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Petronet LNG Limited

Internship Report
Heat transfer enhancement methods for a heat exchanger

Under the Guidance Of:

Anbu Sivaram
Deputy Manager (Mechanical)
Petronet LNG Limited

Submitted by:

P.Avinash (18881A0396)
S. Jagadish Pavan (18881A0399)
V.Karthik Srinivas Reddy (18881A03A7)

Department of mechanical engineering

Hyderabad, Telangana

It’s giving us immense pleasure to acknowledge all those whose

inspiration and wisdom helped us in completing our internship We
would like to show our sincere gratitude towards PETRONET LNG
LIMITED that provided us the splendid opportunity.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Anbu Sivaram

(Deputy Manager), Mr.Jithin.K.Dev (Manager) and Mr.Hevin
Verghese (HR) for giving us the opportunity to do our Internship

We would also like to thank all for their invaluable support

throughout the training. We would also thank VARDHAMAN
COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING for providing us four weeks
internship in PETRONET LNG LIMITED as a part of our course
curriculum and making us understand of Heat transfer
enhancement methods for a heat exchanger.


Energy conservation requires for reduction in consumption of

primary re-sources, environment protection and materials and
manufacturing input savings. Economic reasons leads to make
efforts for making more efficient heat exchange. The heat
exchanger has the main role in the heat transfer processes such as
energy storage and recovery. To increase the performance of the
heat exchanger, the heat transfer enhancement methods are
utilized in many industrial applications. The heat transfer techniques
are mostly used in areas such as LNG plants, thermal power plants,
air conditioning equipment, automobile, aerospace. Methods of
improving the thermal and hydrodynamic performance of heat
exchange devices are referred to as heat transfer enhancement.
Heat transfer enhancement is one of the main research area in
thermal engineering domain in which different methods to enhance
the heat transfer are studied tested and analyzed. These methods
are classified into three categories-

 Active methods
 Passive methods
 Compound methods

Active methods are those which requires power supply for operation
while passive methods are those who does not require any external
power supply for the operation. Examples of active methods are
mechanical aids, jet impingement, surface vibration etc. Examples
of passive methods are extended surfaces, rough surfaces, swirl
flow devices etc. Compound methods arecombination of active and
passive methods. Examples of compound methods are combination
of nanofluid and inserts etc. An effort has been made in this project
to carry out an extensive literature review of various heat transfer
enhancement methods.

Keywords: Heat exchanger; Heat transfer enhancement; Active methods,

passive methods; Compound methods.

Table of Contents

Title Page No.

Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
CHAPTER 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Heat exchanger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Objectives of the work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
CHAPTER 2 Literature Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
CHAPTER 3 Heat transfer enhancement methods . . . . . . . . . 8
CHAPTER 4 Active methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.1 Electro hydrodynamics (EHD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.2 Jets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2.1 Single steady impingement jet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2.2 Multiple steady impingement jet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.2.3 Unsteady jet heat transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.3 Fluid vibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.4 Surface vibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.5 Mechanical aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.6 Spray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.7 Suction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.8 Injection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.9 Induced flow stabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.10 Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
CHAPTER 5 Passive methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.1 Extended surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.2 Treated surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.3 Rough surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

5.4 Swirl flow devices.......................................................................................30
5.5 Twisted tapes.........................................................................................31
5.6 Displaced enhanced devices.................................................................33
5.7 Coiled tubes...........................................................................................34
5.8 Additives for liquids and gases...........................................................35
5.9 Nanofluids.....................................................................................................35
CHAPTER 6 Compound Methods..............................................38
6.1 Helical-ribbed tube with double twisted tape inserts.........................38
6.2 Ribbed tube with twin twisted tape....................................................39
6.3 Combination of nanofluids and wire coil inserts................................41
6.4 Combination of nanofluids and twisted tape inserts..........................41
6.5 Combination of nanofluids and baffles................................................45
CHAPTER 7 Concluion...........................................................49
CHAPTER 8 Future Scope.........................................................52
List of Tables

3.1 Classification of different active and passive methods.........................9

List of Figures

1.1 Ceramic heat exchanger [9]....................................................................4

4.1 Equation..................................................................................................11
4.2 Effects of applied voltage on heat transfer coefficient and pressure
drop at mass flux of 83.4 kg/(m2s), heat flux of 10.2 kW/m2 and
inlet quality of 66 percent. (a) overall heat transfer coefficient,
(b) overall pressure drop [36]...............................................................13
4.3 Turbulence generation at the heating wall [41]..................................15
4.4 Schema of the various flow zones in an impinging jet [43]...............15
4.5 Radial variation of local Nusselt number for D =10.9mm [48] . 17
4.6 Multiple jet impingement system [49].................................................18
4.7 Structure of spinning disc heat transfer surface. A 0.5m di-
ameter disc with delta T 20K will transfer 39kW, thanks to
patented double spiral disc design, copper construction (with
chrome plating for corrosion resistance) [56].......................................22

5.1 Enhanced surfaces for gases - Offset strip fins used in plate-fin
heat exchanger [52]...............................................................................24
5.2 Enhanced surfaces for gases - Steel serrated fins welded to steel
tube [52]........................................................................................................24
5.3 Tubes with circumferential and strip fins on their outer surface
[58] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.4 An example of a tube filled with metal foam, tested at Brunel
university [59]........................................................................................26
5.5 Typical integral externally finned tubes [16]......................................27
5.6 Illustration of cross section of porous boiling surface..........................28
5.7 An example of the surface topography possible using Surfi -
Sculpt, the process developed at TWI................................................28
5.8 Tubes with rough surfaces made up of structured two-dimensional
helical ribs and knurled three-dimensional diamond-shaped dim-
ples [16]........................................................................................................29
5.9 Helical rib roughness tube [1]..............................................................30

5.10 Geometrical descriptions of structured ribbed roughness and their
profile shapes [62].................................................................................31
5.11 Use of twisted-tape inserts in the tubes of a shell-and-tube heat
exchanger, and schematic representation of the geometric features
a typical twist tape [16].......................................................................31
5.12 Twisted tape..........................................................................................32
5.13 Geometrical parameters of perforated helical twisted tape [15]........33
5.14 Geometries of V-cut twisted tapes [15]...............................................33
5.15 Rectangular cut twisted tape inserts [63]............................................34
5.16 Twisted tapes with baffles [64]............................................................34
5.17 A typical looped wire mesh insert for tubular exchangers and
mixers used in the chemical process industry [16].............................34
5.18 Schematic representation of curved and coiled tubes and their
geometric attributes [16].......................................................................35

6.1 Double twisted tapes and helically-ribbed tube with double

twisted tape insert [15].........................................................................39
6.2 Variation of Reynolds number with Nusselt number [15]..................40
6.3 Twisted tape with alternated axis [73]................................................42
6.4 Helical screw tape inserts [75]..................................................................43
6.5 Microfin pipe enhanced with single and dual twisted tapes [77] . 44
6.6 Microfin pipe enhanced with single and dual twisted tapes [77] . 44
6.7 Nanoparticle concentration contours between the sixth and sev-
enth baffles at Re = 400, dp = 10nm, andφ = 4%[78]..............................45
6.8 Schematic of double pipe heat exchanger equipped with helical
baffles [83].............................................................................................47

Abbreviation Description

HE Heat Exchanger
EHD Electro Hydrodynamics
P-HTTs Perforated Helical Twisted Tape


