliva.

FIG. 5.-Sketch of the mesiodistal section of specimens mounted on a denture in the human mouth.
a amalgam filling; b = gold inlay; c = tooth;* d = silicone rubber; and e = acrylic denture.
* Ivorine, Columbia Dentoform Corporation, New York, New York.

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EUSA VAKiIA, O J. dent. Res. September-October 1963
gold inlays with old amalgam fillings in air resulted in no change on either gold or
Gold in contact with old amalgam in artificial saliva produced no change after 1
day and a very faint, silver-colored staining on the gold surfaces in some cases after
1 week (Fig. 6).
The staining however, showed no evidence of increasing thereafter. It was of no
significant thickness on the sectioned surfaces even when observed under a strong
magnification (Fig. 7). It was not removed by alcoholic dilute nitric acid but was
removed by alcoholic dilute aqua regia. No change of the underlying gold layer was
found in either metallographic appearances or corrosion resistance.
Gold in contact with fresh amalgam in air produced a denite silver-colored stain-
ing on the contact areas of gold inlays. The staining, however showed no sign of in-
creasing after the second day and was of no significant thickness on the sectioned
surfaces. It was not removed by alcoholic dilute nitr c acid but was removed by alco-

Ftc_. 6. Gold inlays and old amalgam filings stored in artificial <a'iva in contact with each other
for: A 1 day (amalgam surface unpolished); B =1 week; and C 1 month. Arrows points of

holic dilute aqua regia. No change in the underlying gold layer was found in either
metallographic appearance or corrosion resistance.
Gold in contact with fresh amalgam fillings in artificial saliva produced definite
silver-colored stainings on the contact areas of gold inlays, narrow circular swellings
of silver color surrounding the contact areas and slight diffuse brown stains around
the circular swellings after 1 day (Fig. 8, A), although the brown stain was sometimes
absent. These changes increased very slightly in 1 week (Fig. 8, B) but no more
thereafter- even after 6 months (Fig. 8, C).
Sections of circular swellings showed newly produced layers of definite thickness
(Fig. 9). The top of the layer was higher than the original surface level, and the bot-
tom had eaten into the gold alloy.
The depth of this corrosion, from the original surface level to Ithe bottom of the
new layer, was 1-7 ,. after 1 day, 1 8 p. after 1 week, and 3 10 p. after 6 months. The
greatest thickness of the new layer, from the top to the bottom, was 6-25 p. after 1
day, 4-16 p. after 1 week, 8-20 p. after 1 month, and 9 14 p. after 6 months.
This newly produced layer was not removed by alcoholic dilute nitric acid, but it
was removed by etching with alcoholic dilute aqua regia. The underlying gold alloy
showed no change in metallographic appearances or corrosion resistance.

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/ * - ^'

FIG. 7. Magnification of the polished sections of gold inlays stored in artificial saliva in contact
with old amalgam fillings for: A .- 1 day; B =1 week; C =I month; and D --1 month, treated
with diluted aqua regia. Contact areas lie between arrows.

FIG. 8.-Gold inlays and fresh amalgam fillings stored in artificial saliva in contact with each other
for: A 1 day (amalgam surface unpolished); B - 1 week; and C I month.

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1190 FUSA OJ e p rrO16
J. dent. Res. September-October .1963
No change on the amalgam fillings was detected after contact with gold. The fillings
brought into contact with gold in artificial saliva immediately after removal of matri-
ces, however, showed a very faint circular roughness surrounding the contact areas
after 1 day, before polishing. This was found only by very careful inspection (the
right section of Fig. 8, A).
This roughness was readily removed by polishing and never reappeared, even when
the specimens were stored again in contact with gold for a long period. No change was
found on the sectioned surfaces of the amalgam fillings (Fig. 2).
the circular swelling on gold surfaces previously mentioned were significant only when
the gold inlays were brought into contact with amalgam fillings less than 20 minutes

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Fro. 9 Manficto f th oishe scinof gol inay stre in ariica saiv in conac
wa ith fesamla filnsfrA 1dyB 1; week;: C 1 moth an D 1 moth,
,eEf|.E~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~..~...~ ~ ~ trae
:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ....i

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..i;0 8 00 s; 2~ %

E:: tEERE H-ER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..

Fic,. 9---Magnification of the polished sections of gold inlays stored in artificial saliva in contact
with fresh amalgam fillings for: A = 1 day; B =- 1 week C --1 month; and D = 1 month, treated
with diluted aqua regia. The areas surrounding contact areas are indicated by arrows.

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after the start of trituration (Fig. 10, A and B). These alterations were very slight
when the gold and amalgam were brought into contact 1 hour after trituration (Fig.
10, C). No change was produced when contact was effected after more than 3 hours
following the start of trituration (Fig. 10, D-F).
The contact of freshly mixed amalgam did not produce any new layer of finite
thickness on the sectioned surfaces of gold block, even when observed tinder a micro-
scope (Fig. 11).
between gold inlays and amalgam fillings decreased rapidly in the first 30 seconds and
decreased gradually thereafter, reaching a zero value after 2 or 3 days (Fig. 12).
No change was observed on the surface of those gold and amalgam restorations
separately placed in artificial saliva and electrically connected outside of saliva (Fig.

