SERQUAL - Using SERVQUAL To Measure The Quality of The Classroom Experience
SERQUAL - Using SERVQUAL To Measure The Quality of The Classroom Experience
SERQUAL - Using SERVQUAL To Measure The Quality of The Classroom Experience
Volume 6 Number 1
January 2008
Printed in the U.S.A.
Over the last three decades, higher education institutions have found themselves using
vernacular that was once chiefly found in business disciplines, such as value-added and
competitive advantage. With the rising costs of tuition, newer-generation students are
seeing themselves more and more as customers and universities are beginning to adopt
customer-centric strategies and missions. However, even with this paradigm shift, little
research has been done to extend traditional service management concepts to educa-
tional settings. This research attempts to bridge this gap by applying the SERVQUAL
scale, a well-validated and widely used service operations construct, to the classroom
environment. The findings show that the SERVQUAL scale exhibits both reliability and
convergent and divergent validity; in fact, in these regards, it outperforms traditional stu-
dent assessment scales. Moreover, the scale can explain significant amounts of variances
in student-related outcome variables such as satisfaction and learning. This innovative
approach to measuring classroom service quality does indeed show that students can be
viewed as customers and has far-reaching implications to all stakeholders in the delivery
of higher education.
Over the last three decades, higher education institutions have experienced dramatic
shifts in both their funding formulas and student populations. Creating a compet-
itive advantage, once a concept largely foreign to higher education, has become a
driving force (Oldfield & Baron, 2000). The myriad of stakeholders involved in or
influenced by higher education are now seeking evidence of institutions’ effective-
ness in achieving educational goals. Although consensus among these stakeholders
as to the definition of quality education may vary by segment, the stakeholders are
of the same mindset in calling for indicators that capture performance of all those
involved in executing and improving the delivery of higher education (Nedwek &
Neal, 1994).
† Corresponding author.
116 Using SERVQUAL in Education
The intensified competition within higher education mirrors that found within
the service sector in general. The response of many firms to the heightened call for
enhanced quality was to implement continuous improvement programs such as total
quality management and/or Six Sigma. A key tenet to these philosophies is that
organizations should continually assess customer perceptions of service quality.
Only when data are collected and analyzed can real improvements be made (Jensen
& Artz, 2005). Universities are giving serious consideration to the issue of service
quality assessment for a multitude of reasons, arguably the two most important of
which are: students report that word-of-mouth recommendations play a large role
in their decision to choose a university and both university quality assurance and
independent assessment evaluators place heavy emphasis on the student experience
as one of their assessment criteria (Cuthbert, 1996). The underlying theory is that
institutions that continually improve service quality and delivery are more likely to
generate high levels of customer satisfaction, resulting in both increased customer
loyalty (namely, a higher retention of the current student population), and decreased
costs of attracting new students (through positive word of mouth from the students
and higher independent ratings).
In this study, we focus squarely on one portion of what Petruzzellis,
D’Uggento, and Romanazzi (2006) call the “total student experience”—that is,
the quality of the classroom encounter. The use of student ratings to provide feed-
back about the quality of instruction developed out of protests in the late 1960s
from students who increasingly saw themselves as customers (Centra, 1993). Since
that time, a vast number of studies, including several meta-analyses, have shown
that the use of student ratings is both a reliable and valid measurement of teaching
quality. A review of assessment literature conducted by Brightman et al. (1993)
concluded that ratings provide normative data that can be used as a mechanism for
teaching improvement.
Recently, this customer-centric approach of service quality has gained mo-
mentum in educational literature as the increasing cost of education has created a
new generation of students with greater customer awareness than ever before. As
Oldfield and Baron (2000) pointed out, the “interaction between customer and ser-
vice organization lies at the heart of the service delivery.” Employees who deliver
the service, in this case the instructor, are of key importance to both the customers
they serve, the students, and the employer they represent, the university. In some
regards, the employee (instructor) may be the most visible route by which the
employer (the university) can distinguish itself.
