BBM - Sociology Q

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Mitrapark, Chabahil, Ktm Mid Term Examination-2080 Group ‘C’

Long Answer Questions

Faculty: Management FM :100 Subject: sociology Attempt any Three Questions (3*10=30)
PM : 50 Level: BBM 1st sem 18. Define social network. Highlight benefits of social networks on business
Time: 3 hrs. management.
19. Critically compare functionalism theory with Marxism perspectives.
20. What is leadership? Discuss the qualities of manager in working
Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as organization.
far as possible. 21. Discuss the gender inequality and women ‘s subordination in Nepalese
Group 'A' society with suitable examples.
Brief Answer Questions: (10*2=20)
1. What are internal sources of social change? Group ‘D’
2. What are major bases of class transformation? Comprehensive Answer/ Case/ Situation Analysis Questions: (4*5=20)
3. Mention the three ways of doing sociology. 22. Read the following case carefully and answer the questions that follow:
4. Define work ethics in a sentence. Mention the importance of work ethics
in an organization. COVID-19 - possibly the largest pandemic the world has ever seen led to an economic crisis
5. Differentiate between differentiation and stratification. probably more .radical and global than ever before; as well as disruption of learning on an
6. Define bureaucracy and highlight characteristics of it. unprecedented scale. The pandemic caused a major children's rights crisis: all service sectors
7. Define sampling and its types. being profoundly impacted with the most disadvantaged being disproportionately y affected. In
8. What is data? List out five instruments of data collection. response, with support from the Global Partnership for Education, UNICEF and UNESCO
9. What is social entrepreneurship? joined forces with Mott MacDonald, Cambridge Education to carry out a situation analysis,
10. What is hypothesis? Write down its two functions. primarily to generate analyses to inform strategic responses to the crisis going forward. ·
While the extension and duration of the pandemic required Investing more time to produce the
Group ‘B’ final analyses and reports, fortunately information had already been discussed through
Short Answer Questions webinars and national. conversations with Ministries of education and other partners across
Attempt any Six questions (6*5=30) large parts of the Asia Pacific region. Furthermore , the reports continue to be of utmost
11. Discuss building blocks of society. relevance given subsequent waves of COVID-19 sweeping across the world in 2021 and
12. How does conflict approach explain social stratification? very likely in 2022 as well. The task of learning from the crisis and ·.
13. Define modernity and post modernity theory. how to mitigate its effects in education is on-going? More than one academic year
14. How does sociology define labor market and its relevance to business has now been lost for many students .
15. Show the relationship of price, authority and trust.
To ensure continuity of learning whilst schools and universities are closed, the
16. To what extent interview is different than questionnaire technique?
Discuss. delivery of education is radically changing today through distance education: digital,
17. Critically examine social change with theoretical lens in context of blended or hybrid learning have become part of the new learning reality which all
Nepal. Governments, teachers and learners will have to adjust' While major efforts are
needed to mitigate the learning loss of those .studen:ts who return for 'their
academic institutions in the post COVID-19 recovery_ phase, we must also remember
that many children were not learning before the crisis and several million were not even
in academia. The reports therefore. also. e xplore opportunities to build back better
and to re-imagine education; to shift into fact-based · didactic methodologies to
competency-based approaches, which are more flexible, better respond to the holistic
needs and aspirations of all students and provide opportunities for life-long learning
as per the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDG). . · -
While the suite of reports provided within the Regional Situation Analysis is particularly
relevant to the Asia· Pacific region, contexts of course vary considerably across our
huge region. At the same time, the reports may also provide insights that are relevant
to other regions around the world. Hopefully the findings, including the country case
studies and regional budget needs analysis will help governments resume and accelerate
progress towards SDG. The way education is conceptualized and delivered is changing
fast and the transformation journey will be steep and full of challenges. Governments,
donors, all partners and the private sector will need to work together, not only to get
the strategies and level ·of investment right, but also to build more resilient, effective
and inclusive systems, able t9 deliver on the promise of education as a fundamental
human right for all students whether academia are open or closed.
1. Discuss COVID-19 and its impacts focusing in education.
2. Critically examine the role of vivid agencies for educational betterment.
3. What are the prospects and challenges of COVID-19 in educational sector?
4. How educational is understood in common parlance and how it needs to be
understood in the days to come?

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