DNA Molecule & Central Dogma

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Science 10
Lesson 4

01 03

Introduction replication

02 04

history Transcription
& translation

● The cells of the human body contain 23 pairs of


● These chromosomes are made up of a chemical

substance known as deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA.

● Each chromosome in the body is made up of different

genes that determine a single trait.

● DNA is located inside the nucleus of the cell – it

determines all the features found in living cells such
as the structure of the hair, complexion, bone
structure, color of the eyes, etc.
DNA Discovery
Brief history

● Before the many significant discoveries and findings, Gregor Mendel,

who is known as the “Father of Genetics,” was actually the first to
suggest that characteristics are passed down from generation to
generation. He coined the term recessive and dominant.

● DNA was discovered in 1869 by Swiss researcher Friedrich Miescher,

who was originally trying to study the composition of lymphoid cells
(white blood cells). Instead, he isolated a new molecule he called nuclein
(DNA with associated proteins) from a cell nucleus.
Brief history
● Erwin Chargaff discovered that DNA is responsible for heredity and that
it varies between species. His discoveries, known as Chargaff’s Rules,
proved that guanine and cytosine units, as well as adenine and thymine
units, were the same in double-stranded DNA.
● DNA of all living organisms had the same bases, but the proportion of
the amount of four bases differs from organism to another organism.
● It was proved that each organism’s DNA has an equal amount of adenine
approximately equal to the amount of thymine and similarly, it has also
the same amount of cytosine that roughly equals the amount of
Example: In a body or somatic cell:
A = 30.3% T = 30.3%
G = 19.5% C = 19.9%
Chargaff’s rule

● Adenine must pair with

thymine (A = T)
● Guanine must pair with
cytosine (C = G).
● The bases form weak
hydrogen bonds G C


Dna structure

● Rosalind Franklin’s work in X-ray crystallography began

when she started taking X-ray diffraction photographs of
DNA. Her images showed the helical form, which was
confirmed by Watson and Crick nearly two years later. Her
findings were only acknowledged posthumously.

● Watson and Crick published on DNA’s double helix

structure that twists to form the ladder-like structure we
think of when we picture DNA.
● DNA nucleotide components:
1. Deoxyribose (simple sugar)
2. Phosphate group
3. Nitrogen bases (A, T, C, G)
● Shaped similar to a twisted ladder…aka…double helix!
Anti-parallel DNA strands run in
strands opposite directions

One strand of
DNA goes
from 5’ to 3’

The other
strand is
opposite in
going 3’ to 5’
DNA vs. rna
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)

● Double-stranded ● Single-stranded
● Found in nucleus of the cell ● Found in cytoplasm, nucleus,
and ribosome
● It has a deoxyribose and ● with a ribose and phosphate
phosphate backbone having backbone with four varying
four distinct bases: thymine, bases: uracil, cytosine, adenine
adenine, cytosine and guanine and guanine (U, C, A, G)
(T, A, C, G)
● transmission of genetic ● the transmission of the genetic
information code that is necessary for the
protein creation
● A=T C=G ● A=U C=G
Dna replication
• DNA has to be copied before a cell divides
• New cells will need identical DNA strands
Dna replication

● Begins at Origins of Replication

● Two strands open forming Replication Forks (Y-shaped region) 3’
● New strands grow at the forks

Parental DNA Molecule

5’ Replication

Dna replication

● Enzyme Helicase unwinds and

separates the 2 DNA strands by
breaking the weak hydrogen

● Single-Strand Binding Proteins

attach and keep the 2 DNA
strands separated and
Dna replication

● Before new DNA strands can form, there must be RNA

primers present to start the addition of new

● Primase is the enzyme that synthesizes the RNA Primer

● DNA polymerase can then add the new nucleotides

● One of the strands is oriented in the 3’ to 5’ direction (towards the
replication fork), this is the leading strand.
● The other strand is oriented in the 5’ to 3’ direction (away from the
replication fork), this is the lagging strand. As a result of their different
orientations, the two strands are replicated differently:
Dna replication

● DNA polymerase can only add nucleotides to the 3’ end of the DNA
● This causes the NEW strand to be built in a 5’ to 3’ direction

