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POS Terminal for Android™


Table of Contents
Welcome to your new terminal ....................................................................................... 3
Nexgo N86 terminal overview ......................................................................................... 4

Quick Guide To Essential Operations

Turning the terminal on / off ............................................................................................. 5
Using cards: Magnetic strip, Chip & PIN, Contactless ............................................ 5
Process a sale .......................................................................................................................... 6
Process a void .......................................................................................................................... 6
Process a refund .................................................................................................................... 7
How to process a phone payment (MOTO) ................................................................. 7
How to settle (batch) ............................................................................................................ 7
How to access the Android settings menu .................................................................. 8
How to charge your mobile terminal & check battery level ................................. 8
How to setup Wi-Fi ............................................................................................................... 8

Common Tasks
Test connection to eCOMM .............................................................................................. 9
Turn off or reboot the terminal ......................................................................................... 9
Reprint last invoice ................................................................................................................ 10
Reprint by invoice .................................................................................................................. 10
Print audit today ..................................................................................................................... 10
Print all audit ........................................................................................................................... 10
Print audit by date ................................................................................................................. 11
Print audit by batch ............................................................................................................... 11

Response codes - reference list for decline responses ........................................... 12
Frequently asked questions .............................................................................................. 12
Quick settings ......................................................................................................................... 13
Android Settings Menu ....................................................................................................... 14
How to change a receipt roll ............................................................................................. 17
Charging base .............................................. .......................................................................... 18
Fraud & chargeback prevention guide .......................................................................... 19

Welcome to your new terminal

Thank you for choosing your Point of Sale terminal from eCOMM Merchant Solutions.
Your terminal comes packed with the latest features, such as contactless and mobile
wallet technologies, as well as all the essential reporting functions.
You should have received a ‘welcome email’ by now, which states your Merchant
Identification (MID) number along with other important information. Please save this
email as it is an important reference document for you.
We have put together this guide to give you everything you need to get set up and
start processing transactions. In addition, if you have a website, we can enable you to
accept payments online.
See instructional videos online at: https://ecomm365.com/how-to

Please do not discard this user guide!
Do keep it safe as it contains very useful
reference information that will help you
troubleshoot queries and questions you
may have using the terminal.

Rev. 1.4 (N86-2022.05.23)
© 2022 - eCOMM Merchant Solutions

eCOMM Terminal User Guide - 3

Terminal Overview

Contactless area
Printer cover

Magstripe card slot

Charge indicator

Volume up
HD touchscreen
Volume down

Chip & PIN card slot

Charging base contacts

USB type-C
power port

Battery cover Power on / off

Battery compartment


4 - eCOMM Terminal User Guide

Guide to Essential Operations

Turn the Terminal On/Off

To turn on: press the key (located on the left side of the terminal) for 2 - 3 seconds.
After the boot-up sequence completes, the Android home screen is displayed. Tap the
‘Pay’ section at the top to launch the eCOMM Payment Terminal Application. You will
see the Home page of the eCOMM application, with buttons for ‘Sale’, ‘Refund’ etc.
If you want to go back to the Android Home screen, simply press the white circle
at the very bottom of the screen. To switch back to the eCOMM Payment Terminal
Application, press the white square at the very bottom of the screen and select the
eCOMM application. Tap the application to ensure it goes fullscreen.
To turn off the terminal: make a long press on the key at the side of the terminal,
then press the onscreen symbol, and then press OK to confirm.
To lock the screen and put the terminal into sleep mode, press the key briefly. To
bring the screen back again, simply press the key briefly again.

Using Cards
Contactless Card: hold the contactless card
over the sensing area, which is an area of
black plastic marked with the symbol
(do not hold the card over the screen for best
reception). Hold in place for around 1 second
until you hear a “beep” sound which means a
successfully completed transaction.

Chip & PIN: insert the card chip side upward

into the card slot, which is found on the right
side of the unit, push in fully until stopped.
The card should remain in the slot for the
duration of the transaction process.

eCOMM Terminal User Guide - 5

Guide to Essential Operations

Magnetic Strip Card: place the magnetic

strip side of the card facing inwards,
towards the device, swipe the card with
a steady speed through the magnetic
reader slot.

