D&D 5e - The Vault of Draconic Magic Items v1.1

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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission
under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2022 by Paolo Davolio and published under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Lead Designer: Paolo Davolio Playtesters: João Abrantes, Matteo Cavicchioli, Alberto
Writer: Paolo Davolio Ferrari, Nuno Manuel Ferreira Côrte-Real, Michele Gatti,
Art Director: Paolo Davolio Simone Malvezzi, Andrea Margini, Naomi Marra, Miriam
Graphic Designer and Layout: Paolo Davolio Mosca, Daniela Matos, Alessandro Pergetti, João Rodrigues,
Editor: Nicolò Di Croce Fabrizio Rosi, Valeria Trojan, Marco Zanichelli
Additional Editors: Matteo Cavicchioli, Alberto Ferrari Special Thanks to: Sandro Degl'Innocenti, The Eren
Chronicles, Federica Fiorani, Andrea Margini, Daniela
Cover Illustrator: Jonathan Kemper Matos, Nikolaos Ostadimitris, George Sfendourakis, Franco
Other Illustrators and Graphic Designers: All art taken Zanichelli
from the Dungeon Masters Guild is owned by Wizards of the
Coast and is used with permission under the Community Content Warning
Content Agreement from the Dungeon Masters Guild. The Consider the following while approaching this compendium:
ones with * are edited by Paolo Davolio
Some of the magic items and part of the text of the "New
Page background: GM binder*, GDJ*, Jared Ondricek* Dragons of Legend" section include references to blood,
Page 1: asrulaqroni* on Freepik, Prawny* blood magic and possibly bloodletting.
Page 10: upklyak* on Freepik Some of the magic items and part of the text include
Page 11: Anthony Cournoyer (boots), Carlos "Celurian" references to drugs and psychedelic substances and their
Torreblanca (down) use.
Page 13: Evangelia Kaliva/Vagelio, Edz Norton
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Page 19: Pawel Dobosz v.1.1 03/03/2022: typo and layout fix. Changed several
Page 20: Dean Spencer (top) illustrations. Blue Crystal Staff, fixed the charges, fixed Life
Page 22: Alec Adams, Milad Fakurian*, stux/Stefan domain (not Light). Caress of Nolmat, changed the recharge.
Schweihofer*, Nicole Avagliano*, Tarun Gudipalli*, Marek Deck, The Brood doesn't trigger if you caused it. Spear of the
Piwnicki* Ascendant Dragon Arcane, now the spear flies, not the
Page 24: Viergacht*, Alec Adams wielder. Shield of the Sapphire Soldier, changed the
Page 25: Rick Hershey* (top) recharge. Tome of Peace and Laughter, added lore. Weapon
Page 26: Joakim Olofsson of Dragon Breath Absorption, name changed in Weapon of
Page 27: Evangelia Kaliva/Vagelio (martyr scale), starline* on the Breath Eater. Back cover added.
Page 30: Pawel Dobosz (middle), Evangelia Kaliva/Vagelio v.1.0 29/12/2022: first release.
Page 31: Evangelia Kaliva/Vagelio
Page 32: Kellepics/Stefan Keller
Page 33: Torulus (top), Bob Greyvenstein (left), Evangelia
Kaliva/Vagelio (center)
Created with GM binder

On the Cover
The Vault of Draconic Magic Items awaits to be opened,
guarded by an inquisitive dragon's head. May the Luck of the
Echidna Design Dragon always be with you.
Disclaimer: Echidna Design will not assume any responsibility related to
an inappropriate use of the Little Mushroom Garden, the Spore Moss and
the Dracolich Bonedust. Especially, we do not assume any responsibility
for characters that declare that they draw all of the fifty-four cards of the
Deck of the Dragon's Luck. If you draw an ill-advised card and you
summon Tiamat's avatar while you are having Spore Moss tea, that's on
you. Still, if you do, please let us know.
Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................4 Dragonarmor .................................................................................. 20
Dragonblood Vial ...........................................................................20
Using This Book ...............................................................................4 Dragondoom Scepter ....................................................................21
Introduction ................................................................................... 4 Dragonrider Armor ........................................................................21
Magic Items ....................................................................................4 Dragonscales Cloak .......................................................................21
Other Books ...................................................................................4 Executioner's Scarf of Nolmat .................................................... 22
Random Dragon Type ......................................................................4 Eye of Aasterinian (Ioun Stone) ..................................................22
New Dragons of Legend ................................................................. 5 Eye of Bahamut (Ioun Stone) ......................................................22
Asgorath, the Concordant Dragon ............................................ 5 Eye of Nolmat (Ioun Stone) ......................................................... 22
Asgorath, Bahamut and Tiamat ............................................. 5 Eye of the Dragon Queen (Ioun Stone) ..................................... 23
Paragon of All .............................................................................5 Eye of the Groundling (Ioun Stone) ...........................................23
Origin and Concordance ..........................................................5 Flare Scale (Ioun Stone) .............................................................. 23
The Groundling, Gardener of Consciousnesses .................... 6 Gauntlets of the Amethyst Grasp ................................................23
Venerable Nature .......................................................................6 Table: Gauntlets of the Amethyst Grasp (Portals) ...............23
Resin Blood and Moss Flesh .................................................. 6 Gem Dragon Shards ..................................................................... 24
Nolmat, the Watcher of Secrets .................................................7 Table: Gem Dragon Shards (Effects) ..................................... 24
Minister of Death .......................................................................7 Infernal Gauntlets of Tiamat .......................................................24
The Invisible Burden ................................................................ 7 Infused Dragon Egg Shell ............................................................24
Inspiration for the Despised ................................................... 7 Jewelry Box of Dark Ice ................................................................ 25
Blood of Secrets ........................................................................ 7 Joyful Brazier of Aasterinian ........................................................25
Chapter 2: Magic Items ................................................................8 Little Mushroom Garden of the Groundling ............................25
Table: Little Mushroom Garden (Effects) ..............................26
Table: Magic Items by Rarity ..........................................................8 Lunar Pit ..........................................................................................27
Magic Items Descriptions ...............................................................9 Martyr Scale of Bahamut .............................................................27
Amber Egg of the Groundling ....................................................9 Moonstone Bow ..............................................................................27
Blue Crystal Staff ..........................................................................9 Moonstone Dragon Shard ............................................................27
Boots of Dragonstriding ............................................................10 Moss Armor of the Groundling ................................................... 28
Brass Parchment ........................................................................10 Necklace of Copper Dragon Scales ........................................... 28
Cape of Solar Scales ................................................................. 11 Opalescent Mirror of Asgorath ................................................... 28
Caress of Nolmat ........................................................................11 Platinum Helm ............................................................................... 29
Chromatic Rod ............................................................................11 Platinum Weapon of Bahamut ....................................................29
Claw of the Scourge ...................................................................12 Resin Pillars of the Groundling .................................................. 29
Crimson Dragonhide Bracers ..................................................13 Ruby Bracers of Dragonblood Magic ........................................ 29
Crystal of Curiosity .................................................................... 13 Sapphire Dragonchess Set ..........................................................30
Deck of the Dragon's Luck ....................................................... 13 Shield of the Sapphire Soldier ....................................................30
Table: Deck of the Dragon's Luck (Card Generation) ..... 14 Spear of the Ascendant Dragon Arcane ....................................30
Hearts ........................................................................................15 Spore Moss of the Groundling ....................................................31
Diamonds ................................................................................. 16 Table: Spore Moss of the Groundling .................................... 31
Spades .......................................................................................17 Staff of the Ninefold ...................................................................... 31
Table: Scaled Races ................................................................17 Table: Staff of the Ninefold (Effects) .......................................31
Clubs ..........................................................................................18 Table: Staff of the Ninefold (Spark of Creation) .................. 32
Jokers .........................................................................................18 Tome of Peace and Laughter .......................................................32
Dracolich Bonedust ................................................................... 19 Twin Tongues Collars of Aasterinian .........................................32
Dragon's Draught ....................................................................... 19 Weapon of the Breath Eater ........................................................ 33
Table: Dragon's Draught (Effects) ........................................20 Wyrmslayer ......................................................................................33
Dragon's-Eye Amulet ..................................................................20 Sidebar: Wyrmsbane and Other Dragon Bane Weapons ......33
Chapter 1: Introduction
Using This Book Random Dragon Type
Introduction Whenever you need to choose or randomly generate a kind of
dragon, or the type of damage or breath weapon related to it,
This chapter includes some content that enhances or you can use the following table. If you rolled an entry from
expands on Chapter 2: Magic Items. Fizban's Treasury of Dragons (the ones with an asterisk) and
Random Dragon Type is a table to randomly generate a don't own the manual, you can reroll the d20.
dragon's kind and its connected characteristics (useful, for If you only want to generate a chromatic or metallic dragon
example, if you have a magic item related to a dragon and you from the Monster Manual, you can roll a d10 instead.
need to know to which one). If you have Spelljammer: Adventures in Space you can use
New Dragons of Legend goes into the details about three the lunar dragon (cold, cone) and the solar dragon (radiant,
new powerful draconic entities: Asgorath, the Groundling and line) in place of the lines for the deep dragon and the sea
Nolmat. The first one originally appeared in the previous serpent, or in place of any other two lines of your choice.
editions of D&D and is here explained and expanded upon.
The other two are original creations that you can add to your Random Dragon Table
game as they are or use as inspiration. You will find d20 Dragon Damage Breath Weapon
information about their nature, interests, portfolio, how to
connect them to the characters and which items of this Chromatic
compendium are related to these dragons. 1 Black Acid Line

