Analysis of Medical Waste Management and Impact Analysis of COVID-19 On Its Generation in Taiwan
Analysis of Medical Waste Management and Impact Analysis of COVID-19 On Its Generation in Taiwan
Analysis of Medical Waste Management and Impact Analysis of COVID-19 On Its Generation in Taiwan
Wen-Tien Tsai
Medical waste management in Taiwan is a crucial issue due to its highly environmental and human health risks. The main
objectives of this paper were to analyse the status of medical waste generation and treatment in recent years, and also address the
discussions on the impacts of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on its generation in the first half of 2020. It showed that the
reported quantities have slightly increased from 35,747 metric tonnes (Mt) in 2016 to 40,407 Mt in 2019, showing an average
increase by 4.17%. This rate of increase was consistent with the hospital services. When classified by the reported codes, the C-
type waste (infectious waste) accounted for about 89% of the reported quantities, which indicated an annual increase by 4.14%
during the same period. In addition, the medical waste treatment in 2019 was mainly dependent on the commissioned treatment
(80.18%), followed by the recycling (18.53%) and the self-treatment (1.29%). Furthermore, the impact of COVID-19 on the
medical waste generation in Taiwan was not significant in the first half of 2020 compared to the data during the years of 2016–
2019. It was indicated that the consistent trend was observed at the daily confirmed COVID-19 cases in Taiwan during this period.
Obviously, the reduction in the hospital medical services during the COVID-19 outbreak should be offset by the increase in
medical waste generation from the medical services. In order to try to ensure safe and complete destruction of the COVID-19 virus,
all the waste generated from the healthcare facilities should be treated in the incineration plants.
Medical waste management, regulatory requirement, trend analysis, COVID-19 impact
Received 18th January 2021, accepted 25th January 2021 by Senior Editor in Chief P Agamuthu.
comparison with their reported quantities in the first half of 2019 and prevention, waste reduction and resource recycling in medical
2020 (Environmental Protection Administration, 2020b). institutions, the central competent authority (i.e., Ministry of Health
and Welfare (MOHW)) commissioned a non-profit organization to
establish the platform (“Medical Waste Treatment Information”).
Table 1 lists the categories of medical waste in Taiwan, which must
Results and discussion Current status
be reported to the competent authority based on the platform
of medical waste generation and information. It can be seen that the medical waste can be grouped into
treatment infectious waste (coded as C-types waste, one of hazardous industrial
In Taiwan, the legal framework for medical waste clearance and wastes) and general industrial waste (coded as D-type waste). Table 2
treatment was authorized by the WMA (Ministry of Justice, 2020). shows the variations of the quantities of medical waste generation in
In the WMA, the wastes are classified into two groups: general Taiwan according the reported codes, using the yearly data for the
waste; and industrial waste. Industrial waste refers to waste that is years 2016 to 2019 (Environmental Protection Administration,
produced from industry activities (but excluding waste generated by 2020a). Some important features were further addressed as follows:
the employees themselves), including “hazardous industrial waste”
and “general industrial waste.” Hazardous industrial waste is (a) total reported quantities of medical waste have slightly increased
produced by industry that is toxic or dangerous with the from 35,747 Mt in 2016 to 40,407 Mt in 2019, showing an annual
concentration or volume sufficient to influence human health or average increase by 4.17%. This rate of increase was consistent
pollute the environment. According to the regulation (“Standards with the hospital medical services, increasing from in 2016 to in
for Defining Hazardous Industrial Waste), medical waste (also 2019 ( Ministry of Health and Welfare, 2020). When classified by
called “biomedical and infectious waste”) refers to waste, which is the reported codes, the C-type waste (infectious waste) accounted
produced in the course of medical treatment, medical testing, post- for about 89% of the total reported quantities of medical waste,
mortem examinations, quarantine inspections, research, or the which indicated an annual increase by 4.14% during the same
manufacture of chemical agents or biological materials by medical period. It should be noted that waste generated by the hospital’s
treatment organizations, medical testing institutions, medical employees themselves is recognized as general waste or
laboratories, industrial and research organization laboratories of recyclable waste (e.g., waste paper and waste plastics), and
biological safety grade two or above, or laboratories engaged in according to the WMA, there is no need to report it by C-type and
30 Waste Management & Research 39(1) Supplement
D-type codes. Therefore, the fractions of infectious waste as value on dioxins emission around the world (Dopico and Gómez,
shown in Table 2 are so high as compared to the report by the 2015).
World Health Organization (2018); and Table 3. Reported quantities (measured in metric tonnes) based on the
Table 2. Reported quantities of medical waste in Taiwan.* treatment methods of medical waste in 2019.
