Elmossallamy 2020

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCCN.2020.2992604, IEEE
Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Wireless

Communications: Principles, Challenges, and Opportunities
Mohamed A. ElMossallamy, Student Member, IEEE, Hongliang Zhang, Member, IEEE, Lingyang
Song, Fellow, IEEE, Karim G. Seddik, Senior Member, IEEE, Zhu Han, Fellow, IEEE,
and Geoffrey Ye Li, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Recently there has been a flurry of research on amble unused spectra exist. However, the unreliable stochastic
the use of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) in wireless nature of wireless propagation remains inevitable. Conven-
networks to create smart radio environments. In a smart radio tional wisdom regards the wireless channel as an uncontrol-
environment, surfaces are capable of manipulating the prop-
agation of incident electromagnetic waves in a programmable lable stochastic link with inherent unreliability. Therefore, the
manner to actively alter the channel realization, which turns the best we can do is to understand it, model it, and combat
wireless channel into a controllable system block that can be its unpredictability with sophisticated signal processing at
optimized to improve overall system performance. In this article, the transmitter and the receiver. This traditionally includes
we provide a tutorial overview of reconfigurable intelligent diversity techniques, beamforming, and adaptive coding and
surfaces (RIS) for wireless communications. We describe the
working principles of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) modulation to squeeze as much usable capacity as possible.
and elaborate on different candidate implementations using Recently, with the advent of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces
metasurfaces and reflectarrays. We discuss the channel models (RIS) and the emergence of the concept of the smart radio
suitable for both implementations and examine the feasibility of environment [1], [2], we might be able to also control, at least
obtaining accurate channel estimates. Furthermore, we discuss partially, the wireless channel itself.
the aspects that differentiate RIS optimization from precoding for
traditional MIMO arrays highlighting both the arising challenges The idea of controlling the ambient environment to pro-
and the potential opportunities associated with this emerging vide more favorable propagation characteristics represents
technology. Finally, we present numerical results to illustrate the a paradigm shift in how we think about wireless systems
power of an RIS in shaping the key properties of a MIMO design. Instead of treating reflection and scattering in the
channel. environment as uncontrollable phenomena whose effects can
only be modeled stochastically, they become part of the system
I. I NTRODUCTION parameters that may be optimized, which can overcome many
of the challenges of wireless communications.
N the relentless pursuit to increase the capacity of wireless
I networks and support higher and higher data rates, wireless
system designers have sought to optimize every aspect of
In general, the practically achievable rate over a wireless
link is limited by the order of the modulation and the number
of spatial streams. Both are decided according to the current
communication systems. This has started with more spec-
channel realization. The order of modulation is adapted ac-
trum efficient waveforms and multiplexing techniques (e.g.
cording to the signal strength perceived at the receiver, which
OFDM), leveraging the spatial domain (e.g. MIMO), and
is a consequence of the channel gain. To keep error rates low
inching ever closer to the maximum theoretical capacity using
and avoid re-transmissions, a user at the cell edge will be
more advanced adaptive modulation and coding techniques.
forced to use lower order modulation, and thus suffer from
On the network side, cellular networks have gotten denser with
lower rates. On the other hand, the number of spatial streams
more aggressive frequency reuse and inter-cell coordination
is adapted according to the number of the usable eigenmodes
techniques have been developed to deal with the resulting
of the channel. A line-of-sight (LOS) link may enjoy high
interference. However, the capacity of the network is still
channel gain, but will probably suffer from a spatially-sparse
ultimately limited by the unreliability of wireless propagation
low-rank channel, limiting the number of spatial streams
and the available spectrum.
and consequently the achievable rate. The two scenarios are
To tackle the shortage of spectrum, communications systems
illustrated in Fig. 1. These scenarios can arise in any wireless
have been steadily moving into higher frequency bands where
network, but future communication systems are expected to be
Mohamed A. ElMossallamy, Hongliang Zhang, and Zhu Han are with the especially affected. In particular, the propagation characteris-
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Houston, TX, tics at the higher frequency bands used in future generations
USA. Zhu Han is also with the Department of Computer Science and Engi-
neering, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea (emails: [email protected], of communications systems, e.g. 30-100 GHz, will give rise to
[email protected], [email protected]). these scenarios more often. Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces
Lingyang Song is with Department of Electronics, Peking University, can be used to alter the channel realization in these scenarios
Beijing, China (email: [email protected]).
Karim G. Seddik is with the Electronics and Communications Engineering and improve overall system performance dramatically.
Department, American University in Cairo, New Cairo, Egypt (email: ksed- Wireless communication systems have traditionally relied
[email protected]). on frequency bands extending from a few hundred megahertz
Geoffrey Ye Li is with the School of Electrical and Computer En-
gineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA (email: to a few gigahertz. This was mainly driven by the favor-
[email protected]). able propagation characteristics at these bands and the ease

2332-7731 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 23,2020 at 01:44:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCCN.2020.2992604, IEEE
Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking

