Handout 4-6 Strat

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HANDOUT 4: become a superpower in the personal care market by adding

several variants of shampoo, deodorant, and body wash to

STRATEGY FORMULATION: FUNCTIONAL STRATEGY AND its existing and successful product line.
 Push strategy. A company or business unit may engage in
Functional Strategy
trade promotion to gain shelf space in retail outlets. Trade
Functional strategy is the short-term game plan for key promotion includes discounts, in-store special offers, and
functional areas within a company. It is an approach to achieving advertising allowances designed to "push" products through
corporate and business unit objectives and strategies by the distribution system.
maximizing resource productivity. Functional strategies are at the
heart of the competitive advantage of any firm and are formed in Example: Major handset manufacturers, such as Samsung,
correlation with the changing competitive environment. promote their products via retailers by offering subsidies
on the handsets to encourage retailers to sell higher
The parent business unit's strategy dictates the orientation of a volumes.
functional strategy. For example, a business unit following a
competitive differentiation strategy through high quality might  Pull strategy. A company or business unit may engage in
require a functional manufacturing strategy emphasizing wide consumer advertising designed to build brand
expensive quality assurance processes over cheaper, high- volume awareness so that shoppers will ask for the company's
production. A human resource functional strategy emphasizes products and services.
hiring and training a highly skilled but costly workforce. A
marketing functional strategy emphasizes a distribution channel Example: Unlike other car companies, Ferrari only makes
using advertising to increase consumer demand over promotional luxury cars and never advertises them. Ferrari uses a pure
allowances to retailers. Pull strategy by maintaining the exclusivity of their
products at the highest level. Wealthy owners show off
Functional strategies also vary from region to region. For their luxury cars to their friends on social networks,
instance, when Mister Donut expanded into Japan, the company promoting the brand for free.
had to market donuts not as breakfast but as snack food. Since
the Japanese had no breakfast coffee-and-donut custom, they B. Financial Strategy. It examines the financial implications of
preferred to eat the donuts in the afternoon or evening. corporate and business-level strategic options and identifies the
best financial course of action. It also provides a competitive
Types of functional strategy are as follows: advantage through a lower cost of funds and a flexible ability to
raise capital to support a business strategy. This strategy can
A. Marketing Strategy. It deals with pricing, selling, and be classified as follows:
distributing a product or service. The marketing strategy can be
classified as follows:  Equity financing. A corporation can raise capital by selling
company stock to investors. In return for the investment,
 Market development strategy. It is a strategy that falls the shareholders receive ownership interests in the
under the category of business growth. This strategy helps company.
companies and businesses approach new customers properly
by introducing new or existing products to penetrate the Example: John started a company with an initial capital of
market and gain a dominant market share. $100,000. At the start, he owns 100% of the company's
equity. After a few initial years of starting, John seeks new
Example: Consumer product giants such as P&G, Colgate- funds for the growth of the company. He sells 50% of the
Palmolive, and Unilever are experts at using advertising and company's equity to Edward, a new investor, at an agreed
promotion to implement a market saturation/penetration price of $275,000.
strategy to gain the dominant market share in a product
category.  Debt financing. A corporation can raise capital by
borrowing money to acquire an asset. The capital sources in
 Product development strategy. A company or business unit debt financing include financial institutions such as banks
can develop new products or services for existing markets and insurance companies.
or new ones for new markets.
Example: A bank loan is an example of debt financing
Example: Coca-cola has focused entirely on consumers and whereby the bank lends money to the borrower for a
what they want from beverages. As consumer tastes change, particular time with an interest.
Coke has rolled out new products in response to consumer
demand, from juices to coconut water, to organic tea. C. Research and Development Strategy. It deals with product
and process innovation and improvement. It also concerns how new
 Brand extension. A company or business unit may use a technology should be accessed through internal development,
successful brand name to market other products. external acquisition, or strategic alliances.

