Food Hygine Final Typing
Food Hygine Final Typing
Food Hygine Final Typing
The cost of food poisoning can be high, not only to the country through working days lost, but
also to employers and employees engaged in food handling. The owners of premises implicated
in food poisoning will lose business and employees may lose their jobs. Food handlers who
contravene food legislation may be prosecuted and an outbreak of food poisoning could cost
firms responsible thousands of pounds in damage claims. Negligent food handlers may poison
themselves or even worse be responsible for the death of a person consuming food which they
have prepared.
Rigorous enforcement of existing food hygiene legislation is important but is not, in itself,
sufficient to prevent food poisoning. Food poisoning is normally caused by negligence or
ignorance and consequently most experts in food hygiene believe that a reduction in the current
depressing statistics can only be achieved by the education of food handlers. One mistake by an
untrained food handler in the most modern food premises can cause a serious outbreak of food
Food hygiene is more than just cleanliness; it includes all practices involved in:
1. Protecting food from risk contamination, including harmful bacteria, poisons and foreign
2. Preventing any bacteria present multiplying to an extent which would result in the illness
of consumers or the early spoilage of the food
3. Destroying any harmful bacteria in the food by thorough cooking or processing
All of these factors will contribute to a lowering of profits. If the commercial viability of the
premises is threatened, employees may loss overtime, bonuses or even their jobs. It is therefore
in the best interests of everyone involved in the preparation and handling of food to observe the
highest standards of food hygiene.
Most bacteria are harmless and some are essential, for example for breaking down decaying
matter, or in cheese and yoghurt manufacture. However, a small number of bacteria cause food
spoilage and some, known as pathogens, are responsible for causing illness. Several food
poisoning bacteria produce toxins (poisons) either in the food or inside the body.
The number of bacteria present in food may be used to determine whether or not the food has
been handled correctly.
It is impracticable to operate a food business without food poisoning bacteria being present at
one time or another. It is therefore essential that they are denied the conditions which would
allow them to reproduce to a level where they present a risk to customers.
Bacteria responsible for causing food poisoning need the following conditions to enable them to
grow and, in some cases, produce toxins.
The best temperature for the growth of most food poisoning bacteria is 37°C (body temperature),
although they can grow quite quickly between 20°C and 50°C. To prevent their growth we must
ensure that the temperature of food is kept below 5°C or above 63°C. The temperature range of
5°C to 63°C is often referred to as the “danger zone”.
Food poisoning bacteria reproduce rapidly in warm food rooms, but most will not grow in a
refrigerator (1°C to 4°C) and none in frozen food (-18°C), although many will survive and
reproduce on thawing.
Some bacteria are able to produce spores which protect them against adverse conditions such as
high temperatures, drying and disinfection. Spores are a resting phase and they do not multiply.
When favourable conditions return the spore releases the bacterium which can then start to grow
and multiply.
Food and moisture
High protein foods are preferred, especially meat, poultry and dairy produce. Foods such as dried
egg or milk powder do not provide the conditions necessary for growth. However, once water or
milk is added to the powder, any bacteria present will start growing. It is essential, therefore, to
use such food as soon as possible after adding water.
Other foods which do not support bacterial growth are those containing high concentrations of
sugar, salt, acid or other preservatives.
Given the right conditions of food, moisture and warmth, some bacteria can divide into two
every ten minutes. This process is known as binary fission. If there is sufficient time, a few
bacteria can multiply to such an extent that there are enough present to cause food poisoning. For
this reason it is essential that high-risk foods are not left in the danger zone for longer than is
absolutely necessary.
High-risk foods
High-risk foods are usually considered as those which support the multiplication of harmful
bacteria and are intended for consumption without treatment such as cooking, which would
destroy such organisms. These foods are usually proteins and require refrigerated storage. They
must always be kept apart from raw foods. Examples include:
All of the above are frequently implicated in outbreaks of food poisoning, especially poultry, raw
egg products and cooked meat. Unfortunately contaminated food usually looks, tastes and smells
completely normal and cannot be detected without laboratory examination.
Food poisoning
Food poisoning is an unpleasant illness which usually occurs within 1 to 36 hours of eating
contaminated or poisonous food. Symptoms normally last from 1 to 7 days and include one or
more of the following; abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea and fever.
Bacterial food poisoning is by far the commonest and in some instances may result in death. A
large number of bacteria are usually involved and this requires them to multiply within the food.
Source Raw foods, especially meat, poultry, milk and eggs, carriers, pets, rodents,
Symptoms Abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and fever which usually lasts for 1 to
7 days.
Mode of spread Direct contact with contaminated raw food or indirectly via work surfaces,
to high-risk food utensils, wiping cloths and hands. The liquid from thawing poultry and
Refrigerated storage.
Important Some types of salmonella can cause food poisoning with very small
characteristics numbers.
*Excluding campylobacter
Clostridium perfringens
Source Animal and human excreta, soil (on vegetables), dust, raw meat/poultry,
Symptoms Abdominal pain and diarrhea, vomiting is rare. Illness usually lasts 12 to
48 hours.
Mode of spread Direct contact with contaminated raw meat or vegetables or indirectly via
to high-risk food work surfaces, equipment, wiping cloths and hands. Inadequate cooking
Staphylococcus aureus
Mode of spread Usually via the hands after touching the nose, mouth, hair, septic cuts or
Exclude operatives with boils and septic cuts or who are sneezing and
characteristics temperatures.
Food-borne diseases
Other bacterial illnesses which can be transmitted via food include typhoid, paratyphoid,
tuberculosis, dysentery and brucellosis. However, unlike bacterial food poisoning, only small
numbers of bacteria are required to cause the illness; a multiplication of bacteria within the food
is not necessary.
The bacteria responsible are found, among other places, in man’s intestines and the chain of
infection is the same as that involved in food poisoning, i.e.
Two types of bacteria causing food-borne disease which are of particular note are campylobacter,
which is responsible for more cases of illness than salmonella, and listeria which is able to
multiply below 3°C, albeit very slowly.
(1) Bacterial contamination – which usually occurs within food premises because of
ignorance, inadequate space, poor design or because of food handlers taking short cuts.
Contamination of this sort is the most serious and may result in food spoilage, food
poisoning or even death.
(2) Physical contamination – by foreign bodies which may be dangerous, for example glass
or nails, but is normally unpleasant and a nuisance.
(3) Chemical contamination – from pesticides, waste or cleaning chemicals. Food should
never be stored in empty food containers.