The above challenges can be overcome by leveraging the
power of RISs. In low-received power scenarios, the RISs can
AP function as centralized beamformer to increase channel gains
RIS or create a propagation path around major obstacles to restore
RIS a link in an outage. While in LOS spatially-sparse scenarios,
the RIS can be used to emulate a rich scattering environment
(B) to enhance the channel condition number and improve spatial
multiplexing capability. Different technologies can be used to
implement an RIS [5], [6]. In its most simple form, an RIS can
be implemented as a dynamic reflectarray [5], whose elements
are omnidirectional antennas with controllable termination that
RIS (A) can be changed dynamically to backscatter and phase shift the
incident waveform. A more elaborate implementation would
be using a dynamically tunable metasurface [6], a 2D planar
form of metamaterials that have been shown to possess great
electromagnetic wave manipulation capabilities. Relying on
Fig. 1. A smart radio environment with multiple RISs. User A is far away the metasurface implementation, an RIS element can not only
from the AP and suffers from low received signal strength, while user B has scatter and phase-shift the signal but can also act as an
amble received power but a low-rank ill-conditioned channel. The RISs can anomalous mirror with a controllable reflection angle and even
be optimized to help in both scenarios.
polarization manipulation abilities. The implementation can
also greatly affect the link-budget as reflected and scattered
waves suffer from different path loss scaling. However, as the
of implementing efficient and cheap transceivers. Although RIS element gains more wave manipulation capabilities, the
there exists a huge swath of spectrum at the millimeter-wave optimization task gets more complicated.
range (30-100 GHz), it has been traditionally sought that In this article, we provide a comprehensive tutorial on re-
these frequencies are not suitable for wireless communica- configurable intelligent surfaces for wireless communications.
tion, especially outdoor cellular communications. Subsequent We first discuss the different implementations of reconfig-
intensive measurement campaigns [3] have shown the potential urable intelligent surfaces and elaborate on their differences
of millimeter-wave bands when combined with directional with respect to wave manipulation capabilities, channel mod-
high gain antenna arrays. This has led to immense interest eling, and the link budget. We then discuss the challenges of
in millimeter wave wireless communications. optimizing the RIS parameters to benefit the overall system
This foray into higher frequency bands necessitated a reeval- performance, and also highlight the potential opportunities if
uation of channel modeling techniques. Communicating at the challenges can be overcome. Finally, we provide numerical
millimeter-wave frequencies poses a lot of challenges. The results to illustrate the power of an RIS in shaping some key
channel at these frequencies is significantly more hostile properties of a MIMO channel to enhance performance and
than at sub 6 GHz frequencies. Diffraction ceases to be a simplify transceiver designs.
reliable propagation mechanism with line-of-sight, first-order The rest of this article is organized as follows. In Section II,
reflections and scattering becoming much more dominant. This we introduce different implementations to realize reconfig-
means shadowing will have severe detrimental effects on the urable intelligent surfaces. In Section III, we discuss how
average received power. Indeed, channel models developed to incorporate the effects of the RISs in the channel model,
for millimeter-wave include a third state, in addition to line- how the implementation technology can influence the choice
of-sight and non-line-of-sight, to explicitly model an outage of the appropriate model, and how different implementations
event when received power is too weak to establish a link [3]. can affect the link budget. In Section IV, we review the
Although adaptive beam steering techniques can improve the state-of-the-art of RIS-assisted system optimization techniques
reliability of millimeter-wave links, communications at these and discuss the difference between the optimization of RIS
frequencies remain very challenging. configurations and precoding for traditional MIMO arrays
Another challenge on millimeter-wave channels is that they highlighting both the arising challenges and the potential
are spatially sparse which means that only a small number opportunities associated with this emerging technology. In
of propagation paths exist between the transmitter and the Section V, we present numerical results showing the power of
receiver. This is in contrast to the rich scattering assumption RIS in improving the spatial multiplexing capability of MIMO
usually utilized in sub 6 GHz channels. Although this sparsity channels and simplifying transceivers. Finally, we identify
could be leveraged in channel estimation and precoding, some future directions in Section VI and conclude the article
especially for hybrid analog/digital architectures [4], it also in Section VII.
limits the number of spatial data streams that can be supported
by the channel. Hence, the spatial multiplexing capability
of millimeter-wave channels is limited. In many cases, e.g.
LOS, only a single viable propagation path exists and spatial In a smart radio environment [1], shown in Fig. 1, one or
multiplexing is not feasible. more RISs can be used to influence wireless propagation in a

2332-7731 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 23,2020 at 01:44:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCCN.2020.2992604, IEEE
Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking

(a) A 48-element reflectarray-based RIS. Each element is a traditional antenna (b) A 4-element metasurface-based RIS. Each element/tile is
connected to a phase shifter. a dynamic metasurafce with numerous tightly-packed meta-
atoms and can apply an arbitrary quasi-continuous phase
Fig. 2. Different Implementations of an RIS.

manner that is beneficial to the overall system performance. RIS is similar to a backscatter tag, the elements of an RIS
For example, by increasing received power through beamform- work collectively, based on knowledge of the propagation
ing or by influencing the channel rank and condition number to environment, over a very large area to induce significantly
facilitate spatial multiplexing. In essence, any passive surface more potent effects on the incident waves.
that can be dynamically reconfigured to manipulate incident The reflectarray-based RIS can be thought of as providing
electromagnetic waves and change the channel conditions powerful centralized analog beamforming capabilities in ad-
change can be called an RIS. This definition is valid regardless vantageous locations that can be utilized by communication
of the particular implementation. Two main implementations endpoints. This can also lead to much simpler transmitters
have been investigated in the literature; based on traditional re- and receivers by shifting complexity to the RIS and con-
flectarrays, or metasurfaces. Regardless of the implementation, trollers. Finally, note that the dimension of each element in
an RIS should be passive, that is it does not emit any power a reflectarray-based RIS is comparable to the wavelength, e.g.
of its own and only aims to manipulate existing transmitted 2 , and individually act as a diffuse scatterer.
waves. In this aspect, RIS is similar to backscatter technology
and different from relaying. In this section, we elaborate on B. Metasurface-based Implementation
these RIS implementations.
A more sophisticated implementation of an RIS might
be done using metasurfaces [8]. A metasurface is the two-
A. Reflectarray-based Implementation dimensional planar form of metamaterials, which are man-
As shown in Fig. 2, the simplest way to implement a made synthetic materials with electromagnetic properties not
reconfigurable intelligent surface is to use a passive reflec- found in naturally occurring materials. They were originally
tarray whose elements’ antenna termination can be controlled conceived for applications in the optical domain to allow
electronically to backscatter and phase-shift the incident signal cheap and robust planar optical components replacing more
[5]. Each element individually has a very limited effect on the expensive custom-made lenses.
propagated waves, but a sufficiently large number of elements A metasurface is comprised of a large number of closely
can effectively manipulate the incident wave in a controllable spaced deeply subwavelength resonating structures called pix-
manner. To be effective, this implementation would require a els or meta-atoms [8]. Both individual meta-atoms and the
vastly large number of antenna elements, probably thousands space between adjacent meta-atoms are much smaller than
[7]. the wavelength in size. The very small size of these closely-
Each element in the reflectarray-based RIS is similar to a packed atoms and their large number offer a vast number of
tag in backscatter communications systems. However, there degrees of freedom in manipulating the incident electromag-
are two main differences. The first one is that the reflections netic waves. In particular, by deliberately designing its meta-
are used to communicate information from the reflector to atoms, a metasurface can impose arbitrary quasi-continuous
the receiver in backscatter communications, while the RIS [9] amplitude/phase profiles on the incident wave-fronts and
aims only to help the ongoing transmission and does not exercise fine-grained control over the scattered electric field.
communicate information of its own in an RIS-assisted com- Earlier metasurfaces designs have been based on static
munication scenario. The other one is the size and scale of preset meta-atoms designs that cannot be modified after fab-
the RIS. Although a single element in a reflectarray-based rication, which is good enough for making custom lenses

2332-7731 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 23,2020 at 01:44:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCCN.2020.2992604, IEEE
Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking

