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A Proposal Thesis
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana
Humaniora in English and Literature Department of Adab and Humanities
faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar

Risma R
Reg. 40300120005




A. Background
Currently, there is a lot of information throughout the world related

to education, arts, entertainment, and even literary works that use English

as an international language. Therefore, to make it easier for us to get

information throughout the world, we must master the international

language, namely English. There are several difficulties that people often

experience when they want to transfer their mother tongue into English.

The process of transferring from a source language to a target language is

called translation.

Translation becomes the focus of the problem if the object of

translation is a literary work such as a novel. A translator must have

knowledge about an original work which includes the source language,

culture, author's biography, and the place where the novel was created.

Apart from that, a translator must have general knowledge about the

culture of the target language. How to display the source language is a

complex problem. Because, the translator must be able to display original

work originating from the source language into the target language

translation. As the main source of learning, Islam also shows us how to

speak well and gently. This is explained in surah Ar-Rum verse 22

‫َوِم ْن ٰا ٰي ِت ٖه َخ ْل ُق الَّس ٰم ٰو ِت َو ا َاْل ْر ِض َو ا ْخ ِتاَل ُف َاْلِس َنِتُك ْم َو َا ْل َو ا ِنُك ْم ۗ  ِاَّن ِفْي ٰذ ِل َك ٰاَل ٰي ٍت‬

‫ِّلْلٰع ِلِم ْيَن‬

wa min aayaatihii kholqus-samaawaati wal-ardhi wakhtilaafu

alsinatikum wa alwaanikum, inna fii zaalika la-aayaatil lil-'aalimiin

"And among His signs (of greatness) are the creation of the

heavens and the earth, the differences in your languages, and the color of

your skin. Indeed, in these there are truly signs for those who know."

Based on the verse above, Allah in His glory explains that the

creation of humans on earth is different, such as skin color and language


The translator must have clear knowledge about the original work

which includes the source language, culture, and also about the author of

the novel and the place where the novel was created. In addition,

translators must have general knowledge of the target language culture.

According to Larson (1984) translation is the process of transferring

meaning from the source language to the target language. This is done by

transitioning from the first language form to the second language form

through semantic structure.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that translation is

the process of transferring the first language or source language into a

second language which is the target language without changing the

meaning of the source language. According to Hartono (2012) translation

is an activity that inevitably involves two languages or cultures. Based on

this statement, translation is related to the complexity of language, namely

the meaning that emerges when translating ideas or information.

The ability to find equivalent meanings of expressions from the

source language into the target language when there is no concept of

certain words from the source language. Problems like this may arise in

the process of translation analysis; one of them is translation using

modulation techniques where the meaning remains the same but the focus

and point of view is different.

A translator is required to produce a good translation product.

However, it cannot be denied that no translation product is perfect, as

Savory (1968) said, translation will never be perfect and cannot be

accepted without critical thinking.

A translator's goal is to translate idiomatically, by making many

form adjustments. The goal of a translator is the ability to reproduce text in

the target language, where the message in it remains the same as the

source language but uses natural language.

Many literary works face problems, one of which is the translation

of novels. The ability to find the right meaning, a translator must be able to

convey a moral message so that it can be accepted by the reader. A

problem that often arises in translating novels is the relative importance of

the source language, culture and moral goals of the author to the reader.

There are several difficulties faced by a translator caused by

differences in the cultural background of the source language and the

target language. One of them is when the translator does not find
equivalent words or word structures used in translating the text word for


This research is related to the analysis of transposition and

modulation techniques in the translation of the novel Critical Eleven by

Ika Natassa. Analysis Transposition and modulation techniques are

interesting to analyze because in novels there are often different points of

view after being translated and there are also often different word classes

in novels from the source language to novels from the target language.

Changing points of view in translated novels is an important part to

analyze because we can see how the translator shows a unique side in

translating a text by changing the focus but the meaning remains the same.

Likewise, changes in word classes in novels are important to analyze

because we can find equivalent words that have the same meaning but

different word classes. Therefore, in this final assignment the researcher

wants to analyze transposition and modulation in the translation of Critical

Eleven by Ika Natassa.

B. Research Question

Based on the background above, researchers realize that in

translating a text, a translator must pay attention to the appropriateness of

the translation. There are problems discussed in this research

1. Analysis of transposition and modulation in the translation of the novel

Critical Eleven by Ika Natassa.

C. Objective of Research
Based on the formulation of the problem that has been prepared,

this study has the objectives, namely:

1. To explain the transposition and modulation techniques contained in

the Indonesian-English translation of the novel entitled Critical Eleven

by Ika Natasya

D. Significant of Research

This research has two benefits, namely theoretical benefits and practical


1. Theoretical benefits, the results of this research will add richness to the

field of linguistics related to translation techniques, especially

transposition and modulation

2. It is hoped that the results of this research can provide a reference to

readers regarding transposition and modulation techniques in linguistic

studies, and can provide motivation to conduct research on

transposition and modulation techniques with different objects.

E. Scope of Research

In this research, the researcher focused on analyzing the

transposition and modulation techniques contained in the Indonesian-

English translation of the novel entitled Critical Eleven. Expressed using

Benjamini's theory (1995). There are nine translation techniques proposed

by Benjamin (1995), namely; direct and oblique translation, borrowing,

calque, literal translation, transposition, modulation, equivalence,

adaptation, application of the seven methods. However, researchers

focused on analyzing two techniques, namely transposition and


A. Previous Study

Research is needed to find out previous findings. Previous findings

serve to present research and analysis that has been carried out previously.

