Sasakawa 2010

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No. 3] Proc. Jpn. Acad., Ser.

B 86 (2010) 229

A new paradigm of bacteria-gut interplay
brought through the study of Shigella
By Chihiro SASAKAWA1,†

(Communicated by Kumao TOYOSHIMA, M.J.A.)

Abstract: Bacteria-gut epithelial interplay and the mucosal immune response are the most
critical issues in determining the fate of bacterial infection and the severity of diseases. Shigella
species (abbreviated here as Shigella), the causative agent of bacillary dysentery (shigellosis), are
highly adapted human pathogens that are capable of invading and colonizing the intestinal epithe-
lium, which results in severe inammatory colitis. Shigella secrete a large and diverse number
(more then 50) of eectors via the type III secretion system (TTSS) during infection, some of which
are delivered into the surrounding bacterial space and some others into the host cell cytoplasm and
nucleus. The delivered eectors mimic and usurp the host cellular functions, and modulate host cell
signaling and immune response, thus playing pivotal roles in promoting bacterial infection and cir-
cumventing host defense systems. This article overviews the pathogenic characteristics of Shigella,
and highlights current topics related to the bacterial infectious stratagem executed by the TTSS-
secreted eectors. Though bacterial stratagems and the molecular mechanisms of infection vary
greatly among pathogens, the current studies of Shigella provide a paradigm shift in bacterial

Keywords: infection, pathogenicity, innate immunity, epithelial cells, Shigella, shigellosis

immune system.1),2) The commensal microbiota in

1. Introduction the lumen can compete with foreign bacteria to
The lumen of the intestine is connected to the grow and interfere with their colonization over the
external environments, and the intestinal epithelium mucosal surface, and can also contribute to the bal-
is exposed to dietary and environmental antigens ance between immune tolerance and immune activa-
and commensal bacteria. Many bacterial pathogens tion at the mucosa. The integrity of the epithelial
exploit the intestinal epithelium as an infectious foot- monolayer, sustained by the tight cell-to-cell ad-
hold, and some of them exploit it as the port of entry herence, becomes a physical and biological barrier
to gain access to deeper tissues. Thereby, the intesti- against microbial invaders. In addition, the epithelial
nal epithelium is equipped with multiple layers of surface, which is covered by a thick mucin layer, can
innate defense systems and acts as a barrier against also prevent microbes from directly accessing the
microbial invaders. This barrier is composed of four epithelial-cell surface. The rapid turnover of the in-
major elements: the commensal microbiota, integrity testinal epithelium, which is sustained by creating
of epithelium, rapid epithelial turnover, and mucosal progenitors at the base of crypts and by ejecting the
migrated cells from the villus tips, contributes to
limiting bacterial colonization. Finally, the mucosal
1 Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Interna-
immune system, which consists of innate and ac-
tional Research Center for Infectious Diseases, Institute of Medical
Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. quired immune systems, plays paramount roles as a
† Correspondence should be addressed: C. Sasakawa, Depart-
biological defense against microbial infection.
ment of Microbiology and Immunology, International Research Despite the numerous host defenses, gastrointes-
Center for Infectious Diseases, Institute of Medical Science, Uni-
versity of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8639, tinal pathogens such as Shigella, Salmonella, Yersi-
Japan (e-mail: [email protected]). nia, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), and

