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The document discusses how item hierarchies can be used to organize items in service transactions and cumulate pricing data, duration, and quantity across parent and child items. It also describes how changes made in Groupware can be transferred back to the WFD Server.

Item hierarchies allow items to be arranged hierarchically, with parent and child relationships. This can be used to show that specific service parts belong to a particular service, or that a service is made up of several other services. Qualification requirements and pricing data can also be inherited through the hierarchy.

Using item hierarchies provides benefits like automatic account assignment based on the parent item, cumulation of values like duration and quantity across parent and child items, and cumulation of pricing data from subitems in the parent item.

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CRM Service Module 6.0

A Complete Help Document

By Srujan Alikanti

Service Introduction
This area in SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) enables you to manage your service cycle, starting with managing service contracts and warranties, through to processing service order quotations and service orders, complaints and returns, and service confirmations.

Generic Functions in Service

In this section you can find information about:

Functions that are relevant for more than one service transaction Integration of SAP CRM and SAP ERP Central Component

Item Hierarchies
You use this function to arrange any items hierarchically in a service transaction. In this way, for example, you can show that specific service parts belong to a particular service, or that a service is made up of several other services. This function is available in CRM Enterprise, Interaction Center, and Mobile. Integration If you work with qualifications, qualification requirements are inherited via the item hierarchy, and are used for the selection of service employees.

If you create a service transaction in Mobile, qualification requirements are determined as soon as the transaction has been transferred to CRM Enterprise.

Features Creating Item Hierarchies You create item hierarchies by specifying the higher-level item for an item in a service transaction. You can create any number of subitems for an item. The system cumulates pricing data, and duration and quantity in the higher-level item. Account Assignment The system posts costs automatically to the account assignment object of the higher-level item. This is also true, if for example, you assign unplanned confirmation items to a planned confirmation item. Cumulation of Duration and Quantity The system cumulates values in the higher-level item. You can use the Business Add-In CRM_SERVICE_I_HIER_CUM to define the way in which the duration and quantity should be cumulated. The standard system contains the implementation CRM_SERVICE_I_CUM. This implementation arranges for cumulated values to be collected in the higher-level item. If an item has a value that is larger than the standard value 1, the cumulated value from the subordinate items is not cumulated in the higher-level item, but rather the value of this item, since the item value has a higher priority than the cumulated value. Cumulation of Pricing Data The system cumulates values in the higher-level item. A cumulation is required in pricing because pricing data can be entered at both main item level and subitem level. The cumulation of pricing data from subitems in the higher-level item or top item can be represented by a cumulation condition 0KUM. The prerequisite for this is that the condition type is entered in the pricing procedure and this pricing procedure is assigned to the sales organization.

Creation of Follow-Up Transactions When you create follow-up transactions, all items are displayed for copying and you can do the following:

Copy all items at once The hierarchy is retained unchanged in the follow-up transaction.

Copy individual items. The hierarchy remains unchanged providing that you also copy the upper-level item.

The following figure shows how items in an item hierarchy are copied, depending on the items selected for copying when a follow-up transaction is created:

Example The item hierarchy for a 20,000 km inspection could be defined as follows:

Top Item 20,000 km inspection

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Oil change Motor oil Gear oil Work involved in oil change Work involved in changing motor oil Work involved in changing gear oil Filter change Work involved in filter change Oil filter Air filter Lamp test Work involved in lamp test and parts exchange Dipped headlight bulb Headlight bulb Sidelight bulb Front fog light bulb Rear fog light bulb

Products in Service Transactions

Products are central objects in a service transaction, representing the following:

Services provided (service product: product type Service) Service parts required for the service (service part: product type Material) Products sold in relation to a service (sales product: product type Material) Expenses incurred (product type Material) Tools required for the service (product type Material or defined as object)

You enter each product in a separate item in your service transaction.

The following table shows the types of products that you can enter, depending on the transaction that you are processing. An X indicates that the product can be entered. Transaction Service order (quotation, template) Service confirmation Complaint In-house repair order Service contract Service Product X X X X X Service Part X X X X X X X Sales Product X Expense Tool



An item that is used when a service order is carried out, but which is not consumed itself. You can enter tools for the following service transactions in order to bill them to your customers and to determine and allocate internal costs:

Service orders, service order templates, and service order quotations (item categories: SRVT, SRTT, SRQT) Service confirmations (item category SVCT) In-house repair orders (item category RTOL)

You can enter the number or the duration of use. For more information, see Billing Services. Structure Tools are divided into the following tool categories:

Individual tool A tool that can be uniquely identified by a serial number or an ID. You enter individual tools as objects in SAP CRM.

Individual tools are tools that are valuable or difficult to procure. For example, if certain types of work can only be carried out using a specific lifting platform, you enter this tool as an individual tool, which means it can be identified. Examples: Hangar, measuring device, lifting platform

Material tool A tool that is only managed quantitatively and which cannot be identified uniquely. You enter material tools as CRM Material products in SAP CRM. You use material tools if it does not matter which particular tool is used. Examples: Hammer, screwdriver

To categorize products as tools, you must: 1. Double-click Accounts & Products. In screen area Create, choose Product Hierarchy. 2. Create a new hierarchy for tools. 3. Assign the Tool application to the hierarchy in Customizing by choosing 4. Choose Tools as the value in column Application. Then, later on, when you assign the newly created hierarchy to a product, this setting makes the product a tool. Cross-Application . Components SAP Product Product Category Assign Category Hierarchies to Applications

Counters and Readings

You use counters to measure usage or wear and tear on an object. A counter describes the characteristics of a physical measuring device, such as a counter on a photocopier. You enter readings for a counter to record the counter status at a specific point in time.

You can use counters to:

Record service histories (for example, recording the mileage during the technical inspection of a car) Record energy consumption (for example, household gas or electricity readings) Assess warranty claims based on consumption (for example, a car warranty is only valid for the first 30,000 miles)

The following counter types are available:

Backward- and forward-counting counters Measuring points (for measurements that can increase and decrease)

Counters are readings are available in CRM Enterprise and CRM Mobile Service. Integration Service Contracts with Usage-Based Billing For information on the use of counter readings to determine billable usage in service contracts, see:

Usage Recording with Counter Readings Usage Determination

Service Plans You can use planned and current counter values in service plans to determine the planned date for a service and to monitor actual usage. For more information, see Scheduling for Counter-Based Service Intervals. External Interface for Counters and Readings You can import counters and readings into SAP CRM via an external interface, for example, if you have a large number of readings to enter. The interface also enables you to transfer counters and readings recorded on mobile devices to CRM Enterprise. The interface is implemented in function module CRMXIF_COUNTER_SAVE and supports IDoc (standard SAP format for electronic data interchange between systems) and SOAP/XML formats.

Prerequisites You have set up counters and readings as follows in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management:

Defined the basic characteristics of counters You do this in the section Master Data Counters and Readings Counters .

Specified whether counters and readings can be entered in service transaction headers and items You do this by choosing required. Transactions Basic Settings Define Transaction Types and Define

Item Categories. For the transaction category Service Process, select Activate Counter as

Defined the characteristics of readings, and the validation check for readings You do this in the section Master Data Counters and Readings Readings .

Ensure that the predefined validation check meets your requirements (activity BAdI: Validation Check for Readings). Activities Creating Counters When you create a counter, you specify characteristics such as the measurement purpose of the counter, the unit of measure, minimum and maximum values, and the overflow value. You can create counters as follows:

In the master data of the installed base component, product, or object to which the counter relates (on the Installed Bases, Products, and Objects pages respectively) Independently of the above objects, on the Counters page

Assigning Counters to Installed Bases, Products, and Objects You can assign existing counters to installed base components, products, and objects (on the Installed Bases, Products, and Objects pages respectively). 9


You can assign multiple counters to each installed base component, product, or object. However, you can assign each counter to only one of these. Deactivating Counters You can deactivate and reactivate counters in counter editing. When a counter is inactive, you cannot enter readings for it. Entering Readings When you enter a reading, it is automatically assigned a unique number from the number range defined in Customizing. You can enter readings for counters as follows:

On the Readings page On the Counters page In the master data of an installed base, product, or object (on the Installed Bases, Products, and Objects pages respectively) In service transactions (service orders, service order quotations, service contracts, complaints, returns, in-house repair orders, and service confirmations) in the assignment block Counters and Readings You can retrieve the counters that are assigned to the reference object in your transaction. If you have several counters in a transaction or item, you can mark one counter as the main counter.

When you save a reading, the system validates it using the validation check that is defined in Customizing.

Once a reading has been saved, you can no longer change it. You can only cancel it and create a new reading.


Canceling Readings You can cancel counter readings and reactivate canceled readings.

measuring point (CRM-BF)

Basic Functions (CRM-BF)
A means of measuring a parameter for an object. A measuring point describes the characteristics of a physical measuring device, for example, a thermometer on a machine. Values measured by a measuring point can increase and decrease, whereas values on a counter either run forwards or backwards.

Usage Recording with Counter Readings

You record usage by entering counter readings. For information on the generic features of counter and readings, see Counters and Readings. The following describes the features that are available for usagebased service contract processing. Prerequisites

You have made the following settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management:

Defined the general characteristics of counters and readings, and ensured that the reading validation check meets your requirements These settings are described in Counters and Readings and can also be made in the section Usage-Based Service Contract Processing.

Determined, if necessary, in which sequence readings will be used to determine usage, if there are multiple readings with different origins for the same counter in the same settlement period.


You make this setting in the activity

Usage-Based Service Contract Processing .

Usage Recording Define Priority Sequence for Reading Origin

For each contract item, you have specified the validation rule and origin sequence for readings (if required), in the Control Data assignment block To enable counters to be used as templates for generating unique counters for objects in service contracts (see Generation of Counters for Objects below), you have done the following:

Defined counters on the Counters page and assigned them to products on the Products page in the Counters assignment block Note that this assignment block is only available if the relationship type Counters is assigned to the product category to which the product belongs.

Ensured that the objects that require counters in your service contract have a base category with the relationship type IOBMP This relationship type ensures that the counters assigned to the object are displayed. You make this setting on the Product Hierarchies page.

Features Generation of Counters for Objects When a service contract is activated (incepted), the counters assigned to a product in its master data are used as templates to generate unique counters for the unique object that is assigned to the same product in the object item of the service contract. The counters that are generated have the attributes of the template counters assigned to the product. You can see the counters that have been generated in the Counters and Readings assignment block in the service contract item (not in the object subitems). Usage Determination If a reading is relevant for billing, it is included in the usage overview of the relevant service contract item. For more information on setting up checks for readings to determine whether they are relevant for the usage overview, see Usage Determination.


Credits for Shortfall To refund shortfall quantities, such as test copies made by a service technician, you can enter credits on the Readings page. Credits entered this way are included in the credit overview of the relevant service contract item. Changing Readings Once you have saved a reading you can no longer change it. You can only cancel it, provided that:

Billing has not yet taken place for the reading date Prebilling has not taken place for a related pool contract

Reading Reminders You can send reading reminders if no reading is entered by a defined time. For more information, see Reading Reminders. Prebilling Once you have entered error-free readings for all counters of a device for a billing period, the prebilling process starts for that billing period, provided you have released all the previous periods.

Usage Determination
To bill your customers for usage, you need to determine the relevant usage volume. You can do this as follows:

By entering readings on the Counters or Readings pages For more information, see Usage Recording with Counter Readings.

By importing readings from outside your SAP CRM system For more information, see Counters and Readings, section Integration.

By estimating usage


You can set up estimation procedures to estimate usage during period-end closing if no billingrelevant reading takes place within a certain period (see Prerequisites below). Usage values are shown in the usage overview, which collects all the usage-related information required to bill the service contract. A usage overview is available for each service contract item as a separate assignment block. If no reading has been entered for a billing period, you can enter readings directly in the usage overview.

We recommend that you use Counters or Readings pages to enter readings, rather than doing this in the usage overview. If you enter readings in the usage overview, and readings are subsequently recorded for the same period on the Counters or Readings pages, your entries in the usage overview are overwritten. Prerequisites Usage Estimation

You have made the following settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, in the section

Usage-Based Service Contract Processing Usage Recording: .

Defined estimation procedures in the activities Define Estimation Procedures and Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) BAdI: Define Estimation Procedures Defined estimation sequences to determine which estimation procedures are used and in which order. You do this in the activity Define Estimation Sequences.

For each contract item, you have specified an estimation sequence in the Control Data assignment block.

Usage Overview

You have checked the following Business Add-Ins in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, under

Usage-Based Service Contract Processing Usage Recording

, and, if

necessary, made changes to meet your business requirements: Definition of how the system identifies which readings are valid for billing and are, therefore, included in the usage overview (activities Define Validation Rules for Usage 14

and )

Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) BAdI: Define Item Processing in the Usage Overview

Definition of checks that the system performs when a new reading is received or the system has to choose between multiple readings for the same settlement period (activity Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) BAdI: Check Usage of Readings in Usage Overview )

For each contract item, you have specified the validation rule for readings (if required), in the Control Data assignment block.

Features Merging of Usage Overview Entries If no billing-relevant readings are available for a particular settlement period and a billing-relevant reading is received for a subsequent settlement period, the entries for the two periods are automatically merged in the usage overview. If you cancel the billing-relevant reading at the end of the last period, the system reverses the merging of the periods. Usage Data (Not Yet Visible in Usage Overview)

Settlement Start Date 200704 01 200704 01 200705 01 200705 01 200706 01 200706 01

Settlement Usage Reading End Date Function Value 200704 30 1 None 200704 30 2 None 200705 31 1 None 200705 31 2 None 200706 30 1 1300 200706 30 2 160 Settlement End Date 20070630 20070630

Last Reading


320 None 50 None None None None None None None 880 Not yet calculated Last Reading 320 50

Usage Overview After Merging of Entries

Settlement Start Date 20070401 20070401

Usage Reading Function Value 1 1300 2 160


Period-End Closing Period-end closing is an action that does the following for an item, if no billing-relevant readings are available in the usage overview of a service contract at the end of the period:

Triggers usage estimation, if estimation is permitted


If no estimation takes place, you cannot release the item in the contract, or bill the period.

Changes the settlement period end date so that the action can be scheduled for the next period

The actual period-end closing date and the date on which the system executes scheduled period-end closing are shown in the service contract, in the Dates assignment block. Period-end closing also has an influence on the reading reminder date.

You cannot omit individual periods from period-end closing. You must process periods in chronological order.

Scheduling for Counter-Based Service Intervals

When using counter-based service intervals, a counter monitors the wear and tear on an object, or the usage or reduction of a supply. The service is carried out when the counter of the reference object displays a certain reading, such as every 1,000 hours in service or every 50,000 copies. The planned date of a service can be determined using the counter reading and a usage estimation that is established for the counter. Prerequisites

In the system, you have created counters and for each counter you have entered planned values as well as periods for the planned values (for example, 300 miles per day or 10,000 copies in one month).


For more information, see Counters.

In Customizing, you have defined whether counters and counter readings can be displayed and edited in service plan items. Make this setting in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Categories . Proceed as follows:

1. Choose the item category intended for service plan items. 2. Choose the entry Service Contract in the view Assignment of Business Transaction Categories. 3. Select the Customizing Item view and choose Activate Counter. Process

You have assigned counters in Installed Base Management for the installed base component for which the service should be provided. You enter the installed base component as a reference object in the object list when creating the service plan item. In assignment block Counters and Readings, you can enter counters manually or accept the proposals made by the system. If you use the latter option, the counters assigned to the reference objects, as well as the relevant counter information, are displayed in a separate dialog box for selection. If only one counter is assigned to the reference object, the counter information is accepted immediately, without a dialog box appearing. To activate automatic counter acceptance, choose Proposal from Ref. Objects.

The counter information is also automatically transferred to the service plan item when you choose a service from the product proposal.

You record the current counter reading regularly and enter it as a visible value, even if it has not changed. Otherwise the system creates release objects (such as service orders) on the basis of the estimated annual performance, although the counter reading has actually not yet been reached.


For a certain pump, a maintenance activity must be carried out every 100 hours that the pump is in service. The release date that was calculated during the scheduling of the service plan has almost been reached, but the counter reading of the pump shows only 50 hours in service because the pump is temporarily not in use. In order to prevent service orders being generated before they are needed, enter the new total counter reading in the system. You then reschedule the service plan. The release date is calculated again on the basis of the updated counter reading and is arranged for later in this case. Example 1. It is established in a service plan for a pump that the gaskets should be checked after 50,000 liters of water have flowed through the pump. The pump appears in the system as an installation component and has a counter that measures the flow of water in liters. 2. When the service plan item is created, the system calculates the planned date by which 50,000 liters of water should have flowed through the pump. On this planned date, a service representative should check the gaskets. 3. The system then calculates the release date on which the service order is created. The service manager has defined the release date so that it falls before the planned date, leaving him enough time for resource planning. 4. Over time, the service representative records the counter readings of the pump at regular intervals and enters them as visible values in the service plan. If it is established that the water flows faster or slower than estimated, the service manager must adapt the planned dates accordingly. 5. When 48,500 liters of water have flowed through the pump, the release date is reached and the system creates a service order with the data from the service plan.

6. Since the system has created the service order punctually, the service representative can then
check the pump precisely when 50,000 liters of water have flowed through the pump.

Service Monitor
The service monitor enables you to use a variety of specific criteria to search for the following service transactions:

Service orders Service confirmations Product service letters


Service order templates Complaints Warranty claims

You can also search for transactions using the search pages for each type of transaction in the CRM WebClient UI, however, the service monitor enables you to search using item-level criteria in addition.

A service employee uses this function before carrying out work at a customer site, in order to search for all of this customer's open service orders. If other orders are open, the service employee can carry out other services while on site. Features You can use the following selection criteria:

Header area
o o o o o o

Transaction data Activity Status Organizational unit Reference object Code/catalog information Status Product Reference object Code/catalog information

Item area
o o o o

Partner data


You call up the service monitor by entering the transaction code CRM_SRV_REPORT. To run a search you enter the required search criteria and choose Execute.


If you go back to the service monitor from the hit list, the search criteria have not changed. If you want to use different criteria for a new search, choose Reset Selection Fields. You can edit a transaction from the hit list by double-clicking it. You can create your own display layout (for more information, see SAP List Viewer for SAP GUI (Classic)). You can create a personal search variant by predefining those criteria that you frequently use for search purposes as follows: 1. Enter the required search criteria. 2. Choose Goto Variants Save as Variant . 3. In the Variant Name field, enter U_<user name>. 4. Enter a description. When you call up the service monitor again, this selection variant is called up automatically.

SAP List Viewer for SAP GUI (Classic)

SAP List Viewer unifies and simplifies the use of lists in SAP systems. A uniform user interface and list format is available for all lists. This prevents redundant functions. SAP List Viewer can be used to view both single-level lists and multilevel sequential lists.
Single-level lists contain any number of rows that have no hierarchical relationship to each other. Multilevel sequential lists consist of any number of rows that have two hierarchical levels. Multilevel lists have header rows and item rows; the item rows are subordinate to the header rows. For each header row there can be any number of subordinate item rows.

You can view subtotals and totals rows in both single-level lists and multilevel sequential lists.


SAP List Viewer is used in controlling for reports such as the following: Reports from cost centers and business processes Actual line item reports from cost centers and business processes Commitment line item reports Plan line item reports from cost centers, orders, business processes, cost objects Budget reports

Cycle reports Order selection (CO-PC) Flexible itemization (CO-PC)

Not all lists in SAP components use the full range of functions available in SAP List Viewer. Some lists in SAP system components offer special functions that extend beyond the normal range of SAP List Viewer. This documentation covers all the functions of SAP List Viewer. The description of the lists in the applications includes all the functions available in SAP List Viewer as well as the additional functions. Navigation
Navigating Within the List

Choosing Detail

Sorting in Ascending/Descending Order ABC Analysis

Selecting and Deleting Rows Defining Exceptions

Setting and Deleting Filters

Displaying and Deleting Sums Creating Subtotals Choosing Summation Levels Defining the Breakdown of Summation Levels

Displaying the Status

Displaying the List Status

Optimizing the Column Width Freezing and Unfreezing Columns

Selecting Layouts Changing Layouts


Saving Layouts Layout Management

Basic List
Displaying the Basic List

Finding Terms

Printing Lists Sending Sending the List as a Document

Exporting to Spreadsheets Text Processing Transferring a List to a Local File

Transaction Analyzer
The transaction analyzer displays transaction flows for processes. This allows you to maintain an overview when there are many transactions in one process. It displays a chain of linked transactions hierarchically, increasing the transparency of the fundamental business process. The transaction analyzer is used especially for follow-up transactions and change processes within the context of usage-based service contract management. Most change processes result in a new quotation and a new contract (change process with follow-up transaction). After some time, a single process can involve many different transactions. Many transactions may be active, which means that it is not sufficient to be familiar with the last transaction of the transaction flow. When a business process is based on multiple change processes and the number of transactions increases significantly, they quickly become unmanageable. The increasing number of change processes, transactions, and link types increases the complexity. In usage-based service contract management, there are also other links between transactions that are not contingent on the change process. For example, you can link a usage-based service contract with a single pool contract or an aggregate contract. The transaction analyzer distinguishes among the following types of links:

Links using the change process


Here, the links are based on a business process. The reason for the links are changed contract elements. The linked transactions are chronologically dependent on one another. These types of links may originate from customer requests, for example.

Links using the follow-up transaction This kind of link is always created when a transaction is generated as a follow-up transaction of another transaction. This way, a service order can be created as a follow-up transaction for a service contract, or a service confirmation can be created as a follow-up transaction for a service order.

Links using Subsequent Assignment (binary relations) This type of linking is not contingent on change processes.

In addition, there are links between items at item level. For example, these can be generated by change processes in the same transaction (change process in same transaction). These processes create a new item rather than a new transaction. This new item is linked with the preceding item. You can recognize this change process in the transaction analyzer by looking at the items of a transaction.

Prerequisites You have made the settings for the transaction analyzer in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Features You call up the transaction analyzer by choosing Service Operations Transaction Analyzer . Transactions Basic Settings Define Analysis Views .

The transaction analyzer works with analysis views. You create the analysis views in Customizing for the transaction analyzer. You must choose a view when you start the transaction analyzer. You can change the analysis view at any time, without having to restart or reselect the data. You use the analysis view to define which transactions the transaction analyzer displays, and which data it uploads. You can also define another transaction as the starting transaction without having to restart the transaction analyzer. When a large number of transactions are displayed, if you notice that there is one section of the


hierarchy that you are particularly interested in, you can define the topmost transaction in that section as the starting transaction. Selection You must choose a starting transaction when you start the transaction analyzer. You can either enter the transaction number directly, or use the other selection criteria to display a list of transactions that meet the selection criteria, and then select the desired transaction. Once you have started the transaction analyzer, there are various functions available for changing the output:

Choose one of the linked transactions as the new starting transaction Choose a new analysis view Display item view for a selected item The item must be an item in the transaction flow; in other words, the item may not be linked using subsequent assignment.

Expand and collapse nodes in the hierarchy area Create a follow-up transaction Execute a change process Edit data in transactions that are displayed in the hierarchy More Item List . To switch

To switch from the hierarchy overview to the item overview, choose

from the item overview back to the hierarchy overview, choose Transaction Flow. Output Hierarchy Area and Details Area The transaction analyzer displays the transaction flow as a hierarchy. The layout in the transaction analyzer is made up of two areas, the hierarchy area and the details area. The hierarchy area is made up of a hierarchy tree which shows the transaction dependencies and a column area that displays additional information about the items. The transaction analyzer illustrates the links between the transactions in the hierarchy area. The types of links are indicated by different symbols. 24

Transaction View and Item View Logically, the transaction analyzer generally differentiates between a transaction view and an item view. The transaction view is the view that is first opened when the transaction analyzer is started. It is the main view. This view examines the transactions for dependencies and displays them in a chain (transaction flow). Two transactions are dependent on one another if at least one item of a transaction is linked to at least one item of another transaction. In contrast, the item view examines the dependencies for only one item at a time, which you have marked in the transaction view. Select an item and choose Item Flow. The starting point of an analysis is always a transaction. Both the transaction view and the item view have a hierarchy area and a details area.

Change Processes
You use this function to make changes to existing single contracts or pool contracts. (Both single contracts and pool contracts are referred to as "contracts" below for simplicity.) Each change process has different effects in the further processing of the contract, both in contract management and in accounting. You can use process Cancel Last Change Process to undo all changes that the last change process made. This does not work for all change processes, however. For more information, see Cancel Last Change Process. Prerequisites

You have made the settings for the changes processes in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) under Usage-Based Service Contract Processing Process Control . The settings you define here control all the change processes.

You have to have at least one active contract in order to execute the change processes.

Features Time-Driven Execution of Change Processes The effectiveness of change processes is time-dependent. For example, change process Base Lease Extension is only valid at the end of a contract.


Change Processes at Header/Item Level Change processes can take place:

At header level (the changes apply to the entire contract) At item level (the changes only apply to individual contract items)


Execute change processes from a contract 1. Open an active contract and choose 2. Select a change process. If it is a change process for an item, the possible items for the change process you selected are displayed in the assignment block Applicable Items. After you select an item, the assignment block Change Process Parameters appears and you can make your changes. For change processes at header level, assignment block Change Process Parameters appears, in which you can now make your changes. 3. Choose Execute Change Process. More Change Processes .

Execute change processes from an item Open your contract and go to the edit mode of an item. Choose Change Processes and select a change process.

Cancel Last Change Process

You can use this function to cancel changes that were made by the last change process that was executed. However, it is valid only for the following change processes:

Change of Sold-to Party (CSLT) Base Lease Extension (BLEX) Change of Partners (CHBP) Change of Location (CLOC) Change of Product (CPRD) Purchase (PRCH)


Restructuring (RSTR) Contract Termination (TERM)

The change process takes place at item level. Items that the change process has created (in the contract, for example) are set to status Canceled. This change process is defined in Customizing under the technical name CCHG. Prerequisites The final billing for the preceding item has not taken place yet. If the final billing has been performed, you have to cancel the billing first, and then cancel the change process. If readings exist for an item you want to cancel, you have to cancel the readings before you cancel the change process. You must manually undo any readings that you created manually and entered in the usage overview. Activities Start the change process Cancel Last Change Process from the service contract. The system performs the following actions for the preceding item:

Resets the contract end date to the original date Generates the billing request items up to the contract end date Cancels status Terminated by Change Process (I3012) Resets the pool linkages to their original state Restores the usage volume and credit overview

single pool contract (CRM-BTX-CTR)

Contracts (CRM-BTX-CTR)
A type of pool contract that recalculates the consumption value based on the single contracts assigned to it.

aggregate contract (CRM-BTX-CTR)


Contracts (CRM-BTX-CTR)
A type of pool contract in which the system bills usages from all linked single contracts. Single contracts that are linked to an aggregate contract do not bill any usage. For aggregate contracts, the system calculates the contracted quantity consumed and the actual quantity consumed for all single contracts together.

Controlling Integration

You can use the integration of business processes in Service with Controlling in mySAP Financials to analyze costs and revenues for example, by product group or service organization, and to calculate work in process (WIP) for long-term processes.

You are using mySAP Financials. You are using Billing. You are using Inventory Management and Physical Inventory (MM-IM). You are using the Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS). You have performed the following activities in Customizing under Settings for Service Processing:
Time Sheet Integration Define Derivation of Attendance Type, Activity Type and Cost Element

Activities are automatically transferred to a time sheet. The sender cost center is determined using the personnel number of the service employee making the confirmation. The activity type is determined from Customizing. The data entered must be transferred to CO from the time sheet. To make this transfer, choose Personnel Personnel Time Management Time Sheet Transfer Accounting. Then activity allocation from the service employees cost center to the account assignment object takes place in CO. Service parts


Controlling Integration Establish Controlling Type, Level, and Scenarios

You can reach the activities in CRM Customizing by following the path Transactions Settings for Service Processes Integration Set Up Time Sheet and Controlling Integration.

The data that is relevant for controlling is transferred from SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) into a SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (SAP ERP) system. The posting of actual costs to the account assignment object in the SAP ERP system is triggered using the service confirmations assigned to a transaction.

Service parts automatically generate goods issues in MM, with a posting in FI and to the account assignment object. Expense items

Expense items are automatically posted to the ERP system as transfers: The cost center of the service employee making the confirmation is credited in the amount of the expenses entered, and the account assignment object is debited for that amount. The transfer posting cost element is determined from Customizing. Tools Tool items are automatically posted in the ERP system as internal activity allocations. The cost center and activity type are assigned in the ERP system in Customizing under Integration with Other SAP Components Customer Relationship Management Settings for Service Processing Controlling Integration Assign Cost Center and Activity Type to Tool. Then activity allocations from the cost center to the account assignment object take place in CO. Sales items are not confirmed; instead the sales order is created for the service item in SAP ERP sales and distribution (SD). During the goods issue for delivery in MM, the costs are posted in FI and to the account assignment object.

Enables you to analyze individual transactions in detail using internal orders, and to calculate WIP. Controlling for Account Assignment Objects Enables you to analyze individual transactions in detail using work breakdown structure (WBS) elements, internal orders, or sales order items in ERP systems, and to calculate WIP.

Integration is also available for item categories to which you have assigned the following item object categories in Customizing by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Categories:
Service contract item (BUS2000137) Service product item (BUS2000140) Service product confirmation item (BUS2000143) Service expense confirmation item (BUS2000158) Service part item (BUS2000146) Service tool item CRM (BUS2000153)


CRM billing is used to post revenues to FI and to the account assignment object. You can choose one of the following controlling types in Customizing for each transaction type and service organization:
Mass-Object Controlling

Unlike single-object controlling, you can immediately analyze the values (without period close) in Profitability Analysis (CO-PA). However, you cannot calculate WIP. Single-Object Controlling

Integration is available for the following business transaction categories:

Service contract (BUS2000112) Service order (BUS2000116) Service confirmation (BUS2000117) Billing request (BUS20000240)

Mass-Object Controlling

You can assign the costs and revenues from a business transaction to a analyze the data immediately in Profitability Analysis (CO-PA). profitability segment. You can

With sales transactions, the costs are posted when the goods issues for delivery are entered in the SAP R/3 Materials Management component (MM-IM). With service activities, the costs are posted to the profitability segment when the confirmation is entered. Revenues are calculated with profitability segment. CRM Billing, transmitted to SAP R/3, and posted directly to the

The profitability segments are part of Profitability Analysis.

A profitability segment is created for each business transaction item automatically.
You can view and evaluate the data by product category or service/sales organization, for example.


Service tool confirmation item CRM (BUS2000154) Service expense item (BUS2000159) Service part confirmation item (BUS2000142) Device allocation item (BUS2000186) Product scrapping item (BUS2000185)

If you want to use controlling integration for item categories to which you have assigned one of the following item object types, you have to select the Service setting in the Assign BW/CO field:
Sales item (BUS2000131) Customer complaints item (BUS2000160) Customer returns item (BUS2000161) Customer credit memo request item (BUS2000162) Customer debit memo request item (BUS2000167) Customer billing request item (BUS2000163) Customer substitute delivery item (BUS2000165)

The following additional characteristics are available in Profitability Analysis:

Business transaction Business transaction type Product category ID Service organization Responsible organizational unit (service) Group of the service employee Customer hierarchy

You can use customer enhancements to transfer additional characteristics for evaluation from CRM to CO-PA.

Add the additional CRM characteristics from the origin tables PACRMSRV (CRM Service) and PACRMSLS (CRM Sales) to the operating concern.

You want to analyze your costs and revenues by service organization. To do this, you add that characteristic to the operating concern. The costs or revenues for each posting are then stored in CO-PA with reference to that characteristic.


Account Assignment to Profitability Analysis

If there is no need to accrue revenues on a time basis for your marketing campaigns, then you account assign the costs directly to a profitability segment in Profitability Analysis (CO-PA). The system transfers the data from Profitability Analysis to SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI) . Features

When account assigning the actual costs directly to Profitability Analysis, you enter the line items per marketing project. In the standard system, the characteristic supplied by Profitability Analysis is the marketing element characteristic, which refers to a work breakdown structure (WBS) element. When you account assign costs and revenues to Profitability Analysis, you enter a marketing project in the profitability segment. In addition to the marketing element characteristic, you can also enter other characteristics in the profitability segment, such as channel, product or region.

When transferring a sales order that you created in SAP CRM to SAP ECC, the value for the marketing element characteristic is automatically entered in the profitability segment. In this way, the revenues achieved by a campaign are displayed in Profitability Analysis.

More Information For more information, see the SAP ERP documentation on SAP Library by choosing SAP ERP Central Component Cross-Application Components Financials Controlling (CO) Profitability Analysis (COPA)

Single-Object Controlling
The following documentation is based on the assumption that you have selected transaction as the controlling level in Customizing under Establish Controlling Type, Controlling Level, and Controlling Scenarios. However, the documentation also applies when the controlling level is item. This was done in order to simplify the documentation and because SAP recommends that you use the controlling level transaction.



You can use this function to report and analyze the planned and actual costs and revenues of business transactions in CRM Service. In contrast to mass-object controlling, with single-object controlling you can analyze the data of each individual transaction and its follow-up documents.

You are using Cost Center Accounting (CO-OM-CCA). You have selected the controlling type Single-Object Controlling in Customizing under Establish Controlling Type, Controlling Level, and Controlling Scenarios and have carried out the activities under Settings for Single-Object Controlling.

When you create a transaction in SAP CRM, an internal order with the order type SAPS is generated automatically. The profit center is selected based on the following sequence: In a customer enhancement that includes CRM characteristics Through profit center substitution. (For more information, see the Implementation Guide under General Settings Settings for Profit Center Accounting Define Substitution Rules for CRM Processes.) The dummy profit center is used.

The following parameters are taken from the controlling scenario and transferred into the order master data:
Costing sheet Overhead key Results analysis key Settlement profile Object class Functional area

The settlement rule is generated automatically when you release the transaction. For more information, see Settlement in Single-Object Controlling. If you have specified a costing variant in Customizing, a standard cost estimate is generated automatically. Actual costs are posted to the internal order in SAP R/3 when the confirmations assigned to a transaction are entered, or in the case of sales items when the goods issue is entered for the delivery. Revenues are posted to the internal order through CRM Billing. All period-end closing functions are available for the internal order:
You can assign overhead costs to the internal orders by defining overhead rates or process costs. You can valuate the activities at actual prices. You can calculate work in process (WIP) and pass it on to financial accounting. You can settle the internal order to the following receivers:

Profitability segment 33

WBS element Sales order item Another internal order Other settlement receivers (through a customer enhancement)
You can take accounting indicators into account when you settle.

The Cockpit for Controlling Integration and the service process report are available for analysis purposes.

To access the cockpit, choose Accounting Controlling Product Cost Controlling Cost Object Controlling CRM Service Processes Cockpit for Controlling Integration (CRM Service). To run the period-end close, choose Accounting Controlling Product Cost Controlling Cost Object Controlling CRM Service Processes Period-End Closing. To access a report with CRM characteristics, choose Accounting Controlling Product Cost Controlling Cost Object Controlling CRM Service Processes Service Process Report.

Standard Cost Estimates for Single-Object Controlling

In single-object controlling, a cost estimate that calculates the planned costs and revenues can be generated for each service order automatically. The planned costs are calculated in SAP R/3 using the transferred quantity structure. In addition, the revenues are transferred to the items of the service order. Overhead rates can be calculated based on the plan data.

Planned costs and revenues can only be calculated for service orders.

The only conditions in the service order that are used to calculate planned revenues are those that transfer actual revenues to SAP R/3 FI with CRM Billing. For service products, the cost center is specified in CRM during planning and transmitted to SAP R/3.


You are using Product Cost Planning in SAP R/3 (CO-PC-PCP). The item category of the items in CRM must be relevant to the expense account. Planned revenues are only transferred for conditions that fulfill the following prerequisites:
The condition belongs to an item whose item category is relevant to billing or confirmation. The condition has a condition key that is not statistical and consists of a currency amount.

A costing variant must be defined in Customizing in the controlling scenario.

The service order is costed if the status Released is saved at the header level. The cost estimate then includes all items that also have the status Released. In R/3, the planned costs and planned revenues for the internal orders are determined automatically and assigned to the internal orders. If a change is made in the service order that is relevant to costing, the planned data in SAP R/3 is updated automatically. You can analyze the planned data in detail using reports. If an error occurs during costing, the error message is not sent to CRM but you can analyze the error in SAP R/3 in the Cockpit for Controlling Integration, correct the error, and then restart costing. To access the Cockpit, choose Accounting Controlling Product Cost Controlling Cost Object Controlling CRM Service Processes Cockpit for Controlling Integration (CRM Service).

Settlement in Single-Object Controlling

In the period-end close, costs and revenues from the internal orders are posted to other account assignment objects (such as profitability segments) and the internal orders are credited. If you are using results analysis, you can settle the work in process and reserves to Financial Accounting. You can control which account assignment objects are used in settlement. In SAP R/3, this information is stored in distribution rules in the settlement rule. The settlement rule is generated automatically. The distribution rules are based on strategies defined by SAP. The strategy sequences are defined in Customizing and assigned to the controlling scenarios. For more information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) under Settings for Single-Object Controlling Strategy Sequences for Automatic Generation of Settlement Rules. The strategies have the following effects: 35

Strategy 02: The costs and revenues are settled to a profitability segment. The profitability segment is selected based on the R/3 standard characteristics and additional CRM characteristics. You must have added the additional characteristics to your operating concern and activated them. If you want to define the settlement receiver in the transaction by entering an account assignment there, one of the following strategies must exist in the assigned strategy sequence: 1. Strategy 30: The costs and revenues are settled to the transferred account assignment object. If the account assignment object specified in the transaction does not exist in SAP R/3, an error message is issued. In this case, the internal order is created without a settlement rule.

2. Strategy 31: As with strategy 30, the costs and revenues are settled to the transferred account assignment object. However, if the account assignment object does not exist, a rule for distribution to a profitability segment is generated. No error message is issued. If you are using accounting indicators and want to have a different settlement receiver for each accounting indicator: 3. Strategy 35: The costs and revenues are settled to the receivers specified in the controlling scenario. For more information, see Accounting Indicators in Single-Object Controlling. We recommend the following strategy sequences, whereby each strategy must have priority 1:

02 and 35: The costs and revenues are settled to a profitability segment and also to the receivers specified in the controlling scenario. 30 and 35: The costs and revenues are settled to the transferred account assignment object and also to the receivers specified in the controlling scenario. If the account assignment object specified in the transaction does not exist in SAP R/3, an error message is issued. 31 and 35: The costs and revenues are settled in the same way as with strategy sequence 30 and 35. However, if the account assignment object does not exist, a rule for distribution to a profitability segment is generated. No error message is issued. If an error occurs when you try to create the settlement rule, the error message is not sent to CRM but you can analyze it in R/3 in the Cockpit for Controlling Integration and create the missing settlement rule. To access the Cockpit, choose Accounting Controlling Product Cost Controlling Cost Object Controlling CRM Service Processes Cockpit for Controlling Integration (CRM Service). Changing the account assignment in the transaction results in the settlement rule of the internal order being created again or changed.

If the account assignment or accounting indicator fields are not available when you enter the transaction, you cannot settle to a transferred account assignment object or settle separately based on the accounting indicator.

Example For an example with accounting indicators, refer to the IMG under Settings for Use of Accounting Indicators Create and Maintain Source Structures.


Accounting Indicators in Single-Object Controlling

You can enter accounting indicators for business transactions in CRM Service.

You cannot enter accounting indicators for sales items. If the Accounting Indicator field is not visible when you enter the transaction, this function is not available.

The accounting indicator gives you the following options:

You can increase the level of detail of the costs on internal orders from Cost Element to Cost Element/Accounting Indicator. This enables you to collect and analyze costs separately by accounting indicator. In results analysis, you can assign the costs with accounting indicators to a separate line ID. You can then decide whether to include the costs of that line ID when capitalizing the work in process. For more information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) under Settings for Use of Accounting Indicators Create and Maintain Source Structures. You can assign costs with accounting indicators to a separate value field in CO-PA. You can settle costs with accounting indicators to a settlement receiver defined through the source assignment.

You have carried out the customizing activities under Settings for Use of Accounting Indicators. If you want to settle costs with accounting indicators to different receivers, the following prerequisites must be met:
In the source structure of the settlement profile, all cost element/accounting indicator combinations must be defined. Settlement receivers must be assigned in the controlling scenario for these source assignments. The strategy sequence for the controlling scenario must include strategy 35.

You can enter the accounting indicator at the header or item level. If you enter the accounting indicator at the header level, it is inherited by all items. The accounting indicator is inherited by the follow-up documents as a default value, and can be changed in the documents. The accounting indicator that is relevant for posting the costs is the accounting indicator transferred from the service confirmation to R/3.


When the settlement rule is generated for the internal order automatically, an additional distribution rule is created for each assignment in the controlling scenario, which defines the receiver and the apportionment of the costs. These distribution rules are generated regardless of whether they are actually needed later.

Suppose you want to collect all goodwill costs on an internal order. You create the Internal order for goodwill costs and the accounting indicator Goodwill. In the source structure, you assign the accounting indicator Goodwill to an assignment. In the controlling scenario, you assign the settlement receiver Internal order for goodwill costs to this source assignment. When you confirm goodwill costs, you specify the accounting indicator Goodwill: Confirmation for repair of a photocopier: Item 1: 3 hours (accounting indicator: Goodwill) Item 2: 3 hours (no accounting indicator) When the internal order on which the costs of the confirmation were posted is settled, the confirmed goodwill costs are settled to the Internal order for goodwill costs.

Cockpit for Controlling Integration

The cockpit provides a central point of entry for all cost controlling tasks:
1. 2. 3. Error correction Editing the master data and the settlement rule of the internal orders Analysis of costs and revenues in reports

The Cockpit is divided into the following areas:


Find by Area

To edit internal orders, correct errors in them, and display reports, you must first select the internal orders. A number of different search functions are available:
4. You can search for individual internal orders based on selection criteria. The Cockpit provides a number of search helps for this purpose, which give you all characteristics of the underlying object as selection options. 5. If you often search using the same selection criteria, you can save the criteria in a selection variant.

The search results are displayed in the worklist:

Worklist Area

The worklist displays the number of the internal order and of the underlying object, plus the characteristics of the object and other information. You can define you own custom layouts to control which information is displayed. When you exit the cockpit, the last worklist displayed is saved automatically and will appear the next time you start the cockpit.
Messages Tab

The Cockpit collects the messages issued in SAP R/3 in the Controlling processes in a separate log. This tab displays all messages on the internal orders in the worklist. You have the following options: 39

6. 7.

Display long text of messages Change internal orders and cost estimates, for example

8. Restart faulty subprocesses (applications) When the errors are corrected, the error messages disappear from the message list. If new errors occur, the old messages are replaced by new ones.

Once you have finished processing a message, you can set a check indicator showing that you are finished with the message. Messages for which the check indicator is set can be deleted from the log.
Object Editing Tab

Here you can change the master data and settlement rules of the internal orders in a separate R/3 session. It is possible to edit multiple internal orders by selecting more than one order in the worklist.
Reports Tab

The following reports are available:

9. 10. 11. Order: Actual/Plan/Variance Order: Breakdown by Partner Order: Result Analysis/Category

You can also add additional reports to the list and run them.

Searching for Internal Orders with a Selection Variant ... 1. Click on one of the selection variant search helps in the Find area, such as Selection Variant Messages.
A dialog box appears.

2. Choose an existing selection variant or create a new one.

If you want to create a new selection variant, carry out the following steps:

a. Enter a name for the selection variant and choose Selection Variant. The screen ABAP: Variants - Initial Screen appears. b. Choose c. Choose Create. Enter the selection criteria. Attributes.

with quick info text Create

For more information on creating selection variants, refer to Getting Started Reports Report Variants Creating Report Variants. 40

d. Save your variant and return to the dialog box. 3. Choose with quick info text Continue.

The selected internal orders are displayed in the worklist. The error messages are displayed on the Messages tab. You can use functions on this tab such as the following:

Access the Master Data of an Internal Order Click on the order number. A new R/3 session comes up. Restart Faulty Subprocesses On the Messages tab, click on the Set Check Indicator Click on the symbol in the Message Checked column. The check indicator indicator, click on it again. Reports Tab Unless you enter a Version Plnnd/Accrued, the reports are displayed with plan/actual version 0. If you want to specify selection criteria (such as the fiscal year) to be filled automatically when the reports are called, choose Extras User Settings - Reports. If you want to access reports other than the standard reports, carry out the following steps: ... 1. Choose Extras Assign Reports.
The Assign Reports dialog box appears.

symbol in the Check Automatically column.

is set. To delete the

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Choose with quick info text Insert Row. Choose Other Report Type. Select Report Writer. Select a report type for internal orders using the input help. Save your entries.

The error list contains a message on the cost estimate that G/L account 800000 does not exist as a cost element.


... 1. Correct the error by creating the cost element. 2. Select the error message. 3. Click on the symbol in the Check Automatically column. The system re-costs the internal orders with the faulty cost estimates. If there were no other error messages on these internal orders, or if additional errors occurred, these internal orders disappear from the message list.

Controlling for Account Assignment Objects

This function provides controlling functionality for internal orders, WBS elements, and sales orders that already exist in SAP R/3. Costs and revenues are posted directly on these objects. No new account assignment objects are created.

You cannot use this controlling type for service contracts. You can use additional account assignment objects through customer enhancements. If the Account Assignment field is not visible when you enter the transaction, this function is not available.

You have selected the controlling type Controlling for Account Assignment Object in Customizing under Establish Controlling Type, Controlling Level, and Controlling Scenarios. The account assignment objects must exist in SAP R/3 before you can transfer costs and revenues from SAP CRM.

You can enter the account assignment at the header or item level of the transaction. If you enter the account assignment at the header level, it is inherited by all items. All follow-up documents receive the account assignment of the preceding document. This account assignment cannot be changed. When you enter the account assignment, no check is made to determine whether the account assignment object exists and can be posted to.


When the service order is released, or when the service confirmation is entered, the account assignment information is transferred into SAP R/3. If you enter accounting indicators in the transaction, they are transferred into R/3 as well. How this information is evaluated, and therefore which functions are available, depends on the account assignment object.

Suppose you want to assign the costs and revenues of a service order created for a project to an existing WBS element. To do this, you enter the WBS element as the account assignment in the service order.

Amount Allocation with SAP ECC Integration

Amount allocation is available in the CRM Web Client UI. You can use amount allocation to allocate items to multiple external and internal recipients. These items may be either billable or non-billable because of warranty claims, and they may stem from service orders or service confirmations. You can assign internal and external recipients when you create the service order or service confirmation. Limitation: In an in-house repair order, you cannot define the distribution in advance. When you create an amount allocation transaction (billing request) as a follow-up transaction for a service order or service confirmation, the system copies the bill-to parties and the billing amounts from the preceding transaction. You can change or edit this information in the amount allocation transaction. For each service order item or service confirmation item, the system determines whether it is relevant for billing. If so, the system determines the price for that item. The price determination is based on product prices, additional conditions, the accounting indicator (such as warranty or goodwill), and so on. You have the following options for distribution:

You can use billing requests to distribute revenues (billable items) in service orders or service confirmations among multiple bill-to parties on header or item level as follows:

Splitting the total billing amount among multiple bill-to parties


You can define the billing amount either as a percentage of the invoice value, an absolute value, or a quantity.

Splitting the total billing amount among bill-to parties based on product groups

You can distribute costs (non-billable items, such as those related to warranties) in service orders or service confirmations among multiple internal cost objects on header or item level.

The system calculates the costs according to the same distribution rules and based on the same profitability segment as the revenues. Alternatively, you can enter cost objects, which the system uses to calculate revenues and costs internally, into the distribution rules. You can assign products to a distribution group, which allows you to define a distribution rule at header level for all items in the distribution group. You can modify these rules for individual items, if necessary. For example, you bill a customer for 100% of the materials, but only 50% of the services. In SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM), you can specify an account assignment object for each distribution rule. During billing in SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC), the costs and revenues of the service order is posted to the account assignment object that you specified. Prerequisites Before you can use amount allocation, you must complete settings in Customizing for Creation of Splitting Rules and Repostings. Process The following description illustrates a simplified view of a process flow that includes distribution at the earliest possible point in the service order. If you perform distribution during service confirmation or in the billing request, adapt the steps accordingly.


1. You create a service order or change an existing service order. 2. In assignment block Amount Allocation, you allocate costs and the billing document value to several cost objects or bill-to parties and payers. 3. Save the service order. The system creates an internal order with a settlement rule in SAP ECC.

This occurs only when you save a new order, not when you change an existing order. You can change the settlement rule until you release the service order. 4. You release the service order.


5. From the service order, you create a service confirmation as a follow-up transaction. The system takes care of the amount allocation. If necessary, you can change the allocation in the service confirmation. 6. After you have entered the actual time, material consumption, and expenditures, set the status of the service confirmation to Completed. When you save the service confirmation, the system posts the actual costs to SAP ECC. 7. Depending on which billing scenario you are using (order-related or cost-related billing), as a follow-up transaction, you create a billing request for the service order or service confirmation. The system takes care of the amount allocation from the service order or the service confirmation. 8. You process the billing request by subsequently defining how the various amounts detailed in the invoice are to be distributed among the various bill-to parties and payers. You can do so on the Billing Requests page. 9. You close the individual billing request items by setting the status to Released. 10. From the billing due list, you create a billing document. When you save the billing document, the system transfers it to the accounting component in SAP ECC, where the actual revenue is posted.

Accounting Indicator
A criterion according to which you can differentiate between billable, non-billable, and partially billable products for pricing and controlling purposes. Non-billable and partially billable services and service parts are, for example, those provided under warranty or in goodwill.

Differentiation of products for pricing You can use accounting indicators to determine different prices for products, based on absolute or percentage discounts and surcharges. By specifying an accounting indicator in the pricing conditions for a warranty (in product maintenance), you can control pricing for products covered.

Differentiation of actual costs in controlling


If you have integrated SAP ERP, you can use accounting indicators to differentiate actual costs and expenses when they are posted to an internal order in controlling. The accounting indicator is an additional distinguishing criterion to the cost element. For more information, see Accounting Indicators in Single-Object Controlling.

It only makes sense to assign an accounting indicator to a service order, or service confirmation if you are using the controlling type single-object controlling and one of the following cases applies:

The related internal order is settled to a profitability segment In this case the profitability analysis component must be active in SAP ERP. The accounting indicator influences the determination of value fields for the profitability segment in the profitability analysis.

The related internal order settles its costs to different receivers (for example, warranty costs are settled to a specific cost center)

Integration You can specify an accounting indicator in service orders and confirmations as follows:

On item level (for a product), to control pricing and differentiation of costs in controlling On header level, to control pricing for all items in the transaction In amount allocation for an item prior to billing (influences pricing only)

Accounting indicators that you enter in a service order are automatically copied to a confirmation that you create as a follow-up transaction. Example Services performed under warranty are free of charge, services performed in goodwill have a 50% discount. You define a base price of EUR 100 in a pricing condition for the service product Heating System Inspection and use percentage discounts to define prices for the service in case of warranty and goodwill. In the condition records for warranty and goodwill, you define prices for your different accounting indicators. 47

Creation of Splitting Rules

You can define rules in the service order, service confirmation, or billing request, according to which the costs and revenues from the items in the document are distributed to various cost recipients such as payers or bill-to parties. You can enter the splitting rules for cost distribution at header or item level. Integration

The amount allocation with cost distribution function enables you to use all the controlling options in SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC). The system automatically makes a transfer posting for the costs and revenues from the internal order to the specified recipients, provided that the Customizing settings have been made correctly.


You have made the settings for amount allocation in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Amount Allocation

Transactions Settings for Service Transactions Settings for

Activity All Settings for Amount Allocation summarizes the required activities.

You have assigned all products to a grouping. In addition, you have:

o o o o

Created an attribute whose single values correspond to the split groups Assigned this attribute to a set type for grouping the value distribution Created a category for the value distribution and assigned this set type to it Assigned the products to this category Transactions Settings for Service Transactions Settings for .

You have made the grouping for amount allocation in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Amount Allocation Define Grouping for Amount Allocation

You have completed the Customizing activities for the billing plan.


In the business partner master (sales area data), you have assigned the relevant customer billing plan procedure.

In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, you have chosen Settings Billing Plan Define Billing Plan Types billing plan type 90 Amount Allocation:

Transactions Basic

, and defined the following two plan lines for

Movement type AVPV (amount allocation) This plan line is indicated as the standard line.

Movement type AVPK (amount allocation costs) This plan line is not indicated as the standard line.

For the transaction type you are using, you have set the scenario amount allocation in Customizing for SAP ECC by choosing SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Integration with Other SAP Components Customer Relationship Management Settings for Service Processing Controlling Integration Establish Controlling Type, Controlling Level, and Controlling Scenarios .

Specifics for Setting Up Item Categories for Amount Allocation When you use the amount allocation function, you must check the Customizing settings for item categories in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Settings Define Item Categories . Transactions Basic

Pay particular attention to the billing relevance. You must not set any of the following as billing relevant: item categories of the service order, item categories of the service confirmation, or the main items of the billing request.

Only the item categories of the billing request (AVF1), which are used when billing plan items are created and which do, in fact, generate revenues, are permitted to be billing relevant. Select billing relevance D, Transaction-related billing after completion.

In the item categories for the billing plan items, which only distribute costs (and do not generate revenues), deselect the billing relevance indicator.

If you use the standard Customizing settings provided by SAP, you also have to check the billing relevance of the appropriate item categories and change them, if necessary. 49

If you do not check the Customizing settings for the billing-relevance and several item categories are set as billing-relevant, the billing due list will contain unwanted entries. If you want to specify distribution values in the billing request in absolute amounts and not as a percentage, condition 1309 is used. You must have entered this condition in the item category of the billing plan item (AVF1) under Sales. Features Split Group To avoid having to specify the splitting rule for each individual item, you assign products to an appropriate split group in the product master. You then use the splitting rule for this split group. All the products belonging to this split group that you use as items in the document are always handled in accordance with the appropriate splitting rule. You can modify these rules for individual items, if necessary. Object Type for Account Assignment The splitting rules enable you to control in SAP CRM how costs and revenues are to be distributed in SAP ECC. You use the object type to specify the account assignment object to which the actual costs from the service confirmation and the revenues from billing are posted. The costs and revenues are collated initially in SAP ECC in the internal order created for the service order and are managed in a separate transfer list for the transfer posting. The transfer list is created when the CRM service confirmations and billing requests are transferred. When you set the items to Completed in the billing request, the account assignment recipients become valid and are transferred to SAP ECC, where they are posted with the costs and revenues from the internal order by means of the transfer posting function. SAP provides the following standard object types for account assignment:

ERP internal order ERP sales order/item ERP WBS element ERP profitability segment CO-PA


When accounts are being assigned to a profitability segment, the Account Assignment field does not contain a specific profitability segment value. The profitability segment is determined in the profitability analysis in SAP ECC and determined and posted when the costs are transfer posted. If the Account Assignment field contains a value and the Object Type field contains a profitability segment, an error message appears.

ERP cost center


Note that you can only post costs and not revenues to a cost center.

CRM order This object type allows you to enter any CRM transaction item. This item is also transferred to SAP ECC, where the account assignment object is determined for this item automatically and copied to the account assignment.

External account assignment This object type allows you to use enhancements in the account assignment environment. For example, these could be functions that allow you to determine account assignments in SAP ECC or connect other controlling systems.

Partners for the Splitting Rule You can specify up to two partners for every splitting rule. If you choose the profitability segment object type in the account assignment, the new partners are used to create a new profitability segment. You define the partner roles in Customizing. You choose the partner roles Payer and Bill-to Party. If you do not specify a partner in the splitting rule, the system reads the relevant partners for the partner roles from the transaction data and copies them later to the billing plan items.



In the transaction data, choose the Amount Allocation assignment block and create a row for each distribution and enter the required data. The total of all cost percentages for a split group must add up to 100%.

The value from the Invoice Percentage field is automatically copied to the Cost Percentage field if the latter is blank or contains 0. The rules for a split group are now applied by default to all items whose products are assigned to this split group.

If you want to overwrite the rules from the header data for individual items, go to the amount allocation data in the item details and remove the link to the header billing plan, then make the necessary changes. Similarly, you can remove the link between lower-level items and the rules of the higher-level items they are individually assigned to and replace them with a different distribution.

Costs and revenues that you have distributed to several cost objects or bill-to parties and payers, are initially posted in SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) to an internal order. When the internal order is settled, the costs and revenues are reposted to various recipients in accordance with the distribution in SAP CRM. Prerequisites

You have made the necessary settings in Customizing in SAP ECC by choosing


with Other SAP Components Customer Relationship Management Settings for Service Processing Controlling Integration Establish Controlling Type, Controlling Level, and Controlling Scenarios

and setting the Amount Allocation indicator. Integration

In Customizing for SAP ECC, you have made the necessary settings by choosing

with Other SAP Components Customer Relationship Management Settings for Service


Processing Controlling Integration Settings for Single-Object Controlling Settings for Amount Allocations Define Reposting Cost Element in Allocation Structure

If you want to repost costs and revenues to profitability segments, you have assigned the reposting cost elements defined in the allocation structure to value fields in the activity Maintain PA Transfer Structure for Template and Activity Allocation.

You have created a splitting rule.

Activities You repost costs and revenues at period-end closing. You can, however, also repost them immediately after they were transferred to SAP ECC, if the following conditions have been fulfilled:

If you want to repost costs only, the billing request must be transferred. If you also want to post revenues or if you want to repost revenues only, the billing document must be transferred.

On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose

Accounting Controlling Product Cost Controlling Cost .

Object Controlling CRM Service Processes Period-End Closing Single Functions Reposting Individual Processing or Collective Processing Example In a service order with a planned revenue of EUR 1,000, there were EUR 800 in costs incurred. These activities should be billed and settled as follows:

Invoice Percentage 50 50 0

% Cost

Object Type

Settlement Account Assignment

Bill-to Party Customer Insurance company

50 EROBJ 0 EROBJ 50 KOSTL Warranty cost center

During the settlement of the internal order for this service order, the following repostings occur:

Amount in EUR

Reposting Cost Element




Revenues Costs Costs

500 400 400

Profitability segment 900010 with the customer Profitability segment with the insurance 900010 company Profitability segment 900020 with the customer 900020 Warranty cost center

Extended Service Process Analysis in SAP ECC

You can use this report to analyze the costs and revenues for the internal orders and also for the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) service transactions. You can also display the amount allocation data. Prerequisites You have made the necessary settings in Customizing in SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) by choosing Integration with Other SAP Components Customer Relationship Management Settings for and setting the Amount Allocation indicator. Service Processing Controlling Integration Establish Controlling Type, Controlling Level, and Controlling Scenarios Features Selection You can search for specific internal orders or for internal orders for CRM service transactions. To search for internal orders according to their status, you can enter a status selection profile. You can also enter the technical object key (GUID) of the CRM object in the External Object field. In the Settings for Results List, define which Cost Component Structure is to be used to group the cost elements in the cost element report. The system always proposes the cost component structure that is entered in Customizing for the control parameters of the information system (transaction OKN0). If you want to override this proposal, you can enter a cost component structure either in the user master record for the parameter KCRMCO_CCSTRUC or by choosing Setting . Extras Cost Component Structure as User


Within the report, you can change the reporting period using the toolbar in the cost element report and the itemization. You can also switch between the controlling area currency and the object currency within the report. When you have made your selection, the system checks, for all selected internal orders, whether there are error messages in the Cockpit for Controlling Integration. If there are error messages, a dialog box appears giving you this information and you can display the messages. The system also checks whether internal orders with varying object currencies have been selected. If this is the case, the data displayed in the object currency is incorrect because amounts in different currencies have been totaled. The system displays an appropriate message. The report is spread over two screen areas. The left side of the screen shows the document hierarchy; the right side shows the result list. Document Hierarchy You can display and hide the document hierarchy using the Show/Hide Document Hierarchy function. The entire tree, starting with the topmost object, is displayed for each selected object. The business object key (transaction/item) and the CRM transaction type are displayed for each object. If Controlling (CO) documents exist as a result of transfer posting amount allocations, these are displayed in the document hierarchy below the relevant subitem of the amount allocation. To display the CO documents, double-click the icon or call up its context menu. Result List You can display the cost element report or the itemization in the result list. To call up the lists, choose Display Data or call up the context menu of the icon in the document hierarchy and choose Display Subtree Data. In the second case, the name of the subtree is displayed in the header of the lists, which means that this information is also available if the content of the lists is printed out. Cost Element Report This is displayed by default when data is displayed. The cost elements are grouped in accordance with the cost component structure selected on the initial screen. In contrast to the standard cost element report for internal orders, exact planned costs for the transactions are itemized as well as the confirmation costs: 55

Actual costs: The actual costs are the costs and revenues posted to the internal order. The transfer posting credits and the settlement credits are also displayed here. To display the actual costs, select the internal order in the document hierarchy. Note that when the costs are posted, the information regarding the material/plant as well as the associated consumption quantity are saved only if the Material Origin indicator is selected in the material master. Planned Costs: The planned costs are not determined from the internal order data but from the related cost estimate. This also contains the planned revenues. As a result, you can display the planned costs for the service process item-by-item, if the internal order for the service process has been created at header level. The overhead rates, which can be calculated and displayed at header level only, are an exception to this. The consumption quantities are also displayed if the Material Origin indicator is not set and consequently, the consumption quantities have not been posted to the internal order. If you use accounting indicators, note that you cannot use them to plan costs and revenues and accordingly, accounting indicators are not displayed for the planning data. Confirmation Costs: The system determines the confirmation costs when the confirmation takes place and posts them to the internal order separately from the posting itself. They form the basis for the cost transfer posting. The costs posted to the internal order should match the confirmation costs so that the internal order is fully credited with the cost transfer posting. Should this not be the case, the differences are cleared with the settlement procedure. The system writes the revenues associated with the confirmation costs to the billing document and then reposts them. The revenues are also displayed in the Confirmation Costs column. The billing quantities are displayed only if all postings for the cost element/accounting indicator have been made using the same unit of measure. As with the Planned Costs column, the quantities are displayed regardless of whether the Material Origin indicator is selected. The accounting indicator is also displayed here.


Itemization To branch from the cost element report to the itemization, choose Cost Elements/Itemization. In the itemization, the planned costs and quantities and the costs and quantities confirmed in the actual costs are displayed for each external CRM object. The external CRM object is displayed with its business object key, which is also displayed in the document hierarchy. If you double-click the Business Object Key field in the itemization, this object is selected in the document hierarchy, which means it is easy to find. Amount Allocation Data Choose Show Amount Allocation Data. The data is displayed with a header row and several item rows. The header and the item rows are displayed in different colors to distinguish them and each has a time stamp, which shows when the data was saved. Here, too, you can select the relevant object in the document hierarchy by double-clicking the Business Object Key field (this makes it easy to find in the document hierarchy). The header row contains the costs to be reposted (total costs), the revenues to be reposted (total revenues) and the receiver of the transfer posting (reposting). You can display detailed information about the recipient by double-clicking the field or by choosing Master Record in the standard toolbar. The header row also contains the following information:

No Revenues: No revenues are expected for this subitem of the billing request. No Costs: No costs are expected for this subitem of the billing request. Statistical: Costs and revenues are not reposted, the amount allocation data is saved for information purposes only. Document Number for Costs/Revenues: Display the document numbers of the CO documents from the reposting. To display all the amount allocations for which the costs and revenues have not yet been reposted, choose a filter, which shows only those header rows in which both document numbers are blank and for which Statistical is not selected.

The Percentage Costs column contains the cost percentage, which was specified for the amount allocation. In the Total Costs column, the corresponding absolute amount is displayed, which is calculated as a percentage of the costs of the associated confirmations. The transfer posting clears this amount. The


reposted revenues are displayed in the Total Revenues column and represent the total revenues of the associated item rows. In the item rows, the entries are displayed in accordance with the items in the billing document with the revenue element, quantity, and condition type. You can differentiate between header and item rows using the Posting Row Column, which is empty for the header rows. Activities 1. In SAP ECC on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Analysis . Accounting Controlling Product Cost

Controlling Cost Object Controlling CRM Service Processes Extended Service Process 2. Select the Controlling Area. 3. Enter the required data and select Execute. You can also call up the report from the Cockpit for Controlling Integration. In this case, the system does not check for existing messages in the cockpit.

Logistics Integration
Logistics integration integrates the following business processes in SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) with processes in SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC):

Logistics Integration in the Procurement Process Logistics Integration in the Material Withdrawal Process Logistics Integration in Delivery-Relevant Processes Logistics Integration in the Scrapping Process


Logistics Integration in the Procurement Process

You can use the logistics integration in the procurement process to trigger procurement in Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) to ensure that the necessary items are available at the correct location. For example, this process would be useful for triggering procurement of service parts or external services that were planned in service orders or in-house repair orders. Depending on whether the service part is already in stock or whether it first needs to be procured or even manufactured, you carry out different processes (logistics scenarios). You can use the following logistics scenarios for procurement of materials and services:

Reservation of materials Purchase requisitions for materials Purchase orders for services and materials


You have created a hierarchy for service parts in the product master data and have assigned this hierarchy to the Purchasing application. You have assigned this hierarchy to the products that you want to manage as service parts.

You have made the settings for amount allocation in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Logistics Integration . Transactions Settings for Service Transactions Integration

For more information, see Customizing for Logistics Integration in Procurement. Features You can define how the logistic scenario is determined. You can:

If you use the standard implementation of BAdI: Determ. of Logistics Scen. for Procurement of Materials and Services, the logistics scenario is defined according to the following criteria: transaction type, item category, and service organization. For each combination, you can indicate the desired logistics scenario from the following scenarios: reservation, purchase requisition, or purchase order. You can also allow the OLTP system to determine the logistics scenario automatically for a combination of these criteria.


You can define the logic you want the system to use when determining the logistics scenario with BAdI: Determ. of Logistics Scen. for Procurement of Materials and Services.

Document data that the OLTP system creates for the logistics scenario is returned to SAP CRM. You can use the transaction history to display information from the documents in the OLTP system in the corresponding order document. In this way, you can track the processing status of each individual item. Activities 1. Create a service order or in-house repair order. 2. You create corresponding items. For more information, see In-House Repair Orders, Creating In-House Repair Orders, and Service Orders. 3. In-house repair order:

Service parts: In the service part item, you enter the product ID of the service part and the necessary quantity. External service: In the diagnosis item or in the planned repair item, you enter the product ID of the service product and the necessary quantity.

Service order:

Service parts: In the service part item, you enter the product ID of the service part and the necessary quantity. External service: In the service item, you enter the product ID of a service product and the necessary quantity.

4. You save the order. The system determines the logistics scenario, depending on your settings in Customizing.


Customizing for Logistics Integration in Procurement

You want to use logistics integration in procurement to process your company-specific business processes in service. The settings that are particular to this process and that you must make in Customizing are described below. Activities The diagram below provides an overview of the steps that are carried out as part of logistics integration in procurement. The steps that you set in Customizing appear in green.

To streamline the process, only the service order and the service parts appear in this diagram. However, the same illustration would also be valid for in-house repair orders and the procurement of external services.

Determine Logistics Scenario You can make settings in different places in the system to influence which logistics scenario is to be run in SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC):


In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, choose Procurement of Materials and Services .

Transactions Settings for

Service Transactions Integration Logistics Integration Define Logistics Scenario for the

In this activity, you use combinations of transaction type, service organization, service organization responsible, and item category to specify in which cases you want to trigger which logistics scenario.

In Customizing for SAP ECC, you can define which logistics scenario is executed when SAP CRM determines the suggestion Automatic Procurement (OLTP). To determine which logistics scenario is used, choose Integration with Other SAP Components Customer Relationship . Management Settings for Service Processing Logistics Integration Business Add-Ins for Logistics Integration Business Add-In: Determination of Logistics Scenario

Mapping SAP CRM Data to SAP ECC Data Certain data from the SAP CRM service order is transferred to SAP ECC. However, the two systems contain different structures and descriptions for some of the data records. For example, the term "location" in SAP CRM corresponds to the term "plant" in SAP ECC. You can specify how the SAP CRM data is to be mapped in the SAP ECC system.

BAdI: Mapping of CRM Data for SAP ECC Proxy BAPI Call prepares the data structure of the SAP CRM business process for forwarding to the Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) system. The standard implementation of this BAdI provides sample data for the OLTP system. The BAdI can be enhanced to match customer requirements. You can find this BAdI in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Settings for Service Transactions Integration Logistics Integration Business Add-Ins for Logistics Integration BAdI: Mapping of CRM Data for SAP ECC Proxy BAPI Call .

In Customizing for SAP ECC, you can manipulate the data from SAP CRM. For this purpose, a separate BAdI is provided for each document type. You can access all the BAdIs in Customizing SAP ECC by choosing Logistics Integration : Integration with Other SAP Components Customer Relationship Management Settings for Service Processing Logistics Integration Business Add-Ins for


o o o

Business Add-In: Processing of Transferred Data for Reservations Business Add-In: Processing of Transferred Data for Purchase Requisition Business Add-In: Processing of Transferred Data for Purchase Order

For more information about replicating partner functions and business partners between SAP CRM and SAP ECC, in the Solution Manager, in transaction SOLAR_LIBRARY, choose Solutions/Applications SAP CRM Configuration Structures SAP CRM . Basic Settings for SAP CRM Data Replication Master Data Replication Between ERP and CRM Server Transfer Partner Functions and Replication of Business Partners Group Items In Customizing for SAP ECC, you can determine whether all the purchase order items of a service order are to be grouped into one document (purchase order, purchase requisition, or reservation) or distributed among several documents. For example, you could define: that all items should be grouped into one document, that there should be one document for each item, or that all items that affect the same vendor should be grouped together. Make the necessary settings in Customizing SAP ECC by choosing Integration with Other SAP .

Components Customer Relationship Management Settings for Service Processing Logistics Integration Business Add-Ins for Logistics Integration Business Add-In: Item Grouping

Logistics Integration in the Material Withdrawal Process

You use this function if you want to use the integration of the material withdrawal process between SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) and SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (SAP ERP). Prerequisites

You are using Inventory Management (MM-IM).


For more information, see the SAP Library at under

SAP Solutions SAP ERP .

SAP ERP Central Component Logistics Materials Management (MM) Inventory Management (MM-IM) Inventory Management and Physical Inventory (MM-IM)

You have made the necessary settings in Customizing for SAP ERP by choosing:

Integration with Other SAP Components Customer Relationship Management Settings for Service Processing Logistics Integration Create and Change Logistics Scenario for Material Withdrawal

Integration with Other SAP Components Customer Relationship Management Settings for Service Processing Controlling Integration Establish Controlling Type, Controlling Level, and Controlling Scenarios

You can access the activities in Customizing for SAP CRM by choosing: .


Settings for Service Transactions Integration Set Up Time Sheet and Controlling Integration

You have made the following settings for master data in Customizing: You have created movement type 291 (W). You have created consignment stock for each of the scenarios: Service employee consignment stock and customer consignment stock. To find the employee consignment stock, you have created a customer master record and assigned this in Sales Area Data Partner Functions to the employee personnel number from SAP ERP Human Resources (HR).

In Customizing for SAP CRM, you have maintained the following activities by choosing Transactions Settings for Complaints/Settings for Service Transactions Integration Logistics Integration
o o

Assign Plant and Storage Location to Service Organizational Units Business Add-Ins for Logistics Integration Business Add-In: Determination of Plant and Storage Location In the standard system, the Business Add-In has two alternative implementations: Plant/Storage Loc.Determ.from Service Org.- R/3 Plan.Plant Plant/Storage Loc. Determ. from Service Org. Using Orgfinder The Plant/Storage Loc. Determ. from Service Org. Using Orgfinder implementation is delivered active.


Business Add-Ins for Logistics Integration Business Add-In: Filter for Reservation To enable SAP ERP to create a reservation for a service part, the item category must be configured to permit this. Use the Relevant for Reservation indicator in the Business Add-In for this purpose.

You have defined transaction types and item categories in Customizing for SAP CRM by choosing Categories Transactions Basic Settings Define Transaction Types and Define Item .

The following transaction type and item category are delivered in the standard system for service part delivery:
Transaction Types REPA - In-house repair order Item Categories RMAT - Service material

In the standard system, there is no Customizing for the sale of service parts in the service order. If the settings for these Customizing objects do not meet your business requirements, you can copy the objects and modify the copies.

You have completed Customizing for the following master data: In Business Add-In Determination of Plant and Storage Location, if you activate implementation Plant/Storage Loc.Determ.from Service Org.- R/3 Plan.Plant you must enter the SAP ERP planning plant for the service organization. To find the employee consignment stock, you have created an employee master record and assigned this in Identification to the employee personnel number from SAP HR.

Features The integration of business transactions in SAP CRM Service with SAP ERP provides you with the following options for service parts order fulfillment:

Service parts planning in the service order and in-house repair order using:

Availability information in SAP ERP


Material reservation in SAP ERP

In the service confirmation: Confirmation of the materials used with reference to the reservation according to logistics scenarios.

Logistics integration supports the following three logistics scenarios with the withdrawal of materials in SAP ERP and during confirmation in SAP CRM:

Service parts at the service employees storage location Each service employees stock is represented by a storage location in the service plant. The relevant plant and storage location are assigned from SAP ERP to a combination of service organization, service team, and service employee. Use the IMG activity Assign Plant and Storage Location to Service Organizational Units to make corresponding entries in the Orgfinder table.

Service parts in the service employees consignment stock The service employees stock is managed as service employee consignment stock. Identification occurs using the service employees unique personnel number which is managed in the employee master record in SAP CRM, and in the customer master record in SAP ERP. When a goods movement is transferred to SAP ERP, the SAP ERP customer number is determined from the SAP CRM personnel number.

Service parts in the customer consignment stock A stock of service parts that is stored on the customers premises but does not belong to the customer (such as construction site equipment) and is managed as customer consignment stock.

The scenarios Service Parts at the Service Employees Storage Location and Service Parts in the Service Employees Consignment Stock are mutually exclusive. Service Parts Planning in the Service Order and In-House Repair Order (Service Part Item) Plan the required service parts in the order independent of the scenario chosen. You can call up availability information for service part items in SAP ERP. The availability information checks the planned quantity against the stock available in the assigned service plant. The service plant is assigned in Customizing.


The check results show the available quantity and the next available date. This information is only available until the service order is saved, because it is not possible to create temporary reservations during order processing. When the document is saved, a reservation for the service part item is created for the service plant in SAP ERP. Service Parts Fill-Up in SAP ERP Complete integration of the storage location fill-up between SAP CRM and SAP ERP is not available. The service parts fill-up can only be triggered manually according to scenario.

Scenario: Service parts at the service employees storage location After assigning a service employee in resource planning, there is currently no update of the reservation at the relevant service employees storage location. The communication and provision of planned service parts for the correct service employee has to be done manually.

Scenario: Service parts in the customer or service employees consignment stock A method is available in SAP CRM that can be used to define an action to trigger the delivery of service parts to the customer (consignment fill-up as a sales order in CRM). This sales order is then replicated in SAP ERP and can be delivered from there. However the reservation in SAP ERP is now unnecessary and you must set it manually to Completed.

Confirmations You enter the service parts that were used in the confirmation. The relevant stocks are updated in SAP ERP. For more information about confirming service parts depending on the logistics scenario, see the "Activities" section in Data Exchange for Service Confirmations: SAP CRM SAP ECC.


Data Exchange for Service Confirmations: SAP CRM - SAP ECC

The automatic data transfer from SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) to SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) that happens with CRM Integration Services triggers subsequent processes. The following table contains an overview:

Confirmed Data

Data Entered in SAP ECC Goods issue Costs Payroll data

Service parts

Components in SAP ECC Materials management Inventory management Controlling Human resources management (using CrossApplication Time Sheet) Controlling (using Cross-Application Time Sheet) Controlling

Working hours Expenses

Costs Costs

Billing of the confirmed services in SAP CRM triggers an automatic accounts receivable posting in the finance component of SAP ECC and a revenue posting in the controlling component of SAP ECC. Prerequisites You have made all the necessary configuration settings for the following in SAP Solution Manager:

Service confirmation transaction Logistics integration (for stock movements) Cross-application time sheet integration Controlling integration

The confirmation must also fulfill the following prerequisites in order for data to be transferred to SAP ECC:

The document contains at least one item. Document headers on their own are not replicated to SAP ECC.

The document was saved without error messages. After replication from mobile devices to the CRM Server, confirmations have the status Open.


A service representative has checked the confirmation in SAP CRM and set it to Completed. No distribution locks were set for the document.

Activities 1. Depending on whether the item is relevant for distribution to SAP ECC (setting in the item category), the system carries out data replication. The system also transfers data to CRM Middleware for distribution to the mobile client. 2. The distribution status of the confirmation document shows whether data transfer was successful. Errors and warning messages relating to the data transfer are listed in a log. For more information about document statuses, see Status Management in Business Transactions. 3. In SAP CRM, you can change documents for which data has already been transferred to SAP ECC. Your changes are then transferred automatically to SAP ECC. Posting Goods Issue for Service Parts in the Materials Management Component of SAP ECC The data posted depends on the logistics scenario(s) that you use. The system therefore first determines the logistics scenario defined for the combination of transaction type, item category, service organization, and other relevant information required for the scenario (such as movement type or special stock indicator in SAP ECC). For more information about the logistics scenarios that are supported, see Logistics Integration in the Material Withdrawal Process. Logistics Scenario: Service Parts at the Service Employee's Storage Location From your Customizing settings, the system determines:

The plant and storage location for the service employee The relevant issue reservation for the service order (if the service confirmation references a service order)

The system posts goods issue with reference to the reservation and the appropriate storage location. If all parts are withdrawn according to the reservation, the system sets the final issue indicator for the reservation. If the order is completed, the entire reservation is set to Completed.


Logistics Scenario: Service Parts in the Service Employee's Consignment Stock The system determines the customer ID in SAP ECC from the personnel number in SAP CRM, and posts goods issue from the service employee's consignment stock. Logistics Scenario: Service Parts in Customer Consignment Stock The system determines the customer ID in SAP ECC from the customer ID in SAP CRM, and posts goods issue from the consignment stock at customer. Posting Working Time in CATS Working time is automatically posted to the Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS) database in SAP ECC. In the item, there are two ways in which working time data can be entered:

Start of work (Task Type SRVC_ACTUAL) plus duration this is the standard setting in Customizing Start of work (Task Type SRVC_ACTUAL) and end of work (Task Type SRVC_ACT_TO)

You schedule a periodic transfer of data from the CATS to the human resources management component in SAP ECC and in the controlling component of SAP ECC (for more information, see Transfer of Time Sheet Data to the Target Components). Posting Costs to the Controlling Component in SAP ECC For more information on the posting of actual costs to account assignment objects in SAP ECC, see Controlling Integration. If you have specified valuation types and service types, they are used to determine the rate for internal activity allocation.

Status Management in Business Transactions

You can use the general SAP status management when processing business transactions.


You can document the current processing status of an object (for example, a sales order), using status management. The current object state can consist of a combination of individual statuses. Any number of statuses can be set for an object.

The system statuses Open and Do not distribute and the user statuses Quotation created and Do not print can be active simultaneously in a quotation.

Each status fulfills two functions:

It informs you that a specific status has been set (for example, the quotation was released). It specifies which step you can or cannot take next (for example, release is allowed).

If a business transaction is executed, this can set or delete one or several statuses for the relevant object. The switch between status and transaction can be portrayed as follows:

Statuses are portrayed in the system in two different ways:

As a 30 character text As a 4 character abbreviation (only in status profile)

Both methods of portrayal are language-dependent. There are two types of status:
System status: Status set by the system, which informs the user that the system has executed a specific business transaction on an object. You can only influence this status if you execute a business transaction that changes the system status.


If you release a quotation, the system automatically sets the system status to Released.

However, there are also some system statuses in CRM that the user can set or reset as he wishes, for example, Do not distribute. These statuses are defined in the CRMC_STATUS_PROC table. User status: Status that you set, that you can create as additional information to the existing system status. You define a user status in a status profile that is created in Customizing for business transactions. You can define and activate as many user statuses as you wish. A status profile can then be assigned to the following in Customizing for business transactions:

Transaction types (for header status)

Item categories (for item status)

A status profile can be assigned to several transaction types and item categories.

System status and user status influence the business transactions in the same way.

A business transaction is not a static object, but it has its own life cycle, which starts when it is opened and ends when it is completed. During this time, other business transactions change this business transaction. It is, for example, forwarded for release or set to completed. There are five system statuses that represent the life cycle of the business transaction:
Open: Has been recently created and not yet processed (for example, contract from the Internet) In process: Administrator is clearing up questions Released: Contract is complete and legal. Follow-up processes can be started (printing, billing, distribution, releases and so on) Completed: All actions directly linked to contract are completed Closed: Actions indirectly linked to the contract are also completed (for example, from SAP ERP: batch run to actual costs)

If you want to display and maintain the user statuses, you need to have maintained a status profile and assigned it to the relevant transaction types and item categories. To do this, go to Customizing and choose Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic Settings Status Management. You have made the assignments in the activities Define Transaction Types and Define Item Categories.

You can set and delete a status. Statuses that can be set and deleted always reflect the current document situation. However, the system only displays the statuses for setting that can actually be set, with reference to the current transaction status. The following functions are available to you at header level:
Display of system and user status


The header status is independent of the item status. One exception is the status Completed. If all items have the status Completed, the header status is also set to Completed.

You have maintained a status profile: The system displays the user status that is assigned a status number, as well as the user status without a status number. The system statuses are displayed separately from the user statuses. You have not maintained a status profile: Only the system statuses are displayed.
The statuses that are not active are displayed for selection. During selection, the corresponding system status is executed according to the settings in the control table. ERP transfer and ERP status: Display of the distribution status to SAP ERP as well as other statuses for the business transaction in SAP ERP. System status / user status: detail view of the individual status area with the option of setting and resetting the status. Total item status: Overview of statuses at item level, such as inquiry, quotation, rejection and block status. The individual status lines are only shown if they are relevant for this transaction type.

The following functions are available to you at item level:

System status / user status: you can set and reset statuses with restrictions. Block / reason for rejection: you can reject an item or set a billing block. You must select a reason in both cases. You can also set a delivery block and credit block.

The following functions are also available to you:

You can lock or cancel all items at header level. You can set a billing block or cancellation for all items. This is a kind of fast setting of the flag at item level. You can display the distribution status to SAP ERP at item level.

See also: Specifics for Interaction Center: Business Transactions Specifics for Partner Channel Management: Sales

final issue indicator (MM-IM)

Inventory Management (MM-IM)
An indicator used by the system to denote that a reservation item is closed. The final issue indicator is automatically set when a goods issue is posted if the total reserved quantity is withdrawn. As a result, the reservation item is no longer included in the list of open reservations.


Transfer of Time Sheet Data to the Target Components

You use the time sheet to record data that can be relevant for several SAP components. Some employees, for example, record data confirming a Project System network. Others use the time sheet to enter time data for Personnel Time Management. In some cases, employees record data that is relevant for several target components at once. You can transfer data to the target components as follows:
Using transfer reports In Materials Management: using a transaction In cProjects: using an ALE connection by means of IDocs

The graphic below illustrates the technical processes involved in transferring data to the target components.

Process Flow

The system saves time sheet data to the CATSDB database table for the time sheet. 74

The system writes time sheet data assigned the processing status "30" (Approved) and "60" (Canceled) as follows: To the interface tables: PTEX2000 and PTEX2010 in Human Resources CATSCO in Controlling CATSPM in Plant Maintenance/Customer Service CATSPS in Project System CATSMM in Materials Management By ALE connection Interface table in the cProjects system
The system determines which components are to be supplied in which way based on the data record's working time attributes.

When you run the data transfer reports, the time sheet data is transferred to the target components Human Resources (HR), Controlling (CO), Plant Maintenance/Customer Service (PM/CS), and Project System (PS).
You can use the following data transfer reports for individual components: 1. RPTEXTPT for Human Resources 2. RCATSTCO for Controlling 3. RCATSTPM for Plant Maintenance/Customer Service 4. RCATSTPS for Project System To enable you to transfer data to HR, CO, PM/CS, and PS in one step, an additional report for multiple components is available. Note that you transfer data to Materials Management using transaction CATM.

You have transferred time sheet data to the target components.

For more information on the tables affected by this process, see Technical Background to the Time Sheet.


Logistics Integration in Delivery-Relevant Processes

You use this function if you want to use the integration of delivery-relevant processes between SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) and SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC). Prerequisites

You are using Sales (SD-SLS). You have made the following settings in Customizing for SAP ECC:

You have created a sales document and sales items in SAP ECC with the same transaction type and the same item categories as in SAP CRM. To do this you must complete both of the following activities: Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Documents Sales Document Header Define Sales Document Types Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Documents Sales Document Item Define Item Categories None of the sales document types and sales item types corresponding to SAP CRM are delivered with the standard system.

You have defined the item category usage. You access the activity by choosing either of the following: Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Documents Sales Document Item Define Item Category Usage Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Documents Sales Document Item Assign Item Categories

You have defined transaction types and item categories in Customizing for SAP CRM by choosing . The following transaction types and item categories in the SAP CRM standard system are relevant for deliveries: Transactions Basic Settings Define Transaction Types and Define Item Categories


Transaction Types

Item Categories REN - Return request

CRMC - Complaint

TANN - Free-of-charge substitute delivery CRMR - Return TANN - Free-of-charge substitute delivery LOAN - Loan device delivery LRET - Loan device pick-up RSUB - Return for repair RRET - Repaired goods delivery

CRMR - Return

REPA - In-house repair order

If the settings for these Customizing objects do not meet your business requirements, you can copy the objects and modify the copies. Features The following processes are delivery-relevant:

Returns process Loan device process Delivery process (returns process) and return delivery process in the context of an in-house repair

Delivery-relevant processes in SAP CRM are replicated into sales orders in SAP ECC. In this way, an SAP ECC transaction corresponds to an SAP CRM transaction. Delivery-relevant transactions are triggered in SAP ECC. All transactions are replicated back to SAP CRM. This means that the transaction history and status for each transaction (such as creation of sales transactions, delivery, and posting of goods movement) are recorded in SAP CRM.

Sales (SD-SLS)
Sales allows you to execute different business transactions based on sales documents defined in the system.


Four groups of sales documents are differentiated: Customer inquiries and quotations Sales orders Outline agreements, such as contracts and scheduling agreements Complaints, such as free of charge deliveries, credit and debit memo requests and returns

Delivieries and billing documents can be created and processed from the sales document. Some sales documents, such as cash sales and rush orders, automatically trigger the creation of subsequent deliveries and billing documents.

Logistics Integration in the Scrapping Process

You use this function if you want scrap an item in the context of a repair in SAP CRM and want to use the integration of processes between SAP CRM and the SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) back end to write off stock from the sales order stock. Prerequisites You have made the following settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management:

You are using Sales (SD-SLS). You have created the item category for scrapping for the repair transaction type. The transaction type in the standard system is REPA In-House Repair Order. The item category is SCRP Scrapping. If the settings for these Customizing objects do not meet your business requirements, you can copy the objects and modify the copies. For more information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Customer Relationship Management and choose Define Transaction Types . Transactions Basic Settings

In Customizing for the item category for scrapping, you have defined the parameters for goods movement from the sales order stock. To do so, go to Customizing for Customer Relationship Management and choose Movement . Transactions Settings for Complaints/Settings for Service Transactions Integration Logistics Integration Define Transfer Parameters for the Goods


Features In the context of a repair, if a part that is sent in is found to be so badly damaged that it is not worth repairing, it is scrapped. For this purpose, create a subitem for the diagnosis (item category SCRP). This item category causes a goods movement to be posted in SAP ECC (movement type 551/E), which writes off the stock from the sales order stock.

Billing of Services
This section provides information about the specifics of SAP CRM billing for service transactions. Sales Items For sales items entered in service transactions, a sales order is created in SAP ERP so that the delivery can also be processed in SAP ERP. In order that these items are billed in SAP CRM, you need to ensure that they are not flagged as billing relevant in SAP ERP.

For sales items in service transactions, no sales order is created in SAP CRM . Billing Relevancy of Interlinked Service Transactions

Service contracts that are valid for service order items If a service order item is covered by a service contract, it is billed at a flat rate using a billing plan, according to the contractual agreement.

Service confirmations created as follow-up transactions to service orders


Fixed price agreement If you have agreed on a fixed price with the customer, you need to flag the service order item as billing relevant, but not the service confirmation item.

Resource-related billing


If you want billing to be resource-related, you need to flag the service confirmation item as billing relevant, but not the service order item.

If you want to bill a service confirmation that was not created as a follow-up transaction to a service order, you need to flag the service confirmation item as billing relevant. The Billing Relevant flag is not visible by default in the CRM WebClient UI, however, you can configure the interface to display this flag. Transfer of Service Transactions to Billing Due List Data is transferred to the billing due list when a transaction is saved, with the exception of items with the billing relevancy Transaction-Related Billing After Completion. These items must be explicitly released for billing in the CRM WebClient UI on the Release for Billing page. The following figure shows the procedures used to bill service transactions:


External Billing of Service Transactions in SAP ECC

You can use this function if you want to use SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) to perform billing for any of the following service transactions:

Service contract Service order Service confirmation

For service transactions containing items that are defined as relevant for external billing, SAP CRM automatically transfers billing-relevant data to SAP ECC. Transfer takes place when a user sets a particular status for the transaction, as described below under Features. The data transferred includes the billing date, products to be billed for (services and service parts), business partners, and conditions. When data is transferred, a debit memo request is automatically created in SAP ECC for each service transaction, in the form of a sales order. The items in this order represent the billing-relevant items in the original service transaction. You can perform billing immediately for these debit memo requests, without additional processing steps. Prerequisites

Synchronization of master data (SAP CRM and SAP ECC)

o o

All business partners used in SAP CRM transactions also exist in SAP ECC. Service products in SAP CRM exist as materials in SAP ECC.

Synchronization of pricing conditions (SAP CRM and SAP ECC) Conditions are identical in both systems.

Customizing of service transactions in SAP CRM You have set the External Billing indicator for the relevant item categories. You do this in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Relevance of Item Categories . Billing Define Billing

Customizing of controlling objects in SAP ECC


You have defined CRM controlling objects to which costs and revenue generated by external billing can be automatically assigned. You do this in Customizing, by choosing Processing Controlling Integration


with Other SAP Components Customer Relationship Management Settings for Service .

Customizing of sales orders in SAP ECC The sales document type and item category of the sales order in SAP ECC are attributed as relevant for billing and not relevant for shipping.

Mapping of transaction data between SAP CRM and SAP ECC You need to determine the SAP ECC sales order types and item categories that are used to create a sales order for a particular SAP CRM transaction type and item category. Depending on the Plug-In or SAP ECC system that you are using, you perform mapping in different systems and using different techniques, as shown in the following table:

Release SAP R/3 PlugIn 2004_1, Support Package 9 and below


Mapping Definition


Business Add-In CRM_EXT_BILLING Customizing: Integration with Other Components Customer Relationship Management Settings for Service Processing Billing Integration Map Transaction Types and Item Categories Customizing: Integration with Other Components Customer Relationship Management Settings for Service Processing Billing Integration Map Transaction Types and Item Categories

SAP R/3 PlugIn 2004_1, Support Package 10

SAP R/3 PlugIn

SAP ERP 2005



The above mapping definitions also determine the order reason and cancellation reason for a service transaction. Features External Billing of Service Orders and Service Confirmations Data is transferred to SAP ECC when an order or confirmation is set to Completed. You can cancel invalid items by specifying a reason. The cancellation reason is transferred to SAP ECC through item category mapping, and either the relevant debit memo request item is automatically canceled or, if the item has already been billed, a credit memo request is created. After data transfer, you can cancel or reject transactions in SAP CRM. If it is no longer possible to cancel individual items later on in the process, for example because an invoice has already been created for a debit memo request, you can create a credit memo request in SAP ECC to reverse a debited amount. External Billing of Service Contracts Billing request items generated by a billing plan are transferred automatically to SAP ECC. Service contract items that are relevant for billing are transferred when contract data is updated and a contract item is marked as Released.