√ √
for optical applications. However, later designs rely on semi- receiver through the RIS. 𝐺 𝑑 and 𝐺 𝑟 represent the large-
conductor components, which can be reconfigured in real- scale gain
√ associated√with Henv and HRIS , respectively. Finally,
time to change the underlying meta-atom structure and hence Heff B 𝐺 𝑑 Henv + 𝐺 𝑟 HRIS represents the overall effective
the electromagnetic behavior of the metasurface [6]. This RIS-augmented channel seen by the transceivers.
reconfigurability is achieved by integrating components that It is worth discussing how the effective channel in RIS-
can be tuned either electrically, mechanically, or thermally. assisted communications differs from the effective channel
Electrically tunable metasurfaces are especially attractive since in traditional precoded multi-antenna systems. In traditional
they can be cheaply manufactured using well-understood semi- precoded systems, the equivalent channel is given by the
conductor technologies, and can be tuned fast enough to adapt product Heff = Henv P, where P is the applied precoder. While
to the time-varying wireless channel. For instance, by incorpo- in RIS-assisted communications, the RIS effect is additive,
rating varactor diodes or liquid crystals within the meta-atoms. cf. (1). Furthermore, elements of a traditional precoder can
This dynamic tunability is paramount in wireless applications take any value satisfying some constraints, e.g. power, while
to allow adapting to the changing channel realization. the additive term in RIS effective channel depends on the
A metasurface-based RIS is comprised of several tiles, propagation environment and is only partially controllable
where each tile is an individually reconfigurable metasurface via the RIS. Although this makes the RIS optimization task
whose dimensions are much larger than the wavelength. In more challenging in general, the additive effect of the RIS
a sense, each individual element in a metasurface-based RIS is more potent than the mixing and steering effects of the
has functionality akin to a reflectarray on its own right. In traditional multiplicative precoders [14], giving the system
particular, you can consider each tile in a reconfigurable designer more control over the effective channel. Next, we
metasurface as the limit of a reflectarray as both the an- present two techniques to model the channel through the RIS,
tenna size and antenna spacing diminish and the applied HRIS .
amplitude/phase profile becomes approximately continuous
along the surface. This allows a large degree of flexibility
in manipulating the incident wave-front. For example, each A. Dyadic Backscatter Channel Model
tile can reflect the incident wave-front in a different direction. The first technique models the RIS at the scatterer level and
However, the majority of empirical works in the literature assumes each element in the RIS is a regular omnidirectional
[7], [10]–[13] employ reflectarray-based RIS. Even with the antenna subject to the effects of fading and uses the so-called
simpler reflectarray-based implementation, impressive results dyadic backscatter channel [15] to model the channel through
have been reported. In theory, the increased flexibility associ- the RIS. Using this model, the channel through the RIS, HRIS ,
ated with the metasurface-based RIS leads to even better re- can be written as
sults; however, only real-world experimentation will tell if the
increased sophistication would lead to practical performance HRIS = FQG, (2)
where F is the 𝑁 × 𝐿 channel from the RIS to the receiver,
III. C HANNEL M ODEL G is the 𝐿 × 𝑀 channel from the transmitter to the RIS. The
In this section, we discuss how to incorporate the existence 𝐿 × 𝐿 matrix, Q, represents the interaction of the RIS with
of an RIS in the propagation environment into the channel the transmitted waveform. Assuming no coupling between the
model. Accurate channel models are essential for the analytical RIS elements, the interaction matrix can be written as
study of RIS-assisted communications as well as simulations.  
This is paramount in the evaluation of the utility of the Q = diag 𝛽1 e𝑖 𝜃1 , 𝛽2 e𝑖 𝜃2 , . . . , 𝛽 𝐿 e𝑖 𝜃𝐿 , (3)
RIS, especially as it compares to other technologies, such
as relaying. The implementation method of the RIS, whether where 𝛽𝑖 ∈ [0, 1] and 𝜃 𝑖 ∈ [0, 2𝜋) and can be controlled by
its reflectarrays or metasurfaces, may play a role in deciding changing the complex antenna load similar to backscatter tags
which modeling technique is more appropriate. We present [16]. Note that the phase shifts can either be continuous [10],
two modeling techniques used in the literature and discuss or discrete [5], [17] based on implementation, e.g., varactors
their underlying assumptions and rationale. vs. switched loads.
Consider a scenario where an 𝑀-antenna transmitter com- From (2), for any assumed statistical distribution for the
municates with an 𝑁-antenna receiver and an 𝐿-element RIS entries of G and F, the overall channel distribution will be
exists in the environment. Assuming a narrowband flat-fading given by their product distribution. In general, this kind of
scenario, the received signal can be written as cascaded fading is known to have more detrimental effects on
p p performance compared to regular fading. However, increasing
y = 𝐺 𝑑 Henv x + 𝐺 𝑟 HRIS x + n,
(1) the number of backscattering elements, 𝐿, does improve the
= Heff x + n, fading characteristics [15]. More importantly, it is probably
where x is the transmitted vector, n is the white Gaussian not an adequate model for the metasurface-based RIS, where
noise vector at the 𝑁 receiver’s antennas. Henv represents each element is not a typical antenna but rather a planar surface
the uncontrollable channel between the transmitter and the with dimensions much larger the wavelength. Hence, typical
receiver, excluding the effects of the RIS, and HRIS repre- statistical characterization of the received signal envelope by
sents the controllable channel between the transmitter and the an antenna, i.e. fading, may not be appropriate.

2332-7731 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 23,2020 at 01:44:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCCN.2020.2992604, IEEE
Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking

(a) Large-scale path loss of diffusely scattered electromagnetic (b) Large-scale path loss of reflected electromagnetic waves.
Fig. 3. Implementation effects on large-scale pathloss.