(1) The person People commonly harbor food poisoning bacteria in nose, mouth, intestine
and also on the skin. Food may be contaminated directly by the hands, sneezing or
coughing, or indirectly by sewage contaminated water. All water used in food premises
should be suitably treated, for example by chlorination. The Aberdeen typhoid outbreak
was due to cans of Argentinian corned beef which had been cooled in sewage-polluted
(2) Raw food Raw food is particularly hazardous, especially red meat, poultry (up to 80% of
frozen birds may carry salmonella), untreated milk, eggs and shellfish such as oysters.
Raw food should always be kept separate from high-risk food. The liquid from defrosting
foods, especially frozen poultry, must not be allowed to contaminate wiping cloths, high-
risk food or equipment used for high-risk food.
Soil harbours harmful bacteria, and care must be taken when bringing vegetables into
food rooms.
(3) Insects Several insects may transmit food poisoning bacteria to food. Flies and
cockroaches present the greatest hazard because of their feeding habits and the sites
which they visit. Flies often land on animal faeces where they pick up large numbers of
bacteria on their hairy bodies. In addition they defecate and vomit previous meals back
onto the food as they feed.
Careless use of insecticide may result in dead insects ending up in food.
Cockroaches often live in sewers and commonly feed on infected waste. They hide in the
most inaccessible places in food rooms and may carry food poisoning organisms on their
legs and bodies to food and equipment on which they walk.
(4) Rodents Both rats and mice commonly excrete organisms such as salmonellae.
Contamination of food may occur from droppings, urine, hairs and gnawing. Food-
contact surfaces on which rodents have walked must be disinfected before use. Food
suspected of being contaminated by rodents must be destroyed.
(5) Dust There are always large numbers of bacteria in dust and floating about in the air.
Open food should always be covered when cleaning is carried out, especially dusting and
(6) Refuse and waste food Waste and unfit food must not allowed to accumulate in food
rooms. Care must be taken to avoid contamination of food from waste either directly or
indirectly. Food operatives must wash their hands after handling refuse. Refuse
receptacles are a favourite breeding place for flies and must always have tight-fitting lids
which are replaced after use.
(7) Animals and birds Both domestic and wild animals are known to carry harmful bacteria
on their bodies and in their intestines. Furthermore, dirt can be transferred to food from
their feet, and hairs and feathers may end up in the food. Pets must always be kept out of
food rooms. Terrapins are occasionally implicated in cases of food poisoning through
contact with infected water. Other incidents have occurred because of contamination of
food by bird droppings.
Sometimes, harmful bacteria pass directly from the source to high-risk food, but, as bacteria are
usually static and the sources may not be in direct contact with food, the bacteria rely on other
things to transfer them to food. These things are known as vehicles and the main ones are:
1. Hands
2. Cloths and equipment
3. Hand-contact surfaces
4. Food-contact surfaces
Indirect contamination using an intermediate vehicle is by far the commonest, for example the
passage of the bacteria from the intestine of a food handler to food via the hands, after using the
toilet. Where contamination is passed from raw food to high-risk food via, for example a
worktop, this is known as cross-contamination. The path which bacteria use to transfer from the
source to the food is known as the route.
Physical contamination
Foreign bodies found in food may be brought into food premises with the raw materials or
introduced during storage, preparation, service or display.
Although there are many different types of foreign bodies, it is essential that managers are aware
of those commonly found in their particular sector of the food industry and that they exercise all
due diligence to secure their removal or prevent their introduction. Food handlers must observe
all company rules and take appropriate precautions to ensure that they are not responsible for the
contamination of food. Foreign bodies which often result in food complaints include:
1. Bolts, nuts, wire, staples and other pieces of metal – often found after maintenance and
repair work.
2. Cardboard, string and polythene – often introduced from packaging.
3. Rodents, rodent hairs, insects, feathers and droppings
4. Sweet papers and cigarette ends
5. Items from personnel such as earrings, fingernails, hair, buttons, pentops, soiled bandages
and plasters.
6. Glass
7. Cleaning materials
8. Mould
9. Wood splinters
10. Grease and oil
11. Flaking paint or rust
Open food exposed for sale must be covered or effectively screened from contamination.
Food must not be placed lower than 45.5cm (18″) from the ground in any yard or forecourt.
It is an offence to sell food which is unsafe or not of the nature, substance or quality demanded
by the purchaser.
There are three main ways of breaking the food poisoning chain:
1. Storing food out of the danger zone. Food should be kept below 5°C, for example in a
refrigerator, or kept above 63°C, for example in a bain marie.
2. Ensuring that during preparation, food is within the danger zone for as short a time as
possible. High-risk food must not be left in the ambient temperatures of kitchens or
serving areas, unless in the course of preparation or needed for immediate consumption.
1. Thorough cooking.
Pasteurization of milk can be as low as 63°C for 30 minutes, whereas the canning of vegetables
requires 121°C for three minutes. Cooking temperatures of 75°C should normally be achieved at
the centre of food to ensure safety.
Correct storage of food is fundamental to the hygienic operation of any food business. Failure to
ensure satisfactory conditions of cleanliness, temperature, humidity and stock rotation can result
in problems of unfit or spoiled food, including mould, discolouration, staleness and insect and
rodent infestations.
Storage conditions should ensure that the nutritional value, appearance, taste and fitness of food
are of the highest standard. Storage areas must not be overloaded and the available space must be
taken into account when purchasing food.
All deliveries should be checked for freshness, temperature, colour, odour, contaminaton,
infestations and satisfactory packaging and labeling. Any problems should be notified to the
supervisor. As far as practicable, external packaging should not be brought into food preparation
Dry-food stores
Rooms used for the storage of dried and canned foods should be dry, cool, well-it, ventilated,
vermin-proof and kept clean and tidy. Food should be stored away from the walls and pipes
affected by condensate and off the floor on suitable shelves such as tubular stainless steel racks,
or in mobile bins. Spillages should be cleared away promptly. All goods should be inspected
before placing in storage. Problems encountered include soiled delivery trays, infestations,
damaged and leaking cartons, rusty cans and out-of-date stock. If possible, fruit and vegetables
should be stored in dry, cool, well-ventilated areas, preferably separate from other food. Fruit
should be examined regularly as mould spreads rapidly.
Canned foods
The risk from canned foods is very small compared with the number produced and this safety
record will continue it:
After the above times the food will not present a health risk but there may be changes in
colour, texture, and flavor.
High-risk and perishable foods may be contaminated by harmful bacteria which can multiply
to dangerous levels if not stored under refrigeration.