You cannot cancel service contract items once they have been transferred to SAP ECC. Modification of CRM Service Transaction Data Before Transfer to SAP ECC You can influence header and item data, such as partners and conditions, before it is transferred to SAP ECC. To do this, create an implementation of the Business Add-In (BAdI) CRM_EXT_BILLING (Influencing Data from Service Transactions for Billing in SAP ECC). You can find this BAdI in SAP CRM, in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, under Transactions Business Add-Ins Transactions Settings for Service . For more information, see the documentation for this BAdI.


Modification of Sales Order Data in SAP ECC Before Data Import You can modify data such as the order reason, billing block, partner, and conditions. To do this, create an implementation of the BAdI SRV_BILLING_CHANGE. You can find this BAdI in Customizing for your Plug-In or SAP ECC system, by choosing Integration with Other SAP . Components Customer Relationship Management Settings for Service Processing Billing Integration BAdI: Influencing Data for External Billing of CRM Service Documents

For more information and a list of corrections related to external billing of service transactions, see customer note 813774.

Service Contracts and Service Plans

Service contracts are outline agreements with business partners which define services offered for a particular period. You support service contracts by processing contract-based services and planned services. Service contracts represent long-term service agreements with customers in relation to the content and scope of services guaranteed within specific tolerance limits for certain parameters, for example, within a predefined timeframe.

If a technical defect occurs in a customers machine, they are assured that a technician will be on-site at the customers place of business within four hours to correct the fault. For more information, see the business user documentation under Contract Quotations and Service Contracts Service Contracts . Tell Me About... Service Service

You can either create a service contract directly, or as a follow-up transaction for a service agreement or a service contract quotation.


Integration Internet Customer Self-Service

Internet users can display their service contracts. If the Internet user creates a service request or a complaint and several service contracts could be used as the basis, the Internet user can select a suitable contract and link it to the service request. For more information, see Service Contracts in E-Service.

Mobile Client

Service contracts can be downloaded onto a laptop. They can be assigned to a document (such as a service order) and in this way can influence price determination that takes place on the laptop.

Features A service contract consists of header data and item data. A service product can be stipulated for each service contract item and the customer can claim this product over a certain period at a specific price. Different types of services can be stipulated as service products in a service contract item:

An individual service (such as a hotline) A complex service that is made up of multiple services and materials, such as an automobile inspection A service limited according to value or quantity (such as ten free-of-charge telephone consultations after buying software, covering costs up to USD 300) A service plan in which planned services reoccurring at intervals are entered (such as maintenance of a pump every three months) A usage-based service (such as maintenance of a photocopier after every 100,000 copies)


Agreement of Individual Services in the Service Contract

You stipulate a specific service as a product in a service contract item. If service parts are required, for example, when exchanging a computer hard drive or changing tires on a car, enter these in the product list for the contract item.


Agreement of Service Packages in the Service Contract

In a service contract item, you stipulate a complex service package consisting of several individual services and service parts. All of the services and service parts contained in the service package are entered in the product list belonging to the contract item. Agreement of Services Limited to Value or Quantity in the Service Contract (Value/Quantity) In a service contract item, you stipulate services or service packages with a specific target quantity or particular overall value. Contracts including this kind of agreement are called Service Contracts (Value/Quantity). For more information, see Service Contract (Value/Quantity). Agreement of Planned Services in the Service Plan You stipulate service products that can be claimed at specific intervals over a predefined period. These types of planned services appear in a service plan, which you process either as an independent business process or as an integral part of a service contract. Which services are to be performed and at what service interval are defined in the service plan, although individual customer requirements can also be defined. For more information, see Service Plans. Agreement of Usage-Based Services in the Usage-Based Service Contract You finalize a service contract with your customer that also contains a stipulation of services that are based on the quantity used. In this way, you can create a contract for the maintenance of copiers that 87

should be carried out after 100,000 copies. The contract defines the services and specific conditions for the usage volume. It is a prerequisite for recording usage, calculating the usage volume, and subsequent billing. The quantity used is entered using counters and readings. For further information, see UsageBased Service Contract Processing. More Information Contracts and Agreements

Service Contract Management

You can use this business scenario to carry out service processes based on the following:
Service contracts that were agreed to by customers Warranties that were assigned products, installed base components, or objects

Service contracts represent long-term agreements between companies and customers. In service contracts, customers are guaranteed specific services within tolerance limits for certain parameters, for example, within a predefined period. The promised services are represented by service products (for example, maintenance, hotline) which are defined in the individual contract items. The characteristics of service products are defined in Service Level Agreements (SLA), which in turn are validated by different parameters, such as Availability Time and Response Time. The parameters serve not only to describe the SLAs, but can also be used to control service processing.

Warranties can be flexibly assigned to individual products, installed base components, or objects. When creating service orders, confirmations, repair orders, or complaints, the system automatically runs a background check to see whether a warranty exists and then assigns this accordingly. When calculating prices for the services and service parts in billing, warranties can be taken into account through the use of appropriate discounts.

In the following processes, we explain service contract and entitlement management starting from the creation of warranties and service products, through to contract processing, and finally to the billing of 88

the contract. During its period of validity, the service contract can be the basis for service orders or escalation measures, if for example, the time frames agreed in the SLA are exceeded. Contract and warranty-relevant data can be analyzed in SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI).

You can implement this business scenario with different releases of the relevant application components. However, only certain combinations are valid. For more information, see:
SAP CRM Master Guide on SAP Service Marketplace at Scenario & Process Component List on SAP Service Marketplace at

Process Flow
The business processes run as follows: ... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Product and Warranty Registration in CRM Service Contract Processing in CRM Billing in CRM Service Contract and Quotation Analysis in CRM Warranty Analysis in CRM Billing Analysis in CRM

All types of services that can be defined in a service contract or service plan, such as customer service, technical installation, training, and consulting. Periodic services are services that are carried out regularly at certain intervals (counter-based and/or timebased service intervals). They are defined in service plans.

Services appear in the system as products of type service. You can define one product per contract item.


Service and Product List

Even a complex service package that contains several individual services and service parts can be defined as a product in a service contract item. In the product list belonging to a service contract item, services and service parts are entered that are in the service product, which is defined in the contract item. These services and service parts can be claimed in the course of the subsequent service order processing with reference to a service contract. The product list can contain products, product categories, or a product range (partner/product range). It allows:

The proposal of services and service parts in the service order (see Service Contract Determination) The function to call them from Service Contracts (Value Quantity)

Services and service parts entered in the product list must exist in the system as products. Integration If a customer wants to claim a product, the service employee creates a service order. If this has been set up in Customizing, the system determines existing valid service contract items and proposes them to be assigned. After the corresponding service contract item has been assigned, the services and service parts from the relevant product list are automatically proposed for transfer into the service order. The service employee chooses one or more entries from the list that apply to the service order. For each product that is selected, an item is automatically created in the service order. The product data is copied into this item. For more information, see Service Contract Determination. Example You define the service package standard winter check for car in a service contract item. This includes the following services:


Tire check/switch (Switch to snow tires, provided by customer, if necessary) Headlight check Battery check Replacement of windshield wipers

It includes the following service part:

1 set of windshield wipers

You enter the listed services and service parts in the product list for the contract item.

Service Agreement
A long-term outline agreement between business partners in which conditions, such as prices, and releasable products are defined. These conditions and products are valid for all service contracts or service orders that are created with reference to the service agreement. Unlike service contracts (value/quantity), service agreements contain no target values or target quantities.

You cannot replicate service agreements using SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC).

Service agreements make it possible for service providers to create long-term outline agreements with information about prices and services that are valid for certain business partners or a certain group of business partners. Service agreements may include the following predefined data:

Services Service Level Agreements Follow-up activities Price agreements Billing


Service providers can create follow-up transactions such as those below with reference to service agreements:

Service order quotations Service orders Service contract quotations Service contracts

Integration Customizing The OAS Service Agreement transaction type is available for service agreements in standard Customizing for transactions. This transaction type has the leading transaction category Group
Contract (BUS2000107).

The new item category OASP - Service Agreement Item was created with item object type
Outline Agreement Item Service CRM.

You can either use this transaction type and item category as they are, or copy them and change the copies to meet your needs. The following settings are relevant for defining service agreements:


Agreement determination In Customizing for transaction types, activate agreement determination for the transactions below if you want the system to find valid service agreements when you create the following transactions:
o o o

Service orders Complaints Confirmations Transactions Basic Settings

In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, choose Define Transaction Types

, and go to the detailed display of the desired transaction type. In

the Agreement Determin. field, select the determination type that you want the system to use.

If the system should search for contracts as well as agreements, the system first searches for valid service contracts. Only if it finds no valid service contracts does it search for service agreements. Service contracts take priority over service agreements.

Copying Control You must set the copying control for the transaction type of the desired follow-up transaction, such as service order. In the standard system, copying control for service agreements is available for the following transactions:
o o o o o o

Service contracts (SC) Service contract quotations (SCQ) Service orders (SRVO) Service order quotations (SRVQ) Usage-based service contracts (USC) Usage-based service order quotations (USCA)

You will find the necessary activities in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing

Transactions Basic Settings Copying Control for Business Transactions

Price agreements


Date profile CONT002 (Date Profile for Service Contracts) exists in standard Customizing for processing service agreements. Business Partners In the business partner master, you can assign one default service agreement to a business partner. To do so, in the business partner role Sold-To Party, call up the business partner and the different sales area data. The service agreements and sales agreements that exist for this business partner in the system appear in the Sales area of the screen. You can also set one sales agreement or service agreement as the default. Default setting: No service agreements. Business Partner Type You can create a service agreement for a business partner type, without specifying a certain sold-to party. This means that the agreement is valid for all business partners who are assigned to the corresponding partner type, and for whom the corresponding sales area data was processed. These transactions are also considered during agreement determination. Service Orders If a service order is created with reference to a service contract, which in turn is a follow-up transaction of a service agreement, the service order is only checked against the service contract, but not against the service agreement.

Service Contract Quotations

Service contract quotations are legally binding offers to a customer for the purpose of defining the services in a service contract. A service contract quotation can be of use to both customers and providers. On one hand, it gives customers the option of getting informed about prices and delivery conditions to enable them to make


decisions, while providers can include the expected services at an early stage in their planning and get an overview of the expected costs and revenues. Within the validity period of a service contract quotation, the customer has the option of agreeing on a service contract for specific conditions with reference to the quotation. Contract quotations are business transactions in service with the leading business transaction category Service Contract. Service quotations are only identified as such by the system status Quotation. This function is available in CRM WebClient UI and Interaction Center WebClient. Integration Quotation data is not forwarded to SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC), since it is not relevant for billing or controlling, for example. However, it is possible to send the data to SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence.There you can perform analyses, to evaluate, for example, which quotations were accepted or rejected and what the reasons for this were. Prerequisites Define Quotation as Transaction Types in Customizing If you want to use contract quotations, you must define service contract quotations as transaction types in Customizing. Assign the leading business transaction category Service Contract. The standard delivery contains the transaction type SCQ Service Contract Quotation. Make the settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Basic Settings Define Transaction Types Define Default Values in Customizing You maintain default values for quotations in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM), by choosing Categories . Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic Settings Define Item . Transactions

Choose the required item category (in the standard delivery, SCNQ) and then the business transaction category Sales. 95

In the Customizing Item view, maintain the fields in the screen area Quotation Data, particularly the following two fields:

Relevance for Quotation If you choose Initial Quotation and enter a transaction with this item category, the transaction items have the status Quotation.

Subsequ. Processing Here you define that the quotation should be further processed by selecting Quotation is copied to subsequent document.

Activities Create Quotation You create quotations using Service Contract Quotation. Accept Quotation You create a service contract as a follow-up transaction with reference to the service contract quotation. At this time, the quotation items accepted by the customer are copied to the items of the new transaction. Complete Quotation A quotation is completed (status Completed):

After it has been copied to a service contract Following a customer rejection

Service Contract (Value/Quantity)

A particular form of service contract, in which the defined service products are restricted with regard to a certain target quantity or a certain total value.


Like the service contract, it is agreed between customer and provider that the customer can claim service products over a specific period at a specific price. In the case of the service contract (value/quantity), however, the defined service products are restricted with regard to value or quantity.

Services and service parts are entered in the product list belonging to the contract item. The customer can claim (release) products from the product list, if required, whereby any quantity or value can be selected. The service employee creates a service order in the system for this purpose. The system enters the released products and their quantity or value in the release list. In this way, the service employee can use the release list to trace the quantity and the value of the products that have already been claimed. In Customizing of the item categories, you can establish:

Whether an agreed service product may be claimed only until the total value or the target quantity has been reached Whether the target quantity or the total value may be exceeded only the first time Whether the target quantity or the total value may in principle be exceeded

For more information, see the "Integration" section.


Structure Service contracts (value/quantity) include:

Service quantity contracts based on a certain target quantity, such as the use of a hotline or a repair service no more than 10 times Service value contracts based on a certain target value, for example service parts and services for a total of USD 500 Combinations of service value contracts and service quantity contracts

Integration Customizing the Transaction Type You must make the following settings in Customizing of the transaction types so that a service contract takes on the functions of a value/quantity contract. 1. In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, choose Define Transaction Types . Transactions Basic Settings

2. Go to the detailed view of the desired transaction type and choose Service Contract as the Leading Transaction Category. This causes the field Quantity/Value Contract to be displayed. 3. Choose the value C (= service: target value and quantity) in the field Quantity/Value Contract. In this way it is possible to enter a target value or quantity when creating a service contract (value/quantity). In Customizing of the item categories, you can set whether or not the target quantity or value may be exceeded. 1. In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, choose Define Item Categories . Transactions Basic Settings

2. Choose the required item category. Note that the item object type CRM Service Contract Item is assigned to the item category. 3. Go to the step Assignment of Business Transaction Categories and choose Sales. 4. Go to the step Customizing Item and choose a completion rule in the set type Contract Data in the Completion field.


Example A software firm has tailored a service package especially for its customers who have just introduced the software. This package includes a check shortly before the go-live date, three telephone consultations and a system check. The firm offers the package as a service contract and sells it by request to the customer together with the software. If the customer enters into such a contract and claims a telephone consultation from the contract, the service employee then creates a service process with reference to the contract. The system enters in the release list the service process and the service product telephone consultation as well as the quantity 1, which has been claimed, and reduces the remaining number of consultations to 2. This process is repeated until all the consultations have been "used up".

Service Contract Items

The parts of a service contract or a Service Contract (Value/Quantity) in which the services to be performed for the customer under service contract conditions are defined.

The item object type CRM Service Contract Item must be assigned in Customizing to the item category used for the contract item in the service contract or service contract (value/quantity). If you want to create items for service plans, you have to use item categories that are based on the relevant item object type for service plan items. Structure Maintenance of the following data is relevant at item level:

Service data For service contracts, you can maintain the service agreements that define the characteristics of the service product in the contract items, for example. Different parameters, such as response


time or availability time, can be such concrete service agreements. For more information, see Service Level Agreements (SLA). For service plans, you can maintain Service Plan Data instead of service agreements.

Object list Here you assign objects to which the service product stipulated in the contract item refers. The object list can contain installed bases, installed base components, objects, or products. For more information, see Object List.

Product list Here you enter the services and service parts that should be in the service product as stipulated in the contract item. The product list can contain products, product categories, or product ranges (partner/product range). For more information, see Service and Product List.

Release list If services or service parts entered in the product list are claimed as part of service orders or repair orders, the system records this in the release list. For more information, see Service Contract (Value/Quantity).

Price agreements In addition to the prices defined at header level, special price agreements can be made for each contract item. Price agreements are contract-specific prices and discounts. You define which services are covered completely, partially, or not at all by a contract.

In a price agreement, you could define that service parts are not charged for and that the installation of service parts should be billed at USD 25 per hour. If contractually agreed service processes are executed, the system uses the price agreements defined in this contract during billing. 100

Price agreements do not have any influence on periodic contractual billing. The amounts for periodic billing are taken from the header conditions and item conditions in the contract.

Billing plan Billing plans in the contract items control periodic billing. Depending on the billing plans and Customizing settings, billing requests are generated automatically and transferred directly to CRM Billing.

Counters Counters are particularly important for processing service plans. For more information, see Scheduling for Counter-Based Service Intervals.

Service Level Agreements (SLA)

You and the customer can use the SLA to agree on the methods of rendering a guaranteed service. The SLAs define the attributes (such as content, scope and means) for the service products (such as maintenance or hotline) agreed on with the customer in the service contract. The SLAs that are available in the standard system are the service profile and the response profile.

Examples of parameters within an SLA:

Response profile (the technician's response time, in other words, the time by which the technician must start the service laid down in the service transaction item as well as the time period in which the service must be completed)

Service profile (time period in which the services that were defined in the service contract can be carried out) Downtime (maximum number of breakdowns per year) Availability (assured system availability in %) Solution time (maximum period of time allowed for the solution of a problem)


Integration Default Values in the Product Master The set type Default Values for Service Contracts is available in the product master, when you maintain the products of type Service that are intended for service contracts. In this set type, you can specify default values for the above-mentioned SLA parameters, service profile and response profile. If you choose the service product in a service contract item, the data from the SLA parameters is copied to the contract item where it can be overwritten as required. If you want to use other parameters in addition to the ones delivered by SAP, you can do so using another customer-specific set type. Processing of the data from the set type occurs using Business Add-Ins. Pricing An SLA influences both pricing in the contract items and the business transactions in Service with reference to a service contract. Therefore, for example, the monthly price of a service can change depending on the response time defined. SLAs also influence date calculation in the service process to which the relevant contract items refer. Escalation Management If the services agreed on in the SLA cannot be performed within the time specified, a predefined escalation process is started. SAP delivers a standard procedure for escalation management that you can use and enhance if required. You can make settings for Escalation Management in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM), by choosing Management . Transactions Settings for Service Processes SLA Escalation


An escalation for a missed deadline could occur as follows:

The responsible processor is informed per e-mail when the first response time is exceeded and the transaction is still not in process. The responsible department manager is informed per e-mail when the first response time is exceeded by 2 hours and the transaction is still not in process.


The responsible service manager is informed per e-mail when the first response time is exceeded by 8 hours and the transaction is still not in process.

A similar escalation could occur if the completion date is exceeded and the transaction is still in process. Features By default, SAP delivers the following SLA parameters:

Service Profile Response Profile

Activities You maintain SLA parameters on the SAP Easy Access screen, under and Response Times . Service Maintain Availability

In the service contract items, you can select values for the SLA parameters.

If a service plan has been agreed upon in the service contract item, you can edit the service plan data and dates, but not the SLA parameters. Response Profile In the Maintain Availability and Response Times transaction, you can use any combination of the following indicator keys to create as many timeframes with duration and time unit as you want:

Category Priority Catalog Code Group Code

In this way, you can define, for example, a duration to first response, a duration to completion and timeframes that can be established in between, such as:

Time until the arrival of a technician at the customer site


Duration of repair Downtime of machines at the customer site

To maintain the response times, choose a key combination in the transaction by selecting the required line and switching to the view for response times. There you can enter any number of timeframes for the selected key combination. Choose a duration of time for each period that was created in Customizing for date management under Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions Date Management Define Date Types, Duration Types and Date Rules . Specify the duration and time unit for these.

You can stipulate a response profile for each contract item during the maintenance of service contracts. When you maintain service products in the product master, you can enter default values for the response profile in the assignment block Default Values for Service Contracts. You can overwrite the default values in the service contract item in which the service product was stipulated.

You receive a malfunction report from a customer on Monday at 10:00 a.m. and a service order with priority 1 is created. In the response profile for the relevant service contract item, a duration to first response of 2 hours and a duration to completion of 8 hours is defined for service processes with priority 1. The standard service profile is defined in the service profile, which contains the following availability times: Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The following times/dates result from this: First response time 12:00 noon, completion time 9:00 a.m. on the following day. This means you must have responded to the malfunction report by 12:00 noon on Monday, for example, by calling the customer to discuss or clarify the problem. The transaction must be completed by Tuesday at 9:00 a.m., for example by a technician on-site. Service Profile You can stipulate a service profile for each contract item during the maintenance of service contracts.


When you maintain service products in the product master, you can enter default values for the response profile in the assignment block Default Values for Service Contracts on the Service page. You can overwrite the default values in the service contract item in which the service product was stipulated.

You define a standard service profile with the following availability times:Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Central European Time (CET). You assign the service profile Weekend to the service product Weekend Hotline, in which you define Saturday 8:00 a.m. CET to Sunday 7:00 p.m. CET as availability time.

service profile (CRM-BTX-CTR-SCO)

Service Contract (CRM-BTX-CTR-SCO)
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) parameter provided as standard by SAP. In the service profile, you define the time frames when the services specified in the service contract (such as hotline or maintenance) can be executed. The service windows defined in the service profile are used as a basis for calculating the start and end dates defined at service process level and the response times.

response profile (CRM-BTX-CTR-SCO)

Service Contract (CRM-BTX-CTR-SCO)
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) parameter provided by SAP. In the response profile, you define the periods within which processing of the service in the service process item should have started, and by when the processing should have been completed. The corresponding dates (first response date and completion date) are calculated based on these periods and with reference to the service profile in the service process, which was created with reference to the contract.


Service Contract Determination

You can use this function to define whether the system should search for and display existing service contracts when business transactions are created. Prerequisites Transaction Type You have made settings in Customizing that define how contract determination should occur for the following transaction types: service order, service confirmation, and complaint. You make these settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Define Transaction Types settings:

Transactions Basic Settings

and using the Contract Determ indicator. You can make the following

No contract determination Manual contract determination Only at item level (setting in standard SAP Customizing) Contract determination at header and item level

The Contract Determ. field only appears in the detailed display for definition of the transaction type, if you have chosen Complaint, Service Process, Service Confirmation or Sales as the leading transaction category. For more information about these settings, see Customizing for transaction types in the field help (F1) for field Contract Determ. You have set the copying control for both the transaction types and for the item categories in Customizing. Item Category In Customizing for the contract item category, you have defined whether the system should also find contract items whose object list or product list is empty when an item is created in one of the business transactions listed above. You make this setting in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Categories and using indicators Filter Contract Item by Object List and Filter Contract Item by Product List. You can see these indicators by


choosing an item category with business transaction category Service Contract and then choosing Customizing Item. For more information about these settings, see Customizing for item categories in the field help (F1) for both of these fields. SAP standard Customizing includes contracts with empty product lists and object lists in the search results. Features When you create a business transaction in service with a transaction type for which contract determination is activated in Customizing, the system determines service contracts based on the following selection criteria:

Sold-to party The sold-to party in the service contract and in the business transaction must be identical.

Sales organization and distribution channel The sales organization and the distribution channel in the service contract and in the business transaction must be identical.

Service organization If a service organization is entered in the service contract, it must be identical to the one in the business transaction.

Status The status of the service contract item must be Released.

Validity The date in the Requested Start field in the business transaction must lie within the validity period of the service contract item.

Object list


In standard Customizing, contract determination runs in the following sequence: 1. Contracts are found that have reference objects entered for the business transaction item in the object list of the service contract item, or that have an empty object list for the service contract item. 2. If no reference objects were entered for the business transaction item, contracts are found that have the reference object for the business transaction header entered in the object list of the service contract item, or that have an empty object list for the service contract item. 3. If the reference object was not entered in either the business transaction item or in the business transaction header, service contract items with empty object lists are found.

Product list The product in the business transaction item must be entered in the product list of the service contract item, or the product list of the service contract item can be empty. For more information, see Service and Product List.

You can use the Business Add-In definition CRM_SERVICE_CONTRACT (Business Add-In for Service Contract Determination) to include Business Add-Ins, which you can use to provide your own selection criteria or to limit the selection criteria (see above) delivered by SAP. After the system has determined valid service contracts, it automatically copies the contract data to the business transaction in service, or you are prompted to select a contract for copying from a list. Activities Automatic Determination of Service Contracts at Item Level 1. Create an item in a business transaction in service for which automatic contract determination is activated in Customizing. 2. The system selects appropriate service contracts according to the above-mentioned criteria and displays all permitted service contract items.

The system only selects and offers for selection those service contract items whose product lists contain the product entered in the business transaction item.


In addition, depending on Customizing settings, service contract items that have no product list are also selected. The system only selects and offers for selection those service contract items whose object lists contain the reference object entered in the business transaction item. In addition, depending on Customizing settings, service contract items that have no object list are also selected.

3. During selection of a service contract item, data from the service contract item is copied into the business transaction in service, and the price agreements and SLA parameters from the service contract are also activated in the service transaction. 4. In the detailed view of the business transaction item, the contract ID appears in the Service Contract and Warranty section. You can click on the ID to go to the corresponding contract. Automatic Determination of Service Contracts at Header and Item Level 1. Create a business transaction in service for which automatic contract determination is activated in Customizing. Maintain the header data and specify the reference object. 2. The system automatically selects appropriate service contracts according to the above-mentioned criteria and displays all permitted service contract items. 3. After selecting a valid service contract item, the products entered in the product list belonging to the contract item are displayed as default values for copying to the business transaction. If the product list does not contain any entries, the service product that was agreed on in the contract item is proposed for copying to the service transaction. All products that are selected and copied from the display are then automatically copied as items in the service transaction.

Dates from the date profile of the transaction type are displayed in the Dates assignment block. When you save the business transaction, the current dates are redetermined. Manual Determination of Service Contracts Providing that you have set up manual contract determination in Customizing, you can use a button to manually start the determination of service contracts when a new business transaction is created.


Object List
A list belonging to a service contract item in which objects are entered, for which the contractual services specified in the service contract item can be claimed. Installed bases, installed base components, objects, and products can be used, for example, as elements of this object list.

Whether or not the object list is displayed depends on the item category that is assigned to the service product in the service contract item. If, for example, the item category is one that was defined for service contracts or service plans, the object list appears. Integration Business Transactions in Service The object list is used by business transactions in service to determine service contracts. Provided that this type of contract determination is set up in Customizing, the service contract items with an object list containing the reference object are determined when a business transaction is created. For more information, see Service Contract Determination. Installed Base Management After an installed base or installed base component is entered in the object list, in installed base management, you can display all available contract data for each installed base and check the contract assignment. For more information, see Assigning Service Contracts to Installed Bases.

Assigning Service Contracts to Installed Bases

Maintaining the object list of a service contract item, service plan item, or service contract quotation item gives you the option to display the contract services for objects or object hierarchies installed at the customer site. For simplicity, the following text focuses on service contracts.


You agree to a 24-hours-per-day, 7-days-per-week hotline as a service for a network installation at the customers site. The network installed base is entered in the object list of the contract item. From installed base management, you can navigate to the appropriate contract according to assignment. In addition, you can also maintain a product list in each service contract item. The information in the product list influences contract determination. Process In the object list, enter the installed bases or installed base components for which the contractual services defined in the service contract item can be claimed. Result The contract is assigned to one of the installed bases or installed base components entered in the object list of the service contract item. You can check whether there are contracts for installed bases or installed base components in installed base management. When you select an installed base or one of its components, you see all the service contracts and service plans that exist for this installed base or component in the Service Contracts assignment block. The system checks whether the following IDs are available in an object list:

ID of an installed base ID of an installed base component ID of an installed base built into an installed base ID of an object and the object family ID of a product


You can also trigger a contract check if you have created service processes with installed bases as reference objects and set up manual contract determination. More Information Service Contracts and Service Plans


Object List

Service Contract Quotations

Service contract quotations are legally binding offers to a customer for the purpose of defining the services in a service contract. A service contract quotation can be of use to both customers and providers. On one hand, it gives customers the option of getting informed about prices and delivery conditions to enable them to make decisions, while providers can include the expected services at an early stage in their planning and get an overview of the expected costs and revenues. Within the validity period of a service contract quotation, the customer has the option of agreeing on a service contract for specific conditions with reference to the quotation. Contract quotations are business transactions in service with the leading business transaction category Service Contract. Service quotations are only identified as such by the system status Quotation. This function is available in CRM WebClient UI and Interaction Center WebClient. Integration Quotation data is not forwarded to SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC), since it is not relevant for billing or controlling, for example. However, it is possible to send the data to SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence.There you can perform analyses, to evaluate, for example, which quotations were accepted or rejected and what the reasons for this were. Prerequisites Define Quotation as Transaction Types in Customizing If you want to use contract quotations, you must define service contract quotations as transaction types in Customizing. Assign the leading business transaction category Service Contract. The standard delivery contains the transaction type SCQ Service Contract Quotation. 112

Make the settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Basic Settings Define Transaction Types Define Default Values in Customizing .


You maintain default values for quotations in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM), by choosing Categories . Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic Settings Define Item

Choose the required item category (in the standard delivery, SCNQ) and then the business transaction category Sales. In the Customizing Item view, maintain the fields in the screen area Quotation Data, particularly the following two fields:

Relevance for Quotation If you choose Initial Quotation and enter a transaction with this item category, the transaction items have the status Quotation.

Subsequ. Processing Here you define that the quotation should be further processed by selecting Quotation is copied to subsequent document.

Activities Create Quotation You create quotations using Service Contract Quotation. Accept Quotation You create a service contract as a follow-up transaction with reference to the service contract quotation. At this time, the quotation items accepted by the customer are copied to the items of the new transaction. Complete Quotation A quotation is completed (status Completed): 113

After it has been copied to a service contract Following a customer rejection

Service Plan
Description of services and follow-up activities that are to be performed regularly. You can use service plans to define and support the dates and scope of planned, recurring services, such as maintenance or creation of quotations. The service plan creates release objects, such as service orders, in the system with the help of scheduling, which can take place on the basis of time intervals or counter readings.

You can use a service plan to schedule and organize periodic services that occur repeatedly at certain intervals, such as regular maintenance, ahead of time. Service plans help you to save costs resulting from unforeseen outages or breakdowns, to plan services in a better and more transparent way, and to schedule resources, like personnel or materials, more efficiently.


Structure In the service plan item, the regular service is established as a product. In addition, a service plan item contains its own information about dates and activities for creating follow-up transactions (quotations, activities, or service orders) and also about price agreements. Integration The service plan can be a separate business process which is independent of the service contract, or it can be a functional enhancement of a service contract. Contract-independent service plans primarily reference the object on which the services will be performed, and are valid for the entire lifetime of the object. Unlike service plans that are bound to service contracts, contract-independent service plans contain no data specific to the customer or sold-to party, and they are not related to the validity period of a service contract. If data related to business partners and billing is to be entered for the service plan, it can be done in one of the following ways:

By linking the service plan business transaction to a valid service contract (References assignment block)

By functionally enhancing a service contract by adding a service plan, in which one or more service plan items was entered at the item level of the contract

If a service is to be performed in the context of a service plan item, the system generates a service order, into which the service contract data is automatically transferred. For contract-independent service plans, SAP delivers the transaction type SRMP (SAP Service Plan) in standard Customizing. This transaction type has the leading transaction category Service Plan (BUS2000245). In addition, item category SPMP (Service Plan Item in Service Plan) is available for contract-independent service plans. This item category must be assigned to the item object type Service Plan Item CRM (BUS2000148) in Customizing. You can either use this transaction type and item category as they are, or copy them and change them to meet your needs. 115

Service Plan in Service Contract

You can functionally enhance a service contract by adding a service plan. To do so, you enter one or more service plan items at item level in the service contract. A service plan created in this way differs from an independent service plan in that data can be entered for business partners and billing, and this type of service plan has a time limit, since it ends when the service contract runs out.

Integration At the item level, you process service plan data as service data instead of service agreements. Prerequisites To enable processing of planned dates and service plan data, such as interval values, assign item category SPLA (Service Plan Item) to the item. This item category must be assigned to the item object type Service Plan Item CRM (BUS2000148) in Customizing.


Features The service plan appears in the service contract at item level as a separate item category. According to the way your service contract is set up, you can create service plan items as subitems for a service contract item, or you can add service plan items directly to the service contract header without the contract item in between.


If you want to create a service contract item with service plan items under it, you can use the product proposal in the service contract item. This way, you can automate creation of the service plan items. For more information, see Product Proposal.

Service Plan Processing in CRM

You can use this business process to create and process service plans to describe services and follow-up activities that are to be performed at regular intervals. A service plan can be a separate business transaction or a functional enhancement of a service contract, in which case it appears as a separate item category of a service contract item.

Process Flow



The following process runs in SAP CRM: 1. Create service order template
You create a service order template in the system, in which you enter periodic services (services that are performed at regular intervals).

2. Create service interval

You create service intervals and service interval templates in the system. Service intervals define how often periodic services should be performed.

3. Create service plan product

In the system, you create the periodic services that should be agreed upon in the service plan items as products of type Service (for example, maintenance, hotline, inspection).

4. Create installed base or object

In installed base management, you create the objects for which or to which the services can be applied as either installed base components or objects.

5. Create counter
If counter-based service intervals are to be considered in the service plan, you create counters in the system.

6. Create service contract or service plan

If the service plan should contain a reference to a service contract, you create a service contract. Alternatively, you can create a service plan as a separate business transaction that is independent of any service contract and refers to the object to which the periodic services are to be applied.

7. Create service plan items

In the service plan, you create service plan items and use them to process any other necessary data. A service plan item contains its own information about dates and actions for creating followup documents (quotations, activities, or service orders). Service plan items with the individual services are created in the service contract as subitems of the service contract item.

8. Maintain service interval data

You assign a service interval and enter the necessary data.

9. Assign service order template

Assign a service order template.

10. Maintain object list

You maintain the object list in the service plan item. You enter the objects that are relevant for service planning (for example, the vehicles of a transport fleet) in the object list. These objects are already created and maintained in the system as objects or installed base components.

11. Assign counter

If counter-based intervals are to be considered, assign a counter to the relevant objects. If a counter was assigned to the reference product of an object, the system has already automatically copied this assignment.


12. Release service plan

You release the service plan.

13. Run simulation for service plan

You execute a service plan simulation. The simulation provides you with a list of future service orders and enables you to determine the resources (service employees, service parts) required for each service order, and to calculate the workload for a predefined period.

14. Assign service contract to service plan item

For contract-independent service plans, you can assign a service contract to a service plan item, according to the validity period of the contract.

15. Create service order on planned release dates

On planned release dates, you create a service order.

Service Intervals
You use service intervals to establish at which intervals a periodic service should be carried out.

For example, regular maintenance can be carried out:

Every 6 months Every 10,000 miles Every year on August 1 Every 1000 flight hours

SAP CRM supports service intervals for the following service plan types:

Time-based Counter-based Time- and counter-based

SAP CRM supports service intervals with the following service plan types:

Cyclical One-time Alternating


Fixed values

In this way, all service plan types and scheduling types can be combined with one another. Features You can determine the following attributes when you edit service plan data: 1. Service plan type The service plan type indicates the sequence in which the service intervals should take place. The following types are supported:

Time-based In the case of time-based service plans, a time interval can refer to the following: Calendar units (for example, if a service should be carried out monthly or every 6 months) Fixed dates (for example, if a service should always be carried out on the 15th of a month or annually on July 1.)

Counter-based The counter-based service plans refer to a service interval based on counter readings, such as miles driven, hours in service, or the number of products made. Either certain intervals (for example, if a car should be serviced every 15,000 miles) or fixed values (for example, if a service should be carried out when the counter readings are 15,000 and 50,000) can be taken into account.

Time-based and counter-based In the case of time-based and counter-based service plans, it is possible to combine timebased and counter-based service intervals (for example, if a photocopier should be serviced every 50,000 copies, but no later than every 2 months.)

2. Scheduling type For more information, see Scheduling Type.


3. Number of a service interval You can record several different service intervals, which can be identified by interval numbers, in a service plan item. According to the scheduling type, the service interval number can influence the scheduling as follows:

In the case of cyclical scheduling If several service intervals are in one service plan, then the service interval that leads to the earliest planned date is used to calculate the planned date. The interval numbers are linked logically by means of an or.

In the case of one-time scheduling or scheduling with fixed values If a service plan contains several service intervals, then the service intervals are processed in the sequence established by the interval number. The interval numbers are linked logically by means of an and.

In the case of alternating scheduling If a service plan contains several service intervals, then the service intervals are processed in the sequence established by the interval number. Unlike one-time scheduling or scheduling with fixed values, after the service interval with the highest interval number is reached, the process is repeated again with the service interval with the lowest interval number. The interval numbers are linked logically by means of an and.

4. Interval value with time unit or counter unit (unit of measurement) 5. Service order template 6. Underlying counter in the case of counter-based intervals 7. Dates

The appointment rules displayed in the Appointments assignment block are determined in Customizing under Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions Date Management . Define Date Types, Duration Types, and Date Rules 122

Select the Date Rules view. Activities You define service intervals in service plan items when you edit service plan data. You can also use service interval templates for service intervals that you use frequently. For more information, see Templates for Service Intervals.

Scheduling Type
Controls the calculation of the planned dates in the service interval. The following scheduling types are supported: Cyclical Scheduling The service is repeated at fixed intervals. The next planned date is determined based on the last planned date and the service interval.

The service plan car inspection is cyclical, based on time intervals. An inspection is entered in service interval 10. This should take place annually. Based on either the start of the service plan or the date on which the inspection was carried out, the system calculates the new


planned date and creates a corresponding service order for this

date. One-Time Scheduling The service is not repeated cyclically, but is rather carried out after a prescribed service interval has passed. Each service interval is taken into account only once for the scheduling. Scheduling is not carried out on the basis of the last planned date, but rather on the basis of the start of the planning. It ends automatically with the end of the last service interval.

The service plan photocopier maintenance is a one-time service, based on counter readings. The cleaning of the photocopier, which should take place after 10,000 copies have been made, is entered in service interval 10. The replacement of the heating unit is entered in service interval 20. This should take place after 200,000 copies have been made. After the relevant counter readings have been reached, an appropriate service order is created. The photocopier can still be used until it is serviced.


Scheduling with Fixed Values Scheduling takes place in the same way as one-time scheduling, with the difference being that in the case of scheduling with fixed values, the planned date is not calculated on the basis of an interval, but rather on the basis of predefined fixed values.

As in the case of the one-time scheduling example above, a service order is created when the counter reading in question is reached. The photocopier can be used again only after it has been serviced. Alternating Scheduling Scheduling takes place in the same way as the one-time scheduling, with the difference being that in the case of alternating scheduling, the different service intervals are completed one after the other. After the last interval has been completed, the cycle starts again with the first interval.

The service plan inspection is alternating, based on counter readings. An oil and brakes check is entered in service interval 10. This should take place when the vehicle was driven 30,000 miles. A major inspection is entered in service interval 20. This should take place when the vehicle was driven 50,000 miles. 125

The inspections should take place alternately.

Templates for Service Intervals

You can create templates for service intervals and predefine most of the attributes in the template. In the product master, you assign the templates to the service products that should be used as services in the service plan. You can specify the following attributes:

Service plan type Scheduling type Service interval number Interval value Time unit Counter attribute Transaction template

Features You assign service interval templates in the product master to the service products, which are reference products for the services in service plans. When you create a service plan item and choose a service product, the system deletes the service interval template assigned to the service product accordingly, with the values in the template for the attributes being transferred to the service plan item.


Activities You maintain service interval templates on the SAP Easy Access screen, under Service Interval Templates . Service Maintain

First, enter a key with a description for identifying the interval template, and determine the service plan type and scheduling type of the service intervals belonging to the template. Then maintain the individual service intervals of the template, including the service interval number. You determine the values for the attributes in the set type Service Intervals.

Interval Value Time Unit Counter Attribute Transaction Template


The selection of the service plan type determines the display of the fields Time Unit and Counter Attribute. Thus, only the field Time Unit is displayed in the case of a time-based service plan type, for example. After saving the service interval template, you can assign it to a service product for service plans in the product master. The set type Service Plan is available to you for this purpose when you process service products. Example You create a service interval template Template for car inspections in the transaction Maintain Service Interval Templates. In the subsequent service plan, an interval 10 should be entered for a minor inspection to take place every 3 months, as well as an interval 20 for a major inspection every 50,000 miles. You should choose a cyclical scheduling type for the interval template, and a time-based and counterbased service plan type. You should then define the following service intervals:


Interval number 10 with the following values:

Interval value: 3 Time unit: Months

Interval number 20 with the following values:

Interval value: 50,000 Counter attribute: Miles

You choose Services and the service product Inspection and enter the ID in the Interval Template field in the General Data assignment block.

The Interval Template field is hidden in the standard delivery.

Scheduling and Generating Follow-Up Transactions

The system calculates the planned dates, that is, the dates on which a service should be carried out, for the services defined in the service plan, such as quotations, activities, or service orders. Using date rules (scheduling rules), the release dates can be derived from the planned dates. The release dates are the dates on which the system creates corresponding release objects, such as a service order or contract quotation. Prerequisites

You have created and maintained interval templates in the system. You have assigned a date profile and date rules in Customizing to the item category that you use for service plans. To do this, make settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM), by choosing Settings Define Item Categories
o o

Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic and proceed as follows:

Choose the item category intended for the service plan items. Choose the date profile in the detail screen of the view Definition of Item Categories.


Choose Service Contract in the view Assignment of Business Transaction Categories and then change to the view Customizing Item, where you can define the date rules for timebased and counter-based service intervals.

Features Planned Date The system calculates the planned date, on the one hand, on the basis of the interval templates that you establish in the service plan item, and on the basis of the interval values defined in the interval template. On the other hand, the calculation takes date profiles and date rules (scheduling rules) into account. You can display and edit the scheduling rule in the service plan item in the Interval: Details assignment block. The planned date is calculated on the basis of the start of planning. This is by default the current date when the service plan item is created, since the date rule Current Date is assigned by default to the date type Planning Start in Customizing. Planned dates can be determined for counter-dependent scheduling by means of a consumption prediction or a calculated consumption value. For time-dependent scheduling, the planned date is calculated using the service interval that was defined in the service plan. Release Date Follow-up transactions can be created before the planned date. The date on which a follow-up transaction is created before the planned date is defined by the date type Release Date. Using an established interim period, you can determine when the release date is, that is, when a transaction is automatically generated in the system and is visible to the service employee. As soon as the transaction has been generated in the system, the service employee can confirm and process the transaction. Generating the Transactions The Post Processing Framework in CRM, which can be carried out either manually or automatically, allows the interaction of the dates and actions of the individual service plan items to be monitored, as well as the generation of the follow-up transactions.


A background job can be set up for the automatic monitoring that checks at regular intervals whether all the scheduled actions comply with the start condition, and generates the follow-up transactions, if necessary. The data from the service plan item is first copied to the item of the new business transaction in the service during the generation of the follow-up transactions. Additional data, such as price agreements, can be imported from the service contract. The planned dates are recalculated in the service plan and the service plan is updated accordingly. If more complex services are to be used on a planned date, then you can predefine a business transaction template that contains the detailed services and their scope, such as a service order template. You can assign a business transaction template to a service interval either within a service interval template, or in the contract during the maintenance of a service plan item.

The Post Processing Framework in CRM

The Post Processing Framework (PPF) is an SAP basic technology that is used in SAP CRM to schedule and process actions and outputs with an application document (such as a contract or an activity). Integration The PPF provides basic functions for the settings that are supplied with default settings by the relevant application. You can adjust the settings to meet your requirements. In SAP CRM, for transaction type, you can create separate actions with schedule and start conditions. Features The PPF provides the following functions:

Determination of actions and messages Merging of actions found Media for processing actions User interface for the Customizing of action templates, including determination and merge technologies and also processing media


User interface for the Customizing of conditions, when determination using conditions is used

More Information Post Processing Framework (BC-SRV-GBT)

background job (BC-ABA)

ABAP Runtime Environment (BC-ABA)
Job through which one or more ABAP programs are started in background processing. A background job is made up of background tasks.

Scheduling for Counter-Based Service Intervals

When using counter-based service intervals, a counter monitors the wear and tear on an object, or the usage or reduction of a supply. The service is carried out when the counter of the reference object displays a certain reading, such as every 1,000 hours in service or every 50,000 copies. The planned date of a service can be determined using the counter reading and a usage estimation that is established for the counter. Prerequisites

In the system, you have created counters and for each counter you have entered planned values as well as periods for the planned values (for example, 300 miles per day or 10,000 copies in one month). For more information, see Counters.

In Customizing, you have defined whether counters and counter readings can be displayed and edited in service plan items. Make this setting in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Categories . Proceed as follows:


1. Choose the item category intended for service plan items. 2. Choose the entry Service Contract in the view Assignment of Business Transaction Categories. 3. Select the Customizing Item view and choose Activate Counter. Process

You have assigned counters in Installed Base Management for the installed base component for which the service should be provided. You enter the installed base component as a reference object in the object list when creating the service plan item. In assignment block Counters and Readings, you can enter counters manually or accept the proposals made by the system. If you use the latter option, the counters assigned to the reference objects, as well as the relevant counter information, are displayed in a separate dialog box for selection. If only one counter is assigned to the reference object, the counter information is accepted immediately, without a dialog box appearing. To activate automatic counter acceptance, choose Proposal from Ref. Objects.

The counter information is also automatically transferred to the service plan item when you choose a service from the product proposal.

You record the current counter reading regularly and enter it as a visible value, even if it has not changed. Otherwise the system creates release objects (such as service orders) on the basis of the estimated annual performance, although the counter reading has actually not yet been reached.

For a certain pump, a maintenance activity must be carried out every 100 hours that the pump is in service. The release date that was calculated during the scheduling of the service plan has almost been reached, but the counter reading of the pump shows only 50 hours in service because the pump is temporarily not in use. In order to prevent service orders being generated before they are needed, enter the new total counter reading in the system. You then reschedule the service plan. The release date is calculated again on the basis of the updated counter reading and is arranged for later in this case. 132

Example 1. It is established in a service plan for a pump that the gaskets should be checked after 50,000 liters of water have flowed through the pump. The pump appears in the system as an installation component and has a counter that measures the flow of water in liters. 2. When the service plan item is created, the system calculates the planned date by which 50,000 liters of water should have flowed through the pump. On this planned date, a service representative should check the gaskets. 3. The system then calculates the release date on which the service order is created. The service manager has defined the release date so that it falls before the planned date, leaving him enough time for resource planning. 4. Over time, the service representative records the counter readings of the pump at regular intervals and enters them as visible values in the service plan. If it is established that the water flows faster or slower than estimated, the service manager must adapt the planned dates accordingly. 5. When 48,500 liters of water have flowed through the pump, the release date is reached and the system creates a service order with the data from the service plan. 6. Since the system has created the service order punctually, the service representative can then check the pump precisely when 50,000 liters of water have flowed through the pump.

Simulating Service Plans

Simulation of service plans or service contracts provides you with a list of future service orders and enables you to determine the resources (service employees, service parts) required for each service order, and to calculate the workload for a predefined period. Service plans can be simulated for a short-term period (such as the upcoming week or month), or also for a long-term period (such as the entire lifecycle of a service plan). You can also, for example, simulate all existing service plans, or only the service plans of a certain customer for a defined period. In addition, you can fix a time for the start of the simulation. For example, you can make a setting for all the service plans for the upcoming month to be simulated at the start of every month. Prerequisites

In the system, you have created service plans or service contracts with service plan items.


In Customizing for the transaction type, you have defined whether transaction IDs should be assigned to the simulated service orders. If you set the Early No. Assgt indicator, you see transaction IDs in the simulation result list. You can set this indicator in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transaction Types Transactions Basic Settings Define . Choose a transaction type in the dialog Definition of transaction types, and

the indicator is in screen area Transaction Numbering. Process You start a simulation on the Service Plan Simulation page. You can restrict the simulation according to your requirements by entering selection criteria. You can then start a report in which the system selects the relevant service plans using these criteria. From the list of these service plans, you select those that should be taken into account for the simulation, and then start the simulation. You can also start the simulation from a service plan item from assignment block Service Orders. Result During the simulation, virtual service orders are created using existing service plans and their date rules. These virtual service orders are displayed in the list together with additional information, such as information about the required resources and products. The virtual service orders cannot be stored in SAP CRM, but they can be read and evaluated for business purposes without the data having to be transferred to SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI) first for analysis. If necessary, you can send the data forecast during the simulation to SAP NetWeaver BI to perform further, more detailed analyses, or to compare current and planned service data. SAP supplies predefined queries for analyzing the simulated data in SAP NetWeaver BI.

Service Contract Determination

You can use this function to define whether the system should search for and display existing service contracts when business transactions are created.


Prerequisites Transaction Type You have made settings in Customizing that define how contract determination should occur for the following transaction types: service order, service confirmation, and complaint. You make these settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Define Transaction Types settings:

Transactions Basic Settings

and using the Contract Determ indicator. You can make the following

No contract determination Manual contract determination Only at item level (setting in standard SAP Customizing) Contract determination at header and item level

The Contract Determ. field only appears in the detailed display for definition of the transaction type, if you have chosen Complaint, Service Process, Service Confirmation or Sales as the leading transaction category. For more information about these settings, see Customizing for transaction types in the field help (F1) for field Contract Determ. You have set the copying control for both the transaction types and for the item categories in Customizing. Item Category In Customizing for the contract item category, you have defined whether the system should also find contract items whose object list or product list is empty when an item is created in one of the business transactions listed above. You make this setting in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Categories and using indicators Filter Contract Item by Object List and Filter Contract Item by Product List. You can see these indicators by choosing an item category with business transaction category Service Contract and then choosing Customizing Item. For more information about these settings, see Customizing for item categories in the field help (F1) for both of these fields.


SAP standard Customizing includes contracts with empty product lists and object lists in the search results. Features When you create a business transaction in service with a transaction type for which contract determination is activated in Customizing, the system determines service contracts based on the following selection criteria:

Sold-to party The sold-to party in the service contract and in the business transaction must be identical.

Sales organization and distribution channel The sales organization and the distribution channel in the service contract and in the business transaction must be identical.

Service organization If a service organization is entered in the service contract, it must be identical to the one in the business transaction.

Status The status of the service contract item must be Released.

Validity The date in the Requested Start field in the business transaction must lie within the validity period of the service contract item.

Object list In standard Customizing, contract determination runs in the following sequence: 1. Contracts are found that have reference objects entered for the business transaction item in the object list of the service contract item, or that have an empty object list for the service contract item.


2. If no reference objects were entered for the business transaction item, contracts are found that have the reference object for the business transaction header entered in the object list of the service contract item, or that have an empty object list for the service contract item. 3. If the reference object was not entered in either the business transaction item or in the business transaction header, service contract items with empty object lists are found.

Product list The product in the business transaction item must be entered in the product list of the service contract item, or the product list of the service contract item can be empty. For more information, see Service and Product List.

You can use the Business Add-In definition CRM_SERVICE_CONTRACT (Business Add-In for Service Contract Determination) to include Business Add-Ins, which you can use to provide your own selection criteria or to limit the selection criteria (see above) delivered by SAP. After the system has determined valid service contracts, it automatically copies the contract data to the business transaction in service, or you are prompted to select a contract for copying from a list. Activities Automatic Determination of Service Contracts at Item Level 1. Create an item in a business transaction in service for which automatic contract determination is activated in Customizing. 2. The system selects appropriate service contracts according to the above-mentioned criteria and displays all permitted service contract items.

The system only selects and offers for selection those service contract items whose product lists contain the product entered in the business transaction item. In addition, depending on Customizing settings, service contract items that have no product list are also selected. The system only selects and offers for selection those service contract items whose object lists contain the reference object entered in the business transaction item. In addition, depending on Customizing settings, service contract items that have no object list are also selected.


3. During selection of a service contract item, data from the service contract item is copied into the business transaction in service, and the price agreements and SLA parameters from the service contract are also activated in the service transaction. 4. In the detailed view of the business transaction item, the contract ID appears in the Service Contract and Warranty section. You can click on the ID to go to the corresponding contract. Automatic Determination of Service Contracts at Header and Item Level 1. Create a business transaction in service for which automatic contract determination is activated in Customizing. Maintain the header data and specify the reference object. 2. The system automatically selects appropriate service contracts according to the above-mentioned criteria and displays all permitted service contract items. 3. After selecting a valid service contract item, the products entered in the product list belonging to the contract item are displayed as default values for copying to the business transaction. If the product list does not contain any entries, the service product that was agreed on in the contract item is proposed for copying to the service transaction. All products that are selected and copied from the display are then automatically copied as items in the service transaction.

Dates from the date profile of the transaction type are displayed in the Dates assignment block. When you save the business transaction, the current dates are redetermined. Manual Determination of Service Contracts Providing that you have set up manual contract determination in Customizing, you can use a button to manually start the determination of service contracts when a new business transaction is created.

Revenue Recognition for Service Contracts with SAP ECC Integration

Many companies require period-based accrual calculation of revenues. This means that revenue must be realized in the posting period in which the service was rendered rather than in the posting period in which the billing document was created. You can use the revenue recognition function to fulfill this requirement by separating revenue recognition from the billing process. 138

The automatic transfer of data from business processes in SAP CRM Service into an SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) internal order makes it possible for you to use results analysis in SAP ECC.

Revenue recognition in SAP CRM is applied to service contracts in SAP CRM and technically has nothing to do with revenue recognition in the sales and distribution (SD) component of SAP ECC. Technically, results analysis is used in SAP ECC component CO-PC. Revenue recognition controls how much revenue is to be reported in which posting period. Revenue recognition allows you to post revenue to the financial accounting component in SAP ECC independent of billing documents, which are normally posted to revenue accounts. In this way, revenues can be posted before, during, or after the actual billing. Revenues can be realized on a periodic basis or on the basis of individual events:

Standard revenue recognition means that billing documents are posted directly to a revenue account. This type of posting occurs without a revenue recognition process. Time-based (periodic) revenue recognition means that the revenue of a sale is distributed and posted evenly over the entire contract term. For this process, the billing document is posted to an accruals account first and the revenues are transferred to the revenue accounts in a second step.

Service-based revenue recognition (value/quantity contracts with a target quantity) means that the revenue is realized based on an event. Events are releases that are reflected as service orders or service confirmations. Once again, the billing document is posted to an accruals account first and the revenues are transferred to the revenue accounts in a second step.

Integration Revenue recognition involves various components:

SAP CRM for creating the service contract, service order, and service confirmation SAP ECC financial accounting (FI) for posting to general ledger accounts

The data flow between the two systems is illustrated as follows:


Prerequisite You have completed Customizing for Revenue Recognition with SAP ECC Integration. Features Service-Related Revenue Recognition (Value Contract) The following values are determined in SAP CRM and transferred to SAP ECC:

Target value from the service contract items Contract start date and contract end date Release values from service orders

The following calculations are done in SAP ECC:

Accrual quantity per posting period in percent (degree of revenue recognition) = Release value per posting period / target value * 100 Realized revenue per period = Accrual quantity per posting period in percent * Planned revenue The planned revenue is equal to the target value.


Time-Based Revenue Recognition The following values are determined in SAP CRM and transferred to SAP ECC:

Contract start date and contract end date Sum of billing request items

The following calculations are done in SAP ECC:

Accrual quantity per posting period in percent (degree of revenue recognition) = 100 / Number of posting periods Realized revenue per period = Accrual quantity per posting period in percent * Planned revenue The planned revenue is equal to the sum of the billing request items.


Activities SAP CRM automatically transfers the necessary data to SAP ECC.

Customizing for Revenue Recognition with SAP ECC Integration

You want to use the calculation of profits in SAP ECC component CO-PC. The following document describes the settings that you must make in the implementation guide (IMG) of SAP CRM and SAP ECC to use revenue recognition in SAP ECC. Activities Customizing in SAP CRM

Revenue recognition for a value contract with a target value is service-related; for other contracts revenue recognition is time-related. To define the type of revenue recognition, use IMG activity Customer Relationship .

Management Transactions Basic Settings Define Transaction Types


If revenue recognition is to be service-related, select C in the Quantity/Value Contract field for the transaction type Service Contract. Otherwise, leave the field blank.

Use the revenue recognition category to define how revenue is recognized over the contract duration for CRM service contract items with a periodic billing plan. To do this, use IMG activity Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic .

Settings Define Item Categories

Choose Customizing Item for the business transaction category Sales and choose an appropriate value in the Revenue Recognition Category field in the contract data screen area. For more information, see the field help (F1) for this field.

If a target value exists in a service contract, it is used to calculate planned revenue. A condition type is required to determine the revenue account. To define the revenue account, use IMG activity Customer Relationship Management .

Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Categories

For item category SAP Standard Service Contract Item (standard Customizing: SCN), choose an appropriate condition type in the Condition Type field for business transaction category Sales. This condition type is used to determine the revenue account. In the same IMG activity, choose a billing-relevant entry in the Bill. Relevance field. Customizing in SAP ECC

Define the controlling type and controlling level for the CRM transaction type for the service contract. Use the activity: Integration with Other SAP Components Customer Relationship .

Management Settings for Service Processing Controlling Integration Establish Controlling Type, Level, and Scenarios

At item level, select single-object controlling so that each service contract item can be assigned to an internal order and the accrual quantity for each item can be saved. The leading transaction type is the service contract.


Create a record for the CRM transaction type Service Contract with: Leadng BT Type <Transaction type for service contract> Controlling Type Single-Object Controlling Controlling Level Item

Assign a controlling scenario that contains a results analysis key and a costing variant. The results analysis key is saved in the internal order and is required for the analysis of results. The costing variant is necessary to calculate and save the planned revenue for the internal order.

Define Customizing for results analysis: For Customizing for the results analysis, use the IMG activities under: Product Cost by Sales Order Period-End Closing Results Analysis . SAP Customizing

Implementation Guide Controlling Product Cost Controlling Cost Object Controlling

Revenue recognition for CRM service contracts copies the percentage of completion from the CRM service contract. To enable this, you must create the statistical key figure ABGMNG from key figure category totals values in SAP ECC. As a unit for the statistical key figure, you could select %, for example. This key figure in SAP ECC is updated by period from SAP CRM. The appropriate results analysis method is 05, the Quantity-Based POC Method, together with the quantity base C. This determines the percentage of completion from the values of the statistical key figure ABGMNG. The planned revenue is transferred to allow the period split to document the changes to the planned revenue. This enables any changes to the planned revenues by period to be used for the evaluation. If you want to enable this:
o o

Review SAP Note 712930 Create a customer enhancement project for customer enhancement 2 of the results analysis, according to SAP Note 26957 Enter program code in customer enhancement 2 as described in SAP Note 1019177 In the valuation method, select the valuation basis 0 (number zero) or another number between 1 and 9, in line with the code in the customer enhancement.

o o

If the percentage of completion is only to be used for revenue recognition and the costs are not to be accrued:


Assign the line IDs for the costs in Customizing for results analysis for the update to the category D. Review SAP Note 495279 Create a customer enhancement project for customer enhancement 7 of the results analysis, according to SAP Note 198983 Enter program code in customer enhancement 7 as described in SAP Note 1019177.

o o

Usage-Based Service Contract Management

You can use this process to manage service contracts depending on quantity used. You can use this method to bill your customers for services with a certain usage volume (of copies, for example) after you have defined a service contract. This allows you as the service provider to react more flexibly to customer demands while reducing costs for the end customer. You can model the entire process of usage-based service contract management in SAP CRM, from creating a service quotation and contract, entering and calculating the usage volume using counters and readings, right through to billing. In usage-based service contract management, you specify the quantities to be used in the service contract and define corresponding conditions. You can specify credits, or quantities that are included with the service flat rate. You can link various contracts together with a pool contract for pricing and billing purposes in usagebased billing. You can use pool contracts to periodically recalculate the usage of all assigned contracts (single pool contracts) or run consumption billing for all assigned contracts in the pool contract (aggregate contract). Volume determination can occur in many different ways. For more information, see Usage Determination. Usage-based billing occurs on a periodic basis. You can bill the service contract separately from usagebased billing.


For example, if customers pay the contractual services monthly, but the usage-based component quarterly, several different billing plans are available. Prerequisites You have made the settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) under Usage-Based Service Contract Processing Process Usage-based service contract management is made up of the following process areas:

Usage-Based Service Contract Processing Pool Linkage Usage Determination Usage-Based Billing

Usage-Based Billing
You use the standard billing functions in SAP CRM to create customer invoices to bill for usage, as defined in service contracts. Usage-based billing is scheduled in a billing plan. Billing request items are automatically created for billable contract items and are transferred to the billing due list. You can then perform billing. For information on the standard billing functions, see Billing. Prerequisites

You have activated usage-based billing in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Billing Configure Application .

Select the feature Usage-Based Billing, and save your settings.

You have activated the Business Configuration (BC) set CRM_UBB_BILLING (you do this using transaction SCPR20). You have defined the billing item categories that you want to use for usage-based billing, and assigned them to the relevant transaction types and item categories


You do this in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Category Determination Assign Item Categories

Billing Item

Prebilling has taken place. Billing is based on the values calculated during prebilling. Prebilling must, therefore, have taken place in order that the system can transfer billing request items to the billing due list. You need to release a single contract or the main item of a pool contract before prebilling can take place. Prebilling does the following: 1. Calculates prices 2. Performs pool redistribution for pool contracts 3. Transfers costs and revenues to accounting 4. Updates the credit overview 5. Releases the billing request items 6. Generates billing due list items

Pool Linkage
You can link different contracts with a pool contract in usage-based service contract management. You use a change process within a single contract to create a link to a pool contract. A pool linkage is always time-specific, which means you can link a contract with different pool contracts in different time segments. If conditions change, for example, you can define a new pool linkage with a different contract to reflect these changed conditions. The periods may not overlap. When you create a link, the system activates this link until December 31, 9999. The system always sets an unlimited validity period for the last active pool linkage that was created. To link the contract with a pool contract, you can move the end date to an earlier date by using the change process Change Pool Linkage. You can also move the start date of the link forwards or backwards. A contract can only be linked with one pool contract within any given time segment. The pool linkage must be active in order to bill the contracts through the pool contract. When you bill a pool contract, all existing pool linkages are taken into account automatically. You can define the pool linkage either before or after inception of the single contract.


You can use pool contracts to perform the following actions:

Automatic termination of all linked contracts at the end of the pool contract You find action definition UBB: UNASSIGN TO CONTRACT END in action profile UBB: Pool
Contract Item (UBB_POOL_ITEM).

You can use pool contracts to execute the following change processes:

Collective Termination of Pool Linkage All linked contracts are terminated from the pool contract. If the end date of a pool linkage falls chronologically after the termination date that you entered in assignment block Change Process Parameters in the Valid To field, the system moves the end date of the linkage until it is the same as the termination date. If a pool link falls after the termination date, the system cancels this link.

Change Billing Plan Periodicity for Pool Contracts If you change the periodicity of the billing plan, the periodicity of the linked contracts is changed automatically.


You have created a single contract and a pool contract. You have saved the pool contract before you create the link. Since the change process Collective Termination of Pool Linkage affects all linked contracts, you can only execute this change process when it can be executed for all linked contracts. If just one linked contract is currently blocked, for example, you cannot execute this change process.

Features The following link functions are available:


Creating the Pool Linkage You can create the linkage before or after you release the contract. The handling is identical for single pool contracts and aggregate contracts. The system only bills the usage volume using the pool contract. It continues to bill the flat rate through the single contract. When you create a pool linkage, the system accrues the billing periods. The system generates a pool redistribution plan starting with the linkage date and the periodicity of the billing plan for the pool contract. The pool redistribution plan ends on the termination date of the pool linkage. In other words, a pool redistribution plan only exists as long as the single contract belongs to a pool contract. You can link the pool manually or use a rule-based pool linkage. Maintaining the Pool Linkage The following processing options are available:


Description You change pool linkages when you change the start date or end date in case of a termination. You do not change the pool contract type, however.


Please Note You can only change a pool linkage when the existing pool linkage is active and there are no relevant billed periods as of the execution date.


When you cancel a pool linkage for example, if the wrong copying machine was specified You can only cancel a pool linkage the system restores the original status of the when the existing pool linkage is single contract and the pool contract. active and there are no relevant billed periods as of the execution date. If the contract or pool contract expires, the linkage is cancelled automatically.


The system cancels the pool linkage automatically on the end date of the linked single contract. A change process can also cancel the pool linkage. Status Display The different functions assign different status values to the pool linkages: 149

Status Description Active You have created a pool linkage between a single contract and a pool contract. Canceled You have canceled the pool linkage. Changed You have changed the date information for a pool linkage. Indirect You have created a rule-based pool linkage.
Example A copy shop has 20 copying machines and wants to lease another one. You bill the usage of the new machine using the existing aggregate contract that is used to manage the other 20 copying machines. You prepare the single contract and link it with the aggregate contract (rule-based linkage). At the same time, you install the copying machine at the copy shop. The link is not canceled, which means it does not have a defined end date. Instead, it is billed through the aggregate contract. The flat rate is billed through the single contract, however. The pool redistribution plan exists as long as the contract belongs to the aggregate contract. One year later, you want to cancel the linkage of the single contract to this pool contract at the end of the month and then link it with a different aggregate contract that has different price conditions. As a result, the single contract is used for usage billing after the linkage is canceled. Usage billing is not performed through the aggregate contract until a new linkage with another aggregate contract is defined.

Usage Determination

To bill your customers for usage, you need to determine the relevant usage volume. You can do this as follows:

By entering readings on the Counters or Readings pages For more information, see Usage Recording with Counter Readings.

By importing readings from outside your SAP CRM system For more information, see Counters and Readings, section Integration.


By estimating usage You can set up estimation procedures to estimate usage during period-end closing if no billingrelevant reading takes place within a certain period (see Prerequisites below).

Usage values are shown in the usage overview, which collects all the usage-related information required to bill the service contract. A usage overview is available for each service contract item as a separate assignment block. If no reading has been entered for a billing period, you can enter readings directly in the usage overview.

We recommend that you use Counters or Readings pages to enter readings, rather than doing this in the usage overview. If you enter readings in the usage overview, and readings are subsequently recorded for the same period on the Counters or Readings pages, your entries in the usage overview are overwritten. Prerequisites Usage Estimation

You have made the following settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, in the section

Usage-Based Service Contract Processing Usage Recording: .

Defined estimation procedures in the activities Define Estimation Procedures and Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) BAdI: Define Estimation Procedures Defined estimation sequences to determine which estimation procedures are used and in which order. You do this in the activity Define Estimation Sequences.

For each contract item, you have specified an estimation sequence in the Control Data assignment block.

Usage Overview

You have checked the following Business Add-Ins in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, under Usage-Based Service Contract Processing Usage Recording , and, if necessary, made changes to meet your business requirements:


Definition of how the system identifies which readings are valid for billing and are, therefore, included in the usage overview (activities Define Validation Rules for Usage and ) Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) BAdI: Define Item Processing in the Usage Overview

Definition of checks that the system performs when a new reading is received or the system has to choose between multiple readings for the same settlement period (activity Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) BAdI: Check Usage of Readings in Usage Overview )

For each contract item, you have specified the validation rule for readings (if required), in the Control Data assignment block.

Features Merging of Usage Overview Entries If no billing-relevant readings are available for a particular settlement period and a billing-relevant reading is received for a subsequent settlement period, the entries for the two periods are automatically merged in the usage overview. If you cancel the billing-relevant reading at the end of the last period, the system reverses the merging of the periods.

Usage Data (Not Yet Visible in Usage Overview) Settlement Usage Reading Last End Date Function Value Reading Usage 200704 20070401 30 1 None 320 None 200704 20070401 30 2 None 50 None 200705 20070501 31 1 None None None 200705 20070501 31 2 None None None 200706 20070601 30 1 1300 None 880 200706 20070601 30 2 160 None Not yet calculated Usage Overview After Merging of Entries Settlement Usage Reading Last Settlement Start Date End Date Function Value Reading Usage 200706 20070401 30 1 1300 320 980 200706 20070401 30 2 160 50 110 Settlement Start Date


Period-End Closing Period-end closing is an action that does the following for an item, if no billing-relevant readings are available in the usage overview of a service contract at the end of the period:

Triggers usage estimation, if estimation is permitted


If no estimation takes place, you cannot release the item in the contract, or bill the period.

Changes the settlement period end date so that the action can be scheduled for the next period

The actual period-end closing date and the date on which the system executes scheduled period-end closing are shown in the service contract, in the Dates assignment block. Period-end closing also has an influence on the reading reminder date.

You cannot omit individual periods from period-end closing. You must process periods in chronological order.

Usage-Based Service Contract Processing

You calculate a quotation for a service for a potential customer based on a specific request from that customer. If the customer accepts the quotation, you create a contract in the system (the creation process is also called contract inception). A valid contract is a prerequisite for recording usage, calculating the usage volume, and subsequent billing. Process The following business process runs in SAP CRM: 1. You create and maintain the parameters for the Service Level Agreements. 153

2. You create a service contract quotation. 3. You create quotation items. 4. You maintain the object list. In the object list, you enter the objects for which the service product agreed in upon the quotation item can be claimed. Installed bases, installed base components, and products can be used as elements of this object list. 5. You maintain the product list in which you define the services and service parts that can be claimed within the context of service order management with reference to a service contract. In the service contract, you can group services and service parts in a service package which you can then offer as a service product. 6. You maintain price agreements in quotation items. Note that price agreements in items take precedence over prices defined in the contract header. 7. You send the contract quotation to the customer. 8. If a customer accepts the service contract quotation, create a usage-based service contract as a follow-up transaction from the quotation. 9. The system generates a billing plan. 10. The system generates billing request items. 11. The system activates the usage-based service contract. 12. The system runs revenue recognition for the usage-based service contract. In the case of leases, the system generates attachments. The system determines the data for generating these attachments by using the product master data Device Class and Residual Value Curve. 13. A controlling object is created for the service contract in financial accounting. Costs and revenues are posted to the controlling object, or an existing controlling object is assigned to the service contract. 14. You make changes to the usage-based service contract.

Single Contract (Usage-Based Service Contract)

A service contract that also includes an agreement for the usage volume. The contract defines the services and specific conditions for the usage volume.


Single contracts contain the following data:

Price agreements Validity periods Business partner data Billing plans Object lists

In addition, single contracts contain a flat-rate charge for a certain usage volume, such as the number of copies for a leased copying machine. The lease is billed on a flat-rate basis, which means the leasing installment for the copying machine already includes a certain number of copies. The customer pays the flat rate regardless of whether or not all the included copies were made. If the number of copies made exceeds the included number, the customer pays an additional fee. Structure The billing plan of a single contract can contain several schedules for a service product. A credit overview for updating the billed volumes and values is integrated in the contract. The Usage Overview in the contract contains all the usage-related information required for billing. The control data required to manage usage-based billing, such as controls for pricing and readings, is contained in the contract. The contract contains a service item that describes a service product. A physical product is assigned to this service product. This physical product describes the "machine" for which the service is offered, and which shows usage. An example is a a copying machine that is maintained and whose usage is measured in copies made. Integration You can link single contracts with pool contracts. These pool contracts calculate the actual usage, based on all linked single contracts. When you bill usage volumes and flat rates, the system takes existing credits and the actual usage volumes into account. For more information, see Pool Linkage.


Billing Plan
Schedule that contains the individual dates and periods for billing. Usage-based billing is based on a periodic billing structure. You can bill the service contract separately from usage-based billing. If customers pay the contractual services monthly, but the usage-based component quarterly, several different billing plans are available. There is also a schedule for pool redistribution. This schedule exists as long as a contract is assigned to a pool contract. It may contain a deduction volume as the result of pool costing.

Note that the administration of billing plans is not allowed at header level. The billing plan for service billing must be synchronized with the billing plan for usage billing that is, the start and end dates of each usage billing period must be identical to the start and end dates of the respective service billing period. Example You lease a copying machine to a customer, such as a copy shop. The monthly billing amount consists of two components: a flat rate that covers the fixed costs and a fee for usage (such as 1 cent per copy). You calculate the flat rate fee monthly and the usage quarterly. Therefore, you need two different billing plans in the system. The system bills the flat rate and the usage in two separate billing plans. The billing plans can contain both different periods and different billing dates (for example, billing the rental at the start of the month and usage at the end of the month). The important thing is that the billing periods are synchronized (monthly and quarterly in this example).

Control Data
Service contracts have various requirements with regard to the management of readings, the calculation of usage volumes, pool linkages, and change processes. All the relevant data for controlling the individual business processes is consolidated in the control data in usage-based billing.


Controls for Price Determination Usage Function Group The usage function group combines usage functions to form logical units and controls the assignment of usage functions to condition functions, and thus to the condition types as well. The usage function group lets you allow only certain condition types for a group of materials and assign condition types to different usage functions. For example, a service product could contain function group 001 Copiers and contract class 10 Service. Contract Class The contract class controls the grouping of the involved contract. The contract class is used by the Lease Accounting Engine. The contract class defines how the service contract is saved in accounting, for example, it records the legal owner of the product for which the service is rendered.

You define the contract class and the usage function group in the product master data in assignment block Usage-Based Billing-Specific Attributes. The system copies the data from the product master record to the control data. You cannot change the data. Controls for the Usage Overview You use the controls of the usage overview to specify the procedure for sending the reading reminders, the procedure for estimating usage, and the priority of the various readings depending on their origin. You use a validation rule to define which Business Add-In (BAdI) implementation the system uses to process the usage overview. For more information, see Usage Determination. Controls for the Billing Document You can bill many different types of services in usage-based billing. There can be a bill for a flat rate, which already includes a certain usage volume (of copies, for example), and a separate bill for usage in excess of the flat-rate amount.


Depending on the customer requirements, for example, you can send the invoices for the service contract and the quantity used separately or together. Dates You can use date rules to link different dates together. Linkages When you display a single contract, this overview displays the pool contracts that are linked to this contract. When you display a pool contract, this overview displays the single contracts that are linked to this contract. For more information, see Pool Linkage. Free-of-Charge Periods In a service contract, you and your customer agree that the customer will pay a certain amount for a certain period. This amount is identical for each month or other defined billing period. You can also enter free-of-charge periods in the contracts. In this case, the system does not include the free-of-charge period in the billing period. For example, this may be useful for seasonal business processes, or in schools. If the free-of-charge period lies partially or completely in the billing period, the system calculates a new condition factor. The new factor is less than the original factor, which means the customer pays a lower price. The system considers conditions with a time-specific calculation rule (M, N, O, P). If you do not enter any free-of-charge periods, the customer always pays the full amount.

condition type (SD)

Sales and Distribution (SD)


Identification that defines characteristics, attributes, and business meaning of a condition. The system can, for example, contain different condition types for free-goods, sales-based rebate, or gross price discount. Every condition type has its own access sequences, condition tables, and condition records.

Credit Overview
This function is used to update credit quantities and credit values. It also documents the usage of credit quantities and saves the prebilled volumes and values for the next usage billing. Integration You can find the credit overview in a single contract (usage-based service contract) as an assignment block in the service item. Readings can contain credit quantities, such as test copies made by a service technician. When you enter a reading with a Credit Quantity, the system updates the Credit Qty in the credit overview. Features Origin of a Credit Quantity The credit overview takes the credits from the following sources:

Readings with usage volumes not relevant for billing, also called Credit Quantities Manual entries (corrections of the credit quantities and credit values for the next billing period, for example, in order to avoid canceling billing documents) Prebilling (usage volumes billed in advance, such as the usage volume included in the service flat rate)

Only manually created credits can be changed (with the exception of used credits). Used (and partially used) credits cannot be changed. Validity Period of the Credit Quantity Credit quantities and credit values have a validity period, which is derived from the following periods:

Meter reading date Billing period of the billing request item (such as billing period of the service flat rate)


Manually entered validity period

Type of Credit When you prebill single contracts, the system normally creates credits with type C - Credit. Credits of this type are then used during usage prebilling, for example, when you enter readings. Pool prebilling only uses credits with type P - Pool Base. Credits of this type are created after usage prebilling. For example, the system saves the gross usage volumes and net usage volumes after usage prebilling. You define when which types of credits are created in Customizing for Pricing. For more information, see Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under Contract Processing Pricing Assign Usage Functions and Credit Overview Credit Usage Details You can display the usage credit quantity for an item in assignment block Credit Overview in section Credit Usage Details. The details contain the origin of the credit. The credit may have resulted from an invoice or change processes. In the case of change processes, the system transfers any existing credits to the subsequent item. Usage-Based Service .

Certificate of Acceptance
To generate a usage-based service contract from a usage-based service contract quotation, you can use either action UBB: Generate Certificate of Acceptance Online or action UBB: Generate Certificate of Acceptance in Background. The resulting usage-based service contract contains all the items that were released in the quotation. When you execute the action, the system creates a usage-based service contract by copying the usage-based service contract quotation. As a result, the quotation and the contract contain the same data. However, both transactions have different statuses and different transaction types. After the action is executed, the status of the usage-based service contract is Certificate of Acceptance. The action definitions for UBB: Generate Certificate of Acceptance Online and UBB: Generate Certificate of Acceptance in Background are in action profile UBB_SERVICE_QUOTATION_HEADER. The action occurs at the header level of the usage-based service contract quotation.


A usage-based service contract with status Certificate of Acceptance is not yet an active contract; it only becomes active after contract activation.

Inception of Usage-Based Service Contracts

This function takes place at header level. When you save a usage-based service contract, the system activates all released items and sets the status UBB Contract. The system also releases the billing request items and triggers pricing. If the usage-based service contract is the result of a change process, the system closes the previous (and now invalid) usage-based service contract. Prerequisites There is a certificate of acceptance; in other words, the usage-based service contract has status Certificate of Acceptance. Activities You can also trigger the activation of the usage-based service contract manually by using action UBB: Activate Allowed Contract Items.

Pool Contract
A service contract that collects the data of single contracts and recalculates the usage values of the single contracts. If applicable, the customer receives a credit. There are two different types of pool contracts:

Single pool contracts Aggregate contracts


You can use pool contracts to periodically recalculate the usage of all assigned contracts (single pool contracts) or perform consumption billing for all assigned contracts in the pool contract (aggregate contract). Specifically, you enter the following detailed information, which you have agreed upon with the customer, in the pool contract:

Percentage for single billings (single pool contract) or existing readings (aggregate contract) for prebilling the pool contract The percentage is a condition that specifies when prebilling of the pool contract can begin. If you enter 80%, for example, then 80% of all the required readings for this period have to be available before pool prebilling can start.

Conditions for terminating the contract

During the term of the pool contract, you use the pool contract to:

Regularly start automatic billing Check the pool contract's assignment (automatically ending the pool contract assignment when the pool contract ends)

The pool contract accesses all the relevant data in the single contracts for billing.

Please note that you have to release a pool contract in order to bill it.

Pool Prebilling
When you run pool prebilling, the system conducts pricing again for the pool contract. In the process, the system considers credits with type P from the credit overview of single contracts. For pool prebilling, the system selects only usage items from single contracts for which the normal usage prebilling was already run. You can further define the usage items that are to be used with pool prebilling conditions. To represent the single contracts correctly in the results display, the system redistributes the calculated values to the single contracts after pool calculation is complete.


The billing process uses the data that has already been calculated in prebilling, only recalculating taxes in the process. The main advantage of the prebilling approach is that you can already use the values from the billing request items in your accounting system in order to post the accruals. Furthermore, prebilling is the only way to redistribute the values back to the single contracts. Pool prebilling for pool contracts can be scheduled periodically with a batch program. You can use a second program to separate the redistribution to the single contracts from pool prebilling. We recommend this approach for large pool contracts, to reduce the load on the system.

Single Pool Contract

A type of pool contract. A single pool contract recalculates the usage values of the assigned single contracts. As a result, your customers may be granted a credit. If the prebilled volume for certain single contracts is exceeded, but the prebilled volume for other contracts is not reached, the system creates a credit. Usage is calculated separately for each assigned contract. Each contract can have different usage volumes, a different usage per period, and a different price per object (per copy, for example). If pool calculation results in a deduction volume, the system redistributes this volume to the single contracts in order to reflect the correct values.

Aggregate Contract
A type of pool contract. An aggregate contract is used to bill usage in all the single contracts linked with that aggregate contract. When single contracts are linked with an aggregate contract, usage is not billed separately for the single contracts. Instead, the system calculates the defined usage volumes and the actual usage volumes for all the linked single contracts. Any prices defined in single contracts (such as USD 0.05 per copy) are ignored. Instead, the usage price defined for the aggregate contract is always used. As a result, you have to define a usage price for each usage function in the aggregate contract (as a price agreement or condition master record). If you do not define this price, the aggregate calculation will be incorrect. The system bills the difference between the actual usage volume and the agreed volume.


If pool calculation results in a deduction volume, the system redistributes this volume to the single contracts in order to reflect the correct values.

Performing Change Processes


Change Processes
You use this function to make changes to existing single contracts or pool contracts. (Both single contracts and pool contracts are referred to as "contracts" below for simplicity.) Each change process has different effects in the further processing of the contract, both in contract management and in accounting. You can use process Cancel Last Change Process to undo all changes that the last change process made. This does not work for all change processes, however. For more information, see Cancel Last Change Process. Prerequisites

You have made the settings for the changes processes in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) under Usage-Based Service Contract Processing Process Control . The settings you define here control all the change processes.

You have to have at least one active contract in order to execute the change processes.


Features Time-Driven Execution of Change Processes The effectiveness of change processes is time-dependent. For example, change process Base Lease Extension is only valid at the end of a contract. Change Processes at Header/Item Level Change processes can take place:

At header level (the changes apply to the entire contract) At item level (the changes only apply to individual contract items)


Execute change processes from a contract 1. Open an active contract and choose 2. Select a change process. If it is a change process for an item, the possible items for the change process you selected are displayed in the assignment block Applicable Items. After you select an item, the assignment block Change Process Parameters appears and you can make your changes. For change processes at header level, assignment block Change Process Parameters appears, in which you can now make your changes. 3. Choose Execute Change Process. More Change Processes .

Execute change processes from an item Open your contract and go to the edit mode of an item. Choose Change Processes and select a change process.


Cancel Last Change Process

You can use this function to cancel changes that were made by the last change process that was executed. However, it is valid only for the following change processes:

Change of Sold-to Party (CSLT) Base Lease Extension (BLEX) Change of Partners (CHBP) Change of Location (CLOC) Change of Product (CPRD) Purchase (PRCH) Restructuring (RSTR) Contract Termination (TERM)

The change process takes place at item level. Items that the change process has created (in the contract, for example) are set to status Canceled. This change process is defined in Customizing under the technical name CCHG. Prerequisites The final billing for the preceding item has not taken place yet. If the final billing has been performed, you have to cancel the billing first, and then cancel the change process. If readings exist for an item you want to cancel, you have to cancel the readings before you cancel the change process. You must manually undo any readings that you created manually and entered in the usage overview. Activities Start the change process Cancel Last Change Process from the service contract. The system performs the following actions for the preceding item:

Resets the contract end date to the original date Generates the billing request items up to the contract end date Cancels status Terminated by Change Process (I3012)


Resets the pool linkages to their original state Restores the usage volume and credit overview

Overview of Contract Change Processes

The following tables contain an overview of the change processes in usage-based service contract management:
Technical Name Change Process Change Processes at Header Level of Single Contracts CSLT Change of Sold-to Party Change Processes at Item Level of Single Contracts BLEX CCHG CCOA CHBP CINC CLOC CPRD PRCH STAC RSAC STBL RSBL RSTR TERM Base Lease Extension Cancel Last Change Process Cancel Certificate of Acceptance Change of Partners Cancel Inception Change of Location Change of Product Purchase Stop Accounting Resume Accounting Stop Billing Resume Billing Restructuring Contract Termination Change Processes at Item Level of Single Contracts That Affect Pool Contracts Assign Pool Linkage Cancel Pool Linkage Change Pool Linkage Change Processes at Item Level of Pool Contracts CBLP Change Billing Plan Periodicity




Undo Change Billing Plan Periodicity Collective Termination of Pool Linkage

Change of Sold-To Party

You can use this function to transfer an existing service contract from one customer to another by replacing the original sold-to party with a new one. The new sold-to party has to represent the same location as the old sold-to party. When you change the customer, the system creates a new service contract. You can change the customer at any time up to the end of the contract term. Enter change readings. This change process takes place at header level, which means the changes apply to the entire contract. This change process is defined in Customizing under the technical name CSLT.

Base Lease Extension

You can use this function to create a follow-up item in the system at the end of a service contract. The change process takes place at item level. This change process is defined in Customizing under the technical name BLEX.

Cancel Last Change Process

You can use this function to cancel changes that were made by the last change process that was executed. However, it is valid only for the following change processes:

Change of Sold-to Party (CSLT) Base Lease Extension (BLEX) Change of Partners (CHBP) Change of Location (CLOC)


Change of Product (CPRD) Purchase (PRCH) Restructuring (RSTR) Contract Termination (TERM)

The change process takes place at item level. Items that the change process has created (in the contract, for example) are set to status Canceled. This change process is defined in Customizing under the technical name CCHG. Prerequisites The final billing for the preceding item has not taken place yet. If the final billing has been performed, you have to cancel the billing first, and then cancel the change process. If readings exist for an item you want to cancel, you have to cancel the readings before you cancel the change process. You must manually undo any readings that you created manually and entered in the usage overview. Activities Start the change process Cancel Last Change Process from the service contract. The system performs the following actions for the preceding item:

Resets the contract end date to the original date Generates the billing request items up to the contract end date Cancels status Terminated by Change Process (I3012) Resets the pool linkages to their original state Restores the usage volume and credit overview

Cancel Certificate of Acceptance

You can use this function to cancel an item in the service contract. The item must have status Certificate of Acceptance for you to be able to cancel it. The system uses this change process to set the status of the quotation to In Process. You can then accept the quotation again. The system sets the status of the item in the contract to Cancelled.

The change process takes place at item level.


This change process is defined in Customizing under the technical name CCOA.

Change of Partners
You can use this function to change all the partner functions, with the exception of the sold-to party and the location, which you can change by using change processes Change of Sold-to Party and Change of Location. When you execute a change of other partners, the system creates a new service item. You can execute a change of other partners at any time up to the end of the contract term. Enter a change reading. The change process takes place at item level. This change process is defined in Customizing under the technical name CHBP.

Cancel Inception of an Item in a Service Contract

You can use this function to cancel activation of an item in the service contract. The system sets the status of the item back to In Process and the status of the billing request item to Open. You can now change the data in the service contract again. If active readings already exist for the item in question, you will have to cancel them first. The change process takes place at item level. This change process is defined in Customizing under the technical name CINC.

Change of Location
You use this function to record a change of location, within the same country and for the same customer, for a service object.


When a customer moves with a service object to a new location or when the service object itself is relocated, the system creates a new service item. You can execute a change of location at any time up to the end of the contract. Enter a change reading. The change process takes place at item level. This change process is defined in Customizing under the technical name CLOC.

Change of Physical Product

You can use this function to exchange a product at the customer site, for example, if a machine has broken down. You can also use it to change a service product. Enter a dismantling reading for the old device and an installation reading for the new device. For more information, see Usage Recording with Counter Readings. Define a validity date for the change. If necessary, cancel the pool linkage. The change process takes place at item level. This change process is defined in Customizing under the technical name CPRD.

You can use this function to record the sale of a product to your customer in the system. Quotation processing is not possible for this change process. You can create a quotation in the system for the sale of the product. Define an end date for the validity period. If the single contract is assigned to a pool contract, cancel the pool linkage. Enter a dismantling reading for the device. The system generates a sales item under the object item and ends the contract on the last date of the validity period that you defined. In case of early buyout, the system calculates the fee for the customer (if any) automatically. The change process takes place at item level. This change process is defined in Customizing under the technical name PRCH.


Stop Accounting
You can use this function to stop accounting for a service contract, temporarily and effective immediately, when unforeseen situations such as insolvency, destruction due to natural catastrophe or accident, or disputes occur. When you execute this change process, the system stops the postings in SAP ERP. This change process takes place in the original transaction, which means that no new transactions are generated. The change process has no effect on pricing. The change process takes place at item level. This change process is defined in Customizing under technical name STAC. Activities If the reason why you started the change process in the first place no longer applies, you can resume accounting. To do so, carry out the appropriate change process in the same transaction. In this case, the system restarts accounting in SAP ERP. The system then deactivates the Stop Accounting status.

Resume Accounting
You can use this function to reset the change process Stop Accounting. This change process is defined in Customizing under the technical name RSAC.

Stop Billing
You can use this function to stop billing for a service contract, temporarily and effective immediately, when unforeseen situations such as bankruptcy, destruction due to natural catastrophe or accident, or disputes with the customer occur. When you execute this change process, the system stops billing and does not generate any further billing documents. This process does not have any effect on billing request items (BRIs) that have already been billed. This change process takes place in the original transaction, which means that no new transactions are generated. The change process has no effect on pricing.


The change process takes place at item level. If BRIs that have not been billed yet exist in the system, their status is changed from For Billing to Blocked for Billing. This change process is defined in Customizing under the technical name STBL. Activities When the reason why you executed the change process in the first place no longer applies, you can resume billing. To do so, carry out the appropriate change process in the same transaction. The system then deactivates the Stop Billing status. If a BRI is involved, the system removes the Blocked for Billing status and replaces it with For Billing.

Resume Billing
You can use this function to reset the change process Stop Billing. For more information, see Stop Billing in the "Activities" section. This change process is defined in Customizing under the technical name RSBL.

You can use this function to make any necessary changes to the payment schedule or the billing plan of a current service contract. If the customer wants to change the payment form in a service contract, for example, you can make these changes at any time during the service contract. This does not change the contract term or the contract end date, which means a contract extension is not involved. Enter a change reading. The change process takes place at item level. This change process is defined in Customizing under the technical name RSTR.


Contract Termination
You can use this function to terminate a service contract, either at a customers request or of your own accord. Quotation processing is possible for this change process. You can create a quotation for contract termination in the system. This quotation is based on the existing service contract. The system uses this quotation to create the termination contract. Define an end date for the validity period. If the single contract is assigned to a pool contract, cancel the pool linkage. Enter a dismantling reading for the device. The system terminates the contract on the validity date you defined. In case of early termination, the system calculates the fee (if any) for the customer automatically. For a leased product, the system generates a returns item under the physical product. The change process takes place at item level. This change process is defined in Customizing under the technical name TERM.

Pool Linkage
You can link different contracts with a pool contract in usage-based service contract management. You use a change process within a single contract to create a link to a pool contract. A pool linkage is always time-specific, which means you can link a contract with different pool contracts in different time segments. If conditions change, for example, you can define a new pool linkage with a different contract to reflect these changed conditions. The periods may not overlap. When you create a link, the system activates this link until December 31, 9999. The system always sets an unlimited validity period for the last active pool linkage that was created. To link the contract with a pool contract, you can move the end date to an earlier date by using the change process Change Pool Linkage. You can also move the start date of the link forwards or backwards. A contract can only be linked with one pool contract within any given time segment. The pool linkage must be active in order to bill the contracts through the pool contract. When you bill a pool contract, all existing pool linkages are taken into account automatically. You can define the pool linkage either before or after inception of the single contract. You can use pool contracts to perform the following actions: 174

Automatic termination of all linked contracts at the end of the pool contract You find action definition UBB: UNASSIGN TO CONTRACT END in action profile UBB: Pool
Contract Item (UBB_POOL_ITEM).