The principal instrument used in service management and marketing litera-
ture to measure service quality is the SERVQUAL scale. However, even as higher
education continues to strive toward customer-oriented strategies, very little work
has been done to combine education literature with service management and mar-
keting research. This research bridges this gap by applying the SERVQUAL scale
within a classroom setting. Can SERVQUAL, a valid and reliable customer-centric
scale used to measure the quality of service delivery in environments as diverse
as retail and business consulting, be used to measure and thus ultimately improve
the quality of service delivery in higher education? In other words, can this well-
validated scale be innovatively applied to measure student perceptions of classroom
delivery? This question is of paramount importance to all stakeholders in higher
education. Better measures of the customers’ voices through their assessment of
Stodnick and Rogers 117
Full reviews of SERVQUAL and student evaluation literature are well beyond
the scope of this article. Instead, after a brief summary of what the SERVQUAL
scale is and its inception, we will focus on applications of SERVQUAL in higher
education. The conceptual underpinnings of the SERVQUAL model were first
published in 1985 (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry, 1985). In that research, the
authors focused their discussion of service quality on what Gronroos (1984) labeled
“functional quality,” or the expressive performance of a service. They argued that
there are 10 distinct dimensions to service quality. However, 3 years later when
empirically deriving a service quality definition, the list of 10 was reduced to 5; the
5 dimensions and the descriptions the authors give are listed below (Parasuraman,
Zeithaml, & Berry, 1988).
r Tangible—physical facilities, equipment, and appearance of personnel;
r Reliability—ability to perform the promised service dependably and accu-
r Responsiveness—willingness to help customers and provide prompt ser-
r Assurance—knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to
inspire trust and confidence; and
r Empathy—caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers.
Over the last 20 years, authors have used the SERVQUAL scale to measure
service quality in a wide selection of industries with varying success. The primary
emphasis of these studies has been to test whether SERVQUAL is an appropriate
measure of service quality in varying contexts and to determine the antecedents
and consequences of delivering superior service quality. For a full review of the
current and future states of SERVQUAL research, see Parasuraman and Zeithaml
We have identified five studies that have applied SERVQUAL within a uni-
versity environment. Cuthbert (1996) pioneered this stream of research by exam-
ining the applicability of the SERVQUAL scale to measure student perceptions
of university-level service quality. The author began by testing the reliability of
the five SERVQUAL dimensions and found very weak results: Cronbach alpha
scores ranging between .01 and .52. Because of these lower-than-expected scores,
the SERVQUAL items were subjected to exploratory factor analysis. Seven factors
formed and, as the author pointed out, these new factors little resembled the original
five factors. The author concluded from these results that using the SERVQUAL
scale to measure university service quality seems inappropriate. No analysis was
performed to determine whether any of the items in SERVQUAL can be used to
predict student satisfaction or any similar dependent variable.
Several studies extended Cuthbert’s (1996) initial work in this area. Old-
field and Baron (2000) replicated the Cuthbert (1996) study 4 years later, using
118 Using SERVQUAL in Education
when SERVQUAL is applied to a single class they teach (giving them specific in-
formation for that particular class) but also when they aggregate their scores across
all their classes (giving them more general information about their instruction
A second significant contribution that this study makes is the use of a more
comprehensive methodology in answering the question of whether or not it is
appropriate to use SERVQUAL to measure quality of instruction. Simply testing
the dimensionality of SERVQUAL, as previous studies have done, is only a first
step. Another vital part of the equation is comparing SERVQUAL to other student
evaluation scales. When compared to other scales, SERVQUAL’s reliability and
its ability to predict other student measures and outcomes should be similar to
existing scales. The scale we use for comparison is Brightman et al. (1993), hereto
referred to as the Brightman scale. We have chosen the Brightman scale because
of its widespread use in pedagogy literature.
The underpinnings of the Brightman scale can be found in three places. First,
many of the items used in the scale are derived from Berkeley Student Description
of Teaching instrument developed by Davis, Wood, and Wilson (Wilson, 1986).
The Wilson (1986) article that describes the survey has been cited more than 45
times; examples include Boex (2000) and Pietier, Drago, and Schibrowsky (2003).
Furthermore, the Brightman scale relies heavily on two meta-analyses of pedagogy
literature—Centra (1987) and Feldman (1989). Essentially, both of these studies
put together a list of the most common items used in student assessments and
reported which items were best in predicting various outcome measures. These
listings heavily influence the items used in the Brightman scale. Brightman et al.
