Unit 2-Paper 1

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SL Paper 1

What is formed during transcription?

A. RNA strand complementary to DNA strand, formed by RNA polymerase

B. DNA strand complementary to DNA strand, formed by DNA polymerase
C. RNA strand complementary to RNA strand, formed by DNA polymerase
D. DNA strand complementary to RNA strand, formed by RNA polymerase

What is required to replicate DNA?

A. Temperature of 37 °C

B. Free nucleotides carrying A, C, G and T bases

C. Plasmids

D. Endonuclease

Research has shown that the genetic code is not entirely universal. Which research finding has shown this?

A. Some amino acids are coded for by more than one codon.
B. There are differences between the base sequences of genes in different species.
C. In some organisms the genetic code for mitochondria differs from the genetic code for the nucleus.
D. Some codons code for the addition of an amino acid and some code for the termination of translation.

Which of the following chemical elements are part of biochemical molecules in living organisms?

A. nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus and iron

B. lead, oxygen, carbon and phosphorus

C. helium, carbon, sulfur and nitrogen

D. silicon, helium, oxygen and iron

What property makes water an important coolant in the natural world?

A. It is cohesive.
B. It requires much energy to evaporate.
C. It has a lower temperature than blood.
D. It has a low specific heat.

For which discovery about DNA do Watson and Crick receive credit?

A. DNA is the molecule that genes are made of.

B. The amount of adenine equals the amount of thymine in an organism.

C. Phosphate–pentose bonding along the nucleotide backbone is covalent.

D. The shape of DNA is a double helix.

The image shows the structural formula of a molecule.

What is this molecule?

A. Amino acid
B. Ribose
C. Deoxyribose
D. Lactose

The image shows a DNA nucleotide.

Which correctly identifies the parts labelled I and II?

What is denaturation?

A. A structural change of a protein that results in the loss of its biological properties
B. A change in the genetic code of an organism
C. A change in the amino acid sequence of a protein causing a disruption of its 3D shape
D. The process by which amino acids are broken down and ammonia is released

How can the rate of photosynthesis be measured?

I. By the amount of oxygen produced

II. By the increase in biomass
III. By the amount of carbon dioxide produced

A. I only
B. I and II only
C. I and III only
D. I, II and III

What is a role of sulfur in living organisms?

A. Formation of proteins
B. Formation of carbohydrates
C. Formation of teeth
D. Transmission of nerve impulses

Which process produces the most ATP per molecule of glucose?

A. Anaerobic respiration in a yeast cell

B. Aerobic respiration in a bacterial cell
C. Glycolysis in a human liver cell
D. The formation of lactic acid in a human muscle cell

Which always contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen?

I. Carbohydrate

II. Protein

III. Fat

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III

What substance is produced from glucose during anaerobic respiration in all organisms?

A. Carbon dioxide
B. Ethanol
C. Lactate
D. Pyruvate

How does chlorophyll respond to the red, green and blue wavelengths in white light?

Which sequence shows increasing relative size?

Which carbon compound produced by living organisms is inorganic?

B. Cellulose
C. Glucose
D. Carbon dioxide

A short sequence of nucleotides reads GGACAGAGCGCAGACGA. In which type of molecule could this sequence be found?

A. DNA molecule only

B. RNA molecule only

C. Both in a DNA and an RNA molecule

D. In double-stranded DNA only

How many molecules of water are required to completely hydrolyse a polypeptide made up of 23 amino acids?

A. 11
B. 22
C. 23
D. 44

Between which atoms do hydrogen bonds form in water?

A. Oxygen and hydrogen atoms in the same water molecule

B. Oxygen and hydrogen atoms in different water molecules
C. Hydrogen atoms in the same water molecule
D. Oxygen atoms of different water molecules
Which is an effect of protein denaturation?

A. The order of amino acids is changed when the protein overheats.

B. The bonds between amino acids are broken by condensation.
C. Parts of the protein become linked together by hydrolysis.
D. The three-dimensional structure of the protein is altered.

Which are necessary to make DNA replication semi-conservative?

I. Separation of the strands by RNA polymerase

II. Complementary base pairing

III. Use of a pre-existing strand as a template

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III

What is a codon?

A. A sequence of nucleotides on rRNA that corresponds to an amino acid

B. A sequence of nucleotides on mRNA that corresponds to an amino acid
C. A sequence of nucleotides on tRNA that corresponds to an amino acid
D. A sequence of nucleotides on DNA that corresponds to an amino acid

The graph below shows the effect of substrate concentration on enzyme activity. What conclusion can be drawn about section X of the graph?

