3038258-Guns and Gunners - Release V1.12
3038258-Guns and Gunners - Release V1.12
3038258-Guns and Gunners - Release V1.12
Foreword Setting
I set out to write a quick set of rules for couple of gun Widespread use of firearms would be out of place in
using subclasses, after being inspired by the most established settings, so the point of this
Gunslinger subclass, so naturally I couldn’t stop document is to provide a set of rules for those who
before I had written a subclass for each of the classes wish to play a quick campaign or a one-shot set in an
in the Player’s Handbook. separate world, where firearms technology has
The subclasses and features in this document are not progressed to a level corresponding roughly to 19th to
meant to be balanced against subclasses found in the mid 20th century Earth, while still coexisting with
Player’s Handbook or any other Dungeons and magic and traditional fantasy.
Dragons material. They are only meant to be played in The concensus of the group however, is the
games where all of the players build their characters ultimate authority in each gaming group, and you are
using the subclasses outlined here. Furthermore, free to use any part of these rules as you see fit. I just
these rules are meant for more lethal combat where hope you have fun moments with my work!
individuals are able to dish out enormous amounts of
damage on their turn. So be warned, but have fun! Credits
Cover illustration and the Oath of the Pointman
Tables Tables Tables and more Tables Paladin by Kateloz (https://www.fiverr.com/kateloz)
Look, I like tables and rolling for random effects. It’s Path of the Gunbearian Barbaria by marcellmirzada
just who I am! I also understand that not everyone (https://www.fiverr.com/marcellmirzada)
likes extensive rules for the most minutiae of
interactions, so please feel free to ignore any part of Book layout created with The Homebrewery
this work that you feel is too tedious. (https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/)
Best Copper Seller Badge
Ohh wow! Thank you everyone that has bought this Current Release Version
book to support the Red Nose Day charity. Your V1.12 on 09/01/2023
generosity has helped this book reach the Best
Copper Seller badge on DM’s Guild!
Table Of Contents
Foreword 2 Wizard 25
Order of the Fire Discipline 25
Class Archetypes 4 New Mechanics 27
Barbarian 5 29
Path of the Gunbearian 5 Firearms
Bard 6 Properties 30
College of the Maverick 6 Special Firearms 33
8 Attachments and Modifications 36
Chaplain Domain 8 Trench Warfare Melee Weapons 37
Druid 10 Explosives 38
Circle of the Gamekeepers 10 Simple Explosives 40
Fighter 12 Grenades 40
Soldier 12 Special Explosives 41
14 Martial Explosives 41
Way of the Gun-fu 14 Rockets 42
Sapper’s Equipment 42
Paladin 15 45
Oath of the Pointman 15 Armor
Ranger 17 Character options 46
Guerilla Conclave 17
Rogue 19 Strike Options 46
Infiltrator 19 Spells 49
Sorcerer 20 Fighting Style Options 52
Fireborn 20 Feats 53
Warlock 22
The Collector 22 Quick References 55
Pacts and Invocations 24
Changelog 59
Class Archetypes
Here is shown one subclass for each of the classes
found in the Player’s Handbook. When using these
subclasses, consult the Guns and Gunners Class
Proficiency table for determining proficiencies each
class gains instead of the ones found in the PHB.
When creating a character, instead of the weapon
and armor proficiencies, as well as the starting
equipment listed in the PHB, pick from the options
listed in this document for each class archetype
Class Archetypes
Class Archetype
Barbarian Path of the Gunbearian
Bard College of the Maverick
Cleric Chaplain Domain
Druid Circle of the Gamekeepers
Fighter Soldier
Monk Way of the Gun-Fu
Paladin Oath of the Pointman
Ranger Guerilla Conclave
Rogue Infiltrator
Sorcerer Fireborn
Warlock The Collector
Wizard Order of the Fire Discipline
Multiclassing Proficiencies
Instead of the multiclassing proficiencies listed in the
PHB, use the following guidelines for gaining class
Investing 1 level in a new class you multiclass into
grants you either the weapon and shield proficiencies,
or armor proficiencies, or explosive proficiencies of
the new class. Investing 2 levels allows you to pick
from the remaining two proficiencies you did not
choose at 1st level, while investing a 3rd level grants
you access to all starting proficiencies of that class.
Exceptions exist for three classes, and these are
always gained at 1st level:
Class Proficiencies Gained at 1st Level
Bard one skill of your choice, one musical
instrument of your choice
Ranger one skill from the class’s skill list
Rogue one skill from the class’s skill list, thieves’ tools
Barbarian Gunzerker
10th-level Path of the Gunbearian feature
Proficiencies The might of your rage bleeds over to firearms you
Armor: Light armor, Medium armor, Shields use, granting you the following benefits when raging:
Melee weapons: All trench warfare melee weapons You ignore the heavy property on any firearm you
Firearms: Simple firearms, Martial firearms, Auto- are proficient with.
cannon, Rocket launcher You can use your bonus action to use the wide arc
Explosives: Simple explosives, Grenades,
Landmines or focus fire feature on a firearm you are proficient
Equipment The Brutal Critical barbarian feature also applies
Instead of the equipment listed in the PHB, you start to all ranged firearm attacks you make.
with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
(a) a simple rifle or (b) a simple shotgun
A box of ammunition for for the chosen firearm
(a) a trench club or (b) an entrenching tool
An explorer’s pack, two sticks of dynamite and a
Path of the Gunbearian
Barbarians that choose the Path of the Gunbearian
embrace the use of firearms, for they know that a gun
is just a stick that you can hit enemies at distance
Percussive Maintenance
3rd-level Path of the Gunbearian feature
At 3rd-level you learn how to combine your ferocity
with gunfighting:
You are proficient with improvised melee attacks
you make with firearms.
The damage die and type for improvised melee
attacks is 1d6 bludgeoning for one-handed
firearms, 1d8 bludgeoning for two-handed Gunbrearian
weapons, and 1d10 bludgeoning for weapons with
the heavy property. -marcellmirzada
Successfully using a firearm for a melee attack
unjams it if it was jammed. Battle Fever
You can also use your bonus action to make a
melee attack to try to shove a creature within 5 feet 14th-level Path of the Gunbearian feature
When entering rage, or as a bonus action on your
of you. turn, you can unleash a battlecry to let the heat of the
Battle Scarred battle overtake you. Until the start of your next turn
6th-level Path of the Gunbearian feature
you gain the following benefits:
Being under fire has hardened your skin as well as Your attacks are a critical hit on a roll of 17-20 on
your resolve. While you are raging: the d20.
You are resistant to thunder and fire damage. You can throw heavy explosives as if they were
You can use your Constitution score, instead of light explosives, with such a force that they
Dexterity, when making a saving throw against an detonate on impact regardless of the type of
explosion effect. detonator attached to them.
You ignore the mechanical limit for number of
shots a firearm can fire during one round.
Whenever you deal damage to another creature
during your turn, while under this effect, the duration
is extended until the end of your next turn.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Proficiency bonus. You regain all uses of this
feature when you finish a long rest.
Bard that target have advantage, and on tails the target is
considered under the effects of the bane spell. The
Proficiencies coin magically returns to your hand immediately after
Light armor the attack.
Aces High. When wielded by you, a card from an
Melee weapons: Simple melee weapons imbued deck acts as a simple ranged weapon with the
Firearms: Simple pistols, Sawed-off shotgun, Palm finesse, light and thrown (range 30/60) properties. On
pistol, Light pistol, Pistol, Heavy pistol a hit it deals 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier of magical
Explosives: Simple explosives
slashing damage. Additionally, you can choose to
Equipment expend a spellslot as part of the attack to increase the
Instead of the equipment listed in the PHB, you start slashing damage the attack deals by 2d4 per level of
with the following equipment, in addition to the the expended spellslot. If you expend a spellslot to
equipment granted by your background: charge the attack, you can use your Charisma
modifier, instead of Dexterity, for the attack and
(a) a simple pistol, (b) a palm pistol , or (c) sawed- damage rolls if you wish. The card magically returns
off shotgun to your hand immediately after the attack.
A box of ammunition for for the chosen firearm Loaded Dice. You can use your action to expend a
(a) a diplomat’s pack or (b) an entertainer’s pack spellslot and toss a set of imbued dice up to 30 feet
(a) a harmonica or (b) any other musical away, targeting four 5-foot cubes within range,
instrument positioned so that they touch one another on at least
Soft body armor and a boot knife one side. The dice immediately explode on impact,
forcing each creature within the affected area to make
Spellslot Expenditure Limit a Dexterity saving throw against DC equal to your
1st-level Bard feature Spellsave DC, taking 1d6 fire damage for each level of
When you are able to expend more than one spellslot the expended spellslot on a failed save, and half as
to fuel class features or casting spells during one turn, much on a successful one. The dice are destroyed as
the sum of all expended spellslot levels can’t exceed they explode.
the level of the highest spellslot available to you at
your current level. Extra Attack
6th-level College of the Maverick feature
College of the Maverick Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of
Tricksters, cheaters, gamblers and showmen. College once, whenever you take the Attack action on your
of the Maverick bards are masters of putting flair on turn.
everything they do. Their skill with games goes far Advanced Tricks
beyond just counting cards or using loaded dice. 6th-level College of the Maverick feature
Bonus Proficiencies At 6th-level you learn how to utilize your imbued
gambling sets with more finess.
Lucky Coin. When you imbue a gold coin with your
1st-level College of the Maverick feature
When you join the College of the Maverick at 3rd bardic inspiration, you can give it to another creature,
level, you gain proficiency with a gambling set of your and as long as the magic lasts the creature holding the
choise (a single gold coin, a dice set, or a deck of coin can use their bonus action to transfer the
cards), and you can use it as your spellcasting focus inspiration to themselves as if you had just given it to
for your bard spells. them.
When you reach 7th and 11th levels in this class, Cloud of Cards. You can use a bonus action to
you gain proficiency with another set of your choise. expend a spellslot to animate a deck of cards for up to
Tricks 1 minute and toss it in the air, up to 30 feet away from
3rd-level College of the Maverick feature you, where they will fill the air in a cube 10 feet on
As an action you can touch a gambling set you are each side. The cloud of cards spreads around corners,
proficient with and expend a use of bardic inspiration and its area is heavily obscured. You can use your
to imbue it with luck that favors you for the next 24 action to force creatures in the cloud to make
hours. When using an imbued gambling set, you have Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d4 slashing damage
advantage on any ability checks you make with it. for each level of the expended spellslot on a failed
You also become proficient in using your imbued save, or half as much on a successful save. On
gambling sets as effective weapons: subsequent turns you can use your bonus action to
Heads or Tails. When wielded by you, an imbued move the cloud up to 30 feet.
coin acts as a simple ranged weapon with the finesse, The cloud has hit points equal to twice the level of
light and thrown (range 20/40) properties. On a hit it the spellslot that was expended to animate it, and it
deals 1d6 + your Dexterity modifier of magical automatically takes damage from any area effect that
bludgeoning damage, and inflicts a fleeting curse on deals damage within its area. All cards in the cloud
the target until the start of your next turn. Flip a coin are destroyed if it is reduced to 0 hit points.
for the effect: On heads all your attack rolls against
Snake Eyes. You can use a bonus action to expend a
spellslot and spill an imbued dice set on the ground
near you. They a cover an area of four 5 feet by 5 feet
squares, arranged in any shape you desire, but
touching another covered square, or the one you stand
in, on at least one side. A creature moving across the
covered area must succeed on a Dexterity saving
throw against a DC equal to you Spellsave DC, or the
dice explode, causing 1d6 fire damage for each level
of the expended spellslot to each creature within a
cube 5 feet high on a covered square.
A creature moving through the area at half speed
has advantage on the saving throw, while creatures
flying over the covered surface automatically succeed
in the saving throw.
The dice have AC of 10, and if they are struck by an
attack they immediately detonate. Detonated dice are
destroyed. If nothing detonates the dice, they lose
their magic and become inert after 24 hours.
Trick Master
14th-level College of the Maverick feature
You’ve mastered all of the gambling sets, and at 14th-
level you master all the tricks as well.
Coin of Fortuna. A creature holding a coin imbued
with your bardic inspiration can use their reaction to
consume the enchantment on the coin to gain a luck
point, and immediately spend it.
Straight Flush While inside a cloud of cards you
control, you can use your action to instantly teleport
the cloud and up to 4 willing creatures within the
cloud, up to 20 feet per level of the spellslot used to
imbue it, to a location you can see or have seen within
range, provided a path wide enough for a card to pass
through is available. This action consumes the cloud
of cards once complete.
Exploding Dice. When you roll damage for your
loaded dice or snake eyes, for each rolled 6 on a d6,
spread the area covered by the explosion by two 5-
foot-cubes, in a direction of your choosing.
Additionally, roll one d6 for each additional square,
and add it to the total damage dealt by the explosion
to all creatures caught in it. These additional dice
don’t cause the explosion to spread on a roll of 6 on
the d6.
Cleric You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended
Proficiencies uses when you finish a long rest.
Armor: Light armor, Medium armor, Shields Channel Divinity: Sermon
Melee weapons: All trench warfare melee weapons 2nd-level Chaplain Domain feature
Firearms: Simple firearms, Martial rifles, Martial As a bonus action you activate your Channel Divinity
shotguns feature to start to deliver a sermon for up to 1 minute.
Explosives: Simple explosives, Grenades While you are concentrating on your sermon, if you
Equipment cast a spell that targets a specific number of
Instead of the equipment listed in the PHB, you start creatures,
with the following equipment, in addition to the and that does not deal damage, you can target a
equipment granted by your background: number of additional creatures that are affected by
your sermon equal to your Proficiency bonus.
(a) a bolt-action hunting rifle or (b) a pump-action To perform a sermon you must be able to use your
shotgun voice as if performing the verbal component of a spell,
(a) a revolver or (b) a pistol and to keep the sermon going you must keep
A box of ammunition for each chosen firearm concentrating on it as if you were concentrating on a
(a) a bayonet or (b) a trench club spell, with the exception that concentrating on your
(a) a soft body armor or (b) a hard body armor sermon does not prevent you from casting spells with
(a) a priest’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack vocal compontens or from concentrating on a spell at
A shield and a holy symbol the same time. The sermon affects all creatures
within 30 feet that can hear you.
Chaplain Domain If something forces you to make a Concentration
check while focusing on a sermon and a spell, you
Chaplains provide support for their fellow soldiers on make a single check that resolves the issue for both.
the field of battle. Ending concentration on the sermon also ends the
Bonus Proficiencies concentration on spells cast through it.
Whisper. You can also lower your voice to a
1st-level Chaplain Domain feature
At 1st level you gain proficiency with all martial whisper, so that it can be heard only up to 10 feet
firearms and heavy armor. away. This also reduces the distance up to which
creatures are affected by it. You decide the loudness
Domain Spells as you begin giving the sermon, and you can lower or
1st-level Chaplain Domain feature
raise it once per turn, on your turn, as a free action.
Domain Spells
6th-level Chaplain Domain feature
Cleric Level Spells While delivering your sermon a shining halo (whose
1st Shield, Mark of Judgement appearance you decide) appears above your head as
3rd Bullet Barrier, Conjure Ammunition the divine power courses through you. The halo
5th Repair Plates, Shield Generator provides you with crit deflection based on your Cleric
7th Holy Handgrenade level, as well as changes the damage type of your
9th Bullet Magnet ranged attacks and firearm abilities into radiant or
Bountiful Magazines
necrotic (your choise).
1st-level Chaplain Domain feature Cleric Level Crit Deflection
As a bonus action you dedicate a quick prayer to your 6th 4-6
deity, and you bless one creature you can see within 9th 3-6
30 feet of you with endless ammunition. Until the 13th 2-6
start of your next turn, the blessed creature gains the 17th crit immunity
following benefits: Crit deflection from the halo does not stack with crit
They ignore the loading property on any ranged deflection from items.
weapon they are proficient with it. Divine Strikes
Weapons with the thrown property immediately 8th-level Chaplain Domain feature
magically return to their hand after they are used At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon
to make a ranged attack. strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns
Ranged attacks they make don’t consume when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
ammunition, but still benefit from the properties of cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 radiant or
whatever ammunition they already had loaded in necrotic damage (your choise) to the target. When you
the ranged weapon, or the first piece of reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
ammunition they load into an empty weapon for
the first time on their turn.
Spiritual Leader
17th-level Chaplain Domain feature
Divine power swells within you, and the effects of your
sermon are strengthened. While delivering your
sermon you gain the following benefits:
The range of your sermon increases to 60 feet.
Allied creatures affected by your sermon can’t be
charmed or frightened.
Your bountiful magazines chaplain domain feature
counts as a spell for the purposes of targeting
multiple creatures when delivering your sermon.
Druid in court politics and etiquette, as many people in high
positions employ them to take care of their estate
Proficiencies grounds or hunting grounds. Though not merely
Light armor, Medium armor, Shields servants, as the word of a gamekeeper carries weight
(druids will not wear armor or use shields made of when it comes to decisions pertaining to the use of the
metal) wilderness for any industrious projects, and they are
Melee weapons: Simple trench warfare melee
indeed valued as advisors often with direct access to
weapons, Bayonet whomever is in charge thanks to spending time with
Firearms: Simple firearms, Battle rifle, Marksman
them on hunting trips and while strolling the grounds.
rifle, Martial shotguns Leading the Target
Explosives: Simple explosives 2nd-level Circle of the Gamekeepers feature
Equipment Your experience in hunting fast moving game has
Instead of the equipment listed in the PHB, you start taught you how to aim wisely. When using simple
with the following equipment, in addition to the firearms and explosives, you can use your Wisdom
equipment granted by your background: modifier, instead of Dexterity, for attack and damage
rolls, as well as calculating your Firearm Manouver
(a) a simple rifle or (b) a simple shotgun DC and Firearm handling bonus.
A box of ammunition for the chosen firearm Blood Hound
Soft body armor, entrenching tool, a dagger, an
explorer’s pack, and a druidic focus 2nd-level Circle of the Gamekeepers feature
Your years of wandering in the wild have gaided you
Spellslot Expenditure Limit the trust and the friendship of a fey spirit that
manifests in the form of a canine beast.
1st-level Druid feature
When you are able to expend more than one spellslot As an action, you can expend one use of your Wild
to fuel class features or casting spells during one turn, Shape feature to summon your Blood Hound, rather
the sum of all expended spellslot levels can’t exceed than assuming a beast form. The spirit appears in an
the level of the highest spellslot available to you at unoccupied space of your choice that you can see
your current level. within 30 feet of you. When you summon it, you can
choose to have it immediately use its terrifying howl
Circle of the Gamekeepers ability.
Some druids choose to live on the line between The spirit is friendly to you and your companions
civilization and the wilderness. They enjoy some of and obeys your commands. Its in-game statistics are
the conforts and fruits of progress, such as nice shown in the Blood Hound stat block, which uses your
clothes and well made hunting firearms, while also proficiency bonus (PB) in several places. Due to
heavily regulating hunting activity in areas that are tradition, they prefer to take the form of different
under their care. Gamekeepers are often well versed hunting dogs, but hounds looking like other beasts of
the wild like wolves or wild cats are not unheard of.