Process a Sale
1. On the Home screen of the eCOMM Payment Terminal Application press Sale
2. Enter the amount and press Confirm
3. If Cashback is configured on your terminal, you will now be prompted as follows:
3.1 After the sale amount has been entered the terminal asks ‘Do you need cash?’
3.2 Tap YES or NO
3.3 If cash is requested by the customer, enter the amount, and select YES
3.4 If the customer card has no cashback service enabled an error will be displayed
4. Tap or insert the card (if the card is inserted, ask customer to enter their PIN and
press Enter)
5. A ‘transaction in progress’ message appears on the screen
6. The terminal will respond with either APPROVED or DECLINED on the screen
7. If approved, the terminal will automatically print the merchant receipt
8. Select YES to print the customer receipt

Process a Void
A void is used when a transaction is made in error or the customer has been debited
the wrong amount. A void can only be issued for transactions that are pending
settlement and are within the current batch. A void will credit the customer’s account
straight away if their card issuer supports this transaction type.

1. On the Home screen tap Options then enter your admin password and tap Confirm
2. On the Options screen press Void at the top left
3. Enter the invoice number of the transaction you want to void & tap the Void button
4. When the void completes a void receipt is printed and an on-screen message is

6 - eCOMM Terminal User Guide

Guide to Essential Operations

Process a Refund
A refund is different to a void. A refund is used after a transaction has been settled.
Refunds typically don’t credit the customer’s account until 24 hours later.
1. On the home screen tap Refund, enter your refund password and tap Confirm
2. Enter the refund amount and tap Confirm
3. Tap or insert the card (no PIN required)
Note: For card not present (MOTO) refunds:
3.1 Tap the Enter Card Number button
3.2 Type in the 16-digit card number
3.3 Enter the expiry date in the format MMYY
3.4 Add the 3-digit CVV number
3.5 Press the Proceed button at the bottom right of the number pad
4. The terminal prints a refund receipt & displays a message onscreen when the refund

Process a Phone Payment (MOTO)

1. Press Sale
2. Enter the amount, then tap Confirm
3. At the bottom of the screen press Enter Card Number
4. Type in the 16-digit card number
5. Enter the expiry date in the format MMYY
6. Add the 3-digit CVV number
7. Press the Proceed button at the bottom right of the number pad
8. A ‘transaction in progress’ message appears on the screen
9. The terminal will respond with either APPROVED or DECLINED on the screen
10. If approved, the terminal will automatically print the merchant receipt
11. Select YES to print the customer receipt

i It is important that you should read the fraud prevention note regarding
telephone transactions on page 18 before you process a phone payment.

How to Settle (Batch)

1. On the Home screen press Settle, enter your settle password and tap Confirm
2. Tap Confirm on the review screen. A “Settling” notice displays while in progress
3. The terminal will print out the batch totals summary
4. If there are no amounts to settle the terminal displays a “No batch totals” message

eCOMM Terminal User Guide - 7

Guide to Essential Operations

How to Review Transactions

To review transaction history, tap Options on the home screen, enter password and
tap Confirm. Tap Batch, then Review. A list of transactions is displayed. Tap on any
individual entry in the list for detailed information about that transaction.

How to Access the Android Settings Menu

The N86 terminal uses the Android operating system. To access the Android Settings
menu, press the white circle at the very bottom of the screen, and then press Settings.
To return to the eCOMM Payment Terminal Application, press the white circle at the
very bottom of the screen and then press the ‘Pay’ tile at the top of the screen.

How to Charge your Mobile Terminal & Check Battery Level

The N86 terminal can be charged by inserting the power cable into the USB-C port on
the left side of the unit. When the unit is charging, a red LED illuminates in the charge
indicator, located beside the port and above the screen. A lightning symbol is also
overlayed on the battery symbol which is shown on the very top right of the screen.
When the charge is complete the red light changes to green.
To check the exact charge level of the battery, press the white
circle at the very bottom of the screen, and then press Settings.
The charge level percentage is shown in the Battery category.
A full charge should last all day, but this depends on how heavily it is used and also the
different battery power saving options that have been selected. To view your battery
saving options, from within the Settings menu, tap Battery, then Battery Saver.

