First Biology Exams

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Biology for MS, Joint Medicine Program, Palestinian Polytechnic University

Name: ………………………. First Hour Exam Time: 50 minutes Date: 22/10/2019

ID: ………………………….. Section 1 2 3 Instructor: Dr. Salamah Alwahsh 60 Points

I. Multiple choice questions. Select the most accurate answer (2 points/each)

1. The scientists (e.g., biologists) want to:

A. Observe
B. Understand
C. Test the hypothesis
D. Explain/ interpret the findings
E. All of the above
2. Glycogen, starch, and cellulose are examples of …………………
A. Disaccharide
B. Polysaccharide
C. Carbohydrate
D. All of the above
E. Both B and C

3. If Xenon has an atomic number of 54 and a mass number of 108, how many neutrons does
it have?
A. 54
B. 27
C. 58
D. 108
4. When acids are added to a solution, the pH should …………
A. decrease
B. increase
C. stay the same
D. cannot tell without testing
‫يعمل ك‬
5. A single-stranded nucleic acid molecule that serves as a template for protein synthesis
‫التسمية الثنائية‬
6. The binomial nomenclature system combines two names into one to give all species unique
scientific names. The two parts of a species name, in order, are the
A. kingdom and genus names
B. genus (capitalised) and specific epithet (species)
C. specific epithet and genus name
D. genus and family names

7. Breakdown of peptide bonds to produce single amino acids is aided by an enzyme called
A. pancreatic amylase C. nuclease
B. lipase D. peptidase

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8. Which of the following is NOT correct regarding enzymes and their regulation?
A. can use the transfer of protons or electrons to the reactants to modify the state of the reactants
B. function as catalysts by lowering the activation energy required to reach the transition state
C. are specific because their active site fits only specific substrate molecules
D. competitive inhibitors bind to the enzyme somewhere other than the active site, changing the
shape of the active site, and preventing substrate’s binding

9. The function of a protein is dependent on its three-dimensional structure. This structure

‫ يخرب‬can be disrupted, denaturing the protein. Denaturation could be caused by

A. the addition of a strong acid

B. the addition of a strong base
C. a significant increase in temperature
D. All of the above

10. A protein-digesting enzyme (e.g., pepsin) when mixed with starch solution would

A. produce amino acids

B. digest the starch
C. have no effect on starch
D. produce glucose

11. All organisms consist of cells, this is an example of

A. a hypothesis
B. a prediction
C. a theory
D. an experiment

12. Sulfanilamide blocks the bacterial enzymes that convert para-amino-benzoic acid to folic
acid thus killing them, Sulfanilamide is an example of
A. Competitive inhibitors
B. Noncompetitive inhibitors
C. feedback inhibition
D. antibiotics
E. Both A and D

13. Glycine (molecular weight 75), alanine and serine are three of the amino acids found in human
proteins. Amino acids can react together to form polypeptides. If four glycine molecules react
together to form a tetra-peptide, the relative molecular weight of the product would be
A. 189 C. 228
B. 246 D. 300

14. Fermentation method that can occur in animal skeletal muscles is?

A. Glycolysis, 2 ATP production, 2 pyruvate molecules, 2 NADH

B. Alcohol fermentation: NAD+ is regenerated as pyruvate is broken down to 2CO2 and 2 ethanol
C. Pyruvate to lactate, 2 NADH 2 NAD+
D. Both A and C

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15. The types of compounds that comprise ‫ يُش ّكل‬the major food groups include carbohydrates, fats
and proteins. A sample, containing only one of these three types of compounds, is analysed and
found to contain the following percentages ‫سب‬
َ ِ‫ ن‬by mass:
 Carbon 76.2%
 Oxygen 11.3%
 Nitrogen 0%
The compound is
A. is likely to be a fat
B. is likely to be a protein
C. is likely to be a carbohydrate
D. cannot be identified as the percentage composition of other elements has not been given

16. The most abundant ‫ بغزارة‬fibrous protein in the connective tissue in mammals such as skin,
tendons, bones, and teeth is:
A. elastin
B. collagen
C. fatty acids
D. keratin