In combat, the spirit shares your initiative count, but it On the Trail
takes its turn immediately after yours. The only action 14th-level Circle of the Gamekeepers feature
it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you You always know the transport via plants spell and it
take a bonus action on your turn to command it to doesn’t count towards the number of spells you know.
take another action. That action can be one in its stat You can cast it to connect to a suitable location even if
block or some other action. If you are incapacitated, you have not seen it, or been there yourself, as long as
the spirit can take any action of its choice, not just your hound has been there and it has marked it as
Dodge. suitable. Your hound can inform you when it has
The spirit manifests until it is reduced to 0 hit found a suitable location with a special howl as a part
points, until you use this feature to summon the spirit of its indication bark, that you can always recognize if
again, or until you die. you hear it.
Enchanted Shot
6th-level Circle of the Gamekeepers feature
As a part of making a ranged attack with a hunting
rifle or a shotgun, you can expend a spellslot to charge
the attack with nature magic, choosing one of the
following effects:
Poison. If the shot hits, it will deal additional 1d4
poison and 1d4 acid damage for each level of the
expended spellslot to affected creatures. Affected
creatures must make a Constitution saving throw,
becoming poisoned on a failed save for up to 1
minute. Affected creatures can repeat the saving
throw at the beginning of their turn, ending the effect
on themselves on a success.
Healing. If the shot hits, instead of dealing damage,
the shot will heal all affected creatures for 1d4 for
each level of the expended spellslot + your
Spellcasting modifier.
Tagging. If the shot hits, instead of dealing its
normal damage, it will coat all affected creatures in a
pheromone that your Blood Hound can effortlessly
track. The pheromone stays on affected targets and
anything they touch for a number of hours equal to the
level of the expended spellslot cubed, after which it
fades. For anyone else, detecting the pheromone
requires successful Investigation or Perception check
against a DC of 20 + your Spellcasting modifier.
Cozy Flames
10th-level Circle of the Gamekeepers feature
You can spend 10 minutes blessing any spot you
choose for a rest while you make a campfire or light a
fireplace. All friendly creatures that are resting within
15 feet of the fire ignore harsh weather conditions
that would hinder their ability to complete a rest, and
reroll any 1s when rolling dice to regain hit points
from any effect.
Additionally if a creature completes a long rest
around the fire, they become well rested and the first
use of any one class or subclass ability in the next 24
hours is free for them, and does not expend a use of it.
(e.g. Barbarian’s Rage, Bard’s Bardic Inspiration or
Paladin’s Channel Divinity.)
Fighter of the following Infantry Specialization options. It also
grants you further features at 10th and 15th level.
Proficiencies Rifleman
Armor: All armor, Shields You can use your bonus action to take the Dash
Melee weapons: All trench warefare melee action.
weapons You can stow a firearm, then draw another firearm
Firearms: Simple firearms, Martial firearms, two
of the special firearms of your choise or a melee weapon as a single object interaction on
Explosives: Simple explosives, Grenades, Martial your turn.
explosives Sapper
Equipment You gain proficiency with demolitioner’s tools.
Instead of the equipment listed in the PHB, you start When arming an explosive with your
with the following equipment, in addition to the demolitioner’s tools in hand, you can reroll the die
equipment granted by your background: once if your roll of d20 would set off the explosive
failure feature on the explosive, but you must use
(a) flak armor or (b) hard body armor the new result.
Infantry helmet
(a) a bolt-action hunting rifle or (b) a pump-action Machine Gunner
shotgun Bracing a gun with the heavy property against
(a) a revolver or (b) a pistol ground or cover takes a bonus action for you,
A box of ammunition for each chosen firearm instead of an action.
Two trench warfare melee weapons and one When using the automatic property on a firearm,
grenade you can reroll the die once if your roll of d20 would
(a) dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack cause the firearm to jam, but you must use the new
Fighting Style
1st-level Fighter feature Specialist
In addition to other fighting styles that are available to 10th-level Soldier feature
you, you can also choose one of the following: Based on your Infantry Specialisation you chose at
Riot Control. When dealing non-lethal damage,
7th level, you gain one of the following benefits:
you can add one additional weapon damage die to Rifleman
the damage roll. Your firearm attacks score a critical hit on a roll of
Marksman. When making an overwatch reaction
attack roll, you gain a + 1 bonus to the roll. 19-20 on the d20.
Additionally, attacking a target up to the long You can arm and throw a grenade as a bonus
distance of a weapon doesn’t impose disadvantage action using just one hand.
on you. Sapper
Saboteur. You gain +1 bonus to skill checks related
to arming, disarming or hiding explosives. If you are not carrying other weapons in your
hands, you can manipulate explosives using an
Soldier attack, rather than having to use an action to do it.
Fighters of the Soldier Archetype have been trained to Machine Gunner
fight with firearms on fields of battle. They have spent Creatures targeted by your full-auto features have
significant portion of their career being drilled on the disadvantage on their Dexterity saving throws if
use of firearms and tactics. you have properly braced your weapon against a
Basic Training support.
3rd-level Soldier feature
All soldiers are trained in basic weapons handling and
You can reload and unjam a firearm as a single
action or a bonus action (your choise).
You being prone doesn’t impose a disadvantage on
ranged attacks you make with firearms.
Advanced Individual Training
7th-level Soldier feature
Each soldier specializes in something as their natural
aptitude starts showing during their training. Pick one
15th-level Soldier feature
Based on your Infantry Specialisation you chose at
7th level, you gain one of the following benefits:
Firearm attacks you make are a critical hit on a roll
of 18-20 on the d20.
If you take the Dash action on your turn, and then
move into melee range with a hostile creature for
the first time on your turn, you can make one
melee attack against that creature.
Creatures affected by explosions caused by you
have advantage or disadvantage (your choise) on
their Dexterity saving throw.
You can arm explosives so that if any creature
other than yourself tries to disarm them, they
immediately explode on a failed disarm check.
Determining if an explosive devise has been armed
in this way requires a successful Investigation
check against your Firearm Manouver DC.
Machine Gunner
When you use the controlled spray full-auto option,
you can also make an attack roll against one
creature in the affected area. If the attack roll hits,
and the target also fails the saving throw, that
target takes additional damage from the spray
equal to the weapons normal damage. This attack
roll can be a critical hit.
Battlefield Hero
18th-level Soldier feature
When you are reduced to 0 hit points, instead of
falling unconscious, you remain conscious and can
continue fighting for up to 1 minute. During this time
you continue making death saving throws as normal
at the start of your turn, but instead of the failed death
saves counting towards the three failed death saves
required for dying, you gain a level of exhaustion
instead each time you fail one. At 6 levels of
exhaustion you die.
If you regain 1 or more hit points, you lose up to 3
levels of exhaustion, and this effect ends.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest.
Monk Trigger Disciple
6th-level Way of the Gun-fu feature
Proficiencies At 6th level, your ki starts flowing through your
Armor: None firearms you wield as your monk weapons.
Melee weapons: All trench warfare melee weapons Total Weapon. Ranged attacks you make with
Firearms: Simple firearms them count as magical for the purpose of
Explosives:Grenades overcoming resistance and immunity to non-
Equipment magical attacks and damage.
Instead of the equipment listed in the PHB, you start Flowing Reload. You can spend 1 ki point to reload
with the following equipment, in addition to the your weapon as a part of any attack you make with
equipment granted by your background: it, even if you don’t have a free hand to normally
reload it.
Any two of the trench warfare melee weapons Harnessing the Recoil. Dealing a killing blow or a
(a) a simple rifle or (b) a simple pistol critical hit with your monk weapon restores 1 ki
A box of ammunition for the chosen firearm point to you.
(a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack Ki Burst. You can spend 1 ki point before you
10 darts make an attack with a semi-automatic firearm to
make a burst fire attack instead.
Way of the Gun-fu
The Dance of Lead
Way of the Gun-fu monks combine unarmed martial 11th-level Way of the Gun-fu feature
arts seamlessly with using firearms. When you take the Dodge action on your turn, you can
Gun-fu spend 2 ki points to use a technique called The Dance
of Lead. Until the start of your next turn, you can roll
3rd-level Way of the Gun-fu feature
Starting at 3rd level you gain the following benefits: and add your Martial Arts die to your AC or Dexterity
saving throw every time you are the target of a firearm
Instrument of Death. You gain proficiency with all attack or an effect, excluding explosion effects.
one-handed firearms, and they count as monk If you use the deflect bullets feature during Dance
weapons for you. You can replace your monk of Lead, you add double your martial arts die, instead
weapon firearm’s normal damage dice with your of just once.
martial arts die if you want to. Furthermore, if you decide to use your reaction to
Close and Personal. Being within 5 feet of a hostile deflect the attack at another creature, the damage it
creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on your deals on a successful hit equals the attack’s normal
ranged attack rolls if the weapon you are using is a damage.
monk weapon. Blossoming Petals of Iron
Deflect Bullets. You can use the deflect missiles
monk feature with no free hands, as long as you 17th-level Way of the Gun-fu feature
As an action, you can spend 2 ki points to let energy
are wielding a melee monk weapon. You also add surge through you, and for a brief moment, you act
your Martial Arts die to the amount you reduce the unnaturally fast. You can immediately make three
incoming damage by if you are wielding a melee attacks using unarmed strikes or your monk weapons,
monk weapon. provided that each attack targets a different creature.
Disabling Strikes. You can attempt to make any of
the Weapon Grappling Manouver special melee You can use your bonus action immediately after to
attacks with your unarmed strikes even if you are spend 2 ki points to extend the effect to make another
not already grappling the target creature. three attacks. These attacks can target creatures you
attacked before, but only once per target.
Additionally, if you spend 1 extra ki point as you
trigger this feature with either your action or bonus
action, you gain advantage on the attacks.
Armor: All armor, Shields
Melee weapons: All trench warfare melee weapons
Firearms: Simple firearms, Martial firearms,
Grenade launcher
Explosives: Grenades, Breaching charge
Instead of the equipment listed in the PHB, you start
with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
Hard body armor and an infantry helmet
(a) a simple pistol and a shield or (b) a pump-action
A box of ammunition for the chosen firearm
(a) a priest’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
(a) a crowbar or (b) a sledgehammer
A holy symbol
Fighting Style
2nd-level Paladin feature
In addition to other fighting styles that are available to
you, you can also choose one of the following: Oath of the Pointman Pal
Riot Control. When dealing non-lethal damage,
you can add one additional weapon damage die to
the damage roll. Tenets of the Pointman
Shield Wall. While you are wielding a shield,
friendly creatures adjacent to you gain +2 to their It is your duty to be the first to face the
First One In.
AC, and creatures directly behind you gain Half enemy.
Cover. Last One Out. Never abandon your allies.
Shield Mount. You learn how to brace your Shock and Awe. The element of surprise is best
weapon against your shield. You can wield a two- augmented with overwhelming show of force.
handead firearm and a shield at the same time Oath Spells
without suffering any penalties. 3rd-level Oath of the Pointman feature
Divine Smite (Guns and Gunners
variant) Oath of the Pointman Spells
2nd-level Paladin feature Paladin Level Spells
You can use the divine smite paladin feature also 3rd Summon Holy Shield
when you hit a target with a ranged attack, if the 5th Bullet Barrier
target is within the normal distance of the attack. 9th
Repair Plates
Holy Handgrenade
Improved Divine Smite (Guns and 17th Bullet Magnet
Gunners variant)
11th-level Paladin feature Channel Divinity
The 11th-level paladin feature improved divine smite 3rd-level Oath of the Pointman feature
also works with ranged attacks, if the target is within You gain the following Channel Divinity options.
the normal distance of the attack. Breach. As an action you can use your Channel
Divine Flash. As a bonus action you can channel
divine energy to summon either a holy or an unholy
flashbang grenade in your free hand. You can use it
like a regular flashbang grenade, but the bright flash
is considered radiant or necrotic (your choise as you
summon the grenade) for the purposes of resisting the
blindness. Radiant flash dispels any darkness (and
necrotic flash dispels any light) in its area that was
created by a spell.
You can also add your Charisma modifier to the
Dexterity saving throw DC for resisting the blindess
from the flash.
The grenade disappears after 1 minute, or if it
leaves your possession without you intentionally
arming and throwing it.
Aura of Tactical Prowess
7th-level Oath of the Pointman feature
Beginning at 7th level, you and friendly creatures that
start their turn within 10 feet of you have advantage
on Athletics and Acrobatics checks, and getting up
from Prone position only takes 10 feet of movement,
until the end of their turn, instead of half of your
movement speed. At 18th level, the range of this aura
increases to 30 feet.
You, with me! You can also use your bonus action
on your turn to target one creature within reach of the
aura, that has not taken their turn yet. That creature
can use their reaction to move their position in the
initiative order to a position directly after you.
Divine Functionality
15th-level Oath of the Pointman feature
You ignore the jamming property on firearms you are
proficient with, and theexplosive failureproperty on
grenades you are proficient with.
True Leader
20th-level Oath of the Pointman feature
As a bonus action you can bolster your presence with
divine determination and grant hope to those around
you. You gain the following benefits for one minute:
You can use your action to pull a fallen ally back to
their feet. They regain hit points equal to 3d10 +
your Charisma modifier as you do so.
You can use your bonus action to speak divinely
infused words of encouragement to end one
negative condition on an ally you see within 30 feet
of you.
The damage type for all your attacks is radiant for
the purposes of overcoming resistances and
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest.
Ranger separate timers), but does not change the bonus dice
size for existing effects.
Proficiencies The maximum level of spellslot you can use to fuel
Light armor, Medium armor, Shields this effect is equal to 1/4th of your Ranger level,
Melee weapons: All trench warfare melee weapons rounded up.
Firearms: Simple firearms, Martial firearms, Anti- Natural Explorer (variant)
armor rifle In addition to the other favored terrain options, you
Explosives: Simple explosives, Grenades, Martial can choose Urban terrain. This covers all settlements
Explosives built and inhabited by intelligent races.
Equipment Fighting Style
Instead of the equipment listed in the PHB, you start 2ndt-level Ranger feature
with the following equipment, in addition to the In addition to other fighting styles that are available to
equipment granted by your background: you, you can also choose one of the following:
(a) flak armor or (b) hard body armor Riot Control. When dealing non-lethal damage,
(a) a bolt-action hunting rifle or (b) a pump-action you can add one additional weapon damage die to
shotgun the damage roll.
(a) a revolver or (b) a pistol Marksman. When making an overwatch reaction
A box of ammunition for each chosen firearm attack roll, you gain a + 1 bonus to the roll.
Two trench warfare melee weapons and one Additionally, attacking a target up to the long
grenade distance of a weapon doesn’t impose disadvantage
(a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack on you.
Favored Enemy (variant) Saboteur. You gain +1 bonus to skill checks related
Instead of races, you can choose humanoid combatant to arming, disarming or hiding explosives.
archetypes to be your favored enemy each time you Guerilla Conclave
gain this feature. The available options are: Brutes,
Mages, and Tricksters. Trained in the art of blending in with their
surroudings, acting as scouts for infantry, and picking
their enemies off without being seen.
Guerilla Conclave Spells
Level Spells
3rd Decoy, Delayed Detonation, Electrified
5th Conjure Ammunition
9th Feign Death
Enhanced Focus 13th Death Ward
1st-level Ranger feature 17th Mislead
You have deeper insight into the techniques used by
your favored enemies, and you can enhance your Bonus Proficiency
abilities to better counter them. As an action you can 3rd-level Guerilla Conclave feature
expend a spellslot to gain a bonus on Saving throws, You gain proficiency with special explosives and
Attack and damage rolls towards one type of favored .
demolitioner’s tools
enemy for 1 minute. The bonus depends on the level Blending In
of the expended spellslot. 3rd-level Guerilla Conclave feature
Enhanced Focus Bonus When within your favored terrain, you gain the
Spell Slot Level Enhanced Focus Bonus
following benefits:
1st d4 You are considered to have Half-Cover while you
2nd d6 are lightly or heavily obscured.
3rd d8 You being prone doesn’t impose a disadvantage on
ranged attacks you make with firearms.
You can have a number of uses of this feature active
at the same time equal to your Proficiency bonus.
Additional uses extend the duration for all active uses
of this feature (so you don’t have to keep track of
Silent Watcher
7th-level Guerilla Conclave feature
When stalking your bounty, you can remain
motionless for hours while still remaining perfectly
You have advantage on Stealth (Dexterity) checks,
and you can add your Proficiency bonus to your
Initiative rolls while hiding in your favored terrain.
Additionally, you can forego sleeping and still gain
the benefits of a long rest if you do nothing more
strenuous than silently keeping watch, for a number
of days equal to your Proficiency bonus, after which
you have to get 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep before
you can stay up during a long rest again.
Hunter’s Decoy
11th-level Guerilla Conclave feature
You can spend 1 minute putting together a decoy from
any available materials, that looks like a medium or
smaller creature. While you are within 1 mile of it, you
can use a bonus action to expend a spellslot to
animate the decoy for 1 round. All creatures that can
see the animated decoy must succeed on an
Intelligence saving throw or they have to consider it a
real hostile creature. Allies that you have informed
about the decoy automatically succeed on the saving
Each creature that touches or attacks the decoy,
becomes afflicted by Hunter’s Mark as if it was cast by
you at the level of the spellslot that you expended to
animate the decoy. This Hunter’s Mark fades away
after 1 minute, unless you decide to start
concentrating on one of the marked creatures, in
which case the duration is increased up to the spell’s
normal duration on that creature.
Apex Predator
15th-level Guerilla Conclave feature
At 15th level you gain use of the following effects:
Cloaking. When you take the Hide action while in
your favored terrain, you can choose to become
invisible until the start of your next turh, or until
you attack or move more than total of 30 feet.
Vision. As an action you can cast the true seeing
spell on yourself without expending a spellslot or
You can use these features a total number of times
equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). You
regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Rogue Master Plan
9th-level Infiltrator feature
Proficiencies If you spend 1 hour carefully observing a location
Armor: Light armor from a vantage point to learn and memorize things
Melee weapons: All trench warfare melee weapons critical for successful infiltration (e.g. layout, guard
Firearms: Simple firearms, Martial pistols, Assault rotations, sentry blind spots), you have advantage on
rifle all Initiative and Stealth (dexterity) checks you make
Explosives: Simple explosives, Grenades, Martial within that location for the next 24 hours. Access to a
Explosives detailed floor plan of the location drawn by someone
with Proficiency with Cartographer’s tools allows you
Equipment to learn and memorize locations you have not
Instead of the equipment listed in the PHB, you start personally seen.
with the following equipment, in addition to the Spending 1 minute successfully interrogating a
equipment granted by your background: creature familiar with the location and its daily
routines (e.g. a guard), or reading through notes or
(a) a simple pistol, (b) a light pistol or (c) a pistol other documents that contain the relevant information
A box of ammunition for the chosen firearm (e.g. an intelligence report, a log book from a guard
(a) a burglar’s pack, (b) a dungeoneer’s pack, or (c) post) gives you the same benefit as 1 hour of careful
an explorer’s pack observation.