(1993) applied factor analysis to a 34-item survey resulting in a six-dimensional
scale: organization and clarity, communication ability, grading and assignments,
interaction with students, intellectual and scholarly, and student motivation. This
instrument is the one currently used at the university where this research is con-
A third major contribution of this study is testing whether the SERVQUAL
scale has predictive ability in a classroom setting. For a service quality scale to be
meaningful and useful, it must not only reliably describe customer perceptions of
quality but also have a significant relationship with other customer measures in or-
der to be actionable. An abundance of service quality literature exists in this area; a
small selection of which is reviewed later. Outside of the classroom setting, service
quality has been shown to have significant positive impact on customer satisfac-
tion (Cronin & Taylor, 1992; Marley, Collier, & Goldstein, 2004; Voss, Parasurma,
& Grewal, 1998), customer loyalty (Aldaigan & Buttle, 2002; Lee, Lee, & Yoo,
2000; McDougal & Leevesque, 2000), and various profitability and market-related
performance measures (Kamurka, Mittal, de Rosa, & Mazzon, 2002; Silvestro &
Cross, 2000; Zeithaml, Berry, & Parasuraman, 1996). Within the classroom set-
ting, Jensen and Artz (2005) have shown that the positive relationship between
service quality and satisfaction with both instructor and course holds true. Peda-
gogy literature also indicates that students who feel that they receive high-quality
instruction report higher learning and development levels than students who do not
perceive quality instruction (Cabrera, Colbeck, & Terenzini, 2001). To be valid,
the instrument used to measure service quality in a classroom environment must
support this link. As Gibbs (1995) points out, students often prefer what is actually
120 Using SERVQUAL in Education
The specific objectives of this study are
r to investigate whether the SERVQUAL scale will be reliable and valid in
a university classroom setting;
r to determine whether the SERVQUAL scale exhibits predictive validity by
testing its relationship with student satisfaction and learning measures;
r to compare the reliability and validity of the SERVQUAL scale to that of
another well-established student evaluation scale, Brightman et al. (1993);
r to explore whether the SERVQUAL scale is free of grade expectation bias.
Four sets of hypotheses were tested in this study. They are (alternative hypotheses
are omitted for brevity):
H1a : Student evaluations of service quality, as measured by the Brightman
et al. (1993) scale, are positively associated with student satisfaction
with the course.
H1b : Student evaluations of service quality, as measured by the SERVQUAL
scale, are positively associated with student satisfaction with the course.
H2a : Student evaluations of service quality, as measured by the Brightman
et al. (1993) scale, are positively associated with student satisfaction
with the instructor.
H2b : Student evaluations of service quality, as measured by the SERVQUAL
scale, are positively associated with student satisfaction with the in-
H3a : Student evaluations of service quality, as measured by the Brightman
et al. (1993) scale, are positively associated with student perceptions
of learning.
H3b : Student evaluations of service quality, as measured by the SERVQUAL
scale, are positively associated with student perceptions of learning.
H4a : There will be no significant correlation between a student’s expected
grade and their evaluation of service quality, as measured by the Bright-
man et al. (1993) scale.
H4b : There will be no significant correlation between a student’s expected
grade and their evaluation of service quality, as measured by the
Stodnick and Rogers 121
Sample and Data Collection
The sample for this research consisted of six undergraduate Operations Manage-
ment courses at a large southwestern university. Four sections of Introduction to
Operations Management, one section of Purchasing, and one section of Production
Planning and Control were surveyed. Although individual responses were anony-
mous, descriptive statistics of the students enrolled in the courses were calculated.
The total population size was 264, of which 58% were male and 42% female.
Eighty-eight percent of the population were from the business school, 7% from the
engineering school, 2% from arts and sciences, and 3% divided among the other
schools and/or undecided. Ninety-eight percent of the population were undergrad-
uate students composed of 74% seniors, 23% juniors, and 1% sophomores, while
2% of the population were postgraduate students.