You can use pool contracts to execute the following change processes:

Collective Termination of Pool Linkage All linked contracts are terminated from the pool contract. If the end date of a pool linkage falls chronologically after the termination date that you entered in assignment block Change Process Parameters in the Valid To field, the system moves the end date of the linkage until it is the same as the termination date. If a pool link falls after the termination date, the system cancels this link.

Change Billing Plan Periodicity for Pool Contracts If you change the periodicity of the billing plan, the periodicity of the linked contracts is changed automatically.


You have created a single contract and a pool contract. You have saved the pool contract before you create the link. Since the change process Collective Termination of Pool Linkage affects all linked contracts, you can only execute this change process when it can be executed for all linked contracts. If just one linked contract is currently blocked, for example, you cannot execute this change process.

Features The following link functions are available: Creating the Pool Linkage You can create the linkage before or after you release the contract. The handling is identical for single pool contracts and aggregate contracts. The system only bills the usage volume using the pool contract. It continues to bill the flat rate through the single contract.


When you create a pool linkage, the system accrues the billing periods. The system generates a pool redistribution plan starting with the linkage date and the periodicity of the billing plan for the pool contract. The pool redistribution plan ends on the termination date of the pool linkage. In other words, a pool redistribution plan only exists as long as the single contract belongs to a pool contract. You can link the pool manually or use a rule-based pool linkage. Maintaining the Pool Linkage The following processing options are available:



Description You change pool linkages when you change the start date or end date in case of a termination. You do not change the pool contract type, however. When you cancel a pool linkage for example, if the wrong copying machine was specified the system restores the original status of the single contract and the pool contract.

Please Note You can only change a pool linkage when the existing pool linkage is active and there are no relevant billed periods as of the execution date. You can only cancel a pool linkage when the existing pool linkage is active and there are no relevant billed periods as of the execution date.



The system cancels the pool linkage automatically on the end date of the linked single contract. A change process can also cancel the pool linkage. Status Display The different functions assign different status values to the pool linkages:


Active Canceled

Description You have created a pool linkage between a single contract and a pool contract. You have canceled the pool linkage.


Changed Indirect

You have changed the date information for a pool linkage. You have created a rule-based pool linkage.

A copy shop has 20 copying machines and wants to lease another one. You bill the usage of the new machine using the existing aggregate contract that is used to manage the other 20 copying machines. You prepare the single contract and link it with the aggregate contract (rule-based linkage). At the same time, you install the copying machine at the copy shop. The link is not canceled, which means it does not have a defined end date. Instead, it is billed through the aggregate contract. The flat rate is billed through the single contract, however. The pool redistribution plan exists as long as the contract belongs to the aggregate contract. One year later, you want to cancel the linkage of the single contract to this pool contract at the end of the month and then link it with a different aggregate contract that has different price conditions. As a result, the single contract is used for usage billing after the linkage is canceled. Usage billing is not performed through the aggregate contract until a new linkage with another aggregate contract is defined.

Creating the Pool Linkage

If you want to bill usage with an aggregate contract from a certain, valid point in time, or perform a recalculation with a single pool contract, link a single contract with a pool contract. You define the linkage in the single contract. The linkage is initially valid indefinitely, which means it has no defined end date. The change process takes place at item level. This change process is defined in Customizing under the technical name ASPL. Prerequisites

You have created a pool contract.


You have specified a valid linkage date; that is, the date lies within the contract duration of the service contract/pool contract. The linkage date coincides with the start date of a service period. The usage billing periods are synchronized with the service billing periods; that is, the end date of a usage billing period coincides with the end date of a service billing period. The organizational data and currency are identical in both the contract item and the pool contract item. You can run additional checks by using Business Add-In CRM_DOC_FLOW_CHECK (transaction SE18).

No active link to another pool contract exists within the proposed linkage period. No billing document has been created yet for the proposed linkage period of the single contract. You have neither prebilled the pool contract nor prebilled the pool period for the proposed linkage period of the pool contract.

Process The following figure shows the process flow for creating the pool linkage:


Creating a Rule-Based Pool Linkage

You use the rule-based pool linkage:

If you want to link your single contract with a pool contract, but the start date of the single contract is unknown or not defined yet If you can only describe the start date of the single contract with a date rule

The system creates the rule-based linkage during single contract inception. If the single contract is already active, you cannot create a rule-based pool linkage. If the system cannot activate the pool linkage, an error message appears. The change process takes place at item level. This change process is defined in Customizing under the technical name ASPL. Prerequisites

You have not activated the single contract yet. You have created a pool contract. The organizational data and currency are identical in both the contract item and the pool contract item.

Process Process flow for the rule-based pool linkage: 1. Create a pool contract. 2. You link the single contract with the pool contract based on rules. 3. You activate the single contract. 4. The system activates the pool contract automatically, based on the rule that dictates that when the single contract is activated, the pool contract is also activated. If the pool contract activation fails, the system generates a message and informs the responsible employee with an e-mail message.


Change and Cancel Pool Linkage

This function allows you to change and cancel pool linkages. The change process takes place at item level. The change processes are defined in Customizing under the technical names CHPL (change pool linkage) and CCPL (cancel pool linkage). Prerequisites You have an active pool linkage. Process The following figure shows the process flow for maintaining the pool linkage:

Collective Termination of Pool Linkage

You can use this function to terminate all links to single contracts right from a pool contract.


The change process takes place at item level. This change process is defined in Customizing under the technical name CTPL.

Usage Recording with Counter Readings

You record usage by entering counter readings. For information on the generic features of counter and readings, see Counters and Readings. The following describes the features that are available for usagebased service contract processing. Prerequisites

You have made the following settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management:

Defined the general characteristics of counters and readings, and ensured that the reading validation check meets your requirements These settings are described in Counters and Readings and can also be made in the section Usage-Based Service Contract Processing.

Determined, if necessary, in which sequence readings will be used to determine usage, if there are multiple readings with different origins for the same counter in the same settlement period. You make this setting in the activity Usage-Based Service Contract Processing Usage .

Recording Define Priority Sequence for Reading Origin

For each contract item, you have specified the validation rule and origin sequence for readings (if required), in the Control Data assignment block To enable counters to be used as templates for generating unique counters for objects in service contracts (see Generation of Counters for Objects below), you have done the following:

Defined counters on the Counters page and assigned them to products on the Products page in the Counters assignment block Note that this assignment block is only available if the relationship type Counters is assigned to the product category to which the product belongs.


Ensured that the objects that require counters in your service contract have a base category with the relationship type IOBMP This relationship type ensures that the counters assigned to the object are displayed. You make this setting on the Product Hierarchies page.

Features Generation of Counters for Objects When a service contract is activated (incepted), the counters assigned to a product in its master data are used as templates to generate unique counters for the unique object that is assigned to the same product in the object item of the service contract. The counters that are generated have the attributes of the template counters assigned to the product. You can see the counters that have been generated in the Counters and Readings assignment block in the service contract item (not in the object subitems). Usage Determination If a reading is relevant for billing, it is included in the usage overview of the relevant service contract item. For more information on setting up checks for readings to determine whether they are relevant for the usage overview, see Usage Determination. Credits for Shortfall To refund shortfall quantities, such as test copies made by a service technician, you can enter credits on the Readings page. Credits entered this way are included in the credit overview of the relevant service contract item. Changing Readings Once you have saved a reading you can no longer change it. You can only cancel it, provided that:

Billing has not yet taken place for the reading date Prebilling has not taken place for a related pool contract


Reading Reminders You can send reading reminders if no reading is entered by a defined time. For more information, see Reading Reminders. Prebilling Once you have entered error-free readings for all counters of a device for a billing period, the prebilling process starts for that billing period, provided you have released all the previous periods.

Usage Recording with Counter Readings

You record usage by entering counter readings. For information on the generic features of counter and readings, see Counters and Readings. The following describes the features that are available for usagebased service contract processing. Prerequisites

You have made the following settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management:

Defined the general characteristics of counters and readings, and ensured that the reading validation check meets your requirements These settings are described in Counters and Readings and can also be made in the section Usage-Based Service Contract Processing.

Determined, if necessary, in which sequence readings will be used to determine usage, if there are multiple readings with different origins for the same counter in the same settlement period. You make this setting in the activity Usage-Based Service Contract Processing Usage .

Recording Define Priority Sequence for Reading Origin

For each contract item, you have specified the validation rule and origin sequence for readings (if required), in the Control Data assignment block To enable counters to be used as templates for generating unique counters for objects in service contracts (see Generation of Counters for Objects below), you have done the following:


Defined counters on the Counters page and assigned them to products on the Products page in the Counters assignment block Note that this assignment block is only available if the relationship type Counters is assigned to the product category to which the product belongs.

Ensured that the objects that require counters in your service contract have a base category with the relationship type IOBMP This relationship type ensures that the counters assigned to the object are displayed. You make this setting on the Product Hierarchies page.

Features Generation of Counters for Objects When a service contract is activated (incepted), the counters assigned to a product in its master data are used as templates to generate unique counters for the unique object that is assigned to the same product in the object item of the service contract. The counters that are generated have the attributes of the template counters assigned to the product. You can see the counters that have been generated in the Counters and Readings assignment block in the service contract item (not in the object subitems). Usage Determination If a reading is relevant for billing, it is included in the usage overview of the relevant service contract item. For more information on setting up checks for readings to determine whether they are relevant for the usage overview, see Usage Determination. Credits for Shortfall To refund shortfall quantities, such as test copies made by a service technician, you can enter credits on the Readings page. Credits entered this way are included in the credit overview of the relevant service contract item. Changing Readings Once you have saved a reading you can no longer change it. You can only cancel it, provided that: 184

Billing has not yet taken place for the reading date Prebilling has not taken place for a related pool contract

Reading Reminders You can send reading reminders if no reading is entered by a defined time. For more information, see Reading Reminders. Prebilling Once you have entered error-free readings for all counters of a device for a billing period, the prebilling process starts for that billing period, provided you have released all the previous periods.

Reading Reminders
If no billing-relevant reading is available at a specific point in time, you can send a reading reminder to the respective partner. From the usage overview, the system generates a reading reminder for the item that requires a reading. Each reading reminder is valid for a specific settlement period. Prerequisites

You have made the following settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, in the section

Usage-Based Service Contract Processing Usage Recording

Defined the output channel (such as e-mail or letter) for reading reminders in the activities Define Output Channel for Reading Reminders and Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) BAdI: Implement Additional Media for Output of Reading Reminders

Defined when reading reminders are sent and which medium is used, in the activity Define Messaging Sequence for Reading Reminders.

We recommend creating messaging sequence 0001, as the system uses this messaging sequence by default if no other messaging sequence is specified for the contract.


For each contract item, you have specified a messaging sequence in the Control Data assignment block, unless you want the system to use the sequence 0001.

Activities You create and send reading reminders on the SAP Easy Access screen under Billing Reading Reminders . Service Usage-Based

Usage-Based Billing
You use the standard billing functions in SAP CRM to create customer invoices to bill for usage, as defined in service contracts. Usage-based billing is scheduled in a billing plan. Billing request items are automatically created for billable contract items and are transferred to the billing due list. You can then perform billing. For information on the standard billing functions, see Billing. Prerequisites

You have activated usage-based billing in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Billing Configure Application .

Select the feature Usage-Based Billing, and save your settings.

You have activated the Business Configuration (BC) set CRM_UBB_BILLING (you do this using transaction SCPR20). You have defined the billing item categories that you want to use for usage-based billing, and assigned them to the relevant transaction types and item categories You do this in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Category Determination Assign Item Categories . Billing Item

Prebilling has taken place. Billing is based on the values calculated during prebilling. Prebilling must, therefore, have taken place in order that the system can transfer billing request items to the billing due list. You need to release a single contract or the main item of a pool contract before prebilling can take place.


Prebilling does the following: 1. Calculates prices 2. Performs pool redistribution for pool contracts 3. Transfers costs and revenues to accounting 4. Updates the credit overview 5. Releases the billing request items 6. Generates billing due list items

Warranty Management

Warranty management includes the following activities: 1. Identify warranties within the processing of business transactions in service (service processes, confirmations, complaints) 2. Check whether the claims on the warranty services are legitimate 3. Check whether an incoming problem message is a case for warranty 4. Define the effects of warranties on pricing and billing 5. Monitor warranty costs Warranty management is made up of the following components:
Warranty processing in the product master Warranty assignment Warranty check for coverage of services Warranty analysis in SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI)

For information about warranty management in the Interaction Center (IC) WebClient, see for Interaction Center: Service.



Commitment from a manufacturer, vendor, or salesperson to a customer that a product has no defects, and that services such as repairs and partial or complete exchange of defective parts are guaranteed for a particular period of time without the customer being billed.


Several business transactions such as the buying, selling, and servicing of products are linked to a warranty. In the service industry, warranties play a crucial role, since they are often the starting point for the services themselves. For warranty management in CRM Service, use the product type warranty. Warranties can be subdivided as follows:
Warranty category: Customer warranty, vendor warranty Warranty reference: Time-dependent, counter-dependent, time/counter-dependent

Warranties can be tailored to meet customers requirements and can be flexibly assigned to the individual components of a customer installed base. You can assign several warranties for each component of an installed base. You can define a warranty template in advance for those warranties that are used frequently.

When you create a business transaction in service, the system automatically checks in the background whether warranties exist for the reference object and assigns them accordingly. When calculating prices for services and service parts in billing, these warranties can be accounted for through appropriate discounts.

A machine manufacturer is selling equipment and would like to give the customer specific warranties for various units of this equipment (customer warranty). The warranty for the engine lasts three years and for the parts of the casing, ten years. On the other hand, warranties for parts that are prone to wear and tear should be based on the number of hours in service. The firm only buys parts from their own suppliers to install in the installation. The manufacturer gets a warranty for these parts from his or her vendors (vendor warranty). The manufacturer wants to store these in the system, so that any repair costs that may arise during the validity period of the vendor warranty can be charged to the vendor.

See also: Warranty Management


Maintaining Warranties

Maintaining Warranties

To be able to assign warranties, they must be created in the system as products and be defined.

Warranty Categories
You have defined warranty categories. For more information, go to Customizing for Customer Relationship Management and choose Master Data Products Special Settings for Warranties Define Warranties.

You have created the counter with which the counter reading for the validity of counter-based warranties can be documented. When creating a warranty with a counter reference, you can specify the appropriate counter attributes.

Maintenance in the Product Master
Create warranties on the Warranties page as products of the type Warranty.


You can define the warranty category (for example, a customer or vendor warranty) You can define the validity of the warranties according to the following specifications:

Defined period of time Defined counter interval A combination of periods and counter intervals
You can include or exclude particular services, service parts and even specific subjects to be fully covered, or only partially covered by the warranty. You can define flexible date rules to calculate the start date of a warranty and its period of validity. You can use the accounting indicator to determine the procedure for price determination, and the procedure for billing and transferring costs to controlling for warranties. This gives you control over the costs incurred by warranties. You can assign a variety of relevant documents to a warranty, such as Word or Excel files, graphics, Internet sites, and audio and video files.

For more information, see: Warranty Data Set Types and Attributes

Warranty Template For creating frequently-used warranties, you can use a warranty template, which you define yourself, that is already filled with default values (such as Warranty Category, Warranty Basis or Date Profile). Define your own warranty templates in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Master Data Products Special Settings for Warranties Define Default Values for Warranties.

Warranty Assignment

You can assign warranties in installed base management to products, installed base components, or objects. When creating business transactions in service such as confirmation records, complaints or service orders, a check is automatically carried out to see if valid warranty information is available for the reference object of the process, and whether claims on warranty services are justified.

You can assign warranties to products. Such an assignment, which contains no concrete start date for the warranty, gives warranty information about objects that are created with reference to the product concerned (for example, for the monitor of a particular brand, with an individual serial number). It also provides warranty information about maintaining warranties for products that are not individually registered (such as certain data processing accessories like cables and plugs). You can assign warranties to objects. This assignment can be performed manually, or it can be made automatically if there is a reference to a product with warranty assignment. It is in this way that, for example, Internet customers in eservice get the information about the automatically-assigned customer warranty after registering an object. You can assign warranties to installed base components. When an assignment is made, the start of warranty period is determined manually, or on the basis of the predefined date rules.


Open the product, installed base component, or the object in installed base management. Create the warranty on the relevant tab page for warranty information. You can assign several warranties. In the following cases it is possible to reassign a warranty that is already assigned to an installed base or a product, to another installed base or another product.
The employee responsible for installed base management manages two installed bases

See also: Installed Base Management Warranty Check for Coverage of Services

When maintaining business transactions in service (service processes, confirmations, repair orders, or complaints), a check is automatically performed to see if valid warranty information is available for the reference object, which is the subject of the process, and whether claims on warranty services are justified.

Define Profile for Warranty Check You have defined the profile for warranty check in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Settings for Service Transactions Define Profile for Warranty Check. Assign Profile to Transaction Type You have assigned a profile for the warranty check to a transaction type, which in turn is assigned to business transaction category service process, complaints, or service confirmation, in the details screen for the transaction type. To do so, in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management and choose Transactions Basic Settings Define Transaction Types and proceed as follows: 191

A field sales employee processes a service order and exchanges or replaces a product or an installed base.

Warranty Check for Coverage of Services

... ... 1. Select the transaction type. 2. Go to view Assignment of Business Transaction Categories and select Service Process. 3. Go to the view Customizing Header and in the field Wrrnty Check Profile choose the desired profile. 4. Save your settings. Now the warranty check is activated for the relevant transaction type.

When you create business transactions in service, the system automatically checks in the background whether warranties exist and assigns them accordingly. When calculating prices for services and service parts in billing, these warranties can be accounted for through appropriate discounts. This check takes place on the basis of the subject that is in the document and the scope of the warranty that was defined when maintaining the warranty in the product master. The process flow of the check is controlled by the profiles you defined in Customizing.

... 1. Create one of the above-mentioned business transactions in service and enter the reference object at item level. The system then checks whether warranties were assigned to the reference object in installed base management. 2. If a warranty is found, the system checks the master data of the warranty in the product master (such as the date profile, limitations, services included or excluded) and determines whether the warranty can be taken into account for the business transaction. 3. If this is the case, the system enters the warranty description and the accounting indicator in business transaction on the tab page for warranty information. If more than one warranty is assigned to the reference object, the system enters the first warranty in the list. To choose a different warranty, use the warranty determination on the tab page for warranty information. Warranty Determination You can use warranty determination to get a list of the warranties assigned to the reference object AND those valid for the business transaction item. Fixing the Assignment You can fix the inspection result and the warranty assignment by setting the Fixed Warranty checkbox in the business transaction. When you set this checkbox, no new searches for valid warranties are run, even if the data that defines which warranties the system finds is changed.


See also: Warranty Assignment Maintaining Warranties

Warranty Analysis in SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence

You can perform various analyses with reference to warranties in SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI) such as:
Analyses on the profitability of a warranty You can use ABC analyses to determine the following values:

For more information, see

Warranty claim processing is designed to be used by service providers and is also relevant for vendors such as manufacturers, importers, and sales companies as well as their suppliers. Warranty claim processing enables you to process a high volume of warranty claims conveniently and, depending on your Customizing settings, to a large extent automatically.


Services performed Products replaced Number of calls per warranty

Analysis of the costs incurred through warranty services Identification of products for which many warranty-based services had to be carried out to improve the product quality Determination of which warranties are running out, to be able to react with specially tailored offers Warranty Analysis.

Warranty Claim Processing

The system is used by service providers who are themselves submitting a warranty claim or are doing so on behalf of their customers. There is an interface between warranty processing and the vendor. The vendor checks the claim and returns it to the claimant.

Integration of the service order or service confirmation with the warranty claim in SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) using the same data model ( A user interface for processing warranty claims manually Data administration and an interface for communicating with vendors Business Transaction)

For more information, see: Processing Warranty Claims Integration of Warranty Claims with Service Transactions Warranty Claim Creation

A claim for reimbursement of material, labor, and external service costs that were incurred while rectifying faults in an object.

The warranty claim is the central object in Warranty Claim Processing.

A warranty claim consists of:
Header data The header contains data that is the same in all follow-up documents of the warranty claim (warranty claim IDs, reference objects, and so on). All the follow-up documents of a warranty claim have their own unique IDs. One or more items

You create a warranty claim, which is the basis for further processing. Depending on the process step and requirements, the system creates follow-up transactions for this warranty claim that contain 194

Warranty Claim

information for and about business partners. The warranty claim contains the specific items for each business partner. Warranty claims are created manually, by copying or transferring data from the claimant or reimburser via an interface. Every warranty claim type has its own data, such as data relating to the business partner, and contains one or more items. The individual labor values, parts, and other activities are listed at item level. There are different item categories for these activities.


A detailed description of the demands in a warranty claim version. Every item has a specific item type, which classifies the item.

Several items can be entered when a warranty claim is created. Depending on the item type, the item can contain: 1. Labor values (wages) 2. Parts (materials) 3. Other activities (invoices for third-party activities such as hotel bills, expenses)

The system assigns a unique number (GUID) to each item. An item type (labor, parts, other) exists for each activity. Depending on the item type you select, suitable input fields are displayed.

Processing Warranty Claims

During warranty claims processing, warranty claims can be created manually or automatically from a service order or service confirmation, even if each warranty claim contains several items. You can also use warranty claim processing separately, without reference to a service order or service confirmation.


The warranty claims can still be sent automatically to the various vendors (manufacturers, suppliers, and so on) and you can then process them further once they have been checked and returned by the vendors. In other words, you can send any decisions that you do not accept or any corrected warranty claims back to the vendors immediately. When warranty processing is complete, the system generates an overview of total costs and revenues.

Process Flow
... 1. You create a warranty claim manually with or without reference to a preceding transaction, such as a service order or service confirmation. The system can also create the warranty claim automatically, by using SAP standard actions. 2. You either select the items from the preceding transaction that are relevant for the warranty claim, or the action selects the relevant items automatically. 3. In the warranty claim item, you check and maintain the information that was copied from the preceding transaction, such as time data, codes, counter readings, and quantities. 4. You set the status of the warranty claim to Released. 5. You send the completed warranty claim to the vendor and set the communication status to Sent to Vendor. 6. The vendor checks the warranty claim, edits the status of each item as well as other item details such as quantities, values, or texts, and sends the revised transaction back to you, the claimant. If the warranty process is not carried out in a format that is supported by the system (such as by email, fax, or telephone), you must make the vendor's changes yourself. 7. You enter the data that was authorized by the vendor in the appropriate warranty claim subitems and set the communication status to Returned by Vendor. 8. You accept the vendor's offer and set the status of the warranty claim to Completed. 9. You monitor the status of other existing warranty claims.

See also
Integration of Warranty Claims with Service Transactions Warranty Claim Creation

Integration of Warranty Claims with Service Transactions


This function enables you to create warranty claims either manually or automatically, based on a service order or service confirmation. Service employees can use this function to recognize warranty-relevant items right in the service order. They can start the warranty claim processing procedure either manually or automatically if they have received the results of the checks carried out in the order. The system is to process all objects in accordance with the manufacturers warranty conditions.

When a warranty claim is created, all structures of the service order or service confirmation (header, main item, item) are copied into the warranty-relevant items. During this process, the system creates independent items in the warranty claim for each item and subitem. This results in a document flow that you can call up for display.

The warranty claim can be created as follows:
You trigger a warranty check in a service order or service confirmation and, based on the results, the system generates a warranty claim. The warranty claim is created automatically when the service order is closed.

You can use this function to manually enter a warranty claim or to run a check in a service order, service confirmation, or complaint. If, when you carry out a check, the system finds items that are relevant for the warranty, it automatically generates a warranty claim. The creation of a warranty claim can be triggered by:
Service providers Consumers

All claims that are entered are saved to provide a comprehensive claim history.

When you work on service processes, you can create different warranty claims, such as standard, special, or extended. 197

Warranty Claim Creation

Definition of Checking Rules with the Formula Builder

The role of checking rules in warranty claim processing is to check (wherever possible, automatically) the validity of the data that has been entered (validation) and to replace specific data (substitution) before the data is updated in the database. The checks can then be integrated into actions and when the warranty claims are processed, they can be called up automatically or manually, depending on the Customizing settings. A validation consists of at least one step. Every step consists of the following three components: prerequisite (optional), check, and message. The prerequisite must be fulfilled before the check can be carried out. If the check identifies an error, the system outputs a predefined message. A substitution consists of at least one step. Every step consists of a prerequisite and a substitution component. The prerequisite must be fulfilled before the data can be substituted. Using operators such as AND and OR, you can combine several terms to create complex rules. So that you do not have to create the same rule every time using the formula editor, you can define and save rules for each callup point, which apply to every validation and substitution carried out for the callup point.

For validation, substitution, rules (VSR) checks, see: Definition: Validation, Substitution and Rules Standard documentation: Validations, Substitutions, and Rules

Implement methods using the Formula Builder. The Formula Editor is available for entering the formula.

Product Service Letters


Product service letters are official documents that are given out by the vendor or other authorized parties to avoid risks or complex repairs in case of damage. With product service letters, you can create a request for services for certain products to correct identified and predictable defects or to avoid costly repairs. Product service letters are also used in recall management, where suppliers of service parts use recall campaigns for defective components (service parts) that are still in the warehouse stock of their customers. In SAP CRM, the product service letter is available as a business transaction and can be linked with a service order template or sales order template, depending on the type of product service letter. Features

You can create product service letters. You can distribute product service letters to other partners, such as vendors and systems. You can also analyze product service letters and create any necessary reports. You can process product service letters on multiple levels. In other words, you, as the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), can distribute a product service letter to dealers and service providers, who in turn distribute them further within their own regions or organizations.

You can classify the product service letter using different transaction types and use these according to your enterprise's business processes. The standard SAP delivery contains the transaction type PSLH Product Service Letter. Additional transaction types available in the standard delivery are:

PSLR Product Recall PSLS Replacement Order

For more information about these types of product service letter, see Recall Processing of Service Parts with Product Service Letters.

Creating a Product Service Letter


You use this function to create and activate product service letters. Prerequisites You have made the necessary settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under Basic Functions Transactions .

For more information on Customizing for the product service letter, click here. Activities 1. Choose New and then select Product Service Letter as the transaction type. 2. Enter a description for the product service letter. 3. Enter the data for the persons and organizations involved. The data entered here represents the manufacturer or authorized dealer who issues and is financially responsible for the product service letter. 4. In the Reference Objects assignment block, enter a product as a reference object and, if required, a value area, such as a serial number range or a range of vehicle numbers. The reference object is a product that contains the defective part. The system uses this data to determine the validity of the product service letter. 5. Enter the valid from and valid to dates for the product service letter. If you do not wish to include a service order template in your product service letter, enter the estimated working time as well in the Dates assignment block. 6. Optionally, enter the priority, external reference number, and a descriptive text for the product service letter. 7. If you wish to include a service order template as a reference object for your product service letter, enter this in the header data, under Processing Data. The service order template contains instructions on executing a service and conditions for a service. It is used by the system to create service items in the service order as a follow-up document for the product service letter. 8. Save the product service letter. The product service letter has the status Open and can be processed further. 9. To activate the product service letter, select the status Released. 10. Save the product service letter. 200

Customizing for the Product Service Letter

You wish to use the product service letter for the processing of your enterprise-specific business processes in the service area. You make the necessary settings for this in Customizing. The following Customizing settings are necessary for the product service letter:

Function PSLH

Standard Setting CRM

IMG Menu Path

Transactions Business transaction categories: BUS2000116 (Service Process) and BUS2000126 (Business Activity) Leading business transaction category: BUS2000210 (Product Service Letter) PSLH CRM Basic Functions Subject profile category: Validity (Product Service Letter)

Basic Settings Define Transaction Types

Transaction Type

Catalogs, Codes and Profiles Define Subject Profiles

Subject Profile PSLH0001 Product Service Letter Header CRM Basic Functions Partner functions: 03 (Bill-to-Party (CRM)) and 04 (Payer (CRM)) Partner Processing Define Partner Determination Procedures

Partner Determination Procedure



CRM Transactions

Reference object: TEMPLATE Profile for Templates, Object Reference Profile Multiple Relationships Allowed must not be selected

Basic Settings Define Object Reference Profile

CRM Number range object is analog to other transactions Transactions Basic Settings Define Number Ranges

No. Range Object PSL_H PSL_I

For more information, see Actions in the Product Service Letter.

CRM Basic Functions Actions Actions in Transaction Change Actions and Conditions Define Action Profiles and Actions CRM Basic Functions

Action Profile PSL_HEADER Date types: VALIDFROM (Valid From) and VALIDTO (Valid To) Duration: EST_SRV_TIME (Estimated Working Time) Date Profile Transaction Header
For more information, see Dates in the Product Service Letter.

Date Management Define Date Profile

PSL_ITEM Date type: REPAIRDATE (Repair Date)

For more information, see Dates in the Product Service Letter.

Date Profile - Item Item Category



PSLI Transactions Item object type: BUS2000178 (ProductServLetterConfirmationItem CRM)

Basic Settings Define Item Categories

Usage of object: 1 (Item contains product or object) PSLI CRM Basic Functions

For more information, see Actions in the Product Service Letter.

Actions Actions in Transaction Change Actions and Conditions Define Action Profiles and Actions

Action Profile For integration in the service order: CRM Basic Functions Actions Actions in Transaction Change Actions and Conditions Define Action Profiles and Actions



Action Profiles for the Service Order

For more information, see Actions in the Product Service Letter.

Activities 1. Assign the following to the transaction type for the product service letter in the details view: Partner determination procedure, object reference profile, number range object, action profile, and date profile.


2. Assign the following to the item category for the product service letter in the details view: Date profile and action profile. 3. Assign the relevant action profiles for the service order to the transaction type and to the item category of the service order.

Create Product Service Letter Items

You use this function to create items for product service letters (PSL items). Prerequisites You have made the necessary settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under Basic Functions Transactions .

For more information on Customizing for the product service letter, click here. Features The system creates an item for each object that falls within the value range that you entered for the reference object at header level. This is triggered by the action PSL_CREATE_ITEMS or PSL_CREATE_ITEMS_AUTO. With PSL_CREATE_ITEMS, you trigger the action manually, and with PSL_CREATE_ITEMS_AUTO, the action is triggered when the product service letter is saved. You can also create items manually for objects that are not within the value range. Activities Create items: 1. Create a product service letter and activate it, or select a product service letter that has already been created and activated. 2. Choose the action PSL_CREATE_ITEMS for creating PSL items.


This action checks for objects using the validity and the product range that you defined in the header of the product service letter. The system creates a separate PSL item for each object. If the system does not find any applicable objects for the specified validity and product range, it does not create any PSL items. It also only creates PSL items for the applicable objects that do not already have a PSL item. Note that the system can only create PSL items for product service letters that have the status Released and are error-free. 3. Save the product service letter.

Create a Service Order From a PSL Item

You use this function to trigger the creation of a service order with item(s) from a product service letter item (PSL item). Prerequisites You have made the necessary settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under Basic Functions Transactions .

For more information on Customizing for the product service letter, click here. Activities 1. Create a product service letter and activate it, or select a product service letter that has already been created and activated. 2. Select the PSL item for which you wish to create a service order with item(s). 3. Choose the action for creating a service order with item(s).

This action creates a service order with one or more items for each selected PSL item. If a service order template is assigned to the header of the product service letter, the system uses the content of the template to create the service order items. If no service order template is assigned to the product service letter, the system uses the default service product defined for the 205

action in Customizing as well as the estimated working time you defined for the product service letter in the header of the Dates assignment block to create a service order item. Note that the system can only create service order items if the product service letter is error-free. 4. Save the service order.

Select a Product Service Letter From a Service Order

You use this function to check for applicable product service letters for a service order in service order processing. You can select the product service letters found by the system and include them in your service order. In the service order, the system creates service items with information from the product service letter. Limitation: It is not possible to select a product service letter from an In-House Repair Order. Prerequisites You have made the necessary settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under Basic Functions Transactions .

For more information on Customizing for the product service letter, click here. Activities 1. Create a service order 2. In the service order, choose the action to check whether there are relevant product service letters for the reference object in the service order. The system issues a list of applicable product service letters, if any. In other words, it finds product service letters that reference the same reference objects as the service order. 3. Select the product service letters and copy them into the service order.


The system creates service order items on the basis of the selected product service letter. If a service order template is assigned to the header of the product service letter, the system uses the content of the template to create the service order items. If no service order template is assigned to the product service letter, the system uses the default service product defined for the action in Customizing as well as the estimated working time you defined for the product service letter in the header of the Dates assignment block to create a service order item. 4. Change the status of the service order items to Released. 5. Save the service order.

Product Service Letters in the Customer Portal

Product service letters are available in the customer portal. You can:

Monitor existing product service letters Select and display product service letters Check the data in the product service letter for recalled products or for their replacement with the service parts provided Create return requests for service parts that are still available in customers' warehouse inventories, within the context of service recall processing, and with reference to product service letters

Create orders for service parts that have already been installed, within the context of service recall processing, and with reference to product service letters

For more information, see Extended Complaints and Returns in E-Service.

Recall Processing of Service Parts with Product Service Letters

You can use product service letters for processing service recalls of defective service parts. Two new scenario variants are available for this type of situation: 207

Service recall processing for service parts that are still available in warehouse inventory at the customer site For example, an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) can use a product service letter to request that all distributors and service centers return any defective service parts that they may still have in their warehouse inventory. For more information, see Service Recall Processing: Returning Service Parts.

Service recall processing for service parts that have already been installed This process affects recalled service parts that have already been installed and must therefore be replaced. To replace the recalled service parts, new service parts must be ordered. In this scenario variant, product service letters can be used between the merchant and the customer in recall actions to facilitate replacing defective parts with service parts for an object. For more information, see Service Recall Processing: Exchange of Defective Products.

Service Recall Processing: Returning Service Parts

You can use this process to carry out recall actions for defective service parts. You use a recall (product service letter) to prompt your customers (distributors and service centers) to return any of the affected service parts that may still be in their available inventory. The replacement of the defective part in all products in which it was installed is outlined in a separate product service letter. For more information, see Product Service Letters. New service parts must be ordered to replace the recalled parts that were already installed. Product service letters can also be used for this process. For more information, see Service Recall Processing: Exchange of Defective Products. Prerequisites You have made the following settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management:


You have defined a transaction type for the recall. The standard system includes transaction type Product Recall (PSLR) with the following details:
Field Partner Determ. Proc. No. Range Object Action Profile Date Profile Technical Name PSLR0001 CRM_SUR RECALL RECALL01 Description SAP Recall CRM Prod. Srv. Lett. Product Recall SAP Recall

You have defined an item category for the recall. The standard system includes item category Recall Item (PSLR) with the following details:
Technical Name

Field Item Object Type Date Profile

Description ProductServLetterConfirmationItem CRM SAP Recall

BUS2000178 RECALL01

You have defined a transaction type for the recall. The standard system includes transaction type Return for New Parts (UUPR). Since this transaction type is also used for other kinds of returns, copy this transaction type and add the following details:
Field Partner Determ. Proc. No. Range Object Action Profile Date Profile CRM_SALES CLAIM_RETURN RET_HEADER01 Technical Name 98 Description Claims/Returns Header CRM Sales Trans. Complaint/Returns Header Returns Header

You have set the indicator Creation with Ref. Possible. You have defined an item category for the recall. The standard system includes item category Recall Return (UURC) with the following details: You have chosen BUS2000178 as the preceding reference object type.
Field Item Object Type PartnerDetProc Technical Name BUS2000160 RETURNI Description CRM Customer Complaint Item Returns Item


Action Profile


Returns Authorization Attachment

You have defined action profiles and actions for the transaction types.

In the standard system, action profile RECALL is defined for transaction type PSLR. Both actions for the invitation (CREATE_INVITATION and CREATE_INVITATION_JOB) are assigned to this action profile. The CRM_PSL_RECALL form is assigned to both actions.

In the standard system, action profile CLAIM_RETURN is defined for transaction type UUPR.

You have assigned the appropriate action profile to the transaction types and the item category.

For more information, see Customizing for Returns and Customizing for the Product Service Letter. Before you can send the recall, you must have completed the following:

In SAPconnect administration (transaction SCOT in the SAP graphical user interface (SAP GUI)), you have made the required settings in the SAP system so that you can send electronic recalls. For more information, see SAPconnect (BC-SRV-COM).

For business partners, you have made settings for the communication path for recalls to the recipient responsible, for example, invitation by e-mail, by fax, and so on.

Process Product analysis of repeated complaints point to a defective service part as the cause of a problem. In order to avoid further errors, this service part must not be used in future installations. For this reason, you encourage all customers that may have this service part still available in their warehouse stock to return it. To this end, you create a product service letter of type Product Recall (appears as "recall" in the following) that contains a list of the recalled service parts, and you send it to the affected customers. Specifically, the process runs as follows: 1. You use Graphical Modeling of Segments to specify the target group, that is, all customers who have purchased the service part. The system determines this information as follows: 210

Invitation recipients The system checks whether there are one or more contact persons for the business partner in the target group: If there are multiple contact persons, the system checks whether there is a main contact person. If there are multiple contact persons but no main contact person, the system automatically takes the first contact person in the list. If no contact person exists, the business partner defined in the target group of the marketing campaign is used; for example, company, organization, and so on.

Communication method for sending the invitation You can send the recall by e-mail, fax, or letter, for example. The recall contains the reference number and the corresponding service part (optional). If no communication method for sending the invitation is specified, the default invitation is a printed letter sent by mail.

2. You create a recall and enter the following data:


At header level: Validity, responsible employee, and target group in assignment block Target Groups. At item level: List of the affected service parts in the overview Serial number range in assignment block Reference Objects It is mandatory to enter the serial number range for products that are serial number relevant. The system evaluates the field for serial number processing in the product master. If the value in this field is not equal to 0, you must enter the serial number range.

3. All customers that are assigned to the recall in the target group are informed of the recall action via their preferred communication channel. This can happen in two ways:
o o

Automatically, using the CREATE_INVITATION action when the document is saved Using the action CREATE_INVITATION_JOB in the action monitor (called in SAP GUI with transaction CRMC_ACTION_JOB)


In the standard system, the CRM_PSL_RECALL form is used for this information. You can use transaction SMARTFORM in the SAP GUI to view and edit the form. 4. Customers receive information about the recall according to the communication channel they have set, such as e-mail. They then either create a returns request with reference to a recall in the application Extended Complaints and Returns in E-Service, or they call the manufacturer, who creates the returns request in the CRM WebClient UI. All the data necessary for creating the return is in the recall:
o o o

Reference number Products or product list (optional) Validity period (optional)

5. The system proposes the recalled service parts from the recall document so that the customer can select them and copy them into the returns request. For each service part, the customer enters the quantity that is still in the warehouse stock and should be sent back. If serial numbers are relevant for the recalled service part, the customer must also enter the serial numbers for the service parts. 6. After the return document is saved, the system checks whether:

Serial numbers that were entered fall within the range of serial numbers that were recalled The serial number specified is already in the list of approved serial numbers The serial number entered already exists in the same document The customer is part of the target group The product is included in the recall

o o o o

For more information about serial numbers, see Serial Number Entry in Complaints and Returns. 7. You authorize the returns request. Following goods receipt and inspection of the service parts, you create a credit memo.

Service Recall Processing: Exchange of Defective Products

This process enables you to execute recall actions between the manufacturer and the customer, for defective parts of an object to be exchanged with service parts. An object is a special product, for


example, a car or a computer. You use this process to offer your customer a defined list of service parts and the maximum permitted quantities for each object. For example, you execute a recall action due to a high number of warranty claims and complaints received for laptops with serial numbers ranging from 1000 to 2000. Defective hard disks need to be replaced. To avoid further complaints, you inform your customer about the exchange of the defective hard disks. The customer orders the new hard disks from you, and has them delivered free of charge in exchange for the defective ones. Recalled parts that are still in the customer's stock are processed in a separate returns process. For more information, see Service Recall Processing: Returning Service Parts. Prerequisites In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, you have made the following settings:

To use reference objects and enter the product IDs of the objects in the service recall order, you have created a subject profile with subject profile category Y Individual Object (Sales Order). For more information, see Customizing for SAP CRM at Customer Relationship Management . Basic Functions Catalogs, Codes, and Profiles Define Subject Profiles

You have created a separate transaction type for service recall processing, and have assigned this subject profile to it under External Reference Objects. For more information see SAP CRM Customizing, at Transaction Types Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic Settings Define .

Process The manufacturer runs product analyses, and discovers that repeated complaints point to a defective part as the cause of a problem. These defective parts have to be exchanged for new parts. To solve the problem, the defective part has to be exchanged in all objects in which it was fitted. 1. To guarantee delivery of the service parts, you create a sales order template. The sales order template contains a list of the parts to be exchanged, and the required quantity for each object. Use transaction type SALT, provided in the standard delivery, as a template. 2. Customers are notified via a product service letter. For this, you create a product service letter and first enter a list of customers affected that should be notified of the recall campaign (Target 213

Groups assignment block). In addition, the product service letter contains the list of objects affected by the recall action, as well as a reference to the sales order template that lists the products, with the corresponding quantities that should be exchanged for an object. The product service letter contains details about the following:
o o o o o

Validity area Status of the document Target group Product IDs of the affected objects Link to the sales order template

You must release the product service letter for use in the recall action. Use transaction type PSLS, provided in the standard delivery, as a template. 3. The customer receives the message about the recall action via his or her chosen communication channel, for example e-mail, and creates a service recall order with regard to the manufacturer's recall (product service letter) in the customer portal. Alternatively, you can also create the service recall order for your customer. The service recall order comprises the following details:
o o o

Sold-to party Product service letter ID Product IDs of the objects In addition, the service recall order includes a list of the affected objects, for which parts are to be exchanged. The entry takes place in the Reference Objects assignment block.

4. The system checks the validity of the product service letter and the product IDs of the objects. The service recall order is valid if the following points are fulfilled:
o o o

The status of the selected product service letter is Released. The order date is within the validity period of the product service letter's date. The sold-to party is entitled to make a claim for the product service letter.

5. After the data entered has been validated, the system automatically creates the corresponding order items, which are not invoiced, in the service recall order. The quantities for each of the items in the service recall order are calculated by multiplying the quantity for each of the items in the sales order template by the number of objects entered in the service recall order. The order items are only copied once for a given product service letter. If you add or remove objects, the 214

system redetermines the quantities accordingly. You are allowed to reduce the quantity. If you want to reduce the quantity determined by the system, the determined quantities are overwritten by the quantities entered manually. 6. The system checks the products and quantities. 7. The customer posts the service recall order. 8. The system updates the status of the objects in the product service letter. See also: Example of Service Recall Processing.

Functions and Master Data in the Product Service Letter

The product service letter uses certain basic functions and master data of SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) as well as basic functions for business transactions. Integration The essential basic functions that are relevant for the product service letter are listed below: CRM Basic Functions

Partner Processing Text Management Date Management Actions

Basic Functions for Business Transactions

Linking Business Transactions Copying Business Transactions Status Management in Business Transactions

The product service letter also uses the following master data and business transactions: Master Data

Business Partners


Installed Base Management (in particular Objects in Installed Bases) Products

Business Transactions

Service Orders Service Order Templates

Content of a Product Service Letter

This function provides an overview of the data that is or can be contained in a product service letter. Product service letters are used to represent a service request in the system. The service can refer to one or more products that have defects or will most likely become defective in the near future. This could result in damage and costly repairs, which should be avoided by the timely execution of a product service letter and performance of the related service. Features The product service letter essentially contains the following information:

Identification of the product service letter (ID) The product service letter is identified uniquely by an ID. Unique identification is necessary to be able to perform a requested service on a specific object.

Business partner The functions Bill-To Party and Payer are relevant for the product service letter.

Validity and priority You can define a specific validity (time restriction for execution) for a product service letter. A product service letter can have different levels of priority that you define in the Priority field when creating the letter. This enables you to assign the highest priority to a suspected safety hazard or potential defect that would be costly to repair and have this hazard or defect eliminated in a given time frame.


Notes and attachments You can enter texts explaining the technical problem, describing the solution and specifying which actions have to be performed, as well as include attachments.

Reference objects (products) Product service letters always apply only for a specific range of products that you define when creating the letters. You can create product service letters for one or more reference objects (= uniquely identifiable products) as well as for a range of objects (for example, serial numbers ABC_201 to ABC_209).

Actions required: You can list the service parts and qualifications, the estimated working time, the tools and other technical instructions that are required to implement the product service letter successfully. You make these specifications either directly in the product service letter, or in a service order template that you can include in the product service letter.

Status management: Status Management is available to you in product service letter processing. It provides information on the current processing status and the further processing options for the product service letter.

Dates in the Product Service Letter

In the product service letter, you use dates to stipulate the validity period of the letter and to define the estimated working time required to perform a service. Prerequisites You have made the necessary settings for date types and date profiles in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Basic Functions Date Management .


Features SAP delivers the following date types, duration, and date profiles for the product service letter: Date types:

REPAIRDATE (Repair date) VALIDFROM (Valid from) VALIDTO (Valid to)


EST_SRV_TIME (Estimated working time)

You can define your own, customer-specific date types. If you create a new date profile, you have to include the delivered date types at header and item level. Date profiles:

PSL_HEADER (Dates for the product service letter on header level)


You assign the date types for the validity (VALIDFROM, VALIDTO) and the duration for the estimated working time (EST_SRV_TIME) to this date profile. You assign the date profile to the business transaction type for the product service letter (PSLH).

PSL_ITEM (Dates for the product service letter on item level)

o o

You assign the date type for the repair date (REPAIRDATE) to this date profile. You assign the date profile to the item category of the product service letter (PSLI).

Activities For more information about dates, see Date Management.

Actions in the Product Service Letter

You use actions in the product service letter and in the service order to:


Create product service letter items (PSL items) Create service orders and service items from a PSL item Add items to service orders on the basis of product service letters Set the Completed status for PSL items.

Prerequisites You have made the necessary settings for actions and action profiles under in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management. Features The standard delivery includes the following action profiles with action definitions for the product service letter and the service order: Action profiles for the product service letter

Basic Functions Actions

Action profile PSL_H (header level) The following action definitions for creating PSL items are assigned to this action profile:
o o

PSL_CREATE_ITEMS Manual creation of PSL items PSL_CREATE_ITEMS_AUTO Automatic creation of PSL items

You assign the action profile to the business transaction type for the product service letter (PSLH).

Action profile PSL_I (item level) The following action definition for creating a service order with items is assigned to this action profile:


You assign the action profile to the item category for the product service letter (PSLI). Action profiles for the service order

Action profile SERVICE_ORDER (header level)


The following action definition for searching for PSL items and including them in the service order is assigned to this action profile:


You assign the action profile to the business transaction type for the service order.

Action profile SERVICE_ORDER_ITEM_SLA (item level) The following action definition for setting the Completed indicator for PSL items is assigned to this action profile.


You assign the action profile to the item category for the service order.

You can change the conditions and processing parameters for an action if the Changeable in Dialog indicator is set (detail screen) in Customizing for the action definition. Example For more information on actions, see Actions in CRM Enterprise.

Service Order Templates

You use service order templates to define reusable sets of service-related data that minimize the amount of time required to create a service transaction. A service order template describes only the scope of planned services and not the actual execution (customer and time frame).

The user interface for service order templates is a configuration of the component for service orders.


Integration Business Transactions Depending on your Customizing settings, you can:

Create a service order on the basis of the service order template, as a follow-up transaction Create a service order template on the basis of a service order, as a follow-up transaction Copy items from service order templates when creating the following:
o o o o o

Service order Service order quotation Complaint Return In-house repair order

Product Service Letter You can reference a template from a product service letter. When service orders are created for product service letters, items are automatically proposed from the referenced template. Prerequisites You have configured your service order template transaction(s) in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Transactions Basic Settings .

The service order template is predefined as follows in the standard system:

Transaction type SRVT Item categories:

o o o o

SRTP for service items SRTM for service part items SRTS for sales items SRTE for expense items

If the settings for these Customizing objects do not reflect your business requirements, you can copy them and modify the copies.


Features You can create hierarchies of templates by referencing a template from within another template. For more information, see Template References. Example

You define a service order template to describe the standard maintenance procedure for a vehicle of a specific type. The catalog for the standard maintenance procedure includes services (filter replacement, oil change, engine check) and materials (1 filter, 12.5 liters of oil).

You use a service order template to plan a recall for a specific automotive category. The catalog for the recall contains the following activities: scheduled appointments with customer, repairs, confirmation to car manufacturer, and invoice for car manufacturer.

Template References
You can build hierarchies of templates by assigning templates to items in other templates. Since the templates in a hierarchy are only linked by means of reference, you only need to make changes to templates once and they are automatically available wherever referenced in the hierarchy.

You define a service order template for an oil change and assign it to the item Oil Change in the templates for a standard inspection and complete inspection. The inspection templates, therefore, implicitly contain all the template items for the oil change. You can also reference templates in service order and service order quotation items, if you have customized the item category correspondingly (see Prerequisites below). Prerequisites You have assigned the object reference profile TEMPLATE to those item categories from which you want to allow template references. You do this in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Categories .


Features If you have assigned a template to a (template) item, when you create a follow-up transaction one of the following occurs:

The template reference is copied to the new item. Items from the template are automatically copied as subitems of the follow-up item. If you want new items to be created from the referenced template, you have specified this in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Types . Select Explode Template Hierarchy. Transactions Basic Settings Copying Control for Business Transactions Define Copying Control for Transaction


The items from all templates referenced in the hierarchy are copied as subitems on an equal level. The hierarchy of items in the template hierarchy is not reproduced.

Service Order Quotations

Service order quotations (hereafter referred to as a quotations) are legally binding offers with fixed conditions, made to a customer for the performance of services or for the delivery of spare parts. Quotations allow customers to inform themselves about prices and delivery conditions before placing an order. They also enable providers to plan for anticipated services orders at an early stage and get an overview of the expected costs and revenues. Within the validity period of a quotation the customer has the option of agreeing a service order with specific conditions in reference to the quotation. You can also use document a customer inquiry for a quotation by using a quotation transaction with items that are defined as inquiry items (see Prerequisites below).

The user interface for service order quotations is a configuration of the component for service orders.


Integration Business Transactions Depending on your Customizing settings, you can:

Create a service order from a quotation or customer inquiry, as a follow-up transaction Create a quotation or customer inquiry as a follow-up transaction of a service order template Create a quotation as a follow-up transaction of a customer inquiry

SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (BI) If you have an integrated SAP NetWeaver BI system, you can use predefined or customer-defined BI Content to evaluate, for example, which quotations are accepted or rejected, and the reasons for this. For more information, see the SAP Library under Content Service Analyses Prerequisites You have configured your quotation transaction(s) in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Transactions Basic Settings . . SAP Customer Relationship Management Analytics BI

Transaction Types and Item Categories Service order quotations are predefined as follows in the standard system:

Transaction type SRVQ (and SRVP for package quotations) Item categories:
o o o o

SRQP for service items SRQM for service part items SRQS for sales items SRQE for expense items

If the settings for these Customizing objects do not reflect your business requirements, you can copy them and modify the copies.


Inquiry and Quotation Items You define whether an item is an inquiry or a quotation in the activity Define Item Categories, by choosing the required item categories and the business transaction category Sales. In the Customizing Item view, specify in the Relevance for Quotation field whether the item is an initial inquiry or an initial quotation. In the above activity, ensure that the value in the Subsequ. Processing field is Quotation is copied to subsequent document.

A quotation cannot contain both quotation and inquiry items. Package Items If you want to enable packages to be included in quotation items, set the indicator Package Explosion in your transaction type and item category. This setting is not relevant for expense items. Features Quotation and Inquiry Processing You process quotations on the Service Order Quotations page, and inquiries on the Service Orders page. Details of Services to be Rendered In a quotation, you can enter the following key information:

Products (representing services, service parts, products sold, and expenses) For more information, see Products in Service Transactions.

Reference objects for the service You can update information for an installed base if, for example, the customer reports a change to an installed base when requesting a quotation for a service.

Categories that provide technical information relevant to the service


Categories are defined using Multi-Level Categorization. Packages If you have made the appropriate setting (see Prerequisites above) you can include packages in a quotation item. For more information about packages, see Packages and Products with Dependent Components. Contract Determination The system can determine valid service contracts for reference in a quotation. If you reference a service contract, details from the contract are automatically copied to the quotation. For more information, see Service Contract Determination. Warranty Check You can set up warranty checking to automatically determine valid warranties for reference objects. For more information, see Warranty Check for Coverage of Services. Counters and Readings You can record counter readings for installed base components and objects Pricing Pricing takes place using the generic SAP CRM pricing functions. For more information, see Pricing. You can use an accounting indicator in a quotation item to determine different prices for products, based on absolute or percentage discounts and surcharges for services performed under warranty. You define discounts and surcharges in pricing conditions. Cost Allocation You can use an accounting indicator in a quotation item to determine the settlement receiver of costs. For example, in the case that a service is covered by a warranty, you may want the quality management department to be the receiver, and in the case of a free-of-charge repair, you may want the sales department to be the receiver instead of the executing cost center.


Activities Create Service Order for Accepted Quotation Items When a customer accepts quotation items you can create a follow-up service order and copy the accepted items into this. When you copy items to a service order, they are automatically marked as accepted in the quotation. Complete Quotation Quotations are automatically set to Completed in the following cases:

When the validity has expired When all quotation items have been copied to follow-up service orders

You can also manually set the status Completed if the quotation is rejected by the customer.

Products in Service Transactions

Products are central objects in a service transaction, representing the following:

Services provided (service product: product type Service) Service parts required for the service (service part: product type Material) Products sold in relation to a service (sales product: product type Material) Expenses incurred (product type Material) Tools required for the service (product type Material or defined as object)

You enter each product in a separate item in your service transaction. The following table shows the types of products that you can enter, depending on the transaction that you are processing. An X indicates that the product can be entered.
Service Product Service Part Sales Product

Transaction Service order (quotation, template)




Service confirmation Complaint In-house repair order Service contract



More Information Products

reference object (CRM-BTX-SVO)

Service Processes (CRM-BTX-SVO)
A product or installed base in the business transaction for which a service is requested. You can create several reference objects per header or item. If an installed base is defined for the reference object, certain master data (for example, partner) can be transferred to the business transaction. An object history that is available for evaluations can be built up using the reference object.

Multilevel Categorization

You can use this function to set up multilevel categorization for different applications. Multilevel categorization enables you to custom design categorization and to integrate the functions of auto suggest and content analysis in your applications.

You have made the appropriate settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under CRM Cross-Application Components Multilevel Categorization.

Creation of categorization schemas


You set up multilevel categorization in the category modeler. In the category modeler, you define categorization schemas and categories within a schema. For more details about using the category modeler, see business user documentation Categorization Schemas and Categories. Hierarchy or attribute categorization Depending on the business scenario, you can structure the categories in a schema strictly hierarchically, or in the form of value combinations. For more information, see Forms of Categorization. Content analysis Textual contents are assessed and automatic category suggestions are made using content queries for content analysis. For more information, see Content Analysis. Auto suggest of objects By assigning business objects to categories, you can integrate different additional functions in your applications. These additional functions may include: automatic display of solution suggestions, automatically completing service orders using assigned service order templates in the Interaction Center (IC) WebClient, and using specific e-mail standard responses in the e-mail editor of the IC WebClient. For more information, see Auto Suggest. Versioning You can use a combination of the various schema statuses with the chronological validity of a schema to version your categorization schemas. You can use versioning to ensure that historical documents are preserved. From the time stamp of a document (created on), you can determine the categorization schema on which the document was based. The option of chronological limitation of a schema is advantageous in the public sector, for example. If the law changes on a certain date, the validity of a schema has to be adapted if necessary to the validity of certain legislation. Schema-specific field labels You can use a categorization schema to define the field labels for category fields in an application that accesses that categorization schema. Authorization concept You can use authorization object CRM_CATEGO in the user maintenance section of the SAP menu to set up authorizations for the category modeler. If you assign the display authorization appropriately, you can use the authorization concept to also configure the layout of the category modeler to be user-dependent. For more information, see Authorizations for the Category Modeler. Combination and import of categorization schemas You can combine the categories and object links of two schemas. An import function supports cross-client and cross-system schema transports. For more information, see Combining Categorization Schemas and Importing Categorization Schemas. Multilevel categorization is available in varying scopes for the following applications:


Service orders

Service order templates Confirmations Complaints In-house repair orders Case management For more information, see Multilevel Categorization in CRM Case Management. Interaction record Specifics for Interaction Center: Service.

For more information, see

This function enables you to bind together products, which are to be sold as a bundle, in the form of packages or products with dependent components. This function is used heavily in the service provider industry to enable providers to sell groups of products as a whole unit, with each component being dependent on another in the group.

In the telecommunication industry, a provider wants to sell a cell phone, a rate plan, and cell phone hardware. The provider creates a package for these products with a special price, and the package components are dependent on each other for purchase. For example, the customer cannot by the cell phone without taking the rate plan, or purchase the hardware without buying the cell phone. The provider creates the packages and products with dependent components using so-called interlinkage types. Prerequisites


Packages and Products with Dependent Components

You have created products in SAP CRM You have assigned product roles to categories in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Roles to Categories You have assigned your products to categories in the product master in SAP CRM Master Data Products Settings for Packages Assign Product

Features Packages and Products with Dependent Components There are multiple possibilities for creating package combinations and products with dependent components. The three main possibilities are:

Sales package You use this package type to sell various products as part of a whole package. For example, you create a product and name it Gold Package. You then assign various components to it, for example, a rate plan and a cell phone. These components are linked to the main sales package product using the sales component interlinkage type. You can link other products to these assigned products using other interlinkage types, for example, you can link a cable to the cell phone using the dependent components interlinkage type. However, the link between the top package product and the products on the top level of the sales package hierarchy must be maintained using the sales component interlinkage type. The superordinate package product has the product role sales package.

Combined rate plan package You use this package type to sell various types of rate plans together. For example, you want to sell a DSL rate plan with a telephone rate plan for a special price. You create an overall combined rate plan package and assign the various rate plans to it using the rate plan combination interlinkage type. You can only assign rate plans to a combined rate plan. The superordinate package product has the product role combined rate plan.

Product with dependent components You use this type to create links between a main product and dependent products. For example, you want to create a link between a cell phone and a cable, meaning you have to buy the cell phone to purchase the cable. You can only create these links between the components and the main product using the dependent component interlinkage type.

The three main combinations are explained in the figure below.


Interlinkage Types The various combinations detailed above are created using different interlinkage types, and must have specific products on the top levels of the combinations.

To create a sales package, the product on the top level is a package product and must be linked on the top level of the structure using the sales component interlinkage type. The interlinkage types, product roles, and top level products needed to create the various combination types, and on which level you must places these elements, are shown in the figure below.



Service provider products, such as rate plans, could be set up as configurable products that will be configured in the Internet Pricing and Configurator (IPC). In CRM Web Channel, however, modelling a service provider product as a configurable product can lead to problems when displaying the product in the provider Web shop if a sub-item resulting from the configuration itself has one or more products assigned based on interlinkages. To prevent this happening, you need to assign these products directly to the configurable product, and not to a sub-product of the configurable product, using the appropriate interlinkage type. Cross-Selling and Up-Selling In addition to the interlinkages mentioned above, you can also combine products using cross-selling or up-selling interlinkages.


You can assign a hands-free headset to cell phone B using a cross-selling interlinkage. When a customer selects cell phone B, a hands-free headset is offered as an extra. Groups When you are creating packages you can group products together in the hierarchy. This gives you a better overview when structuring your package. You can determine one of the products in the group to be a default so that it is automatically selected in the product display for the customer.

You want to assign five cell phones to a package, from which the customer can choose one cell phone when purchasing the package. You assign these cell phones to a group node in the hierarchy, to make it clear that the products are part of a group. You determine one of the cell phones in the group to be a default so that it is automatically selected in the product display for the customer. The customer can, however, change the default selection to take another cell phone. This function is particularly useful if you are planning to assign your packages to a product catalog for use in the Web shop. In this case, the customer will see a clear overview of which products belong to which group, making their selection easier.

Warranty Check for Coverage of Services

When maintaining business transactions in service (service processes, confirmations, repair orders, or complaints), a check is automatically performed to see if valid warranty information is available for the reference object, which is the subject of the process, and whether claims on warranty services are justified.

Define Profile for Warranty Check You have defined the profile for warranty check in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Settings for Service Transactions Define Profile for Warranty Check.


Assign Profile to Transaction Type You have assigned a profile for the warranty check to a transaction type, which in turn is assigned to business transaction category service process, complaints, or service confirmation, in the details screen for the transaction type. To do so, in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management and choose Transactions Basic Settings Define Transaction Types and proceed as follows: ... ... 1. Select the transaction type. 2. Go to view Assignment of Business Transaction Categories and select Service Process. 3. Go to the view Customizing Header and in the field Wrrnty Check Profile choose the desired profile. 4. Save your settings. Now the warranty check is activated for the relevant transaction type.

When you create business transactions in service, the system automatically checks in the background whether warranties exist and assigns them accordingly. When calculating prices for services and service parts in billing, these warranties can be accounted for through appropriate discounts. This check takes place on the basis of the subject that is in the document and the scope of the warranty that was defined when maintaining the warranty in the product master. The process flow of the check is controlled by the profiles you defined in Customizing.

... 1. Create one of the above-mentioned business transactions in service and enter the reference object at item level. The system then checks whether warranties were assigned to the reference object in installed base management. 2. If a warranty is found, the system checks the master data of the warranty in the product master (such as the date profile, limitations, services included or excluded) and determines whether the warranty can be taken into account for the business transaction. 3. If this is the case, the system enters the warranty description and the accounting indicator in business transaction on the tab page for warranty information. If more than one warranty is assigned to the reference object, the system enters the first warranty in the list. To choose a different warranty, use the warranty determination on the tab page for warranty information.


Warranty Determination You can use warranty determination to get a list of the warranties assigned to the reference object AND those valid for the business transaction item. Fixing the Assignment You can fix the inspection result and the warranty assignment by setting the Fixed Warranty checkbox in the business transaction. When you set this checkbox, no new searches for valid warranties are run, even if the data that defines which warranties the system finds is changed. See also: Warranty Assignment Maintaining Warranties

Dates in Service Orders and Service Order Quotations

Date settings that you make in Customizing enable the relevant dates for business transactions to be calculated automatically. You make date settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Functions Date Management date profile. The following table shows the most important predefined date types for the standard service transaction types: Basic

. You use a date rule to define date types and assign these date types to a

Transaction Type

Date Profile

Date Type Valid From (VALIDFROM) Valid To (VALIDTO) Valid From (QUOTSTART) Valid To (QUOTEND) Requested Start (SRV_CUST_BEG)

Service order template (SRVT) Service order quotation (SRVQ) Service order (SRVO)





Requested End (SRV_CUST_END)

The following table shows the most important predefined date types for the standard item category SRVP:

Item Category Service Item (SRVP)

Date Profile

Date Type First Response By (SRV_RFIRST)


Comment These dates determine response times for a service order item if a service level agreement exists in a valid contract.

You can modify the standard definitions as required. More Information Date Management

Service Orders
You use service orders to record the details of a one-off service agreed upon by a service provider and a service recipient. Service orders contain all the information needed to plan, execute, and bill for a service. This function is available in CRM Enterprise, Interaction Center, Web Channel, and Mobile. Integration Business Transactions Depending on your Customizing settings, you can:

Create a service order as a follow-up transaction of another transaction (for example, a service order quotation) Create follow-up transactions from a service order (for example, a service confirmation or complaint) Create a service order as a follow-up transaction of a service order template


Backend Systems For information on the flow of data between SAP CRM and SAP backend systems, see Data Exchange for Service Orders: CRM Server - SAP ECC / SAP APO. SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (BI) If you have an integrated SAP NetWeaver BI system, you can use predefined or customer-defined BI Content to evaluate, for example, order volumes and lead times. For more information, see the SAP Library under Prerequisites You have configured your service order transaction(s) in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Transactions Basic Settings and Settings for Service Transactions . SAP Customer Relationship Management Analytics BI Content Service Analyses .

The service order is predefined as follows in the standard system:

Transaction type SRVO Item categories:

o o o o

SRVP for service items SRVM for service part items SRVS for sales items SRVE for expense items

If the settings for these Customizing objects do not reflect your business requirements, you can copy them and modify the copies. Features Details of Services to be Rendered In a service order, you can enter the following information for a planned service:

Products representing services, service parts, products sold, and expenses For more information, see Products in Service Transactions.

Reference objects for the service


You can update information for an installed base if, for example, the customer reports a change to an installed base when requesting a service.

Categories that provide technical information relevant to the service Categories are defined using Multi-Level Categorization.

Contract Determination The system can determine valid service contracts for reference in a service order. If you reference a service contract, details from the contract are automatically copied to the service order. For more information, see Service Contract Determination. Warranty Check You can set up warranty checking to automatically determine valid warranties for reference objects. For more information, see Warranty Check for Coverage of Services. Counters and Readings You can record counter readings for installed base components and objects Pricing Pricing takes place using the generic SAP CRM pricing functions. For more information, see Pricing. You can use an accounting indicator in an order item to determine different prices for products, based on absolute or percentage discounts and surcharges for services performed under warranty. You define discounts and surcharges in pricing conditions. Cost Allocation You can use an accounting indicator in an order item to determine the settlement receiver of costs. For example, in the case that a service is covered by a warranty, you may want the quality management department to be the receiver, and in the case of a free-of-charge repair, you may want the sales department to be the receiver instead of the executing cost center.


Amount Allocation You can assign the following objects as alternate cost collectors for controlling:

ERP internal order ERP work breakdown structure (WBS) element ERP customer order / item ERP profitability segment ERP cost center CRM order

These settings are not binding and can be changed before releasing the order. To finally post amounts in controlling, you create a billing request, in which you have the option of changing the amount allocation. Amounts are posted when you release the billing request on the Billing Requests page. For more information, see Controlling Integration and Amount Allocation with SAP ECC Integration. Billing You can either bill for the resources planned in a service order, or for the resources actually confirmed. Billing for services takes place in SAP CRM. For more information about billing functions, see Billing. In a service orders, you can influence billing as follows:

Determine different rates for billing (for example, for weekend work, overtime, travel time, or depending on the qualifications of the service representative) You do this by entering a service type or valuation type.

Split billing amounts among bill-to parties You do this by defining amount allocation (see the information on billing requests in the section Amount Allocation above).

Attachments You can attach files to service orders and use the content management functions available in SAP CRM.


Service Order Summary You can print a summary of the services planned in a service order using the Output button on the overview page of the order. You determine the output medium using Output Determination.

Data Exchange for Service Orders: CRM Server SAP ECC / SAP APO
Service order data is transferred via CRM Middleware from the CRM Server to integrated SAP systems. For service orders created on mobile devices, confirmation data is replicated to the CRM Server, and can then be transferred to integrated SAP systems. Data from service orders is transferred to different SAP components depending on the item category of the service order item, as shown in the following table:

Service Order Item Category Sales item Sales item Sales item Service item Service part item

Activities in Backend System Availability check for the relevant product Creation of sales order item

Backend Component SAP Advanced Planning & Optimization (APO) SAP Enterprise Central Component (SAP ECC) (sales and distribution)

Posting of costs/revenues

SAP ECC (controlling)

Billing of services in SAP CRM also triggers posting to accounts receivable and posting of revenue. For more information, see Data Transfer to SAP ERP Accounting. Prerequisites Customizing in SAP CRM

You have configured the service order as described in Service Orders. You have ensured that the following Customizing settings in SAP CRM and the sales and distribution component of SAP ECC are identical:
o o

Transaction type (SAP CRM) and sales document type (SAP ECC) Item categories


Number ranges for external number assignment for sales orders


No automatic checks are made to determine whether your Customizing settings in SAP CRM correspond with those in SAP ECC.

You have customized billing in SAP CRM.

Customizing in Integrated SAP Systems Controlling (SAP ECC)

You have replicated controlling-relevant service characteristics from SAP CRM to the controlling components of SAP ECC. You have determined which controlling type you want to use:

Single-object controlling An internal order is automatically created for your transaction type/item category for collecting costs.

Mass-object controlling A profitability segment is automatically created for your transaction type category for collecting costs.

No controlling

For single-object controlling, you have defined a controlling scenario and assigned it to the transaction type to determine how internal orders are handled.

Availability Check (SAP Advanced Planning & Optimization) For detailed information on customizing for the availability check, see Set Up Customizing for Availability Check. Service Order

The order contains at least one item.


Headers alone are not replicated in SAP ECC.

The order has been saved without errors. No distribution lock has been set for the order.


If a service order contains different sales items, a single transaction containing these items is replicated to SAP ECC, since the document is used primarily to trigger subsequent logistics processes.

SAP ECC transfers some logistics information back to the CRM Server, so that you can display the following for a SAP ECC sales order in SAP CRM:
o o o

Status information (return/substitute delivery is shipped/partially shipped) Document flow (shipping, goods issue/receipt) Quantity delivered

You can only make changes to sales items in SAP CRM. In SAP CRM, you can change service orders for which data has already been transferred. Your changes are then transferred automatically to SAP ECC. For more information, see Changing Transferred Business Transactions. You can only change sales items until items from the order are delivered or partly delivered.

For information about availability checks for sales order items, see Availability Check.

Activities 1. The system carries out data replication. 2. The distribution status of the service order shows whether data transfer was successful. Errors and warning messages relating to the data transfer are listed in a log. For more information about statuses, see Status Maintenance and Display in Business Transactions. 3. Depending on your customizing, either you generate an outbound delivery manually in SAP ECC or the system generates it automatically. 4. You save the goods issue for delivery. Costs are posted automatically to the controlling object in SAP ECC. 243

More Information

Further information on the subsequent logistics processes in SAP ECC is available in the SAP Library under SAP Solutions SAP ERP Central Component Logistics Sales and Distribution . (SD) Sales (SD-SLS)

Customer note 490932 provides information about the possible causes of errors in data exchange for business transactions, and contains advice on how to correct these errors.

Data Transfer to SAP ERP Accounting

The following are some of the SAP ERP components to which you can transfer billing data:

Accounts receivable Contract accounting Overhead cost controlling Profitability analysis Profit center analysis


When billing data from SAP CRM is transferred to SAP ERP, it generates open items in accounts receivable accounting. These open items are cleared when inbound payments are received, and dunning procedures can be executed if payments remain outstanding. In controlling, billable amounts are used to compare revenues with accumulated costs. Data is exchanged by means of CRM Middleware, using the following business document (BDoc) types:

BEABILLDOCCRMB for monitoring data transfer from SAP CRM to SAP ERP BEABILLSTACRMB for updating statuses from SAP ERP to SAP CRM


You have installed and configured at least one SAP ERP accounting component in which the SAP CRM Plug-In is available. You have made the necessary customizing settings for CRM Middleware on the CRM Server, and in SAP ERP. You do this in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, under


CRM Middleware and Related Components Generate Industry Specific Objects and Services and Communication Setup.

You have made the necessary customizing settings for the transfer of billing data to accounting. You do this in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Integration Transfer of Billing Documents to Accounting . Billing

For each billing document type, you have determined whether you want to allow automatic data transfer. You do this in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Billing Define Billing Document Types . If you want to enable automatic transfer, ensure that the No Autom. Transfer to Acctg indicator is not selected.

Billing document types with the billing category Prof-Forma Invoice are not transferred to accounting. Activities Transferring Billing Data to SAP ERP During billing, data is automatically transferred to accounting, unless a transfer block is set for the relevant billing document type in Customizing. You can transfer data from blocked billing documents as follows:

In the CRM WebClient UI on the Billing Document page In SAP GUI on the SAP Easy Access screen under Documents to Accounting Sales/Service Billing Transfer Billing

Displaying SAP ERP Accounting Documents You can display the accounting documents that are created for your billing data. You do this in the CRM WebClient UI, on the Billing Document page, in the assignment block Follow-Up Transactions.

Set up Customizing for Availability Check


Procedure In SAP CRM 1. Define the ATP Profile. 1. In Customizing, select Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions . Availability Check Define ATP Profile
ATP profile 100 (numeric key can be freely defined) Description Availability Check in the SAP APO System

2. Assign ATP Profile to Item Category. 1. In Customizing, select Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions . Availability Check Assign ATP Profile to Item Category Select the required item category and choose Details.
Field Item category Description Item object type TextDetermProc. Partn.DetProc. ATP profile Relev. wgt/vol. Structure scope X Do not explode material structure 000000000002 (Standard organ. data profile (item) TAN Sales Item CRM sales order item ORDER001 (Sales order item) 10000001 (Standard item) 100 Value

Org. data prof.

2. Go back. 3. To assign the item category to an application area, select the required item category and double-click on Assignment of Business Transaction Categories in the dialog structure on the left of the screen. You need to assign the transaction category Sales to the item category (TAN).


4. Select the required business transaction category and double-click on Customizing item in the dialog structure on the left of the screen.
Field Relev. for bill. Pricing-rel. Statist. value Pric. indicat. Value Relevant for external billing X System will copy item header totals Active

3. Assign Location in SAP CRM to Location in SAP APO. SAP APO returns information on the location (delivering plant) for each confirmation schedule line. The location is stored as a business partner in SAP CRM (see Set up Location). In Customizing, select APO .
Business Partner LOC0001 Location 1

Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions Availability

Check Availability Check Using SAP APO Assign Location in SAP CRM to Location in SAP

In SAP SCM 1. Maintain Global settings for Availability Check. In Customizing for SAP SCM, choose Check .
Import Customizing not allowed

Advanced Planning and Optimization Global

Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) General Settings Maintain Global Settings for Availability

Temporary qty assgmnt Set this indicator


For initial data transfer, import Customizing can be set to allowed, so that the customizing settings can be transferred from SAP ECC to SAP APO. 2. Maintain Category.


In Customizing, choose

Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise .

(Global ATP) General Settings Maintain Category

Field Category Category text Description Sort string Category type MRP Elem. Relevant on sublocation level R/3 Object Sales order Reqmts. VC (Order) BM Sales Order Sales Order 20 Value

3. Maintain Business Event. In Customizing, choose Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise .

(Global ATP) General Settings Maintain Business Event

Bus. event A

BeventText SD order

4. Maintain Check Mode. In Customizing, choose Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise .

(Global ATP Check) General Settings Maintain Check Mode

The check mode is equivalent to the requirements class in SAP ECC. Check modes are not provided in Customizing in SAP APO. The following is just an example:
Field Check mode Assignment Production type Check mode text Value 030 (Sale from stock) No allocation Standard Sale from stock


5. Maintain Check Instructions. In Customizing, choose Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise .

(Global ATP) General Settings Maintain Check Instructions

In the table below, all the columns are listed for the sake of completion. However, note that none of the check boxes have been marked for selection.
Field Check mode Business event Product check NeutrlProd Prod. allocation Neutral PA Forecast Forecst:N Rules Based ATP (RBA) Start immediat. Do not create remaining requirements Availability check only, no production After executing all basic methods No check No check Value 030 (Sale from stock) A (SD order) First step

Rem. reqmts ATP Alert act. Start prod. Time (Production time)

6. Maintain Requirements Profile. In Customizing, choose Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise .

(Global ATP) General Settings Maintain Requirements Profile

Field Reqmts prfl Category Check mode Bus. event Assignment mode Value 100 CRM Internet Sales BM (Sales order) 030 (sale from stock) A No allocation Write internal and prepersistent external delta records

TOIn (Temp. obj. ID)


Tech. scenario Business trans.

(used only by Rules Based ATP) (used only by Rules Based ATP) No scheduling carried out If scheduling is tested it should be used CRM001 (Location determination for CRM) Note You must first create this rule strategy, see step 13.

Scheduling ind.


7. Maintain ATP Group. In Customizing choose Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise .

(Global ATP) Product Availability Check Maintain ATP Group

Field Value ATP group 02 Cumulation No cumulation Response No response Txt for ATP grp Individual reqmt
8. Maintain Check Control. In Customizing choose Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise .

(Global ATP) Product Availability Check Maintain Check Control

Field Value ATP group 02 (individual reqmt) Business event A (SD order) No subloc.check No version ck


Field Consider CH Rcpts fr. past Chking.hor.:GR

Value X Consider past receipts

ATP check control: scope of check (for ATP group 02, business event A)

Category LongCatTxt BM Sales order ... <all the other standard categories>
9. Test Test the availability check using just SAP ECC and SAP APO (that is, without SAP CRM). 10. Define Condition Table

Steps 10 to 15 are necessary so that SAP APO can determine a location for the sales order item in SAP CRM. Availability check is carried out in SAP APO based on this location. For more information, see Location Determination in the Sales Order. 1. Maintain field catalog In Customizing choose Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-toand

Promise (Global ATP) Rules-Based Availability Check Define Condition Table then Maintain Field Catalog.

Condition field Long field label KUNNR Sold-to party MATNR Product VKORG Sales organization VTWEG Distribution channel WERKS Plant ... ...
2. Create condition table. 251

In Customizing choose

Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to, then

Promise (Global ATP) Rules-Based Availability Check Define Condition Table Maintain Field Catalog and then Create Condition Table.

Field Table Selected fields

Value 901 (Distr.chl/Sales org.) Distribution channel Sales organization

11. Maintain Access Sequences. In Customizing, choose Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise .

(Global ATP) Rules-Based Availability Check Maintain Access Sequences Access Sequence

AcSq Description CRM1

Access for CRM1

AcNo Tbl Description Cond Exclusive 10 901

Fields (for Access CRM1 10, Table 901) Entries (for condition fields VTWEG and VKORG) are automatically generated. 12. Maintain Condition Type: In Customizing, choose Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise .

(Global ATP) Rules-Based Availability Check Maintain Condition Type

Ctyp Description AcSq CRM10 CRM1


13. Maintain Rule Strategy: In Customizing, choose Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise .

(Global ATP) Rules-Based Availability Check Maintain Rule Strategy

Strategy Description CRM001 Location determination for CRM

Control (for rule strategy CRM001)

Level Cnt. Ctyp Description Cond 10 0 CRM10

You do not need to assign the rule strategy because the rule strategy is specified in the requirements profile. 14. Maintain Integrated Rules: In the Easy Access menu in SAP SCM, choose Avdanced Planning and Optimization Master Data Rule Maintenance Integrated Rule Maintenance 1. Maintain Location Determination Procedure In the Overview (on the left hand side of the screen), choose the tab Maintain location deter.. .


Ty. Loc. procedure txt

CRM_LOC001 3

Press Enter and enter the following details in the List tab.

Location Costs PL0001@R38800 0

2. Set Profile & Parameter Choose Profile & Parameter. 253

Control (Rule Control) Description CRM1 CRM Location Determination

Enter the following details (Access strategy of the substitution lists):

Field Value Product Work forward from input, cyclic Location Work forward from input, cyclic Loc. product Work forward from input, cyclic
Select the following radio button: Combination of the substitution lists: Combine qualified product with all locations, then qualified loc. w. all prods 3. Maintain Rule Choose Rules & substitutions.

Rule Description CRM_PL0001 CRM Location Determination




Rule CRM_PL0001 Rule type Inclusive Loc.determination proced. CRM_LOC001 Rule control CRM1 (CRM Location Determination)
15. Maintain Rule Determination 1. In the SAP Easy Access menu choose Advanced Planning and Optimization Master . Data Rule Maintenance Create Rule Determination 3. Enter the following data: Sales organisation: 1000 Distribution channel: 10

2. Enter CRM10 in the Condition Type field and choose Enter.


4. Choose Execute. 5. Enter the following data:

Characteristic 1 Rule CR7CLNT700 CRM_PL0001

6. Save the data. 16. Test. Test the availability check in SAP CRM.

Web Requests

A Web-based CRM Service is supported when Web requests are used. A requester can request a specific service in a Web browser using the Internet. The requester calls the Web request form intended for this, enters their specific data, and then sends the filled-in request back to the CRM system. The submitted request generates a transaction with the attribute Web request in the CRM system. The transaction-related data (such as business partner, processor determination, product, and so on) is managed in the transaction, whilst the request-specific XML-based data are linked to the transaction as a request. The transaction and request can by checked, changed and approved by a processor in the CRM transaction processing. Access to the request data as for the requester - is via a request category view. If a Web request is relevant for billing, the corresponding line items for the payment processing can be forwarded to SAP Financials. The following fugure illustrates the business transaction described above:


Figure: Processing a Web-Based CRM Transaction


The CRM System is configured as a Web server. The relevant Web request can be executed as a BSP application and can be called from the Web page of your organization the settings should be defined in Customizing (see Setting Up Web Requests).

The business partner data of a requester is maintained in the CRM system, via a Self-registration maintained Web service.

Features Generic tools and customer enhancements are provided for the development and implementation of your own Web requests. SAP also delivers a number of sample requests in which the delivered functions are implemented as examples (see SAP Demo Requests). The following gives you an overview of the functions that are available for Web requests:

XML-Based Request Form


Web requests can be executed as BSP applications in a Web browser. This displays a HTML request form based on an XML data structure. You can create a flexible layout of this request data structure using an XML editor (see Request Data Structure).

Request category views and authorizations You can define a role-specific feature of the request form for a Web request by using request category views. As such, you can include additional fields in the processor view for processing requests that are hidden in the requester view. You can define authorizations at request category view (see Views and Authorization Concept).

Web Request Forms as Interactive Adobe Forms The use of SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe is also supported as an alternative to BSP-based web requests (seeLayout Maintenance for Adobe-Based Request Forms.

Stateless and Stateful BSP Application If a Web request is intended for potentially bug numbers of requesters, performance problems can be prevented by configuring the request as a stateless BSP application (see Setting as Stateless or Stateful Web Request).

Field Default Values in Request Form If you want to support field default values for filling in request data (for example, business partner data), you can implement this in the Business Add-In (BAdI) CRM_SERVICE_WEBREQ. For more information, see the CRM Implementation Guide under Customer Relationship Management Web Channel E-Service Web Requests Business AddIn for Web Requests .

Business Rule Framework The Business Rule Framework (BRF) provides you with a rule tool for Web requests that you can use to check and manipulate Web request data (see Business Rule Framework for Web Requests).

Error Recovery


You can implement you own error messages using BAdI CRM_SERVICE_WEBREQ that request data is entered correctly and completely (see Error Handling in Web Request Form).

External Interface In addition to entering Web requests online, it is also possible to generate Web requests Offline based on an XML request file (see External Interface).

Digital Signature The legal validity of a Web request can be guaranteed with a digital signature. The qualified electronic signature is supported for Web requests (see Digital Signature for Web Requests).

Saving Request Data The XML request data of a Web request are saved in the Knowledge Provider (KPro). SAP presets the content category CRM_WEBREQ by default for Web requests. The corresponding Content Repository CRM_WEBREQ is in the SAP database.

For large amounts of data, it is advisable to use a customer-specific content category in connection with an external content server (see Content Categories).

Version Creation for Web Requests All changes to a Web request and the original request data are saved when the versions are saved. Processors can access versions of a Web request in CRM transaction processing (see Version Creation for Web Requests under Web Request as Service Transaction.

Transaction Instance If the requirement exists that when the request form is filled in that an interaction with the data of the corresponding transaction takes place (for example to be able to display the price calculation in the request form using the transaction), this can be done using the transaction instance (see Interaction using Transaction Instance).

Using Web Services for Self-Registration and Master Data Changes


You can automate the processing of users and business partner roles for requesters by providing the corresponding Web services, (see Web Services for Self-Registration and Master Data Changes). Example One application area for Web requests is Public Administration. Municipal institutions, such as administrative bodies and authorities, can provide online public services using Web requests. For example, requests for the following:

Social benefit Resident parking permit Roadwork and small excavations Good-conduct certificate from the police Trade register extract Building permit

Setting Up Web Requests

The following gives an overview of the steps necessary for setting up Web requests. You represent the settings for a Web request in a Request Category. You perform all of the required steps in Customizing for SAP CRM by choosing Requests . Customer Relationship Management Wen Channel E-Service Web

Prerequisites It is advisable to make an exact plan for Web requests and the layout of these requests before the steps in the system are carried out. The following questions should be clarified:

Which different Web requests do you want to provide? Should the Web requests be grouped? You can limit the search for Web requests by using the request category group in the service order processing.


Which fields should be included in a form and who can display these fields (person placing request and/or processor)? You can create different request category views for each request category and define the selection of displayed fields for each view.

Should an authorization concept be created? You can define the authorization groups on the level of request category views.


For more detailed information on registering and deregistering for Web requests, see SAP Note 663615. For more general information about logging on to BSP applications, see the SAP Library under Technology Components Business Server Pages Process 1. You can create a transaction type in the IMG activity Define Transaction Type and a request category in the IMG activity Define Request Categories. You can also use transaction types that have already been assigned to other request categories when defining request categories (assignment 1:n).


User Concepts.

We recommend that you use the templates delivered by SAP when creating transaction types (see Templates for Web Requests):

Transaction Type SWRA Web Request with Item Item category SWRP Web Request Without Item Transaction Type SWRB
You can also define further optional settings in the basic data of the request category:
o o

the assignment of a request category group the definition of an activity reason if you want to use the function for partner determination and/or organization data determination the assignment of a product for billing-relevant service orders


2. You define all fields and their characteristics (attributes) that are relevant to the corresponding request form in the Request Data Structure. A special XML editor is available for defining the request data structure. 3. You can use the BAdI CRM_SERVICE_WEBREQ to implement customer-specific enhancements to:
o o

control the assignment of default field values or check entries influence the partner and organizational data determination by overwriting the activity reason

4. You define one or more request category views for each request category (see Views and Authorization Concept). 5. You generate the BSP application for each request category view. Based on the request data structure created, each view receives its own start page and URL through which a BSP application can be called.

It is also possible to generate your own BSP application for each view by defining your own BSP application name for each view. However, it is not necessary to use several BSP applications for each request category. 6. You can maintain a detailed layout of the individual BSP pages to meet your requirements. For example, you can hide certain entry fields on the start page of the view of the person placing the request or adjust the request form for a user-defined look. You define these settings manually in the source text of the relevant BSP pages (see Layout Maintenance for Web Requests). Result You have generated a BSP application and your own start page for each page. You include the URL of the start page for the requester on your Web site for calling the Web request in the Web Application Server. More Information By default, SAP delivers the following sample request categories that give you an overview of functions. For more information, see SAP Demo Requests.


Web Services for Self-Registration and Master Data Changes

Users of Web services can use this function to carry out self-registration or master data changes. These Web services can be executed as BSP applications using a Web client. The following scenarios are supported with these Web services:

Registration of a person Registration of an organization and their contact person Changes to the master data of registered people, organizations and their contact persons

Features SAP delivers a number of sample BSP applications that you can copy and modify to suit your requirements. Registration of a person When a person is registered, a user, a central person and a business partner are created. The user and the business partner are linked via a central person. The user inherits the authorizations of a reference user, whose authorizations you defined earlier. The business partner of the business partner category Person is created in the business partner roles Internet Users, Payers, and Consumers. The access data (user ID, alias name, password) of the users can be displayed or changed through the Internet user role. The roles Payer and Consumer of the business partner are required for payroll/salesdependent business transactions. The following figure explains the connection between the user, the central person and the business partner after a person has registered.


Registration of a person

Registration of an organization and their contact person The registration of an organization is carried out by a contact person. A user, a central person and two business partners, linked to each other via a contact person relationship, are created in the system with this registration. A business partner of the category Person is created in the roles Internet users and Contact partners for the contact person. As this person also carries out the orders of the organization when acting as deputy, a user with the corresponding authorizations of a reference user are created for the contact person. User and business partner of the contact person are linked through a central person. At the same time, the second business partner of the category Organization is created in the roles Consumer and Payer. The reference to both business partners is created through a relationship. The following figure explains the connection between the user, the central person and the business partner of a contact person and the contact person relationship to the respective organization.


Registration of an organization and their contact person

Master Data Changes The Web services for master data changes allow users of Web services to maintain address and communication data themselves. Activities For more information about the settings to be made for BSP applications for self-registration and master data changes, see the IMG of CRM, under Customer Relationship Management Web Channel Basic . Settings Internet User Special Settings for E-Service Web Requests

Templates for Web Requests

SAP also delivers the corresponding Customizing objects and Customizing settings for transaction processing and billing in addition to the sample requests (SAP_DEMO01 SAP_DEMO05) for Web requests. We recommend that you use the Customizing objects delivered by SAP as templates for setting up your own Web requests. The following demonstrates how these templates can be used. The specific context for


Web requests is explained general information on the individual functions can be found in the corresponding CRM function documentation. Note that the settings for the integrative use with other SAP systems is not discussed here. Process You make the following settings in Customizing for SAP CRM: 1. Copy Transaction Type Choose IMG activity Define Transaction Types. Select transaction type SWRA as the template for Web requests with an item or transaction type SWRB for Web requests without an item and create your transaction type in the customer namespace using the copy function (Copy asF6).

Service must be set as the leading business transaction category for Web requests. Other business transaction categories are Contact and, for Web requests with an item, Sales. The business transaction categories are set as defaults in the transaction types SWRA and SWRB. The following Customizing objects are delivered in addition to the transaction types for the Web requests:
o o o o

Organization data profile 000000000022 Partner schema 00000028 and 00000029 Subject profile ACTPS0001 Determination rule ACT_REASON_A (scenario Service) and SWR_ACTRSN_A (scenario Sales) Action profile PARKING_PERMIT_WSSO, VERIFY, WEBREQ_PC_SIGNATURE

For more information, see Define Transaction Types. 2. Optional: Define Item Category The preconfigured item category SWRP (Web request item) is delivered for Web requests with items (transaction type SWRA). If you want to support a different item processing, choose the


IMG activity Define Item Categories and use the item category SWRP as a template for your own item categories. 3. SAP GUI: Set Screen Sequence Control You only need to define these settings if you want to use SAP GUI as the user interface. Choose IMG activity Set Screen Sequence Control. Use transaction types SWRA or SWAB as the template to create your own transaction types using the screen profiles delivered (SRV_WORD for Web requests or SRV_WORDER for Web requests without an item). 4. Process Transaction: Define Item Category Determination In the following step you define which item categories the system should propose for transaction processing when creating a Web request. You define this in Customizing for CRM by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Category Determination 5. Billing: Define Item Category Determination The item category determination can be used to assign a corresponding item of CRM billing from the billing relevant data of Web requests. You define this in Customizing for CRM by choosing Billing Item Category Determination Assign Item Categories . .

Request Data Structure

XML-based data structure of a request category that contains specific field attributes as well as structure information.

In a request data structure, you create all form fields that are required for placing requests and processing Web requests. You can use an XML editor for this to define the fields and their attributes in IMG activity Define Request Category.


To subdivide entry and display fields, you can define the sequence of field groups. Each field group receives a field group box by default and is therefore separated from other field groups. You can assign and define a sequence for fields and field groups by using the Drag&Drop function. In order to define the attributes of a field (such as field length, field name and so on), you can reference an ABAP dictionary data element that already exists and copy its attributes. The attributes can also be defined manually; referenced attributes are overridden in this case. You define the features of a field as an entry field, dropdown list field or radio button when assigning attributes. You can use a finished request data structure for toher request categories also using export/import functions.

