EPHYS 11 Lab 5 Procedure

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Republic of the Philippines


La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.wvcst.edu.ph • FB Fanpage: WVCSTInfocus

College of Arts and Sciences

Natural Science Department
EPhys 11
Physics for Engineers

Laboratory Activity No. 5

Reflection and Refraction

Program & Section: Group No.:

Members :

Group/Member Rating:

Criteria Exceptional (9-10) Satisfactory (5-8) Unsatisfactory (1-4) Rating

Laboratory Experiment (Report) - 50%

Several data and results
One of the data and results
represented in graphs and
Data and results reflected in the represented in graphs and
tables are inaccurate, and
report were accurate, and met tables is inaccurate, but
Data, Results, do not meet theories and
theories and principles, and most still meet theories and principles. Required
and represented appropriately in principles involved. computations were
Computations graphs and tables. Required Required computations complete but not
computations were complete, were complete and accurate. The order of
accurate and in sequential order. accurate but not in computations was not
sequential order sequential.
Trends or patterns in the data and A trend or pattern in the Some trends or patterns
results obtained were described data and results obtained in the data and results
logically. was described illogically. obtained were described
The relationship between the The relationship between The relationship between
variables is discussed and the variables was the variables was
trends/patterns were logically discussed and discussed but no patterns,
Discussion/ analyzed. Predictions were made trends/patterns logically trends or predictions were
Analysis about what might happen if part of analyzed. made based on the data.
the lab were changed or how the
experimental design could be
Conclusion included whether the Conclusion included Conclusion included what
findings met the objectives, even whether the findings met was learned from the
Conclusion possible sources of error, and the objectives, and what experiment.
what was learned from the was learned from the
experiment. experiment.
Report was written neatly
Report was written neatly
Report was written neatly and and organized. But there
and organized. There were
Presentation of organized. There were borders were no borders provided
borders on each page but
Report provided for each page. No for each page. Several
an erasure was seen on
erasure was seen on the report. erasures were seen on
one page of the report. the report.

Total Score
Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.wvcst.edu.ph • FB Fanpage: WVCSTInfocus

College of Arts and Sciences

Natural Science Department
EPhys 11

Criteria Exceptional (5) Satisfactory (3-4) Unsatisfactory (1-2) Rating

Practical Lab Exam - 10%

Students carried out the The students carried out The students carried out
procedure very well. the procedure well. They the procedure fairly. They
Performance Students employed showed very satisfactory showed poor satisfactory
excellent techniques in techniques in doing the techniques in doing the
doing the task. task. task.
Students observed the safety The students missed one The students carried out the
rules all the time. Students safety rule during the procedure fairly with
exercised extra care in conduct of the experiment. occasional attention given to
handling and using Students were somehow safety. They showed
equipments and apparatuses. careful in using and satisfactory techniques in
Students did outstanding jobs handling equipments and doing the task. Occasionally,
Safety Practice in cleaning the work area, and apparatuses. They did a students did not observe
made appropriate turnover of good job in cleaning the safety in using and handling
everything borrowed to the working area, and made equipments and apparatuses.
stockroom personnel. turnover of everything The students were not able to
borrowed to the stockroom thoroughly clean their working
personnel. area, but made turnover of
everything borrowed to the
stockroom personnel.

Total Score

Criteria Exceptional (5) Satisfactory (3-4) Unsatisfactory (1-2) Rating

Work Attitude - 10%

The students focused on The students used their The students did the activity but
the activity and used their time well finishing the task did not appear very interested.
time well in the laboratory on time and stayed They lost focus on several
finishing the task earlier. focused on the task most of occasions. The students appeared
Participation Students were very the time. The students cooperative but were not
cooperative and showed were cooperative, courteous and respectful toward
a high degree of courtesy courteous, and respectful others in decision making,
and respect to group with groupmates when formulating ideas and gathering
mates when sharing sharing ideas. data.
Students filled out Students filled out Students filled out the requisition
requisition slips ahead of requisition slips ahead of slip during the schedule.
Promptness schedule and submitted it schedule but only
before the schedule. submitted it during the

Total Score
Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.wvcst.edu.ph • FB Fanpage: WVCSTInfocus

College of Arts and Sciences

Natural Science Department
EPhys 11

Laboratory Activity No. 5

Reflection and Refraction

● To verify the law of reflection and examine reflection by plane and spherical mirrors
● To determine the index of refraction of a glass and examine refraction by thin lenses

Part A and B of this activity will experimentally confirm the Law of Reflection and examine reflection by flat and
curved surfaces using a ray optics kit, basic optics light source and ray optic table. Part C will apply Snell’s Law of refraction
to experimentally determine the index of refraction of lenses.

Ray Optics Kit Basic Optics Light Source Ray Table

Part A: Law of Reflection
1. Plug in the light source to turn it on, and then turn the wheel on the front of the light source so that a single light
ray is emitted. Place the light source flat on the lab table.
2. Place the ray table in front of the light source so it is not more than 10 cm from the light source, and then adjust
the position of the ray table so that the single light ray crosses the exact center of the ray table (along the “normal”

Figure 5.1 Experimental Set up.

