1985 Biology Paper I Marking Scheme

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A CE Bio. 1 i ing Scheme 1. (a) () river / stream / pond / any fresh vater habitat. wo eee 2 eget ca as) a Common structure | Separate structures | | ay Wingo D si goer Lori «Mot legs) Wings mas a) See Ee cpap OD | | @) Seeds -9-7 F | 1 ORG, ts | Qiotsfrutes) | “trover/trute/| cone/ ae | pos/needs | seeds | Fro fe come (444) (1) *animals with backbones / vertebrates / birds “ (2) fenimals without backbones / invertebrates / : (3) Aflovering plants / angiosperms / 31/444 bee (4Y Mmou-flovering plants / gynnosperas / conifers (iv) 1) fins / operculum / lateral Line / scales ee 1 (2) scales / four lege ee Lt (3) naked skin / four legs eee. : Gwovsty Ueiepe) . (3) () to allow sufficient tine for the su ts the required temperature - . 1 | ay | c set | Coagulation rate | Temp. | 2 slower ma OR a a OR | D faster lel | a | Gan wet | Saaaeesana Chang. Explanation —— | conge at 10°C enzyme vas inactive / a fill taKe substrate rolecules Less mobile Place at 30°C cazyme became activ and functional / substrate 4 molecules becane more nabile therawitl be | enzyme was denatured at 60°C { (iv) pil / enzyme concentration / substrate conceatrat eee es 5 [Meriang Scheme . 0 tne f 1 (ce). G) (1). weight, of seedlings after removing water (2) protein / carbohydrate /*cellulose / starch ca) pot luffect * ““ekplana tion Gab date ewe wat or : (decomposes) fixing bacteria fixed | putretying @ Ader i ty inn, (GD), A igreat 1 Tnercase |atnospheric nitrogen || changing dead organic matter(inuwi) ay £ janery [into nitrates llanco nitrates j [wetght , [inside root nodules absorbed by pea seedlings ial for protein synthesis jj For protein synthes ca] a leine/=| woking 1stte sot [baking ‘increase | cicro-erganisms / in dry | N-fixing bacteria gan | weight to evel eeeee eee pres wal yd coke ong bat foc betty can Lye) (441) for comparing the effects of treatments dm other pots / A, Band C. 4 (iv). nitrogen-fixiig bacteria would not penetrate the ma and supply nitrates for the plant ©...-.....+ ee 1 (~) grow legume-plents / practise crop rotation .. fee add nitrate / fertilizer ....e+ 1 (Darmusele Yo... £2), mselerd. e+ pipes ! (3), angagondetie, /, opposing muscles... 1 (LD) (1) Ligament, oe... veeeee Bee eee eae . (2) . tendo: 1 (4it) (C1) joint Me 1 (2) glycogen (NOT carbohydrate, atarch, glucose) 1 (3) Lactic ache cegeeeesenseseneeeeseeee iT ae Gv) (1) touch receptor a (2) pain receptor 1 (b) (i) rate of breathing increased... dees ee onal depth of breathing / volume of exhaled air increased ......-. 1 (at) (1) medulla oblongata / breathing centre .. - . t (2) Aneceased CO, concentration in blood seed (3) intercostal muscles 1 diaphragm wee . 1 i : t au) a : eee 1 i (2) 39600_en® (av) (1) 380_em® (2) 1984 em* ...

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