Note that the XML request data structure does not support any XML schemas or document category definitions (DTDs). Usage of Online Text Repository Texts (OTR Texts) If you want to support several languages for field labels in other words, the output of the field label is controlled by the respective logon language you can define an OTR alias instead of a fixed predefined field label text and create the respective language versions in the corresponding OTR package. You can also use the OTR packages delivered by SAP (for example, package SOTR_VOCABULARY_BASIC). For more information, see Online Text Repository (OTR). Structure The imported or exported XML file of a request data structure is subdivided into two parts:

The part beginning with the tag <request> contains the structural information of field groups and fields. The part beginning with the tag <annotation> contains information on the attributes of the respective fields.

Integration The request data structure of a request category is used when generating the BSP application for each request category view. 267

See also: Views and Authorization Concept Layout Maintenance for Web Requests

Views and Authorization Concept

This function is used to support different request category views reconciled for requesters and processors for Web requests (or reconciled for freely-definable applications). It can be used to define a selection of fields in the request data structure for each view. Each view contains its own start page with the corresponding URL when the BSP Application is generated. You can define an authorization concept at request category view level. Features

Defining the validity interval: You define a validity interval for each request category view. By doing this, request forms receive a validity period and can therefore be changed, for example, due to legal changes or for data protection through selection.

If a change is made (for example, the request data structure is enhanced), define a selection for the old view using the validity interval of the new view. You must also generate the corresponding BSP pages for the new view. The layout elements of the old BSP pages can be used again for the newly generated BSP pages.

Role-specific Usages:


You define a role-specific usage for each request category. If the forms of a Web request for a person placing a request and a processor are the same, you could create just one view and choose the usage Person Placing Request and Processor. The following usages are delivered with the standard delivery:
o o o o o

Requester Agent Person placing request and Processor Processor for Requester Interaction Center

If the request exists for more views (for example, for multi-level processing), you can define customer-specific usages. For more information, see the implementation guide under Usages of Request Categories Views


Relationship Management Web Channel E-Commerce E-Service Web Requests Define .

You can define whether the digital signature should be supported for each request category or not. Setting up the authorization concept: You can assign an authorization group for each request category and thereby prepare an authorization concept. The authorization group is part of authorization object CRM_VIEW (CRM Order view of a request category). You define the authorization groups for Web requests in the Customizing of CRM, under Customer Relationship Management Web Channel E-Commerce E-Service Web Requests Create Authorization Groups for Request Category Views

If you want to support multi-level processing with differentiated authorizations, you can do this through several self-defined processor usages and the corresponding authorizations for the different processor views.


Activities 1. You define the relevant views of a request category in the Customizing of CRM, under Customer Relationship Management Web Channel E-Service Web Requests Define Request Categories . 2. You define an authorization group for each request category view. 3. You generate the BSP application for each request category view.

SAP recommends that you always use the same BSP application for all views of a request category. You do this by defining your own BSP start page for each view and always entering the same BSP application. Example The following BSP pages of the BSP application are created in addition to the URL of the request category view when a request category view is generated. Overview of the BSP pages of a Web request

Home Signature page (optional)

The ready-for-input page (request) of a Web request for each view. Only for Web requests for which the digital signature was selected. System confirmation for example, if the service order number is displayed, under which a Web request is created in SAP CRM. Supports the controlled Start/Exit of the BSP application session of a Web request.

Confirmation page start_exit page

Digital Signature for Web Requests

The digital signature of Web requests supports a qualified electronic signature. Due to their high level of security, qualified electronic signatures are recognized by many countries as a legally valid signature and 270

are on the same level as a hand signature on documents. The digital signing of Web requests thereby enhances the usage area for electronic requests. The person placing the request executes the electronic signature with a certificate saved on a chip card (smart card), which is read by a linked reading device whilst the person places the request in the Web client. The required certificate is issued from a recognized Trust Center (certification authority) and includes a private and public key. Whilst the constituent signs with the private key, the corresponding public key enables the signed document to be read and verified. Integration When executing a Web request that can be signed digitally, the basis BSP application SAPSign is called through Redirect. SAPSign controls the whole signature process. The actual signature is carried out by the person placing the request in the ActiveX-Control SAPSign Control. All functions required for the digital signature are supported in this control. Prerequisites

Documents are signed digitally in an ActiveX-Control. This requires a browser that supports this technically, for example MS Internet Explorer 5.5. People placing requests (requesters) must have access to the required hardware (smart card and reader device) as well as a valid certificate saved on their hardware. The corresponding certificates (root certificate, client certificate) are set up. Note that software certificates, in other words, certificates that are not stored on a smart card but directly on the computer, are classified as advanced digital signatures.

Features Generating Signable Web Requests You define whether a Web request should support the digital signature in Customizing of SAP CRM, in IMG activity Define Request Category. For a request category, you define whether the BSP application to be generated should support the digital signature at the level of a request category view. The generated BSP applications contain another BSP page as well as the start and confirmation page, the signature page. Signature page


The request data on the start page is transferred to the signature page by using the Send button when a Web request is created. The person placing the request submits their signature in the form of a "digital seal" on the contents of the signature page. The uniqueness of the signature is only confirmed when all of the data on the signature page matches the signature. A number of HTML tags that support the inclusion of links or graphics do not fulfill these signature-conform requirements and are not allowed in the layout of the signature page. For an overview of tags that are not allowed, see the IMG of SAP CRM, under Customer Relationship Management Web Channel E-Service Web Requests Define Request Category

using the link Digital Signature with SAP.

Note: If you do not limit the request data entry for your Web request to the start page, but distribute it over several pages, all of the request data will be transferred to the signature page. A Web request does not support a multiple-level signature process with several signatures. You can define which request data should be displayed for the person placing the request in the layout processing of the signature page. Display and Verification of Signed Documents Signed request data can be verified by a processor in transaction processing. For this you require the action profile VERIFY delivered by SAP in IMG activity Define Transaction Types of the relevant Web request. The request data is displayed/verified when the action is executed by program CRM_WEBREQ_SIGNATURE_SHOW.. For more information on working with actions, see Actions in CRM Enterprise. Activities The following explains the process of a digital signature. In order to simplify the content, the logon onto SAP CRM of the person placing the request and the start-exit function of the BSP applications were left out. 1. The requester calls the Web request (BSP application z_sign1) that supports the digital signature. The person placing the request enters the required request data on the start page and transfers it to the CRM system by pressing the pushbutton Send.


2. The request data is transferred to the signature page in a form that matches the signature. The BSP application SAPSign is called through Redirect. SAPSign starts the ActiveX-Control SAPSign Control.

The download of this ActiveX-Control to the Web client is started automatically when it is used for the first time. The person placing the request must confirm this download in accordance with the browser settings. 3. The person placing the request can find their request data to be signed in the SAPSign Control. Their personal certificate is also displayed here which was read by the connected smart card. The person placing the request signs the displayed request data using the pushbutton Sign. The personal request data, the signature, and the public key of the certificate are transferred as an XML signature file to SAP CRM. 4. The request data is created as a transaction with attribute Web Request in SAP CRM. The transaction is linked to the XML signature file that contains the signed request data. 5. Based on the respective order, the further transaction processing is carried out by a processor; they can also verify and sign the signed request. The following figure illustrates the digital signature for a Web request as described above:


Figure: Digital Signature of a Web Request

Example SAP delivers SAP_DEMO003 (request for parking permit with digital signature) as an example of a Web request that can be signed digitally.

Layout Maintenance for BSP-Based Web Requests

The following contains information on how to maintain the layout of the BSP pages of the Web request generated by the system. You can use this final layout formation to adjust the appearance of the request forms in the Web client and the functional aspects (for example, navigation, error handling, field default entries and so on) to suit the requirements of your organization. The appearance of the Web request form, as seen in the Web client, is determined in the layout of the Business Server Page/s (BSP) of a Web request and the request data structure assigned as an XML file. Only one request data structure is allowed for each Web request irrespective of the number of Business 274

Server Pages that you have intended for a Web request that refer to the BSPs. For more information, see Request Data Structure.

Adobe-based web request forms are also supported as an alternative to BSP-based request forms. Features The layout of a Business Server Page consists of the following components:

Standard HTML formatting to design the page layout Client-page JavaScript (for example, for entry checks) Server page Scripting instructions This includes ABAP instructions used to call methods and events, field parameters of the XML request data structure, server-page error messages and online text repository texts. Scripting instructions are indicated in the layout by "<%...%>". At runtime, scripting instuctions are replaced on the Business Server Page by the dynamically determined result.

The following graphic illustrates how a Web request is called. The HTML page built in the Web Client (browser) is based on the HTML formatting defined in the BSP layout as well as the attributes of the input fields defined in the request data structure. The data on the request data structure is derived using the server-page scripting instructions. The relationships between an input field of the HTML layout and their field content is created in the BSP layout using the corresponding Xpath .


Figure: Structure of HTML layout of Web request

Activities You maintain the layout of a Business Server Page in the Web Application Builder. You get to this by choosing the button Change after generating a BSP application of a Web request (see step 5 under Setting up Web Requests) in the detail processing of a request category view (IMG activity Define Request Category). HTML Layout You can use the internal text editor or external HTML editors for maintaining the page layout of a Business Server Page. You use the internal text editor to maintain the source text directly in the BSP development environment. This requires good knowledge of HTML and is usually very long. Alternatively, you can use external HTML editors such as the usual design tools (Adobe GoLive, Dreamweaver) or Microsoft Frontpage. You assign an external HTML editor in the Web Application Builder, under Utilities Settings on the tab page Business Server Pages. You then start maintaining Edit Start Local HTML Editor . the source text using the external HTML editor by choosing


Note that certain HTML tags are not allowed in the layout of signature pages (see Digital Signature for Web Requests). Client Page JavaScript You can use JavaScript for client-page checks and other client-page actions. All possibilities of JavaScript are possible. For more information, see JaveScript in Web Requests. Server-page Scripting Instructions You can use server-page Scripting instructions to define more layout definitions and/or event control of a Web request. For more information, see:

Server-page Scripting Instructions: Layout Definition Server-page Scripting Instructions: Event Control

JavaScript in Web Requests

The following are examples of uses of JavaScript in the layout of the Business Server pages (BSPs) for Web requests: Calling from JavaScript in the Layout The following example shows how JavaScript is called when a request is sent:
<FORM name=TheHTMLForm method=post onSubmit="return chkFormular()" >

Calling JavaScript when clicking the button Send Request:

<INPUT type=submit value="Submit Request" name="onInputProcessing(SUBMIT)" onClick="return chkFormular()" >

In this case, JavaScript is first run with each event and then the BSP event is branched to. Links to other pages can also be used, however you should try to display these pages in a dialog box in order to avoid terminating the navigation.


Force round trip with JavaScript There are cases when a round trip should be carried out using JavaScript and not by double clicking. An example of this is navigating in a BAdI using a specific JavaScript Event. This is programmed for the business partner search in the Sample request SAP_DEMO02 as an example. The BSP application for the business partner search is started in a new dialog box using JavaScript. If the BP entry is selected from the hit list, the data is transferred to the request form and a "Submit" is triggered with the event SEARCH that preassigns the data of the business partner found. A hidden field with the name "mode" is used for this in the layout.
<input name="mode" type="hidden" />

The round trip is carried out in JavaScript with "Submit" with this hidden field:
document.forms[0].elements ["mode"].name = "onInputProcessing(SEARCH)"; document.forms[0].submit();

Use fields in JavaScript Calling fields in JavaScript can cause problems as the names of the fields are defined as XPath in the XML request data structure (recognizable by " / " separated subnodes). If you have a problem like this, you can call the fields of the request data structure using the following syntax:
document.forms[0].elements["//request/car/length"].value = 1;

Or an even better solution would be to use the generated ID:

document.getElementById('length').value = 1;

Server-Page Scripting Instructions: Layout Definition


Each individual page of a BSP application is defined using HTML. There are no restrictions in this respect. In addition to this, each page contains additional scripting instructions in order to "mix in" the field attributes of the request (net data of the request data structure) with the HTML request form, or to issue server-page error messages. These scripting instructions are depicted below: Defining the Scripting Language Each page begins with the definition of the language user for the server-page scripting:
<%@ page language="abap" %>

Output of Server-Page Error Messages Server-Page error messages are included in the source code in the following example:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.



lt_message type uxb_t_message,

ls_message type uxb_s_message. lt_message = application->get_messages( ). if lt_message is not initial. %> <p> <table> <tr> <td> <font color="#FF0000"> <% loop at lt_message into ls_message.%> <div id="messageText" tabindex="0"> <%= ls_message-message. %> </div> <% endloop.%> </font> </td> </tr> </table> </p>

For more information, see Error Handling in Web Request Forms. 279

Output of Online Text Repository Texts (OTR Texts) The following source code displays the how OTR texts are called in the Online Text Repository:

1. 2. 3. 4.

<td width="170"><label for="name"> <%= otr(crm_service_webrequest_example/$firstname) %>, <%= otr(crm_service_webrequest_example/$lastname) %> </label></td>

For more information about processing OTR texts, see OTR Directives. Defining Request Form Fields The reference to input/output fields contained in the request data structure is defined in the <form> tag.
<form method="POST" > ... </form>

The features of the request form fields are defined as text fields, selection buttons, and so on in this <form> tag and the reference to the corresponding field in the request data structure is addressed through a path. Form Mode (display/change) You can use the following methods to switch input fields to change mode (the method returns "disabled" ):
<%= application->disabled( '////' ) %>

In create/change mode, the method returns " ". The setting of the mode is controlled using the URL that you use to call the HTML page of a BSP application. This is not considered in more depth in this context.


Defining Field Categories The following examples for request form fields are described here as minimal definitions more attributes (for example, size, max length,...) are also possible. The following figure gives an overview of the field categories shown here.

Figure: Different Field Categories in the Request Form

One-Line Text Fields


1. 2. 3. 4.

<input <%= application->disabled( '//request/applicant/email' ) %> type name = #text# = "//request/applicant/email"

value = "<%= application->get( '//request/applicant/email' ) %>" >


Assigning default request data entries: If the request data structure is prepopulated with server-page data before the Web request form is displayed in the Web client (via the BAdI method FORM_ON_CREATION, for example with the business partner data of the requester) this data is then put in a text field as default values. Dropdown Box


<select <%= application->disabled( '//request/car/length' ) %> size="1" name="//request/car/length"> <option <%= application->selected( path = '//request/car/length' value = '1' ) %>> shorter 2m</option> <option m</option> <option <%= application->selected( path = '//request/car/length' value = '2' ) %>> longer 2m</option> </select>

Radio Button Group A joint path is used for a radio button group. The values can be formed individually. The individual radio buttons are grouped by the same name:
<input type="radio" name="//request/car/type" value="1" <%= application->checked( path = '//request/car/type' value = '1' ) %> <%= application->disabled( '//request/car/type' ) %> /> car <input type="radio" name="//request/car/type" value="2" <%= application->checked( path = '//request/car/type' value = '2' ) %> <%= application->disabled( '//request/car/type' ) %>/> motorcycle Checkboxes


With checkboxes it is necessary to create an additional input field of category "hidden" in addition to the check box. The "hidden field" fulfils the function that this value is always sent to the server even if the check box is not selected and no value is returned. As soon as the checkbox is selected, this value overrides the value of the "hidden field". This small trick is necessary in order to avoid a basic problem of HTML and Web browsers. <input type=hidden name="//request/car/engine" value=""/> <input type = "checkbox" name = "//request/car/engine" value = "X" <%= application->disabled( '//request/car/engine' ) %> <%= application->checked( path = '//request/car/engine' value = 'X' ) %> > Multiline Text Field

<textarea <%= application->readonly( '//request/comments' ) %> name="//request/comments"> <%= application->get( '//request/comments' ) %> </textarea> See also:

Server-Page Scripting Instructions: Event Control Layout of a Web Request


Server-Page Scripting Instructions: Event Control

Web requests support predefined server-page events for which the following functions can be used:

Page navigation (next page, previous page, exit) Check data entered Submit request data

Events for page navigation Events NEXT_PAGE and PREV_PAGE can be used to navigate between the different pages. These events are triggered using the following buttons Page Forward and Page Back:
<input type="submit" value="Next Page" name="onInputProcessing(NEXT_PAGE)"> <input type="submit" value="Previous Page" name="onInputProcessing(PREV_PAGE)">

The corresponding BSP pages (here with the technical names next_page and prev_page), in which you can navigate through the BSP application, should be defined in the hidden fields UWS_NEXT_PAGE and UWS_PREV_PAGE:
<input name="uws_next_page" type="hidden" value="next_page"/> <input name="uws_prev_page" type="hidden" value="prev_page"/>

Dynamic navigation control using the BAdI In some cases it may be necessary to control the order of pages dynamically in accordance with the request data entered. For example, to be able to skip certain pages depending on the field entries. This logic can be defined using BAdI method FORM_ON_EVENT to redefine the parameter CD_NEXT_PAGE, CD_PREV_PAGE and CD_FROM_EXIT_URL. Exit event Event EXIT is triggered using the Cancel button: 284

<input type="submit" value="Exit" name="onInputProcessing(EXIT)"/>

This branches to a freely definable URL that you can specify using the hidden field UWS_FORM_EXIT_URL (in this example
<input name="uws_form_exit_url" type="hidden" value=""/>

The basic data (for example, the version) must then be transferred to the application as hidden fields. This occurs through the following command:
<%= application->insert_hidden_parameters( ) %>

Events for transferring request form data to the application You can trigger events CHECK and SUBMIT analog to the above-mentioned navigation events. As these events are only useful in the create/change mode, the mode is first checked.
<% if not application->mode( ) = 'DISPLAY'. %> <input type="submit" value="Check" name="onInputProcessing(CHECK) "> <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="onInputProcessing(SUBMIT)"> <% endif. %>

If event SUBMIT is executed, the navigation is also triggered for the page specified under UWS_NEXT_PAGE. This is the confirmation page by default.

Make sure that the event SUBMIT can only ever be triggered once for each Web request. Otherwise, in cases of an operating error, more than one service order might be created for each request placed. Page parameters Page parameters that refer mainly to the runtime environment are also generated in each BSP application generated. These are filled by the relevant request, in other words, with the data from the form or parameters of the URL.


Overview of page parameters

Parameter Description UWS_APPLICATION In the case of Web requests this is CRM_ORDER GUID of the form (is only filled through the URL when something is UWS_GUID changed) UWS_MODE Mode: CREATE, CHANGE or DISPLAY GUID of the original request (field is filled once the request has been UWS_REFGUID created, or when the transaction instances are used) UWS_SERVICE_ID Identification number of request category UWS_VERSION Form version
Accessing XML data in the event handler: Request data should be accessed using the corresponding BAdI method. Do you need data for the layout but in the Event handler, you can include the field in the form and assign the content using the same name with the corresponding page attributes. Another possibility is to use the GET method in the event handler. This is shown in the following example:
* get guid lv_object_guid = application->get("//uxx:envelope/uxx:header/uxx:ref_guid' ).

More Information Server-page Scripting Instructions: Layout Definition Layout of a Web Request

Layout of a BSP-Based Web Request


The following example illustrates the HTML pages and the corresponding source codes for a BSP-based Web Request. The request consists of two pages. The first page (page_form) is intended for entering request data. The second page (page_confirm) issues a confirmation to the requester that the request was forwarded successfully. Request Form (page_form) The following figure shows the layout of the request form (page_form):

Figure: Request Form in the Web Client

<%@ page language="abap" %> <html> <style> </style> <head> </head> <body> <font color="#FF0000"> <div id="messageText"><%= application->message_text( ) %></div>


</font> <form method="POST" action="<%= application->action( ) %>"> <table> <tr> <td>Name, first name</td> <td><input type="text" size="20" name="//request/applicant/name/first_name" value="<%= application->get( '//request/applicant/name/first_name' ) %>" > <input type="text" size="20" name="//request/applicant/name/first_name" value="<%= application->get( '//request/applicant/name/last_name' ) %>" > </td> </tr> <tr> <td>E-Mail</td> <td><input type="text" size="43" name="//request/applicant/email" value="<%= application->get( '//request/applicant/email' ) %>" ></td> </tr> </table>


<!-- radiobutton --> <table> <tr> <td> Type: </td> <td> <input type="radio" name="//request/car/type" value="1" <%= application->checked( path = '//request/car/type' value = '1' ) %> <%= application->disabled( '//request/car/type' ) %> /> Car </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <%= application->checked( path = '//request/car/type' value = '2' ) %> <%= application->disabled( '//request/car/type' ) %> /> Motorcycle </td> </tr> </table> <p> </p> <!-- select feld --> Length: <select <%= application->disabled( '//request/car/length' ) %> size="1"


name="//request/car/length"> <option <%= application->selected( path = '//request/car/length' value = '1' ) %>> Shorter than 2m</option> <option <%= application->selected( path = '//request/car/length' value = '2' ) %>> Longer than 2m</option> </select> <p> </p> <!-- Checkbox --> Diesel: <input name="//request/car/engine" type="hidden" value=""/> <input type="checkbox" name="//request/car/engine" value="X" <%= application->checked( path = '//request/car/engine' value = 'X' ) %> <%= application->disabled( '//request/car/engine' ) %> /> <p> </p> <!-- Set hidden fields for navigation ----------------------------------- > <input name="uws_next_page" type="hidden" value="page_confirm"/> <input name="uws_prev_page" type="hidden" value="page_form"/>


<input name="uws_exit_url" type="hidden" value=""/> <!-- Fields and buttons for checking and submitting entries --------------- > <% if not application->mode( ) = 'DISPLAY'. %> <input type="submit" value="Check" name="onInputProcessing(CHECK) "> <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="onInputProcessing(SUBMIT)"> <% endif. %> <!-- Buttons to scroll forwards and backwards for forms with more than one page ---------> <!-- are not needed in this case ------------------------------------------> <!-- <input type="submit" value="P. forward" name="onInputProcessing(NEXT_PAGE)"> --> <!-- <input type="submit" value="P. back" name="onInputProcessing(PREV_PAGE)"> --> <!-- <input type="submit" value="exit" name="onInputProcessing(EXIT)"/> --> <!-- Set the dark, system control parameters -----------------------> <%= application->insert_hidden_parameters( ) %> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------> </form> </body>



Confirmation Page (page_confirm) The number of the created process is issued on this page via the Scripting order <%= application>external_id( ) %>. The layout of this page is as follows:

Figure: Confirmation Page in the Web Client

<%@ page language="abap" %> <html> <head> <title> </title> </head> <body> <form method="post"> <!-- default font-->


<font face="Arial" size="2"> <!-- error message--> <table> <tr> <td> <font color="#FF0000"> <div id="messageText"><%= application->message_text( ) %></div> </font> </td> </tr> </table> <p> </p> Thank you! <br> Your request was created under the number <%= application->external_id( ) %> . <p> </p> <%= application->insert_hidden_parameters( ) %> </font> </form> </body>



Setting as Stateless or Stateful Web Request

You must weigh up the pros and cons of executing these as stateful or stateless BSP applications for the conception of your Web requests. Technically, both are supported for Web requests, including mixed forms. We ecommended that you create BSP applications intended for a large number of users at the same time as stateless. The main point here being that several parallel users could overload the working memory of the SAP Web Application Server (Web AS). Stateful BSP applications are therefore only suitable for more complex applications that are used by a limited number of users at a time. Ideally, processor views are best suited to stateful BSPs. For more information about this, see the SAP Library, under Session Handling. Features In earlier releases all Web requests were generated as stateful BSP applications. As of Release CRM 4.0 Add-On for Service Industries the stateless edition is also provided for Web requests and Web requests are generated by default as stateless BSP applications. A conversion to stateful is possible without any problems. Stateless BSPs and Server-Page Cookies Stateless BSP applications remain on the Web AS only as long as working memory and an individual request are available. Once the request has been processed, the working memory is released again. To prevent data being lost for further processing, the data is stored temporarily as server-page Cookies. This supports method calls OnManipulation (save data) and OnRequest (reading data). The validity period of the server-page cookies is preset for Web requests to five hours. A session is terminated once this time has elapsed.


Note that the data contained in the cookies is not automatically deleted from the database when a session is terminated and therefore blocks space unnecessarily. These expired cookies can be deleted using program BSP_CLEAN_UP_SERVER_COOKIES. We recommend that you schedule this program regularly as a background job. Blocking Stateless BSPs It is not possible to block a request with stateless BSP applications. You should therefore make sure that a request cannot be changed simultaneously (for example, by setting a different status in the transaction). If the exception case applies, that of two users being able to access the same request data to make changes at the same time, the data changes made by the person to save first are saved. An error message is issued when the second person tries to save the same version, thereby preventing the same version being saved again. The changes to the request data are normally saved as versions (see Versioning Web Requests). Stateless Programming The Roll area is reduced with each round trip with stateless BSP applications. This means that all data in the puffer gets lost. For this reason, you cannot for example program on the global variables of function modules. For more information on storing data temporarily, see Stateless BSP Applications. If you use a BAdI implementation in a stateless BSP application, you can read parameter ID_STATELESS and program it accordingly. Stateful BSPs It may be useful for certain scenarios to use these as stateful BSP applications. You can define this in the Web Application Builder for a BSP application as follows: If the whole BSP application should be stateful, define this for a BSP application on the Characteristics tab page. All pages of the BSP application can then be executed as stateful sessions automatically. If only certain pages, for example the view of the processor, should be stateful, you must define this for the individual BSP pages on the Characteristics tab page in the screen section State by setting the option Stateful from here and the lifetime Session.


Make sure that it is not possible to switch from a stateful page to a stateless page within a request category view. If this is possible, the current request data gets lost. For more information, see Stateful BSP Applications. Transaction Instances As of Release CRM 4.0 SP02 it is possible to access transaction processing already at runtime using a Transaction Instance. As an example, this is used to calculate the price in sample request SAP_DEMO05. A rethink is necessary for stateless BSPs: For price calculations or similar tasks, the data from the whole transaction must be accessed. A new transaction instance must be created for each round trip for this using CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN. The modules from function group CRM_WEBREQ_ONLINE_PRICING are constructed in such a way that first the global data is set and then posted using module CRM_WR_ORDER_MAINTAIN. This update is required at the end of each BAdI method in stateless sessions (for example FORM_ON_EVENT). If you want to support that field entries can be made in the request form with real time, you can do this with event SUBMIT in the BAdI method FORM_ON_EVENT using a transaction instance. If you want to save data temporarily (for example, attachments), request fields or hidden fields can be used in the layout for smaller data amounts. For larger amounts of data, you should use Server Page Cookies. More Information Migrating from Stateful BSP Applications to Stateless

Migrating from Stateful BSP Applications to Stateless

If you are already using Web requests that were generated before Release CRM IS 4.0 and are therefore stateful, you can adjust these Web requests manually as executable stateless BSP applications (stateless BSPs are also technically supported for older CRM releases as of Basis component 6.20 SP40).


Proceed as follows for the migration: 1. Call the screen Web Application Builder: Change BSP Application in transaction SE80 or in the Customizing for CRM for the respective request category using IMG activity Define Request Categories. 1. If you want to change the whole BSP application in stateless, delete the Stateful indicator on the Properties tab page. 2. If you only want to change individual BSP pages from stateful to stateless, change to the corresponding BSP page and define the Stateless from now on option on the Properties tab page in the Status screen section. 2. Enter the additional method calls in the source texts of all BSP pages (except the confirmation page): 1. Enter the following method calls in BSP event OnRequest:
CALL METHOD application->on_request EXPORTING ir_http_request = request ir_bsp_runtime = runtime ir_bsp_page = page ir_bsp_page_context = page_context ir_bsp_navigation = navigation id_event_id = event_id. The data is read and recreated from the cookie with this method. 2. The data is saved shortly before it is displayed in the cookie in BSP event OnManipulation. Here you should enter the following method call: CALL METHOD application->on_manipulation


EXPORTING ir_http_response = response ir_http_request = request ir_bsp_page = page ir_bsp_page_context = page_context ir_bsp_runtime = runtime.


Both these method calls must be entered in all BSP pages, even if the page is stateful. 3. Optional: Display of request data on the confirmation page If the BSP-confirmation page is displayed by a Web request, the request data is already in the database. If you want to read the data from the database, use method call on_initialization in BSP event OnInitialization: CALL METHOD application->on_initialization EXPORTING ir_http_request = request ir_http_response = response ir_bsp_navigation = navigation ir_bsp_runtime = runtime.

Layout Maintenance for Adobe-Based Request Forms


When you create a Web request, you can define whether the layout of the request form is to be generated as a BSP application or, alternatively, as an interactive Adobe form for each request category view in the Customizing activity Define Request Category. If you are using Adobe forms, the Adobe functions for interactive forms and print forms that are integrated in SAP NetWeaver are available to you for Web requests (see SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe). The benefit of using Adobe-based Web requests instead of BSP-based requests is that it is much easier to design Adobe forms using the Adobe LifeCycle Designer. Layout maintenance using a BSP-based Web request requires you to have extensive HTML knowledge. Prerequisites A valid version of Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader has been installed on the front end (see SAP Note 834573). Features Web Dynpro Application The Adobe form for a Web request category view is displayed in a Web Dynpro framework program. This program supports the integration of Adobe functions for Web requests. These functions are controlled as standard by the Web Dynpro component CRM_WEBREQ_IAF, which is supplied for Web requests. The interactive PDF form is displayed in the framework program; the Check and Send buttons are displayed below it and error messages are displayed above it.


Figure: Adobe Layout Structure for a Web Request

If you want to set up the layout (such as the screen size) or an alternative function scope (such as different buttons) for your request category views, you can program this in a separate Web Dynpro application (see Activities). Interactive Adobe Form You perform generation and layout maintenance for an interactive Adobe form in the Customizing activity Define Request Categories under Request Category Views. If you choose Create, the system uses the Web request request data structure to create a PDF form that contains all of the fields in this request data structure. By choosing Change or Display, you switch to layout maintenance for the form. You perform layout maintenance for the form in the Adobe LifeCycle Designer, which is integrated here. You can use this program to perform layout maintenance for the PDF form without any programming knowledge. Input Help You can support a fixed or dynamic input help in Adobe-based request forms:

Fixed Input Help


A fixed input help is possible for fields in the request data structure that are based on a data element with fixed domain values. In this situation, you can incorporate a dropdown list for selection in layout maintenance for the respective form field. For more information about the use of dropdown lists in the Adobe LifeCycle Designer, see Supported Elements of the Adobe Library.

Dynamic Input Help If you want to support a dynamic input help at runtime, you can program this in a separate Web Dynpro component. The Web Dynpro component CRM_WEBREQ_IAF supplied by SAP contains example code in the FORM view in the WDDOINIT method, which describes a specific example of making entries in the Web Dynpro context. First, you enter the data that is defined as possible entries in a name/value table. You then assign the table to the respective Web Dynpro context. Lastly, you define the setting in the Adobe LifeCycle Designer for the use of dropdown lists, as described under Fixed Input Help.

Example mapping of Web Request Web Dynpro Context: For the XPath //request/applicant/name/firstname, use the REQUEST.1.APPLICANT.1.NAME path to navigate in the Web Dynpro context. Note that the nodes in the context always have names in capital letters. The FIRSTNAME node has been saved as an attribute. Activities The following procedure describes how you can also use pure PDF layout maintenance with the Adobe LifeCycle Designer to modify the layout of the Web Dynpro framework program. In this case, you create a separate Web Dynpro application and Web Dynpro component as follows: 1. Create Web Dynpro Component Open the Web Dynpro component CRM_WEBREQ_IAF in the Object Navigator (SE80). Use the secondary mouse button to access the context menu from the Web Dynpro component. Choose Copy to create your own Web Dynpro component as a copy of CRM_WEBREQ_IAF. Save and activate the component controller.



You can change the selection of buttons in the FORM view in your Web Dynpro component, for example. 2. Create Web Dynpro Application Open the context menu for your package in the Object Navigator (SE80) by using the secondary mouse button and choose Create Web Dynpro Web Dynpro Application .

Create your Web Dynpro application with the following settings:

Component <Your Web Dynpro component> Interface view REQUESTS Plug Name SET_PARAMETER

You can for example modify the height and width of the Web Dynpro screen on the Parameters tab page. 3. Use Customer-Specific Web Dynpro Application for Request Category View Select the request category view to be modified in the Web Request Customizing settings in the Customizing activity Define Request Categories and assign your own Web Dynpro application under Web Dynpro Application. More Information Web Dynpro ABAP

Business Rule Framework for Web Requests

The Business Rule Framework (BRF) provides you with a runtime environment for checking and manipulating Web request data according to BRF rules that you can define yourself. 302

Among other things, the BRF allows you to

output confirmations to the requester or administrator if request data is missing or incorrect the automatic evaluation and preparation of requests for the respective administrator use BRF objects universally for several Web requests

You can use the BRF for processing both XML-based request data and transaction data. Integration You call the BRF with the following two function modules:

CRM_WR_BRF_RAISE_EVENT_ONLINE This module is designed for BRF events when the request form is being processed. The module should be implemented with the method FORM_ON_EVENT of the Business Add-In CRM_SERVICE_WEBREQ.

CRM_WR_BRF_RAISE_EVENT_ORDER This module is intended for BRF events within transaction processing. The module should be implemented with an action.

Features The integration of the BRF with Web requests and the BRF objects needed for this are illustrated below in a concrete example. In this example, the BRF checks the data entry in the request form. 1. The BRF is called when the request from is sent using the module CRM_WR_BRF_RAISE_EVENT_ONLINE that is implemented in the BAdI method FORM_ON_EVENT. In a similar way, you start the BRF from a CRM transaction with an action using the module CRM_WR_BRF_RAISE_EVENT_ORDER. 2. The module calls the BRF event CHECK (form check). A BRF event can contain several BRF rules. The Specification for License Plate Number BRF rule is discussed exclusively below.


Each individual rule contains expressions that are related to each other and output a Boolean statement (TRUE or FALSE). If the statement is TRUE; then the action assigned to the rule is executed. In the example, the Web request expression 2REG_NUM delivers the requesters input value to the BRF. The input value is evaluated in the second expression 2REG_NUM_INITIAL with the formula License plate number = " " determined there. 3. In the example, the expressions deliver the result TRUE (no entries were made in the License Plate Number field). In such a case, the action 2MSN_REG_NUM is triggered and so a message is transferred to the Web request log and displayed in the request form.

Figure: BRF Connection to the Request Form of a Web Request


The example illustrated here with the relevant BRF objects is available in the CRM system for demonstration purposes as a sample request SAP_DEMO04, as well as in the BRF application class CRM_WEBREQ_DEMO. 304

Generating Web Request Expressions You must create the necessary Web request expressions to define BRF rules and read later the respective Web request data. You can either create these expressions in the BRF manually, or use the generation program CRM_WR_BRF_GERERATE_EXP. With this program, you can easily generate the necessary Web request expressions of a request category. BRF Rules Tests in the Web Request Context You can test the BRF rules defined for a Web request category with the test program CRM_WEBREQ_BRF_TRACE. For more information about the functionality of the BRF, see the documentation for the Business Rule Framework (BRF). Activities For more information about setting up the BRF for Web requests, see the Implementation Guide under Customer Relationship Management Web Channel E-Service Web Requests Connect Business Rule Framework .

Messages with Field Reference

You can create a reference between an error message and the corresponding input field by using the parameter FIELD for an error message and defining the path in the input field. Features As soon as you have created a reference between the error message and the input field, the following attributes are possible:

You can navigate to the corresponding input field by double clicking on the error message. This sets the cursor/focus on the respective field.


Note that it is only possible to navigate on the BSP page being displayed.

Messages with field reference can be highlighted in the request form (see Formatting Incorrect Fields).

Example The following sample source text comes from sample request SAP_DEMO01 view S01_2.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

clear ls_message. ls_message-type = 'I'. ls_message-id = 'CRM_SRV_WEBREQ_EXMPL'. ls_message-number = '003'. ls_message-field = '//request/valid_from'. append ls_message to et_message.

Formatting Incorrect Fields

You can highlight incorrect fields in the request form by using the following method:

Insert standard style Redefine standard style Insert individual layout

Prerequisites You have defined a field reference between message and the incorrectly filled field using parameter FIELD. Example The following sample source texts come from sample request SAP_DEMO01 view S01_2


Insert standard style You insert method GET_ERROR_STYLE at the same time as method DISABLED:

1. 2. 3.

<input id="email" <%= application->disabled( '//request/applicant/email' ) %> maxlength="<%= application->get( '//request/applicant/email/@uxx:maxlength' ) %>"

4. 5. %>" 6. 7. 8. 9.

name="//request/applicant/email" size="<%= application->get( '//request/applicant/email/@uxx:size' )

type="text" value="<%= application->get( '//request/applicant/email' ) %>" <%= application->get_error_style( '//request/applicant/email' ) %> />

The method checks whether errors exist and what type of errors they are. If several errors exist, these are issued in the following priority order error (E), warning (W) and information (I). Depending on the error category, the fields contain a red frame for errors, an orange frame for warnings, and a green frame for information. The following style is included for errors for example:
style="border-style: solid; border-color: #FF0000"

Redefine standard style If the standard style does not meet your requirements and guidelines, you can replace the standard layout with a colored background. This redefining of the standard style is necessary anyway for fields that do not have a frame that can be formatted (for example, a combo box).
<% application->set_error_style_e('style="background-color:#FF0000"' ). %> <% application->set_error_style_w('style="background-color:#FF9900"' ). %> <% application->set_error_style_i('style="background-color:#009900"' ). %>



Make sure that you have defined the redefinition of the standard style using SET_ERROR_STYLE_[TYPE] before calling method GET_ERROR_STYLE. All HTML style sheets are allowed as format templates. With Web requests, you must redefine the standard style on each page. Individual Layout If you use a more complicated formatting for the fields, you must assign the corresponding formatting after calling method GET_ERROR_TYPE. The following sample source text demonstrates the display of error icons:

1. %> 2. /> 3.

<% if application->get_error_type( '//request/car/reg_num' ) eq 'E'.

<img src="../CRM_WR_DEMO01/ico12_error.gif" width="12" alt="error"

<% endif. %>

Saving Incorrect Request Data

If you want to prevent event processing being terminated when formatting errors occur with incorrectly filled out ABAP Dictionary objects, you can define this using parameter UWS_NO_DDIC_EXIT. Features The parameter UWS_NO_DDIC_EXIT is generated in all pages of a BSP application by default. The presetting for this is that formatting errors in ABAP Dictionary objects cause the cause the event processing to be terminated.
<input name="uws_no_ddic_exit" type="hidden" value=" "/>


However, you can define that the event processing should not be terminated when formatting errors occur in the layout of each BSP page using the indicator VALUE="X". By defining this, you also indirectly ensure that BadI method FORM_ON_EVENT is run with the customer-specific error messages in each case.

Note the following if you have set indicator VALUE="X": To prevent assignment errors or to stop having to carry out supplementary programming for the category check of ABAP Dictionary fields in the customer-specific BAdI methods, you must check whether a formatting error exists in table IT_MESSAGE (import parameter of BAdI method FORM_ON_EVENT). You can also check this using method CL_UXX_MESSAGE=>MESSAGE_EXISTING. Example The following example shows how you can read a message for field VALID_FROM using method CL_UXX_MESSAGE=>MESSAGE_EXISTING. If this is the case, the value "X" is returned.

1. 2. 3.

IF cl_uxx_message=>message_existing( ir_node = ir_form_data_envelope

id_xpath = '/request/valid_from' ) IS INITIAL.

Persistent Error Messages

Checks are normally triggered with each round trip and then updated. If an existing error was solved (by the user or by the system with auto-correction), the corresponding error message is no longer displayed after the next round trip. If you want to display error messages permanently, you can program this using the PERSISTENT parameter.


The auto-correction of a data entered incorrectly with a persistent error message is programmed in SAP_DEMO01. Features All messages for which indicator PERSISTENT ='X' is set, are not deleted after an event run and are also not recognized as an incorrect field.

To prevent persistent messages being issued several times, you must make sure that these messages are only run once. Example The following sample source text comes from sample request SAP_DEMO01 view S01_2.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

clear ls_message. ls_message-type ls_message-id ls_message-number ls_message-persistent ls_message-field = 'X'. = '//request/valid_from'. = 'I'. = 'CRM_SRV_WEBREQ_EXMPL'. = '003'.

append ls_message to et_message.

Customer-Specific Message Parameters

You use customer-specific message parameters to control messages differently.


Application examples for customer-specific message parameters are:


The display of a message should be limited to a particular request category (for example, only processors should see the message). By classifying errors (minor error major error) you cause a different message to be issued depending on the severity of the error. If you want to enhance the message structure with the customer-specific message parameters, you can use parameter MESSAGE_PARAMETER of category STRING to do this. Example The following sample source text comes from sample request SAP_DEMO01 view S01_2.

1. 2. 3.

clear ls_message. ls_message-type ls_message-id 'CRM_SRV_WEBREQ_EXMPL'. = 'W'. =

4. 5.

ls_message-number ls_message-field '//request/car/length'.

= '006'. =

6. 7.


= 'S01_2'.

append ls_message to et_message.

External Interface

The external interface enables you to create a Web Request on the basis of an imported XML request file. A service transaction is also generated with the linked XML request data in the Web Client with this offline mode, as with the online mode. You can also include files, as attachments, in a Web request by means of the external interface. Examples of applications for using the external interface are:


To generate Web requests submitted by requesters on paper forms (for example, PDF forms). In this case, the request data must be scanned onto paper and then converted into an XML request file by an external program. You can include the scanned document in the Web request as an attachment.

To forward request data incorrectly derived from one organization to another using the Remote Function Call (RFC). This generates a Web request automatically in the receiver organization.

The following figure illustrates one of the above-mentioned application examples: The request data submitted on paper must be scanned and then converted into an XML request file by an external program. The request data is formatted with the required parameters and the external interface is called using RFC. The corresponding request is generated in SAP CRM based on the request data (service transaction with the linked request data). The external interface also supports the optional transfer of files as attachments for the service process (represented by the dashed line below).

Figure:Generating a Web Request Using an External Interface



The correct request category including the corresponding request data structure and transaction type are maintained for the respective request in Customizing for SAP CRM. Web request-conform XML file: The imported XML file has a XML data structure that corresponds with the request category and uses the same XML tags that appear in the request data structure of the Web request.

If the business partner is entered for the creator and requester, their master data must be created in the corresponding business partner roles.

Features Function Module CRM_WEBREQ_EXTERN_CREATE The RFC-compatible function module CRM_WEBREQ_EXTERN_CREATE is delivered for the external interface. The parameter Request Category determines the Web request to be created. The parameter Requester is used to assign the corresponding business partner in the role Sold-To Party. As extra parameters, you can enter the optional parameters Creator, a Category of CRM Activity Management, and a freely definable parameter. The parameters can also be transferred to the external interface using BAdI method FORM_ON_CREATION. Note that a customer-enhancement is only supported for this BAdI method. Function Module CRM_WEBREQ_EXTERN_CREATE_DOC This function module enables you to include additional files with a Web request, as attachments. Both compressed and uncompressed files of various formats are supported. The number of file attachments is not restricted. The attachments are appended to the respective CRM service process, from where it can be called. Parameter Category You can classify Web requests according to their origin using parameter Category. This way it is possible to distinguish between requests created online and those created offline. The field Category is hidden by default and can be selected for display in service process processing using the function Personalize.


You define the respective categories in Customizing for CRM by choosing Maintain Categories Demo Programs CRM_WEBREQ_EXTERN_WITH_UPLOAD .

Customer Relationship

Management Transactions Settings for Activities Maintain Categories, Goals, and Priorities

In the SAP GUI, two demo programs are provided for you to test the functions of the external interface:

Program CRM_WEBREQ_EXTERN_WITH_UPLOAD supports the offline creation of Web requests without attachments. Program CRM_WEBREQ_EXTERN_WITH_UPLOADA supports the offline creation of Web requests with attachments.

Start the demo programs in transaction SE38. For more information, see the program documentation. See also: For more information about the use of the external interface, see the relevant function module documentation in transaction SE37.

Interaction Using Transaction Instance

You can support an interaction with the corresponding transaction data in real time for the Web request creation by using the function modules of function group SAPLCRM_WEBREQ_ONLINE_PRICING. The modules of the function group can carry out the following functions when a request is being created:

Make changes to the product assignment Select the product amount with the price calculation/price display Create request items Assign business partners Set an activity reason Set the system status



More functions are possible when using function module CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN. The data of a transactionis available as temporary data in the form of a transaction instance whilst the request is being made and is not just created in the CRM system after the request data has been sent. The request data is read with each round trip in which the transaction instance is updated and transferred to the request form again. The data in the transaction instance (for example, the GUID, assigned business partner, and so on) are copied when the corresponding transaction is created.

Note that transaction instances are only intended for placing the Web request, but cannot be used with transaction processing. Integration You implement the function modules of function group SAPLCRM_WEBREQ_ONLINE_PRICING in the method calls of BAdI CRM_SERVICE_WEBREQ (BAdI for processing the form of the Web requests). The following graphic is an example of a tateful BSP application: the price calculation/price display of a product during the request processing through to generating the transaction when saving/sending the Web request: 1. The transaction instance is generated with all corresponding fields and a GUID is created when the Web request is called in BAdI method FORM_ON_CREATION with module CRM_WR_INIT_ORDER. The GUID of the transaction instance is read and transferred to the XML envelope. 2. The requester specifies the desired number (for example, three units) in the request for the product and transfers the data using Enter. 3. You use module CRM_WR_CHANGE_QUANTITY to change quantities and module CRM_WR_ORDER_MAINTAIN to update the price calculation based on the product defined in the transaction instance in the BAdI FORM_ON_EVENT. 4. The accumulated price in the transaction instance is read using module CRM_WR_GET_PRICE and is then transferred to the XML request data and displayed in the request form.


5. The existing data of the transaction instance is read when the request form is saved and is then transferred to the transaction.

Figure: Price Calculation when Placing a Request using the Transaction Instance


Note that temporary data of a transaction instance gets lost in stateless BSP applications. Because of this, you must create a new transaction instance with each new round trip in stateless BSP applications using function module CRM_WR_CREATE_ORDER. For more information, see Setting as a Stateless or Stateful Web Request. Features The following gives an overview of the function modules delivered. For more information, see the documentation on function group CRM_WEBREQ_ONLINE_PRICING and the corresponding function module documentation. Function group CRM_WEBREQ_ONLINE_PRICING

Function Module


CRM_WR_INIT_ORDER Initialize service order for Web request CRM_WR_CREATE_ORDER Create service order instance CRM_WR_CREATE_ITEM Create standard Web request item CRM_WR_ADD_PARTNER Add partner to service order CRM_WR_ACT_REASON Set activity reason CRM_WR_CHANGE_PRODUCT Change product of first item CRM_WR_CHANGE_QUANTITY Change quantity of first item CRM_WR_ORDER_MAINTAIN Change transaction (update) CRM_WR_GET_PRICE Read accumulated price from service order CRM_WR_ADD_ITEM Create item with product and quantity CRM_WR_CHANGE_STATUS Change system status
Example How a transaction instance is used and how the function modules are implemented is demontstrated in SAP_DEMO05: Request with Price Determination.

SAP Demo Requests

The following gives an overview of Web requests that are available as SAP demo requests in the standard system. The different application examples for which you can use Web requests are illustrated in the demo requests. For example, certain functions, such as working with several request category views, the assignment of field defaults, and error handling are defined as allowed entries that you can implement by using Business Add-Ins in your own Web requests. The demo requests shown here are from the area Public Sector. You can use these as examples for your own Web requests.


Prerequisites These demo requests are BSP applications that require registration. To execute a demo request, you must first create the required business partner roles for the respective users. You must define the alias for the user in the role Internet user a user logs onto the system with their alias. An overview of the required roles can be found under Web-Services for Self-Registration and Master Data Changes. Features The demo requests are delivered as request categories in Customizing. You can call them in SAP CRM Customizing and test them as executable BSP applications under Customer Relationship Management . Web Channel E-Service Web Requests Define Request Categories Overview of Delivered SAP Demo Requests:

Request Category Demo Request SAP_DEMO01 Request for Parking Permit SAP_DEMO02 Request for parking permit for third party SAP_DEMO03 Request for parking permit with digital signature SAP_DEMO04 Request for parking permit without item SAP_DEMO05 Request with pricing

Request for Parking Permit

Request category SAP_DEMO01 provides an example of which layout functions you can implement in Web requests. The input and display fields available and the use of OTR texts are demonstrated. The assignment of default entries for requester data and the error handling of incorrect or missing entries are displayed in the demo request category. The request category views S01_1 (requester view) and S01_02 (processor view) are delivered.


Prerequisites You have created the business partner data including the role Internet user for the respective user (see Web Services for Self-Registration and Master Data Changes). Features The following characteristics and functions are displayed: Language-dependent texts OTR short and long texts enable you to support the texts of the field label language-dependently. Different input fields The demo request contains one/several-line text fields, combo boxes, selection buttons and checkboxes. Assigning default entries Business Add-In (BAdI) CRM_SERVICE_WEBREQ is used to assign default entries for fields in accordance with the relevant user by method FORM_ON_CREATION. Manual entry of address data is only allowed for the e-mail address. Entry checks/error handling/auto-correction When using BAdI CRM_SERVICE_WEBREQ, the entries are checked by method FORM_ON_EVENT. The following checks are implemented:

The e-mail address is a required entry field. In this example, the check is to see whether the special character "@" is entered in the field. If this special character is missing, an error message is issued.

The license plate number is a required entry field. The validity time is a required entry field. A check is carried out on the date format supported by the ABAP Dictionary and the year is checked to make sure it is no smaller than the current calendar year. If an older year is entered, the system makes an auto-correction that is displayed as a persistent error message.


If the combination of category "motorcycle" and length "longer than 3m" is entered, a warning message is issued. The incorrect fields are highlighted in the processor view. It is possible to navigate from the message to the corresponding field. A success message is issued if the entries in the request form are correct.

See also: Error Handling in the Web Request Form BadI and method documentation of CRM_SERVICE_WEBREQ.

Request for Parking Permit for Third Party

Request category SAP_DEMO02 supports the function of creating a request for a third party as can occur through an agent in an Interaction Center (IC). The request form is filled out by a processor or agent on behalf of the person placing the request (requester).

The agents can use the business partner search of the IC WinClient in the IC. The business partner determined is copied and assigned default entries from the settings defined in the Business Add-In (BAdI) FORM_ON_CREATION. The business partner search appears in a dialog box in the processor view. Prerequisites You have created the business partner data including the role Internet user for the respective user (see Web Services for Self-Registration and Master Data Changes). Features The following views are available:

View Use S01_1 Place request through agent in the Interaction Center S01_2 Agent processes request

S01_3 Processor places request S01_4 Requester

Notes for Configuring the CRM Interaction Center (WinClient): The view S01_1 is set up for the CRM Interaction Center (IC). Some Customizing settings are necessary for this as described below: For more information, see the documentation on the CRM Interaction Center. 1. Create an HTML configuration in the Customizing of the CRM IC. Use the URL of view S01_1 as the URL. Create an external parameter with the name 'requested_by_bupa'. Enter 'Requester' as the text and 'Import' as the element category. 2. Create an action box configuration and enter the HTML configuration as the transaction. Use the button Data Flow to connect the external parameter to the business partner in SAP CRM. The key 'requested_by_bupa' is under the target element and under 'data origin' choose the business partner in SAP CRM. 3. Create an IC profile in IMG activity Maintain IC Profile and assign the action box configuration under the profile category ACTION_BOX_CONFIGURATION_SLIM. 4. Assign the IC profile to an organizational unit. You create for example a position for this that you can assign the individual users to. You can assign the IC profile using the enhanced object description of the position. Once you have defined all these Customizing settings you can start the Interaction Center. Choose a business partner and confirm. You can now choose the Web request in the action box. The fields are then filled with the data of the selected business partner as default entries. The number of the business partner is hanged above the external parameter 'requested_by_bupa' and read and set in the method FORM_ON_CREATION of BAdI implementation CRM_WR_SAP_DEMO02.

Request for Parking Permit with Digital Signature

Following the request for the parking permit in demo SAP_DEMO01, request category SAP_DEMO03 shows how the digital signature is used. A Web request that can be signed digitally contains signature


page page1_sign as an additional BSP page. The request data on the start page is displayed conform with the signature on the signature page. In other words, without images, links or prohibited tags. Prerequisites

You have created the business partner data including the role Internet user for the respective user (see Web Services for Self-Registration and Master Data Changes). You have successfully set up the necessary certificates (root certificate, client certificate).

Process 1. Submitting request data: As with request category SAP_DEMO01, you transfer the data using the button Send. This involves running BAdI CRM_SERVICE_WEBREQ, in other words checks can be carried out by the system. 2. Signing in control: The data on the signature page is displayed in the control SAP Digital Signature. The certificates available for signing in the system are listed on the lower part of the control screen. To carry out the signature, select a certificate and choose the button Sign. 3. Creating a transaction: Once the request data has been signed, the signature package, consisting of the request data, signature, and public key, are transferred to SAP CRM where a transaction is created. You are informed about the process being created on the confirmation page and can call the signed data from here using the button Display Signature. 4. Verification: The processor can check and display the signed date of the requester using the action Verify and Display Digital Signature in the process transaction of SAP CRM.


Request for Parking Permit Without Item

In contrast to SAP_DEMO01, SAP_DEMO04 for Web applications is designed without billing. Otherwise, this demo request category is made up in the same way as the request category SAP_DEMO01 with the exception that an input check is implemented in SAP_DEMO04 with the Business Rule Framework (BRF). Prerequisites You have created the business partner data including the role Internet user for the respective user (see Web Services for Self-Registration and Master Data Changes). Features SAP_DEMO04 is based on transaction type SWR4, which is a copy of transaction type SWRB. This transaction type is intended for Web requests without billing. As such you will only find the payer in the partner schema and not the goods and invoice recipient. In addition to this, a different screen profile is assigned to transaction type SWR4. The screen profile ensures that the tab page Item remains hidden under the SAP GUI in transaction processing. BRF Input Check A sequence of entries in the request form is checked by the BRF in SAP_DEMO04. The fields Email Address, License Plate Number, and Valid From are thereby checked to ascertain whether a requester has made the necessary entries in these fields. If the fields remain blank, an error message is displayed in the request form. You can find the BRF objects created in the BRF application (transaction BRF) in application class CRM_WEBREQ_DEMO. For more information about using the Business Rule Framework for Web requests, see Business Rule Framework for Web Requests.


Request with Pricing

The request category SAP_DEMO05 illustrates how you can access transaction functions at runtime when creating a Web request. Function modules from function group CRM_WEBREQ_ONLINE_PRICING are used for this. This demo request contains how a BSP application is called for the business partner search and how the price of a product is calculated. Prerequisites

You have maintained the business partner data including the role Internet user for the respective user (see Web Services for Self-Registration and Master Data Changes). You have defined the Customizing settings for the product and the organizational data.

Features Pricing A process instance is generated using BadI method FORM_ON_CREATION which analog to the standard case is assigned an item with product and quantity one, a payer and the organizational data through the activity reason. The system uses this data to calculate the price of the product and displays this in the form. You can choose the quantity of a product in the combo box of the Web request. The price is recalculated in accordance with the quantity selected. If an error occurs, for example the organizational data could not be assigned properly, the price calculation does not take place. In this case an error message is issued and the amount zero is displayed as the price. Business partner search Using the button (Business Partner Search) you can assign a partner in a specific partner function in the request form. This example is for a contact person.


Web Request as Service Transaction

Specific services can be requested and processed by or for a requester using a Web request. This involves filling out an electronic request form with request-specific data. The request form is sent to Customer Relationship Management via the Internet where it is entered as the service transaction Web Request. Alternatively, a Web request can be created and processed directly in CRM. Features

The requestable services are provided for selection by means of specific request categories. Each request category contains a request form tailored to the respective service. When processing a Web request, you can make changes to the service transaction data (status, business partner data, and so on) or changes and enhancements to the request form (XML request data) yourself.

Request Category View If different views are available for a Web request, you can access a different set of request form data when displaying/changing the request data. The views are tailored to the processing functions (for example, view for the requester, view for the processor).

Request Category Group Optional grouping criteria and, thus, also search criteria for Web requests from a set of specific request categories.

The processing history of the request form data is saved in versions. Changes are made to the latest request data version in each case, and are entered as another version when saved.

Setting Up Web Requests as Service Transactions


In transaction processing of CRM Service, processors can access the original request data of a requester directly or can call a version to be displayed from the selection of all processing versions. As such, processors can see the change history of a Web request if necessary. The following provides information about the functions for processing Web requests. Processor-specific Customizing settings can be made for processing Web requests as CRM service transactions. Prerequisites

You must have created an Action profile with the corresponding actions or methods in the Customizing of CRM, under Actions in Transaction . Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions Actions

SAP delivers sample profile PARKING_PERMIT_WSSO that is set up for the sample request SAP_DEMO01: Request for Parking Permit.

To assign a processor as the employee responsible for Web requests, proceed as follows:

In Customizing, choose

Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions , create the Employee

Partner Processing Define Partner Determination Procedure

Resposnible partner function in the respective partner determination procedure, and specify the User value for this partner function nder Access Sequence. Assignment to the Employee Responsible partner function causes the transactions to be visible in the Workplace.

If you create the transaction using a Web request, you must enter an employee that the system can locate using organizational data determination. Accordingly, you must make sure that the system finds the Employee Responsible partner function in Organizational Data Determination.

Create the processor responsible for Web requests as a business partner with the Employee function and maintain the following settings under Control: Gender Personnel Number User


Features Request Category Group An optional grouping criteria and therefore also search criteria for request categories is the assignment to a request category group. The respective request category group is provided as a search criterion for selecting service orders. You define the relevant request category groups in the Customizing for SAP CRM by choosing Customer Relationship ManagementWeb Channel E-Service Web Requests Define Request Category Group Category. Web Request Versioning Each time a Web request is saved even if no data is changed the data is entered in the request form as a new Web request version. Existing versions can no longer be changed and can only be called for display purposes. As soon as you call a Web request to change, the request data of the most up-to-date version is called and is saved a new version when you save. . You assign a group for a request category in the IMG activity Define Request

Web Services for Self-Registration and Master Data Changes

Users of Web services can use this function to carry out self-registration or master data changes. These Web services can be executed as BSP applications using a Web client. The following scenarios are supported with these Web services:

Registration of a person Registration of an organization and their contact person Changes to the master data of registered people, organizations and their contact persons


Features SAP delivers a number of sample BSP applications that you can copy and modify to suit your requirements. Registration of a person When a person is registered, a user, a central person and a business partner are created. The user and the business partner are linked via a central person. The user inherits the authorizations of a reference user, whose authorizations you defined earlier. The business partner of the business partner category Person is created in the business partner roles Internet Users, Payers, and Consumers. The access data (user ID, alias name, password) of the users can be displayed or changed through the Internet user role. The roles Payer and Consumer of the business partner are required for payroll/salesdependent business transactions. The following figure explains the connection between the user, the central person and the business partner after a person has registered.

Registration of a person

Registration of an organization and their contact person


The registration of an organization is carried out by a contact person. A user, a central person and two business partners, linked to each other via a contact person relationship, are created in the system with this registration. A business partner of the category Person is created in the roles Internet users and Contact partners for the contact person. As this person also carries out the orders of the organization when acting as deputy, a user with the corresponding authorizations of a reference user are created for the contact person. User and business partner of the contact person are linked through a central person. At the same time, the second business partner of the category Organization is created in the roles Consumer and Payer. The reference to both business partners is created through a relationship. The following figure explains the connection between the user, the central person and the business partner of a contact person and the contact person relationship to the respective organization.

Registration of an organization and their contact person

Master Data Changes The Web services for master data changes allow users of Web services to maintain address and communication data themselves.


Activities For more information about the settings to be made for BSP applications for self-registration and master data changes, see the IMG of CRM, under Customer Relationship Management Web Channel Basic . Settings Internet User Special Settings for E-Service Web Requests

Complaints and Returns

In complaints processing, you can create complaints, complaints with reference to billing documents, returns, and in-house repair orders for products, services, or deliveries with which customers are dissatisfied. Complaints can either be product-related or have no reference to products. Complaints with reference to billing documents, returns, and in-house repair orders always refer to a product. You can use complaints and returns in both sales and service. Entry options for individual transactions:

Complaints CRM WebClient UI Interaction Center (IC) WebClient E-service Mobile service Mobile service for handheld

Complaints with reference to billing documents X

Returns X

In-house repair orders X


Extended Complaints and Returns in E-Service EDI Integration SAP CRM



Complaints processing is integrated with service processes and sales transactions. This means that you can create complaint transactions or returns transactions with reference to preceding transactions, which allows you to copy the data from the associated preceding transaction. Back End Systems (Enterprise Resource Planning Systems) For more information about prerequisites for the data exchange between SAP CRM and SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC), see Data Exchange for Complaints: SAP CRM SAP ECC. Features The following functions are available for complaints, returns, and in-house repair orders. For ease of reading, the features described only refer to complaints.

The additional functions for in-house repair processing are described in In-House Repair Orders.

Reference during creation of complaint as follow-up transaction You can create complaints directly from the items in a sales transaction or service process. This simplifies the creation of complaints since all data (such as, partners, products, quantities, and prices) is transferred from the preceding transaction. This function is available in CRM WebClient UI and mobile service.

Reference during creation of a new complaint When you create a new complaint, you can refer to the following business objects:
o o

CRM billing transaction Product service letter


o o

Marketing campaign Transactions in integrated systems, such as billing transactions or delivery transactions in SAP ECC, or delivery transactions in another inventory management system

Once you have specified in Customizing that references to business objects are allowed for your complaint transaction type, the system prompts you to enter a reference object when creating a complaint. You can then select the individual items from the reference object to be copied into the complaint transaction. References to objects other than CRM business transactions are supported by a Business Add-In. This function is available in the CRM WebClient UI.

Reference after creation of complaint You can create references to transactions from existing complaint transactions. You can refer to CRM business transactions, billing documents, or transactions in integrated systems. Referencing is supported at header and item level. This function is available in the CRM WebClient UI.

Reference from an activity to a complaint You can create a subsequent assignment to a complaint right from an existing activity. For more information, see Subsequent Assignment of Preceding Transactions.

Referencing reference objects You can more precisely define the product or service that is the subject of the complaint by entering a reference object for an item. You can enter a reference to products, installed base components, or objects. You can use the relationship between a product and an installed base to extract information to SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI) for analysis purposes. This information is then available in BI Content, which allows you to analyze complaints to identify problems related to the installed base in which a product is installed, for example.


This function is available in CRM WebClient UI, e-service, and mobile service.

Product check For certain return types, the system checks whether the product can be returned.

Serial numbers In complaints transactions and returns transactions, you can enter serial numbers that can be validated.

Quantity check An automated check ensures data consistency. It makes sure that the amount of complaints that were created is not greater than the amount of products or services that were sold to a customer. For new complaint items, the system also proposes the maximum quantity of products or services that can be entered. If you create a complaint with reference to a document that is a follow-up transaction to the original order, the system uses the lesser of the following values as the maximum quantity:

Total quantity in order minus quantity of existing complaints relating to order minus quantity from substitute deliveries Total quantity in follow-up transaction minus quantity of existing complaints relating to follow-up transaction minus quantity of the substitute deliveries relating to follow-up transaction

This function is available in the CRM WebClient UI.

Warranty check You can set up a warranty check to automatically determine valid warranties for products in a complaint item and for reference objects in a complaint. You can use the warranty information to decide what action should be taken in response to a complaint. If, for example, the warranty allows a refund in the case of a defective product, you can immediately create a credit memo. For more information, see Warranty Check for Coverage of Services.


This function is available in the CRM WebClient UI and in e-service.

Contract determination You can set up an automatic search for valid customer contracts that the system runs when you create a complaint item. The system then displays a list of valid contracts from which you can select the desired contract. If there is only one valid contract, the system can automatically assign this contract. The system copies the data, including price agreements, from the assigned contract to the complaint transaction. For more information, see Service Contract Determination. This function is available in the CRM WebClient UI and in e-service.

Manual or automatic date assignment You can enter dates in the complaint, for example, the date of the first response, or the date by which a decision must be made. These dates can be used for monitoring and escalating complaints. You can either enter dates manually or let the system enter them automatically. For example, dates can be automatically displayed according to the parameters of the Service Level Agreement associated with the relevant contract item. This function is available in the CRM WebClient UI.

Categorization You can use categorization to define predefined content, such as causes of damage, which makes complaint entry faster and allows automatic analysis. This function is available in CRM WebClient UI, e-service, and mobile service.

Investigation The system uses automatic execution of business rules to release or decline complaints. If defined criteria cannot clearly identify the situation, the document can be transferred into the investigations workflow. The document is then investigated further in different processing levels (research, analysis, and approval) until it is released or declined manually.


Entitlement checks Entitlement checks take place for complaints with reference to billing documents and returns. You can specify which types of entitlements the system should check.

Use of predefined actions Depending on transaction type, you can define company-specific actions or use standard actions that should be triggered from the business transaction. This function is available in the CRM WebClient UI. Specifics for e-service: When you create a complaint, you can specify the reaction that you expect, such as a credit memo or a substitute delivery.

Credit memo with billing in SAP CRM or in SAP ECC. This function is available in the CRM WebClient UI.

Triggering subsequent processes automatically For complaints with reference to billing documents, you can trigger follow-up actions automatically, such as stock postings, scrapping, return to customer, transfer, putaway, or delivery to an internal or external remanufacturer. You can also trigger the follow-up action manually. This function is available in the CRM WebClient UI.

Status tracking You can use the search to monitor complaint processing by checking the status. This method allows you to have an overview of all complaints at any time. This function is available in the CRM WebClient UI and in e-service.

Entry of counter readings You can enter counter readings for installed base components in complaint headers and complaint items.


This function is available in the CRM WebClient UI. More Information Complaints and Returns in E-Service

Subsequent Assignment of Preceding Transactions

You can assign activities and opportunities as follow-up transactions subsequently. For example, you create a business activity, such as a phone call. After creating it, you notice that it is in fact a follow-up for an existing opportunity. You can then assign the business activity as a follow-up transaction for the preceding opportunity subsequently. You can assign activities and opportunities as follow-up transactions to the following preceding documents subsequently:

Business activity Task Opportunity Quotation Sales order Sales contract Service order Service contract Service confirmation Complaint Lead

You can assign follow-up transactions subsequently from header to header, for example, you can assign an activity or opportunity to a preceding document such as an order, contract or quotation, and from header to item level, for example, you can assign an activity or opportunity to an item in a preceding document such as a sales order or contract. 336

Note that you cannot make subsequent assignments from item to item. During subsequent assignment of follow-up transactions, the document flow is updated automatically, and if you delete an assignment, the document flow is updated accordingly when you save the transaction. Prerequisites You can define whether an assignment can be made only on header level, or also on item level, and which transactions can be assigned subsequently in Customizing for CRM, by choosing Transactions -> Settings for Activities -> Define Object Relationship Profile for activities, and Transactions -> Settings for Opportunities -> Define Object Relationship Profile for opportunities.

Service Contract Determination

You can use this function to define whether the system should search for and display existing service contracts when business transactions are created. Prerequisites Transaction Type You have made settings in Customizing that define how contract determination should occur for the following transaction types: service order, service confirmation, and complaint. You make these settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Define Transaction Types settings:

Transactions Basic Settings

and using the Contract Determ indicator. You can make the following

No contract determination Manual contract determination Only at item level (setting in standard SAP Customizing) Contract determination at header and item level

The Contract Determ. field only appears in the detailed display for definition of the transaction type, if you have chosen Complaint, Service Process, Service Confirmation or Sales as the leading transaction category.


For more information about these settings, see Customizing for transaction types in the field help (F1) for field Contract Determ. You have set the copying control for both the transaction types and for the item categories in Customizing. Item Category In Customizing for the contract item category, you have defined whether the system should also find contract items whose object list or product list is empty when an item is created in one of the business transactions listed above. You make this setting in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Categories and using indicators Filter Contract Item by Object List and Filter Contract Item by Product List. You can see these indicators by choosing an item category with business transaction category Service Contract and then choosing Customizing Item. For more information about these settings, see Customizing for item categories in the field help (F1) for both of these fields. SAP standard Customizing includes contracts with empty product lists and object lists in the search results. Features When you create a business transaction in service with a transaction type for which contract determination is activated in Customizing, the system determines service contracts based on the following selection criteria:

Sold-to party The sold-to party in the service contract and in the business transaction must be identical.

Sales organization and distribution channel The sales organization and the distribution channel in the service contract and in the business transaction must be identical.

Service organization


If a service organization is entered in the service contract, it must be identical to the one in the business transaction.

Status The status of the service contract item must be Released.

Validity The date in the Requested Start field in the business transaction must lie within the validity period of the service contract item.

Object list In standard Customizing, contract determination runs in the following sequence: 1. Contracts are found that have reference objects entered for the business transaction item in the object list of the service contract item, or that have an empty object list for the service contract item. 2. If no reference objects were entered for the business transaction item, contracts are found that have the reference object for the business transaction header entered in the object list of the service contract item, or that have an empty object list for the service contract item. 3. If the reference object was not entered in either the business transaction item or in the business transaction header, service contract items with empty object lists are found.

Product list The product in the business transaction item must be entered in the product list of the service contract item, or the product list of the service contract item can be empty. For more information, see Service and Product List.

You can use the Business Add-In definition CRM_SERVICE_CONTRACT (Business Add-In for Service Contract Determination) to include Business Add-Ins, which you can use to provide your own selection criteria or to limit the selection criteria (see above) delivered by SAP. After the system has determined valid service contracts, it automatically copies the contract data to the business transaction in service, or you are prompted to select a contract for copying from a list.


Activities Automatic Determination of Service Contracts at Item Level 1. Create an item in a business transaction in service for which automatic contract determination is activated in Customizing. 2. The system selects appropriate service contracts according to the above-mentioned criteria and displays all permitted service contract items.

The system only selects and offers for selection those service contract items whose product lists contain the product entered in the business transaction item. In addition, depending on Customizing settings, service contract items that have no product list are also selected. The system only selects and offers for selection those service contract items whose object lists contain the reference object entered in the business transaction item. In addition, depending on Customizing settings, service contract items that have no object list are also selected.

3. During selection of a service contract item, data from the service contract item is copied into the business transaction in service, and the price agreements and SLA parameters from the service contract are also activated in the service transaction. 4. In the detailed view of the business transaction item, the contract ID appears in the Service Contract and Warranty section. You can click on the ID to go to the corresponding contract. Automatic Determination of Service Contracts at Header and Item Level 1. Create a business transaction in service for which automatic contract determination is activated in Customizing. Maintain the header data and specify the reference object. 2. The system automatically selects appropriate service contracts according to the above-mentioned criteria and displays all permitted service contract items. 3. After selecting a valid service contract item, the products entered in the product list belonging to the contract item are displayed as default values for copying to the business transaction. If the product list does not contain any entries, the service product that was agreed on in the contract item is proposed for copying to the service transaction.


All products that are selected and copied from the display are then automatically copied as items in the service transaction.

Dates from the date profile of the transaction type are displayed in the Dates assignment block. When you save the business transaction, the current dates are redetermined. Manual Determination of Service Contracts Providing that you have set up manual contract determination in Customizing, you can use a button to manually start the determination of service contracts when a new business transaction is created.

Complaint Creation

You create complaints if customers are not satisfied with goods or services that they have purchased. You can enter complaints in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM )WebClient UI, in the Interaction Center (IC) WebClient, in e-service, and in the mobile client. Prerequisites You have made all necessary settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) under Transactions Settings for Complaints .

Transaction Types and Item Categories You have defined the transaction types and item categories. The transaction types and item categories for complaints and repairs are predefined as follows in the standard system: Transaction Types CRMC Complaint Item Categories COMP Complaint Used As Main item


L2N Debit Memo Request G2N Credit Memo Request TANN Free of Charge Substitute Delivery REN Return Request



Subitem Subitem

If the settings for these Customizing objects do not meet your business requirements, you can copy the objects and modify the copies. For more information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) for CRM and choose Transactions Basic Settings Define Transaction Types .

Make the following settings for delivery-relevant items:

On the Definition of Item Categories screen: In field Assign BW/CO: Sales On the Customizing Item screen: In field Bill. Relevance: External Billing

Copying Control If you want to create complaints with reference to a service process or sales transaction, you must define this in Customizing.

These settings are already available if you use the standard transaction types delivered by SAP. For more information, see Copying Business Transactions. Action Profiles and Assigned Actions You have completed Customizing for actions:

You have defined action profiles and actions for both transaction types and item categories in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Basic Functions Actions . Actions in Transaction Change Actions and Conditions Define Action Profiles and Actions

You have assigned the action profile to the transaction type and item categories in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Basic Functions Actions Actions in


Transaction Assign Action Profile to the Business Transaction Type to the Item Category.

and Assign Action Profile

You have defined the schedule condition and start condition for each action definition in Customizing for CRM by choosing Basic Functions Actions Actions in Transaction Change . Actions and Conditions Define Conditions

The action profiles and assigned actions available in the standard system include: Technical Name of Action Profile Action Profile Description SAP Standard Customer Complaint Technical Name of Action ANGEBOTSDRUCK TASK CREDIT DEBIT RETURN_REQ SAP Standard Customer Complaint Item SUBST_DEL TASK_ITEM Action Description Print Offer Create Task Credit Memo Debit Memo Returns Request Substitute Delivery Create Task



If the action profiles delivered by SAP do not meet all your needs, you can define your own actions in Customizing. Buttons for Actions You have defined the text for the buttons of the actions in the main item in Customizing for CRM by choosing Transactions Settings for Complaints Define Pushbuttons for Actions .

Data Exchange for Complaints and In-House Repair Orders: SAP CRM SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) For more information about prerequisites for the data exchange between SAP CRM and SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC), see Data Exchange for Complaints: SAP CRM SAP ECC. Process You can create complaints with or without reference to a sales transaction or a service process.


1. If you want to create a complaint transaction with reference to a preceding transaction, call this transaction up and use Create Follow-Up Transaction to create a complaint transaction.

o o

Items are only copied if they have a valid status. This means that the system proposes the items contained in the preceding transaction so that you can decide which items you want to transfer to the complaint.

2. In categorization, choose the appropriate predefined values. 3. You can use actions to create the following items directly from the complaint, for example:

Credit memo request items and debit memo request items (created in the complaint transaction as subitems) CRM business objects, such as activities Business objects in SAP ECC, such as repair orders

o o

The return subitems created in a complaint transaction have the item category REN. However, the subsequent processing is the same process that is used for returns that you have entered using a return transaction (item category CRMR). If you set the complaint transaction to the status Completed, all subitems are automatically set to status Completed. Result You can use actions to trigger a variety of subsequent processes from the complaint. How you use the actions depends solely on your business process. You can use actions, for example, to create substitute delivery items that are subsequently transferred to SAP ECC. You can also use actions to create tasks. From a complaint, for example, you could create a task for an employee who should check whether a complaint is justified. More Information

Complaints and Returns in E-Service


Extended Complaints and Returns in E-Service Specifics for Mobile Service (Laptop)

Creation of Quality Notifications in SAP ECC

You can use this function to create a quality notification in SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) from a complaint item. The goal is to initiate corrective actions to improve the quality of a product. You can use quality notifications in SAP ECC for internal processes, such as stopping outbound deliveries, or for external processes, such as informing vendors that goods should be returned or triggering vendor checks. Integration This function is called from a complaint header or complaint item and is integrated with SAP ECC. Prerequisites You have entered the data for the partner(s), the product, and the organizational units in both components with the same content.

For more information about mapping SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) data to ECC data, see the documentation for function module CRM_COMPL_QM_NOTIF_CREATE, which can be found in Customizing for SAP CRM under BAdI: Mapping of CRM Data to ERP Quality Notification. You have completed the following steps in Customizing: SAP CRM

You have defined at least one action profile and an action, which you have also assigned to the profile.


Creation of quality notifications is triggered by an action. The standard system includes the following combinations of action profiles and actions for complaints: Action Profile Technical Name Description of Action SAP standard customer complaint QUALITY NOTIFICATION COMPLAINT_ITEM item Technical Name of Action Profile

Action Description


ERP Quality Notification


Define actions and action profiles in Customizing for SAP Customer Relationship Management by choosing Basic Functions Actions Actions in Transaction Change Actions and .Then define the schedule condition and start Conditions Define Action Profiles and Actions

condition for each action definition by choosing Define Conditions. In the action definition, container element NOTIF_TYPE must be used with ABAP Dictionary Data Type QMART for method QM_NOTIFICATION. This specifies the notification type that should be used to create the quality notification in SAP ECC. For more information about container elements, see the documentation for implementation QM_NOTIFICATION for BAdI: Processing Methods (EXEC_METHODCALL_PPF). You can find this BAdI in Customizing for SAP CRM by choosing Transaction Business Add-Ins . Basic Functions Actions Actions in

If possible, use notification type Q1 for customer complaints.


In SAP ECC, there are various notification types: Q1 for customer complaints, Q2 for vendor complaints, and Q3 for internal problem messages. Depending on the notification type, different information is important.

The information that is transferred from SAP CRM to SAP ECC is described in detail in the documentation for function module Creating Quality Notifications (CRM_COMPL_QM_NOTIF_CREATE). To access this documentation, use transaction SE37.


You have tailored the Business Add-In BAdI: Mapping of CRM Data to ERP Quality Notification to the mapping of CRM data to ECC data, according to your needs. You can find this BAdI in Customizing for SAP Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Settings for Complaints Integration BAdI: Mapping of CRM Data to ERP Quality Notification .


After you have made the necessary settings in SAP CRM under BAdI: Mapping of CRM Data to ERP Quality Notification, you must make the same settings in the BAdI of the same name in SAP ECC. To do so, choose Integration with Other SAP Components Customer Relationship .

Management Settings for Service Processing Logistics Integration Business Add-Ins for Logistics Integration BAdI: Mapping of CRM Data to ERP Quality Notification

To be able to use the action box to set the CRM complaint in SAP ECC to Completed, you must run the following activity in Customizing: following values:
o o o

Quality Management Quality Notifications . Enter the

Notification Processing Additional Notification Functions Define Action Box In section Control data in field Documentation As task

In section Function in field Function module CRM_QM_NOTIF_TASK_COMPL_STEP1 In section Specific details for task in field FM when saving function module


When you choose QM Notification in a complaint item, the system creates a quality notification in SAP ECC. The quality notification in SAP ECC is visible in the transaction history, and you can use this link to navigate to the quality notification directly. In SAP ECC, the SAP CRM complaint is visible in the document flow of the quality notification. If you have completed the necessary Customizing activities in SAP ECC, after the quality notification is processed, you can select an activity such as Close CRM Complaint from the action box in SAP ECC. SAP ECC then sets the status of the complaint in SAP CRM to Completed.


quality notification (QM)

Quality Management (QM)
Description of the nonconformity of a business object with a quality requirement. The quality notification includes a request to take appropriate action.

Complaints with Reference to Billing Documents

You create complaints with reference to billing documents to record grievances about completed deliveries or billing documents. Billing documents are the preceding transactions for complaints with reference to billing documents. If you do not know the billing document number, you can find the billing transaction by using the sales transaction or the delivery. The ultimate goal is either an invoice correction or a credit memo. Complaints with reference to billing documents can also lead to physical returns or scrapping of the parts. For the special features of a complaint with reference to a billing document that results from third-party order processing (TPOP), see Complaints Processing After Third-Party Order Processing (TPOP). You can create complaints with reference to billing documents either in the Customer Relationship Management WebClient user interface (CRM WebClient UI), in the Extended Complaints and Returns in E-Service application, or by using EDI. Integration Complaints processing is integrated with the following sales transactions: sales order, delivery, and invoice.


Prerequisites In the product master data, for products involved in complaints with reference to billing documents, you have selected the Returnable indicator in accordance with your requirements. You have completed Customizing for Complaints with Reference to Billing Documents. Features The following complaint types are predefined in the standard system:

Complaint due to underdelivery Complaint due to incorrect purchase order Complaint due to incorrect invoice Complaint due to incorrect delivery Complaint due to overdelivery Complaint due to unrequested delivery Incomplete kit

In the standard system, a complaint with reference to a billing document is always created with reference to a billing document, except in the case of complaints due to unrequested delivery. For the item of the invoice correction request, an invoice correction occurs using Difference Calculation. You can use authorization groups to prevent fields in the transaction from being overwritten under certain defined conditions. For more information, see Authorization Check at Field Level. The complaint types each have a different business-related background: Complaint Due to Underdelivery You use this complaint type when the customer (dealer) received too few parts. The customer (dealer) has the following options:

Keep all parts and receive an invoice correction for the missing parts Return all or some of the parts (if an incomplete set is of no use, for example), and receive an invoice correction


Complaint Due to Incorrect Purchase Order You use this complaint type when the customer (dealer) has ordered the wrong parts or the wrong quantity of parts. The customer (dealer) receives a credit memo or an invoice correction. Complaint Due to Incorrect Invoice You use this complaint type when a customer (dealer) receives an incorrect invoice, for example, because of an incorrect or missing discount, or prices that are too high. The customer (dealer) enters the reason for the complaint in the text field of the complaint transaction. The customer (dealer) receives an invoice correction. Complaint Due to Incorrect Delivery You use this complaint type if the customer (dealer) receives none of the parts that were ordered. Instead, the customer (dealer) receives only parts that he or she did not order. This always leads to a complaint due to underdelivery for the missing parts and a complaint due to incorrect delivery for the parts that were not ordered. The customer (dealer) has the following options:

Receive an invoice correction for the missing parts Return some or all of the parts and get a debit memo for the parts kept

Complaint Due to Overdelivery You use this complaint type when the customer (dealer) received too many parts. The customer (dealer) has the following options:

Keep some or all the parts and receive an invoice correction Return all parts and receive an invoice correction

Complaint Due to Unrequested Delivery You use this complaint type when the customer (dealer) did not receive all the parts that were ordered, but did receive parts that were not ordered. The customer (dealer) has the following options:

Keep all parts that he or she ordered and receive an invoice correction for the missing parts


Keep all the parts that were not ordered, and receive a debit memo. To do so, he or she creates a complaint item without reference to a preceding item. Return all or some of the parts that were ordered (if an incomplete set is of no use, for example) and receive an invoice correction Return the parts that he or she did not order. To do so, he or she creates a complaint item without reference to a preceding item, in which he or she enters the product and the quantity received.

Incomplete Kit You use this complaint type if components of a kit are missing. The customer (dealer) has the following options: Return the incomplete kit and receive a credit memo Add the missing parts from his or her own warehouse stock and receive a credit memo for these parts Receive a free-of-charge substitute delivery that includes the missing kit components

third-party order processing (MM)

Materials Management (MM)
Type of external procurement in which a purchase order is issued to a vendor with the instruction to supply the ordered materials to, or perform the ordered services for, a third party.

Complaints Processing After Third-Party Order Processing (TPOP)

You create complaints following third party order processing (TPOP complaints) if problems with invoices (delivery, sales order) resulted from third-party order processing. You can create complaints either in the Customer Relationship Management WebClient user interface (CRM WebClient UI), in the Extended Complaints and Returns in E-Service application, or by using EDI.


Integration Complaints processing is integrated with the following sales transactions: sales order, delivery, and invoice. You need the following systems:

SAP CRM SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) SAP Supply Chain Management, Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP SCM, APO)


You can only use these additional functions if you have activated the system configuration for service parts management. For more information and prerequisites, see Functions for Service Parts Management (SPM).

A TPOP-relevant complaint exists in the system. This means that the complaint was created as a follow-up transaction to an invoice that belongs to a sales order with third-party order processing. If you have defined your own item categories for transaction type Complaints with Reference to Billing Documents, you have defined whether each one is relevant for third-party order processing. You can find this setting in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Categories . For business transaction category Complaints, choose Customizing Item, and then set the TPOP-Relevant indicator.

Features Problems that arise from third-party order processing can lead to the following:

Invoice corrections for customers Credit memos or debit memos for vendors (external vendors or other customers) Physical returns or scrapping

How the processing of a returns request in a TPOP complaint is handled depends on the type of thirdparty order processing:

Third-party order processing using sourcing


Instead of the vendor making the delivery, an external supplier delivers directly to the vendors customers. If a return occurs, SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO) determines whether the parts should be returned to the supplier or to the vendor. If the parts are returned to the supplier, SAP APO determines the corresponding plant.

Third-party order processing using product allocation One of the vendors customers delivers to another of the vendors customers. If a return occurs, the parts are always returned to the customer who delivered them. SAP APO is not necessary because the customer who delivered the parts is determined in the complaint transaction.

For more information, see the SAP Library for SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM) under SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO) Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) Advanced Availability Check Methods Third-Party Order Processing in Global ATP Third-Party Order Processing by Source Determination and Third-Party Order Processing by Product Allocation Activities Creating Complaints 1. You create a complaint for an invoice. For more information, see Creation of Complaints with Reference to Billing Documents. 2. The system automatically checks whether the following conditions were met:
o o

The category of the complaint item is TPOP-relevant. The invoice refers to third-party order processing. To determine this, the system uses the date of the sales order that corresponds to the invoice.

3. The system determines the supplier from the preceding transaction (CRM sales order) and copies it into the complaint item. 4. While it is creating the returns authorization item, the system checks whether the parts should be returned to the supplier or to the vendor.

Third-party order processing using sourcing


In SAP APO, the system tries to determine a location with location category 1011 (supplier). If the system finds a location, the parts are either returned to the vendor or scrapped. The item category usage is RETR. For more information, see Returns Authorization with Activated System Configuration for SPM, in the sections "Returns Authorization for External Suppliers After Third-Party Order Processing" and "Scrapping Authorization". If the system is unable to determine a location using SAP APO, the parts are returned to the supplier. In this case, the item category usage is RETS. Further processing is the same as that described under "Third-party order processing using product allocation" below:

Third-party order processing using product allocation In this case, the parts are sent back to the supplier, according to the standard system setup. The item category usage is RETS. However, it is possible to make settings in Customizing for SAP APO so that the returns are sent back to the vendor. In this case, the location is determined for location type 1010 (customer). Depending on the Customizing settings in the standard system, authorization item RAIS, Returns Authorization for Vendor (TPOP), is created for an authorized returns request item in the complaint transaction. This authorization item is created either manually or automatically, using an action. The authorization item contains data for physical returns. The number of the complaint, together with the number of the subitem, results in the unique return material authorization (RMA) number. The Approved Quantity in the returns request item is copied into the Quantity field of the returns authorization item. This quantity is the order quantity, which you can change if necessary.


The system copies partner function Vendor from the complaint item into the partner function Ship-To Party in the returns authorization item. After releasing the RMA item and saving the transaction in SAP CRM, the RMA item is replicated in SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) for logistic processing. In other words, an inbound delivery with a corresponding delivery item is created automatically. The delivery item contains the returns authorization number from the returns authorization item in SAP CRM. At this point, the data for physical returns and the unique returns authorization number are also available in SAP ECC. This completes the physical return. The customer returns the parts to the vendor directly. 5. Depending on the type of complaint, invoice request items are created and invoice corrections are triggered for customers, and credit memos or debit memos are created for vendors. The following example for a complaint due to underdelivery illustrates how the main items and subitems are interrelated: A customer ordered 100 pieces, but received only 90. This customer wants to return 20 of the 90 pieces. The customer received an invoice for 100 pieces. After the returns authorization item is released and the transaction is saved, an invoice correction request item is created as a subitem of the returns authorization item, either manually or automatically.

SAP CRM Billing creates a billing document for the invoice correction request. This triggers a debit memo to be created automatically in SAP ECC for the external supplier.

In addition to the complaint item, a second invoice correction request is created as a subitem.

SAP CRM Billing creates a billing document for the second invoice correction request. This leads to a second automatic debit memo request in SAP ECC for the external supplier, if the delivery location is the external supplier him- or herself.

Hierarchically, it looks like this: Complaints process


Main item: Complaint due to underdelivery


Subitem: Returns request for complaint with reference to billing document (quantity: 20) Subitem: Returns authorization for supplier (quantity 20) > Delivery in SAP ECC Subitem: Invoice correction request (Correction quantity: 70) > Billing document in SAP CRM for customers > Debit memo in SAP ECC for supplier for 20 pieces Subitem: Invoice correction request (Correction quantity: 90) > Billing document in SAP CRM for customers > Debit memo in SAP ECC for 10 pieces

IDoc Interface (BC-SRV-EDI)
Electronic Data Interchange Cross-company exchange of electronic data (for example business documents) between domestic and international business partners who use a variety of hardware, software, and communication services. The data involved is formatted according to predefined standards. In addition to this, SAP ALE technology is available for data exchange within a company.

Service Parts Management (SPM)

You can use additional functions in service parts management. A number of other functions are available in the following areas: Sales Order Management


Availability Check Complaints and Returns Entitlement Management SAP CRM Web Channel Prerequisites

You have set the system configuration for service parts management in the Implementation Guide for SAP CRM by choosing Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic Settings . Activate System Configuration for Service Parts Management

To activate the system configuration for service parts management, the following system requirements apply:
o o o


You use SAP SCM Extended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM). You use the availability check with SAP SCM Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO). You have activated the data relevant for the business partner for service parts management with the Business Data Toolset (transaction BUPT in SAP CRM). If you want to use service parts management, you can use the SPM roles delivered as standard for this by SAP. However, you must set up these roles appropriately for the CRM WebClient UI.

Customizing for Complaints with Reference to Billing Documents

The settings that are particular to complaints with reference to billing documents and that you must make in Customizing are described below.


Activities Define Transaction Types and Item Categories Define transaction types and item categories in Customizing for SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) by choosing Categories. Transaction type CLRP Complaints with Reference to Billing Documents is defined in the standard system. The following item categories are defined in the standard system:
Subitem Type CLSH CLOV CLOE CLPB CLUD CLIK CLWD CRRI RAIN RAIS SAIC RASC DICR CLKK Description Complaint Due to Underdelivery Complaint Due to Overdelivery Complaint Due to Incorrect Purch. Order Complaint Due to Incorrect Invoice Complaint Due to Unrequested Delivery Complaint Due to Incomplete Kit Complaint Due to Incorrect Delivery Ret.Req. for Complaint with Billing Ref. Return Authorization (RMA) Returns Authorization for Vendor (TPOP) Authorization for Scrapping at Customer Scrapping in Plant (RMA) Invoice Correction Item Missing Kit Component Intended As Main item Main item Main item Main item Main item Main item Main item Main item Subitem Subitem Subitem Subitem Subitem Subitem

Transactions Basic Settings Define Transaction Types

and Define Item

If you want to create your own item categories, use the item categories in the standard system as templates. All necessary settings exist for the item categories in the standard system. In particular, use the generic item categories CRRI, RAIN, RAIS, SAIC, and RASC as templates to create new item categories for complaint types such as underdelivery, incorrect purchase order, incorrect invoice, incorrect delivery, overdelivery, unrequested delivery, and incomplete kit.


For more information, see the field help (F1) for the Preceding Ref. Object Type and Preceding Ref. Mandatory fields in the General section of the screen, and for the fields that appear when you choose Customizing Item for business transaction category Complaints. Define Item Category Usage Define item category usage in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Categories Usages .

In the standard system, the following item category usages are available for complaints with reference to billing documents:

Debit memo correction DBIC Returns request RERQ Returns authorization RETR Return delivery vendor RETS Debit memo DEB Scrapping SCRP Credit memo CRED Incomplete record CKFS

Define Item Category Determination Use item category determination to assign main items and subitems to one another in Customizing for CRM by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Category Determination .

