7LL Meiosis Summary Cheat Sheet - 2018 Public

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Name: _______________________________________ Date __________________________

Meiosis vs. Mitosis Cheat Sheet & Fill in the Blank

Differences Between Mitosis and Meiosis - Answer Key

Mitosis Event Meiosis

● Body cells: Growth, Repair, Replace Where it Occurs ● Only in reproductive cells, Produces
Gametes - Reproductive cells egg &

● A single division resulting in 2 cells # of Divisions ● A double division resulting in 4 cells

● Same number of chromosomes (2n) - # Chromosomes in ● Half the number of chromosomes (n) -
Diploid Daughter Cells Haploid

● Daughter cells are genetically identical Genetic Variation ● Daughter cells are genetically different
with each other and the parent cell in Daughter Cells from each other and the parent cell

● Near the end of Interphase chromosomes Events in ● Near the end of Interphase chromosomes
condense, and spindle fibers form to condense, and spindle fibers form to
prepare for division (Mitosis, Meiosis I, prepare for division (Mitosis, Meiosis I,
Meiosis II) Meiosis II)
● Nuclear membrane breaks down. ● Homologous chromosome, and their
● Homologous chromosomes do not pair up copies, pair up in Prophase I.
● No crossing over occurs in Mitosis ● Crossing over occurs.
● Nuclear membrane breaks down in
Prophase I and II

● Individual chromosomes, and their Events in ● Pairs of homologous chromosomes,

copies (sister chromatids) arrange on the Metaphase and their copies, arranged next to each
equator other on equator (Metaphase I)
● Sister Chromatids line up on equator
(Metaphase II)

● Centromere splits and chromatids Events in ● Chromatids stay joined together and
separate Anaphase the homologous chromosomes separate
(Anaphase I)
● Sister Chromatids separate (Anaphase II)

● Results in the formation of two new Events in ● 2 new daughter nuclei with 23
daughter nuclei, each having the same # Telophase chromosomes & their copies (Sister
of chromosomes as the parent cell: 46 for chromatids) (Haploid) (Telophase I)
humans (Diploid) ● 4 new daughter nuclei, each having half
● Cytokinesis follows Telophase the # of chromosomes (Haploid) as the
parent cell (Telophase II)
● Cytokinesis follows Telophase I & II
Name: _______________________________________ Date __________________________
Meiosis vs. Mitosis Cheat Sheet & Fill in the Blank

Differences Between Mitosis and Meiosis - Fill in the blank

Mitosis Event Meiosis

● _____________ cells: Growth, Repair, Where it Occurs ● Only in _______________ cells,

Replace Produces Gametes - Reproductive cells
egg & sperm

● A ________ division resulting in 2 cells # of Divisions ● A ________ division resulting in 4 cells

● _____________ number of chromosomes # Chromosomes in ● _____________ the number of

(2n) - _____________ Daughter Cells chromosomes (n) - _____________

● Daughter cells are genetically Genetic Variation ● Daughter cells are genetically
_____________ with each other and the in Daughter Cells _____________ from each other and the
parent cell parent cell

● Near the end of Interphase chromosomes Events in Prophase ● Near the end of Interphase chromosomes
condense, and spindle fibers form to condense, and spindle fibers form to
prepare for division (Mitosis, Meiosis I, prepare for division (Mitosis, Meiosis I,
Meiosis II) Meiosis II)
● Nuclear membrane breaks down. ● _____________ chromosome, and their
● _____________ chromosomes do not copies, pair up in Prophase I.
pair up ● Crossing over occurs.
● No ___________ over occurs in Mitosis ● Nuclear membrane breaks down in
Prophase I and II

● Individual _____________, and their Events in ● Pairs of homologous _____________,

copies (sister chromatids) arrange on the Metaphase and their copies, arranged next to each
equator other on equator (Metaphase I)
● Sister Chromatids line up on equator
(Metaphase II)

● Centromere splits and ________ separate Events in ● ________ stay joined together and the
Anaphase homologous chromosomes separate
(Anaphase I)
● Sister ________ separate (Anaphase II)

● Results in the formation of two new Events in ● 2 new daughter nuclei with 23
daughter nuclei, each having the same # Telophase chromosomes & their copies (Sister
of _____________ as the parent cell: 46 chromatids) (Haploid) (Telophase I)
for humans (Diploid) ● 4 new daughter nuclei, each having half
● Cytokinesis follows Telophase the # of _____________ (Haploid) as the
parent cell (Telophase II)
● Cytokinesis follows Telophase I & II
Name: _______________________________________ Date __________________________
Meiosis vs. Mitosis Cheat Sheet & Fill in the Blank
Differences Between Mitosis and Meiosis - Cut & Paste Activity.
Cut out all of the pieces below - can you glue them back together into the blank page of notes?
Mitosis Event Meiosis