Survey Instrument
This research used an anonymous online survey to collect the data. Each student
in the six classes was asked to voluntarily fill out the survey at the end of the
semester. The questions used on the survey were derived from previous studies. The
34 questions used to measure the six instructor rating constructs of the Brightman
scale were taken verbatim from the Brightman et al. (1993) study. All of these items
were measured on a 5-point Likert scale. The 19 questions used to measure the five
SERVQUAL dimensions were adapted from the study by Parasuraman, Zeithaml,
and Berry (1991). As suggested by the authors, the wording was changed to fit the
classroom environment (see Appendix A for the 19 SERVQUAL items). Following
the advice of Oldfield and Barron (2000), who argued that perception-only scores
should be used when there is a long time delay between assessing expectation and
performance, the survey used a perceptions-only scale, as approximately 3 months
intervene between the forming of expectations at the beginning of the semester
and the rating of performance at the end. The perceptions-only scale, sometimes
called SERVPERF, has been validated in a number of research settings (Cronin
& Taylor, 1992, 1994; Lee et al., 2000). The items measuring the five constructs
used 5-point Likert scales. One question was used to measure each of the following
dependent variables: overall student satisfaction with the course, overall student
satisfaction with the instructor, amount the student learned throughout the course
(Cabrera et al., 2001), and expected grade (Eiszler, 2002). The first three questions
used a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest), the expected grade was measured on a
scale ranging from 0 (F) to 4 (A). The total sample size derived from the online
survey was 198, which yields a response rate of 75%.
with the construct itself. Kerlinger (1986) recommends that every item within the
scale should have a CITC value that exceeds .4. The lowest CITC value for the 34
questions (on their respective six constructs) was .543 for the fifth item in the
grading and assignments construct; in fact, that was the only value below .6. The
Cronbach alpha values, measures of internal consistency, are presented in Table 1.
The lowest value, .758, is well above Nunnally’s suggested cutoff of .7. All others
are .86 or above.
After assessing the scales’ reliabilities, we turned to an exploration of both
convergent and divergent validity. Convergent validity is the extent to which in-
dicators are associated with each other and represent a single concept. Divergent
validity is the degree to which a construct and its indicators differ from other con-
structs and their indicators. We tested for convergent validity by examining: the
structure of the eigenvalues (a factor should only have one eigenvalue over 1.0);
percent of variance explained (the items in the factor should explain at least 40%
of the variance in the factor); and factor loadings of each construct (all factor load-
ings should exceed .4) (Ahire & Deveraj, 2001). Table 1 contains the results. Each
factor appears to converge toward unidimensionality. We assessed divergent valid-
ity for each construct by calculating the Cronbach alpha minus average interscale
correlation (AVISC) value. The difference between the two should be substantially
greater than zero. Although there is no statistical test of significance, difference
values of .3 and .4 have been used in the past (McDougal & Levesque, 2000;
Petrick, 2002; Spreng & MacKoy, 1996). The last column in Table 1 summarizes
the findings. All six of the scores presented are very low; indicating that the scales
may not be measuring six distinct concepts, and the scales may be suffering from
Because the main analysis will use multiple regression, a technique highly
sensitive to multicollinearity, we decided to explore this issue further. For each of
the six constructs variance inflation factor (VIF) scores were calculated. In this case,
the VIF scores tell how well the sixth factor can be predicted by the remaining five.
All of the VIF scores exceeded 5.0 except for the presentation ability factor, which
Stodnick and Rogers 123
was 4.87. This result confirms those found in the discriminant validity section and
suggests that the six constructs do not appear to be sufficiently distinct from one
To move forward and assess the true factor structure of the 34 items, we de-
cided to subject the 34 items to exploratory factor analysis. Because the items were
highly correlated, direct oblimin rotation was used. Two factors emerged from the
analysis. The first factor, which we label learning environment, is essentially a com-
bination of the first three Brightman et al. (1993) dimensions: presentation ability,
organization and content, and grading and assignments. The second factor, which
we label student involvement, is a combination of the three remaining Brightman
et al. (1993) constructs: intellectual and scholarly, student interaction, and student
motivation. This result is similar to the two-factor solution that Goldstein and Be-
nassi (2006) found. Only one item, the second on the original student motivation
construct, cross-loaded (i.e., had a loading of over .4 on both factors) and thus was
dropped from further analysis. We confirmed the reliability, unidimensionality, and
discriminant validity of these two new factors. The results are presented in Table 2.