Since these assignments are dependent upon your business processes, there are no settings in the standard system. Reference the complaint due to underdelivery below as one example of how these assignments could look:
Main Item Type/ Description CLSH/ Complaint Due to Underdelivery Subitem Type/ Description DICR/ Invoice Correction Item CRRI/ Subitem Type/ Description Subitem Type/ Description

Transaction Type





Ret.Req. for Complaint with Billing Ref. RAIN/ Returns Authorization (RMA) DICR/ Invoice Correction Item





For more information, see Examples of Complaints with Reference to Billing Documents. Define Copying Control for Item Categories Define the control for copying item categories in Customizing for CRM by choosing Categories . Transactions

Basic Settings Copying Control for Business Transactions Define Copying Control for Item

Since the copying controls are dependent upon your business processes, there are no settings in the standard system. You can use the following example to see how the copying control for a complaint due to underdelivery could look:
Field Description Source Item Cat. Target Item Cat. Copy Conditions Entry CLSH DICR Copy all conditions Exact copy (copy template)

CondCopier Type

Assigning Business Object Types to Transaction Types Assign business object types to your own transaction types in Customizing for CRM by choosing Transactions Settings for Complaints Integration Transaction Referencing Assign Business Object Types to Transaction Types .


In the standard system, business object type BILLDO is available for the transaction type for complaints with reference to billing document (CLRP). In this way, the invoice document is defined as the preceding transaction for complaint transactions with reference to invoices, and data is copied from the invoice document into the complaint transaction with reference to the invoice. If you want to change the preceding reference for the complaint transaction, you must create your own implementation for Business Add-In (BAdI) BAdI: Create Complaint with Reference to External Transaction. You can find this BAdI in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Settings for Complaints Integration Transaction Referencing Define Action Profiles and Assigned Actions Define actions and action profiles in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Basic Functions Actions Actions in Transaction Change Actions and Conditions Define Action Profiles and Actions . Then define the schedule condition and start condition for each action definition by choosing Define Conditions. The following action profiles are available in the standard system. You must assign actions to these action profiles according to your needs.
Usage for Transaction Type or Item Category Transaction Type Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item


Action Profile Description Complaint/Returns Header Incomplete Kit Main Item Incomplete Kit Subitem Incorrect Purchase Order Returns Authorization for Incorrect Purchase Order Overdelivery Returns Request for Overdelivery Returns Authorization for Overdelivery Incorrect Invoice



Underdelivery Returns Request for Underdelivery Returns Authorization for Underdelivery Unrequested Delivery Returns Request for Unrequested Delivery Returns Authorization for Unrequested Delivery Incorrect Delivery Returns Request for Incorrect Delivery Returns Authorization for Incorrect Delivery Returns Authorization Attachment

Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item

For more information, see Actions. Assign Action Profile to Transaction Type and Item Category Assign the respective action profile and other data to the transaction types and the item categories according to the table below. You can do so in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Action Profile to the Item Category .
Partner Determinatio n Procedure Org. Data Profile

Basic Functions

Actions Actions in Transaction Assign Action Profile to the Business Transaction Type and Assign

Transaction Type

CLRP Item Categor y

Description Complaint with Reference to Invoice Partner Determinatio n Procedure

Date Profile

Action Profile CLAIM_RETUR N

99 Org. Data Profile




Description Complaint Due to Underdeliver y

Date Profile

Action Profile








Complaint Due to Incorrect Purch. Order Complaint Due to Incorrect Invoice Complaint Due to Incorrect Delivery Complaint Due to Overdelivery Complaint Due to Incomplete Kit Complaint Due to Unrequested Delivery Invoice Correction Item Return Request for Complaint with Incorrect Delivery Returns Request for Complaint Due to Overdelivery Returns Request for Complaint Due to Unrequested Delivery Returns Authorization (RMA) for Complaint Due to Underdeliver y


















Copy of CRRI



Copy of CRRI



Copy of CRRI



Copy of RAIN





Copy of RAIN

Copy of RAIN

Returns Authorization (RMA) for Complaint Due to Incorrect Purchase Order Returns Authorization (RMA) for Complaint Due to Incorrect Delivery Returns Authorization (RMA) for Complaint Due to Overdelivery Returns Authorization (RMA) for Complaint Due to Unrequested Delivery Return Authorization for Vendor (TPOP) Authorization for Scrapping at Customer Scrapping in Plant (RMA)







Copy of RAIN




Copy of RAIN




Copy of RAIS


Copy of SAIC Copy of RASC



CL_INCLOMPLETE_ CLKK L2N Missing Kit Component Debit Memo Request 18 10000001 7 7 BILLING KIT_SUB_ITEM

Examples of Complaints with Reference to Billing Documents


The following examples illustrate how the main items and subitems of complaints can be linked with billing document references. This is dependent on the settings in Customizing for Complaints with Reference to Billing Documents. Determination of complaint quantity is also dependent on Customizing: For each item category, you can set whether the complaint quantity can be entered directly or whether it should be calculated from the Received Quantity, which is to be entered. Complaint Due to Underdelivery A dealer has ordered 100 parts but received only 90, and would like to return 20 of this 90.

Main item: Complaint due to underdelivery (Type: CLSH) Quantity of main item = Quantity of billing item: 100 Quantity Received: 90 Complaint quantity: 10 Approved quantity = Complaint quantity

Subitem: Invoice correction item (Type: DICR) Invoice correction quantity: 90

Subitem: Returns request for complaint (Type: CRRI) Requested returns quantity: 20 Subitem: Returns authorization (Type: RAIN) or for certain rare cases, authorization for scrapping at customer (Type: SAIC) The system determines the Approved Quantity: 20 Subitem: Invoice correction item (Type: DICR) Invoice correction quantity: 70


Complaint Due to Incorrect Purchase Order A dealer ordered 100 pieces of product 4711 instead of product 4712. The dealer would like to return all 100 pieces.

Main item: Complaint due to incorrect purchase order (Type: CLOE) Quantity of main item = Quantity of billing item: 100 Complaint quantity: 100 Approved quantity = Complaint quantity Quantity Received is not available for input

Subitem: Returns request for complaint (Type: CRRI) Requested returns quantity: 100 Subitem: Returns authorization (Type: RAIN) or authorization for scrapping at customer (Type: SAIC) Authorized quantity: 100 Subitem: Invoice correction item (Type: DICR) Invoice correction quantity: 100

Complaint Due to Incorrect Invoice The dealer ordered 100 pieces of product 4711 and has determined an error in the invoice due to an incorrect price.

Main item: Complaint due to incorrect invoice (Type: CLPB) Quantity of main item = Quantity of billing item: 100 Quantity Received: blank and not available for input Complaint quantity: 100


Approved quantity = Complaint quantity


Subitem: Invoice correction item (Type: DICR) Invoice correction quantity: 100, new price

Complaint Due to Unrequested Delivery The dealer ordered 100 pieces of product 4711 but received only 90 pieces of product 4711 and 10 pieces of product 4712. The dealer was charged for 100 pieces of product 4711. The dealer would like the invoice for 4711 to be corrected to 90 pieces. She would also like to send back 6 pieces of product 4712.

Main item: Complaint due to underdelivery (Type: CLSH) Quantity of main item = Quantity of billing item 4711: 100 Quantity Received for 4711: 90 Complaint quantity: 10 Approved quantity = Complaint quantity

Subitem: Invoice correction item (Type: DICR) Invoice correction quantity: 90

Main item: Complaint due to unrequested delivery (Type: CLUD) Quantity of main item = Quantity of billing item: Not relevant Quantity Received for 4712: 10 Complaint quantity: 10 (copied from the quantity received) Approved quantity = Complaint quantity

Subitem: Returns request for complaint (Type: CRRI)


Requested returns quantity: 6 Subitem: Returns authorization (Type: RAIN) Authorized quantity: 6

Subitem: Debit memo request (Type: L2N) Quantity: 4

Complaint Due to Incorrect Delivery A dealer ordered 100 pieces of product 4711, and received 100 pieces of product 4712. She would like to keep all 100 pieces of product 4712. The dealer was charged for 100 pieces of product 4711.

Main item: Complaint due to incorrect delivery (Type: CLWD) Quantity of main item = Quantity of billing item: 100 Quantity Received: 100 Complaint quantity: 100 (copied from the quantity received) Approved quantity = Complaint quantity

Subitem: Invoice correction (Type DICR) for product 4711 Quantity: 0

Subitem: Debit memo request (Type: L2N) for product 4712 Quantity: 100

Complaint Due to Overdelivery A dealer ordered 100 pieces of product 4711, but received 120 pieces and was billed for 100 pieces. He would like to send 10 pieces back.

Main item: Complaint due to overdelivery (Type: CLOV)


Quantity of main item = Quantity of billing item: 100 Quantity Received: 120 Complaint quantity: 20 (quantity received quantity billed) Approved quantity = Complaint quantity

Subitem: Invoice correction request (Type: DICR) Quantity 20

Subitem: Returns request for complaint (Type: CRRI) Requested returns quantity: 10 Subitem: Returns authorization (Type: RAIN) Authorized quantity: 10 Subitem: Invoice correction request (Type: DICR) Invoice correction quantity: 10

Complaint Due to Incomplete Kit A dealer has five of kit A, but in two of the kits, three of component AA and two of component BB are missing. The dealer would like a credit memo for the missing components.

Main item: Complaint due to incomplete kit (Type: CLIK) Quantity of main item = Quantity of billing item: 5 Quantity Received is not available for input Complaint quantity: 2 Approved quantity = Complaint quantity

Subitem: Missing kit component for product AA (Type: CLKK)


Quantity: 6 (entered manually, the entry is verified) Subitem credit memo request (Type: G2N) Quantity: 6

Subitem: Missing kit component for product BB (Type: CLKK) Quantity: 4 (entered manually, the entry is verified) Subitem: Credit memo request (Type: G2N) Quantity: 4

Creation of Complaints with Reference to Billing Documents

You create complaints with reference to billing documents mainly if there are problems between you and your customer (dealer) regarding an invoice, delivery, or sales order. Prerequisites

There is an SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) billing process. You have made the necessary settings according to Customizing for Complaints with Reference to Billing Documents.

Process Creating Complaints With the exception of Complaint due to Unrequested Delivery, you can create a complaint with reference to a billing document. In the standard system, this type of complaint is always created with reference to an SAP CRM billing transaction. 1. Create a Complaint with Reference to a Billing Document.


2. On the Search Reference Document screen, you search for the billing document. If you do not know the billing document number, you can use the sales order or the delivery (by using the handling unit ID, for example) to find the billing document transaction. The system displays the items in the preceding transaction. 3. Select the relevant items in the billing document and choose Create Complaint. The system checks whether you can create a complaint for the selected billing document items.

For more information, see Billing Item Check for Complaints with Reference to Billing Documents. 4. The system creates a complaint with a main item for each billing document item that was selected and copies data from the selected items, such as prices, products, and organizational data, into this transaction. The item category of the main item is the item category that is defined as the default. 5. If necessary, you change the item category of the main item. 6. Depending on your Customizing for complaint items, you enter the complaint quantity (Quantity field) or the quantity received (field in Customizing for item category: Major Qty Type). In the subitem, you enter the requested returns quantity (Quantity field). Depending on your Customizing settings for the complaint item, checks are run on the quantities (field Default Qty, in Customizing for item category). The system calculates the Complaint Quantity from the Received Quantity and the Invoiced Quantity (field Major Qty Type, in Customizing for item category). The following checks reflect Customizing in the standard system.

Complaint due to underdelivery You enter the quantity received in the main item and the requested returns quantity in the subitem. The field for the complaint quantity is not available for input and is equal to the missing quantity (invoiced quantity minus received quantity). The system can process the transaction without errors, providing:


Complaint quantity <= Invoiced quantity Requested returns quantity <= Received quantity

Complaint due to incorrect purchase order You enter the complaint quantity. The field for received quantity is blank and not available for input. The system can process the transaction without errors, providing: Complaint quantity <= Invoiced quantity

Complaint due to incorrect invoice You enter the complaint quantity. Because complaints can be created by using channels other than the CRM WebClient user interface, the system checks whether the complaint quantity is equal to the invoiced quantity.

Complaint due to incorrect delivery You enter the quantity received in the main item and the requested returns quantity in the subitem. The Quantity field is not available for input; the content is a copy of the received quantity. The system can process the transaction without errors, providing: Requested returns quantity <= Received quantity The system does not check the complaint quantity.

Complaint due to overdelivery You enter the quantity received in the main item and the requested returns quantity in the subitem. The system calculates the complaint quantity by subtracting the invoiced quantity from the quantity received.


The system can process the transaction without errors, providing: Received quantity >= Invoiced quantity Requested returns quantity <= Received quantity

Complaint due to unrequested delivery You enter the quantity received in the main item and the requested returns quantity in the subitem. The complaint quantity is a copy of the quantity received. The system can process the transaction without errors, providing: Requested returns quantity <= Received quantity

Complaint due to incomplete kit (customer wants to return entire kit) You enter the complaint quantity in the main item and the requested returns quantity in the subitem. The field for quantity received is not available for input. The system can process the transaction without errors, providing: Complaint quantity >= Invoiced quantity

7. You use Categorization to enter the reason for the complaint on item level. 8. You enter the problem description at item level in assignment block Note. 9. If it is a complaint due to incorrect delivery, change the product. 10. If necessary, you create complaint items for other invoices by choosing Item with Reference. 11. The system checks the returns request item against the product master. The system checks whether the item can be returned, provided that Customizing allows this check for the item type (field in Customizing for item category Check Returns Prod.).

If an invoice item has two reasons for a complaint, you must create a second complaint transaction.


Further Processing of Complaint Transactions After saving the data, there is now a complaint transaction with one or more complaint main items, which are processed further as follows.

After you have activated the additional functions for service parts management (SPM), entitlement management determines the entitlements and the deposit value for the complaint item, according to the requested returns quantity. If there are insufficient entitlements, then the entitlement quantity is smaller than the requested returns quantity. The lesser entitlement quantity leads to a reduction in the Approved Quantity. For more information about entitlements, see Entitlements Check and Quality Flow and Adjustment. There is no entitlement check for the returns item.

The complaint item is processed using the automatic execution of business rules, and investigations are also conducted, if necessary. The system (or the processor, in the case of an investigation) either releases or declines the complaint item.

For released complaint items, either the processor or the Post Processing Framework in CRM saves the transaction, which triggers actions that meet the schedule conditions and start conditions. Examples of these actions include:

Complaint items without returns The actions create subitems for released complaint items. These can be invoice correction requests or credit/debit memos. For more information, see Actions for Complaint Items Without Returns. For the invoice correction request, the system uses difference calculation to make an invoice correction.

Complaint items with returns For the released returns request items, the actions create either returns authorization items or scrapping authorization items. For more information, see Returns Authorization.


schedule condition (CRM-BF)

Basic Functions (CRM-BF)
The system uses the planning conditions to define which actions it should plan for the document. These actions are then marked as possible actions in the document. Example: A new quotation should be generated 2 weeks before the contract end date, but not if the net value of the contract is less than 1 million DM (planning condition: if net value is 1 million or higher). The system checks the net value of the contract, and, if it is 1 million DM or higher, it marks the "Generate quotation" action for the document. If the start condition is fulfilled, a quotation is generated.

start condition (CRM-BF)

Basic Functions (CRM-BF)
Condition that has to be fulfilled before a follow-up action is automatically started.


A right or obligation to something of value. For example, a paid deposit, which in turn represents a refund that the customer will be entitled to when the used part or product is returned. An entitlement may also be used to represent the right to return a new product up to a certain quantity.

The system normally creates entitlements during the sales process when creating an invoice. You can also create entitlements manually in exceptional cases.


In the Context of the Deposit Entitlement Program You may choose from several different deposit entitlement program schemes to support your depositrefund processes. The deposit invoicing scheme requires customers to pay a deposit during the sales cycle. They receive the refund during the returns cycle. The deposit deferral scheme requires only that a potential liability for a deposit be recorded as an entitlement during the sales cycle. This deposit amount is invoiced to the customer, only if they do not return the used product or part within the designated time frame. The deposit deferral scheme records all deposits paid and refunds issued in a kind of account. The account is settled on a periodic basis. The deposit credit scheme allows the customer to return a used product or part when there are no entitlements to consume, and stores the value of the returned item as an entitlement that can be used as a deposit credit when a future purchase is made. In the Context of the Return Entitlement Program The Entitlement Management capability also supports a specific type of return entitlement program. This is referred to as Rolling Purchase History. In this scheme, a customer buys a certain quantity of your product, and earns with this purchase, the right to return up to a certain quantity of unused product in the future. You can refer to entitlements to authorize the quantity of items that can be returned. During the returns process, entitlements control both the quantity and value of returns: the system can use entitlements to ensure that the customer is refunded the deposit value that was originally paid, and also make sure that the customer does not return more used products or parts than what was originally purchased Structure Entitlements always refer to a product and to two business partners, the entitlement issuer and entitlement recipient. Expiration Period Entitlements are typically assigned an expiration period. (Exception: In the Deferred Clearing Scheme entitlements have an activation period.) The starting point for the validity of the entitlement is the invoicing date.


When an entitlement has not been consumed by the end of the expiration period, it can be expired and closed. Use the entitlement monitor to expire entitlements that reach their expiration dates. An expiration may also trigger the creation of billing documents and account postings.

Entitlements are not expired automatically. You have to schedule the entitlements monitor program to run daily or periodically, to expire entitlements. Otherwise the system might for example, in the entitlements determination process, pickup entitlements whose expiration date is in the past Status An entitlement has one of the following status values: Active Only active entitlements can be consumed by a return, complaint, or sale. In the deferred clearing scheme, only active entitlements can be settled. In the deposit entitlement program schemes of deposit invoicing and deposit deferral, entitlements are in status active when they are created from invoices. Inactive In the deferred clearing strategy, automatically created entitlements have status inactive. When you create an entitlement whose start date lies in the future, it receives status inactive. Closed Entitlements with this status can no longer be consumed. When the quantity in an entitlement record equals zero (for example, consumed via returns), it receives status closed. In some cases, entitlements can be reinstated automatically, or you can reinstate closed entitlements manually. You can carry out status changes as a background job, using the Functions for Monitoring Entitlements or by processing entitlements manually. Entitlement History offers you an overview of the system processes and manual processes that affect an entitlement.



This component typically relies on invoice documents generated from CRM Sales processes as a source of entitlement creation. It also relies on invoice documents generated from CRM Complaints and Returns processes as a source of entitlement consumption (and creation in certain situations).

It relies on CRM Billing for the creation of settlement documents triggered from processing entitlement. Also, the SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) FI is used for creating FI posting documents. For 3rd party FI system support, custom code has to be implemented. Third party FI systems or billing systems are not supported.

Entitlements Check

You can use this process to determine entitlements for returns request items. The system differentiates between entitlements to deposit refunds and entitlements to returns. Entitlements are created in the sales process, and they are locked and used in returns processing. At this point, we will focus on the interface between returns processing and Entitlement Management. The interface to entitlement management enables the integration of entitlements into returns processing and offers the following functions:

Creation of a lock request object and determination of entitlements for the deposit refund program Creation of a lock request object and determination of entitlements for returns Distribution of locks among multiple reference objects Determination of deposit value Transfer of locks

With the help of Business Add-Ins (BAdIs), the system can populate the interface of the functions above, and run a customer-specific analysis of the results of these functions.



You can only use these functions if you have activated the system configuration for service parts management. For more information and prerequisites, see Functions for Service Parts Management (SPM).

To use the functions described above in returns processing, you have made the following settings for integration of entitlements in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Settings for Complaints Integration :

In the activities under Entitlements, you have defined an entitlements profile for the entitlements check at item level, and assigned this profile to an item category. As an optional step, you can define an entitlements profile for the entitlements check at transaction header level. You assign this profile to a transaction type in Customizing for SAP CRM by choosing Basic Settings Define Transaction Types . Transactions

For more information, see the documentation for the respective Implementation Guide (IMG) activity. Process Returns with Entitlements for Deposit Refund Program A customer (dealer) buys products from you, the manufacturer. The customer also pays a deposit for the products. The customer therefore earns the entitlement to receive the deposit back when the products are returned after use. The system records and locks this deposit refund entitlement. (For more information, see Deposit Entitlement Program.) When the product is returned, the system sends a lock request object to entitlement management. The lock request object is used to determine the existing entitlements for the deposit refund program. This lock request object can also be distributed.

Entitlement locks can be distributed as a result of partial deliveries, for instance. Example: A customer (dealer) returns service parts, for which he or she paid a deposit, in multiple, partial deliveries. Following the Quality Inspection, entitlement management determines the deposit value for the delivery, and the customer (dealer) receives a credit for that amount. 379

When the deposit is refunded on the bill, the corresponding entitlement disappears, and the locks for other existing entitlements are updated. Returns with Entitlements for Returns In this case, the you and the customer (dealer) have agreed to special entitlements arrangements for certain products. These arrangements may include discounts that you guarantee the customer (dealer), or certain bonus programs, such as the Return Entitlement Program. For returns, entitlement management determines the entitlements for returns authorization. In other words, the system checks whether the customer (dealer) is authorized to return products and if so, how many of these entitlements the customer has. The number of these entitlements determines the authorized quantity of returns. Within the context of Returns, if the customer (dealer) has entered a requested return quantity in the returns request item, the entitlements quantity is transferred into the returns authorization item and becomes the authorized quantity. (For more information, see Quantity Flow and Adjustment.)

As a service parts vendor, you make an agreement with a car dealer that the car dealer is entitled to a refund of 20% of the value of the goods if the car dealer returns the unused parts.

Entitlement locks for returns authorization cannot be distributed because they are only used to determine the authorized quantity.

Quantity Flow and Adjustment

When a returns request relates to a product that is relevant for Entitlement Management, the system searches for valid entitlements for this product. Here, quantities from the returns request and entitlement quantities influence each other. The process within Complaints and Returns affects the number of locked entitlements and their status values. 380

You can display entitlement quantities that are temporarily locked by using the

SAP Easy Access . The monitor

Screen Industries Entitlement Management Utilities Monitor Entitlement Locks (Deposit Refund Program or Return Program for New Goods). Process

shows all locked entitlement quantities, independent of the scheme or the type of entitlement processing

1. The customer sends a returns quantity request for 100 pieces of a product. At first, the approved quantity in the returns request is also 100 pieces. 2. The system searches for valid entitlements for this customer and this product. The system only finds 80 valid entitlements. These 80 entitlements are locked and set to status Reserved. 3. The system reduces the approved quantity in the returns request from 100 to 80 pieces.


4. Automatic rule processing indicates a maximum permitted returns quantity of 50 pieces for this customer. The system reduces the approved quantity in the returns request from 80 to 50 pieces 5. The system transfers the approved quantity of 50 pieces to the returns material authorization (RMA) item. The system reduces the reserved entitlement quantity from 80 pieces to 50. Now only 50 entitlements have status Reserved; the remaining 30 pieces are unlocked again. The reserved entitlements now no longer relate to the returns request, rather, to the RMA item 6. The customer splits his return into two partial deliveries: Partial delivery A for 20 pieces and partial delivery B for 30 pieces 7. Entitlement management also splits the reserved entitlements a delivery split: 20 pieces are reserved for partial delivery A, and 30 pieces for partial delivery B You can check this division of the reservation in entitlement history. 8. The goods receipt inspection checks the 20 pieces in partial delivery A. Only 18 pieces fulfill the check criteria; 2 pieces have minor damage. 9. Entitlement Management splits the reservation again a confirmation split. How it is split here depends on the quantity available against a particular confirmation item number. So if a suitable item number has 18 pieces and next item number has 10, the reservation is split into 18 as part of the first and then 2 as part of the next item number: 30 pieces are still reserved for partial delivery B 10. You create a credit memo for the 20 pieces that have passed the goods receipt inspection where you refund the customer the deposit paid. For the 18 pieces that were confirmed with Part OK, the customer receives the full deposit value back; for the 2 pieces that were only confirmed with Part partially OK, the customer receives a reduced deposit value back. 11. The system sets 20 entitlements to status Consumed. The remaining 30 entitlements still have the status Reserved. Entitlements reservation requests Lock request are communication structures that originating from an external applications communicate to reserve entitlements. For example, a complaints/returns requests to reserve 10 entitlements. These lock requests include transaction information prepared by the external application, and internally determined 382

control data. For example, entitlements determination search scenario. Lock request structures are used by entitlement determination modules to locate and reserve entitlements. To monitor reservation requests, use transaction Monitor Entitlement Reservation Requests in the SAP Easy Access Screen under SAP menu Industries Entitlement Management Utilities .

You can find the following information in the entitlement reservation requests:

Requested quantity: Entitlement quantity that was requested by the external application Fulfilled quantity: Entitlement quantity that was locked by Entitlements determination Available quantity: Entitlement quantity that is still reserved against the lock request (Reserved quantities are shifted from one lock request to another, till the entitlements are consumed by the billing document or unlocked by returns/ confirmation documents)

Locked entitlements details: You can also navigate from this screen to the actual entitlements transaction. Process log: Contains detailed analysis about the entitlement determination execution Status: Status of the entitlement reservation requests
o o o

Active: One or more Entitlement quantities are still reserved by the reservation request Closed: No entitlements are no reserved by the reservation request Deleted: The original transaction that created the entitlement reservation request is deleted, all reserved quantities were released by the entitlement reservation request

Actions for Complaints Items Without Returns

You can use this function to create either an invoice correction request, credit memo request, or debit memo request for a complaint transaction with reference to a billing document that has a released complaint item. Integration This function is integrated with the Billing Engine and the Post Processing Framework in CRM.


Prerequisites There is a complaint item with status Released in the complaint transaction with reference to a billing document. For more information, see Creation of Complaints with Reference to Billing Documents and Customizing for Complaints with Reference to Billing Documents. Features Possible Subitems According to standard Customizing, either you or the system can use actions to create one of the following subitems for a released main item in a complaint:

Invoice correction item (item category DICR) Debit memo request (item category L2N) Credit memo request (item category G2N) Missing kit component (item category CLKK)

Status of Subitems Depending on the status of the main item, which is set by the automatic execution of business rules, the process is as follows:

Status Released The Post Processing Framework starts an action that automatically creates the subitem and immediately releases it.

Status Investigation Required The Post Processing Framework starts an action that automatically creates the subitem with an initial status of Open. You can change the quantity and status manually. You can also cancel the item that was created automatically (status: Rejected) and use an action to manually create and release a new subitem.

Determining Item Categories of Subitems The system uses an action to determine one of the following item category usages: 384

Debit memo DEB Debit memo correction DBIC Credit memo CRED Incomplete record CKFS

Automatic determination of item category usage, which is dependent on Customizing, controls determination of the subitem for the complaint item. Depending on the item category usage, a subitem of one of the following categories is created: invoice correction item, credit memo request, debit memo request, or missing kit component. The quantity of the subitem is calculated depending on the item category of the complaint. Further Processing of Complaint Transactions If you make the appropriate settings in Customizing, the following processes are triggered, depending on the type of complaint:

Complaint due to underdelivery, overdelivery, incorrect invoice, incorrect purchase order, incorrect delivery The system or the user creates an invoice correction (DICR). Then, the invoice is corrected. The customer receives a credit memo or debit memo. For more information, see Difference Calculation.

Complaint due to incorrect delivery and complaint due to unrequested delivery If the customer would like to keep some or all of the parts, the system or the user creates a debit memo request item (L2N) for main item Complaint Due to Incorrect Delivery (CLWD) or Complaint Due to Unrequested Delivery (CLUD). The system enters the debit memo request into the billing due list. For more information, see Billing Due List.

Complaint due to incomplete kit


If a customer wants to keep an incomplete kit and would like a credit memo for the missing components, the system or the user (using the Select Componentsbutton) starts the action Incomplete Kit Main Item (action profile CL_INCOMPLETE_KIT_MAIN_ITEM). This action calls up method COMPL_KIT_SEL_CPTS of implementation COMPL_KIT_SEL_CPTS from Business Add-In (BAdI) Processing Methods. You can find this BAdI in Customizing for SAP CRM by choosing Actions in Transaction Business Add-Ins The method works as follows:

Basic Functions Actions

First check whether previously exploded data exists in the sales order. This is the case if the result of an availability check via SAP SCM Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO) for the sales order was that not enough kits were available. SAP APO then explodes the kit according to the production bill of materials (BOM).

If there is no exploded data in the sales order, the implementation determines the bill of material in Integrated Product and Process Engineering (iPPE) in SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC).

The bill of material appears on the Kit Component Selection screen. You select the missing kit components and close the screen. For each component that was selected, the system creates a subitem with item category Missing Kit Component (CLKK) with the conditions that were determined.

As a prerequisite, the kit components must be created in the product master as Materials. Then, the user or the system uses the action Credit Memo for Stock Level (action profile CL_INCOMPLETE_KIT_SUB_ITEM) to create a subitem with item category Credit Memo Request (G2N) for each subitem with item category Missing Kit Component (CLKK). The system enters the credit memo request items into the billing due list. If a customer wants to return some of the parts, the system or the user creates another item with category Returns Request for Complaint with Billing Reference (CRRI) and an item with category Returns Authorization (RAIN) or in rare cases, an Authorization for Scrapping at Customer (SAIC).


For more information, see Returns Authorization.

Difference Calculation

You can use difference calculation to correct billing documents. Difference calculation can be triggered by the following:

An invoice correction item in a complaint with reference to a billing document Retroactive billing

Prerequisites You have made the recommended settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management:

You have defined item category DICR (Invoice Correction) by choosing Settings Define Item Categories

Transactions Basic

You have assigned the business object type BUS2000168 (Debit Memo Correction Request Item) to the item category. For the relevant business transaction category, you have assigned billing relevance Transaction-Related Billing According to Order Quantity to the item category.

You have set up item category determination for billing, for the item category DICR, by choosing Billing Item Category Determination Assign Item Categories .

For information on the settings required for complaints with reference to billing documents, see Customizing for Complaints with Reference to Billing Documents. Features During difference calculation, a correction subitem is created for the billing document item that is to be corrected. During difference calculation, the system generates a new billing document with the following item pair:

A new, corrected billing item with the current data


A corrected billing item, which is a copy of the old billing item with the opposite plus/minus sign appearing for the quantity and amount

The sum of the quantities and amounts in this item pair is equal to the difference between the old and new data. Example The figure below shows two examples of difference calculation and is followed by an explanation:

Difference Calculation for Complaints with Reference to Billing Documents 1. In item 10 of sales order 4711, a dealer orders 10 pieces of product PROD1 and receives billing document 90815. 2. The dealer reports that of the 10 pieces that were ordered, only 8 pieces arrived. 3. You create document 804711/10, a complaint with reference to a billing document. You reference billing item 90815/10, and enter the quantity that was actually delivered. 4. The system generates a new billing document (90816) with an item pair:
o o

Item 10 as the billing item that includes the corrected data Item 20 as the billing item with the original data and opposite signs for the quantity and amount


Because of the quantity change, the system calculates a difference of USD 200. 5. In a separate complaint, you also give the customer a price reduction. Because of the price change, the system automatically calculates a difference of USD 80. Retroactive Billing 1. Product PROD1 is billed at a flat rate of USD 100 per piece (billing document 90815, item 10). 2. In a copying requirement, you have defined that this billing item is marked as relevant for retroactive billing. 3. A new price is maintained for product PROD1. 4. You start retroactive billing for billing document 90815, item 10. 5. When the new billing document (90816) is created, pricing is automatically run using the original price data. If the system finds a new price of USD 80 per piece, for example, the item pair of 10 and 20 shows a credit amount of USD 200.

Retroactive Billing
New price agreements that you make with your customer can have an effect on billing documents that have already been processed and settled. In this case, you need to perform retroactive billing to create new billing documents. You carry out retroactive billing for individual billing document items in the CRM WebClient UI, on the Billing Documents page, in the item details. Prerequisites

The billing document item has the status Retroactive Relevant. You use a Business Add-In (BAdI), for example the BAdI for copying requirements, to define the conditions for setting this status. You can find BAdIs in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, in the section Billing System Enhancements Business Add-Ins .

The billing document containing the item that you want to bill retroactively has been transferred to accounting.


Features During retroactive billing, pricing is carried out again and the difference is billed in a new billing document. For pricing, the pricing date of the original transaction is always used. Example The figure below shows an example of calculations for retroactive billing and is followed by an explanation:

1. Product PROD1 is billed at a flat rate of USD 100 per piece (billing document 90815, item 010). 2. A new price is maintained for product PROD1. 3. The billing document for this product is automatically flagged as relevant for retroactive billing. 4. Retroactive billing is started for billing document 90815, item 10. 5. A new price of USD 80 is entered manually, and a credit memo amount of USD 200 (USD 100 x quantity 10 USD 80 x quantity 10) is automatically calculated.

Complaint Creation with Reference to an ERP Handling Unit

You can create a complaint with billing document reference by using the handling unit ID (HU ID) to find the billing document by way of the enterprise resource planning (ERP) delivery. 390

You use the HU ID (external HU ID) to create a complaint if your customer complains about a handling unit because it is damaged or because it is missing pieces, for example. The customer informs you of the HU ID, which can be found on the packaging unit (such as the box). When you use the HU ID to find the billing document, all items in the respective billing document appear in the result list. You select the appropriate billing document items and create the complaint. The basis for determining the complaint quantity is the HU quantity rather than the billing quantity. After the complaint is created, you can use the Transaction History and the HU ID to go to the ERP packing transaction (HUMO), where you see information about the HU.


The system uses the automatic execution of business rules to automatically decline or release Complaints, Complaints with Reference to Billing Documents, Returns, or Used Part Returns. If the circumstances are unclear according to defined criteria, or if automatic processing should not take place for certain defined criteria, the transaction is transferred to the workflow for investigations. The system determines the employees responsible and forwards the transaction to them. An investigation allows you to filter out critical transactions such as complaints, returns, or used part returns, and process them at the research, analysis, and approval processing levels. The end result is that the documents are approved or declined. Prerequisites You have made all necessary Customizing settings under Transactions Settings for Investigations Process The following graphic illustrates how the processing levels in an investigation fit together: . Customer Relationship Management


1. An item is processed using the automatic execution of business rules. This method leads to one of the following results:
o o o

Automatic release (system statuses I2216 and I1004 are activated) Automatic decline (system status I2214) Trigger investigation (system status I2212)

When status I2212 (investigation required) is set, the system starts workflow CRM_MI (WS15100038). 2. At the same time the system starts the investigation, it also defines an agent group for the analysis processing level that is responsible for the investigation process. 3. Within the responsible analysis agent group, the system uses the Business Add-In (BAdI) BAdI: Determination of Work Item Recipients (CRM_MI_PROC_DET) to determine the system users. The first work item in the workflow inbox of the Business Workplace is then delivered to these users. 4. The goal of an investigation is to approve or decline an item manually, since the item could not be approved or declined automatically. 5. The analyzer can now either manually make a status decision (approve manually or decline manually) right away, or he or she can first consult the research processing level before making the decision.


6. The research processing level has the task of contributing special information that may not be easily accessible for the analyzer to the investigation process. Examples of such specialized information include special warehouse data or information from external partners. Agents on the research level complete their processing by offering a suggestion (Approve or Decline) for the analyzer's decision about this item. This suggestion does not change the status of the item, however. The agent groups on the research level are always consulted in parallel. In other words, the analyzer can have an item processed by various agent groups on the research level at the same time. When all the research agent groups have completed their work items, the item returns to the analyzer, who can then make the final status decision. 7. BAdI: Check Whether Approval Is Required (CRM_MI_APPROVER) controls whether an approval step is necessary for a status decision, or whether the decision takes effect immediately. If the BAdI logic requires approval, following the analyzers status decision, another work item is created for an agent group in the approval level. The agent group is also determined with BAdI: Check Whether Approval Is Required (CRM_MI_APPROVER). Further approval can also be requested for the approvers decision, if necessary. 8. The approval process is completed when the BAdI: Check Whether Approval Is Required (CRM_MI_APPROVER) does not request any further approvals. At this point, the status decision that was made last is effective, and the investigation process ends. More Information

In a business transaction item that is processed in an investigation, if you click on the status of the investigation, the Investigation screen appears. This screen contains comprehensive information, such as Decisions and Reasons why an investigation was necessary. The agent group to which you are assigned dictates which reason codes you can see, however.

For more information, see Customizing for Customer Relationship Management and choose Transactions Settings for Investigations .

workflow (BC-BMT-WFM)

SAP Business Workflow (BC-BMT-WFM)

Sequence of steps processed either by people or by the SAP System. The chronological and logical sequence of the steps, linked to the evaluation of conditions, is monitored by the workflow manager and can be controlled flexibly with event-related response mechanisms. From a technical point of view, a workflow is represented by a workflow work item (type F).

Business Workplace (BC-BMT-WFM)

SAP Business Workflow (BC-BMT-WFM)
A user's integrated work area. You use the Business Workplace to do the following: Process work items Receive and send messages Manage documents and work processes Distribute and process information across the enterprise or within groups

Billing Item Check for Complaints with Reference to Billing Documents

This function checks whether an invoice correction item can be created for a billing item in a complaint with reference to a billing document. Features

The system checks whether the billing item was corrected in the past. If a difference calculation was carried out for the selected billing item once before, the billing item cannot be selected. The system points the user to the current and corrected billing item. For more information, see Difference Calculation.


The system checks whether the selected billing item already has an invoice correction item that was created for it, and whether that invoice correction item is still open. If this is the case, it is not possible to create an invoice correction item for this billing item.

At runtime, the system checks whether the selected billing item is selected in another complaint with reference to a billing document. In this way, you can avoid creating two invoice correction items at the same time for the same billing item.

Returns Authorization

You can use this process to create either a return material authorization (RMA) item or a scrapping authorization item for a released returns request item in a returns transaction, used part return transaction, or a complaint transaction. Prerequisites There is an existing transaction that includes a returns request item with status Released or Investigation Required. The following components are necessary for integration of the complete process:

SAP CRM SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC)

CRM Customizing Activities

You have defined item categories, item category usages, and item category determination according to your requirements in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Categories Usages and Define Item . Category Determination


You have defined action profiles and the actions themselves, which you have also assigned to these profiles. Creation of authorization items is triggered by an action. The standard system includes the following combinations of action profiles and actions for returns:
Technical Name of Action Profile

Description of Action Profile Returns Authorization Attachment

Technical Name of Action

Description of Action Automatic Returns Approval



If the action profiles delivered by SAP do not meet all your needs, you can define your own actions in Customizing. To do so, in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, choose Basic Functions Actions Actions in Transaction Change Actions and Conditions . Then define the schedule condition and start condition for Define Action Profiles and Actions

each action definition by choosing Define Conditions. For more information, see Post Processing Framework in CRM. CRM Product Master Data Depending on the Distribution Chain, in the product master data under Control Parameters: Complaints and Returns, you have selected the Returns Process indicator according to your needs. Possible values include:

<blank> Undefined A Returns with immediate storage B Returns with immediate scrapping C Returns with inspection E Scrap at customer site F Returns with external decision (Note: This means that follow-up activities are defined in goods receipt and are processed using SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM)).


Process Possible Authorization Items For an approved returns request item in a returns transaction, used part returns transaction, or complaint transaction, one of the following authorization items is created either manually or automatically, according to the standard Customizing settings:

Returns authorization (RMA) (item category RAIN) Authorization for scrapping at customer site (item category SAIC)

Status of Subitems Depending on the status of the main item, which is set by the automatic execution of business rules, the process is as follows:

Status Released The Post Processing Framework starts an action that automatically creates the authorization item and immediately releases it.

Status Investigation Required The Post Processing Framework starts an action that automatically creates the authorization item with an initial status of Open. You can change the quantity and status manually. You can also cancel the authorization item that was created automatically (status: Rejected) and use an action to manually create and release a new authorization item.

Determining Item Categories of Subitems For each product and sales area, you use the indicator for controlling the logistics process in returns (Returns Process) to indicate whether the product should be returned or scrapped. The system determines this indicator for returns request items and copies it into the Process Indicator field. You can change the value, if you like. Using an action that automatically creates the returns authorization (RETURN_ITEM), and depending on the Process Indicator, the system determines one of the following item category usages: 397

RETR Returns authorization SCRP Scrapping

Automatic determination of item category usage is dependent on Customizing and controls determination of the subitem for the returns request item. Depending on the item category usage, a subitem with category returns authorization or a subitem with category scrapping authorization is created. Returns Authorization If the item category usage is RETR, the following process is triggered:

A returns authorization item that contains the data for the physical return is created for the returns request item. The number of the return or complaint, together with the number of the subitem, results in the unique returns material authorization (RMA) number. The order quantity of the returns authorization item is determined as follows: The system copies the Approved Quantity from the returns request item into the Quantity field of the returns authorization item. This quantity is the order quantity, which you can change if necessary. If the returns authorization item is in a complaint with reference to a billing document that has an invoice correction, an invoice correction request item is also created as a subitem for the returns authorization item. For more information, see Actions for Complaint Items Without Returns.

After releasing the returns authorization item and saving the transaction in SAP CRM, the returns authorization item is replicated to SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) for the purpose of logistics processing. For more information, see Data Exchange for Complaints: SAP CRM SAP ECC.

Scrapping Authorization If the item category usage is SCRP, a subitem with type authorization for scrapping at customer site (category: SAIC) is created. This means that instead of sending back the part, the customer scraps it.


The system copies the Approved Quantity in the returns request item into the Quantity of the scrapping authorization item. You can change this quantity, if necessary. The assigned business partner (Responsible Scrapper) dictates who should create the scrapping confirmation: the customer or you, the manufacturer.

Using Complaints and Returns to Update Sales Contracts

This function allows you to use complaints and returns to update the values Released Quantity or Released Value in sales contract items, even if the sales contract cannot be determined using preceding transactions. In this case, the system uses contract determination. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the customer receives the price that was agreed upon in the contract for exactly the quantity or value specified in the contract. If there is no billing document as a preceding transaction for a complaint or return, the correct price is also determined, in case of a credit memo in the sales contract, for example. Integration This function is integrated with Sales Contracts. Prerequisites You have completed the following steps in Customizing:

You have defined copying control for conditions in the sales contract for complaints and returns. Make this setting in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Copying Control for Business Transactions Define Copying Control for Item Categories .

No sales contracts can be determined as preceding transactions for complaints and returns for which no billing documents exist as preceding transactions. In this case, you have defined that sales contract determination takes place. You have made the following settings in Customizing


for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transaction Types


Transactions Basic Settings Define

You have defined that contract determination takes place when complaints or returns are created. To do so, in section General, in field Contract Determ., you have selected an appropriate value for contract determination, such as Only at Item Level: Assign Immediately if Unique.

You have defined that a sales contract should be found. To do so, in view Customizing header, for business transaction type Complaints, in field Determination, you have selected the value Sales Contract. As a result, two new fields appear, in which you have made the following settings: Duration (Days): You have entered the number of days in the past (starting on the creation date of the complaint or return) the system should search for contracts whose validity period was already exceeded. Completed Sales Con.: You have defined whether contracts with status Completed should also be found.

Features If the customer (dealer) creates a complaint or return, the values for Released Quantity and Released Value are updated. The process is as follows:

For complaints with return items, the contract values are updated after the returns authorization item (object type Customer Return Item CRM BUS 2000161) is created. This update happens independently from the item quantity update.

For complaints without return items, such as an underdelivery or an overdelivery without a return request, the contract values are updated after the invoice correction item is created. For returns, the contract values are updated after the returns authorization item is created.

For complaints that were created with reference to a billing document, or for returns that were created with reference to a handling unit, the sales contract is determined and updated using the preceding transaction chains for billing documents and sales orders.


For complaints or returns for which the corresponding sales contract cannot be determined using preceding transactions (such as rapid returns or surplus returns), contract determination occurs. This means that the system uses the criteria customer (dealer), product, and sales organization to search for contract items for each return request item (object type Customer Complaint Item CRM BUS 2000160). The validity period, status, the fulfillment of the contract, and the item's creation date play the following roles during determination:

The system searches for contracts in which the creation date of the item falls within the validity date of the contract, which is not yet fulfilled and does not have status Completed. The system searches for contract items whose contract terms have expired before the creation date of the complaint item or return item, but were valid on at least one day in the time interval that you defined in Customizing.

If you have made the corresponding setting in Customizing, the system searches for contracts that have status Completed.

Depending on your settings in Customizing, the sales contract item is assigned to the returns request item either automatically or manually. After the sales contract item assignment, the price is determined in the sales contract, if it could not be determined previously by using a billing document as a preceding transaction. The price is used as the basis for creating a credit memo, for example. During pricing, the creation date of the return item and the pricing date play the following roles:

If the sales contract is still valid when the return item is created, the valid price at this time is determined. If the sales contract is no longer valid when the return item is created, the price on the last day of validity is used.

In the sales contract, assignment block Release History is available at both header level and item level. In this assignment block, you can see the release list with the corresponding sales orders as well as the relevant complaints and returns.

Inventory Adjustments Using Complaints


With this function, you can use an action from an SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) complaint item to trigger an inventory adjustment either in SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) or in SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP CRM), to ultimately correct inconsistencies between the invoice quantity and the delivered quantity. Prerequisites Customizing in SAP CRM

If necessary, you have adapted the data to the correction by using the Business Add-In (BAdI) BAdI: Definition for Mapping of Proof of Delivery Message. For example, you have changed the Remote Function Call (RFC) destination, or you have verified data such as sold-to party or delivery quantity. You can find this BAdI in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Settings for Complaints Integration Logistics Integration Business Add-Ins for Logistics Integration BAdI: Definition for Mapping of Proof of Delivery Message .

In the standard system, in the action profiles for Underdelivery (CL_SH) and Overdelivery (CL_OV), you will find action definitions with the action method COMPL_TRIGGER_POD. If you want to make changes, such as changing the scheduling conditions, use the activities Define Action Profiles and Actions and Define Conditions. You can find these activities in Customizing for Customer Relationship Managementby choosing Actions in Transaction Change Actions and Conditions . Basic Functions Actions

You can define the following processing parameters in the action method:

RFC_DEST: You can use this parameter to define the RFC destination if you do not want the destination to be read from the system parameters. REMOTE: You can use this parameter if the RFC call should be called asynchronously with a prefix, such as PODMSG. If you want to use the synchronous RFC call, exclude this parameter.

For more information, see Actions. Settings in SAP ECC


You have assigned a POD storage location to the delivery plant from the original outbound delivery in Customizing for SAP ECC by choosing Location for Shipper Discrepancies . Logistics Execution Service Parts Management (SPM) Cross-Process Settings (SPM) Proof of Delivery Define POD Storage

You have used transaction VV21 to assign output type RPOD to the delivery type of the original delivery. You have entered the following values:
o o o

Delivery Type: LF (Outbound delivery) Medium: 8 (Special function) Time: 4 (Send immediately (when data is saved))

For more information about Customizing in SAP ECC, see release note Proof of Delivery, which is linked to the Proof of Delivery node in SAP ECC in the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide. You can find this node by choosing Features

Logistics Execution Shipping Deliveries Proof of Delivery

The POD Message action is available in the following cases:

o o

Underdelivery Overdelivery

The POD Message action triggers an inventory adjustment either in SAP ECC or in SAP SCM right from an SAP CRM complaint item. The delivery discrepancy is communicated to the inventory management system in a proof of delivery message (POD message). The POD message contains the reason for the inconsistency in shipping (underdelivery or overdelivery), the outbound delivery quantity, and the quantity received by the customer.

Based on the quantity difference, a correction delivery is created for the original outbound delivery in SAP ECC.

The prerequisite for the invoice correction to be triggered is that the complaint item must be approved and a unique delivery item can be determined. The delivery item is determined using the unique assignment to the complaint item (complaint was created with reference to a delivery) or by using the following transaction chain: billing document, sales order, delivery (complaint was created with reference to a billing document item). A POD storage location must be assigned to the delivery plant from the original outbound delivery in SAP ECC.


Example In the invoice, 100 pieces were billed, but only 80 were delivered. The result is a difference in stock that triggers an inventory check in the outbound delivery warehouse in SAP ECC or SAP SCM. If the physical check does not show a difference, an inventory adjustment is run. More Information For more information about inventory adjustment in SAP SCM, in the SAP Library, choose SAP

Business Suite SAP Supply Chain Management SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM)

Physical Inventory Difference Analysis Delivery Processing Basic Functions in Delivery Processing Delivery Quantity Adjustment Quantity Differences for Stock Transfer Orders

Complaints with Reference to Trade Promotions

You create complaints with reference to trade promotions in the following case: You order a product and notice later on that the product is being offered at a lower price within the context of a trade promotion. This complaint triggers the system to create a credit memo for the original amount and a debit memo based on the product price that is valid during the trade promotion. You can create complaints with reference to a trade promotion either in the Customer Relationship Management WebClient user interface (CRM WebClient UI), in the Extended Complaints and Returns in E-Service application, or by using EDI. Integration Complaints with reference to trade promotions are integrated with trade promotion and with billing.


Prerequisites You have completed the following steps in Customizing for CRM:

Define transaction type You have defined transaction types in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Transaction Types .

Transaction type CLRP Complaint with Reference to Invoice is defined in the standard system. Use this transaction type as a template to create your own transaction types. In the General section, set the indicator Creation with Ref. Possible.

Define item category You have defined the corresponding item category in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Categories .

Transaction type CLBM Complaint with Ref. to Trade Promotion is defined in the standard system. Use this item category as a template to create your own item categories.

Assign business object type to transaction type You have assigned your own transaction type to the business object type in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Settings for Complaints . Integration Transaction Referencing Assign Business Object Types to Transaction Types

In the standard system, business object type CBMP belongs to the transaction type for complaints with reference to trade promotions. A trade promotion is defined as the preceding object for the complaint transaction, and the data is copied from the trade promotion into the complaint transaction. If you want to change an existing reference to a trade promotion, you must create your own implementation using the Business Add-In BAdI: Create Complaint with Reference to External Transaction. You can find this BAdI in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Settings for Complaints Integration Transaction Referencing .


Define action profile for the item category with two action definitions: one for credit memos and one for debit memos You have defined actions and action profiles in Customizing for SAP Customer Relationship Management by choosing Basic Functions Actions Actions in Transaction Change Actions . Then define the schedule condition and and Conditions Define Action Profiles and Actions profiles are available in the standard system:
Technical Name of Action Profile Description of Action Profile Description of Action Definition Complaint-Based Marketing Program Credit Memo Complaint-Based Marketing Program Debit Memo

start condition for each action definition by choosing Define Conditions. The following action

Action Definition


ComplaintBased Marketing Program



For more information, see Actions.

Action profile COMPL_MKT_PRG is assigned to item category CLBM You have assigned action profile COMPL_MKT_PRG to item category CLBM in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Basic Functions Actions Actions in . Transaction Assign Action Profile to the Item Category

Define usage type You have defined the usage type in Customizing: Customer Relationship Management Marketing Marketing Planning and Campaign Management Basic Data Define Usage Type

Assign marketing usage types to transaction types You have assigned the marketing usage type to the transaction type in Customizing: Customer Relationship Management Transactions Additional Settings Assign Marketing Usage Types to Transaction Types

Define usage for a trade promotion type


To be able to use an existing trade promotion type for this scenario, you must have assigned the appropriate usage type to the trade promotion type (campaign type) in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Marketing Marketing Planning and Campaign . Management Basic Data Define Types/Objectives/Tactics You have made the following settings in a trade promotion:

To be able to use a trade promotion for this scenario, in field Usage Type, you must have selected the value Complaint-Based Marketing Program.


You can create complaints for a trade promotion. To do so, after an appropriate search, select a trade promotion from the result list and one or more products that you see in the associated item list. Then, create the complaint. The following assumes one product.

The following checks occur during complaint creation:


If the trade promotion (campaign) is complaint relevant, is the Usage Type of the trade promotion Complaint-Based Marketing Program? Is the trade promotion still valid? Is the customer included in the marketing segment of the trade promotion? Are the products to which the trade promotion refers included in the trade promotion?

o o o

After you have entered the quantity in the item and changed the status to Released, use Back to leave the page and save the transaction. The system uses the assigned actions to automatically assign two subitems: one for the credit memo with the base price of the product and one for the debit memo with the price for the product that is valid during the trade promotion.

The complaint can be applied in the context of automatic execution of business rules for investigations.

Example A customer (dealer) bought five pieces of product A for the base price of EUR 100 per piece. After billing, the customer notices that the product was sold at a discount of EUR 10 per piece during a trade promotion. The customer enters a complaint about the five pieces by creating a complaint with reference to the trade promotion.


The result of the complaint is that a credit memo in the amount of EUR 500 is issued, along with a debit memo of EUR 450.


The system uses the automatic execution of business rules to automatically decline or release Complaints, Complaints with Reference to Billing Documents, Returns, or Used Part Returns. If the circumstances are unclear according to defined criteria, or if automatic processing should not take place for certain defined criteria, the transaction is transferred to the workflow for investigations. The system determines the employees responsible and forwards the transaction to them. An investigation allows you to filter out critical transactions such as complaints, returns, or used part returns, and process them at the research, analysis, and approval processing levels. The end result is that the documents are approved or declined. Prerequisites You have made all necessary Customizing settings under Transactions Settings for Investigations Process The following graphic illustrates how the processing levels in an investigation fit together: . Customer Relationship Management


1. An item is processed using the automatic execution of business rules. This method leads to one of the following results:
o o o

Automatic release (system statuses I2216 and I1004 are activated) Automatic decline (system status I2214) Trigger investigation (system status I2212)

When status I2212 (investigation required) is set, the system starts workflow CRM_MI (WS15100038). 2. At the same time the system starts the investigation, it also defines an agent group for the analysis processing level that is responsible for the investigation process. 3. Within the responsible analysis agent group, the system uses the Business Add-In (BAdI) BAdI: Determination of Work Item Recipients (CRM_MI_PROC_DET) to determine the system users. The first work item in the workflow inbox of the Business Workplace is then delivered to these users. 4. The goal of an investigation is to approve or decline an item manually, since the item could not be approved or declined automatically. 5. The analyzer can now either manually make a status decision (approve manually or decline manually) right away, or he or she can first consult the research processing level before making the decision. 6. The research processing level has the task of contributing special information that may not be easily accessible for the analyzer to the investigation process. Examples of such specialized information include special warehouse data or information from external partners.


Agents on the research level complete their processing by offering a suggestion (Approve or Decline) for the analyzer's decision about this item. This suggestion does not change the status of the item, however. The agent groups on the research level are always consulted in parallel. In other words, the analyzer can have an item processed by various agent groups on the research level at the same time. When all the research agent groups have completed their work items, the item returns to the analyzer, who can then make the final status decision. 7. BAdI: Check Whether Approval Is Required (CRM_MI_APPROVER) controls whether an approval step is necessary for a status decision, or whether the decision takes effect immediately. If the BAdI logic requires approval, following the analyzers status decision, another work item is created for an agent group in the approval level. The agent group is also determined with BAdI: Check Whether Approval Is Required (CRM_MI_APPROVER). Further approval can also be requested for the approvers decision, if necessary. 8. The approval process is completed when the BAdI: Check Whether Approval Is Required (CRM_MI_APPROVER) does not request any further approvals. At this point, the status decision that was made last is effective, and the investigation process ends. More Information

In a business transaction item that is processed in an investigation, if you click on the status of the investigation, the Investigation screen appears. This screen contains comprehensive information, such as Decisions and Reasons why an investigation was necessary. The agent group to which you are assigned dictates which reason codes you can see, however.

For more information, see Customizing for Customer Relationship Management and choose Transactions Settings for Investigations .



You can use this function in the following situations:

A customer (dealer) returns goods delivered to him or her (products of type Material). A customer (dealer) sends back to you remanufactured products or service parts that were not yet used. The customer may also have paid a deposit for these parts and remanufactured products.

For information about returning used parts, see Used Part Returns. You can create returns either in the Customer Relationship Management WebClient user interface (CRM WebClient UI), in the Extended Complaints and Returns in E-Service application, or by using EDI. Depending on the type of return, you can create a return using the following options:

Create as a follow-up transaction to one of the following transactions:

o o

Sales orders Service process with sales items Marketing campaign Marketing campaign element Recall (product service letter)

Create with reference to the following objects

o o o

Create without reference


In the CRM product master data, and depending on the distribution chain, in the control data for complaints and returns, you have made the following settings for service parts:
o o

For the Returnable indicator, you have selected either Possible or Not Specified. For the Used Part Indicator, you have selected either <blank> (New/Remanufactured Part) or B (Used/New/Remanufactured Part).

You have completed Customizing for Returns. To be able to send invitations for surplus returns, you must have completed the following in Customizing:

In SAP GUI under SAPconnect administration (transaction SCOT), you have made the required settings so that you can send electronic recalls. For more information, see SAPconnect (BC-SRV-COM).


In the business partner, you have made settings for the communication path for invitations to the recipient responsible, for example, invitation by e-mail, by fax, and so on.

Features Depending on Customizing in the standard system, you can create returns with returns request items for the following returns types:

Standard returns Surplus returns SPL-requested returns Recall returns Rapid returns

Depending on the returns type, you create the return with or without reference to a preceding transaction. You can use authorization groups to prevent fields in the transaction from being overwritten under certain defined conditions. For more information, see Authorization Check at Field Level. The returns types each have a different business-related background: Standard Returns For example, standard returns can be used in the following case:

A customer has ordered a specific article via mail order in many different sizes or colors and returns some of the goods after trial and examination. There is no quality defect in this case, so there is no complaint preceding this return. Customers usually enclose a returns form in which they state the reasons for return and specify the order to which the return refers. Surplus Returns Surplus returns are how vendors accommodate their customers (dealers) by enabling them to return parts that they did not sell in quantities as high as they expected. Invitations to reduce surpluses take place


either at regular intervals, or are one-time events. The invitation can refer to certain service parts, or it can be left to the customer (dealer) to decide which parts to return. The invitation provides the customer (dealer) with all the data that he or she needs to create the return and send back the parts:

Reference number Products or product list (optional) Validity period (optional)

After the customer receives the invitation, he or she creates a surplus return with reference to the marketing campaign item in the dealer portal. Regular surplus returns run in waves. Each wave is divided into two periods:

First period: The customer (dealer) can create returns requests within a specified time period. Second period: The customer (dealer) cannot create returns requests, however, goods can be received by the vendor within a specified time period.

The surplus returns are processed via a marketing campaign with campaign elements. Among other things, the marketing campaign contains the following information:

Identification of the marketing campaign element (reference number) Start- and end date of the first period Start- and end date of the second period Product list (optional) Business partners: List of customers (target group) You use Graphical Modeling of Segments to specify the target group, that is, all customers (dealers) who have purchased the service part.

Invitation recipients with the communication channel that was determined The system determines this information as follows:

Invitation recipients


The system checks whether there are one or more contact persons for the business partner from the target group: If there are multiple contact persons, the system checks whether there is a main contact person. If there are multiple contact persons but no main contact person, the system automatically takes the first contact person in the list. If no contact person exists, the business partner defined in the target group of the marketing campaign is used; for example, company, organization, and so on.

Communication path for sending the invitation You can send the invitation by e-mail, fax, or letter, for example. The invitation contains the reference number and the corresponding service part (optional). If no communication path for sending the invitation is specified, the default invitation is a printed letter sent by mail.

Ship-to party for returns (optional)

For more information, see Surplus Returns Campaigns. SPL-Requested Returns Because of delivery bottlenecks for a service part, customers (dealers) who bought this part perform a search for it. The SPL-requested return is processed using a marketing campaign. The marketing campaign includes the following information:

Identification of the marketing campaign (reference number) Business partners: List of dealers (target group) Invitation recipients with the communication channel that was determined Product with required quantity Ship-to party for the returns (in the case of third-party order processing, this is another dealer)

For more information, see SPL-Requested Returns Campaigns. 414

Invitation recipients with the communication channel that was determined For more information, see the item of the same name in section "Surplus Returns".

In the campaign for SPL-requested returns, you can find information about the quantities still needed to complete the campaign in the Quantity Statistics assignment block. According to this information, you can then create and release the appropriate returns authorization items. Recall Returns For more information, see Service Recall Processing: Returning Service Parts. Rapid Returns You use rapid returns to process exceptional cases. Normally, you can only create a return for a product that is indicated in the product master as being returnable. To accommodate your customers (dealers), you can use this returns type to process a return for a product indicated as not returnable. A rapid return is always created without a preceding transaction and is a return triggered by the customer (dealer).

remanufactured product (SCM-APO-MD)

Master Data (SCM-APO-MD)
A product that contains a rebuilt core component of the original product. A remanufactured product can be remanufactured or reworked multiple times. Each rework results in a new remanufactured product.

SAPconnect (BC-SRV-COM)


SAPconnect provides a standard interface for external communication, which supports sending using telecommunication services, such as FAX, text messages (pager/SMS), Internet mail and X.400, as well as sending to printers and between different SAP Systems. It enables external communication components to be connected to the SAP System. SAPconnect provides a direct connection to the Internet through the SMTP plug-in of the SAP Web Application Server. This enables you to send and receive Internet mails, faxes and text messages (pager/SMS) directly, without having to use additional external communication systems. For more information, see SMTP Configuration Guide. You are also able to send packed text messages (pager/SMS) to external servers or providers as URLs. For more information, see HTTP Configuration Guide.


The graphic shows the SAP components that may be part of the message exchange process using SAPconnect:
SAP applications, such as CRM with e-mail campaigns Business Workplace Smart Forms PPF (for alerts)

All components use the BCS (Business Communication Services) to send messages. The BCS communicate with SAPconnect. SAPconnect then communicates with the outside world by SMTP, RFC or http. Independent to these components, there is also address management, which manages the sender and recipient addresses for all of them.



SAPconnect can be used to create links to various types of communication components and communication systems:
The SMTP Plug In This enables e-mail exchange between the SAP system and each SMTP mail server, without having to use additional external components. Exchanging faxes and text messages (pager/SMS) using SMTP is also possible. For this, faxes and messages are packed as e-mails. The HTTP Plug In This enables text messages (pager/SMS) to be sent to external text message servers or providers as URLs. Fax servers, text message (pager/SMS) servers, SMTP gateways or X.400 gateways that support the SAPconnect RFC interface (provided by SAP software partners) Other SAP systems Printers

The following graphic shows the different communication paths that Internet mails, faxes and SMS messages can travel to and from the SAP system:

The following communication paths are available:

Two SAP systems exchange messages through SAPconnect and an RFC connection. An SAP system uses SAPconnect and RFC to communicate with an external communication system (fax server, text message (pager/SMS) server, SMTP- or X.400-Gateway) that forwards Internet mails, faxes, SMS or X.400 messages. An SAP system uses SAPconnect and the SMTP plug-in to communicate with the Internet directly to send e-mails, or with a paging/fax server or provider that forwards SMS messages and faxes. An SAP system uses SAPconnect and the HTTP plug-in to communicate with a paging provider that forwards SMS messages.

Additional Information


If you are using the SMTP plug-in, you can find information about configuring your system under SMTP Configuration Guide. This is the configuration recommended by SAP. For detailed information about the settings for external communication, see Administration. For information about monitoring sending and error analysis, see Monitoring Sending and Error Analysis.

Authorization Check at Field Level

You can use this function to determine which actions a user can execute for specific fields in a business transaction, such as a sales- or service order. You can for example, allow specific users to change the fields in a business transaction. It is therefore possible to allow only those employees with special authorization to change quantities retroactively after the sales order has been delivered. In addition, you can use the authorization check not only for individual fields, but also for a business transaction component's entire table entry, such as order item, partner, and transaction history. This enables an advanced and targeted authorization check. You can influence the following user actions (modes) by using the authorization check:

Create Display Change Delete

The Create and Delete modes are only available when using the entire business transaction component. As a result, you cannot enter field names in the IMG activity Define Authorization Group. When you choose the Display and Change modes, you must specify a field name to which the action should relate.

You can hide fields for certain users by using the Display mode for the appropriate field (see prerequisites) in the IMG activity Define Authorization Group in Customizing. This is only supported by CRM E-Commerce.


You can find more information about the use of this function in CRM E-Commerce in the SAP Implementation Guide (IMG), under Settings Define Authorizations Prerequisites

Customer Relationship Management Web Channel Basic

You have created an authorization with reference to authorization object CRM_FLDCHK, assigned this authorization to an authorization profile, and assigned this profile to the corresponding user.

When you create the authorization with reference to the authorization object CRM_FLDCHK , you can only specify one value (whole number) for the Authorization Level field. The authorization check cannot process ranges (for example, 1 12) or multiple values (for example, 5,7,9).

You have defined authorization groups in Customizing and assigned fields to them. An authorization group is a type of field group, and consists of a collection of fields. You make the entries for this in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, under Authorizations Define Authorization Group

Basic Functions

For performance reasons, you should determine the rules for the authorization check carefully. Only use the asterisk value (*, = all transaction types) in the IMG activity Maintain Authorizations at Field Level, in the columns Transaction Type and Item Category, if all the transaction types or item categories should be analyzed for this authorization rule in the authorization check.

You have assigned an authorization level for each authorization group in Customizing in connection with the key fields transaction type, item category, and delivery status. You make these entries manually in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, at Functions Authorizations Maintain Authorizations at Field Level CRMM_AUTH_FIELD with these entries.


. You fill the control table


Control table CRMM_AUTH_FIELD is created as a master data table, and therefore cannot be transported. For this reason, you should maintain this control table in your productive system. Features When you have made the necessary settings in Customizing for SAP CRM, the system performs the authorization check at field level when processing a sales transaction. To be able to perform an authorization check at field level, the system analyzes specific information during the check. This includes:

Key fields (transaction type, item category, and delivery status) that control whether the rule can be applied. The rule is only applied if the values of the key fields in the transaction agree with those of the key fields in the control table CRMM_AUTH_FIELD.

Authorization level from the authorization object of the user. The user receives a specific authorization level via an authorization object. The authorization object contains the following fields:
o o o

Activity Authorization group Authorization level

Other entries in the control table, such as authorization group and authorization level for each authorization group.

In the authorization check, the system analyzes the control table CRMM_AUTH_FIELD and checks whether the authorization level from the control table is higher or lower than the authorization level in the user's authorization object. If the users authorization level in his or her authorization object is at least as high as the authorization level in the control table, he or she is permitted to overwrite the field. If his or her authorization level is lower than that in the control table, he or she cannot change the field. If a field is assigned to multiple authorization groups, then all the authorization groups are checked independently of each other. The user must have authorization for all the authorization groups in the required level. If the control table does not contain any data, the authorization check is not carried out. Adding Additional Key Fields


You can use a Business Add-In (BAdI) to make further fields available for the authorization check at field level. The Transaction Type, Item Category, and Delivery Status fields are shipped for this purpose as standard. If you want to use more fields (which you have added to the control table CRMM_AUTH_FIELD) for the authorization check, you can calculate the values of these additional fields with this BAdI and transfer them to the authorization check. For more information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) at Basic Functions Authorizations Define Authorization Groups Fields.

Customer Relationship Management and Business Add-In for Checking

If you have added additional key fields, you must assign an asterisk to them in the IMG activity Maintain Authorizations at Field Level. This is the only way to ensure that the rules previously created for the authorization check are correctly analyzed by the system. Example Simple Example for "Change Fields" Authorization a) Customizing Settings in the IMG Activity Define Authorization Group Definition of authorization group 0001 Authorization group 0001 consists of the following fields:

Quantity Customizing Data

Object Name SCHEDLN

Logical Key No entry


Mode Change

Unit of Measurement Customizing Data

Logical Key No entry

Object Name PRODUCT_I


Mode Change


Definition of authorization group 0002 Authorization group 0002 consists of the following fields:

Pricing Date Customizing Data

Object Name PRICING

Logical Key No entry


Mode Change

Price Lists Customizing Data

Object Name PRICING Logical Key No entry


Mode Change

b) Customizing Settings in the IMG Activity Maintain Authorizations at Field Level The following entries are maintained in the control table CRMM_AUTH_FIELD: Entries in the Control Table

Transaction Type TA TA

Item Category TAN TAN

Authorization Group 1 2

Authorization level 15 10

c) Authorization Object CRM_FLDCHK The user has the following authorizations:

Authorization group 0001 Authorization group 0002

Authorization level 6 Authorization level 12

d) Outcome from Sample Data


When the user creates a sales order with transaction type TA and item category TAN, he or she cannot change the fields of authorization group 0001 (Quantity and Unit of Measure), as he or she only has authorization level 6 for this, and this value is below authorization level 15 from the control table. The user can, however, change the fields of authorization group 0002 in the order (Pricing Date and Price List), as he or she has authorization level 12, which is above authorization level 10 from the control table. More Complex Examples for Business Transaction Components

Order Item (ORDERADM_I) You can allow users to change or display the individual fields of business transaction component Order Item (ORDERADM_I), but only in CRM E-Commerce. In the IMG activity Define Authorization Group for example, choose the following entries:
Logical Key No entry Field Name

Object Name



Mode Change or Display

You can allow the creation or deletion of order items for the entire business transaction component. In the IMG activity Define Authorization Group for example, choose the following entries:
Logical Key No entry Field Name No entry

Object Name


Mode Create or Delete

Partner (PARTNER) You can allow users to change or display the individual fields of business transaction component PARTNER, but only in CRM E-Commerce. In the IMG activity Define Authorization Group for example, choose the following entries:
Object Name Logical Key Field Name



Mode Change or Display


You can allow the creation or deletion of partners in the business transaction for the entire business transaction component. In the IMG activity Define Authorization Group for example, choose the following entries:

Object Name PARTNER

Logical Key No entry

Field Name No entry

Mode Create or Delete

With the assignment of a logical key, you can make the authorization check even more detailed for entire subobjects or fields of a subobject in a business transaction component. For example, you can permit only a specific authorization group to change the corresponding fields of object Partner that exclusively relate to the partner function Ship-To Party (logical key: 00000002). In the IMG activity Define Authorization Group for example, choose the following entries:

Logical Key 2 2

Field Name No entry CITY

Mode Create or Delete Change or Display

If there is no logical key available for the entire business transaction component or for part of it, the rule is valid for all subobjects. For example, for the object Partner, the rule is valid for all partner functions. If you select the field ADDR_NR for the business transaction component PARTNER and the logical key 00000002, you can prevent unauthorized users from being able to change the complete delivery address in the sales order.

Transaction History (DOC_FLOW) You can control actions for campaigns and trade promotions by using the object Transaction History, and thereby determine whether a specific authorization group can change or display a


campaign or trade promotion. (Only supported in CRM E-Commerce). In the IMG activity Define Authorization Group for example, choose the following entries:
Object Name Logical Key Field Name Mode Change or Display




If you have activated the function Multiple Campaigns or Trade Promotions, you can then use this function to influence whether specific users can create or delete campaigns or trade promotions. In the IMG activity Define Authorization Group, choose the following entries:

Object Name

Logical Key

Field Name No entry



Mode Create or Delete

The logical key BUS2010020 is valid for all campaign-business-object types: campaigns, campaign elements, trade promotions, or trade promotion elements.

Graphical Modeling of Segments

A separate graphical modeler interface is available for modeling segments. Integration Since the graphical modeler was specifically designed for use in marketing and campaign planning, it is closely integrated with the campaign/trade promotion, from which it can also be accessed. Integration with Analytical CRM enables you to run RFM analyses.



You have made the Customizing settings for how the distribution of attributes is to be represented in the detail area of the graphical modeler (pie chart, bar chart, and so on). You can find these settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Marketing Segmentation Define Attribute Types and Assign Attribute Types to Display Types

You have set up an attribute list containing all the attributes required for profile modeling.

Features Functions and navigation in the modeling interface The design and functionality of the graphical modeling interface is illustrated in the following figure:

The screen is divided into the following sections: Locator area You can use the search function to search for all attributes and attribute lists that can be edited during segmentation. Using drag and drop, you can move attributes from the locator area to the staging area.


Staging area The area where the profile modeling itself takes place. You drag the relevant attributes from the locator area to the staging area and drop them onto the profile to determine how the attribute is combined with other attributes. When the cursor is placed over the profile, the system displays the three options Keep, Remove, and Split. Place the cursor over the required option and release the mouse button. Details Area Displays data on the distribution of attribute values among business partners in graphic form (pie chart, graph, bar chart). The way in which the data is displayed can be specified in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under Customer Relationship Management Marketing Segmentation .

To display the distribution, click the attribute in the locator area with the secondary mouse button and choose Display Distribution. You can also see the number of business partners for which no values are maintained for this attribute in the chart legend under No Values. The number of business partners for which another attribute value is maintained for this attribute is displayed under Other. History In this area, you see which attributes were selected in the modeling process. Overview of Icons The following table describes the functions of the pushbuttons.
Icon Description Profile set Additional Information A marketing segment of type profile set. If a target group is attached to the profile, this will be indicated by the target group icon (see below) appearing over the profile icon. Only active target groups can be used in marketing projects. If a target group is inactive, this icon appears over the target group icon. Indicates that a target group, profile, or profile set is locked.

Profile Indicates an active target group Indicates that a target group is inactive Lock indicator


Surplus Returns Campaigns

A surplus returns campaign is a special type of campaign that serves as an invitation for dealers to return parts that are not selling as quickly as expected. This campaign occurs in timed waves, and is implemented in Marketing with a marketing project hierarchy consisting of campaigns and campaign elements. Integration The dealer can browse for returns campaigns in the dealer portal using different search criteria, such as the product, dealer number, or date ranges. For the returns campaign to be visible in the dealer portal, it must be released and the current date must be within the planned date range. From the search list, the dealer can select a campaign to see further details. The dealer can then create a returns request with reference to this campaign. For more information, see Claims and Returns. Prerequisites

In Customizing, you have created a campaign type for surplus returns campaigns. See Customizing for Customer Relationship Management Marketing Marketing Planning and . Customer Relationship Campaign Management Basic Data Define Types/Objectives/Tactics

In Customizing, you have set up the additional date ranges of the period types Creation Subsequent Document and Goods Receipt. For more information, see Additional Date Ranges . Management Marketing Marketing Planning and Campaign Management Basic Data Define

If you want to use partner determination, you have made the necessary settings in Customizing at Customer Relationship Management Marketin Marketing Planning and Campaign Management Partner Processing Assign Partner Determination Procedure .

In Customizing, you have set up an action profile with a generic action that can be assigned to campaign tasks. For more information, see Customizing for Conditions Define Action Profiles and Actions the following:

Customer Relationship

Management Basic Functions Actions Actions in Marketing Planning Change Actions and . In this Customizing activity, you have done

Created a new action profile


Created an action in this action profile, and set the processing time to Processing using selection report and Schedule Automatically On the Action Merging tab, set the Number of Processed Actions to 1 Max. Under Processing Types, set the Permitted Processing Types of Actions to Method call Provided settings for the method call, and created a new implementation with implementing class CL_IM_CREATE_SIBLING

o o o

Features In addition to the standard features of a marketing campaign, surplus returns campaigns have certain specific features:

Surplus returns campaigns have a designated campaign type that you select in the type field under General Data. Surplus returns campaigns occur in timed waves, as represented by the structure of the marketing project hierarchy.

The higher-level, or superordinate campaign in the hierarchy lists the Planned Start and Planned End dates for the campaign.

Under General Data for a campaign element, the following date fields are displayed:

Planned Date Range This is the date range of the first wave

Subsequent Document These date fields show the time frame in which the dealer must create the returns request in the dealer portal.

Goods Receipt The customer has to deliver the products to the manufacturer by this date. The Goods Receipt date range usually starts immediately after the Creation Subsequent Document date range.


Under Segments, you can see the assigned target group, which consists of dealers who are allowed to participate in the campaign. For more information, see Target Groups. In a surplus returns campaign, the Partners assignment block can list one partner with the partner function Ship-To Party. The Channels assignment block specifies how dealers will find out about the campaign (for example, notification by e-mail), and the mail form. For more information, see Personalized Mail. The Action assignment block has an action profile with an action that automatically executes the current wave and creates the new wave. In a surplus returns campaign, the starting condition for the action is fulfilled when the current date equals the planned start date specified in the campaign element.

Assigning products under Products is optional in a surplus returns campaign. It is not possible to assign a quantity for a product. Activities To execute a surplus returns campaign: 1. You set up a marketing hierarchy that consists of one higher-level, or superordinate, campaign, and a lower-level campaign element that occurs in the first wave. 2. In the first campaign element you specify the planned date and subsequent date ranges. The planned start date is usually a Monday. The goods receipt range is optional. In a typical case like this, the goods receipt date range is determined for each dealer individually. The date range stretches from the date when the returns request is approved, until the date that is calculated by interpreting a specific attribute in the dealer master data. 3. You need to schedule a job that periodically starts actions that are assigned to the waves of the campaigns. When the planned start date is reached, the current wave is released and executed to the communication channel, for example, dealers receive the invitation by e-mail. Dealers can browse for the current wave in the dealer portal.

The system creates the next campaign element automatically. The planned start date for the campaign element is the first Monday after the planned end date of the copied campaign element or if this Monday is not a working day to the first working day after it. All other dates 430

(planned end date, start and end date of the subsequent document period and in the case of option 1, for the definition of the goods receipt period start and end date of the goods receipt period) are shifted by the same number of days of the planned start date. All other attributes are copied. More Information Dealer Portal Claims and Returns Target Groups Personalized Mail

Customizing for Returns

The settings that are particular to returns that you must make in Customizing as well as the existing settings in the standard system are described below. Activities Define Transaction Types and Item Categories Define transaction types and item categories in Customizing for SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) by choosing Categories . Transactions Basic Settings Define Transaction Types and Define Item

The following transaction types and item categories are available in the standard system:
Transaction Type CRMR UUPR Item Category for Main Item CRMR UUSU UURC UURP UPRR Return for Used Parts UPRE

Description Return Return for New Parts

Description Return Surplus Return Recall Return Rapid Return Used Part Returns Request



Return to Customer Return to Remanufacturer


Delivery to Customer Delivery to Remanufacturer

Create your own transaction types and item categories according to your needs. Use generic transaction type UUPR Return for New Parts as a template to create new transaction types for recall returns, rapid returns, and surplus returns. The following item categories are available in the standard system as possible subitems for the main item categories:

Description Debit Memo Request Credit Memo Request Free-of-Charge Substitute Delivery Return Authorization (RMA) Return Authorization for Vendor (TPOP) Authorization for Scrapping at Customer Scrapping in Plant (RMA)

If you want to create your own item categories, use the item categories in the standard system as templates. All necessary settings exist for the item categories in the standard system. To check the settings, choose Customizing Item for business transaction type Complaint. For more information, see the field help (F1) for the individual fields. Item categories RAIN, RAIS, SAIC, and RASC are generic item categories that can be used for returns for complaints with reference to billing documents. Therefore, it is best to create copies of these item categories. Subitems can also have subitems. For more information, see Returns Authorization. Define Item Category Usage You can make the settings for item category usage in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Categories Usages .


The item category usages that are available in the standard system include:

Debit memo correction DBIC Returns request RERQ Returns authorization RETR Return delivery vendor RETS Debit memo DEB Scrapping SCRP Credit memo CRED

Define Item Category Determination Use item category determination to assign main items and subitems to one another in Customizing for CRM by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Category Determination .

Since these assignments are dependent upon your business processes, there are no settings in the standard system. Copying Data into a Follow-Up Transaction

Defining copying control If you want to create a return with reference to product service letters, service transactions, or sales transactions, you must indicate this preference in Customizing for CRM by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Copying Control for Business Transactions Define Copying Control for Transaction Types

and Define Copying Control for Item Categories.

This setting is already made in the standard system for transaction type CRMR. For more information, see Copying Business Transactions.

Assigning business object types for transaction referencing to transaction types If you want to create a return with reference to a marketing campaign or product service letter, assign business object types and transaction types to one another in Customizing for Customer


Relationship Management by choosing

Transactions Settings for Complaints Integration .

Transaction Referencing Assign Business Object Types to Transaction Types

Use business object type MCE for marketing campaigns and PSL for recall returns. The business object types serve as filter values. The corresponding implementations are in Customizing for CRM under to External Transaction . Transactions Settings

for Complaints Integration Transaction Referencing BAdI: Create Complaint with Reference

Define Action Profiles and Assigned Actions Define actions and action profiles in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Basic Functions Actions Actions in Transaction Change Actions and Conditions Define Action Profiles and Actions .

Then define the schedule condition and start condition for each action definition by choosing Define Conditions. The following actions and action profiles are available in the standard system:

Technical Name of Action Profile

Technical Name of Action

Description of Action

Usage for Transaction Type or Item Category For transaction type CRMR



Print Offer Create Task



Credit Memo Debit Memo Substitute delivery Create Task

For item category CRMR





Release RTTC Automatic Returns Approval

For transaction types UUPR, UPRR For item categories UURC, UURP, UUSU, UPRE


Define Buttons for Actions You can define labels and symbols for the buttons that you want to use in your returns document. To do so, in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management choose Complaints Define Pushbuttons for Actions . Transactions Settings for

For more information about actions, see Actions. Assign Action Profile to Transaction Type and Item Category Assign the respective action profile and other data to the transaction types and the item categories according to the table below. You can do so in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Basic Functions Actions Actions in Transaction Assign Action Profile to the Business . Transaction Type and Assign Action Profile to the Item Category
Partner Determination Procedure 17 98 99 98 98 Partner Determination Procedure 10000001 RAIN_ITM RAIS_ITM SCRAP001 RAIN_ITM 10000001 RETURNI RETURNI RETURNI 10000098 7 7 7 7 7 BILLING RMA_ITEM RMA_ITEM RMA_ITEM RMA_ITEM

Transaction Type CRMR Copy of UUPR Copy of UUPR Copy of UUPR UPRR Item Category CRMR Copy of RAIN Copy of RAIS Copy of SAIC Copy of RASC L2N UURC UURP UUSU UPRE

Description Return Recall Return Rapid Return Surplus Return Return for Used Part

Org. Data Profile 12 99 99 99 99



Description Return Return Authorization (RMA) Return Authorization for Vendor (TPOP) Authorization for Scrapping at Customer Scrapping in Plant (RMA) Debit Memo Request Recall Return Rapid Return Surplus Return Used Part Returns

Org. Data Profile 7 7 7 7


Action Profile RETURN_ITEM



Request RTTC RTTR Delivery to Customer Delivery to Remanufacturer RTTC0002 RTTR0002 RTTC00000001 7

Data Exchange for Returns Between SAP CRM and SAP ECC For more information about prerequisites for the data exchange between SAP CRM and SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC), see Data Exchange for Complaints: SAP CRM SAP ECC.

Creating Returns

You can use this process in the following situations:

A customer (dealer) returns goods delivered to him or her (products of type Material). A customer (dealer) sends back remanufactured products or service parts that were not yet used. The customer may also have paid a deposit for the service parts or remanufactured products.

You can create returns either in the Customer Relationship Management WebClient user interface (CRM WebClient UI), in the Extended Complaints and Returns in E-Service application, or by using EDI. Prerequisites You have made the necessary settings according to Customizing for Returns. Process Creating Returns Without Reference to a Preceding Transaction You create SAP standard returns (item category CRMR) and rapid returns (copy of item category UURP) without reference to a preceding transaction as follows: 1. Choose the returns type Returns or Rapid Returns. 2. Enter the header data. 3. Enter a returns request item for the product that is to be returned.


The system does not check the returns request items in standard returns. The returns request item is also the authorization item. For the returns request item for rapid returns, the system checks whether the product can be returned. In the item category for the rapid returns, the system also evaluates the Check Returns Product Against Product Master field. If the value A - Only Non-Returnable Products Allowed is chosen, the Returnable indicator is read for the product in the product master. The only time when no error messages appear during creation of returns request items is when, for the Returnable field, the value Not Possible is chosen. In the product master, the field Used Part Indicator must not be set to Used Part.

Enter details. Use the available assignment blocks to enter details.

4. In Categorization, enter the reason for the return for each item. Creating Returns as Follow-Up Transactions You create SAP standard returns (item category CRMR) as follow-up transactions as follows: 1. Call up a sales order or service order with sales item(s). 2. Use the Create Follow-Up function to create a returns transaction. The items contained in the preceding transaction appear for you to choose from. You can decide which items you want to copy into the return. 3. Complete the item data by entering any missing data, such as quantities of products that are to be returned. 4. Enter details. Use the available assignment blocks to enter details. 5. In Categorization, you choose the appropriate predefined entries. Creating Returns With Reference to a Preceding Transaction You create surplus returns, recall returns, and SPL-requested returns for a preceding transaction as follows: 1. Choose the type of return.


2. On the screen Search Reference Document, search for the relevant reference transaction using appropriate search criteria, such as reference number and sold-to party. You can find this information in the letter describing the return. The system checks whether the following conditions have been met:
o o

The status of the preceding transaction is Released. Surplus returns: The creation date falls within the start date and end date of the first period of the marketing campaign element, and the campaign type or campaign element matches the return type.

Surplus returns and SPL-requested returns: The campaign type or campaign element and the returns type match. For more information about surplus returns and SPL-requested returns, see Returns.

Recall returns: If the validity period is entered in the recall, the creation date must fall within the validity period. For more information, see Service Recall Processing: Returning Service Parts.

3. The system displays the items in the reference transaction. 4. Select the desired items and choose Create Return. For surplus returns without a product, the marketing campaign element does not appear in the copy list. 5. The system creates a return with a returns request item (=main item) and transfers the data for the selected items into this transaction.

For surplus returns with a product, SPL-requested returns, and recall returns, any manually-created returns request items with a different product cause error messages. Create all other items using a reference transaction.

If you create a campaign element with no products for a surplus return, but at the same time you want to prevent customers from returning certain products, set the Exclude indicator in assignment block Products of the campaign element. When you create a


surplus return, you see these products in the item list, but they cannot be copied into the return. 6. For surplus returns in which the marketing campaign element does not contain any products, enter the product. The system checks whether the product can be returned:

For the appropriate item category, the system evaluates the Check Returns Product Against Product Master field. If the value Only Returnable Products Allowed is chosen, the Returnable indicator is read for the product in the product master. The only time when no error messages appear during creation of returns request items is when, for the Returnable field, the value Possible or Not Specified is chosen.

In the product master, the Used Part Indicator must not be set to Used Part.

7. You enter serial numbers for returns whose service parts are serial-number relevant. When you create a reference object, you can use the Serial Number field. The system checks whether the following conditions have been met:

The serial numbers that were entered fall within the serial number range (only relevant for recall returns). The serial number specified is not already in the list of approved serial numbers. The serial number entered does not already exist in the same transaction.

o o

For more information about serial numbers, see Serial Number Entry in Complaints and Returns. 8. In assignment block Subsequent Decision for Rejected Parts, you can predefine what should happen with parts that are rejected during the goods receipt inspection. The default values in the fields Threshold for Follow-Up Action, For Values Under Threshold, and For Values Over Threshold are taken from the customer master. You can overwrite the values in fields For Values Under Threshold and For Values Over Threshold. The value for the Threshold for Follow-Up Action field is determined in the condition record for the sold-to party with condition type 20SC.


9. Enter the requested returns quantity in the Quantity field. Depending on the returns type, the system checks the quantity entry:

Recall returns For each returns request item, the number of serial numbers entered in the Reference Objects assignment block must be the same as the item quantity. For recall returns with no specified serial number range, the system does not check the quantity entries.

Surplus returns The system does not check the quantity entered for surplus returns.

SPL-requested returns The system checks whether the quantity entered is greater than the quantity required. If this is the case, a returns authorization with status Released is created for the required quantity and a returns authorization with status In process is created for the excess quantity. For example, if a customer (dealer) in the target group rejects a returns authorization, returns fewer parts than confirmed, or returns damaged parts, a returns authorization from another dealer with status In process can be released by the person processing this request.

The system copies the requested return quantity into the Approved Quantity field for the same item. Further Processing of the Returns Transaction After saving the data, the result is a return transaction with one or more returns request items. This transaction can be further processed as follows:

After you have activated the additional functions for Service Parts Management (SPM), entitlement management determines the entitlements for the returns request items for the requested returns quantity.


For surplus returns, entitlement for returns is determined according to the Return Entitlement Program. For rapid returns, entitlement for returns is determined according to the Deposit Entitlement Program.

For the returns authorization items, entitlement management determines the entitlement for the deposit refund and the deposit amount.

If there are not enough entitlements available (entitlement quantity is less than the requested returns quantity), the system reduces the approved quantity to the entitlement quantity. For more information, see Entitlements Check and Quantity Flow and Adjustment. The returns request item is either manually released or released within the context of the automatic execution of business rules. During automatic processing, depending on the business rules, the transaction may be subject to investigation. Then, the system or the processor can manually release or decline the returns request item.

For released returns request items, the processor or the Post Processing Framework in CRM saves the transaction, which triggers actions that meet the schedule conditions and start conditions. Examples of these actions include:
o o

Creation of new CRM transactions such as activities Creation of subitems for the returns request item, such as: Returns items or scrapping authorization items For more information, see Returns Authorization.

No authorization items are created for returns request items in standard returns. The returns request item is also the returns authorization. Credit memo request items or debit memo request items Substitute deliveries


If you use actions to trigger follow-up processing for a returns item, the system replicates this data to SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) when you save the returns transaction. For a substitute delivery, you could then post goods issue in SAP ECC, for example.

Location Determination determines the destination locations for physical returns. If you use Location Determination with Active System Configuration for SPM, intermediate locations are also determined.

Return Entitlement Program

This is a purely quantity-oriented program, where you award your customers entitlements depending on their purchase history with your company. The entitlement is a right of return in this case. The customer does not pay a deposit when purchasing a product, and therefore receives no deposit back when he returns the product. In this case, dealers do not return the used part to you, rather, new goods. Although no reference to the original invoice is required when products are returned, rolling purchase history guarantees that the dealer does not return more products to you than he bought from you. Prerequisites You have made the required settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Entitlements Management Profile Determination and Definition Define Profile: Eligibility for Returns Entitlement Programs Features With the rolling purchase history scheme within the return entitlement program, you can ensure that when products are returned, the customer does not return more products than he/she originally bought from you More Information Quantity Flow and Adjustment


Functions for Monitoring Entitlements

Deposit Entitlement Program

You can use deposit entitlement program schemes to ensure that customers return the used products or parts that are associated with the new products that they purchase. For example, if a customer buys a new automobile engine, then this customer can be charged a deposit amount. This deposit amount will be refunded to the customer if they return the old engine that was replaced by the new one. You can opt for one of the following schemes when using deposit entitlement programs:

Deposit Invoicing, where the deposit is invoiced at the time of sale Deposit Deferral, where the deposit has to be paid only if the customer does not return the used part or product within the validity period Deferred Clearing, where you can clear the purchases and returns of a customer at regular intervals, by setting-up a type of account for the customer and settling outstanding liabilities periodically. For more information, see Deferred Clearing Scheme.

Deposit Credit, where you can use deposit credit that the customer has accumulated from a used part that was returned. Such a deposit credit can be used when raising a regular deposit invoice or to settle a deferred clearing


You can use the deposit determination application, to help finalize the amount that is invoiced to the customer. The process of deposit determination takes into account the various factors that affect the deposit paid for a used part or product. For more information, see Deposit Determination

The deposit entitlement program allows automatic consumption of entitlements. Here you can consume or expire the desired quantities of entitlements of a particular customer. You can define the criteria on the basis of which entitlements are located by the system. For example, you can configure a particular product and customer combination for entitlements that have to be consumed or even whether you want to consume the older or the more recently created entitlements first. The system automatically picks out the entitlements based on the criteria you


have defined and consumes them once you confirm. For more information about configuring how entitlements should be determined, see Settings for Entitlement Determinationand Automatic Consumption

This program also allows you to settle intercompany entitlements that represent liabilities between companies or subsidiaries. Entitlements of this kind are determined when processing sales/complaints/returns transactions, which is when inbound due lists are generated. Once the due lists are checked for intercompany liabilities, the entitlement hierarchy is used to identify the subsidiaries between which the settlement has to be carried out and required entitlements are created or consumed For more information, see Entitlement Hierarchy, and Inbound Due List for Entitlements.

destination location (SCM-APO)

Advanced Planning and Optimization (SCM-APO)
Location to which a product is delivered.

