2001 Biology Paper I Marking Scheme

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The passage discusses the structure and function of the nephron, different methods of sewage treatment, and disadvantages of using treated sewage effluent for crop irrigation.

Bubbling air into sewage facilitates aerobic respiration of microorganisms, promoting decomposition of organic substances. This stimulates growth of microorganisms, thus aiding in sewage treatment.

Pest populations may increase, diseases may spread among crops more rapidly, and certain minerals in soil may become exhausted.

2001 CE Biology Paper 1 Marking Scheme

1. (a) (i) (1)


Bubbling air into the sewage facilitates the aerobic respiration of microorganisms in the sewage 1 This stimulates the growth / metabolic activities of the microorganisms . 1 thus promoting the decomposition of organic substances in the sewage .. 1 Effective communication (C) 1 It can save the valuable water resource / recycle the water resource It can prevent the contamination of the river with excessive amount of minerals It can recycle the nutrients / reduce the demand of inorganic fertilizers / makes use of the effluent as a source of nutrient supply for the crop growth It can prevent algal blooming in the river due to the discharge of the effluent ) ) ) any two .. 1,1 ) )


(ii) (iii)

Pest population may increase / Diseases may spread rapidly among the crop .... 1 Certain minerals in the soil may become exhausted rapidly 1 Soil erosion may occur in the mountains .. This leads to the deposition of silt in the reservoir / a reduction in the water storage capacity of the reservoir thus reducing the water supply to the town .. or Soil erosion may occur in the mountains .. Water in the reservoir may carry a lot of suspended particles / soil minerals .. The water quality may become poor . or Surface run-off of water increases Less water is gathered in the reservoir . thus reducing the water supply to the town .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 any one set

Total : 10 + 1 marks 1.(b) (i) (ii) (iii) Proteins are present in the blood plasma but not in the fluid in the nephron .. 1 because proteins are too large to pass through the wall of the glomerulus / Bowmans capsule 1 The reabsorption of water from the fluid as it passes along the collecting duct . 1 (1) (2) glucose / amino acids The concentration of substance X drops to zero along the nephron because X is reabsorbed from the fluid into the capillaries . by active transport 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


The amount of urea excreted would increase .. because beans contain a lot of protein which is digested into amino acids / is absorbed in the form of amino acids . Excess amino acids are broken down in the liver forming urea . thus an increased amount of urea will be excreted Effective communication (C) 1

Total : 11 + 1 marks 1.(c) (i) (ii) (1) (2) C .. A, B, D . , ,

Drawing (D) : (resemblance, large & clear drawing) . 1 Labels (L) : * enamel, dentine, pulp / pulp cavity, jaw bone, root, crown (any five) . 2 Title (T) .


Food could not be ground or crushed into small pieces / there would be less mechanical digestion . 1 The surface area for the action of digestive enzymes would not be large enough . 1 It would take longer time for the food to be broken down into simple soluble forms 1 Total : 9 marks

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2001 CE Biology Paper 1 Marking Scheme

2.(a) (i) any or one


To supply nutrients / oxygen to the eyeball 1+ as it is richly supplied with blood / capillaries 1

To prevent reflection of light within the eye . 1+ as it contains dark pigments 1 (ii) (iii)


The image formed on C can be seen, while that formed on B cannot be seen ... 1 because there are light-sensitive cells at C, but none at B . 1 Structure D would become thinner / less convex 1 This is caused by the relaxation of the ciliary muscle 1 which leads to an increase in tension in the suspensory ligaments 1 and, in turn, stretches the lens Effective communication (C) 1


Drawing (D) : large, clear and accurate diagram 1 (accuracy includes outline of eyeball, lens of eye, straight lines for light rays) (L) : Parallel rays from object (with arrow sign), focus in front of retina, rays extended to retina .. 3 x Title (T) . Ray diagram showing light rays entering a short-sighted eye Total : 10 + 1 marks

2.(b) (i)

Under bright light condition, the rate of photosynthesis of the plant becomes greater than the rate of respiration 1 Thus there is a net production of oxygen by the plant 1 Meanwhile, the carbon dioxide level inside the syringe remains constant . 1 This results in an increase in air pressure inside the syringe .. 1 Effective communication (C) 1 (1) Net rate of oxygen produced by the plant = 0.009 cm3 O2 min1 1 Rate of photosynthesis of the plant when the lamp was 12 cm from it = (0.009 + 0.002) cm3 O2 min1 = 0.011 cm3 O2 min1 1 The rate of photosynthesis decreased .. 1 because the light intensity decreased as the distance between the plant and the lamp increased . 1


(2) (iii)