Magic Items 2 Blue Lightning Line

This chapter includes more than 50 magic items that are 3 Green Poison Cone
related to dragons and can be used to enhance your games. 4 Red Fire Cone
Most of them are original creations. Some, like the
Chromatic Rod and the Platinum Helm, are conversions of 5 White Cold Cone
magic items from D&D v.3.5. The Blue Crystal Staff, Metallic
Dragonarmor and Wyrmslayer are items from the
Dragonlance setting (and ideal additions to the ones in 6 Brass Fire Line
Shadow of the Dragon Queen) but they can be easily adapted 7 Bronze Lightning Line
to any campaign. Some items are inspired by the lunar
dragon and the solar dragons, which you can find in 8 Copper Fire Line
Spelljammer: Adventures in Space. 9 Gold Fire Cone
You will find many items to fight dragons, but also several 10 Silver Cold Cone
items designed to present challenges, roleplay opportunities
or tough choices, like the Deck of the Dragon's Luck, the Gem
Dracolich Bonedust and the various Eyes (Ioun Stones). 11 Amethyst* Force Cone
Since the blood of dragons holds power, some of the items
in this book are developed around the idea of blood magic, 12 Crystal* Radiant Cone
like the Dragonblood Vial or the Ruby Bracers of 13 Emerald* Psychic Cone
Dragonblood Magic.
14 Sapphire* Thunder Cone
Other Books 15 Topaz* Necrotic Cone
To use this compendium, you need the Player's Handbook, Other
Dungeon Master's Guide and Monster Manual.
Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, Shadow of the Dragon 16 Deep* Psychic Cone
Queen and the Rise of Tiamat campaign can be a great 17 Dragon Turtle Fire Cone
addition to your games if you're interested in dragons, but
they are not required to use this compendium. 18 Moonstone* Radiant Line
You will find several references to other books, especially 19 Sea Serpent* Cold Cone
to Fizban's Treasury of Dragons (the First World, draconic
echoes, gem dragons and more). Even if having these books 20 Shadow Necrotic Cone or Line
might give you an additional insight, you don't need them to
use the magic items in this compendium.
New Dragons of Legend the primordial Erek-Hus, also known as the King of Terror.
Asgorath, the Concordant Dragon Asgorath's two halves, according to tradition, would
subsequently come together to give birth to their two
It is believed that Asgorath, also known as Io, The children, Bahamut and Tiamat (or, in another tale, Tiamat
Concordant Dragon, The Great Eternal Wheel and The and Bahamut were Io's eldest children who inherited the
Ninefold Dragon, created the multiverse itself. According to divine spark upon the Ninefold's death).
the legends, Asgorath and nothing else existed in the First Nowadays, Bahamut and Tiamat are the only two beings
Void, a place that preceded the multiverse. There, Asgorath that dragonkind recognizes as their deities. However,
spilled their blood, which became the source of all creation. Asgorath is still highly respected by all dragons as their
The Ninefold also created all dragons in their image. ancestral creator, arbiter of balance and preserver of peace.
Dragonkind considers Asgorath as a higher being (similar to
a deity) that preserves balance and peace among the draconic Paragon of All
species. Asgorath is also supposed to possess the memory of Even if Asgorath is not recognized by dragonkind as a deity,
everything that has ever existed, and to be able to see into the many beings still look up to them with great respect and
future. reverence. The Great Eternal Wheel has been known to act
The Concordant Dragon is said to have manifested as a patron for Celestial warlocks (see Xanathar's Guide to
physically only once, at the multiverse's creation. Therefore, Everything), for bards of the College of Creation (see Tasha's
Asgorath's real form is unknown. The Ninefold is considered Guide to Everything) or to bless the existence of sorcerers of
either a female, male or gender neutral entity in various the Draconic Bloodline. Given Asgorath's holistic nature, they
legends. Because of that, some scholars prefer to refer to could be of inspiration for the most varied types of
Asgorath using the they/them pronouns. characters. The illustration on page 1 of this book is
Asgorath's symbol.
Asgorath, Bahamut and Tiamat
One interpretation of Asgorath's cosmogony comes from the Origin and Concordance
Forgotten Realms, where it is believed that the Concordant Asgorath embodies the cosmo in its wholeness, while its
emerged from the Elemental Chaos and gave birth to the first blood holds the power of primigenial creation. The
mortal creatures — dragonkind — by combining the Opalescent Mirror recalls Asgorath's connection to blood
fundamental elements into the dragons themselves. magic and their role as an enforcer for draconic peace. The
Following creation, a conflict between primordials and Staff of the Ninefold represents both the capacity of the
deities known as the Sundering would break out. During this Concordant Dragon to interiorize the cosmo in its entirety,
time, Asgorath and some of their offspring would be killed by and to give birth to whole new worlds.
The Groundling, Gardener of Sometimes, the Groundling can also choose a natural
Consciousnesses location as a sanctuary to protect. There, he ensures that
Berkhutanthardixil, commonly known as "the Groundling" civilized creatures won't disrupt the harmony of nature (but
(an easier name that he chose for the sake of the non- they are welcome to stay, as long as they don't) and that rare
Draconic speakers) is a greatwyrm that transcended his creatures can breed and prosper. Dinosaurs and other
original form to become one with nature. Millenias ago, when reptiloid creatures are particularly dear to him, and he treats
the dragon was at the peak of his power, he decided to go into them as they are his children.
slumber and merge with the surrounding environment. Doing Even while slumbering, the Groundling's spirit is still
so, he left his body behind but enabled his spirit to persist in fertile of life: in some worlds, the echoes of the Groundling
the world forever. can still manifest and reincarnate into an actual creature,
Before his transcendence, the Groundling was a master in giving him a new chance to try to teach the world his
druidic magic and a true savant of the power of the Feywild. practices about consciousness communion and living a life in
One of his greatest endeavors was about exploring and harmony. The Groundling's original form (before his
perfecting the concept of shared consciousness, believing transformation and transcendence) was the one of a bronze
that every creature of the world belongs to the same unity dragon, however it's not unusual for his echoes to manifest
and is somehow connected. He called it "consciousness into some minor members of dragonkind, like faerie dragons,
communion": through the exploration and the reinforcement pseudodragons, or even non-draconic creatures that are
of this connection, a creature could truly understand his closely connected to nature.
place in the natural order and become able to live Resin Blood and Moss Flesh
harmoniously into nature and alongside other beings. As for the other members of dragonkind, the Groundling's
Venerable Nature blood is infused with magic. As a result of his communion
Nowadays, the Groundling has no body and his spirit exists with nature, his blood takes the form of a dark resinous
in a state of half-slumber. However, he still has enough power substance, just as if it was a tree. The resin blood of the
and will to be a guiding spirit for druids, a patron for Gardener of Consciousnesses holds the power of growth and
warlocks of the Pact of the Archfey, an inspiration for rebirth, as represented by the Amber Egg. The Resin Pillars,
paladins of the Oath of the Ancients (see Chapter 3 of the also a product of his vital sap, are a magic item of legendary
Player's Handbook for more informations on these proportions that embodies the dragon's connection with the
subclasses) or a master for members of other classes that are Feywild. The Little Mushroom Garden and Spore Moss are
connected with nature, dragons or the feywild. also a manifestation of the druidic power of the dragon, with
effects connected to nature, life and the expansion of
consciousness (see Chapter 2 of this compendium for the
details on these items).
Nolmat, the Watcher of Secrets Even if the Watcher of Secrets claims that her shoulders
Nolmat is the one that is not afraid to stare into darkness are strong enough to sustain any weight, some other dragons
when everyone else would avert their eyes. During her are concerned with Nolmat's mental or moral integrity.
existence in the First World, she was a non-evil black dragon Bahamut, for example, actively questions the ideology and
that was often entrusted by her kind with secrets too methods of Nolmat and her followers, believing that being too
dangerous to be kept elsewhere, or with duties too close with death and darkness might have numbed (or
uncomfortable to be fulfilled by others. Many consider corrupted) her good will. Nolmat defends herself from these
Nolmat to be merely obsessed with knowledge and death, but accusations by saying that she only does what is needed
that would be simplistic: she is the one that picks up the while nobody else wants to get their hands dirty.
burdens that nobody wants to carry without asking anything Inspiration for the Despised
in return, even when others will look at her with fear and The ones that need to do unspeakable but necessary things
distrust for doing so.
often look up to Nolmat. She might inspire a paladin of the
Minister of Death Oath of Vengeance that is about to get blood on its sword, or
One aspect of Nolmat is the administration of death as a form be the patron for a warlock of the Pact of the Old One
of justice, protection, mercy or as something otherwise (tutoring him into looking deep inside of what should be left
perceived as a necessity. She holds dear the executioners that alone) or she might sponsor a guild of assassins that only
deliver death as part of the law, the agents or assassins that accept contracts within a certain ethical code.
do unspeakable things to prevent more harm, or who just Blood of Secrets
asks for a merciful death. The blood of dragons is filled with knowledge, therefore
The Invisible Burden Nolmat's blood carries within the echoes of all the secrets
The other side of Nolmat's nature, is what deserved her the that were ever entrusted with her. The Caress of Nolmat taps
title of Watcher of Secrets: to be the one that can be into this power to open the mind of the wearer and to turn it
entrusted with whatever knowledge nobody else wants to into an efficient pursuer. The Eye of Nolmat makes it easier
deal with, or is not strong enough to. May it be an for the wearer to reach for forbidden knowledge. The
uncomfortable truth, a dangerous magic, or the secret for the Executioner's Scarf of Nolmat is precious to who needs to
destruction of a good deity, Nolmat is the one that is not deliver a quick death (see Chapter 2 for more details).
afraid to live with it and carry the burden.
Chapter 2: Magic Items

his section presents magic items that are Rarity Item Attunement
associated with dragons. Many are made of Uncommon+ Opalescent Mirror of Asgorath Yes
draconic parts, either harvested from slain
dragons, or given willingly as a token of Uncommon
Twin Tongues Collars of
friendship. Some are created with the purpose Aasterinian
of slaying dragons (and sometimes designed Rare Boots of Dragonstriding Yes
by them, too).
Several of these items are dedicated to dragons of Rare Caress of Nolmat No
importance, as: Rare Chromatic Rod Yes
The draconic deities Bahamut and Tiamat. Rare Dragon's Draught No
Sardior, the Ruby Dragon, mentioned in Fizban's Treasury
of Dragons. Rare+ Dragonarmor Yes
The greatwyrm Aasterinian, brass dragon messenger of Rare Dragondoom Scepter No
Bahamut, also mentioned in Fizban's Treasury of
Dragons. Rare Eye of Bahamut No
Nolmat and the Groundling, two new greatwyrms detailed Rare Eye of Nolmat No
in Chapter 1 of this book.
The draconic power known in the world of Toril as Rare Eye of the Dragon Queen No
Asgorath, the Great Eternal Wheel (also detailed above). Rare Gem Dragon Shard Yes
The Magic Items table lists all the magic items in this Rare
Little Mushroom Garden of the
section and notes the rarity of each one. The table also Groundling
indicates whether an item requires attunement. All the items Rare Martyr Scale of Bahamut No
use the magic items rules in the Dungeon Master's Guide.
Rare Moonstone Dragon Shard Yes
Magic Items by Rarity
Ruby Bracers of Dragonblood
Rarity Item Attunement Rare Yes
Common Brass Parchment No Rare Tome of Peace and Laughter Yes
Common Flare Scale No Rare Weapon of the Breath Eater Yes
Common Infernal Gauntlet of Tiamat No Very Rare Dragon's-Eye Amulet Yes
Common Infused Dragon Egg Shell No Very Rare Dragonrider Armor Yes
Common Jewelry Box of Dark Ice No Very Rare Dragonscale Cloak Yes
Common Platinum Weapon of Bahamut No Very Rare Executioner's Scarf of Nolmat Yes
Common Sapphire Dragonchess Set No Very Rare Joyful Brazier of Aasterinian No
Common Spore Moss of the Groundling No Very Rare Moonbow Yes
Uncommon+ Amber Egg of the Groundling Yes Very Rare Platinum Helm Yes
Uncommon Cape of Solar Scales Yes Very Rare Shield of the Sapphire Soldier Yes
Uncommon Crimson Dragonhide Bracers Yes Spear of the Ascendant Dragon
Very Rare No
Uncommon Crystal of Curiosity No Arcane
Uncommon+ Dracolich Bonedust No Very Rare Staff of the Ninefold Yes
Uncommon Dragonblood Vial Yes Very Rare Wyrmslayer Yes
Uncommon Eye of Aasterinian No Legendary Deck of the Dragon's Luck No
Uncommon Eye of the Groundling No Gauntlets of the Amethyst
Legendary Yes
Uncommon Lunar Pit No
Legendary Resin Pillars of the Groundling No
Uncommon Moss Armor of the Groundling No
Artifact Blue Crystal Staff Yes
Necklace of Copper Dragon
Uncommon+ No Artifact Claw of the Scourge Yes
Magic Items Descriptions Blue Crystal Staff
The following magic items are presented in alphabetical Staff, Artifact (Requires Attunement)
order. The Blue Crystal Staff is a potent tool for good that only
appears during dire circumstances. In the world of Krynn,
Amber Egg of the Groundling the goddess Mishakal directs and guards who wields the
Wondrous Item, Uncommon (+1), Rare (+2) or Very Rare (+3) staff, preventing the forces of evil from using it for their
(Requires Attunement by a Druid or Ranger) advantage. The staff has been known to manifest itself in
If you are attuned to this egg-shaped drop of ember, you can other worlds too, especially the ones plagued by the violent
use it as a spellcasting focus for your spells while carrying or deeds of evil dragons.
holding it. Additionally, you gain a bonus (determined by the The staff seems to be a straightforward, unadorned
egg's rarity) to spell attack rolls and to the saving throw DC of quarterstaff made of wood. However, the staff's actual
your druid and ranger spell. appearance is always visible whenever its abilities are utilized
The egg has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended or when it is viewed through a true seeing spell or a similar
charges at dawn. You can use the charges in the following effect.
ways while holding it: If you wield the staff and you are not of good alignment,
you can't use the staff's powers and you take 3d6 radiant
As a reaction, you can expend 1 charge while failing a damage immediately, and at the beginning of each of your
concentration check to maintain a spell that summons a next turns while you are still holding it.
creature. You automatically succeed on that concentration Magic Weapon. The Blue Crystal Staff is a regular
check instead. quarterstaff. If you are a good-aligned character, it is
As an action, you can expend 1 charge to cast animal considered a magical quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to
messenger without components. If you wish so, the egg attack and damage rolls made with it. If you are a cleric of
also summons a Tiny animal from the ancient past that Mishakal, or a cleric of the Knowledge or Life domain, the
you can only use for this purpose, that lasts as long as the bonus increases to a +3 and the weapon deals an extra 3d6
spell. radiant damage against aberrations, fiends, undeads and evil-
Even if you are not attuned to it, you can crush a rare or aligned dragons.
very rare amber egg and destroy it to cast the reincarnate Random Properties. The artifact has the following
spell, ignoring any component. The spell casted in this way random properties, which you can determine by rolling on
has a casting time of 1 action, and the new body for the the tables in the "Artifacts" section of the Dungeon Master's
reincarnated creature is automatically a dragonborn. An Guide:
amber egg used in this way loses all of its magical power. 2 minor beneficial properties
2 major beneficial property
Spells. The staff has 15 charges. While holding the staff,
you can use an action to expend some of its charges to cast
one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC
and spellcasting ability: command (1 charge), continual flame
(2 charges), cure wounds (1 charge per spell level, up to 5th),
healing word (1 charge per spell level, up to 5th), lesser
restoration (2 charges), mass cure wounds (5 charges),
protection from poison (2 charges), remove curse (3 charges).
The staff regains 2d6 + 3 charges daily at dawn.
You can also use an action to cast one of the following
spells from the staff without using any charges: detect poison
and disease, spare the dying. Blue Crystal Staff
If you are a cleric of Mishakal, or a cleric of the Knowledge
or Life domain, you can cast these additional spells through
the staff: greater restoration (5 charges), raise dead (5
charges), regeneration (7 charges), resurrection (7 charges).
Smite Enemy. You can spend 2 charges (see above) to deal
an extra 4d10 force damage to an opponent that you hit with
a melee weapon attack with the quarterstaff, or you can
spend 4 charges to deal an extra 8d10 force damage instead.
You can't use this feature more than once against an
individual opponent. After you do so, the staff can't be used to
heal for 1 hour per charge spent in this way (cumulative).
Breath Weapon Shield. As a reaction when you can see or
hear a breath weapon being used, you can activate the
deflective power of the staff to make everything within 10 feet
of you (including yourself) immune to the effects of this Boots of Dragonstriding
breath weapon. After using this feature, you can't use it again Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)
until the next dawn. While you wear these scaly boots, you have a climbing speed
Preservation. The staff can cast the teleport spell itself. equal to your walking speed. The boots give you additional
The destination is of the staff's choice (DM's discretion) abilities based on the kind of climbing dragon they were
unless you are a cleric of Mishakal, or a cleric of the crafted from.
Knowledge or Life domain. After using this feature, the staff Copper Dragon Boots. As a bonus action, you stomp the
can't use it again until the next dawn. ground and cast the slow (DC 15) spell on a creature within
Destroying the Staff. It is said that Mishakal created the 30 feet of you. You ignore verbal and material components for
staff from one single celestial sapphire. To destroy it, the staff this casting. The boots can't be used in this way again until
must be used to kill a powerful celestial (CR 20 or more, like the next dawn.
a solar) and then must be exposed to the breath weapon of a Red Dragon Boots. As a bonus action, you stomp on the
dragon of divine rank (like an Aspect of Tiamat from Fizban's ground and every creature within 5 feet of you takes 1d10 fire
Treasury of Dragons). The staff will usually try to teleport damage, then you cast the misty step spell without requiring
itself away before this happens. any components. The boots can't be used this way again until
the next dawn.
These boots are crafted with the leg scales of dragons that
Amber Egg of are proficient climbers. Some copper dragons have been
the Groundling known to donate these scales willingly, cheering at the idea of
a climber being magically slowed down while another swiftly
moves forward.