Soft body armor, two boot knives, thieves’ tools Larger locations, such as a palace or a small town,
are split into 150-foot-cube chunks. For each chunk
Steady Aim
you must repeat the process of studying or
3rd-level Rogue feature memorization.
At 3rd level, as a bonus action, you give yourself Shared Intel. You can extend the benefits of your
advantage on your next attack roll on the current turn. active master plan to your allies by giving them a
You can use this bonus action only if you haven’t detailed presentation over a short rest.
moved during this turn, and after you use the bonus
action, your speed is 0 until the end of the current
Infiltrator rogues are specialists when it comes to
getting in and out of hostile environments without
being noticed.
Must Have Been the Wind Plan B
13th-level Infiltrator feature
3rd-level Infiltrator feature
You can time your attacks perfectly with Plans failing and eventually getting caught off guard
environmental sounds, masking your presence from are inevitable, so you’ve trained to expect it and can
anyone relying on hearing alone. When you are quickly attempt to turn the tables when it happens.
hidden your ranged attacks with silenced firearms Starting at 13th-level, whenever you are forced to
don’t reveal your position, and your melee attacks only make Initiative check without advantage, you get a
reveal your position to the target creature. rush of addrenaline that sharpens your perception,
allowing your brain to process sensory input
Silent Operator exceedingly fast. As a Free Action at the start of your
3rd-level Infiltrator feature first turn in combat, and as a Bonus Action on
Striking quietly from the shadows is your bread and subsequent turns, you can make a Wisdom
butter. When you are hidden from your target, you (Perception) check to try and spot any hidden
gain the following benefits: enemies, unsprung traps or other dangers, and
possible escape routes.
Any target you successfully grapple is
automatically muffled and silenced for the duration Strike from the Shadows
of the grapple, even if you used only one hand for 17th-level Infiltrator feature
grappling. Your training and experience allows you to sense
When you successfully initiate grapple against a when things are about to escalate, allowing you to stay
creature, you can immediately use your Bonus one step ahead of everyone else. If you are the one to
Action to either try and choke them out, or make initiate combat, you can take one extra turn before
one attack against them. initiative is rolled. During your extra turn all
creatures, from which you are hidden, are considered
Additionally, when you are hidden from your target, surprised.
and they are also suprised, any hit you score against
them is a critical hit.
Sorcerer Well Placed Shot. When you make a firearm attack
that forces a creature to make a saving throw to
Proficiencies resist its effects, you can spend 3 sorcery points to
Light armor give one target of the attack disadvantage on its
Boot knife first saving throw made against the attack.
Seeking Shot. If you make an attack roll for a
Melee weapons:
Firearms: Simple pistols, All shotguns, Flame firearm attack and miss, you can spend 2 sorcerer
thrower, Grenade launcher, Rocket launcher points to reroll the d20, and you must use the new
Explosives: Simple explosives, Grenades,
Alchemist’s coctail roll. You can use Seeking Shot even if you have
already used a different Metamagic option for this
Equipment attack of ability.
Instead of the equipment listed in the PHB, you start Quick Draw. When you make a firearm attack, you
with the following equipment, in addition to the can spend 1 Sorcery Point to do it so fast that
equipment granted by your background: other creatures can’t react to it.
Transmuted Shot. When you make a firearm
a simple pistol and a box of ammunition for it attack, you can can spend 1 sorcery point to
(a) a thermite grenade or (b) two alchemist’s change the damage type to one of the other listed
coctails types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, thunder. If
(a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus you use a feature that targets multiple creatures or
(a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack an area, you must spend 3 sorcery points instead.
two boot knives Twinned Shot. When you make a firearm attack
that targets only one creature, you can spend a
Spellslot Expenditure Limit number of sorcery points equal to the distance
1st-level Sorcerer feature between the two targets in feets divided by 5 to
When you are able to expend more than one spellslot target another creature with the same attack. Make
to fuel class features or casting spells during one turn, separate attack rolls for both targets.
the sum of all expended spellslot levels can’t exceed Curving Bullets. When you make a firearm attack,
the level of the highest spellslot available to you at you can spend 2 Sorcery Points to make your shot
your current level. curve around obstacles. The shot you make
ignores Half and Three-Quarters Cover completely,
Metamagic (firearm variant) and treats Total Cover as Half Cover, if you are
At 3rd level, you learn how to harness your innate otherwise aware of the target’s position.
magic to twist your firearm shots in magical ways.
You gain two of the following Metamagic options of Fireborn
your choice. You gain another one at 10th and 17th Some people are born with natural affinity for the
level. Note that these variant metamagic options do destructive power of fire. For some this affinity
not work with spells like the regular metamagic represents itself as magical control over it. Be it the
options, but rather only with firearm attacks and result of elemental blood in their lineage, or the
features. circumstances of their birth, those who embrace this
Careful Shot. When you use a firearm ability that gift are called Fireborn.
forces other creatures to make a saving throw, you
can protect some of those creatures from its full Fireborn Spells
force. To do so, you spend 1 sorcery point and 1st-level Fireborn feature
choose a number of those creatures up to your You learn additional spells when you reach certain
Charisma modifier (minimum of one creature). A levels in this class, as shown in the Fireborn Spells
chosen creature automatically succeeds on its table. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell
saving throw against the ability. for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of
Distant Shot. When you make an attack, you can sorcerer spells you know.
spend 1 sorcery point to double the normal and
long ranges. Fireborn Spells
Empowered Shot. When you roll damage for a Spell Level Spells
firearm attack or ability, you can spend 1 sorcery 1st Distill Fire, Shield
point to reroll a number of the damage dice up to 3rd Bullet Barrier
your Charisma modifier (minimum of one). You 5th Elemental Weapon
must use the new rolls. You can use Empowered 7th Fire Shield
Shot even if you have already used a different 9th Conjure Elemental
Metamagic option during the attack.
Pyromaniac Fire Control
1st-level Fireborn feature 14th-level Fireborn feature
At 1st-level you gain the following benefits: Flames around you bend to your will, and you gain the
ability to intensify or moderate them as you desire.
Resistance to fire damage. Intensify. Fire damage caused by you ignores fire
Proficiency with improvised weapon attacks that resistance, and treats immunity as resistance.
deal fire damage. Mold Flames. You learn the Control Flames cantrip
The damage dealth by Alchemist Fire used by you if you don’t already know it, and it doesn’t count
increases by 1d4 when you reach 4th, 8th, 12th, towards the number of cantrips you know. Your
16th and 19th levels in the Sorcerer class connection with fire grants you the following benefits
(maximum of 6d4 at 19th level), and the DC for when using the cantrip:
extinguishing the flames is equal to your Spell save
DC. The flames you control can be magical.
Incendiary Ammunition
The size of the area you can affect is 15-foot cube.
6th-level Fireborn feature Bathed in Fire
You gain the ability to channel volatile energy to a 18th-level Fireborn feature
loaded weapon you are wielding. You choose one of You gain immunity to fire damage. In addition, any
the following options and expend a spellslot as an spell or effect you create ignores resistance and
action, and until you reload it again, all shots (up to a immunity to fire damage (except when targeting
maximum of 30) you make with it are enchanted as yourself).
described. All types of enchanted rounds ignite You can also expend 2 sorcery points per target you
flammable materials that are not being worn or hit with an attack or an effect to give them
carried on hit. vulnerability to fire damage for that attack or an effect.
Dragon’s Breath Rounds. A roaring flame shoots
out in a 5 feet wide line up to the normal distance of
your weapon, originating from your weapon. Each
creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving
throw, taking 1d4 fire damage for each level of the
expended spellslot on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. Requires ammunition
with the spread property.
Molten Shots. Once the projectile hits its target, the
stored energy erupts melting it, causing additional
damage. Successful shots you make with it deal 1d4
extra fire damage per each level of the expended
spellslot to all affected creatures.
Liquid Fire. You enchant the fuel in your
flamethrower’s tank. Depending on the level of the
expended spellslot, the fuel gains the properties of
having alchemist’s fire mixed in with it, with reduced
risk of explosive failure.
Ratio of
Spell Slot Alchemist Fire Explosive
Level Fire to Fuel damage Failure
3rd 1 to 3 3d6 (∗) 1
5th 1 to 1 4d6 (∗) 1
7th 3 to 1 5d6 (∗) 1 to 2
9th Pure Alchemist 6d6 (∗) 1 to 3
Warlock movement as you gain the following benefits for 1
minute, until you die, are incapacitated, or you end the
Proficiencies effect early as a free action:
Armor: Light armor Your firearms become infused with your Patron’s
Melee weapons: Simple trench warfare melee power and their damage type changes into force
weapons damage.
Firearms: Simple firearms Any attack roll you make with your firearms is a
Explosives: Grenades critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.
Equipment If your firearm attack reduces another creature to
Instead of the equipment listed in the PHB, you start 0 hit points, you regain hit points equal to your
with the following equipment, in addition to the warlock level + your Charisma modifier (minimum
equipment granted by your background: of 1 hit point).
If your roll of the d20 would trigger the explosive
(a) a simple pistol, (b) a simple rifle or (c) a simple failure property on a firearm, you can use your
shotgun Reaction to expend a hit die to suppress the effect
A box of ammunition for the chosen firearm and ignore it.
(a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
(a) a scholar’s pack or (b) a dungeoneer’s pack until you finish a short or a long rest, or you expend a
Flak armor and two boot knives pact magic spellslot to activate it.
Spellslot Expenditure Limit Eldritch Invocations
1st-level Warlock feature 2nd-level Collector feature
When you are able to expend more than one spellslot The warlock Eldritch Invocations; Agonizing Blast,
to fuel class features or casting spells during one turn, Grasp of Hadar, Lance of Lethargy, and Repelling
the sum of all expended spellslot levels can’t exceed Blast, apply to shots you make with any firearm you
the level of the highest spellslot available to you at are proficient with, should you choose to have them as
your current level. known.
The Collector Hexgun Aura
You’ve made a pact with an entity that has an access 6th-level Collector feature
Starting at 6th level, you can evoke more of your
to otherwordly armory full of firearms and has patron’s power as you activate your Hexgun ability.
extensive knowledge on them. The details of a Hex Image. The aura extends from your weapon to
contract with such an entity can vary widly. Some partially cover your body as well, and for the duration
patrons wish to expand their collections, and enlist you are considered under the effects of the mirror
you as their agent to track down rarities, while others
lack the ability to directly interact with the material image spell, with the following exceptions:
plane themselves and simply wish to see their Your duplicates use your Charisma bonus, instead
collections put to use for their own amusement. of Dexterity, to determine their DC.
Collector Expanded Spells Heavier armor restricts your aura’s ability to
intercept incoming attacks. If you are wearing
Spell Level Spells
Medium armor, the maximum number of
1st Shield, Wrathful Smite
duplicates you can benefit from when checking if
2nd Bullet Barrier, Branding Smite
an attack hits you or your duplicates is two, and
3rd Elemental Weapon, Haste
one for Heavy armor. You can still store up to three
4th Staggering Smite
charges regardless of the type of the armor you are
5th Banishing Smite
Curator This effect is mutually exlusive with instances of
the regular mirror image spell. If the mirror image
1st-level Collector feature
You can spend 1 minute in silent trance receiving spell is cast on you, you must choose whether you
knowledge from your patron about a firearm or an want to gain its regular effect, or refresh the
explosive you touch. You gain proficiency with it until duplicate charges from your Hexgun Aura.
you use this feature to gain proficiency with another Choosing one immediately ends existing instances
firearm or explosive instead. of the other on yourself.
Teleport. While under the effects of your Hexgun
Hexgun Aura, you can expend a dublicate charge as a Bonus
1st-level Collector feature Action, or for free immediately as you don your
Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to evoke some Hexgun Aura, to teleport up to 30 feet away to a
of your patron’s power as a Bonus Action. Aura location you can see, in a swirl of eldritch energy.
matching that of your patron’s quietly starts to flow
from the firearms you wield, and trails their
Hex Shade
10th-level Collector feature
Your control over your Hexgun Aura grows, and you
can use your Bonus Action to expend a duplicate
charge and separate a silent ghastly shade from
The shade resembles you and uses your statistics
and proficiencies, but receiving any damage
destroys it.
The shade is under your control, and you can
sense what it senses, and it occupies its space. It
gains any equipment you wish to transfer over to it
as it separates from you, but if it is destroyed or
otherwise perishes, that equipment falls on the
ground on the spot.
The shade can move up to your movemement
speed and take one Action that it can use to make
one Attack or take one Use Object action, after
which it vanishes. It also vanishes at the end of
your turn even if it has not taken any actions.
Pacts and Invocations three duplicates when determining whether an attack
hits you or not.
These additional pact and invocation options are
added to the options you can choose from. Eldritch Range
The normal and long ranges are doubled for attacks
Pact of the Gun you make with firearms you are proficient with.
You can use your action to summon firearms from
your patron’s domain in one or both of your empty Eldritch Knowledge
hands. You can choose the type of firearm you You can hold a number of proficiencies from your Hex
summon each time you use this feature, but if you Gunner feature equal to your Proficiency bonus. If you
summon two weapons, they both must lack the two- learn more proficiencies, you lose the one you gained
handed property. These weapons count as magical for first.
the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity Gunner’s Little Helper
to nonmagical attacks and damage. You can also use
your Charisma bonus instead of Dexterity, for attack Prequisite: Pact of the Chain.
You can use your bonus action to command your
and damage rolls you make with your pact weapons, familiar to assist another friendly creature. The
as long as they lack the two-handed property. familiar immediately moves to occupy the same space
Your pact weapons disappear if they are more than as that creature, and it loses its own position in the
5 feet away from you for 1 minute or more. They also initiative order, and moves together with the creature
disappear if you use this feature again, if you dismiss until you command the familiar to do something else.
the weapons (no action required), or if you die. While the familiar is assisting the creature, the
You can transform up to two magic weapons into creature gains the following benefits:
your pact weapons by performing a special ritual
while you hold the weapons. You perform the ritual It can act like it has one extra hand.
over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a One extra Bonus Action each turn, that it can use
short rest. You can then dismiss the weapons, only to Reload or Unjam a firearm.
shunting it into an extradimensional space, and they Proficiency with all firearms and explosives you
appear whenever you create your pact weapons are proficient with.
thereafter. You can’t affect an artifact or a sentient
weapon in this way. The weapons cease being your Eldritch Plate Carrier
pact weapons if you die, if you perform the 1-hour
ritual on a different weapon, or if you use a 1-hour Prequisite: Pact of the Talisman.
Your talisman gives its wielder a measure of
ritual to break your bond to it. The weapon appears at protection from piercing damage. It creates a magical
your feet if it is in the extradimensional space when barrier that acts as a plate. The plate has a number of
the bond breaks. hit points equal to your warlock level, and it provides
Eldritch Strength resistance to piercing damage as long as it is intact.
Once the barrier plate is broken by an attack, you
Prequisite: Pact of the Gun.
You add your Charisma bonus to your Strength score must finish a long rest for it to regenerate.
to check if you meet the Recoil Strength requirement
for using a firearm you create as your Pact Gun.
Dimensional Ammo Stash
Prequisite: Pact of the Gun.
You can dump your ammunition into extra
dimensional space over a short rest, and all pact guns
you summon are always fully loaded by any type of
ammunition you have stored in there, as you pull them
from their pocket dimension. You can also summon
individual pact weapon by using the Reload action,
rather than an entire Action.
Hex Refresh
Whenever you deal a critical hit, or reduce another
creature to 0 hit points, instead of regaining hit points,
you can choose to regain a Hexgun Aura duplicate
charge instead.
Hex Reserve
The maximum number of Hexgun Aura duplicate
charges you can store is equal to your Charisma
modifier. You can still only benefit from maximum
Area. For each 1 mile by 1 mile area of real world
Wizard you express in your map, you must expend 1 hour and
Proficiencies 100 gold worth of parchment and rare inks.
World. A World map you create can encompass all
Armor: Light armor the continents of the world on that plane of existence,
Melee weapons: Boot knife unless the plane is infinite. Creating a World Map
Firearms: Simple pistols, Simple rifles, light pistol, requires total 1000 gold worth of parchment and rare
pistol inks, but the work done to complete it can be
Explosives: Grenades
incremental. Finishing a 100 mile by 100 mile area
Equipment takes 8 hours.
Instead of the equipment listed in the PHB, you start If a creature writes their name on a special page on
with the following equipment, in addition to the your Spellbook, you can always see their location on
equipment granted by your background: your maps, unless their location has been magically
hidden. Even then, the map will indicate if they are on
(a) a simple pistol or (b) a simple rifle the same plane as the map. If the page containing the
A box of ammunition for the chosen firearm names is destroyed, the creatures can’t be tracked by
(a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus the maps anymore.
(a) a scholar’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack You can copy a map with any names written on your
A spellbook spellbook if you want to, at one fifth of the material
Spellslot Expenditure Limit You can tear a map or its copy from your spellbook
1st-level Wizard feature and it will still function, but no new names can be
When you are able to expend more than one spellslot added to it once torn away.
to fuel class features or casting spells during one turn,
the sum of all expended spellslot levels can’t exceed Strike Orders
the level of the highest spellslot available to you at Spell Level Strikes
your current level. 1st Smoke Marker, Smoke Screen, Flare
2nd Mortar Strike, Shrapnel Drop
Additional Wizard Spells 3rd Heavy Ordnance, Fire Bomb
1st-level wizard feature 4th Precision Strike
The spells in the following list expand the wizard spell 5th Cryo Bomb
list you can learn spells from. The spells are 6th Ion Cannon
organized according to spell level, not character level. 7th Gravity Strike
8th Scouring Strike
1st Level Bullet Barrier 9th Annihilation
Decoy Conjure Ammunition
Strike Order
2nd Level 3rd Level 2nd-level Order of the Fire Discipline feature
Shield Generator Starting at 2nd level you can call down devastating
magical artillery strikes on your enemies. As an action
you expend a spellslot to designate a location for a
strike within 120 feet of you. If the strike order has a
Order of the Fire Discipline concentration component, it will arrive at the start of
Wizards of the Order of Fire Discipline are employed your next turn. Otherwise it arrives immediately. You
on the battlefield as Forward Observers, that call can also target a location anywhere within 1200 feet
artillery strikes on enemy formations, except that they of you, if you have a map of the intended location in
are the artillery. Through magic they summon your spellbook.
devastating strikes on their enemies. When you call a strike, make a skill check using
your Spellcasting modifier against DC equal to 10 +
Map Maker the expended spellslot’s level. If you do not have clear
2nd-level Order of the Fire Discipline feature line of sight to the intended location, you have
You’ve been trained in the art of drawing all kinds of disadvantage on the skill check.
maps and you gain proficiency with the If you fail the check, or your concentration on the
Cartographer’s tools. You can add pages to your strike call is broken before the start of your next turn,
spellbook, on which you can draw maps of locations the strike immediately hits a random location 2d6 x
you’ve visited or otherwise spent time observing from 10 feet away from the intended location. Determine
distance. You can create three kinds of maps; location, the direction by rolling a d8. On 1 it hits North of the
area and world. target, North-East on 2, East on 3, etc.