B. Spatial Scattering Channel Model C. Large-scale Path Loss

Now, we move to the second channel modeling technique, Another important issue related to channel modeling is
which avoids some of the limitations of the cascaded dyadic how to model the large scale propagation path loss from a
backscatter model presented above, and better reflects the transmitter to a receiver through the RIS. Accurate modeling
propagation mechanisms through a metasurface-based RIS. of the path loss through the RIS is critical in assessing the
Assuming each element in the RIS is much larger than the performance of RIS-assisted communication links, especially
wavelength, we can model each element as a reflector in as compared to other techniques [20]. It is also one possible
the environment creating a distinct propagation path. By this differentiating aspect between reflectarray and metasurface-
characterization, we can use a parametric spatial model [18] based RIS.
to write the channel through the RIS as Consider the effect of one RIS element as shown in Fig. 3.
In the case of a reflectarray-based implementation, each el-
Õ ement is a regular antenna whose dimension is typically in
a𝑇∗ 𝜃𝑇 ,ℓ , 𝜙𝑇 ,ℓ ,
HRIS = 𝛼ℓ 𝑞 ℓ a𝑅 𝜃 𝑅,ℓ , 𝜙 𝑅,ℓ (4)
the order of 𝜆2 , while in the case of a metasurface-based
RIS, each element is a metasurface tile whose dimensions are
where 𝛼ℓ is a complex scalar representing the ℓ-th path gain orders of magnitudes larger than the wavelength. Physical size
excluding the effects of the RIS element, 𝑞 ℓ is a complex plays an important role in how objects interact with incident
scalar representing the controllable effect of the ℓ-th RIS ele- electromagnetic waves [21]. Smooth objects much larger than
ment, and a𝑅 and a𝑇 represent the array steering vectors at the the wavelength, e.g., buildings and walls, specularly reflect the
receiver and the transmitter, respectively, with 𝜃 representing majority of the incident wave, while objects with dimensions
the azimuth angle and 𝜙 representing the elevation angle. comparable to the wavelength diffusely scatter the incident
In general, the amplitude/phase parameter 𝑞 ℓ will be con- wave in all directions. This has been observed for a long time
trollable by the RIS, regardless of its implementation technol- in field measurements [22] and is used in site-specific ray-
ogy. Furthermore, a metasurface-based RIS element may also tracing simulations which are known to provide highly accu-
control the angle of the reflection, and hence the angles of rate results [23]. Furthermore, at millimeter-wave frequencies,
arrival at the receiver, 𝜃 𝑅,ℓ and 𝜙 𝑅,ℓ , which will change the the size of objects that can act as reflectors becomes smaller
receiving array response accordingly. However, changing the [24].
reflection angles requires optimizing the entire phase gradient In the case of the reflectarray-based RIS, the element acts as
applied by the metasurfaces. In essence, this formulation rep- a diffuse scatterer. In particular, it only receives a point on the
resents the RIS as a cluster of reflectors whose complex gains, incident wavefront and then diffusely scatter it in all directions
and maybe incidence angles, are controllable. Clustered spatial around the element resulting in further power loss toward the
models are known to be highly accurate and are commonly receiver. On the other hand, in the case of a sufficiently large
used in wireless standards [19]. Note that the parameter 𝑞 ℓ metasurface-based RIS, each element acts as a reflector. It
is deterministic based on the current configuration of the RIS receives a section of the incident wavefront and redirects it
while the parameters 𝛼ℓ can be stochastic to model the fading according to a programmable reflection angle. There is no
resulting from scattering around the receiver [4], [18]. By this further spreading of the wavefront at the metasurface tile. For
formulation, statistical characterization of small-scale fading this kind of reflection, the reflection angle does not follow
at the receiver is possible without forcing the assumption of Snell’s law, i.e., does not equal the incidence angle. It is
cascaded fading. usually referred to as anomalous reflection [25].

2332-7731 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 23,2020 at 01:44:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCCN.2020.2992604, IEEE
Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking

Hence, in the case of the metasurface-based RIS, the path straightforward strategy is to use the RIS to maximize the
loss through a single RIS element will be proportional to the effective channel gain, which is equivalent to maximizing
overall distance [21], [23], 𝑑sr + 𝑑rd , i.e., the received power or minimizing the transmit power for a
1 given SNR constraint. If the relevant channels are known,
PLreflected ∝ , (5) then co-phasing all paths is optimal, which can be solved
(𝑑sr + 𝑑rd ) 𝑛
analytically or formulated as a semidefinite program (SDP)
where 𝑛 is the path loss exponent, e.g. 2 in free space, while [32], [33] in case of continuous phase shifts. If phase shifts
in the case of the reflectarray-based RIS, the path loss will be are discrete, quantizing the continuous solution is near-optimal
proportional to the product of the distances, 𝑑sr and 𝑑rd , i.e., or a greedy iterative search can be utilized as indicated in
1 [37]. When the relevant channels are not known, the RIS
PLscattered ∝ . (6) phase shifts can be optimized based on feedback from the
(𝑑sr × 𝑑rd ) 𝑛
intended receiver, which can be implemented as a beam search
It is evident that the difference in path loss between the two procedure [31], or similar algorithms [7]. Furthermore, when
cases can be immense. limited channel information or receiver position information
Before we conclude this section, it is worth mentioning that can be obtained, they can be used to configure the RIS. In [57],
path loss scaling through the RIS has been a subject of debate a small subset of the relevant channels is used to infer good
in recent literature [26]–[28]. In particular, the assumption RIS configurations based on a deep neural network when the
that a metasurface acts approximately as a specular reflector channels are generated using realistic ray-tracing simulation.
is only valid under specific conditions related to physical In [35], a deep neural network was also used but relying on
size of the RIS and distances to communication endpoints, position data rather than partial channel estimates.
i.e., 𝑑sr and 𝑑rd . In particular, the RIS physical size has In multi-user scenarios, the problem of configuring RIS
to be large enough relative to the distances, 𝑑sr and 𝑑rd , complicates considerably. In particular, maximizing the chan-
such that the communication endpoints are within the near- nel gains is no longer the only goal since interference must
field of the RIS. In this case, it is valid to assume that the be taken into account. Two heuristic algorithms have been
average received power through the RIS scales with the sum proposed to minimize transmit power under users’ SINR
of the distances to the RIS as predicted by (5). This has constraints in a downlink broadcast scenario in [50], one
been analyzed theoretically in [26], [27], [29] and observed is based on alternating optimization similar to [32] and the
in empirical measurements conducted in [27]. In envisioned other maximizes the weighted channel gains of all users,
RIS deployments [1], where an RIS covers large sections of where weights are proportional to SINR constraints. In [43], a
buildings’ facades outdoors and walls indoors, it is safe to heuristic algorithm based on majorization-minimization (MM)
assume that the transceivers of interest would be in the near- is used to maximize the sum achievable rate under user
field of the RIS [30], especially in dense networks. For a rate constraints, when a zero-forcing precoder is applied to
concrete example, consider an RIS with physical dimensions cancel all inter-user interference. The same approach is gen-
of 1.5𝑚 × 1.5𝑚 deployed on the facade of a building and a eralized to accommodate energy efficiency maximization in
transmitted signal at 28 GHz. The near-field of the RIS extends [44]. Motivated by the fact that the Transmitter-RIS-Receiver
up to 2𝐷𝜆 meters away, where 𝐷 is the largest dimension of the link resembles a hybrid beamforming scenario, where the
RIS and 𝜆 the wavelength. Hence, transceivers within 420𝑚 transmitter applies precoding in the digital domain and the
of the RIS are within its near-field, and path loss through the RIS applies further analog beamforming using only phase
RIS is well approximated by (5) [27]. shifts, a hybrid beamforming framework has been proposed
in [52] to maximize the achievable sum-rate in multi-user
IV. RIS- ASSISTED O PTIMIZATION downlink setting. Weighted sum-rate maximization has been
The presence of RISs in the propagation environment tackled recently in [45], where efficient suboptimal solutions
provides the system designer with vast abilities to alter the are found based on fractional programming and alternating
wireless channel realization to achieve different objectives in direction method of multipliers (ADMM). A deep reinforce-
various scenarios. In this section, we provide a brief overview ment learning (DRL) framework to jointly optimize transmitter
of the state of the art and discuss some of the aspects that precoding and RIS phase shifts has been developed in [51] and
differentiate RIS optimization from precoding for traditional found to achieve comparable performance to the alternating
MIMO arrays. optimization techniques proposed earlier in the literature.