17. In the pieces of double-stranded DNA shown below, the letters

A, C, G and T represent the bases adenine, cytosine, guanine
and thymine, respectively. Each vertical line ‫الخط العمودي‬
represents a sugar-phosphate backbone.
Which one of the following alternatives ‫البدائل‬correctly identifies
the DNA piece that is most readily ‫ بسهولة‬separated by heating,
and which strand has the highest molecular mass?
Piece most readily Strand of highest
separated by heating molecular mass
A. 1 X
B. 2 X
C. 2 W
D. 1 W

18. The actual order of the amino acids in the protein that is determined by DNA. This best
A. the primary structure of a protein
B. the secondary structure of a protein
C. the tertiary structure of a protein
D. the quaternary structure of a protein

19. In a double-stranded DNA sample, adenine constitutes ‫ يتكون من‬16% of the total number of
bases. The percentage of guanine content in the double strand is
A. 16%
B. 34%
C. 42%
D. 68%

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20. Which of the following is uncharacteristic of ATP?

A. It is formed by attaching a phosphate group to ADP with a high-energy bond

B. In most reactions involving ATP, only the outer, high-energy bond is hydrolized
C. It is a good long-term energy storage molecule
D. When dephosphorylated, ATP becomes ADP

21. Chemiosmosis involves ‫يشمل‬

A. the movement of electrons across the cell membrane

B. the movement of hydrogen atoms across a mitochondrial membrane
C. the movement of glucose through the cell membrane
D. the movement of hydrogen ions across a mitochondrial membrane

22. NAD+
A. is an enzyme
B. is a coenzyme
C. is an oxidizing agent
D. can carry two electrons
E. All of the above except A

II. Indicate whether the following sentences are True or False (1 point/each)

T F 1. Controlled experiment is one that tests experimental and control groups in parallel

T F 2. Living things are sensitive, meaning they are able to respond to stimuli

T F 3. All known living things use RNA as a hereditary molecule

T F 4. The smallest structural and functional unit of ‘living’ is the organelle

T F 5. The highest level of organisation (hierarchy) for germs like bacteria is an organ

T F 6. Enzymes are typically proteins (catalysts) that increase the rate of biochemical reactions

T F 7. A protein which is denatured has changed its shape

T F 8. A high thermal capacity means that any temperature rise is small in comparison with the amount
of heat absorbed. This helps to protect the cell against extremes of temperature

T F 9. Chymotrypsin and trypsin digest proteins in the small intestine, they are examples of extra-
cellular enzymes which do their work outside cells

T F 10. Antibiotic oligomycin inhibits cellular respiration by cytochrome c oxidase, a component of

the electron transport chain

III. Short answer questions (6 points)

1. What is the product of two turn of Krebs cycle that involves in glucose metabolism? (2

- 4 CO2 , 2 ATP
- 6 NADH , 2 FADH2

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2. What all amino acids have in common (backbone) and what makes one amino acid
different and unique from another amino acid? (1 point)

Backbone: NH2-CH-COOH (amine, alpha carbon, carboxyl group)

Uniqueness: —R group (side chain)

3. What is the source of oxygen that is used by cells in the electron transport chain of the
mitochondria? (1 point)

From breathing (alveoli cells  exchange with RBCs)  delivered to tissues by simple
diffusion, O2 reaches the mitochondria of cells.

C6H12O6 + O2  CO2 + H2O + ATP

4. The initial steps in breaking down glucose are called ………glycolysis……… (1 point)

5. Adenine of one DNA strand binds to Thymine of the complementary strand by …… two
hydrogen bonds ……, forming DNA double helix (1 point)

IV. Bonus question (2 points)

Triglycerides are an important source of energy in the body. During digestion, triglycerides are broken
down in the small intestine by the enzyme lipase. An incomplete chemical equation that shows the
hydrolysis of a triglyceride is shown below.

i. ……………..………… + ii …………….…………….

