Unit 1 - Emebedded Systems

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• An embedded system is a combination of 3 things:
a. Hardware
b. Software
c. Mechanical Components
And it is supposed to do one specific task only.

• Example 1: Washing Machine

A washing machine from an embedded systems point of view has:
a. Hardware: Buttons, Display & buzzer, electronic circuitry.
b. Software: It has a chip on the circuit that holds the software which drives controls &
monitors the various operations possible.
c. Mechanical Components: the internals of a washing machine which actually wash the
clothes control the input and output of water, the chassis itself.
• Example 2: Air Conditioner
An Air Conditioner from an embedded systems point of view has
:a. Hardware: Remote, Display & buzzer, Infrared Sensors, electronic circuitry.
b. Software: It has a chip on the circuit that holds the software which drives controls &
monitors the various operations possible. The software monitors the external
temperature through the sensors and then releases the coolant or suppresses it.
c. Mechanical Components: the internals of an air conditioner the motor, the chassis,
the outlet, etc • An embedded system is designed to do a specific job only.
Example: a washing machine can only wash clothes, an air conditioner can control the
temperature in the room in which it is placed. • The hardware & mechanical
components will consist all the physically visible things that are used for input, output,
etc.• An embedded system will always have a chip (either microprocessor or
microcontroller) that has the code or software which drives the system.
The classification of embedded system is based on following
➢ On generation
➢ On complexity & performance
➢ On deterministic behaviour
➢ On triggering
On generation
1. First generation(1G):
Built around 8bit microprocessor & microcontroller.
Simple in hardware circuit & firmware developed.
Examples: Digital telephone keypads.
2. Second generation(2G):
Built around 16-bit μp & 8-bit μc.
They are more complex & powerful than 1G μp & μc.
Examples: SCADA systems
3. Third generation(3G):
Built around 32-bit μp & 16-bit μc.
Concepts like Digital Signal Processors(DSPs),
Application Specific Integrated Circuits(ASICs) evolved.
Examples: Robotics, Media, etc.
4. Fourth generation:
Built around 64-bit μp & 32-bit μc.
The concept of System on Chips (SoC), Multicore
Processors evolved.
Highly complex & very powerful.
Examples: Smart Phones.
1.5.2 On complexity & performance
1. Small-scale:
Simple in application need
Performance not time-critical.
Built around low performance & low cost 8 or 16 bit
Example: an electronic toy
2. Medium-scale:
Slightly complex in hardware & firmware requirement.
Built around medium performance & low cost 16 or 32 bit
Usually contain operating system.
Examples: Industrial machines.
3. Large-scale:
Highly complex hardware & firmware.
Built around 32 or 64 bit RISC μp/μc or PLDs or Multicore
Response is time-critical.
Examples: Mission critical applications.
On deterministic behaviour
This classification is applicable for “Real Time” systems.
The task execution behaviour for an embedded system
may be deterministic or non-deterministic.
Based on execution behaviour Real Time embedded
systems are divided into Hard and Soft.
On triggering
Embedded systems which are “Reactive” in nature can
be based on triggering.
Reactive systems can be:
✓ Event triggered
✓ Time triggered


