Staff Report:West Place Village CUP

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City of Auburn Planning Commission PC Case # PL-2009-00670 West Pace Village Conditional Use Permit

Review Date: Property Owner(s): Owners Address: December 3, 2009 West Pace, LLC and Lynch Properties, Inc. 1695 East University Dr Auburn, AL 36830

Authorized Representative/ Applicant: Request:

J. A. Conner, Jr.

Recommendation to City Council for conditional use approval for several uses to be located north of Shell Toomer Parkway and east of South College Street in the Comprehensive Development District (CDD) with an overlay of the Planned Development District (PDD), pending approval of rezoning case PL-2009-00660. The conditional uses requested for consideration include the following:
Outdoor Recreational Uses: Park; Bicycle, Jogging and Hiking Paths Institutional: Private Libraries & Museums; Aquariums Indoor Recreational: Skating Rink (Roller & Ice), Bowling Alleys, Billiards, Gymnasium, Indoor Athletic Facilities Office Commercial and Entertainment: Auto accessory store; Barbershop/beauty shop; Building Material Sales; Clothing Stores; Copy Shop; Electronics Repair; Florists; Garden Supply; General Merchandise Stores; Health & Personal Care Stores; Hotel/Motel/Condotel; Office Supplies, Stationary, Gift Stores; Package Store; Pet/Pet Supply Store; Restaurant; Restaurantlounge; Restaurant-pub; Specialty Food Stores; Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book & Music Stores; Tavern; Lounge; Banks; Dry Cleaners; Grocery Stores Professional Studios: Theaters/Indoor Auditoriums Road Service: ATMs; Auto Dealership; Auto repair, paint/body work; Convenience Stores/Small Grocery; Gasoline/service station; Bank with Drive-thru; Parking Garages/Lots; Fast Food Restaurant Commercial Recreational Use: Amphitheater Agricultural Support: Farm Equipment sales/rental/leasing; Farm Equipment sales/repair; Farm Produce Sales (permanent) Nurseries: Retail Commercial Support: Wholesale Distributor Regional Shopping Center: Shopping Center 500,000+ SF floor area

PL-2009-00670 West Pace Village Conditional Use Permit Page 2 of 12 The Auburn Zoning Code (Section 803.02.B) requires that A public hearing shall be held by the Planning Commission after adjoining property owners have been notified of the public hearing by certified mail and signs announcing the public hearing have been erected on the property in question. Adjoining property owners have been mailed notices regarding the public hearing. The Zoning Code (Section 803.02.E) states further: Following a public hearing the City Council shall either approve, or disapprove, the application and shall establish the specific conditions under which the application is approved. Location: Between Interstate 85 and Shell Toomer Parkway east of South College Street (US Highway 29) Carl Morgan, AICP, Assistant Planning Director Approval Comprehensive Development District. North: Rural (R) Ivy and Richard Morris Property South: Planned Development District (PDD) and Rural (R) Cleveland Real Estate Investments and Jones/Naftel property, Links Crossing LLC Property, Magnolia Gardens at Auburn Links Subdivision East: Outside of City Limits Parcel B-1 Tommy Pace Subdivision (West Pace LLC) West: Comprehensive Development District (CDD) Ladiga LLC property, 37 Hotel Auburn LLC property, Park Place Plaza LLC property

Reviewed by: Recommendation: Current Zoning: Surrounding Zoning:

Adjoining Property Owners Notified: Site Visit:

Nineteen (19) September 24, 2009

Property Description: The subject property consists of lots B-2A-1, B-2A-2, B-2A-3 and Parcel A-2 of the Tommy Pace Subdivision, Redivision of Parcel B-2 and part of parcel A (Corrective Plat) recorded on June 17, 2008. The site is bound on three sides by major transportation corridors including Interstate 85 to the north, South College Street (US 29) to the west and Shell Toomer Parkway with its accompanying hiker-biker trail to the south. The site also lies within the Loachapoka water service area.

PL-2009-00670 West Pace Village Conditional Use Permit Page 3 of 12 Previous Action Related to this Site: The Tommy Pace subdivision was first platted in 1993. Since then, there have been six amendments to the subdivision. The most recent applications to re-subdivide were approved and recorded in April 2006, June 2007 and finally in June 2008. Between September 2006 and December 2007, the applicant also proposed annexing and rezoning the subject property in phases. Cases included: Annexation applications Rezoning Applications (to CDD) PL-2006-00526 PL-2007-00794 PL-2007-00960 PL-2007-00795 PL-2007-01070

However, the applicant withdrew these applications and the property was later proposed for annexation and rezoning to CDD as a single group (applications PL-2008-00790 and PL-2008-00791). The City Councils action on these cases was on September 15, 2009. Prior to annexation, the applicant had been proceeding with the development through the Countys permitting process to build three auto dealerships. Two of the dealerships have been constructed and are the backbone for the new auto mall proposed for the portion of the site adjacent to the interstate. Earlier this year, the applicant also had a number of meetings with City department directors through the office of the City Manager to help coordinate the overall development of this property. There has been a strong public interest in this development because of the propertys significance to the city and its location at a key gateway into town. Among prominent issues discussed with the applicant, goals for the development of the property included putting an improvement district in place, annexing the property, addressing transition issues on the un-annexed east parcel from commercial to residential, and rezoning the property to CDD with a PDD overlay. This application continues to address these development goals. Greenway/Greenspace Impact: The existing bike path on Shell Toomer Parkway lies in the State right-of-way along the propertys south property line. The parkway is one of only three in the States parkway system and was created in the 1940s to serve as a parkway entrance to Chewacla State Park. The bike facility within the parkway was constructed using federal funding allocated to the City of Auburn who oversaw the construction of the bike path. When it was complete, the facility was turned over to the State Parks Division of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. While State Code generally prohibits adjacent properties to have direct access to parkways, the applicant has gone through the necessary administrative and legal channels to secure three entrances to the development. The Greenway/Greenspace map also shows a proposed bike path along the north property line that runs east-west connected to another that crosses the I-85 corridor and connects to South College Street (US 29) on the north side of I-85. The map shows a connection between the bike facilities on the north end of the PDD parcel to the existing facility in the Shell Toomer Parkway, but this is through the unannexed 35-acre parcel to the east rather than through the PDD. That being said, the applicant has reported in the Master Development Plan report that he will provide a facility from Shell Toomer Parkway headed north through the PDD.