How to Setup Wi-Fi

To get to the Wi-Fi settings, press the white circle at the very bottom of the screen,
and then tap Settings, then Network & Internet.
1. Tap Wi-Fi and then turn on Use Wi-Fi by moving the toggle switch to the right
2. The terminal will automatically search for and display available Wi-Fi networks
3. Choose one and the password dialog box for it will appear
4. Enter the Wi-Fi password and tap ‘connect’
5. If the password is entered correctly the terminal will connect to it immediately and
the word ‘connected’ will appear below the network name
6. Tap the back arrow at the top left of the screen
7. Tap the white square at the bottom of the screen to go to the eCOMM payment app
or tap the white circle to return to the Android home screen

8 - eCOMM Terminal User Guide

Common Tasks

Test Connection to the Terminal

For a Wi-Fi connection

For a quick check, you can view the Wi-Fi reception icon at the very top right of your
screen just to the left of the battery symbol. A fully illuminated Wi-Fi symbol means
you have a strong Wi-Fi connection.
You can also get more information by going to the Wi-Fi section in the Android Set-
tings menu: press the white circle at the very bottom of the screen, and then press
Settings, then press Connections and Wi-Fi. The Network name is displayed as well
as a larger version of the connection strength signal display. By tapping the Network
name you will be able to see the network speed.

SIM connection
For a quick check, you can view the SIM mobile phone network reception icon at the
very top right of your screen just to the left of the battery symbol. 5 vertical bars illu-
minated means you have a strong SIM connection.
You can also get more information by going to the Mobile Networks section in the
Android Settings menu: press the white circle at the very bottom of the screen, and
then press Settings, then press Connections and Mobile Networks. The Network
Operator is displayed as well as the network mode.

Turn off or Reboot the Terminal

Turn off the terminal by pressing the key on the left side
of the terminal until the power options appear on the display.
Tap the onscreen symbol to power off the terminal,
tapping OK to confirm.

Reboot the terminal by pressing the key on the left side

of the terminal until the power options appear on the display.
Tap the onscreen symbol to reboot the terminal,
tapping OK to confirm.

eCOMM Terminal User Guide - 9

Common Tasks

1. From the Home screen, press Options,
enter the admin password & tap Confirm
2. Tap the Reports button
All Reports will be printed out via the till
roll. The following common tasks are all
available in the Reports Section:

Reprint Last Invoice

This reprints the most recent receipt,
the details of which are displayed on the
screen. Choose Print to reprint on till roll
or Cancel to dismiss.

Reprint by Invoice
To reprint a specific receipt, enter the
relevant invoice number (this is a 6 digit
number printed on the receipt) into the box
and press the Reprint button. The receipt
details are displayed on screen, press Print
to print out on till roll.

Print Audit Today

This shows what is in the current batch
of transactions, that will be sent for Print All Audit
processing when you use the Settle
This prints the totals in the current
command. Transactions are listed on the
batch. The terminal prints the
screen for review before printing to the till
transaction count & total amount from
roll. Tap the Print button to print. When
the current batch. Transactions are
print is completed the screen will revert to
grouped by transaction type and issuer.
the Reports menu.
Transactions are listed on the screen for
You can also tap on any individual
review before printing to the till roll. Tap
transaction in the list to review and / or
the Print button to print.
print the details of that transaction.
When all transactions are printed, the
Transactions shown here can be voided,
screen will revert to the Reports menu.
without the need for making a refund. If
the terminal has been used a lot, you will You can also tap on any individual
want to allow some time for this report to transaction to review its details and print
fully print. individual transaction information.