doi: 10.2183/pjab.86.229
62010 The Japan Academy
230 C. SASAKAWA [Vol. 86,

eases.5) Clinical and epidemiological studies of shi-

gellosis revealed that as few as 10{100 bacteria are
capable of leading to shigellosis, thus permitting
easy spread of the diseases by person-to-person con-
tact as well as by the drinking of contaminated
water. In tropical countries, and even in developed
countries under low sanitary conditions, shigellosis
thus becomes frequently endemic and one of the
major killers of young children less than 5 years
even today.6)
Shigella comprises four species; S. dysenteriae,
S. exneri, S. boydii and S. sonnei, and the taxo-
nomic classication implicates that they are a mem-
ber of E. coli; however, the group of bacteria causing
shigellosis is still idiomatically termed Shigella. Note
that among Shigella species, S. dysenteriae type I
Fig. 1. Kiyoshi Shiga (1871{1957). Photo provided courtesy
of the Shibasaburo Kitasato Memorial Museum at the Kita-
alone produces the Shiga toxin. Shigellosis, albeit
sato Institute (Tokyo). to less extent, is also caused by enteroinvasive E.
coli (EIEC), a member of enteric pathogenic E. coli.
Indeed, Shigella and EIEC strains share a large
enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) are capable of cir- (210{230 kb) plasmid on which the major virulence-
cumventing the intestinal barrier functions and can associated proteins, such as eectors (see below), and
rather efciently colonize over and within the epithe- the proteins’ transport machinery, called the type III
lium. Indeed, it has been shown that although the secretion system (TTSS), are encoded. Unlike other
molecular mechanisms and the stratagems vary pathogenic E. coli, Shigella and EIEC have neither
among pathogens, they are equipped with highly agella nor adhesins required for traversing the
evolved infectious systems. This article will thus mucin layer covering the epithelium and accessing
address how bacterial pathogens, such as Shigella, the epithelial-cell surface, instead they are equipped
exploit normal host cell functions, evade innate im- with a highly evolved invasive and intracellular sur-
mune systems, and circumvent the epithelial barrier vival stratagem.7)
functions as a model of versatile mucosal pathogens.
3. Shigella invasion of enterocytes
2. Shigella are a member of E. coli is a long process
discovered by Shiga
The stratagem of Shigella for reaching their des-
Shigella was discovered by Kiyoshi Shiga (Fig. tination, the colonic enterocytes, seemingly is pro-
1) during an outbreak in Japan in 1897, who investi- grammed by a subset of genes encoded on the large
gated 36 shigellosis patients and identied the bacilli plasmid. As will be described later, the processes
as the etiology agent in 1898.3) Now his identied from the entry of M cells to the colonization of epi-
bacilli are known to be a strain belonging to S. thelial cells and subsequent bacterial intercellular
dysenteriae type 1. To credit him for his discovery, spreading are executed through a series of interac-
the 1930 Edition of Bergey’s Manual of Determi- tions between the virulence-associated proteins, de-
native Bacteriology formally renamed the genus as livered via the TTSS, and their target host cell fac-
‘Shigella’.4) Since his discovery, many researchers tors. When Shigella are ingested via the fecal-oral
have conducted numerous studies aimed at under- route, the bacteria move directly down to the colon,
standing the pathogenicity of shigellosis and bacte- where Shigella preferentially enter the M cells overly-
rial pathogenesis, and also developing a safer shigel- ing the solitary lymphoid nodules, and the bacteria
losis vaccine. Earlier studies indicated that Shigella endocytosed by the apical membrane of M cells are
are highly adapted human pathogens that are able transported to the endosomal compartment, sorted,
to cause severe inammatory colitis, and shigellosis and nally exocytosed at the basal membrane.1),2),8)
is one of the most easily communicable enteric dis- The macrophages and dendritic cells residing within
No. 3] Shigella infection of intestinal epithelium and circumvention 231

Fig. 2. A model for Shigella infection of intestinal epithelium. See the text for details.

the M cell pocket receive the exocytosed bacteria and pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) that recognize
antigens from the M cells, digest them, and present pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)
the immunogenic information to activate the down- derived from intracellular invading bacteria. Within
stream immune system. However, Shigella invade the macrophage-cell cytoplasm, invading bacteria
the resident macrophages by themselves, where they release the lipopolysaccharide (LPS), peptidoglycan
are at once surrounded by phagocytic membranes, (PGN), agellin, nucleic acids, toxins, and some viru-
but can disrupt the membranes, disseminate into lence-associated proteins (called eectors hereafter)
the cytoplasm, and multiply therein (Fig. 2). As will secreted via the TTSS, which are recognized by the
be described later, the bacterial multiplication within cytoplasmic PRRs, such as NOD (nucleotide binding
the macrophages results in the induction of a strong oligomerization domain)-like receptors (NLRs).1),2),8)
inammatory response, and then macrophage cell Upon detection of various PAMPs (and also bacte-
death. Following their release from killed macro- rial eectors and toxins) and dangerous host signals,
phages, Shigella invade the surrounding enterocytes NLRs form high molecular complexes, called ina-
from the basolateral surface of the polarized epithe- mmasomes, and recruit and activate caspase-1,
lial cells by inducing macropinocytosis. Shigella are which in turn proteolytically processes pro-IL-1b
entrapped by the membrane vacuoles within epithe- and IL-18.2) For example, upon invasion of macro-
lial cells, but they can rupture the vacuole mem- phages by Shigella, NLRC4 (IPAF)-inammasome
branes and disseminate into the epithelial-cell cyto- executes the activation of caspase-1, thus inducing
plasm, where Shigella multiply and spread within, as the production and secretion of IL-1b and IL-18,
well as, into the adjacent epithelial cells (Fig. 2). By and resulting in macrophage cell death specialized
continuing cell-to-cell spreading, they are able to pyroptosis.9),10) Pyroptosis is a class of cell death dis-
expand the replicative niches among enterocytes tinctive from the silent apoptotic cell death, which
(Fig. 2).1),2),7),8) is occasionally associated with a high inammatory
condition and dependent on caspase-1 activation.11)
4. Host innate immune response to
The pyroptosis cell death has been best studied in
bacterial infection
the context of Shigella infection of macrophages
Bacterial invasion of the host cell cytoplasm is through our study.10) The activation of IPAF-
recognized by various innate immune systems, thus inammasome by Shigella is thus the major cause of
leading to a strong inammatory response, and oc- inammation and macrophage cell death at the ini-
casionally cell death. Macrophages express various tial stage of infection.8)–10)
232 C. SASAKAWA [Vol. 86,

Fig. 3. A model for Shigella-induced inammatory response in epithelial cells and the bacterial down-regulation of the host
inammatory signals. During the multiplication of Shigella in epithelial cells, the peptidoglycan (PGN), including lipopolysac-
charide (LPS), released from bacteria, can be recognized by the NOD1, which activates the downstream RICK and MAPK-
mediated signal pathways, thus leading to the production of inammatory chemokines, cytokines, and anti-microbial peptides.
Intracellular Shigella delivers a subset of eectors, including IpaHs, OspF, and OspG via the TTSS, into the host cell cyto-
plasm and nucleus, enabling the eectors to target the host signaling pathways or factors involved in the inammatory
responses and dampen the inammatory responses.