Energy conservation requires for reduction in consumption of

primary re- sources, environment protection and materials and
manufacturing input savings. Methods of improving the thermal and
hydrodynamic performance of heat ex- change devices are referred
to as heat transfer enhancement, and sometimes as augmentation
or intensification [1] [2] . Heat transfer enhancement is one of the
main research area in thermal engineering domain, in which
differ- ent methods to enhance the heat transfer are studied, tested,
and analyzed. Heat transfer enhancement is one of the challenging
task in various industries containing solar systems, electronic
equipment, heat exchangers, and so on. Due to the development
of modern technology, the heat exchangers required in various
industries for high heat-flux cooling to the level of megawatt per
meter square. At this level, cooling with conventional fluids such
as water and ethylene glycol are challenging because of their poor
thermal conductivity. Hence, it is necessary to increase the heat
transfer performance of working fluids in the heat transfer devices.
Due to lack of energy sources in many industrial applications, heat
enhancement of thermal systems is one of the important
problem. In the last few decades, there is a significant growth in
various industries such as electronics, communication, and computing
technologies and it will continue. Aerospace applications, HEV,
microprocessors heat fluxes etc. require high performance cooling
compact techniques. The essential thing in the energy conservation of
heat transfer equipment is its efficiency. Also, a more efficient heat
exchanger can reduce the size of the heat exchanger, thus
reducing thecosts associated with both material and manufacturing
of the heat exchanger [3]. Improved heat transfer can make heat
exchangers smaller and more energy efficient [4]. In the last few
decades, significant efforts have been made to develop heat
transfer techniques in order to improve overall performance of

heat exchangers. As there in increase energy cost, we can
expect that there will be a new growth phase in heat transfer
enhancement field.
In the heat transfer process, heat exchanger plays an important
Various heat transfer enhancement techniques are developed to
improve the thermal performance of heat exchanger systems.
Heat transfer enhancement techniques are classified into three
Active methods, Passive methods, and Compound methods. These
techniques are used in various areas such as thermal power plants,
automobiles, refrig- erators, heating and cooling in evaporators etc.
Heat transfer techniques can be as simple as change of the fluid
velocity inside the unit or as complex asthe design of new surface
geometries or the design of inserts in the case oftubular geometry
Heat transfer enhancement is one of the fastest growing areas in
transfer. These heat transfer enhancement techniques include – 1.
Active methods – mechanical aids, fluid vibration, jet impingement, 2.
Passive methods – extended surfaces, treated surfaces, additives for
fluids, swirl-flow devices, etc. and 3. Compound methods – rough-
surface tube with a twisted tape insert etc.
The active method involves addition of nanosized, high thermal
and metallic powder to the base fluid, to increase the heat transfer
rate. Active methods require external power for instance like fluid
vibrations etc. [5]. By increasing the surface area or by changing
the boundary conditions the rateof heat transfer can be increased
passively. Comparatively passive techniques are better where inserts
are used to enhance heat transfer rate because the insert
manufacturing process is simple and they can be easily applied
For the enhancement of heat transfer, active methods use external
while, passive methods does not use any of the external power. The
passive methods are mostly preferred as there are simple and can be
applied easily in various applications. Heat transfer enhancement can
also be termed as heat transfer augmentation or intensification. Heat
transfer enhancement techniques lead to increase in heat transfer

Department of Mechanical Engineering 2

coefficient but at the expense of increasein pressure drop. So,
while designing a heat exchanger using any of these techniques,
analysis of heat transfer rate and pressure drop has to be done
[7]. Enhancing the performance of a heat transfer device is therefore of
great interest since it can result in energy, material and cost

Department of Mechanical Engineering 3

1.1 Heat exchanger
Heat exchanger is used to transfer heat between two fluids
which are at different temperatures. They are used in many
engineering applications such as air-conditioning systems,
refrigeration systems, automobiles, power plants, food processing
systems etc. Few examples of heat exchangers are shell andtube
heat exchangers, double pipe heat exchangers, plate heat exchangers,
economizers, evaporators, condensers, and cooling tower in
thermal plants.
In last few decades, the demand for efficient heat transfer in heat
has increased. Every heat exchanger works in steady state.
Irrespective of the design all the heat exchangers works under the
basic fundamental laws – namely the Zeroth, First, and Second laws
of thermodynamics-which describe the transference of heat from one
fluid to another fluid. The most commonmaterials used to construct the
heat exchangers are tubes, coils, shells, fins,plates.
The common metals used for constructing heat exchangers are
copper due to their high thermal conductivity. Depending on the
required application other materials such as graphite, ceramics,
plastics or composites are also used in the construction of heat
exchangers. There are two types of heat transfer mechanisms
employed by heat exchangers—single-phase or two-phase heat
transfer [8]. The required amount of thermal energy needed for
either heating or cooling is provided by the heat exchanger. To
select a particular type of heat exchanger, the rate of heat transfer is
taken into consideration.

1.2 Objectives of the work

This paper gives an idea about heat transfer rate in heat
exchangers and various techniques that are used to enhance
the heat transfer rate in heat

Department of Mechanical Engineering 4

Figure 1.1: Ceramic heat exchanger [9]

1.3 Motivation
Due to increased demands by industry for heat exchange
equipment, effort have been made to produce more efficient heat
exchangers by using different methods of heat transfer
enhancement. Savings in usage of energy and materials also
produce strong motivation for the advancing of better methods of

1.4 Scope
This report helps in designing a heat exchanger which helps
to increasethe heat transfer rate and save the energy and cost.

Department of Mechanical Engineering 5


Literature Survey

[10] concludes that, wire coiled tube will be having higher

pressure drop when compared to an empty tube. The pressure drop
depends on the geometry of the wire and is always act a
significant. Wire coil inserts will do better in turbulent and transition
region flow. Within the transition region, if wire coils are fitted in a
smooth tube warmth exchanger, heat transfer rate is often increased
up to 200 percent keeping pumping power constant. In laminar flow
wire coil insert is not so effective and results shows that wire coils
act like as a smooth tube but accelerate transition to critical
Reynolds numbers down to 700. In turbulent flow, Wire coil leads a
high drop increase which depends majorly on pitch to wire diameter
ratio. In the selection of the wire coil inserts, the form of the insert
is important. Wire coil provides better overall performance when the
pressure drop penalty is considered.
[11] concludes that various methods of enhancing the heat transfer
in automobile radiator by using various types of fluid flow rate,
Reynolds number, nano fluids and the volumetric concentration.
Addition of various nano particles or additives to a liquid slightly
improves the viscosity and the thermal conductivity moderately. The
suspension of nano particles in the base liquid improves the heat
transfer area and finally it leads to the increase in the heat
transfer due to the heat transfer rate depends upon the total
surface area available for transferring the heat. The thermal
conductivity of the aluminium oxide is lower when compared to
copper oxide, titanium oxide and silicon oxide. From the above
study it is observed that with increasing the fluid flow rate particle
concentration the heat transfer rate increases with slight penalty of
the pressure drop.
[12] has gone through experimental investigation on heat transfer
pressure drop nature of turbulent flow in a heating tube consists of
perforated twisted tapes with parallel wings for Reynolds number
range in between 5500

to 20500. he did the design of perforated twisted tape with the following

1. The wings consists an extra turbulence near tube wall which

leads to disrupt the thermal boundary layer efficiently.

2. The pre-existing holes along a core tube decreases the

pressure losses in the tube. The different parameters
investigated by him i.e. the hole diameter ratio and wing depth
ratio and also typical twisted tape was also been tested for the
assessment. he compared the results with the plain tube, the
result says that the tubes having perforated twisted tape heat
transfer rate increases to 208 percent and also with the
twisted tape the heat transfer increases up to 190percent. they
check the overall performance during experimentation under
the similar pumping power with that of perforated twisted tape
with ratio of d/W and w/W which are equal to 0.11and 0.33
respectively, provides the maximum thermal performance
factor of 1.32, in the Reynolds number range of 5500.

[13] says that, thermal nature in a tube fitted with twisted-tapes in

co-swirl arrangement with wire coil are shown in the present study.
Results says that wire coil of pitch ratio 0.88 is more higher to all
twisted tapes. In twistedtape twin twisted tape acts as counter swirl
generator, which shows better performance than single twisted tape
alone. The work was conducted in the turbulent flow regime,
Reynolds number from 5000 to 18,000 with air as the test fluid.The
results of the work can be noted as follows:

1. For the inserted tube, the pressure drop will increase with the
rise in mass flow rate where as the friction factor and
performance factor hasthe opposite trends.

2. The compound enhancement system of the tube and the

counter/co-swirl shows a slight increase of heat transfer rate
and thermal performance when compared to the smooth tube
acting alone, depending on twist ratios.

3. The counter/co-swirl tube yields larger friction factor and

performance factor compared to the smooth tube at low
Reynolds number.

Department of Mechanical Engineering 6

[14] says that the experimental analysis in the work the
enhancement of heat transfer of fin for various materials is made
and it can be increased. Fin efficiencies of materials are 68 percent,
94 percent, 91 percent are achieved. And among all these materials
from the analysis says that copper has more thermal conductivity
than aluminium and brass.