The application areas and the products in the embedded domain
are countless.
1. Consumer Electronics: Camcorders, Cameras.
2. Household appliances: Washing machine, Refrigerator.
3. Automotive industry: Anti-lock breaking system(ABS), engine
4. Home automation & security systems: Air conditioners,
sprinklers, fire alarms.
5. Telecom: Cellular phones, telephone switches.
6. Computer peripherals: Printers, scanners.
7. Computer networking systems: Network routers and switches.
8. Healthcare: EEG, ECG machines.
9. Banking & Retail: Automatic teller machines, point of sales.
10.Card Readers: Barcode, smart card readers.
1. Data Collection/Storage/Representation
▪ Embedded system designed for the purpose of data collection
performs acquisition of data from the external world.
▪ Data collection is usually done for storage, analysis,
manipulation and transmission.
▪ Data can be analog or digital.
▪ Embedded systems with analog data capturing techniques
collect data directly in the form of analog signal whereas
embedded systems with digital data collection mechanism
converts the analog signal to the digital signal using analog to
digital converters.
▪ If the data is digital it can be directly captured by digital
embedded system.
▪ A digital camera is a typical example of an embedded
▪ System with data collection/storage/representation of data.
▪ Images are captured and the captured image may be stored
within the memory of the camera. The captured image can
also be presented to the user through a graphic LCD unit.
2. Data communication
▪ Embedded data communication systems are deployed in applications from complex
satellite communication to simple home networking systems.
▪ The transmission of data is achieved either by a wire-line
medium or by a wire-less medium.
▪ Data can either be transmitted by analog means or by digital means.
▪ Wireless modules-Bluetooth, Wi-Fi.
▪ Wire-line modules-USB, TCP/IP.
▪ Network hubs, routers, switches are examples of dedicated data transmission
embedded systems.
3. Data signal processing
▪ Embedded systems with signal processing functionalities are employed in
applications demanding signal processing like speech coding, audio video codec,
transmission applications etc.
▪ A digital hearing aid is a typical example of an embedded system employing data
▪ Digital hearing aid improves the hearing capacity of hearing impaired person
4. Monitoring
▪ All embedded products coming under the medical domain are with monitoring
▪ Electro cardiogram machine is intended to do the monitoring of the heartbeat of a
patient but it cannot impose control over the heartbeat.
▪ Other examples with monitoring function are digital CRO, digital multi-meters, and
logic analyzers.
5. Control
▪ A system with control functionality contains both sensors and
▪ Sensors are connected to the input port for capturing the changes in environmental
variable and the actuators connected to the output port are controlled according to the
changes in the input variable.
▪ Air conditioner system used to control the room temperature to a specified limit is a
typical example for CONTROL purpose.
6. Application specific user interface
▪ Buttons, switches, keypad, lights, bells, display units etc are application specific user
▪ Mobile phone is an example of application specific user interface.
▪ In mobile phone the user interface is provided through the keypad, system speaker,
vibration alert etc.
• As defined earlier, an embedded system is a combination of 3
d. Hardware
e. Software
f. Mechanical Components
And it is supposed to do one specific task only.
Diagrammatically an embedded system can be represented as follows

: Elements of an Embedded System
• Embedded systems are basically designed to regulate a physical variable (such
Microwave Oven) or to manipulate the state of some devices by sending some signals
to the actuators or devices connected to the output port system (such as temperature in
Air Conditioner), in response to the input signal provided by the end users or sensors
which are connected to the input ports.
• Hence the embedded systems can be viewed as a reactive system.
• Examples of common user interface input devices are keyboards, push button,
switches, etc.
• The memory of the system is responsible for holding the code (control algorithm and
other important configuration details). • An embedded system without code (i.e. the
control algorithm) implemented memory has all the peripherals but is not capable
of making decisions depending on the situational as well as real world changes.
• Memory for implementing the code may be present on the processor or may be
implemented as a separate chip interfacing the processor In a controller based
embedded system, the controller may contain internal memory for storing code
• Such controllers are called Micro-controllers with on-chip ROM, eg. Atmel AT89C51.


Here are some case studies on some commonly used
embedded systems that will help to better understand the
2.3.1 Washing Machine
Let us see the important parts of the washing machine; this will also help us understand
the working of the washing machine:
1) Water inlet control valve: Near the water inlet point of the washing there is water
inlet control valve. When you load the clothes in washing machine, this valve gets
opened automatically and it closes automatically depending on the totalquantity of the
water required. The water control valve is actually the solenoid valve.
2) Water pump: The water pump circulates water through the washing machine. It
works in two directions, re-circulating the water during wash cycle and draining the
water during the spin cycle.