A. The enzyme has started to denature and the reaction slows down.
B. The reaction has finished and the substrate has been used up.
C. The enzyme is saturated and is working at its maximum reaction rate.
D. Some of the enzyme has been consumed and the reaction has reached a plateau. .
What is the difference between galactose and lactose?

A. Lactose is a disaccharide and galactose is a monosaccharide.

B. Lactose is the product of anaerobic respiration in humans and galactose is the product of anaerobic respiration in yeast.
C. Lactose is an enzyme and galactose is a hormone.
D. Galactose is a sugar found in milk but lactose is not found in milk.

How is oxygen produced during photosynthesis?

A. Water molecules are split with energy from ATP.

B. Water molecules are split with energy from light.
C. Carbon dioxide molecules are split with energy from ATP.
D. Carbon dioxide molecules are split with energy from light.

Which of the following processes produces CO2?

I. Glycolysis 
II. Alcohol (ethanol) fermentation 
III. Lactic acid production

A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II only
D. I, II and III

How does the proteome of a species contain a larger number of proteins than genes that code for these proteins?

A. Some proteins have more than one polypeptide chain.

B. There are genes that code for several proteins.

C. Not all proteins are coded for by the genome.

D. Some proteins are coded for by other proteins.

Water shows strong cohesive properties.  Which of the following can occur because of the cohesive properties of water?

A. Water can be pulled up a plant through the xylem.

B. Enzymes can react with their substrates in cells.
C. Sweating cools the body on a hot day.
D. Salt can dissolve in sea water.
What are the most frequently occurring elements in living organisms?

A. calcium, phosphorus, iron and sodium

B. calcium, sodium, nitrogen and phosphorus

C. carbon, phosphorus, oxygen and nitrogen

D. nitrogen, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen

What is the source of the oxygen released into the air as a product of photosynthesis?

A. Chlorophyll
B. Carbon dioxide only
C. Water only
D. Both water and carbon dioxide

A fever in a normally healthy adult during an illness is not usually a problem and can be regarded as a defence mechanism. However, a fever higher

than 41°C might be dangerous. What is the cause of the possible damage due to a high fever?

A. Loss of body mass

B. Muscle damage due to shivering
C. Overactive metabolic enzymes
D. Spread of infection

The diagram shows a dinucleotide.

Which type of bond is identified by the arrow?

A. Phosphate

B. Hydrogen

C. Covalent

D. Peptide

Which type of reaction is the breakdown of starch into sugars?

A. Denaturation
B. Reduction
C. Catabolic
D. Condensation

This is a sequence of nucleotides from a section of mRNA.


From which DNA sequence has it been transcribed?


What will be the sequence on the mRNA molecule that is produced when the DNA base sequence ACTGATGCC is transcribed?


Which of the following colours of light is absorbed the most by chlorophyll?

A. Blue
B. Green
C. Yellow
D. Orange

Which properties explain the ability of water to dissolve solutes?

I. Polarity of water molecules       
II. High specific heat capacity of water 
III. Hydrogen bonding

A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III

Which of these molecules is a disaccharide?

A. Galactose
B. Sucrose
C. Cellulose
D. Ribose

What links the pairs of complementary bases in a DNA double helix?

A. Covalent bonds
B. Hydrogen bonds
C. Ionic bonds
D. Peptide bonds

Meselson and Stahl conducted experiments using the isotopes 14N and 15N which showed that DNA replication is semi-conservative. What would

they have observed about the distribution of isotopes in the DNA after one round of replication if DNA replication was conservative rather than semi-


A. Only 14N DNA

B. Only 15N DNA

C. All DNA half 14N and half 15N

D. Half the DNA with only 14N and half with only 15N

Which molecule is a polysaccharide?

A. Cellulose

B. Fructose

C. Maltose

D. Sucrose
What process occurs when fatty acids combine with glycerol to make a triglyceride?

A. Condensation
B. Decarboxylation
C. Denaturation
D. Hydrolysis

What is a function of cellulose in plants?

A. To form a mesh of fibres in the cell wall

B. To prevent mineral ions from diffusing out of the cell
C. To prevent water loss
D. To capture blue and red light photons

In an experiment the effect of changing pH on an enzymatic reaction is tested. Which could be a dependent variable in this kind of experiment?

A. Changing substrate concentration

B. Rate of formation of product

C. Variation in temperature

D. Change in pH

What is the source of the oxygen released into the atmosphere in photosynthesis?

A. Glucose
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Chlorophyll
D. Water

How do cells capture the energy released by cell respiration?