10 - eCOMM Terminal User Guide

Common Tasks

Reports continued
Print Audit by Date Print Audit by Batch
This prints the totals for the date For intances where the batch period
range selected. goes beyond midnight - effectively
Select a start date and end date from more than one single date - use the “by
the datepickers and then tap Confirm. batch” option. Enter the batch number
and tap Confirm.
Transactions are listed on a review
screen, grouped by transaction type Transactions are listed on a review
and issuer. Tap Print button to print. screen, grouped by transaction type and
issuer. Tap Print button to print.
You can also tap on any individual
transaction in the list to review and / You can also tap on any individual
or print its details. transaction in the list to review and / or
print the details of that transaction.
Note, scroll down in the reports screen
to view this option clearly.

A transactions report review screen. An individual transaction detail report.

eCOMM Terminal User Guide - 11

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I order till rolls?

You can order these by contacting [email protected]

Someone has come to my premises claiming to represent eCOMM

and asking for access to the terminal. What should I do?
A scenario like this will never arise unless eCOMM has agreed this with you in
writing or over the phone before a scheduled meet. Our engineers will never turn up
unannounced. If this scenario happens and eCOMM did not arrange the meeting in
advance, refuse access to the terminal and call eCOMM customer support as soon as
you can. If a meeting is scheduled, please always ask the engineer on site for ID before
granting access to the terminals.

How do I know if my device has been tampered with?

If a skimming device was inserted into your terminal you will be able to identify it by
manually checking around the card entry points. You may also notice users struggling
to insert the card into the device.

What is PCI DSS?

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) are a set of mandatory
requirements designed to safeguard cardholder data.

How do I become PCI Compliant? Is it mandatory?

PCI Compliance is a mandatory requirement for all merchants who accept credit and
debit card payments. Within five working days of receiving your ‘eCOMM Welcome’
email a separate PCI email is sent out with all the information you need to become
You have 2 options to become compliant:
1) The compliance website: https://ecomm365.pcidssportal.com/safemaker/login/
2) Call the PCI helpline: 1800 816 737 (IRL) or 0800 0608 484 (UK)
Please only contact the PCI team when you have received the PCI information email.
Your merchant number is found on the eCOMM Welcome email.
A non-compliance fee is applicable every month as per your contract with eCOMM
Merchant Solutions. Once you become compliant the fee is signicantly reduced to a
compliance fee as stated in your contract. You have 30 days from the date of the PCI
information email to become compliant, where upon if you are not the non-compliance
fee will be applied to your account.

12 - eCOMM Terminal User Guide

Response Codes

Reference List for Decline Responses

Cards can be declined for various reasons. Whenever a card is declined, a 2-character
reason or ‘response’ code is printed on the merchant receipt. Below is a reference list
of the most common codes and their meanings.

Code Text Meaning

00 Approved The card issuer approved the transaction

05 Do Not Honour The card issuer declined the transaction
14 Invalid Card Number Invalid card number
15 No Such Issuer No such card issuer
19 Re-enter Transation Re-enter transaction
51 Insufficient Funds The card issuer declined the transaction
55 Incorrect PIN Incorrect PIN
Transaction not The issuing bank has declined the
Permitted to transaction due to a transaction on the
Cardholder or account

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I begin processing?

As soon as you receive your equipment and your Welcome email from us. Your
equipment will typically take 2-3 business days to arrive at your premises after you
sign the contract.

My terminal is unresponsive, what should I do?

You should remove the power supply to the terminal, or if operating on battery,
press the key on the left side of the terminal briefly and then press the onscreen
symbol, and then press OK to confirm. Once off, turn back on and normal order should
resume. If this does not fix the issue, please contact [email protected]

If I change my broadband, will this affect my terminal?

If you change your broadband provider you will need to change your SSID and
broadband password on the terminal, see setting up Wi-Fi guide on page 9.
If you are having issues relating to this, please contact [email protected]

eCOMM Terminal User Guide - 13

Quick Settings

How to access the Quick

Settings panel
The Quick Settings panel allows you to
quickly adjust the brightness of the screen
and toggle settings for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
and Mobile data, in just a tap.

