M447f17compactness Extension
M447f17compactness Extension
M447f17compactness Extension
A. Then the open sets B̄1/n (x0 )c (complements of the closed balls at x0
with radius 1/n) cover A. Extracting a finite subcover, we find N so that
||x − x0 || > 1/N for all x ∈ A, contradiction.
Conversely, assume A is closed and bounded, and let (Uλ )λ∈Λ be an open
covering of A. By Lindelöf’s theorem (see below) we find a countable open
subcovering (Uλi )i≥1 of A. Let Kn = A ∩ (Uλ1 ∪ . . . Uλn )c . Then (Kn ) is a
decreasing sequence of compact sets, with empty intersection. By Cantor’s
theorem, some KN must be empty. Then (Uλn )N n=1 is a finite subcovering
of A.
Lindelöf ’s theorem. Let A ⊂ Rn . Any open covering of A admits a
countable subcovering.
Proof. Let (Uλ )λ∈Λ be an open covering of A. Let E = (xi )i≥1 a count-
able dense subset of A. Consider the countable set B of open balls Bri (xi )
with center at a point xi ∈ E, rational radius ri > 0, and contained in some
Uλ . We claim the sets (Bri (xi ))i≥1 in the collection B cover A.
Let x ∈ A. Then x ∈ Uλ for some λ, and since Uλ is open we may find
r > 0 so that B2r (x) ⊂ Uλ . Since E is dense in A, we find xi ∈ E and a
rational ri > 0 so that ri < r and ||x − xi || < ri , and it is easy to see that
Bri (xi ) ⊂ B2r (x) ⊂ Uλ , so Bri (xi ) occurs in B and x ∈ Bri (xi ).
Now take an enumeration (Bi )i∈N of B and for each i ≥ 1 choose λi with
Bi ⊂ Uλi to conclude.
Application. f : A → Rn is locally Lipschitz if for each x ∈ A we may find
an open ball Brx (x), so that f is Lipschitz in this ball (with some Lipschitz
constant Mx ):
Prop. Every open cover of a compact set A ⊂ Rn has a Lebesgue number.
(Otherwise we may find sequences (xk ), (yk ) with ||xk − yk || ≤ 1/k, but no
single Uλ contains both xk and yk (for any k); taking subsequential limits
leads to a contradiction.)
Given this fact, the proof that locally Lipschitz implies Lipschitz on each
compact set follows easily.
both closed in Rn and disjoint. Assume first they are both non-empty.
Let g1 : Rn → [−M/3, M/3] be equal to M/3 in B, and to −M/3 in C
(Urysohn’s lemma.) Then |f (x) − g1 (x)| ≤ 2M/3 on A. (If either B or C is
empty, we may find a constant g1 so that this inequality holds in A.)
Let f1 = f − g1 . Repeating the argument with f1 replacing f and
M1 = 2M/3 replacing M , we find g2 : Rn → [−M1 /3, M1 /3] continuous,
satisfying on A:
Thus f¯(x) = ∞
i=1 gi (x) converges to f pointwise in A. By the Weierstrass
M-test and the second inequality, convergence is uniform in A, and we have
in Rn : X
|f¯(x)| ≤ (M/3) (2/3)i−1 = M.
f¯(x) = h(x)g(x).
Let K ⊂ Rn be a convex set. A function f : K → R is convex if:
Ef = {(x, y) ∈ K × R; y ≥ f (x)}.
Given c ∈ R, the sublevel set Kc of f defined by c is:
Kc = {x ∈ K; f (x) ≤ c}.
Exercise. (i) In general (K not nec. convex) Kc is closed (or empty) for
each c ∈ R if, and only if, f is lower semicontinuous.
(ii) If K is convex and f is convex on K, each nonempty sub level set of
f is convex.
The converse is not true: for instance, if f : R → R is an increasing
function, each sublevel set is either empty, a half-infinite interval or the
whole line (hence convex); but f itself need not be convex (say, f (x) = x3 .)
Exercise. Three-slopes lemma for convex functions on the real line.
mf (a, b) = f (b)−f
Hint: Given x0 ∈ K, choose δ > 0 so that the closed n-cube Q = Qδ (x0 )
of side length 2δ and center x0 is contained in K (using the fact K is open).
Let M be the maximum value of f on the finite set V of vertices of Q. Since
Q is the convex hull of V , the sublevel set KM is convex and V ⊂ KM , it
follows that Q ⊂ KM , or f (x) ≤ M for x ∈ Q.
The closed ball B = {x; ||x − x0 || ≤ δ} is contained in Q. For u on the
unit sphere, consider the closed line segment in B:
σu = {x ∈ B; x = x0 + tu; −δ ≤ t ≤ δ}.
||x − x0 ||
|f (x) − f (x0 )| ≤ |M − f (x0 )|.
Therefore this holds for all x ∈ B, implying continuity at x0 .
We see that f−0 , f+0 are both monotone increasing (nondecreasing) in I, with
f+0 (x) ≤ f−0 (y) if x < y.
And now it is easy to see that, if a ∈ I is a point of continuity of f−0 ,
then f−0 (a) = f+0 (a):