FiG. 10. The gold inlays brought into contact with amalgam fillings: A = 8 minutes; B 20
minutes; C = 1 hour; D = 3 hours; E = 6 hours; and F- 24 hours after the beginning of tritu-
ration and stored in artificial saliva for a xveek. Contact points are indicated by arrows.

% A

Fw. 11. -Magnification of the polished section through gold alloy and amalgam brought into con-
tact immediately after trituration. Black line drawn in the right = level of junction of amalgam (A)
and gold (G).

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2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 1 2 3 4
minutes days
Fic. 12.-The electric current--time curve when gold inlays and amalgam fillings were stored in arti-
ficial saliva and short-circuited outside saliva. Dashed line = the result by a 1,000- a distance between
the two in saliva at 20° C.; solid line = result by a 30-1, distance between the two in saliva at 37° C.

FIG. 13. A gold inlay (left) and an amalgam filling (right) stored in artificial saliva and short-
circuited outside saliva. Amalgam is not polished.

-j. X \'w' X If. 34,

FIG. 14.-Gold inlays kept in contact with fresh amalgam fillings in mouth for: A- I day; B =
1 week; and C = 1 month. Arrows contact points.
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RESULTS OF CONTACT IN THE MOUTH.-The results from experiment in the mouth
were of exactly the same nature as those from the experiments in artificial saliva. Con-
tact of gold inlays with old amalgam fillings produced no change after 1 day. Very
slight silver-colored stains were produced on the contact areas of some gold inlays
after 1 week, but this change did not increase thereafter. The staining had no ob-
servable thickness on sectioned surfaces.
Gold inlays brought into contact with fresh amalgam fillings showed silver-colored
stains with no observable thickness on the contact areas, silver-colored circular swell-

250 250

2au 200

100 loo

.0 r-r

I f

SO 20 30 40 50 60 At'
tU '0 20 30 40 50 co Mrr

200 20C

150. * * 15 0 2 0 : 6 T t'


0 10 20 30 40 W Gb At
tui M 10 20 30 40 50~~~~~~
60 fo/"
depth from the surface
FIG. 15.-Knoop hardnesses at various parts of the polished section of the gold inlay stored in arti-
ficial saliva in contact with a fresh amalgam filling, determined at various depths from the surface:
A = below silver-colored contact area; B = below the swelling around the contact area; C = below
the brown stains around the swelling; and D = below the area of no change.

ings of finite thickness around the contact areas, and diffuse brown stains around the
swellings (Fig. 14). The depth of penetration into the gold surfaces by newly pro-
duced layers of swelling was never more than 10 ,u.
mined on the sectioned surfaces of gold inlays stored in contact with fresh amalgam
fillings in saliva. The newly produced layers of circular swellings were too soft to
obtain a reading.
Figure 15 compares the hardness of the underlying gold layers below silver-colored
stains (A), below the newly produced layers of circular swellings (B), below the

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1194 FUSAYAMA, KATAYORI, AND NOMOTO J. dent. Res. September-October 1963
brown stains (C), and below the intact gold surfaces (C). The hardness values regu-
larly decreased near filling surfaces in all specimens. This decrease was not con-
sidered to be a real change in hardness due to amalgam contact but an artifact due to
flow-on indentation, since it occurred even on the gold portion not adjacent to amal-
No significant difference was found between the hardnesses of the portions adjacent
and non-adjacent to amalgam. This result indicates that diffusion of mercury into the
underlying gold alloy was insufficient to change the physical properties beyond the
superficial changes to silver color.

FIG. 16.-Au-Hg constitutional diagram (K. Iwase and S. Okamoto, Standard Constitutional Dia-
grams, p. 108 [19531).
SILVER-COLORED STAINS ON CONTACT AREAS.-Silver-colored stains were found on
the contact areas of gold inlays that had been brought into contact with fresh amal-
gam mix or fillings. These stains were not removed by alcoholic dilute nitric acid but
were removed by alcoholic dilute aqua regia. Apparently, it was not due to pure mer-
cury but to a type of gold mercury alloy (gold amalgam)-presumably y phase
(Au2Hg3-Hg 60.41 per cent) in the Au-Hg constitutional diagram23 (Fig. 16). This
was produced by reaction between gold and free mercury in fresh amalgam mix or
filling.10 The stains could attain only a negligible thickness because only the mercury
in a very superficial layer could take part in the reaction.
These stains showed no detectable thickness on the sectionized surfaces of gold inlays.
No change in metallographic appearances, corrosion resistance, or hardness was found