1. In the spaces provided above, balance the equation by adding appropriate coefficients for
product i and product ii (1point)
3 CH3(CH2)16COOH (fatty acids) 2+ …. C3H8O3 (Glycerol) only one molecule

2. What is the name of 18 carbon fatty acid? ……stearic acid ……..

Good Luck

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Biology for MS, Joint Medicine Program, Palestinian Polytechnic University

Name: ………………………. First Hour Exam Time: 50 minutes Date: 22/10/2020

ID: ………………………….. Section 1 2 3 Instructor: Dr. Salamah Alwahsh 60 Points

I. Multiple choice questions. Select the most accurate answer (2 points/each)

1. Cellulose are examples of …………………

A. Branched fibrous molecule
B. Polysaccharide
C. β(14) glycosidic bond
D. Both B and C
E. All of the above

2. Primary protein structure is degraded into its monomers by

A. Heating at 65ºC C. adding nuclease E. Both A and C
B. adding lipase D. adding peptidase

3. Amylopectin has similar characteristic like glycogen in which of the following

A. Both are made of amino acids
B. Both are unbranched polymers
C. Both are present in animal cells
D. Both are energy storage molecules
E. Choices A, B, and C
F. None of the above

4. Glycine (molecular weight 75), alanine and serine are three of the amino acids found in human
proteins. Amino acids can react together to form polypeptides. If four glycine molecules react
together to form a tetra-peptide, the relative molecular weight of the product would be
A. 189 C. 225
B. 246 D. 207

5. The most abundant ‫ بغزارة‬fibrous protein in the connective tissue in mammals such as skin,
tendons, bones, and teeth is:
A. elastin C. collagen
B. fatty acids D. keratin

6. Stearic acid is
A. an amino acid
B. an 18 carbon monounsaturated fatty acid
C. an 18 carbon saturated fatty acid
D. solid at room temperature and may had adverse effect of health
E. Both C and D
F. Both B and D

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7. A piece of double-stranded DNA, which is 200 base pairs in length, contains 50 adenine
bases. The number of guanine content in the double-strand is
A. 50
B. 100
C. 150
D. 75

8. Which one of the following statements about proteins is NOT correct?

A. The activity of a protein may be affected by the temperature and pH of its environment
B. The tertiary structure of a protein refers to its three-dimensional protein shape
C. Proteins are involved in the human immune response
D. A protein with a quaternary structure will be an enzyme
E. All of the above

9. Which of the following definitions is the least correct?

A. apoptosis: increase in cell division
B. condensation: removing of water during polymerisation
C. denaturation: degraded the peptide bond in a protein
D. elongation: adding a nucleotide to the 3’ of the nucleic acid strand
E. Both A and C
F. Both B and D

10. Translation of the genetic code occurs in the ……………. of a cell

A. cytosol
B. nucleus
C. plasma membrane
D. nucleolus

11. Plants growing in soil with low levels of nitrogen may be unable to produce sufficient
molecules of
A. ribonucleic acids
B. triglycerides
C. cellulose
D. maltose

12. The endomembrane system includes

A. mitochondria
B. peroxisomes
C. nucleolus
D. centrioles
E. none of these

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13. All specialised cells that secrete protein molecules

A. have a rigid cell wall

B. contain functional chloroplasts
C. contain numerous lysosomes and peroxisomes
D. have an extensive rough ER and Golgi apparatus
E. All choices except D

14. The disease sickle cell anaemia is marked by the presence of an abnormal protein in …………
chains of the hemoglobin. The 6th position in the normal protein chain is occupied by the amino
acid ……………... which is replaced by ……………… the HbS. This is the only difference
between the two protein chains.
A. alpha, glutamic acid, valine
B. beta, glutamic acid, valine
C. beta, valine, glutamic acid
D. alpha, valine, glutamic acid

15. Aspirin can be produced by means of a reaction in which

salicylic acid is one of the reagents. The structures of aspirin
and salicylic acid are shown below
Which of the following sentences is NOT correct?
A. Aspirin is a compound widely used as a painkiller and to
relieve the symptoms of fever
B. Aspirin contains both an ester and a carboxylic acid functional group
C. Aspirin can undergo an acid-base reaction with NaHCO3
D. Aspirin contains both an ester and a hydroxyl functional group
E. Aspirin may be prepared by reaction between salicylic acid and CH3COOH