Example: Dove, a personal care brand, began as a brand  Technological Leader. Focuses on pioneering innovation.
solely known for its bars of soap. The company grew to
Example: Nike spends more than most in the industry on  Flexible manufacturing systems. In this strategy, parts are
R&D to differentiate the performance of its athletic shoes grouped into manufacturing families to produce a wide
from that of its competitors. As a result, its products have variety of mass-produced items.
become the favorite of serious athletes. This happened even
though Nike simultaneously pursued a low-cost Example: Equipment factories, automobile factories,
manufacturing approach. aerospace, medicine, and construction industries widely use
 Technological Follower. Deals with imitating the products of
competitors.  Dedicated transfer lines. In this strategy, highly
automated assembly lines create a single mass-produced
Example: Face book, founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, product using little human labor.
is a classic example of a Technological Follower. The social
media platform originated from Friendster, a social Example: Ingersoll Production Systems is an expert in
networking site founded by Jonathan Abrahams in 2002. transfer line design and other industrial automation systems
that handle every production function, including milling,
 Open Innovation. A newer approach in which a firm uses drilling, tapping, or boring.
alliances and connections with corporations, governments,
academic labs, and consumers to develop new products and  Mass-production system. In this strategy, many low-cost,
processes. standardized goods can be produced.

Example: IBM adopted the open operating system Linux for Example: Mass-produced food products include any food
some of its computer products and systems, drawing on a item made or processed on a large- scale, such as in a
core code base that is continually improved and enhanced by factory. Generally, because these products are made
a massive global community of software developers. industrially, each item is identical or similar.

D. Operations Strategy. It determines how and where a product  Mass customization. In this strategy, people, processes,
or service is to be manufactured or delivered, the level of units, and technology reconfigure themselves to give
vertical integration in the production process, deployment of customers exactly what they want when they want it.
physical resources, and relationships with suppliers. It also deals
with the optimum level of technology the firm should use in its Example: Mass customization in the clothing industry where
operations processes. apparel firms use computer- controlled machines to cut
fabrics that match individual body measurements.
A firm's strategy is often affected by the product or service's
popularity. In the case of manufacturing firms, an increase in 2. The operations strategy for service-oriented firms can be
sales means an increase in production volume, which dictates the classified as follows:
appropriate strategy that the firm must employ. Whereas for
service-oriented firms, the level of service can be classified  Quality. Service-oriented firms must ensure that they
based on service quality, reasonable price, reliable delivery, and deliver error-free services that match customers' needs
flexibility of the service design. based on standard requirements. It may also pertain to the
quality of the delivery process, which establishes a reliable
1. The operations strategy for manufacturing firms can be image to the clients.
classified as follows:
 Flexibility. Service-oriented firms must ensure that their
 Job snap. In this strategy, a small manufacturing system
service design can handle the multiple demands of the
handles customized production using skilled labor. Products
clients. They must also anticipate unexpected circumstances
are customized based on customer specifications.
based on changing consumer preferences, which may require
Example: Paint shops, machine shops, and fabrication shops.
adjusting or completely modifying their service design.

 Connected line batch flow. In this strategy, each machine

 Speed. Service-oriented firms must pay attention to their
functions like a job shop but is positioned in the same order
scheduling and capacity planning management to deliver
as the parts are processed. It is used when product
their services at an acceptable time.
components are standardized.

