Lecture 3
Lecture 3
Lecture 3
Thermoelectric effect (cont.)
The Seebeck effect: an emf produced across the junction of
two dissimilar conducting materials.
It is the sum of the Peltier and the Thomson effects
The first of the effects to be discovered and used (1821) by
Thomas Johann Seebeck
The basis of all thermoelectric sensors
The Peltier effect is used in Thermoelectric Generators (TEG)
If both ends of the two conductors If the circuit is opened an emf will
are connected and a temperature appear across the open circuit
difference is maintained between (sensing mode). It is this emf that is
the two junctions, a thermoelectric measured in a thermocouple
current will flow through the closed
circuit (generation mode) sensor.
Themocouple - analysis
Conductors A, B, (marked a, b in the figure) are
assumed homogeneous
Junctions at temperatures: T2 and T1
On junctions 1 and 2:
Total emf:
αA and αB are the absolute Seebeck coefficients given
in µV/°C and are properties of the materials A, B
αAB=αA−αB is the relative Seebeck coefficient of the
material combination a and b, given in µV/°C
The relative Seebeck coefficients are normally used.
Absolute and Relative Seebeck
Thermocouples - standard types
Seebeck coefficients - notes:
Seebeck coefficients are rather small –
From a few microvolts to a few millivolts per degree Centigrade.
Output can be measured directly
Output is often amplified before interfacing to processors
Induced emfs due to external sources cause noise
Thermocouples can be used as thermometers
More often however the signal will be used to take some action (turn
on or off a furnace, detect pilot flame before turning on the gas, etc.)
Thermoelectric laws:
Three laws govern operation of thermocouples:
Law 1. A thermoelectric current cannot be established in a
homogeneous circuit by heat alone.
This law establishes the need for junctions of dissimilar materials since a single
conductor is not sufficient.
Law 2. The algebraic sum of the thermoelectric forces in a circuit
composed of any number and combination of dissimilar materials
is zero if all junctions are at uniform temperatures.
Additional materials may be connected in the thermoelectric circuit without affecting the
output of the circuit as long as any junctions added to the circuit are kept at the same
voltages are additive so that multiple junctions may be connected in series to increase
the output.
Law 3. If two junctions at temperatures T1 and T2 produce
Seebeck voltageV2 and temperatures T2 and T3 produce voltage
V1, then temperatures T1 and T3 produce a voltage V3=V1+V2.
This law establishes methods of calibration of thermocouples.
Thermocouples: connection
Based on the thermoelectric laws:
Usually connected in pairs
One junction for sensing
One junction for reference
Reference temperature can be lower or higher than sensing temperature
Any connection in the circuit between dissimilar materials adds an
emf due to that junction.
Any pair of junctions at identical temperatures may be added without
changing the output.
Junctions 3 and 4 are identical (one between material b and c and one between
material c and b and their temperature is the same. No net emf due to this pair
Junctions (5) and (6) also produce zero emf
Thermocouples (cont.)
• Each connection adds two junctions.
• The strategy in sensing is:
For any junction that is not sensed or is not a reference
• Either each pair of junctions between dissimilar materials are held at the same
temperature (any temperature) or:
• Junctions must be between identical materials.
• Also: use unbroken wires leading from the sensor to the reference junction or to the
measuring instrument.
• If splicing is necessary to extend the length, identical wires must be used to avoid
additional emfs.
• Pairs of junctions can be placed in a constant temperature zone to eliminate their
effect on the output
Reference junctions
Reference junctions must be at constant, known temperatures.
Water-ice bath (0°C)
Boiling water (100°C)
Any other temperature if measured
A separate, non-thermocouple sensor
The output is compensated based on this temperature from Seebeck
The reference junction can be replaced with an electronic circuit that
supplies the emf that the reference junction would have supplied
Does not require a constant temperature
Measures the temperature in the temperature zone
The temperature sensor cannot be a thermocouple. RTDs, thermistors are
often used for this purpose
The compensation is not exact but sufficient for most applications
For the compensator to produce zero emf, R1 = resistance of temp. sensor
Since R1 should be 100 Ω, we can use Eq. (3.24) directly, using an arbitrary value for T. We choose 1ºC
From Table 3.3, the Seebeck coefficient for the K-type thermocouple is 39.4 µV/ºC at 0ºC:
Using a value of 97,500 Ω for R2, the emf due to the compensation is (again using Eq. (3.24)
Thermocouples - practical
Choice of materials for thermocouples.
Materials affect:
The output emf,
Temperature range
Resistance of (and hence current in) the
Performance of the thermocouple
Resistance to environmental conditions
Selection of materials is done with the aid of
three tables:
Thermoelectric series table
Seebeck coefficients of standard types
Thermoelectric reference table 13
Thermoelectric series tables
Each material in the table is thermoelectrically negative with
respect to all materials above it and positive with respect to all
materials below it.
The farther from each other a pair is, the larger the emf output
that will be produced for a given temperature.
Tables are arranged by temperature ranges
Seebeck coefficients tables
Seebeck coefficients of materials with reference to Platinum 67
Given for various thermocouple types
The first material in each type (E, J, K, R, S and T) is positive,
the second negative. Coefficients are temperature dependent
Seebeck coefficients tables
The Seebeck emf with reference to Platinum is given for the
base elements of thermocouples with respect to Platinum 67
(Table 3.5).
Example, J type thermocouples use Iron and Constantan.
Column JP lists the Seebeck emf for Iron with respect to Platinum
Column JN lists the emfs for Constantan.
Adding the two together gives the corresponding value for the J type
thermocouple in Table 3.5. JP and JN values at 0°C in table 3.5 :
17.9+32.5=50.4 µV/°C gives the entry in the J column at 0 °C in Table 3.6.
Thermoelectric reference table
Lists the transfer function of each type of thermocouple as an nth order
polynomial, in a range of temperatures.
Thermoelectric reference table
The reference table also provides the inverse polynomial –
calculation of temperature from emf.
A properly connected K-type thermocouple with electronic
compensation is used to measure the temperature of molten
glass. Assuming proper compensation (see Example 3.8), what is
the output voltage and approximate sensitivity?
The exact sensitivity is calculable by differentiating E with respect to T. But we can estimate the
sensitivity by dividing the output by the temperature span (900 ºC) since the curve is only mildly
This is only slightly larger than the sensitivity given in Table 3.9 at 25 ºC (40.6 µV/ºC)
Standard thermocouples - properties
Some Thermocouples
Some Thermocouples