Chapter I

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Submitted to the School of Foreign Language – JIA as a partial fulfilment of

requirements to complete the English Seminar Course





A. Background of the study

Recently, people are interested in mastering another language well. They

go to college and take a language faculty. They also take a language course in

order want to master a language that they want to learn. Now, people know the

importance of mastering language well. So, they want to learn more than one

language. People are interested in mastering language well, especially mastering

the foreign language. The most foreign language that people want to learn is

English. It is because English is the international language. There are many

countries that use English as their primary language.

Language is an important communication tool. Without language, people

cannot communicate with each other. Language is useful for every human being

to express thoughts either implicitly or explicitly is supported by the aesthetic

features of the language itself such as context, idioms, senses, slang, situation,

etc. All these features can be found in one of many sources such as a novel.

From these works, it can be found how a language can be used in the lyric of

songs, verses of poems and sentences or dialogues in films and stories. Best-

selling novel is often translated into various language. Basically people like to

read the work of authors with different language background because they are

interested in learning and understanding different languages and cultures. People

can study many new thing about languages and other language from translated

novel. Language is a manifestation of culture. For example, in England, it is

accepted that someone younger calls an older person by name or only by using a

word ‘you’. While in Indonesia, it is considered impolite if younger people

directly call names to older people. normally use calls ‘Ibu or Bapak’ and


Translating novels from English to Indonesian is not easy, but it should

pay attention to the language style of the source language (SL) into the target

language (TL), to match the style that tends to be formal, objective, and

standardized. And so that the reader can receive the content of meaning and the

massage contained in the novel. Translation is interpretation of meaning from

the text in one language that’s called source language and the result of

translation must be equivalent to target language that communicates the same

massage. And the result or translation have to consider several constrains,

context, rules of grammar, writing convention, idioms, and other things between

source language and target language. The person who translates the text from

one language to other language is translator. Interpreting and translating subtitles

will make it easy to understand the meaning of the song/movie.

People who can not understand English will feel hard in understanding a

movie that uses English. The process of translation and interpretation is

different. Both are just the same in translating from the source language into the

target language. Translation and interpretation are very important in

communication, especially in bilingual communication. But, both have

differences, An interpretation is an assignment of meaning to the symbols of a

formal language, whereas translation is the communication of the meaning of a

source-language text using an equivalent target-language text. According to

Catford (1965: 20) “translation is the replacement of textual material in one

language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL)”.

Translation is a written communication in a second language having the same

meaning as the written communication in a first language. Translation is an

activity in changing a language from the source language into the target

language. In translation, the change is just the language, but the message is still

the same as the source language. In the translation process, there is an

equivalence level. According to Catford (1965: 2) the levels of equivalence are:

(1) textual equivalence and (2) formal correspondence.

There are some problems that often occur when the translator tries to

make a good translation result. In spoken language, such problems are like the

slip of tongue or different pronunciation. However, it is not a problem if the

listener can still catch the expected meaning. Whereas in written language it is

not a big problem if the translator has the creativity to process each word into an

equivalent meaning between the source language and the target language.

Therefore, translation procedures become very important in the stage of

translation process to complete the translation result. By studying the translation

procedure then the translator will know how to convey the meaning that exist in

the source language with grammatical structures change to adjust to suit the

meaning in the target language.

In conveying the meaning or content of discourse language authors

convey, exchange, and messages because the language has rules or arrangement.
Translation methods concerning the entire text, while the translation procedures

are applicable to sentences and smaller units of languages such as clauses,

phrases, and words. The difference is in the main focus of the sentences.

Dealing with sentence, imperative sentence is one of the sentences that

has uniqueness in conveying or expressing a meaning in a sentence structure.

Imperative sentence are traditionally thought of as a form used for giving orders.

Recent research suggests that there is more to be said about them than this, and

that they raise interesting issues of language use. Fundamentally, a speaker using

an imperative assumes that the addressee will do what the sentence expresses.

However, English imperative is usually used to give command and prohibition

to other people and has no subject and contain the basic verb. While Indonesian

imperative gives the similar concept about the imperative like the imperative but

English has simply typed of form while Indonesian has quite complicated.

When the writer read the The Sun is Also a Star novel by Nicola Yoon

and its translation in Indonesian language by Airien Kusumawardani as the

research subject. The writer is interested and wanted to analyze the imperative

sentence in The Sun is Also a Star novel because this novel having been

Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Young Adult Fiction (2016), Coretta

Scott King/John Steptoe New Talent Author Award (2017), Michael L. Printz

Honor (2017).