Brass Parchment
Wondrous Item, Common
This roll of parchment is created by brass dragons with the
need to keep track of stories and tales, or that can't write as
fast as they speak. When activated with its command word,
this parchment magically writes on itself everything said by
any creature within 10 feet of it, for up to 1 hour of
conversation. With another command word, a warm draconic
voice magically reads the content of the parchment. Typically,
a parchment of this kind can transcribe conversations in
Common or Draconic only, unless it was created with
different languages in mind. The parchment can't hold more
then 1 hour of conversation overall.
Chromatic Rod
Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)
You can use a bonus action to speak the command word for
Cape of this magic morning star, causing energy to erupt from it. You
Solar Scales can choose between acid, cold, electricity, fire, or poison.
While the rod is activated, it deals an extra 1d8 damage of the
Boots of chosen type to any target it hits. The energy lasts until you
Dragonstriding use a bonus action to speak the command word again to
change or deactivate the energy, or until you drop or sheathe
the rod. Additionally, this rod counts as a divine focus for
casting spells.
Starting at a certain level, you can cast spells as per the
table below while wielding the rod, using the indicated spell
DC and spell attack, or yours if higher. Each of these spells
can be casted once and they don't require material
components. You can't cast the same spell in this way again
until the next dawn, unless you use your spell slots to do so.
The rod is a morning star with a representation of Tiamat's
five dragon heads instead of the morning star's head. It was
first created by Tiamat's consorts to be given to her as a gift.
The rod is particularly dear to the cultists of the Dragon
Queen, and they wield it with her blessing.
Level Spells
1st armor of agathys
Cape of Solar Scales
Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunement) 3rd melf's acid arrow (+5 spell attack)
When you wear this cape, you are immune to any negative 5th stinking cloud (DC 15)
consequences inflicted by light effects or heat that are not 7th hallucinatory terrain (DC 15)
damage, like the blinded condition or the disadvantage on
rolls from a heat metal spell. Additionally, if you are taking 10 9th
cone of cold (DC 17, fire damage instead of
fire damage or less, you are immune to it. cold)

Caress of Nolmat
Wondrous Item, Rare
While you wear these gloves, you can activate them as a Caress of
bonus action. Once activated, the gloves tap in the power of Nolmat
your blood and you take 1d6 necrotic damage that can't be
prevented or reduced in any way. Until the end of this turn,
you can touch an unattended object or a non-hostile creature
as an action. You can try to touch a hostile creature or an
attended item instead, but that requires a successful unarmed
attack or grapple check. While successfully touching a target,
you can activate one of the following features, then you can't
activate the gloves again for 2 hours or until the next dawn. If
you are a ranger, you can also activate them again by
spending a 2nd level spell slot.
Prey of the Sentinel of Nolmat. As part of the action to
touch the target you cast the hunter's mark spell on it,
requiring no components. If you are touching an object, the
spell targets the last owner of the object and ignores the
range of the spell.
Vision of the Sentinel of Nolmat. You receive a divination
on the target (for a creature) or on the last creature that
owned the target (for an object), as if you had cast the
divination spell. At the DM's discretion, the divination could
come to you as visions or other sensory effects.
Random Properties. The artifact has the following
random properties, which you can determine by rolling on
Claw of the
the tables in the "Artifacts" section of the Dungeon Master's
Scourge Guide:
2 minor beneficial properties
1 major beneficial property
2 minor detrimental properties
1 major detrimental property
Weapon of the Scourge. You can use a bonus action to
speak the command word loexhaurach ("scourge" in the
Draconic language) to activate the Claw's true powers until
the beginning of your next turn. By doing so, the weapon
emits a sinister black smoke that smells of death, and the
weapon gains the following properties:
Unless you have an unarmored AC of 15 or higher (not
counting your Dexterity modifier), you take 2d6 slashing
damage from this magical weapon when you activate it, as
the Claw wraps tight to your arm and digs in your flesh.
Against creatures of the Dragon type, you gain a +3 bonus
to attacks and damage rolls made with this weapon
Claw of the Scourge
(instead of +1).
Weapon, Artifact (Requires Attunement) Creatures of the Dragon type take an extra 3d6 slashing
damage from the Claw, and their resistance to damage
Long ago, there was a time when the dragons were waging doesn't work against this attack.
war against each other, fighting across the whole world and The target is cursed and its hit point maximum is reduced
giving no quarter to their enemies. During this age, some by an amount equal to the damage dealt with this attack.
vicious weapons were forged by dragonkind with the The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum
deliberate purpose to severely wound, maim or slay a to 0. This works on targets of any creature type. The
draconic enemy beyond any possibility for healing or reduction is permanent and can only be healed with a
resurrection: these were called loexhaurach laraek, greater restoration spell (or similar magic) casted by a
"weaponry of the scourge" in Draconic, as they were the ruin creature with a spellcaster class level or CR that is at least
of the dragon on the receiving end of these blows. 5 points higher than your character level or CR.
These weapons followed and enforced certain ancient Creatures of the Dragon type killed by an attack with this
traditions of draconic warfare: a creature wounded by the weapon are cursed and can't be brought back to life,
power of the Scourge couldn't heal, and a dragon killed by it unless certain conditions are met (see Supremacy
couldn't come back from the dead, because the conquered Override below).
creature would have to accept the consequences of its defeat
(up until final death). That would last until the creature Supremacy Override. If you die, the curses that you
dealing the wound would find its own demise, therefore inflicted with the Weapon of the Scourge properties (hit point
undoing the curses of the Scourge that the creature inflicted reduction and permanent death) are broken.
and reestablishing a hierarchy of strength and power. That of Double Claw. If you wear two or more Claws of the
course encouraged a score settling culture among dragons of Scourge, you can activate more then one of them with the
different factions that drove the dragon to wage even more same bonus action. If you do so, you can apply the effects of
vicious wars against each other, with the objective to kill the Weapon of the Scourge to any attack or damage that you
certain wielder of the loexhaurach weaponry to "free" some deal, including spells and breath weapons.
of their allies or relatives. Destroying the Claw. The Claw was designed with a
Some of these weapons, called loexhaurach gix, "claws of failsafe to ensure that it could be undone once the dragons
the scourge", were created as extended claws to be worn by reached an agreement. To destroy it, two ancient dragons
dragons. However, these weapons will adapt to the hand of that are enemies with each other (like an ancient red dragon
the wearer, working normally even on creatures without and an ancient silver dragon) must perform the iejir martivir,
claws (but with painful consequences for users that don't or "peace of the blood", a ritualistic draconic treatise. To do
have scales thick enough). so, the two dragons must agree on a peaceful deal at their
Magic Weapon. A Claw of the Scourge is considered a discretion, solemnly swear upon it, wound each other, pour
magical sickle that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage the resulting blood on the Claw and then exhale both of their
rolls made with it. If you make a melee attack with your breath weapons on it. From this point on, the two dragons
unarmed attacks, natural weapons or even with a handheld and their descendants are bound to the vow they agreed on
weapon using the hand that holds it (like with your fist, claws by a 9th-level geas spell that can only be broken by wish or
or sword), you apply the weapon's properties to your attack similar magic, and the Claw of the Scourge is destroyed. After
and the damage type. If it's an unarmed attack or natural that, all creatures that were ever cursed by the Weapon of the
weapon, the damage type becomes slashing. Scourge properties of this weapon, are now freed from them.