A. They store it in molecules of carbon dioxide.
B. They produce glucose.
C. The energy is released as pyruvate.
D. They produce ATP.

Which are functions of lipids?

A. Hydrophilic solvent and energy storage

B. Hydrophobic solvent and membrane potential

C. Thermal insulation and energy storage

D. Thermal insulation and hydrophilic solvent

Which type of light is least useful for photosynthesis in terrestrial plants?

A. Blue
B. Green
C. White
D. Red

The diagram shows anaerobic respiration in yeast cells.

What would be produced at X?

B. Lactate
C. Ethanol and CO2
D. CO2 and H2O

The diagram shows part of a DNA molecule.

What type of bond does X represent?

A. Covalent bond
B. Hydrogen bond
C. Peptide bond
D. Semi-conservative bond

How is the information in the genetic code used?

A. To predict the genotype of gametes

B. To distinguish prokaryotic genomes from eukaryotic genomes

C. To deduce phenotypes in pedigree charts

D. To translate mRNA into polypeptides

A polymer of alpha-D-glucose found in plants has mostly 1,4 linkages and some 1,6 linkages. Which molecule fits this description?

A. Glycogen

B. Cellulose

C. Amylose

D. Amylopectin

What describes anaerobic cell respiration?

A. Glucose break down to pyruvate

B. Carbon dioxide fixation

C. No ATP formation

D. Occurs in the mitochondrion

The diagram shows a molecular structure.

Which type of molecule is shown?

A. Amino acid
B. Lipid
C. Carbohydrate
D. Nucleotide

Which pair of molecules are products of aerobic and anaerobic cell respiration in some organisms?

Which molecule can be hydrolyzed?

A. Glycerol

B. Maltose

C. Fructose

D. Galactose

The most abundant structural protein in the human body is found in ligaments and skin. What is the name of this protein?

A. Collagen

B. Hemoglobin

C. Myoglobin

D. Immunoglobulin

Which of the following is an organic compound made by all plants?

A. Carbon dioxide


C. Lactose

D. Oxygen
Which property of water accounts for its moderating effects on the Earth’s atmosphere?

A. Cohesive

B. Thermal

C. Transparency

D. Adhesive

Which of the following are connected by hydrogen bonds?

A. Hydrogen to oxygen within a molecule of water

B. Phosphate to sugar in a DNA molecule
C. Base to sugar in a DNA molecule
D. Hydrogen to oxygen between two different molecules of water

The percentage of thymine in the DNA of an organism is approximately 30 %. What is the percentage of guanine?

A. 70 %
B. 30 %
C. 40 %
D. 20 %

The Framingham heart study was an observational study that went on for 20 years. The following data were produced.

[Source: adapted from Gillman et al., Margarine intake and subsequent coronary heart disease in men.
Epidemiology, 1997 Mar; 8(2): 144–9]

Which conclusion can be drawn, based on these data?

A. It is better to eat margarine than to eat butter.

B. The more margarine consumed, the greater the incidence of coronary heart disease.

C. Butter is a natural product whereas margarine is hydrogenated vegetable oil that leads to coronary heart disease.
D. Margarine causes more heart related deaths than butter.

What is replicated by a semi-conservative process?

A. Messenger RNA (mRNA) only

B. Messenger RNA (mRNA) and transfer RNA (tRNA) only
C. Messenger RNA (mRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA) and DNA only
D. DNA only

The diagram shows the structure of palmitic acid.

What type of fatty acid is palmitic acid?

A. It is monounsaturated.

B. It is polyunsaturated.

C. It is saturated.

D. It is a trans-fatty acid.

What enables bacteria to produce human growth hormone?

A. DNA replication is semi-conservative.

B. The polymerase chain reaction can be used.
C. They need the hormone for growth.
D. The genetic code is universal.

Which variable has the least effect on enzyme activity?

A. Temperature
B. Light intensity
C. pH
D. Substrate concentration

This question refers to the following diagram of DNA.

What does the structure labelled Y represent?

A. Ribose
B. Thymine
C. Guanine
D. Deoxyribose

Which molecule is shown below?

A. Glucose
B. Galactose
C. Ribose
D. Sucrose

Which of the following is a function of cellulose in plants?

A. Storage of fat
B. Formation of mitochondria
C. Storage of energy
D. Formation of cell walls

A plant is exposed to increasing light intensity from very dim to bright light, while the carbon dioxide concentration and temperature are kept at an

optimum level. What will happen to the rate of oxygen production?