The recent trend to remove additives means that some foods must now be stored under
refrigeration when previously they didn’t need to be, for example opened bottles of tomato
The common food poisoning organisms are incapable of multiplying and producing poisons
at temperatures below 5°C. Furthermore, the spoilage of food by bacteria and mould is
reduced. As can be seen from the “ten main reasons for food poisoning”, temperature control
is the single most important factor in preventing food poisoning. Therefore, it is essential for
food handlers to receive clear instructions on the use of refrigerators to ensure that they
operate effectively.
Refrigerators should be sited in well-ventilated areas away from heat sources and the rays of
the sun.
Refrigerators should be constructed to facilitate easy cleaning. Internal linings and shelves
should be impervious and non-corroding. Door seals must be maintained in good condition
and the unit should be serviced regularly.
Operating temperature
Units should normally operate between 1°C and 4°C. A thermometer should be permanently
positioned in the warmest part of the refrigerator and the temperature checked at least three
times a day.
Defrosting and cleaning should be carried out frequently in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions. Units which defrost automatically should still be cleaned at least
weekly. Bicarbonate of soda (one tablespoon to a gallon of water) may be used, but perfumed
cleaning agents must not.
Refrigerators must not be overloaded, and food should never be placed in front of cooling
units. Only perishable foods should be stored in the refrigerator. This includes vacuum packs
and pasteurized cans of meat. Stock rotation is essential to avoid spoilage.
Hot food
Hot food must never be placed directly into a refrigerator if this would raise the temperature
of food already being stored above 5°C. It will also encourage condensation and
consequently contamination. Joints of meat should, if possible, be kept below 2 ½ Kgs (6 lbs)
to facilitate cooling within 1 ½ hours prior to refrigeration.
Raw food must always be kept apart from high-risk food. Separate refrigerators are preferred,
although, if in the same unit, the raw food must always be placed at the bottom. Food should
be covered to prevent drying out, cross-contamination and absorption of odour.
Open cans of food
To avoid the acid attack on opened and part-used cans, they should not be stored in
refrigerators, especially such food as fruit, fruit juice or tomatoes. The unused contents
should be emptied into a suitable container such as a covered plastic bowl.
All food handlers must receive instruction on the correct use of the refrigerator and, in
particular, be told to keep the door open for the minimum amount of time. The temperature
of refrigerated deliveries should be checked on arrival.
Commercial freezers should operate at -18°C or slightly below. At this temperature food will
keep for a reasonable time with no bacterial growth. However, spores and pathogens will
survive and if the temperature rises above -10°C, spoilage organisms, especially moulds and
yeast, begin to cause problems.
Staff must be trained to use freezers and handle frozen food correctly. The temperature, and
packaging, of deliveries of frozen food should be checked before unloading. If the
temperature is around -18°C the food should be transferred to the freezer as quickly as
possible. Deliveries above -12°C are unacceptable. New stock should always be placed
below existing food. Food must not be stored above the freezer load line and must not be
kept for longer than recommended by the manufacturer, as the quality gradually deteriorates.
Suitable packaging is essential to avoid freezer burn.
Most food taken from the freezer can be cooked immediately, but poultry and large joints
must be completely thawed before cooking. The manufacturer’s instructions should always
be followed. Thawing of raw meat/poultry must take place in an area entirely separate from
other foods which may be exposed to risk of contamination from thawed liquid. This area
must never be used for cooked food which is cooling prior to refrigeration. Thawing is best
carried out at 10°C to 15°C or in a thawing cabinet.
Thawing can also be achieved using clean cold running water, below 15°C or in an
appropriate microwave oven, although extreme care is necessary because of the risk of
uneven heating.
Thawing times in refrigerators vary considerably depending on the temperature, for example
a 1.1Kg bird takes around 70 hours at 1°C, 40 hours at 5°C and 13 hours at 10°C to reach
0°C. Before using a refrigerator for thawing, it is essential to know the temperature of the
refrigerator and the time a specific frozen chicken or other food product takes to thaw at that
temperature. Extreme care must also be exercised to avoid cross-contamination.
2. Thaw completely in a cool room. Poultry will be ready for cooking when the body is
pliable, the legs are flexible and the body cavity is free from ice crystals
3. Remove giblets
6. All utensils and surfaces used for the preparation of raw meat and poultry must be
thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before being used for high-risk food
7. Eat straight after cooking or, if the bird is to be carved cold, cool it quickly and store in
the refrigerator. As with all meats refrigerated storage is essential within one and a
half hours
These are minimum times. The bird is cooked when the juices run clear.
Stock rotation
Satisfactory rotation of stock, to ensure that older food is used first, is essential to avoid spoilage.
Stock rotation applies to all types of food. Daily checks should be made on short-life perishable
food stored in refrigerators, whereas weekly examination of other foods may suffice.
Stock which is undisturbed for long periods will encourage rodent and insect infestations. Good
stock rotation has the added advantage of assisting in the maintenance of the correct levels of
Stock rotation has been much easier since the advent of open-date coding. Food handlers should
adopt their own code to identify the date of delivery of products not requiring a “use-by” date.
Remember the rule: “First in, first out”.
Most food must be labelled to indicate the “use-by” or “best before” date, together with details of any special
storage conditions, for example keep under refrigeration.
Food preparation
The observance of good hygiene practices during food preparation is an important element in
preventing food poisoning. Raw food and high-risk food should be prepared in different areas
with separate, clean equipment. Raw food should be washed thoroughly in a separate sink which
is not used for washing utensils etc. and is positioned to avoid cross-contamination of high-risk
food or clean utensils/equipment. Disposable wiping cloths should be used.
The handling of food should be minimized and it must not be left in warm, humid atmospheres.
Food handlers should work in a logical, planned manner ensuring that working surfaces are kept
as tidy as possible. Spillages and waste food should be cleared away promptly.
Thorough cooking is important to destroy harmful bacteria, although some will produce toxins
which will withstand boiling for at least 30 minutes. Spores may also survive cooking. Although
some processed, canned and bottled food may only require reheating to make the food palatable,
raw and most frozen and chilled food will require thorough cooking. A minimum centre
temperature of 75°C will usually be required and this should be checked with a probe
thermometer. After cooking, the food should be eaten as soon as possible. Food being reheated
for immediate consumption should be heated to at least 82°C and this is a legal requirement in
Microwave cooking
Microwave ovens are a safe and effective method of cooking and heating food provided that
instructions are followed. The destruction of food poisoning organisms is based on combination
of high temperatures and sufficient time and it is essential to know the power (wattage) of the
oven to ensure adequate time is allowed to achieve the temperatures to ensure the safety of the
food. Food should usually be heated throughout to 75°C and this should be checked in several
places, using a probe thermometer, to guard against the possibility of cold spots. Stirring of
liquids may be required and standing time may also be necessary on completion of cooking.
