How HTTPS Protocol Works

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HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol - Secure) is a secured HTTP

protocol and has been set as a standard for Web apps any Web
accessed service.

The most important aspect of HTTPS is the secure transfer it provides.

HTTPS applies the encryption on existing HTTP protocol using the
private/public encryption algorithms.

To understand the HTTPS we need to understand the purpose of the

HTTP first.
HTTP Protocol

HTTP is the protocol for message exchange between server and client. Usually,
the HTTP server "listens" on port number 80. For the purpose of testing and
local/internal use, it can be changed to meet our customer needs. HTTP is an
application protocol that uses TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) for
connecting and ensuring communication between server and client.

GET - used to acquire specific content from the server.

HEAD - used to get information about the resource but, not the resource itself.
POST - used to send data to the server for various use. Usually, POST is used to
create entries on the server-side.
PUT - used to modify/edit existing entries on the server-side.
HTTP Protocol

DELETE - used to remove existing entries on the server-side.

TRACE - used to get changes made to existing entries on the server-side.
OPTIONS - used to get a list of available request types for an existing resource on
the server-side.
CONNECT - used to convert the request connection to a transparent TCP/IP
PATCH - similar to PUT, this method partially modifies an existing server-side
HTTP Protocol

Now, every single piece of the data sent or received via HTTP exists in plain text.

Naturally, it can be accessed without too much sweat. If the HTTP is used for,
authentication it is a bad practice because all sensitive data can be seen easily.

Given that HTTP can be used to control sessions, caching, authentication, etc.
it implies how much it needs leaks without proper security applied.
HTTPS Protocol

So, we have concluded that using HTTP for

anything that requires a secure approach is
not a good idea.

Let's take a look at the OSI model first:

HTTPS Protocol

HTTP is an application protocol and as such requires

help from Transport Layer to secure the

TLS (Transport Layer Security) that operates on the

Transport Layer secures the HTTP in conjunction with
three higher layers (Application, Presentation, and
HTTPS Handshake

We have mentioned that HTTPS uses a private/public encryption

algorithm for securing the HTTP.

Knowing how private/public key functions we understand that there has

to be a certain handshake for server and client to share encryption key.

Encryption key they share will be used to encrypt entire

communication between server and client:
HTTPS Handshake
Client Hello
An indication that the server needs to respond to a client via TLS
What is supported TLS protocol (version) and cipher settings
client_random value generated

Server Hello
An indication that the client needs to talk to the server via TLS
Sending supported TLS protocol (version) and cipher settings
Server’s public key (known as a certificate)
server_random value generated

The client authenticates the server’s certificate for Common Name, Issuer and Date
The client generates a pre-master key for encryption of the communication
The client encrypts the pre-master key with the server’s certificate and sends the
encrypted data to the server
HTTPS Handshake

Master key
The server decrypts pre-master key with its private key
The client generates the master key by earlier agreed cipher
The server generates the master key by earlier agreed cipher

Session keys
The client generates session key for communication encryption
The server generates a session key for communication encryption

The client informs server that future communication will be encrypted
The server informs the client that future communication will be encrypted
On diagram, it looks something like this:

Now, entire communication between server and

client will be encrypted and unreadable.

Important note: Before the encryption key is

generated the domain this request was initially
made for stays unencrypted.

This is the only part of the request that can still be

seen if the HTTPS traffic was "listened".


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