There are several previous research concepts related to transposition and

modulation techniques, namely: Research conducted by Budi Purnomo

entitled "Transposition and modulation for translating tourism texts from

English to Indonesian. This research tries to evaluate two types of

translation strategies, namely transposition (change of grammatical

category) and modulation (change of point of view) used to translate

tourism texts from English to Indonesian. Data sources were obtained

from documents and between raters. Documents in the form of tourism

texts and their translations are taken from Garuda Indonesia magazine. To

reveal the types of transposition and modulation, English and Indonesian

language text modulation were analyzed by researchers.

The second research was conducted by Muhammad Ridwan Roji

Abdullah entitled "Analysis of Transposition and Modulation of the

Translation of the Rain Prayer into a Prayer for Rain." The study in this

paper discusses the procedures for translating the poem entitled "Rain

Prayer" which was translated by Taufik Ismail. An important aim of this

research is that the author tries to explain the translation procedures in

translating the poem "Prayer for Rain" by David Campbell.

The third research was conducted by Wiwit Rahma Wati entitled

"Transpositions and Modulations in Sanah Ula'Z-Zawaj Book in

Translation Excersize By Amir Abu Samiyyah. The aim of this research is

to describe the form of transposition that occurs in the book. This type of

research is descriptive qualitative. The data used are words and sentences

taken from the translation of the book Sanah Ula'Z-Zawaj by Amir Abu

Samiyyah. Based on the previous research above, the similarity of

transposition and modulation techniques was chosen as the focus of

analysis. Budi Purnomo (2015) analyzed transposition and modulation

techniques in translating tourism texts from English to Indonesian using

the theory of Suryawinata & Haryanto (2003:67). The second research

conducted by Muhammad Ridwan Roji Abdullah analyzed the

transposition and modulation in the poem entitled "Rain Prayer" which

was translated by Taufik Ismail. The aim of this research is to determine

the translation procedures used in translating the poem "Prayer of Rain".

The third research conducted by Wiwit Rahma Wati analyzed transposition

and modulation in the book entitled Sanah Ula'Z-Zawaj by Amir Abu

Samiyyah. The aim of this research is to describe the form of transposition

that occurs in the book. This research uses a qualitative descriptive

research type. It is clear that previous studies have analyzed transposition

and modulation techniques in tourism texts, poetry and books. However,

this research will also analyze the transposition and modulation contained

in the novel entitled Critical Eleven which is underlined by Benjamin's

(195) theory.

B. Pertinent Ideas

1. Translation

Translation is essentially defined as an activity that changes the

form of written and spoken language from one language to another in

order to obtain information or knowledge about the language

concerned. This kind of activity has certainly been carried out by

humans over time and certainly has a positive impact on the

development of a nation because through translation someone can gain

a lot of knowledge.

2. Process of Translation

The translation process is the activity requiring the

translators' knowledge and skills because words, phrases and

discourse translated do not only focus on the language level, but

also on the discourse level referred to function. Translation activity

starts from the understanding of words, phrases, clauses and

sentence proportion, and particularly the sentence function.

Therefore it is said that translating is not easy since a word from

the source language is not necessarily equivalent in the target

language because each language has its differences and uniqueness.

This equivalence has become the main problem in translation so

matching a word does not always have to be identical to the target

language but the translator always tries to achieve the intended


3. Teknik of Translation

4. Biography Ika Natasya


This part presents some steps to answer the research questions. This

part includes the research method, source of data, instrument of data

collection, procedure of data collection and technique of data analysis.

A. Research Method

Researchers analyzed the transposition and modulation techniques

in the novel Critical Eleven by Ika Natasya. Researchers analyzed the

data using the theory put forward by Benjamin (1995). Therefore, this

research uses a qualitative descriptive method to evaluate the

translation product process. The process of collecting data on linguistic

units (words, phrases, clauses and sentences) of SL and SL, then

describing, analyzing and classifying them based on transposition and

modulation strategies. This method is known as the descriptive

method. This is also inseparable from the nature of qualitative research

which aims to understand social phenomena, including the linguistic

phenomena being studied.

B. Source of Data

To analyze this research, researchers collected data by analyzing

the novel entitled Critical Eleven by Ika Natasya. Researchers focus on

transposition and modulation techniques in translating the novel

Critical Eleven by Ika Natasya.

C. Instrument of Data Collection

Data collection techniques are a set of methods or techniques

which are an extension of the human senses because the aim is to

collect empirical facts related to the research problem. The data

collection technique used in this research is the reading, listening and

note-taking (BSC) technique. Reading technique is the most important

technique to use in collecting data by reading. The listening technique

is a method of obtaining data that is done by listening. The note-taking

technique is a technique for collecting data by taking notes or quoting

text in the novel Critical Eleven by Ika Natasya to make data collection


D. Procedure of Data Collection

There are several steps that researchers use to collect data, such as:

1. Researchers read the English and Indonesian versions of the

novel entitled Critical Eleven by Ika Natasya to see the

transposition and modulation techniques used in translating the

2. The researcher read the novel several times and noted down

every word in the novel using transposition and modulation

techniques in translating

3. Researchers collect data and organize the data collected from

the novel for analysis purposes.

E. Technique of Data Collection

In analyzing the data, researchers identified the translation

techniques contained therein. Researchers use several steps to analyze

data, such as:

1. Researchers identified the transposition and modulation

technique by reading the novel Critical Eleven by Ika Natasya

and its translation.

2. Researchers classify transposition and modulation techniques

using the theory put forward by Benjamin (1995)

3. Researchers analyzed all words, phrases and sentences using

transposition and modulation techniques in the critical novel

Eleven by Ika Natasya

4. Finally, researchers begin to interpret the data collected to

obtain good and reliable analysis results.

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