Department of Mechanical Engineering 7


Heat transfer enhancement methods

Heat transfer enhancement helps in improving the thermo

hydraulic per- formance of heat exchangers. The performance of
heat exchanger is defined by its thermal performance (i.e. by
improvement in convective heat transfer coefficient) and by its
hydraulic performance (i.e. amount of power consumed in pumping
the fluid). Hence the term thermo hydraulic performance is used
as an indicator to heat exchanger performance [15].
Various methods or techniques used for enhancing the heat transfer
– active methods, passive methods, compound methods. Depending
on the requirement of heat transfer rate we use the suitable method.
The method which leads to high heat transfer enhancement will be
accepted. Enhancement methods are primarily employed in a heat
exchanger to reduce the thermal resistance by producing higher heat
transfer coefficients with or without surface area increases; the latter
is effected by fins or extended surfaces [16].
These existing methods are broadly classified into two categories. In
category of methods, the second law of thermodynamics is used and in
another category of methods, the first law of thermodynamics is used.
The factors like safety, reliability, and ease of manufacturing are taken
into consideration while evaluating the method. In the present
situation, the need of energy-saving of heat transfer enhancement
has acquired more attention.

Activemethods Passivemethods
Mechanical aids Extended surfaces
Fluid vibration Treated surfaces
Surface vibration Rough surfaces
Jet impingement Swirl flow devices
Electrostatic fields Surface tension devices
Suction Displaced enhanced
Injection Additives for liquids
Induced flow Additives for gases
Rotation Coiled tubes

Table 3.1: Classification of different active and passive methods

Department of Mechanical Engineering 9


Active methods

For the enhancement in heat transfer, active methods use the

external power input. Providing external power is not easy in most
of the applications;for this reason, the use of active methods is limited.
As there is necessity of external power input, the active methods are
more complex when compared to passive methods in the context
of design and applications. Active methods are not as common as
passive methods. These methods are used in such places where
high and quick enhancement of heat transfer is needed. The heat
transfer in active methods is very high when compared to passive
methods.Hence active methods are preferred where high heat transfer
enhancement is required.
The majority of commercially interesting techniques are mainly limited
passive techniques. However, active techniques such as electro
hydrodynamic (EHD) enhancement of boiling and condensation
indicate significant potential [17]. Active methods have attracted little
financially interest because of the costs involved. Active methods
need extra effort towards the development and design of an efficient
heat exchanger.
These methods have great potential can control thermally. In
fields the use of active methods is limited because, providing
external power input in most of the applications is not easy. Though
active methods have acquired massive attention in research, their
applications have been limited. Let us go through various active
methods that are responsible for enhancingthe heat transfer.

4.1 Electro hydrodynamics (EHD)

Electro hydrodynamic heat transfer enhancement uses interaction
of electric field with magnetic field in a dielectric fluid medium. This
interaction, under certain conditions, results in electrically induced
fluid motion and/or interfacial

instabilities, which are caused by an electric body force [15]. A
high voltage and current is applied to the fluid in this method.
One of the major aims of this method is to convert electrical energy
into kinetic energy. The electric forces that are responsible for the
displacement of fluid are obtained by:

Figure 4.1: Equation

Where ,E the electric field strength( v/m), Fe is the electro

hydrodynamicforce ( N/m2 ), qc is free electric charge density( C/m3 ),
the fluid permittivity( F/m), q the fluid density( kg/m3 ), and T the
temperature in (K) [18]. The three terms in Eq.(1) stand for the
electrophoretic, dielectrophoretic, and electrostrictive components of
the electric force [15].
This force can cause interfacial instabilities that force the liquid with
permittivity to move to the regions of higher electric field. This
phenomenon is usually called as liquid extraction phenomenon and is
believed to be the primary mechanism responsible for flow regime
transitions which cause heat transfer enhancement [15]. The first
term of the equation, electrophoretic force, is the coulomb force.
This force occurs due to presence of net charge inthe dielectric fluid
medium. In single phase, the heat transfer enhancement is mainly due
to this force. The second term of the equation, dielectrophoreticforce,
results as a change in permittivity of the fluid. Since the
gradient in the dielectric permittivity is very high at the liquid-vapour
surface, this dielectrophoretic force dominates in two-phase flows. The
third term of the equation, electrostrictive force, involves
electrostriction based on the presence of different electric fields
within the dielectric fluid. The other point which is to be considered
in this EHD method is the occurrence of nucleate boiling in the
material which increases the electrostatic force, which in turn
increasesthe heat transfer.
A wide range of applications for EHD method are reported in the
consisting of: pumping [19], single phase heat transfer [20] [21], boiling
[23], condensation [24] [25], mixing [26]. There are many studies

Department of Mechanical Engineering 1

electro hydrodynamic heat transfer enhancement.[27] studied heat
transfer enhancement in an annulus flow due to ion injection from
sharp electrodes, experimentally.[28] studied heat transfer
enhancement in a partially open square cavity with different wire
electrode arrangements.[29] used a corona jet to locally enhance
natural convection heat transfer in a pipe.[30] studied EHD enhanced
natural convection heat transfer of an inclined heated plate with
corona jet, experimentally. These works proved that heat transfer can
be enhanced significantly by EHD method.
The above mentioned papers considered ion-drag pumping, which is
EHD method. This ion-drag pumping utilizes a wire-plate or needle-
plate to generate the corona wind. Ion-drag pumping deals with
injection of ions from a sharp metal electrode into the fluid. This
injection of ions results in the degradation of the working fluid and
electrode. A modern concept, EHD conduction pumping is developed
in contrary to the ion-drag pumping method. It is associated with the
nonequilibrium process of dissociation of neutral species and
recombination of generated ions in a finite thickness in the vicinity of
electrodes which is known as hetrocharge layer [31]. This EHD
conduction pumping mechanism consumes lower power.
Comparatively EHD conduction pumping mechanism is better than ion-
drag pumping mechanism.
[32] presented the first theoretical model of EHD conduction pumping.
model was further developed in other researches. A number of
experimental studies in different electrode configurations are
implemented by different re-searchers on conduction pumping and the
theoretical model is validated against their results [33] [34] [35].
Publications related to EHD conduction pumpingare very limited.
[36] have studied in-tube condensation of R134a in a horizontal, single-
counter-current heat exchanger with a rod electrode placed in
the centre ofthe tube. In their study they have observed how the
various characteristics like overall heat transfer coefficient,
enhancement ratio, over all pressure drop, pressure drop ratio
varies by varying applied voltage.
From the graph, we can observe that over all heat transfer
coefficient was increased by a factor of 3.2 for EHD voltage of
8KV. The overall pressure

Department of Mechanical Engineering 1

Figure 4.2: Effects of applied voltage on heat transfer coefficient and
pressure drop at mass flux of 83.4 kg/(m2s), heat flux of 10.2
kW/m2 and inlet quality of 66 percent. (a) overall heat transfer
coefficient, (b) overall pressure drop[36]
drop was increased by a factor of 1.6 at same conditions of heat
transfer enhancement. These results are obtained from their study.
The heat transfer enhancement is associated with strong EHD
force. This EHD force removes the condensate from the heat
transfer surface, thus reducing the overall thermal resistance and
improving the heat transfer. EHD method is efficient for materials
having electrical properties. Hence EHD is one of the efficient

Department of Mechanical Engineering 1

method of heat transfer enhancement.

4.2 Jets
Jets are one of the most widely used phenomena because they
exhibit free or wall-bounded shear turbulent flows and large vortex
structures which are essential in fluid dynamics and engineering. Jets
are used for various industrial applications such as cleaning, heating,
cutting, cooling, and jet and rocket propulsion. Many studies have been
done on jets phenomena because this method helps in enhancement
of the heat transfer. Few literature surveys on impingement heat
transfer of jets are presented by [37] [38].[39] examined heat and mass
transfer for single round nozzle, arrays of round and slot nozzles
and provided extended reviews of heat transfer data .
A fluid flowing at high speed (jet) breaks the boundary layer and it
mixes near the surface when projected towards a surface. This
causes an increase in convective heat transfer coefficient. Due to
their high efficiencyand ability to enhance the heat transfer, impinging
jets are used in variety of heating and cooling process. An effective
cooling method for high temperature surfaces is to use liquid jets
impingement on the heated surface [40]. A bubble will nucleate on
the surface, when liquid jets approach the superheated surface.
Turbulent mixing occurs in the vicinity of the wall. This occurs due
to alternately growing and collapsing of bubbles. The high degree of
subcoolingof the surrounding liquid and the impinging flow prevent the
bubbles from detaching from the wall, due to which the entire boiling
and condensation process limits to a boundary layer phenomenon. A
single bubble, while growing it is presumed that it will replace a
hot fluid volume near the wall which is consequently shifted into
colder regions of the flow. Momentum and heat exchange of such a
deplaced fluid volume with the main flow will result in a
temperature drop in the fluid layer surrounding the bubble, leading to
its collapse immediately after it has reached its maximum radius
[15]. Cold fluidwill then be transported back to the heating wall and
the process repeats. This process is clearly shown in Fig. 4.3.
The principle used by jets is, increase in projection of fluid at high

Department of Mechanical Engineering 1

Figure 4.3: Turbulence generation at the heating wall [41]
increases the heat transfer coefficient [42]. Based upon the
requirement of jetsthey are classified as follows, namely – single
steady impingement jet, multiple
steady impingement jet, and unsteady jet [43].

