Perioperative Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
2. Retractors
→ Graspers → Exposing instruments
• Holding instruments → Self-retaining retractor - has screws and lock; screws
• Thumb forcep - tiyani na walang ngipin; are counted
o for delicate tissues • Balfour
o Used for peritoneum
• Babcock
o Used for tubular organs: ureter, vas deferens,
fallopian tube, appendix • Weitlaner
o For delicate
• Allis
o Used for fascia and skin, tendons and
ligaments → Non-self-retaining - no screws; manual retraction is
o For tough needed
• Army-Navy
• Tissue forces
o For tough
→ Clamps
• In the absence of a grasper, clamp is used
• Occluding instruments; stops bleeding
• AKA hemostat
• Mosquito - small; fully serrated
• Deaver
→ Hysterectomy
Upper Midline Incision
→ Gastrectomy and Exploratory laparotomy
Thoracolumbar Incision
→ Slanted is more often used because it can expose the
kidneys more
→ Poor wound healing
Lithotomy Position
→ Is not used for NSD anymore
→ For men, towel and retractors are used
(to hold the scrotum)
→ Indications:
• Hemorrhoidectomy
• Perineal/vaginal surgeries
Mc Burney’s Incision • Cerclage
→ Appendectomy: Intact
Kraske or Jackknife Position
→ Indications:
• Hemorrhoidectomy
Pfannenstiel Incision
→ “Bikini” incision Other Positions
→ Scar is less noticeable → Trendelenburg position (T position)
• Not used often d/t diaphragm compression
Supine Position
→ Foot board is used to prevent foot drop
• Ligament will hurt if foot drop happens
→ Hip and arm strap
→ Donut - where the occipital is placed to prevent DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF OR NURSES AND
→ Indication:
• Mastectomy 1. Receive patient from Surgical ward nurse (transports
• Cataract removal and endorse patient to the OR nurse)
• Open reduction • Endorsement: check Pre-operative Checklist,
which includes:
o Right patient, schedule
Prone Position o Informed Consent
→ The patient lies on their abdomen
→ One of the hardest position for the patient to assume d/t Consent - signifies patient’s willingness to undergo a
limited chest expansion procedure
• Shoulder roll - rolled lengthwise placed below for → General Consent
chest expansion • Secured upon admission
→ Indication: • Covers ALL routine procedures, ALL hospital staff
• Surgeries of the • E.g., blood extraction by medtech
back → Informed Consent
• Laminectomy • Purpose: “Protects the patient from any unwanted
procedure to be done on him and protects the
Semi fowler’s Position hospital from any claim of the pt that an unwanted
→ Indication: procedure was done on him”.
• Abdominal paracentesis • It protects both parties (hospital, staff and patient)
• Bronchoscopy o E.g., a patient reported to the OB clinic
• Thoracostomy regarding irregular menstruation, 6 months
• Closed tube thoracostomy and lasts for 8 days. The doctor ordered
diagnostic and laboratory exams, after which,
the doctor discussed the results of having
ovarian cancer. The doctor explains to
undergo surgery and chemotherapy (best for o Light evening meal
the surgeon), but still can have a second o NPO post-midnight
opinion. The patient was pretty confident about o Psychological & spiritual support
the doctor, allowing the doctor to do the o Administer Laxative drug if ordered
treatment upon her. ▪ If no laxative during the night, there’ll be
▪ Gives/explains the consent - surgeon enema during the morning
▪ Signs the consent - qualified patient o Removal of nail polish
▪ Witnesses the consent - nurse ▪ To check nail beds for circulation and
• If the patient was admitted a day before the oxygen saturation
surgery, obtain and secure the consent the day • The morning of the surgery
before surgery o Ensure NPO
• The validity of the informed consent varies per ▪ If the patient had meals/anything by
hospital (24 or 48 hours) mouth, the surgery may be delayed within
• Considerations: the day
o Legal Age o Oral care
o Timing o Enema if ordered
▪ Before pre op medications are given as it ▪ 2-3 enema, until return flow is clear
can affect the LOC o Shaving
o Who is qualified to sign? ▪ Use clippers
▪ Minor: parents o Review post op exercises
▪ Legal age, illiterate: patient ▪ Review DBE, coughing technique,
▪ Legal age, insane: parents, guardian splinting, etc.