Serving utensils must be stored properly, especially ice-cream scoops. Food placed on tables,
such as bread rolls, must not be re-used. All plates and utensils must be clean and dry, and those
parts likely to come into contact with high-risk food should be kept in clean containers, covered
where necessary.
Customers should not be able to handle open food. Food should be pre-wrapped, covered or
protected with sneeze screens. High-risk food should be kept in refrigerated display units.
Counters in retail outlets should not be used for food storage or preparation.
Food which is to be refrigerated should be cooled quickly and placed in the refrigerator within
1 ½ hours of cooking. It is better to use smaller joints of meats as they cool more rapidly. Liquids
should be poured into clean, shallow pans and stirred frequently. Cooling is best carried out
using a blast chiller, a cold room or an iced water bath.
Rewarming of refrigerated meat dishes is bad practice. If food is reheated, it must be cooked
thoroughly, to a core temperature of at least 82°C, for immediate consumption. Any reheated
food must be discarded, not used later.
The time between: refrigeration and cooking (or processing); cooking and eating; cooking and
refrigeration; refrigeration and serving; must be kept as short as possible.
Food preservation
Preservation is the treatment of food to prevent or delay spoilage and destroy or inhibit the
growth of pathogenic organisms which would render the food unfit. Often a combination of
techniques is used, for example cooking followed by refrigeration. Food may be preserved by the
use of:
What are the important rules regarding the safe use of refrigerators?
What are the important rules relating to the storage of frozen food?
What are the risks associated with the thawing of frozen food?
What are the main risks involved with the preparation, cooking, serving and cooling of food?
As the hands are in direct contact with food, they are the main route for transferring food
poisoning bacteria. Hands must be kept very clean at all times. The correct hand washing
procedure is essential. A non-hand operated warm water spray is preferred. Alternatively the
wash hand basin should be filled with hand hot water. The hands should be wet and a liquid soap
applied. A good lather is required and the wrists, forearms and in between the fingers should all
receive attention. Where necessary, for example after visiting the toilet or handling raw food, a
clean nailbrush should be used to scrub the nails. The hands should be rinsed and dried. Efficient
drying of hands may be achieved by using disposable paper towels, which can be used to turn off
the tap, hot air dryers or continuous roller towels.
Food handlers must wash their hands regularly throughout the working day and especially:
2. On entering the food room and before handling any food or equipment.
As fingernails may harbor bacteria, they must be kept short and clean. Nail varnish may
contaminate food and should not be used. People who continually put their fingers in their
mouth, for example nail biters, should not be employed as food handlers. Licking the fingers
before picking up sheets of wrapping paper is particularly bad habit.
The nose, mouth and ears
Up to 40 per cent of adults carry staphylococci in the nose and mouth. Coughs and sneezes can
carry droplet infection for considerable distance and persons with bad colds should not handle
open food. Disposable single-use paper tissues are preferable to handkerchiefs. Picking or
scratching the nose is not acceptable.
As the mouth is likely to harbor staphylococci, food handlers should not eat sweets, chew gum,
taste food with the finger or an unwashed spoon or blow into glasses to polish them. Apart from
being aesthetically unacceptable, spitting can obviously result in food contamination and is
Discharges from the ears, eyes and nose may contaminate food and employees must report these
ailments to their supervisor. Medical clearance to start work will normally be required.
Cuts, spots and sores provide an ideal place for bacterial multiplication. To prevent
contamination of food by harmful bacteria and blood, these lessons should be completely
covered by waterproof dressings, preferably coloured blue or green to aid detection if they
became detached. Cuts on fingers may need the extra protection of waterproof fingernails.
Waterproof dressings will also assist in preventing cuts going septic.
Food handlers should not wear earrings, watches, jeweled rings or brooches, as they harbor dirt
and bacteria. Furthermore, stones and small pieces of metal may end up in the food and result in
a customer complaint.
Strong-smelling perfume or aftershave should not be worn by food handlers, as it may taint
foods, especially those with a high fat content.
The hair
Hair is constantly falling out and, along with dandruff, can result in contamination of food.
Furthermore, the scalp often contains harmful bacteria and must be shampooed regularly. Food
handlers should wear suitable head covering which completely encloses the hair. Hair-nets worn
under turbans, helmets and hats are recommended. Combing of hair and adjustments to head
covering should only take place in cloakrooms and should not be carried out whilst wearing
protective clothing, as hairs may end up on the shoulders and then in the product.
It is illegal to use snuff and tobacco, including cigarettes, pipes or cigars, in food rooms or whilst
handling open food. Not only is this to prevent cigarettes ends and ash contaminating food but
also because:
1. People touch their lips whilst smoking and they may transfer harmful bacteria to food.
4. An unpleasant environment may be created for non-smokers. The only places to smoke in
a food premises should be the rest room.
Protective clothing
Persons handling open food, other than raw vegetables and drinks, must wear clean and washable
overclothing, preferably light-coloured without external pockets. Press studs or velcrose
fastening are preferable to buttons. Protective garments should be appropriate for the work being
carried out and should completely cover ordinary clothing. Jumper and shirt sleeves must not
protrude and, if short-sleeved overalls are worn to prevent slipping and to protect the feet.
Staff must be aware that protective clothing is worn to protect the food from risk contamination
and not to keep their own clothes clean. Dust, pet hairs and woolen fibres are just a few of the
contaminants carried on ordinary clothing. Protective clothing should not be worn outside the
food premises, not used to travel to and from work and not worn during lunch time sporting
activities such as football.
Outdoor clothing and personal effects must not be brought into food rooms unless stored in
suitable lockers. Protective clothing should not be hung in sanitary accommodation.
Food handlers should be in good health in all aspects from oral hygiene to general fitness. Any
food handlers suffering from diarrhoea, vomiting or a food-borne infection must not handle food.
They must notify their supervisor who must contact the local authority so that environmental
health officers can carry out investigations. Food handlers who have consumed a meal known to
have caused food poisoning or live in the same household as a confirmed case or have suffered
from diarrhoea or vomiting whilst abroad should also report to the supervisor. Food handlers
who excrete food poisoning organisms must not resume food handling duties without medical
Person with skin infections, sores, heavy colds and ear or eye discharge should be excluded until
medical clearance has been obtained.