A. State-of-the-Art Review B. Limited Channel State Information

Recent works have shown the potential of RISs in point- In general, the ability to optimize the RIS configuration is
to-point channels [7], [13], [31]–[42], downlink broadcast limited by available information about the relevant channels.
channels [43]–[52], uplink multiple access channels [53]– Without at least partial knowledge about the underlying prop-
[56], and even device-to-device interference channels [10], agation environment, the RIS cannot be used effectively to
[11]. In point-to-point, e.g., single-user, scenarios where the improve the system performance. Most recent works on the op-
receiver has a single antenna, the problem of optimizing timization of RIS parameters have assumed relevant channels
the RIS configuration simplifies considerably. In this case, a are available as side-information, e.g., [32], [37], and focused

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCCN.2020.2992604, IEEE
Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking

on devising algorithms to configure the RIS given channel be very hard in practical scenarios.
knowledge. The rationale for this assumption is usually to The other approach is to equip a small subset of the RIS
explore the upper bounds of what can be achieved in practical elements with low-power active receivers that are capable of
systems which would have to rely on imperfect estimates processing pilots and estimating the relevant channels. Hence,
of the channels. However, different from traditional wireless the transmitter and the receiver can send pilots to help the
systems where channel acquisition is a straightforward matter RIS acquire partial information about the channel. Note that
and could be accounted for by penalizing the achievable rates the directly estimated channels constitute a tiny subset of
to account for pilot overhead and SNR degradation from the elements of the RIS and do not provide enough accurate
imperfect channel estimation, RIS-assisted wireless systems information on their own to facilitate beamforming or other
would encounter more difficulties given the passive nature channel manipulations. However, by leveraging tools from
of the RIS and the massive number of channel parameters compressed sensing and machine learning, the limited avail-
to be estimated. Hence, it should be noted that the gains able information can be used to compute sufficiently accurate
reported for these schemes principally relies on the ability estimates of the channels at all elements, or directly use the
to estimate the channels between the RIS elements and the partial channel information to infer good RIS configurations.
communication endpoints. Such channel estimation may prove Encouraging results in this direction have been reported in
to be tremendously difficult in practice. [57], where it has been shown that only 1% of the RIS
The majority of published work on RIS assume a elements need to be active in practical propagation scenarios
reflectarray-based implementation, where each element is an to support a sufficiently accurate prediction of the channels at
antenna terminated by a configurable load. As such, RIS the remaining elements. This can be attributed to the fact that
elements are neither regular wireless transmitters nor receivers. the channels at all elements result from the interactions of a
They do not possess the capability to send pilots or even limited number of scatterers and reflectors in the environment
process pilots to estimate the channel. Adding a receive chain and this limited number of receivers can be regarded as sensors
for each element in the RIS is prohibitive. A large number providing descriptors of the environment that carry sufficient
of receive chains, one for each element, would consume a information to guide the configuration of the RIS. Note that
formidable amount of power, and severely limits the attractive- this technique is somewhat related to [35], where the small
ness of RIS assisted communications. Without receive chains, number of “environment descriptors” can be thought of as
the RIS would not be able to process pilots sent from the two providing a spatial fingerprint indicating the position of the
communicating ends to estimate the channel. Moreover, the user.
effect of a single RIS element on the received signal is minus- The discussion above highlighted the problem of acquiring
cule; hence, turning the RIS element individually on and off phase information to optimize the state of the RIS. Indeed,
to measure their effects on the received signal is impractical. in all currently available prototypes and testbeds [7], [10],
Next, we present two approaches from the literature to tackle [11], [13], [31], [59], receiver-side measurements, e.g. signal
the problem of optimizing the RIS configuration with limited strength or received power, is used to guide the configura-
channel information. tion of the RIS. In these cases, there is a single user and
The first approach is to forgo channel estimation altogether; the problem of optimizing the RIS state is more akin to
instead, the optimization of the RIS can be based on feedback analog beam training. In a sense, the RIS can be thought
from the receiver. In [31], a three-way beam-searching proto- of as a large beamformer disjoint from the transmitter. One
col has been designed to jointly optimize the beam-direction of attractive aspect of some of these techniques is that they
an IEEE 802.11ad access point and an RIS towards a common require no modifications to the used wireless standard. In
receiver. This can be done using a predefined codebook of particular, the RIS training process piggybacks on normal
beam-directions; however, the size of the codebook will be data-carrying transmissions and gradually improves the quality
proportional to the number of elements. If there are a large of the received signal without requiring dedicated training
number of RIS elements, training may take a long time [58]. signaling. Finally, it is worth noting that these simple proof-of-
This can be a problem in a dynamic environment where the concept testbeds have used traditional antennas to implement
channel coherence time is limited. Nevertheless, relying on a reflectarray-based RIS and only optimized the phase shifts;
feedback from the receiver is a promising solution and the it remains to be seen if using metasurfaces to implement the
majority of empirically oriented studies have built prototype RIS would lead to higher performance gains in real life.
systems that rely on receiver feedback to guide the optimiza- Before we conclude the discussion of channel state in-
tion of the RIS configuration without explicit knowledge of formation, we would like to point out that the presence of
the channels involved. In [13], the received signal strength the RIS does not affect the channel estimation procedure
indicator (RSSI) is used to judge the current configuration between the transmitter and the receiver in the environment.
of the RIS and a simple greedy algorithm is devised to In particular, for any configuration of the RIS, the transmitter
sequentially adjust the phase shifts of the reflectarray element- and the receiver can estimate the channel between them
by-element without requiring any additional signaling. In [7], regularly as if the RIS does not exist. To elaborate, it is
RSSI has been also leveraged to guide the optimization of the straightforward to estimate the overall channel, Heff , cf. (1);
RIS; however, a simpler two-state phase shifter has been used however, estimating the channels between the RIS and the two
and a more robust optimization algorithm has been devised to link ends individually or isolating the effect of the RIS is much
avoid measuring the effect of a single element, which might more challenging [60].