PL-2009-00670 West Pace Village Conditional Use Permit Page 4 of 12 There is a major stream identified on the east edge of the property that crosses the property line several times between the development and the West Pace LLC property to the east. The development plan reserves the entire east portion of the site as detention or future development at this time so any impacts to this stream should be limited. Land Use Plan Designation: The Future Land Use Map identifies the subject property with a Medium Density Residential land use classification on the west portion of the property and Low Density Residential on the east portion. The map also envisions a proposed activity center on this site. This suggests that a mix of uses might be considered on this site and maintain consistency with the land use plan. The land use plan does not specify which type of activity center should specifically go here. Options listed in the plan include: city center, village center, neighborhood center, commercial support center, and industrial support center. The section of the plan devoted to future land uses includes the following:
The Future Land Use Map should not be interpreted to propose nor preclude development without full consideration of all policies, principles, standards or intentions expressed in this plan document and its implementing regulations. Site considerations relating to topography, geology, soils or hydrology will be of major importance when locating any particular new activity center and planning and designing its uses and density. These realities, plus attitudes toward development on the part of public officials, other agencies, area residents, property owners and developers will play a large part in determining location and design. Similarly, the presence of adequate streets as well as schools, parks and other community facilities, including water and sewer systems, should be assured before making any significant development proposals or decisions 1.

Further, after pointing out that the majority of commercial activity centers will be focused on downtown; along major corridors such as College Street, Glenn Ave, and North Dean; and in new future growth areas (such as the location of this application) the plan also states
The locations of several proposed new activity centers and many of the new parks, community facilities and institutions shown on the Future Land Use Map and described below are not meant to be precise or absolute. 2

The land use plan also points out the need to refine the plan over time. The city has recently begun the detailed process of creating a new comprehensive plan that will eventually replace the current land use plan altogether and will more closely reflect the current community values of the residents of the city and public officials. Activity centers, according to the adopted Village Concept, are essential to the Citys livability, cohesiveness, growth, service and mobility. They are places where goods and services are concentrated. Over time, a network of streets and walks will allow for alternate means of accessing those goods and services, often in shorter trips. Healthy, vibrant activity centers are not a product of chance, but rather of thoughtful, integrated community planning and good urban design. Good centers feature vitality, and a sense of civic pride, usually with significant architecture, urban form (the way buildings are
1 2

City of Auburn, Land Use Plan, October 2004, p.50 City of Auburn, Land Use Plan, October 2004, p.51

PL-2009-00670 West Pace Village Conditional Use Permit Page 5 of 12 arranged to frame public space) and activities that draw a diverse crowd. Their development and improvement will result from thoughtful planning and civic-minded urban design. Therefore, Comprehensive Development District (CDD) zoning with a Planned Development District (PDD) overlay can facilitate and can be consistent with the type of development that is envisioned in the city land use plan, but to what extent that consistency is achieved is determined ultimately by the development plan for the subject property. Conditional Use Purpose and Standards In addition to considering standard, public health, safety and welfare issues, Section 803 of the Auburn Zoning Code requires that consideration of conditional uses include a review of location, design, configuration and impact to determine whether the proposed use would have a detrimental impact on neighboring properties. A conditional use review focuses on the proposed use generally as it relates to other properties. While a detailed site plan review is usually done administratively prior to issuance of a zoning certificate, the Commissions review of a conditional use application requires taking a look at site plan issues as well. Through analyzing the site, the Commission will determine if there are restrictions or conditions that are necessary for a proposed use to effectively co-exist among neighboring uses. These conditions may be in addition to requirements in the zoning ordinance that are intended to mitigate negative impacts that the site may have. Section 803.04 of the Auburn Zoning Code regarding General Use Standards for Conditional Uses requires that: A. The proposed use shall be in harmony with the general purpose, goals, objectives, and standards of this Ordinance, or any other plan, program, map, or ordinance adopted, or under consideration pursuant to official notice, by the City. See previous section for comments regarding the Land Use Plan designation and Greenway and Greenspace Master Plan (GGMP). The intent language for the CDD zone (section 304.04) mentions the following: This zone is intended to accommodate most of the growth expected in the undeveloped areas of Auburn. It will allow most uses by right. It is intended to provide the zoning and capital improvements that attract development. Regulations will permit uses that are both urban and suburban. The zone intends to facilitate a planned logical accommodation of growth. Major uses (such as a regional shopping center), Commercial Support uses and Road Service uses will be considered as conditional uses, while industrial uses are not permitted. The district is intended to allow varied uses with the emphasis on buffering any nuisance between uses. The ordinance anticipates the desirability of considerable mixing of land uses.

PL-2009-00670 West Pace Village Conditional Use Permit Page 6 of 12 The developer has made application to overlay the site with the Planned Development District (PDD) to accommodate a broader mix of uses and create a coordinated development project. This would be consistent with the currently adopted Land Use Plan for the City and facilitate the creation of the anticipated activity center and gateway envisioned by the plan. Section 503 highlights fundamental purposes and issues of the Planned Development District (PDD) overlay and includes the following: Intended to allow mixed uses To be applied only in areas zoned DDH, CDD, LDD, and RDD Properties zoned PDD are meant to be subject to both PDD requirements and those of the base zone The base zone determines lot area, setback, bulk regulations, parking, maximum floor area ratio and impervious surface ratio, maximum gross density and minimum open space ratio (for residential uses), and the minimum site area and lot width for nonresidential uses. The PDD overlay is intended to regulate the permitted and conditional uses, the mixed use development components, and the maximum percentage of allowable dwelling units in a commercial/residential development.