Hygiene education
All food handlers must receive the appropriate food hygiene education and training to ensure that
they are aware of the dangers of poor food hygiene and so that they have the knowledge to break
the chain of events resulting in outbreaks of food poisoning.
Report to the person carrying on the food business if they are suffering from a food-borne
Use tobacco or snuff whilst handling open food or in a room containing open food
Site selection
The selection of a suitable site is most important when planning food premises. Consideration
must be given to the provision and availability of services, i.e. electricity, gas, water supply and
effluent disposal and the accessibility for delivery and refuse collection. The possibility of
flooding and pollution must also be considered.
After obtaining planning permission, the following design principles should be followed:
2. Work flow should be continuous and progress in a uniform direction from raw material to
finished product.
3. Suitable and sufficient facilities for personal hygiene, cleaning and disinfecting
equipment and washing food must be provided, together with adequate supplies of hot
and clean, wholesome cold water. Hot water should be around 60°C, cold water less than
10°C and warm water from spray taps around 49°C. Wash hand basins should be
positioned close to work stations.
4. Adequate refrigeration, cooking and cooling facilities must be provided. Flexible gas
pipes should be used to allow movement of equipment for cleaning. Electrical supplies
should be fitted with accessible cut out switches. Trailing wires must be avoided.
Waterproof sockets are preferred.
8. Adequate drainage capable of removing peak loads quickly without flooding must be
9. Suitable and sufficient ventilation is necessary to ensure reasonable working conditions
and reduce temperatures and humidities. Steam and heat producing appliances require
suitable canopies.
10. High standards of lighting are necessary to facilitate cleaning and provide safe and
satisfactory working conditions. Lighting systems should not produce shadows or glare
and fluorescent tubes should be protected by diffusers.
Construction details
Ceilings should be smooth, fire resistant, durable, light-coloured, coved at wall joints and easy to
Wall finishes
Floor surfaces
Surfaces should be durable, non-absorbent, anti-slip, without crevices and capable of being
effectively cleaned. They may need to be resistant to acids, grease and salts, and should slope
sufficiently for liquids to drain to trapped gullies. The angle between walls and floors should be
Windows, if present, should be fixed on north-facing walls to reduce glare and solar heat gain. If
there is a risk of infestation, opening windows must be fitted with cleansable fly-screens. Where
appropriate, external doors should be screened and doors should be self-closing.
The storage and disposal of waste
Suitable receptacles should be provided, both inside and outside food premises, for the diposal of
waste food and debris. Disposable polythene sacks or plastic bins are usually provided for
internal use and dustbins or skips for external use. Dustbins must have tight-fitting lids.
Compactors which completely enclose the refuse are preferred.
Refuse containers used internally must be emptied as frequently as necessary and always at the
end of the day. After emptying, reusable containers must be thoroughly cleaned before being
brought back into the food room. Waste-disposal unit are commonly used for removing food
Receptacles used for storage or collection of refuse should not be reused for the storage of food.
Empty food containers which are intended for reuse, for example bottles and trays, must be
protected from contamination, especially by dogs. It is preferable to store such containers in a
suitable room or well clear of the floor under a lean-to.
External refuse area must be kept clean and tidy so as not to attract rodents, birds and insects.
Receptacles must be emptied as frequently as necessary and the yard surface must be hosed
down regularly to avoid creating a nuisance. After emptying, waste receptacles should be rinse
out. Hands must always be washed after emptying refuse containers and handling waste.
Trade waste agreements should be made with the local authority or a reputable company.
Food business cannot be carried on from insanitary premises.
The structure of food rooms must be kept clean and in good condition.
A sufficient supply of bandages and dressings, including waterproof dressings, must be provided.
Sanitary conveniences must be kept clean, well-lit and ventilated and a “Now Wash Your Hands”
notice must be displayed. Sanitary conveniences must not be used as food rooms.
Suitable and sufficient clean washing facilities, supplied with hot and cold water, must be provided for
washing food and equipment.
Suitable and sufficient clean wash-hand basins must be provided, together with hot and cold water,
soap, nailbrush and drying facilities. Wash hand basins must only be used for securing personal
Suitable accommodation for outdoor clothing and footwear must be provided in premises where open
food is handled.
Refuse and waste from food must not accumulate in a food room. Adequate storage space must be
provided for waste and unfit food prior to disposal.
Equipment for food handling
Ref pg 37 text.
All equipment, working surfaces and other utensils which are used in food premises should be
designed and constructed to minimize harbourage of soils, bacteria or pests, and to enable them
thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Surfaces in contact with food should be smooth, impervious,
non-toxic, non-flaking, corrosion-resistant, durable and suitable for their intended use.
Resistance to heat and attack by acid foods, such as fruit juices and milk, may need to be
considered. Cracked, chipped, broken and badly-pitted equipment harbours dirt and bacteria,
should not be used.
Food-grade stainless steel is appropriate for most equipment. Wooden surfaces should not be
used, as they are absorbent and incapable of being cleaned and disinfected. Cutting boards and
handles of knives and brushes may be made from polypropylene or other suitable synthetic
material. Tubular stainless steel is preferred to painted or galvanized angle iron.
The use of different colours or shapes as a code to ensure equipment used for raw food is not
used for high-risk food is recommended.
Where practicable, and with due regard to safety, equipment should be mobile to facilitate its
removal for cleaning. This is particularly important if sited close to walls. All guards must be
capable of being thoroughly cleaned.
Equipment and containers must be kept clean, in good condition and made from non-absorbent material. Food
containers must be protected and kept free from contamination.
What facilities are required for personal hygiene and for cleaning food and equipment?
2. Insects: flies, wasps, cockroaches, psocids, silverfish, stored product insects and ants
Regular surveys of food premises must be carried out to ensure that they are pest free. In
particular, food storage rooms and dark, undisturbed areas should be examined. Signs to look for
3. Damage, including gnawing marks in food, wood or plaster, holes in sacks, boxes,
packets or in the structure, chewed pieces of cardboard or paper
7. Rodents smears (black greasy marks) around pipes and holes and on walls adjacent to
3. To prevent damage (fires and flooding cause by gnawing electric cables or pipes)
5. To avoid losing staff who will not wish to work in infested premises
Food must not be exposed to risk of contamination and food rooms must be keep in good repair and
condition to prevent the entry of birds or risk of infestation of pests. It is an offence to sell unfit or
contaminated food and food premises which are a health risk, for example where there is an
infestation of rats or mice, can be closed. Infestations of rats or insect must be reported to the
appropriate authority.