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 23,2020 at 01:44:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCCN.2020.2992604, IEEE
Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking

C. Optimization Objectives can operate in multiple modes to satisfy diverse objectives. It

can be used as a large analog beamformer to focus power
Most recent works on RIS optimization focuses on tra- to a single antenna receiver, to enhance the channel rank
ditional scenarios similar to those adopted for the study of and condition number to facilitate spatial multiplexing to a
optimal precoders and receivers for traditional MIMO arrays. multi-antenna receiver or several single-antenna users. It can
However, the presence of the RIS in the middle of the also be used to diagonalize an interference channel to allow
propagation environment provides a unique opportunity to spectrum sharing, or even increase the channel coherence time
alter the effective channels, cf. (1), in ways not possible by by mitigating the Doppler spread.
traditional MIMO arrays at the communication end-points. The complexity of optimizing the RIS configuration is
Hence, it is possible to pursue optimization objectives that evident even for a single RIS aiding a single user transmission
are simply unattainable in traditional systems. For example, especially given the difficulty of acquiring accurate channel
as we mentioned earlier in the introduction, millimeter-wave information. Multi-user multi-RIS scenarios will certainly be
channels are spatially-sparse; in many cases, only one vi- less tractable. This complexity makes machine learning a
able propagation path exists which limits the possibility of legitimate avenue for further investigation. Sparse environment
supporting spatial multiplexing or multi-user MIMO. Most sensors can be deployed to monitor the propagation environ-
gains in current millimeter-wave systems, e.g. 802.11ad, come ment and provide information to a centralized controller. This
from the huge channel bandwidths afforded in these systems. information can be in terms of partial channel coefficients [57]
However, given the additive nature of the effects of the RIS, or alternatively, user positions [35]. Of course, any change
multiple RISs can be deployed across the environment to in the configuration of the RIS will change the propagation
provide multiple viable propagation paths to increase the rank environment and could be sensed and reported back to the
of the channel and facilitate spatial multiplexing. controller. This interaction with the environment makes the
Even under the benign assumption of rich scattering un- problem well suited for reinforcement learning techniques.
derlining the canonical Rayleigh channel model at typical However, the wireless channel is highly dynamic, any move-
ultra-high frequencies (UHF), i.e., 300 MHz to 3 GHz, ill- ment of the transceivers or even objects in the environment will
conditioned channel realizations, even if full rank, are com- affect the channel. Hence, any learning techniques will have
mon, which again limits the spatial multiplexing capability of to operate within the coherence time of the channel and adapt
the channel and decrease the performance of MIMO detectors. as the channel varies. The vast potential of RIS in shaping the
The RIS can be used to keep the effective channel well radio environment will be limited only by the ability to find
conditioned, which reduces noise enhancement and greatly good configurations efficiently within the channel coherence
improves the performance of simple linear MIMO receivers. interval.
Preliminary empirical results in this direction were reported
in [12]. Another example of these unique RIS optimization
objectives was studied in [61], where it has been demonstrated V. N UMERICAL R ESULTS
that an RIS can be used to mitigate the effects of Doppler In this section, we provide numerical results to demonstrate
spread and multipath fading. In particular, the effective channel the power of an RIS in shaping a MIMO channel to improve
can be made more static over time. performance while at the same time simplifying precoding at
Another scenario where an RIS could be immensely useful the transmitter and equalization at the receiver. This aspect
is in interference channels. In this case, the RIS can be used of the RIS power received little attention in the literature
to facilitate channel sharing by multiple communicating pairs. [12]. We consider a simple reflectarray-based RIS and show
Assume several single-antenna transmitters are to communi- that by merely adjusting the phase shifts at the RIS, we
cate with corresponding single-antenna receivers and there is could effectively orthogonalize the MIMO channel between
an RIS in the middle of the propagation environment. The the transmitter and the receiver and achieve a near-unity
overall effective channel can be written in the form introduced condition number. This greatly simplifies the processing at the
in Section III, where the diagonal terms represent the desired transmitter and the receiver, shifting the complexity to the RIS
channel and all off-diagonal terms represent interference. controller optimization instead.
The RIS can be configured such that this effective matrix We compare the RIS-assisted channel to the canonical
is diagonal allowing spectrum sharing without interference. Rayleigh fading channel. To focus on the potential gains
Empirical results in this direction were reported in [10], [11], arising from the improved eigenstructure of the effective
but so far there are no theoretical results have been reported channel matrix, we normalize the relevant channels so that the
on the subject. average channel gain is the same regardless of RIS assistance.
In general, multiple RISs judiciously deployed in the en- In particular, we look at the distribution of the condition
vironment give the system operator vast abilities to engineer number, 𝜅 , ||𝜎𝜎𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑚𝑖𝑛 |
of the channel. The condition number
the propagation environment to satisfy different requirements. and singular values of a MIMO channel are key properties that
Many optimization objectives beyond what is possible using characterize the spatial multiplexing capability of the channel.
traditional MIMO arrays at the transceivers can be pursued. It is well known that for a given channel gain, maximum
The presence of the RIS in the middle of the propagation capacity is achieved when all singular values are equal, which
environment can impose many structures on the effective only happens when the channel is orthogonal. Hence, a near-
channels depending on the communication scenario. The RIS unity condition number, 𝜅, implies higher capacity. Moreover,

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 23,2020 at 01:44:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCCN.2020.2992604, IEEE
Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking

Note that the maximum achievable objective value of (8)

is known to be ln (min (𝑀, 𝑁)), which only occurs when
the channel is orthogonal and can be used to terminate the
optimization procedure early. Nevertheless, (8) is not a convex
problem. In general, nonconvex problems are NP-Hard and
sub-optimal heuristics are necessary to reach good solutions
in a reasonable time.
We have applied gradient-based interior-point optimization
methods to solve (8). Although not convex, the problem seems
to be highly amicable to gradient-based techniques. A local-
solution with optimal objective, i.e., 𝑆𝐸 = ln (min (𝑀, 𝑁)), is
typically reached within a few tens of steps regardless of the
initial point.
Consider an RIS-assisted 4 × 4 MIMO link where the RIS
possess 100 elements, i.e., 𝑀 = 𝑁 = 4 and 𝐿 = 100. In
the simulations, QPSK modulation is used over all spatial
streams and we have assumed half of the received power came
(a) Rayleigh channel without RIS assistance. through the RIS and the other half through other paths. This
represents a compromise between LOS and NLOS scenarios.
We also assume the phase shifts are continuous; however, a
limited number of discrete phase shifts are also adequate even
if the solution is obtained using continuous optimization then
discretized, especially for large RISs. This has been reported
in many works, e.g., [37], [49], and also proved analytically in
[17]. Fig. 4 shows the effect of RIS assistance on the channel
condition number, 𝜅. From the figure, a Rayleigh channel
without RIS-assistance is very likely to be ill-conditioned;
however, with RIS assistance, all channel realizations can be
optimized by the RIS to be well-conditioned. This implies that
all eigenmodes of the channel are equally good.
Next, we present the effect of optimizing the channel
properties on the error performance of the simplest MIMO
receiver, the zero-forcing (ZF) linear decoder. The ZF decoder
is given by
 −1 ∗
W 𝑍 𝐹 = H∗eff Heff Heff , (9)
(b) RIS-assisted Rayleigh channel.
where (·) ∗ denotes the Hermitian transpose. Note that in the
Fig. 4. The effect of the RIS on the distribution of the channel condition
number, 𝜅. Results taken from 104 channel realizations. RIS-assisted case, Heff is unitary after optimization and the ZF
decoder is equivalent to the optimal ML decoder. Moreover, it
is equivalent to the even simpler matched filter receiver given
an orthogonal channel matrix with equal singular values re- by H∗eff .
duces complexity significantly. For example, uniform power Fig. 5 shows the average symbol error rate over all four
allocation would be optimal, and there is no need to adapt spatial streams. From the figure, RIS assistance has a drastic
modulation and coding per each spatial stream individually. impact on the error performance of the ZF decoder since noise
One way to achieve these desirable properties is optimize enhancement is eliminated and ZF decoding is optimal when
the RIS configuration to maximize the so called spectral the channel is orthogonalized. Furthermore, the performance
entropy of the overall channel, Heff , c.f. (1). The spectral of the ZF decoder in the RIS-assisted channel is actually better
entropy [62], [63] of an 𝑀 × 𝑁 matrix X, denoted by SE (X), than the maximum likelihood decoder in the non-assisted
is given by channel. This arises from the fact that in ill-conditioned chan-
  nels, the weakest spatial stream corresponding to the weakest
eigenmode usually suffers from a very low SNR. This problem
Õ 𝜎𝑖 𝜎𝑖
SE (X) = − Í ln Í , (7)
𝑖 𝑗 𝜎𝑗 𝑗 𝜎𝑗 is overcome in the RIS-assisted scenario since all eigenmodes
are equally strong for all channel realizations. Finally, note
where 𝜎𝑖 is the 𝑖-th largest singular value of X. Hence, we that we have normalized the channels so that the average
can write our optimization problem as channel gain is the same regardless of RIS assistance. In
practical scenarios, the RIS can furthermore cause an increase
maximize SE (Heff ) in average channel gain and even higher performance gains
𝜽 (8)
subject to − 𝜋 ≤ 𝜃 𝑖 ≤ 𝜋. are possible.