:Parts of a Washing Machine

3) Tub: There are two types of tubs in the washing machine: inner and outer. The
clothes are loaded in the inner tub, where the clothes are washed, rinsed and dried. The
inner tub has small holes for draining the water. The external tub covers the inner tub
and supports it during various cycles of clothes washing.
4) Agitator or rotating disc: The agitator is located inside the tub of the washing
machine. It is the important part of the washing machine that actually performs the
cleaning operation of the clothes. During the wash cycle the agitator rotates
continuously and produces strong rotating currents within the water due to which the
clothes also rotate inside the tub. The rotation of the clothes within water containing the
detergent enables the removal of the dirt particles from the fabric of the clothes. Thus
the agitator produces most important function of rubbing the clothes with each other as
well as with water. In some washing machines, instead of the long agitator, there is
a disc that contains blades on its upper side. The rotation of the disc and the blades
produce strong currents within the water and the rubbing of clothes that helps in
removing the dirt from clothes.
5) Motor of the washing machine: The motor is coupled to the agitator or the disc and
produces it rotator motion. These are multispeed motors, whose speed can be changed
as per the requirement. In the fully automatic washing machine the speed of the motor
i.e. the agitator changes automatically as per the load on the washing machine.
6) Timer: The timer helps setting the wash time for the clothes manually. In the
automatic mode the time is set automatically depending upon the number of clothes
inside the washing machine.
7) Printed circuit board (PCB): The PCB comprises of the various electronic
components and circuits, which are programmed to perform in unique ways depending
on the load conditions (the condition and the amount of clothes loaded in the washing
machine). They are sort of artificial intelligence devices that sense the various external
conditions and take the decisions accordingly. These are also called as fuzzy logic
systems. Thus the PCB will calculate the total weight of the clothes, and find out the
quantity of water and detergent required, and the total time required for washing the
clothes. Then they will decide the time required for washing and rinsing. The entire
processing is done on a kind of processor which may be a microprocessor or
8) Drain pipe: The drain pipe enables removing the dirty water
from the washing that has been used for the washing purpose.

Microwave Owen

Let us see the important parts of the microwave oven; this will also help us understand
the working of the washing machine:
Parts of a Microwave Owen
A microwave oven consists of:
1. A high voltage transformer, which passes energy to the magnetron
2. A cavity magnetron,
3. A Control circuit with a microcontroller,
4. A waveguide, and
5. A cooking chamber
1. A Transformer transfers electrical energy through a circuit by magnetic coupling
without using motion between parts. These are used for supplying power to the
2. A Cavity magnetron is a microwave antenna placed in a vacuum tube and oscillated
in an electromagnetic field in order to produce high GHz microwaves. Magnetrons are
used in microwave ovens and radar systems.
3. A control circuit with a microcontroller is integrated on a circuit board. The
microcontroller controls the waveguide and the entire unit so the microwaves are
emitted at a constant rate.
4. A Waveguide is any linear structure that guides electromagnetic waves for the
purpose of transmitting power or signals. Generally constructed of a hollow metal pipe.
Placing a waveguide into a vacuum causes radio waves to scatter.
5. A Cooking Chamber is a microwave safe container the prevents microwaves from
escaping. The door has a microwave proof mesh with holes that are just small enough
that microwaves can't pass through but lightwaves can. The cooking chamber itself is a
Faraday cage enclosure which prevents the microwaves from escaping into the
environment. The oven door is usually a glass panel for easy viewing, but has a layer of
conductive mesh to maintain the shielding.

Automotive Embedded System (AES)

• The Automotive industry is one of the major application domains of embedded
• Automotive embedded systems are the one where electronics take control over the
mechanical system. Ex.Simple viper control.
• The number of embedded controllers in a normal vehicle varies somewhere between
20 to 40 and can easily be between 75 to 100 for more sophisticated vehicles.
• One of the first and very popular use of embedded system in automotive industry was
microprocessor based fuel injection.
• Some of the other uses of embedded controllers in a vehicle
are listed below:
a. Air Conditioner
b. Engine Control
c. Fan Control
d. Headlamp Control
e. Automatic break system control
f. Wiper control
g. Air bag control
h. Power Windows