This use appears to be consistent with the intent language of the CDD zone and the PDD overlay. B. The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in a substantial or undue adverse effect on adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, parking, public improvements, public sites or rights-of-way, or other matters affecting the public health, safety, and general welfare; either as they now exist or as they may in the future be developed as a result of the implementation of provisions and policies of this Ordinance, or any other plan, program, map, or ordinance adopted, or under consideration pursuant to official notice, by the City or other governmental agency having jurisdiction to guide growth and development. Due to the combination of uses proposed at this site, the use is unique to any others in Auburn. As mentioned in the staff report for the PDD proposal, the property is bound on three sides by significant transportation facilities; Interstate 85 to the north, South College Street (US Highway 29) to the west and Shell Toomer Parkway to the South. Because of this, the majority of properties adjacent to the development site lie on the other side of the respective rights-ofway. These rights-of-way are wide and either have significant traffic volumes, access limitations or significant natural vegetation. All these factors have a tendency to create barriers between the development site and adjacent properties. Additionally, zoning requirements for street frontage landscape buffers will further separate and buffer the impacts to uses across the various rights-of-way. The uses at this site will, however, likely affect traffic in the transportation corridors, which in turn, will have an effect on the adjacent properties. The

PL-2009-00670 West Pace Village Conditional Use Permit Page 7 of 12 applicant has commissioned a traffic study to help understand these impacts and what additional site and off-site improvements will need to be made to mitigate the impacts of the increased traffic. While this property has frontage along some very significant, high capacity corridors, access is limited. All access points come through Shell Toomer Parkway rather than through the limited frontage along South College Street. A development of this size may have significant impacts on roads and bikeways in the vicinity. The impact has been reviewed through a traffic study provided by the applicant. The summary was attached to the staff report for the West Pace PDD (Case PL-2009-00660) that is being reviewed simultaneously to this request. Essentially, the study calls for a series of improvements as phases are completed that include intersections along Shell Toomer Parkway at South College Street and at all three entrance points to the development. The report also highlights the need for increasing the road portion of the parkway right-ofway to a five-lane cross section. Because the parkway and South College Street are state roads, these improvements will need approvals through the State of Alabamas Department of Transportation (ALDOT) and the State Parks Division of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR). The transportation improvements and street frontage landscape buffers should address impacts along the transportation corridors, there are still two significant properties that are separated by only a property line. To the north lies the Morris Property of 14 acres that is heavily forested, zoned Rural, and remains undeveloped. To the east lies another, the West Pace LLc property, of 35 acres that separates this development from the other Rural and Neighborhood Conservation zoned parcels further east. The West Pace LLC parcel is unannexed at this time, which limits development potential and is heavily forested. More specific analysis to the buffering along the Morris property and the West Pace LLC property will be discussed in the next section. The character of the neighborhood will be dramatically different. However, this is generally consistent with the Citys Land Use Plan that envisions an activity center here. The location takes advantage of the existing road network and provides the opportunity for an array of goods and services to the City of Auburn while minimizing neighborhood cut through traffic. Done properly, this has the capacity to create a strong sense of place and to leave positive first impressions for not only visitors to Auburn, but for passersby on I-85 between Montgomery and Atlanta. C. The proposed use will be adequately served by and will not impose an undue burden on any of the improvements, facilities, utilities, and services specified in this subsection. Where any such improvements, facilities, utilities, or services are not available or adequate to service the proposed use in the proposed location, the applicant shall, as part of the application and as a condition to approval of the proposed conditional use permit, be responsible for establishing ability, willingness, and bind commitment to provide such improvements, facilities, utilities, and services in sufficient time and in a manner consistent with this Ordinance, and other plans, programs, maps, and ordinances adopted by the City

PL-2009-00670 West Pace Village Conditional Use Permit Page 8 of 12 to guide its growth and development. The approval of the conditional use permit shall be conditioned upon such improvements, facilities, utilities, and services being provided and guaranteed by the applicant. Capital improvements required for this development have been addressed through the approved Infrastructure Development Agreement. The Auburn Water Works Board (AWWB) will provide water service to this development from existing water mains owned by AWWB. Municipal sewer is available to this development from the City of Auburn sewer system. D. The Planning Commission may attach recommendations for conditional use approval, additional criteria dealing with buffer yards, parking, lighting, building materials, or any other aspect of site plan approval necessary to mitigate the impact of the proposed conditional use on the surrounding property. The analysis in this report and Commission discussion should help the Commission identify if there are negative impacts to neighboring parcels or the city as a whole that would need to be mitigated. The following zoning information is presented to aid the Planning Commission in determining if there is a need for additional conditions above and beyond standard zoning requirements. It will also broadly identify for the applicant site plan issues to be considered when preparing an application for zoning certificates after the conditional use review is completed. Phasing The development is proposed in four phases. Some areas on the master development plan show buildings, locations and parking. Other areas of the plan show outlot lines only with little detail. This was done to preserve flexibility on the outlots. With that comes the added responsibility to review development site plans on the outlots individually on a case-by-case basis, outlot-by-outlot at the time that development is proposed. Also, for zoning review purposes (including review of buffering, parking and setbacks) outlots will be considered as separate lots, as if they were in a subdivision and the outlot lines were lot lines. Of course, every acre of this development is subject to site plan review with the Development Review Team (DRT) prior to obtaining building permits and zoning certificates. While outlots will be reviewed on a case-by-case, the central shopping area of phases B and C will be considered to be at least three parcels for review purposes; the first being that portion of Phase B east of the western access off Shell Toomer Parkway, the second being Phase C between Phase B and the eastern access to Shell Toomer Parkway, and the third being the portion of Phase C east of the access off Shell Toomer Parkway. Phase D consists of four outlots as well as a future development area. Any development proposed in the future development area will require an amendment to the PDD before any conditional uses or development site plans are approved. In the future, if any further breakdown of the phasing plan is considered into smaller subphases or reconfiguration of phase lines, a new phasing plan will need to come before the Planning Commission as a PDD amendment. Phase A: The first phase consists of auto-oriented uses related to the West Pace Auto Mall. In this phase, a proposed auto service center will serve all of the