Infection of the intestinal epithelium by Shigella bacterial entry site by moving from the cytoplasm
also plays a major role in inducing inammation, to the plasma membrane, thus facilitating NOD1 to
since the intestinal epithelium also expresses a wide sensitize PGN.12) In addition, NLRX1, which is a
range of PRRs over and inside the cells, thus acting newly identied cytoplasmic NLR family protein
as sensing cells toward cytoplasmic intruding mi- that is localized in the mitochondria via its N-termi-
crobes as well as becoming a major cause for in- nal mitochondrial targeting sequence, can also sense
duction of inammation during bacterial infection. intruding Shigella and stimulate the production of
Upon multiplication of Shigella within epithelial reactive oxygen species.13) Another study indicated
cells, the PGN released from bacteria is recognized that Shigella induce mitochondrial dysfunction, re-
by NOD1, a prominent NLR expressed from epithe- sulting in caspase-independent necrotic cell death
lial cells, which in turn stimulates the NOD1-RICK through a new pathway depending on Bnip3 and cy-
pathway. The NOD1-RICK pathway in turn medi- clophilin D, two key regulators of mitochondrial per-
ates the activation of downstream NF-kB and mito- meability transition and cell death during oxidative
gen-activated protein kinases pathways, thus leading cell stress in epithelial cells.14) Therefore, bacterial
to the production and secretion of a tremendous multiplication within intestinal epithelial cells that
amount of proinammatory chemokine and cyto- is recognized by various innate immune systems
kines, and anti-microbial peptides (Fig 3).1),2) A re- can lead to an inammatory response and necrotic
cent study indicated that NOD1 is recruited to the epithelial-cell death.
No. 3] Shigella infection of intestinal epithelium and circumvention 233

teracts with b1-integrin. Since CD44 and b1-integrin

5. Shigella invasion of intestinal epithelium are expressed from the basolateral surface of polar-
Many bacterial pathogens are capable of in- ized enterocytes, the interactions of bacterial eec-
vading various host cells. The bacterial capability is tors with these host receptors contribute to the
often called ‘invasiveness’, and such pathogens are basolateral entry and stimulation of the out-side-in
termed ‘invasive bacteria’.7) The aim of entering signals involved in inducing actin polymerization. In
host cells varies among pathogens; bacteria such as addition, some of the secreted IpaC, which can inte-
Shigella and Listeria monocytogenes enter the host- grate in the epithelial-cell plasma membrane, stimu-
cell cytoplasm to gain a place to multiply, Salmonella late the recruitment of the cellular Src and con-
invade epithelial cells to further disseminate to inter- tribute to actin polymerization via the activation of
nal tissues, uropathogenic E. coli invade bladder epi- the Arp2/3 complex. The IpgD eector injected via
thelial cells to evade the immune surveillance sys- the TTSS into the host-cell cytoplasm, exhibits phos-
tem, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Legionella phatidylinositol (4, 5) bisphosphate phosphatase
pneumophila enter macrophages to survive and mul- activity, contributing to local actin polymerization.
tiply by becoming sequestered in phagosomes. We found that the IpgB1 eector, delivered from
Based on the various mechanisms that bacteria extracellular Shigella into the epithelial cytoplasm,
use to enter host cells, they are categorized into two plays a central role in Shigella invasion, since IpgB1
major classes; those in which a microbial ligand in- can activate the Rac1-WAVE-Arp2/3 pathway and
teracts with a host target receptor, called a zipper- induction of actin polymerization (Fig. 4).15),16) Fur-
like mechanism, and those in which entry is mediated ther characterization of IpgB1 has indicated that
by the delivery of eectors via TTSS into the host it belongs to the Map/IpgB/Sif family distributing
cells, called a trigger mechanism.7) The delivered among EPEC, Shigella, and Salmonella, and acts as
eectors can trigger the formation of membrane a GEF (GTP exchange factor) for Rac1.17) Thus,
rufing and macropinocytosis represented by Shigella the series of studies imply that synergistic activities
and Salmonella. Despite their dierent aims, invasive arising from the interplay between bacterial eec-
bacteria can variously remodel the host cell surface, tors and target host proteins, orchestrated by Rho-
for example, by stimulating Rho GTPases, protein GTPases, play key roles in processing Shigella inter-
tyrosine phosphorylation, or microtubule dynamics nalization into epithelial cells (Fig. 4).
in mammalian cells.1),2) Thus, the ability to invade 5.2. Shigella cell-to-cell spreading. In 1968,
host cells is a prominent feature of bacterial patho- Ogawa and his coworkers reported for the rst time
genesis. that intracellular Shigella are motile and the bacte-
5.1. Shigella invasion of epithelium. As rial movement is highly dynamic; where bacterial
mentioned above, Shigella possess a highly evolved movement and speed depend on the cellular location
invasive system; bacteria deliver more than 50 and the stage of bacterial growth.18) They also dem-
eectors via the TTSS through infection of the intes- onstrated that the bacterial movement is almost
tine, and some of which are delivered upon bacterial completely abolished when HeLa cells are treated
invasion. When the bacterium comes into contact with tetracycline, suggesting that de novo synthe-
with epithelial cells, the TTSS can be activated and sized bacterial protein(s) are involved.18) Twenty
secrete the eectors around the bacterial space and years after Ogawa’s discovery, our group dened for
into the host cells, where the secreted eectors target the rst time one of the Shigella outer membrane
host proteins residing over or within the cells to proteins, VirG, as the protein playing the central
stimulate cellular signaling pathways involved in ac- role in the bacterial intra- and intercellular spreading
tin polymerization. Shigella can provoke the forma- (Fig. 5).19) Our and other groups characterized VirG
tion of large membrane rufes that protrude from as the protein able to mediate actin polymerization
the bacterial entry site, by which bacteria are en- with the aid of several host proteins.20),21) At the
trapped and endocytosed into the cell cytoplasm same period, extensive studies were also conducted
(Fig. 4).1),2) For example, IpaB and IpaC eectors with other pathogens and revealed that some in-
are secreted in the surrounding bacterial space via vasive microbes such as Listeria monocytogenes,
the TTSS of Shigella, and the IpaB eector interacts Rickettsia, Mycobacterium marinum, Burkholderia
with CD44 and b1-integrin and the IpaC eector in- pseudomallei, and some viruses, such as Vaccinia,
234 C. SASAKAWA [Vol. 86,