3. Set the three-way mirror in the marked outline on the ray table (See Figure 5.1, mirror instead of the D-shaped
lens) with the center of the mirror (either flat, concave or convex) coincident with the center of the ray table along
the normal line. Try with a flat surface first.
4. Rotate the ray table so the light ray is incident on the surface with an angle of 10° to the normal. Use the degree
scale on the ray table to determine the incident angle and measure the angle of reflection. Record both angles in
Table 5.1.
5. Repeat step 4 two more times using two different incident angles.
6. Calculate the percent difference between the incident and reflected angles.
% 𝐷𝑖𝑓𝑓 = 𝑥 100
Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.wvcst.edu.ph • FB Fanpage: WVCSTInfocus

College of Arts and Sciences

Natural Science Department
EPhys 11

Part B: Reflection by Concave and Convex Mirror

1. Plug in the light source to turn it on, and then turn the wheel on the front of the light source so that parallel light
rays are emitted. Place the light source flat on the lab table.
2. Place the ray table in front of the light source so it is not more than 10 cm from the light source, and then adjust
the position of the ray table so that one of the parallel light rays crosses the exact center of the ray table (along
the “normal” line).
3. Set the three-way mirror in the marked outline on the ray table with the center of the concave mirror coincident
with the center of the ray table along the normal line.
4. Draw how the rays are reflected. Include the incident rays and the curved surface.
5. Describe how the rays are reflected. Write this in your observation.
6. Repeat steps 1 to 4 with a convex surface.

Part C: Snell’s Law of Refraction

1. Plug in the light source to turn it on, and then turn the wheel on the front of the light source so that a single light
ray is emitted. Place the light source flat on the lab table.
2. Place the ray table in front of the light source so it is not more than 10 cm from the light source, and then adjust
the position of the ray table so that the single light ray crosses the exact center of the ray table (along the “normal”
3. Set the D-shaped lens in the marked outline on the ray table, with the frosted side of the lens down, against the
ray table. See Figure 5.1.
4. Rotate the ray table so the light ray enters the lens at the center of its flat surface with an incident angle of 10°.
Use the degree scale on the ray table to determine the incident angle and measure the incident and refraction
angles. Record both angles in Table 5.2.
5. Rotate the ray table to increase the incident angle by 15° so the light ray enters the lens at the center of its flat
surface with an incident angle of 25°. Measure and record the new incident and refraction angles in Table 5.2.
6. Repeat step 5 for another three additional 15°-increased in the incident angle. Measure and record the new
incident and refraction angles in Table 5.2.
7. Calculate the sine of the incident angle θ1 and refraction angle θ2 for each trial. Record your results into Table 5.2.
8. Plot a graph of sin θ1 versus sin θ2 in the blank Graph 5.1 axes below. Be sure to label both axes with the correct
scale and units (if any). Draw a line of best fit through your data in Graph 5.1 and determine and record the
equation of the line here:
9. Use the slope from the best fit line to determine an experimental value for the index of refraction n2 of the
D-shaped transparent material:
slope = where n1 = 1.00 (index of refraction for air)

Index of Refraction n2:

10. Below is a list of refractive indices for common materials. Use this table and your experimental value for the index
of refraction to determine a potential candidate for your transparent material. Calculate the percent error between
your experimental value and the index of refraction value of your candidate.
% 𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 = 𝐴𝑉
𝑥 100
Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.wvcst.edu.ph • FB Fanpage: WVCSTInfocus

College of Arts and Sciences

Natural Science Department
EPhys 11

Part D: Refraction by Converging and Diverging Lenses

1. Plug in the light source to turn it on, and then turn the wheel on the front of the light source so that parallel light
rays are emitted. Place the light source flat on the lab table.
2. Place the ray table in front of the light source so it is not more than 10 cm from the light source, and then adjust
the position of the ray table so that one of the parallel light rays crosses the exact center of the ray table (along
the “normal” line).
3. Set the concave lens in the marked outline on the ray table with the center of the concave lens coincident with the
center of the ray table along the normal line.
4. Draw how the rays are refracted. Include the incident rays and the lens shape.
5. Describe how the rays are refracted. Write this in your observation.
6. Repeat steps 1 to 4 with a convex lens.

Data and Results

Table 5.1 Law of Reflection

Flat Mirror (Surface) Angle of Incidence Angle of Reflection % DIfference

Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3

Table 5.2 Snell’s Law of Refraction

Trial Angle of Incidence Angle of Refraction Sin 𝜽1 Sin 𝜽2

Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.wvcst.edu.ph • FB Fanpage: WVCSTInfocus

College of Arts and Sciences

Natural Science Department
EPhys 11

Graph 5.1 sin θ1 versus sin θ2

sin θ1

sin θ2
Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.wvcst.edu.ph • FB Fanpage: WVCSTInfocus

College of Arts and Sciences

Natural Science Department
EPhys 11

Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.wvcst.edu.ph • FB Fanpage: WVCSTInfocus

College of Arts and Sciences

Natural Science Department
EPhys 11





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