16. Eukaryotic cells have membrane-bound organelles that result in the formation of
compartment-like structures. This is useful for a cell because it
A. enables particular molecules to selectively enter and exit the cell
B. maintains complete isolation of the nucleus from the cytosol
C. provides a structural network that acts to support the cell
D. creates a variety of intracellular environments (compartmentalise areas to facilitate reactions
and processes)
17. The side chains of amino acids that are embedded in the interior portion of a membrane
are best characterized as ………..…, and their tunnel portion contains ………… R group
A. hydrophilic, hydrophilic
B. hydrophobic, hydrophilic
C. acidic, hydrophilic
D. polar, hydrophobic
E. basic, hydrophobic

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18. Which of the following is NOT correct regards intercellular junctions?

A. cell junctions are found in adjacent cells of animal tissues

B. tight junctions prevent leakage of extracellular fluid across a layer of epithelial cells, e.g., in the
C. adherent (anchoring) junctions fasten cells together into sheets (continuous band around the
D. gap junctions (connexons) are channels that allow molecules to flow between cells
E. None of these

19. Which of the following is NOT correct regards cellular structures and their functions

A. peroxisomes: protein synthesis and glycosylation

B. lysosome: communication between cells, binding cells to for tissues
C. cell wall: movement of organelles/ vesicles within the cell, and cell movement
D. rough ER: lipid synthesis, detoxification of alcohol and xenobiotic in the liver, and Ca storage
E. All of the above

20. What occurs when phospholipid is synthesized?

A. One fatty acid and one glycerol molecule are hydrolysed

B. Three fatty acid molecules combine with a molecule of glycerol to produce a molecule of fat
plus three molecules of water
C. Two fatty acid molecules, a phosphate and R group combine with a molecule of glycerol to
produce a phospholipid molecule plus water
D. One fatty acid and one glycerol molecule are condensed
E. All bonds between the carbon atoms in the hydrocarbon chain become single bonds

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II. Indicate whether the following sentences are True or False (1 point/each)

T F 1. All known living things use DNA as a hereditary molecule

T F 2. A protein which is denatured has lost its 3D conformation

T F 3. In multicellular organism, cell lining the respiratory tract have cilia to sweep the mucus out

T F 4. An organelle is the smallest structural and functional unit of ‘living’

T F 5. Large hydrophilic molecules cannot easily cross a plasma membrane due to the presence of

T F 6. Many cell organelles are connected through the endomembrane system in the prokaryotic cell

T F 7. In bacterial tissues, extracellular matrix (ECM) helps in holding cells together and protects and
supports the plasma membranes

T F 8. Integrins are integral proteins that connect the cytoskeleton of the cell with the ECM (collagen
fibers, fibronectin)

T F 9. Chaperones are cytoplasmic proteins are found in the rough ER that guide proper folding of new

T F 10. The nucleotide is a very basophilic or electron-dense area of chromatin localized where rRNA
transcription and ribosomal subunits assembly occur

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III. Short answer questions (10 points)

1. Draw the linear form of the galactose and fructose (2 points)

Galactose Fructose

2. Give one example of female steroid hormone? (1 point)

Estradiol/ estrogen

3. Cytosine of one DNA strand binds to purines (……………) of the complementary strand
by …… three hydrogen bonds ……, forming DNA double helix (1 point)

4. Give one example for one basic amino acid and one for an acidic amino acid (1 point)

Lysine, Glutamic acid

5. Chitin is a structural polysaccharide that’s made of ……. N-acetylglucosamine ……
monomers (1 point)

6. The cytoskeleton is composed of three kinds of fibers, mention them (3 points)

Microfilaments (actin filaments) support the cell’s shape and are involved in the motility
Intermediate filaments reinforce cell shape and anchor organelles
Microtubules (made of tubulin) give the cell rigidity and act as tracks for organelle movement