▪ Insane, confined for mental institution: o Pre-op medication
qualified representative of the institution o Monitoring
▪ Emergency, no family member present: ▪ Vital signs and I&O
surgeon o Removal of dentures - check pre-op checklist
▪ Both parents are minor, married, 9 months o Endorsement to OR
old baby 2. Establish rapport with client
❖ Can be classified as emancipated • Such as talking to the patient calmly, sharing
minors d/t marriage = parents can give information
consent 3. Place patient on the OR table & never leave patient
❖ In PH, the parent, minor of the parent alone
signs • Place the arm board and hip strap
❖ Practice: mother signs of the minor • The nurse should use peripheral vision and assess
patient the patient while doing their own thing
• Coverage: • To prevent accidental falling
o Preoperative Medications: 4. Position for anesthesia ( supine or quasi fetal position )
▪ Given AFTER consent is secured • Spinal anesthesia - quasi fetal position, shrimp
▪ Prepares client for anesthesia position or c position
▪ Potentiates effect of anesthesia 5. Perform Lumbar prep for Spinal/Epidural
▪ Allays patient’s fear and anxiety • Lumbar prep use 10% betadine
1. Narcotic Analgesic - Morphine (most
potent), Nubain, Demerol (ideal: does Induction of Anesthesia
not cause post op constipation, unlike 6. Supine position
the 2 drugs) • Assess the patient by asking them to move their
2. Sedative - Phenergan legs up and down and pricking the arms until they
3. Anticholinergic - Atropine SO4 cannot feel their extremities anymore
(reduces secretion; avoids aspiration)
➢ Given: 30-60 mins BEFORE
➢ Common SE: Dry mouth
→ Client preparation BEFORE the surgery
• The day & night before the surgery
o Pre-operative visit: To decreases pt’s fear &
7. Perineal Prep with proper positioning
• Skin prep → abdominal incision
▪ Who should visit the patient? - Surgeon,
• For CS - Incision site: Umbilical area
Anesthesiologist and OR Nurse (at least 1)
o Preparation: Below the nipple line up to the
o Client education on Post-op activities
knee area
▪ Done 2-3 days before surgery (DBE,
splinting, coughing technique, turning,
dangling the legs)
8. Surgical position
o Ensure all lab & dx exam results are in and
9. Abdominal Skin prep
reported to MD
10. Surgical positioning
▪ CBC: To know for possible blood
11. Draping, contains
• Mayo cover
o Check CP clearance
• Mayo towel
▪ Especially on the elder people
▪ Clearances: • 4 OR towels - outlines the surgical site; secured
with towel clips
❖ ECG - cardiac
❖ Pulmonary Function Test - pulmo • Foot drape
❖ ABG - pulmo; cardiac • Laparotomy sheet - has fenestration for the uterus
❖ Chest X-ray - pulmo • After draping and before cutting, time out is being
o Check Blood Products done
o Monitor VS, I&O o Check for spontaneous resuscitation
o Secure Consent o Check color of nail beds, lips (possible of
o Bathing PRN (to reduce number of anesthesia overdose → medullary stage →
microorganisms) respiratory arrest)
o If cardiopulmonary arrest happens during the
Elbow 6 None None
medullary phase = let’s volt out!