 Dependability. Service-oriented firms must be consistent in

Example: Toyota assembly lines consisted of three (3) to
the value that their service provides. They must forecast
four (4) sub-lines, each about 300 meters in length. The
possible future problems and lay down preventive measures
trim line is for the installation of electrical parts. The drive
that will solve the issues identified.
train, motor, exhaust, etc., are added to the chassis line.
Bumpers, window glass, wheels, etc., are attached during the
 Cost. Service-oriented firms must maintain reasonable
final line.
prices for their services by analyzing where their
operations costs are incurred and cutting down on
unnecessary expenses.
E. Purchasing Strategy. It deals with obtaining the raw HANDOUT 5:
materials, parts, and supplies needed to perform the operations
function. The Internet has changed the ability of procurement STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION: ORGANIZING AND
managers to compare and source supplies for their organization. STRUCTURE
Research indicates that companies using Internet-based
Strategy Implementation
technologies can lower administrative costs and purchase prices.
Strategy implementation is the totality of activities and choices
Example: Some companies may decide to undertake a single
required to execute a strategic plan. It is the process by which
source procurement strategy that involves obtaining excellent
objectives, strategies, and policies are implemented through
dedicated service from a single vendor. These strategies are
developing programs, tactics, budgets, and procedures.
predominant when souring for IT or indirect purchasing, such as
office supplies and cleaning. The implementation process requires strategy makers to
consider these questions:
F. Logistics Strategy. Logistics strategy deals with the flow of
products into and out of the manufacturing process. To gain o Who are the people who will carry out the strategic plan?
logistical synergies across business units, corporations began o What must be done to align the company's operations in the
centralizing logistics in the headquarters group to aggregate new intended direction?
shipping volumes across the entire corporation and gain better o How is everyone going to work together to do what is
contracts with shippers. needed?

Example: Amazon changed the logistics and e-commerce industry The following are the pre-requisites of strategy
by introducing the online application "Amazon Prime Now". It implementation:
offers one-hour delivery in major American cities and even a
series of Wi-Fi-connected buttons that allow consumers to simply 1. Define the strategy framework. The strategy should be
register in the app to order or re- order products. embedded in everything that a company does. It involves
translating organizational conduct, mission, vision, policies,
G. Human Resources Management Strategy. Companies find and strategic plans into general actions that guide an
that having a diverse workforce is a competitive advantage. organization's daily activities.
Research reveals that firms with a high degree of diversity 2. Build a strategic plan. It involves establishing cooperation,
following a growth strategy have higher productivity, employee personnel development, degree of commitment,
satisfaction, and commitment than firms with less diversity. determination, and efficiency within an organization.
Diversity in terms of age and national origin also offers benefits. 3. Define Key Performance Indicators (KPI). Key
performance indicators provide clear information of
Example: McDonald's found that older workers performed as well
progress towards an end-goal and measure factors such as
as, if not better, younger employees. The full-time and part-time
efficiency, quality, timeliness, and performance.
jobs range from entry positions like "crew person," "shift
4. Implement consistent reports. It involves an overview of
manager," and "maintenance" to corporate and management jobs.
how the strategy looks in the present and how it is
Currently, 11% of workers at McDonald's corporate-owned
progressing over time. It must include a comparison period
restaurants are 50 years old or older.
or graphs/charts showing progress to maintain momentum.
H. Information Technology Strategy. Corporations have always 5. Link performance reviews to strategy. It involves
used an information technology strategy to give their business monitoring the progress of the implemented strategy and
units a competitive advantage. Multinational corporations use determining whether it is relevant to the organization's
sophisticated Intranets to allow employees to practice follow- purpose.
the-sun management. Project team members living in one country
Developing Programs, Budgets, and Procedures
can pass their work to team members in another country where
the workday is just beginning. Bamford et al. (2018) stated that strategy implementation
involves establishing programs and tactics to create a series of
Example: When FedEx first provided its customers with
organizational activities, budgets to allocate funds for the
PowerShip computer software to store addresses, print shipping
initiated activities, and procedures to monitor and control the
labels, and track package location, its sales jumped significantly.
progress of the activities as follows:
FedEx continued to push for further advantage by using its Web
site to enable customers to track their packages. FedEx used this A. Programs. A program or a tactic aims to make a strategy
competency in its advertisements by showing how customers could action-oriented. In practice, a program is a collection of tactics,
track the progress of their shipments. and a tactic is an individual action taken by the organization as an
element of the effort to accomplish a plan.

The following are the different types of offensive tactics:

including selective price cuts, intense promotional blitzes,
and occasional legal action, to harass the opponent and
eventually secure permanent footholds.