Location Determination

You can use this function to determine the target locations for physical returns (ship-to party for returned parts). Integration You need the following systems:

SAP CRM SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) SAP Supply Chain Management, Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP SCM, APO)


Prerequisites Customizing SAP APO

In integrated rule maintenance, you have created a location determination procedure. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Advanced Planning and Optimization Master Data .

Rule Maintenance Integrated Rule Maintenance


For more information about integrated rule maintenance, see the SAP Library under SAP Supply Chain Management SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO) Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) Settings for Global ATP Settings for the Rules-Based Availability Check Integrated Rule Maintenance .

For more information about the location determination procedure, see the SAP Library for SAP Supply Chain Management under Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) . Settings for Global ATP Settings for the Rules-Based Availability Check Integrated Rule Maintenance Creating Location Determination Procedures

You have specified conditions and available-to-promise (ATP) profiles. To do so, in Customizing for SAP SCM, choose Available-to-Promise (Global ATP)
o o o o o

Advanced Planning and Optimization Global

and complete the following activities:

General Settings Maintain Requirements Profile Rules-Based Availability Check Define Condition Table Rules-Based Availability Check Maintain Access Sequences Rules-Based Availability Check Maintain Condition Type Rules-Based Availability Check Maintain Rule Strategy

Customizing SAP CRM

You have defined an ATP profile. To do so, in Customizing for SAP CRM, choose Basic Functions Availability Check .

Availability Check Using SAP APO Define ATP Profile

Settings for target location


You have assigned an ATP profile to the item category of the returns authorization. The ATP profile corresponds to a requirements profile in SAP APO.


To do so, in Customizing for SAP CRM, choose Item Categories .

Transactions Basic Settings Define

For more information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) documentation in Customizing for SAP Supply Chain Management by choosing Requirements Profile

Advanced Planning and

Optimization Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) General Settings Maintain .

You have assigned a partner determination procedure to the item category of the returns authorization. To do so, in Customizing for SAP CRM, choose Item Categories . Transactions Basic Settings Define

You have defined the assigned partner determination procedure as follows: The partner determination procedure has function Ship-To Party (Returns) as the Partner Function in Procedure. The partner determination procedure has Returns Ship-To Party via APO as the Access Sequence. To do so, in Customizing for SAP CRM, choose Basic Functions Partner .

Processing Define Partner Determination Procedure

You have assigned the locations (plants) to the partners. To do so, in Customizing for SAP CRM, choose Transactions Settings for Complaints .

Integration Logistics Integration Assign Locations to Business Partners

The locations are replicated from SAP SCM to SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC).

Features For each returns authorization item of a return document, used part returns document, or complaint document in SAP CRM, the system triggers location determination in SAP APO. SAP APO determines the location and transfers this data to SAP CRM, where the location Ship-To Party (Returns) is displayed for the returns authorization item in assignment block Parties Involved.


If the location is copied from a preceding document, such as a marketing campaign or recall, there is no additional location determination in SAP APO.

Location Determination with Active System Configuration for SPM

You can use this function to determine the following for physical returns of parts:

Destination location (ship-to party) including intermediate locations External or internal remanufacturers

Integration Complaints processing is integrated with the following sales transactions: sales order, delivery, and invoice. You need the following systems:

SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) SAP Supply Chain Management, Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP SCM, APO)


You can only use these functions if you have activated the system configuration for service parts management. For more information and prerequisites, see Functions for Service Parts Management (SPM).


In integrated rule maintenance of SAP APO, you have created a location determination procedure. From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Advanced Planning and Optimization Master Data .

Rule Maintenance Integrated Rule Maintenance 447

For more information about integrated rule maintenance, see the SAP Library under SAP Supply Chain Management SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO) Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) Settings for Global ATP Settings for the Rules-Based Availability Check Integrated Rule Maintenance .

For more information about the location determination procedure, see the SAP Library for SAP Supply Chain Management under Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) . Settings for Global ATP Settings for the Rules-Based Availability Check Integrated Rule Maintenance Creating Location Determination Procedures

You have specified conditions and available-to-promise (ATP) profiles. To do so, in Customizing for SAP SCM, choose Available-to-Promise (Global ATP)
o o o o o

Advanced Planning and Optimization Global

and complete the following activities:

General Settings Maintain Requirements Profile Rules-Based Availability Check Define Condition Table Rules-Based Availability Check Maintain Access Sequences Rules-Based Availability Check Maintain Condition Type Rules-Based Availability Check Maintain Rule Strategy


You have defined an ATP profile. To do so, in Customizing for SAP CRM, choose Basic Functions Availability Check .

Availability Check Using SAP APO Define ATP Profile

Settings for destination locations and intermediate locations


You have assigned an ATP profile to the item category of the returns authorization, which corresponds to a requirements profile in SAP APO. To do so, in Customizing for SAP CRM, choose Item Categories . Transactions Basic Settings Define

For more information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) documentation in Customizing for SAP Supply Chain Management by choosing Requirements Profile 448 . Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) General Settings Maintain

You have assigned a partner determination procedure to the item category of the returns authorization. To do so, in Customizing for SAP CRM, choose Item Categories . Transactions Basic Settings Define

You have defined the assigned partner determination procedure as follows: The partner determination procedure has function Ship-To Party (Returns) as the Partner Function in Procedure. The partner determination procedure has Returns Ship-To Party via APO as the Access Sequence. To do so, in Customizing for SAP CRM, choose Basic Functions Partner .

Processing Define Partner Determination Procedure

Settings for the location of the remanufacturer For used part returns, you have assigned a second ATP profile to the item category in order to use SAP APO to determine both the remanufacturer and the location. To do so, in Customizing for SAP CRM, choose Categories Transactions Basic Settings Define Item

. For business transaction category Complaint, choose Customizing Item, and on the

screen that appears, you will see the ATP Remanufacturer field.

You have assigned the locations (plants) to the partners. To do so, in Customizing for SAP CRM, choose Transactions Settings for Complaints .

Integration Logistics Integration Assign Locations to Business Partners

The locations are replicated from SAP SCM to SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC).


For each returns authorization item of a return document, used part returns document, or complaint document in SAP CRM, the system triggers location determination in SAP APO. SAP APO determines the location and transfers this data to SAP CRM. The location is entered as the business partner of the returns authorization item.


If more than one location is determined in the rules-based ATP check, the following process occurs: 1. The first location is entered as the business partner of the returns authorization item. 2. At the first location, the returned parts are inspected to see if they could be used in a different way. The result of this inspection is recorded in an inspection outcome in warehouse management in SAP SCM. This document also includes information about the current location. 3. The inspection outcome created in warehouse management in SAP SCM is replicated by SAP ECC and saved as an inspection confirmation in SAP CRM. If SAP CRM determines a stock transfer as a follow-up activity, SAP APO determines the actual follow-up location. This corresponds to the order of the location sequence from the location determination procedure in SAP APO. For more information, see Follow-Up Activities for the Logistical Process in the "Stock Transfer" section. If the location is copied from a preceding document, there is no additional location determination in SAP APO.

Each returns authorization item in a used part returns document in SAP CRM triggers the system to determine the remanufacturer in SAP APO. SAP APO determines the remanufacturer's location and transfers this data to SAP CRM. The remanufacturer is entered as the business partner of the returns authorization item. For business partners in the remanufacturer role, the system determines whether the remanufacturer is internal or external.

Service Recall Processing: Returning Service Parts

You can use this process to carry out recall actions for defective service parts. You use a recall (product service letter) to prompt your customers (distributors and service centers) to return any of the affected service parts that may still be in their available inventory.


The replacement of the defective part in all products in which it was installed is outlined in a separate product service letter. For more information, see Product Service Letters. New service parts must be ordered to replace the recalled parts that were already installed. Product service letters can also be used for this process. For more information, see Service Recall Processing: Exchange of Defective Products. Prerequisites You have made the following settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management:

You have defined a transaction type for the recall. The standard system includes transaction type Product Recall (PSLR) with the following details:
Field Partner Determ. Proc. No. Range Object Action Profile Date Profile Technical Name PSLR0001 CRM_SUR RECALL RECALL01 Description SAP Recall CRM Prod. Srv. Lett. Product Recall SAP Recall

You have defined an item category for the recall. The standard system includes item category Recall Item (PSLR) with the following details:
Technical Name BUS2000178 RECALL01

Field Item Object Type Date Profile

Description ProductServLetterConfirmationItem CRM SAP Recall

You have defined a transaction type for the recall. The standard system includes transaction type Return for New Parts (UUPR). Since this transaction type is also used for other kinds of returns, copy this transaction type and add the following details:
Field Partner Determ. Proc. No. Range Object Action Profile Date Profile Technical Name 98 CRM_SALES CLAIM_RETURN RET_HEADER01 Description Claims/Returns Header CRM Sales Trans. Complaint/Returns Header Returns Header


You have set the indicator Creation with Ref. Possible. You have defined an item category for the recall. The standard system includes item category Recall Return (UURC) with the following details:
Field Item Object Type PartnerDetProc Action Profile Technical Name BUS2000160 RETURNI RMA_ITEM Description CRM Customer Complaint Item Returns Item Returns Authorization Attachment

You have chosen BUS2000178 as the preceding reference object type. You have defined action profiles and actions for the transaction types.

In the standard system, action profile RECALL is defined for transaction type PSLR. Both actions for the invitation (CREATE_INVITATION and CREATE_INVITATION_JOB) are assigned to this action profile. The CRM_PSL_RECALL form is assigned to both actions.

In the standard system, action profile CLAIM_RETURN is defined for transaction type UUPR.

You have assigned the appropriate action profile to the transaction types and the item category.

For more information, see Customizing for Returns and Customizing for the Product Service Letter. Before you can send the recall, you must have completed the following:

In SAPconnect administration (transaction SCOT in the SAP graphical user interface (SAP GUI)), you have made the required settings in the SAP system so that you can send electronic recalls. For more information, see SAPconnect (BC-SRV-COM).

For business partners, you have made settings for the communication path for recalls to the recipient responsible, for example, invitation by e-mail, by fax, and so on.

Process Product analysis of repeated complaints point to a defective service part as the cause of a problem. In order to avoid further errors, this service part must not be used in future installations. For this reason, you 452

encourage all customers that may have this service part still available in their warehouse stock to return it. To this end, you create a product service letter of type Product Recall (appears as "recall" in the following) that contains a list of the recalled service parts, and you send it to the affected customers. Specifically, the process runs as follows: 1. You use Graphical Modeling of Segments to specify the target group, that is, all customers who have purchased the service part. The system determines this information as follows:

Invitation recipients The system checks whether there are one or more contact persons for the business partner in the target group: If there are multiple contact persons, the system checks whether there is a main contact person. If there are multiple contact persons but no main contact person, the system automatically takes the first contact person in the list. If no contact person exists, the business partner defined in the target group of the marketing campaign is used; for example, company, organization, and so on.

Communication method for sending the invitation You can send the recall by e-mail, fax, or letter, for example. The recall contains the reference number and the corresponding service part (optional). If no communication method for sending the invitation is specified, the default invitation is a printed letter sent by mail.

2. You create a recall and enter the following data:


At header level: Validity, responsible employee, and target group in assignment block Target Groups. At item level: List of the affected service parts in the overview Serial number range in assignment block Reference Objects It is mandatory to enter the serial number range for products that are serial number relevant. The system evaluates the field for serial number processing in


the product master. If the value in this field is not equal to 0, you must enter the serial number range. 3. All customers that are assigned to the recall in the target group are informed of the recall action via their preferred communication channel. This can happen in two ways:
o o

Automatically, using the CREATE_INVITATION action when the document is saved Using the action CREATE_INVITATION_JOB in the action monitor (called in SAP GUI with transaction CRMC_ACTION_JOB)

In the standard system, the CRM_PSL_RECALL form is used for this information. You can use transaction SMARTFORM in the SAP GUI to view and edit the form. 4. Customers receive information about the recall according to the communication channel they have set, such as e-mail. They then either create a returns request with reference to a recall in the application Extended Complaints and Returns in E-Service, or they call the manufacturer, who creates the returns request in the CRM WebClient UI. All the data necessary for creating the return is in the recall:
o o o

Reference number Products or product list (optional) Validity period (optional)

5. The system proposes the recalled service parts from the recall document so that the customer can select them and copy them into the returns request. For each service part, the customer enters the quantity that is still in the warehouse stock and should be sent back. If serial numbers are relevant for the recalled service part, the customer must also enter the serial numbers for the service parts. 6. After the return document is saved, the system checks whether:

Serial numbers that were entered fall within the range of serial numbers that were recalled The serial number specified is already in the list of approved serial numbers The serial number entered already exists in the same document The customer is part of the target group The product is included in the recall

o o o o

For more information about serial numbers, see Serial Number Entry in Complaints and Returns. 7. You authorize the returns request. Following goods receipt and inspection of the service parts, you create a credit memo.


Serial Number Entry in Complaints and Returns

You can enter serial numbers for products within the context of complaints, returns, and in-house repair orders. The serial numbers that are entered can be validated. Serial number entry is possible in the following Customer Relationship Management (CRM) channels: CRM WebClient user interface (UI), Interaction Center (IC) WebClient, e-service, and mobile service. Prerequisites

You have either entered the serial number information in the product master, or you have replicated the material master data from SAP ECC to SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM). In the CRM WebClient UI, the field Serial No. Processing ID is available for entering and displaying serial numbers. Possible values include:
o o o o o

0 Default value 1 Entries possible, but no check against master data 2 Check object in CRM 3 Check object and serial number in CRM 4 Check for serial number in SAP ECC

To activate the field for use (set type CRM_SERIALNUM, attribute SERIALNO_PROCESSING), you can use SAP Note 824780.

To improve performance during validation of the specified serial numbers by comparing them with the serial numbers in the system, we recommend creating an index for fields TYPE_OBJECT and SERIAL_NUMBER for the CRMD_SRV_REFOBJ table.


Features Maintaining Serial Number Information The serial number information indicates whether serial numbers are relevant for a certain product, and how a serial number created in a transaction should be validated. You can use the field Serial No. Processing ID on the CRM WebClient user interface to enter serial number information. You can also get the serial number information by replicating the material master data from SAP ECC to SAP CRM (function CRS_SERIAL_PROFIL_DETERMINE). A material is serial number-relevant if a serial number profile is defined at plant level in SAP ECC, and the goods movement requires a serial number to be entered. In SAP CRM, you can overwrite this replicated information. The serial number information is replicated from SAP CRM to the mobile client as part of the product master data. Maintaining Serial Numbers You have the following options for maintaining serial numbers:

You enter serial numbers as objects in SAP CRM. You maintain serial numbers in SAP ECC and replicate them to SAP CRM.

You can replicate serial numbers that are not linked to equipment from SAP ECC to SAP CRM. The serial numbers appear in SAP CRM as objects. For more information, see Serial Number Download, Replication of Serial Numbers from SAP ECC to SAP CRM, and Replication of Serial Number Configuration from SAP ECC to SAP CRM.

You can replicate equipment, to which serial numbers can be assigned, from SAP ECC to SAP CRM. The pieces of equipment are represented in SAP CRM as objects of an installed base.


For more information, see Replication of Equipment Between SAP CRM and SAP ECC and Replication of Equipment Configuration Between SAP CRM and SAP ECC.

You maintain the serial numbers exclusively in SAP ECC.

Entering Serial Numbers in SAP CRM Transactions

For items in complaints, returns, and in-house repair orders in the CRM WebClient UI, you can enter serial numbers manually. To do so, you can use the Serial Number field in assignment block Reference Objects.

You can enter serial numbers for complaints manually using the mobile client. You can enter serial numbers for complaints and returns manually using e-service.

Checking the Serial Numbers Entered in Transactions The checks available in the standard system are listed below. You can use the Business Add-In (BAdI) Check Reference Objects (CRM_SERVICE_OS_BADI) to tailor these checks to your needs. You can find this BAdI in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Settings for Sales Transactions Business Add-Ins

As you enter the product, depending on the value in field Serial No. Processing ID, the system checks whether serial numbers can be entered or must be entered:
o o o

0: It is not possible to enter serial numbers; the entry field is not available for input. 1: Serial number entry is allowed. 2, 3 and 4: Serial number entry is required.

After the serial number is entered, the system ensures that the product is not changed any more. Quantity check: The system compares the number of serial numbers that were entered to the item quantity.

Accuracy check:

Check in a return that was created with reference to a recall: The serial numbers that were entered in the return must be in the recall (product service letter).


The serial numbers that were entered must not have been entered in another return for the same recall. For information about recalls, see Service Recall Processing: Returning Service Parts.

Depending on Customizing in the product master (field Serial No. Processing ID), the existence of serial numbers is checked as follows: 0: No checks 1: No master data or quantity checks 2: Check whether serial number exists in SAP CRM in an object. 3: Check according to points 2 and 4. 4: Check serial number in SAP ECC: The product is not in the warehouse; it is at a customer site. The serial number must not have been entered already in the same transaction.

Replicating Serial Numbers Entered in Transactions from SAP CRM to SAP ECC A returns request item in a complaint or in-house repair order is replicated to SAP ECC as a returns request item in a sales order. If you activated the additional SPM Functions in Sales Order Management, the returns request item is replicated in a delivery.

The list of serial numbers is not replicated. This means that serial numbers cannot be verified at goods receipt.

serial number profile (LO-MD)

Logistics Basic Data (LO-MD)
Combined data, grouped in a four-figure abbreviation, that determines the conditions and business transactions for issuing serial numbers to serialized materials. You must enter the serial number profile in the material master record for materials that need serial numbers.


Serial Number Download

Serial number download functionality allows you to replicate pure serial numbers (serial numbers that are not associated with equipment) along with their associated business partners and configuration from SAP ECC to SAP CRM as objects.

Having serial numbers as objects in SAP CRM allows you to take advantage of the functionality provided by objects in SAP CRM.

General serial number information such as material number, equipment category, and so on, are stored in the standard set type COM_TA_R3_ID. To download serial numbers and their associated business partners, you must use adapter object SERIALNUMBER. To download the configuration of serial numbers, you must use adapter object SERNR_CONFIG.

Replication of Serial Numbers from SAP ECC to SAP CRM

You use replication to transfer serial numbers from SAP ECC Customer Service (SD) to SAP CRM. Data transfer is triggered in SAP CRM and performed by CRM Middleware.

Before replicating serial numbers from SAP ECC, you must perform the following tasks:
1. Define the standard settings for replication in Customizing: Customer Relationship Management Master Data Installed Base Replication of Equipment from SAP ECC Customer Service (CS) Define Default Settings for Equipment Replication. 2. Download materials and business partners from SAP ECC to SAP CRM.


3. Optionally, use the Equipment Download (CRM_EQUI_LOAD) Business Add-In to enhance the data transfer and validation in SAP CRM. The Add-In offers comprehensive options for influencing the mapping between equipment and objects.

For more information see the Implementation Guide (IMG): Customer Relationship Management Master Data Installed Base Replication of Equipment from SAP ECC Customer Service (CS) Business Add-In: Equipment Download

1. Pure serial numbers (serial numbers not associated with a piece of equipment) are represented in SAP CRM as objects. 2. Associated business partners are transferred and linked to their corresponding serial numbers. 3. Serial numbers are available for CRM Server (only).

SAP ECC serial numbers and associated business partners appear in SAP CRM after the initial load. The initial load is used to transfer the initial data. The delta load transfers new serial numbers and associated business partners created in SAP ECC after the initial load has occurred.

Changes to the already transferred serial numbers are not allowed. See note 637173 on how to handle such changes.

Initial Load Activate the SERIALNUMBER object (which is delivered as inactive) before starting the initial load. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Architecture and Technology Middleware Data Exchange Object Management Business Objects. Select the SERIALNUMBER object and set it to active by deselecting the Inactive indicator. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Architecture and Technology Middleware Data Exchange Initial Load Start. Select the load object SERIALNUMBER, an SAP ECC system as the sender system, and an SAP CRM system as the receiver system. Delta Load ... On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Architecture and Technology Middleware Data Exchange Delta Load from R/3 Back-End R3AC4 Set Up Delta Load. Set the adapter class EQUIPMENT to active for delta download. If the class has not yet been added, you must add it. Save your entries.


See also
1. Implementation Guide (IMG): Customer Relationship Management Master Data Installed Base Replication of Equipment from SAP ECC Customer Service (CS) Prerequisites and General Information for Equipment Replication 2. Documentation on how to download materials: see Solution Manager under Solutions/Applications mySAP CRM Configuration Structures mySAP CRM 5.0 Basic Settings for mySAP CRM Data Replication Replication of Master Data Replication of Materials 3. Documentation on how to download business partner data: Master Data Downloading product configuration: Distribution of Business Partner

Using CRM Master Data

You use replication to transfer serial number configuration from SAP ECC Customer Service (SD) to SAP CRM. Data transfer is triggered in SAP CRM and is performed by CRM Middleware.

All relevant material configuration models must be replicated in the form of a knowledge-base object and associated runtime versions. Serial numbers and equipment must be replicated prior to replicating their associated configuration.

Pure serial numbers (serial numbers with no equipment association) are represented in SAP CRM as objects. A serial numbers configuration is copied to the corresponding objects configuration. The configurations of pure serial numbers from SAP ECC appear in SAP CRM after the first data transfer (initial load). New serial number configurations and subsequent changes and updates from SAP ECC are transferred automatically to SAP CRM once the delta load is activated. If a serial number or equipment refers to a component within a multi-level configuration, only the applicable single-level configuration is replicated.


.1 .2 .1 .2 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5

Replication of Serial Number Configuration from SAP ECC to SAP CRM

4. Replication of Equipment Between SAP CRM and SAP ECC and Replication of Equipment Configuration Between SAP CRM and SAP ECC

Replication of Serial Number Configuration from SAP ECC to SAP CRM

Initial Load ... Activate the SERNR_CONFIG object (which is delivered as inactive) before starting the initial load. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Architecture and Technology Middleware Data Exchange Object Management Business Objects. Select the SERNR_CONFIG object and set it to active by deselecting the Inactive indicator.

For data consistency, maintain the same set of filters for the SERNR_CONFIG and SERIALNUMBER objects.

On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Architecture and Technology Middleware Data Exchange Initial Load Start. Select the load object SERNR_CONFIG, an SAP ECC system as the sender system, and an SAP CRM system as the receiver system. Delta Load ... On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Architecture and Technology Middleware Data Exchange Delta Load from R/3 Back-End Set Up Delta Load. Set the adapter class EQUI_CONFIG to active. If EQUI_CONFIG is not available as an adapter class, you must add it. Save your entries.

To download the equipment configuration from SAP ECC to SAP CRM, follow the same steps as above but use adapter object EQUI_CONFIG instead.

See also
Replication of Serial Numbers from SAP ECC to SAP CRM Replication of Equipment Between SAP CRM and SAP ECC Replication of Equipment Configuration Between SAP CRM and SAP ECC Downloading product configuration: Using CRM Master Data


.1 .2 .3 .4

Replication of Equipment Between SAP CRM and SAP ERP

Use the download function of the bidirectional replication to transfer equipment from SAP ERP Customer Service (CS) into SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM). The pieces of equipment are represented in SAP CRM as objects of an installed base. The upload function ensures that regardless of the system in which a change was made, the data remains consistent in both systems automatically. Integration The data transfer is triggered in SAP CRM and is executed by SAP CRM Middleware. To use this function you require the following releases, or higher:

SAP CRM 5.0 (with active CRM Middleware) SAP ERP 6.0

Prerequisites Before you replicate the equipment from SAP ERP, you have to execute the following steps:

In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, define the default settings for replication under Master Data Installed Base Replication of Equipment from SAP ECC Customer . Service (CS) Define Default Settings for Equipment Replication

Download the materials and business partners from SAP ERP to SAP CRM. Use the Business Add-In BAdI: Equipment Download (CRM_EQUI_LOAD) to flexibly enhance the data transfer and validation in SAP CRM. The BAdI offers comprehensive options for influencing the mapping between equipment and objects.

For more information, see Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under Data Installed Base Replication of Equipment from SAP ECC Customer Service (CS) Prerequisites and General Information for Equipment Replication Features The following data is exchanged between both systems: .



Description Long texts Hierarchy Business partners Address Status SAP ERP is the leading system for the system status; processing in SAP CRM is not possible.

Variant configuration Manufacturer information ERP identification (such as equipment number)

Download The pieces of equipment are represented in SAP CRM as objects of an installed base. If the equipment has an underlying structure, this structure is displayed as a hierarchy in the installed base. The pieces of equipment from SAP ERP access SAP CRM through an initial load. New pieces of equipment from SAP ERP are automatically transferred to SAP CRM by means of permanent load. The following changes are transferred via delta load if you have activated it:

Initial load The initial load is used to transfer data the first time.

Permanent load The permanent load is used for the permanent transfer of equipment that is newly created in SAP ERP to SAP CRM (usually takes place after the initial load).

Delta load The delta load is used to transfer all of the changes (deltas) made in SAP ERP to SAP CRM and to update the data available there.


Upload The upload function ensures that the data remains consistent in both systems. Data changes in SAP CRM are replicated immediately to SAP ERP if you activated the upload function. Activities Initial Load 1. Before you start the initial load, activate the implementation of the Business Add-In: Equipment Download. You can find the BAdI in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under Data Installed Base Replication of Equipment from SAP ECC Customer Service (CS) Business Add-In: Equipment Download 2. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Exchange Initial Load Start . Architecture and Technology Middleware Data Master

(transaction R3AS).

3. Choose the load object EQUIPMENT and then select an SAP ERP system as the sending system and an SAP CRM system as the target system. Delta Load This function is delivered in an inactive state to prevent data being overwritten in an uncontrolled manner by the delta load (a problem of a leading system). See SAP Note 637173 for a project implementation. Upload Function 1. Activate adapter objects DNL_EQUIPMENT and DNL_EQUI_HIER. 1. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Architecture and Technology Middleware (transaction R3AC1). Data Exchange Object Management Business Objects Active by deselecting the checkbox in the Inactive column. 2. Enter adapter object DNL_EQUIPMENT for object family 0401 in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under Uploading Objects

2. Choose the object DNL_EQUIPMENT or DNL_EQUI_HIER and set the indicator to

Master Data Products Objects Specify Adapter Object for


Uploading hierarchy changes (adapter object DNL_EQUI_HIER) is currently supported only for installed base category 03 Object Structure. More Information

Customizing Customer Relationship Management Master Data Installed Base Replication of Equipment from SAP ECC Customer Service (CS) Prerequisites and General Information for Equipment Replication

You can find documentation on the download of materials in the Solution Manager by choosing Solutions SAP CRM Configuration Structures SAP CRM 6.0 Basic Settings for SAP CRM Data Replication <Public Sector>: Replication of Master Data Replication of Material .

Documentation for downloading business partner data: Distribution of Business Partner Master Data Documentation for downloading product configuration: Configurable Products Replication of the Equipment Configuration Between SAP CRM and SAP ERP Replication of Serial Numbers from SAP ERP to SAP CRM

Replication of the Equipment Configuration Between SAP CRM and SAP ERP
Use the download function of the bidirectional replication to transfer the equipment configuration from SAP ERP Customer Service (CS) to SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM). The upload function ensures that regardless of the system in which a change was made, the data remains consistent in both systems automatically. Integration The data transfer is triggered in SAP CRM and executed by SAP CRM Middleware. To use this function you require the following releases (or higher): SAP CRM 5.0 (with active CRM Middleware)

Returns Authorization

You can use this process to create either a return material authorization (RMA) item or a scrapping authorization item for a released returns request item in a returns transaction, used part return transaction, or a complaint transaction. Prerequisites There is an existing transaction that includes a returns request item with status Released or Investigation Required. The following components are necessary for integration of the complete process:

SAP CRM SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC)

CRM Customizing Activities

You have defined item categories, item category usages, and item category determination according to your requirements in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Categories Usages and Define Item . Category Determination

You have defined action profiles and the actions themselves, which you have also assigned to these profiles. Creation of authorization items is triggered by an action. The standard system includes the following combinations of action profiles and actions for returns:
Technical Name of Action Profile


Description of Action Profile Returns Authorization Attachment

Technical Name of Action


Description of Action Automatic Returns Approval

If the action profiles delivered by SAP do not meet all your needs, you can define your own actions in Customizing. To do so, in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, choose Basic Functions Actions Actions in Transaction Change Actions and Conditions


Define Action Profiles and Actions

. Then define the schedule condition and start condition for

each action definition by choosing Define Conditions. For more information, see Post Processing Framework in CRM. CRM Product Master Data Depending on the Distribution Chain, in the product master data under Control Parameters: Complaints and Returns, you have selected the Returns Process indicator according to your needs. Possible values include:

<blank> Undefined A Returns with immediate storage B Returns with immediate scrapping C Returns with inspection E Scrap at customer site F Returns with external decision (Note: This means that follow-up activities are defined in goods receipt and are processed using SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM)).

Process Possible Authorization Items For an approved returns request item in a returns transaction, used part returns transaction, or complaint transaction, one of the following authorization items is created either manually or automatically, according to the standard Customizing settings:

Returns authorization (RMA) (item category RAIN) Authorization for scrapping at customer site (item category SAIC)

Status of Subitems Depending on the status of the main item, which is set by the automatic execution of business rules, the process is as follows:

Status Released


The Post Processing Framework starts an action that automatically creates the authorization item and immediately releases it.

Status Investigation Required The Post Processing Framework starts an action that automatically creates the authorization item with an initial status of Open. You can change the quantity and status manually. You can also cancel the authorization item that was created automatically (status: Rejected) and use an action to manually create and release a new authorization item.

Determining Item Categories of Subitems For each product and sales area, you use the indicator for controlling the logistics process in returns (Returns Process) to indicate whether the product should be returned or scrapped. The system determines this indicator for returns request items and copies it into the Process Indicator field. You can change the value, if you like. Using an action that automatically creates the returns authorization (RETURN_ITEM), and depending on the Process Indicator, the system determines one of the following item category usages:

RETR Returns authorization SCRP Scrapping

Automatic determination of item category usage is dependent on Customizing and controls determination of the subitem for the returns request item. Depending on the item category usage, a subitem with category returns authorization or a subitem with category scrapping authorization is created. Returns Authorization If the item category usage is RETR, the following process is triggered:

A returns authorization item that contains the data for the physical return is created for the returns request item. The number of the return or complaint, together with the number of the subitem, results in the unique returns material authorization (RMA) number.


The order quantity of the returns authorization item is determined as follows: The system copies the Approved Quantity from the returns request item into the Quantity field of the returns authorization item. This quantity is the order quantity, which you can change if necessary. If the returns authorization item is in a complaint with reference to a billing document that has an invoice correction, an invoice correction request item is also created as a subitem for the returns authorization item. For more information, see Actions for Complaint Items Without Returns.

After releasing the returns authorization item and saving the transaction in SAP CRM, the returns authorization item is replicated to SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) for the purpose of logistics processing. For more information, see Data Exchange for Complaints: SAP CRM SAP ECC.

Scrapping Authorization If the item category usage is SCRP, a subitem with type authorization for scrapping at customer site (category: SAIC) is created. This means that instead of sending back the part, the customer scraps it. The system copies the Approved Quantity in the returns request item into the Quantity of the scrapping authorization item. You can change this quantity, if necessary. The assigned business partner (Responsible Scrapper) dictates who should create the scrapping confirmation: the customer or you, the manufacturer.

SAP ERP 6.0 Prerequisites

All relevant models for material configuration have to be replicated in the form of a knowledgebase object and a linked runtime version. Serial numbers and equipment have to be replicated before the linked configuration is replicated.



The pieces of equipment are represented in SAP CRM as objects of an installed base. The configuration of a piece of equipment is copied to the corresponding configuration of an object. The configuration of a piece of equipment from SAP ERP is displayed in SAP CRM after the initial data transfer (initial load). New configurations of pieces of equipment and subsequent changes and updates from SAP ERP are automatically transferred to SAP CRM as soon as the delta load is activated. If a piece of equipment refers to a component within a multilevel configuration, only the singlelevel configuration to be applied is replicated. The upload function ensures that the data remains consistent in both systems. Data changes in SAP CRM are replicated immediately to SAP ERP if you activated the upload function.

Activities Initial Load Proceed as follows to start the initial load of the equipment configuration: 1. Activate object EQUI_CONFIG (default: inactive) before you start the initial load. 1. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Architecture and Technology Middleware (transaction R3AC1). Data Exchange Object Management Business Objects in the Inactive column.

2. Select the object EQUI_CONFIG and set its indicator to active by removing the indicator

To ensure data consistency, maintain the same filter set for objects EQUI_CONFIG and EQUIPMENT. 2. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Exchange Initial Load Start Architecture and Technology Middleware Data

(transaction R3AS).

3. Choose the load object EQUI_CONFIG and then select an SAP ERP system as the sending system and an SAP CRM system as the target system.


Delta Load Proceed as follows to start the delta load of the equipment configuration: 1. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Architecture and Technology Middleware Data (transaction R3AC4).

Exchange Delta Load Set Up Delta Load class, you have to add it. 3. Save your entries.

2. Mark adapter class EQUI_CONFIG as active. If EQUI_CONFIG is not available as an adapter

To download the serial number configuration from SAP ERP to SAP CRM, proceed as described above, but use adapter object SERNR_CONFIG instead. Upload 1. Activate adapter object EQUI_CONFIG. 1. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Architecture and Technology Middleware (transaction R3AC1). Data Exchange Object Management Business Objects indicator in the Inactive column. 2. Enter adapter object DNL_EQUIPMENT for object family 0401 in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under Uploading Objects More Information

2. Choose the object EQUI_CONFIG and set the indicator to active by deleting the

Master Data Products Objects Specify Adapter Object for

Replication of Equipment Between SAP CRM and SAP ERP Replication of Serial Numbers from SAP ECC to SAP CRM For downloading product configuration: Configurable Products and Using SAP ECC Master Data

Using Complaints and Returns to Update Sales Contracts


This function allows you to use complaints and returns to update the values Released Quantity or Released Value in sales contract items, even if the sales contract cannot be determined using preceding transactions. In this case, the system uses contract determination. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the customer receives the price that was agreed upon in the contract for exactly the quantity or value specified in the contract. If there is no billing document as a preceding transaction for a complaint or return, the correct price is also determined, in case of a credit memo in the sales contract, for example. Integration This function is integrated with Sales Contracts. Prerequisites You have completed the following steps in Customizing:

You have defined copying control for conditions in the sales contract for complaints and returns. Make this setting in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Copying Control for Business Transactions Define Copying Control for Item Categories .

No sales contracts can be determined as preceding transactions for complaints and returns for which no billing documents exist as preceding transactions. In this case, you have defined that sales contract determination takes place. You have made the following settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transaction Types

Transactions Basic Settings Define

You have defined that contract determination takes place when complaints or returns are created. To do so, in section General, in field Contract Determ., you have selected an appropriate value for contract determination, such as Only at Item Level: Assign Immediately if Unique.

You have defined that a sales contract should be found.


To do so, in view Customizing header, for business transaction type Complaints, in field Determination, you have selected the value Sales Contract. As a result, two new fields appear, in which you have made the following settings: Duration (Days): You have entered the number of days in the past (starting on the creation date of the complaint or return) the system should search for contracts whose validity period was already exceeded. Completed Sales Con.: You have defined whether contracts with status Completed should also be found. Features If the customer (dealer) creates a complaint or return, the values for Released Quantity and Released Value are updated. The process is as follows:

For complaints with return items, the contract values are updated after the returns authorization item (object type Customer Return Item CRM BUS 2000161) is created. This update happens independently from the item quantity update.

For complaints without return items, such as an underdelivery or an overdelivery without a return request, the contract values are updated after the invoice correction item is created. For returns, the contract values are updated after the returns authorization item is created.

For complaints that were created with reference to a billing document, or for returns that were created with reference to a handling unit, the sales contract is determined and updated using the preceding transaction chains for billing documents and sales orders. For complaints or returns for which the corresponding sales contract cannot be determined using preceding transactions (such as rapid returns or surplus returns), contract determination occurs. This means that the system uses the criteria customer (dealer), product, and sales organization to search for contract items for each return request item (object type Customer Complaint Item CRM BUS 2000160). The validity period, status, the fulfillment of the contract, and the item's creation date play the following roles during determination:

The system searches for contracts in which the creation date of the item falls within the validity date of the contract, which is not yet fulfilled and does not have status Completed.


The system searches for contract items whose contract terms have expired before the creation date of the complaint item or return item, but were valid on at least one day in the time interval that you defined in Customizing.

If you have made the corresponding setting in Customizing, the system searches for contracts that have status Completed.

Depending on your settings in Customizing, the sales contract item is assigned to the returns request item either automatically or manually. After the sales contract item assignment, the price is determined in the sales contract, if it could not be determined previously by using a billing document as a preceding transaction. The price is used as the basis for creating a credit memo, for example. During pricing, the creation date of the return item and the pricing date play the following roles:

If the sales contract is still valid when the return item is created, the valid price at this time is determined. If the sales contract is no longer valid when the return item is created, the price on the last day of validity is used.

In the sales contract, assignment block Release History is available at both header level and item level. In this assignment block, you can see the release list with the corresponding sales orders as well as the relevant complaints and returns.

Used Part Returns

You use this function for used parts for which the customer (dealer) has paid a deposit, and that the customer now wants to return to you, the manufacturer. By paying the deposit amount, the customer (dealer) gets an entitlement for deposit refund as soon as he or she returns the used part to you. Depending on the condition of the product, the returned used parts are remanufactured.


You can create returns either in the Customer Relationship Management WebClient user interface (CRM WebClient UI), in the Extended Complaints and Returns in E-Service application, or by using EDI. Integration Used part returns processing is integrated with Entitlement Management. You can only use entitlement management if you have activated the system configuration for service parts management. For more information and prerequisites, see Service Parts Management (SPM). The following components are necessary for integration of the complete process:

SAP CRM SAP Supply Chain Management, Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP SCM, APO)

Prerequisites Product Master Data Depending on the distribution chain, you have made the following settings in the product master data in Control Parameters: Complaints and Returns:

For the Returnable indicator, you have selected either Possible or Not Specified. You have set the Remanufacturable indicator. For the Used Part Indicator, you have selected either Used Part or Used, New, or Remanufactured Part. Under Entitlements, you have set the Deposit Entitlement indicator. For the Returns Process indicator, you have selected Returns with Inspection.

Account Master Data

For the customer (Sold-To Party role), in the sales-area-dependent account master data under Follow-Up Action for Rejected Used Parts, you have defined how the system should proceed if the returned used parts are rejected at goods receipt. For this reason, you have selected the appropriate values in fields For Values Under Threshold and For Values Over Threshold. The next steps depend on how far over or under the threshold the value is. Possible values include: Scrapping in Storage, Return Directly, and Contact Customer.


The defined threshold is maintained via the condition function SCRP (scrapping limit). For more information, see Customizing for Customer Relationship Management and choose . Basic Functions Pricing Define Settings for Pricing Create Condition Types

The threshold is determined in the condition record for the sold-to party with the condition type 20SC.

For the remanufacturer (Remanufacturer role), in the sales-area-dependent accounts master data, you have used field External Remanufacturer to define whether the remanufacturer is internal or external.


You have defined transaction types and item categories by choosing Settings Define Transaction Types and Define Item Categories .

Transactions Basic

Transaction type Returns for Used Parts (UPRR) and item category Used Part Returns Request (UPRE) are defined in the standard system. If you want to create your own item categories, use the item category in the standard system as a template. All necessary settings exist for this item category. To check the settings, choose Customizing Item for business transaction type Complaint. For more information, see the field help (F1) for the individual fields. For more information, see Customizing for Returns.

In Define Item Categories, you have assigned Entitlement Profiles to the item categories. For more information, see Entitlements Check, section "Prerequisites".

The Entitlements Profile field only appears on the Definition of Item Categories screen if you have activated system configuration for used parts management.


In Define Item Categories, you have assigned a partner determination procedure to the returns request item. The partner determination procedure is in turn assigned as a partner function of the Partner Function Type Remanufacturer.


Creation of used part returns For more information, see Creation of Used Part Returns.

Determination of delivery address For more information, see Location Determination.

Determination of the remanufacturer If you have activated system configuration for service parts management, you can trigger determination of the remanufacturer. Determination of the remanufacturer depends upon various attributes of returns authorization, such as product, organizational data, and item category. The system determines the remanufacturer, provided that:
o o o

Product master record: The Remanufacturable indicator is set. Product master data: The Used Part Indicator has value Used Part Customizing for the item category: The New/Used Part field has value Item is a Used Part Item selected.

For more information, see Location Determination with Active System Configuration for SPM.

Determination of follow-up actions for rejected parts If you have activated system configuration for service parts management, you can trigger followup activities for parts that were rejected during inspection in goods receipt. For more information, see Quality Inspection and Follow-Up Activities for the Logistical Process.

Determination of deposit value


If you have activated system configuration for service parts management, you can use Entitlement Management to trigger determination of the deposit amount. Deposit refund is dependent upon the result of the inspection and the deposit that was paid. For more information, see Entitlements Check and Deposit Entitlement Program.

Entitlement Management

You use this component in the following situations:

For the deposit entitlement program You can use the entitlement management capability to track and manage entitlements used in supporting deposit-refund processes. For example, your business may require that a customer pay a deposit amount when purchasing a new product. The deposit is used as a means to ensure that the customer will return an associated used product or part. Entitlement management can be used to create an entitlement which represents the deposit amount that the customer might ultimately be entitled to. When the customer returns the used product or part in the future, the entitlement can be referenced to determine the amount of the refund due the customer.

For the return entitlement program Entitlement management can also be used to support your return programs. For example, if your customers are allowed to return unused product inventory within a certain time frame, entitlement management can track the quantity of selected products that the customer is allowed to return. Returns programs of this kind help your customers keep their warehouse inventory levels down.

Integration This component is closely related to Sales, Complaints and Returns, and Billing.


Features In both entitlement program types, you create entitlements in the system, which can be used to authorize the customer to return products to you. In the case of the deposit entitlement program the returned items are typically used products or parts (it could include new products in a complaint or surplus return process). In the case of the return entitlement programs the items can be original products (new goods). The new user role that provides authorization for the use of entitlement management in user administration is Service Parts Management (SPL) SAP_CRM_UIU_SPL_PROFESSIONAL.

Follow-Up Activities for the Logistical Process

Follow-up activities define what happens to a service part after the customer (dealer) has returned it:

Scrap Return to customer (dealer) Stock transfer Forward to remanufacturer Putaway

Prerequisites In SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM), there is a returns authorization item for a transaction of the type return, used part return, or complaint with reference to billing document. The system replicated the returns authorization item to SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) in a delivery. The system replicated the delivery to SAP Supply Chain Management Extended Warehouse Management (SAP SCM, EWM) into a warehouse request either directly or following confirmation by the customer (dealer). After the goods receipt for this warehouse request, an SAP EWM employee created an inspection outcome, which the system replicated to SAP CRM as an inspection confirmation. For more information about confirmation by the customer, see Returns Authorization with Activated System Configuration for SPM in the "Returns Authorization" section, point 5.


CRM Customizing

You can only use these functions if you have activated the system configuration for service parts management. For more information and prerequisites, see Functions for Service Parts Management (SPM).

You have made the necessary settings according to Customizing for Follow-Up Activities.

CRM Product Master Data Depending on the sales area data, in the product master data under Control Parameters: Complaints and Returns, you have selected the Returns Process indicator according to your needs. Possible values include:

<blank> - Undefined A - Returns with immediate storage B - Returns with immediate scrapping C - Returns with inspection E - Scrap at customer site F - Returns with external decision (Note: This means that follow-up activities are defined in goods receipt and are processed using SAP SCM).

CRM Account Master Data

For the customer (Sold-To Party role), in the sales-area-dependent account master data under Follow-Up Action for Rejected New Parts and Follow-Up Action for Rejected Used Parts, you have defined how the system should proceed if the returned parts are rejected at goods receipt. For this reason, you have selected the appropriate values in fields For Values Under Threshold and For Values Over Threshold. The next steps depend on how far over or under the threshold the value is. Possible values include:
o o o

Scrapping in storage Return directly Contact customer


The defined threshold is maintained using the condition function 20SC (scrapping limit). 481

For more information, see Customizing for Customer Relationship Management and choose Basic Functions Pricing Define Settings for Pricing Create . Condition Types

The threshold is determined in the condition record for the sold-to party with the condition type 20SC.

For the remanufacturer (Remanufacturer role), in the sales-area-dependent accounts master data, you have used field External Remanufacturer to define whether the remanufacturer is internal or external.

Features The system uses the Returns Process indicator to determine and trigger the follow-up activities either in SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SCM EWM) in SAP SCM, or based on the inspection results in SAP CRM. In other words, follow-up transactions are created in SAP CRM, SAP ECC, or SAP EWM. The following graphic illustrates the communication between the systems:

Determination of Follow-Up Activities In SAP CRM, depending on the Returns Process indicator, you can define the follow-up activities that are executed in SAP EWM immediately following goods receipt. Determination of the indicator occurs as follows:


The Returns Process indicator that is defined in the product master is determined for the returns request item and copied into the returns authorization item. You can change the indicator manually in the item overview until the delivery is created in SAP ECC. The values of this indicator have the following effects:

If the flag value is A, the follow-up activity is putaway. In this case, putaway occurs in SAP EWM immediately after goods receipt. If the flag value is B, the follow-up activity is scrapping. In this case, scrapping occurs in SAP EWM immediately after goods receipt. If the flag value is <blank> or F, SAP EWM makes the decision about the follow-up activity. If the customer (dealer) wants to return an unknown part, you enter (or the customer enters in the Extended Complaints and Returns in E-Service application) a dummy product as a product in the returns request item. The Unknown Part indicator must be set in the product master for this part. In this case, the process runs in the same way as with indicator C: In SAP EWM, the inspector enters the actual product and the decision about the follow-up activity.

If the value of this indicator is C, SAP CRM requires that SAP EWM creates an inspection outcome. The inspector enters the usage decision in the inspection outcome. The field for entering the follow-up activity in the inspection outcome is not available for entry. Then, the inspection outcome is replicated via SAP ECC into SAP CRM as an inspection confirmation. SAP CRM determines the follow-up activity code for the inspection confirmation item based on the usage decision. The system uses the Post Processing Framework (PPF) to determine the follow-up activity code. The PPF starts an action with action method INSP_FA_DETERM.

Usage decision: Not approved In the sales area-dependent customer data, the fields For Values Under Threshold and For Values Over Threshold store information about how the customer (dealer) wants to proceed, depending on the threshold that was defined. Depending on the values chosen for the Calculat. Type indicator (in the Control Data 1 section) for condition type 20SC in Customizing for condition types, the system compares the values of the rejected parts with the threshold value as follows: B - Fixed Amount: The total value of all rejected parts in an inspection confirmation is compared with the threshold value of the returns authorization item.


C - Quantity: The value for each item in an inspection confirmation is compared with the threshold value of the inspection confirmation item. The Post Processing Framework uses these parameters to determine one of the following follow-up activity codes: B - Scrap C - Return to Customer If the system cannot determine a follow-up activity from the parameters, the confirmation cannot be completed and processing must be done manually. In this case, contact your customer (dealer) to agree on how to proceed and then set the follow-up activity code manually.

Usage decision: Approved The Post Processing Framework determines one of the following follow-up activity codes: A - Put away, if the parts have arrived at the target location D - Stock transfer if the parts have not arrived at the target location yet E - Forward to the remanufacturer if the parts have arrived at the target location, and if there is a remanufacturer entered as a partner You cannot set Completed status for confirmation items for which the system could not determine a follow-up activity code or for which you did not enter a follow-up activity code. The system status can be set to Completed and further processing is possible only if the follow-up activity code is entered manually.

Performing Follow-Up Activities Depending on the follow-up activity code, SAP CRM triggers the follow-up activities, provided that the following prerequisites have been met:

The follow-up activity code was determined. Customizing for Define Follow-Up Action Code for Follow-Up Action is set as follows:

The Ext. Decisn indicator is not set (exception: follow-up activity Return to Customer, in which case this indicator is irrelevant). The Active indicator is set.

The status of the inspection confirmation item is Completed.


The following follow-up activities are available: Scrap If SAP CRM has determined follow-up activity code B, this follow-up activity is triggered. The inspection confirmation item is transferred to SAP ECC using an adapter (CRM_BUS20001_R3A CRM_INSPECT_R3A). Depending on the type of warehouse management, scrapping is performed as follows:

Warehouse management in SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM) in SAP SCM In SAP ECC, an outbound delivery is created that is replicated to SAP EWM.

Warehouse management in SAP ECC In SAP ECC, a material document containing a goods transfer posting is created.

The link between the inspection confirmation item and the SAP ECC document is saved in the transaction history. Return to Customer If SAP CRM or SAP EWM determined follow-up activity code C (indicator Ext. Decisn is not relevant), this follow-up activity is triggered. The inspection confirmation items are copied into a CRM sales transaction (transaction type RTTC). In the sales transaction, all inspection confirmation items with reference to the returns transaction are collected and sent back to the customer. As soon as you release the CRM sales transaction, an outbound delivery is created in SAP ECC. To release the sales transaction, use the action method RELEASE_FOLLOW_UP from the Post Processing Framework (PPF), which you schedule for the transaction type for complaints or returns. A warehouse request for the outbound delivery of the returns is created in SAP EWM. The connection between the inspection confirmation item, returns authorization item, and SAP CRM sales transaction item is saved in the transaction history. Stock Transfer If SAP CRM has determined follow-up activity code D, this follow-up activity is triggered.


During goods receipt of a return at a location before the target location, SAP CRM determines whether the inbound delivery should be transferred to the next location. This occurs based on the inspection confirmation that was created in the current location. It is a prerequisite that the current location is reflected in the system as a business partner with the Function Category Location. You can find Customizing for function categories in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Basic Functions Partner Processing Define Partner Functions compared with the target location. The inspection confirmation item is transferred to SAP ECC using an adapter (CRM_BUS20001_R3A CRM_INSPECT_R3A). In SAP ECC, a stock transport order with outbound delivery is created. To do this, in SAP EWM, a warehouse request is created for an outbound delivery to the current location and for an inbound delivery to the target location. The link between the inspection confirmation item and the stock transport order in SAP ECC is saved in the transaction history. Forward to Remanufacturer If SAP CRM has determined follow-up activity code E, this follow-up activity is triggered. At goods receipt for a return in the target location, SAP CRM uses the inspection document to determine whether the inbound delivery should be sent to the remanufacturer. For more information about determination of the appropriate remanufacturer, see Location Determination with Active System Configuration for SPM. If the remanufacturer was entered in the inspection document, the service part must be sent to the remanufacturer. The remanufacturer is reflected in the system as a business partner with the role Remanufacturer. There is a distinction between an external and an internal remanufacturers. The follow-up activity is triggered as follows:

. Location determination occurs in

SAP SCM, in SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO), in which the current location is

Send to internal remanufacturer A plant that is the target location for forwarding is assigned to the remanufacturer. The inspection confirmation item is transferred to SAP ECC using an adapter (CRM_BUS20001_R3A CRM_INSPECT_R3A). In SAP ECC, a stock transport order with outbound delivery is created. To do this, in SAP EWM, a warehouse request is created for an


outbound delivery to the current location and for an inbound delivery to the target location. The link between the inspection confirmation item and the stock transport order in SAP ECC is saved in the transaction history.

Send to external remanufacturer The inspection confirmation item is copied to the SAP CRM sales transaction (transaction type RTTR). As soon as you release the CRM sales transaction, an outbound delivery is created in SAP ECC and a warehouse request for outbound delivery to the external remanufacturer is created in SAP EWM. The link between the inspection confirmation item and the SAP CRM sales transaction is saved in the transaction history.

Putaway If SAP CRM has determined follow-up activity code A, this follow-up activity is triggered. The inspection confirmation item is transferred to SAP ECC using an adapter (CRM_BUS20001_R3A CRM_INSPECT_R3A). In SAP ECC, the inspection document is changed and replicated to SAP EWM. In SAP CRM, the external follow-up activity code for the putaway is determined, and then written in the existing SAP ECC inspection document. The change is replicated to SAP EWM, which creates a warehouse request for putaway. Consolidation of Follow-Up Activities You can consolidate the execution of follow-up activities based on the complaint transaction or the return transaction. This means that the follow-up activity for an item is not executed directly; instead, the corresponding inspection confirmation item is collected in a follow-up inspection confirmation transaction. The goal is to execute the follow-up activities together, at a specified time, in the follow-up inspection confirmation transaction. To do so, the transaction must have status Completed. You can set the status either manually or by using an action for the header of the return transaction. If you want to use an action to set the status, use the COMPLETE_FOLLOW_UP action method, which you can schedule for the action profile of the return transaction type. As a prerequisite, you must enter the processing parameter PROCESS_TYPE with the corresponding transaction type as the initial value for this action definition.


Customizing for Follow-Up Activities

The settings that you must make for follow-up activities in Customizing and that are particular to this logistical process are described below. Activities

Set the System Configuration Active for Service Parts Management indicator. You can find this indicator in Customizing for SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Activate System Configuration for Service Parts Management . For more information, see Functions for Service Parts Management (SPM).

Define the determination of the desired follow-up activity in Customizing for CRM by choosing Transactions Settings for Complaints Integration Logistics Integration Define Follow-Up Action Code for Follow-Up Action and Define Decision Type for Follow-Up Action.

To determine locations for the decision in the follow-up activities using SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO), use the active implementation RET_INSP_DEFAULT in BAdI: Follow-Up Actions Based on Inspection Results.

For the determination of the follow-up activities of the transaction type for the CRM inspection confirmation, assign an action profile that contains an action definition with the action method INSP_FA_DETERM. In the standard system, you can find this method in action profile INSPECTION_HEADER.

To execute the inspection confirmation item, assign to the appropriate item category an action profile that contains action definitions with the following action methods:
o o

RETURN_TO_CUSTOMER Send return back to customer SEND_TO_REMAN Forward inspected parts to remanufacturer

In the standard system, you can find both action methods in action profile INSPECTION_ITEM. Use the PROCESS_TYPE processing parameter to define the transaction type of the follow-up transaction for these action methods.


Follow-up transactions are created for the follow-up activities Return to Customer and Forward to Remanufacturer. Define the copy controls for transaction types as follows:

Return to Customer Copy control from returns authorization to RTTC Return to customer.

Forward to Remanufacturer Copy control from inspection confirmation item to RTTR Forward to remanufacturer.

You will find the necessary activities in Customizing for CRM by choosing Basic Settings Copying Control for Business Transactions .


If you want to consolidate the follow-up activities based on the complaint transaction or returns transaction and execute them, you must make the following Customizing settings:

Assign the item category of the inspection confirmation item an action profile that contains an action definition with the action method CONSOLIDATE_INSPECT. In the standard system, this action method is in action definition CONSOLIDATE_FA in the action profile INSPECTION_ITEM. For these action methods, enter the following processing parameters: PROCESS_TYPE You use this processing parameter to define the transaction type of the follow-up transaction. FA_CODE You use this processing parameter to define which follow-up activity code should be copied. This parameter allows you to copy various follow-up activities into various transaction types of the consolidated inspection confirmation.

Define the copy control so that the inspection confirmation items in reference to the returns authorization are copied into the consolidation confirmation transaction. To do so, set the copy control for the returns authorization item to the transaction type and item category of the consolidated inspection confirmation.

Do not set the Active indicator. You can find this indicator in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Settings for Complaints


Integration Logistics Integration Define Follow-Up Action Code for Follow-Up Action

You have used the Business Add-In BAdI: Data Transfer from SAP CRM to SAP ECC (R/3 Adapter) (CRM_BUS20001_R3A) to define the transfer of data to SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) for the execution of the follow-up activities. You can find this BAdI in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Settings for Complaints . Integration Logistics Integration Business Add-Ins for Logistics Integration

For execution of follow-up activities in SAP ECC, you have activated the implementation for the ERP Adapter for CRM Inspection Results (CRM_INSPECT_R3A).

Returns Authorization with Activated System Configuration for SPM

You can use this process to create either a return material authorization (RMA) item or a scrapping authorization item for a released returns request item in a returns transaction, used part return transaction, or a complaint transaction. Prerequisites There is an existing transaction that includes a returns request item with status Released or Investigation Required. CRM Customizing

You can only use these functions if you have activated the system configuration for service parts management. For more information and prerequisites, see Service Parts Management (SPM). You have defined item categories, item category usages, and item category determination according to your requirements in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Categories Usages and Define Item . Category Determination

You have defined action profiles and the actions themselves, which you have also assigned to these profiles.


Creation of authorization items is triggered by an action. The standard system includes the
Technical Name of Action Profile RMA_ITEM CL_SH_CRRI CL_OE CL_WD_CRRI CL_OV_CRRI CL_UD_CRRI Description of Action Profile Returns Authorization Attachment Returns Request for Underdelivery Incorrect Purchase Order Returns Request for Incorrect Delivery Returns Request for Overdelivery Returns Request for Unrequested Delivery


Description of Action Automatic Returns Approval Creation of Returns Authorization Creation of Approval Item Creation of Returns Authorization Creation of Returns Authorization Creation of Returns Authorization

following combinations of action profiles and actions for returns: If the action profiles delivered by SAP do not meet all your needs, you can define your own actions in Customizing. To do so, in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, choose Basic Functions Actions Actions in Transaction Change Actions and Conditions . Then define the schedule condition and start condition for Define Action Profiles and Actions

each action definition by choosing Define Conditions. For more information, see Post Processing Framework in CRM.

Following the return authorization, if you want to send more than one return together, you must make settings for Customizing for periodic deliveries by choosing Periodic Release of Returns Authorizations . Customer Relationship Management Transactions Settings for Complaints Integration Logistics Integration

CRM Product Master Data In the product master data in the control data for complaints and returns, you have selected the Returns Process indicator according to your needs. Possible values include:

<blank> Undefined A Returns with immediate storage B Returns with immediate scrapping C Returns with inspection E Scrap at customer site


F Returns with external decision (Note: This means that follow-up activities are defined in goods receipt and are processed using SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM)).

CRM Business Partner Master Data In the master data for business partners with role Sold-To Party, using the sales area data in section Complaints and Returns, you have set the Customer Must Confirm Delivery indicator if the customer must confirm the delivery that was created for the returns authorization in application Extended Complaints and Returns in E-Service. Process Possible Authorization Items For an approved returns request item in a returns transaction, used part returns transaction, or complaint transaction, one of the following authorization items is created either manually or automatically, according to your Customizing settings:

Returns authorization (RMA) (item category RAIN) Authorization for scrapping at customer site (item category SAIC) Returns authorization vendor (item category RAIS) for returns requests for complaints with thirdparty order processing

Status of Subitems Depending on the status of the main item, which is set by the automatic execution of business rules, the process runs as follows:

Status Released The Post Processing Framework starts an action that automatically creates the authorization item and immediately releases it.

Status Investigation Required The Post Processing Framework starts an action that automatically creates the authorization item with an initial status of Open.


You can change the quantity and status manually. You can also decline the authorization item that was created automatically (status: Rejected) and use an action to manually create and release a new authorization item. Determining Item Categories of Subitems For each product and sales area, you use the indicator for controlling the logistics process in returns (Returns Process) to indicate whether the product should be returned or scrapped. The system determines this indicator for returns request items and copies it into the Process Indicator field. You can change the value, if you like. Using an action that automatically creates the returns authorization (RETURN_ITEM, CL_SH_CRRI, CL_OE, CL_WD_CRRI, CL_OV_CRRI, CL_UD_CRRI), and depending on the Process Indicator, the system determines one of the following item category usages:

RETR Returns authorization (process indicator <blank>, A, C, F) SCRP Scrapping (process indicator E) RESC Scrapping/Plant (process indicator B) RETS Return deliveries to vendors

For more information about returns to vendors, see Complaints Processing After ThirdParty Order Processing (TPOP). If the process indicator is set to E, Scrap at Customer, it is not returned to the supplier.

Automatic determination of item category usage is dependent on Customizing and controls determination of the subitem for the returns request item. Depending on the item category usage, a subitem with category returns authorization or a subitem with category scrapping authorization is created. The following table displays the combinations of process indicator, item category usage, and item category:

Process Indicator <blank> A B C E





Returns Authorization If the item category usage is RETR or RESC, the following process is triggered: 1. A returns authorization item (RAIN) or a returns authorization with scrapping in the plant (RASC) is created for the returns request item. The item contains the data for the physical return. The number of the return or complaint, together with the number of the subitem, results in the unique returns material authorization (RMA) number. The order quantity of the returns authorization item is determined as follows: The system copies the Approved Quantity from the returns request item into the Quantity field of the returns authorization item. This quantity is the order quantity, which you can change if necessary. In a complaint with reference to a billing document, if the returns authorization item has an invoice correction, an invoice correction request item is also created as a subitem. For more information, see Actions for Complaints Items Without Returns. 2. For physical returns, locations (ship-to parties - returns) are required for the parts to be returned. These locations can be one or more plants. If a destination location exists in a preceding transaction such as a marketing campaign, the system copies this destination location into the returns authorization item. Otherwise, the location is determined by SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO). For more information, see Location Determination with Active System Configuration for SPM. 3. After the returns authorization item is released, Entitlement Management determines the entitlement to deposit refund and the deposit amount for the returns authorization item. For more information, see Entitlements Check. 4. After releasing the RMA item and saving the transaction in SAP CRM, the RMA item for logistic processing is replicated in SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC). In other words, a delivery with a corresponding delivery item is created automatically. This only happens if there are no 494

delivery blocks for the item (see "Periodic Delivery", below). The delivery item contains the returns authorization number from the returns authorization item in SAP CRM. At this point, the data for physical returns and the unique returns authorization number are also available in SAP ECC. 5. Depending on the Customer Must Confirm Delivery indicator, the process continues as follows:

If the target location is a plant/storage location that is maintained in SAP SCM, and if the Customer Must Confirm Delivery indicator is not set, the system replicates the delivery to SAP SCM, where it also generates a warehouse request with inspection outcome.

If the target location is a plant/storage location that is maintained in SAP SCM, and if the Customer Must Confirm Delivery indicator is set, the customer must create one or more shipping notifications in SAP Supply Network Collaboration (SAP SNC). The system then creates one or more deliveries and replicates them to SAP SCM, where it generates warehouse requests with inspection outcomes.

6. After goods receipt and depending on the process indicator, the follow-up activities are triggered:

If the process indicator is C or F, the follow-up activities for returns authorization items are defined after goods receipt and the Quality Inspection. If the process indicator is A or B, the follow-up activities for SAP SCM are defined in advance in SAP CRM. These follow-up activities are executed by SAP SCM immediately following goods receipt.

For more information, see Follow-Up Activities for the Logistical Process and Data Exchange for Complaints: SAP CRM SAP ECC. Periodic Delivery To minimize freight costs and administrative effort when processing returns, you can group returns into batches and send them once each month, for example. When you have made the appropriate settings in Customizing, all returns authorization items initially get status Delivery Block I1130. Use transaction SM36 to schedule the CRM_COMPL_INTERVAL report. The report introduces the following processing steps:

Determination of relevant items, in other words, items with status Delivery Block and the data field Cust. Interval is skipped Deletion of the delivery block


Creation of a delivery in SAP ECC

Returns Authorization for External Vendors After Third-Party Order Processing If the item category usage is RETS, the process runs as follows: 1. Similar to point one in the "Returns Authorization" section above. A returns authorization item (category RAIS) is created for the returns request item. The item contains the data for the physical return. 2. The system copies function Vendor from the complaint item in the function Ship-To Party for Returns in the returns authorization item. 3. Similar to point three in the "Returns Authorization" section above. 4. After releasing the RMA item and saving the transaction in SAP CRM, the RMA item for logistic processing is replicated in SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC). In other words, a delivery with a corresponding delivery item is created automatically. The delivery item contains the RMA number from the RMA item. At this point, the data for physical returns and the unique returns authorization number are also available in SAP ECC.

If the Customer Must Confirm Delivery indicator is not set, the physical return is completed for SAP CRM. The customer returns the parts to the vendor directly. If the Customer Must Confirm Delivery indicator is set, the customer must create one or more shipping notifications for the deliveries in SAP SNC. One or more deliveries are then created. This completes the physical return of these deliveries in SAP CRM. The customer returns the parts to the vendor directly.

Scrapping Authorization If the item category usage is SCRP, a subitem with type authorization for scrapping at customer site (category: SAIC) is created. This means that instead of sending back the part, the customer scraps it. The system copies the Approved Quantity from the returns request item into the Quantity field of the scrapping authorization item. You can change this quantity, if necessary. The assigned business partner (Responsible Scrapper) dictates who should create the scrapping confirmation: the customer or you, the manufacturer.


If the customer is responsible for scrapping, he or she confirms scrapping in application Extended Complaints and Returns in E-Service. Then, a confirmation with a credit memo item is created automatically as a follow-up transaction.

If you are the one responsible for scrapping, you create a scrapping confirmation with a credit memo item in SAP CRM as a follow-up transaction.

Creation of Used Part Returns

You can use this process for used parts that the customer (dealer) wants to send back to you (supplier) and for which the customer expects you to refund a deposit. Process Creating a Used Part Return You create a used part returns transaction in the following way: 1. You create a used part return without reference to a preceding transaction, which is in line with Customizing in the standard system. 2. You enter the required header data. 3. You create a Used Part Returns Request (UPRE) item and enter the required item data. 4. You create a product. The system checks whether the following conditions have been met for the product:
o o o

The product is returnable. The product can be remanufactured. The product is a used part.

5. Enter the requested returns quantity in the Quantity field. The system checks the quantity. 6. If serial numbers are relevant for the product, enter the appropriate serial numbers for the requested return quantity in the Objects assignment block. 497

The system checks the serial number entries. For more information about serial numbers, see Serial Number Entry in Complaints and Returns. 7. In assignment block Subsequent Decision for Rejected Parts, you can predefine what should happen with parts that are rejected during the goods receipt inspection. The default values in the fields Threshold for Follow-Up Action, For Values Under Threshold, and For Values over Threshold are taken from the customer master. You can overwrite the values in fields For Values Under Threshold and For Values over Threshold. The value for the Threshold for Follow-Up Action field is determined in the condition record for the sold-to party with condition type 20SC. 8. The item is processed using the automatic execution of business rules, and investigations are also conducted, if necessary. The system (or the processor, in the case of an investigation) either releases or declines the used part return request item. 9. For the used part return request items that are released, the system uses entitlement management to determine the entitlements for deposit refund and the deposit value (see Entitlements Check). If there are not enough entitlements available in the system, the system sets the value of the Quantity field to zero (0). In this case, you enter the requested return quantity according to the amount of entitlements available. 10. For released request items for used part returns, actions can be triggered manually or by the Post Processing Framework in CRM when the document is saved, according to the schedule conditions and start conditions. One example of such an action is the creation of a returns authorization item. For more information, see Returns Authorization. 11. SAP Supply Chain Management, Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO) determines the delivery address and the remanufacturer. If the system could not determine a remanufacturer, you must enter one manually. For more information, see Location Determination, and if you have activated the system configuration for service parts management, see Location Determination with Active System Configuration for SPM.

Serial Number Entry in Complaints and Returns


You can enter serial numbers for products within the context of complaints, returns, and in-house repair orders. The serial numbers that are entered can be validated. Serial number entry is possible in the following Customer Relationship Management (CRM) channels: CRM WebClient user interface (UI), Interaction Center (IC) WebClient, e-service, and mobile service. Prerequisites

You have either entered the serial number information in the product master, or you have replicated the material master data from SAP ECC to SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM). In the CRM WebClient UI, the field Serial No. Processing ID is available for entering and displaying serial numbers. Possible values include:
o o o o o

0 Default value 1 Entries possible, but no check against master data 2 Check object in CRM 3 Check object and serial number in CRM 4 Check for serial number in SAP ECC

To activate the field for use (set type CRM_SERIALNUM, attribute SERIALNO_PROCESSING), you can use SAP Note 824780.

To improve performance during validation of the specified serial numbers by comparing them with the serial numbers in the system, we recommend creating an index for fields TYPE_OBJECT and SERIAL_NUMBER for the CRMD_SRV_REFOBJ table.


Features Maintaining Serial Number Information The serial number information indicates whether serial numbers are relevant for a certain product, and how a serial number created in a transaction should be validated. You can use the field Serial No. Processing ID on the CRM WebClient user interface to enter serial number information. You can also get the serial number information by replicating the material master data from SAP ECC to SAP CRM (function CRS_SERIAL_PROFIL_DETERMINE). A material is serial number-relevant if a serial number profile is defined at plant level in SAP ECC, and the goods movement requires a serial number to be entered. In SAP CRM, you can overwrite this replicated information. The serial number information is replicated from SAP CRM to the mobile client as part of the product master data. Maintaining Serial Numbers You have the following options for maintaining serial numbers:

You enter serial numbers as objects in SAP CRM. You maintain serial numbers in SAP ECC and replicate them to SAP CRM.

You can replicate serial numbers that are not linked to equipment from SAP ECC to SAP CRM. The serial numbers appear in SAP CRM as objects. For more information, see Serial Number Download, Replication of Serial Numbers from SAP ECC to SAP CRM, and Replication of Serial Number Configuration from SAP ECC to SAP CRM.

You can replicate equipment, to which serial numbers can be assigned, from SAP ECC to SAP CRM. The pieces of equipment are represented in SAP CRM as objects of an installed base.


For more information, see Replication of Equipment Between SAP CRM and SAP ECC and Replication of Equipment Configuration Between SAP CRM and SAP ECC.

You maintain the serial numbers exclusively in SAP ECC.

Entering Serial Numbers in SAP CRM Transactions

For items in complaints, returns, and in-house repair orders in the CRM WebClient UI, you can enter serial numbers manually. To do so, you can use the Serial Number field in assignment block Reference Objects.

You can enter serial numbers for complaints manually using the mobile client. You can enter serial numbers for complaints and returns manually using e-service.

Checking the Serial Numbers Entered in Transactions The checks available in the standard system are listed below. You can use the Business Add-In (BAdI) Check Reference Objects (CRM_SERVICE_OS_BADI) to tailor these checks to your needs. You can find this BAdI in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Settings for Sales Transactions Business Add-Ins

As you enter the product, depending on the value in field Serial No. Processing ID, the system checks whether serial numbers can be entered or must be entered:
o o o

0: It is not possible to enter serial numbers; the entry field is not available for input. 1: Serial number entry is allowed. 2, 3 and 4: Serial number entry is required.

After the serial number is entered, the system ensures that the product is not changed any more. Quantity check: The system compares the number of serial numbers that were entered to the item quantity.

Accuracy check:

Check in a return that was created with reference to a recall: The serial numbers that were entered in the return must be in the recall (product service letter).


The serial numbers that were entered must not have been entered in another return for the same recall. For information about recalls, see Service Recall Processing: Returning Service Parts.

Depending on Customizing in the product master (field Serial No. Processing ID), the existence of serial numbers is checked as follows: 0: No checks 1: No master data or quantity checks 2: Check whether serial number exists in SAP CRM in an object. 3: Check according to points 2 and 4. 4: Check serial number in SAP ECC: The product is not in the warehouse; it is at a customer site. The serial number must not have been entered already in the same transaction.

Replicating Serial Numbers Entered in Transactions from SAP CRM to SAP ECC A returns request item in a complaint or in-house repair order is replicated to SAP ECC as a returns request item in a sales order. If you activated the additional SPM Functions in Sales Order Management, the returns request item is replicated in a delivery.

The list of serial numbers is not replicated. This means that serial numbers cannot be verified at goods receipt.

Exchange Group for Used Part Returns

When you create a request item for a used part return, instead of entering the ID of the used part (product ID) as input help, you can enter the exchange group. Prerequisites You have made the following settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management: 502

In Customizing under

Cross-Application Components SAP Product Product Category , you have assigned the Hierarchy ID that you

Assign Category Hierarchies to Applications

have created, using Product Hierarchies, for entitlements management and used parts returns in the product master, to Application A2 (entitlements).

In Customizing under Define ID Types

Cross-Application Components SAP Product Alternative Product IDs

, you have ensured that ID Type EXGRP, which is in the standard system, is Cross-Application Components SAP Product Alternative Product IDs

defined as the alternative ID type (Class = CL_ALTID_PRODUCT_EXGRP).

In Customizing under Define Profiles

, you have checked the following assignment in the standard system:

For object type BUS1178, value EXGRP is assigned as the Profile for Alternative IDs, and in view Sequence of ID Types, value "1" is assigned to ID Type EXGRP.

In Customizing under

Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic Settings , for your transaction type for used part returns (UPRR in the

Define Transaction Types Profile for Altern. Identif. Features

standard system), in section Product Determination, you have selected the value EXGRP in field

You can use exchange groups to help you create request items for used part returns. You create used part returns in the following case: The customer (dealer) pays a deposit when buying service parts. When paying the deposit amount, the customer procures the entitlement for the deposit refund program when he or she returns the part as a used part to you as the manufacturer. The system uses Entitlement Management to determine the deposit amount. Alternatively, you can enter the following IDs in field Product ID when you create a request item for used parts returns:

Product ID of the used part ID of the exchange group (if you do not know the product ID, for example) Product ID of the exchange group used part that is assigned to the exchange group

Entitlements management determines the corresponding exchange group for the product in the request item, and uses the product and exchange group to search for valid entitlements for deposit refund. 503

The exchange group is technically a product category with a 1:1 relationship to an exchange group used part (product master record). The exchange group used part is necessary because a product is required for the subsequent process in logistics. The relationship between exchange group and exchange group used part is simultaneously an alternative ID with type EXGRP, which can be used to enter the request item in field Product ID. The system displays the ID of the exchange group. The assignment of an exchange group to various used parts in the product master record in assignment block Category means that the system bundles these used parts into one logical group.

Returns Authorization

You can use this process to create either a return material authorization (RMA) item or a scrapping authorization item for a released returns request item in a returns transaction, used part return transaction, or a complaint transaction. Prerequisites There is an existing transaction that includes a returns request item with status Released or Investigation Required. The following components are necessary for integration of the complete process:

SAP CRM SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC)

CRM Customizing Activities

You have defined item categories, item category usages, and item category determination according to your requirements in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Categories Usages and Define Item . Category Determination

You have defined action profiles and the actions themselves, which you have also assigned to these profiles.


Creation of authorization items is triggered by an action. The standard system includes the following combinations of action profiles and actions for returns:

Technical Name of Action Profile RMA_ITEM

Description of Action Profile Returns Authorization Attachment

Technical Name of Action RETURN_ITEM_RMA

Description of Action Automatic Returns Approval

If the action profiles delivered by SAP do not meet all your needs, you can define your own actions in Customizing. To do so, in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, choose Basic Functions Actions Actions in Transaction Change Actions and Conditions . Then define the schedule condition and start condition for Define Action Profiles and Actions

each action definition by choosing Define Conditions. For more information, see Post Processing Framework in CRM. CRM Product Master Data Depending on the Distribution Chain, in the product master data under Control Parameters: Complaints and Returns, you have selected the Returns Process indicator according to your needs. Possible values include:

<blank> Undefined A Returns with immediate storage B Returns with immediate scrapping C Returns with inspection E Scrap at customer site F Returns with external decision (Note: This means that follow-up activities are defined in goods receipt and are processed using SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM)).

Process Possible Authorization Items For an approved returns request item in a returns transaction, used part returns transaction, or complaint transaction, one of the following authorization items is created either manually or automatically, according to the standard Customizing settings:


Returns authorization (RMA) (item category RAIN) Authorization for scrapping at customer site (item category SAIC)

Status of Subitems Depending on the status of the main item, which is set by the automatic execution of business rules, the process is as follows:

Status Released The Post Processing Framework starts an action that automatically creates the authorization item and immediately releases it.

Status Investigation Required The Post Processing Framework starts an action that automatically creates the authorization item with an initial status of Open. You can change the quantity and status manually. You can also cancel the authorization item that was created automatically (status: Rejected) and use an action to manually create and release a new authorization item.

Determining Item Categories of Subitems For each product and sales area, you use the indicator for controlling the logistics process in returns (Returns Process) to indicate whether the product should be returned or scrapped. The system determines this indicator for returns request items and copies it into the Process Indicator field. You can change the value, if you like. Using an action that automatically creates the returns authorization (RETURN_ITEM), and depending on the Process Indicator, the system determines one of the following item category usages:

RETR Returns authorization SCRP Scrapping

Automatic determination of item category usage is dependent on Customizing and controls determination of the subitem for the returns request item. Depending on the item category usage, a subitem with category returns authorization or a subitem with category scrapping authorization is created. 506

Returns Authorization If the item category usage is RETR, the following process is triggered:

A returns authorization item that contains the data for the physical return is created for the returns request item. The number of the return or complaint, together with the number of the subitem, results in the unique returns material authorization (RMA) number. The order quantity of the returns authorization item is determined as follows: The system copies the Approved Quantity from the returns request item into the Quantity field of the returns authorization item. This quantity is the order quantity, which you can change if necessary. If the returns authorization item is in a complaint with reference to a billing document that has an invoice correction, an invoice correction request item is also created as a subitem for the returns authorization item. For more information, see Actions for Complaint Items Without Returns.

After releasing the returns authorization item and saving the transaction in SAP CRM, the returns authorization item is replicated to SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) for the purpose of logistics processing. For more information, see Data Exchange for Complaints: SAP CRM SAP ECC.

Scrapping Authorization If the item category usage is SCRP, a subitem with type authorization for scrapping at customer site (category: SAIC) is created. This means that instead of sending back the part, the customer scraps it. The system copies the Approved Quantity in the returns request item into the Quantity of the scrapping authorization item. You can change this quantity, if necessary. The assigned business partner (Responsible Scrapper) dictates who should create the scrapping confirmation: the customer or you, the manufacturer.

Location Determination

You can use this function to determine the target locations for physical returns (ship-to party for returned parts). Integration You need the following systems:

SAP CRM SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) SAP Supply Chain Management, Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP SCM, APO)

Prerequisites Customizing SAP APO

In integrated rule maintenance, you have created a location determination procedure. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Advanced Planning and Optimization Master Data .

Rule Maintenance Integrated Rule Maintenance


For more information about integrated rule maintenance, see the SAP Library under SAP Supply Chain Management SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO) Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) Settings for Global ATP Settings for the Rules-Based Availability Check Integrated Rule Maintenance .

For more information about the location determination procedure, see the SAP Library for SAP Supply Chain Management under Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) . Settings for Global ATP Settings for the Rules-Based Availability Check Integrated Rule Maintenance Creating Location Determination Procedures

You have specified conditions and available-to-promise (ATP) profiles. To do so, in Customizing for SAP SCM, choose Available-to-Promise (Global ATP)
o o o

Advanced Planning and Optimization Global

and complete the following activities:

General Settings Maintain Requirements Profile Rules-Based Availability Check Define Condition Table Rules-Based Availability Check Maintain Access Sequences


o o

Rules-Based Availability Check Maintain Condition Type Rules-Based Availability Check Maintain Rule Strategy

Customizing SAP CRM

You have defined an ATP profile. To do so, in Customizing for SAP CRM, choose Basic Functions Availability Check .

Availability Check Using SAP APO Define ATP Profile

Settings for target location


You have assigned an ATP profile to the item category of the returns authorization. The ATP profile corresponds to a requirements profile in SAP APO. To do so, in Customizing for SAP CRM, choose Item Categories . Transactions Basic Settings Define

For more information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) documentation in Customizing for SAP Supply Chain Management by choosing Requirements Profile

Advanced Planning and

Optimization Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) General Settings Maintain .

You have assigned a partner determination procedure to the item category of the returns authorization. To do so, in Customizing for SAP CRM, choose Item Categories . Transactions Basic Settings Define

You have defined the assigned partner determination procedure as follows: The partner determination procedure has function Ship-To Party (Returns) as the Partner Function in Procedure. The partner determination procedure has Returns Ship-To Party via APO as the Access Sequence. To do so, in Customizing for SAP CRM, choose Basic Functions Partner .

Processing Define Partner Determination Procedure

You have assigned the locations (plants) to the partners.


To do so, in Customizing for SAP CRM, choose

Transactions Settings for Complaints .

Integration Logistics Integration Assign Locations to Business Partners

The locations are replicated from SAP SCM to SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC).

Features For each returns authorization item of a return document, used part returns document, or complaint document in SAP CRM, the system triggers location determination in SAP APO. SAP APO determines the location and transfers this data to SAP CRM, where the location Ship-To Party (Returns) is displayed for the returns authorization item in assignment block Parties Involved. If the location is copied from a preceding document, such as a marketing campaign or recall, there is no additional location determination in SAP APO.

SPM Functions in Complaints and Returns

When you activate the system configuration for service parts management (SPM), a number of different functions are available in the areas of complaints and returns. Prerequisites You can only use these additional functions for complaints and returns if you have activated the system configuration for service parts management. For more information and prerequisites, see Service Parts Management (SPM). You have activated the data relevant for the business partner in service parts management with the Business Data Toolset (transaction BUPT in SAP CRM). Features The following additional functions are available in complaints and returns:

Returns Authorization with Activated System Configuration for SPM Quality Inspection


Entitlements Check Follow-Up Activities for the Logistical Process Complaints Processing After Third-Party Order Processing (TPOP) Complaints for External Products Location Determination with Active System Configuration for SPM

Returns Authorization with Activated System Configuration for SPM

You can use this process to create either a return material authorization (RMA) item or a scrapping authorization item for a released returns request item in a returns transaction, used part return transaction, or a complaint transaction. Prerequisites There is an existing transaction that includes a returns request item with status Released or Investigation Required. CRM Customizing

You can only use these functions if you have activated the system configuration for service parts management. For more information and prerequisites, see Service Parts Management (SPM). You have defined item categories, item category usages, and item category determination according to your requirements in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Categories Usages and Define Item . Category Determination

You have defined action profiles and the actions themselves, which you have also assigned to these profiles. Creation of authorization items is triggered by an action. The standard system includes the following combinations of action profiles and actions for returns:
Technical Name of Action Profile Description of Action Profile Description of Action

Technical Name of Action




Returns Authorization Attachment Returns Request for Underdelivery Incorrect Purchase Order Returns Request for Incorrect Delivery Returns Request for Overdelivery Returns Request for Unrequested Delivery



Automatic Returns Approval Creation of Returns Authorization Creation of Approval Item Creation of Returns Authorization Creation of Returns Authorization Creation of Returns Authorization






If the action profiles delivered by SAP do not meet all your needs, you can define your own actions in Customizing. To do so, in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, choose Basic Functions Actions Actions in Transaction Change Actions and Conditions . Then define the schedule condition and start condition for Define Action Profiles and Actions

each action definition by choosing Define Conditions. For more information, see Post Processing Framework in CRM.

Following the return authorization, if you want to send more than one return together, you must make settings for Customizing for periodic deliveries by choosing Periodic Release of Returns Authorizations . Customer Relationship Management Transactions Settings for Complaints Integration Logistics Integration

CRM Product Master Data In the product master data in the control data for complaints and returns, you have selected the Returns Process indicator according to your needs. Possible values include:

<blank> Undefined A Returns with immediate storage B Returns with immediate scrapping C Returns with inspection E Scrap at customer site


F Returns with external decision (Note: This means that follow-up activities are defined in goods receipt and are processed using SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM)).

CRM Business Partner Master Data In the master data for business partners with role Sold-To Party, using the sales area data in section Complaints and Returns, you have set the Customer Must Confirm Delivery indicator if the customer must confirm the delivery that was created for the returns authorization in application Extended Complaints and Returns in E-Service. Process Possible Authorization Items For an approved returns request item in a returns transaction, used part returns transaction, or complaint transaction, one of the following authorization items is created either manually or automatically, according to your Customizing settings:

Returns authorization (RMA) (item category RAIN) Authorization for scrapping at customer site (item category SAIC) Returns authorization vendor (item category RAIS) for returns requests for complaints with thirdparty order processing

Status of Subitems Depending on the status of the main item, which is set by the automatic execution of business rules, the process runs as follows:

Status Released The Post Processing Framework starts an action that automatically creates the authorization item and immediately releases it.

Status Investigation Required The Post Processing Framework starts an action that automatically creates the authorization item with an initial status of Open.


You can change the quantity and status manually. You can also decline the authorization item that was created automatically (status: Rejected) and use an action to manually create and release a new authorization item. Determining Item Categories of Subitems For each product and sales area, you use the indicator for controlling the logistics process in returns (Returns Process) to indicate whether the product should be returned or scrapped. The system determines this indicator for returns request items and copies it into the Process Indicator field. You can change the value, if you like. Using an action that automatically creates the returns authorization (RETURN_ITEM, CL_SH_CRRI, CL_OE, CL_WD_CRRI, CL_OV_CRRI, CL_UD_CRRI), and depending on the Process Indicator, the system determines one of the following item category usages:

RETR Returns authorization (process indicator <blank>, A, C, F) SCRP Scrapping (process indicator E) RESC Scrapping/Plant (process indicator B) RETS Return deliveries to vendors

For more information about returns to vendors, see Complaints Processing After ThirdParty Order Processing (TPOP). If the process indicator is set to E, Scrap at Customer, it is not returned to the supplier.

Automatic determination of item category usage is dependent on Customizing and controls determination of the subitem for the returns request item. Depending on the item category usage, a subitem with category returns authorization or a subitem with category scrapping authorization is created. The following table displays the combinations of process indicator, item category usage, and item category:

Process Indicator <blank> A B C E





Returns Authorization If the item category usage is RETR or RESC, the following process is triggered: 1. A returns authorization item (RAIN) or a returns authorization with scrapping in the plant (RASC) is created for the returns request item. The item contains the data for the physical return. The number of the return or complaint, together with the number of the subitem, results in the unique returns material authorization (RMA) number. The order quantity of the returns authorization item is determined as follows: The system copies the Approved Quantity from the returns request item into the Quantity field of the returns authorization item. This quantity is the order quantity, which you can change if necessary. In a complaint with reference to a billing document, if the returns authorization item has an invoice correction, an invoice correction request item is also created as a subitem. For more information, see Actions for Complaints Items Without Returns. 2. For physical returns, locations (ship-to parties - returns) are required for the parts to be returned. These locations can be one or more plants. If a destination location exists in a preceding transaction such as a marketing campaign, the system copies this destination location into the returns authorization item. Otherwise, the location is determined by SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO). For more information, see Location Determination with Active System Configuration for SPM. 3. After the returns authorization item is released, Entitlement Management determines the entitlement to deposit refund and the deposit amount for the returns authorization item. For more information, see Entitlements Check. 4. After releasing the RMA item and saving the transaction in SAP CRM, the RMA item for logistic processing is replicated in SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC). In other words, a delivery with a corresponding delivery item is created automatically. This only happens if there are no 515

delivery blocks for the item (see "Periodic Delivery", below). The delivery item contains the returns authorization number from the returns authorization item in SAP CRM. At this point, the data for physical returns and the unique returns authorization number are also available in SAP ECC. 5. Depending on the Customer Must Confirm Delivery indicator, the process continues as follows:

If the target location is a plant/storage location that is maintained in SAP SCM, and if the Customer Must Confirm Delivery indicator is not set, the system replicates the delivery to SAP SCM, where it also generates a warehouse request with inspection outcome.

If the target location is a plant/storage location that is maintained in SAP SCM, and if the Customer Must Confirm Delivery indicator is set, the customer must create one or more shipping notifications in SAP Supply Network Collaboration (SAP SNC). The system then creates one or more deliveries and replicates them to SAP SCM, where it generates warehouse requests with inspection outcomes.

6. After goods receipt and depending on the process indicator, the follow-up activities are triggered:

If the process indicator is C or F, the follow-up activities for returns authorization items are defined after goods receipt and the Quality Inspection. If the process indicator is A or B, the follow-up activities for SAP SCM are defined in advance in SAP CRM. These follow-up activities are executed by SAP SCM immediately following goods receipt.

For more information, see Follow-Up Activities for the Logistical Process and Data Exchange for Complaints: SAP CRM SAP ECC. Periodic Delivery To minimize freight costs and administrative effort when processing returns, you can group returns into batches and send them once each month, for example. When you have made the appropriate settings in Customizing, all returns authorization items initially get status Delivery Block I1130. Use transaction SM36 to schedule the CRM_COMPL_INTERVAL report. The report introduces the following processing steps:

Determination of relevant items, in other words, items with status Delivery Block and the data field Cust. Interval is skipped Deletion of the delivery block


Creation of a delivery in SAP ECC

Returns Authorization for External Vendors After Third-Party Order Processing If the item category usage is RETS, the process runs as follows: 1. Similar to point one in the "Returns Authorization" section above. A returns authorization item (category RAIS) is created for the returns request item. The item contains the data for the physical return. 2. The system copies function Vendor from the complaint item in the function Ship-To Party for Returns in the returns authorization item. 3. Similar to point three in the "Returns Authorization" section above. 4. After releasing the RMA item and saving the transaction in SAP CRM, the RMA item for logistic processing is replicated in SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC). In other words, a delivery with a corresponding delivery item is created automatically. The delivery item contains the RMA number from the RMA item. At this point, the data for physical returns and the unique returns authorization number are also available in SAP ECC.

If the Customer Must Confirm Delivery indicator is not set, the physical return is completed for SAP CRM. The customer returns the parts to the vendor directly. If the Customer Must Confirm Delivery indicator is set, the customer must create one or more shipping notifications for the deliveries in SAP SNC. One or more deliveries are then created. This completes the physical return of these deliveries in SAP CRM. The customer returns the parts to the vendor directly.

Scrapping Authorization If the item category usage is SCRP, a subitem with type authorization for scrapping at customer site (category: SAIC) is created. This means that instead of sending back the part, the customer scraps it. The system copies the Approved Quantity from the returns request item into the Quantity field of the scrapping authorization item. You can change this quantity, if necessary. The assigned business partner (Responsible Scrapper) dictates who should create the scrapping confirmation: the customer or you, the manufacturer.


If the customer is responsible for scrapping, he or she confirms scrapping in application Extended Complaints and Returns in E-Service. Then, a confirmation with a credit memo item is created automatically as a follow-up transaction.

If you are the one responsible for scrapping, you create a scrapping confirmation with a credit memo item in SAP CRM as a follow-up transaction.

Quality Inspection

Quality inspections are part of the physical returns process. After approval of a returns request, the returned service parts are delivered to the warehouse, where they undergo quality inspections. The inspection outcomes are transferred to SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) in inspection confirmations and are, among other things, the basis for calculating credit memos or debit memos, or for determining the Follow-Up Activities for the Logistical Process. Prerequisites

You can only use these functions if you have activated the system configuration for service parts management. For more information and prerequisites, see Functions for Service Parts Management (SPM).