Fig. 4. A model of Shigella invasive mechanism for epithelial cells. Upon contact of Shigella to epithelial cells, the bacterium
delivers several eectors (red circles) via the TTSS around the bacterial surface and into the host-cell cytoplasm. The bacterial
eectors interact with the host target molecules to stimulate several signal transduction pathways capable of activating the
Rac1-WAVE-Arp2/3 pathway, and induce local actin polymerization and protrude the membrane rufes. See the text for

are also capable of inducing actin polymerization and forward within the cytoplasm (Fig. 5). Finally,
moving within as well as into adjacent cells.22),23) motile bacterium impinges on the host plasma mem-
The bacterial intracellular movement is thus called brane, causing the membrane to protrude (Fig. 2).
‘actin-based motility’. Intriguingly, to gain a propul- The tips of these bacteria-containing protrusions are
sive force within the host cells, the pathogens share a endocytosed by neighboring epithelial cells, leaving
universal activity to induce local actin polymeriza- the bacterium transiently contained within double
tion by exploiting the host Arp2/3 complex, which host plasma membrane-bound vacuoles (Fig. 2). The
directly executes actin polymerization within mam- bacterium then disrupts the protrusion vacuoles,
malian cells.22),23) In the case of Shigella, bacterium thereby disseminating into the new cytoplasm and
accumulates the VirG protein at one pole of the bac- multiply again (Figs. 2 and 5).
terium during multiplication, and the VirG protein In addition to the bacterial activity to induce
recruits N-WASP (neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome actin polymerization, Shigella require the activity to
protein), a member of the WASP family.24),25) The destroy the microtubules (MTs) during movement,
N-WASP is subsequently activated by interacting since the MT networks become obstacles for motile
with Cdc42 and Toca-1, where N-WASP acts as the bacterium. Indeed, the bacterial movement within
adapter as well as the stimulator to interact with and the cytoplasm is severely hindered by areas rich
activate the Arp2/3 complex (Fig. 5).25),26) By virtue with MT network structures.27) Nevertheless, motile
of some additional host proteins such as monomeric Shigella can destroy the surrounding MTs; a process
actin and prolin, the activated Arp2/3 complex executed by the VirA eector secreted via the TTSS
can direct actin polymerization at one pole of the to the surrounding bacterial surface.28) Conversely,
bacterium, thus allowing the bacterium to be pushed smooth bacterial movement within host cells and dis-
No. 3] Shigella infection of intestinal epithelium and circumvention 235