Example: Red Bull is no stranger to guerilla marketing stunts. In

2012, they pulled off a major coup by sponsoring the first
successful Stratos jump from space. The jump generated a lot of
publicity for the brand and was watched by millions of people

The following are the different types of defensive tactics:

 Frontal attack. The attacker goes head-to-head with its

competitor. It matches its opponent's product, advertising,
price, and distribution in a pure frontal attack. This type of
attack is generally costly.

Example: Xerox seized the copy market from AM by developing a

better copying process. Later, Canon grabbed a large chunk of
Xerox's market by introducing desk copiers.

 Flank attack. Rather than going with a frontal assault, the

attacker intends to attack the competitor's weak points or
1. Raise Structural Barriers. Entry barriers act to block a
blind spots, especially the market leader or direct
challenger's logical avenues of attack. Instead of increasing
competitive advantage per se, raising structural barriers
Example: Steve Jobs attacked BlackBerry, a technological makes a company's or business unit's competitive advantage
innovator with market dominance, by developing iPhone. He more sustainable by causing a challenger to conclude that an
assembled an integrated circuit, and customers loved it because attack is unattractive.
of the amazing ease of use and range of applications offered.  Position defense. It means occupying the most desirable
position in consumers' minds, making the brand almost
 Encirclement attack. Encirclement attempts to capture a impenetrable.
wide slice of territory by launching a grand offensive on
several fronts. It makes sense when the attacker commands Example: Procter & Gamble "owns" the key functional benefit in
superior resources, has a greater product variety, or serves many product categories, with Tide detergent for cleaning,
more markets. Gillette for razors and skin care, and Pampers diapers for
Example: In making a stand against archrival Microsoft, Sun
Microsystems licensed its Java software to hundreds of  Flank defense: The defender should erect outposts to
companies and millions of software developers for all consumer protect a weak front or support a possible counterattack.
devices. As consumer electronics products began to go digital, Flanking strategy is another name for identifying shifts in
Java started appearing in a wide range of gadgets. market segments that are causing gaps to develop, then
rushing in to fill them and develop them into strong
 Bypass attack. This tactic attempts to cut the market segments.
from under the established defender by offering a new type
of product that makes the competitor's product Example: Samsung developed several product lines (Note Series,
unnecessary. Bypassing the enemy to attack more accessible A Series, M Series, etc.) to capture the segment when their
markets instead provides three (3) lines of approach: flagship/high-end products (Galaxy S Series) are
diversifying into unrelated products and new geographical underperforming.
markets and leapfrogging into new technologies.
2. Increase Expected Retaliation. This tactic is any action
Example: Apple introduced the iPod as a personal digital music that increases the perceived threat of retaliation for an
player instead of competing directly against Microsoft's Pocket attack. It is crucial in markets important to the defending
PC and Palm Pilot for the handheld omputer market. It was the company or business unit.
most radical change in how people listen to music since the Sony  Preemptive defense: A more aggressive maneuver is to
Walkman. By redefining the market, Apple successfully attack first, perhaps with guerrilla action across the
sidestepped both Intel and Microsoft, leaving them to play market-hitting one competitor here, another there-and
"catch-up." keeping everyone off balance. Another is to achieve a broad
market envelopment that signals competitors not to attack.
 Guerrilla attack. Guerrilla attacks consist of small,
intermittent attacks, conventional and unconventional,
Example: If Microsoft announces plans for new product HANDOUT 6:
development, smaller firms may concentrate their development
efforts in other directions to avoid head-to-head competition. EXECUTION: LINKING STRATEGY, PEOPLE, AND
 Counteroffensive defense: In a counteroffensive, the
defender can meet the attacker frontally and hit its flank The Strategy Process
or launch a pincer movement for the attacker to pull back to
According to Usman Ghani, a business analyst and Chairman of
defend itself. Another form of counteroffensive is the
Conflucore, successful strategies have several attributes that win
exercise of economic or political clout.
the customer's preference and create a sustainable competitive
Example: Technology leaders like Apple, Intel, and Microsoft advantage. Ghani emphasized the following attributes that an
have aggressively defended their brands in court for patent organization must address:
infringement lawsuits.
o Strategies display systematic adaptability
3. Lower the inducement for attack. The third type of o Strategic processes must be applied