4.2.1 Single steady impingement jet

This single steady impingement jet uses only a single jet. It is the
simplest method compared to others. In the following figure we can
observe how singlejet works for heat transfer.

Figure 4.4: Schema of the various flow zones in an impinging jet [43]

The flow and heat transfer characteristics of a jet impinging on a

surface orthogonal to the main flow axis are shown in fig. 4.4.
These different zonesin the fig. 4.4 are explained in [44] [45] [46] -

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1. The zone 1 is known as flow development region. This region
is madeup of free jet region and core region [43]. In the core
region the velocity is approximately equal to the nozzle exit
bulk velocity. As the distance from the nozzle increases, the
free jet region gets widen.

2. The zone 2 is known as fully developed region. It is present

at the end of the core. As the distance from the nozzle increases,
the axial jet velocity gets reduced.

3. The zone 3 is known as deflection region. It is present near

the wall. This can be seen as an increase in static pressure
and a sharp decrease in the axial velocity. At the centre of the
deflection region, stagnation point is situated. To plot the
Nusselt number versus the distance fromthe stagnation point,
[45] used the data from [47]. When the distance between the
jet nozzle and the impingement plate is very less (H/D ¡ 6),
the flow becomes a laminar flow near the stagnation point
inducing a local minimum heat transfer at the stagnation point.
Maximum heat transfer is obtained at the stagnation point
when the impingement plate is situated at the end of the core
region (H/D = 6). When the distance between the jet nozzle
and impingement plate increases (H /D ¿ 6), jet velocity
decreases due to which heat transfer reduces at the stagnation
point. Hence heat transfer reduces as the distance from the
centre increases.

4. The zone 4 is known as wall jet region. This can be seen as

the increase in the transverse velocity, followed by a steady
decrease. Due to this the flow changes from laminar to
turbulent. When the distance is less, this transition of flow from
laminar to turbulent causes increase in heat transfer and
secondary peak is observed as the Nusselt number varies. The
effect of jet nozzle-to-impingement plate distance on the Nusselt
number is shown in the following figure. 4.5.

Hence heat transfer coefficient depends upon various factors such

as nozzle- to-plate distance, nozzle geometry, jet Reynolds number,
velocity profiles, turbulence intensity.

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Figure 4.5: Radial variation of local Nusselt number for D =10.9mm
[48] The major conclusion that can be drawn from study of
single jet impinge-
ment is, heat transfer maximum at the impact zone, but gradually
reduces away from it. To overcome this problem, multiple jets are used
which aredescribed below.

4.2.2 Multiple steady impingement jet

Multiple jets are used to overcome the problems created by single
jet. The regions are same for multiple jets which are in single jet. The
following figure shows a multiple jet impingement system.
The heat transfer of multiple jet is same as that of single jet, when
there is
no interaction between the jets. Heat transfer varies, when there is
interaction between jets. This variation is due to two factors – jet-to-
jet interaction prior to impingement and head-on collision of surface
flow after impingement. Jet-to-jet interaction occurs due to the
expansion of shear layer. It occurs when the distance between
the jets is small and high separation between jet nozzle and
impingement plate. Due to this type of interaction, strength of the

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Figure 4.6: Multiple jet impingement system [49]
jet get weak due to which overall heat transfer on the impingement
plate gets reduced when compared to the case with no interaction
between two jets prior to their impingement [43]. The second factor,
head-on collision of surface flow after impingement, also known as
secondary stagnation zone. This interaction causes fountain flow.
The heat transfer coefficient is high near the impingement zone. Hence,
transfer coefficient increases as the number of impingement zones

4.2.3 Unsteady jet heat transfer

Due to flow instability and higher turbulence, thermal and
hydrodynamic boundary layers get disturbed, due to which heat
transfer gets enhanced. Many studies have been done on
unsteady jet to evaluate the performance of heat transfer. [50]
recorded significant heat transfer enhancement due to intermittent
fluctuation in a turbulent impinging jet. They also observed that jet-to-
plate distance and on-to-off jet time ratio have significant effect on heat
transfer enhancement. They have interpreted the heat transfer
enhancement mechanisms by different mechanisms – larger vortices,
higher turbulence, higher flow entrainment etc.
The parameters influencing the heat transfer characteristics are –

1. Nozzle geometry

2. Impingement plate geometry

3. Nozzle-to-plate distance

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4. Heat flux

5. Reynolds number of jet

6. Turbulence intensity

7. Velocity profile

8. Shape of unsteadiness (ex: frequency)

[51] studied heat transfer on smooth and non-smooth surfaces. Out

of the parameters tested, roughness has weak influence on heat
transfer for steady jets but, it has significant effect on heat transfer
for unsteady jets. Few authors acclaimed that, this result cannot
be generalized unless and until thestudy of roughness parameter on
heat transfer on non-smooth plate. Recently one type of unsteady
jets are developed know as “synthetic jets”, in which net mass flux
is zero.

4.3 Fluid vibration

This type of vibration enhancement is more experimental
type because of mass of mass of heat exchangers. To excite
the fluids is easy than to create vibrations in heat exchangers
themselves. The range of frequency from 1Hz to ultrasound is used
in exciting the fluids. Because of its potential to enhance the
reactions and mixing, the ultrasound has gained attention in the
recent years. The ability for heat exchangers is now less
certain, althoughit could be used to minimise fouling. Ultrasound is
used to create in a rapid movement in a fluid adjacent to a heat
exchanger surface, rather than vibrating a surface directly. For
example, the effects of ultrasound can be seen in ultrasonic
cleaning baths, for removing impurity from the metal object
surfaces. Ultrasound is still in its very beginnings, with regard to
heat transfer enhancement.

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4.4 Surface vibration
Either at low or high frequency, surface vibration has been firstly
used to enhance the single-phase heat transfer. A piezoelectric device
can be used to vibrate a surface.

4.5 Mechanical aids

Mechanical aids involve stirring of the fluid by either mechanical
meansor by rotating the surface. They are applied to the liquid in
a region close to the heat exchanger wall. Stirrers are included in it.
Mechanical scrapers, which are used for viscous liquids in
chemical industry, can also be appliedto duct flow of gases [52].

4.6 Spray
Spray contains the liquid droplets that are generated by air or
pressure- assisted atomizer. When the drops are impinged on the
surface, they spread all over the surface, they get evaporate or a
thin film of fluid is formed due to which heat transfer get
enhanced [53].
By evaporation, convection and secondary nucleation, heat transfer is
even at low temperatures [54]. The heat transfer behaviour (heat
flux versus wall temperature) using spray cooling, confer the
following attributes:

1. At low wall temperature, the heating plate gets cooled by single-

phaseregime. As the flow gets rapidly displaced from the heating
surface, the liquid doesn’t get enough time to warm up in this
temperature range.

2. Below the saturation temperature, there might be an increase in

curve slope due to the evaporation thin liquid film formed on
the surface [55].

3. When the liquid near the heating wall gets superheated, heat
transfer coefficient gets enhanced due to due to secondary
nucleation and/or boiling [53]. Secondary nucleation occurs
within the liquid. When the droplets enter the liquid, nucleation
sites will be formed, when adsorbed

Department of Mechanical Engineering 2

gas molecules surrounding them gets dissolved. The number of
nucleation sites are proportional to number of liquid droplets
forming the spray [53].As the nucleation sites increases, the heat
transfer gets increased [55]. Boiling may also begin at the wall at
this temperature range (superheated liquid). Both secondary
nuclei and boiling can occur concurrently leading to higher heat
transfer coefficients.