● __________: Growth, Repair, Where it Occurs ● Only in ____________, Produces

Replace _________ - Reproductive cells egg
& sperm

● A ________ division resulting in 2 # of Divisions ● A __________ division resulting in 4

cells cells

● _______ number of chromosomes # Chromosomes ● _______ the number of

(2n) - Diploid in Daughter chromosomes (n) - Haploid

● Daughter cells are genetically Genetic ● Daughter cells are genetically

____________ with each other Variation in ______________ from each other
and the parent cell Daughter Cells and the parent cell

● Near the end of Interphase Events in ● Near the end of Interphase

chromosomes condense, and chromosomes condense, and
spindle fibers form to prepare for spindle fibers form to prepare for
division (Mitosis, Meiosis I, Meiosis division (Mitosis, Meiosis I, Meiosis
● Nuclear membrane breaks down. ● Homologous chromosome, and
● Homologous chromosomes do not their copies, pair up in Prophase I.
pair up ● Crossing over occurs.
● No crossing over occurs in Mitosis ● Nuclear membrane breaks down in
Prophase I and II

● Individual chromosomes, and Events in ● Pairs of homologous

their copies (sister chromatids) Metaphase chromosomes, and their copies,
arrange on the equator arranged next to each other on
equator (Metaphase I)
● Sister Chromatids line up on
equator (Metaphase II)

● Centromere splits and chromatids Events in ● Chromatids stay joined together

separate Anaphase and the homologous chromosomes
separate (Anaphase I)
● Sister Chromatids separate
(Anaphase II)

● Results in the formation of two new Events in ● 2 new daughter nuclei with 23
daughter nuclei, each having the Telophase chromosomes & their copies (Sister
same # of chromosomes as the chromatids) (Haploid) (Telophase I)
parent cell: 46 for humans (Diploid) ● 4 new daughter nuclei, each having
● Cytokinesis follows Telophase half the # of chromosomes
(Haploid) as the parent cell
(Telophase II)
● Cytokinesis follows Telophase I &

Differences Between Mitosis and Meiosis - Blank Page

Name: _______________________________________ Date __________________________
Meiosis vs. Mitosis Cheat Sheet & Fill in the Blank
Mitosis Event Meiosis

● Body cells: Growth, Repair, Where it Occurs ● Only in reproductive cells,

Replace Produces Gametes - Reproductive
cells egg & sperm

● A single division resulting in 2 # of Divisions ● Able division resulting in 4 cells

● Same number of chromosomes (2n) # Chromosomes ● Half the number of chromosomes

- Diploid in Daughter (n) –

● Haploid

● Daughter cells are genetically Genetic ● Daughter cells are genetically

identical with each other and the Variation in different from each other and the
parent cell Daughter Cells parent cell

● Near the end of Interphase Events in ● Near the end of Interphase

chromosomes condense, and chromosomes condense, and
spindle fibers form to prepare for spindle fibers form to prepare for
division (Mitosis, Meiosis I, Meiosis division (Mitosis, Meiosis I, Meiosis
● Nuclear membrane breaks down. ● Homologous chromosome, and
● Homologous chromosomes do not their copies, pair up in Prophase I.
pair up ● Crossing over occurs.
● No crossing over occurs in Mitosis ● Nuclear membrane breaks down in
Prophase I and II

● Individual chromosomes, and Events in ● Pairs of homologous

their copies (sister chromatids) Metaphase chromosomes, and their copies,
arrange on the equator arranged next to each other on
equator (Metaphase I)
● Sister Chromatids line up on
equator (Metaphase II)

● Centromere splits and chromatids Events in ● Chromatids stay joined together

separate Anaphase and the homologous chromosomes
separate (Anaphase I)
● Sister Chromatids separate
(Anaphase II)

● Results in the formation of two new Events in ● 2 new daughter nuclei with 23
daughter nuclei, each having the Telophase chromosomes & their copies (Sister
same # of chromosomes as the chromatids) (Haploid) (Telophase I)
parent cell: 46 for humans (Diploid) ● 4 new daughter nuclei, each having
● Cytokinesis follows Telophase half the # of chromosomes
(Haploid) as the parent cell
(Telophase II)
● Cytokinesis follows Telophase I &

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