PL-2009-00670 West Pace Village Conditional Use Permit Page 9 of 12 proposed auto dealerships. At this point, two of the dealerships have been constructed and another has received necessary permits from Lee County prior to annexation. Also, the primary access roads (all roads in the development will be private roads) to the Auto Mall and within it have been constructed. Outlots 17,18, 19 and 20 on the west end of the phase are reserved for additional dealerships and businesses related to the Auto Mall. Phase B (Phase II in the MDP report submitted with the PDD). This is on the west end of the development and includes the movie theater, some retail and the cuisine district west of the westernmost entrance that will contain a number of restaurants. This is proposed for completion in 2010. Phase C (Phase III in the MDP report submitted with the PDD) involves the major retail component of the development with major anchor stores and a number of smaller retailers. The portion is designed in a standard suburban power center format with a small Main Street section on the west side of this phase with smaller retailers and on street, angled parking. This section is proposed for completion in 2012. Phase D is the extreme east end of the development. Detention ponds are located at the northeast and southeast corners with four out lots between 1 and 1.75 acres each and a large future development area of 22.63 acres. The timeframe for this phase is indefinite. Any development here would need to be reviewed through an amended PDD request. Special Development Standards (Section 402.02) Certain uses have unique characteristics that require additional development standards above and beyond the general standards in the zoning ordinance. Staff has summed up these standards for each use in the attached document West Pace: Selected Site Development Standards. Bufferyards Section 424.03 regarding the Location of Bufferyards states that they shall be located on the outer perimeter of a lot or parcel, extending to the lot or parcel boundary line. At build out, buffering will have been addressed around the development as a whole and around each individual outlot. At this point, no formal buffer yards have been established. As each phase of the development is developed, the entire buffer for that phase must be completed. The exception to this would be the outlots, where the buffers would be created as each individual outlot is developed. Buffer requirements are subject to land use intensities of Table 4-4. The intensity is determined by looking at factors such as the Impervious Surface Ratio (ISR) and Floor Area Ratio (FAR) and building height. The challenge in this case is determining the appropriate buffers for a broad array of uses that have yet to be determined. The most appropriate response would be to require perimeter buffering around the entire project that meets the criteria of the most intense use, which in this case is a Class X. The table below analyzes the site as per Tables 4-5 through 4-7. Location Buffer requirement

PL-2009-00670 West Pace Village Conditional Use Permit Page 10 of 12 Outer perimeter of West Pace Along Shell Toomer Parkway (Outdoor recreation use, Class II) Along South College Street Along Interstate 85 Along the north property line (buffering the Morris Property, vacant zoned rural) Along the east property line (buffering the West Pace LLC property, vacant, zoning will be rural at annexation) 4 Internal Along the existing roads with access to the east and west entrances to Shell Toomer Parkway and the road that connects these on the south side of Phase B5 Along respective sides of an outlot line or phase line, except for the phase line between Phase B and C) 6 20 feet 3 15 feet 15 feet 10 feet 10 feet

10 feet, buffer type B with one canopy tree and three understory trees per 100 feet. As per the respective use, see tables 4-5 through 4-7

Plantings The landscape requirements for this development will be calculated as site plans are submitted. Standard planting regulations should address the impacts to neighboring uses. Planting requirements may vary depending on the uses in each respective outlot, but looking at the development as a whole, one can estimate the number of trees and shrubs that will be required on this site. As per Table 4-8: Acres of site Tree Inches per acre Tree Inches Canopy trees Understory trees Shrubs per acre Shrubs 165.5 20 3300 990 1320 30 4965

Parking Parking requirements are found in Section 509. Because outlots do not show parking areas and since the parking shown in phases B and C are conceptual, it is difficult to calculate a final parking count. Specific numbers will be reviewed as specific site plans are submitted for the various outlots and phases. At the

The Conditional Use Permit issued in 2008 for the Village fueling station (PL-2008-867) included a discussion of the appropriate buffer along the parkway. While typically a Type 3 structure is required, the developer was not required to install this feature within the buffer. 4 The Future Development Area will require a PDD amendment before any development is proposed here. Until that happens, no buffer will be required along the east property line 5 These roads, while private, will function as collector streets through the development. Because this is a PDD with an anticipated buildout, the usage of Table 4-7 assumes buildout rather than addressing vacant properties across the street. 6 Phase B outside of the Cuisine district and Phase C will function at build out as a single shopping center development site.