Deck of
Dragon's Luck

Crimson Dragonhide Bracers Deck of The Dragon's Luck

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunement) Wondrous Item, Legendary
You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing these bracers. Usually found in a box of draconic bone, this deck contains
When you take fire damage while wearing them, you can use up to fifty-four cards made from the polished scales of various
your reaction to raise your arms and reduce the damage by members of dragonkind. The deck is designed to represent
1d10 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice), many aspects of the draconic existence, may they be positive,
provided that you are not restrained, shackled or under a negative or anything in between. Each card pictures a kind of
similar restriction. dragon (chromatic, metallic, gem or other) or something else
that has to do with the life and nature of dragonkind.
Crystal of Curiosity
Before you draw a card, you must declare how many cards
you intend to draw and then draw them randomly (you can
Wondrous Item, Uncommon use a full deck of playing cards, complete with jokers, to
This item has 3 charges, and regains 1d3 charges at dawn. simulate it). Any cards drawn in excess of this number have
You can spend 1 charge to use one of the following features. no effect. Otherwise, as soon as you draw a card from the
As an action, you can say the name of a creature, object or deck, its magic takes effect. You must draw each card no
more than 1 hour after the previous draw. If you fail to draw
place. For 1 hour, you gain advantage on any ability check the chosen number, the remaining number of cards fly from
to look for what you named. the deck on their own and take effect all at once. Once a card
You cast the clairvoyance spell. is drawn, it fades from existence and reappears in the deck,
This crystal always counts as the material component to making it possible to draw the same card twice. Some cards
cast clairvoyance, even when you use your spell slots to cast are exceptions to this rule, like the Luck of the Dragon and
it. the Twilight.
The effects of a card last for 1d4 weeks or 1d4 months
(chosen by the DM based on the pace of the campaign),
unless stated otherwise in the card itself.
Crystal of At the DM's discretion, this deck can be found with one or
Curiosity more cards missing. Some thematic versions of this deck
exist, like with only cards related to chromatic, metallic or
gem dragons, or with only cards that regard the interests of a
certain kind of dragon.
There are many stories on how the first of these decks
came to be. The golden inlays on the cards might recall the
proverbial luck of gold dragons, but some claim that the
decks were created as a joke (possibly a cruel one) by
Aasterinian, in the effort of mimicking the Deck of Many
Things. Some others believe that this Deck was the result of
a flawed attempt from a group of wizards to bind the power of
dragons for personal gain. Whichever the real story is, these
decks are now known to be a source of great power and
treasures, but also of terrible curses and woeful events.
Playing Card Card Playing Card Card
Ace of hearts The Platinum Dragon Ace of spades The Ruby Dragon
King of hearts The Gold Dragon King of spades The Amethyst Dragon
Queen of hearts The Silver Dragon Queen of spades The Sapphire Dragon
Jack of hearts The Bronze Dragon Jack of spades The Emerald Dragon
Ten of hearts The Copper Dragon Ten of spades The Topaz Dragon
Nine of hearts The Brass Dragon Nine of spades The Crystal Dragon
Eight of hearts The Hoard Eight of spades The Magic
Seven of hearts The Dragonsong Seven of spades The Knowledge
Six of hearts The Shapeshifter Six of spades The Guardian
Five of hearts The Scaleless Friend Five of spades The Claws and Fangs
Four of hearts The Worthy Hero Four of spades The Flight
Three of hearts The Tutor Three of spades The Psionics
Two of hearts The Brood Two of spades The Scaled One

Ace of diamonds The Dragon Queen Ace of clubs The Iridescent Dragon
King of diamonds The Red Dragon King of clubs The Dead Dragon
Queen of diamonds The Blue Dragon Queen of clubs The Otherworldly Dragon
Jack of diamonds The Green Dragon Jack of clubs The Landwyrm
Ten of diamonds The Black Dragon Ten of clubs The Ghost Dragon
Nine of diamonds The White Dragon Nine of clubs The Deep Dragon
Eight of diamonds The Supremacy Eight of clubs The Sea Dragon
Seven of diamonds The War of the Dragons Seven of clubs The Echo
Six of diamonds The Elements Six of clubs The Lair
Five of diamonds The Treachery Five of clubs The Greatwyrm
Four of diamonds The Vengeance Four of clubs The Aging
Three of diamonds The Scales Three of clubs The Wyrmling
Two of diamonds The Intruder Two of clubs The Egg