4. When the flow increases additionally, the surface start to dry.

Spray cooling has higher heat flux.

Spray cooling depends on many factors like – droplet size, droplet

density, droplet velocity, nozzle-to-heating surface distance, air
pressure, condensation etc. Hence spray cooling is very complex

4.7 Suction
Suction involves either vapour removal through a porous heated
surface in nucleate or film boiling, or fluid withdrawal in single-phase
flow through aporous heated surface [52].

4.8 Injection
Injection involves supplying gas to a flowing liquid through a porous
heat transfer surface or injecting similar fluid upstream of or along the
heat transfer section. It is mainly applied for single-phase flow [52].

4.9 Induced flow stabilities

At nearly low frequencies (¡5Hz), improvement in heat transfer is
observedby induced flow stabilities. Induced flow stabilities are also
known as pulses.

4.10 Rotation
Rotation is used to improve both heat and mass transfer. When a
fluid is allowed to pass across a rotating disc, improvement in heat
transfer coefficients

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can be observed. In the last decade, Spinning Disc Reactor (SDR),
which utilizes the enhanced heat and mass transfer was developed.
The earliest significant work on rotating discs as heat transfer
devices was done firstly at Newcastle University and then at
Protensive Ltd, until recently a PI equipment manufacturer. For
example, it is shown in the following figure. 4.7.

Figure 4.7: Structure of spinning disc heat transfer surface. A 0.5m

diameter disc with delta T 20K will transfer 39kW, thanks to
patented double spiral disc design, copper construction (with
chrome plating for corrosion resistance) [56]

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Passive methods

Passive methods are one set of methods used for enhancement of

heat transfer. Unlike active methods, passive methods not require
any external power input. The additional power required to
enhance the heat transfer is taken from the available power in the
system, which leads to a pressure drop in the fluid. Passive
methods generally utilize geometrical or surface modifications to the
flow by additional devices or joining inserts.
These methods enhance the heat transfer by varying the flow
treatment due
to which pressure drop also increases. One of the methods to
enhance heattransfer is to increase the surface area and residence
time of the heat transferfluids in the convective heat transfer. This
method causes the swirl in the bulk of the fluids and displaces the
actual boundary layers which increases the surface area, residence
time due to which heat transfer coefficient increases.
Comparatively passive methods are less complex in the context of
design and
applications than active methods. Heat transfer is less in passive
methods than active methods. Some of the passive methods are –
extended surfaces, rough surfaces, coated surfaces, inserts,
nanofluids, swirl flow devices (turbulators). Out of all passive
methods, inserts are popular devices used for enhancement of heat
transfer of heat exchangers used in industries. Many of the passive
methods are used to make shell and tube exchangers more
The various passive methods are discussed in detail below –

5.1 Extended surfaces

Among all the enhancement methods, this one is the oldest
technology of all. Extended surfaces are also known as finned
surfaces. When the available surface area is found insufficient to
transfer the required amount of heat with the available temperature
drop, extended surfaces are used [57]. Fins are the most
common form of extended surfaces. They are associated with
tubular and plate-type heat exchangers. For example, the car radiator is
a highly compact finned unit. They provide effective heat transfer
enlargement. Reduction of heat exchanger size might be an important
objective forvehicular and heat recovery processes. For
these services, heat exchangersgenerally involve gases that have low
heat transfer coefficients. Extended surfaces, especially
those with enhanced configurations, are used to obtain
size, weight, and cost reductions.

Figure 5.1: Enhanced surfaces for gases - Offset strip fins used in
plate-finheat exchanger [52]

In figure 5.1, we can see the offset strip fin that normally exhibits
an average heat transfer coefficient 80 to 100 percent higher than
that of a plainfin of same area.

Figure 5.2: Enhanced surfaces for gases - Steel serrated fins welded
to steeltube [52]

In figure 5.2, we can see the steel serrated fins used for waste heat
recovery boilers

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By using segmented longitudinal fins inside circular tubes, heat
transfer can be enhanced by periodically displacing and restarting
the boundary layer on the finned surface and perturbing the bulk flow
field [58]. Finned surfaces provide a large surface area density in plate
fin or tube and plate fin type of compact heat exchangers.
Various types of finned surfaces are used namely – offset strip fins,
rated fins, wavy fins, and louvered fins.

Figure 5.3: Tubes with circumferential and strip fins on their outer
surface [58]

Most of the heat exchangers used in gas streams have fins to

enhance the gas-side heat transfer. Compact units like plate-fin
heat exchangers have fins or secondary surfaces between the pair of
plates. In both natural and forced convection, fins are used. To
enhance the performance, plate-fin heat exchanger uses a variety of
extended surfaces. Generally finned heat exchangers are usedas the
basis of heat exchanger reactors where there is frequently a need
toused enhanced heat transfer control.
Porvair recently introduced a metal foam which can double as an
surface into the UK market. Foam can be characterized as an
anisotropic three-dimensional extended surface. One example of its
use is in a gas-liquidheat exchanger, the tubes piercing the bulk
of the foam, which replace the

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conventional extended surfaces. Foam pore size was 0.1-5 mm.
Foam can be kept inside the tubes or between the plates, configuring
a gas-gas heat exchanger. Work is under way at Brunel university
Advantages of the foam include a choice of metals resistant to
up to 1000°C, low density, compact size and the potential to be
formed into complex shapes. The foam can be catalysed, a feature
that could be highly relevant to heat exchanger reactors.

Figure 5.4: An example of a tube filled with metal foam, tested at

Brunel university [59]

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Figure 5.5: Typical integral externally finned tubes [16]

5.2 Treated surfaces

Treated surfaces have a comparatively fine scale variation to the
surface fins, or have a coating applied. These changes are naturally
used to promote enhancement of boiling or condensation. Treated
surfaces involve usage of pits, cavities or scratches. These are
usually applicable in two phase transferand they contain a variety of
structured surfaces (continuous or discontinuous integral surface
roughness or alterations) and coatings. Though the treatmentprovides
a roughness to the surface, it is not large enough to effect single
phase heat transfer.
There are various types of treated surfaces used –

1. Machined or grooved surfaces

2. Coated surfaces

3. Multilayered surfaces

4. Formed or modified low-fin surfaces

The principle of providing the treated surfaces for enhancement
of boilingis to produce a large number of vapour traps or nucleation
sites on the surface. This is relevant for highly wetting fluids like
refrigerants, organic liquids, cryogens, and alkali metals where the
normal cavities are present on the heated surfaces [58]. For less
wetting or comparatively higher surface tension fluids, coatings of non-
wetting material (ex: Teflon) are given on either side of heated surface
to improve stable nucleation. A fine-scale porous coating may be used
to enhance nucleate boiling.

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Figure 5.6: Illustration of cross section of porous boiling surface
A new process, surfi-sculpt, was developed at TWI, Cambridge, is a
new development that has considerable implications for PI where
surface changescan enhance heat and/or mass transfer.

Figure 5.7: An example of the surface topography possible using Surfi

-Sculpt,the process developed at TWI

Surfi -Sculpt gives appreciable feature control by allowing

projections to be built and shaped as separate operations, letting a
wide range of features

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to be formed on flat or curved surfaces.

5.3 Rough surfaces

three-dimensional diamond-shaped dimples [16]

Comparatively heat transfer coefficient can be improved a lot than
smoot h tube turbulent flow convection [61] [62]. At present many
commercial tubes are now produced with structured
roughness made up of ribs or surface indentations that are
The simplest and oldest method, which is widely used in current
practice, is the use of surface roughness inside circular tubes [60].
Roughness occurs naturally in manufactured tubes and is very
effective in enhancing turbulent flow convection by displacing the
viscous sub-layer in the near-wall turbulent flow structure to
advance higher momentum and heat transport. However, in laminar
flows, small-scale roughness do not show any significant effect.
Rough surfaces are produced in many configurations from sand-grain-
roughness to discrete roughness. The configuration is naturally
chosen to improve turbulence rather than increase the heat transfer
surface area. The application of rough surfaces is mainly towards
single-phase heat transfer. Integral roughness is formed by
machining, or “restructuring” the surface.
For enhanced heat transfer applications, rough surfaces have been
on both inner and outer surfaces of tubes in single-phase turbulent
flows inside or over tube bundles. The followings gives sampling of
some such tubes thatare used in various heat exchangers.