PL-2009-00670 West Pace Village Conditional Use Permit Page 11 of 12 conditional use stage, the main concern is to determine if this site will be able to accommodate parking for all of the uses. The attached West Pace: Selected Site Development Standards document lists the standard zoning requirements for each type of use. Where a use is to be located in the Shopping Center portion of the site or Retail Area as shown on the site plan, which is anything that is not in an outlot, then the regional shopping center parking standard will apply (1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area). Where a use is proposed on an outlot, the parking requirement specific to each respective use will be applied as if the outlot was a separate lot in a subdivision. The Retail Area of the site includes the following: Parking standard Total area of the Retail Area portion Parking required Parking shown 1 space per 300 sq ft gross floor area 853,610 square feet 2,846 spaces 4,003 spaces

The applicant has chosen a much more aggressive parking standard for this area than what zoning requires, 1.47 spaces per 300 square feet of gross leasable area as opposed to the standard of 1 space per 300 square feet. This ensures that, from a zoning standpoint; parking should be more than adequate to accommodate uses on this site. It also indicates an ability for the applicant to consider other non-parking related uses in this portion of the development, such as expanded park space or greenspace that could add even more value, utility and character to the site and further establish it as a distinctive destination. Lighting Standard lighting regulations will address impacts to neighboring properties. Other site plan considerations Special Development Standards are found in 402.02 of the zoning code. Some of the uses have specific requirement above and beyond standard requirements found in the zoning code. These are listed in the attached document West Pace: Selected Site Development Standards. Because the site is recommended for buffering with respect to the highest land use intensity, applying the special development standards in each phase should be adequate in addressing impacts to adjacent properties and uses. Standards for Nonresidential Uses By District (Table 4-3): The base zoning (CDD) will determine the standards for the development. With regard to the individual outlots, the respective requirements will apply to that outlot. With respect to the remaining development, the retail area in phases B and C, the standards for All other uses will apply. From Table 4-3:

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Stream Buffers (Section 413). The stream on the east side of the development will need to meet buffer requirements. These should be adequate to address the development as proposed. Again, the east portion of the development is either set aside for storm water detention at this time or for future development so impacts to the stream, if any, will be limited. Flood plains (Section 415). There is a small portion of a flood plain (about 6,020 square feet) where the stream on the east side of the development meets the Shell Toomer Parkway. The required stream buffer requirements and flood plain requirements in the zoning code should adequately address the impacts of the development. Curb Cuts (Section 436.01). All access to the site will come from Shell Toomer Parkway. The developer has secured three access permits from the State to access Shell Toomer Parkway: Mill Creek Road, about 558 feet east of the development area At a location about 1,767 feet east of the development area across from the Mimms Trail Planned Development At a location about 2,721 feet east of the development area across from the Jones/Naftal property.

Site plan approval (Section 802). If the conditional use is approved, site plans for each outlot or phase that meet all conditions, zoning regulations and submission requirements will subsequently be reviewed administratively by staff. Engineering: The traffic impact study (TIS) has been submitted. Engineering staff is in general agreement with the report, based on a preliminary review. As the development progresses, the TIS will be reviewed and updated as necessary. The proposed improvements will require review and approval by state agencies prior to being constructed. If any of the improvements were unable to be implemented for any reason, the development would need to be scaled back accordingly. Water Resource Management: WRM has no issues with this submittal for Rezoning purposes.

West Pace
Land Use

Selected Site Development Standards October 1, 2009

Special Development Standard (402.02) Outdoor Recreational Uses: Park; n/a Class of Use, Intensity Range II through VIII ISR: 0.3-0.90 FAR:0.005 to 0.05 Height: 20 to 40 n/a Parking requirement n/a Location in the PDD ABCD

Bicycle, Jogging and Hiking Paths Institutional: Private Libraries & Museums; Aquariums

n/a n/a All new institutional uses must front on a road with a functional classification of Collector or Arterial, as designated in Appendix B. n/a

n/a n/a ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per four (4) patrons to the maximum capacity. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per four (4) patrons to the maximum capacity. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per four (4) patrons to maximum capacity. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per four (4) patrons to the maximum capacity.


V through VIII ISR: 0.30 to 0.80 FAR: 0.25 to 0.70 Height: 35 to 50 V through VIII ISR: 0.30 to 0.80 FAR: 0.25 to 0.70 Height: 35 to 50 V through VIII ISR: 0.30 to 0.80 FAR: 0.25 to 0.70 Height: 35 to 50 V through VIII ISR: 0.30 to 0.80 FAR: 0.25 to 0.70 Height: 35 to 50


Indoor Recreational: Skating Rink n/a (Roller & Ice), Bowling Alleys, n/a



*Outside of Cuisine District **Shopping centers over 650,000 sq ft 1 space per 300sq ft of gross floor area. Shopping Center in this case refers to locations that are not part of an outlot in Phase B or C

West Pace: Selected Site Development Standards, Page 2 of 15

Land Use Billiards, Special Development Standard (402.02) n/a Class of Use, Intensity Range V through VIII ISR: 0.30 to 0.80 FAR: 0.25 to 0.70 Height: 35 to 50 V through VIII ISR: 0.30 to 0.80 FAR: 0.25 to 0.70 Height: 35 to 50 V through VIII ISR: 0.30 to 0.80 FAR: 0.25 to 0.70 Height: 35 to 50 V through IX ISR: 0.30 to 1.00 FAR: 0.20 to 1.00 Height: 20 to 80 VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60 VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60 VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60 Parking requirement ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per four (4) patrons to the maximum capacity. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per four (4) patrons to the maximum capacity. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per four (4) patrons to the maximum capacity. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 250 square feet of gross floor area. one (1) space per 250 square feet of gross floor area; for uses exceeding 100,000 square feet, one (1) space per 300 square feet of gross floor area. ** Shopping Center, or two (2) spaces per chair or one (1) space per 150 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is larger. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 250 square feet of gross floor area; for uses exceeding 100,000 square feet, one (1) space per 300 square feet of gross Location in the PDD *BCD




Indoor Athletic Facilities Office Office





Commercial and Entertainment: Auto accessory no repair work to be done on store; premises.