Black Joker The Twilight

Red Joker The Luck of the Dragon
The Shapeshifter. You can cast polymorph on yourself
Hearts once, without requiring spell slots or material components.
The Platinum Dragon. An aspect of Bahamut appears and You can't do it again until the end of your next long rest. If you
evaluates the virtues of the people in front of him. It has the can cast spells of that level, you add it to your list of spells
stats of a metallic dragon with a CR 2 or more points higher known. You gain the personality trait "Sometimes, I like my
than the Average Party Level, but his breath weapon deals shapeshifted form more than my real one".
cold damage. If the party is motivated by evil purposes or is The Scaleless Friend. A copy of this card appears in your
an enemy to good dragons, he attacks. Otherwise, he gifts pocket and doesn't disappear after the card's duration runs
them a treasure of platinum pieces for an encounter of its out. You can tear up the card as a bonus action to roll any
CR, then leaves. The characters might try to speak with the ability check involving peaceful interactions with dragons
aspect. The treasure doesn't disappear after the card's with advantage for 1 hour. Once ripped, the card disappears.
duration runs out. The Worthy Hero. A copy of this card appears in your
The Gold Dragon. You are touched by the luck of the gold pocket and doesn't disappear after the card's duration runs
dragon. Your proficiency bonus increases by 1. You also gain out. As an action, you can tear up the card to request help
the flaw "My huge ego can blind my judgment", or another from a friendly dragon that you know, or to a dragon at the
flaw at your choice that is about ego and pride. DM's discretion (if you don't know any). The dragon appears
The Silver Dragon. You or a creature at your choice is within 30 feet at the beginning of your next turn and helps
targeted by a 9th level greater restoration, heal or you with a single duty. The dragon leaves when the duty is
regeneration (your choice). You can cast alter self and cure completed or after 1 hour has passed. Once ripped, the card
wounds two times each, without requiring spell slots or disappears.
material components. You can't do it again until the end of The Tutor. Before the time limit of the card runs out, a
your next long rest. If you can cast spells of the appropriate powerful dragon will ask you to fulfill a quest. If you succeed,
level, you add one or both of them to your list of spells known. the dragon will entrust you with tutoring a wyrmling or young
The Bronze Dragon. You are targeted by a water dragon with a complicated personality. Both the powerful
breathing spell with permanent duration. A group of animals dragon and the younger dragon will be of a kind that
from the surrounding area join you and befriend you. The somehow relates to your personality or backstory.
DM chooses them. They have a total CR up to half your The Brood. You gain inspiration whenever you see another
proficiency bonus. party member or friend becoming heavily wounded (with half
The Copper Dragon. The copper dragon from the card hit points or less), going at 0 hit points or dying, unless you
comes to life and asks to be entertained with jokes, games caused it. After you gain inspiration in this way, you can't gain
and fun stories. Make a DC 17 ability check based on your it again until the beginning of your next turn.
approach, like a Charisma (Deception) check or a Charisma
(Performance) check. If you succeed, you gain proficiency in
Deception, Performance or any game set or magical The Tutor
instrument (your choice) and resistance to acid. If you fail, you
are targeted by tasha's hideous laughter (DC 15) every time
you roll a 1 on an ability check, attack roll or saving throw.
The Brass Dragon. The brass dragon from the card
comes to life and asks to be entertained with interesting facts
and stories. Make a DC 17 ability check based on your kind
of interaction, like a Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma
(Performance) check. If you succeed, you gain proficiency in
Arcane, History, Nature, Religion or any tool (your choice)
and resistance to fire. If you fail, you gain an irritating or
socially awkward personality trait of your choice and the DM
can give you disadvantage on a Charisma ability check once
per session because of that.
The Hoard. A random treasure appears. The treasure is
worth three encounters of a CR equal to the Average Party
Level. The treasure doesn't disappear after the card's
duration runs out.
The Dragonsong. You gain the gift of the magical song of
the dragons. You permanently learn the Draconic language, if
you don't know it already. You gain a d8 dragonsong die that
you can spend on any Charisma ability check or saving throw,
even after seeing the result but before knowing if it's a
success or a failure. When you are rolling against a dragon,
the dragonsong die becomes a d12. After you spend it, you
can't use it again until the end of your next long rest.
The Black Dragon. One or more swarms appear each in a
free space within 30 feet of the card. The DM chooses which
kind of swarms and how many, with the purpose to make a
medium to hard encounter for the party. Any creature that
drops to 0 hit points during this encounter suffers from a
curse: whenever the character rolls a 1 on an ability check,
attack roll or saving throw, the character becomes poisoned
until the end of its next turn. If the swarms are all destroyed,
you develop the ability to breathe underwater and the
friendship of a number of reptile beasts and critters from this
area with a total CR equal to half your proficiency bonus or
lower (at the DM's discretion).
The White Dragon. You feel possessed by the predatory
instinct of the white dragon. You gain the personality trait "I
like fresh meat." and you become able to eat raw meat like
you were an animal. Additionally, whenever you eat frozen
meat, you can spend Hit Dice up to half your proficiency
bonus to heal like you were on a short rest. You can't do that
again until the end of your next long rest.
The Supremacy. The dragon in the card forces you to pay
a tribute. If you accept, the card takes away from you an
amount of wealth equal to a treasure of a monster of your
The Red level. The wealth is instantly teleported into the hoard of a
Dragon dragon of the DM's choice (this event is not influenced by the
card's duration). You know the name of the dragon and where
Diamonds its lair is. If you refuse or you can't pay, you are cursed with
vulnerability to the damage of all breath weapons.
The Dragon Queen. An aspect of Tiamat appears and The War of the Dragons. The card enrolls you in a war
attacks the characters to test their strength. She has the stats between dragons, or between dragons and other creatures.
of a chromatic dragon with a CR 2 or more points higher You have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws against
than the Average Party Level, but the damage of her breath dragons. When you obey the orders of a dragon, you gain
weapon can be acid, cold, electricity, fire or poison (at her inspiration, then you can't gain inspiration in this way until
choice at every use). Any character that drops to 0 hit points the end of your next long rest.
during this encounter (even a character that didn't draw the The Elements. A portal to a random Inner Plane opens
card) makes all saving throws to not be frightened with and tries to suck you in (roll a d4: 1, Air; 2: Water; 3: Earth; 4:
disadvantage for the card's duration. If the aspect is defeated, Fire). You and every creature within 50 feet of the card make
Tiamat offers you a quest or a reward at the DM's discretion a DC 20 Charisma saving throw. If more than half creatures
(the quest or reward doesn't disappear after the card's fail the save, you are all sucked into the portal. Whether you
duration). The characters might try to speak with the aspect. succeed or fail, whoever drew the card gains resistance to the
The Red Dragon. The card exhales fire in a 30-foot radius energy connected to a dragon that can make that plane its
around itself. Everything in the area makes a DC 17 Dexterity home (DM's choice).
saving throw, taking 44 (8d10) fire damage on a failure, and The Treachery. You gain the bond "I will be betrayed and I
half as much damage on a success. Flammable items will know it". By the end of the time limit of the card, you will be
catch fire. betrayed by someone that you trust.
The Green Dragon. One or more awakened shrubs or The Vengeance. You gain inspiration every time you meet
shambling mounds appear each in a free space within 30 the object of your vengeance (if you have any), then you can't
feet of you. The DM chooses a number of them to create a gain inspiration in this way again until the end of your next
medium to hard encounter for the party. Every elf or fey short or long rest. If you don't have a desire for vengeance,
creature within 30 feet of the card is instantly attacked by the now a monster or NPC has one against you instead.
bite of an adult green dragon. The Scales. You develop the scales of a random dragon.
The Blue Dragon. Three oases appear within 60 feet of While you aren't wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your
you, only one of which is real. The other two are illusions that Dexterity modifier. Also, you gain resistance to the kind of
can be revealed as such with a DC 20 Intelligence damage related to that dragon.
(Investigation) check. If you drink water from the real one, The Intruder. You gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand,
you gain resistance to electricity and you can cast disguise Stealth or thieves' tools (your choice). If you have all of them
self at will, without requiring spell slots or material already, you can choose another skill or tool proficiency
components. If you drink from a fake one, you suffer from instead. While you are into the lair or propriety of another
severe dehydration: you take 22 (4d10) necrotic damage, creature, you have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
suffer one level of exhaustion and all the drinkable checks, Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks and initiative rolls.
nonmagical liquids that you are carrying or holding evaporate
Spades The Scaled
The Ruby Dragon. The arcane mysteries of cosmic One
creation unveil in front of you. Choose a spell up to 5th level
from any class spell list. You can cast that spell once, without
consuming spell slots. You can't cast it again in this way until
the end of your next long rest. If you are a spellcaster, you
now know this spell and you add it to your class spell list, so
you can also cast it normally with your spell slots.
The Amethyst Dragon. You learn the mage hand cantrip,
and you can cast it without requiring any component. A copy
of this card appears in your pocket and doesn't disappear
when the card's duration runs out. As an action, you can rip it
to cast plane shift without components or spell slots to reach
an Inner Plane, Outer Plane or Transitional Plane of your
choice, or the Prime Material. If you don't know any of these
planes, you reach the Astral Sea instead.
The Sapphire Dragon. You can cast misty step without
requiring spell slots. Once you cast it in this way, you can't do
it again until the end of your next long rest. As an action, you
can feel if there are aberrations or portals to the Far Realm
within one mile of you. If you detect any, you are instantly
targeted by a 9th-level geas spell (no initial saving throw, DC
20 for the following ones) with the command "I must ensure
that what I detected is not a threat, or that it is neutralized". or Religion or with one tool of your choice.
The Emerald Dragon. Whenever you unveil a new secret The Guardian. Your spirit becomes connected to a
or you deepen your understanding of a different culture, you location of your choice that you desire to protect. At the
gain inspiration. You can cast invisibility and hallucinatory beginning of every turn when you are fighting to protect it,
terrain once each without requiring spell slots. Once you cast you gain inspiration. Whenever your chosen location gets
them in this way, you can't do it again until the end of your severely damaged, or a creature finding shelter in it goes to 0
next long rest. If you can cast spells of that level, you add hit points, you make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, taking
them to your list of spells known. You gain the flaw "I'm 2d10 psychic damage on a failure. If you succeed on this
afraid of attracting attention" and whenever you do, you make saving throw, you are immune to this effect for the next 24
a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you become hours.
frightened by whoever is watching until you are alone again. The Claws and Fangs. You grow draconic claws and
The Topaz Dragon. A copy of this card appears in your fangs. When you use them to attack, your unarmed attacks
pocket, and doesn't disappear when the card's duration runs deal 1d6 piercing damage, or they deal +1 damage if they
out. As an action, you can rip it up to cast a disintegrate spell already deal 1d6 damage or more. You can make one
or a 9th-level dispel magic, requiring no components or spell unarmed attack with them as a bonus action.
slot. When you do so, you make a DC 20 Constitution saving The Flight. You grow draconic wings, gaining a flying
throw, taking 55 (10d10) necrotic damage on a failure, or half speed equal to your base speed.
as much damage on a success. Once ripped, the card loses its The Psionics. You learn the message cantrip and you can
power. cast all of your cantrips without requiring any component.
The Crystal Dragon. You receive a divination in the form You gain proficiency with the Intelligence saving throw if you
of a prophecy, vision, series of omens or something else at don't have it.
the DM's discretion. If you follow the divination or you make The Scaled One. You transform into a dragonborn of a
it come true, you will encounter great danger, but in the end random kind, or into another random draconic or reptiloid
of it you will also find a small treasure of diamonds equal to creature from the table below (if you roll one from a manual
three encounters of your level. The treasure doesn't disappear that you don't have, roll again). Additionally, you have
when the card's duration runs out. disadvantage on Charisma ability checks against dragons.
The Magic. A powerful dragon offers to become your
arcane tutor. If you accept and you are a spellcaster, you add Scaled Creatures
three spells up 5th level or one spell of 6th level or higher to d6 Creature
your list of spells known, and for you they now belong to your
class spell list. If you are not a spellcaster, you gain the Magic 1 Your choice
Initiate feat for free. The tutor will share with you some 2 Lizardfolk
arcane secrets, but will expect you to share any secret you
know with it in return. The effects of this card are permanent. 3 Kobold
The Knowledge. You instantly gain the benefit of one 4 Dragonborn
casting of the legend lore spell. As part of it, you discover
something that you didn't want to know or to be true. 5 Tortle
Additionally, you gain proficiency in Arcana, History, Nature 6 DM's choice
Clubs The Landwyrm. One or more creatures belonging to a
The Iridescent Dragon. The concordance of Asgorath, minor draconic lineage appear in front of you, like a
patron of draconic unity, descends on you. A copy of this card pseudodragon, a wyvern or one of the many draconic
appears in your pocket, and doesn't disappear after the card's creatures from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons (at the DM's
duration runs out. As a bonus action, you can rip the card to discretion). They behave according to their nature.
force every creature within 100 feet to stop fighting, or 1000 The Ghost Dragon. An item that you are carrying used to
feet if there are dragons in this area. While in this area, be part of the hoard of a dead dragon, that now awakens as a
creatures can't take any action that harms another creature ghost to haunt you. Whenever you roll a 1 on an ability check,
until 30 minutes pass. Once ripped, the card loses its power. attack roll or saving throw while carrying or holding that
The Dead Dragon. Your creature type becomes Undead. item, make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you
You don't need to eat, drink, sleep or breathe, and you can receive the effects of the bestow curse spell (no concentration
finish a long rest with only 4 hours of inactivity. You gain required).
resistance to necrotic and poison damage. You start to slowly The Deep Dragon. You gain resistance to poison damage
decay: after one week, you have disadvantage on Charisma and proficiency with the poisoner's kit. Any creature taking
ability checks when your good appearance is relevant to the poison damage from you also takes psychic damage equal to
roll and the creature you are interacting with can see or smell your proficiency bonus. You develop an indefinite madness
the signs of your decay. (see Dungeon Master's Guide).
The Otherworldly Dragon. The deck, you and every non- The Sea Dragon. You can breathe underwater and you
hostile creature of your choice within 30 feet of you are gain a swim speed equal to your base speed. You deal double
teleported in the presence of a dragon of extraplanar or damages to objects with your melee attacks, spells or breath
extraworld origins like a faerie dragon, a shadow dragon weapons (if any). You discover the whereabouts of a wealthy
(Monster Manual), a moonstone dragon (Fizban's Treasury ship that you could pillage. However, there is now a bounty on
of Dragons), a moon dragon, a solar dragon (Spelljammer: your head and any sailor or adventurer by the coast knows of
Boo's Astral Menagerie) or a dragon of any kind that has its it.
lair on another plane or planet (even in another wildspace The Echo. You are the manifestation in your world of the
system). Depending on the nature of the dragon, this could spirit of an ancient dragon from the First World. You will
turn into a fight, a sharing of information and stories, the attract the attention of a dragon from another world that is a
assignment of a quest or any other kind of interaction. At the manifestation of your same echo. Based on the dragon's
end of this encounter or after 1 hour, you and the creatures personality, this could turn into a fight, an alliance or
that followed you can choose to be teleported back or to stay something else.
there. The Lair. You can cast mordenkainen's magnificent
mansion, requiring no component or slot. After you cast it in
The Dead Dragon this way, you can't do it again until the end of your next long
rest. The mansion looks like the lair of a dragon close to your
personality. A thief, an assassin, or another creature at the
DM's choice becomes aware of your existence and starts to
hunt you down or stalk you, wanting to kill you or steal
something from you.
The Greatwyrm. The projection of a greatwyrm (an
extremely ancient and powerful dragon) manifests in front of
you. You can't harm each other. You could befriend it, or turn
it into an enemy. See Chapter 1 for the descriptions of some
greatwyrms that you might use, or see Fizban's Treasury of
Dragons for other examples of greatwyrms.
The Aging. You grow old by 2d20 years. You learn a new
language or tool proficiency of your choice. If you become old
enough to die of old age, you fall into a coma until the card's
duration runs out.
The Wyrmling. A dragon wyrmling appears in front of you,
for you to nurture and tutor. It might be close to your
personality, or might have some challenging differences.
The Egg. A random dragon egg appears in front of you.
The Twilight. The next card that you draw has permanent
effect. Draw again, then you can decide to stop drawing. The
Twilight is then removed from this deck.
The Luck of the Dragon. You can express one wish
immediately as if you were casting the wish spell. The Luck of
the Dragon is then removed from this deck, and you draw
Skull Dust (25000 gp; 10d6 damage, 9th level curse).
You throw the dust on the body of a creature that died within
one month and you cast the true resurrection spell on
another creature, requiring no spell slot or material
component. The creature to bring back to life and the body
must be of the same creature type (beast, humanoid, dragon
and so on). The creature comes back to life even against its
will, becomes of the Undead type and gains a flaw that
represents the new darkness that it carries inside. The player
of the resurrected character will decide with the help of the
DM what's the flaw that best suits the character's story.
Instead of the type change and/or the new flaw, the DM and
the player of the resurrected character can opt for a custom
consequence that best suits the character, like the reborn
lineage from Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft or a special

Dragon's Draught
Wondrous Item, Rare
Each of these potions are created from scales and other
Dragon's components of a certain kind of dragon. After drinking this
potion, you can use an action to exhale the breath weapon of
that dragon as per the table below. Each target in the area
must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking full
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one. The effect ends after you exhale the breath
weapon three times or when 1 hour has passed.
Dracolich Bonedust
Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Tail Dust), Rare (Claws Dust),
Very Rare (Ribs Dust) or Legendary (Skull Dust)
Depending on the rarity, the dust can have different effects.
Additionally, it can be used in place of the expensive material
components for spells of the necromancy school or spells
that deal necrotic damage (see the gp value in the
description). Using the dust takes an action (unless it's being
consumed as spell component) and it can be used four times
before it's exhausted (for a newly found bonedust box, the
DM can roll 1d4 to determine the uses randomly).
Every creature using the dust or receiving its effects takes
a certain amount of necrotic damage (see description below)
and rolls a d20. On a 1, it receives a bestow curse spell of the
indicated level (no saving throw; the DM chooses the curse or
determines it randomly).
Tail Dust (500 gp; 1d6 damage, 3rd level curse). You
throw the dust on up to four creatures in a 15-foot cube
originating from you. A creature can make a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw to dodge the dust. For 1 minute, a target that
receives the bonedust gains resistance to necrotic damage
and advantage on death saving throws.
Claws Dust (2000 gp; 3d6 damage, 5th level curse). You
cast the vampiric touch spell on you, requiring no
components, and you gain resistance to necrotic damage
while the spell lasts. You can consume more uses of dust to
cast the spell at a higher level, taking only an extra 1d6
necrotic damage per extra level because of the dust. Dracolich
Ribs Dust (10000 gp; 6d6 damage, 7th level curse). You
gain the effects of the death ward spell. While the spell lasts, Bonedust
you also gain resistance to necrotic damage, and to
bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from non-magical
Armor (Scale Mail), Rare (Regular) or Very Rare (Highlord)
(Requires Attunement)
This magical scale mail is considered light armor when
determining if you are proficient with it. While wearing this
armor, you can tolerate temperatures as low as -50 degrees
Fahrenheit without any additional protection. If you wear
heavy clothes, you can tolerate temperatures as low as -100
degrees Fahrenheit.
Each set of dragonarmor is crafted to suit a specific
individual. Anybody else wearing it is not considered
proficient in it, unless the armor is adapted to the new wearer
by an artisan first.
Highlord Dragonarmor. Who wears this armor, crafted
from actual dragon's scales, gains resistance to the type of
damage related to that dragon.