Location. For each 300 feet by 300 feet area of real When you fail the check by more than 10, the DM
world you express in your map, you must expend 1 will be happy to determine the location within 300
hour and 10 gold worth of parchment and rare inks. feet of the intended target.
You learn and add each of the strike orders to your Tactical Insertion
spellbook as you reach the wizard level with 14th-level Order of the Fire Discipline feature
sufficiently high level spell slot, but and you must have As an action you target a location as through your
them as prepared, as if they were spells, for you to be strike call feature, and you and up to 8 willing
able to use them. creatures of your choise within 15 feet of you vanish
All strikes require at least 300 feet of open air and appear in an extradimensional space in the shape
above the target for the strike call to work. of a 15-foot-radius cylinder, 15 feet high, resembling
Communications Officer the interior of a carriage or a military transport
vehicle (as specified by you). For 1d4 rounds nothing
6th-level Order of the Fire Discipline feature
You always have the and spells as seems to happen, but then a loud sonic boom shatters
message sending
prepared, and they don’t count towards the number of the sky above the target location, as the vessel
spells you can have as prepared. screams down from the sky. During the descend it
Communications Network. You can expend a
shakes violently, and any possible windows show
spellslot as an action to establish a magical flames licking the vessel’s sides as it rapidly decends
connection between all creatures you choose, that through the atmosphere.
have written their names in your spellbook, that are As it crashes to the target location, it smashes
within a set range. The range depends on the level of through 2d4 floors, or half as many reinforced ones.
the expended spellslot, starting at 120 feet for 1st All creatures within 15 feet radius of the impact must
level slot, and doubling at each additional slot above make Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d10
1st (240 feet for 2nd level slot, 480 feet for 3rd level bludgeoning and 5d10 thunder damage on a failed
slot etc). save or half as much on a successful one.
For up to 1 hour all affected creatures can hear Creatures within the vessel are immune to this
each other when they speak or whisper as if they were damage, but they must make DC 15 Strength saving
using the message cantrip. A connected creature can throw as it lands. On a success they keep their footing
also use their action to allow all creatures connected and can immediately take one round of actions as if
to the network to hear what they hear, until the start they had surprised the enemy, as the vessel opens up
of their next turn. around them.
A creature is severed from the network if you wish Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
to remove them as an action, they become until you finish a long rest.
incapacitated, the effect is dispelled from them, or
they choose to end it on themselves as an action. The
entire network is dispelled if the effect ends on you.
Loose Cannon
10th-level Order of the Fire Discipline feature
You can take a -2 penalty to the skill check you make
when calling down a strike, to upcast it one level
higher than the expended spellslot.
New Mechanics Muffle
This book expands the ruleset for firearm combat in Prequisite: free hand.
Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition. Some of the rules Use time: 1 attack.
When you are already grappling a creature, you can
are derived from the rules in the Dungeon Masters use the Attack action to make a special melee attack
Guide and other official material, while many are
completely new. to try and silence the creature. If you’re able to make
multiple attacks with the Attack action, this attack
Sound replaces one of them.
Firearms are noisy, explosions extremely so. The Using at least one free hand, you try to muffle the
sound of gunfire can be heard over great distances. target by making a grapple check, a Strength
Pistol fire can easily be heard up to 1 mile away, while (Athletics) check contested by the target’s Strength
the sound of rifles, shotguns, and explosions can be (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (the target
heard up to 5 miles away. chooses the ability to use).
Gunshots and small explosions. The sudden bang If you succeed, you subject the target to the silenced
of a gunfire or a small explosive device discharge can condition until the underlying grapple condition ends.
cause pain and deafness if creature’s unprotected ears Silenced
are too close to the source of the sound. When A condition that can be imposed on a creature
outdoors, creatures within 5 feet of a firearm, or an normally capable of speech or producing sounds that
explosive device without the loud property, as it they use to communicate.
discharges become partially deafened for 1 minute,
and make all Perception (Wisdom) checks related to silenced creature cannot speak
sounds at disadvantage for the next minute. casting a spell that includes a verbal component is
Loud explosions. Creatures caught within the blast impossible for a creature that is silenced
radius of an explosive device with the loud property,
or within 10 feet of a gunshot with a firearm that has
the loud property, become deafened for 1 minute.
Creatures deafened by gunshots or explosions can try
to shake off the effect as an Action by making a
Constitution saving throw against DC of 10.
Indoors. When indoors (buildings, caves, dungeons
etc.) the sound of gunfire and explosions bounce off of Chokehold
walls and other solid surfaces, extending the reach of Prequisite: using two hands to grapple a creature.
dangerously loud sounds. When both the source of the Use time: 1 action per turn.
sound, and the creature experiencing it, are within the When you successfully grapple a creature using both
same confined indoor environment, the range of of your hands, you can put them in a chokehold so
partially deafening sounds is increased to 30 feet, and that they start losing consciousness. A creature that
the range of deafening sounds is increased 30 feet remains grappled in this way falls unconscious after a
beyond their normal range. number of rounds equal to their Constitution modifier
Resistance to thunder damage. Creatures resistant (minimum of 1) at the end of their turn.
to thunder damage ignore the partially deafened While the chokehold lasts, you can use your Action
condition caused by gunfire or explosions, and they to tighten your grip and force the grappled creature to
treat the deafened condition caused by gunfire or make Constitution Saving throw against DC equal to
explosions as partial deafness instead. 8 + your Strenght modifier + your Proficiency
Immunity to thunder damage. Creatures immune modifier. On a failed save, the target loses 1 round of
to thunder damage can’t be partially or fully deafened the time remaining until they fall unconscious. If this
by gunfire or explosions. reduces the remaining time to zero, they immediately
fall unconscious.
If you release the unconscious creature, they can
repeat the saving throw at the start of each of their
turns, immediately regaining consciousness on a
successful save.
If you do not release the chokehold, the
unconscious grappled creature will begin to suffocate.
Covering Your Ears Creatures that don’t need to breath can’t be choked
Prequisite: two free hands. out.
Use time: free action.
You can use your free hands to cover your ears to
protect them from the sound of gunfire and
explosions. You gain the benefits and penalties of
wearing either earplugs or earmuffs (your choise)
until you use your hands for something else.
Suffocating (PHB p183) Blindfire
A creature can hold its breath for a number of minutes Prequisite: any firearm.
equal to 1 + its Constitution modifier (minimum of 30 Use time: 1 attack.
seconds). You can attempt to fire from behind a cover without
When a creature runs out of breath or is choking, it exposing yourself, by revealing just your weapon and
can survive for a number of rounds equal to its the hand holding it. You target a cone shaped area, up
Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the the firearm’s normal distance. Creatures in the
start of its next turn, it drops to 0 hit points and is affected area roll a d6 in ascending order based on
dying, and it can’t regain hit points or be stabilized distance from the attacker. On a roll of 1, they are the
until it can breathe again. target of the attack, but they count as having Three-
For example, a creature with a Constitution of 14 Quarters Cover. If no creature rolls 1 on the d6, the
can hold its breath for 3 minutes. If it starts attack misses them all. If a creature rolls 1, the rest of
suffocating, it has 2 rounds to reach air before it drops the affected creatures don’t have to roll as they can’t
to 0 hit points. be the target anymore.
If the attack was made using the full-auto property,
Disarming Shot all affected creatures must roll the d6, and they are a
Prequisite: ranged weapon attack. target of the attack on a roll of 1 or 2 on the d6.
Use time: 1 attack.
A creature can take a carefully aimed shot to knock a Overwatch (Action)
weapon or another item from a target’s grasp. The Prequisite: Extra attack feature.
attacker makes an attack roll contested by the target’s If you have only spent up to half your movement
Strength (Athletics) check or Dexterity (Acrobatics) during your turn, you can use your Action to enter a
check. If the attacker wins the contest, the attack hightened state of preparedness. You claim a cone
causes no damage or other ill effect, but the defender shaped area as your firing sector, and until the start of
drops the item. your next turn, or until you move, you gain a number
If the creature is grasping the item with both hands, of special overwatch reactions equal to the number of
they have an advantage on the check. attacks you’d normally have available from your extra
attack feature. These overwatch reactions can only be
Weapon Grappling Manouvers used for making firearm attacks, or using the full-auto
Prequisite: free hand. feature. Using your normal Reaction for anything ends
Use time: 1 attack. the overwatch.
When already grappling another creature, you may
attempt to temper with their firearm as an attack. You Take Cover
can make a melee attack roll contested by the target’s Use time: 1 reaction.
Strength (Athletics) check or Dexterity (Acrobatics) You can use your reaction to drop prone where you
check. If the attacker wins the contest, the attack stand.
causes no damage or other ill effect, but the
defender’s weapon is subject to one of the following Falling on a Grenade
effects: Use time: 1 reaction.
If a grenade lands within 5 feet of you, you can dive on
Disarm. You wrench the weapon from their grasp top of it to try to shield your allies from the explosion.
and either draw it and begin to use it yourself, or Immediately make the Dexterity saving throw you
drop it on the floor next to you. You have would if you were caught in the blast. On a success,
disadvantage on the attack roll if the target is you dive on top of it in time and take double the
holding the item with two or more hands. explosive’s normal damage, but only you are affected
Unload. You hit the magazine release mechanism, by the explosion. On a failed save you don’t make it in
and work the action of the firearm, so that its time, and you take the explosion’s normal damage,
detachable magazine or loaded ammunition spills and all other creatures caught in the blast act as they
out and falls on the ground, and the currently normally would.
chambered piece of ammunition is ejected,
effectively making the firearm useless until
reloaded again. Unless you are proficient with the
type of firearm you attempt to unload, you gain a -5
penalty to the attack roll.
Obstruct. If you have small debris or pieces of
ammunition matching the targeted firearm, you
can shove one into the barrel of the firearm, and
the firearm is considered jammed. Unless
unjammed, the explosive failure property is
triggered immediately next time the firearm is
Firearms Table
Name Cost Damage Range Weight Strength req. Reload Auto Properties
Simple pistols
Light revolver 20 gp 2d6 piercing 40/120 2 lbs. 7 7 - light, concealable
Revolver 30 gp 2d8 piercing 50/150 3 lbs. 9 6 - concealable
Heavy revolver 45 gp 2d10 piercing 60/180 5 lbs. 13 6 -
Simple rifles
Hunting rifle, 10 gp 2d12 piercing 150/600 13 lbs. 9 1 - two-handed
break action
Hunting rifle, 25 gp 2d10 piercing 200/800 11 lbs. 9 2 - two-handed,
double-barreled double-barreled
Hunting rifle, bolt 75 gp 2d10 piercing 200/800 11 lbs. 9 5 - two-handed
Simple shotguns
Shotgun, 5 gp 2d10 piercing 40/120 6 lbs. 9 1 - two-handed, spread
Shotgun, 20 gp 2d8 piercing 30/90 8 lbs. 7 2 - two-handed, spread,
double-barreled double-barreled
Sawed-off 10 gp 2d8 piercing 20/60 4 lbs. 9 2 - spread, concealable,
shotgun double-barreled
Martial pistols
Palm pistol 30 gp 2d4 piercing 20/60 1 lbs. 5 2 - light, concealable,
Light pistol 50 gp 2d4 piercing 30/120 2 lbs. 7 15(∗) semi light, concealable
Pistol 75 gp 2d6 piercing 30/120 3 lbs. 9 10(∗) semi concealable
Heavy pistol 100 gp 2d8 piercing 40/160 4 lbs. 11 7(∗) semi concealable
Autopistol 100 gp 2d6 piercing 30/120 4 lbs. 9 15(∗) full concealable
Submachine gun 150 gp 2d8 piercing 80/320 6 lbs. 7 25(∗) full two-handed
Martial rifles
Assault rifle 75 gp 2d10 piercing 100/400 8 lbs. 11 20(∗) full two-handed
Machine gun 150 gp 2d10 piercing 100/400 22 lbs. 13 30(∗) full two-handed, heavy
Heavy 200 gp 2d12 piercing 120/480 32 lbs. 15 20(∗) full two-handed, heavy
machine gun
Battle rifle 75 gp 2d12 piercing 80/240 10 lbs. 13 10(∗) semi two-handed
Marksman rifle 300 gp 2d12 piercing 300/1200 13 lbs. 13 7(∗) - two-handed, heavy
Martial shotguns
Shotgun, 40 gp 2d8 piercing 30/90 9 lbs. 7 5 - two-handed, spread
Shotgun, 150 gp 2d8 piercing 30/90 9 lbs. 7 5(∗) semi two-handed, spread
Special Firearms
Auto cannon 1000 gp 3d12 piercing 100/300 135 lbs. 21 20(∗) full two-handed,
heavy, stationary
Anti-armor rifle 500 gp 4d10 piercing 300/900 109 lbs. 21 10(∗) semi two-handed,
heavy, stationary
Flamethrower 100 gp 2d6 fire 50/- 45 lbs. - 4(∗) full two-handed, explosive
Grenade launcher 200 gp special 150 6 lbs. - 1(∗) semi two-handed, explosive
Rocket launcher 200 gp special 300/900 20 lbs. - 1 - two-handed, explosive
Firearms are ranged weapons that use combustion of
gunpowder to propel projectiles up to great distances
with deadly force.
Firearm Manouver DC
Firearm Handling bonus
When a firearm feature, or an explosive used by you, When something calls for you to make a Firearm
requires the target to make a saving throw, the saving handling check, you roll d20 and add your Firearm
throw DC is calculated as such: handling bonus to it.
Firearm Manouver DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Dexterity modifier Firearm Handling Bonus = your proficiency bonus +
your Dexterity modifier
Properties Concealable. Weapons with the concealable property
can be hidden on one’s body effortlessly, and require a
Firearms and trench warfare melee weapons have trained eye or a pat-down search to spot.
different properties based on their type. Semi-auto. Firearms with either the semi-, full-
automatic or double-barreled property can be used to
Reload. This number tells the number of shots you fire single shots in rapid succession. You can use your
can make with the weapon before you have to spend action, immediately followed by your bonus action, to
an action or a bonus action to reload it with make a double tap attack against a target. If you have
ammunition (character’s choise). Reloading a firearm access to extra attack feature, making a double tap
requires one hand to hold the weapon, and one free attack takes only your action.
hand to reload it with loose ammunition or a new
magazine. If the weapon has asterisk (∗) sign next to Double tap. You take two rapid shots against a
the number in the Shots column on the firearms table, single target within the firearm’s normal range.
it is fitted with a detachable magazine. Detachable Make two ranged attacks against the target with -2
magazines can be reloaded with ammunition penalty on the attack rolls. The critical hit range
beforehand and stored on one’s person. Attaching a for these attacks is increased by 2 (i.e. if your
loaded magazine to a weapon takes one reload action. attacks normally critically hit on a roll of 19-20 on
Firearms that have both the heavy and full-auto the d20, they now critically hit on 17-20). Because
properties can also be reloaded with ammunition the shots happen in such a rapid succession, make
belts. Successfully taking the Reload action includes both attack rolls before rolling for damage. You
cycling the action, and the firearm is ready to fire at can’t switch target between shots, and if the target
the pull of the trigger. uses instantaneous movement between the shots,
The maximum number of ammunition pieces that a you don’t have time to shift your aim to follow it.
creature can feed into a weapon or a magazine with Full-auto. If a firearm has the full-auto property, you
one reload action is 10. can replaces one or more of your attacks with a use of
any of the automatic fire features instead:
Wide arc. You sway from side to side as you fire
away, sweeping a cone shaped area with bullets,
up to a distance equal to half the normal range of
the firearm. Creatures in the affected aread must
make a Dexterity saving throw, taking the
weapon’s normal damage on a failed save.
Focus fire. You spray a large area with bullets. You
target a 10-foot-cube within the normal range of
the firearm, or 15-foot-cube within the long range.
Affected creatures beyond the weapon’s normal
Strength req. The Strength requirement represents range have advantage on the saving throw.
the Strength score needed to properly lug around the Creatures in the affected aread must make a
firearm and maintain your grip against the force of Dexterity saving throw, taking the attack’s normal
recoil when firing it. Unless you meet the Strength damage on a failed save. A creature that fails the
score requirement for a firearm, you make all attack saving throw by 5 or more, takes double damage.
rolls with it at disadvantage, and when firing it you Burst fire. You target one creature with a short
must roll a d6 and consult the Recoil Strength Penalty burst of automatic fire and make an attack roll
Effect table. with -5 penalty. If the attack hits, roll a d3, and add
Gripping a one-handed firearm with two hands a number of the weapon’s normal damage dice
lowers the Strength requirement by 2, while gripping equal to the result to the damage roll.
a two-handed firearm with just one hand increases it Using wide arc and focus fire consumes 10 pieces
by 2. Properly bracing a firearm against support of ammunition per use, while using burst fire only
decreases the Strength requirement by 6. consumes 3 pieces of ammunition per use. Running
Recoil Strength Penalty Effect out of ammunition in middle of using an automatic
fire features halves the damage the effect deals.
d6 Effect The firing rate of automatic weapons is limited by
1 You drop the gun and it fires again, hitting you. their mechanical nature, and the maximum number of
2 You drop the gun and it fires again, hitting your shots that can be fired from a weapon with the
nearest ally within 10 feet of you. automatic property during one round is 30.
3 You drop the weapon and it flies 10 feet in
random direction.
Jamming on a roll of 1 on the d20
Fire mode Result Un-jamming
Simple firearm The weapon doesn’t fire. No action needed
Semi-auto The weapon doesn’t fire. Forego one attack to rack the slide with a free hand,
or take the reload action.
Burst Fire The gun fires a burst of only 1d3-1 bullets, and on a roll of 1 Forego one attack to rack the slide with a free hand,
on the d3, it doesn’t go off at all as the first round was a or take the reload action.
Full-auto The gun fires only 1d10-1 bullets, dealing half damage. On DC 10
a roll of 1 on the d10, the first round was a dud, and the
hail of bullets doesn’t deal damage at all.
Simple firearms are more reliable that semi-, or fully 1 or 2 The cartridge You immediately Weapon must
generally easier to deal with. Weapons are more chamber, rupturing weapon’s normal
prone to jamming when using the automatic property. the barrel or the damage.
When using an ability that doesn’t require you to action and hurting
fire property, you still roll the d20 to see if the gun
3 or 4 The cartridge You immediately (DC 20)
take half the
jams. explodes blowing
open the action and weapon’s
Dud. All firearms fail to fire on a roll of 1 on the
hurting you. damage.
d20 because of a dud cartridge. Unless the un- 5 or 6 The cartridge splits You take no (DC 15)
jamming column on the jamming mentions an un- in the chamber, damage.
jamming, the firearm can be fired again without a jamming the gun
problem, and the faulty piece of ammunition is badly.
ejected like an empty shell would be, either when
the firearm is reloaded, or the action is cycled
manually as part of the attack, depending on the Explosive Failure on a Rocket or
type of the firearm. Grenade Launcher
Explosive failure. If the piece of ammunition being d6 Failure Result Un-jamming
used had the explosive failure property, it is 1 or 2 The projectile The grenade or Weapon must
triggered instead of the cartridge being a dud on a explodes rocket immediately be repaired
roll of 1 on the d20. Roll a d6 and consult the rupturing the detonates with full
corresponding explosive failure table. barrel. effect.