the inammatory signals such as those upstream

and downstream of NF-kB, and dampen the host
inammatory response (Fig. 3). For example, one of
the IpaH eectors, IpaH9.8, is delivered into the
host cell cytoplasm as well as the nucleus, in which
the cytoplasmic IpaH9.8 targets the NEMO (IKKg),
a component of the IKK complex, which interferes
with the NF-kB activation, while the nuclear translo-
cated IpaH9.8 targets U2AF35, a mRNA splicing
factor, which dampens the U2AF35-dependent splic-
ing reaction (Fig. 3).1),2),29),30) A recent study has
indicted that the IpaH cognate proteins are also
Fig. 5. The actin-dependent Shigella motility. (a) A confocal
immunouorescence image of the actin tail from one pole of produced by Salmonella, and Pseudomonas species,
the moving bacterium. (b) The machinery required for bac- which act as E3 ubiquitin ligases in host cells, and
terial motility consists of VirG (a bacterial outer-membrane that the E3 liagse activity is encoded by the highly
protein), N-WASP, Arp2/3 complex, Prolin, and Toca-1, conserved C-terminal region of each protein,31) though
and accumulates at one pole of the bacterium to polymerize
actin. the host target molecules for each of the IpaH family
proteins remains largely unclear. We have found that
IpaH9.8 elicits aberrant ubiquitination of NEMO, by
semination into the neighboring cells are almost com- which the NEMO undergoes proteasomal degrada-
pletely abolished when the virA gene is deleted from tion, thus suppressing the NF-kB activation.30) The
Shigella. Consequently, the virA mutants are inca- biological signicance of the IpaH9.8 activity can be
pable of cell-to-cell spreading within an infected epi- demonstrated by using a mice lung infection model, a
thelial monolayer and become attenuated when they conventional assay system for evaluating Shigella
are inoculated into mice lung via the nasal route.28) activity to induce inammation; infection with the
The series of our studies thus dened the two dis- ipaH9.8-deleting mutant or the E3 ligase-decient
tinctive intracellular bacterial activities as the essen- mutant caused a more severe inammatory response
tial mechanisms for promoting bacterial cell-to-cell and a greater production of proinammatory cyto-
spreading. kine than that of infection with wild-type Shigella.
Most important, the colonization rate of the ipaH9.8-
6. Bacterial circumvention of host
deleting mutant or the E3 ligase-decient mutant in
innate immune system
the infected lung tissues greatly reduced to less than
6.1. Modulation of host inammatory re- one-thirtieth of the wild-type level. These studies
sponse by Shigella. Bacterial ability to circum- imply that bacterial ability to modulate the host
vent the host innate and acquired immune system is inammatory response is essential for surviving and
the most critical pathogenic feature of pathogenic promoting colonization within host tissues.
bacteria to survive inside host tissues. As has been 6.2. Autophagy recognizes Shigella but they
described in many current excellent reviews,1),2),8) en- can escape. Autophagy is a bulky degradation
teric bacterial pathogens need various factors for cir- system via lysosomal fusion, through which eukaryo-
cumvention of the host innate immune system, those tic cells apprehend and destroy damaged organelles,
of which include the LPS, capsule, outer membrane misfolded protein aggresomes, and cytoplasmic in-
proteins, eectors, and toxins. In the case of Shigella, truders.32) Autophagy targets undesirable cytoplasmic
as mentioned above, bacterial multiplication within contents and encloses it by using a double-layered
macrophages and epithelial cells induce a strong isolation membrane, and the entrapped materials
inammatory response (Fig. 3), and many numbers are delivered to an autophagosomal compartment
of eectors are needed to modulate an inamma- and nally degraded after autophagosome fusion
tory response. Shigella deliver a set of IpaH eectors, with lysosomes. Autophagy is thus pivotal for elimi-
the OspG and OspF eectors, during multiplication nating or limiting the growth of intracellular invad-
within epithelial cells, where the delivered eectors ing bacteria.32),33) For example, Group A Streptococ-
target various host proteins involved in modulating cus (GAS) can invade epithelial cells but is nally
236 C. SASAKAWA [Vol. 86,

Fig. 6. Autophagy aects the fate of bacterial colonization within host cells. Shigella, L. monocytogenes, and Burkholderia
pseudomallei are capable of escaping from autophagy by exploiting the activities of IcsB, ActA, and BopA, respectively.
Group A Streptoccus (GAS) internalized into the host cytoplasm is apprehended by autophagosomes and undergoes lysosomal
degradation. M. tuberculosis, L. pneumophila, Brucella abortus, and Coxiella brunetti are sequestered by autophagosome-like
membranes and undergo lysosomal degradation, if they cannot modulate the autophagy activity in macrophages.

targeted and destroyed by autophagy. Rickettsia enclosing autophagic membranes.34) Intriguingly, a

is sequestered in autophagosome-like double-mem- recent study has indicated that the vacuolar mem-
branes, in which bacterial replication is limited and brane remnants, ruptured by Shigella, contribute to
eventually degraded. Mycobacterium tuberculosis triggering the autophagy activation by recruiting
that survives in the phagosomes within the macro- the autophagy markers LC3 and adaptor p62.36) We
phages, can also be targeted by autophagy at an previously showed that the VirG protein, which me-
early stage of infection as long as the host innate im- diates actin-based Shigella motility, can be targeted
mune response is intact (Fig. 6).32) Although there by autophagy through its binding to Atg5, an essen-
are a number of controversial reports, some intra- tial autophagy-associated protein involving the elon-
cellular pathogens, such as Legionella pneumophila, gating isolation membrane, a seed for autophago-
Coxiella burnetti, and Porphyromonas gingivalis are some formation. In In vitro binding assays, both
enclosed by vacuoles within the macrophages that IcsB and Atg5 exhibit the ability to interact with
they can modify to resist fusion with lysosomes, VirG, and IcsB and Atg5 share the same interacting
allowing them to survive and multiply unless auto- region on VirG.34) However, IcsB can competitively
phagy is activated (Fig. 6).32) bind to VirG, compared to that of Atg5, thus acting
Among the cytoplasmic invading pathogens, as an anti-Atg5 binding protein, and camouaging
Shigella, Burkholderia pseudomallei, and L. monocy- the target VirG protein from autophagic recogni-
togenes are exceptional in their ability to evade auto- tion.34) Although the mechanism of the Atg5-VirG
phagic recognition (Fig. 6). In the case of Shigella, interplay-mediated autophagy remains to be eluci-
IcsB, one of the eectors secreted via the TTSS by dated, it is clear that Shigella invasion itself stimu-
intracellular Shigella, plays a crucial role in evad- lates autophagy, but the pathogen can execute a
ing autophagic recognition (Fig. 7).33),34) An icsB- sophisticated system for evading autophagy during
decient mutant is still invasive for epithelial cells,35) multiplication within epithelial cells.
but it cannot eventually multiply within the cells by L. monocytogenes adopt a distinctive system for
No. 3] Shigella infection of intestinal epithelium and circumvention 237