Dragonblood Vial
Dragon's-Eye Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunement)
Amulet This dragon-shaped vial connects the user with the power of
dragonblood. To attune to this item, you must place a few
drops of your blood into it. The vial can't be opened while
your attunement to it lasts. If your attunement to the vial
ends, the blood that you put there is consumed by the item's
Dragon Area Damage power. You can use the vial as a spellcasting focus for your
Black 50-foot line 8d6 acid spells while wearing or holding it.
Whenever you use a spell or another effect that requires
Blue 50-foot line 8d6 lighting you to take necrotic damage as part of its effect, you can
Green 30-foot cone 8d6 poison immediately roll Hit Dice up to your proficiency bonus to
heal, just like during a short rest.
Red 30-foot cone 8d6 fire In addition, while you are carrying the vial you can recover
White 50-foot line 8d6 cold a spell slot up to 5th level by spending a number of Hit Dice
equal to the slot level. You can roll these Hit Dice to recover
hit points while you are carrying the vial. This property of the
Brass 50-foot line 8d6 fire vial can't be used again until the next dawn.
Bronze 50-foot line 8d6 lighting
Copper 50-foot line 8d6 fire
Gold 30-foot cone 8d6 fire
Silver 30-foot cone 8d6 cold

Amethyst 30-foot cone 6d6 force

Crystal 30-foot cone 6d6 radiant
Emerald 30-foot cone 6d6 psychic
Sapphire 30-foot cone 6d6 thunder
Topaz 30-foot cone 6d6 necrotic

Dragon's-Eye Amulet
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement) Dragonblood
While wearing this amulet, you gain blindsight within 20 feet
and proficiency in Perception. If you already have this
proficiency, you gain expertise instead.
This amulet is a fist-sized orb hanging from a heavy gold
chain, painted to resemble a dragon's eye.
Dragondoom Scepter
Wondrous Item, Rare
While holding this rod, you can use it as a spellcasting
focus for your spells.
This item has 3 charges. It regains 1d3 charges at dawn.
When you are casting a spell that affects a dragon while
holding the scepter, you can spend one charge as a bonus
action. If you do so, a dragon of your choice has disadvantage
on this saving throw, and the spell deals an extra 2d10
damage to this dragon (if it deals damage).
The rod resembles a regal scepter with chromatic and
metallic leaves carved on its whole length.

Dragonrider Armor
Armor (Light, Medium or Heavy), Very Rare (Requires
You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor, and
you have resistance to the kind of damage associated with
the dragon that provided the scales for this armor. While
riding a dragon, you have advantage on ability checks and
saving throws that are about riding, and the dragon has
20 temporary hit points. If you fall more than 5 feet,
the armor activates the effects of the feather fall spell
on you unless you command it otherwise.
These armors are always crafted with scales that are
willingly given by a dragon, and never with the hide of a
slain dragon. The armors are a symbol of allegiance
between dragons and the humanoids that they accept as

A Dragondoom Scepter being

wielded against a gold dragon
Dragonscales Cloak
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
When you are taking acid, cold, fire, lightning or poison
damage while you're wearing this scaly cloak, you can use
your reaction to cover yourself in it and reduce the damage by
2d12 + your Dexterity modifier, provided that you are not
restrained, shackled or under a similar restriction.
As an action, you can speak the command word of the
cloak and turn it into the pair of wings of a chromatic dragon
of your choice, or back to its normal form. You can use them
to fly at a speed of 60 feet and you gain resistance to the type
of damage associated with the chosen dragon. While the
cloak is transformed into wings, you can't use the other
property of the cloak (the one using your reaction). The cloak
can be transformed into wings for up to 1 hour, all at once or
in several shorter uses, each one using a minimum of 1
minute from the duration. The cloak recharges its time of use
at dawn.
The first Dragonscale Cloak is said to have been created
from the scales of Tiamat herself by a devoted high priest of
her. Since then, those who ally with chromatic dragons have
been collecting scales to try to replicate the process and
create new cloaks.
Executioner's Scarf Eye of Bahamut (Ioun Stone)
of Nolmat Wondrous Item, Rare
While wearing this item you gain a d10 die. You can roll the
die and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll,
or saving throw you make that is about one of your traits or
your past. You can wait until after you roll the d20 before
deciding to use the die, but must decide before the DM says
whether the roll succeeds or fails. The eye can't be used this
way again until the next dawn.
The eye represents clarity of mind and opening of
consciousness. The platinum dragon blesses each of these
"eyes" individually, to enable the wearer to see their past with
clarity in the attempt to improve themselves.

Eye of Nolmat (Ioun Stone)

Wondrous Item, Rare
While wearing this item you gain a d10 die. You can roll the
die and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll,
or saving throw you make that is about keeping or revealing a
secret, or that is about somebody that died. You can wait until
after you roll the d20 before deciding to use the die, but must
decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.
The eye can't be used this way again until the next dawn.
The eye represents the willingness to look deep into what
nobody dares to glance at. The executioner dragon created
Executioner's Scarf of Nolmat these eyes so the wearer could pierce the hypocrisy of placid
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement) ignorance.
If you wield a two-handed slashing weapon while wearing
this scarf, the weapon gains the properties listed below. If the
weapon is magical, these properties temporarily substitute Top to Bottom: Eye of
any other property that affects the attacks or damage dealt Bahamut, the Groundling,
with the weapon, if it had any. the Dragon Queen, Nolmat
You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made and Aasterinian
with this magic weapon.
Your attacks with this weapon ignore any resistance to
slashing damage.
If you roll a natural 20 on a melee attack with this weapon
against a creature that is grappled, incapacitated or
restrained, the weapon functions as a vorpal sword (see
Chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide).
This scarf used to be worn by the executioners devoted to
Nolmat. Thanks to this scarf, they could both hide their faces
and deliver death in a precise and painless way.

Eye of Aasterinian (Ioun Stone)

Wondrous Item, Uncommon
While wearing this item you gain a d10 die. You can roll the
die and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll,
or saving throw you make that is about thinking out of the
box or trying something new or unusual. You can wait until
after you roll the d20 before deciding to use the die, but must
decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.
The eye can't be used this way again until the next dawn.
The eye represents freedom of thought and originality. The
messenger of dragons encourages the use of these "eyes" to
help the daring ones and the creative minds.
Eye of the Dragon Queen (Ioun Stone) Flare Scale
Wondrous Item, Rare Wondrous Item, Common
While wearing this item you gain a d10 die. You can roll the This brilliant scale emits light of its own, giving out bright
die and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll, light within 10 feet and dim light within another 10 feet. As
or saving throw you make that is about obedience, tyranny an action, you can break the scale to release a sudden flare of
and control of other creatures. You can wait until after you light and force a creature within 5 feet of you to make a DC
roll the d20 before deciding to use the die, but must decide 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target
before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. The becomes blinded until the end of your next turn.
eye can't be used this way again until the next dawn. These items are created by magically refining the scales of
The eye represents the ability to see how to harm the solar dragons.
weakest and subjugate them. The mother of dragons
delivered these "eyes" to the world so her followers could
better perpetuate her dominion. Gauntlets of the Amethyst Grasp
Wondrous Item, Legendary (Requires Attunement)
While wearing these gauntlets, the unarmed attacks that you
Eye of the Groundling (Ioun Stone) deliver with your fists deal an extra 1d4 force damage, and
Wondrous Item, Uncommon you gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
While wearing this item you gain a d10 die. You can roll the them. Additionally, you can use the gauntlets as a spellcasting
die and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll, focus to cast arcane spells. The gauntlets have 3 charges, and
or saving throw you make that is about growth or harmony. they regain 1d3 expended charges at dawn. You can use the
You can wait until after you roll the d20 before deciding to charges in the following ways while wearing them:
use the die, but must decide before the DM says whether the
roll succeeds or fails. The eye can't be used this way again Dimensional Grasp. As an action, you cast banishment
until the next dawn. without components on a creature that you are currently
The eye represents the capacity to see how to achieve grappling, while you try to hurl the target away from your
harmonious growth. The moss dragon shaped these "eyes" plane. The DC for this spell is 8 + your Strength modifier
from its own amber so his followers could share his vision for + your proficiency bonus. If you have advantage on
a sustainable civilization. Strength (Athletics) check, the target has disadvantage on
this save.
Portal Crushing. You can try to close portals with your
Gauntlets of the Amethyst Grasp hands, like the ones created by arcane gate, gate, an open
teleportation circle, a permanent portal or even a natural
vortex. The portal can't be more than one size category
larger than you. To do so, first you have to grapple the
portal as if it was a creature (see table below). Once you
have successfully grappled the portal, then you can cast
dispel magic on it as an action without any components,
making the required ability check as a Strength check (if
the ability check is necessary). For this purpose,
permanent portals count as 9th level spells. If you dispel a
permanent portal in this way, it stops working for 1d4
rounds, resetting at the end of your turn. If you wish so,
you can permanently shut off even a stable portal, but
doing so has a certain probability to alsodisenchant the
gauntlets (see table below), turning them into a mundane
If you casted a spell able to hold creatures into a grapple,
like bigby's hand, you can use Dimensional Grasp and Portal
Crushing through that too.
Portal Grapple DC Disenchantment (d100)
Spell Spell save DC -
Permanent gate 20 01-50
Astral color pool 25 01-75
Flare Scale
Ethereal curtain 25 01-75
Natural vortex 30 01-90
Gem Dragon Shard
Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)
This sharp crystal holds the essence of a gem dragon's power.
As an action, you can attach the shard to a Tiny object (such
as a weapon or a piece of jewelry) or detach it. It falls off if
your attunement to it ends. You can use the shard as a
spellcasting focus while you hold or wear it. Gem Dragon Shards
Roll a d10 and consult the Gem Dragon Shards table to
determine the shard's essence and property. When you use a
Metamagic option on a spell while you are holding or wearing
the shard, you can use that property.
Gem Dragon Shards
d10 Property
Amethyst. Choose one creature who takes
damage from the spell. The target takes an
extra 2d10 force damage and its speed
becomes 0 until the end of your next turn.
Crystal. One creature of your choice who takes
damage from this spell takes an extra 1d10
radiant damage. You gain 5 temporary hit
Emerald. You create an illusion as per the minor
illusion spell (your spell save DC) in an empty
5-6 space that you can see within 60 feet of you.
Any creature touching it takes 1d10 psychic
Sapphire. You or a creature of your choice that
you can see within 30 feet of you can teleport
in a free space that the creature can see up to
30 feet from it.
Topaz. Choose one creature who takes damage
from the spell. The target takes an extra 2d10
9-10 necrotic damage and has disadvantage on its
next attack roll before the end of your next

Infernal Gauntlet of Tiamat

Wondrous Item, Common
While you wear this dark metal gauntlet, you feel the rush of Infused Dragon
power and you gain inspiration when you make a successful
Charisma (Intimidate) check, when you make another Egg Shell
creature frightened, or when you exercise oppression on a
weaker creature in some other way (at the DM's discretion).
Once you gain inspiration in this way, you can't benefit from
this item again until the next dawn.

Infused Dragon Egg Shell

Wondrous Item, Common
The remains of this dragon egg have been enhanced by the Infernal Gauntlet
magic of a dragon's hoard, or they hold some residual magic of Tiamat
from the dragon's birth. This shell can be used as an arcane
or divine focus. Additionally, you gain access to the following
abilities while you carry the shell:
Whenever you are casting a cantrip that deals the same
damage type as the dragon's breath, you can reroll one of
the damage dice and keep the new result.
Jewelry Box of Dark Ice When you are about to roll a death saving throw, you can
roll it with advantage.
After using one of these abilities, you can't use the abilities
of the shell until the next dawn, and you roll a d20. On a 1, the
egg shell breaks and loses all magic.

