Research Methods Chapter 1 Concepts of Scientific Research
Research Methods Chapter 1 Concepts of Scientific Research
Research Methods Chapter 1 Concepts of Scientific Research
Chapter I
Concepts of Scientific Research
Main Contents of the Chapter
1. Defining research
2. Characteristics of research
3. Objectives of research
4. Importance of research
5. Motivation for research
6. Managerial value of research
7. Characteristics of good research
8. Types of research
9. The systematic process of research
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I. The Meaning of Research
While research is important in both business and academia,
there is no consensus in the literature on how it should be
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I. The Meaning of Research
The ‘process of enquiry and investigation’ suggests that
research is all about having a predetermined set of
questions, and then aim to answer these questions through
the gathering of information and analysis.
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I. The Meaning of Research
“Research increases knowledge” means that:
Not only your own knowledge about the subject improves as a
result of your research, but so too will that of your audience.
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The research process: an eight-step model
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I. The Meaning of Research
Research is about advancing the frontiers of knowledge.
Research = creation/generation/production/discovery
of [new] knowledge
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I. The Meaning of Research
The term “Research” consists of two words:
Research = Re + Search
“Re” means again and again
“Search” means to find out something. The process
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I. The Meaning of Research
Business research
is the application of the scientific method in searching for
the truth about business phenomena (the activities
include defining business opportunities and problems,
generating and evaluating ideas, monitoring performance,
and understanding the business process).
is systematic and organized effort to investigate a specific
problem encountered in the work setting that needs a
the systematic inquiry that provides information to guide
business decisions.
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I. The Meaning of Research
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What is Science?
Etymologically, the word “science” is derived from the Latin
word scientia meaning knowledge.
refers to a systematic and organized body of knowledge in any
area of inquiry that is acquired using “the scientific method”
The purpose of science is to create scientific knowledge.
Scientific knowledge
refers to a generalized body of laws and theories to explain a
phenomenon or behavior of interest that are acquired using the
scientific method.
laws are observed patterns of phenomena or behaviors
theories are systematic explanations of the underlying
phenomenon or behavior.
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What is Science?
Scientific method
refers to a standardized set of techniques for building scientific
knowledge, such as how to make valid observations, how to interpret
results, and how to generalize those results.
Science can be grouped into two broad categories:
Natural science is the science of naturally occurring objects or
phenomena, such as light, objects, matter, earth, celestial bodies, or the
human body.
Social science is the science of people or collections of people, such
as groups, firms, societies, or economies, and their individual or
collective behaviors.
The goal of scientific research
is to discover laws and postulate theories that can explain natural or
social phenomena, or in other words, build scientific knowledge.
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What is Science?
We arrive at scientific laws or theories through a process
of logic and evidence.
Logic (theory) and evidence (observations) are the two, and only
two, pillars upon which scientific knowledge is based.
In science, theories and observations are interrelated and
cannot exist without each other.
Theories provide meaning and significance to what we
observe, and observations help validate or refine existing
theory or construct new theory. Any other means of
knowledge acquisition, such as faith or authority cannot be
considered science.
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II. Characteristics of Research
1. The Research cycle
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II. Characteristics of Research
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II. Characteristics of Research
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II. Characteristics of Research
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II. Characteristics of Research
Research question,
Research hypothesis –
is a logical supposition, a reasonable guess, an educated conjecture,
a tentative explanation for a phenomenon under investigation.
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III. Objectives of Research
The purpose of research is to discover answers to
questions through the application of scientific procedures.
The role of research has increased in modern times b/c
provides the basis for nearly all government policies.
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III. Objectives of Research
Research can be used to (What You Can do With Research):
Categorize - involves forming a typology of objects,
events or concepts and can be useful in explaining
which ‘things’ belong together and how.
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III. Objectives of Research
Evaluate - involves making judgments about the quality of
objects or events.
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III. Objectives of Research
Predictions- if there has been a strong relationship
between characteristics or events in the past, then similar
circumstances should exist in the future, leading to
predictable outcomes.
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IV. Importance of Research
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IV. Importance of Research
Research (benefits various entities)
provides base for the policies formation of the Government related to
agriculture, industries and infrastructural services in the country.
facilitates the decisions of the policy maker.
provides for predicting of future prospects of the country.
solves various problems of business and industries (i.e. market research,
operation research and motivation research are conducted in the business
for various requirements.
help to analyze the social relationships and seeking explanations to various
social problems.
help to find out solution to social and political problems of the society.
may mean careerism or a way to attain a high position in the social
structure (students, professionals, and others).
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V. Motivation for Research
to be of service to society
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VII. Characteristics/Criteria of good research
Purpose clearly defined
Research process detailed
Describe research procedure in sufficient details to
permit another researcher to repeat the research for
further advancement
Research design thoroughly planned
Efforts should be made to minimize the influence of
personal bias in selecting and recording data.
High ethical standards applied
Include safeguards against causing mental or
physical harm to participants and makes data
integrity a first priority should be highly valued.
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VII. Characteristics/Criteria of good research
Limitations frankly revealed
report with complete frankness,
flaws in procedural design and estimate their effects
upon the findings.