Pests require food, shelter and security. Denial of these environmental factors will prevent their
survival and is the first line of defence against possible infestations. Environmental control may
be considered as denial of:
1. Access – by care in design, maintenance and proofing of buildings. Doors and windows
should be kept closed or if left open should be screened with a fine, cleansable mesh.
Doorways can be protected with hanging plastic strips or air curtains and the bottom of
wooden doors should be protected with metal plates. Access holes and other openings
should be sealed with mortar, metals sheets or mesh
To reduce the risk of infestation it is important to prevent breeding and deny the lone invader the
conditions it likes and in particular to ensure that:
1. Premises and refuse areas are kept in a clean and tidy condition. Lids are always kept on
waste bins which should be washed after emptying, together with the surrounding area.
Waste must not be allowed to accumulate.
4. Food is stored off the floor and clear of walls to facilitate regular inspection. Stock should
be checked regularly and damaged stock removed.
6. All deliveries of raw materials, packaging and laundry are checked to ensure their
freedom from infestation.
7. Drains are kept clean and in good condition, a water trap is always maintained and gullies
have tight-fitting metal grilles.
8. Vegetation and other cover in the immediate vicinity of the food premises are removed.
Although very important, environmental control may not be entirely successful and eradication
must be achieved by using physical or chemical control methods.
Physical control methods are usually preferred as the past is caught, either dead or alive, and
consequently is not able to die in food, equipment or in some inaccessible place. Examples of
physical control include ultra-violet, electric fly-killers, rodent traps and mist nets for birds.
Sticky fly papers are unsightly but are useful in storage areas to alert you to flying insect
Unfortunately physical methods are not always successful and poisons have to be used.
Rodenticides are used to kill rats and mice, and insecticides to kill insects. Care must always be
exercised when using poisons to ensure there is no risk of contaminating food. Food and small
utensils must always be removed when using insecticide, especially sprays, and the premises and
fixed equipment must be thoroughly cleaned after use. Infestations of food premises should be
dealt with immediately and food handlers should seek assistance from the local authority or
specialist contractor. The control of cockroaches or stored product insects is particularly difficult
and requires an expert pest control operator.
Ref. pg 44 text.
Soiling of surfaces and equipment is unavoidable in all food business. It is essential that such
residues are not allowed to accumulate to levels which expose food to risk of contamination.
Removal of food residues, dirt and grease is the process of cleaning.
1. To remove matter on which bacteria would grow, thus reducing the risk of food
poisoning and spoilage.
Energy in cleaning
Cleaning is the application of energy to a surface, with the intention of removing dirt and grease.
Improving chemical energy and increasing heat will reduce the amount of physical energy
After cleaning, disinfectants*** are used to destroy bacteria that remain. Hot water, around
82°C, steam and bleach are the commonest disinfectants. Chemical disinfectants need time to
work and an appropriate contact time is essential.
*disinfection – the reduction of microorganisms to a level that is safe and which will not cause premature food
*detergent - a chemical used to remove grease, dirt and food particles.
Effective cleaning
To be effective, cleaning must be planned. A schedule which stipulates the frequency, method of
cleaning, the amount and type of chemical to use and the person responsible, must be drawn up
and implemented.
Staff must be trained to “clean as they go” and they must always have regard to the provision of
health and safety. Suitable protective clothing must be worn and the chemical manufacturer’s
instructions must always be followed. Some chemicals can be very dangerous if mixed. Open
food must not be exposed to risk of contamination during cleaning.
Chemicals must always be stored separate from food and should never be emptied into unmarked
or food containers, especially bottles.
After use the cleaning equipment itself must be cleaned and dried. Brushes and mops should be
hung off the floor in non-food rooms or cupboards. Cleaning equipment used in toilets must not
be used in food rooms.
Where to disinfect
Although food rooms and equipment need to be regularly and thoroughly cleaned, not everything
requires disinfecting. Food contact surfaces and equipment, cutting boards, slicing machines,
utensils, handles on drawers and refrigerators will need cleaning and disinfecting, often several
times throughout the day and always following the use of raw food before high-risk food is
Walls, floors, drains and equipment legs require through cleaning and degreasing but are
unlikely to require disinfection, unless there is a risk of food contamination. Ovens and similar
devices which use high temperatures to destroy bacteria do not require disinfection.
2. Main clean: loosening of the surface grease and dirt using a detergent.
In light-soil conditions the pre-clean may be combined with the main clean. Soiled water must be
changed as frequently as necessary. If air drying is not possible, single-use paper towels or a
clean, dry cloth should be used.
Double-sink washing
Although the use of mechanical dishwashers and glasswashers is becoming more common,
double-sink washing is recommended when suitable dishwashing machines are not available.
The following procedure should be followed:
1. Remove any heavy or loose soil by scraping and rinsing in cold water.
2. Place articles in the first sink in detergent solution at 50°C to 60°C, scrub with a nylon
brush and/or wipe with a clean cloth to loosen dirt residues. Rubber gloves will be
required. Cool or dirty water should be replaced.
6. Remove the articles, allow to drain and air dry on a clean, disinfected surface. After
drying, store in a clean place free from contamination.
Acts and regulations applicable to the food industry are concerned with:
This is the most important Act relating to the sale of food for human consumption. It contains
comprehensive provisions for securing food safety and empowers Ministers to make extensive hygiene
regulations. The provisions of the Act are applicable to all food businesses in England, Scotland and
In Northern Ireland, the Food Safety (Northern Ireland) Order, 1991 applies.
It is an offence to render food injurious to health or to sell food which fails to comply with the
food safety requirements by reason of it being injurious to health, unfit or so contaminated that it
would be unreasonable to use it for human consumption.
An offence is also committed if food is sold which is not of the nature, substance or quality
demanded by the purchaser. Legal action can be taken if food is falsely described or labelled.
Food which fails to comply with the food safety requirements or which is likely to cause food
poisoning may be seized or detained by an authorised officer of a food authority. Expenses
incurred in the destruction of food must be paid by the owner, although wrongful seizure can
result in compensation.
A person found guilty of the above offences may be liable to a fine of up to £20,000 and/or
imprisonment for up to six months, although in serious cases unlimited fines and up to two years
imprisonment may be incurred.
Failure to comply with food hygiene regulations may result in the service of an improvement
notice specifying the contraventions, the measures necessary to secure compliance and the time
allowed for compliance. Failure to comply with the improvement notice is an offence.