• AES are normally built around microcontrollers or DSPs or a

hybrid of the two and are generally known as Electronic
Control Units (ECUs).
• Types Of Electronic Control Units(ECU)
1. High-speed Electronic Control Units (HECUs):
a. HECUs are deployed in critical control units requiring fast response.
b. They Include fuel injection systems, antilock brake systems, engine control, electronic
throttle, steering controls, transmission control and central control units.
2. Low Speed Electronic Control Units (LECUs):-
a. They are deployed in applications where response time is not so critical.
b. They are built around low cost microprocessors and microcontrollers and digital
signal processors.
c. Audio controller, passenger and driver door locks,door glass control etc.
• Automotive Communication Buses
Embedded system used inside an automobile communicate with each other using serial
buses. This reduces the wiring required.Following are the different types of serial
Interfaces used in automotive embedded applications:
a. Controller Area Network (CAN):-
CAN bus was originally proposed by Robert Bosch.
It supports medium speed and high speed data transfer
CAN is an event driven protocol interface with support for error handling in data
b. Local Interconnect Network (LIN):-
• LIN bus is single master multiple slave communication interface with support for data
ratesup to 20 Kbps and is used for sensor/actuator interfacing
• LIN bus follows the master communication triggering to eliminate the bus arbitration
• LIN bus applications are mirror controls , fan controls , seat positioning controls
c. Media-Oriented System Transport(MOST):-
• MOST is targeted for automotive audio/video equipment interfacing
• A MOST bus is a multimedia fiber optics point–topoint network implemented in a star ,
ring or daisy chained topology over optical fiber cables.
• MOST bus specifications define the physical as well as application layer , network
layer and media access control.
Embedded systems are domain and application specific and are built around a central
core. The core of the embedded system falls into any of the following categories:
1. General purpose and Domain Specific Processors
1.1. Microprocessors
1.2. Microcontrollers
1.3. Digital Signal Processors
2. Application Specific Integrated Circuits. (ASIC)
3. Programmable logic devices(PLD’s)
4. Commercial off-the-shelf components (COTs)
• Almost 80% of the embedded systems are processor/ controller based.
• The processor may be microprocessor or a microcontroller or digital signal processor,
depending on the domain and application.
• A microprocessor is a silicon chip representing a central
processing unit.
• A microprocessor is a dependent unit and it requires the
combination of other hardware like memory, timer unit, and
interrupt controller, etc. for proper functioning.
• Developers of microprocessors.
o Intel – Intel 4004 – November 1971(4-bit).
o Intel – Intel 4040.
o Intel – Intel 8008 – April 1972.
o Intel – Intel 8080 – April 1974(8-bit).
o Motorola – Motorola 6800.
o Intel – Intel 8085 – 1976.
o Zilog - Z80 – July 1976.
• Architectures used for processor design are Harvard or Von-

• A microcontroller is a highly integrated chip that contains a CPU, scratch pad RAM,
special and general-purpose register arrays, on chip ROM/FLASH memory for program
storage, timer and interrupt control units and dedicated I/O ports. • Texas Instrument’s
TMS 1000 Is considered as the world’s first microcontroller. • Some embedded system
application require only 8 bit controllers whereas some requiring superior performance
and computational needs demand 16/32-bit controllers. • The instruction set of a
microcontroller can be RISC or CISC. • Microcontrollers are designed for either general
purpose application requirement or domain specific application requirement.
Digital Signal Processors
• DSP are powerful special purpose 8/16/32 bit microprocessor designed to meet the
computational demands and power constraints of today’s embedded audio, video and
communication applications. • DSP are 2 to 3 times faster than general purpose
microprocessors in signal processing applications. This is because of the architectural
difference between DSP and general purpose microprocessors.
• DSPs implement algorithms in hardware which speeds up the execution whereas
general purpose processor implements the algorithm in software and the speed of
execution depends primarily on the clock for the processors.• DSP includes following
key units:
i. Program memory: It is a memory for storing the program required by DSP to process
the data.
ii. Data memory: It is a working memory for storing temporary variables and data/signal
to be processed.
iii. Computational engine: It performs the signal processing in accordance with the
stored program memory computational engine incorporated many specialized
arithmetic units and each of them operates simultaneously to increase the execution
speed. It also includes multiple hardware shifters for shifting operands and saves
execution time.
iv. I/O unit: It acts as an interface between the outside world and DSP. It is responsible
for capturing signals to be processed and delivering the processed signals.
• Examples: Audio video signal processing, telecommunication and multimedia
applications. • SOP(Sum of Products) calculation, convolution, FFT(Fast Fourier
Transform), DFT(Discrete Fourier Transform), etc are some of the operation performed
by DSP.
Application Specific Integrated Circuits. (ASIC)
• ASICs is a microchip design to perform a specific and unique applications.
• Because of using single chip for integrates several functions there by reduces the
system development cost.• Most of the ASICs are proprietary (which having some trade
name) products, it is referred as Application Specific Standard Products(ASSP).
• As a single chip ASIC consumes a very small area in the total system. Thereby helps
in the design of smaller system with high capabilities or functionalities.
• The developers of such chips may not be interested in
revealing the internal detail of it .