5’ 3’

DNA Polymerase Primer

Direction of Replication
Dna replication

● The Leading Strand is synthesized as a single strand from the point of

origin toward the opening replication fork

5’ 3’
Nucleotides DNA Polymerase Primer
Dna replication

● The Lagging Strand is synthesized discontinuously against overall direction of

● This strand is made in MANY short segments It is replicated from the
replication fork toward the origin
Leading Strand

5 3’
DNA Polymerase RNA Primer

5’ 3’

3’ 5’
Lagging Strand
Dna replication

● Okazaki Fragments - series of short segments on the

lagging strand
● Must be joined together by an enzyme
Okazaki Fragment Polymerase

5’ 3’

3’ 5’
Lagging Strand
Dna replication
● The enzyme Ligase joins the Okazaki
fragments together to make one strand
Replication of Strands
Proofreading of the new dna

● DNA polymerase initially makes about 1 in

10,000 base pairing errors
● Enzymes proofread and correct these mistakes
● The new error rate for DNA that has been
proofread is 1 in 1 billion base pairing errors
● Exonuclease – removes RNA primers then DNA
polymerase replaces it with base pairs
Transcription &
Transcription – DNA to RNA
Translation – RNA to protein
3 kinds of rna
Trna Rrna
(transfer) (ribosomal)

• Structure: single stranded • Structure: has an anticodon • Structure: Apart of

• Function: Carries the DNA that is a complement to the ribosome
message from the nucleus mRNA codon at one end and a • Function: Creates the
to the ribosomes amino acid at the other end peptide bonds
• Codon = set of three • Function: Carries the amino between the amino
nitrogen bases acids to the ribosomes for acids during protein
representing an amino acid protein production. production.
3 types of rna
RNA polymerases are enzymes that transcribe
DNA into RNA. Using a DNA template, RNA
polymerase builds a new RNA molecule through
base pairing.
Let’s try! What’s the mrna strand of the


● 5’ GCA GGU GAA 3’ (mRNA)

● 3’ CGA TCT TAC 5’

● 5’ GCU AGA AUG 3’ (mRNA)

● 3’ ACA CGA TGT 5’

● 5’ UGU GCU ACA 5’ (mRNA)

● We can think about the protein- coding sequence of a gene as

a sentence made up entirely of 3-letter words. In the
sequence, each 3 -letter word is a codon, specifying a single
amino acid in a protein. Have a look at this sentence:


● If you were to split this sentence into individual 3-letter words,

what would you read?

The sun was hot but the old man did not get his hat.
● This sentence represents a gene. Each letter corresponds to a
nucleotide base, and each word represents a codon.
Genetic code

● To know what amino acid is

coded by a given codon, a
genetic code chart is used
● is shared by all organisms
● the way that the four bases
of DNA--the A, C, G, and Ts--
are strung together in a way
that the cellular machinery,
the ribosome, can read them
and turn them into a protein.
Let’s try! What’s the amino acids in the following


● 5’ GCA GGU GAA 3’ (mRNA)
● Alanine – Glycine – Glu. A (Hidden word: AGE)

● 3’ CGA TCT TAC 5’

● 5’ GCU AGA AUG 3’ (mRNA)
● Alanine – Arginine – Methionine (Hidden word: ARM)

● 3’ ACA CGA TGT 5’

● 5’ UGU GCU ACA 5’ (mRNA)
● Cysteine – Alanine – Threonine (Hidden word: CAT)
PT 2 (trio)

You have been commissioned by a popular drugstore chain to prepare for them an
information dissemination tool as they visit different barangays with their mobile
clinic. Part of the medical mission that they are offering is to educate people about the
importance of homeostasis in the body. The output that you are expected to
accomplish must emphasize the roles played by various body systems in relation to a
person’s overall health and survival.

Product can be: an infographic, video/powerpoint presentation, blog, poster,

pamphlet for distribution. Your task was to inform as many people as you could by
making them aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy reproductive system in
preventing possible hormonal imbalances.

CREDITS: This presentation template was created

by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik.

Please keep this slide for attribution.

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