To completely expand Quick Settings on

your terminal, swipe down twice from the
top of the screen. The first swipe will show
three tiles from quick settings for Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth and Mobile data (SIM).
When you swipe down again, the Quick
Settings panel will expand to show the
display brightness range bar, positioned
on top - move the dial to the right for an
increasingly brighter display and move it
left for darker.
Tapping on a tile changes its state from
ON to OFF and vice-versa. A solid green
background indicates the particular
service is ON.

14 - eCOMM Terminal User Guide

Android™ Settings Menu

The Android System Settings menu allows

you to control many aspects of your terminal
— everything from establishing a new Wi-Fi
connection and security settings, to adjusting
screen brightness and battery management.

How do I get to the Settings menu?

1. Press circle button at very bottom of the screen
to get to the Android home screen
2. Tap the Settings tile on the Android home
The main settings menu appears, tap on a heading
to view or edit settings for that category.
Tap the triangle button at the bottom right of the
screen to exit the Settings menu.
When you are inside a settings category there is
also a back arrow at the top-left of the screen to
navigate backwards.
The date & time settings are found inside the
“System” category.

Useful settings reference

The following describes the more common
Android settings the user can adjust.

Use network & internet settings to turn

Wi-Fi on and off and check your data usage.

Tap on the Wi-Fi sub-heading to view other

available networks.

eCOMM Terminal User Guide - 15

Android™ Settings Menu

Use the display setting to set the screen Use battery settings to set battery manager,
brightness and adjust font (type) size. show/hide battery % and choose battery saver.

Use security settings to set a screen lock Use date & time settings to set automatic date
(off by default) and set whether to show and time or switch between 12 and 24 hour
passwords as you type them. clock (24 hour is the default).

16 - eCOMM Terminal User Guide

How to Change a Receipt Roll

1 2

Open the printer cover by pulling Extend the cover fully back.
it backwards at the point shown. Remove old roll if present.

3 4

Insert the till roll with the print With paper extended close the
side exposed, facing upwards and printer cover until it ‘clicks’
rolling away from the screen. securely shut.

Till roll paper removal

Hold the till roll paper and tear it
downwards as shown in the diagram.
While tearing the paper, please make
sure the speed and power are even
and swift.

eCOMM Terminal User Guide - 17

Charging Base

Convenient All Day Charging

A charging base for your terminal is
also available for convenient all-day
Placing a terminal into the charging
base allows you to recharge your
POS device while taking payments
at your counter.
You can choose to leave the
terminal in the base normally and
take it out when you need to bring
the terminal to your customer in your
premises away from the till.
The terminal is easily placed down
You need never worry about your and into the charging base. It will
terminal battery running low, no matter be a snug fit with the charging
how much or long is it being used. contacts connecting perfectly.
Removing and then re-positioning
the terminal is quick and simple.

A 9V DC Power adaptor is
supplied with the charging base.

Contact Customer Service

for details:
[email protected]
EU: +353 (0)46 901 1288
UK: +44 (0)20 7183 5253

18 - eCOMM Terminal User Guide

Fraud & Chargeback Prevention Guide

For most merchants, the instance of fraud and chargebacks is mercifully rare.
However, it pays to be vigilant, and here is our guide to help you avoid any issues.
Authorisation does not guarantee payment
• An authorisation is guaranteed by the cardholder’s issuing bank for 7 calendar days,
or 30 calendar days for pre-authorisations. If your terminal has not been batched daily,
and the settlement window has passed, you may be liable for chargebacks for ‘Late
• Cards that are authorised but expire before a batch is settled on your terminal are
not guaranteed by the issuing bank.

By default eCOMM will auto settle every terminal between 23:00
(11pm) and 0:00 (midnight) daily. Your terminal must be powered on
and have an active connection. Otherwise you must ensure you batch
off your terminal at the end of a business day.

Only process what you are approved to process

You may only use your terminal for transactions that you are underwritten and approved
for. For example, you cannot:
• Use your terminal to sell your family car
• Sell products/services that you are not approved to sell
• Lend the terminal to another business
• Sell off the contents of your business (e.g. a car hire company selling off their used cars).
These types of transactions are prohibited, they may attract fraudsters and could expose
your business to chargebacks. Transactions of this nature when discovered will be
destroyed and your settlement may be withheld.