Figure 5.8: Tubes with rough surfaces made up of structured two-

dimensional helical ribs and knurled transversely or

Department of Mechanical Engineering 2

Figure 5.9: Helical rib roughness tube [1]
helically repeated along the length. Tubes with ribs and indentations
of different cross-sectional geometry, and wire-coil inserts that
provide helical ribs of circular cross section are shown in the
following figure.6. With a tube inside diameter di, the roughness
profile attributes are described by the protuberance height e, repeated-
rib pitch p, spiral angle α in degrees for helical ribs, and contact angle
β in degrees of the roughness profile relative to theflow direction.

5.4 Swirl flow devices

Methods for producing swirl flows to enhance heat transfer
naturally consist of tube inserts, axially twisted noncircular ducts [2],
and tangential fluid entry arrangements in ducts. Inserts need
additional arrangements to make to fluid flow which enhance the
heat transfer. The various types of inserts used are – twisted
tape, wire coils, ribs, baffle plates, conical rings etc. Among these,
twisted-tape inserts, are widely used to enhance forced
convection heat transfer inside circular tubes. Their usage in the shell-
and-tube heat exchangers, geometric features and characteristics are
shown in the following figure –

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Figure 5.10: Geometrical descriptions of structured ribbed roughness
andtheir profile shapes [62]

Figure 5.11: Use of twisted-tape inserts in the tubes of a shell-and-

tube heat exchanger, and schematic representation of the geometric
features a typical twist tape [16]

5.5 Twisted tapes

Twisted tapes are the metallic strips twisted using some of the
suitable methods as per the required shape and dimension, which
are inserted in the flow to enhance the heat transfer. The twisted
tape inserts are most suitable

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and widely used in heat exchangers to enhance the heat transfer.

Figure 5.12: Twisted tape

Twisted tape inserts enhance the heat transfer rates with less
friction factor. The use of twisted tapes in a tube gives simple passive
technique for enhancing the convective heat transfer by making swirl
into the heavy flow which displacing the boundary layer at the tube
surface due to sudden changes in the surface geometry which
means, such type of tapes induce turbulence and swirl flow which
induces inside the boundary layer and which gives better results of
heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number due to the changes in
geometry of twisted tape inserts. Concurrently, the pressure drop
inside the tube will be increased when using twisted-tape as an
insert. For this most of the researchers have done by experimentally
and numerically to investigate the proper design to achieve the better
thermal performance with less frictional losses. The heat transfer
enhancement of twisted tapes inserts depends on the Pitch and
Twist ratio.
Even so, success has been observed when the twisted tapes are
being used
in heat exchangers for heat transfer enhancement, still increased
pumping power with the usage of insert devices remains to be a
concern. Investigation has been made to study the possibility of using
perforated helical twisted tape (P-HTTs) with a view to reduce
pumping drawback.
Twisted tape may be altered by introducing V-cut in the plain
twisted tape
on both top and bottom alternately in the peripheral region with

Department of Mechanical Engineering 3

Figure 5.13: Geometrical parameters of perforated helical twisted tape
[15] dimensions of depth and width to improve the fluid mixing near
the walls ofthe test section

Figure 5.14: Geometries of V-cut twisted tapes


5.6 Displaced enhanced devices

These are generally found in engineering applications in the form of
tubeinserts. Their intended usage is in thermal processing of viscous
liquids in the

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Figure 5.15: Rectangular cut twisted tape inserts [63]

Figure 5.16: Twisted tapes with baffles [64]

chemical and food processing industry. An example is shown in the
followingfigure 5.17.

Figure 5.17: A typical looped wire mesh insert for tubular

exchangers andmixers used in the chemical process industry [16]

5.7 Coiled tubes

Coiled tubes are used in a variety of commercial heat
exchangers. Theynot only increase the heat transfer surface area
per unit volume of the heat exchanger but also significantly
enhance the tube-side flow heat transfer coefficient

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Figure 5.18: Schematic representation of curved and coiled tubes and
theirgeometric attributes [16]

5.8 Additives for liquids and gases

A variety of additives can be used to enhance the heat transfer in
bothsingle-phase and two-phase flows. Convective heat transfer
in liquids can be improved by the addition of bubbles or solid
particles. Convective heat transfer in gases can be improved by the
addition of fine mists. The use of nano-particles to enhance the heat
transfer is a recent development.

5.9 Nanofluids
Nanotechnology is concerned with the materials and systems
whose struc- tures and components exhibit novel and significantly
improved physical, chemi-

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cal, and biological properties, phenomena, and processes due to
their nanoscale size. In the last two decades, the application of
nanofluids has drastically increased in enhancement of heat
transfer. Nanofluids have captivated the attention of researchers
Nanofluid is a colloidal mixture of nanoparticles in base fluid. They
better thermal characteristics than simple fluids.[65] initially discovered
ultrafine particles, whose size is in nanometers. Later on, these
ultrafine particles were named as nanoparticles. Nanofluids are
suspensions that can be obtained by dispersing different
nanoparticles in host fluids with the aim of enhanced thermal
properties [66]. There are so many types of nanofluids used. Some of
them are –

Al2O3 + Water

2. CuO+Water

3. TiO+Water

CH3CH2OH + Water

[67] studied Al2O3+water nanofluid in different concentration and

find out the conductive heat transfer coefficient is higher than base
liquid at same mass flow rate at same inlet temp and heat transfer
coefficient of nano fluid is also increases in increase the
concentration of Al2O3 in base liquid. Due to high thermal
conductivity, great improvement has seen in graphene water-based
nanofluids. Two methods are used in the preparation of nanofluids
[68]. They are single-step process and two-step process.
Single-step process involves condensing of nanophase powders
from the
vapor phase directly into a flowing low vapor-pressure liquid
(nanoparticles are made and dispersed in liquid simultaneously).
The nanoparticles are prepared by either using physical vapour
deposition (PVD) technique or liquid chemical method [23]. The initial
PVD method, known as VEROS (vacuum evaporation onto a running
oil substrate), was founded to produce nanoparticles. As it

Department of Mechanical Engineering 3

was difficult to separate the nanoparticles from the liquid, this
method didn’tlast long. By applying slight modifications, [69] developed
a direct evaporation system where Cu vapour is directly condensed
into nanoparticles by contact with a flowing low-vapor-pressure liquid
ethylene glycol. This process does not involve drying, storage,
transportation, and dispersion of nanoparticles, thus during mixing
agglomeration is minimized and fluid stability is higher. Only low
vapour fluids can be used in this process. This is the
disadvantage ofthis process. Nanoparticles shape can be varied from
a spherical shape to octahedral shape by altering some synthesis
In the two-step process [69], nanoparticles are produced first and
mixed with base fluids. Nanparticles are produced by either physical
or chemical process. Examples of physical process are inert-gas
condensation (IGC), mechanical grinding. Examples of chemical
process are chemical vapour deposition (CVD), chemical precipitation,
thermal spray. Nanoparticles are generally produced in powder forms
and dispersed in aqueous and organic host liquids to produce
nanofluids. This two-step process is cheaper because nanopowders
are commercially available now-a-days. Nanofluid with enhanced
thermal conductivity causes enhanced heat transfer.

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Compound Methods

A compound technique consists of the pair of heat transfer

enhancement methods (active and/or passive) to extend the
thermo hydraulic performance of heat exchangers. It can be used
simultaneously to generate an augmentation that increases the
performance of the system better than when either of the
techniques operated independently. Preliminary studies on
compound passive augmentation technique of this type are quite
It is well known that combination two or more of the existing
can be utilized simultaneously to develop an enhancement larger than
that produced by using single technique. The pair of different
techniques acting simultaneously is known as compound
enhancement. Interactions between different enhancement methods
contribute to higher values of the heat transfer coefficients compared
to the sum of the corresponding values for the individual techniques
used alone. Preliminary studies in compound passive enhancement
techniques were encouraging. For example, many previous surveys
indicated that the corrugated tubes are among the most effective
and practical methods for enhancing single-phase heat transfer in
tubes. It is reasonable to assumethat a mixture of a corrugated tube
with twisted tape would be superior to either passive surface
technique acting alone
The following are some of the compound heat enhancement methods –

6.1 Helical-ribbed tube with double twisted tape

In this method heat transfer characteristics of dual twisted tape
insert and ribbed tube are compared to those of the sleek and
therefore the ribbed tube acting alone. This pair of the twisted tapes
and modified tubes has been investigated within the prospect of
higher heat transfer enhancement.