Fig. 7. A model of Shigella evasion of autophagy (upper panel), and the strategy used by intracellular Shigella to escape from
autophagy (lower panel). Shigella are capable of multiplying within the cytoplasm of epithelial cells and moving into adjacent
epithelial cells. However, Shigella lacking the icsB gene, which encodes the IcsB eector, and acts as an anti-Atg5 binding fac-
tor for VirG, succumbs to autophagy and undergo lysosomal degradation. The upper right panel shows the VirG protein at
one pole of bacterium, which is required for the actin-based bacterial motility.

evading autophagy to that of Shigella. We recently progenitors. The intestinal epithelium is formed by
uncovered that the L. monocytogenes ActA protein a tight-sealed monolayer but exists in a highly dy-
plays a central role in evading autophagic recogni- namic state by renewing every 4{5 days; the epithe-
tion (Fig. 8). The ActA proteins are expressed on lial cells created by the stem cells at the bottom of
the bacterial surface, which also accumulates at one crypts migrate up to the villus tips, undergoing pro-
pole of the bacterium and mediates actin polymeriza- liferation, dierentiation, maturation, and apoptosis,
tion by directly linking to the host proteins such as and then shed into the lumen.38) This renewal is also
the Arp2/3 complex and VASP/Ena. Several assays called epithelial turnover, which is crucial for limit-
demonstrate that the ability of ActA to recruit the ing bacterial colonization. Nevertheless, many bacte-
Arp2/3 complex or VASP/Ena, which is required rial pathogens are able to colonize intestinal mucosa,
for inducing actin polymerization and bacterial mo- implying that they have some maneuver to circum-
tility, is also essential for disguising the bacteria vent the innate defense system.
with the host protein, since the bacterial surface is 7.1. Shigella slow down rapid turnover of
decorated with the host proteins, the Arp2/3 com- epithelium. We have recently discovered that
plex or VASP/Ena, the surface becomes camouaged some bacterial pathogens such as Shigella and Heli-
from autophagic recognition (Fig. 8).37) Our ndings cobactor pylori possess the activity to dampen rapid
corroborate that Shigella and L. monocytogenes ex- turnover of epithelial cells, which contribute to the
ploit distinctive systems for evading autophagy. promotion of bacterial colonization.39),40) Shigella
have the ability to slow down the cell cycle progres-
7. Prolonging of epithelial-cell life
sion of epithelial progenitors, by which they can pro-
span by bacteria
long colonization within the intestinal epithelial
Self-renewal of tissues like skin, stomach, and cells.39) This bacterial activity can be executed by
intestine, are the essential innate activity for pre- IpaB, one of the eectors, secreted via the TTSS
serving tissue homeostasis, which is supported by from intracellular Shigella into intestinal progenitor
providing the regenerative potential via supplying cells at the crypts. A rabbit ileal loop assay infected
238 C. SASAKAWA [Vol. 86,

Fig. 8. A model of L. monocytogenes escaping from autophagy recognition. L. monocytogenes disrupts the membrane enclosing
bacterium by secreting LLO (Listeriolysin O), the pore-forming toxin, and disseminates into the host cell cytoplasm. During
multiplication within the cytoplasm, L. monocytogenes expresses ActA over the bacterial surface, which recruits the Arp2/3
complex, Ena/VASP, and actin, thus disguising the bacterium against autophagic recognition, and allowing the bacterium to
mediate actin polymerization and move within the host cells as well as into the neighboring cells. However, L. monocytogenes
lacking ActA or expressing ActA mutants decient in recruiting any of the host proteins become target for autophagic clear-
ance, because the bacterium is ubiquitinated, which is followed by binding with p62 and LC3, thus allowing the bacterium to
be apprehended by autophagosomes.37)