In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under Define Transaction Types returns processing as follows:

Transactions Basic Settings

, you have processed the transaction types that are relevant for

Choose a transaction type with a leading transaction category of Complaints and go to Assignment of Business Transaction Categories. Then, choose Service Process, and process the following fields in the Customizing Header view, according to your requirements:
o o o

Trans. Type Confirm. (Business transaction type confirmation) Remanuf. Trans. Type (Transaction type for confirmation of remanufacturer) Int. Logi. Trans. Type (Transaction type for confirmation of intermediate logistics)


Process In SAP CRM, you enter a return with returns request. After approval of the return, the service parts are returned to the vendor. The quality inspections are done at the vendors warehouse. The results of the inspections are documented in inspection outcomes in SAP Supply Chain Management, Extended Warehouse Management (SAP SCM, EWM). The inspection outcome from SAP SCM, EWM is replicated through SAP ECC to SAP CRM in an inspection confirmation. The codes of the detailed inspection outcomes influence pricing. An inspection confirmation in SAP CRM is created automatically by the system, according to the settings in Customizing (for more information, see "Prerequisites" above). To do so, the system uses the returns material authorization (RMA) number in the inspection outcome to determine the preceding transaction, which is the corresponding returns request. The data from both the returns request and the inspection outcome is incorporated into the inspection confirmation. An inspection confirmation is created in SAP CRM for each inspection outcome from SAP SCM, EWM. An inspection confirmation is created for each partial delivery. Examples of partial deliveries include: deliveries with unused service parts or deliveries with service parts to be scrapped. Result The system uses inspection confirmations to create credit memos or debit memos. Furthermore, FollowUp Activities for the Logistical Process can be triggered and entitlements can be unlocked. For more information, see Entitlements Check. More Information For more information about quality checks in SAP ERP, see the SAP Library at under SAP Solutions SAP ERP SAP ERP Central Component Logistics Logistics General (LO) Service Parts Management (LO-SPM) Complaints and Returns Quality Inspections .

Entitlements Check


You can use this process to determine entitlements for returns request items. The system differentiates between entitlements to deposit refunds and entitlements to returns. Entitlements are created in the sales process, and they are locked and used in returns processing. At this point, we will focus on the interface between returns processing and Entitlement Management. The interface to entitlement management enables the integration of entitlements into returns processing and offers the following functions:

Creation of a lock request object and determination of entitlements for the deposit refund program Creation of a lock request object and determination of entitlements for returns Distribution of locks among multiple reference objects Determination of deposit value Transfer of locks

With the help of Business Add-Ins (BAdIs), the system can populate the interface of the functions above, and run a customer-specific analysis of the results of these functions. Prerequisites

You can only use these functions if you have activated the system configuration for service parts management. For more information and prerequisites, see Functions for Service Parts Management (SPM).

To use the functions described above in returns processing, you have made the following settings for integration of entitlements in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Settings for Complaints Integration :

In the activities under Entitlements, you have defined an entitlements profile for the entitlements check at item level, and assigned this profile to an item category. As an optional step, you can define an entitlements profile for the entitlements check at transaction header level. You assign this profile to a transaction type in Customizing for SAP CRM by choosing Basic Settings Define Transaction Types . Transactions

For more information, see the documentation for the respective Implementation Guide (IMG) activity.


Process Returns with Entitlements for Deposit Refund Program A customer (dealer) buys products from you, the manufacturer. The customer also pays a deposit for the products. The customer therefore earns the entitlement to receive the deposit back when the products are returned after use. The system records and locks this deposit refund entitlement. (For more information, see Deposit Entitlement Program.) When the product is returned, the system sends a lock request object to entitlement management. The lock request object is used to determine the existing entitlements for the deposit refund program. This lock request object can also be distributed.

Entitlement locks can be distributed as a result of partial deliveries, for instance. Example: A customer (dealer) returns service parts, for which he or she paid a deposit, in multiple, partial deliveries. Following the Quality Inspection, entitlement management determines the deposit value for the delivery, and the customer (dealer) receives a credit for that amount. When the deposit is refunded on the bill, the corresponding entitlement disappears, and the locks for other existing entitlements are updated. Returns with Entitlements for Returns In this case, the you and the customer (dealer) have agreed to special entitlements arrangements for certain products. These arrangements may include discounts that you guarantee the customer (dealer), or certain bonus programs, such as the Return Entitlement Program. For returns, entitlement management determines the entitlements for returns authorization. In other words, the system checks whether the customer (dealer) is authorized to return products and if so, how many of these entitlements the customer has. The number of these entitlements determines the authorized quantity of returns. Within the context of Returns, if the customer (dealer) has entered a requested return quantity in the returns request item, the entitlements quantity is transferred into the returns authorization item and becomes the authorized quantity. (For more information, see Quantity Flow and Adjustment.) 521


As a service parts vendor, you make an agreement with a car dealer that the car dealer is entitled to a refund of 20% of the value of the goods if the car dealer returns the unused parts.

Entitlement locks for returns authorization cannot be distributed because they are only used to determine the authorized quantity.

Complaints for External Products

You can use this function to create complaints for external products. External products are parts that are not in your inventory and therefore have no data record for product master data in SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM). Prerequisites

You can only use these functions if you have activated the system configuration for service parts management. For more information and prerequisites, see Functions for Service Parts Management (SPM).

You have made the following settings for transaction type Complaint with Reference to Invoice in section External Products. You can find this activity in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing
o o

Transactions Basic Settings Define Transaction Types

You have set the External Products Allowed indicator. In field Item Category Group for Ext. Products, you have selected an appropriate value for item category determination.

Features Since you trigger billing for external products both for customers (debit memo) and for suppliers (credit memo), you also process complaints for the parts involved in these transactions. The following complaint types are supported: 522

Complaint due to underdelivery Complaint due to overdelivery Complaint due to defective parts Complaint due to incorrect invoice

You can only create a complaint for external products with reference to a billing document item, which in turn is a reference to a sales order item. The complaint triggers an invoice correction and, depending on the type of complaint, the parts are returned to the external supplier. Depending on the defined parameters, the parts could be scrapped at the customer site instead of being returned. For more information about returns authorization and scrapping authorization, see Returns Authorization with Activated System Configuration for SPM. The invoice correction has two steps:

In SAP CRM, an invoice correction for the customer occurs. In SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC), the supplier invoice correction occurs for the supplier. The invoice correction is not based on the quantity that was actually returned, because this is unknown. Instead, it is based on the approved quantity.

The difference between this process and third-party order processing (TPOP) with products that have a product master, is as follows:

In complaints for external products, after the returns authorization, no inbound deliveries are created in SAP ECC. In complaints for external products, SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO) is not called to determine the location to which the customer should return the part. This is because the external products are always returned to the external supplier.

More Information For information about purchasing and billing external products, see Sale of External Products.


Data Exchange for Complaints: SAP CRM - SAP ECC

Data is transferred to SAP Enterprise Resource Planning Central Component (SAP ECC) using CRM Integration Services. This triggers subsequent processes for the complaints, returns, and in-house repair orders created in SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM). Data from complaints transactions, returns transactions, and in-house repair transactions is transferred to the different SAP ECC components as follows:
SAP CRM Transactions Returns request Returns authorization (RMA) Substitute delivery Other follow-up transactions (debit/credit memos, actions, tasks) Billing for credit memo/debit memo Return for repair Return delivery Loan device delivery Loan device pick-up Scrap Service part item Data Entered in SAP ECC Returns item in sales order

SAP ECC Component SAP Sales and Distribution (SAP SD)

Returns item in sales order Sales order item

SAP Sales and Distribution (SAP SD) SAP Sales and Distribution (SAP SD)

No data transfer Credit posting/Debit posting Revenue Repair submission item in sales order Return delivery item in sales order Loan device delivery item in sales order Loan device pick-up item in sales order Goods reposting from the sales order stock Reservation

SAP Financial Accounting (SAP FI) SAP Controlling (SAP CO) SAP Sales and Distribution (SAP SD) SAP Sales and Distribution (SAP SD) SAP Sales and Distribution (SAP SD) SAP Sales and Distribution (SAP SD) SAP Materials Management (SAP MM) SAP Materials Management (SAP MM)

Prerequisites Customizing in SAP CRM for Items That Are Replicated in an SAP ECC Sales Order

You have defined the transaction types and item categories. For more information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) for CRM and choose Transaction Types . Transactions Basic Settings Define


The following transaction types are predefined in the standard system:

o o o o o o

CRMC Complaint CRMR Return REPA Repair CLRP Complaint with Reference to Invoice UUPR Return for New Parts UPRR Return for Used Parts

The following item categories are predefined in the standard system:

o o o o o o o

REN Return Request TANN Free of Charge Substitute Delivery RSUB Return for Repair RRET Repaired Goods Delivery LOAN Loan Device Delivery LRET Loan Device Pick-Up RAIN Return Authorization (RMA)

If these objects do not meet your requirements, you can modify them or define new ones.

You have ensured that the following settings are identical in Customizing for SAP CRM and in the sales component of SAP ECC.
o o o

IDs of the transaction type (SAP CRM) and sales transaction type (SAP ECC) Item categories External number assignment for returns requests and substitute delivery items with identical number ranges

There is no automatic check to see whether the Customizing settings in SAP CRM match those in SAP ECC.

You have made the necessary Customizing settings for SAP CRM Billing.

Customizing in SAP ECC for Items That Are Replicated in an SAP ECC Sales Order

You have set up your shipping and inventory processes in Customizing.


You have set up your financial accounting and controlling processes in Customizing. For detailed information about Customizing for controlling, see Data Exchange for Service Orders: CRM Server SAP ECC/SAP APO.

Customizing for Scrapping Items in SAP CRM You have defined the parameters for goods movement from the sales order stock for the item category for scrapping (SCRP) in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Movement . Transactions Settings for Complaints Integration Logistics Integration Define Transfer Parameters for the Goods

Customizing for Service Parts Delivery in SAP CRM

The RMAT item category is predefined in the standard system. For the scenario service parts at the service employees storage location, you have defined which plant and which storage location at this plant are assigned to a combination of service organization, service team, and service employee.

You have set up the Business Add-In: Filter for Reservation so that the items relevant for reservation are transferred for reservation into SAP ECC.

Customizing for Service Parts Delivery in SAP ECC

You have created logistics scenarios in SAP ECC. A controlling object (internal order) must be found for the reservation in SAP ECC. You have therefore made the necessary settings in Customizing in SAP ECC by choosing Integration . with Other SAP Components Customer Relationship Management Settings for Service Processing Controlling Integration Establish Controlling Type, Level, and Scenarios

Complaints/Returns Transaction and In-House Repair Order

The transaction contains at least one item.


Transaction headers on their own are not replicated to SAP ECC.

The transaction was saved without error messages. No distribution locks were set for the transaction.



The following are replicated to SAP ECC: Returns requests (REN), substitute delivery items (TANN), submissions for repair (RSUB), repair return deliveries (RRET), loan device deliveries (LOAN), loan device pick-up requests (LRET) and returns authorizations (RAIN). Even if the complaint, return, the complaint with reference to billing documents, or the in-house repair order contain different items, only one sales order is created in SAP ECC. This is because the transaction in SAP ECC is used primarily to trigger subsequent logistics processes.

Some of the logistics information is transferred back to SAP CRM from SAP ECC so that you can display the following details relating to a complaint/return or in-house repair order:
o o o

Status information (such as return or substitute delivery sent, or partially sent) Transaction history (such as shipping, goods issue and goods receipt) Quantity delivered

Changes to returns items and substitute deliveries can only be made in the system in which they were created. In SAP CRM, you have the option of changing transactions for which data has already been transferred. Your changes are then automatically transferred to SAP ECC. For more information, see Changing Business Transactions Transferred to SAP ECC).

Scrap The scrapping item is used to post a goods issue in SAP ECC, which reduces the sales order stock.

Service parts planning in the sales order You can call up availability information for service part items in SAP ECC. The availability information checks the planned quantity against the stock available in the assigned service plant. When the transaction is saved, a reservation, purchase order, or purchase requisition is created in SAP ECC for the service part item, depending on the logistics scenario that is set. Goods withdrawal follows in the confirmation, according to the logistics scenario that is set. For more information about logistics integration and logistics scenarios, see: Logistics Integration.


Activities 1. The system uses the item object type to determine whether data should be transferred to SAP ECC, and then executes the data replication. Only items with the following item object types are replicated: returns requests, substitute deliveries, repair submissions, repair return deliveries, loan device deliveries, loan device pick-up requests, and returns authorizations. Items with the item object type CRM Customer Complaints Item are not replicated. The subitems created in SAP CRM (item categories REN, TANN, RSUB, RRET, LOAN, LRET, and RAIN) are replicated to SAP ECC as main items. 2. The distribution status of the complaints transaction or returns transaction and of the in-house repair order shows whether the data exchange was performed successfully. Errors and warning messages relating to the data transfer are listed in a log. For more information about statuses, see Status Management in Business Transactions. 3. You manually create goods receipts and goods issues in SAP Sales and Distribution (SAP SD) for returns requests, substitute deliveries, repair submissions, return deliveries, loan device deliveries, and loan device pick-up requests. This triggers the automatic posting of receivables in SAP Financial Accounting (SAP FI), and the posting of the profitability segment in SAP Controlling (SAP CO). If you post a goods receipt in SAP ECC, the status of the relevant CRM transaction item is automatically updated so that you can identify that a goods receipt has occurred.

The schedule line category and the assigned transaction type are used in SAP SD to control whether a returns item is posted directly to the unrestricted-use stock, or whether it is first posted to the inspection stock.

If you are using the Warehouse Management System in SAP SD, picking occurs using transport orders (transaction LT03).

4. If you generate billing documents for debit memos or credit memos created in SAP CRM, the billing amounts are posted in SAP FI. Revenues are posted to the relevant profitability segment in SAP Controlling (SAP CO). 528

More Information

For more information about the subsequent processes for complaints and returns in SAP ECC, see SAP Library under Logistics Sales and Distribution (SD) Sales (SD-SLS) Complaints . For more information about possible errors that could occur during data exchange for business transactions and information about correcting errors, see SAP Note 490932.

In-House Repair Orders

You create an in-house repair order within complaints processing if a customer wants to send in or bring in a defective product for repair. You can enter in-house repair orders in the Customer Relationship Management WebClient user interface (CRM WebClient UI). Integration SAP CRM The in-house repair order is integrated with service processes and sales transactions. This means you can create in-house repair orders as follow-up transactions and thereby transfer the data from each preceding transaction. A complaint can precede an in-house repair order, but this is not necessarily the case. In-house repair processing is integrated with Actions. SAP ECC For detailed information about the data exchange between CRM systems and integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, see Data Exchange for Complaints: SAP CRM SAP ECC. Features

In addition to the complaint functions, the following functions are available in the in-house repair order.

Returns item and allocation of a unique return material authorization (RMA) number


After creating a returns item to show that a consignment of goods is expected from the customer and then saving the in-house repair order, a unique return material authorization (RMA) number is allocated. The unique RMA number is made up of the in-house repair order number and the item number of the returns item. By saving the in-house repair order, SAP CRM replicates the order for logistical purposes in SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC). The returns item of the in-house repair order is replicated as a returns request item in a sales order in SAP ECC. Then, a sales order with the same transaction ID as in SAP CRM exists in SAP ECC. In this way, the unique RMA number is also available in SAP ECC. The customer receives the unique RMA number, which he or she can then use to send in the products for repair. After the returns delivery is received, you can use the RMA number to directly assign the product sent in for repair to the repair order.

Diagnosis The creation of a diagnosis item shows that the defective part should be inspected after the returns delivery. After the returns delivery is received and the technical analysis (diagnosis) is performed, you can document the result as follows:

By filling in an HTML page that is available for the diagnosis item and header data in assignment block Questionnaires. You can tailor the HTML page to your needs. Using Categorization

Planning repair services and service parts with pricing If the product is repaired, you create repair items and service part items for the in-house repair order, if necessary. You can also use the service order template for this purpose. The system determines the prices for each repair item. Pricing is influenced by the following parameters:
o o o

Services or service parts that are covered by an existing warranty Reductions for customers Customer-specific prices (discounts) that are covered by the service contract

Tools You can add tool items as subitems of a repair item.


For more information, see Tool.

Availability information Availability information informs you whether the service parts are currently in stock. Each service part item generates a reservation in the back end system, which can be used to trigger an early procurement process.

Cost estimate You can change service part items or service items into quotation items by clicking Recreate quotation item in item processing. The hidden system status Quotation is deleted in the background. Then you can use the Scheduled Actions assignment block to print the quotation and send it to the customer. If the customer rejects the quotation, you either delete the item or you change the status to Completed and use an appropriate action to allow the defective item either to be shipped back to the customer or to be scrapped. When you set the status to Completed, the hidden system status Quotation is deleted. If the customer accepts the quotation, choose Accept Quotation. At the same time, the hidden system status Quotation is deleted.

Confirmation of working times and service parts Following the repair, the service representative confirms the actual working time and service parts used. The withdrawal of service part items in the confirmation updates the stock levels at the relevant repair center. All the confirmation items relevant for controlling will update the related controlling object. Within the confirmation, you can differentiate between the service type, valuation type, and internal bill-to parties. The service type enables you to differentiate between the internal costs for services performed by a skilled employee and those performed by a trainee. You can use accounting indicators to distribute the incurred costs to different bill-to parties. For more information, see Service Confirmations.


Delivery of product Following the repair, you create a return delivery item.

Loan device management During a repair, you can send loan devices to your customers to bridge the gap during long repair times. The repair order manages the loan devices.

Creation of In-House Repair Orders

You create in-house repair orders if a customer brings or sends goods in for repair. You can enter in-house repair orders in the Customer Relationship Management WebClient user interface (CRM WebClient UI). Prerequisites You have made all necessary settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Settings for Complaints .

Transaction Types and Item Categories You have defined the transaction types and item categories. The transaction types and item categories for in-house repair orders are predefined as follows in the standard system:
Transaction Types Item Categories RREQ Repair Request REPA Repair RMAT Service Material DGNS Diagnosis LOAN Loan Device Delivery LRET Loan Device Pick-Up RSUB Return for Repair RRET Repaired Goods Delivery REPA In-House Repair SCRP Scrapping RTOL Tool


If the settings for these Customizing objects do not meet your business requirements, you can copy the objects and modify the copies. For more information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Define Item Categories . Transactions Basic Settings Define Transaction Types and

Make the following settings for delivery-relevant items:

On the Definition of Item Categories screen: In field Assign BW/CO: Sales On the Customizing Item screen: In field Bill. Relevance: External billing

Define Item Category Usage You have defined item category usage in Customizing for CRM by choosing Settings Define Item Categories Usages Define Item Category Determination You have assigned the main items and subitems to one another in Customizing for CRM by choosing Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Category Determination Copying Control If you want to create in-house repair orders with reference to service processes or sales transactions, you must define this in Customizing.

Transactions Basic

These settings are already available if you use the standard transaction types delivered by SAP. For more information, see Copying Business Transactions. Action Profiles and Assigned Actions You have completed Customizing for actions:

You have defined action profiles and actions for both transaction types and item categories in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Basic Functions Actions . Actions in Transaction Change Actions and Conditions Define Action Profiles and Actions


You have assigned the action profile to the transaction type and item categories in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing to the Item Category. Basic Functions Actions Actions in and Assign Action Profile Transaction Assign Action Profile to the Business Transaction Type

You have defined the schedule condition and start condition for each action definition in Customizing for CRM by choosing Basic Functions Actions Actions in Transaction Change Actions and Conditions Define Conditions .

The action profiles and assigned actions available in the standard system include:
Technical Name of Action Profile Description of Action Profile Description of Action Return for Repair Diagnosis Repair Repairs and Service Parts Loan Device Loan Device and Device Pick-Up Scrapping Service Part Item Tool Item Loan Device Pick-Up Delivery: Repair

Technical Name of Action REPAIR_RETURN


Repair Request Repair: Result of Diagnosis






Repair Item Repair Loan Device Item Return for Repair


If the action profiles delivered by SAP do not meet all your needs, you can define your own actions in Customizing. Buttons for Actions You have defined the text and icons for the buttons of the actions in the main item in Customizing for CRM by choosing Transactions Settings for Complaints Define Pushbuttons for Actions .


Questionnaire for the In-House Repair Order

You have defined the questionnaire for the diagnosis report in Customizing for CRM by choosing Transactions Settings for Complaints Questionnaire for Complaints Define Questionnaires .

You have assigned the questionnaire for the diagnosis report to the diagnosis item category (DGNS) in Customizing for CRM by choosing Transactions Settings for Complaints . Questionnaire for Complaints Define Determination for Questionnaires

Scrapping Items in the In-House Repair Order You have defined the parameters for goods movement from the sales order stock for the item category for scrapping (SCRP) in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Movement . Transactions Settings for Complaints Integration Logistics Integration Define Transfer Parameters for the Goods

Data Exchange for In-House Repair Orders: SAP CRM SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) For more information about prerequisites for the data exchange between SAP CRM and SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC), see the "Prerequisites" section of Data Exchange for Complaints: SAP CRM SAP ECC. Process You can create in-house repair orders with or without reference to a sales transaction or a service process. If you want to create a transaction with reference to a preceding transaction, call this transaction up and use the Follow-Up button to create an in-house repair order.

Items are only copied if they have a valid status. This means that the system offers you the items contained in the preceding transaction so that you can decide which items you want to copy into the in-house repair order. Then in categorization, specify the reason for the in-house repair order.


If there is a serial number available on the product, enter it in the in-house repair request. For more information about serial number entry, see Serial Number Entry in Complaints and Returns. You can use actions to trigger a variety of subsequent processes from the in-house repair order. How you use the actions depends on your business process.

If you set the in-house repair order to status Completed, all sub items are automatically set to status Completed.

Service Confirmations

You can use the service confirmation transaction to report working time, service parts, expenses, and tools used while performing a service. This function is available in CRM WebClient UI, CRM Mobile Service, and CRM Mobile Service for Handheld. Integration CRM Transaction History You can create a service confirmation as a follow-up transaction that refers to service orders and in-house repair orders. For more information, see Creation of Service Confirmations. Back-End Systems (SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC)) For detailed information on the flow of service confirmation-related data between SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) and SAP ECC, see Data Exchange for Service Confirmations: SAP CRM - SAP ECC. Prerequisites The service confirmation transaction is predefined as follows in the standard system:


Transaction type SRVC Item categories

o o

SVCM for service parts and sales items SVCP for service product items Date profile SRV_RM_ITEM1 SAP Confirmation Service Item is assigned to this item category. The date profile contains date types such as SRVC_ACTUAL Start of Work and SRVC_ACT_TO Date Work Ends. The working time of service representatives is documented with these date fields.

o o

SVCE for expense items SVCT for tool items

If the settings for these Customizing objects do not reflect your business requirements, you can copy them and modify the copies. Features Details of Services Rendered You can report the following key information in a service confirmation:

Working times (duration, start and end of work) Travel times You enter travel times in a separate service item using a service type and valuation type that you have defined for billing travel time (see "Billing" below).

Service parts used Expenses incurred You can confirm planned and unplanned expenses, such as expenses for hotel accommodation or miscellaneous materials that are not represented by service items or service part items.

You need to define products of the type Material to represent different types of expenses.


There is no integration with SAP ECC Travel Management for the processing of travel expenses. You cannot confirm expenses with Mobile Service for Handheld.

Reference object(s) for the service Technical details in Categorization Tools used

Service Confirmation Functions Installed Base Update If an installed base is assigned to the confirmation, you can go to the installed base and update it. For example, you could update the installed base if an installed object is to be replaced by another object while the original is repaired. This function is available in CRM WebClient UI and mobile service. Contract Determination The system can determine valid service contracts for reference in a service confirmation. If you reference a service contract, details from the contract are automatically copied to the service confirmation. For more information, see Service Contract Determination. This function is available in the CRM WebClient UI. In CRM Mobile Service, you can only assign a contract to a service confirmation manually. Warranty Check You can set up a warranty check in a confirmation to automatically determine valid warranties for reference objects. For more information, see Warranty Check for Coverage of Services. This function is available in the CRM WebClient UI. Counter Readings You can record counter readings for installed base components and objects in a confirmation. For more information, see Counters. This function is available in the CRM WebClient UI. 538

Pricing Pricing for service confirmations takes place using the SAP CRM pricing functions. For more information, see Pricing. You can use an accounting indicator in a confirmation item to determine different prices for products, based on absolute or percentage discounts and surcharges for services performed under warranty. You define discounts and surcharges in pricing conditions. Only fixed product prices downloaded from SAP CRM are available with Mobile Service for Handheld. Cost Allocation You can use an accounting indicator in a confirmation item to determine the settlement receiver for costs. For example, if a service is covered by a warranty, you may want to bill the quality department, but for a free-of-charge repair, you may want to bill the sales department instead of the executing cost center. This function is available in the CRM WebClient UI. Amount Allocation You can assign any of the following existing objects as alternative cost collectors for controlling:

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) internal order (differs from the default internal order for the service transaction) ERP work breakdown structure element (ERP WBS element) ERP sales order in SAP ECC Sales and Distribution (ERP sales order/item) ERP profitability segment CO-PA ERP cost center CRM order

For more information, see Controlling Integration and Amount Allocation with SAP ECC Integration. This function is available in the CRM WebClient UI.


Billing Billing for service confirmations takes place using the billing functions in SAP CRM. For more information, see Billing. In service, you can run billing based on:

The resources planned in a referenced service transaction The resources actually confirmed in a service confirmation You can specify a service type and valuation type in a service confirmation item to determine different rates for billing (such as weekend work, overtime, travel time, senior or junior service representative).

You can split billing amounts among bill-to parties by using Amount Allocation with SAP ECC Integration.

This function is available in the CRM WebClient UI. Create (Attached Documents) You can attach electronic documents to service confirmations at header and item level. In SAP CRM, the full range of CRM Content Management functions are available for managing document attachments. Limited document management functions are available in mobile service. This function is available in CRM WebClient UI and mobile service. Printing Service Reports You can print reports that provide a summary of a confirmed service activity by using the Output button on the overview page. In SAP CRM, Output Determination is used to define the relevant output methods, such as e-mail, fax, or letter. In the mobile service application, you generate reports using templates that are defined using the Document Generation component within the Mobile System Maintenance application (SAP also provides a predefined template). This function is available in CRM WebClient UI and mobile service.


Activities In SAP CRM, when you make a confirmation with reference to a service process for which assignments exist, the status of the relevant assignment is automatically set to Completed and the service process is no longer visible in the resource planning tool. The same applies to confirmations transferred to the CRM server from a mobile client. More Information Specifics for Mobile Service (Laptop)

Creation of Service Confirmations

You create service confirmations to report working time, materials, and expenses associated with a service performed. You can create service confirmations in the following ways:

As a follow-up transaction, with reference to a service order or an in-house repair order The system automatically proposes the items planned in the transaction for selection. Items that you select are copied to the new service confirmation document. Prices, reference objects, and subjects, as well as conditions and working times for assignments are defaulted from the product master data of the items into the order. Prior to submitting a confirmation, you can add or correct data, or create new items for services, materials, expenses, or tools that were not originally planned in the order. You can create multiple confirmations for an order, for example, if you are required to make confirmations on a daily basis but require more than a day to complete an assignment. If multiple service representatives are working on an assignment, they can also confirm individually.

You cannot make a confirmation for several orders in a single document.


You can create one confirmation for multiple service representatives. In this case, the data cannot be processed in Controlling and Human Resources in SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC), however.

Without reference to any transactions For unplanned services that do not relate to an existing transaction, such as additional services completed at the customer site, you can create an confirmation that is not part of a transaction history.

Prerequisites If you want to create service confirmations as follow-up transactions, the respective document flow must be defined in Customizing. For more information, see Copying Business Transactions.

Serial Number Entry in Service Confirmations

You can use this function to enter serial numbers for service parts in service confirmations and update inventory management in SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC). The system validates the serial numbers that you enter. Serial number entry is possible in the CRM WebClient UI and in mobile service. Prerequisites

You have either entered the serial number information in the product master, or you have replicated the material master data from SAP ECC to SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM). In the CRM WebClient UI, the field Serial No. Processing ID is available for entering and displaying serial numbers. Possible values include:
o o

0 Default value 1 Entries possible, but no check against master data


o o o

2 Check object in CRM 3 Check object and serial number in CRM 4 Check for serial number in SAP ECC

To activate the field for use (set type CRM_SERIALNUM, attribute SERIALNO_PROCESSING), you can use SAP Note 824780.

To improve performance during validation of the specified serial numbers by comparing them with the serial numbers in the system, we recommend creating an index for fields TYPE_OBJECT and SERIAL_NUMBER for the CRMD_SRV_REFOBJ table.

Features Maintaining Serial Number Information The serial number information indicates whether serial numbers are relevant for a certain product, and how a serial number created in a document should be validated. You can use the field Serial No. Processing ID on the CRM WebClient user interface to enter serial number information. You can also get the serial number information by replicating the material master data from SAP ECC to SAP CRM (function CRS_SERIAL_PROFIL_DETERMINE). A material is serial number-relevant if a serial number profile is defined at plant level in SAP ECC, and the goods movement requires a serial number to be entered. You can change the replicated information in SAP CRM, if necessary. The serial number information is replicated from SAP CRM to the mobile client as part of the product master data. Maintaining Serial Numbers You have the following options for maintaining serial numbers:

You enter serial numbers as objects in SAP CRM. You maintain serial numbers in SAP ECC and replicate them to SAP CRM.


You can replicate serial numbers that are not linked to equipment from SAP ECC to SAP CRM. The serial numbers appear in SAP CRM as objects. For more information, see Serial Number Download, Replication of Serial Numbers from SAP ECC to SAP CRM, and Replication of Serial Number Configuration from SAP ECC to SAP CRM.

You can replicate equipment, to which serial numbers can be assigned, from SAP ECC to SAP CRM. The pieces of equipment are represented in SAP CRM as objects of an installed base. For more information, see Replication of Equipment Between SAP CRM and SAP ECC and Replication of Equipment Configuration Between SAP CRM and SAP ECC.

You maintain the serial numbers exclusively in SAP ECC.

Entering Serial Numbers in the Service Confirmation in SAP CRM

For service parts in service confirmations in the CRM WebClient UI, you can enter serial numbers manually. In the general data for the service part item, the Serial Number field is available for this purpose. If the quantity you entered for a service part is greater than one, you can enter other serial numbers in the Reference Objects assignment block by using Edit List.

You can enter serial numbers for service confirmations manually using the mobile client.

Checking the Serial Numbers Entered in the Documents The checks available in the standard system are listed below. You can use the Business Add-In (BAdI) BAdI: Check Reference Objects (CRM_SERVICE_OS_BADI) to tailor these checks to your needs. You can find this BAdI in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Transactions Settings for Sales Transactions Business Add-Ins

As you enter the service part, depending on the value in field Serial No. Processing ID, the system checks whether serial numbers can be entered or must be entered:
o o o

0: It is not possible to enter serial numbers; the entry field is not available for input. 1: Serial number entry is allowed. 2, 3 and 4: Serial number entry is required.

After the serial number is entered, the system ensures that the product is not changed any more.


Quantity check: The system checks whether the service part item quantity agrees with the number of serial numbers that were entered.

Duplicate check The system checks to make sure that the same serial number was not already entered in the same document.

Accuracy check: Depending on Customizing in the product master (field Serial No. Processing ID), the existence of serial numbers is checked as follows:
o o o o o

0: No checks 1: No master data or quantity checks 2: Check whether serial number exists in SAP CRM in an object. 3: Check according to points 2 and 4. 4: Check the serial numbers that were entered against the serial numbers recorded in SAP ECC The system checks whether the service part with the serial number that was entered is in stock. This depends on the plant and storage location (plant storage area, consignment stock at customer site, consignment stock of the service representative).

Serial Number Replication from SAP CRM to SAP ECC After the service confirmation is saved (status Completed), the system transfers the service confirmation with the service parts, quantities, and corresponding serial numbers to SAP ECC and triggers goods issue and material posting for the service parts.

Statuses in the Service Confirmation

The service confirmation can have the following statuses:

Open Completed


Cancelled Internally and Billing Cancelled

These statuses are valid at both document header level and item level. Open Status Status Open is the initial status, and is set by the system when a confirmation is created. You can still make changes to the confirmation document when it is in this status. To prevent the document from being transferred to integrated SAP ERP systems and SAP CRM Billing, the system sets the status Distribution Lock in parallel with the Open status. Completed Status You set this status manually either at item level or header level. If you manually set all items to Completed, the system automatically sets the header at Completed. As soon as a document has the status Completed, you can no longer make changes to it. If you find that the document is incorrect, you must cancel it (see below). When you set the Completed status, the system sets the corresponding To Be Distributed status. This status subsequently changes to Distributed if distribution is successful, or to Distribution Incorrect if distribution fails. Cancelled Internally and Billing Cancelled You can use these statuses to cancel the following:

Documents that have not yet been distributed The document is canceled in SAP CRM to prevent it from being distributed.

Documents that have already been distributed for billing and internal processing Cancellation documents are generated to reverse postings made in integrated SAP systems, for example, changes made to stock as the result of service parts being confirmed.

Once a document has one of these statuses, no further status changes are possible.


Case Management

Case Management enables you to consolidate, manage, and process information about a complex problem or issue in a central collection point, the case. Within a case, you can group diverse information, such as business partners, transactions, products, and documents. This information can reside in different physical systems. You can also use Case Management to process problems and issues that involve multiple processing steps or multiple processors. Case Management therefore supports the processing and communication flow between organizational units and helps you to increase processing efficiency. Case Management contains various functions and features that are applicable to different scenarios, including the Interaction Center (IC) WebClient. For more information about the scope of Case Management in the IC WebClient, see Case Processing in the Interaction Center WebClient. SAP provides the framework for processing issues in different industries and scenarios for Case Management:

Incidents relating to complex or expensive products for which you provide technical services Issues in the utilities industry, such as power outages Insurance claims cases Services in government agencies

SAP provides predefined case types to support the following scenarios:

General incident tracking Disputes regarding customer invoices and payments in the telecommunications industry

Prerequisites You have made all the necessary settings in Customizing under Case Management . Customer Relationship Management


SAP provides standard Customizing settings that enable you to run Case Management with few or no modifications. Depending on your business processes and system landscape, however, you may need to make further settings. The section Extended Customizing of Case Management Customizing contains more specific settings if you have special requirements. For example, you can determine linked objects residing in systems other than your SAP CRM system to cases, or define a case closing profile, or set up case archiving. You only need to maintain the Special Settings section under Extended Customizing in exceptional cases. To do this, you require assistance from an experienced consultant. If you want to use reference categories, you must have already set up Multilevel Categorization. You do this in the Customizing for CRM by choosing Categorization role under Process Modeling. Features

CRM Cross-Application Components Multilevel

and you need to perform additional tasks in the CRM WebClient UI for the IC Manager

Linking existing business objects to a case: You can link CRM business object types to a case, for example:
o o o o

Business partner Products, objects, installed base components CRM sales and service business transactions Problems and solutions from the knowledge base

Assigning and displaying the involved parties: When you assign or link involved parties with a case, you can assign partner functions and specify the main business partner. In Customizing you can define partner determination procedures using a Business Add-In (BAdI) for each case type and assign partner functions only using the existing BAdI. Furthermore, you can define a minimum and maximum number of partners that must be entered for the various partner functions for each case type.

Linking electronic documents, such as forms and policies, to a case: Content Management functionality enables you to structure documents, and link archived documents. For more information, see CRM Content Management and Document Management.

Linking activities to a case: From Case Management you can directly access activity management. You can create multiple activities to plan and track the required processing steps for


a case. You can assign an activity to a person responsible who is not necessarily the case processor. Processors can generate a list of activities for which they are assigned as person responsible. You can also link existing activities to a case. For more information, see Activity Management.

Creating and linking actions: You can create and link actions from within a case. For example, you can define actions for sending e-mail messages, creating and linking service orders. Actions allow you to process cases more efficiently. For more information, see Actions. Entering case notes: You can enter notes if you want to record case-specific information. These notes are always assigned directly to the case and facilitate communication between agents. Case notes are stamped with the name of the user who created the note and the date and time of creation. You can categorize notes by assigning them a note type. You can also make a note of the reason for linking objects to a case next to the objects themselves. Change history: Changes to a case are automatically recorded in a log, with a user, date and time stamp. This change history helps you to track changes to case attributes, linking of business objects to a case, and unlinking of business objects in a case. Authorizations: You can use enhanced authorization control using the Access Control Engine to enable sensitive information to be handled confidentially and only be made visible to authorized persons. You can restrict authorizations to view or change cases and case notes, based on case types and note types. You can also restrict access to specific information within an authorized case type. For more information, see Case Authorizations. Status management: You can assign customer-defined statuses to cases. You define the system status in Customizing where you specify which status changes are permitted. Using case categories: You can categorize cases and analyze the data in SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI). You define categorization in CRM using multilevel categorization. Using reference categories: You can assign a reference category for multilevel categorization at case header level, which allows you to control case processing. You can use reference categories to include various business objects and functions in your case processing. You can use activity templates that are linked to categories to create additional activities and to link them to the case. You can use document templates that are assigned to categories to create documents within a case. By assigning extended attributes, you can define a time version of the reference category. You can use the reference category to run reports in SAP NetWeaver BI. Case hierarchies: You can manage associated cases in a hierarchy. To do this, you need to define subordinate cases.


Creating new cases: You can create a new case from an existing one and use it as a template, or you can choose to create a new case type from a list of case types. When you copy a case, a case of the same case type is created. Integration of business objects from an integrated SAP ERP system: You can link business objects from an integrated SAP ERP system with a case. In Customizing you define which business object types you want to link together.

CRM Content Management Purpose

High-performance Content Management is an important component of a successful CRM landscape. You can use CRM Content Management to enrich CRM business objects such as products, product catalogs, or business partners with unstructured data.In Content Management, this data is called Documents.

You have used transaction SICF to create an external alias '/default_host/sap/bc/contentserver', which contains anonymous logon data and refers to the target element '/default_host/sap/bc/contentserver'. To display documents in the People-Centric UI, the system requires anonymous logon data for the service /default_host/sap/bc/contentserver for HTTP access to the content server. The service '/default_host/sap/bc/contentserver' is active. In the Interaction Center WebClient, to see the documents in the search result with a folder structure, you have set the flag for the corresponding Content Management profile in Customizing at Customer Relationship Management Interaction Center WebClient Basic Functions Maintain Content Management Profile.

When processing business objects, the system accesses the relevant Content Management functions. CRM Content Management offers the following functions:
Integration of the user interface with the various CRM applications Linking of documents and business objects

Technical Content Management functions such as folder management and saving documents to content servers. Saving to a database Versioning

Grouping of thematically-connected content objects by using folder templates To use folders and documents in the various applications, you can define folder templates, which in turn must be assigned to the relevant business object types. For more information, see the Implementation Guide at Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions Content Management Define Templates for Folders. Metadata management


Integration with the ArchiveLink functionality. In Customizing, you can define which documentation for the appropriate business objects is linked to the ArchiveLink functions. To do this, in Customizing, select Web Application Server SAP Web Application Server Basis Services ArchiveLink. Additionally, you can create ArchiveLink documents from Content Management. Integration of Internet documents by entering the appropriate URLs Import and export of documents

Where-Used list: You can display a list of all business objects to which a given document is assigned.

This function does not exist in the IC WebClient. Content search: You can search for all the documents in Content Management, that is, you can also search for documents that belong to other business objects. Document templates: You can define templates for your documents that will be available to you later in Content Management. For more information, see the Implementation Guide at Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions Content Management Define Document Templates.

This function does not exist in the IC WebClient.

Special Features in the SAP GUI

Import and export of documents with blocking function Creation of personal- and generally visible notes on document level The graphic shows the layout of the Content Management interface.


Special Features in the People-Centric UI

Personalizable display of document properties: Use the Personalize button to make a selection of all the available document properties. Import of documents to the People-Centric UI: To import documents, select Add, enter the document path and a name, and then select Add document.To export a document, open the corresponding document in the browser, choose File -> Save as from the browser menu and enter the required target directory. Linking digital assets to business objects: To link digital assets to business objects, choose Digital Asset, find the digital asset via Search and link it to the business object. You can see the assigned digital assets in the Ext. folder Documents: For more information, see Digital Asset Management.

Special Features in the Interaction Center WebClient

Content search: In the search result, you can also display the folder, for example, to be able to assign documents on folder level more easily. Furthermore, the search result is arranged more clearly. Add documents as appndices to e-mails, faxes, or to scanned letters



Content Management can only be applied to the various areas of the CRM system.There is no cross-system integration outside of CRM, that is, it is not possible to share content with systems outside CRM.

Additional Information
For technical information about Content Management, see the SAP Help Portal at SAP R/3 and R/3 Enterprise SAP Library SAP NetWeaver Components SAP Web Application Server Basis Services/Communication Interface (BC-SVR) Knowledge Provider (BC-SVR-KPR).

Document Management

Case Management supports a variety of functions to make documents in electronic formats available in cases. When you create a case, you can upload attachments from your hard drive or you can link to documents on your hard drive. All documents that are linked to cases are physically saved in CRM Content Management or ArchiveLink. You can always access and manage the documents by using CRM Content Management or SAP Product Lifecycle Management. Features Records You can use the case record structure to link record documents to the model nodes provided in the record. The assigned record model predefines the respective object (record documents or other business objects such as business partners) for each model node. You can edit the list of records linked to the case and the type of record. Each record document occupies its own instance node in the record hierarchy. Changes to a document are saved as a new version of the document in CRM Content Management. Documents In Case Management, you can process case documents using an unstructured collection of case documents, or you can also create folders or structures of folders to flexibly structure existing documents. You can even work with document templates from CRM Content Management. You can upload these from the Content Management system or set a link to them. 553

Activities You can assign activities with case notes to a case. A notes document is attached the case but does not appear in the record structure. It is a separate element. Attachments In Case Management, you can upload documents from SAP PLM, or from the Content Management system. If you want, you can attach the document as a link or append the actual document to the case. If you upload a document from Content Management and you edit the document, it is saved as a new version. You can also upload a document from a local hard drive and attach it to the case. If there is an existing attachment linked to the case with the same name, you can overwrite it with the most current one from your hard drive. However, in this case no version management occurs. You can upload a URL as an attachment. It is then a link to any valid external or internal Web site. More Information SAP Records Management Editing Tool for Record Models: The Records Modeler

SAP Records Management

Records Management is a standard solution for the electronic management of records. Quick access to information is a key factor for performing business successfully. Records Management guarantees this quick access. In one record, all information objects of a business transaction are grouped together in a transparent hierarchical structure. By converting paper records to electronic records, you can enjoy all the advantages of a paper-free office: No storage costs for records, no cost-intensive copying procedures, and optimal retrieval of information. However, SAP Records Management not only provides an electronic representation of the conventional paper record, but also offers functions that far exceed those available for conventional records management: you have fast and secure access to archived documents. You can enter Office documents 554

and notes directly in a record, using document templates if required. You can include Internet or intranet pages in a record. In addition to documents, you can also integrate other diverse electronic elements (the elements can originate from the local SAP system, from other SAP systems, or from nonSAP systems):
Business Objects Transactions Reports

These integration options mean that the record provides a universal view of all the information objects that exist for a business process. Access to information is facilitated. The user no longer has to navigate through systems to find information objects, because all the information objects for the whole record are available in one structured view. Clicking on an object in this view displays it directly. In addition, the integration of the WebFlow Engine and an ad hoc workflow tool enables you to efficiently control your processes from the record: Predefined workflows can be included in a record and started from the record. Users can, however, also define ad hoc workflows in the record. If they do so, users send record elements in an electronic circular to employees and determine the employees tasks. This process is logged and can be traced from within the record.

Editing Tool for Record Models: The Records Modeler

You use the Records Modeler to create record models. Before you can create record models, an element type for record models must already exist in registry maintenance. After you have created the record model, you must release it and assign it to an element type for records (which is a value for the connection parameter MODEL_ID). You can then create records for this element type. The records then adopt the structure of the record model entered.

You can only reach the Records Modeler through the Records Organizer (see Navigating to the Records Modeler). Choose to hide the Organizer navigation toolbar.

The Records Modeler screen is divided into two areas.


Left-hand screen area The left-hand screen area has the following sections: Overview of the record model The main window contains an overview tree of the record model. You can customize the columns in the tree. For further details on this, see User-specific settings. Toolbar The toolbar is above the main window. This provides the following functions for editing the record model: Choose to change the mode (display/change).

Choose to save the current status of the record model. You can decide whether you want to save the status as a continuation of the current version, or as a new version. If you save the record model as a new version, you can access the previous version at any time.
To access old versions, deselect the Only Current Results check box in the dialog box for searching for record models. All versions will then be displayed in the hit list. Choose to display these versions.

Choose to display the attributes of the record model and their values. You can change the values of the maintainable attributes at any time (for more information, see Assigning Attribute Values). Choose Model to display a menu that offers functions for the whole record model. The following functions are available:
Change Status: A dialog box is displayed, in which you can assign a new status to the record model. (for a description of the status values, see Status Bars). The change in status from Initial to Released is irreversible. To make nodes in released record models invalid, use the deactivation function (see below). Other Model: You can call all record models that belong to the same element type as the current record model. The search dialog box is displayed (see Searching). Administration Transport Entry: You write a transport entry for the record model. This function is only offered if the element type chosen for the record model permits transport to subsequent systems. Administration Log Entries: You display the log of all activities executed on the record model. Administration XML Representation: You can display the underlying XML code of the record model. Load Local File: The file selection box for your hard drive is displayed, from which you can select an existing record model to upload. Prerequisite: The record model must be saved in XML format, and it must correspond to the XML schema specified by SAP for the record model. Note: Element instances cannot be saved, and hence cannot be redisplayed. Instance nodes are therefore displayed as structure nodes. Save as Local File: You save the record model as an XML file on your hard drive.


User-specific settings: For details, see User-Specific Settings.

Use to create a new node. In the right-hand screen area you see the detailed display (see below). This is where you determine the content and attributes of the new node. Use to delete a node. If the selected node has nodes beneath it in the hierarchy, the whole subtree is deleted. Use to edit a node. In the right-hand screen area you can see the detailed display (see below). This is where you change the content and attributes of the node (see Creating a Record Model). Use to rename a node.

Use to select a node. If the selected node has nodes beneath it in the hierarchy, the whole subtree is deleted.
This selection is in addition to simple selection by positioning the cursor on the node. You need this selection when reassigning nodes (see below).

Use to deselect a node. If the selected node has nodes beneath it in the hierarchy, the whole subtree is deselected. to insert the selected nodes or sub-tree at the cursor position. If you want to move and not Use duplicate the selected node, you need to delete the node or sub-tree from its previous position. Use Use to activate a node or subtree that was previously inactive. to deactivate a node or subtree.
If you have changed the status of a record model to Released, you can only extend it; you cannot delete any nodes. You can use the deactivation function to specify that this subtree will not be visible in any future records based on this model.



to expand/collapse a subtree.

Status bars A status bar is displayed directly under the toolbar. This shows the tool you are currently working in, the current mode (a symbol for either Display or Change), and the unique name and version number of the record model. Another status bar is displayed at the bottom of the screen. This shows the current status of the record model. The status values have the following meaning:
Initial: The record model is under construction. You cannot yet create any records for this record model. Released: You cannot change existing nodes of the record model, but you can create further nodes. You can create records using this record model. Final: You cannot make any further changes to the record model. You can create records using this record model.


Obsolete: The record model is invalid. The records that have been created using this record model still exist. You cannot create any further records using this record model.

To hide the status bar, choose the cross icon at the beginning of each line. Right-hand screen area To display the detailed view of the node in the right-hand screen area, double-click a node in the lefthand screen area, or choose . For information on the individual entries, see Creating a Record Model.

Enhanced Authorization Control for Case Access Using ACE

You can use the Access Control Engine (ACE) to flexibly control access to CRM cases. By default, access is granted only to cases assigned to the same organizational unit. You can define additional authorization rules using the ACE so that specific groups can access particular cases. A default implementation is provided in the standard delivery that you can activate or deactivate. If you want to create your own implementation, there is a description of the sample implementation delivered for reference. In Customizing choose Customer Relationship Management Case Management Extended .

Customizing ACE Implementation for Case Management More Information CRM Access Control Engine Case Authorizations


A structured collection of information related to an issue, incident, or problem that requires processing. The processing flow of a case is defined by activities and processors that are assigned to the case.


Cases allow you to group related objects in a central collection point that serves as a single point of access for processing an issue. You can create a case when you establish that an issue extends beyond a single business partner or transaction, or involves many processing steps. Structure A case can contain the following information:

Case attributes These include case type, case category, priority, status, processor, employee responsible, cause, escalation reason, creation date, and change date.

Case notes Parties involved Case category Business objects:

o o o o o

Transactions Products, objects, installed base components CRM sales and service business transactions Attachments SAP ERP Contract Accounting documents

You can enable users to link additional business objects by extending the record model for the case. Record models are part of SAP Records Management, on which generic SAP Case Management and CRM Case Management are based.

Electronic documents Activities Log of changes made to the case You can show the relationships between cases by defining a hierarchy of cases. In addition to the existing hierarchical case structures (subcases, higher-level cases), you can link cases which are related, but do not form a hierarchy.

Example You receive recurring complaints about a product defect and decide to create a case to monitor these. You then link the affected case business partners and product involved to the case, and also the complaints 559

documents already created to record complaints about the product. You also create an initial activity Perform technical analysis, write a note describing the reason for opening a case, and assign the case to a processor.

case type (BC-SRV-CM)

Case Management (BC-SRV-CM)
A classification of cases. Each case belongs to a case type. This is created in Customizing and contains various settings, for example, an attribute profile, function profile, status profile, text profile, and terminology profile.

Linking Related Cases

You can link related cases that do not form a hierarchy. Normally in Case Management, cases are structured in a hierarchy where they are independent from each other. However, cases may contain similar data or features or have a common element. As a result you can link these cases to gain a better overview of related cases. You can display all related cases and from the overview page, you can edit the list to add, modify or delete a related case, as well as give a reason for linking it. You cannot set a link to cases that have been archived. However, you can edit nonarchived, related cases. To edit information, click the hyperlink associated to the case, which brings you to the active case information where you can edit it.

Case Authorizations
You can use various authorizations in Case Management to control user access to case information. You set up authorizations by defining values for authorization objects in authorization profiles and then assigning them to users or user groups via roles.


You maintain authorization objects for user or roles in the SAP menu ( System Administration User Maintenance ).

Architecture and Technology

For more information about authorizations, see SAP Authorization Concept. The following authorization objects are specific to Case Management. In addition to these, you also require the SAP Records Management authorization objects. These are also included in the predefined roles. For a description of the SAP Records Management authorization objects, see The Authorization Concept for Working with Records Management (and subsequent sections) and The Authorization Concept for Customizing. S_SCMG_CAS (Case Management: Case) This object defines authorizations for entire cases. It contains the following authorization fields for which you can define values to control authorization:

CASETYPE: Case type SCMG_ACT: Case processing activity, for example, create, change, or delete SCMG_KEY: Key for authorization check This field is a user exit that is relevant for authorization checks using the Business Add-In (BAdI) SCMG_AUTHORITY_S (method DETERMINDE_KEY). In this field, you can enter a current value for a field of an application. The BAdI generates a new key each time the authorization check is run. This field is only checked if this BAdI is implemented.

SCMG_LVL: Authorization level This field controls user access and processing activities dependent on the authorization level assigned to a case. The values that you can enter for this field are specified in the Case Management Customizing activity Basic Settings Determine Permitted Values for Case Attributes Create Values for . At runtime, the system checks whether the user has authorization for the Authorization Levels

authorization level currently entered in the case. If the user does not have the correct authorization level, they cannot execute the activity.


SCMG_ROLE: Role of the user in relation to the case (see above) This field controls user access and processing activities dependent on the user's current role as defined in the case header data. You can enter the value P (Processor) or R (Responsible) for this field. Note that the value C is only relevant for SAP Dispute Management (FIN-FSCM-DM). Case processors have the role Processor or Responsible if they are currently named in the case header as in the processor or person responsible respectively. At runtime, the system checks which, if either, of these roles the case processor currently has. If the user does not have authorization for a role or is neither a processor or person responsible, they cannot execute the activity.

SPS_ID: Element type within a case

S_SCMG_FLN (Case Management: Field-Level Authorization) This object defines authorizations for the attribute fields in a case header. It contains the following authorization fields for which you can define values to control authorization:

ACTVT: Activity (Change, Display) CASETYPE: Case type SCMG_FIELD: Attribute field This field controls whether a user can display or change a case attribute.

SCMG_ROLE: Role of the user in relation to the case (see above) SPS_ID: Element type within a case

S_SCMG_STA (Case Management: Status) This object defines authorizations to change the case status. It contains the following authorization fields for which you can define values to control authorization:

ACTVT: Activity (Change) CASETYPE: Case type ORDER_NO: Status


The status that you enter here is the user-defined status, as defined in the Case Management Customizing activity Extended Customizing Create Status Profile. If you select values for this field using F4 Help, you can also see the details of the relevant status profile.

SPS_ID: Element type within a case

S_SCMG_TXT (Case Management: Notes) This object defines authorizations for case notes. It contains the following authorization fields for which you can define values to control authorization:

ACTVT: Activity (Add or Create, Change, Display) CASETYPE: Case type SPS_ID: Element type for case notes TEXTID: Text ID The values that you can enter for this field are specified in the Case Management Customizing activity Extended Customizing Create Text Profile Create Text IDs . At runtime, the system checks whether the user has authorization for the relevant type of text to determine whether the user can perform the desired activity for the text.

AS ABAP Authorization Concept

The ABAP authorization concept protects transactions, programs, and services in SAP systems from unauthorized access. On the basis of the authorization concept, the administrator assigns authorizations to the users that determine which actions a user can execute in the SAP system, after he or she has logged on to the system and authenticated himself or herself. To access business objects or execute SAP transactions, a user requires corresponding authorizations, as business objects or transactions are protected by authorization objects. The authorizations represent instances of generic authorization objects and are defined depending on the activity and responsibilities of the employee. The authorizations are combined in an authorization profile that is associated with a role. The user administrators then assign the corresponding roles using the user master record, so that the user can use the appropriate transactions for his or her tasks. The following graphic shows the authorization components and their relationships.


Explanation of the Graphic Term User Master Record Notes These enable the user to log onto the SAP system and allow access to the functions and objects in it within the limits of the authorization profiles specified in the role. The user master record contains all information about the corresponding user, including the authorizations. Changes only take effect when the user next logs on to the system. Users who are logged on when the change takes place are not affected in their current session. Single role Is created with the role administration tool and allows the automatic generation of an authorization profile. The role contains the authorization data and the logon menu for the user. Consists of any number of single roles. Is generated in role administration from the role data. To minimize the editing effort if you are using authorization profiles, do not usually enter single authorizations in the user master record, but rather authorizations combined into authorization profiles. Changes to the authorization rights take effect for all users whose user master record contains the profile the next time they log on to the system. Users who are already logged on are not immediately affected by the changes.

Composite role Generated authorization profile Manual authorization profile


We strongly recommend that you do not assign profiles manually, but rather do so automatically with the role administration tool. Composite profile Authorization Consists of any number of authorization profiles. Definition of an authorization object, that is, a combination of permissible values in each authorization field of an authorization object. An authorization enables you to perform a particular activity in the SAP system, based on a set of authorization object field values. Authorizations allow you to specify any number of single values or value ranges for a field of an authorization object. You can also allow all values, or allow an empty field as a permissible value. If you change authorizations, all users whose authorization profile contains these authorizations are affected. As a system administrator, you can edit authorizations in the following ways: You can extend and change the SAP defaults with role administration.

You can change authorizations manually. These changes take effect for the relevant users as soon as you activate the authorization. The programmer of a function decides whether, where and how authorizations are to be checked. The program determines whether the user has sufficient authorization for a particular activity. To do this, it compares the field values specified in the program with the values contained in the authorizations of the user master record. The line of the authorization is highlighted in yellow. Authorization object An authorization object groups up to ten fields that are related by AND. An authorization object allows complex tests of an authorization for multiple conditions. Authorizations allow users to execute actions within the system. For an authorization check to be successful, all field values of the authorization object must be appropriately entered in the user master record. Authorization objects are divided into classes for comprehensibility. An object class is a logical combination of authorization objects and corresponds, for example, to an application (financial accounting, human resources, and so on). The line of the authorization object class is highlighted in orange. For information about editing the authorization values, double-click an authorization object. The line of the authorization object is highlighted in green.


Authorization field

Contains the value that you defined. It is connected to the data elements stored with the ABAP Dictionary.

The objects (such as authorizations, profiles, user master records, or roles) are assigned per client. For more information about transporting these objects from one client to another, or from one system to another, see the SAP Library, in the in sections Transporting Authorization Components and Change and Transport System (BC-CTS).

If you develop your own transactions or programs, you must add authorizations to your developments yourself (see Authorization Checks in Your Own Developments).

To be able to successfully implement the authorization strategy, you need a reliable authorization plan. To produce a plan, you must first decide which users may perform which tasks in the SAP system. You then need to assign the authorizations required for these tasks in the SAP system to each user. The development of a stable and reliable authorization plan is an ongoing process. We recommend that you regularly revise the authorization plan so that it always meets your requirements. Define standard roles and procedures for creating and assigning roles, profiles, and authorizations. More information:
Assigning Authorizations Authorization Checks Authorization Checks in Your Own Developments Authorization Check Scenario Role Administration

The authorization concept for working with Records Management has three levels. Level 1 is checked first, then level 2, and finally level 3.
Level 1: Authorization restrictions for defining views. Level 2: Authorization check using the Records Management authorization object. Level 3: Authorization check using the authorization objects of a Service Provider (as long as this has implemented an authorization check)

As a general rule, an authorization check for an element in its own repository is only successful if these authorization checks have been passed.


The Authorization Concept for Working with Records Management

Level 1: Authorization Restrictions for Defining Views Prerequisite: User roles have been defined. The views are each assigned to one or more users. Creating Views in Records Organizer The administrator can create a role-based view and assign it to a user role. The role-based view contains element types and elements that users with that role need in their everyday work. The role-based view is designed to simplify navigation from the initial screen for the user. If no rolebased view is created, the user will see all the element types that exist in the current RMS. To display individual elements, the user would then have to use the Search activity. Creating Views in Records Modeler
When creating a record model, the administrator can determine for which roles each node is visible. When users create a record using a record model, structure nodes, model nodes, and instance nodes are only displayed if they have been defined as visible for their role. The user can therefore only create elements for element types that are assigned to the visible nodes.
Controlling Views in Records Browser

In a record, a user can determine which nodes are visible for which roles. This is valid for model nodes that do not yet have any elements, as well as for nodes that have elements assigned to them, and structure nodes. Level 2: Authorization Check Using the Records Management Authorization Object The general authorization object for Records Management is called S_SRMSY_CL. This applies to all elements within Records Management, It has the following authorization fields:

You can use the fields to restrict the authorizations within an authorization object. If you enter a value here, the authorization is restricted to this value. If you do not want to set any restrictions, enter *. You can enter more than one value for each field. RMSID: SPSID: ACTVT: ID of an RMS ID of an element type Number of an activity. The following values are permitted: o o o 33 Read (execute non-change activities) 34 Write (execute change activities) 35 Output (list display)

This authorization check is carried out before the user performs the following actions: Displaying element types and elements as nodes in a list (for example, when calling a record) For every element type and every element that is displayed as a node in the list, the system checks whether the user has authorization for the current RMS, the element type (SPS ID), and the Output activity. If the check fails for an element or an element type, the node for the corresponding element/type is not displayed in the list. Calling activities for an element


For the activities Search, Display, Information, and Log, the system checks whether the user has Read authorization for the RMS and the element type of the element. For the activities Create, Edit, and Delete, the system checks whether the user has Write authorization for the RMS and the element type of the element. If this check fails, a message is displayed stating that the user does not have authorization to execute this activity.

Level 3: Authorization Check Using Authorization Objects of the Individual Service Providers Service providers can implement their own authorization checks. This authorization check is called in connection with the authorization check of the general Records Management authorization object. For service providers that do not implement their own authorization check, level 3 is omitted. The following service providers supplied by SAP have an implemented authorization check:
SP for records SP for record models SP for documents SP for document templates SP for notes SP for administration data of paper documents SP for file plans The service providers named above are all based on the same back end; the generic service provider. The authorization check for all these service providers is therefore identical. For more information, see The Authorization Concept of the Generic Service Provider. The SP for records offers one other authorization check. For more information, see Authorization Check for the Service Provider for Records. SP for circulars and process routes For more information, see The Authorization Concept for Circulars and Process Routes.

The Authorization Concept for Customizing

The activities within the IMG activity Registry Maintenance are linked to authorizations. There are five authorization objects for registry maintenance.

For maintaining an RMS and element types without the implementation of additional service providers , you only need the authorization objects S_FRA_AREA, S_FRA_SP, and S_FRA_SPS.

Authorization object S_FRA_AREA This authorization object relates to the entity area and has the following fields:
ACTVT Number of an activity. The following values are permitted:


Create (01) Display (03) Change (02) Delete (06)

F_AREA_ID ID of an area

Authorization object S_FRA_SP This authorization object relates to the entity service provider.
ACTVT F_AREA_ID F_SP_ID Number of an activity (see above) ID of an area ID of a service provider

Authorization object S_FRA_SPS This authorization object relates to the entity element type.
ACTVT F_AREA_ID F_SP_ID F_SPS_ID Number of an activity (see above) ID of an area ID of a service provider ID of an element type

Authorization object S_FRA_CLRO This authorization object relates to the entity class role. The object has the following authorization fields:
ACTVT F_CLRO_ID Number of an activity (see above) ID of the class role

Authorization object S_FRA_SPTY This authorization object relates to the entity service provider type. The object has the following authorization fields:
ACTVT F_SPTY_ID Number of an activity (see above) ID of the service provider type

Case Processing in the Interaction Center WebClient

A case is a structure that contains all different business objects or business object types that are linked or can be linked to a call. You can use this application to process cases in the Interaction Center (IC) WebClient. Cases can also be post-processed in CRM Enterprise, if required.



You have made all the necessary settings in Customizing under Management Case Management . You have made all necessary settings in Customizing under

Customer Relationship

Customer Relationship .

Management Interaction Center WebClient Business Transaction Case Management In this section, you can define filters for displaying case details and define profiles for case processing.

You have set up multilevel categorization in the Customizing under CRM Cross-Application Components Multilevel Categorization and Interaction Center WebClient Business . . Customer Relationship Management Interaction Transaction Define Categorization Profiles

You have set up automatic routing under

Center WebClient Business Transaction Define Automatic Routing Features

Many of the Case Management features available in the Interaction Center WebClient are available in other applications of Case Management. The following are features that are more specific to the Interaction Center WebClient, but can be used in other applications.

Case search You can search for cases in the agent inbox using different selection criteria. If you open a case in the agent inbox, the view set Cases is displayed automatically. Alternatively, you can use the separate case search if you have set this up in Customizing. If you want to use the separate case search, you have to set this up in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing Define Navigation Bar Profile . Interaction Center WebClient Basic Functions

Use the text search function in the Knowledge Search to search for case notes, documents and business objects as well as to search for cases based on the long text description of business objects. You can e-mail cases found using the Knowledge Search to internal and external parties. Case header information and attachments are sent.


For more information, see Knowledge Search in the Interaction Center WebClient and Knowledge Search in SAP CRM.

Displaying and creating case records


You can display all business objects that are assigned to a case in table format. After you have searched for a case and displayed it, in the Record assignment block choose Linked Objects from the dropdown list. When all the linked objects to the case are displayed, you can drill down in the tree structure and click linked objects, such as other cases or business partners to display information about them.

You can display the case hierarchy in relation to other cases it is linked to, or display the classification or the change log for all actions that have occurred in this case. You can create a case when in a transaction by clicking the Cases view set and selecting the case type and entering the case details. You can also link this new case to existing ones.

Assigning partner functions When you link business partners with a case, you can assign partner functions and specify the main business partner. In Customizing you can define partner determination procedures and partner functions for each case type. Furthermore, you can define a minimum and maximum number of partners that must be entered for the various partner functions for each case type.

Displaying assigned actions and assigning follow-up actions If you click Actions, you can display any actions that are linked to the case, including their statuses, and when they were assigned. If you click Follow-up, you can create a follow-up action for the case, for example, an appointment or a sales call. This function only works for cases that are still open.

Defining multilevel categorization You can categorize multilevel cases and use the different categories to display automatic object suggestions, such as solutions from the knowledge database. For more information, see Multilevel Categorization.

Replacing views


You can replace the Case Search and Case Results views with views that you have defined and define quick searches. In the Customizing, choose Case Processing . Customer Relationship Management Interaction Center WebClient Customer-Specific System Modifications Enhance Profiles for

You can also replace the Attributes view and the extended Attributes view with views that you have defined. If you are using the separate case search, you can also replace the Case Search and Case Results views.

Knowledge Search in SAP CRM

The Knowledge Search function allows interaction center (IC) agents to search for solutions, documents and cases in a database, which can then be sent via e-mail or chat to a customer. The search engine used is TREX. For more information, see Software Agent Framework (SAF). The following information is specific to Knowledge search in the Interaction Center (IC) WebClient. Integration Solution Database SDB (Solution Database) is the default knowledge base, but you can search other knowledge bases, for example, cases. Information Security With the knowledge base SDB, you can restrict user access to information. For example, you may want to ensure that your agents do not provide information to customers that is intended for internal use only. You do this by creating information security profiles. For more details, see Information Security. Prerequisites

You have configured the Software Agent Framework (SAF) in Customizing under Ins (BAdIs) BAdI: Knowledge Bases .


Relationship Management Enterprise Intelligence Software Agent Framework Business Add-


You have mapped the knowledge base to the Business Object Repository (BOR) in Customizing under Customer Relationship Management Interaction Center WebClient Customer-Specific . System Modifications Map Knowledge Base to Business Object Repository (BOR)

SAP delivers default knowledge bases. If you want to create your own knowledge base, you do this using the BAdI: Knowledge Bases in Customizing.

Your system administrator has configured the Solution Database. For more information, see Configuration Help for Solution Database. You have defined a knowledge search profile in Customizing under Profiles

Customer Relationship

Management Interaction Center WebClient Basic Functions Define Knowledge Search . This enables you to: Determine which knowledge bases are offered to IC agents in the Database dropdown in the knowledge search

Restrict agents' access to the knowledge base SDB in the knowledge search This has the advantage that an information security profile can be assigned to many IC agents at the same time. This assignment has no effect on information security outside the knowledge search in the IC WebClient.

Activities Checking the Valid-From and Valid-To Dates of Solutions You can activate a check against the valid-from date and valid-to date of solutions in the Solution Database. As a result, when searching the knowledge base SDB from the knowledge search, only solutions whose valid-from date has already begun and/or whose valid-to date has not yet expired are returned in the results list. Solutions with no valid-from date and no valid-to date (that is, solutions that are always valid) are also returned in the hit list. Each user who needs to activate this check must set the following parameter ID: 1. In the SAP CRM system, choose
o o

System User Profile Own Data

2. On the Parameters tab page, add a new entry with the following values: Parameter ID CRM_SDB_VALID_SOLU Parameter value X


3. Save your data. The search does not consider the valid-from date and valid-to date of problems in the Solution Database.

Expanded CRM Case Management Features

There is an expanded set of functions is available in Case Management. The functions cover:

Enhanced authorization control for case access. The CRM case can now be connected to the Access Control Engine (ACE). This enables you to define a wider range of groups that can access cases beyond case processors in the same organizational unit.

Automatically created case notes. A case note can now be created automatically to inform a case processor about events that occurred and affect the case. You can define additional attributes for your case notes to store additional information.

Reassignment of business partners in linked objects. If you transfer an ongoing case to another case processor or department, all outstanding case business partners and their associated activities are automatically transferred with the case. You can use the delivered Business Add-In (BAdI) to influence this behavior.

Configuring repetitive tasks. The standard delivery contains functions that let you make tasks and activities contained in a case become repetitive. You can also maintain the parameters for repeating these tasks and activities. For example, there may be a report that needs to be run weekly over the life of an open case to monitor its progress.

Sending e-mails directly from a case. You can now send an e-mail directly from within a case that includes one or multiple attachments. Linking related cases. Cases are normally structured in a hierarchy of higher-level cases and subcases. You can now link related cases that are not part of the same hierarchy to gain a different overview.

Defining case closing profiles. You can create a profile for how cases with open dependent transactions are to be closed. The profile allows you to handle different transaction types and also set different system behaviors for the transactions.

Case archiving. You can define checks before archiving a case, archive (write) cases to the database, and delete cases from the database once they have been archived. There is also a new transaction to call up archived cases if you want to review old cases for specific business reasons.


Setting the case search scenario. You can set which search scenario you want to use for searching cases. You can choose between the standard scenario and the SAF/TREX option, which handles more complicated searches.

Enhancing case categorization. You can enhance the case categories by creating new attributes to attach to it, as well as add new object link types. By extending the case category, this allows greater control when processing the case.

Case Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). In Customizing, there are several BAdIs available that allow you to influence the behavior of case-specific import and export Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI) parameters.

Using XI for case import and export. There are various BAdIs and other functions you can use to import and export of CRM case information through XI. The XI infrastructure allows CRM information to be exchanged between systems using XML. You can also monitor export logs as well as manually export cases.

Configuring Repetitive Tasks

You can create repetitive tasks in CRM Activity Management. Repetitive tasks are actions that a user executes in a defined period of time on a regular basis, similar to the function in Microsoft Outlook. This could be used for example, if a user needs to make a weekly report for an activity that is meant to run over a long period of time. A default repetitive task is part of the standard delivery, however, you can configure your own repetitive task. To see how the default is configured and use it as a reference for your own configuration, see the explanation of the process in Customizing under Settings for Activities Configure Repetitive Tasks Prerequisites A repetitive task must have the following date fields:

Customer Relationship Management Transactions .

Start Task Date Recurrence, determining the frequency at which a task is to be created Recurrence Rule, calculating when the next task is to be created Next Recurrence Recurrence End


Completion Date

Activities There are various activities you need to perform to create a repetitive task: 1. Create a date profile. 2. Create an action profile to determine the action the system will perform when the task is executed. 3. Define the conditions under which the action will be executed. 4. Set a callback using the function module CRM_CMG_SET_COMPLETION_DATE . 5. Define a transaction type.


8. Use

Displaying and Editing Time-Dependent Data

9. You can display and edit time-dependent information related to the primary person of a case without having to navigate away from the main information to the business partner. 10. Time-dependent information refers to any historic case information that gives an overview of changes over time. The primary person is the person who is directly related to this case, such as the claim applicant. 11. This information is important to determine eligibility and the amount of a certain benefit. By showing all case-related information, which was valid at a point in the past, the case processor can understand what decisions were made based on different assumptions.

12. Features
13. A case processor can view and edit the nationality, income, name and date of birth of the primary person. 14. A case processor can also identify if:

15. 16. overlapping records exist, for example, at a specific point in time two or more records for the same data set were maintained

gaps have occurred, for example, if data changes to the applicants status have occurred that might require a recalculation of benefits

17. Changes to data in the past can be restricted as this could invoke complex re-calculation of benefits. 18.

19. Example
20. In some instances, information changes regarding the primary person associated with the case. For example, a person may be receiving a state benefit, but there has been a change in martial 576

status, income earned, place of residence, or other factors that may affect the eligibility of a claimant. If changes occur that need to be documented, they can be made directly in the application.

Sending E-Mails from a Case

You can send e-mails when working in a case and attach relevant documents from the case. When the email is sent, an automatic link to an activity can be set for the case. For example, if an e-mail is sent to a customer stating that action will be taken regarding a problem in order to correct it, a case processor could assign an activity such as a service ticket or a follow-up call. This function appears in the Activities assignment block and the Record assignment block. Features In the Case Details, when you click Create E-Mail, a new page opens allowing you to send an e-mail. You can:

Create and send a new e-mail automatically Specify references regarding the e-mail such as the account, contact, employee responsible for handling this e-mail and an additional reference, for example, if it is a lead, an activity or an opportunity

Specify the priority (high, low, or normal) and the sensitivity (normal or private) Upload attachments related to the case from your PC or network Use plain text or HTML formats and format the appearance of the e-mail (HTML only) Create and use an e-mail signature for plain text or HTML formats

Enhanced Authorization Control for Case Access Using ACE


You can use the Access Control Engine (ACE) to flexibly control access to CRM cases. By default, access is granted only to cases assigned to the same organizational unit. You can define additional authorization rules using the ACE so that specific groups can access particular cases. A default implementation is provided in the standard delivery that you can activate or deactivate. If you want to create your own implementation, there is a description of the sample implementation delivered for reference. In Customizing choose Customer Relationship Management Case Management Extended .

Customizing ACE Implementation for Case Management More Information CRM Access Control Engine Case Authorizations

Reassigning Business Partners in Linked Objects

When a business partner at the case level is changed business partners in linked objects of a case can be automatically reassigned. For example, if a new case processor or a different department takes over the responsibility for an existing case, the former case processor or department should also be replaced by the new one in all dependent, open activities.

You must use this Business Add-In (BAdI) implementation to be able to reassign business partners. This behavior is applicable to business partners for all partner functions and all linked objects which have their own business partners. In Customizing, you can use a BAdI to influence how the business partners are reassigned. Choose Customer Relationship Management Case Management Process Partners BAdI: Reassign Business Partners in Linked Objects .


The BAdI contains the following methods, however, the default implementation provided contains coding for only the first two methods:

GET_PARTNER_FCT_TO_CHANGE: Receives the list of partner functions that can exist in the case; includes only the partner functions with the categories Sold-to, Person Responsible, and Organization Responsible

GET_OBJECT_TYPE_TO_CHANGE: Returns the list of object types to process for changes to business partners; includes only the object types CRM Activity Task, CRM Business Activity, Service Contract, and Service Transaction

PROCESS_BPCHG_IN_CASE: You can use this to change the processor attribute of the case when the person responsible in the partner function is changed. CHECK_BEFORE_BPCHG_FOR_TX: You can use this to decide whether or not specific, open, dependent objects for the case should be updated.

Case Notes

You can store information in the form of case notes within case processing. You can manually create case notes, or the system also supports event-controlled, automatic generation of predefinable case notes. A case note comprises a short text and a long text. If you do not create a long text, the system uses the short text as long text information when you save. You can define text IDs in Customizing, and thereby categorize cases note according to their content. In addition, the user who creates or changes a case note is entered with the relevant time stamp. Case notes are saved language-independently. The language specification for case notes is purely informative. Prerequisites

You have made the Customizing settings for case notes under

Customer Relationship .

Management Case Management Basic Settings Create Text Profile

You have determined the relevant text profile for each case type in Customizing for CRM under Case Management Basic Settings Define Case Types .

Features Automatic Creation of Case Notes 579

The RFC-enabled function module CRM_CMG_ADDNOTES supports the automatic creation of case notes. These automatic case notes are triggered in relation to events within case processing, or by applications that are coupled with Case Management. For more information, see Configuring Automatically Created Case Notes. The module supports the following possible sources for automatic case notes:

Case notes from T100 messages In this connection, you can make full use of the features of messages, for example, the use of up to four message variables or language-dependency (see Maintaining Messages).

Case notes from applications or systems The importing parameters IV_TDTITLE and IV_LONGTEXT enable you to transfer a short text and/or long text from other CRM applications (for example, a BRF action) or by Remote Function Call from other systems (for example, the ERP backend) to the module and to assign them to a case.

The Business Add-In (BAdI) CRM_CMG_NOTES_ADD is delivered to supplement the function module. It enables you to control the automatic creation of case notes in relation to the case type. For more information, see the function module documentation.

Configuring Automatically Created Case Notes

You can customize your system so that case notes are automatically created. You can either use T100 messages, or you can integrate a text editor if you wish to support manual input. You are responsible for implementing an appropriate text editor for this purpose. T100 messages are already fully integrated in SAP systems and support functions such as multilingual capability and using variables. For more information about creating messages, see Message Management. Process The following is the sequence of the activities you need to perform or consider when configuring automatically created case notes using T100 messages. 1. Create T100 messages 580

Create the required case notes as T100 messages in the customer name space.

To support multilingual case notes, create the additional language versions for each message (see transaction SE63). 2. Create text IDs In Customizing for CRM, choose Profile Create Text IDs. Create the text IDs you require for the text object SCMG_CASE. The text IDs are shown as text types on the user interface for case notes and classify a case note according to its content.

Case Management Extended Customizing Create Text

The standard system contains the predefined profile DEMO SAP with the text IDs Description, Internal Note, Concluding Remark, and Reply.

To support multiple languages, create the required language versions of the text IDs using the SAP translation tool (see transaction SE63). 3. Create text profiles and assign the text IDs they contain In Customizing for CRM, choose Create Text Profile. 4. Assign text profile to case type In Customizing for CRM, choose each case type (n:1). 5. Call the function module CRM_CMG_ADDNOTES Case Management Basic Settings Define Case Types , Case Management Basic Settings Create Text Profile

and determine the relevant text profile for each case type. You can use the same text profile for


Implement the call of the function module CRM_CMG_ADDNOTES at the desired point in time of an application. You can do this using a corresponding BAdI implementation or a BRF event. To find out which exit you can use for this purpose, refer to the documentation for the respective application. More Information Case Notes

Maintaining Messages
Messages allow you to communicate with users from your programs. They are mainly used when the user has made an invalid entry on a screen. To send messages from a program, you must link it to a message class. Each message class has an ID, and usually contains a whole set of message. Each message has a single line of text, and may contain placeholders for variables. All messages are stored in table T100. You create and edit them using Transaction SE91. Once you have created a message, you can use it in the MESSAGE statement in a program. For further information about messages, see the messages section of the ABAP Programming Guide.

Starting the Message Maintenance Transaction

Using forward navigation from the ABAP Editor. You can display the messages for your program from the ABAP Editor by choosing Goto Messages. The Maintain Messages screen appears. By default, the system display the message class linked to the current program. You can also enter Transaction SE91.

If you choose Goto Messages from the ABAP Editor and your program does not have a defined message class, the system assumes you want to browse an existing class and prompts you for a message class ID.

Process Flow:
Creating Message Classes Adding Messages Creating a Message Long Text

Assigning an IMG Activity to a Message


Creating Message Classes

To create a new message class from the ABAP Editor: 1. In the initial statement (for example, REPORT) or directly in the statement MESSAGE ID <id> enter a parameter value of up to 20 characters as a message ID, for example: REPORT <name> MESSAGE-ID <message class>. Messages are stored system-wide. The chosen message ID (message class) must not already exist in the system. 2. Double-click the message ID. If you enter an ID that already exists in the system, the system calls up Message maintenance. In this case, enter a different ID. Once you have done this, the system asks you whether you want to create a new message class. 3. Choose Yes. The system calls up Message maintenance. 4. Enter a brief description of the class in Short text. 5. Choose Save.

You can add messages to your class by choosing the Messages tab. You can always return to the Message maintenance screen by double-clicking a message ID or a message number where it appears in your code. See also Add message.

Adding Messages
A valid message class exists in the ABAP program.


To add a new message to a message class in the ABAP Editor: 1. Choose the menu path Goto Messages The system displays a list of all messages belonging to the message class. 2. Select to switch to change mode. All lines are ready for input. 3. Enter the message text (short text) for the next free number.

4. If the text is self-explanatory click the corresponding checkbox.

Note that you cannot create a long text for self-explanatory messages. See also Creating message long texts. 5. Choose Save.

Using forward navigation you can also add a new message to the message class. To do this enter a number for the new message in the MESSAGE statement and double-click it. You are advised to choose the next free number for your new message.

The defined message can be sent to the ABAP program, for example using the MESSAGE statement.

Creating Message Long Texts

You need to create a long text whenever a message short text is not adequate.


You have already created a short text for the message. The short text message is not documented as self-explanatory.

To create a message long text in SE91: 1. Select to switch to change mode. 2. Place the cursor on the corresponding message. 3. Click the Long text pushbutton. This starts the SAPscript editor. 4. Enter the long text. 5. Carry out a check in SAPscript editor. 6. Save your data.

For transportable message classes you must save the long text actively by clicking

When a message with a long text is triggered, the system indicates this using a yellow question mark. Depending on the SAPGUI settings, this is shown: In the status bar (located at the end of the area in which the message appears) In a message dialog box (by selecting the Help pushbutton)

When you click the status bar or Help pushbutton, the system displays the long text.

Assigning IMG Activities to a Message

Use this function whenever you want to allow the user to branch from a message to one or more relevant activities in the IMG.

You have already created a short text for the message The specified IMG activities appear in the IMG


To assign an IMG activity in SE91: 1. Select to switch to change mode. 2. Place the cursor on the corresponding message in the list. 3. Choose the menu path Goto Additional information The Change Assignment of Additional Information dialog box appears. 4. Use the F4 function to select the activity. 5. Save your assignment. The system displays a confirmation message in the status bar.

You have assigned one or more IMG activities to a single message number. When the corresponding message is triggered, the user can go directly to the IMG to carry out all of the activities assigned to it. To do this click the status bar after triggering a message and select the appropriate icon from the Help window to go to the IMG activity (Customizing or Maintain entries). In the Customizing: Select project dialog box click the pushbutton Continue without project entries to go to the structure in the IMG.

The active settings for the F1 help display in Help Settings determine which icon is displayed in the help window for switching to the IMG activity. You select (Customizing) in Performance Assistant setting or Modal window setting. (Maintain entries) in

Customizing Case Note Attributes

You can customize case note attributes to modify the delivered structure and fields, or you can add two customer-defined fields. This is done using the standard structure delivered with Case Management CRMT_CMG_NOTES_GEN.

You can currently only add two fields to the user interface. If you create more than two attributes, the additional ones will not be displayed.

... 586

1. Run transaction SE11. 2. Select the Data type radio button, enter CRMT_CMG_NOTES_GEN and click Change. 3. Under the Components tab create the attribute extensions and save your work.

See Also Case Notes Configuration of Automatically Created Case Notes

Enhancing Case Categories

You can enhance case categories to add and define your own case attributes, and to link object types to your case categories. You do this using the wizard in the Easy Enhancement Workbench. If you want to add fields or object links, the wizard also allows you to use inheritance rules. Transporting case category schemas between different systems, and importing and merging new schemas with your existing ones is supported. If you enhance the case categories, you need to perform additional steps for the fields to appear in the UI. For more information, see Enhancements with the Easy Enhancement Workbench in CRM. Activities In the Easy Enhancement Workbench, you create a new project and then create a new extension. (For more information, see Creating Projects and Extensions). When you create the extension, ensure that you choose CATEGORY_ENHANCEMENT as the business object. You can choose whether you want to create an extension for attributes or for object links. For the Extension Type field choose either ADD_ATTRIBUTES or ADD_OBJECT_LINKS. Depending on which extension type you choose, different screens appear in the wizard with different instructions. When you have completed the fields for creating the extension, the wizard starts automatically.


Easy Enhancement Workbench

The Easy Enhancement Workbench is a development tool with which SAP applications (called Business Objects in the following document) can be extended in a simple manner. Customer enhancements to a Business Object are defined via wizards. The Workbench then does all development work for the user; databank tables, screens and application logic are created automatically. Finally the customer enhancement is included in the SAP standard. This also allows users without ABAP knowledge the simple possibility of extending the SAP standard.
An extension created using the Easy Enhancement Workbench does not differ technically from one created manually. In both cases transportable ABAP objects are created and the same Customer Exits, Business Transaction Events or BAdIs are implemented The difference lies exclusively in the manner in which the objects required are created. The automation offered by the Easy Enhancement Workbench is achieved by template objects that are adapted to the extension definition and created by a generator.

The functionality of the Easy Enhancement Workbench is therefore only available for specially prepared Business Objects, mainly from the CRM environment. The type of extension is also predefined In most cases the customer is offered the possibility to add user-defined databank tables or fields. In most cases the extension takes place system-wide. For example, when extending a Business Object in the CRM the data exchange to the connected SAP system is extended and a new table is also created in the SAP system. The system landscape must be set up in order to be able to use system-wide generation. The system landscape must be set up in order to be able to use system-wide generation. Cross-application components General application functions Easy Enhancement Workbench Maintain system landscape. You will find further information in Note 494966 and in the following sections: Structure of the Easy Enhancement Workbench Creating Projects and Extensions Generating Extensions Error Handling Transporting Extension Objects


Structure of the Easy Enhancement Workbench

In order to make use of the Easy Enhancement Workbench as simple as possible we returned to the wellknown concept of the ABAP Workbench; the screen allocation and navigation are identical. The hierarchy of the object list is adapted to the structure of a customer project: The project is at the highest level. A project combines several extensions and offers the possibility of defining the project documentation and community. All generated objects belonging to a project are transported together; it is not possible to transport an individual extension. Additionally, the package (development class) of the generated objects is determined in the project. Extensions are displayed at the next level. An extension refers to a Business Object and an extension type. The definition of the extension takes place via Business Object-specific wizards. Extensions too can be documented. When an extension has been defined and generated, the object type PostProcessing typically appears at the next level. These are activities that must be executed manually by the user. An extension is only considered to be ready when it has been generated correctly and all required PostProcessing activities have been executed. In order to facilitate monitoring of the generation and to make the technical flow transparent, all generator calls are displayed as tasks in the object list. After an extension has been generated all generated objects in a task are visible and can be displayed by double-clicking on them. Additionally, all described object types have an error log that permanently stores errors that have occurred and displays them.

Creating Projects and Extensions

The following description shows you how to create an extension and enter the names of your extension objects. We will demonstrate the most basic case. That is, no object has been created yet. If you already have a suitable project, you can skip steps 1 3.

You have change authorization for development objects. A suitable package (development class) must have been created, and the generated objects assigned to it.

... 589

1. Select the filter Worklist and enter your name in the input field of the object list selection. Press the enter key. Your object list is displayed. 2. Place your cursor on the highest node. Select Create project from the context menu by rightclicking on it. You see the dialog box Create project. 3. Enter a project name, description, packages, and namespaces for each system used. Leave the dialog box by pressing the enter key. If one of the selected packages is relevant for transport, a window appears in which you can specify transport requests. For details, see Transporting Extension Objects. The Project is created and appears in the object list. 4. Place your cursor on the new project in the object list and select Create extension in the context menu. You see the dialog box Create extension. 5. Enter a name and description. Define a Business Object and extension type. Press the enter key. The extension is created and appears in the object list below the project. 6. Place your cursor on the new extension in the object list and select Call wizard in the context menu. Define an action from the cascading menu of this entry. The wizard for the extension action starts automatically.
If only one action is possible for an extension type, the Wizard starts automatically after the extension has been created.

7. Fill in the input fields following the notes on screen and end the wizard by clicking on Complete. The extension tasks have been created and appear in the object list.

Project and extension have been created. Additionally, the descriptions of the extension objects are defined. The extension is ready to be generated.

Generating and Postprocessing Extensions

After the administrative data and descriptions of the extension objects are determined, they must be generated. Manual postprocessing is still required, as a rule. The following describes all the steps required to do so.


You have change authorization for development objects. You have created projects and extensions.

1. Select the filter Worklist and enter your name in the input field of the object list selection. Press the enter key. Your Object list is displayed (closed). 2. Call the function Expand all nodes from the browser application toolbar to display your extension. 3. Place your cursor on the extension you want to generate. Select Create project from the context menu by right-clicking on it. The extension objects are generated. If you must postprocess the extension, additional nodes postprocesses appear in the object list below the extension. 4. Place your cursor on the new postprocess in the object list and select Execute in the context menu. This calls a transaction required for postprocessing. 5. Follow the instruction on screen and end the transaction when you have completed processing. You are now back in the Easy Enhancement Workbench. 6. Place the cursor on the postprocess selected previously. Call Set status from the context menu to determine the postprocessing results. You see the dialog box Status. 7. Press the radio button correct or wrong, according to the postprocessing results. Press the enter key. The postprocessing status is saved. 8. Execute steps 4 7 for the remaining postprocesses.

The extension objects are created and added to applications, and can now be used. The extension procedure is complete.

Error Handling
A series of steps is required between data entry and active use of the generated objects. Many different tools are called in the background to do this. This complexity can lead to errors being collected instead of being output immediately. Messages are therefore listed in the register Log of the processed object.

Check all error messages in the status bar to see whether a more precise description of the error has been added to the register. Additional notes for dealing with some exceptional problems follow. Problem Solution


You cannot select the functions Create, Change or Delete from the context menu. The system displays the message Project/Extension/Task ... could not be read.

You do not have change authorization for development objects. The object could not be found in the database. It was probably deleted in the meantime. Press the button "Update object list" on the browser toolbar. The object must not appear again in the list. Read the tab page Log from the detail screen for the extension and task(s). Execute the correction proposals made in the messages. Call Create tasks from the context menu if you do not have to enter the wizard data again.

The extension and task(s) have errors after running a wizard.

Transporting Extension Objects

So that the extension objects generated by the Easy Enhancement Workbench can be used in the productive system, the Easy Enhancement Workbench is connected to the Change and Transport System. Objects are transported directly by using the Change and Transport System tools. To include the objects in requests, transport requests must be assigned to the transportable projects of the Easy Enhancement Workbench.

You have the necessary authorizations for transport. You have access to both customizing and development clients You have created a project.

... 1. You can go to the window for specifying transport requests either directly after creating a project or by marking the Transport Request menu option from the project context menu. If the packages for a project are not relevant for transport, you cannot choose this menu option.


2. You can now make transport requests for Workbench- and Customizing objects. Then push the button "Create and either create new requests or select existing requests. 3. There are checks after each entry to ensure the entries are still valid. If you want to omit this check or enter requests manually, then mark the Omit field. 4. For an overview of all transports already made in a project, push the Overview button.

The extension objects are entered in the transport requests. The requests can be released and be imported into the target system.

Linking Related Cases

You can link related cases that do not form a hierarchy. Normally in Case Management, cases are structured in a hierarchy where they are independent from each other. However, cases may contain similar data or features or have a common element. As a result you can link these cases to gain a better overview of related cases. You can display all related cases and from the overview page, you can edit the list to add, modify or delete a related case, as well as give a reason for linking it. You cannot set a link to cases that have been archived. However, you can edit nonarchived, related cases. To edit information, click the hyperlink associated to the case, which brings you to the active case information where you can edit it.

Defining a Case Closing Profile

The case closing profile lets you define how open, dependent transactions are to be handled that are in a case that is to be closed. In addition, you can define case closing profiles for specific business transactions that may differ from standard business transactions. After a case is closed, you can extract the case from the database and archive the information. 593

The case closing profile contains a default reaction for all open transactions and reactions for open transactions of a specific transaction type. The default case closing profile is S_CLACT (Do not close case if open transactions exist). The case closing profile influences processing before the save when a case is closed (performing checks), and after the save when a case is closed (automatic closing). Depending on the profile and the case type, different system actions occur when the case is closed. The action CRM_CMG_CASE_CLOSE is included as an example in the demo case action profile CRM_CMG_DEMO. In the Customizing choose Define Case Closing Profile Customer Relationship Management Case Management Basic Settings . Customer Relationship .

After you have created the profile, you can assign it to a case type under Management Case Management Basic Settings Define Case Types Additional Activity

There is an available Business Add-In (BAdI) where you can define additional tasks for the case closing profile. Tasks can be performed on the case or its dependent actions either at the check level or when processing the automatic close function. In Customizing choose Customer Relationship Management . Case Management Basic Settings BAdI: Define Additional Tasks for Case Closing Profile

Defining a Case Closing Profile

The case closing profile lets you define how open, dependent transactions are to be handled that are in a case that is to be closed. In addition, you can define case closing profiles for specific business transactions that may differ from standard business transactions. After a case is closed, you can extract the case from the database and archive the information. The case closing profile contains a default reaction for all open transactions and reactions for open transactions of a specific transaction type. The default case closing profile is S_CLACT (Do not close case if open transactions exist). The case closing profile influences processing before the save when a


case is closed (performing checks), and after the save when a case is closed (automatic closing). Depending on the profile and the case type, different system actions occur when the case is closed. The action CRM_CMG_CASE_CLOSE is included as an example in the demo case action profile CRM_CMG_DEMO. In the Customizing choose Define Case Closing Profile Customer Relationship Management Case Management Basic Settings . Customer Relationship .