7. Chromatin is the combination of …………………………………………. (1 point)

DNA and its associated proteins

IV. Bonus question (2 points)

1. What is the general formula for 15-C saturated fatty acid? (C H O ) 15, 30, 2

2. When 5 glucose molecules are joined together, what is the chemical formula for the
resultant oligo saccharide? (C H O ) C30H52O26

Good Luck

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Biology for Medical Students, Program of Medicine, Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU)

Name: ………………………. First Hour Exam Time: 60 minutes Date: 22/10/2021

ID: ………………………….. Section 1 2 3 4 Instructor: Dr. Salamah Alwahsh 30 Points

I. Multiple choice questions. Select the most accurate answer (1 point/each)


1. Human beings reproduce. This means

A. total number of species, the variability of their genes, and the ecosystems in which they live
B. they create a copy of themselves and assure the continuance of the species
C. ability to carry out all biochemical processes
D. increasing of cell size and cell number

2. Which is the unit of life which is made up of cells of one type performing a specific function?
A. A cell
B. A tissue
C. An organ
D. An organelle

3. The atomic number and the atomic mass of an element:

A. Do not count the weight of electrons
B. Both include the weight of the electrons, but only the atomic number includes the number of neutrons
C. Both include the weight of the protons of the element
D. Are actually the same thing

4. The bond that forms when a hydrogen atom (in one molecule) attaches to an nitrogen atom
(of another molecule) is called:
A. Sharing of electrons between two hydrogen atoms
B. A non-polar bond
C. A polar bond
D. A hydrogen bond

5. Which of the following is NOT correct?

A. The most basic unit of life is an organ
B. The cell membrane is permeable to all molecules
C. The molecule on which an enzyme acts on is called a product
D. The DNA can move from the nucleus into the cytoplasm to direct protein translation
E. All of the above

6. A water molecule is polar due to the presence of

A. An ionic bond
B. Oxygen
C. Carbon attached to a hydrogen
D. Too many electrons in its outer shell

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7. All of the following are examples of positive feedback mechanism EXCEPT ‫ما عدا‬
A. Blood clot
B. Ovulation
C. Blood glucose levels and osmoregulation
D. Sexual intercourse/ copulation ‫الجماع‬

8. A monounsaturated hydrocarbon has

A. alcohol groups C. no double bonds
B. more than one double bonds D. one double bond

9. Many cells have a cell wall, but animal cells do not. Why might this be?
A. Because animal cells only exist in the multicellular form
B. Because animal cells do not need structural support
C. Because animal cells are capable of movement
D. Because animal cells can control osmotic pressure

10. Which of the following statements best describes homeostasis?

A. Dynamic equilibrium
B. Keeping the body in a fixed and unaltered state
C. Maintaining a near-constant internal environment
D. Altering the external environment to accommodate the body's needs


11. A protease (also called a peptidase or proteinase) is an enzyme that catalyzes

A. breaking down of triacylglycerol
B. synthesis of polypeptide
C. breaking down of glycogen
D. proteolysis

12. The formula of a di-saccharide formed from glucose molecules is

A. C6H10O5 C. C12H24O12
B. C12H22O11 D. C12H22O10

13. A piece of double-stranded DNA (ds-DNA), which is 200 base pairs in length, contains 30 ‘T’
bases in each complementary strand. The number of ‘C’ content in the ds-DNA is
A. 70 B. 140 C. 200 D. 120

14. Plants growing in soil with low levels of nitrogen may be unable to produce sufficient
molecules of
A. Triglycerides C. cellulose
B. ribonucleic acids D. maltose

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15. Cellulose are examples of …………………
A. unbranched structural, fibrous, molecule
B. Polysaccharide
C. β(14) glycosidic bond
D. Both B and C
E. All of the above

16. What would be the sequence of bases of an mRNA molecule that was transcribed from the
sequence of DNA bases shown below?