▪ The scrub and circulating nurse will move
the mayo and back table away from the 6. Serve gowns and gloves to surgeons
patient 7. Instrument count
❖ The scrub nurse will hold and pull the 8. Draping
top/sterile part of the tables while the 9. Cutting time
circulating will hold and pull the bottom
part of the tables ANESTHESIA
▪ Scrub - remain sterile → Loss of sensibility to pain
▪ Assistant - compression → Stages:
▪ Surgeon - team leader 1. Induction - preparation of the client to
▪ CN 1- ambu bag administration of anesthetic agent (patient is in the
▪ CN 2 - medication (if extra CN is available) OR)
▪ If patient revived → change gowns of the 2. Excitement (there is struggle; magalaw)
team, change drape → skin prep 3. Surgical Anesthesia
❖ Most important: Scrub nurse is sterile, o The best time for the patient to undergo
table is sterile surgery
12. Cutting time o Do timeout before medullary stage
• Circulating nurse is responsible for: 4. Medullary (overdose)
o Charting (documenting the surgical o Time out is done here (to assess complication
procedure) and charging (list items used for arising from anesthesia - respiratory arrest)
the patient) o Nail beds, lips are checked
o Assisting any member of the team o Spontaneous breathing is also observed by the
o Strictly monitors sterile technique anesthesiologist
→ Types:
• General Anesthesia
Additional Notes
→ Pre op: Admission to admission OR
o Produces sensory, motor, reflex and mental
→ Intraop: OR to PACU block (cannot remember anything)
→ Post op: PACU until the wound healing is complete o Inhalation gas/liquid nitrous oxide; halothane
• Obsolete: from PACU until discharge ▪ Inhalation Agents:
o The patient remains a post-surgical patient until A. Non-Halogenated gas
the wound is completely healed 1. Nitrous oxide - BLUE - Initial
restlessness; mixed with oxygen
SCRUB NURSE 2. Cyclopropane - Orange- for short
1. Receive patient from Surgical ward nurse
B. Halogenated Fluid
• They can receive the patient if the circulating nurse
1. Halothane - RED - Hypotension;
is preoccupied
vaporized first then mixed with
2. Prepare & organize the OR unit based on the case
3. Open sterile packs & add sterile supplies & instruments
2. Enflurane - Yellow - muscle
4. Perform surgical scrubbing, gowning and gloving
5. Organize sterile fields
3. Sevoflurane - sweet taste - pedia
o IV - ketamine/ketalar (causes hallucination and
euphoria); thiopental Na; Na pentothal
▪ Intravenous Barbiturates:
❖ Thiopental
TIME 2ND ▪ Neuroleptic Agents
METHOD ROUND ❖ Fentanyl - decreases motor function
▪ Dissociative agents
Hand 1 min 1 min ½ min
❖ Ketamine - hallucinations
Arm 1 min 1 min None
Hand 10 5 3
• Regional Anesthesia
o Spinal - sub arachnoid space (where CSF is)
Arm 6 3 None → alters pressure
▪ Medullary stage - overdose
▪ L3-L4 - recommended ▪ Absorbed at the rate of 25% per year
▪ L1-L2 - too high; might causes paralysis, ❖ Minimum: 4 years
respiratory depression
▪ Post-op position: flat on bed without pillow POSTOPERATIVE PHASE
for 6-8 hours
❖ To prevent spinal headache IMMEDIATE POST-OP CARE/ RR
o Epidural - epidural space 1. Assure ABC
▪ Faster effect; continuous anesthesia • Provide O2 therapy with client on side/lateral
o Nerve Blocks - plexus position if applicable
o Local - infiltration, application, spray o To promote drainage of secretions
▪ Infiltration: injected surrounding the • Maintain artificial airway until gag reflex returns
incision o Oral airway is placed
▪ Application: EMLA (eutectic mixture of • Suction secretions PRN & encourage coughing and
local anesthetic) - used for removal of deep breathing
warts then cautery will be done • Check VS q 15 min (for 1 hour) until stable, then 30
▪ Spray: to prevent stimulation of gag reflex min (for 1 hour) → 1 hour → 2 hours
(Xylocaine spray) • Check skin color, temp, drains, dressings
▪ Produces analgesia without LOC o Sutures: Should move on the non-operative
(LIDOCAINE & PROCAINE) side; to prevent pressure on the operative side
▪ Types of Local Anesthesia: 2. Note level of consciousness: reorient client
1. TOPICAL: applied over surgical site 3. Discharge from RR when awake & responsive with easy
(EMLA) breathing & acceptable BP & circulation.