Jamming on automatic fire If the gun jams when 3 or 4 The projectile The grenade or (DC 20)
using either the wide arc or focus fire options, it partially rocket immediately
deals only half damage. If the gun jams when using explodes detonates dealing
the burst fire option, you don’t roll the d3 for jamming the half damage.
additional damage dice. weapon.
Unjamming. You can unjam a firearm as an action
5 or 6 The projectile Projectile flies to -
or a bonus action by succeeding in a firearm handling is fired but it is target but fails to
check against the un-jamming DC.
a dud. detonate.
Spread. Shotguns have the spread property because
when fired they expel clouds of projectiles that spread
out to cover a large area after a certain distance.
Point Blank. Firearms with the spread property
deal one weapon damage die extra damage within
half the normal range, as the projectile cloud has
not had the time to spread out yet, and they all
strike the target at once.
Pellet Cloud. If a target is beyond normal range,
you don’t make attack roll, but the target and each
creature within 5 feet of them must make a
Dexterity saving throw instead. Affected creatures
take half the weapon’s normal damage on a failed
save, and none on a successful one.
Double-barreled. Some firearms are built with
two barrels, and two separate triggers, one for each
barrel, allowing the user to choose which barrel they
want to fire. Double barreled firearms can have
different type of ammunition loaded in each barrel.
Double-barreled firearms can also be used for the
double tap attack even though they lack the automatic
fire property.
Special Firearms Grenade Launcher
This is a class of firearms that require special training A device that can be loaded with grenades to propel
to operate. them further than what is possible by just throwing
Auto Cannon Grenade propellant. A grenade launcher consumes
A super heavy machine gun that is usually operated by a piece of pistol ammunition for each grenade that is
at least two people. These are often deployed in fixed fired from it to produce the necessary force to expell
positions along the battlements. the projectile. These pistol cartridges are loaded into
the weapon together with the grenade.
Anti-armor Rifle
Rocket Launcher
A rifle designed to deal with armor by firing such a A tube like weapon that is used to fire rockets from.
large cartridge, that wielding it without properly This weapon has potential to be just as dangerous to
bracing the gun against something is sure to cause the user and everyone around them, as it is to those it
injury to the creature firing it. is fired at.
Flamethrower Backblast. Rocket launcher expels the hot exhaust
No other weapon quite incites the same terror as the gasses produced by launching the rocket from the
flamethrower. It consumes flammable liquid fuel to rear end of the tube. The force of this backblast is
shoot out streams of roaring flame. Instead of normal significant, and will hurt anyone it hits. Creatures
single fire attacks, it is capable of using only the wide caught within 10 feet cone, extending on the opposite
arc and focus fire automatic fire features, but it direction of the fired rocket from the rocket launcher,
consumes only one dose of fuel per use. It uses take 3d4 fire and 3d4 thunder damage as it is fired.
special canisters as its magazines. These canisters If the rocket launcher is fired indoors, or the
can be filled with fuel from another container as an backblast cone hits a solid wall, the user and everyone
action, but you then need to use another action to else within 5 feet of the rocket launcher also takes the
pressurize it with a pump before it is operational. damage from the backblast.
Some madmen mix Alchemist fire in with the fuel Cumbersome. Rocket launcher is slower to operate
to produce even hotter flame, that also clings to than other firearms, and as such, reloading or firing it
anything it touches, including creatures. Creatures takes one action.
proficient with Alchemist’s tools know how to mix
alchemist fire with flamethrower fuel with relative
safety. The mixture can be stored in a larger container
prior to loading into the magazine canisters. Failure
on the handling check when creating the fuel mixture
leads to loss of the materials, as they are easily
evaporated. However if the roll of the d20 would also
trigger the explosive failure listed in the table below,
the mixture explosively combusts instead, creating a
Satchel sized (or larger) explosion that covers the
affected area and creatures in burning alchemist fire.
Creature with no proficiency with Alchemist’s Tools
triggers the explosive failure property on a failed
ability roll.
Flamethrower fuel
Ratio of Alchemist Fire Explosive
Fire to Fuel damage Handling DC Failure
Pure fuel 2d6 - 1
1 to 3 3d6 (∗) DC 5 1 to 2
1 to 1 4d6 (∗) DC 10 1 to 3
3 to 1 5d6 (∗) DC 15 1 to 5
Pure Alchemist Fire 6d6 (∗) DC 20 1 to 7
Cost of Ammunition
Pistol Cartridges Rifle Cartridges Shotgun Shells
Type (box of 50) (box of 30) (box of 12) Crafting DC Properties
Regular 5 gp 30 gp 20 gp 10 (easy) -
Magnum 8 gp 45 gp 30 gp 15 (medium) + 1 damage die, explosive failure
Slugs - - 25 gp 15 (medium) ignores the spread property
Match grade 15 gp 50 gp 40 gp 20 (hard) + 1 attack rolls, reroll 1s once
Armor piercing 10 gp 60 gp 20 (hard) - 1 damage die, ignores resistance
bullets/slugs to piercing damage
Flechette shells - - 50 gp 20 (hard) - 1 damage die, ignores resistance
to piercing damage
Hollow point 10 gp 60 gp 40 gp 15 (medium) increased critical damage, half damage
bullets/slugs against armor
Rubber 10 gp - 40 gp 20 (hard) bludgeoning, non-lethal, halved range
Beanbag shells - - 40 gp 20 (hard) bludgeoning, non-lethal
Buckshot - - 25 gp 15 (medium) point blank up to normal range, normal
damage at long range,
advantage for targets
Silver ammunition + 10 gp (∗) + 10 gp (∗) + 10 gp (∗) 20 (hard) ignores resistance and immunity
to non-magical damage
Beanbag Rounds Reloading Materials
The shell is packed with small diamondsilk weave bag Name Weight Price
filled with ballbearings. It acts like a slug and the Box of empty casings of the 1/4 lbs. 1 gp
damage type of the attack is changed into corresponding type (reusable)
bludgeoning. Furthermore, creatures hit by attacks Box of primers (100 pcs.) 1/4 lbs. 1 gp
with beanbag rounds must make a Constitution saving Lead bar (enough for 1 box of ammunition) 1 lb. 5 sp
throw against your Firearm Handling DC, becoming Keg of gunpowder (enough for 10 boxes) 10 lbs. 30 gp
incapacitated until the end of their next turn on a
failed save. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the When crafting ammunition, the you must make
target falls unconscious for the same duration instead. either a Dexterity or an Intelligence check against the
Targets within half the normal range of the attack crafting DC of that type of ammunition. On a failed
have disadvantage on the saving throw, and targets roll, you consume the materials for 1d4 boxes of
beyond the normal range have advantage. ammunition you attempted to craft without actually
producing any usable ammunition.
Shotgun ammunition that is packed with fewer pellets
than birdshot, but the pellets are significantly larger
and retain their momentum further away. Buckshot
are usually used in martial shotguns and for hunting
large game. When using buckshot, the range for point
blank(spread) property extends up to the normal
range of the shotgun, and targets at long range take
normal damage instead of half damage. However, as
the pellets spread out beyond the normal range,
having fewer pellets leads to holes in their coverage,
and creatures have advantage on their Dexterity
saving throw.
Reloader’s Tools
This set of artisan’s tools includes; small cauldron,
pair of tongs, molds for casting different bullets and
other solid projectiles, measuring cups and small
scale for weighing gunpowder, hand priming tools,
hand press for seating bullets in casings and crimping
This set of tools allows a creature with proficiency
in using them to add their proficiency modifier to their
rolls when crafting firearm ammunition. To craft
ammunition they also need to have access to lead,
brass casings of the corresponding ammunition type,
gunpowder and primers. A creature can create a
number of boxes of ammunition equal to their
Dexterity modifier (minimum of 1) for each hour they
Attachments and Detachable Stock
Modifications Doubles the normal and long range on a pistol, and
gives it the two-handed property, while also lowering
Some options for modifying firearms exist. Attaching the Recoil Strength score of the firearm by 4.
a modification to a firearm takes 1 minute unless Attaching and removing takes one action.
otherwise stated, and you need to be proficient with
the firearm in question. Shortened Barrel
Halves the long distance of a two-handed weapon, but
Attachments Tools allows attaching a silencer without suffering the
Name Cost Weight penalties from it. Permanent modification that
Choke 20 gp - requires a professional to perform.
Scatterer 20 gp - Extended Magazine
Silencer 100 gp 1/2 lb.
If the weapon has asterisk (∗) sign next to the number
Detachable stock 15 gp 2 lbs.
in the Shots column on the firearms table, it can be
Extra magazine
Extended magazine
5 gp -
fitted with extended magazine.
Ammo capacity 10 gp - Sawed-off Stock
Increased by half The stock on all shotguns and simple rifles can be cut
Doubled 30 gp - short without damaging the mechanism of the
Tripled 50 gp - firearm. Modifying a weapon in this manner removes
Ammunition belt, 100 rounds 5 gp 1 lb. the two-handed property but adds +4 to the Recoil
Scope 300 gp 2 lb. Strength score of the weapon. Note that bolt action
Gun cleaning kit 30 gp 1 lb. rifles still require two hands to properly cycle the
Choke action.
Barrel attachment that doubles the normal and long Scope
ranges on your shotgun attacks. Scopes are essentially telescopes with built-in aiming
Scatterer reticles that are attached on top of the firearm.
Barrel attachment that halves the normal and long Commonly used with rifles, though they are
ranges on your shotgun attacks. sometimes seen on revolvers with detachable stocks.
Provides a +2 bonus to attack rolls and Perception
(wisdom) checks when targeting something more than
60 feet away. Scopes are fragile, and if the firearm it
is attached to is used for a melee attack or dropped on
the ground, roll a d6. On a roll of 1 the scope breaks
beyond repair.
Gun Cleaning Kit
Normal gunshots can be clearly heard from up to a This small tin contains small bottle of oil, sectioned 4
mile away. A silencer muffles the sound of gunshots feet metal rod, small wire brush and cleaning cloth.
Maintenance. If you have gun cleaning kit, you can
enough that they can’t be heard at all beyond 300 feet, spend 10 minutes to perform maintenance on your
and require a successful Perception (wisdom) check gun to keep it in tip top shape. For the next 24 hours
against the shooter’s Firearm Manouver DC to detect you can reroll the first die that would cause that gun
within that area. Imposes a penalty of -2 on attack to jam.
rolls when targeting a creature within 5 feet of you Little oil and elbow grease. If you have your gun
with the firearm it is attached to. cleaning kit at hand, you can unjam any jammed
firearm by spending 1 minute doing it without having
to roll for it.
Trench Warfare Melee Weapons Table
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Simple Melee Weapons
Boot knife 3 gp 1d6 piercing 1 lb. finesse, light, thrown(20/40), concealable
Brass knuckle 1 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 1/2 lbs. light, concealable
Trench club 5 sp 1d6 bludgeoning 3 lbs. light
Entrenching tool 2 gp 1d6 slashing 4 lbs. light, shovel(∗)
Crowbar 1 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 5 lbs. versatile (1d8), leverage(∗)
Sledgehammer 15 gp 1d12 bludgeoning 12 lbs. two-handed, siege (∗)
Martial Melee Weapons
Bayonet 5 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lbs. finesse, light, thrown(30/60), spear(∗)
Knuckle knife 5 gp 1d4 piercing/slashing 1/2 lbs. finesse, light, concealable
Garrote 1 gp 1d4 slashing 1/4 lbs. finesse, two-handed, concealable
Explosive Failure
Name Cost Damage type Weight Blast radius / range /Handling DC Properties
Simple explosives
Dynamite stick 10 gp 3d6 bludgeoning (∗) 1 lb. 5 foot-radius sphere (∗) - loud
Keg of gunpowder 30 gp 3d6 fire 10 lbs. 10 foot-radius sphere - loud
Blasting cap 1 gp 1d6 fire - touch DC 10 -
Igniter cord (10 feet coil) 10 gp - 2 lbs. - 1, 2 -
Grenade fuse 5 gp 1d6 fire - touch 1/DC 10 -
Fragmentation grenade 50 gp 5d6 piercing 1 lb. 15 foot-radius sphere 1 -
Thermite grenade 75 gp 3d6 fire/3 rounds 1 lb. 10 foot-radius sphere 1 -
Stun grenade 60 gp 3d10 thunder 1 lb. 10 foot-radius sphere 1 loud
Flashbang 35 gp - 1 lb. 5 foot-radius sphere 1 loud
Smoke grenade 50 gp -/10 rounds 1 lb. 15 foot-radius sphere 1 -
Special explosives
Alchemist’s fire 25 gp 1d4 fire (∗) 1/2 lbs. touch 1, 2 -
/10 minutes
Alchemist’s coctail 10 gp 1d4 fire (∗) 1 lb. 10 foot-cube 1, 2 -
/10 rounds
Flamethrower fuel 50 gp 1d4 fire (∗) 10 lb. 20 foot-radius sphere 1 -
(10 dose tank) /10 rounds
Martial explosives
Landmine (pressure 100 gp 4d8 piercing and 4d8 23 lbs. 20 foot-radius sphere 1/DC 10 loud
trigger) fire
Directional mine (trip wire) 75 gp 5d8 piercing 2 lbs. 25 foot cone 1/DC 15 -
Pipe bomb (trip wire) 50 gp 6d8 piercing 2 lbs. 20 foot-radius sphere 1/DC 15 -
Penetrator charge 50 gp 5d8 piercing 2 lbs. 10 inches-wide, 15 foot- 1/DC 15 -
(trip wire) long line
Breaching charge 100 gp 6d8 bludgeoning 20 lbs. 5 foot-cube 1/DC 10 loud
(grenade fuse)
High explosive warhead 200 gp 5d8 fire and 5d8 6 lbs. 20 foot-radiussphere 1 loud
Fragmentation warhead 200 gp 5d8 fire and 5d8 4 lbs. 25-foot cone 1 loud
Penetration warhead 200 gp 10d8 piercing 10 lbs. 10 inches wide, 30 foot- 1 loud
long line
Proximity fuse (airburst) 100 gp - 1/4 lbs. - 1/DC 15 -
Delayed fuse 5 gp - 1/4 lbs. - 1/DC 15 -
Sapper’s equipment
Demolitioner’s tools 35 gp - 2 lbs. - - -
Lighter 50 gp 1d4 fire 1/4 lbs. touch - -
Cutting torch 30 gp 3d4 fire/5 rounds 1/2 lbs. touch - -
Blasting machine 50 gp - 16 lbs. 900 feet - two-
Remote detonator 125 gp - 1 lb. 100 feet - -
Arcane remote detonator 1000 - 1 lb. 300 feet - -
Arcane blasting caps 150 gp 1d6 fire - touch DC 10 -
Signal wire 10 gp - 2 lbs. - - -
(300 feet coil)
Barbed wire 5 gp 2d4 piercing 10 lbs. touch - -
(30 feet coil)
Razor wire (30 feet coil) 5 gp 2d4 slashing 10 lbs. touch - -
Signal extender 1 gp 1d4 lightning - 100 feet DC 10 -
Mechanical timer 300 gp - 1/2 lbs. 100 feet 1/DC 15 -
Trip wire trigger 3 gp 1d6 fire 1/2 lbs. 30 feet 1/DC 15 -
Pressure trigger 5 gp 1d6 fire 1/2 lbs. touch 1/DC 15 -
Thunder clay 25 gp 2d8 bludgeoning (∗) 1/2 lbs. touch (∗) - loud
Explosives Explosive Failure
Explosives are devices packed with explosively Each time you use an explosive device you run the
combustible material, most commonly gunpowder. risk of it exploding in your hand. When you make a
Sometimes the device includes projectiles that the handling check, see if the roll on the d20 matches the
explosion propels around, shredding everything they listed results for explosive failure. You must roll the
hit. They are gruesome but effective weapons against d20 even if using the explosive doesn’t require a
groups of enemies, as well as structures. handling check, such as when throwing a grenade.
Proficiency Explosive failure on an explosive
Proficiency with an explosive means that you know d6 Failure
how to safely arm and deploy it. If the explosive device 1 or 2 The explosive device immediately detonates.
or a tool has a Handling DC, a creature without
proficiency with it will trigger the explosive failure 3 or 4 The explosive device immediately partially
property on it on a failed handling check.
5 or 6
detonates, dealing half damage.
The detonator is a dud.
Using Explosives
Depending on their type, explosive devices can be A dud explosive can be repaired as an action by
thrown or placed by hand, or launched from a successfully replacing the detonator.
weapon. Unless stated otherwise, using an explosive Disarming an Explosive
device, or combining any two exlosive devices or Disarming an armed explosive, that has yet not been
device parts, takes one action and two free hands. triggered, takes one action and requires a successful
If the explosive device or a part has a listed Dexterity or Intelligence check against the Firearm
Handling DC, a creature using it needs to make a Manouver DC of the creature who armed it, or the
Firearm Handling check against the Handling DC. On Handling DC of the explosive, which ever is higher.
a success the device is correctly armed and ready for
use, while on a failure something goes wrong and they Thrown Explosives
need to try again. Light explosives (weighing maximum of 1 lb.), such as
Explosion Effect Save DC grenades, as well as dynamite and alchemist’s coctail,
Explosives produce an area affect when detonated. can be armed or lit, and thrown at a point, up to
Creatures caught within the blast range of an creature’s throwing distance away, after which it
explosive device as it goes of must make a Dexterity detonates.
saving throw against DC equal to the Firearm Throwing Distance (light explosive) = 20 feet + 20 feet
Handling DC of the creature that set, threw or x your Strength modifier (minimum 0).
launched the explosive, taking the explosives’s
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a Heavier explosives (weighing maximum of 30 lbs.)
successful one. If the detonation occured by accident, can also be thrown, but the throwing distance is
or the explosive device was detonated by the reduced.
explosion of another nearby explosive device, the DC
is 10. Throwing Distance (heavy explosive) = 10 feet x your
Unless stated otherwise, the effect of an explosion Strength modifier (minimum 0).
can’t spread around corners or total cover. If you wish to throw an explosive directly at a creature
Enclosed Spaces. The force of an explosion is
reflected by walls, making explosions more deadly or a target, to make it stick to it or shatter an
and harder to dodge from in enclosed spaces. alchemist fire flask on it for example, you make attack
roll agains that creature’s AC instead. Treat the above
Explosions in Enclosed Spaces throwing distance as the normal range, and double of
Space Example Effect
that as the long range for making the attack.