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in the underlying gold alloy. Therefore, no significant harmful effect is expected from
only the stain.
Additional changes, beyond that of only the gold stain, were not produced by con-
tact with old amalgam fillings in either air or saliva or by contact with fresh amalgam
fillings in air. This indicates that contacts of these types cannot be the cause of any
significant corrosion of the gold alloy.
into contact with fresh amalgam fillings less than 1 hour old in saliva, the change on
contact areas was only a silver-colored stain of negligible thickness, as discussed
above. However, a circular swelling of a new product of a finite thickness was found
around the stain. This newly produced layer had somewhat corroded the gold surface.
This layer was considered to be of essentially the same gold-mercury phase
(Au2Hg3) as in the previously mentioned stain, because it had the same corrosion
resistance and color. This was considered a product of an electrochemical reaction
because it was produced in saliva but not in air. Some factor must, however, exist
other than the mere electrochemical reaction, since this product was not produced
by external connection of gold and amalgam without contact in saliva. This second
factor is considered to be the presence of free mercury because it was produced only
by contact with fresh amalgam less than 1 hour old, which was still rich in free
Schoonover and Souder17 have found a good deal of tin but no mercury in solution,
when amalgam and gold were brought in contact in it. They have suggested that any
mercury thus liberated possibly corrodes gold. The present authors assume the mech-
anism as follows:
When a gold alloy and a fresh amalgam filling are brought into contact, the super-
ficial free mercury of amalgam touching the gold produces an intermetallic compound
(y in the constitutional diagram of Fig. 16) and does not diffuse beyond this com-
pound into the underlying gold. The thickness of the compound does not increase from
the negligible thickness of the stain because no more mercury is supplied to this area,
which is closed by contact.
Mercury can, however, be supplied outside this contact area with the help of an
electrochemical reaction. By contact with electrolytic saliva, a galvanic circuit is
established. Tin, having the lowest electropotential, is dissolved into saliva. This
releases free mercury that has been very loosely combined with tin. The free mercury
moves from amalgam to gold through the external margin of the contact area. Such
a movement of mercury can occur only from the exposed amalgam surface near the
contact margin to the exposed gold surface near the margin. This continuous supply
produces a gold amalgam layer of definite thickness, and it is produced only on the
gold surface near the contact margin in narrow circular form.
The supply of free mercury ceases after a limited time for two reasons. Free mer-
cury in fresh amalgam mix decreases with time, becoming essentially absent after
more than 1 hour.24 In addition, the surfaces of restorations are gradually covered
by a passive skin of oxide or sulfide and a protective colloidal membrane from sali-
va.21, 22 Polarization in the membrane also increases the resistances Thus the gal-
vanic current rapidly drops, very soon reaching zero. Consequently, the production
of a new layer stops after a limited time and has a limited thickness.

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1196 FUSA YAMA, KA TA YORI, AND NOMOTO J. dent. Res. September-October 1963
The depth of corrosion of gold by mercury thus did not increase beyond 10 [t. The
defects were filled with newly produced gold amalgam that was resistant to dilute
nitric acid. The underlying gold alloy was not affected in its metallographic appear-
ances, corrosion resistance, or mechanical properties. These findings indicate that the
contact of gold alloy with fresh amalgam filling does not cause any disturbance of
clinical significance.
Gold and amalgam restorations were brought into contact with each other under
various conditions. Then they were stored in air, in artificial saliva, or in the human
mouth for various periods of from 1 day to 6 months. The corrosion of the restora-
tions was observed on their proximal surfaces. Vertical sections were observed grossly
and microscopically. The flow of galvanic current between the two restorations and
the Knoop hardness values of the sectioned surfaces of gold alloys were also inves-
tigated. Findings were as follows: (1) Contact of gold inlays with old amalgam
fillings in air or saliva did not cause any significant corrosion of the restorations.
Contact with fresh amalgam fillings produced silver-colored stains on the contact
areas of gold inlays. However, they were of negligible thickness and of no clinical
significance. No change in metallographic appearance, corrosion resistance, or hard-
ness was observed in the underlying gold alloy. (2) Contact with fresh amalgam fill-
ings less than 1 hour old in saliva produced silver-colored stains of negligible thick-
ness on the contact areas of gold inlays. In addition, silver-colored circular swelling
appeared in a newly produced layer around the contact areas. This layer had a finite
thickness, and its bottom was slightly lower than the original level of the gold sur-
face. The depth of such corrosion was, however, less than 10 a and did not increase
after I week. Such a reaction was considered to be of no clinical significance, since
the corrosion was so slight and the shallow defect was filled with newly produced gold
amalgam having fairly high corrosion resistance. No change in the metallographic
appearances, corrosion resistance, or hardness was found in the gold alloy underlying
this corrosion. (3) On amalgam filling surfaces no significant corrosion was found
except a very faint circular roughness around the contact areas of amalgam fillings
that had been brought into contact with gold immediately after filling and stored in
saliva. This roughness was however, readily removed by polishing and did not re-
appear upon further contact. A theory explaining the mechanism of reaction between
gold and dental amalgam in saliva was proposed and discussed.
The authors greatly appreciate the extensive assistance given by the members of the Operative and
Technological Departments of the Tokyo Medical and Dental University School of Dentistry.
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