Programmable logic devices(PLD’s)

• A PLD is an electronic component. It used to build digital circuits which are
reconfigurable. • A logic gate has a fixed function but a PLD does not have a
defined function at the time of manufacture. • PLDs offer customers a wide range of
logic capacity, features, speed, voltage characteristics.• PLDs can be reconfigured to
perform any number of functions at any time.• A variety of tools are available for the
designers of PLDs which are inexpensive and help to develop, simulate and
test the designs.• PLDs having following two major types.

1) CPLD(Complex Programmable Logic Device):

CPLDs offer much smaller amount of logic up to 1000 gates.
2) FPGAs(Field Programmable Gate Arrays):
It offers highest amount of performance as well as highest logic density, the most
• Advantages of PLDs :-
1) PLDs offer customer much more flexibility during the design cycle.
2) PLDs do not require long lead times for prototypes or production parts because PLDs
are already on a distributors shelf and ready for shipment.
3) PLDs can be reprogrammed even after a piece of equipment is shipped toa customer
Commercial off-the-shelf components(COTs)
1) A Commercial off the Shelf product is one which is used 'asis'. 2) The COTS
components itself may be develop around a general purpose or domain specific
processor or an ASICs or a PLDs.
3) The major advantage of using COTS is that they are readily available in the market,
are chip and a developer can cut down his/her development time to a great extent
4) The major drawback of using COTS components in embedded design is that the
manufacturer of the COTS component may withdraw the product or discontinue the
production of the COTS at any time if rapid change in technology occurs.
5) Advantages of COTS:
1) Ready to use
2) Easy to integrate
3) Reduces development time
6) Disadvantages of COTS:
1) No operational or manufacturing standard (all proprietary)
2) Vendor or manufacturer may discontinue production
of a particular COTS product
• Sensor
• A Sensor is used for taking Input
• It is a transducer that converts energy from one form to another for any measurement
or control purpose
• Ex. A Temperature sensor
• Actuator
• Actuator is used for output.
• It is a transducer that may be either mechanical or electrical which converts signals to
corresponding physical actions.
• Ex. LED (Light Emitting Diode)
• LED is a p-n junction diode and contains a CATHODE and ANODE
• For functioning the anode is connected to +ve end of power supply and cathode is
connected to –ve end of power supply.
• The maximum current flowing through the LED is limited by connecting a RESISTOR
in series between the power supply and LED as shown in the figure below

• There are two ways to interface an LED to a microprocessor/microcontroller:

1. The Anode of LED is connected to the port pin and
cathode to Ground : In this approach the port pin sources the current to the LED when
it is at logic high(ie. 1).
2. The Cathode of LED is connected to the port pin and
Anode to Vcc : In this approach the port pin sources the current to the LED when it is
at logic high (ie. 1). Here the port pin sinks the current and the LED is turned ON
when the port pin is at Logic low (ie. 0)
For any embedded system, the communication interfaces can broadly classified into:
1. Onboard Communication Interfaces
• These are used for internal communication of the embedded system i.e:
communication between different components present on the system.
• Common examples of onboard interfaces are:
• Inter Integrated Circuit (I2C)
• Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
• Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)
• 1-Wire Interface
• Parallel Interface
• Example :Inter Integrated Circuit (I2C)
• It is synchronous
• Bi-directional, half duplex , two wire serial interface bus
• Developed by Phillips semiconductors in 1980
• It comprises of two buses :
1. Serial clock –SCL
2. Serial Data – SDA
• SCL generates synchronization clock pulses
• SDA transmits data serially across devices
• I2C is a shared bus system to which many devices can
be connected
• Devices connected by I2C can act as either master or
• The master device is responsible for controlling
communication by initiating/ terminating data transfer.
• Devices acting as slave wait for commands from the
master and respond to those commands.