A. It will increase exponentially.

B. It will remain constant.
C. It will decrease to a minimum level.
D. It will increase to a maximum level.
What happens as an enzyme becomes denatured?

A. The enzyme works faster.

B. The enzyme works slower.
C. The enzyme can perform a new role.
D. The enzyme can make the reverse reaction proceed faster.

What is light energy used for in photolysis?

A. Formation of hydrogen and oxygen

B. Formation of carbon dioxide only

C. Formation of ATP and glucose

D. Formation of oxygen only

Which of the following is the best definition of cell respiration?

A. A process needed to use energy, in the form of ATP, to produce organic compounds
B. A process used to provide oxygen to the atmosphere
C. A controlled release of energy, in the form of ATP, from organic compounds in cells
D. A controlled release of energy in the production of food from organic compounds

What is a similarity between DNA and RNA?

A. Both are polymers of nucleotides.

B. Both are composed of antiparallel strands.
C. Both contain adenine, cytosine and thymine.
D. Both contain ribose sugar.

How can the activity of a human amylase enzyme be increased during a laboratory experiment?

A. Adding sugar to the mixture

B. Decreasing the pH from 7 to 3

C. Increasing the temperature from 20 °C to 37 °C

D. Adding water to the mixture

Which substance in prokaryotes contains sulfur?

B. Phospholipids
C. Proteins
D. Antibiotics

What property of water makes it a good evaporative coolant?

A. High latent heat of evaporation

B. Relatively low boiling point
C. Volatility
D. Transparency

What are these molecules?

What is a feature of shorter wavelength visible radiation?

A. It includes violet light.

B. It has less energy per photon than longer wavelengths.
C. It is absorbed by greenhouse gases.
D. It is reflected by chlorophyll.

How does an increase in temperature affect enzyme activity?

In enzyme experiments, the rate of enzyme activity often gradually decreases. What is most likely to cause this decrease?

A. The temperature decreasing

B. The enzyme concentration decreasing

C. The pH decreasing

D. The substrate concentration decreasing

This question refers to the following diagram of DNA.

What does the structure labelled X represent?

A. Hydrogen bond
B. Phosphate
C. Covalent bond
D. Base

Where in the cell do condensation reactions involving amino acids occur?

A. Nucleus
B. Golgi apparatus
C. Ribosomes
D. Lysosome
Which of the following is part of the process of cellular respiration?

A. Changes in the volume of the thoracic cavity

B. Exchange of gases across the surface of the alveoli
C. Exchange of gases across the surface of capillaries
D. Glycolysis

What contributes to the structure of an enzyme?

A. Sequence of bases linked by hydrogen bonds

B. Sequence of substrates linked by condensation reactions
C. Sequence of amino acids linked by peptide bonds
D. Sequence of polypeptides linked by hydrolysis reactions

What occurs during DNA replication?

A. DNA polymerase separates the two DNA strands.

B. DNA molecules containing nucleotides from the original molecule are produced.
C. Adenine forms a base pair with either thymine or uracil.
D. New bases attach to the original sugar-phosphate backbone.

Which process causes ADP to change to ATP?

A. Hydrolysis

B. Protein synthesis

C. DNA replication

D. Anaerobic cell respiration

Oxygen is produced during photosynthesis. What is the source of this oxygen inside the plant?

A. Air spaces in the leaf

B. Carbon dioxide

C. Glucose

D. Water

What is the relative wavelength in the visible spectrum of red light and blue light and are these colours absorbed or reflected by chlorophyll?
The graph shows the effect of increasing the substrate concentration on the rate of an enzyme-catalysed reaction. What is occurring during the phase

indicated by section Y of the graph?

A. The active site of the enzyme is saturated.

B. The enzyme becomes denatured.

C. The substrate concentration has risen too high.

D. The optimum rate is reached.

What are the effects of changing carbon dioxide concentration on the rate of photosynthesis?

I. At low and moderate carbon dioxide concentrations, decreases cause the rate of photosynthesis to fall.
II. At high carbon dioxide concentrations, increases do not alter the rate of photosynthesis.
III. At high carbon dioxide concentrations, increases cause the rate of photosynthesis to fall.

A. I only
B. I and II only
C. I and III only
D. III only
The diagrams show three representations of the structure of the same chemical substance.

What chemical substance is shown?

A. Ribose
B. Glucose
C. Fatty acid
D. Amino acid

The diagram shows a cycle of reactions that occurs in human liver cells.

Which term describes the overall reactions of this cycle?

A. Oxidation

B. Catabolism

C. Condensation

D. Metabolism

Which types of molecule are shown in the diagrams?