Partially an alley, a Creatures caught in the blast radius Hiding an Explosive
enclosed trench have disadvantage on the saving A creature can attempt to hide an armed placed
throw explosive as an action. Doing so, they make a
Fully a room, a Disadvantage on the saving throw, Dexterity check against the Handling DC. On a
enclosed vehicle and creatures that fail the saving success they blend in the explosive and the trigger
throw by 10 or more take double mechanism with its surroundings, and detecting it
damage. requires a successful Perception or Investigation
check against the Firearm Manouver DC of the
The sound of explosions can cause pain and deafness creature that hid the explosive.
in creatures exposed to it at close proximity, Creatures have disadvantage on the Dexterity
especially if the explosive device has the loud property saving throw against explosion effects if the explosive
(See Sound on page 26). was hidden from them when it detonates.
Overlapping Explosions Detonator (blasting cap)
If an explosive device is caught within the blast radius These are tiny cartridge sized explosive devices that
of another explosion, roll a d6. On a roll of 1 or 2, it are meant to trigger other explosives. They can be
also explodes. Explosives buried in dirt or other combined with either igniter cord or signal wire.
protective material only explode on a roll of 1. If the Their damage is not added to the total damage if
explosives were touching, you don’t have to roll and they are attached to another explosive.
they all explode. (See Combined Explosives for how to
calculate the damage for touching explosives.) Igniter cord (10 feet coil)
Explosives carried by a creature are not detonated Simplest type of fuse, created with alchemist’s tools
by an explosion unless the original explosion killed by combining gunpowder with a strand of rope or
the creature carrying the additional explosives. twisted paper, that burns at a rate of approximately 1
inch per turn, even when submerged in water. Can be
Combined Explosives cut to any desired length and ignited from an open
Rather than calculate the damage of larger explosions flame.
by combining the damage dice from individual Delay. Due to its crude nature, precisely timing it is
explosions, the DM will decide which size category of practically impossible. When using igniter cord, the
combined explosives a pile of explosive devices falls DM rolls initiative for the explosive it is attached to in
within. The damage type of the explosion is secret, and immediately adds it to the initiative order.
determined by the type of explosive that is most If the cord was cut to a length of 1 inch, the explosive
prevalent in the pile. All combined explosions have the will detonate next time it comes up in the initiative
loud property. order. For each additional inch, pass the explosive’s
turn once without it exploding.
Amount type Weight Blast radius Grenades
Satchel 10d6 (∗) approx. 30 20 foot-radius
Grenades are small martial explosives that are
lbs. sphere
designed to be as easy to use as possible. A grenade
Barrel 15d8 (∗) approx. 120 40 foot-radius
comes with all necessary components, and is ready
Stack of crates 20d10 (∗)
approx. 600
60 foot-radius
for use.
lbs. sphere Grenade Fuse
Small building 30d10 (∗) - 120 foot-radius A small explosive device consisting of detonator
filled with sphere (blasting cap), a lever like trigger mechanism, short
explosives fuse, and a safety pin. Is combined with a grenade by
screwing it in the designated hole. Once the safety pin
Simple Explosives is removed, the trigger mechanism must be kept
Simple explosives are just explosive material in a compressed or the fuse is lit and the grenade will
container, fitted with detonator (blasting cap) and a explode. As long as the trigger is kept compressed,
length of igniter cord. They are purchased separately, the safety pin can be put back in.
and need to be combined by the user before use. Delay. Grenade fuses are very short, but they can be
Igniting the cord and throwing or placing the set in two ways:
explosive takes one action, and can be done from any Immediate. The grenade will detonate within
open flame. seconds of the fuse being lit. This allows the user
Dynamite Stick enough time to throw the grenade, after which it
The simplest explosive to use. Can be thrown or detonates almost immediately after landing.
placed. If you have open flame near you, igniting and Short. The grenade will detonate at the start of
throwing the stick can be done with one hand. your next turn, leaving the user enough time to
A character can bind sticks of dynamite together so move.
they explode at the same time. Each additional stick Fragmentation Grenade
increases the damage by 1d6 (to a maximum of 10d6) Explosive device with a metal shell that will fragment
and the burst radius by 5 feet (to a maximum of 20 and send shrapnel flying everywhere when it
feet). (See Combined Explosives for how to calculate detonates.
the damage for touching explosives.)
Thermite Grenade
Keg of Gunpowder
Not an explosive per say, but can be used as such. A grenade containing powder that will burn with
Gunpowder is used for reloading ammunition for intense heat for 3 rounds when it detonates. The fire
firearms. A single keg of gunpowder is enough for will throw sparks around and ignite flammable
crafting 10 boxes of firearm ammunition. materials that are not being carried or worn within the
blast radius, and it is hot enough to melt steel through
steel the point of origin is touching.
Stun Grenade as it blows up, start their turn in the burning area or
A grenade, that instead of showering the surrounding move into it for the first time on their turn, take 1d4
area with shrapnelle when detonated, produces a fire damage. The fire ignites flammable materials
rapid concussive blast wave. Being hit by the blast thatn are not being carried or worn.
feels like hitting a wall head on. Creatures caught in Martial Explosives
the blast must make a Constitution saving throw
against DC 10, or half the amount of damage they Some explosives must be set in place before being
took from the explosion, which ever is highest. On a armed. They will lie in wait and detonate if something
failed save they are stunned until the end of their next triggers them, and for this reason they are terrifying
round. weapons, as they don’t discriminate between friend or
foe, and can lie in wait for years until something
Flashbang finally detonates it.
A non-lethal, but still dangerous grenade that After an explosive device has been armed and set in
produces a flash of intense bright light as it detonates. place it can’t be moved without risking detonating it.
Creatures that fail their Dexterity saving throw Martial explosives come equipped with a detonator
against it, are blinded until the end of their next turn. and a type trigger mechanism listed in the parenthesis
Creatures with darkvision have especially sensitive after the name.
eyes, and have disadvantage on their saving throw. Landmine (pressure trigger)
Smoke Grenade The classic mine can be placed on a surface and then
One round after a smoke grenade lands, it emits a armed so that if a creature or a vehicle weighing more
cloud of smoke that creates a heavily obscured area in than 20 pounts steps on it, it detonates.
a 20-foot radius. A moderate wind (at least 10 miles
per hour) disperses the smoke in 4 rounds; a strong Directional Mine (trip wire)
wind (20 or more miles per hour) disperses it in 1 A plate shaped explosive device that can be placed on
round. the ground or attached to other surfaces. Build so that
Special Explosives
the explosion will propel shrapnel in a cone shaped
area. Effective against groups of enemies.
These are explosives that don’t neatly fit into other Pipe Bomb (trip wire)
existing categories. Pipe filled with explosive material and shrapnel that it
Alchemist’s Fire will send flying in every direction as it detonates.
A small flask filled with sticky, adhesive fluid ignites Penetrator Charge (trip wire)
when exposed to air. Once ignited, it is almost These are used for sabotaging structures and
impossible to put out. As an action, you can throw this vehicles, as well as targeting creatures behind cover.
flask at a target, shattering it on impact. Make a When detonated, they produce a narrow spray of
ranged Attack against a creature or object, treating super heated metal shrapnel.
the alchemist’s fire as an Improvised Weapon. On a The projectiles can penetrate through cover, but it
hit, the target takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of loses some of its damage potential for each foot of
each of its turns for up to 10 minutes. A creature can cover it must blast through to get to the target.
end this damage by using its action to make a DC 10
Dexterity check to extinguish the flames. 2d8 for foot of wood or an inch of metal
Alchemist’s Coctail 4d8 for foot of stone or brick
A bottle filled with a mixture of oil (or other A character can combine blocks of thunder clay
flammable liquid) and alchemist’s fire. Once thrown, together so the strenght of the explosion is increased
the bottle shatters on impact and splashes a 10 foot without actually increasing the blast radius. Each
cube in liquid that immediately spontaneously ignites. additional block increases the damage by 1d8 (to a
Creatures in the affected area, that fail their Dexterity maximum of 7d8). If more than 6 blocks of thunder
saving throw, are covered in in the burning liquid, clay are combined, see satchel in combined explosives
taking 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of their for the increased damage and blast radius.
turns. A creature can end this damage by using its
action to make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish Breaching Charge (mechanical fuse)
the flames. The affected area will continue to burn for A bundle of heavy cloth, that can be folded open to
1 minute, and each creature that starts their turn in it, cover a rectangular 2 feet by 3 feet surface and stick
or moves into it for the first time on their turn, must to it. This cloth is implanted with sticks of thunder
repeat the Dexterity saving throw or get some of the clay, plasting caps and a mechanical fuse. Useful for
burning liquid on them and be caught on fire. quickly blowing a hole in doors or walls. Added
benefit of the design is that the heavy cloth muffles the
Flamethrower Fuel sounds of the explosion to a level of suppressed
A tank filled with flammable oil. Used as the gunshots.
ammunition for the flamethrower, but can also be
used as a flame bomb. Creatures caught in the blast
Rockets delayed fuse, unless the DM rules that the rocket
stuck to whatever it hit and stayed in that orientation.
Rockets are essentially more powerful grenades that
can be launched further a way. Rockets only detonate Sapper’s Equipment
if they hit something solid after being launched. Sapper’s Equipment includes all of the assorted
Using a rocket launcher you can target either a explosive materials and associated trigger
creature or an object, as well as a point you can see. mechanisms and tools. Trained demolitioners can use
When targeting a creature directly, you make a ranged this equipment to rig all kinds of explosives and create
attack roll against their AC, and they automatically fail deadly traps.
the associated Dexterity saving throw if the attack hits
them. Demolitioner’s Tools
High Explosive Warhead This set of tools includes a set of screwdrivers, a set of
These warheads produce a large explosion around narrow-bladed scissors, a pair of pliers, a pair of wire
their point of impact. cutters, and a small adjustable wrench. Proficiency
with these tools lets you add your Proficiency Bonus
Fragmentation Warhead to any Ability Checks you make with them at hand
Once this kind of warhead strikes a target, it when interacting with any demolition tools.
detonates and showers the target and everything Lighter
behind it in a cone shaped area in shrapnel. Small metal rectangle or cylinder that can fit in your
Penetration Warhead fist. Has a lid that can be flipped open, with small
These warheads are used for attacking against wheel underneath, that when flicked, produces spark
fortified structures and vehicles. When it hits an that ignites a oil soaked piece of rope. Can be used as
object or a creature, it detonates and produces a a light source, or to light an igniter cord. When used
narrow spray of super heated metal shrapnel. The as a continuous light source, it sheds bright light in 10
force of the explosion is directed through the target feet radius, and dim light for additional 10 feet for 10
and everything directly behind it. The projectiles can minutes before it needs to be filled with 1 oz of oil.
penetrate through cover, but it loses some of its The flame is too delicate to use as a weapon, as it can
damage potential for each foot of cover it must blast be extinguished by blowing on it, or moving it too fast.
through to get to the target. Cutting Torch
2d8 for foot of wood or an inch of metal A device resembling a dynamite stick. Instead of
4d8 for foot of stone or brick exploding when ignited, the ignited end will produce a
small intense flame capable of cutting through one
Proximity Fuse inch thick steel with ease. Once ignited it sheds bright
Special type of fuse for use with rockets, that light in 20 feet radius, and dim light for additional 20
detonates after the rocket has travelled a specified feet. A creature holding the cutting torch in one hand
distance. When you load a rocket into the launcher, can use their action cut through metal objects. Cutting
you twist a dial to set the distance. It can be anything a hole large enough to allow passage for tiny creature
up to the long distance of the rocket launcher. in one inch thick metal sheet takes one action. The
These are especially useful when you wish to required time to cut the hole is increased by one
explode someone hiding behind a cover. Just aim over combat round for each size class above tiny. If used as
the cover, and set the fuse to explode there. a melee weapon, treat it as an improvised weapon,
dealing 3d4 fire damage on a hit.
Blasting Machine
Mechanical device that consists of a wooden box with
metallic frame, with a T-shaped plunger on the top, a
bunch of switches and connectors on the side.
Detonation machines are used to generate an electric
Delayed Fuse signal that can travel along a signal wire to trigger an
Special type of fuse that makes it so the rocket doesn’t attached blasting cap. Blasting machines have space
explode on impact, but rather after a certain number for attaching 5 different wires to it. A creature with
of rounds (1-10 rounds). two free hands to manipulate the machine can use
Delay. When using delayed fuse, the DM rolls their attack to select any number of the attached wires
initiative for the rocket it is attached to in secret, and and compress the plunger to send a signal through
immediately adds it to the initiative order. If the fuse them. The signal generated by the machine can travel
was set to 1 round, the rocket will detonate next time a maximum distance of 900 feet.
it comes up in the initiative order. For each additional
round, pass the rocket’s turn once without it
Fragmentation and penetration warheads explode
in random direction if they were equipped with
Remote Detonator Signal Extender
A more compact version of the blasting machine, with Special type of blasting cap that uses alchemical
room enough for only 1 attached wire, and strength reaction to produce a tiny electrical spark instead of
enough to send a signal up to 100 feet of wire. Can be an explosion. Signal extenders can be used to replace
operated with just one hand. the existing blasting cap in any trigger device, or to
combine two signal wires together. If triggered by
Arcane Remote Detonator incoming signal, or trigger mechanism, it will
Remote detonator of arcane design. Doesn’t require immediately spark with electricity, and send a signal
signal wire to transmit the signal, but can only be used down another connected wire up to 100 feet away.
together with arcane blasting caps. Can be connected
with an arcane blasting cap as an action by touching it Mechanical Timer
to it. Can remain connected with a total of 10 different Intricate device with whirring clockwork insides and a
blasting caps, of which any number the user desires mechanical display or a clockface. This device can be
can be detonated with an attack as long as they are set to trigger after a set amount of time, up to 72
within range. The signal doesn’t require line of sight hours. Once it reaches the set time, it triggers,
to travel, but if either the detonator or the cap is sending detonation signal along a connected wire up
completely incased within lead lined container, the to 100 feet away.
signal cannot travel through it. Trip Wire Trigger
Arcane Blasting Caps A modified grenade fuse, with a wire attached to it.
Enchanted blasting caps that work only with arcane Once it is connected to an explosive device, the user
remote detonator. Like all blasting caps, they are can then attach the trip wire somewhere up to 30 feet
destroyed upon use. away, followed by pulling the safety pin from the
trigger mechanism. Once set in this way, if any
Signal Wire creature touches the trip wire with enough force, the
A coil of insulated copper wire. The wire can carry the mechanism will immediately trigger. Light debris
detonation signal up to 900 feet. Signal wires can be such as leaves or small twigs don’t weight enough to
connected with one another to create split networks. set it off.
All blasting caps connected to a signal wire network A creature can also use an attack to intentionally
are detonated simultaneously if a signal is sent to it. pull the wire, if they are holding the other end, to
Thunder damage inflicted on an un-insulated part of trigger the device.
signal wire will travel along the wire like a detonation
signal sent by blasting machine. Pressure Trigger
Trigger mechanism used in mines. A disk shaped
Barbed and Razor Wires object, roughly 6 inches in diameter, and 2 inches
A coil of steel wire that has tiny metal spikes or razor thick. Consists of blasting cap, safety pin, and the
blades attached to it. Excellent fortification material, pressure trigger mechanism. Once armed, will trigger
as it shreds anything trying to pass through its space. immediately if more than 5 pounds of force is applied
A creature can spend 1 minute deploying the coil of on top of it.
barbed or razor wire. Single coil is enough to cover
either 30 foot long, 1 feet wide line, or three 5-foot-by- Thunder Clay
5-foot squares. The area becomes difficult terrain, and Explosive substance used in most grenades and
when a creature moves through, into or within the martial explosives. Comes in 2 inch by 2 inch by 10
area, it takes 2d4 piercing(barbed) or 2d4 inch sized blocks wrapped in wax paper. Resembles
slashing(razor) damage for every 5 feet it travels green pottery clay, and can be molded by hand.
within it. Produces an explosion more rapid than gunpowder,
with essentially no visible flames. Sticks to most
surfaces, and is especially useful for demolishing
structures. Can’t be ignited directly by flame unlike
gunpowder, but requires a detonator inserted into it to
Armor Class Disadvantage /
Armor Cost (AC) Strength Conditions Weight Properties
Light Armor
Flak armor 10 gp 11 + Dex modifier - Acrobatics 13 lbs. damage reduction (2)
Soft body armor 45 gp 12 + Dex modifier - - 10 lbs. concealable,
damage reduction (4)
Diamondsilk- 300 gp 12 + Dex modifier - - 6 lbs. concealable,
weave armor damage reduction (4)
Chest-plate harness 100 gp 10 + Dex modifier - - 3 lbs. concealable,
+ plates (max 2) plates (1)
Medium Armor
Hard body 75 gp 13 + Dex modifier - Acrobatics 22 lbs. damage reduction (6)
armor (max 2)
Thick diamondsilk- 1,000 gp 14 + Dex modifier - - 14 lbs. concealable,
weave armor (max 2) damage reduction (6)
Plate carrier 250 gp 12 + Dex modifier - Acrobatics 15 lbs. plates (2)
(max 2) + plates
(max 4)
Heavy Armor
Heavy plate 400 gp 13 + plates (max 6) Str 13 Acrobatics, 15 lbs. plates (3)
carrier Stealth
Blast armor 1,000 gp 17 Str 15 Acrobatics, 95 lbs. resistant (physical, fire,
Stealth thunder)
Juggernaut armor 3,000 gp 20 Str 17 Acrobatics, 75 lbs. resistant (physical)
Armor Plates
Diamondsilk- weave 200 gp +2/plate - - 2 lbs. resistant (piercing),
plate damage reduction (10)
Ceramic plate 100 gp +2/plate Str 11 Acrobatics 5 lbs. resistant (piercing),
damage reduction (15)
Steel plate 50 gp +2/plate Str 15 Acrobatics, 10 lbs. resistant (piercing),
Stealth damage reduction (20)
Mithril plate 500 gp +2/plate - - 1 lb. resistant (piercing),
damage reduction (20)
Ballistic shield 10 gp +2 - - 10 lbs. -
Ballistic towershield 200 gp +2/special(∗) Str 15 Stealth 30 lbs. two-handed,
Infantry helmet 5 gp +1 - Perception(Hearing) 6 lbs. -
Heavy steel helmet 75 gp +2 Str 9 Stealth, 9 lbs. resistant (thunder)
Hardened 1,200 gp +2 - - 3 lbs. resistant (thunder)
weave helmet
Face Protection
Sunglasses 5 gp - - Blind(dim light) 1/4 lb. resistant (flash)
Tacticool glasses 50 gp - - - 1/4 lb. crit deflection (6)
Welding goggles 15 gp - - Perception(Sight), 1/2 lb. immune (flash),
Blind(dim light) crit deflection (5-6)
Hardened 500 gp - - - 1 lb. crit deflection (4-6)
weave mask
Glass-steel face 300 gp - - Perception(Hearing) 3 lbs. crit deflection (3-6)
Steel face shield 100 gp - Str 9 Perception 8 lbs. crit deflection (2-6)
(Sight, Hearing)
Hearing protection
Earplugs 1 cp - - Deafened - immune (sounds)
Earmuffs 5 gp - - Perception(Hearing) 1/2 lb. resistant (sounds)
Armor Ballistic Towershield
Armor protects your vital organs from bullets and When wielded with two hands, this large shield
other injuries. It can absorb the energy of incoming provides half-cover to the creature holding it. If a
shots (damage reduction, resistance), or safely deflect creature wielding a ballistic towershield uses their
them to the side (increased AC). bonus action to brace the bottom edge of the shield
Damage reduction. Some armor is designed to
against the ground, they gain its benefits until they
dissipate the energy of incoming attacks over a larger move, even if they use only one hand to hold it in
area. While wearing armor with this property, all place.