Mail Order/Telephone order (MOTO)

If you are approved to accept telephone transactions, please be advised, these
transactions are very high risk to you and your business. Fraudsters will go from
business to business with all kinds of scams and stories trying to get a merchant to
accept a phone transaction.
You should be extremely vigilant when accepting a phone transaction, as doing so
means you are 100% liable for the amount(s) should they result in a chargeback(s).
NB: Whenever possible, insist on your customer using the chip and PIN facility, that
way you are covered in the event of fraud.

A chargeback is where a consumer or their issuing bank disputes a transaction made with
their card. If the dispute is resolved in the cardholder’s favour, the cardholder would be

eCOMM Terminal User Guide - 19

Fraud & Chargeback Prevention Guide

reimbursed for the partial or full amount of the transaction at the merchant’s expense.
eCOMM is governed by scheme rules and regulations (i.e. Mastercard, Visa & American
Express) and these take precedence over any terms and conditions offered by eCOMM.

Common reasons for chargebacks

• Fraud enquiries – cardholder denies participating or authorising a transaction
• Cardholder disputes the sale for reasons such as failure to receive goods or services
• Cardholder disputes the sale for reasons of quality
• Cardholder does not recognise a transaction – it may be the clearing name on the
cardholder’s bank statement
All merchants accepting debit and credit card payments could at some point be liable
for chargebacks. A cardholder or card issuer has the right to question or dispute a
transaction. A chargeback can be received up to 120 days after the card transaction
was taken in the case of fraud. In the case of goods or services issues, a chargeback can
be raised up to 360 days from agreed date of delivery or the completion of a service.
The best practice for all goods and services issues is to try to resolve them with the
cardholder before it gets to the point of a chargeback.
Should you receive a chargeback, the amount will be deducted from your next

• You may not issue a refund to a card that has not previously been used at that
terminal. Transactions of this nature if discovered will be destroyed. You can verify what
card was used previously by checking the last 4 digits of the card number on the receipt
that the terminal originally issued. Your customer must produce this receipt to verify
they have the same card.
• The amount of the refund being issued to a card should always be equal to or less than
the original sale. Higher amounts processed will be destroyed.
• You should never use your terminal to refund yourself, suppliers, friends, family
members, staff or any other unapproved person as a form of payment. Transactions of
this nature, when discovered, will be destroyed.

Customer Support
Please contact our Customer Support Team with any queries on fraud or chargebacks.
T: +353 (0)46 901 1288 (EU) or +44 (0)20 7183 5253 (UK) E: [email protected]

i The above is a general guide rather than a comprehensive treatment

and does not constitute legal advice.

20 - eCOMM Terminal User Guide

Customer Service Desk
+353 (0)46 901 1288 (EU)
+44 (0)20 7183 5253 (UK)
[email protected]
eCOMM Merchant Solutions,
2 Bedford Place,
Navan, Co. Meath,
C15 VRF3, Ireland

eCOMM Merchant Solutions Limited is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom under licence
number 900591. The provision of payment terminals is not regulated by the FCA.
NEXGO and the NEXGO logo are either trademarks or registered trademarks of NEXGO in China and/or other countries.
Mastercard®, Maestro® and the Mastercard Brand Mark are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.
Visa® is a registered trademark of Visa International.
American Express™ is a trademark of American Express Company in the United States and other countries.
The Apple Pay® logo is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Android™ and Google Pay™ are trademarks of Google LLC.
The Samsung Pay™ logo is a trademark of Samsung in the United States and other countries.
The LinkedIn logo® is a registered trademark of LinkedIn Corporation and its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.
TWITTER™, TWEET™, RETWEET™ and the Twitter™ logo are trademarks of Twitter, Inc. or its affiliates.
The Contactless Symbol is a trademark of EMVCo, LLC registered in the UK, US and other countries worldwide.

© 2022 eCOMM Merchant Solutions

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