Bus Interfacing

External or Peripheral Communication Interfaces

• These are used for external communication of the
embedded system i.e: communication of different
components present on the system with external or
peripheral components/devices.
• Common examples of external interfaces are:
• RS-232 C & RS-485
• Universal Serial Bus (USB)
• IEEE 1394 (Firewire)
• Infrared (IrDA)
• Bluetooth
• Wi-Fi
• Zig Bee
• General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)
• Example: RS-232 C & RS-485
• It is wired, asynchronous, serial, full duplex
• RS 232 interface was developed by EIA (Electronic
Industries Associates) In early 1960s
• RS 232 is the extension to UART for external
• RS-232 logic levels use:
• +3 to +25 volts to signify a "Space" (Logic 0) and
• -3 to -25 volts to signify a "Mark" (logic 1).
• RS 232 supports two different types of connectors :
• DB 9 and DB 25 as shown in figure below

• RS 232 interface is a point to point communication interface and the devices involved
are called as Data Terminating Equipment (DTE) And Data Communications
Terminating Equipment (DCE)
• Embedded devices contain UART for serial transmission and generate signal levels as
per TTL/CMOS logic.
• A level translator IC (like Max 232) is used for converting the signal lines from UART
to RS 232 signal lines for communication.
• The vice versa is performed on the receiving side.
• Converter chips contain converters for both transmitters and receivers
• RS 232 is used only for point to point connections
• It is susceptible to noise and hence is limited to short distances only
• RS 422 is another serial interface from EIA.
• It supports multipoint connections with 1 transmitter and 10 receivers.
• It supports data rates up to 100Kbps and distance up to 400 ft
• RS 485 is enhanced version of RS 422 and supports up to 32 transmitters and 32
Following are some of the characteristics of an embedded system that make it different
from a general purpose computer:
1. Application and Domain specific
• An embedded system is designed for a specific purpose only. It will not do any other
• Ex. A washing machine can only wash, it cannot cook
• Certain embedded systems are specific to a domain: ex. A hearing aid is an
application that belongs to the domain of signal processing.