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that you Helmets and Face Protection
take is reduced by the number in the damage Face protection items can be worn together with
reduction column. Damage reduction is applied helmets, or separately on their own. Helmets don’t
before resistances. require specific Proficiency to wear.
Disadvantage/Conditions. Some armor pieces Crit deflection. Some head gear provides a measure
hamper your ability to perform ability checks, or limit of protection against critical hits. If an attack aimed at
your senses. you would be a critical hit, roll a d6. On a roll of the
Disadvantage on Ability Checks. You make related
value listed in the parentheses, the hit will be a
ability checks with disadvantage. regular hit instead.
Blind(dim light). While wearing this item, you are
considered blinded when trying to perceive
something within dimly lit area.
Deafened. While wearing this item, you are
considered deafened.
Resistant. Armor with this property provides Hearing protection
resistance to the damage types, or effects, listed Wearing hearing protection protects you from the
within the brackets after the property. sound of gunfire and explosions. Donning or doffing
Sounds. Saving throws against effects that target ear protection takes one action and requires two free
your hearing. hands.
Flash. Saving throws against effects that produce Earplugs. Cheap and effective small plugs you
flashes of bright light. stick into your ears, most commonly made from
Plates. Some armor are fitted with replaceable wax. Provide immunity to sounds of gunfire and
armor plates, that are meant to absorb the damage explosions, but not to actual thunder damage, at
from gunshots, but break in the process. Armor plates the cost of making the wearer deafened while
must be purchased separately. You can also replace wearing them.
damaged plate as an action if they are destroyed. Earmuffs. A pair of cup shaped, cushioned ear
The number in the parenthesis after the plates covers, held together by a wire frame. Provide
property tells the number of plates the armor can resistance to sounds of gunfire and explosions, but
hold. Each intact plate increases the AC provided by not to actual thunder damage, at the cost of
the armor by 2. making the wearer partially deafened while
Single effect’s damage can be reduced by only one wearing them.
plate at a time, regardless of how many plates remain
intact. An armor plate is destroyed if it fails to prevent
all incoming damage from an attack. If all plates have
been destroyed, the armor loses any resistances it
gained from the plates.
Concealable. Some armor can be worn underneath
your regular clothes, making them very hard to detect.
Heavy Armor Heavier armor interferes with the
wearer’s ability to move quickly, stealthily, and freely.
If the Armor table shows a value in the Strength
column for an armor type, the armor reduces the
wearer’s speed by 10 feet unless the wearer has a
Strength score equal to or higher than the listed
Strike Options Mortar Strike
The strike options available for Order of Fire 2nd-level evocation
1 action
Discipline wizards are listed here. They are not Casting Time:
organized in alphabetical order, but rather by Range:
V, S, M (A fragmentation grenade,
ascending spell level order. Components:
that the spell consumes.)
Flare Duration: Concentration, until the start of your
1st-level evocation next turn.
Casting Time: 1 action A whistling sound follows a grenade as it falls down
Range: special from the sky to impact the target spot. As it impacts
Components: V, S the ground, it explodes and each creature in a 15-feet
Duration: special cube centered on the impact spot must make a
A brightly burning flare descends down from the Dexterity saving throw. Affected creatures take 2d6
sky suspended from a tiny parachute. The flare starts fire damage and 2d6 piercing damage on a failed save,
60 feet in the air, and descends 20 feet per round at or half as much on a successful one.
the start of your turn until it touches the ground and it The explosion doesn’t spread around corners, and
disappears. The flare illuminates a cylinder shaped creatures prone next to a cover only take half damage.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
volume of space with radius equal to its height with spell slot of 3rd level or higher, one additional
bright light, an dim light for another 30 feet. granade falls for each slot level above 2nd, impacting
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the initial height so that their explosion effects touch but don’t overlap
increases by 60 feet for each slot level above 1st. with each other.
If cast using a spell slot of level 5th level or higher, Shrapnel Drop
the bright light shed by it is sunlight. 2nd-level evocation
Smoke Marker Casting Time: 1 action
1st-level evocation Range: special
1 action Components: V, S, M (A small pouch filled with
Casting Time:
special scrap iron, worth at least 1 sp, that the spell
V, S consumes.)
Duration: Concentration, until the start of your
Duration: 1 minute. next turn.
Small cylinder falls on the location, immediately A canister falls from the sky, exploding before it hits
starting to produce a smoke column 30 feet high. The the ground. Small metal shrapnels fall down dealing
smoke can be colored as you wish. You and your allies 1d4 piercing damage to all creatures in 10-foot radius
have your movement speed increased by 10 feet when centered on the spot you were aiming at. The area
moving towards the marker. becomes difficult terrain for the duration. When a
Smoke Screen creature moves into or within the area, it takes 2d4
1st-level evocation piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels from the
1 action shrapnel that remain on the ground. The shrapnel
Casting Time:
special remain on the ground for 24 hours, after which they
V, S, M (A smoke grenade, which the vanish.
spell consumes.) A creature can use their action to clear a 5-foot
Duration: 1 minute. square of the shrapnel by hand, but they take 1d4
piercing damage as they do. A creature armed with a
A dense smoke rapidly covers a 10-foot-radius shovel works twice as fast and takes no damage.
sphere centered on the impact point. The smoke At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spreads around corners, and its area is heavily spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the radius increases
obscured. It lasts for up to 1 minute or until a wind of by 10 feet for each slot level above 3rd.
moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour)
disperses it.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 3rd level or higher, one additional smoke
granade falls for each slot level above 2nd, impacting
a location so that the smoke forms a continuous area.
Heavy Ordnance The projectile can penetrate through cover, but it
3rd-level evocation loses some of its damage potential for each foot of
Casting Time: 1 action cover it must blast through to get to the target.
Range: special 2d8 for foot of wood or an inch of metal
Components: V, S, M (A satchel of explosives, 4d8 for foot of stone or brick
worth at least 100 gp, that the spell consumes.)
Duration: Concentration, until the start of your At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
next turn. spell slot of 5th level or higher, the piercing damage
A large grenade screams down from the sky, increases by 2d8 for each slot level above 4th.
exploding violently on impact. Each creature in a 20- Cryo Bomb
foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a 5th-level evocation
Constitution saving throw. A target takes 3d8 fire Casting Time: 1 action
damage and 3d8 thunder damage on a failed save, or Range: special
half as much on a successful one. The explosion Components: V, S, M (An elemental gem imbued
doesn’t spread around corners, and creatures prone with cold energy, worth at least 100 gp, which the
next to a cover only take half damage. spell consumes.)
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a Duration: Concentration, until the start of your
spell slot of 4th level or higher, the thunder damage or next turn.
the fire damage (your choice) increases by 1d8 for
each slot level above 3rd. A beam of white energy flashes down from the sky,
followed by a split second of silence, after which 20-
Fire Bomb foot-radius sphere around the impact spot is suddenly
3rd-level evocation flash frozen. Creatures caught in the flash must make
Casting Time: 1 action a Constitution saving throw, taking 5d8 cold damage
Range: special on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
Components: V, S, M (A container filled with Creatures that fail the save are also restrained until
flammable liquid, worth at least 50 gp, that the the end of their next turn. Creatures that fail the
spell consumes.) saving throw by 5 or more, become paralyzed instead.
Duration: Concentration, until the start of your A creature killed by this spell becomes a frozen
next turn. statue until it thaws.
A barrel falls from the sky exploding and covering The flash of freezing energy puts out all non-
everything in 10-foot-radius sphere centered on the magical flames in the area, and freezes all liquids that
impact point in burning liquid. Creatures caught in the are not being carried.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
blast or moving into it for the first time on their turn spell slot of 6th level or higher, the cold damage
must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 5th.
caught in flames as the burning liquid clings to them.
Affected creatures take 1d10 fire damage and 1d10 Ion Cannon
psychic damage at the start of their turn, as the flames 6th-level evocation
sear their flesh. A creature can attempt to put out the Casting Time: 1 action
flames as an action by making a Dexterity check Range: special
against DC equal to your Spell Save DC, ending the Components: V, S, M (An elemental gem imbued
effect on themselves on a success. with lightning energy, worth at least 100 gp, which
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a the spell consumes.)
spell slot of 4th level or higher, one additional barrel Duration: Concentration, until the start of your
falls for each slot level above 3rd. next turn.
Precision Strike The smell of electricity fills the air, and a massive
4th-level evocation lightning bolt splits the air as it strikes down to the
Casting Time: 1 action ground. Creatures and objects within a 20-foot-radius
Range: special sphere centered on the strike location must make a
Components: V, M (A solid bar of metal, worth at Dexterity saving throw, taking 11d6 Lightning
least 10 gold, which the spell consumes.) damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
Duration: Instantaneous successful one. Creature struck by the lightning can’t
You call down a single projectile that blasts down take reactions until the start of its next turn.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
on the target with a thunderous boom. Creatures in spell slot of 7th level or higher, the lightning damage
the target square must succeed on a Dexterity saving increases by 2d6 for each slot level above 6th.
throw, or take 10d8 piercing damage. A creature that
succeeds on the saving throw takes no damage.
Gravity Strike Annihilation
7th-level evocation 9th-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: special
Range: special Range: special
Components: V, S, M (An arcane crystal, worth at Components: V, S, M (A tome filled with the
least 100 gp, which the spell consumes.) required arcane equations, worth at least 1000
Duration: Concentration, until the start of your gold)
next turn. Duration: special
An invisible force strikes down from the heaven You call down a reality bomb. A 6-foot high vertical
with a deep thrumming voice. Creatures and objects ripple in reality itself appears on the designated spot,
within in a 10-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder as the spell draws energy from both positive and
centered on the strike location must make a Strength negative energy from their respective planes and
saving throw, taking 12d6 Force damage on a failed bends them into a destructive feedback loop that
save, or half as much on a successful one, as they feel keeps accelerating until it ruptures. After 1 minute (10
the gravity in the area suddenly being magnified 10 combat rounds), at the start of your turn, the energies
fold. Creatures that fail the save are also knocked become too much to contain, and they crash together
prone. releasing total annihilation.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a The blinding flash and following unearthly roaring
spell slot of 8th level or higher, the force damage explosion destroys everything in 60-foot-radius sphere
increases by 2d6 for each slot level above 7th. centered on the ripple. Nothing remains within this
radius. Creatures destroyed in this way can be
Scouring Strike
restored to life only by means of a true resurrection or
8th-level evocation a wish spell.
Casting Time: 1 action Creatures within 600 feet of the center of the
Range: special explosion must make a Constitution saving throw,
Components: V, S, M (An elemental gem imbued taking 10d10 radiant, 10d10 necrotic, and 10d10
with fire energy, worth at least 100 gp, which the thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
spell consumes.) successful one.
Duration: Concentration, until the start of your Creatures caught in the explosion are also deafened
next turn. and blinded for 1 minute unless they were shielding
A canister falls from the sky, detonating right before their eyes and ears when the explosion occured.
it hits the ground, creating a 30-foot-radius sphere You can attempt to hasten the explosion, by using
filled with horrible, deadly gas centered on the strike your action to make a strike call check as if calling the
target location. The gas spreads around corners and annihilation again, but without having to expend a
through all cracks that are not air-tight. It lasts for 1 spellslot. On a successful check the time until the
minute, and its area is heavily obscured for the explosion occurs is reduced by 2 combat rounds. On a
duration. failed check the time is reduced by 5 rounds, but the
When a creature enters the gas’ area for the first damage caused by the explosion is also reduced by
time on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature 3d10 for each damage type.
must make a Constitution saving throw. The creature
takes 8d6 poison damage and 8d6 fire damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
one. Creatures that hold their breath or have other
means of purifying the air they breath only take the
fire damage.
Spells Decoy
Here are the new spells that are listed for various 1st-level illusion
1 action
classes and subclasses throughout this book. The Casting Time:
spells are listed in ascending order based on their Range:
V, S, M (10 pieces of ammunition,
level. Components:
that the spell consumes)
Summon Shield Duration: 10 minutes
1st-level abjuration
1 reaction, which you take when you You grab a handful of ammunition, whisper a time
Casting Time:
are hit by an attack, or are the target of an delay to them, and place or toss them on the ground.
explosion or firearm area of effect feature. When the time is up, the ammunition detonate and
Range: Self
produce a sound and muzzle flash indistinguishable
Components: S, M (a shield within 10 feet of you,
from gunfire matching the type of firearm the
that is not currently being wielded or carried by ammunition is meant for, for 1 round. The detonation
creature other than you) does not deal damage, and the visual is uncanny when
Duration: Instantaneous
viewed in daylight, as it seems to be coming from
invisible firearms.
A nearby shield instantaneously appears in your The time delay can be anything from between
free hand with crackle of holy energy, just in time to “instantly”, up to 10 minutes.
attempt blocking the incoming threat. You instantly Delayed Detonation
gain the benefits from wielding a shield, and if the
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 1st-level transmutation
spell slot of 2nd level or higher. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: touch
Mark of Judgement Components: V, S, M (an explosive device)
1st-level divination Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 bonus action As a part of the action of arming or throwing an
Range: 60 feet explosive device, you cast a spell that halts the
Components: V detonator from working for up to 1 minute, or until
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute you stop concentrating on the spell. When the spell
You choose a creature you can see, within range and ends, the device immediately detonates.
subject it to divine judgement. A gruesome brand At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
appears on their skin, and until the spell ends, attacks spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the duration you can
againt that creature have their critical range increased remain concentrating on the spell increases to 10
by +1, and next time they are struck by a critical hit, minutes for 2nd level slot, 1 hour for 4th level, 24
they take extra 1d8 radiant or necrotic damage (your hours for 6th level, and by expending a 8th level slot
choise) on top of the attack’s damage. Then the spell the spell lasts until you stop concentrating on it.
ends. The number of devices you can concentrate on
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a simultaneously is increased by 1 at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage 9th level slots. If you are concentrating on multiple
increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st. The devices, you can choose to end the spell on any of
critical hit range increase also expands to +2 for 3rd them, without losing concentration on the others. You
level slot, +3 for 5th level, +4 for 7th level, and +5 for can extend the spell to affect an explosive device at
9th level. any point while concentrating on it, as long as you
have have uses available. Ending the effect on a device
“consumes” a use.
Extending the existing effects can be done by
casting this spell again while you maintain
concentration, as long as it is cast at level equal to or
higher than the already cast version of the spell.
Distill Fire corners. You can use your reaction to switch your
1st-level transmutation (ritual) focus to another creature or a location.
1 action The barrier has hit points equal to 10 + your
Casting Time:
touch spellcasting modifier, and it shatters once it is
V, S, M (an open flame and a flask reduced to 0 hit points, allowing any attack or an
filled with 5 gold worth of alchemical components explosion that reduced it to 0 hit points to pass
that the spell consumes per dose of alchemist’s fire through, dealing any remaining damage to you.
produced) Attacks aimed at you through the barrier are a hit
Duration: 1 hour
even on a failed attack roll, and the damage the
barrier receives can’t be halved with saving throws.
As an action you channel the essence of nearby fire Furthermore, creatures within 5 feet of you can
into a flask you hold, that is filled with alchemical bypass the barrier with their attacks.
ingredients necessary for creating alchemist’s fire. A At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
stream of magical energy flows from the fire into the spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the amount of initial
flask, transforming the raw ingredients into a dose of hit points the barrier has increases by 10 for each slot
alchemist’s fire. The process is not perfect, and the level above 1st.
alchemist’s fire loses its potency as the energy
dissipates after one hour and the contents of the flask Conjure Ammunition
vanish. 2nd-level abjuration
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a Casting Time: 1 action
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the number of doses Range: touch
you can produce is increased by one for each slot level Components: V, M (A single piece of the type of
above 1st. ammunition you wish to conjure, that the spell
If cast using a slot of 3rd level or higher, the doses consumes)
become permanent and don’t vanish after 1 hour. Duration: 1 hour.
Shield Generator Holy Handgrenade
3rd-level abjuration 4th-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 reaction Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self (10-foot radius sphere) Range: touch
Components: S, M (a glass vial filled with 100 gp Components: V, M (A simple explosive device)
worth of diamond dust, which the spell consumes) Duration: 1 minute.
Duration: 1 round
You infuse a simple explosive with divine energies.
You smash the vial on the ground where it cracks If the explosive detonates within the next minute, the
and a torrent of magical energy erupts from it. The explosion will deal extra 3d8 radiant or necrotic
energy rapidly swirls around you and forms a glowing damage (decided when casting the spell). The magic
force field barrier centered on the spot beneath your dissipates if the device is not detonated within the
feet. This barrier blocks all projectiles and explosions spells duration.
from passing through it (both ways) like a solid object. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Exlosive projectiles striking the barrier detonate spell slot of 5th level or higher, the radiant or necrotic
imediately as if striking a solid surface. The barrier is damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th.
see-through, but it muffles all sound travelling through
it enough to render creatures immune to thunder Bullet Magnet
damage from effects originating on the other side of 5th-level transmutation
the barrier. Casting Time: 1 action
The barrier has 20 hit points and it shatters Range: 30 feet
immediately if it is reduced to 0 hit points, allowing Components: V, S
any attack or an explosion that reduced it to 0 hit Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
points to pass through, dealing any remaining damage You target a creature within range and mark them
to affected creatures within the barrier. with a glowing magical rune for the duration of the
Creatures attempting to pass through the barrier spell. When you cast the spell, you decide if the
must succeed in an Athletics (Strength) check against magical rune attracts or repels bullets. For the
DC equal to your spell save DC. duration, the target has +5 or -5 to their AC or
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 4th level or higher, the amount of initial Dexterity saving throws against ranged firearm
hit points the barrier has increases by 20 for each slot attacks, and explosions dealing piercing damage,
level above 3rd. accordingly.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can target one
additional creature for each slot level above 5th.
Fighting Style Options
These new fighting styles are connected to fighting
with firearms and explosives.
When making an overwatch reaction attack roll, you
gain a + 1 bonus to the roll. Additionally, attacking a
target up to the long distance of a weapon doesn’t
impose disadvantage on you.
You gain +1 bonus to skill checks related to arming or
hiding explosives.
Riot Control
When dealing non-lethal damage, you can add one
additional weapon damage die to the damage roll.
Shield Wall
While you are wielding a shield, friendly creatures
adjacent to you gain +2 to their AC, and creatures
directly behind you gain Half Cover.
Shield Mount
You learn how to brace your weapon against your
shield. You can wield a Two-Handead firearm and a
shield at the same time without suffering any
Feats Action Star
Prequisite: Dexterity 13 or higher.
Sniper You know how to perform cool action rolls.
You gain the Steady Aim, and Controlled Breathing When you use your reaction to drop prone, you can
features: perform an action roll to move up to 10 feet.