five dimensions. The highest VIF score was for reliability at 3.24. All other scores
were less than 2.0. These results confirm the appropriateness of using multiple
variables first. The standardized betas for learning environment and student in-
volvement were .642 (p < .001) and .252 (p < . 05), respectively. The model had
an F statistic of 94.3, which is significant at the p <.001 level. The adjusted R-
squared value for this model was .727. Note that this value is much higher than
the R-squared found in the tests to Hypothesis 1. This finding seems reasonable,
as there are many contextual variables outside of the control of the instructor that
may affect a student’s satisfaction with the course in general, such as the dif-
ficulty of subject, the time slot of course, the dynamism between students, the
classroom, and so on. Similar to the findings in Hypothesis 1, the results of this
model demonstrated that satisfaction with instructor is more heavily influenced by
learning environment than student interaction, although both are significant. These
results confirm Hypothesis 2a—student evaluations, measured using the Bright-
man scale, are positively associated with how satisfied those students are with their
Comparable results were found when the five SERVQUAL dimensions were
used to measure students’ perceptions. The results are summarized in Table 5.
This model found the same three dimensions significant, listed here in decreasing
order of magnitude: empathy, reliability, and assurance. The other two variables
remained nonsignificant. The overall model was significant at p <.001, confirming
Hypothesis 2b—student evaluations, measured using SERVQUAL, are positively
associated with how satisfied those students are with their instructors. The adjusted
R-squared for this model, .717, is near that found in Hypothesis 2a, illustrating that
the two student evaluation scales explain roughly the same amount of variance in
a student’s satisfaction with the instructor.
control of the instructor affect student learning: student motivation, ability, per-
sonality, and so on. (Syler et al., 2006). These regression results serve to confirm
Hypothesis 3a—student evaluations, as measured through the revised Brightman
constructs, are positively associated with student perceptions of learning.
The results of the SERVQUAL model are depicted in Table 6. In this model,
only two dimensions were significant predictors of student learning at the p <.05
level: empathy and assurance. The three other variables were all nonsignificant.
The overall model is significant at p <.001 and had an adjusted R-squared value
of .508; again, this closely resembles the adjusted R-squared in the model from
Hypothesis 3a. These results confirm Hypothesis 3b—student evaluations, as mea-
sured through SERVQUAL, are positively associated with student perceptions of
customer-centric approach can help instructors improve their service delivery, thus
increasing service quality for many of the stakeholders in the education model:
students obtain higher-quality classroom experiences, instructors receive informa-
tion for professional development, the university gains a better reputation, future
employers will get better trained graduates, and so on. Rather than focusing solely
on many of the structural elements of the classroom experience, as many student
assessment scales do, the SERVQUAL scale focuses on the behavioral aspects of
the classroom. So in addition to trying to improve structural components such as the
syllabus, outlines, handouts, exams, and so on, instructors can use the SERVQUAL
assessment scale to understand what behavioral traits they need to improve and the
latent construct names themselves are very intuitive, powerful, and easy to un-
derstand, particularly for business instructors who are familiar with service quality
terminology. These abstract level constructs, terms such as empathy and assurance,
certainly give the instructor a different perspective of the needs of their customers
(students) than do questions asking about very specific components like pace of
instructor’s speech, clarity of handouts, and so on. For example, results of student
surveys might show instructors that they need to improve their overall responsive-
ness to their customers (students). The instructor could do so by extending office
hours, checking e-mail, and/or phone messages more often and making use of chat
tools in software programs such as WebCT and Blackboard. In general, instructors
need to think of themselves as service providers in a common business sense. They
can learn more about improving their service delivery when they incorporate these
tacit customer-centric ideas and terminology into their assessment paradigms than
by focusing on traditional scales that heavily emphasize very specific structural
components of service delivery.
At this point, it is worth mentioning the limitations and extensions of this
research. The respondents to this survey were primarily business majors enrolled in
Operations Management classes. The findings should not be generalized until con-
firmed in a variety of settings. This study could be replicated in other departments
within business schools as well as across entirely different disciplines. Likewise,
this study focused on courses that were composed primarily of juniors and seniors,
future research can extend these results to lower-level courses as well as graduate
courses. Not only should the validity and reliability of the SERVQUAL instrument
be validated, but so should the strength of the relationships between the five in-
dividual dimensions and the dependent variables. For example, this study found
that empathy and assurance were the most significant predictors of satisfaction
and learning. Perhaps in different environments, the other dimensions may be dis-
covered to be more important. For example, in computer or science lab courses,
tangibles might be a significant predictor of satisfaction and/or learning.