Adequate analysis for decision maker’s needs
check the validity and reliability of the data
use appropriate descriptive and inferential
apply the criteria of statistical significance
Findings presented unambiguously
Conclusions justified
Researcher’s experience reflected
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…The Hallmarks of Scientific Research
The Hallmarks of Scientific Research (Scientific method)
Research produces knowledge which could be used for the
solution of problems
the generation of universal theories, principles and laws
But all knowledge is not science. What is science then?
Science is the knowledge ascertained by observation and
experiment critically tested, systematized, and brought under
general principles.
The scientific method is
is the way researchers go about using knowledge and
evidence to reach objective conclusions about the real world.
is an impartial, consistent, and systematic process that may
be employed in solving business problems.
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…The Hallmarks of Scientific Research
Scientific Research…
is the systematic and empirical analysis and recording of controlled
observation, basic process/concept in research which may lead to the
development of theories, concepts, generalizations and principles,
resulting in prediction and control of those activities that may have
some cause-effect relationship.
while applying the scientific method to the research problems we:
ask well-structured and likely truthful questions from the
devise a hypothesis to be tested during the research.
set the objectives and underlying assumptions.
draw logical consequences of these assumptions.
collect data and test the technique for relevance and reliability.
apply the statistical tests to data and interpret the results.
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…The Hallmarks of Scientific Research
The main distinguishing characteristics of scientific
1. Purposiveness: started the research with a definite aim or
purpose, purposive focus.
2. Rigor: carefulness, scrupulousness, the degree of exactitude in
research investigations. Good theoretical base and a sound
methodological design.
3. Testability: researcher develops certain hypotheses, then these
can be tested by applying certain statistical tests to the data
collected for the purpose.
4. Replicability: the results of the tests of hypotheses should be
supported again and yet again when the same type of research is
repeated in other similar circumstances.
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…The Hallmarks of Scientific Research
Main distinguishing characteristics of scientific research:
5. Precision and confidence:
Precision: the closeness of the findings to “reality” based on a
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…The Hallmarks of Scientific Research
Building Blocks of Science in Research
Answers to issues can be found either by the process of induction
or the process of induction, or by a combination of the two.
Deduction: the process by which we arrive at a reasoned
conclusion by logical generalization of a known fact.
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…The Hallmarks of Scientific Research
The Hypothetico-deductive Method
7 steps in the hypothetico-deductive research method:
1. Observation
2. Preliminary information gathering (unstructured literature
3. Theory formulation
4. Hypothesizing
5. Further scientific data collection
6. Data analysis
7. Deduction
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…Qualities and characteristics of a good researcher
Independence IT skills
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…Qualities/Characteristics of a good researcher
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…Classifying research based on purpose
Exploratory/Formulative research – used to gain an initial
understanding where there is little or no existing knowledge (rarely
provides conclusive answers but offers guidance for future research)
Eg What motivates a group of employees to increase their
Descriptive research – used to describe phenomena as they exist
identify and obtain information on characteristics of the
problem/issue (also termed ‘ex post facto research’ )
Eg How are the employees rewarded and how are productivity
levels measured?
the researcher has no control over the variables; he can only
report what has happened or what is happening
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…Classifying research based on purpose
Goals of Exploratory Research:
Become familiar with the basic facts, setting, and concerns;
Develop well-grounded picture of the situation;
Develop tentative theories, generate new ideas, conjectures, or
Determine the feasibility of conducting the study;
Formulate questions and refine issues for more systematic
inquiry; and
Develop techniques and a sense of direction for future research.
For exploratory research, the researcher may use different sources
for getting information like: Experience surveys, Secondary data
analysis, Case studies, Pilot studies.
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…Classifying research based on purpose
Goals of Descriptive Research:
Describe the situation in terms of its characteristics i.e. provide an
accurate profile of a group;
Give a verbal or numerical picture (%) of the situation;
Present background information;
Create a set of categories or classify the information;
Clarify sequence, set of stages; and
Focus on ‘who,’ ‘what,’ ‘when,’ ‘where,’ and ‘how’ but not why?
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…Classifying research based on purpose
Analytical/explanatory research - goes beyond
description to establish relationships that explain how
and why
Eg Is there a positive association between the
rewards given to employees and productivity level?
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…Classifying research based on process
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…Classifying research based on outcome
Applied research - designed to apply its findings to
solving a specific, existing problem
Eg How can energy be saved in a particular
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…Classifying research based on outcome
Basic vs. Applied research
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…Classifying research based on logic
Deductive research - a theoretical framework is
developed and then tested by empirical observation
From the general to the particular
Eg Does motivation theory explain productivity levels
among a particular group of employees?
Inductive research - theory is developed from the
observation of empirical reality
From the particular to the general
Eg Productivity levels are lower in the afternoon than
the morning, so you conclude they vary with the
number of hours worked
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…Classifying research based on logic
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Exercise 1. Exploratory, descriptive, analytical or predictive studies?
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Exercise 2. Classifying research (delete as appropriate)
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End of Chapter 1
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