defensive tactic is to reduce a challenger's expectations of o Customer offerings are effectively differentiated by the
future profits in the industry. organization
 Mobile defense: In mobile defense, the leader stretches its
A good strategic planning process requires attention to the actual
domain over new territories through market broadening and
execution of the strategy, not a compilation of forecasted
diversification. Market broadening shifts the company's
numbers. It must come from the minds of the people closest to
focus from the current product to the underlying generic
the action who understand their markets, resources, strengths,
and weaknesses.
Example: When U.S. tobacco companies such as Reynolds and
In building a strategic plan, an organization's line people (rank-
Philip Morris acknowledged the growing curbs on cigarette
and-file staff) can help by collecting data and using analytical
smoking, instead of defending their market position or looking for
tools because they are directly exposed to it. They are in the
cigarette substitutes, they moved quickly into new industries such
best position to introduce ideas, know which ideas will work in
as beer, liquor, soft drinks, and frozen foods.
their marketplace and which ones won't, understand what new
 Contraction defense: Sometimes, large companies can no organizational capabilities may be needed, weigh risks, evaluate
longer defend all their territory. In planned contraction alternatives, and resolve critical issues that planning should
(also called strategic withdrawal), they give up weaker address but does not often do so.
markets and reassign resources to stronger ones.
In addition, business leaders must develop the substance of the
Example: P&G sold Pringles to Kellogg, an American Multinational strategic plan. A business leader who comprehensively
Food Manufacturing Company, for almost $2.7 billion when it understands the business and its environment can motivate and
decided to get out of the foods business to focus on its core inspire the line people to contribute.
household and consumer products.
Bossidy and Charan, the author of the book "The Discipline of
B. Budgets. It is a way for a corporation to check the feasibility Getting Things Done," summarized the following considerations
of its selected strategy by identifying the high cost incurred of business leaders in creating a strong strategic plan:
during strategy implementation. An ideal strategy might be
 Assessment of external environment. Business leaders
completely impractical only after specific implementation
must scrutinize their environment and understand it well.
programs and tactics are casted in detail.
They should examine everything from economic and
Example: Mondelez is the world's largest cocoa buyer and, in demographic trends and regulatory shifts to new
2012, committed to dramatically increasing the supply of technologies, alliances between competitors, and drivers of
sustainably grown cocoa in six (6) big cocoa-producing countries. increasing or decreasing demand for its products.
The company budgeted US$400 million or 20 billion pesos to  Understanding existing markets. Business leaders must be
reach over 200,000 cocoa farmers by 2022. aware of their customers' needs and buying behaviors.
 Identifying growth opportunities. Business leaders must
C. Procedures. These are often called Standard Operating assess the needs of their organization to gain potential
Procedures (SOPs), which typically detail the various activities progress and development. They must constantly identify
that must be carried out to complete a corporation's programs the need for new products or services, marketing channels,
and tactical plans. Once in place, procedures must be updated to and business expansion.
reflect changes in technology and strategy.  Recognizing the competition. Business leaders must
continuously monitor the emergence of new entrants with
Example: A company following a differentiation strategy manages more attractive value propositions for their customers.
its sales force more closely than a firm following a low-cost  Assessment of business capabilities. Business leaders must
strategy. Differentiation requires long-term customer evaluate their company's capabilities to execute a proposed
relationships created from close interaction with the sales force. strategy regarding people, processes, and resources.
An in-depth understanding of the customer's needs provides the
foundation for product development and improvement.
 Creating strategic milestones. Business leaders must marketing plans, sales plans that take advantage of market
establish a timeline and metrics to measure a strategic opportunities, manufacturing plans that stipulate production
plan's progress. outputs, and productivity plans that improve efficiency.
 Determining critical issues. Business leaders must identify
the organizational problems that may affect the business's The following are the steps in building an operating plan:
future growth.
1. Set targets. Business leaders must establish realistic goals
 Incorporating sustainability. Business leaders must ensure
and objectives for the company to reach its ultimate destination.
that their company operations exhibit economic stability to
