Novel Parameters of Extended Complete Blood Cell Count Under

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Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis 28: 130–135 (2014)

Novel Parameters of Extended Complete Blood Cell Count under

Fluorescence Flow Cytometry in Patients with Sepsis
Borros M. Arneth,1 ∗ Maximilian Ragaller,2 Kathleen Hommel,1,2 Oliver Tiebel,1
Mario Menschikowski,1 and Gabriele Siegert1
Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital, University
of Technology, Dresden, Germany
Clinic of Anesthesiology, University of Technology, Dresden, Germany

Background: We first describe a patient tion, patients with limited infections, and pa-
who developed urosepsis from an ordinary tients with sepsis. Data were collected with
urinary tract infection. In this case, the a Sysmex XE-5000 hematological analyzer.
new hematological parameters of immature Results: In patients (n = 22) without any
leukocytes, that is, the high-fluorescence signs of infection, both values are very low.
lymphocyte cell (HFLC) and immature gran- In patients with limited local infections (n
ulocyte (IG) counts peaked early, whereas = 10), moderate elevations of the IG and
the established infection parameters, that HFLC counts are seen. In patients with sep-
is, C-reactive protein (CRP) and total white sis (n = 6), the IG and HFLC counts are
blood cell count showed less dynamic re- significantly higher. Conclusion: The total IG
garding infection and therapy. Methods: To count seems to be useful for distinguishing a
investigate this phenomenon in greater de- septic patient from a nonseptic (P < 0.004).
tail, the novel parameters HFLC and IG Hematological parameters have the advan-
counts are investigated retrospectively in a tage of being measured easily during rou-
cohort of 38 patients who were admitted to tine blood cell analysis. J. Clin. Lab. Anal.
the anesthesia intensive care unit. Three 28:130–135, 2014. 
C 2014 Wiley Periodi-

groups of patients have been analyzed and cals, Inc.

compared: patients without signs of infec-
Key words: anesthesiology; hematology; flow cytometry

INTRODUCTION except for a study conducted on newborns by Nigro et al.

(18). State of the art is still the measurement of C-reactive
Sepsis is a common and severe disease in intensive care protein (CRP) and procalcitonine (PCT) for monitoring
units (ICUs), which is difficult to monitor and treat (1). patients with severe infections and sepsis (25, 26).
The identification of immature granulocytes (IGs) and
high-fluorescence lymphocyte cell (HFLC) with modern
hematological analyzers in cases of sepsis offers a new METHODS
possibility of monitoring sepsis. An increase in the IG First, a case description of a patient with sepsis is
count in this setting has also been reported by Ansari given and then a cohort of total 38 patients has been
et al. (2). Tests to measure parameters similar to the IGs
are also offered by other manufacturers (3). This topic
is of special importance given by the fact that sepsis is a Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version
of this article.
commonly critical and potentially curable disease in ICUs
∗ Correspondence to: Dr. Borros M. Arneth, Institute of Clinical Chem-
due to which many patients continue to die (4–15).
istry and Laboratory Medicine, Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital,
An immature leukocyte count obtained by using a mod- University of Technology, Fetscherstr. 74, 01307 Dresden, Germany.
ern hematological analyzer could provide a useful sepsis E-mail: [email protected]
marker. The principles of measuring immature leukocytes Received 31 October 2012; Accepted 4 June 2013
are described in the literature (16–24). However, these pa- DOI 10.1002/jcla.21656
rameters have not been measured during sepsis until now Published online in Wiley Online Library (

C 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
New Parameters of the Blood Cell Count and Sepsis 131



values / concentration


10 PCT [ng/ml]

CRP [mg/l]


Linear (Temperature)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


urinary tract infection sepsis

initial antibiosis antibiosis according
to the resistogram

Reference values
CRP <0.5 mg/L
PCT <0.5 ng/mL

Fig. 1. Case study of a patient who developed urosepsis from an ordinary urinary tract infection. Although the conventional parameters CRP
(∼200 mg/l), leukocytes (∼10 109 /l), and PCT (∼1 ng/l) did not show any change in response to the onset of sepsis, the new parameters derived
from blood cell counts, percentage of HFLC and IG, were significantly increased from day 7 onwards and dynamically reacted in response to
antibiotic therapy. CRP in milligram per liter reference range <0.5mg/l; PCT in nanogram per milliliter reference range <0.5 ng/l; leukocytes in
109 /l, reference range 3.8–9.8 . 109 /l.