Barbershop/bea uty shop;



Building Material Sales;

all building materials shall be kept within an enclosed structure or completely surrounded by a wood stockade or other opaque fence at least six (6) feet in height. a) Outdoor display is a temporary


*Outside of Cuisine District

West Pace: Selected Site Development Standards, Page 3 of 15

Land Use Special Development Standard (402.02) display of items actively for sale. b) Outdoor storage shall be screened by opaque fencing, screening or landscaping from any public right-of-way. The height of the stored materials may not exceed the height of the screening. The plans for any proposed screening must be submitted with the site plan. c) All outdoor display and storage area must be clearly shown in the site plan. d) No more than 10 percent of the gross floor area of the principal use may be used for temporary outdoor display. e) The site should be designed so that pedestrian and vehicular circulation is coordinated and reviewed for safety. n/a Class of Use, Intensity Range Parking requirement floor area. Location in the PDD

Clothing Stores;

VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60

Copy Shop;


VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60

** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 250 square feet of gross floor area; for uses exceeding 100,000 square feet, one (1) space per 300 square feet of gross floor area. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 250 square feet of gross floor area; for uses exceeding 100,000 square feet, one (1) space per 300 square feet of gross floor area.



*Outside of Cuisine District

West Pace: Selected Site Development Standards, Page 4 of 15

Land Use Electronics Repair; Special Development Standard (402.02) n/a Class of Use, Intensity Range VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60 Parking requirement ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 250 square feet of gross floor area; for uses exceeding 100,000 square feet, one (1) space per 300 square feet of gross floor area. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 250 square feet of gross floor area; for uses exceeding 100,000 square feet, one (1) space per 300 square feet of gross floor area. ** Shopping Center, or square feet of gross floor area; for uses exceeding 100,000 square feet, one (1) space per 300 square feet of gross floor area. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 250 square feet of gross floor area; for uses exceeding 100,000 square feet, one (1) space per 300 square feet of gross floor area. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 250 square feet of gross floor area; for uses exceeding 100,000 square feet, one (1) Location in the PDD *BCD



VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60


Garden Supply;


VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60


General Merchandise Stores;


VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60


Health & Personal Care Stores;


VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60


*Outside of Cuisine District

West Pace: Selected Site Development Standards, Page 5 of 15

Land Use Special Development Standard (402.02) Class of Use, Intensity Range Parking requirement space per 300 square feet of gross floor area. ** Shopping Center, or 1.25 space per unit for efficiency and one-bedroom units; 2 spaces per unit for 2 and 3bedroom units; 3 spaces for 4 or more bedroom units. Where banquet or meeting rooms are part of the facility, additional parking shall be provided at one space per 500 square feet. Parking shall be provided for other uses accessory to a hotel, motel or condotel (e.g., restaurants, bars) at the rate of 50% of normal requirements. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 250 square feet of gross floor area; for uses exceeding 100,000 square feet, one (1) space per 300 square feet of gross floor area. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 250 square feet of gross floor area; for uses exceeding 100,000 square feet, one (1) space per 300 square feet of gross Location in the PDD

Hotel/Motel/Con dotel;

Permitted only on property fronting on an arterial or collector road as designated in Appendix B. This criteria is met.

VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60


Office Supplies, Stationary, Gift Stores;


VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60


Package Store;


VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60


*Outside of Cuisine District

West Pace: Selected Site Development Standards, Page 6 of 15

Land Use Special Development Standard (402.02) n/a Class of Use, Intensity Range VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60 Parking requirement floor area. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 250 square feet of gross floor area; for uses exceeding 100,000 square feet, one (1) space per 300 square feet of gross floor area. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per four (4) patron seats or one (1) space per 150 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per four (4) patron seats or one (1) space per 150 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per four (4) patron seats or one (1) space per 150 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater. Shopping centers over 650,000 sq ft 1 spc per 300sq ft of gross floor area. OR on standalone outlot one (1) space per 250 square feet of gross floor area. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 250 square Location in the PDD *BCD

Pet/Pet Supply Store;



VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60 VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60 VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60 VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60




Specialty Food Stores;

a) Must meet requirements of the Municipal Code of Auburn, Alabama. b) Shall comply with all applicable regulations of the State of Alabama. a) Must meet requirements of the Municipal Code of Auburn, Alabama. b) Shall comply with all applicable regulations of the State of Alabama. n/a




Sporting Goods,


VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00


*Outside of Cuisine District

West Pace: Selected Site Development Standards, Page 7 of 15

Land Use Special Development Standard (402.02) Class of Use, Intensity Range FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60 Parking requirement feet of gross floor area; for uses exceeding 100,000 square feet, one (1) space per 300 square feet of gross floor area. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 250 square feet of gross floor area; for uses exceeding 100,000 square feet, one (1) space per 300 square feet of gross floor area. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 75 square feet of gross floor area. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 75 square feet of gross floor area. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 300 square feet of gross floor area, plus four (4) spaces offstreet waiting (loading) spaces per drive-in lane. ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, but in no case less than three (3). ** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 250 square feet of gross Location in the PDD

Hobby, Book & Music Stores;


VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60








VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60 VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60 VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60 VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60 VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00




Dry Cleaners;



Grocery Stores



*Outside of Cuisine District

West Pace: Selected Site Development Standards, Page 8 of 15

Land Use Special Development Standard (402.02) Class of Use, Intensity Range Height: 25 to 60 Professional Studios: Theaters/Indoor n/a Auditoriums Parking requirement floor area. ** Shopping Center, or Movie theatre: one (1) space per four (4) seats of maximum design capacity. Where a theatre is part of a shopping center or is on the same development site as a shopping center, required parking may be reduced by 50 percent. Theaters and auditoriums: one (1) space per four (4) patrons based on maximum capacity. Road Service: ATMs; Automated Teller Machines (ATMs): Where allowed by Table 4-1 (Table of Permitted Uses), drive up automated teller machines (ATMs) shall comply with the following requirements: a) Setback from a street curb by a minimum of 20 feet; b) Located a minimum of 125 feet from the property line corner of the nearest street intersection; c) Shall not eliminate or substantially reduce any required landscape area; VIII through IX ISR: 0.50 to 0.90 FAR: 0.19 to 0.35 Height: 25 to 40 Automated, freestanding walkup facility: one (1) space per facility. If accessory to another use, no additional spaces are required. ABCD *B Location in the PDD

