Surgical Classification
Surgical Classification
Surgical Classification
Preoperative care: Care given before surgery when physical and psychological preparations are made for
the operation, according to the individual needs of the patient. The preoperative period runs from the time
the patient is admitted to the hospital or surgery center to the time that the surgery begins.
The wide variety of nursing functions associated with the patient’s surgical management. Perioperative
Nursing is the care of a client or patient before, during, and after and operation. It is a specialized nursing
area wherein a registered nurse works as a team member of other surgical health care professionals.
A. Surgical Classification:
• According to PURPOSE
Example: These includes skin graft, plastic surgery, scar revisions. These are done to
restore function to traumatized or malfunctioninig tissue and to improve self-concept.
➢ PALLIATIVE – to relieve distressing sign and symptoms, not necessarily to cure the
• According to URGENCY
❖ Teeth Extraction
❖ Circumcision
❖ Vasectomy
❖ Cyst Removal
❖ Tubal Ligation
❖ Obesity
❖ Poor Nutrition
❖ Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances
❖ Age
❖ Presence of Disease (Cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease)
❖ Concurrent or Prior Pharmacotherapy
- Nature of condition
- Location of condition
- Magnitude/urgency of the surgery
- Mental attitude of the patient
- Caliber of the health care team.