17. Which statement about the structure of DNA and RNA is CORRECT?
A. DNA nucleotides contain phosphate groups and RNA nucleotides do not
B. DNA is a non-polar molecule and RNA is a polar molecule
C. DNA uses cytosine nucleotides and RNA does not
D. DNA contains nitrogen atoms and RNA does not
E. DNA contains a different sugar group than RNA

18. The side chains of amino acids that are embedded in the interior portion of a membrane are
best characterized as …………, and their tunnel portion contains ………… R group
A. hydrophilic, hydrophilic
B. hydrophobic, hydrophilic
C. acidic, hydrophilic
D. polar, hydrophobic

Part III: A TOUR in the CELL

19. Which statement is CORRECT?

A. Some viruses have elaborate (rich) cell structures
B. The nucleus is present in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, but not in viruses
C. Ribosomes are present in eukaryotes, but not in prokaryotes or viruses
D. Some eukaryotes are unicellular

20. Which of the following would be found within an autotrophic eukaryotic cell (and not a
heterotrophic eukaryotic cell)?
A. Mitochondria D. Ribosomes
B. Rough endoplasmic reticulum E. Chlorophyll
C. Nucleus

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21. A cell that functions primarily to secrete proteins will contain a large amount of
A. Mitochondria D. Golgi complex
B. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum E. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
C. Choices A, D, and E

22. Centrioles
A. are a very important part of centrosomes
B. are only found in the cytoplasm of animal cells
C. are made up of nine triplets bundles of microtubules
D. occur as paired cylindrical self-replicating structures which are involved in organizing microtubules
E. All of these

23. Examine the following cell.

Based on the internal structure, the cell is likely to

A. be a cheek epithelial cell

B. be a mature red blood cell (RBC)
C. require high levels of oxygen
D. produce high levels of sugars

24. Which of the following is NOT correct. The nuclear envelope

A. is a double membrane
B. surrounds chromatin / chromosome in prokaryotes
C. has pores that allow material to flow in and out of the nucleus
D. The outer leaflet of the envelope is attached to a network of cellular membranes called the endoplasmic

25. Cilia and flagella move when ……………… bend ‫يتحرك‬/‫ينثني‬

A. actin filaments C. intermediate filaments

B. microtubules D. microvilli

26. The method of movement across a membrane of a molecule from a region of low
concentration to a region of high concentration is called:
A. Passive transport C. Osmosis
B. Facilitated diffusion D. Active transport

27. Phalloidin is a toxin made by dead cap mushroom. The toxin binds to actin monomers
(subunits) and disrupts actin filaments. The structure would be most directly affected by
phalliodin is ……………..
A. microfilaments C. intermediate filaments, e.g., keratin
B. microtubules D. collagen fibers

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II. Short answer questions (3 pts)

1. The ending that indicates the molecule is an enzyme is …… ase…………… (0.5 pt)

2. Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have (1 pt)

i. ………………………………………………. a plasma membrane
ii. ……………………………………………… one or more chromosomes and ribosomes

3. A ……………….lysosome is a membranous sac containing potent enzymes that help in digesting

materials/bacteria that is engulfed by the cell. The membrane serves to safely isolate these enzymes
from the rest of the cell. (0.5 pt)
4. Cilia and flagella move by bending motor proteins called …………….. dynein feet (0.5 pt)

5. Formation of polypeptide leads to release of water. This reaction is called …dehydration……… (0.5 pt)

Bonus (3 points)

1. The diagram shows a cross

section of part of the
plasma membrane of a
typical mammalian cell.
The substances labelled X
and Y are about to be
transported across the
membrane in the
directions shown by the
arrows ().

i. What is the chemical composition of structure A? (1 pt)

Chemical composition (any of):
phospholipid bilayer.

ii. Explain how the chemical composition of structure A facilitates its role. (1 pt)
Appropriate explanations included:
the hydrophilic head and the hydrophobic tail allow the passage of lipid soluble molecules
it is flexible, to form vesicles
it forms a waterproof barrier

2. ……………….. centromeres contain DNA sequences required for the segregation ‫ فصل‬of
chromosomes in meiosis and mitosis (1 pt)

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