When an authorised officer is satisfied that there is an imminent risk of injury to health he may
issue an emergency prohibition notice which requires the closure of all or part of food premises
or the immediate prohibition of a process or use of equipment. An application must be made to
the court for an emergency prohibition order within three days of serving the notice.
The court may also impose a prohibition on the proprietor or manager participating in the
management of any food business.
It is a defence for a person to prove that he took all reasonable precautions and exercised all due
diligence to avoid the commission of an offence by himself or by a person under his control.
Due diligence
Due diligence is the principle defence under the Food Safety Act, 1990 and enables a defendant
to be acquitted of an offence if they prove that they “took all reasonable precautions and
exercised all due diligence to avoid committing the offence”. Taking reasonable precautions
involves setting up system of procedures and controls, having regard to the likely risks, and due
diligence requires the system to be operated properly. Written records will be essential and
should include reference to specifications, training, testing, cleaning schedules and codes of
Quality assurance and accreditation under British Standard 5750 will be beneficial but will not
guarantee the success of a due diligence defence. A written warranty from a supplier will be
useful but is no longer an absolute defence.
It may be acceptable for food operator to prove that someone else, not under their control, was
responsible, that they were relying on information provided, that reasonable checks were made,
there was no reason to suspect they were committing an offence and they could not reasonably
know that an offence was being committed.
The Food Hygiene (General) Regulations, 1970
These Regulations are used to control the standards of hygiene within food premises other than
those which are covered by specific regulations such as dairies and slaughterhouses.
The Regulations contribute to the prevention of food poisoning by reference to the prevention of
contamination, personal hygiene, cleanliness and the provision of facilities. They may be divided
into the following sections:
1. Premises must be kept in good repair, clean and proofed against the entry of pests. Food
rooms must have satisfactory standards of lighting and ventilation, and refuse and filth
must not be allowed to accumulate in these rooms.
3. Food handlers must keep clean, cover cuts with waterproof dressings, wear suitable,
clean protective overclothing, must not smoke or spit and must report to the person
carrying on the food business if they are suffering from food poisoning or food-borne
disease. (The employer must inform the local authority).
4. Washing facilities –wash-hand basins for securing personal cleanliness, and sinks for
washing food or equipment must be provided and kept in a clean condition. Soap,
nailbrush and drying facilities must be provided at the wash-hand basin. Hot and cold
water or hot water at a suitably controlled temperature must be supplied to both types of
These Regulation require all “relevant foods” (including soft cheeses, cooked meat, fish, eggs,
cheese, cereals, pulses, vegetables, milk desserts with a pH value of 4.5 or more, prepared
vegetable salads, sandwiches containing relevant foods, cream and artificial cream cakes and
meat, fish, cheese or vegetable pies) to be kept at or below 8°C or at or above 63°C. From 1 st
April 1993, 5°C will be substituted for 8°C for the storage of the highest risk relevant foods.
Certain foods may be stored above 8°C provided they are sold on the day of production or the
following day. Some exemptions are also allowed for foods intended to be sold within four hours
of preparation and a 2°C allowance for up to two hours is available to facilitate certain operations
such as a process of preparation, defrosting of equipment or a temporary breakdown of
These Regulations require food premises to register with their local authority. Small bed and
breakfast establishments, slaughterhouses and certain premises controlled by charitable
organisations are included in the exemptions. A fine of up to £1,000 for failure to register or
£5000 for providing false information is the penalties for non-compliance.
The law relating to health and safety
The Health and Safety at Work etc.Act, 1974
This is the principle Act concerned with protecting the health and safety of employees and
members of the public.
Every employer has a legal obligation to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health,
safety and welfare of employees. Safe systems of work must be devised and supervision and
training given to all staff, for example before staff are allowed to operate or clean dangerous
machines, such as gravity feed slicers.
Employees must ensure that their acts or omissions do not adversely affect other persons.
These Regulations provide a legal framework for the control of substances hazardous to health.
They apply to all types of business including food businesses. The essential measures that
employers (and sometimes employees) have to take to ensure people are protected from the
hazardous substances they may encounter are stipulated. Hazardous substances include those that
are toxic, harmful, irritant or corrosive, for example cleaning chemicals and pesticides.
Environmental health officers are empowered to enter, inspect and close insanitary food
premises. They will identify unsafe practices, investigate food complaints and incidents of food-
borne disease. Improvement and prohibition notices may be issued, food seized or detained
and legal proceedings instituted for contraventions of legislation.
However, they are employed to protect the public and usually prefer to give advice and offer
guidance, especially at the planning stage. Don’t hesitate to contact them if you need assistance.
What are the important pieces of legislation relating to food safety and hygiene?
What action can be taken by a local authority to control the sale of unsafe, unfit, contaminated or
substandard food?
What are the requirements of current legislation regarding, premises, equipment, food handlers, washing
facilities, services, practices and storage temperatures?
When can insanitary food premises be closed?
Ref. pg 52 text.
2. Cuts, burns and sores must be covered with waterproof dressings. Persons with boils or
septic cuts must not handle food. Fingernails must be kept clean and short, and nail
varnish should not be used.
3. Suitable protective clothing and head covering must be worn by all food handlers.
Outdoor clothing must not be brought into food rooms. Jewellery, hair grips and watches
should be removed.
4. Food handlers must not smoke in food rooms or whilst handling open food.
5. On entering a food room all food handlers should wash their hands. Hands must also be
thoroughly washed after visiting the w.c., handling raw food, blowing the nose, handling
refuse or swill, eating, smoking, cleaning and at frequent intervals during the work
6. The mouth, nose or hair must not be touched during food preparation. Sneezing or
coughing over food must be avoided.
7. All equipment, fixtures and fittings must be clean before preparation begins.
8. Raw must always be kept separate from high-risk food at all stages of storage and
preparation. Separate equipment, working surfaces and food handlers should be used to
avoid cross-contamination from raw to high-risk food.
9. Frozen meat must be completely thawed before cooking. Thawing must be carried out
separately from other processes. The liquid from defrosting poultry, etc. must not come
into contact with other food, directly or indirectly, for example by use of a wiping cloth.
10. All meat must be cooked thoroughly. Rewarming cooked meats is potentially hazardous.
All reheated foods including meat, soup and gravy must be thoroughly reheated and
consumed immediately.