2. FIELD/NERVE BLOCK: injected into • Fully awake and conscious, responsive
SQ or perineural space near or around
desired anesthesia site. CONTINUING POST-OP CARE
3. SPINAL: into subarachnoid space 1. Promote optimal respiration: coughing, deep breathing,
(inside arachnoid) splinting incision, early ambulation, turning in bed.
4. EPIDURAL: into epidural space • Splinting: use pillow
(outside arachnoid), used in OB o If no pillow, interlock the fingers to support
operative side
SUTURES: • Coughing: soft and 3 coughs only
→ It closes the wound 2. Promote optimal circulation: early ambulation, leg
→ Absorbable: exercises
• Non-synthetic - from natural source • Ambulation: after 24 hours
o Cut gut • Binder used in CE
▪ From intestine of the sheep 3. Promote optimum nutrition, F&E balance, monitor IV,
▪ Made up of protein which attracts water I&O, UO, drains, dressings, return of peristalsis
▪ Do not soak in sterile water as it will lose (flatus, bowel movement)
tensile strength (aalsa) • Promote nutrition by diet of the patient
▪ Lubrication can be done just before • Presence of bowel sounds (borborygmi) - indicates
serving them to the doctor peristalsis
o Chromic o Clear liquid diet → General liquid → Soft diet
▪ Brown → DAT (diet as tolerated)/Therapeutic Diet
▪ Widely used: all layers, internal organs, 4. Pain control: analgesics & comfort measure
except subcutaneous • Biogesic
▪ 90 days to be absorbed • PCA - Patient-Controlled Analgesia
o Plain 5. Wound care
▪ Light yellow
▪ Used for subcutaneous Hemostasis
▪ 70 days to be absorbed → Used during surgery to minimize blood loss
• Synthetic - from synthetic source → Nurses participate in hemostasis by offering different
o Dexon methods of hemostasis
▪ Green • Remind the surgeons or assistants properly to use
▪ Support 90 days hemostasis
▪ Not soaked → 3 Types of Hemostasis
o Vicryl • Mechanical
▪ Violet o Pressure - manual, digital; dressing, clamps,
▪ Support: 110-120 days gel foam (absorbs fluid → aalsa → pressure;
▪ Not soaked absorbable, made of protein), drain penrose
o PDS • Chemical
→ Non-Absorbable o Coagulant drugs: vit k, tranexamic acid
• Non-synthetic - derived from natural source (hemostan), oxytocin
o Silk • Thermal
▪ Most common o Electrocautery (uses electric current, heat)
▪ Came from saliva of silk worm ▪ For cutting and coagulation
▪ Black in color ▪ Nursing Responsibility: Make sure the
▪ True color is Navy Blue ground is under the patient’s body (to
▪ Loses tensile strength when wet prevent electrocution)
▪ Used over the skin; can stay on the skin for ▪ Remove eschar to prevent infection
seven days o Cryosurgery - liquid nitrogen
o Cotton ▪ Freezes specific organ, new growth, skin
▪ White in color tag then removed
▪ True color is light pink
▪ Gains tensile strength when wet
▪ Can be used internally
• Synthetic
o Nylon
Intraoperative Phase
→ Sterile Field - absence of microorganisms
• Maintain aseptic technique
→ Instruct the client to maintain • Barriers
level at 600-900 = Normal level o Packs (inside)
→ Inhale: Mouth o Gowns (outside)
→ Exhale: Mouth → Pursed lip o Gloves (outside)
→ Hold: 5 seconds ▪ Thumb out
→ Repeat: 10x/hr → Surgical team
• Sterile personnel (direct contact to the client)
DRAINS o Surgeon (head of the whole surgical team and
the sterile team)
OPEN DRAIN CLOSED DRAIN o 1st assist (resident doctor)
o Scrub nurse