A second limitation is the use of self-assessment to gauge student learning
and expected grade. Because this survey was anonymous, it was impossible to
link student responses with exam scores or grades earned. However, immediately
before the survey was distributed, students were given detailed sheets of all their
scores to date with a summary at the end indicating what their grades would be if
class ended that day. Self-reported scores have been used and shown to be reliable
in previous research (e.g., Cabrera et al., 2001). Another potential methodological
limitation is the possibility of common method variance exerting undue influence
on the data set. To assess common method, we used Harman’s Single-Factor test.
Stodnick and Rogers 129
Because of the limited sample size, we only tested the 19 SERVQUAL items as
well as the 4 student outcome measures. Common method variance is assumed to
exist if a single factor emerges from the unrotated factor solution and/or the first
factor explains the majority of the variance in the items (Malhotra et al., 2006;
Podsakoff & Organ, 1986). When the 23 items are subjected to exploratory factor
analysis, 6 factors emerge, the 5 SERVQUAL dimensions as well as 1 factor of
outcome measures. The first factor accounts for only 33% of the variance in the
data. Taken together these findings suggest that the data do not exhibit extreme
common method variance.
As discussed earlier, in addition to testing the generalizability of these find-
ings, another potential area for future research is to investigate the uniqueness of
the two scales. For example, is the SERVQUAL scale explaining the identical vari-
ance in the dependent variables (satisfaction, learning) that the Brightman scale is?
Using the terminology introduced by Goldstein and Benassi (2006), SERVQUAL
focuses primarily on the “process” portion of service delivery; can the SERVQUAL
items be combined with the “structure” items included in Brightman’s scale to cre-
ate an even more comprehensive educational service quality instrument? Future
researchers can explore, possibly using hierarchical regression, the overlap be-
tween the two scales—are elements within the scales unique or complementary?
In addition, some of the structural items in Brightman’s scale, such as organization
and clarity, may actually be antecedents to the behavioral items in SERVQUAL.
For example, clear organization might allow instructors to perform more reliably
or become more responsive to student needs.
A close parallel to the idea presented above is to determine if the two scales can
be parsimoniously combined in some manner to form one global scale maximizing
the amount of variance explained in student outcome measures. Perhaps what one
scale lacks, the other includes. In a similar vein, future researchers can determine
whether a more limited set of SERVQUAL items could be used to measure the
service quality in higher education. This study used 19 items; future research can
explore whether either a subset of those 19 items or newly created items can explain
as much variance in student outcomes variables as the scales used in this research.
Finally, this study used a general measure of student learning as a depen-
dent variable. Learning has been shown to be multidimensional in nature. Future
research can investigate the relationship between SERVQUAL and specific dimen-
sions of learning such as professional competencies, group interpersonal skills,
problem-solving skills, design skills, and so on (Cabrera et al., 2001). This type of
research would aid in showing whether any additional questions should be added
to the SERVQUAL scale in order to capture instructor behavior that can influence
these specific types of learning dimensions. Likewise, another dependent variable
that could be introduced could be aimed at teaching gains. Does the SERVQUAL
scale, and the resulting analysis the instructor would receive from using it, lead to
instructors improving their classroom performance?
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132 Using SERVQUAL in Education
1. The instructor is knowledgeable in his/her field.
2. The instructor is fair and impartial in grading.
3. The instructor answers all questions thoroughly.
4. I am confident the instructor has an expert understanding of the material.
Stodnick and Rogers 133
1. The instructor quickly and efficiently responds to student needs.
2. The instructor is willing to go out of his or her way to help students.
3. The instructor always welcomes student questions and comments.
1. The instructor consistently provides good lectures.
2. The instructor is dependable.
3. The instructor reliably corrects information when needed.
1. The classroom is modern and updated.
2. The physical environment of the classroom aids learning.
3. The classroom is equipped with all the necessary equipment to aid learning.
4. The classroom is kept clean and free of distractions.