11. If hot meat is not to be eaten immediately, it must be cooled quickly and placed in a
refrigerator within 1 ½ hours. Cooked food must be protected from contamination at all
times and kept out of the danger zone of temperature, i.e. 5°C to 63°C.
12. Food must not be removed from the refrigerator until required for serving or preparation.
13. Display trolleys and buffets should be refrigerated and covered to prevent contamination.
14. Stored food must be rotated to prevent spoilage, avoid waste and prevent infestations.
Out-of-date food and damaged canned or packaged food must not be sold.
15. Dirty pans, cutlery, crockery and other equipment should be cleaned and disinfected
without undue delay.
16. If the use of drying cloths is unavoidable, they must be kept clean.
17. Dirty wiping cloths must not be used. Disposable cloths are preferred.
18. Spillages should be cleaned up promptly and food debris should not be allowed to
19. Polythene sacks or suitable impervious containers, fitted with lids, should be used for the
disposal of waste in food rooms.
20. Animals must not be allowed in food rooms. Infestations of insects or rodents must be
reported immediately.
2. Growth of pathogens.
3. Survival of pathogens.
Type of ingredient (will it support the growth of pathogens?); delivery temperature; packaging;
storage (time/temperature); environment (contamination); preparation/handling
(contamination/personal hygiene); processing/cooking (time/temperature); cooling; and storage
To contribute to customer safety and compliance with food safety legislation it is recommended
that food businesses adopt a HACCP approach to identify all potential hazards and control them
before they result in problems. HACCP is particularly efficient and cost-effective in that it
concentrates the control effort at the critical steps in the operation and allows control to be
exercised quickly on the spot by the appropriate food handler without waiting for laboratory
results or customer complaints.
1. Assemble a HACCP team – composed of persons who fully understand the food
products, their uses and the dangers involved in their handling/processing.
2. Construct a flow chart – which defines all stages in preparation from raw materials
through to point of consumption. It will be necessary to describe fully each product and
include details of composition, its intended use and potential abuse.
4. Identify the critical control points, consider all preventative measures and determine
which are essential to eliminate or reduce potential hazards to acceptable levels.
5. Determine target levels and tolerances for each control point, for example time,
temperature, acidity etc.
6. Establish monitoring systems for critical control points – for example determine who
should act, when and where and what action should be taken if the control point levels
are exceeded.
8. Review the HACCP system at least annually and whenever changes to the process or
recipe are made.
6. When using a hand model can-opener, protect the other hand with a cloth or kitchen
7. Always clean up any spilled water, grease or fat from the floor immediately.
10. Pans containing hot fat which catch fire should be extinguished by smothering with a fire
blanket or a thick damp sack. Never pour water on a fat or oil fire.
11. Long hair styles should be ‘put up’ and covered with a clean head cap or similar means of
12. For economy, as well as safety, all gas and electrical appliances must be turned off when
not in use.
13. Make sure that the first aid box is readily accessible and that it contains sufficient
waterproof dressings and burn dressings.
14. Never attempt to carry large, heavy containers of hot food single-handed. Get assistance.
15. Do not reach over naked burning appliances.
16. Always ensure that gravity meat slicers are adequately guarded.
17. Ensure that all drainage channel covers are properly fitted.
18. Never put cleaning fluids into bottles originally used for food or drink, e.g. lemonade or
milk bottles.
22. Keep drawers shut and ensure knife blades are always face down.
23. Report dangerous equipment, especially faulty electrical plugs/wiring and trailing leads.
NB.Health and Safety training of staff is essential and in most circumstances a legal
Additive A chemical added to food, for example, a preservative, a colouring or flavouring agent.
Antibiotic A drug used to destroy pathogenic bacteria within human or animal bodies.
Antiseptic A substance that prevents the growth of bacteria and moulds, specifically on or in the human
Bacteria Microscopic, one-celled, living micro-organisms which multiply by splitting into two.
Binary fission A type of reproduction where the organism divides into two.
Carrier A person who harbours, and may transmit, pathogenic organisms without showing signs of
Cleaning The removal of soil, food residues, dirt, grease and other objectionable matter.
Cook-chill A type of food production system where food is prepared, cooked, rapidly cooled and kept,
for a limited time period, under chilled storage prior to reheating.
Danger zone of The temperature range within which multiplication of pathogenic bacteria is possible (from
bacterial growth 5°C to 63°C).
Disinfectant A chemical used to reduce the number of micro-organisms to a level that is safe and which
will not cause premature food spoilage.
E.C. Directive Legislation from the European Community that has to be included into member country laws.
Enzyme A type of protein that speeds up a biological process and is unchanged by it.
First-aid materials Suitable and sufficient bandages and dressings, including waterproof dressings. All dressings
to be individually wrapped.
Food business Any business in the course of which commercial operations with respect to food or food
sources are carried out (whether carried on for profit or not).
Food-borne illness An illness resulting from the consumption of food contaminated by pathogenic micro-
organisms (and/or toxins) which do not usually multiply within the food.
Food handling Any operation in the production, preparation, processing, packaging, storage, transport,
distribution and sale of food.
Food poisoning A notifiable illness, usually with symptoms of acute diarrhoea and/or vomiting caused by the
consumption of contaminated or poisonous food. (A multiplication of bacteria usually occurs
within the food.)
Fungus A parasitic or saprophytic plant lacking chlorophyll which feeds by absorbing digested food
through hyphae.
Gastroenteritis An inflammation of the stomach and intestinal tract that normally results in diarrhoea.
Incubation (onset) The period between infection and the first signs of illness.
Immunity The ability to resist an invading organism so that the body does not develop the disease.
Irradiation (of food) The process of subjecting food to doses of ionising radiation such as gamma rays, x-rays or
electrons, to destroy parasites, insects and most micro-organisms to extend the life of food
and reduce the risk of food-borne illness.
Moulds Microscopic plants (fungi) that may appear as woolly patches on food.
Optimum Best.
Pasteurization A heat process used to reduce the number of micro-organisms to a safe level. Pasteurized
food must be stored under refrigeration.
Residual insecticide A long-lasting insecticide applied in such a way that it remains active for a considerable
period of time.
Sanitizer A chemical agent used for cleansing and disinfecting surfaces and equipment.
Sous vide An interrupted catering system in which raw food is sealed in a vacuumized plastic pouch,
cooked, rapidly chilled and reheated for service after a period of chilled storage.
Spores A resistant resting-phase of bacteria protecting them against adverse conditions, such as high
Stock rotation A control system which ensures that older stock is used first.
Zoonoses Disease which can pass from animal to man and vice versa.