The test has been conducted within the flow regime, Re ranging
from 6000 to 60,000 with water as the test fluid [15]. The small
print of ribbed tube and twin twisted tape has been shown in the
following figure –

Figure 6.1: Double twisted tapes and helically-ribbed tube with

double twisted tape insert [15]

It should be noted that the tube is named co-swirl when the

ribbed tube is arranged in similar directions of the helical swirl of
the twisted tape and thus the helical rib motion. Effects of the co-
swirl motion of the ribbed tube and thus the double twisted tapes
with various twist ratios on heat transfer and friction
characteristics were examined.

6.2 Ribbed tube with twin twisted tape

Nusselt number (Nu) variation with Reynolds number has been
displayed Fig. 6.2(a) as the heat transfer performance indicator for
ribbed tube with twin twisted tape, the performance is compared with
ribbed tube and plain tube and is reflected within the form of Nu/Nu0
ratio variation against Reynolds number Fig. 6.2(b). It is observed
that Nu increases with the rise in Re while, the Nu/Nu0 shows an
opposite trend for all cases.
On the opposite hand, the combined technique i.e. ribbed tube
twin twisted tape shows improved heat transfer rate results than
the ribbed tube acting alone or the graceful tube. This improved
performance could also be attributed to the simpler stagnant layer
disruption capability of dual twisted tape assisted by the ribbed
wall roughness, compared to those caused

Department of Mechanical Engineering 3

by ribbed tube or plain tube individually. Heat transfer augmentation
using combined technique is found to enhance by 4–75 you bored
with reference tothe ribbed tube. Of course, this variation is thanks
to different combinationof Re and twist ratio value. On the opposite
hand, the augmentation hasbeen observed 150–320 yet one more
compared to the plain tube.

Figure 6.2: Variation of Reynolds number with Nusselt number [15]

Department of Mechanical Engineering 4

6.3 Combination of nanofluids and wire coil
in- serts
Few researchers combined wire coil inserts with nanofluid to
achieve a better heat transfer rate in thermal devices.[70] and [71]
investigated experimentally the laminar heat transfer improvement and
pressure loss of nanofluid flow inside a pipe consists of wire coil
inserts. [70] used Al2O3–water nanofluid, while [71] employed CuO-
based oil nanofluid. Both the researches indicatedthat nanofluid has
higher heat transfer efficiency as it flows through the pipes fitted by
wire coil inserts in lieu of flowing through the quality pipe. The
higher thermal efficiency of nanofluid with wire coil inserts is due to the
influences of dispersion or back-mixing which increases the
gradient betweenthe liquid and the surface [72].

6.4 Combination of nanofluids and twisted

tape inserts
Few researchers combined twisted tape inserts and nanofluid
to realize a higher heat transfer rate in thermal systems. Sharma
has computed the friction factor and heat transfer coefficient to a
transitional nanofluid flow inside a circular pipe consists of
twisted tape inserts. They increased theheat transfer rate about
23.8 and 43.7 % by using the nanofluid and twisted tape insert,
respectively, at Re = 9000.0. Moreover, they also reported that
the highest friction factor by twisted tape at 0.1 percent nanoparticle
volume fraction is 1.20 times greater than the friction factor obtained
by pure water flow through a clear pipe.
[73] improved the heat transfer rate during a pipe by combine in
tape with alternated axis and nanofluid. The twisted tapes with the
alternated axis used by [73] are disclosed in fig. 6.3. The results of
earlier researches confirmed that the usage of twisted tapes along
with alternated axis provides higher heat transfer rate and thermal
efficiency. This may be supported by

Department of Mechanical Engineering 4

the fact that the alternated axis on twisted tapes changes the
flow pattern. This causes a disordered mixing between the fluid at
the centre and the fluid around the pipe surface.
Accordingly, this leads to a far better interruption of the thermal
phenomenon in comparison to the case of normal twisted tape, in
which merely rotating flow is created. [73] proved that twisted tape
with alternated axis has a greater value of heat transfer (around
90percent) as compared to the case of ordinary twisted tape.

Figure 6.3: Twisted tape with alternated axis


[74] investigated numerically the combined effects of nanofluid and


Department of Mechanical Engineering 4

tape inserts on the laminar heat transfer during a uniformly heated
circular tube. The heat transfer increment is about 5–30 % by
combining those two techniques. Note that the enhancement is the
function of the nanoparticle volume fraction and twist ratio.
[75] compared the thermal behaviours of the steady-state flows of
and copper oxide–water nanofluids in a circular channel consists of
helical screw tape inserts displayed in fig. 6.4. Note that Y
represents a twist ratio (ratio of pitch of the helical screw tape to
the insert diameter). Their findings indicated that helical screw tape
inserts have higher thermal efficiency as equipped with copper
oxide–water nanofluid.

Figure 6.4: Helical screw tape inserts [75]

[76] investigated the combined influences of full-length twisted

tape inserts and magnetic nanofluid on the flow and thermal fields
during a pipe. The heat transfer rate is increases by 30.86 percent
by using this type of nanofluid witha volume fraction of 0.60 %at Re
= 22,000 for plain tube. An enhancement of
18.48 percent is obtained by using full-length twisted tape inserts in
comparison with the plain pipe at Re = 22,000 and u = 0.60 %.
Under an equivalent condition, the friction factor is merely 1.122
times higher. [77] used nanofluids in a microfin pipe equipped with
single and dual twisted tapes as shown in fig. 6.5. They reported
that micro fin pipe equipped by dual twisted tapes has a
significantly higher thermal efficiency (up to 45.40 %) in

Department of Mechanical Engineering 4

with the one that equipped by a single tape.

Figure 6.5: Microfin pipe enhanced with single and dual twisted tapes [77]

Figure 6.6: Microfin pipe enhanced with single and dual twisted tapes [77]

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6.5 Combination of nanofluids and baffles
Other passive method used for heat transfer improvement is to
employ baffles to change the flow path. usually, these devices shifts
the flow orientation and can also be employed in several processes
having water cooling, clarifying, clear wells, and reservoirs water
treatment equipment In thermal science, the usage of baffles
interrupts both hydraulic and thermal boundary layers and,
accordingly causes improvement of the heat transfer rate indeed,
the flow passing around the baffles effects the duct surface, which
can improve the local heat transfer rate. Few researchers also
combined this method with nanofluid to obtain a better heat
transfer rate in thermal devices.
[78] investigated numerically the combined effects of baffles and
on the forced convection in the entry area of a duct. They
considered the nanoparticle migration in their simulation. Fig. 6.7
shows the nanoparticle concentration contours between the sixth
and seventh baffles at Re = 400, dp
= 10 nm and u = 4 %. As shown in this figure, the nanoparticle
volume fraction reduces near the walls due to the thermophoresis
phenomenon. Note that the nanoparticles migrate from the region
with higher temperature to the region with lower temperature.

Figure 6.7: Nanoparticle concentration contours between the sixth and

seventhbaffles at Re = 400, dp = 10nm, andφ = 4%[78]

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[79] studied numerically nanofluid natural convection in a cavity
consists of a conductive baffle. Their results shown that for a higher
values of Rayleigh number, because of the enhancement of
convection, the average Nusselt number augments when one
increases the concentration of nanoparticles and other relocates the
baffle towards the core of the cavitation used segmental baffles
and nanofluid in a shell and tube heat exchanger. He investigated
the effects of various nanoparticle shapes like cylindrical, bricks,
platelets, and blades and baffle angles on the performance of this
system. They mentioned that the cylinder-shaped nanoparticles have
the better efficiency in comparison with all shapes for all baffle
Moreover, the 20 baffle angle has the best efficiency when compared
other angles. Mohammed investigated numerically the mixed
convection heat transfer of nanofluids on a backward facing step
inside a rectangular channelwith a baffle. They came to know that a
small displacement of the baffle leads to an high change in the flow
and temperature fields. The optimized location of the baffle insert for
heat transfer increment is related to the precise flow and thermal
conditions. In other research, [80] again came through this problem for
a slotted and inclined baffle. Their findings states that the heat transfer
increases about 167 and 255 % by combining nanofluid and a slotted
baffle in comparison with employing pure water for the cases with
baffle and without baffle, respectively.
[81] checked various multiphase models to simulate and study the
of nanoparticles and baffles on the heat transfer increment. He used
both single-phase model and various multiphase models containing
mixture, Eulerian, and volume of fluid models to simulate this
problem for Reynolds numbers in between 600 and 3000. He
finalised that multiphase models are more pinpointed for estimating
the heat transfer of nanofluids. Moreover, he showed that the baffle
encompasses a larger influence on the heat transfer improvement
when compared to the nanofluid for higher values of the Reynolds
number (e.g., 2100–3000).
[82] investigated numerically the combined effects of nanofluid and
baffles on the energetic performance of a tube heat exchanger. Most of