Based on the phenomenon, it is interesting to analyze the procedures of

translation applied by the translators in translating imperatives sentences in the

novel The Sun is Also a Star. To give a glance description about the analysis, the

writer took one data sample.

The data sample:

SL (English Imperative) You don’t have to turn in homework


TL (Indonesian Imperative) Kamu tidak usah mengerjakan tugas

In the example above, the phrase “You don’t have to turn in homework”

in SL is translated “Kamu tidak usah mengerjakan tugas” as in TL. when written

in full, the extension of the phrase "don't have" is "do not have". Well, in

Indonesian, the expression "don't have" means "tidak memiliki" or "tidak

punya". Keep in mind, that expression is only used in present sentences which

have a negative form. The auxiliary "don't" is only used when the subject is I,

you, they, and we. If the subject is she, he, and it, we can replace them with the

use of the word "don't have" which means "tidak pernah", the expression "have

not" means "belum pernah".

The meaning of the word is also synonymous with ‘mengerjakan’ in TL.

Meanwhile the verb referred to above is 'turn', “like turn down” the phrase turn

in also has at least 2 meanings. First, it means returning or handing over

something. The illustration, The students turned in their paper to the teacher's

assistant. (Students submit their papers to the assistant teacher.).

From those explanations, the writer chooses the title:



This paper will use Newmark (1988) theory of translation procedures

and other supported theories to analyze imperative sentence in novel The Sun is

Also a Star by Nicola Yoon and its translation. The research is done to prove

whether the theories mentioned are exist or not in the data analyzed.

B. Question and Scopes of the Research

1. Question of The Research

In line with research background, the problems of analysis are

formulated in answer to the following questions:

a. What procedures are used to translate imperative sentence in the


b. What translation procedures are dominantly applied by the translator

in translating imperative sentences in the novel?

2. Scope of The Research

There are many scopes of translation research, but in this research the writer

only focused on the translation procedures applied on imperative sentence in

the novel The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon. The writer tries to find

imperative sentence which translated by translated by translation procedures

in the source language. Theories are use: 1) Newmark (1988), 2) Vinay &

Darbelnet (2004), and 3) Molina & Albir (2002). By the classifying and

analyzing it can be understood how to translate the imperative sentences

from the source language (SL) into the target language (TL) correctly.
C. Objective and Significance of The Research

1. Objective of the Research

This analysis has two objectives that will be expected as follow:

a. To analyze the translation procedures that the translator uses to translate

imperative sentence in the novel.

b. To find out translation procedures dominantly applied by the translator in

translating imperative sentence in the novel.

2. Significance of the Research

Hopefully, the writing of this research gives beneficial knowledge both

for the writer and the reader to improve the understanding of English

especially in education matter.

As mentioned above, this paper is talking about imperative sentences in

English and Indonesian that found in the novel The Sun is Also a Star base

on its translation procedures, and types.

D. Operational Definition

1. Translation

Translation is rendering a meaning of the a text into another language in

the way that the author intented text.

2. Translation Procedure

The procedures that are used to translate a source language text into a

target language text especially for sentences and smaller units of language.

3. Imperative Sentence
A type of sentence structure used chiefly for issuing a directive. The

imperative verb has the base form. The subject is understood to be you.

4. Novel

An invented prose narrative of considerable length and a certain

complexity that deals imaginatively with human experience, usually through

a connected sequence of events involving a group of persons in a specific


E. Systematic of the Paper

The systematic of the paper means to present this paper in the well-

organized composition. The writer divides this paper into five chapters as


Chapter I: Introduction explains about the background of the research,

question and scope of the research, objective and significance of the research,

operational definition, and systematic of the paper.

Chapter II: Theoretical Description describes about definition of

translation, translation process, translation procedures, definition of sentence,

type of sentence, imperative sentence in English, imperative sentence in

Indonesia, novel, and research of the relevance.

Chapter III: Research Methodology consists method of the research (time

and place of the research, kind of the research), procedures of the research,

technique of the data collection, technique of the data analysis, and sources of

the primary and secondary data.

Chapter IV: Research findings & Discussions explains about the

implementation of the research which consists of data description, data analysis,

and also data interpretation.

Chapter V: Conclusion and suggestion gives the summary of conclusion

which relate to analysis discussion and suggestion which relate to significance of

the research.

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