*Outside of Cuisine District

West Pace: Selected Site Development Standards, Page 9 of 15

Land Use Special Development Standard (402.02) d) Shall not result in undue traffic congestion; Freestanding Automated Teller Machines shall comply with the following requirements: a) Shall not eliminate or substantially reduce any required landscape area; b) Shall not result in undue traffic congestion; c) Located in a visible area for patron safety. d) An ATM located away from a building shall be provided a minimum of two off street parking spaces except where the City staff determines that no parking is necessary. e) Each outdoor shall be provided with adequate lighting. The lighting plan must be shown on the submitted site plan. n/a Class of Use, Intensity Range Parking requirement Location in the PDD

Auto Dealership;

VIII through IX ISR: 0.50 to 0.90 FAR: 0.19 to 0.35 Height: 25 to 40

Auto repair, a) Vehicles undergoing repair, paint/body work; painting or bodywork shall remain inside an enclosed structure at all times.

VIII through IX ISR: 0.50 to 0.90 FAR: 0.19 to 0.35 Height: 25 to 40

one (1) space per 500 square feet of office and indoor display area, one (1) space per 2,000 square feet of outdoor display area, and one (1) space per service bay. one (1) space per 400 square feet of office and indoor display area, plus one (1) space per service bay.

*Outside of Cuisine District

West Pace: Selected Site Development Standards, Page 10 of 15

Land Use Special Development Standard (402.02) b) Unlicensed, untitled vehicles shall not be permitted on the site at any time. No body or chassis shall be stored on the site at any time. c) All parts, including body parts, shall be stored within a completely enclosed structure. d) The lot shall front on an arterial or collector street. e) Adequate provisions shall be made for ventilation and the dispersion and removal of fumes, and for the removal of hazardous chemicals and fluids. f) There must be a separator within the drainage system if cleaning agents are being rinsed off of vehicles for all washing/rinsing. Per Section 7-103 of the City Code: The spilling, dumping, or disposal of materials other than storm water to the storm sewer is prohibited. g) There shall be no selling of vehicles at a shop for auto body or auto repair. n/a Class of Use, Intensity Range Parking requirement Location in the PDD

Convenience Stores/Small Grocery;

VIII through IX ISR: 0.50 to 0.90 FAR: 0.19 to 0.35 Height: 25 to 40

Gasoline/servic e station;

a) Site. The minimum frontage on an arterial street shall be 150 feet.

VIII through IX ISR: 0.50 to 0.90

** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 150 square feet of gross floor area. In no instance shall a required parking space conflict with vehicles being fueled or awaiting fuel. one (1) space per 150 square feet of gross



*Outside of Cuisine District

West Pace: Selected Site Development Standards, Page 11 of 15

Land Use Special Development Standard (402.02) b) Service Area. Pits, hoists, and all lubricating, washing, and repair equipment and workspace shall be enclosed within a building. c) Bulk Storage. Liquid petroleum fuels shall be stored in underground tanks. d) Structures. Structures shall conform to the following standards: 1. Vehicular canopy structures shall abide by applicable building setbacks (Sec. 502). Accordingly, the maximum height of all such structures shall be noted on the site plan. The area under such canopies shall count against the permissible Floor Area Ratio (FAR) allowed for such developments (Table 4-3). 2. Pump islands and underground fuel storage tanks shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from any property line. e) No area of any gasoline/service station shall be used for the storage, display, sale or leasing of any new or used vehicle. f) Space for outdoor display should not exceed ten (10) percent of the gross floor area of the principal use. Height of the display may not exceed three (3) feet. g) The site should be designed so that pedestrian and vehicular circulation is coordinated and Class of Use, Intensity Range FAR: 0.19 to 0.35 Height: 25 to 40 Parking requirement floor area. In no instance shall a required parking space conflict with vehicles being fueled or awaiting fuel. Location in the PDD

*Outside of Cuisine District

West Pace: Selected Site Development Standards, Page 12 of 15

Land Use Special Development Standard (402.02) Class of Use, Intensity Range Parking requirement Location in the PDD

reviewed for safety. h) Limited Development District (LDD). Service bays and auto repairs of any kind are prohibited. The storage of vehicles and trailers shall not be permitted in LDD. Bank with Drive- n/a thru;

VIII through IX ISR: 0.50 to 0.90 FAR: 0.19 to 0.35 Height: 25 to 40 VIII through IX ISR: 0.50 to 0.90 FAR: 0.19 to 0.35 Height: 25 to 40

Parking Garages/Lots;

Parking Lots: a) Location of curb cuts and entrances onto public streets shall be approved by the Public Works Department. b) Insure access to the site is adequate to accommodate the proposed parking use and the traffic that the facility would reasonably be expected to generate. c) The design, location, size and operating characteristics of the proposed parking use are compatible with the existing and future land uses on-site and in the vicinity of the subject property. d) Parking lots shall not dominate the frontage of pedestrian oriented streets, interrupt pedestrian routes, or negatively affect surrounding neighborhoods.

** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 300 square feet of gross floor area, plus four (4) spaces offstreet waiting (loading) spaces per drive-in lane. n/a



*Outside of Cuisine District

West Pace: Selected Site Development Standards, Page 13 of 15

Land Use Special Development Standard (402.02) e) Surface of lots must be improved to the Public Works Department standards in regards to the material use, striping and control of surface water. f) Landscaping must be provided in accordance with the City landscaping and bufferyard requirements. a) Access points and driveways shall be planned and shared between properties to the greatest extent possible. b) Drive-in displays, ordering areas, and parking canopies are permitted but shall not serve as the singularly dominant feature on the site or as a sign or attention-getting device. c) The order box must be at least 100-feet away from any residence. d) The site should be designed so that pedestrian and vehicular circulations are coordinated and reviewed for safety. Class of Use, Intensity Range Parking requirement Location in the PDD

Fast Food Restaurant

VIII through IX ISR: 0.50 to 0.90 FAR: 0.19 to 0.35 Height: 25 to 40

** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 100 square feet of gross floor area. Sufficient space on-site shall be provided to accommodate queuing vehicles. Such space shall at a minimum provide capacity for four (4) vehicles from the start of the stacking lane to the order board; two (2) vehicles from the order board to the service window; and one and one-half (1.5) vehicles from the service window to the exit to a public right-of-way. one (1) space per four (4) patrons to the maximum capacity of the facility inclusive of both indoor and outdoor capability.


Commercial Recreational Use: Amphitheater All commercial recreational uses shall be subject to the following requirements: 1. No commercial recreational use shall be located within 300 feet of existing residential development. 2. Minimum lot size shall be 40,000 square feet, or as required in Table

IX through X ISR: 0.70 FAR: 0.30 to 0.40 Height: n/a


*Outside of Cuisine District

West Pace: Selected Site Development Standards, Page 14 of 15

Land Use Special Development Standard (402.02) Class of Use, Intensity Range Parking requirement Location in the PDD

4-3. 3. No building, trailer, vehicle, or mechanical equipment supporting the use shall be located within 50 feet of any property line. 4. For a golf driving range, the following standards shall be met: a) The site plan required pursuant to Section 802 shall show the layout of the property and indicate the location of all driving ranges, putting greens, fences, and structures. b) Accessory uses permitted shall be limited to a clubhouse, refreshment stands, maintenance shed, a miniature golf course, and a pro shop. Agricultural Support: Farm n/a Equipment sales/rental/leas ing; Farm Farm equipment sales/repair: All Equipment structures and equipment storage sales/repair; areas shall be located at least 200 feet from the nearest residential structure under different ownership. All repairs shall be performed within a fully enclosed structure. Farm Produce Farm produce sales: Limited to Sales sales of produce grown on the same (permanent) property. Nurseries:

VII through IX ISR: 0.65 to 0.90 FAR: 0.55 to 0.90 Height: 40 to 50 VII through IX ISR: 0.65 to 0.90 FAR: 0.55 to 0.90 Height: 40 to 50

one (1) space per 750 square feet of gross floor area. one (1) space per 750 square feet of gross floor area.

VII through IX ISR: 0.65 to 0.90 FAR: 0.55 to 0.90 Height: 40 to 50

** Shopping Center, or one (1) space per 750 square feet of gross floor area.


*Outside of Cuisine District

West Pace: Selected Site Development Standards, Page 15 of 15

Land Use Retail Special Development Standard (402.02) Class of Use, Intensity Range Parking requirement one (1) space per 300 square feet of gross floor area. Plus one (1) space per 2000-sq. ft. of outdoor display area. Location in the PDD *BCD

Retail sales of gardening supplies in Rural (R) district: a) Property must front on a road with a functional classification of arterial, as designated in Appendix B. b) Bufferyards shall be provided along all property lines as indicated in Tables 4-5, 4-6, and 4-7; in all cases, however, buffers shall meet a width of 15 feet or higher with landscaping pursuant to Sections 426 through 432. Commercial Support: Wholesale n/a Distributor Regional Shopping Center: Shopping n/a Center 500,000+ SF floor area

VI through X ISR: 0.40 to 1.00 FAR: 0.30 to 0.90 30 to 45 VI through X ISR: 0.60 to 1.00 FAR: 0.47 to 2.00 Height: 25 to 60

one (1) space per 750 square feet of gross floor area.


one (1) space per 250 square feet of gross floor area. In a shopping mall, common pedestrian areas, except food courts, may be excluded from the calculation. Shopping centers over 650,000 square feet shall have one (1) space per 300 square feet of gross floor area.


*Outside of Cuisine District

West Pace Village Conditional Use Request PL-2009-00670

29 WY






5 I-8



R Morris Property







West Pace LLC





Subject property Ladiga LLC West Pace LLC R R



37 Hotel Auburn LLC Park Place Plaza LLC


Links Crossing CDD R

Magnolia Gardens at Auburn Links Subdivision


Jones/Naftel Property R


R Auburn Outing Club Inc HD

Cleveland Real Estate Investments PDD

Vicinity Map

Lee Rd 051



Y 14





The applicant is seeking conditional use approval for various uses including outdoor recreational, institutional, indoor recreational, office, commercial and entertainment, professional studios, road service, commercial recreational, agricultural support, nurseries, commercial support and regional shopping center in the Comprehensive Development District Zone with an overlay of the Planned Development District. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE THE PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2009 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT 141 N. ROSS ST. AT 5:00 P.M. PLEASE CALL THE CITY OF AUBURN PLANNING DEPARTMENT AT (334) 501-3040 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.
The City of Auburn, Alabama does not guarantee this map to be free from errors or inaccuracies. The City of Auburn, Alabama disclaims any responsibility or liability for interpretations from this map or decisions based thereon. This information contained on this map is a general representation only and is not be used without verification by an independent professional qualified to verify such information.







Lee Rd 104










5 I-8






Lee Rd 01 0
HW Y2 9

Entire Agenda Available At:



Le e

02 3





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