Which enzyme catalyzes the elongation of the leading strand?

A. RNA polymerase
B. Helicase
C. DNA polymerase
D. Ligase

Which describes these molecules correctly?

Which molecules form the nucleotide marked in the diagram?

A. phosphate, deoxyribose and nitrogenous base

B. phosphorus, ribose and nitrogenous base
C. phosphorus, deoxyribose and guanosine
D. phosphate, ribose and guanine
The graph below shows the effect of temperature on the separation of the strands in DNA to form single strands. The temperature at which 50% of the

DNA is single-stranded is called the melting temperature (TM).

What do the results show?

A. When the temperature reaches 85°C there are no more double-stranded DNA molecules.
B. When the temperature reaches 85°C the DNA strands start separating rapidly.
C. A TM of 85°C means that DNA is not stable at room temperature (25°C).
D. The separation of the DNA strands is directly proportional to the increase in temperature.

Which molecule could be hydrolysed into amino acids?

Which of the following graphs shows the relationship between substrate concentration and enzyme activity with a fixed concentration of enzyme?

The table shows the genetic code.

Which mRNA could code for the sequence Met-Ser-Leu-Arg-Phe?





Three flasks were prepared for an analysis of the activity of amylase. At time zero, each of the substances indicated in the diagrams was added.

Which flask(s) could provide support for the hypothesis that heat denatures enzymes?

A. Flasks I and II after 15 minutes

B. Flasks II and III after 15 minutes

C. Flasks I and III after 15 minutes

D. Flask III at time zero and again after 15 minutes

Which chemical is produced during both aerobic and anaerobic respiration in humans?

A. Carbon dioxide
B. Pyruvate
C. Water
D. Lactate

Cladograms can be created by comparing DNA or protein sequences. The cladogram on the left is based on DNA sequences and the cladogram on

the right is based on comparing protein sequences.

What is the reason that cladograms based on DNA sequences are more reliable predictors of the phylogenetic relationship of species than
cladograms based on protein sequences?

A. Amino acids are not as chemically stable as DNA nucleotides.

B. DNA mutates but amino acids do not.

C. Several different triplets of bases can code for the same amino acid.

D. There are 20 different amino acids but only 4 nucleotides.

The graph shows the changes in lactate and pyruvate measured in an athlete’s blood during and following a mild exercise period as compared to the

period before the exercise.

What do these curves suggest?

A. Before the exercise, there was no pyruvate produced because there was no cell respiration.

B. During the exercise, there was not enough oxygen available for cell respiration, so the process was partly anaerobic.

C. During the exercise, the level of lactate increased due to aerobic respiration.

D. After the exercise, the level of lactate decreased because there was enough pyruvate to be used for anaerobic cell respiration.

The diagram below shows a biochemical pathway in a yeast cell. Which of the following correctly identifies a compound in the diagram?
A. I is fat.
B. II is pyruvate.
C. III is lactate.
D. IV is carbon dioxide.

What sequence of processes is carried out by the structure labelled X during translation?

A. Combining with an amino acid and then binding to an anticodon

B. Binding to an anticodon and then combining with an amino acid
C. Binding to a codon and then combining with an amino acid
D. Combining with an amino acid and then binding to a codon

Which molecule diagram corresponds to the name?

The following diagram shows a short stretch of DNA. What bases are indicated by labels Y and Z?
The bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae causes infections related to the human reproductive system. The graph shows the percentage of samples in

which this bacterium showed resistance to six antibiotics over a period of ten years.
What is a possible explanation for the total percentage resistance being larger than 100% in 2010?

A. People do not take the antibiotics as prescribed.

B. More people have been sampled in that year.

C. There was an epidemic of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in that year.

D. Some bacteria are resistant to more than one antibiotic.

An experiment was set up so that each test tube contained water at a pH of 6.3 and a pH indicator. Test tubes 1 and 2 also contained a common pond

autotroph. Carbon dioxide dissolves in water and forms carbonic acid. After three days the four test tubes were found to have these results.

What conclusion can be drawn from test tube 1 and test tube 2?

Which sequence of bases and amino acids could be produced by transcription and translation

of the DNA molecule shown?

The fungus Rhytisma grows on the leaves of certain trees, causing a yellow leaf area in which chlorophyll is no longer present. A black, tar-like stain

later spreads out.

What happens in the leaf when Rhytisma is present?

I. An increase in the intake of carbon dioxide

II. A reduction in the production of oxygen

III. An increase in the loss of water

A. I only

B. II only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III

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