Jewelry Box of Dark Ice

Wondrous Item, Common
This jewelry box crafted from the dark ice of a lunar dragon
is created to keep something important safe. Typically, the
box has an interior space of roughly 1 foot per half foot and is
about half foot deep. The box is always cold to the touch, and
everything inside of it is preserved at 0° F degrees. Anyone
that tries to open the box without the proper key while within
5 feet of the magic item takes 1d6 cold damage unless the
lock is picked successfully or the magical trap is deactivated
(DC 17).

Joyful Brazier of Aasterinian

Wondrous Item, Very Rare
Joyful Brazier of Aasterinian
The magic of this copper brazier activates when it's lighted
up and two or more creatures with Intelligence 3 or higher
start a short or long rest within 15 feet of it. A creature in the
area can share tales and stories for 10 minutes or more and
make a DC 15 Charisma (Performance) check. On a success,
every creature in the area that can understand the storyteller
receives a joy token, representing the mental strength
delivered by the brazier's heartwarming magic.
A target can spend the joy token as a reaction to gain
resistance to psychic damage until the beginning of its next
turn, or to roll with advantage a Wisdom saving throw that it's
about to make. A creature can't have more then one joy token
at a time, and it lasts until spent. There can't be more than
eight unspent joy tokens at any given time from the same
This copper brazier weights 10 lb, and is decorated with
engravings showing scenes of dance, games, storytelling and

Little Mushroom Garden of the

Wondrous Item, Rare
This small cluster of moss and roots spontaneously develops
magical mushrooms daily. At dawn, roll a d20 on the table
below to determine which type of mushroom grows and how
many. In addition to these, every dawn this item grows 1d4
mushrooms that accelerate natural healing: as an action, a
creature can eat one of these mushrooms and spend Hit Dice
up to half of its proficiency bonus to heal wounds like it
finished a short rest.
Little Mushroom Garden
Every new dawn, all the mushrooms of the previous day
wither and lose all their power.
of the Groundling
The mushrooms can be picked up, carried and used by any
creature. Unless otherwise noted, each mushroom can be
used once, is activated by eating it as an action and targets
the creature that ate it. Every spell casted through these
mushrooms doesn't require any component.
Little Mushroom Garden Effects
d20 Mushrooms Effect
01 1d4 As a potion of greater healing.
02 1 As the greater restoration spell.
03 1d4+2 As the spider climb spell.
04 2d6 Each of these mushrooms count as a berry created by the goodberry spell.
As an action, you can throw this mushroom in an empty space within 20 feet to create one or more
myconids out of it. Roll 1d6. 1-4: 1d3 myconid sprouts appear in one or more empty 5-foot square
05 1
around the area of impact. 5-6: an adult myconid appears. For the next 24 hours, you can command
them as a bonus action, then they are free to do as they please.
As an action, you can throw the mushroom within 20 feet to cast the stinking cloud (DC 15) spell,
06 1d3
originating from the point of impact.
07 1d4 As the enlarge/reduce spell.
08 1d4+2 As the speak with plants spell.
As the alter self spell, but the obtained traits will make you look like a dinosaur. In addition to the
09 1d4 usual effects you can: develop a reinforced cranial lid that gives you advantage on rolls to shove and
similar ability checks; develop poison glands that you can use to cast poison spray (DC 13).
As an action, you can throw it within 20 feet to cast the entangle (DC 13) spell centered on the point
10 1d3
of impact.
11 1d3 As the protection from poison spell.
12 1d4 As the lesser restoration spell.
As an action, you can throw it within 20 feet to activate the plant growth spell (1 action version). In
areas with no vegetation, you create a thick mushroom growth that counts as difficult terrain.
13 1
Alternatively, you can carefully spread the mushroom's spores for 8 hours to obtain the 8 hours
version of the spell.
Added to the food while you are cooking a warm recipe, it counts as food for one person created with
14 2d4
the create food and water spell.
You experience visions connected to your past experiences and you make a DC 15 Wisdom saving
15 1d4
throw. On a success, you gain inspiration. On a failure, you take 1d10 psychic damage.
For 24 hours, you gain the psionic ability to communicate telepathically with creatures of the ooze or
16 1d4+2
plant type within 120 feet of you.
17 1d4 When put inside a container with water or a similar liquid, it works as the purify food and drink spell.
Within 1 hour, you can cast a single druid spell of 5th-level or lower at the DM's choice, without
18 1 requiring any component, as if you were a druid of your character's level. Common choices are blight,
reincarnate or scrying.
As an action, you can throw it in a free space within 20 feet to turn it into a shambling mound. Make a
DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check. On a success, the creature is friendly towards you and you can
19 1
command it as a bonus action (it understands your verbal commands). On a failure, the creature is
hostile towards you. After 1 minute, the creature becomes a normal plant.
As an action, you can throw it in a space within 20 feet to turn it into a swarm of compsognathus
dinosaurs (uses the stats of a swarm of rats). For 24 hours, they are friendly towards you and you can
20 1
command them as a bonus action (they understand your verbal commands), then they are free to act
as they please.
Lunar Pit
Wondrous Item, Uncommon
This round gray cloth resembles a portable hole. If you speak
the command word while you unfold it on a solid surface, the
cloth becomes invisible and turns into the opening of a
cylindrical extradimensional space that is 10 feet deep and 6
feet in diameter. The hole can be detected with a DC 20
Intelligence (Investigation) check. A Medium or smaller
creature stepping on it makes a DC 15 Dexterity saving
throw. On a failure, the target falls inside the pit, taking 1d6
bludgeoning damage from the fall as normal. The cloth
returns to normal after 1 hour, harmlessly expelling anything
that was inside of it in a free space within 5 feet of the hole.
The lunar pit is created with fabric that has been infused
with the dark ice of a lunar dragon's breath, to attune it with
the void of space.
The world seen from the
Martyr Scale of Bahamut Martyr Scale bottom of a Lunar Pit
Wondrous item, Rare of Bahamut
While you wear the scale, you can sacrifice yourself to cure or
protect others. To activate these abilities, you take necrotic
damage depending on the chosen effect. This damage can't
be reduced or prevented in any way. Your hit point maximum Moonstone Bow
is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This Weapon (Any Bow), Rare (Requires Attunement)
reduction lasts until you finish a long rest. You die if this While you are attuned to this bow, you have advantage on
effect reduces your hit point maximum to 0. saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put
As an action, you take 1d8 necrotic damage and one you to sleep. If you already have both of these benefits (like if
you have the Fey Ancestry trait) you gain resistance to
creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet psychic damage instead.
regains a number of hit points equal to twice the necrotic This bow has 3 charges and regains 1d3 of them at dawn.
damage you take. You can decide to increase the necrotic If you are attuned to the bow, you can spend one charge to
damage up to 6d8. cast one of the following spells: calm emotion (DC 13), faerie
As a reaction when a creature within 30 feet of you that fire (DC 13), sleep (3rd level). The spell requires no
you can see is about to take damage, you cast warding components, but you must shoot an arrow and hit the area
bond on it, requiring only somatic component. For the where you want the spell to originate from. If you attack with
purpose of this ability, this spell has a range of 30 feet. You the bow and you roll a critical hit, you can activate one of
take 2d8 necrotic damage. these spells originating from the target of the attack, without
consuming any charges to do so.
As an action, you can break the bow to teleport any eight
creatures of your choice within 60 feet of you into the
Feywild. A creature can resist with a successful DC 20
Charisma saving throw.
This bow is crafted to imitate the shape of the horn arcs of
a moonstone dragon, and is infused with the dragon's power.

Moonstone Dragon Shard

Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)
This round crystal holds the power of a moon dragon. As an
action, you can attach the shard to a Tiny object (such as a
weapon or a piece of jewelry) or detach it. It falls off if your
attunement to it ends. You can use the shard as a spellcasting
focus while you hold or wear it.
When you use a Metamagic option on a spell while you are
holding or wearing the shard, you can force one target of the
spell to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save
DC. On a failure, the target magically falls asleep (being
unconscious while asleep) for 1 minute. This effect ends if
the target takes any damage or someone uses an action to
wake it.
Moonstone Dragon Shard
Moss Armor of the Groundling
Armor (Any Non-Metal), Uncommon
If you are a druid and you wear this armor, you can decide to
turn into a beast made of moss when using Wildshape
instead of a regular beast. If you do so, you gain the following
features while this Wildshape lasts.
Your shape has the Plant type instead of the Beast type.
You gain the Amorphous ability (you can move through a
space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing).
While the wildshape lasts, you can cast speak with plants
once, requiring no spell slot or component.
One hour of sunlight exposure provides you enough
nourishment to sustain you (also sustaining your real
form) for one day.

Necklace of Copper Dragon Scales

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Young Dragon) or Very Rare
(Ancient Dragon)
This necklace has six copper dragon scales. It comes in two
versions based on the age of the dragon that gave the scales,
as follows (the ancient dragon version also has the powers of
the young dragon one).
Young dragon. When you are taking acid damage while
you're wearing it, you can use your reaction to gain resistance Druids wildshaping
to acid until the beginning of your next turn. while wearing a Moss
Ancient dragon. When you are about to make a saving
throw against being charmed, or against a spell or effect that Armor of the Groundling
doesn't work on creatures that can't be charmed (like otto's
irresistible dance) you can use your reaction to gain
advantage on that save. If you succeed, the creature targeting Activating any of these abilities consumes one of the six
you with this effect becomes the new target and makes the scales. After all the scales are consumed, the necklace loses
saving throw with disadvantage. all of its power.

Opalescent Mirror of Asgorath

Opalescent Mirror
Wondrous Item, Uncommon (+1, up to 1st level), Rare (+2, up
to 3rd level) or Very Rare (+3, up to 5th level) (Requires
of Asgorath
Attunement by a Cleric, Paladin or other Character with
Channel Divinity)
This amulet is a disk-shaped mirror with opalescent
reflections. While you wear this holy symbol, you gain a
bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving throw DCs of your
Necklace of
spells. The bonus is determined by the amulet's rarity.
While you wear this amulet, you gain the following
Copper Dragon
Scales Blood of Creation. You can cast one of your domain's or
oath's spells without spending a spell slot by taking necrotic
damage equal to 1d8 per level of the spell. This necrotic
damage can't be prevented or reduced in any way. The spell's
level is limited by the amulet's rarity.
Concordance of Dragons. Any spell or magical effect that
you activate that would affect celestials or fiends (like dispel
evil and good or protection from evil and good) also affect
dragons in the same way.
This holy symbol of Asgorath resonates with the divine
power of any cleric or paladin, since the Concordant Dragon
embodies all of the aspects of creation. The amulet enables
the user to channel Asgorath's identity as both the creator of
dragonkind, and the unity that gave birth to all things.
Resin Pillars of the Groundling
Wondrous Item, Legendary
The magic of these twelve pillars of resin can be activated
after positioning them in a circle with a radius from 10 feet to
1 mile. You can try to activate the circle to shift all the
artificial structures, unattended items and creatures of your
choice inside the area from the Prime Material to the
Feywild, or back. To do this, make an Intelligence (Arcane) or
an Intelligence (Nature) check. The time necessary to do this
check and the DC depend on the radius of the circle as per
the table below.
This very powerful magic item was created by the
Groundling with his own blood turned to resin.
Circle Radius Ritual Time DC
10 to 60 ft. Two rounds 15
61 to 300 ft. 10 minutes 20
301 to 900 ft. 1 hour 25
901 ft. to 1 mile 8 hours 30

Ruby Bracers of Dragonblood Magic

Wondrous Item, Rare
Up to five levels of spells can be cast inside these red crystal
bracers. When you wear the bracers you can use your spell
slots to cast these spells, if they are part of the spell list of
your class. To do so, you take 2 necrotic damage per level of
the spell (minimum 2). This necrotic damage can't be
A knight wearing a Platinum Helm prevented or reduced in any way.
Additionally, you can delete a spell from the bracers to cast
Platinum Helm it without consuming a spell slot (assuming that you are of a
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement, See Text) high enough level to have slots for that spell level), taking
Even if you are not attuned to this helm, you can't be damage as above.
frightened by dragons while wearing it. This helm has 3
charges and regains 1d3 of them at dawn. If you are attuned
to the helm, you can spend one charge to activate one of the
following abilities. Resin Pillars of the Groundling
Frightful attack. As a bonus action, the next creature that
you attack successfully or that fails a saving throw against
you until the end of this turn makes a DC 17 Wisdom
saving throw. On a failure, the target is frightened. The
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Dragon senses. As a bonus action, you gain blindsight out
to 40 feet until the beginning of your next turn.
Originally, seven platinum helms were given to the gold
dragon that followed Bahamut. They were eventually passed
to its servant from the Prime Material.