analyzed retrospectively. Three different groups of STUDY POPULATION

patients have been analyzed: patients without signs of
Case Description
infection, patients with local infections, and patients with
sepsis. Sample collection was done in the anesthesia ICU The patient in the first case presented with the clini-
(ANE-ICU) under routine conditions in the morning 7–8 cal picture of sepsis was admitted to the ANE-ICU. This
a.m. at the first day after transfer of the patient to the patient developed a urosepsis secondary to an ordinary
ICU. Measurements were done on a Sysmex XE 5000 urinary tract infection. For the different parameters of
(Sysmex, Kobe, Japan) hematological analyzer in the lab- this patient, please see Figure 1. The patient came to the
oratory. The evaluation was done retrospectively since the hospital for standard surgery (tumor operation of a colon
parameters investigated here are not routine up until now. carcinoma) that was performed without any complica-
The study was approved by the local ethics committee. tions.

J. Clin. Lab. Anal.

132 Arneth et al.

HFLC# / [10 /l] IG/ [10 /l]
0.15 0.8

* 0.6 *
IG# 0.4

0.00 0.0

n-tIG# s-tIG# i-IG#


Fig. 2. This figure gives the key findings and demonstrates it in absolute cell counts. Differences in absolute amounts of HFLCs and absolute
amounts of IGs among patients with no infections (n, N = 22), patients with local infections (i, N = 10), and patients with sepsis (s, N = 6). All
of the patients with sepsis had elevated IG-cell counts, and two septic patients had increased HFLC counts. *Significant difference based on the
unpaired t-test (P < 0.01).

Based on microbiological evidence of sepsis, it was con- 2). Blood samples for the analysis of complete blood cell
cluded that the patient was infected with several bacterial count were obtained by venipuncture within the first 24
pathogens. These pathogens were later identified in the mi- hr of ICU admission. The blood samples were drawn
crobiological laboratory as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and into ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid tubes (Sarstedt,
extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) positive Es- Nümbrecht, Germany) and were transported to the
cherichia coli. As part of the immune response, the patient chemical and hematological laboratory department. All
also started to develop a proliferation of neutrophil gran- analyses were performed within 45–60 min after blood
ulocytes in the sense of a left shift, including immature sampling.
and adult leukocytes. These increases in immature blood
cell populations were compared to the classical inflamma-
Statistical Methods
tory serum parameters, CRP, and PCT, as well as to the
total white blood cell (WBC) count. All cell counts are Statistical calculations were performed with SPSS
measured on a Sysmex XE 5000 hematological analyzer. Statistics software (IBM, 2011) and with R-project soft-
ware. An unpaired Student’s t-test was used to test for
statistical differences.
Study Collective
To determine the clinical relevance of the new extended
blood cell count parameters in greater detail, HFLCs and
IGs were measured in the whole blood of 38 patients from Including the patient with urosepsis, the changes within
the ANE-ICU following surgical interventions, together the cellular parameters in detail, the HFLC and IG counts
with routine laboratory measurements. The results were were present before any changes in the cytokine levels were
collected and statistically analyzed retrospectively. Sys- measurable. Therefore, it is possible that cellular prolifer-
temic inflammatory host response (SIRS) was defined ac- ation occurs more quickly than any serum changes. Fig-
cording to the ACCP/SCCM consensus criteria (27) with ure 1 gives the different inflammatory values as CRP and
the presence of two or more of the following symptoms: PCT and the different cell counts in comparison for the
patient with urosepsis.
r Fever, with a body temperature of <38◦ C, or hypother- Figure 2 provides an overview of the results from this
mia, with a temperature <36◦ C. study. In patients without any signs of an additional
r Tachycardia, with a heart rate of <90 beats/min. infection (n = 22), the HFLC and IG counts were very
r Tachypnea, with a respiratory frequency of <20, or low. The reference range for both the HFLC and IG
hyperventilation (pCO2 < 4.3 kPa). and/or counts is <0.01 Gpt/l (<0.2%). For patients with local
r Leukocytosis (>12 Gpt/l) or leukopenia (<4 Gpt/l) or limited infections (n = 10), such as urinary tract infections
<10% bands or left shift. and infected wounds, these values increased slightly. In
contrast, IG values (absolute number and %) were greatly
SIRS is a precondition for the diagnosis of sepsis. Sepsis increased in all of the patients with sepsis (n = 6), two of
was defined as the presence of SIRS (condition 1) and whom had HFLC values that were also clearly increased.
an additional proven microbiological etiology (condition The changes in IG values between the patients without

