SCOTUS On National Guard FLRA Case
SCOTUS On National Guard FLRA Case
SCOTUS On National Guard FLRA Case
No. 21–1454
Enacted in 1978, the FSLMRS establishes a comprehen-
sive framework governing labor-management relations in
federal agencies. It secures the right of “[e]ach employee”
“to form, join, or assist any labor organization, or to refrain
from any such activity, freely and without fear of penalty or
reprisal.” §7102. And, it further guarantees that “each em-
ployee shall be protected in the exercise of such right.” Ibid.
To that end, the FSLMRS provides for collective bargaining
between federal agencies and their employees’ unions, and
it bars each from committing unfair labor practices. See
§§7102(2) and 7116(a)–(b). For example, an agency may not
“interfere with, restrain, or coerce any employee in the ex-
ercise by the employee of any right under” the Statute; “re-
fuse to consult or negotiate in good faith with a labor organ-
ization as required by” the Statute; or “otherwise fail or
refuse to comply with any provision of ” the Statute.
§§7116(a)(1), (5), (8).
The Statute creates the FLRA and tasks it with adminis-
tering this framework, including by investigating and adju-
dicating labor disputes. §7105(a)(2)(G); see also §§7104 and
7118(a)(1). It provides that the FLRA’s general counsel
“shall investigate” a charge against “any agency or labor or-
ganization” and, if warranted, may issue a complaint call-
ing for a hearing before the FLRA. §§7118(a)(1)–(2). The
FLRA is then responsible for “conduct[ing] hearings and re-
solv[ing such] complaints.” §7105(a)(2)(G). If the FLRA de-
termines that an agency or a union has engaged in an un-
fair labor practice, it “may require” the entity “to cease and
desist from violations of [the Statute] and require it to take
any remedial action it considers appropriate.” §7105(g)(3).
This case concerns the Statute’s application to a unique
category of federal civil-service employees: dual-status
technicians working for the State National Guards. These
Cite as: 598 U. S. ____ (2023) 3
It is so ordered.
Cite as: 598 U. S. ____ (2023) 1
No. 21–1454