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 23,2020 at 01:44:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCCN.2020.2992604, IEEE
Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking

RF Sensing and Localization: Another promising direction

is RIS-assisted radio-frequency (RF) sensing and localization.
The large aperture size of the RIS and its ability to shape
the propagation environment can significantly enhance RF
sensing capabilities. The channel can be altered to provide
favorable conditions for RF sensing then monitored with high
accuracy. Encouraging results have been reported in [65] with
possible applications in energy-efficient surveillance, assisted
living, and remote health monitoring. However, the problem
of optimizing the configurations of RIS to enhance RF-sensing
remains to be studied.

Research in RIS-assisted wireless communications is still in
its infancy; many practical aspects are not well understood and
still need to be thoroughly investigated. However, the potential
for this new technology is immense. The idea of being able to
Fig. 5. Comparison of the error performance of zero-forcing decoder. The
change the propagation environment is not only conceptually
RIS are used to orthogonalize MIMO channels and achieve a unity condition interesting but also highly beneficial in a variety of scenarios.
number. In this article, we have discussed two candidate implementa-
tions for the RIS based on reflectarrays or metasurfaces. We
elaborated on channel modeling and how it can be affected
by the RIS implementation in terms of channel distribution
In this section, we briefly introduce some potential ap- and large-scale path loss. Furthermore, we presented some of
plications of RIS in wireless networks and discuss potential the challenges that need to be addressed in the optimization
research directions. of RIS-assisted networks. Optimization of the RIS will have
Centralized Beamforming for IoT Devices: The Internet- to be performed given limited information about the channel
of-Things (IoT) is an important component in future wireless and many optimization objectives can be pursued making
networks. However, some IoT devices are constrained in the problem very complex. In the end, practical optimization
both size and energy consumption. Future 5G and beyond techniques are essential to reap the system performance gains
cellular networks will operate in the millimeter-wave channels resulting from the ability to shape the wireless propagation.
where highly directional antenna gains are essential to achieve
reliable high-rate communications. Some IoT devices will be R EFERENCES
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 23,2020 at 01:44:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCCN.2020.2992604, IEEE
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2332-7731 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 23,2020 at 01:44:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCCN.2020.2992604, IEEE
Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking

[53] Y. Cao and T. Lv, “Delay-constrained joint power control, user Hongliang Zhang (S’15-M’19) received the B.S.
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assisted uplink mmwave system,” arXiv:1912.10030 [eess]. [Online]. neering and Computer Science at Peking University,
Available: http://arxiv.org/abs/1912.10030 in 2014 and 2019, respectively. Currently, he is a
[54] B. Zheng, C. You, and R. Zhang, “Intelligent reflecting Postdoctoral Fellow in the Electrical and Computer
surface assisted multi-user OFDMA: Channel estimation and Engineering Department at the University of Hous-
training design,” arXiv:2003.00648 [cs, math]. [Online]. Available: ton, Texas. His current research interest includes
http://arxiv.org/abs/2003.00648 cooperative communications, Internet-of-Things net-
[55] S. Hua, Y. Zhou, K. Yang, and Y. Shi, “Reconfigurable intelligent works, hypergraph theory, and optimization theory.
surface for green edge inference,” arXiv:1912.00820 [cs, eess, math]. He has served as a TPC Member for many IEEE
[Online]. Available: http://arxiv.org/abs/1912.00820 conferences, such as Globecom, ICC, and WCNC.
[56] T. Jiang and Y. Shi, “Over-the-air computation via intelligent reflecting He is currently an Editor for IET Communications. He also serves as a
surfaces,” arXiv:1904.12475 [cs, eess, math]. [Online]. Available: Guest Editor for IEEE IoT-J special issue on Internet of UAVs over Cellular
http://arxiv.org/abs/1904.12475 Networks.
[57] A. Taha, M. Alrabeiah, and A. Alkhateeb, “Enabling large intelligent
surfaces with compressive sensing and deep learning,” arXiv:1904.10136
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[58] J. Wang, Z. Lan, C. Pyo, T. Baykas, C. Sum, M. Rahman, J. Gao,
R. Funada, F. Kojima, H. Harada, and S. Kato, “Beam codebook based
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[59] L. Dai, B. Wang, M. Wang, X. Yang, J. Tan, S. Bi, S. Xu, F. Yang,
Z. Chen, M. Di Renzo, and L. Hanzo, “Reconfigurable intelligent
surface-based wireless communication: Antenna design, prototyping
and experimental results,” arXiv:1912.03620 [cs, math]. [Online].
Available: http://arxiv.org/abs/1912.03620
Lingyang Song (S’03-M’06-SM’12-F’19) received
[60] Z.-Q. He and X. Yuan, “Cascaded channel estimation for large intelligent
his Ph.D. from the University of York, United King-
metasurface assisted massive mimo,” IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., to
dom, in 2007, where he received the K. M. Stott
be published.
Prize for excellent research. He worked as a research
[61] E. Basar and I. F. Akyildiz, “Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for
fellow at the University of Oslo, Norway, until
Doppler effect and multipath fading mitigation,” arXiv:1912.04080 [cs,
rejoining Philips Research UK in March 2008. In
eess, math]. [Online]. Available: http://arxiv.org/abs/1912.04080
May 2009, he joined the Department of Electronics,
[62] W. Yang, J. Gibson, and T. He, “Coefficient rate and lossy source
School of Electronics Engineering and Computer
coding,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 381–386, Jan.
Science, Peking University, and is now a Boya
Distinguished Professor. His main research interests
[63] O. Roy and M. Vetterli, “The effective rank: A measure of effective
include wireless communication and networks, sig-
dimensionality,” in European Signal Process. Conf., Poznan, Poland,
nal processing, and machine learning. He was the recipient of the IEEE
Sep. 2007, pp. 606–610.
Leonard G. Abraham Prize in 2016 and the IEEE Asia Pacific (AP) Young
[64] E. Björnson, O. Özdogan, and E. G. Larsson, “Intelligent reflecting
Researcher Award in 2012. He has been an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer since
surface vs. decode-and-forward: How large surfaces are needed to beat
relaying?” arXiv:1906.03949 [cs, math], Jun. 2019. [Online]. Available:
[65] J. Hu, H. Zhang, B. Di, L. Li, L. Song, Y. Li, Z. Han, and H. V.
Poor, “Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces based RF sensing: Design,
optimization, and implementation,” arXiv:1912.09198 [cs, eess], Dec.
2019. [Online]. Available: http://arxiv.org/abs/1912.09198