High risk for infection Low risk for infection • Non-sterile
OS for collection (Penrose) Bottle for collection (JP o Anesthesiologist (head of the non-sterile
drain) team)
o Circulating nurse (OR manager)
▪ Maintain OR and possibility of the need of
instruments by the surgeon (should be
o Radiologist (ortho procedures) - ensure 8. Always face the sterile field
proper placement o Do not turn you back to the sterile field
→ Universal Precaution: avoid mistakes o Front to front (sterile) and back-to-back (non-
• X markings - ensure the site for surgery sterile)
o The surgical nurse in the ward will put the x 9. Dropping of instruments
marking and checked by the surgeon o 1 arm length
o Indelible ink is used to prevent easy removal o 6-8 inches high
of the markings 10. Sterile water
o For bilateral organs ONLY o Outside of the bottle: unsterile
▪ E.g., Liver - you don’t use markings o Inside of the bottle: sterile
anymore; 1 organ o Bottom of the bottle: unsterile
• Sign in phase o Water: sterile
o Lid (rubberized cork): unsterile
o Lip of the bottle: unsterile
Standard precaution: avoid cross contamination
11. Pouring of fluids
• Cap
o 1 arm length
• Goggles o 4-6 inches high
• Mask o Cover with sterile gauze to prevent entry of
• Gown microorganisms
• Gloves o Change if the surgeon says so
→ Proper disposal of sharp 12. Honesty
• Disposed in impenetrable/impervious containers o Breach in asepsis
(prevent transmission of infection) → Counting - instruments, sponges and needles
• Audibly
PHASES OF OPERATION • Singly (isa-isa)
1. Sign in • All are accountable
• Before induction (introduction of anesthesia) - o The principle of captain of the ship is not used
universal precaution anymore
2. Time out • Res ipsa loquitur - thing speaks for itself
• Before incision • Count 3x
• Introduction of the team o Initial count: done before incision
o Communication is a must for teamwork ▪ Baseline for the number of instruments
3. Sign out before they are used
• Before closure of the skin o 2nd count: before closure of the cavity
▪ Double pack: NSD pack and major pack
• Post-op orders are given
(e.g., cesarean)
➢ For the uterus (to ensure that no
→ Principles of Aseptic Technique (intra-op phase cont.)
instruments are retained here)
1. Sterile to sterile, non-sterile to non-sterile
o Final count: before closure of the skin
2. Confirm sterility
▪ To ensure the completeness of
o Checking the expiry date
▪ Depends on the hospital policy (autoclave
o If the surgeon is in doubt, additional counting
- expiration)
may be done (4x)
o Make sure it is dry
▪ Soaking wet - unsterile
Post Operative Phase
o OR tape (chemical indicator)
→ Vital signs (rule of 4)
▪ The white lines will turn dark once
autoclaved which indicates sterility • 1st hour: every 15 minutes
• 2nd and 3rd hour: every 30 minutes
• 4th-7th hour: every 1 hour
→ Post-op considerations
Feeding NPO
Absent bowel sounds
bowel sounds
Dehiscence Evisceration
6-8 days
o Management:
▪ Cover it with SSS (sterile; saline; soak)
▪ Low-fowler’s with knees flexed
➢ Relaxes abdominal organs
➢ High fowler’s creates tension on the
➢ Semi fowler’s increases intra-
abdominal pressure
▪ Observe for signs of shock
➢ hypo-brady-brady
▪ Vomiting- administer antiemetics as
▪ Educate patient (never carry objects more
than 10 lbs)
➢ Will increase intraabdominal pressure
and cause the suture lines to open