They must also determine the necessary trade-offs between
ensure the long-run continuity of the organization. short-term objectives and long-term goals.
2. Develop action plans. Business leaders must propose plans
The People Process
that will enable them to execute strategies to achieve their goals.
3. Create contingency plans. Business leaders and the line people
For many organizations, whether large or small, a properly
must create specific alternative courses of action for the
implemented people strategy can help grow the business. A people
business to overcome obstacles encountered in reaching goals and
strategy is the organization's prioritized people plan that enables
a business to be successful by attracting, developing, retaining,
and inspiring the workforce. It is designed to inspire and achieve The following are ways how to improve the business operation:
company-wide alignment on goals that concern the people.
1. Measure Performance. A business should implement a
The following are the purpose of the People Strategy: realistic measurement system that determines how well the
business is doing against the targets. The process of measuring
o It evaluates individuals accurately and in-depth. performance starts from the goal-setting stage.
o It provides a framework for identifying and developing 2. Keep up with the latest trend. A business should stay
leadership talent. updated with industry trends and changes to get ideas on how to
o It fills the leadership pipeline with the basis of a strong get better than the competition. Keeping up with these can help
succession plan. the company improve its performance and cut costs, or that
allows it to stay compliant with new regulations.
Very few companies accomplish all of these objectives well. One 3. Streamline. A business should evolve with changes in the
of the most significant shortcomings of the traditional people industry to increase productivity. The management should
strategy is that it is backward-looking and focused on evaluating continually be on the lookout for new tools, software, and
the jobs people are doing at present. Far more important is equipment that improve and ease critical processes.
whether the individuals can handle the jobs in the future as the Culture as Competitive Advantage
company continues to grow.
Developing a sustainable competitive advantage for the company
Identifying the match between the right person and the right job is what every CEO wants to achieve. Often, competitive
advantages are based on pricing, product, and process. However,
is not always as clear-cut. Sometimes it means replacing an
market conditions can be very volatile. Competitors are constantly
excellent employee with a new one who is better equipped to take
evolving and offering new products or services. Customers are
the business to the next level. While it might seem like a daunting
expecting faster, more responsive, and personalized service. And
task, a functional people strategy relies on the following key employee's values and expectations are shifting rapidly.
The following outlines the process of setting the climate for
1. Start with a vision and some data. Even with a vision in mind, culture as a competitive advantage:
gathering data of all kinds is the best. In this process, it is vital
to keep all evaluation methods as consistent as possible.  Define the culture. Organizations must identify the driving
2. Identify the problems and outcomes. A people strategy organizational values, beliefs, and behaviors to help the
needs to be reflexive, which means it needs to identify issues company serve its customers. Part of this culture design
before they occur and handle them proactively. process requires fostering culture and growing the individual
3. Gather Feedback. Feedback is essential and must come from and team talent needed now and in the future.
various people in various roles and disciplines. It will ensure that  Align the culture. Organizations must turn their company
the strategy makes sense and can inspire those within the
values into ongoing norms of behavior within their
organization. Aligning the strategies and actions will create
4. Visualize and communicate. A visual that can be used to
a culture that drives innovations, productivity, and growth.
communicate plans will help educate the wider business about how
 Monitor the culture. Organizations must support the
work is thought about and allocated.
5. Track and adjust. It is essential to check the overall business environment and solicit feedback from key
strategy to ensure it is working proactively, and if changes are stakeholders for continual improvement. Look for
needed, adjusting is necessary. development opportunities that align with the company's
The Operations Process strategic direction and employees' aspirations.

Business operations refer to activities that businesses engage in

daily to increase the value of the organization and earn a profit.
It includes the programs a business will complete within a year to
reach the desired objectives, such as earnings, sales, margins,
and cash flow. Among these programs are product launches,

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