Platinum Weapon of Bahamut

Weapon (Any Weapon Made of Metal), Common
If you are carrying or holding this weapon, you gain
inspiration once when you act with self-sacrifice to protect or
attend to a creature in need. This property recharges the next
dawn. The platinum dragon blesses these weapons to lift the
spirits of the ones that are willing to fight to defend the Ruby Bracers of
weakest. Dragonblood Magic
Sapphire Dragonchess
Sapphire Dragonchess Set
Wondrous Item, Common Set

This extraordinary dragonchess set is infused with the

strategic genius of the sapphire dragons. When two creatures
play with it against each other for at least 1 hour, they make
an Intelligence contest (applying the dragonchess set
proficiency to the roll, if any). The creature that wins gains
inspiration, or advantage to its next Intelligence-based ability
check within 24 hours if it already has inspiration. A creature
can benefit from this set only once before finishing its next
long rest.

Shield of the Sapphire Soldier

Shield, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
As long as you are wielding this shield and in contact with
solid ground, you gain 20 temporary hit points and advantage
on Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma saving throws against
spells and other magical effects.
While you have less than half of your maximum hit points
left, you can teleport as a bonus action up to 30 feet to an Spear of
unoccupied space that you can see. You can teleport in this the Ascendant
way a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, then
you can't do it again until the next dawn. Dragon Arcane
This shield draws power from the earth itself, and from the
bloody sacrifice of the soldier wielding it.

Spear of the Ascendant Dragon Arcane

Weapon, Very Rare (Requires Attunement by a Spellcaster
that casts Arcane Spells or a Monk)
This silvered magical spear has +2 to attack rolls and
damage rolls dealt with it, and is considered both a monk
weapon and an arcane focus.
Protective Stance. As a reaction when a creature within 5
feet of you is being attacked, you can give disadvantage to that
attack. If it misses, you can spend 2 ki points to make an
opportunity attack on the attacker as part of the same
reaction. Alternatively, you can spend 1 sorcery points or a
spell slot to force it to make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw,
taking 2d10 cold damage on a failure or half as much
damage on a success.
Silvery Flight. As an action, you can activate the spear to
fly with it as long as you can stand on top of it. The spear
grows incorporeal wings of silvery light and can fly at a speed
of 60 feet, or equal to your base speed if higher. You can only
fly as long as you keep standing on top of the spear, up to 10
minutes. While you are doing this, you have advantage on
Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks. If you take damage or are
subject to a strong force while you are riding the spear in this
way, you must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw with DC
10 or half the damage taken (the higher of the two) or you
will fall from it. After the 10 minutes run out, the spear can't
be used this way again until the end of your next short or long
rest, or unless you spend 4 ki points, 2 sorcery points or a
spell slot of 2nd level or higher to do so.
These weapons were created by Bahamut for the masters Shield of
of the Way of the Ascendant Dragon, an order of monks of his the Sapphire
creation (see Fizban's Treasury of Dragons). Bahamut
designed the spears with a keen eye for the members that Soldier
were manifesting arcane powers, possibly as part of a
The spores can be used immediately as part of the same
action that created them, or can be used within 1 minute as
another action.
If you expend the item's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the
moss can't produce more spores until one month passes or
until it receives the plant growth spell.

Staff of the Ninefold

Staff of the Staff, Very Rare (Requires Attunement by a Spellcaster)
Ninefold This staff represents the most inclusive and creative aspects
of Asgorath, the Ninefold Dragon: they are the being that
embodies everything that exists in the whole cosmos, and
that can create life and matter with their own blood. The staff
can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus
to attack and damage rolls made with it. While holding it, you
gain a +2 to spell attack rolls, and AC 15 + you Dexterity
modifier as you are protected by dragon scales.
Spore Moss The staff has 20 charges for the following properties. The
of the Groundling staff regains 2d8 + 4 expended charges at dawn. If you
expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff retains its
+2 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls but loses all other
properties. On a 20, the staff regain 1d8 + 2 charges.
draconic heritage. These spears gave them a Blood Strike. When you hit with a melee attack using the
powerful tool to perpetuate the ideal of staff, you can expend 1 charge and take 1d6 necrotic damage
protection represented by the Platinum Dragon. to deal an extra 2d6 force damage to the target. This necrotic
damage can't be prevented or reduced in any way.
Spells. While holding this staff, you can use an action to
Spores Moss of the Groundling expend 1 or more of its charges to invoke the power of one of
Wondrous Item, Common the nine Outer Planes with the most extreme energy and cast
This clump of moss has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 a spell from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting
expended charges at dawn. As an action, you can use a ability. Additionally, you gain a resistance to energy related to
charge to generate a handful of spores, that has one of the that plane, as per the table below. This resistance lasts until
following random effect (roll a d4): you cast a different spell from the table, or until you are no
longer attuned with the staff.
d4 Spores Effect
Plane Resistance Spell
Ingesting the spores has the same effects
Red as eating a berry from the goodberry Mount heroism (5th-level version, 5
1 thunder
spores spell. On a creature of the Plant type, this Celestia charges)
berry works as potion of healing. Elysium necrotic aura of purity (5 charges)
Dropping the spores on a dying creature freedom of movement (4
White Arborea cold
2 stabilizes it as per the spare the dying charges)
Limbo lightning confusion (4 charges)
Ingesting the spores gives advantage on
Green The Abyss acid evard's black tentacles (4 charges)
3 saving throws against poison for 10
minutes. blight (5th-level version, 5
Hades radiant
Ingesting the spores gives psychedelic charges)
visions and the same effect of the augury flamestrike (deals necrotic
spell, or an equivalent divinatory sensory The Nine
Purple fire damage instead of radiant, 5
4 experience at the DM's discretion. Also, Hells
spores charges)
who eats these spores must succeed on a
DC 15 Constitution saving throw to not Mechanus psychic hold monsters (5 charges)
be poisoned for 1 hour. The
force dispel good and evil (5 charges)
A Staff of the Ninefold gives
birth to a brand new world

Spark of Creation. You can use an action to break the staff At the DM's discretion, the new
over your knee or against a solid surface. The staff is demiplane could somehow reflect its creator
destroyed and releases its magic in an explosion that (you) and could slowly expand and gain new
expands to fill a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on it, while features in the following days, months or years.
giving birth to a new demiplane fueled by your own life
(equivalent to one created with the demiplane spell).
You take 15d12 necrotic damage that you can't prevent or Tome of Peace and Laughter
reduce in any way, and you have a 50 percent chance to Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement by a Spellcaster)
instantly travel to the new demiplane. Every other creature in This tome counts as an arcane and divine focus. While
the area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, as the holding it, you can cast one of the following spells targeting
fabric of the multiverse violently cracks to accommodate the up to eight creatures of your choice within 40 feet of you
new demiplane. On a failed save, a creature takes an amount (even if they normally wouldn't), using your spell save DC: aid,
of force damage based on how far away it is from the point of comprehend languages, tasha's hideous laughter. These
origin, as shown in the following table. On a successful save, spells count as 5th level spells when casted in this way. This
a creature takes half as much damage. tome can't be used this way again until the next dawn.
If you already cast spells, you add these spells to your list of
Distance from Origin Damage spells known and you have them always prepared. You can
10 ft. away or closer 10d10 force damage cast them normally using your slots (at their regular level).
If you are a wizard, you can use this tome as a spellbook.
11 to 20 ft. away 8d10 force damage The first of these tomes was written by Aasterinian and
21 to 30 ft. away 6d10 force damage filled with stories and lessons on how not to take life so
Additionally, you can choose to permanently lose one Hit
Die (reducing your maximum hit points accordingly) to gain Twin Tongues Collars of Aasterinian
the ability to cast the demiplane spell. With this spell, you can Wondrous item, Uncommon
only travel to this newly created demiplane, but you can also
cast it to open a door from the demiplane to your plane of This magic item is composed of two identical collars. When
origin. Once you cast this spell, you can't use this again until both collars are worn by two creatures with Intelligence 3 or
the next dawn. higher that know at least one language, they understand each
other when they speak.
Weapon of the Breath Eater
Weapon (Any Melee Weapon), Rare (Requires
While you are holding this weapon, you can use your
reaction to try to parry an area effect that deals damage,
gaining advantage on the saving throw against it. If you
succeed on this saving throw, you can speak the command
word as part of the same reaction and have the weapon feed
on the energy that was trying to hurt you. When the weapon
is fed, it can't be used to parry area effects, but it deals an
extra 2d6 force damage to any target it hits that has
resistance or immunity to the absorbed type of damage. After
10 minutes, or as a bonus action if you wish so, the weapon
completely absorbs this energy and is restored to normal.
These weapons are designed specifically to fight creatures
with hurtful breath weapons, but they are also useful against
opponents with area spells and similar effects. The weapon's Wyrmslayer
structure is hollow throughout its length, and the hilt has a
gem that shines with the absorbed energy when the weapon
is fed.

Weapon (Longsword), Very Rare (Requires Attunement) Wyrmsbane and Other Dragon Bane
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with Weapons
this magic weapon. Wyrmslayer has a twin blade, called Wyrmsbane.
When you hit a dragon with this weapon, the dragon takes The two longswords share a similar appearance,
an extra 3d6 slashing damage. except that the latter has a crosspiece in the
Additionally, while you wield this sword you gain a +2 resemblance of a falcon's beak. Wyrmsbane is a
bonus to saving throws against breath weapons, spells and dragon slayer longsword (see Chapter 7 of the
other magical effects that come from dragons. When the Dungeon Master's Guide) that gives the wielder
sword passes within 30 feet of a true dragon (a chromatic, the ability to cast locate object, ignoring any
metallic or gem dragon) it begins to buzz loudly, alerting its components. The wielder can use this feature three
wearer. The noise is loud enough to be heard within 300 feet. times, then it can't use it again until the next dawn.
For the purpose of this weapon, "dragon" refers to any If you encounter draconians (like the ones in
creature with the Dragon type, including dragon turtles and Fizban's Treasury of Dragons or Shadow of the
wyverns. Dragon Queen) then both weapons, as well as a
dragonlance, a dragon slayer weapon and any magic
The original Wyrmslayer comes from the world of Krynn, weapon that deals extra damage to dragons, are
where it was forged by the Silvanesti elves during the Age of immune to the Death Throes ability of draconians.
Dream to fight in the first Dragon Wars. It is an elegant elven
longsword with elvish scripts on the blade. Its crosspiece
resembles an eagle's beak.

Weapon of the
Twin Tongues Collars
Breath Eater

Tome of Peace
and Laughter
to the
Unearth new magic items and explore the power
of dragons.

The Vault of Draconic Magic Items awaits you

with several new armors, weapons, staffs and
wondrous items to enhance your game.

Enter the Vault, and may the Luck of the Dragon

be with you.


For use with the fifth edition

Player's Handbook, Monster's Manual
and Dungeon Master's Guide.

More creations by Paolo Davolio on

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