with Shigella demonstrated that bacteria allow direct tion with Mad2L2. Synchronized HeLa cells infected
access to the intestinal crypts at the middle stage of with Shigella fail to accumulate APC substrates,
infection, where bacteria invade the non-polarized such as Cyclin B1, Cdc20, and Plk1, causing cell
progenitor cells.39) At this stage, while few PCNA cycle arrest at the G2/M phase in an IpaB/Mad2L2-
(proliferation cell nuclear antigen, representing grow- dependent manner. The IpaB/Mad2L2-dependent
ing progenitor cells)-positive cells are detected in the cell cycle arrest by Shigella infection can be visual-
crypts after wild-type Shigella infection, abundant ized in the intestinal crypt progenitors of rabbit ileal
progenitor cells are detected after infection with the loops, and the IpaB-Mad2L2-mediated arrest con-
ipaB mutant (Fig. 9). An in vitro study also indi- tributes to the efcient colonization of the host cells
cated that IpaB secreted from intracellular Shigella (Fig. 9).39) Recent studies have indicated that a
into epithelial cells causes cell cycle arrest by target- growing family of bacterial small compounds, toxins,
ing Mad2L2, an anaphase-promoting complex (APC) and eectors are capable of modulating the mamma-
inhibitor. The APC is a multi-subunit complex pos- lian cell cycle, called ‘cyclomodulins’, though the tar-
sessing E3 ligase activity for the degradation of mi- get host cells for each cyclomodulin remains largely
totic Cyclin A and Cyclin B1 during mitosis and G1 speculative.41) Accordingly, our study indicates that
phases, allowing mitotic progression.39) Cyclin B1 Shigella IpaB, which targets the Mad2L2 associated
ubiquitination assays showed that APC undergoes with APC, can act as a cyclomodulin in promoting
unscheduled activation in response to IpaB interac- colonization of the intestinal epithelium.
No. 3] Shigella infection of intestinal epithelium and circumvention 239

Fig. 9. (a) Shigella can directly access the cryptic progenitor

cells in rabbit intestine. Shown is a rabbit intestinal tissue
12 h after inoculation with 2  108 GFP-Shigella (green)
stained with rhodamine-phalloidin (red) and TO-PRO3
(blue). (b) A model for Shigella strategy to cause cell cycle
arrest via the interaction of the IpaB eector with Mad2L2.
Once inside the epithelial progenitors, invaded bacterium
delivers IpaB via TTSS, which interferes with the binding
of Mad2L2 to Cdh1, leading to unscheduled activation of Fig. 10. A model of Shigella OspE targeting epithelial-cell
APC and subsequent Cyclin B1 degradation.39) ILK for the reinforcement of focal adhesion. Shigella deliver
OspE via TTSS during multiplication within epithelial cells.
This eector protein, OspE, reinforces epithelial adherence
to the basement membrane by interacting with ILK. The
Although the mechanism is dierent from that interaction between OspE and ILK increases formation of
focal adhesions and surface levels of b1-integrin, while sup-
of Shigella, we have recently reported that Helico- pressing phosphorylation of FAK and paxillin, thus dam-
bacter pylori can dampen gastric epithelial renewal pening rapid turnover of focal adhesions, reducing cell mo-
by interfering with gastric pit cell apoptosis by deliver- tility and promoting cell adhesion to extracellular matrix.43)
ing the CagA protein, a major virulence factor,40) via
the type IV secretion system.42) Importantly, this
bacterial activity was also pivotal to the promotion cell-to-cell spreading among enterocytes, thus pro-
of H. pylori colonization of the gastric epithelium.40) moting bacterial colonization of the intestinal epithe-
Although the bacterial tactics to slow down epithelial- lium. In vitro studies supported the premise; OspE
cell turnover are distinctive to each pathogen, the delivered from intracellular Shigella accumulates at
desperate bacterial eort to dampen rapid epithelial- the focal adhesions (FAs), reinforcing the host cells
cell turnover displayed by Shigella and H. pylori adhesion to the basement membrane by interacting
represent an intriguing adaptation of pathogens that with integrin-linked kinase (ILK) (Fig. 10).43) ILK is
are specialized to colonize the human gastrointestinal a unique intracellular Ser/Thr kinase that links the
epithelium. cell-adhesion receptors, integrin, and growth factors
7.2. Shigella antagonize epithelial-cell exfo- to the actin cytoskeleton and to a range of signaling
liation. As a countermeasure against bacterial pathways.44),45) The interaction between OspE and
colonization, infected epithelial cells undergo rapid ILK increases formation of FAs, and surface levels of
exfoliation from the epithelium followed by the rapid b1-integrin, and also suppresses phosphorylation of
sealing of neighboring cells, required for maintaining FAK and paxillin, thus resulting in dampening the
the epithelial integrity. Despite the host defense reac- rapid turnover of FAs in cell motility and promoting
tion, Shigella and many other gastroenteric patho- cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix (Fig. 10).
gens are capable of colonizing over and within the The impact of OspE-ILK interplay can also be
host cells. We recently found that Shigella are visualized when polarized epithelial cell monolayers
capable of antagonizing the detachment of their in- or guinea pig colons are infected with the ospE
fected foothold during multiplication within epithe- mutant. Of importance, ospE cognate genes also dis-
lial cells.43) This bacterial activity can be executed tribute among many other enteric bacterial patho-
by the OspE eector during multiplication within gens such as EPEC, EHEC, Citrobacter rodentium,
epithelial cells, which is important to sustain Shigella and Salmonella,43) and the OspE activities are in-
240 C. SASAKAWA [Vol. 86,

Fig. 11. A model of Shigella strategy to antagonize the detachment of infected epithelial cells by delivering the OspE eectors.
See the text for details.