Department of Mechanical Engineering 4

baffles are segmental types that the shell-side flow for moving
along a zigzag pass to increase the warmth transfer rate. Equipping
this kind of baffles leads to some problems containing creating
dead areas in each portion in betweentwo tandem baffles, and as a
result, it augments the fouling resistance. Another problem is the risk of
vibration failure on the tube surface as a result of intense zigzag
flow structure.
Accordingly, helical baffles are introduced as a replacement for
type that almost minimizes the above issues. They recommended
that to getbest heat transfer rate and a small pressure loss, it’s better
to use helical baffles having small helix angle. Moreover, a high solid
volume fraction of nanoparticles can also be used without increasing
too much the pressure drop.
[82] stated that the pressure drop increases about 150 % as the volume
fraction increases in the range from 0 to 5 percent. [83] used
numerically nanofluid and helical baffles in a twin pipe heat
exchanger. A schematic of the twin pipe heat exchanger with
helical baffles simulated by is shown in fig 6.8.

Figure 6.8: Schematic of double pipe heat exchanger equipped with

helical baffles [83]

[83] used Cu, CuO, and CNT nanoparticles and employed

water as the base fluid. They concluded that increasing the
nanoparticle volume fraction has the most significant effect on the
heat transfer for Cu nanoparticles in comparison with CuO and
CNT nanoparticles.
The nanoparticle concentration contours between the sixth and
baffles at Re = 400, dp = 10 nm and u = 4 %. the
nanoparticle volumefraction decreases near the walls due to the
thermophoresis phenomenon. Note that the nanoparticles move
from the region with high temperature to theregion with low
temperature. Accordingly, a substrate with high values
ofnanoparticle volume fraction appears over the baffles. They
proved that the effect of the nanoparticle diameters on PEC
depends majorly on the value of the nanoparticle volume fraction


Energy crisis and environmental issues were the main factors

given com- pulsory drive to enhance the performance of heat
exchangers that are sources for most power consumption and
affecting plant operating cost. In order to answer the performance
issues of heat exchangers, researchers have proposed various
active, passive and compound methods. Among them, active
methods has gained huge popularity in the fields like medical
instruments, spacecraft engineering, marine applications and last
but not the least all domains where performance is prior but not
cost. Needless to say, apart from the above mentioned fields, a low
cost solution to improve heat exchanger issue is highly desirable.
Hence active approach of enhancing performance is not preferred
in industries because of its high implementation cost and
operating cost.
Active technique like electromagnetic fields and surface vibration
external power for operation. Active methods are identified as a
possibilityfor enhancement. The active method depends on external
power or activation, this method have power cost .power cost
should be considered and micro system designer has to carefully
considered in their implementation During nucleate boiling with
EHD, heat transfer improvement is governed by various
mechanisms. The electric field is not so uniform in the liquid
which is near to the interface as density and temperature are not
uniform. This develops electro restrictive forces. The electric force
of the liquid which is far fromthe heating wall is higher than the
electric force of liquid which is near the heating wall which
generates electro convective movements .So that heat transfer
enhances. An important conclusion of single jet studies is that
the heat transfer is very high in the zone close to the impact zone,
but decreases rapidly away from it.
Passive methods where flow is modified either by using insert devices or
altering the channel geometry offers low cost solution to enhance heat
process. Compound techniques, as discussed, are the most latest
techniques of enhancing heat exchange process and with this
approach it would be possible to further decrease the geometry of
the heat exchangers without compromising the thermohydraulic
performance. With the assist of nanotechnology, it’s further possible
to enhance the performance of heat exchangers, particularly
dealing with low thermal conductivity fluids. Although it has been
reported by researchers that addition of nano particles significantly
increases the pressure drop, yet this new era brings many
possibility to contribute.
We are aware that the heat transfer enhancement is possible by
treated surfaces, using inserts, using extended surfaces which are
the most important passive methods to improve the heat transfer.
By using treated surfaces we increase heat transfer rate which is
applicable for both boiling and condensing also. The twisted tape
inserts are the most suitable and are widely used in heat exchanger
to increase the heat transfer. Twisted tape inserts generally
improves heat transfer rate with less friction factor. The coiled
circular wire should be applied in place of smooth one to achieve
higher heat transfer. The heat transfer can also done by extended
surfaces that conclude that copper has higher thermal conductivity
compared to brass and aluminium.
A better improvement in the heat transfer rate was achieved by using
generator in pure water, while a considerable development was
achieved by using the vortex generator and nanofluids at a time
followed with a moderate rise in the friction factor. Usually, vortex
generators with winglets are more suitable to increase the heat
transfer in modern thermal devices because theyhave the ability to
create longitudinal vertices and cause disruption to the main flow
field with lower pressure drop.
The geometrical properties of coil wires have a considerable effect on
thermal efficiency of the whole thermal system. The heat transfer rate
improves with increasing the coil diameter. Usually, the secondary
vectors have higher strength while using a coiled wire with a larger
diameter and this leads to more increase in the heat transfer rate.
The heat transfer increases as the ratio of wire coil inserts (the
ratio of wire coil pitch to the inner diameter

Department of Mechanical Engineering 5

of the pipe) decreases. A wire coil having sharp-edged shoe has
higher heat transfer efficiency when compared with the circular one.
The heat transfer enhancement generated by combining the use of
and twisted tapes is greater at the pipe outlet (when compared
to inlet) as a result of the impact of the swirl flow. The system
performance can be increased without even increasing the size of
the heat exchanger. Nanofluid has higher heat transfer efficiency
when equipped with r twisted strips. The use of twisted tapes
along with alternated axis improves the thermal efficiency when
compared to the base case with twisted tapes. The micro fin pipe
increased by twin twisted tapes has a considerably better thermal
efficiency compared to the case with a single tape alone. Usually,
the twisted tapes are more efficient when compared with the wire
coils to increase heat transfer, while the wire coils lower pressure
drop in comparison with twisted tapes. Helical baffles were
introduced as a substitution for segmental types. Even a small
small displacement of the baffle leads to a huge change in the
flow and temperature fields. If one wants to achieve higher heat
transfer rates but small pressure drops, it is suggestable to equip
helical baffles with small helix angle.

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Future Scope

Further studies are essential for future to discover and optimizing

geometries of different inserts and vortex generators to enhance the
thermal characteristics of heat exchangers. Additionally, the recent
boom in nanotechnology has widened a promising field in heat
transfer investigation. pair of inserts and nanofluids might be a kind of
propitious idea to increase the thermal systems performance which
has been rarely reported in the open literature. Numerous opportunities
will be available when authors focus their efforts on equipping
nanofluids combined with various kinds of inserts in large as well as
microscale heat exchangers and heat sinks. The comparison of
nanofluids and conventional fluids in various shapes of compact
heat exchangers and heat sinks in terms of heat transfer and
pressure drops has shown huge improvement.
As we know that the Passive heat transfer techniques does not
any external power input and additional power required to enhance
the heat transfer is absorbed from the available power in the
system. In the convective heat transfer one of the methods to
enhance the heat transfer rate is to increase the total effective
surface area and residence time of the heat transfer fluids. Using
this technique causes the swirl in the bulk of the fluids and
interrupts the actual boundary layers which increase the total
effective surface area, residence time and along with heat transfer
coefficient increases in the system. The primary condition to
improve the heat transfer is to achieve the swirl in the bulk of
fluids and this can be done by the passive heat transfer
enhancement techniques. The heat enhancement techniques have
the easy installation and removal at the same time simple
manufacturing process with considerably low cost. We know that
the heat transfer enhancement can be done by inserts like wire
coils, twisted tapes which are easily available and it has a simple
process. we can conclude that study on heat transfer enhancement
methods offers a wide range of applications.


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