Proposal Belum Fixx
Proposal Belum Fixx
Proposal Belum Fixx
A Proposal Thesis
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana
Humaniora in English and Literature Department of Adab and Humanities
faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar
Risma R
Reg. 40300120005
A. Background
Currently, there is a lot of information throughout the world related
to education, arts, entertainment, and even literary works that use English
language, namely English. There are several difficulties that people often
experience when they want to transfer their mother tongue into English.
called translation.
culture, author's biography, and the place where the novel was created.
Apart from that, a translator must have general knowledge about the
work originating from the source language into the target language
َوِم ْن ٰا ٰي ِت ٖه َخ ْل ُق الَّس ٰم ٰو ِت َو ا َاْل ْر ِض َو ا ْخ ِتاَل ُف َاْلِس َنِتُك ْم َو َا ْل َو ا ِنُك ْم ۗ ِاَّن ِفْي ٰذ ِل َك ٰاَل ٰي ٍت
"And among His signs (of greatness) are the creation of the
heavens and the earth, the differences in your languages, and the color of
your skin. Indeed, in these there are truly signs for those who know."
Based on the verse above, Allah in His glory explains that the
The translator must have clear knowledge about the original work
which includes the source language, culture, and also about the author of
the novel and the place where the novel was created. In addition,
meaning from the source language to the target language. This is done by
transitioning from the first language form to the second language form
certain words from the source language. Problems like this may arise in
modulation techniques where the meaning remains the same but the focus
the target language, where the message in it remains the same as the
of novels. The ability to find the right meaning, a translator must be able to
the source language, culture and moral goals of the author to the reader.
target language. One of them is when the translator does not find
equivalent words or word structures used in translating the text word for
view after being translated and there are also often different word classes
in novels from the source language to novels from the target language.
analyze because we can see how the translator shows a unique side in
translating a text by changing the focus but the meaning remains the same.
because we can find equivalent words that have the same meaning but
B. Research Question
C. Objective of Research
Based on the formulation of the problem that has been prepared,
by Ika Natasya
D. Significant of Research
This research has two benefits, namely theoretical benefits and practical
1. Theoretical benefits, the results of this research will add richness to the
E. Scope of Research
A. Previous Study
serve to present research and analysis that has been carried out previously.
texts and their translations are taken from Garuda Indonesia magazine. To
Translation of the Rain Prayer into a Prayer for Rain." The study in this
paper discusses the procedures for translating the poem entitled "Rain
to describe the form of transposition that occurs in the book. This type of
research is descriptive qualitative. The data used are words and sentences
taken from the translation of the book Sanah Ula'Z-Zawaj by Amir Abu
this research will also analyze the transposition and modulation contained
(195) theory.
B. Pertinent Ideas
1. Translation
a lot of knowledge.
2. Process of Translation
3. Teknik of Translation
This part presents some steps to answer the research questions. This
A. Research Method
data using the theory put forward by Benjamin (1995). Therefore, this
text in the novel Critical Eleven by Ika Natasya to make data collection
There are several steps that researchers use to collect data, such as:
2. The researcher read the novel several times and noted down
techniques in translating