2. Reactive and Real time

• Certain Embedded systems are designed to react to the events that occur in the
nearby environment. These events also occur real-time. • Ex. An air conditioner adjusts
its mechanical parts as soon as it gets a signal from its sensors to increase or decrease
the temperature when the user operates it using a remote control.
• An embedded system uses Sensors to take inputs and has actuators to bring out the
required functionality.
3. Operation in harsh environment
• Certain embedded systems are designed to operate in harsh environments like very
high temperature of the deserts or very low temperature of the mountains or extreme
• These embedded systems have to be capable of sustaining the environmental
conditions it is designed to operate in.
4. Distributed
• Certain embedded systems are part of a larger system and thus form components of a
distributed system.
• These components are independent of each other but have to work together for the
larger system to function properly.
• Ex. A car has many embedded systems controlled to itsdash board. Each one is an
independent embedded system yet the entire car can be said to function properly only if
all the systems work together.
5. Small size and weight
• An embedded system that is compact in size and has light weight will be desirable or
more popular than one that is bulky and heavy. • Ex. Currently available cell phones.
The cell phones that have the maximum features are popular but also their size
and weight is an important characteristic. • For convenience users prefer mobile phones
than phablets. (phone + tablet pc)
6. Power concerns
• It is desirable that the power utilization and heat dissipation of any embedded system
be low. • If more heat is dissipated then additional units like heat sinks or cooling fans
need to be added to the circuit. • If more power is required then a battery of higher
power or more batteries need to be accommodated in the embedded system.
These are the attributes that together form the deciding factor about the quality of an
embedded system. There are two types of quality attributes are:-
1. Operational Quality Attributes.
• These are attributes related to operation or functioning of an embedded system. The
way an embedded system operates affects its overall quality.
2. Non-Operational Quality Attributes.
• These are attributes not related to operation or functioning of an embedded system.
The way an embedded system operates affects its overall quality. • These are the
attributes that are associated with the embedded system before it can be put in
4.3.1 Operational Attributes
a) Response
• Response is a measure of quickness of the system. • It gives you an idea about how
fast your system is tracking the input variables. • Most of the embedded system
demand fast response which should be real-time.
b) Throughput
• Throughput deals with the efficiency of system. • It can be defined as rate of
production or process of a defined process over a stated period of time. • In case of
card reader like the ones used in buses, throughput means how much transaction the
reader can perform in a minute or hour or day.
c) Reliability
• Reliability is a measure of how much percentage you rely upon the proper functioning
of the system . • Mean Time between failures and Mean Time To Repair are terms used
in defining system reliability.• Mean Time between failures can be defined as the
average time the system is f unctioning before a failureoccurs.• Mean time to repair can
be defined as the average time the system has spent in repairs.
d) Maintainability
• Maintainability deals with support and maintenance to the end user or a client in case
of technical issues and product failures or on the basis of a routine system
Checkup • It can be classified into two types :-
1. Scheduled or Periodic Maintenance
o This is the maintenance that is required regularly after a periodic time interval.
o Example :
▪ Periodic Cleaning of Air Conditioners
▪ Refilling of printer cartridges.
2. Maintenance to unexpected failure
• This involves the maintenance due to a sudden breakdown in the functioning of the
• Example:
1. Air conditioner not powering on
2. Printer not taking paper in spite of a full paper stack
e) Security
• Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability are three corner stones of information
• Confidentiality deals with protection data from unauthorized disclosure.
• Integrity gives protection from unauthorized modification. • Availability gives protection
from unauthorized user • Certain Embedded systems have to make sure they conform
to the security measures. Ex. An Electronic Safety Deposit Locker can be used only
with a pin number like a password.
f) Safety
• Safety deals with the possible damage that can happen to the operating person and
environment due to the breakdown of an embedded system or due to the emission of
hazardous materials from the embedded products. • A safety analysis is a must in
product engineering to evaluate the anticipated damage and determine the best
course of action to bring down the consequence of damages to an acceptable level.
4.3.2 Non Operational Attributes
a) Testability and Debug-ability
• It deals with how easily one can test his/her design, application and by which mean
he/she can test it.
• In hardware testing the peripherals and total hardware function in designed manner
• Firmware testing is functioning in expected way
• Debug-ability is means of debugging the product as such for figuring out the probable
sources that create unexpected behavior in the total system
b) Evolvability
• For embedded system, the qualitative attribute “Evolvability” refer to ease with which
the embedded product can be modified to take advantage of new firmware or hardware
c) Portability
• Portability is measured of “system Independence”.
• An embedded product can be called portable if it is capable of performing its operation
as it is intended to do in various environments irrespective of different processor and or
controller and embedded operating systems.
d) Time to prototype and market
• Time to Market is the time elapsed between the conceptualization of a product and
time at which the product is ready for selling or use • Product prototyping help in
reducing time to market. • Prototyping is an informal kind of rapid product development
in which important feature of the under consider are develop. • In order to shorten the
time to prototype, make use of all possible option like use of reuse, off the self
component etc.
e) Per unit and total cost
• Cost is an important factor which needs to be carefully monitored. Proper market
study and cost benefit analysis should be carried out before taking decision on the per
unit cost of the embedded product. • When the product is introduced in the market, for
the initial period the sales and revenue will be low • There won’t be much competition
when the product sales and revenue increase.• During the maturing phase, the growth
will be steady and revenue reaches highest point and at retirement time there
will be a drop in sales volume.

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