Steady Aim. As a bonus action, you give yourself Additionally, you have 1 additional reaction
advantage on your next attack roll on the current available on each of round of combat, that you can
turn. You can use this bonus action only if you use only for performing action roll to take cover.
haven’t moved during this turn, and after you use Granadier
the bonus action, your speed is 0 until the end of Grenades are a favorite explosive of yours.
the current turn.
Controlled Breathing. If you use your action to You gain proficiency with grenades.
steady your breathing, you gain a +10 bonus to the You can throw a grenade as a bonus action insted
next ranged attack you make before the end of of an action.
your next turn. The attack is also a critical hit on a You know how to “cook” a grenade, giving
roll of 11-20 on the d20. creatures disadvantage on saving throws against
Reloader grenades thrown by you.
You are trained in aiding another creature that is Close Quarters Combat Expert
operating a firearm with the Heavy property. When Prequisite: Dexterity or Strength 13 or higher.
the firearm is properly Braced against support, and You have some training in martial arts and using
you are within 5 feet of it, you can: firearms in close quarters combat.
Reload or attempt to unjam it as an Action, Bonus Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t
Action or a Reaction, if you have at least one free impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls.
hand and available ammunition that matches the You can Grapple a creature even when your hands
firearm. are not free, as long as you are only wielding one-
Use the Ready Action on your turn to gain one handed weapons.
extra Reaction, until the start of your next turn, You can also use Acrobatics (Dexterity) instead of
that you can use only to attend to the firearm you Athletics (Strength) for Grapple checks if you want.
are supporting.
Gain +2 bonus to your firearm handling checks Throat Jab
made to attend the firearm you are supporting, as Prequisite: Unarmed strike.
long as both of your hands are free. You can make a very special melee attack, targeting
Extension Expert your opponents throat.
Increase your Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20. Make a melee attack against the target. If the
You ignore the penalties from attaching silencers attack hits the target, they must make a
and extended barrels to firearms you are proficient Constitution saving throw. On a failed save they
with. become silenced for up to 1 minute. The target
may repeat the Constitution saving throw at the
Revolver Expert
When you use the Attack action and attack with a end of each of their turns. This attack does not
one-handed weapon, you can use a bonus action to deal damage.
attack with a revolver you are holding. Double Tapper
Fan the Hammer. If your revolver is fully loaded, Prequisite: Extra Attack feature.
and you have one free hand, you can use the wide Intense training with firearms allows you to make
arc and focus fire options with revolver as if it had double tap attacks with great efficiency. When you use
the automatic property. Using full-auto like this your bonus action to steel your grip on your weapon,
consumes all loaded ammunition, instead of 10 you gain the following benefits until the start of your
pieces. next turn:
Burst Fire Specialist You can replace one or more of the attacks from
Your training gives you greater control when using the your extra attack feature with double tap attacks,
burst fire feature. instead of having to use an action.
Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum The penalty on the attack rolls is reduced by 1.
of 20.
When using burst fire on an automatic weapon,
you can roll d4 instead of d3 when determining the
extra damage, and the attack roll penalty is
reduced by 1.
Grenade Catcher Firefight Choreographer
Your quick reflexes allow you to try to catch grenades You instinctive perceive much more about what is
and explosives out of the air. going on around you in a firefight. You also can vividly
recreate the scene in your mind as you investigate the
Increase your Dexterity or Constitution by 1, to a scene of a firefight that has already ended.
maximum of 20.
If a grenade or an explosive projectile would pass Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a
through, or land, within your melee range, you can maximum of 20.
use your reaction to try to snatch it from the air In combat, if you can identify the type of a firearm
before it detonates. Make an Athletics check a creature is wielding, you always know how many
against DC equal to the Firearm Manouver DC of shots they can make before having to reload.
the creature that threw or launched the explosive. You gain a bonus equal to your Proficiency bonus
On a success you can either throw it up to 15 feet to Investigation (Intelligence) checks made to
away where it detonates normally, or muffle the study the aftermath of a firefight.
explosion with your own body, shielding your
nearby allies. Unlike when falling on a grenade, Nose for Danger
you can choose not to fall prone. If you remain Either through experience or pure instict, you have a
standing, the blast is contained within 10-foot- knack for sniffing out bombs.
cube, positioned around you as you like, with you Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum
standing within the cube. The dexterity saving of 20.
throw from falling on grenade is replaced by the You gain a bonus to your passive Wisdom
result of the Athletics check you made. On a (Perception) and passive Intelligence
success you also take only half damage from the (Investigation) scores for detecting hidden
explosion. explosives. This bonus equals your Proficiency
Belt Feeder bonus.
Prequisite: a firearm that can use ammunition belts in
Decoys and Bombs
place of a magazine.
You are especially adept at operating belt fed Prequisite: Intelligence or Wisdom 13 or higher.
firearms, and you gain the following benefits when You learn the decoy and delayed detonation spells,
using one: and they don’t count towards the number of spells
They jam only on a roll of 1 or 10 on the d20, even you know.
when using full-auto feature. You also gain access to three 1st level spellslots,
You know how to link multiple ammunition belts that can only be used to cast these spells. These
together, essentially creating a magazine with as spellslots replenish when you complete a long rest.
large capacity as you wish. Special Weapons Training
Kickboxing You’re especially trained in handling specific firearms.
You have received vigorous trainining on how to use Choose any two firearms, and you gain the following
your feet for unarmed combat, and you gain the benefits:
following benefits: Increase your Dexterity or Strength score by 1, to a
Increase your Strength by 1, to a maximum of 20. maximum of 20.
Your unarmed strikes can deal bludgeoning You gain proficiency with the chosen firearms if
damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier you don’t already have it.
when using your feet for kicking. When attempting to unjam a firearm you are
When a hostile creature’s movement provokes an proficient with, you gain advantage on the roll.
opportunity attack from you, you can use your Improvised Explosives
reaction to shove the creature by kicking or You discover you have a special knack for building
tripping it, rather than making an opportunity and rigging explosives, and gain the following
attack. benefits:
Increase your Dexterity or Intelligence score by 1,
to a maximum of 20.
You gain proficiency with martial explosives and
demolitioner’s tools.
You can use entrenching tool, or any set of
artisan’s tools, in place of demolitioner’s tools.
Quick References Burst Fire
This chapter contains a collection of different firearm Prequisite: firearm with the full-auto property.
abilities and actions presented throughout this Use time: 1 attack.
You target one creature within half the weapon’s
document. normal range with a short burst of automatic fire and
Single Shot make an attack roll with -5 penalty. If the attack hits,
Prequisite: any firearm. roll a d3, and add a number of the weapon’s normal
Use time: 1 attack. damage dice equal to the result to the damage roll.
Simplest form of firearm attack. Acts exactly like a This attack consumes 3 pieces of ammunition.
normal ranged attack. Consumes a single piece of Focus Fire
ammunition per attack. Prequisite: firearm with the full-auto property.
Pellet Cloud Use time: 1 attack.
Prequisite: firearm with the spread property. You spray a large area with bullets. You target a 10-
Use time: 1 attack. foot-cube within the normal range of the firearm, or
When targeting something beyond the normal range 15-foot-cube within the long range. Affected creatures
of a shotgun, you don’t make an attack roll, but the beyond the weapon’s normal range have advantage on
target and each creature within 5 feet of them must the saving throw. Creatures in the affected aread must
make a Dexterity saving throw instead. Affected make a Dexterity saving throw, taking the attack’s
creatures take half the weapon’s normal damage on a normal damage on a failed save. A creature that fails
failed save, and none on a successful one. the saving throw by 5 or more, takes double damage.
Using Focus Fire consumes 10 pieces of ammunition.
Point Blank
Wide Arc
Prequisite: firearm with the spread property.
Use time: 1 attack. Prequisite: firearm with the full-auto property.
Firearms with the spread property deal one weapon Use time: 1 attack.
You sway from side to side as you fire away, sweeping
damage die extra damage within half the normal a cone shaped area with bullets, up to a distance
range, as the projectile cloud has not had the time to equal to half the normal range of the firearm.
spread out yet, and they all strike the target at once. Creatures in the affected aread must make a Dexterity
Both Barrels saving throw, taking the weapon’s normal damage on
Prequisite: firearm with the double-barreled property. a failed save. Using Wide Arc consumes 10 pieces of
Use time: 1 attack. ammunition.
A creature wielding a double-barreled firearm can fire Reloading
both barrels at the same time when making an attack. Reloading a firearm with loose ammunition or a
This adds +4 to the recoil strength of the firearm. loaded magazine takes an action or a bonus action
Make just one attack roll, and use that roll to resolve (character’s choise). The maximum number of
the effects for both shots. If both barrels used cartridges that you can load into a firearm or a
ammunition with the spread property, targets at the magazine with single reload action is 10.
long range of the attack have disadvantage on their
Dexterity saving throw, as the coverage of the pellet Bracing
cloud is denser. As an action you brace the firearm against support
Double Tap (e.g. a table, a wall, a tree, corner of a building, barrel),
Prequisite: firearm with either the semi-auto, full-auto, and aim it towards a cone shaped area. Bracing a
or double-barreled property. weapon against a support grants you the following
Use time: 1 action + bonus action, or 2 attacks. benefits:
You take two rapid shots against a single target within If it had the heavy property, you don’t suffer
the firearm’s normal range. Make two ranged attacks disadvantage on your attacks with it, nor do the
against the target with -2 penalty on the attack rolls. targets of your full auto features gain advantage on
The critical hit range for these attacks is increased by their Dexterity saving throws.
2 (i.e. if your attacks normally critically hit on a roll of Two-handed firearms can be fired using only one
19-20 on the d20, they now critically hit on 17-20). hand without the -5 penalty on the attack roll.
Because the shots happen in such a rapid succession, The recoil strength requirement is reduced by 6, if
make both attack rolls before rolling for damage. The you are also gripping the firearm with two hands.
target can’t move out of the way of the second shot Moving or targeting something outside of the initial
after the first one, unless they use instantaneous cone shaped area ends the benefits from bracing
movement or translocation. the firearm.
Unjamming Weapon Grappling Manouvers
Prequisite: free hand. Prequisite: melee attack.
Use time: 1 attack. A character can unjam a jammed Use time: 1 attack.
firearm as an action or a bonus action by succeeding When already grappling another creature, you may
in a firearm handling check against a DC of 10. The attempt to temper with their firearm as an attack. You
DC can be higher depending on the cause of jamming can make a melee attack roll contested by the target’s
(see: explosive failure feature). Strength (Athletics) check or Dexterity (Acrobatics)
check. If the attacker wins the contest, the attack
Repairing a Firearm
causes no damage or other ill effect, but the
Prequisite: materials. defender’s weapon is subject to one of the following
Use time: 1 hour. If a firearm breaks for whatever effects:
reason, it must be repaired by someone that is
proficient with that type of firearm before it can be Disarm. You wrench the weapon from their grasp
fired again. Repairing a broken firearm requires and either draw it and begin to use it yourself, or
access to spare parts worth half the firearm’s listed drop it on the floor next to you. You have
value and 1 hour of work. disadvantage on the attack roll if the target is
holding the item with two or more hands.
Using Explosives Unload. You hit the magazine release mechanism,
Prequisite: 2 free hands. and work the action of the firearm, so that its
Use time: 1 action. If the explosive device has listed detachable magazine or loaded ammunition spills
Handling DC, you must make a Firearm Handling out and falls on the ground, and the currently
check against it as a part of the action to use it. You chambered piece of ammunition is ejected,
also roll a d20 each time when using it, even if using it effectively making the firearm useless until
does not require a Firearm Handlig check, to see if reloaded again. Unless you are proficient with the
the explosive failure feature is triggered. type of firearm you attempt to unload, you gain a -5
Explosion Effect Save DC penalty to the attack roll.
Obstruct. If you have darts, knives, or ballbearings
Explosives produce an area affect when detonated. available, you can shove one into the barrel of the
Creatures caught within the blast range of an firearm, and the firearm is considered jammed.
explosive device as it goes of must make a Dexterity Unless unjammed, the explosive failure property is
saving throw against DC equal to the Firearm triggered immediately next time the firearm is
Handling DC of the creature that set, threw or fired.
launched the explosive, taking the explosives’s
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one. If the detonation occured by accident,
or the explosive device was detonated by the
explosion of another nearby explosive device, the DC
is 10.
Unless stated otherwise, the effect of an explosion
can’t spread around corners or total cover.
Disarming Shot
Prequisite: single target ranged attack.
Use time: 1 attack.
A creature can take a carefully aimed shot to knock a
weapon or another item from a target’s grasp. The
attacker makes an attack roll contested by the target’s
Strength (Athletics) check or Dexterity (Acrobatics)
check. If the attacker wins the contest, the attack
causes no damage or other ill effect, but the defender
drops the item.
If the creature is grasping the item with both hands,
they have an advantage on the check.
Sound Silenced
Firearms are noisy, explosions extremely so. The A condition that can be imposed on a creature
sound of gunfire can be heard over great distances. normally capable of speech or producing sounds that
Pistol fire can easily be heard up to 1 mile away, while they use to communicate.
the sound of rifles, shotguns, and explosions can be
heard up to 5 miles away. silenced creature cannot speak
Gunshots. The sudden bang of a firearm discharge casting a spell that includes a verbal component is
can cause pain and deafness if a creature’s impossible for a creature that is silenced
unprotected ears are too close to the source of the
sound. When outdoors, creatures within 5 feet of a
firearm as it discharges become partially deafened for
1 minute, and make all Perception (Wisdom) checks
related to sounds at disadvantage for the next minute.
Explosions. Creatures caught within either the blast
radius of an explosion, or 15 feet of one, must make a Chokehold
Constitution saving throw against DC 15. On a failed
saving throw they become Deafened for 1 minute. On Prequisite: using two hands to grapple a creature.
a success, they regain their hearing at the end of their Use time: 1 action per turn.
When you successfully grapple a creature using both
next turn. Creatures resistant to thunder damage have of your hands, you can put them in a chokehold so
advantage on the saving throw, and creatures immune that they start losing consciousness. A creature that
to thunder damage automatically succeed in it. remains grappled in this way falls unconscious after a
Indoors. When indoors (buildings, caves, dungeons
etc.) the sound bounces off of walls, floors and ceiling. number of rounds equal to their Constitution modifier
In such an environment, creatures are considered (minimum of 1) at the end of their turn. The creature
within the effects of gunshot and explosion sounds if needs to be
they are within 100 feet of the source of the sound, While the chokehold lasts, you can use your Action
and the save DC for resisting deafness from to tighten your grip and force the grappled creature to
explosions is increased to 20. make Constitution Saving throw against DC equal to
8 + your Strenght modifier + your Proficiency
modifier. On a failed save, the target loses 1 round of
the time remaining until they fall unconscious. If this
reduces the remaining time to zero, they immediately
fall unconscious.
If you release the unconscious creature, they can
repeat the saving throw at the start of each of their
Covering Your Ears turns, regaining consciousness on a successful save.
If you do not release the chokehold, the
Prequisite: two free hands. unconscious grappled creature will begin to suffocate.
Use time: free action.
You can use your free hands to cover your ears to Creatures that don’t need to breath can’t be choked
protect them from the sound of gunfire and out.
explosions. You gain the benefits and penalties of Suffocating (PHB p183)
wearing either earplugs or earmuffs (your choise) A creature can hold its breath for a number of minutes
until you use your hands for something else. equal to 1 + its Constitution modifier (minimum of 30
Muffle seconds).
When a creature runs out of breath or is choking, it
Prequisite: free hand. can survive for a number of rounds equal to its
Use time: 1 attack.
When you are already grappling a creature, you can Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the
use the Attack action to make a special melee attack start of its next turn, it drops to 0 hit points and is
to try and silence the creature. If you’re able to make dying, and it can’t regain hit points or be stabilized
multiple attacks with the Attack action, this attack until it can breathe again.
replaces one of them. For example, a creature with a Constitution of 14
Using at least one free hand, you try to muffle the can hold its breath for 3 minutes. If it starts
target by making a grapple check, a Strength suffocating, it has 2 rounds to reach air before it drops
(Athletics) check contested by the target’s Strength to 0 hit points.
(Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (the target
chooses the ability to use).
If you succeed, you subject the target to the silenced
condition until the underlying grapple condition ends.
Prequisite: any firearm.
Use time: 1 attack.
You can attempt to fire from behind a cover without
exposing yourself, by revealing just your weapon and
the hand holding it. You target a cone shaped area, up
the firearm’s normal distance. Creatures in the
affected area roll a d6 in ascending order based on
distance from the attacker. On a roll of 1, they are the
target of the attack, but they count as having Three-
Quarters Cover. If no creature rolls 1 on the d6, the
attack misses them all. If a creature rolls 1, the rest of
the affected creatures don’t have to roll as they can’t
be the target anymore.
If the attack was made using automatic fire, all
affected creatures must roll the d6, and they are a
target of the attack on a roll of 1 or 2 on the d6.
Overwatch (Action)
Prequisite: Extra attack feature.
If you have only spent up to half your movement
during your turn, you can use your action to enter a
hightened state of preparedness. You claim a cone
shaped area as your firing sector, and until the start of
your next turn, or until you move, you gain a number
of special overwatch reactions equal to the number of
attacks you’d normally have available from your extra
attack feature. These overwatch reactions can only be
used for making firearm attacks, or using the full-auto
feature. Using your normal reaction for anything ends
the overwatch.
Take Cover
Use time: 1 reaction.
You can use your reaction to drop prone where you
Falling on a Grenade
Use time: 1 reaction.
If a grenade lands within 5 feet of you, you can dive on
top of it to try to shield your allies from the explosion.
Immediately make the Dexterity saving throw you
would if you were caught in the blast. On a success,
you dive on top of it in time and take the explosive’s
normal damage, but only you take damage from the
explosion. On a failed save you don’t make it in time,
and you take the explosion’s normal damage, and all
other creatures caught in the blast act as they
normally would.
V1.00 on 14/01/2022
It’s alive!
First release version on DM’s Guild
V1.01 on 16/01/2022
Rewrote College of the Maverick Bard because it
kept bothering me.
Added Spellslot Expenditure Limit to classes that
could otherwise expend multiple spellslots during
one turn.
Corrected some spelling errors.
V1.10 on 13/02/2022
Added the character art for the Paladin and the
Rewrites to Paladin
Replaced the channel divinity option Flash
with Divine Flash.
Rewrote the rules for Sound to be more clear:
I tried removing as much unnecessary
rolling as possible.
Added the loud property to appropriate
firearms and explosives
Some rewrites to Armor:
Adjusted the AC bonuses gained from head
Reworded the way plates and plate carriers
Reworded the way head gear provided
resistances to certain effects and conditions.
Some rewrites to Explosives.
Added Concussion and Flashbang
Added Razor Wire.
Corrected some spelling errors.
V1.11 on 26/07/2022
Rewrote the jamming rules to be a bit more
Corrected some spelling errors.
V1.12 on 09/01/2023
Best Copper Seller badge!
Reworded the bountiful magazines cleric feature.