J. Clin. Lab. Anal.

New Parameters of the Blood Cell Count and Sepsis 133

TABLE 1. Clinical Data to the Patients

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Number 10 22 6
Age [years] 56 58 63
Male 6 15 3
Female 4 7 3
Previous diseases with relation to Yes, patients are Yes, patients are postoperation Yes, patients are postoperation, and/or with
the actual hospitalization postoperation and/or with traumata traumata, and/or liver cirrhoses, and/or other
organ failures, and/or multiorgan failures
Clinical status Stable Stable Critical
Immature lymphocytesa n-HFLC i-HFLC s-HFLC
Immature granulocytesa n-IG i-IG s-IG

Group 1: Patients without signs of infections.

Group 2: Patients with local infections.
Group 3: Patients with sepsis.
a n-HFLC, i-HFLC, s-HFLC, n-IG, i-IG, s-IG, labeling according to Figure 2.

signs of an infection and the patients with sepsis were though the immature cell count differed significantly from
statistically significant (P < 0.01). These results suggest the established inflammatory markers CRP and PCT. Of
that the parameters of the newly extended blood cell note, the novel parameters were slower to normalize fol-
count could become the basis of novel approaches for lowing the initiation of antibiotic therapy, in contrast to
diagnosing and treating sepsis. The changes became more the rapid decrease in the serum markers of CRP and PCT.
extensive with the degree of disease. Patients with sepsis Even after the patient was discharged from the ICU to the
demonstrated higher values than patients with moderate regular floor, the immature cell count levels still had not
local infections who, in turn, had higher values than did decreased, whereas the inflammatory marker PCT had
those patients without any signs of infection. Table 1 already normalized. The present case revealed that the
gives an overview of the three different patient groups immature cells demonstrated a faster increase in number
investigated here: patients without signs of infection, compared to the older, more established cells; however, the
patients with local infections, and patients with sepsis. immature cells seemed to normalize much more slowly.

Discussion of the Group Analysis

In the present study, we determined that the increase in
Discussion of the Case Description: A Patient
the number of IGs, as measured by an XE 5000 hema-
with Urosepsis
tological analyzer, which reflects the number of circulat-
In this patient, the new parameters derived from the ing granulocyte precursors, was correlated with the onset
extended total blood cell count, that is, the immature cells of severe infection and sepsis. Main observation of the
(IGs and HFLCs), responded better to the therapy, in con- present study is the finding of significantly higher levels
trast to the established serum markers. The IG count was of IG and HFLC in septic patients. Both IGs and HFLCs
high over the entire clinical course (0.5–1 Gpt/l); however, are elevated in patients with sepsis compared to patients in
this parameter was responsive, as was the HFLC count. the ICU without any signs of infection (reference ranges
The HFLC count reacted quickly once antibiotic therapy for IG and HFLC counts: 0–0.01 Gpt/l). However, IGs
was initiated. In the example case, the routine determina- seem to be the more effective marker because their receiver
tion of immature cells in the whole blood of the patient operating curve has a larger area under it.
would have had significant advantages compared to the This finding seems logical because first these precursor
measurement of the established serum markers CRP and cells must form and then mature into adult cells, which in
PCT. Because the number of immature cells (IGs, HFLCs) turn can produce inflammatory markers. Once the cells are
increased very rapidly in whole blood, the diagnosis of the formed, they will remain in circulation and will be slower
reonset of the urinary tract infection and urosepsis would to disappear than cytokines. In contrast, the cytokine con-
have been possible much sooner using these novel parame- centrations can decrease again much more quickly and
ters. Furthermore, it would have been possible to treat this return to normal serum values.
septic patient much earlier with adequate antibiotics. In The increase in the number of IGs due to sepsis was
this specific case, the new parameters were beneficial, al- more significant than the increase in the number of

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134 Arneth et al.

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