Karim G. Seddik (SM’ 14) received the B.S.

(Hons.) and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering
from Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt, in
Mohamed A. ElMossallamy (S’14) is currently 2001 and 2004, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree
pursuing a Ph.D. degree at the Department of from the University of Maryland, College Park, MD,
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of USA, in 2008. He is currently a Professor with
Houston, Houston, TX. Before joining the University the Electronics and Communications Engineering
of Houston, he received a M.Sc. degree in electronics Department, American University in Cairo (AUC),
and communications engineering from the American Egypt. Before joining AUC, he was an Assistant
University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt, in 2017. Mo- Professor with the Electrical Engineering Depart-
hamed was the recipient of the 2019 IEEE ComSoc ment, Alexandria University, Egypt. His research
TCGCC Best Conference Paper Award and an NSF interests include applications of machine learning in communication networks,
INTERN award in 2018. He has held engineering cognitive radio communications, and layered channel coding. Dr. Seddik has
internships at Qualcomm Inc., Boxborough, MA, served on the technical program committees of numerous IEEE conferences
MediaTek USA Inc., San Jose, CA, and Skylark Wireless, Houston, TX. His in the areas of wireless networks and mobile computing. He is a recipient
current research interests include transceiver design and performance analysis of the State Encouragement Award in 2016. He is also a recipient of the
for the Internet of Things, massive MIMO-OFDM systems, and machine Certificate of Honor from the Egyptian President for being ranked first among
learning for wireless communications. all departments in the College of Engineering, Alexandria University in 2002.
He also received the Graduate School Fellowship from the University of
Maryland in 2004 and 2005, and the Future Faculty Program Fellowship from
the University of Maryland in 2007. He also co-authored a conference paper
that received the best conference paper award from IEEE communication
society technical committee on green communications and computing in 2019.

2332-7731 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 23,2020 at 01:44:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCCN.2020.2992604, IEEE
Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking

Zhu Han (S’01–M’04-SM’09-F’14) received the

B.S. degree in electronic engineering from Tsinghua
University, in 1997, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees
in electrical and computer engineering from the
University of Maryland, College Park, in 1999 and
2003, respectively.
From 2000 to 2002, he was an R&D Engineer of
JDSU, Germantown, Maryland. From 2003 to 2006,
he was a Research Associate at the University of
Maryland. From 2006 to 2008, he was an assistant
professor at Boise State University, Idaho. Currently,
he is a John and Rebecca Moores Professor in the Electrical and Computer
Engineering Department as well as in the Computer Science Department at the
University of Houston, Texas. His research interests include wireless resource
allocation and management, wireless communications and networking, game
theory, big data analysis, security, and smart grid. Dr. Han received an
NSF Career Award in 2010, the Fred W. Ellersick Prize of the IEEE
Communication Society in 2011, the EURASIP Best Paper Award for the
Journal on Advances in Signal Processing in 2015, IEEE Leonard G. Abraham
Prize in the field of Communications Systems (best paper award in IEEE
JSAC) in 2016, and several best paper awards in IEEE conferences. Dr. Han
was an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer from 2015-
2018, AAAS fellow since 2019 and ACM distinguished Member since 2019.
Dr. Han is 1% highly cited researcher since 2017 according to Web of Science.

Geoffrey Ye Li Geoffrey Ye Li is a Professor at

Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA. Before
moving to Georgia Tech, he was with AT&T Labs -
Research at Red Bank, New Jersey, as a Senior and
then a Principal Technical Staff Member, from 1996
to 2000, and a Post-Doctoral Research Associate
with the University of Maryland at College Park,
Maryland, from 1994 to 1996. His general research
interests include statistical signal processing and
machine learning for wireless communications. In
these areas, he has published over 500 journal and
conference papers in addition to over 40 granted patents. His publications have
been cited around 40,000 times and he has been recognized as the World’s
Most Influential Scientific Mind, also known as a Highly Cited Researcher,
by Thomson Reuters almost every year.
Dr. Geoffrey Ye Li was awarded IEEE Fellow for his contributions to signal
processing for wireless communications in 2005. He won several prestigious
awards from IEEE Signal Processing Society (Donald G. Fink Overview Paper
Award in 2017), IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (James Evans Avant
Garde Award in 2013 and Jack Neubauer Memorial Award in 2014), and IEEE
Communications Society (Stephen O. Rice Prize Paper Award in 2013, Award
for Advances in Communication in 2017, and Edwin Howard Armstrong
Achievement Award in 2019). He also received 2015 Distinguished Faculty
Achievement Award from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Georgia Tech.
He has been involved in editorial activities for over 20 technical journals, in-
cluding the founding Editor-in-Chief of IEEE 5G Tech Focus and the founding
Editor-in-Chief of IEEE JSAC Special Series on ML in Communications and
Networking. He has organized and chaired many international conferences,
including technical program vice-chair of the IEEE ICC’03, technical program
co-chair of the IEEE SPAWC’11, general co-chair of the IEEE GlobalSIP’14,
technical program co-chair of the IEEE VTC’16 (Spring), general co-chair of
the IEEE VTC’19 (Fall), and the IEEE SPAWC’20.

2332-7731 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 23,2020 at 01:44:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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