After you have created the profile, you can assign it to a case type under Management Case Management Basic Settings Define Case Types Additional Activity

There is an available Business Add-In (BAdI) where you can define additional tasks for the case closing profile. Tasks can be performed on the case or its dependent actions either at the check level or when processing the automatic close function. In Customizing choose Customer Relationship Management . Case Management Basic Settings BAdI: Define Additional Tasks for Case Closing Profile

Archiving CRM Cases

After cases have been closed, you can archive them to provide more space for active cases in your database. There are several Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) used to set up case archiving as well as another activity that allows you to call up archived cases if you ever want to view them again. In Customizing choose Customer Relationship Management Case Management Extended .

Customizing Case Archiving

Using the available activities, you can:

Define checks that run before a case is archived so that only cases meeting specific criteria are archived Archive (write) cases to the database directly Delete cases from the database once they have been archived Display archived case data


Central to the data archiving process is the archiving object. In CRM Case Management the object is called SCMG . For more information about the archiving process in CRM, in Customizing, choose Customer Relationship Management Case Management Extended Customizing Case Archiving CRM Data Archiving Process Prerequisites An SCMG object must also fulfill the following conditions to be archivable:

The business transactions related to the case are in status Closed or Completed All the lower-level objects of the case are already archived

Setting the Case Search Scenario

You can choose the search engine type based on your requirements. The two types are Standard and SAF/TREX, where SAF/TREX is faster and allows the system to handle more complicated search requests. In Customizing choose Customer Relationship Management Case Management Extended . Customizing Define Search Scenario Prerequisites Before the SAF/TREX search can be used, you need to install TREX and customize SAF accordingly. In Customizing choose Customer Relationship Management Enterprise Intelligence Software Agent . Framework Name and Configure Search Engine

After selecting the SAF/TREX search option, case indexes must be built and compiled using the SAF tool for this function to work properly. Also refer to SAP Note 880200 for more information.

BAdIs for CRM BAPI Parameters


There are Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) that let you influence the Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI) parameters used in CRM Case Management. They allow you to:

Read and change the import and export parameters for the BAPI GetDetail that returns case details Check or change the import parameters for the BAPI ChangeCase that modifies a case category and its details Read and change the import parameters for the BAPI CreateCase that creates a case and its details

You can find how to implement these BAdIs in Customizing under Parameters .

Customer Relationship

Management Case Management Extended Customizing Special Settings BAdI: BAPIs for Case


The BAdIs' implementation does not depend on a filter. The BAdIs can only be used once. These BAdIs are not implemented in the default system and there is no default coding.

Importing and Exporting Cases with XI

In Customizing you can use Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) to influence how case information is imported and exported through XI. Also you can use these BAdIs to convert (map) case information to XI messages during the export and import. XI allows data exchange between SAP systems and from SAP systems to non-SAP systems via XML messages. In addition to these BAdIs, you can use the available BAdIs to:

Monitor imported and exported case information to see if there have been any errors Use various BAdIs to perform customer enhancements for XI case imports and exports Manually export cases on an as-needed basis


You can find the Customizing for each of these BAdIs and the additional functions under . Prerequisites An XI server must be set up and used to exchange the information from system to system. Example


Relationship Management Case Management Extended Customizing Case Import and Export with XI

A customer has two CRM systems and wants to export information about a case from one system to another. In CRM system A, a case is exported and is converted into an XI message. The XI message is sent to an XI server, and this message is then sent to CRM system B. There the case is converted into an internal structure and it is then imported in CRM system B. More Information SAP NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure

Using Additional Object Types with CRM Case Management

The case record model specifies which object types can be linked to a case and how these objects are structured. You need to assign the case record model to a case type. In Customizing, choose Processes Define Process-Dependent Parameters . Customer Relationship Management Case Management Extended Customizing Special Settings Define

In CRM Case Management, you can specify for each case type which object types are used and how these are structured. For this, a case record is used. Before you can use the case record, a case record model is required. The following shows the relation between case, case type and case record model.

Relation between the case, case type and case record model


Depending on the business process and the scenarios, the case record model will have a different structure and different object types. The service provider and the element type are central to SAP Records Management and CRM record models.

Service provider: For each object type that you want to integrate into this framework, you must define and implement a service provider. If a service provider already exists for an object/element for instance, there is a service provider for business object types then you can reuse the service provider without having to implement a separate service provider for each business object type. This allows you to integrate business object types that have not been supported in CRM Case Management so far. For more information, see service provider (BC-SRV-RM).

Element type: The element type is a form of service provider and is the starting point for users to integrate elements/objects into the case record. A service provider can only be used when at least one element type for this service provider exists. Each element type belongs to only one service provider. A service provider can have any number of element types. You maintain element types in Customizing.

Example In standard Customizing, the service provider SCMG_SP_BOR is delivered. It supports the general integration of business object types into the framework of SAP Records Management. For this service provider, the element type CRM_BUSINESS_PARTNER is shipped with the standard delivery. When using this element type, it specifies that only business partners can be integrated into the framework. You could also specify in an element type that objects from different systems can be integrated, for instance objects from SAP ECC. The elements of a case record model can be hierarchical, with the following elements available:

Structure node: This cannot have elements assigned to it in case records. These nodes only act as headers for other nodes and enable the structuring of the case record. Model node: Elements in records can be assigned to this node. A model node acts as a placeholder for the objects, which can be assigned later. For each model node, you specify the object types (for example, business partner, product) and how many objects can be assigned.

Instance node: This already has an element/object assigned to it in the record model. There can only be one of these nodes in each record. By using the instance node, you can provide information which must appear in each case record.


More Information Creating a Self-Defined Case Record Model Integrating New Object Types into Cases

Architecture of CRM Case Management

CRM Case Management is an extension of Basis Case Management, which in turn uses the SAP Basis Records Management. In the following diagram, the specific components of the CRM case are described.

CRM Case Management Architecture

The CRM Case consists of attributes such as ID, short text, status, priority and other attributes, as well as of several subcomponents. These subcomponents are the case record, case notes, case log, and the integration into the document management system of CRM Content Management.


Case Attributes The CRM case consists of attributes from the Basis case and can be enhanced with CRM attributes. Basis Case Management allows for other applications, for example, CRM Case Management, to add application-specific attributes. To be able to use this feature, you must set an additional table in the attribute profile in Case Management Customizing. In CRM, the table CRMD_CMG_CASE_AT is used for this task. As an additional attribute in CRM, only the attribute Short text in upper case is used. This additional attribute causes upper case short texts to be stored twice once in a Basis case table and once in the CRM table. This enables non-case-sensitive searches. If you want to extend the CRM case with your own attributes using the Easy Enhancement Workbench, you must use these attributes with the table mentioned above. For information on enhancing the CRM case with additional fields, see Usage of Customer Includes and Easy Enhancement Workbench for Case Management. For a definition of the other Case Management terms, such as case log, notes, case record and others, see the glossary and SAPterm.

Creating a Self-Defined Case Record Model

The purpose of this procedure is to create a self-defined case record model on the basis of the current supported business object types. You do this by copying the default element types. Element types are defined in the registry of SAP Records Management. Procedure 1. Open the registry using transaction SRMREGEDITC and choose S_AREA_CMG. 2. Create a new element type for the case record itself: 1. Expand the application area S_AREA_CMG. 2. Expand SCMG_SP_CASE_RECORD and right-click on the element type CRM_SPS_CASE_RECORD and choose Copy from context menu. 3. In the Copy To field, enter an element type ID and a short description. Save your data.



Using this procedure, you can copy other element types. You can find the element types for the business object types under the service provider SCMG_SP_BOR. For each business object type that will be used, you have to create a separate element type preferably through copying. After you perform these steps, you can create the case record model using the Records Modeler. 3. Run transaction SCASE and choose the Records Management System (RMS) ID. For CRM Case Management, use CRM_CMG_DATA. 4. Open the folder Record and Case Record Models and right-click on the entry Modeler for CRM Case Records, and then choose Create. A case record model with the default entry Worklist as the structure node and Worklist Element as the model node now appears in the work area. 5. Change these default entries and create new nodes to set up the model for your own requirements. To do this, double-click the Worklist Element. The element details are displayed on the right of the screen. For structure nodes, you only define the description. For a model node, you must maintain the following properties:
o o

Description, for example, Service Order Element Type: By setting the element type, this determines which object types you can insert into the case record at this point, and can then also be controlled. After you save, the element types created under Step 2 can be used.

Number of objects which can be integrated: At Least and Maximum fields. If an undetermined amount of objects should be allowed to be integrated into a case, the field Maximum must contain an asterisk (*).

Relationship: This specifies the relationship between the element/object and the case record. To select the relation, use the F4 help. Attribute ANCHOR: This attribute is used to insert objects/elements into a case by using the Basis Case Management API. Since CRM Case Management uses this API, you must maintain this attribute. You must use the same value as the one for the corresponding relation. For example, the ID of the relation service order is CS, so the corresponding attribute ANCHOR must have the value CS as well.

After the case record model has been created, save your work, and then activate the hierarchy nodes. Release the case record model by clicking the Model button, then from the list choose Change Status and select Status Released. Enter a short text for the case record model as well as a unique ID. You can generate a unique name by clicking the icon at the end of the field. 602

Now you insert the model within the element type that you created. You do this in the Records Management registry. Run transaction SRMREGEDITC and choose S_AREA_CMG. Right-click on the element type that you created previously, and in the context menu choose Change. Under Connection Parameter Values, choose the parameter MODEL_ID and click Change. Enter CRM_CMG_DATA and then press Enter. Search for the case record model you created using the F4 help, choose it from the list and confirm the entry. Save the settings. To be able to use this case record model, you must assign both this record model and the created element type to the case type that you want to use. You do this in Customizing under Relationship Management Case Management Basic Settings Define Case Types under . Customer

After creating a new element type you assign it to the process C_01. You do this in Customizing Customer Relationship Management Case Management Extended Customizing Special . Settings Define Processes Define Process-Dependent Parameters Assign Element Types and Business Object Types to a Process Result You have created a case record model and element type and you can use the case record model in Case Management.

Integrating New Object Types into Cases

There are two object types that can be used in CRM Case Management: CRM business object types and non-CRM business object types. Non-CRM business object types have not been previously supported by CRM Case Management. As mentioned in Architecture of CRM Case Management, you can integrate supported objects into the case record using the existing service provider concept, which facilitates the process. For objects that have not been previously supported, you integrate new objects using a CRM business object type and an object type from another SAP System. The topics Integrating CRM Business Object Types into the Case Record Model and Integrating NonCRM Business Object Types into Case Record Model describe how to integrate a new business object type. 603

Prerequisites Before integrating the new object types into cases, you must create the case record model where the object types will exist. You can see which service providers are delivered in the standard system by looking in the online documentation of SAP Records Management.

Integrating CRM Business Object Types into the Case Record Model

You can integrate additional CRM business object types into CRM Case Management. For this, you need to create a new element type. The following describes the process for integrating a new business object element type into CRM Case Management. Prerequisites Element types are maintained in the registry of SAP Records Management. To create a new element type, you must perform the steps relating to element types described in Creating a Self-Defined Case Record Model.

Objects and/or elements are integrated into a case using relations or anchors. For each object type, a separate relation exists, for example, the relation and anchor C1 for the business object type Business Partner. This also applies for new object types. Since creating new relations is a modification, we recommend that you use the relations X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8 and X9. The relations from X1 to X9 are available from SAP Basis 6.20 Support Package 35. For lower support packages, SAP Note 688709 is required. Process 1. Run transaction SRMREGEDITC. 2. Choose S_AREA_CMG. 3. Right-click on the service provider SCMG_SP_BOR and choose Create Element Type. 604

4. Enter an element type ID and a short text and then press Enter. 5. Select whether the object is local or transportable and save your work. If it is transportable, enter a transport package. 6. Right-click on the element type you just created and choose Change. 7. Under the Connection Parameter Values tab, set the values for BOR_OBJECT_TYPE to the desired business object, and leave the setting for LOGICAL SYSTEM as NONE. 8. Go to the Classification tab and maintain the parameter IDs using the values for TYPE and RMS_ID. 9. Save your changes. Result You have created and integrated the element type. To use the new business object type in CRM cases, you must maintain a new model node with the newly created element type in the case record model used.

Integrating Non-CRM Business Object Types into Case Record Model

To integrate non-CRM business object types from other SAP systems into CRM Case Management, you must specify the logical system and the element type.

Objects and/or elements are integrated into a case using relations. For each object type, a separate relation exists, for example, the relation and anchor C1 for the business object type Business Partner. This also applies for new object types. Since creating new relations is a modification, we recommend that you use the relations X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8 and X9. The relations from X1 to X9 are available from SAP Basis 6.20 Support Package 35. For lower support packages, SAP Note 688709 is required. Process 1. Define the logical system and define the target system for RFC calls. In Customizing choose Customer Relationship Management Case Management Extended Customizing Define Logical System for External Objects 605 .

2. Create an element type. See Creating a Self-Defined Case Record Model. 3. Maintain the connection parameter LOGICAL_SYSTEM. After you have created the element type, right-click on the element type and choose Change. 4. For the Connection Parameter Values select LOGICAL_SYSTEM. 5. To be able to use the new business object type in CRM cases, maintain a new model node with the newly created element type in the case record model you are using. 6. After you created a new element type, assign it to the process C_01. You do this in Customizing under Customer Relationship Management Case Management Extended Customizing . Special Settings Define Processes Define Process-Dependent Parameters Assign Element Types and Business Object Types to a Process Result You have set up the logical system, created the element type and then integrated it.

Integrating Additional Fields into the UI and Search Function

You can use the Easy Enhancement Workbench (EEW) to add customer-specific attributes and/or fields to the CRM WebClient UI and search function. In the Customizing include wizard, you can specify the new attributes to be added to the CRM Case. As a result of these new fields, the field description, data type, and field length have to be maintained. In order for the new fields to appear in the user interface, you need to perform additional steps. For more information, see Enhancements with the Easy Enhancement Workbench in CRM and also Adding New Fields to the Business Transaction. Prerequisites Before integrating additional fields into the user interface, see Integrating New Object Types into Cases.

Adding New Fields to the Business Transaction


Using the Easy Enhancement Workbench (EEW), you can add new fields to the data model of the business transaction, and integrate them into the business processes. SAP CRM supports you with the following functions:

Addition of new fields, which you can then manually integrate into the user interface Transfer of new fields to the Mobile Bridge (interface with CRM Mobile) Transfer of new fields to SAP ECC Inclusion and update of new fields in DataSources for SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP BI)

For these functions, the system automatically generates all necessary objects and table entries. Process 1. To add new fields to the business transaction, use the business object CRM Business Transaction and create an enhancement of the type Add New Fields. 2. Select business transaction categories that you wish to enhance, for example, Opportunity, Sales, Service. Depending on the business transaction categories,

The fields for the business transaction categories that have not been selected are not displayed on the interface Only DataSources for the selected business transaction categories are enhanced The system determines the subobjects of the business transaction (for example, product data, pricing data) that can be enhanced The system determines whether a transfer to the SAP CRM Mobile Client or to SAP ECC is relevant

o o

3. You specify for which connected systems the fields are relevant, for example, SAP NetWeaver BI, SAP ECC. Transfer of fields to the SAP CRM Mobile Client is only an option if you have selected at least one of the following business transaction categories:
o o o

Activity Contact Opportunity


o o o

Sales Service Service confirmation

Transfer of fields to SAP ECC is only an option if you have selected the business transaction categories Sales or Complaints.

You cannnot make enhancements to the SAP CRM Mobile Client or in SAP NetWeaver BI, in SAP CRM. You must manually maintain the enhancements in the Mobile Application Studio or in SAP NetWeaver BI.

If you use SAP ECC, append structures are generated there in sales order tables, and the fields are transferred to the sales order in SAP ECC. There is no automatic transfer to delivery or billing. The fields do not appear on the user interface.

If you want to add new fields to the item data of activities, you have to make additional settings in Customizing. To do this, choose (IMG). Customer Relationship Management Transactions Settings , in the SAP CRM Implementation Guide for Activities Activity Journal Additional Fields

Technical Implementation The EEW creates the following repository objects and table entries, in accordance with your entries:

A data element for each field Customer include structure CI_EEW_<subobject>, for each subobject to which fields are added A dictionary structure with the new fields for each subobject. This structure is included in the customer include structure. Enhancement of the synchronization BDoc for the SAP CRM Mobile Client, as well as a BAdI implementation for transferring fields to and from the SAP CRM Mobile Client BAdI implementation that maps the fields to the sales fields in SAP ECC (and vice versa), as well as append structures in SAP ECC Append structures for the relevant SAP NetWeaver BI DataSources, a BAdI implementation that fills the fields, as well as the required metadata Append structures for the structures of the External Interface adapter (XIF adapter)


The following business transaction components can be enhanced, that is they offer a customer include structure for new fields.

Business Transaction Component Technical Name of Business Transaction Component General header data ORDERADM_H General item data ORDERADM_I Activity data ACTIVITY_H Opportunity data OPPORT_H Lead data LEAD_H Product data PRODUCT_I Financing product data FINPROD_I Sales data SALES Shipping data SHIPPING Billing data BILLING Organizational data ORGMAN Pricing data PRICING Pricing result PRICING_I Schedule lines SCHEDLIN Service item data SERVICE_I User-defined header data CUSTOMER_H User-defined item data CUSTOMER_I Fund header data FUND_H
Enhancement of Customer-Specific Business Transaction Components and Display in the CRM WebClient UI If you have enhanced the business transaction components Customer_H for customer-specific header data, or Customer_I for customer-specific item data, you can easily display the new fields in the CRM WebClient UI. You do this by using the UI Configuration Tool in the Customizing activity at Customer . Relationship Management UI Framework UI Framework Definition Configure User Interface

By default, the corresponding BSP components BTCUSTOMER_H for customer-specific header data, or BTCUSTOMER_I for customer-specific item data, are available in the respective overview pages of the header- or item components of the business transactions, as available assignment blocks. For example, the view SOHOverView of BSP component BT115H_SLSO, which depicts the overview page for the sales order header, contains the BSP component BTCUSTOMER_H. The view SOIOverView


of BSP component BT131I_SLS, which depicts the overview page at item level, contains the BSP component BTCUSTOMER_I. So that the new fields in the CRM WebClient UI can be displayed in the Customer Fields assignment block, you must still transfer these BSP components to the list of displayed assignment blocks, in the respective overview pages. You must also create at least one configuration, with which you define the layout, for the view CustomerI of BSP component BTCUSTOMER_I, or for the view CustomerH of BSP component BTCUSTOMER_H. You thereby define how the fields in the assignment block are displayed. Result You have created a field or several fields for the business transaction categories specified by you, and the system has created the required repository objects and table entries. You can then add the field to the user interface, using the UI Configuration Tool. More Information You can find general information about the Easy Enhancement Workbench in SAP CRM at Easy Enhancement Workbench.

Analyzing Additional Fields with SAP Business Intelligence


The process described here is optional and you should only do this if the data of the additional attributes are to be analyzed using SAP Business Intelligence (BI). Process 1. Start the metadata maintenance for DataSources using transaction RSA6. 2. Select the 0CRM_SERVICE node. 610

3. Select the CRM Case DataSource and change the DataSource. The standard attributes and the new attributes are displayed. By default, the new attributes have the property Hide field. 4. To make the new attributes available in SAP BI for analysis, deselect Hide field.

Additional Customizing Configuration for Case Management

The following is a list of Customizing configuration activities using BAdIs that you can perform to enhance CRM Case Management.

Integrating customer-specific validations using BAdIs SCMG_VALIDATE_C and SCMG_VLDT_BFR_STR_C Specifying default field values when creating a case. There are two scenarios: Creating a case from a case management application using BAdI SCMG_INITIALIZE_C, or creating a case from a business transaction using BAdI CRM_CMG_ON_CREATION

Storing additional link attributes using the enhancement spot /CRMS/CMG_REC_ATTR Customer Relationship Management Case Management .

For more information in Customizing choose

Extended Customizing Special Settings Define Processes Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)

Integrating Multilevel Categorization

Multilevel categorization enables you to individually design the categorization and integration of specific functions in your applications. CRM Case Management supports the multilevel categorization function, making it possible to assign a CRM case to a category of a multilevel categorization schema. More Information Multilevel Categorization in CRM Case Management


Multilevel Categorization

Additional BAdIs for Case Management

There are various additional enhancements and Business Add-Ins (BAdI) that you can perform for CRM Case Management. Features

Inserting new object types in a case record Initializing case attributes Changing a case before the check Additional checks to validate cases and case attributes Triggering an event after saving a case Customer Relationship Management Case Management Extended .

In the Customizing choose

Customizing Special Settings Define Processes Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)

Enhanced Search Functionality in Cases

You can activate extended CRM Case search functionality, which enables a fast search via linked objects including multiple values and ranges. In addition to the default standard search method, you can specify the SAF/TREX search method. More Information Setting the Case Search Scenario

Actions for Subsequent Case Processing


Using actions (in the Post Processing Framework) you can schedule and start any subsequent processing steps depending on the case type, as well as the various scheduling and start conditions. Examples of subsequent processing steps may be sending e-mails or starting workflows. You can also stipulate that a specific ABAP coding is executed. Actions The actions you can perform are:

Creating an action profile with action definitions; in the action definitions, you define the action characteristics, such as the processing time or whether the action is modifiable in the document (case)

Defining conditions for the action definitions (scheduling and start conditions) Assigning the action profile to the desired case type Assign the partner determination for actions using a Business Add-In (BAdI) Case Management

For more information, in Customizing choose Customer Relationship Management Extended Customizing Process Actions .

Service Resource Planning

You use service resource planning to execute project-based scheduling or service order-based scheduling, with a number of resources. You can do the following:

Make employees (internal) and service providers (external) available, by entering service arrangements as resources for service resource planning In service arrangements, you define availability, skills, job functions, and service areas, for example.


Determine and schedule resources You determine the resources that are most suitable for service order demands or project role demands, and create corresponding assignments.

You can use service resource planning to comply with determined SLA dates, respond to critical situations, and improve resource utilization. Once you assign the required resource to a job, you can notify the resource using the following channels:

Groupware Only internal employees can use notification via Groupware.

Channels such as telephone, text message, or e-mail SAP CRM Mobile Service Notification using SAP CRM Mobile Service is only available for service order-based resource planning.

Integration Service resource planning is integrated with the following applications and functions:

WFD Server 2.0 add-on Service resource planning requires the WFD Server 2.0 add-on.

SAP ERP HCM For more information, see Integration with SAP ERP HCM.

Service order items For more information, see Integration with Service Order Items.

SAP Collaboration Projects (cProjects) For more information about scheduling resources to fulfill project role demands, see Integration with cProjects.



Service resource planning is available either for project-based demands (cProject project roles) or for service order-based demands (service order items). You can only use one demand type within your implementation. You set the demand type in Customer Relationship Management Customizing, by choosing Customer Relationship Management Workforce Deployment Service Resource Planning . Basic Settings Specify Demand Types for Resource Planning

Integration with Service Order Items

Service order items can provide demands for the resource planning application (RPA). The following information explains how you can integrate the planning of service order items with the RPA. Prerequisites

In terms of service transaction items, you must ensure the following:

o o

The item object type must be Service Process Item (BUS2000140). The transaction item must be flagged as relevant for resource planning. You can set this flag as a default value, in Customizing for the transaction item category. The transaction item must be released.

You can display all service process items that fulfill these prerequisites, as service demands in service resource planning. For more information, see Searching for Demands.

In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, select the Scheduling Engine for the RPA, by choosing Workforce Deployment General Settings for Service Resource Planning . Then choose WFDS. Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) Select Scheduling Engine

If you use an external Scheduling Engine, set up the RFC connection for the resource planning application, by choosing Relationship Management. Workforce Deployment General Settings for Service Resource , in Customizing for Customer Planning Scheduling Engine Select RFC Connection

To ensure that service order items are created correctly, use transaction SMQ1 to search for the queue name CRM_BT_LRP*. The asterisk stands for the combination of order ID and transaction type.


Activities You must compress the data from the service order items in such a way that the system takes only the data relevant for scheduling into account. To do so, make the necessary settings in the following Customizing activities:

Define Date Types Using this Customizing activity, you can define which date types are relevant for the service order items in the resource planning application. If a service order item contains one of these customized date types, the corresponding date type is shown in the resource planning application, in the demand header for service order items. These date types can also be used in other Customizing activities.

The date types are replicated. If this Customizing changes all saved service order items, only the new service order items contain the date types. The old service order items contain the old date types.

Specify Relevant Date Types for Selection Time Range Using this Customizing activity, you can define a time range for service order items. You can use all date types defined in the service order from activity Define Date Types.

Define Service Profiles for Scheduling Using this Customizing activity, you can define a time range for scheduling. When the system uses the time range definition:
o o

The date types create the demand window. For manual assignments, the system generates a warning if an assignment is created outside the relevant time range. With automatic scheduling, the system tries to schedule only those assignments within the specified time range.


This time range is also proposed for the resource search that is launched using the demand header. For more information, see Find Suitable Resources. The time ranges are used for manual assignments and scheduling, and act as the defaults for the find and rank function. Appointment scheduling is the only area in which the time range is not used. The following values are defined for this:
o o

Earliest Appointment Start (SRV_APPT_BEG) Latest Appointment Start (SRV_APPT_END)

This time range defines when a resource can arrive for an appointment, not the assignment itself.

Define Object for Search and Display Using this Customizing activity, you can define which technical object from the service order item's object groups should be used. Use one of the following objects as the object of the service order item:
o o o

Installed base Installed base component Objects

Specify Partner Function Category In this Customizing activity, you define how the term Customer is understood in the resource planning application (RPA). The customer can be either the ship-to party/service recipient, or the sold-to party. The system uses this information for display purposes and selection purposes.

Define Location of Service to be Performed Using this Customizing activity, you can specify the location of the service. The system uses this location to determine the:
o o

Service area Address data

This data can be used in searches for service order items, and for the determination of distance in find and rank processing.



You can change the location. If the location related to an object has changed, you can update the corresponding location with the program WFDS_DEMAND_ADDRESS_UPDATE.

Business Add-In: Derive Service Area Using this Business Add-In, you define how the system determines the service area.

Schedule Items Automatically Using this Customizing activity, you can specify whether the service order items are scheduled when you release the service order. If you select automatic scheduling, the system schedules the service order item when it is released, if it is relevant for resource planning.

Select Active Functions for Scheduling Engine Using this Customizing activity, you can activate appointment scheduling. Note that the other indicators in this activity are not supported.

Manage Parameters for Appointment Scheduling Using this Customizing activity, you can define how the relevant parameters are handled on the user interface. You can use this activity to define different behavior for both e-service and the Interaction Center.

Integration with cProjects

Using service resource planning in SAP CRM, you can schedule project roles that were created in cProjects, with resources via standard staffing or multilevel staffing. Integration

When staffing project roles with service providers, the following restrictions apply: 618

You can create and edit assignments in service resource planning. The assignments are transferred to cProjects, but they cannot be edited there. You cannot transfer candidates to cProjects.


Define project role types for the multilevel staffing process and the standard staffing process. You do this in Customizing for Collaboration Projects, at for Project Roles Define Project Role Types

Resource Management Basic Settings

Define a project role type for the multilevel staffing process, by setting staffing by Resource Manager via Responsible Organization. To mark the project role as relevant for the WFD Server and thereby relevant for service resource planning, set the indicator WFD Server.

Define a project role type for the standard staffing process, by selecting staffing by Resource Manager via Authorization. To mark the project role as relevant for the WFD Server and thereby relevant for service resource planning, set the indicator WFD Server.

Define the demand type for cProject project roles in Customer Relationship Management Customizing, by choosing

Workforce Deployment Service Resource Planning Basic Settings .

Specify Demand Types for Resource Planning for the multilevel staffing process.

The demand type Multi-Step Project Role Demand corresponds to the project role type The demand type Project Role Demand corresponds to the project role type for the standard staffing process.


In your implementation, you can set up both demand types for project roles.

Define a profile that specifically handles cProject roles when creating and editing assignments. You do this in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, at Workforce Deployment . Service Resource Planning Project Based Demands Define Project Profiles for Scheduling


Create a profile for the required cProject role by choosing Profile

Workforce Deployment Service

Resource Planning Basic Settings Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) Business Add-In: Scheduling , in Customer Relationship Management Customizing.

Features The scheduling of cProject roles corresponds to the scheduling of service order items as far as possible, but with the following differences:

In addition to the assignment types Concrete and Work Time Based Concrete, you can also use the assignment type Capacitive. You can also make a resource available for a demand without completing the assignment, by using the booking type Reserved. For more information, see Assignments and Create and Maintain Assignments.

In the case of concrete assignments you can create appointment series, as well as individual appointments. You can define resources as candidates for a project role first, and then schedule them later. A multilevel staffing process structures the staffing for longer-term projects. For more information, see Multilevel Staffing of Project Roles.

You can navigate to cProjects from the SAP CRM WebClient UI, by choosing Planning cProjects in the navigation bar.


From service resource planning, you can navigate to the role details in cProjects by clicking the project number in the demand search's result list, and in the project demand details of the resource proposal list.

The relationship between a demand and a resource that results in measurable work. When you create an assignment, you are assigning resources to meet one of the following demand types:

Service demands based on service order items Project demands based on cProject roles


Structure Assignments can have the following assignment types:

Assignment Types Description Assignment type for which the effort is less than the duration. Capacitive Concrete Work Time Based Concrete This assignment type is only relevant for assignments for cProject roles. Assignment type for which the effort exactly matches the duration. Assignment that is distributed to a number of individual concrete assignments, according to the availability of a resource.

When you create an assignment, you define the assignment booking type:
Booking Type Description Used to make a resource available for a demand, without finalizing the assignment. For example a resource is reserved for a project, so that it is no longer available for other project work. Once the final project commitment has been received, the resource is booked to the project. This allows resource managers to plan for multiple projects, without actually committing resources until a finalized project order is received. Use



Used by a resource planner to assign resources to a demand.

For assignments for cProject roles only. Assignments for service order items are always created with booking type Booked.

Create and Maintain Assignments

Service resource planners match resources and demands, to create assignments. Prerequisites You have selected the scheduling engine that you use for your implementation. See Scheduling and Schedule Strategies. You have located and defined demands to which you can apply resources, and you have resources available that meet all demand requirements. 621

You have entered all time allocation details for the resources. Features You can create assignments from the resource planner application for:

Concrete and work-time-based concrete assignments for service order items Capacitive and concrete assignments for cProject roles You can create assignments for cProject roles in the extended staffing process if they have the status Staffing in Process, and for cProject roles that are in the simple staffing process. You can also create concrete assignments, as a refinement of capacitive assignments. In this case, the concrete assignments are uniquely assigned to the capacitive assignment, and are allocated with the total scope of the capacitive assignment.

From the resource planning application, you can modify:

Assignments for cProject roles in the extended staffing process, if they have the status Staffing in Process, and assignments for cProject roles that are in the simple staffing process The resource of a capacitive assignment, even if some concrete assignments already exist

If the assignment comes from a rule, you can change the assignment for the same resource only. Assignment List The assignment list has both a display mode and edit mode. The function you choose controls the mode of the assignment list.
Function Description You select resources and service order items to plan assignments, based on the configured scheduling strategy. Schedule Create You define a scheduling strategy by clicking Settings in the resource planning application. You switch to the assignment details and create a new assignment.


Replace Resource

You can switch between resources in the assignment list's change mode and in the assignment details. For more information, see Replace Resource. You switch to the change mode of the assignment list. Here you can edit the data for the selected assignments. You switch to the details and can make changes there. Opens an automatically generated notification with the assignment details. You can edit the message and send it to the service employee. You use a link in the Status column to navigate to an automatic notification for your customer. You can edit the message and send it to the customer. Deletes an assignment. If an assignment is defined with a Groupware item, the system also deletes the Groupware object.

Edit List Edit

Notify Resource

Notify Customer


Creating an Assignment using the Gantt Chart

You can drag the assignment or time allocation into the Gantt chart. You can view the assignment details.

For more information, see Gantt View. System Activity When you choose Schedule, the system automatically finds a suitable item within the resources' availability, and schedules the assignment for this time. You must have an availability that is large enough for the entire assignment.

The assignment lasts from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. The resource has the following availability:

Working time (set to Available) from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and again from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Lunch (set to Not Available) from 12:00pm to 1:00pm


In this case, the system cannot schedule the resource because it does not have sufficient availability to meet the demand requirements. If the demand has mandatory qualifications, and the resource does not exactly meet these qualifications, the system cannot schedule the demand.

Multilevel Staffing of Project Roles

In this process, you can perform status-driven staffing of cProject project roles, using service resource planning. Prerequisites

You have set the staffing option Resource Manager via Responsible Organization, for the project role type of the project role to be staffed. You do this in Customizing for Collaboration Projects, at Settings for Project Roles Define Project Role Types . Resource Management Basic

You have set up the demand type Multi-Step Project Role Demand, in Customer Relationship Management Customizing. You do this at Workforce Deployment Service Resource Planning . Basic Settings Specify Demand Types for Resource Planning

You have mapped the staffing manager, candidate manager, and all resources as business partners, and assigned them to the respective organizational units, in transaction PPOME. To do so, you link an organizational unit with a position, using the object relationship A441 (staffing manager) or A440 (candidate manager). You use this position to then link the respective business partner. For more information, see SAP Note 731177.

Features In contrast to standard staffing of project roles, the staffing of multilevel project roles is subdivided into different phases, in which various people responsible take on the maintenance of project roles:
Phase Status Performed By


1 2 3

Staffing in Preparation Staffing in Process Staffing Completed

Project leader Staffing manger or candidate manager Project leader

Status Performed By Activities Enters the basic settings for the project Enters requirements for project roles Sets the status of the project role to Staffing in Process Optionally adds a message to the project role Searches for multilevel project roles in the CRM WebClient UI, using the saved searches My Roles, All Roles, or Vacant Roles Takes on responsibility for staffing the selected project roles Optionally adds a message to the project role Staffing in Process Staffing manager Assigns resources to project roles Can change existing assignments Searches for multilevel project roles in the CRM WebClient UI, using the saved searches My Roles, All Roles, or Vacant Roles Takes on responsibility for the selected project role Optionally adds a message to the project role Candidate manager Supplements the candidate list with candidates Deletes unwanted or unsuitable candidates Assigns candidates to the project role, using the booking type Reserved to make them available for the project role without completing the assignment, or the booking type Booked to assign them immediately Books reserved resources Staffing Completed Project leader Ends the staffing process for the project role, by setting the status to Staffing Completed

Staffing in Preparation

Project leader

Staffing manager

Integration with SAP ERP HCM


You can integrate service resource planning with SAP ERP Human Capital Management (SAP ERP HCM). The integration has the following effects:

The service resource planning application can display absence and attendance information from SAP ERP HCM. The service resource planning application can process HR data directly, for immediate consideration or for planning purposes. Time allocations entered into the service resource planner can be sent back to the SAP ERP HCM system, to keep the systems synchronized.

Integration Employees and qualifications must exist within SAP ERP HCM before you can create assignments for them within service resource planning.

You use the transaction PFAL for ALE distribution in SAP ERP HCM, to create the employee business partner in SAP CRM from the SAP ERP HCM employee. You must maintain the scales in SAP ERP HCM using transaction PPPM, and transfer them to SAP CRM.

Once you have created the business partner in SAP CRM, you must create a service arrangement for this employee. Once you have created the service arrangement in SAP CRM, you can transfer the basic availability and any other relevant time allocations, from SAP ERP HCM to the WFD Server. You then run the following reports in SAP ERP HCM:
RPTWFMIF, to transfer the basic availability RPTEXTPT, to transfer information from the SAP ERP HCM interface tables to the infotypes

When you create time allocations within the resource planning application, and select the HR status Released, run report WFD_HCM_TIMEDATA_TRANSFER to send these time allocations to SAP ERP HCM. The system then changes the status to Transferred. Once these time allocations are processed in SAP ERP HCM, they are sent back to the WFD Server, where the system changes the status to From HR.

When creating a time allocation in the resource planner, it must be in the time zone of the SAP ERP HCM system.


The time allocations relevant for SAP ERP HCM are not forwarded to the SAP CRM Mobile Service application. If you flag a time allocation as relevant for SAP ERP HCM, you must delete all corresponding records from the laptop application. When integrated with SAP ERP HCM, you can use the service resource planner to view absence and attendance information. You can also create attendance and absence information in the service resource planner, and release it for the HR system. Use report RPTWFMIF to capture availability data from SAP ERP HCM, for use within service resource planning. You should use the report for the following infotypes from Time Management:

2001 2002 2003 2004

Use report WFD_HCM_TIMEDATA_TRANSFER to transfer the data marked for release, between the resource planning application and SAP ERP HCM. To synchronize the data between the two systems most effectively, you should schedule the report to run on a daily basis. Prerequisites

In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, you have made settings for the integration of SAP ERP HCM. You do this at Workforce Deployment WFD Server Business . Time Management Integrating Settings for WFD Server SAP HCM Integration

In Customizing for SAP ERP HCM, you have integrated SAP ERP HCM and service resource planning, for the entry of time allocation data. You do this at Integration with the Workforce Management Core . Time Management with Other SAP Applications Integration with Workforce Management Core

Features HR-Relevant Time Allocation Data Resource planners must mark all time allocation data that is required to update SAP ERP HCM as HRrelevant, and then release it for the update of SAP ERP HCM.


Planners do not have to immediately mark data for release. They can release the SAP ERP HCM data at any time. Once you release a request, the system can send it to SAP ERP HCM. If there is no indication of HR relevance, then the request is applicable for the service resource planning application only and it is not sent to HR. The HR relevance only refers to internal resources that are maintained as employees in SAP ERP HCM. When working with HR-relevant data:

An item is sent to HR only when it is released Once an item is released for HR, it can be updated only in HR If an item is not HR-relevant it can be updated or deleted by the resource planner If a request was flagged as HR-relevant but has not yet been released, it can be updated or deleted in the resource planning application If a request is not HR-relevant, it does not have to be released

You can use the IDoc standard technology to transfer HR data between the resource planning application and SAP ERP HCM. Recurring Patterns Resource planners can enter either individual time allocations or recurring patterns, for the availability of resources. A recurring pattern is similar to a recurring appointment in the resource planner. However, the pattern has an entry to record time allocation data for absence and attendance information.

SAP ERP HCM has no concept of reusability. When HCM receives a recurring pattern, it creates an item for every day of the recurrence. HR Relevance In cases of individual time allocations with an HR-relevant time allocation type, you can set the HR status to:

To Be Released Released


Once the system transfers the time allocation to SAP ERP HCM, it sets the status to Transferred, and the time allocation can no longer be changed in the resource planner. Time allocations that are created in SAP ERP HCM have the HR status From HR, and cannot be changed in the resource planner. If integrated with SAP ERP HCM, you see the HR Status dropdown list only for those time allocation types that were defined as HR-relevant during configuration.

Find and Rank

This function is used for both resources and demands. It creates a ranking list of either resources for a demand, or demands for a resource. The ranking is based on the percentage of suitability for qualifications, availability, and an overall percentage of suitability. Integration You can individually set up the processing of suitability within the find and rank function in Customizing, by choosing Customer Relationship Management Workforce Deployment WFD Server Business . Then select one of the Settings for WFD Server Resource Settings Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) following BAdIs:

Business Add-In: Suitability of Resources by Availability Business Add-In: Suitability of Resources by Qualifications Business Add-In: Suitability of Resources by Dimension

These BAdIs are for find and rank processing for both resources and demands. Features If you do not use qualifications within your implementation of the service resource planner, find and rank processing automatically adjusts, to ignore any qualification data in either the resource or the demand. Finding and Ranking Resources Based on the resource's availability and the demands required, the system can rank available resources according to their total ranking:



Total Ranking = (Availability + Qualification)/2

Total Rank 1,00 0,95 0,75 0,00

Resource Jim Dymond Gerd Schmidt Seamus Cooney Michael Maier

Availability 1,00 0,90 0,75 1,00

Qualification 1,00 1,00 0,75 0,50

The find and rank function for resources is used to determine resources, and rank them in a resource list. You can use the find and rank function for resources only when working with a single demand in the demand header area. The search is based on the selection criteria entered in the resource search and can include both internal resources (employees) and external resources (service providers). For more information, see Searching for Resources. The system compares the required qualifications for the demand and the qualifications of the resource. During this processing, the system determines whether the resource meets all the mandatory qualifications. In the example above, Michael Maier's qualifications only partially fulfill the qualifications. Since this case involves mandatory qualifications, the system displays a total ranking of 0.00. You can change the default processing (Total Ranking = (Availability + Qualification)/2), by using the BAdI Suitability of Resources by Dimension to define the dimension according to which the resources are ranked. Finding and Ranking Demands The find and rank function for demands is used to search for demands, and rank them in a demand list. You can use the find and rank function for demands only when working with a single resource in the resource header area. The resource can be internal (employee) or external (service provider). For more information, see Searching for Demands. The find and rank function for demands constitutes the opposite of the find and rank function for resources. 630

You can use Settings to adapt the resource planning application to your requirements. Features When you choose Settings at the top of the resource planning application, you display the Planning Settings page: Planning Settings
Settings Visualization Entry or Change Gantt chart or weekly list, each with a view mode. Time zone: resource planning converts all time values to this time zone. The default time unit for all displays (minutes, hours, days, weeks, months); the days per business week for your company; the day on which your business week starts. Unit in which distances should be calculated and displayed (miles or kilometers). You can adapt the Gantt chart to your needs: Horizon (Days) Range of the Gantt chart. If you enter a horizon of seven days for example, the Gantt chart comprises seven days, beginning from the date that you manually entered in the date field of the Gantt chart. Smart Assignments

Time Distance

If you select this checkbox, the system automatically corrects the duration of the assignments you created in the Gantt chart, to the demand duration. Grid Resolution Rounding value for the assignments created in the Gantt chart. Snap to Grid If you select this checkbox, you activate the grid resolution. Gantt Settings: Horizon Defaults If you deselect this checkbox, you deactivate the grid resolution. Standard values that can be specified:


Resource Search The saved query stored here is automatically executed when you access resource planning. Schedule Strategy For more information, see Scheduling and Schedule Strategies. Demand Search The saved query stored here is automatically executed when you access resource planning. Demand Status This status is automatically used for the demand search via Propose Demands. Resource View with View Mode When you access resource planning, you can display the resource overview as a weekly list or a Gantt chart. a list view. Assignment Appearance You can choose between a form view and


A resource is either an employee (internal) or a service provider (external) that can be assigned to a demand.

When assigning resources to meet a demand, the system compares the following data:

Demand Resource Qualification requirements Qualifications profile Required capacity and period Availability Location and service area Location and service area


The system derives the service area for the demand based on the demand's location, while the resource has both a location and a service area, entered within the service arrangement. For more information, see Service Arrangements.

Maintain Employees
In employee maintenance, you define employees as resources by allocating a service arrangement to them. Integration If you are integrated with SAP ERP HCM, all information about the hiring, basic availability, and qualifications of the employee is stored in SAP ERP HCM, and accessed using service resource planning. If not, the information about availability and qualifications is stored in employee maintenance. When you add service arrangements using the user interface, the system updates resource planning with the information for the relevant employee. Features

When you display the details for an employee, the account details and service arrangements are most relevant for service resource planning. For more information about service arrangements, see Service Arrangements and Service Arrangements for Employees.

You maintain the information about the employee's basic availability, using the Availability assignment block in the service arrangement. For more information, see Time Allocation: Basic Availability.

You enter extraordinary time allocations by selecting Time Allocations, in the result list of the resource search. For more information, see Time Allocation: Extraordinary Availability.

Maintain Service Providers


A service provider can be a person, group, contractor, or organization that provides services for a company. You maintain service providers within the system, to make them available for scheduling. Features

When you display the details for a service provider, the account details and service arrangements are most relevant for service resource planning. For more information about service arrangements, see Service Arrangements and Service Arrangements for Service Providers.

You maintain the information about the service provider's basic availability, using the Availability assignment block in the service arrangement. For more information, see Time Allocation: Basic Availability.

You enter extraordinary time allocations by selecting Time Allocations in the result list of the resource search. For more information, see Time Allocation: Extraordinary Availability.

Overtime and Capacity Rules

The system uses profiles for overtime limits and capacity limits. You create these limit profiles for an employee, to check this resource's overtime or capacity when you create or change assignments. Integration You define overtime limit profiles and capacity limit profiles for employees, in the Customizing activities listed below. The system performs assignment checks for overtime limits or capacity limits, when you create or change assignments. Depending on the assignment checks, you might see warning messages or error messages that specify the error condition (see Messages). The Business Add-In (BAdI) WFD Resource Profile provides methods to retrieve a resource's overtime limit profiles and capacity limit profiles, either from the profiles defined in Customizing as mentioned above; or from a different source, such as a company's own table of overtime rules.


When you create or change employee attributes (see Maintain Employees), the system calls this BAdI to provide the corresponding overtime limit profiles and capacity limit profiles for the employees. The system also creates the allocation of profiles to resources in the WFD Server. For example, you can implement the WFD Resource Profile BAdI so that it associates specific profiles with specific employees, according to region or another employee attribute. Prerequisites In the following Customizing activities, you have made the settings necessary for overtime processing:

Customer Relationship Management Workforce Deployment WFD Server Business Settings for WFD Server Resource Settings Define Time Allocations to Exclude from Overtime Calculation

Customer Relationship Management Workforce Deployment WFD Server Business Settings for WFD Server Resource Settings Define Overtime Limit Profile Customer Relationship Management Workforce Deployment WFD Server Business Settings for WFD Server Resource Settings Define Capacity Limit Profile Customer Relationship Management Workforce Deployment WFD Server Business Settings for WFD Server Resource Settings Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) Business Add-In: WFD Resource Profile

Features You use these Customizing activities to:

Define overtime limits and capacity limits Allocate overtime limits and capacity limits to a resource Define how many overtime hours are allowed before an assignment check for overtime triggers a warning message

You can specify certain time allocation types to be excluded from overtime calculations during assignment checks. For example, if you do not want time allocations for administration or in-house training to count as overtime, you can specify these. You can also define planned and booked capacity thresholds, beyond which an assignment check should trigger a warning message.


The overtime rules are based on thresholds, which you can define to be dependent on day and time. A resource can have several overtime limits, but only one for each reference period. If there are several overtime limits (for example: by day, week, month, year), and one of the limits is exceeded, only one global warning is displayed. The system calculates the overtime percentage as follows: Overtime % = (booked or assigned time) (available or working time) / (booked or assigned time), as a percentage Example For a given week, the overtime percentage was set to a limit of 4%, and:

Available or working time = 40 hours Booked or assigned time = 42 hours Overtime percentage in this case = (42 40) / 42 = 4.76%

If the overtime limit for this week is set to

10 %: the system does not generate a warning, because the overtime percentage is below the limit 4 %: the system generates a warning about exceeding the overtime limit, when saving the assignment

A resource can have several overtime limits, but only one for each reference period. For example, a resource can have the following limits assigned to it:

10% overtime per day, 12% overtime per month 10% overtime per week No overtime limit defined

Searching for Resources

In the Resources assignment block, there are various search criteria available to help you search for resources. You can save self-defined search queries, and reuse them at another time.


Prerequisites You can adjust and enhance the list areas for resources in the resource planning application, by choosing Customer Relationship Management Workforce Deployment Service Resource Planning Basic Settings Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) Business Add-In: Resource List Display .

Before you can use this enhancement to set up information columns for the weekly view or the Gantt chart, you must enhance the user interface structure for the resource list areas, using the Easy Enhancement Workbench for the business object Service Workforce Management (SERVICE_WFM). Features

You can perform a detailed resource search using various search criteria.

If you combine the search criterion Timeframe with the criterion Start Date or End Date, the search criteria affect each other as follows:

The start date or end date expands the timeframe if it lies before the start date, or after the end date, of the time frame. The timeframe overrides the start date or end date, if the time frame includes an earlier start date or a later end date.

For example, if you select the timeframe This Month in February, and enter February 15 as the start date, then the search also considers resources that are available between February 1 and February 28. Or, if you select the timeframe This Month in February, and enter January 15 as the start date, then the search also considers resources that are available between January 15 and February 28.

You can save search queries for the resource search, and access them again using Saved Searches in the Resources assignment block. In Settings, you can store a default search query for the resource search. For example, you can set up the system so that it automatically searches for the team for which you are responsible, when you access the resource planning application.

From the resource result list, you can use Propose Demands to navigate to a demand proposal list, suitable for the resource.


The default search criteria suitable for the resource are copied to the resource header, with a demand window for the demand search, and the system automatically searches for demands. You can then create an assignment. For more information, see Find Suitable Demands.

You can select a resource in the resource result list and assign a demand, using the assignment block for the demand search (Service Demands or Project Demands). You can then create an assignment.

More Information Find and Rank

Find Suitable Demands

From the resource view, you can find one or more demands for your resources to fulfill. Prerequisites You have selected a resource in the resource view, and chosen Propose Demands. You have specified how the system identifies suitable resources for a given demand, using the find and rank function. For more information, see Find and Rank. Features

The system uses the demand window and the estimated duration of the demand item to identify potential matches with resource availability. The match is represented by a corresponding percentage in the demand result list. The demand window is derived from the earliest start date and the latest end date of the possible date types that are valid for this demand.

When the system returns the demand list, it depicts the matches in view of qualifications, as follows:


Percentage match The percentage match is calculated based on the match between resource and demand, as far as both have suitable qualifications. 0 % is the maximum non-match here.

Entry N.A. This entry indicates that the demand does not have any further qualifications, while the resource does have qualifications. For example, if a resource has qualifications, while the demand does not have a qualification requirement, you see N.A. for both the minimum and maximum qualification.

You can create assignments from the demand list. For more information, see Assignments.

More Information Resource View

Resource View

Resources are displayed in the resource planning application, in the Resources assignment block. Prerequisites You can personalize the resource view, by selecting Settings. For more information, see Personalization. Features

You can display the resource view as a weekly list or a Gantt chart. You can define extraordinary time allocations, by selecting Time Allocations. You can start a demand search for a resource, by selecting Propose Demands. You can select a resource, choose a demand in the Service Demands assignment block, and then create an assignment in the Assignments assignment block. You can display the daily overview in the Assignments assignment block:


o o

In the weekly view, click the link for the appropriate day for the appropriate resource. In the Gantt chart, click the resource type of the appropriate resource. You see the daily overview for this resource in Assignments, for the date entered in the Date field.

You can create assignments in the Gantt chart.

More Information Weekly View Gantt View

Weekly View
A resource view where each day of the week is a column, with a row for each resource. Prerequisites

You can adapt and enhance the data in the columns and cells that are displayed in the weekly view. You do this in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, at Add-In: Resource List Display . Workforce Deployment General Settings for Workforce Deployment Service Resource Planning Basic Settings Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) Business

For the weekly view, you can define a context menu for resources. You do this in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, at . Service Resource Planning Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) BAdI: Context Menus for Resource Views

Features Each column is the time unit (days of the week), where each cell is one day. You see N.A. (not applicable) in all columns where the data is not applicable for the resource.

When the cell contains more than one type of data, you see the cell content as data1/data2. You can choose to display the following information for each day, when viewing resources within the weekly view:


Weekly View Cell Content Data Types The following data types are available using the default implementation of the BAdI Business Add-In: Resource List Display.
Cell Content assigned/available booked/available Description All assignments (booking types Reserved and Booked)/basic availability Assignments with the booking type Booked/basic availability Hours remaining for the assignment calculated by the basic availability minus assigned time (booking types Reserved and Booked) Hours remaining for the assignment calculated by the basic availability minus assigned time (taking only the booking type Booked into account)


booked remaining

You see an asterisk (*) at the end of the values contained in the cells assigned/available, remaining, booked/available, and booked remaining, when the cells refer to external resources with overall capacity. Content Of Cells Assigned/Available for External Resources with Overall Capacity
Resource OED Mary Breeden Resource Type External (OD) Internal Mon 20/100* 8-Jun Tue 0/100* 8-Feb Wed 0/100* 0/8 Thur 0/100* 8-Aug Fri 0/100* 5-May

Time zone conversion can cause situations where a resource with capacity type Overall can have two quotas on the same day. To indicate this condition, you see two asterisks (**) at the end of these values. For example, Mary Breeden has:

Quota 1 valid from Monday through Tuesday with 70 hours Quota 2 valid from Tuesday through Wednesday with 80 hours

Due to the time zone conversion, there is an overlap on Tuesday. Overlap Due to Time Zone Conversion
Resource Service Company (OD) Mon 0/70* Tue 0/150** Wed 0/80*


Daily Summary You can navigate to a daily overview in the Assignments assignment block, by clicking the link for the appropriate day for the appropriate resource, in the weekly view. Date If you enter a date in the Date field, the date display goes automatically to the beginning of the week in which your requested date lies. You can use the arrows in the date field to navigate backwards or forwards through the weeks.

In Settings, you can define with which day of the week the weekly overview should begin. For more information, see Personalization.

Gantt View
This view provides a graphical representation of resources and their assignments, time allocations, and overall availability within the selected period. Prerequisites

You use one of the following browsers:

o o

Microsoft Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox

If necessary, you can define context menus for resources and assignments. You do this in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, at Menus for Resource Views . Workforce Deployment

General Settings for Service Resource Planning Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) BAdI: Context

You can personalize the Gantt view in service resource planning, under Settings:


You define the Gantt horizon by defining the timeframe that should be displayed in the Gantt chart, seven days for example. You define the grid resolution, 30 minutes for example. You have selected the Smart Assignments indicator, if you want the system to automatically adjust the length of the assignments you created in the Gantt chart, to the length of the relevant demand.

o o

Features Colors in the Gantt View

Object Time allocation (basic availability): Available Time allocation (basic availability): Not available Time allocation (extraordinary availability) Color Text Time allocation description and time allocation type Time allocation description and time allocation type Time allocation description Service order item/item number and assignment status


Light gray

Dark gray

Service assignment


For resources with the capacity type Overall, the Gantt view displays N.A. (not available) for the availability, so that no information appears that could have errors due to time frames with multiple quotas.

You have the following options, using the date field:

o o

You can display the data for a particular day. The chosen date automatically becomes the first day of the Gantt horizon, and moves it accordingly. You can move the Gantt horizon backwards and forwards, using the arrow keys. This means that if you have set a Gantt horizon of seven days, beginning on November 2, and then use the arrow key to navigate forwards, a new seven-day Gantt horizon is displayed, beginning on November 9.

You can create assignments. You can change the start and end of assignments.


By clicking the assignment in the Gantt chart, you can display the assignment details in the Assignments assignment block. By clicking the hyperlink in the Resource Type column, you can display a daily overview in Assignments for the resource, and the date entered in the Date field. You can maintain extraordinary time allocations, by selecting Time Allocations. You can start a demand search for a resource, by selecting Propose Demands. From the resource overview, you can use the hyperlink in the Resource column to switch to the employee application (with internal resources), or to the service provider application (with external resources).

Service Arrangements

Service arrangements contain resource details that the system uses to identify matches for demands. This section contains the following information about service arrangements:

Service Arrangements for Employees Service Arrangements for Service Providers Service Arrangement Detail

Service Arrangements for Employees

The service arrangement contains resource details for the employee, which the system uses to identify matches for demands. Prerequisites You have made all necessary settings in CRM Customizing, by choosing Settings

Customer Relationship

Management Workforce Deployment WFD Server Business Settings for WFD Server Resource . To do so, you have maintained the following Customizing activities in detail: Define Service Areas Define Job Functions and Levels Define Availability Templates Define Overtime Limit Profile


If you want to add qualifications to the service arrangement, you have defined them in CRM Customizing, by choosing Customer Relationship Management Workforce Deployment Service . Resource Planning Qualification Management Features

You can enter the following information to define the service arrangement:
Details Name, ID, and type of service arrangement. Validity period of the service arrangement. Which address to use when locating a resource, either the employee's address (individual address) or the address of the company to which the employee belongs (company address). You choose the address that you want to use as the employee's starting location. The primary and alternative service areas to which the employee can be assigned. The employee's qualifications and the proficiency level for each qualification. A list of changes made to the service arrangement data. The days and times when the employee can be scheduled to meet a demand. This can be: o Automatically retrieved by the system from an availability template o Detached from a template and changed for the resource

Assignment Block General Data Validity


Service Area Qualification Change History


Manually entered

There can be only one service arrangement for an employee. Employees are working time based resources.

Service Arrangement Detail


You define and maintain the following types of information within the service arrangement for employees or service providers:

Availability Capacity You see the Capacity assignment block for service providers, only if you select either the Equally Distributed or Overall capacity type.

Service Area Qualifications Change History


Service arrangements for resources are supported until 2038 only.

The resource planning application uses time rules, entered as part of the service arrangement in the Availability assignment block, to determine when a resource can be scheduled for an assignment. Integration You can integrate service resource planning with SAP ERP Human Capital Management (SAP ERP HCM). For more information, see Integration with SAP ERP HCM. Prerequisites For information about the prerequisites, see Time Allocation: Basic Availability. Features Each time rule increases or decreases the availability of an individual resource, and is taken into consideration during scheduling. Time rules contain the following:

Time allocation type Recurrence type


Time rule start date and end date Time rule start time, end time, and time zone Factory calendar, to which the time rule refers

The resource planning application uses the time rule's start date and end date during scheduling, to define the validity period of a resource's availability. Recurrences can be either weekly or monthly. As you enter the basic availability information in the service arrangement, you usually have a recurrence. You can either enter individual rules, or select rules from a global availability template. Functions for Availability Time Rules
Pushbutton/Icon Description Adds a new time rule for the resource. These rules are not related to any template. You can change and delete them without affecting any other rules. Deletes a time allocation or row. Delete Entry (icon in the Actions column) If you delete a time allocation that contains a template, all time allocations with the same template are also deleted. Choose an availability template from the dialog box. The system also takes the maximum possible start and end dates for all associated rules. If you have referenced the template for the same resource more than once, the system determines the maximum time range of the rules and then subtracts the interval already assigned to the template. If the system cannot determine the dates, you must enter them manually. You see a message if you assign a template outside of the rule's validity. Deletes the availability template from the resource. Removes the allocation between the template and the time rule. You can make changes to any field in the time rule for this resource, without affecting other resources.


Add Template Delete Template (icon in the Actions column)

Detach Template



This assignment block for service arrangements is relevant only for service providers and visible only for the following capacity types:

Equally Distributed Overall

Prerequisites In Customer Relationship Management Customizing, under WFD Resorce Profile Workforce Deployment WFD Server

Business Settings for WFD Server Resource Settings Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) Business Add-In: , you have defined planned and booked capacity limits. If these limits are exceeded during an assignment check, a warning message is triggered.

The Default indicator in the IMG activity Define Capacity Limit Profile specifies which entry in the capacity limit profile is used for the default implementation of Business Add-In: WFD Resource Profile. Features The available information includes:

Valid from and to dates Capacity Unit of capacity

The system calculates capacity based on a resource's work time/availability. Capacity entered per contract validity period: Is equally distributed within the validity period of the data record and the availability timeframe.


Represents the overall (absolute) capacity in the validity period and availability time frames defined. This capacity (available, remaining) is based on the consumption (and is not equally distributed), therefore assignments, both concrete and capacitive, are possible as long as capacity is available.

Service Area

You can define one or more service areas for resources. A service area is an area for which the resource is responsible. Prerequisites By default, service areas are defined as the combination of postal code(s) and country. Depending on your implementation requirements, you can define different attributes for service areas, such as region, state, or county. You specify service areas in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Workforce Deployment WFD Server Business Settings for WFD Server Resource Settings Define Service Areas .

In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, you can define how the system retrieves the service area for resources to meet service order demands, by choosing Resource Planning Service Order Based Demands activities:

Workforce Deployment Service

, and executing the following Customizing

Define Location of Service to be Performed Business Add-In: Derive Service Area

Features You can set resources to be responsible for one or multiple service areas, and assign one or more resources to one service area. You do not assign demands to service areas. The service area to which a demand belongs is determined at runtime, using the BAdI Derive Service Area; you can find this BAdI in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Workforce Deployment Service Resource Planning Service . Order Based Demands Business Add-In: Derive Service Area


You can allocate service areas on a time basis. You can assign responsibility for a Primary Service Area and an Alternative Service Area, to resources. The system then knows which resources are available for scheduling in different service areas, based on how the various service areas are created.

You assign qualifications to resources to make matching resources to demands easier. Integration If you are integrated with SAP ERP HCM, the qualification fields and entries automatically become readonly. For more information, see Integration with SAP ERP HCM. Prerequisites In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, you have defined the proficiency scales, and the qualification groups and qualifications contained in the qualifications catalog, by choosing Deployment Service Resource Planning Qualification Management Features You can match the resource's qualifications (skills) with the qualifications required for the demand, to provide the most suitable resource and the best service. Activities Enter the qualifications and proficiencies for the resource. . Workforce

Change History for Service Arrangements

The change history provides an audit trail for changes made to service arrangement data.


Structure The system tracks change history for the following service arrangement data:

Employment dates Whether an availability template was added to or deleted from the system Starting location of the resource Job function Service area

The values for the change history list include:

The date and time when the change was made The user ID of the person making the change The technical name of the table and the technical name and short text name of the field where the change occurred The field's previous and current content

The system maintains the change history from the most recent to the oldest data. You can sort and filter the data.


Unit of work to which a resource can be assigned.

Demands are created from:

Service order items marked as relevant for resource planning Project roles created in cProjects

Integration You can use the system to schedule resources to the following demand types:


Demand Type

Description Created using a standard SAP service order, in which the item was flagged as relevant for resource planning. Roles created using basic cProject processing. A staffing process that uses organizational units responsible and several staffing levels controlled through advanced cProjects processing.

Service order items Project role

Multi-level project role

You set the demand type in Customer Relationship Management Customizing, by choosing Demand Types for Resource Planning .


Relationship Management Workforce Deployment Service Resource Planning Basic Settings Specify

Searching for Demands

In the Service Demands assignment block for service-based resource planning, or the Project Demands assignment block for project-based resource planning, there are various search criteria available for the demand search. You can also store self-defined search queries, and reuse them at another time. Integration When calculating the work duration, the following formula applies: Work Duration Defined in the Product Master x Number of Items per Base Unit of Measure (for example, SU - service unit). Features

You can perform a detailed demand search, using various search criteria.

If you combine the search criterion Timeframe with the criterion Start Date or End Date, the search criteria affect each other as follows:

The start date or end date expands the timeframe if it lies before the start date, or after the end date, of the time frame.


The timeframe overrides the start date or end date, if the time frame includes an earlier start date or a later end date.

For example, if you select the timeframe This Month in February, and enter February 15 as the start date, then the search also considers resources that are available between February 1 and February 28. Or, if you select the timeframe This Month in February, and enter January 15 as the start date, then the search also considers resources that are available between January 15 and February 28.

You can save search queries for the demand search, and access them again using Saved Searches. When searching for project demands, you can use the saved searches My Roles, All Roles, and Vacant Roles to search for roles for the multilevel staffing process. In Settings, you can store a default search query for the demand search. For example, you can set up the system so that it automatically searches for demands for which your team is responsible, when you access the resource planning application.

From the demand result list, you can use Propose Resources to navigate to a resource proposal list, suitable for the demand. The default search criteria, suitable for the demand, are copied to the demand header with the demand window for the resource search, and the system automatically searches for resources. You can then create an assignment. For more information, see Find Suitable Resources.

You can select a demand in the demand result list and assign a resource, using the Resources assignment block. You can then create an assignment.

More Information Find and Rank

Find Suitable Resources

Once you have performed a demand search, you use the resource planning application to determine the resources that are most suitable for the demand.



You have searched for demands, and chosen Propose Resources. You have defined how the system identifies suitable demands for a given resource, using the find and rank function. For more information, see Find and Rank.

In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, you can define how the system retrieves the service area for resources to meet service order demands, by choosing Deployment Service Resource Planning Service Order Based Demands following activities:
o o

Workforce , and executing the

Define Location of Service to be Performed Business Add-In: Derive Service Area

For more information, see Service Area. Features

The system uses the demand window and the estimated duration of the demand item to identify potential matches with resource availability. The match is represented by a corresponding percentage in the resource result list. The demand window is derived from the earliest start date and the latest end date of the possible date types that are valid for this demand.

The proficiency of the qualification (Proficiency dropdown list in the resource search) must be between the minimum and maximum proficiency of the qualification requirement. Once the system has determined resources, it ranks them in the resource list, using find and rank processing. Within the resource list, the system depicts matches in view of qualifications, by:

Percentage match The percentage match is calculated based on the match between resource and demand, as far as both have suitable qualifications. 0 % is the maximum non-match here.

Entry N.A.


This entry indicates that the demand does not have any further qualifications, while the resource does have qualifications. For example, if a resource has qualifications, while the demand does not have a qualification requirement, you see N.A. for both the minimum and maximum qualification.

You can create assignments from the resource list.

More Information Searching for Demands Assignments

Find and Rank

This function is used for both resources and demands. It creates a ranking list of either resources for a demand, or demands for a resource. The ranking is based on the percentage of suitability for qualifications, availability, and an overall percentage of suitability.

You can individually set up the processing of suitability within the find and rank function in Customizing, by choosing Customer Relationship Management Workforce Deployment WFD Server Business . Then select one of the Settings for WFD Server Resource Settings Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) following BAdIs:

Business Add-In: Suitability of Resources by Availability Business Add-In: Suitability of Resources by Qualifications Business Add-In: Suitability of Resources by Dimension

These BAdIs are for find and rank processing for both resources and demands.

If you do not use qualifications within your implementation of the service resource planner, find and rank processing automatically adjusts, to ignore any qualification data in either the resource or the demand. 655

Finding and Ranking Resources

Based on the resource's availability and the demands required, the system can rank available resources according to their total ranking:

Total Ranking = (Availability + Qualification)/2

Total Rank 1,00 0,95 0,75 0,00

Resource Jim Dymond Gerd Schmidt Seamus Cooney Michael Maier

Availability 1,00 0,90 0,75 1,00

Qualification 1,00 1,00 0,75 0,50

The find and rank function for resources is used to determine resources, and rank them in a resource list. You can use the find and rank function for resources only when working with a single demand in the demand header area. The search is based on the selection criteria entered in the resource search and can include both internal resources (employees) and external resources (service providers). For more information, see Searching for Resources. The system compares the required qualifications for the demand and the qualifications of the resource. During this processing, the system determines whether the resource meets all the mandatory qualifications. In the example above, Michael Maier's qualifications only partially fulfill the qualifications. Since this case involves mandatory qualifications, the system displays a total ranking of 0.00. You can change the default processing (Total Ranking = (Availability + Qualification)/2), by using the BAdI Suitability of Resources by Dimension to define the dimension according to which the resources are ranked.
Finding and Ranking Demands

The find and rank function for demands is used to search for demands, and rank them in a demand list. You can use the find and rank function for demands only when working with a single resource in the resource header area. The resource can be internal (employee) or external (service provider). For more information, see Searching for Demands.


The find and rank function for demands constitutes the opposite of the find and rank function for resources.

Service Area
You can define one or more service areas for resources. A service area is an area for which the resource is responsible. Prerequisites By default, service areas are defined as the combination of postal code(s) and country. Depending on your implementation requirements, you can define different attributes for service areas, such as region, state, or county. You specify service areas in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Workforce Deployment WFD Server Business Settings for WFD Server Resource Settings Define Service Areas .

In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, you can define how the system retrieves the service area for resources to meet service order demands, by choosing Resource Planning Service Order Based Demands activities:

Workforce Deployment Service

, and executing the following Customizing

Define Location of Service to be Performed Business Add-In: Derive Service Area

Features You can set resources to be responsible for one or multiple service areas, and assign one or more resources to one service area. You do not assign demands to service areas. The service area to which a demand belongs is determined at runtime, using the BAdI Derive Service Area; you can find this BAdI in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Workforce Deployment Service Resource Planning Service . Order Based Demands Business Add-In: Derive Service Area You can allocate service areas on a time basis.


You can assign responsibility for a Primary Service Area and an Alternative Service Area, to resources. The system then knows which resources are available for scheduling in different service areas, based on how the various service areas are created.

Time Allocations
A time allocation describes the date and time boundaries of an event that impacts the scheduling of a resource.

You use time allocations to define specific periods when a resource is or is not available to be scheduled to meet a demand. You use them for internal and external resources. Integration Integration with SAP ERP HCM If you are integrated with SAP ERP HCM, see:

Integration with SAP ERP HCM Initial Load of Time Allocations

Integration with Mobile Client The following time allocation types are not transferred to mobile clients:

Time allocations with HR-relevant time allocation types Time allocations with a recurrence

If a time allocation type becomes relevant for SAP ERP HCM, the corresponding time allocations must be deleted from the cell phone. Delete these time allocation types using the report


Example You use time allocations to define each condition where a resource is or is not available. Working Time is an example of a time allocation type where the resource is Available, as defined within the resource's service arrangement. The following are examples where the resource is Not Available, as defined within the resource header:

Vacation Illness Meeting

Time Allocation: Basic Availability

Basic availability is the standard work time for the resource.

The system verifies the validity dates of the resource to ensure that the resource is available for scheduling for the time period required.


You have defined time allocation types in CRM Customizing, by choosing Server Resource Settings Define Time Allocation Types .


Relationship Management Workforce Deployment WFD Server Business Settings for WFD

You have created templates to provide default values when entering basic availability data for resources in CRM Customizing, by choosing Availability Templates . Customer Relationship Management Workforce Deployment WFD Server Business Settings for WFD Server Resource Settings Define

The system displays availability for the resource as a list of time rules, in the Availability assignment block of the service arrangement. For more information, see Availability.


You can create availability templates for resources and select them when they meet the basic time allocation requirements. You can also use the availability templates to perform mass changes to time rules for assigned resources. This is only possible with the following prerequisites:

You have not deleted all rules associated with the template from this resource, using Detach Template. You have not decoupled the template from the system, using Add Template and made changes to the individual fields in the template data.

Availability Templates When you add time rules using an availability template, you can:

Keep all of the time rule information as defined within the template Use the template information as a starting point for your own edits Delete all time rules associated with the template for this resource Detach the template from the resource

Data Defining Basic Availability


Description You select a factory calendar to define the holiday calendar for the resource. This calendar is typically based on the country or organization, and provides the days on which holidays occur, specific to the country or organization. These are the times when the resource normally works, for example, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or 4:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. This information defines the normal range of hours within which the resource is available to work and can be scheduled. If breaks are required in your organization, you create a rule for breaks as part of the working time.

Factory Calendar

Regular Daily Working Times


Workday Pattern

This specifies on which days the resource normally works, for example; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday; or Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. It is also possible to assign a resource to work on days that are not normal working days, but the system takes this information into account during scheduling. By default, the workday pattern is for a week, for which you select the number of weeks and the days of the week.

When integrating with SAP ERP HCM, the application receives availability information for service resource planning, from SAP ERP HCM and displays it in the Availability assignment block. In this case, all fields in the assignment block are display-only. For more information, see Integration with SAP ERP HCM.

Time Allocation: Extraordinary Availability

Time assignments for basic availability show when a resource is usually available to work. Time assignments for extraordinary availability define deviations from this standard availability.

You have defined time allocation types in CRM Customizing, by choosing Settings Define Time Allocation Types . Customer Relationship

Management Workforce Deployment WFD Server Business Settings for WFD Server Resource


You access the time allocations list for a resource when you display the resource header. The system displays all the time allocations assigned to a resource, that have a time allocation type for which the Exception indicator has been set.

You do not see basic availability time allocations in this list. You define and maintain these in the Availability assignment block of the service arrangement. For more information, see Time Allocation: Basic Availability. 661

You can assign extraordinary time allocations to a resource in either the Gantt view or the weekly view, by clicking Time Allocations. Only time allocations for the time period specified in the resource search are displayed.

You can choose to create any extraordinary time allocation that was configured with the Exception indicator. You see all time allocation types defined as Exception time allocation types within the dropdown list, when creating a new extraordinary time allocation.

You can create extraordinary time allocations with a daily, weekly, or monthly recurrence pattern. You can edit existing time allocations. You edit and delete extraordinary time allocations separately for individual time allocations or individual instances of an appointment series, and for appointment series. You use the Edit or Delete icon to edit or delete an individual time allocation, or the instance of an appointment series named in the row. To change or delete an appointment series, click the Series link.

In resource planning, you cannot change time allocations uploaded from a mobile client.

Initial Load of Time Allocations

If the Scheduling Engine is integrated with SAP ERP HCM, you transfer time allocation information for employees (for example, vacation data) during the initial setup of the Scheduling Engine.

The initial load of time allocations is required only during the initial configuration. Once the system is running, the Scheduling Engine updates the time allocation information, using standard reports. There are no standard time allocations available in the resource planning application. However, you may have to make some standard settings in the system, to match the corporate settings with SAP ERP HCM. This can result in an error if the time allocation information coming from the Scheduling Engine does not meet your SAP ERP HCM requirements during the initial load.


The Scheduling Engine uses the Time Management infotypes 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004 to enter and distribute time allocations and schedules within SAP ERP HCM and the resource planning application. For more information, see Integration with SAP ERP HCM.

In Customizing for Time Management, you have established the integration between SAP ERP HCM and the service resource planning application for the entry of SAP ERP HCM time allocation data. You do this by choosing Integrating Time Management with Other SAP Applications Integration with . Workforce Management Core Integration with the Workforce Management Core

In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, you have mapped your time allocations to HCM infotypes, by choosing Workforce Deployment WFD Server Business Settings for WFD Server SAP . HCM Integration Map Time Allocations to HCM Infotypes

In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, you have defined your time allocation requirements, by choosing Resource Settings

Workforce Deployment WFD Server Business Settings for WFD Server

. You have then executed the following IMG activities:

Define Time Allocation Types Define Time Allocation Types to Exclude from Overtime Calculation

Unless the time allocation type is included in the mapping table, the system does not consider the data as HR-relevant. You have created service arrangements for all employees whose time allocation information should be loaded from HCM. For more information, see Service Arrangements for Employees.

The relationship between a demand and a resource that results in measurable work. When you create an assignment, you are assigning resources to meet one of the following demand types:

Service demands based on service order items Project demands based on cProject roles


Assignments can have the following assignment types:

Assignment Types

Description Assignment type for which the effort is less than the duration.


This assignment type is only relevant for assignments for cProject roles. Assignment type for which the effort exactly matches the duration. Assignment that is distributed to a number of individual concrete assignments, according to the availability of a resource.


Work Time Based Concrete

When you create an assignment, you define the assignment booking type:
Booking Type Description Used to make a resource available for a demand, without finalizing the assignment. For example a resource is reserved for a project, so that it is no longer available for other project work. Once the final project commitment has been received, the resource is booked to the project. This allows resource managers to plan for multiple projects, without actually committing resources until a finalized project order is received. Use


For assignments for cProject roles only. Assignments for service order items are always created with booking type Booked.


Used by a resource planner to assign resources to a demand.

Scheduling and Schedule Strategies

You can choose the scheduling strategy that you want to use for back end processing, in the service resource planning application.



You have set up the scheduling engine that you are using to implement service resource planning, in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management. You choose General Settings for Service Resource Planning Scheduling Engine Workforce Deployment . Workforce

You have defined whether you are using liveCache or the resource planning application's built-in dispatcher, in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management. You choose Dispatcher . Customer Relationship Management Workforce Deployment WFD Server in Customizing. Workforce . Deployment WFD Server Dispatcher Settings Switch between liveCache and Built-In

If you use liveCache in your scheduling solution, you have determined scheduling strategies. To do so, choose Dispatcher Settings liveCache Scheduling Strategy

If you do not use liveCache, only the standard scheduling strategy is available. You can find more information in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Deployment WFD Server Dispatcher Settings liveCache Scheduling Strategy

You have entered a strategy, by choosing Settings in resource planning. Scheduling using strategies is possible for service order items only.

If you are using an external scheduling solution, you have integrated the solution to the resource planning application.

Scheduling Engines for Service Resource Planning
Scheduling Engine


Features Supports capacitive and working time based service arrangements Uses multiple scheduling strategies

Resource planning application using liveCache scheduler Resource planning application with built-in dispatcher

Generates appointment scheduling A memory-based database that includes multiple scheduling algorithms Uses conventional techniques for data storage, and includes only one scheduling algorithm Uses find and rank functions Supports working time based service arrangements


Supports service order based demands Generates appointment scheduling Uses find and rank functions Connection to an external scheduling engine Scheduling Strategy Supported by a third party, within connections via SAP NetWeaver XI (Is not supported by the resource planning application)

The most important attributes of the scheduling engine are the scheduling rules, which define the overall planning strategy. Scheduling Rules Supported by liveCache Dispatcher
Rule Description The system attempts to schedule the demand in the next possible free time slot for a resource, in the planning direction. Resource utilization based on concrete and capacitive assignments is taken into account. If the scheduler is called with more than one resource, the system creates the assignment depending on the planning direction. For forward scheduling, the earliest time slot is used to create the assignment, whereas for backward scheduling, the latest time slot is used. The system attempts to schedule the demand after the last assignment of the given resource. This scheduling rule must be used with care, especially when you have assignments in the distant future (for example, maintenance orders). If the last assignment does not appear in the planning board, the appended assignment does not appear in it either. The system schedules the demand on the required date, without accounting for the existing resource load. Only the availability of the resources is taken into account. This can be used as a fallback scheduling rule, if the Find Slot scheduling rule does not return a valid assignment.

Find Slot

Append Assignment

Infinite Planning


When you set up the strategies in Customizing, reference them within the resource planning application. In the Resource Planner Overview page, choose Settings. You see the Planning Settings page. In the Defaults area, choose the strategy from the Schedule Strategy dropdown list.

Create and Maintain Assignments

Service resource planners match resources and demands, to create assignments.

You have selected the scheduling engine that you use for your implementation. See Scheduling and Schedule Strategies. You have located and defined demands to which you can apply resources, and you have resources available that meet all demand requirements. You have entered all time allocation details for the resources.

You can create assignments from the resource planner application for:

Concrete and work-time-based concrete assignments for service order items Capacitive and concrete assignments for cProject roles You can create assignments for cProject roles in the extended staffing process if they have the status Staffing in Process, and for cProject roles that are in the simple staffing process. You can also create concrete assignments, as a refinement of capacitive assignments. In this case, the concrete assignments are uniquely assigned to the capacitive assignment, and are allocated with the total scope of the capacitive assignment.

From the resource planning application, you can modify:

Assignments for cProject roles in the extended staffing process, if they have the status Staffing in Process, and assignments for cProject roles that are in the simple staffing process The resource of a capacitive assignment, even if some concrete assignments already exist


If the assignment comes from a rule, you can change the assignment for the same resource only. Assignment List The assignment list has both a display mode and edit mode. The function you choose controls the mode of the assignment list.
Function Description You select resources and service order items to plan assignments, based on the configured scheduling strategy. Schedule Create You define a scheduling strategy by clicking Settings in the resource planning application. You switch to the assignment details and create a new assignment. You can switch between resources in the assignment list's change mode and in the assignment details. For more information, see Replace Resource. You switch to the change mode of the assignment list. Here you can edit the data for the selected assignments. You switch to the details and can make changes there. Opens an automatically generated notification with the assignment details. You can edit the message and send it to the service employee. You use a link in the Status column to navigate to an automatic notification for your customer. You can edit the message and send it to the customer. Deletes an assignment. If an assignment is defined with a Groupware item, the system also deletes the Groupware object.

Replace Resource Edit List Edit Notify Resource

Notify Customer


Creating an Assignment using the Gantt Chart

You can drag the assignment or time allocation into the Gantt chart. You can view the assignment details.

For more information, see Gantt View. System Activity When you choose Schedule, the system automatically finds a suitable item within the resources' availability, and schedules the assignment for this time. You must have an availability that is large enough for the entire assignment.


The assignment lasts from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. The resource has the following availability:

Working time (set to Available) from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and again from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Lunch (set to Not Available) from 12:00pm to 1:00pm

In this case, the system cannot schedule the resource because it does not have sufficient availability to meet the demand requirements. If the demand has mandatory qualifications, and the resource does not exactly meet these qualifications, the system cannot schedule the demand.

Replace Resource

In an existing assignment, you can replace the assigned resource with another resource. Prerequisites You have assigned a resource to a demand. You have a list of resources that are available for the assignment. Activities You replace the resource in the assignment list's change mode, or the detail view of an assignment, using the dropdown box for the Resource column (assignment list), or for the Resource field (detail view). The resources that are available in the dropdown box depend on the result list of your resource search:

If you have not selected resources in the result list, all resources from the result list are displayed in the dropdown box. If you have selected resources in the result list, only these resources are displayed in the dropdown box.

Notify Resources


You can use any communication channel to notify resources about assignments.

The system automatically uses the standard communication data when notifying resources about assignments. If no standard communication data is defined, the system uses the first address it finds.

The following prerequisites must be fulfilled:

You have created SAP Smart Forms, by entering the transaction SMARTFORMS in the SAP Easy Access screen. In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, you have defined the templates that you use to contact resources, by choosing Basic Settings Define Smart Forms Workforce Deployment Service Resource Planning . Workforce Deployment Service Resource .

If you use Groupware, you have activated Groupware notification of resources in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Planning Basic Settings Set Groupware Message Distribution

Only internal employees can use notification via Groupware.

You have defined communication channels for the resource.

You can notify resources by e-mail, or using the Groupware calendar. The text of the messages is derived from Smart Forms. Depending on the different communication channels (e-mail, fax, pager, SMS), you can modify the basic data, if required, to meet your specific communication requirements.

Dear <resource name>, The demand data is as follows: Start date: 09.06.2006 670

End date: 30.11.2006 Description: Project leader Effort: 10 days

Alerts and Messages

Alerts provide information about time-critical or important situations, in which the capacity, availability, or qualifications of a resource in the system do not match. Messages provide information about the service resource planner's actions when using the system. Integration You see the following:

Alerts in the worklist's alert inbox. For more information, see Alert List.

Messages at the top of each page. For more information, see Messages.

Alert List
In the worklist's alert inbox, the system displays important information for the service resource planner, concerning:

Excess capacity Open availability Resource or qualification mismatches

You have set up alerts for resource planning. 671

If you create your own implementation, you should verify that WFDS_ALERT_DELIVERY is sending the alerts relevant to your implementation. You have scheduled the following reports to run in the background, to trigger the alerts:
WFDS_RES_EXCEPS_CAP_CHECK_CON for a concrete assignment WFDS_RES_EXCEPS_CAP_CHECK_CAP for a capacitive assignment

In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, you have configured service areas, by choosing Workforce Deployment WFD Server Business Settings for WFD Server Resource Settings Define Service Areas .

You have created service arrangements for resources, which contain service area assignments. In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, you have defined the capacity ranges for triggering alerts, by choosing Workforce Deployment Service Resource Planning Basic Settings . In the activity, you define the following: Define Excess Capacity Profiles

The time the system looks ahead The capacitive threshold for the alert

The system generates the following alerts:
Alert Resource excess capacity, concrete assignment Qualification mismatch Assignments during nonavailable time frames Description When checking a concrete assignment, the system returns the periods that contain excess capacity. This alert is generated for resources in a specific service area. Triggered when mandatory qualification requirements for an assignment are not fulfilled because the qualification of the resource was changed. Occurs when part of an assignment for a resource is outside his or her normal working time. This can be due to a change from outside the resource planning application (such as from Groupware or SAP ERP HCM).

The system also generates alerts for a time allocation created by a mobile client if it conflicts with the resource's current time allocations.


Capacity monitoring of resources generates alerts, based on background jobs. Once reports start to run, the system generates the necessary alerts for resources who have excess capacity according to their defined capacity profile. Once added to the SAP Scheduler, these alerts run until they are deleted. If you receive an alert that states that a resource is underbooked, and you do not resolve the problem, you continue to receive this alert periodically. This is based on the period for resending the alert, entered in the SAP Implementation Guide. If the alert provides a date and time, it also contains the time zone. The system derives the time zone from the business partner master record of the resource for which the alert was triggered. The time zone comes from the standard address maintained for this resource. The time zone might not be that of the service resource planner, even if the resource planner is the recipient of the alert.

Alert A is scheduled to run every 30 minutes. Resource A is underbooked at 9:00 a.m. The Customizing value for resending the alert is set to 4 hours. The service resource planner receives the first alert at 9:00 a.m. but does not resolve the issue. The system therefore generates successive alerts at 9:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 12:30 p.m. and 1:00 p.m., unless the resource planner corrects the underbooking at some point within the four-hour period.

More Information
Service Arrangements for Employees Service Arrangements for Service Providers

Messages are displayed at the top of each page. Messages can be errors, warnings, or additional information, depending on what triggered the message.

The following conditions generate messages:

An assignment that does not fulfill mandatory qualification requirements An assignment for a resource outside normal working time


A time allocation (an illness, for example) that conflicts with an assignment An assignment that does not fulfill the capacity of the demand Capacity limit reached during manual scheduling An assignment that exceeds the overtime limit of the resource An assignment outside the validity periods of a resource

A resource could be available for resource planning until next week, and the resource planner creates an assignment for the following week for this resource.

An allocation outside the demand window or resource availability No free capacity for a resource Overtime limit of a resource exceeded Service area of resource does not match the demand

You can check the following information for resources, using SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI) reports:

Employee availability and utilization Qualification requirement frequency and completeness

Prerequisites You have automated the extraction process for the following extractors: Master Data Extractor

Time allocation types 0WFM_TIMESPTYP_ATTR

Text Extractors

Extraction of booking type text 0WFM_BOOKING_TYPE_TEXT Qualification description 0WFM_QUALIF_TEXT Job function descriptions 0WFM_JOBFUNC_TEXT Job level descriptions 0WFM_JOBLEVEL_TEXT


Service area descriptions 0WFM_SERVAREA_TEXT Resource type texts 0WFM_RESTYP_TEXT Time allocation type texts 0WFM_TIMESPTYP_TEXT

Transactional Extractors

Extraction of gross/net availability 0WFM_CAPACITY Extraction of WFM availability 0WFM_ASSIGNMENTS Extraction of WFM working time 0WFM_WORKTIME Extractions of demand qualifications 0WFM_DEM_QUALI Extractions of personal demands 0WFM_DEMANDS Extractions of resource job functions 0WFM_JOBFUNC Extractions of service area data for WFD resources 0WFM_SERV_AREA Extractions of supplied resource qualifications 0WFM_RES_QUALI Time allocation contributions based on working time intervals 0WFM_TIMESP_CONTRIB Extractions of WFD attribute sets from resources 0WFM_WFD_ATTSETS

Features The Service Resource Planning application provides the following standard reports. Resource Availability Report This view enables you to monitor the availability of your resources, enabling you to answer questions such as:

Which resources are available in the chosen time frame? How many hours have my resources scheduled for nonproductive (non-billable) work?

Resource Utilization Report This view enables you to monitor the utilization of your resources. You can determine exactly how much time your employees have used for nonproductive work in a certain period. Report on Qualification Requirement Frequency This view shows you which qualifications are required most frequently, enabling you to answer questions such as: 675

Which qualifications are required most frequently in my demands? Which qualifications are most frequently available from my resources? Do seasonal trends exist regarding the frequency of a particular qualification?

Report on Completeness of Qualification Requirements This view enables you to monitor the percentage match for demand qualifications, including the percentage match for mandatory demand qualifications, and the qualifications of the resources assigned to these demands.

Groupware Integration
For service resource planning, you require Groupware integration, to inform the scheduled resources about their assignments. The WFD Server provides Groupware integration, which enables you to send information about Groupware objects (Groupware tasks and Groupware appointments) from the WFD Server to Groupware, and from Groupware to the WFD Server.

Groupware integration is supported for employees (internal resources) only.


Assignments are transferred from service resource planning to Groupware, via the WFD Server. The data is transferred when you choose the Save function.


You use the Workforce Deployment Server (WFD Server) You have set up Middleware in SAP CRM The resources that are relevant for resource planning use the following:
o o

MS Exchange 2000 or a higher release Lotus Domino 5.0 or a higher release

You have stored the e-mail addresses of the resources in SAP CRM The WFD Server and the service resource planning application have the same time zone


More Information
Data Flow from the WFD Server to Groupware Data Flow from Groupware to the WFD Server

Data Flow from the WFD Server to Groupware

You can send assignments as Groupware tasks and Groupware appointments, with a subject line and text. The Groupware tasks and Groupware appointments appear in the resource's to do list or calendar. Features In Groupware, you can publish, change, and delete assignments from the WFD Server, or from service resource planning. When you use Groupware integration for the first time, you can transfer existing assignments in the WFD Server that come from service resource planning, to Groupware. You can send assignments from service resource planning as Groupware tasks and Groupware appointments. Groupware Tasks You map capacitive assignments for a resource to Groupware, as tasks. A Groupware task contains the planned effort and the period in which the work should be performed, for example ten days in May. The resource can use Groupware tasks as copy templates, to create concrete appointments in the Groupware application. If you change the times of a capacitive assignment that has already been published in Groupware, the times are automatically adjusted in Groupware when you save. The WFD Server's event handler transfers the changes. Textual changes are not automatically transferred; you must transfer the Groupware tasks again from service resource planning. If you delete a capacitive assignment in service resource planning, the related Groupware task is automatically deleted. Groupware Appointments 677

Groupware appointments are concrete assignments for a resource, such as Thursday, 2 p.m. 4 p.m. An assignment can only ever be sent to one individual resource, and not to groups. For cProject-based demands, you can create recurring appointments, such as every Tuesday. Recurring appointments are transferred to Groupware (provided that they are simple, that is they do not have any hierarchical rules). Exceptions, such as every Tuesday, but not the last Tuesday of the month, are not supported. If you delete an assignment in service resource planning, the related Groupware appointment is automatically deleted. In the case of project-based demands in service resource planning, you can also delete only the publication of the appointment in Groupware, that is without deleting the assignment itself (using the Delete Groupware Appointment function).

Data Flow from Groupware to the WFD Server

You can transfer changes to Groupware objects back to service resource planning, via the WFD Server. This function is available for cProject-based demands only. Prerequisites You have made appropriate settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, at Workforce Deployment WFD Server WFM Groupware Integration Features

You can change or delete all appointments that you have received from the WFD Server or service resource planning. These changes are automatically transferred to the WFD Server. In the case of recurring appointments, you can change the date or time of individual appointments within a series. You can create new appointments in Groupware. You can transfer them to service resource planning, and create them as an assignment or time allocation. You can also transfer changes made to these appointments. New appointments in Groupware (that is, appointments created manually by the Groupware user) are differentiated as follows:


The category is filled according to the following template: WFM_xxx_1234567890, where xxx is the application (for example, CRMSV). You can assign this kind of Groupware appointment to service resource planning. If the 10-digit number can also be assigned to an existing capacitive assignment, a new concrete assignment comes from the new Groupware appointment. This is then a lowerlevel assignment of the capacitive assignment. Assignments of this kind are displayed in service resource planning as assignments for a specific project role demand, and do not differ from assignments that were originally created in service resource planning.

The category looks different. This Groupware appointment becomes if set up as such in Customizing a time allocation in service resource planning.


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