terchangeable with Shigella OspE. Therefore, the into understanding highly evolved bacterial infec-
hitherto unknown bacterial activity, driven from the tious systems. As exemplied in this article, the re-
interplay between OspE and ILK to counteract infec- cent development of a variety of areas related to
tion-induced cell detachment, represents the pivotal innate immunity, cell biology, protein structure biol-
bacterial activity required for promoting colonization ogy, bioinformatics, and animal model development
of the intestine (Fig. 11). enable us to manipulate both the determinants of
Although bacterial strategies vary greatly, simi- host defense and bacterial virulence, thus providing
lar mechanisms that prevent cell detachment were us the opportunity to uncover new infectious aspects.
also identied in UPEC, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Furthermore, by taking a multidisciplinary approach
Neisseria meningitides, Haemophilus inuenzae, and and taking advantage of the new technologies we are
Moraxella catarrhalis.46),47) Therefore, the bacterial now able to dissect almost any class of virulence-
strategy to reinforce host cell adherence to extracel- associated factors and evaluate the impact of each
lular matrices may be a universal countermeasure bacterial and host cellular factor on the pathogenesis
against host cell detachment that occurs in response and the outcome of infectious diseases. Clearly, the
to bacterial infection of epithelial cells. The ndings molecular and cellular details about bacterial patho-
in our recent studies thus add new information that genesis will also provide us lots of clues and ideas
expands the complexity of our knowledge on how for the development of a safer, well-attenuated
bacteria employ strategies to preserve their replica- vaccine48)–50) and new animal models.51)
tive niches during infection.
9. Acknowledgements
8. Conclusion The author sincerely thanks Prof. Tamio Yama-
Bacteria-host interplay and the host immune re- kawa, the Editor-in-Chief for the Proceedings of the
sponse are the most critical aspects in determining Japan Academy Series B, for the invitation to the
the fate of infection, severity of diseases, and conva- journal. The author thanks Drs. Hitomi Mimuro,
lescent outcome. As illustrated in the present and Michinaga Ogawa, Minsoo Kim, Masato Suzuki and
current excellent reviews, in-depth studies of bacte- Yuko Yoshikawa for preparing gures. The author also
rial pathogenesis have provided a new paradigm shift thanks the members of my laboratory for their con-
of bacteria-host interplay and also many insights tributions, as well as, the contributions of my colla-
No. 3] Shigella infection of intestinal epithelium and circumvention 241

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Scientic Research (S) (20229006); a Grant-in-Aid plasma membrane at sites of bacterial interaction.
for Exploratory Research (20659067); a Grant-in-Aid Cell. Microbiol. 10, 477{486.
for Scientic Research on Priority Areas (18073003); 13) Tattoli, I., Carneiro, L.A., Jehanno, M., Magalhaes,
the Strategic Cooperation to Control Emerging and J.G., Shu, Y., Philpott, D.J. et al. (2008) NLRX1
is a mitochondrial NOD-like receptor that amplies
Reemerging Infections funded by the Special Co- NF-kB and JNK pathways by inducing reactive
ordination Funds for Promoting Science and Tech- oxygen species production. EMBO Rep. 9, 293{
nology; a contract research fund for the Program of 300.
Founding Research Centers for Emerging and Re- 14) Carneiro, L.A., Travassos, L.H., Soares, F., Tattoli,
I., Magalhaes, J.G., Bozza, M.T. et al. (2009) Shi-
emerging Infectious Diseases from the Ministry of gella induces mitochondrial dysfunction and cell
Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology death in nonmyleoid cells. Cell. Host. Microbe. 5,
(MEXT); and the Core Research for Evolutional 123{136.
Science and Technology (CREST) from the Japan 15) Ohya, K., Handa, Y., Ogawa, M., Suzuki, M. and
Sasakawa, C. (2005) IpgB1 is a novel Shigella
Science and Technology Agency (JST). eector protein involved in bacterial invasion of
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Chihiro Sasakawa was born in 1948. He graduated from the Faculty of Science
and Postgraduate School of Pharmaceutical Science at Chiba University, entered the
Postgraduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, and received his Ph.D. in 1978
from University of Tokyo. In 1978, he was promoted to research associate at the Insti-
tute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo. After three years of postdoctoral work-
ing in Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Washington University School of
Medicine, he started to study bacterial pathogenesis in 1983 at the Institute of Medical
Science, University of Tokyo, and was promoted to associated professor in 1986 and
professor in 1995. He was the Head of Department of Microbiology and Immunology
at the Institute of Medical Science from 1999 to 2005, and appointed also professor of
Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University from 1999 to 2001. At
present he is a professor of Department of Microbiology and Immunology, and International Research Center for
Infectious Diseases, at the Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo. Over the past 30 years he has been
studying molecular and cellular interaction between bacterial pathogens and host. His current research interests
are mechanisms of bacterial countermeasure against host innate immune defense systems and the outcome of
infectious diseases. He is currently a member of editorial or advisory boards of Nature Reviews Microbiology,
Cell Host Microbe, Trends in Microbiology and several other international journals. He was awarded the Noguchi
Hideyo Memorial Prize in 1998 and the Takeda Medical Prize in 2006.

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