Remove the sodium hydrogencarbonate solution ... 1 Put a vial of soda lime / sodium hydroxide solution into the syringe . 1 Wrap the syringe with black paper / aluminium foil .. 1 Total : 11 + 1 marks To inhibit the growth of microorganisms 1 (1) (2) Wear gloves when handling the seafood / use a clean knife to cut the seafood .. 1 Display the sashimi at low temperature / cover the sashimi during display / sashimi must be sold within a short time . 1 (accept other correct answers) (1) In the canning process, seafood is subject to high temperature treatment, which kills the microorganisms present . There is no oxygen in the cans and this will inhibit the growth of microorganisms The cans are sealed . so that further contamination of the food is prevented .. (2) 1+ 1 1+ any 1 two sets 1+ 1

2.(c) (i) (ii)


Advantage : seafood in cans is more conveniently handled / transported / can be stored for a long time . 1 Disadvantage : canning may cause seafood to lose its original flavour / taste / texture .. 1 Total : 9 marks

2001-CE-BIO 14

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2001 CE Biology Paper 1 Marking Scheme

3.(a) (i) (1)


Title (T) .. Correct labelling of axis (L) .. , Correct plotting of the bars (P): 2 bars correct, mark; 3 bars, 1 mark; all 4 bars, 1 mark .. 1 No mark if data are not presented in the form of bar chart.

(2) (ii)

Discontinuous variation 1 1 1 1 1 1

The parents of students 1 and 2 are tongue-rollers, so each of them must carry at least one allele for tongue rolling . Student 2 is a non-roller, so she must have received at least one allele for non-tongue rolling from either of her parents . Thus at least one of the parents is heterozygous . In a heterozygous condition, only the dominant allele is expressed .. Thus the allele for tongue rolling is dominant


They are non-identical twins .. 1 because their blood groups are different, implying that they are genetically different .. 1 Total : 11 marks The barbecued pork contains fat . 1 The digested products are absorbed into the lacteal in the form of fat / oil droplets .. 1 As a result, there will be numerous fat / oil droplets in the lymph in X 1 Effective communication (C) 1 Contraction of skeletal muscles around vessel Y forces the lymph to flow upward .. 1 The valves in vessel Y help to prevent the backflow of the lymph 1 As the lymph vessels are blocked, tissue fluid in the leg cannot be transported away .. 1 Meanwhile it is continuously formed in the leg . 1 thus tissue fluid accumulates The pathogen that causes sore throat .. 1 stimulates the proliferation of lymphocytes / white blood cells in structure Z .. 1 thus structure Z becomes enlarged Total: 9 + 1 marks (1) (2) *xylem . 1 Structural feature Adaptation The xylem vessels in X have no cell This allows a free flow of water ) content / no end walls / large lumen inside The xylem vessels in X have thick This can prevent the collapse of ) any one set ... 1+1 cell wall the xylem vessels

3.(b) (i)

(ii) (iii)


3.(c) (i)

(ii) (iii)

Region R . 1 (1) The support of the stem of plant B is mainly due to the turgidity of cells in region S / thin-wall cells ..1 Under a hot and sunny condition, the rate of transpiration of the plant becomes greater than the rate of water absorption 1 The cells in region S lose water 1 and hence lose their turgidity/become flaccid .. 1 and thus causing the bending of the stem Effective communication (C) 1 The support of the stem of plant A is due to the presence of xylem / independent of the water content of the plant 1 because the xylem contains thick-wall cells 1 Total : 10 + 1 marks


2001-CE-BIO 15

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2001 CE Biology Paper 1 Marking Scheme

4.(a) (i) (1)


During exercise, a large amount of heat was generated / Heat was absorbed from the sun . 1 As a result, the arterioles in the skin dilated . 1 and the blood flow to the skin increased .. 1 thus the face became red Effective communication (C) 1


This helps to promote heat loss from the body 1 so as to maintain a constant body temperature 1


There was a decrease in heat loss by evaporation .. 1 Thus the rate of heat gain by his body became greater than the rate of heat loss .. 1 resulting in an increase in his body temperature. Day 1 .. 1 + The relative humidity of the afternoon of day 1 is the highest .. 1 and the wind speed is the lowest . 1 Total : 10 + 1 marks


4.(b) (i)

Rate of breathing = 12 breaths per minute . 1 Depth of breathing = 500 cm3 . 1 between 0 and 2.5 second .. 1 Intercostal muscles relaxed, so that the ribs moved downward and inward .. Diaphragm muscles relaxed, so that the diaphragm recoiled to the dome-shape .. The thoracic / lung volume decreased leading to an increase in air pressure in the lungs .. Effective communication (C) 1 1 1 1 1

(ii) (iii)


(1) (2)

The breathing movements would become faster . 1 In the left lung, air flow would decrease .. 1 In the right lung, air flow would increase . 1 Total : 10 + 1 marks

4.(c) (i)

Presence of insect guide Large petals Stigma / anthers lie within the flower Broad / club-shaped stigma (1) (2)

) ) ) any two .. 1, 1 )


*pollen tube .. 1 It carries the male gamete 1 to meet the female gamete in the ovule 1


C will develop into the seed 1 + which will form a new plant 1 B will develop into the fruit 1 + which serves to protect the seeds 1 and helps in seed dispersal . 1 Total : 10 marks

~ End of Paper ~
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