Code 2016 2017 2018 2019 Code Reuse and Selftreatment Commissioned
recycling treatment
C-0504 2188 2259 2409 2384
C-0504 247 186 1951
C-0512 463 549 592 595
C-0513 1470 1630 1722 1813 C-0512 0 0 595
C-0514 10,748 11,423 12,210 12,887 C-0513 0 36 1777
C-0599 16,759 16,755 17,264 18.044 C-0514 7245 296 5347
Sub-total 31,628 32,616 34,197 35,723 C-0599 0 1 18,041
D-2101 556 471 569 595 D-2101 0 1 623
D-2199 3563 3507 3748 4089 D-2199 1 0 4086
Sub-total 4119 3978 4317 4684 Source: Environmental Protection Administration (2020b).
Total 35,747 36,594 38,514 40,407
*the quantity of medical waste generation (unit: metric tonnes) is equal to the Regarding the methods for the storage of medical waste, the
reported quantity, plus the storage quantity (this year) and minus the storage
quantity (previous year). Source: Environmental Protection Administration
management enterprises shall comply with the following regulations
(2020b). (Ministry of Justice, 2020):
Medical waste Q1 2020 Q1 2019 Difference Year on Q2 2020 Q2 2019 Difference YoY (%)
category (A–B) year (C–D)
Value (A)* Value (B) (YoY) (%) Value (C) Value (D)
Total 8832 8447 385 4.6 8842 8888 −46 −0.5
C-0504 600 562 38 6.8 611 589 22 3.7
C-0512 150 139 11 7.9 152 151 1 0.7
C-0513** 444 431 13 3.0 428 447 −19 −4.3
C-0514*** 3,254 3,082 172 5.6 3,258 3,184 74 2.3
C-0599 4384 4233 151 3.6 4339 4517 −178 −3.9
*, measured in metric tonnes; **, “Infectious waste I” refers to the sources from pathology, blood, contaminated animal carcasses, residual limbs and
bedding; and ***, “Infectious waste II” refers to the sources from contaminated items and implements or appliances.
Source: Environmental Protection Administration (2020b). excessive use and consumption of PPE (e.g., masks and gloves) and
other plastic-containing articles (e.g., disinfectants and spray
bottles) during the pandemic (Silva et al. 2021). For instance, the
(a) Medical waste that has been stored in differently coloured most commonly used materials in the face masks include nonwoven
containers may not be cleared in a mixed state. fibrous plastics such as polypropylene (O’Dowd et al., 2020).
(b) Medical waste may not be compressed or arbitrarily opened However, it should be noted that polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is still
during the transportation period. the most used plastic material for disposable medical devices due to
(c) Refrigeration measures shall be provided during the its unique properties (Jang et al., 2006). Therefore, adopting
transportation period, and normal operation shall be also effective decontamination for reprocessing of PPEs will reduce
maintained. plastic waste generation and also help to prevent the formation of
(d) The doors of the clearance vehicles shall remain shut and locked dioxins from these disposable medical devices containing
if there are no personnel present during the loading and incinerated PVC (Parashar and Hait, 2021).
unloading processes. It is generally recognized that the increase in the number of
confirmed COVID-19 cases could be positively correlated with the
Regarding the methods for the thermal treatment of medical medical waste generation due to the increased usage of disposable
waste, the management enterprises shall meet the following PPE. For example, a 27% increase in medical waste was reported
standards: following the COVID-19 outbreak in Malaysia (Agamuthu and
Barasarathi, 2020). Although the medical waste generation in 2020
(a) The central temperature of the combustion chamber at the outlet was yet to be availably obtained by accessing on the official database
position shall be maintained above 1000 °C. in Taiwan (Environmental Protection Administration, 2020a), it might
Combustion gas residence time shall be over one second. be roughly observed by the monthly variations of the reported
(b) Combustion efficiency shall be over 99.9%. quantities of medical waste in Taiwan. Table 4 provides the data on
(c) Destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) shall be over 99.99% the reported quantities of medical waste generated during the Q1/Q2
for chlorinated organic compounds, over 99.999% for 2019 and the Q1/Q2 2020 (Environmental Protection Administration,
polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins (polychlorinated 2020b). Figures 2 and 3 depict the monthly trends of hazardous
dibenzo-p-dioxins/polychlorinated dibenzofurans), and over medical waste (C-type) and general medical waste (D-type)
99.9% for other principal organic hazardous constituents. generation in Taiwan since January 2019, respectively. As compared
(d) Treatment facilities shall possess devices for automatic to the data in the Q1 2019, it showed an increase by 4.6% in the Q1
monitoring and control of combustion conditions, the recording 2020 due to the COVID-19 outbreak. It seemed to be in parallel with
of the output central temperature of the combustion chamber, the trend by the daily confirmed COVID-19 cases in Taiwan (Figure
and emergency response. 1), when the most serious situation occurred in March 2020.
Subsequently, the daily confirmed COVID-19 cases in Taiwan
showed a declining trend since April 2020. In addition, the statistics
Analysis of medical waste generation during the of hospital medical services in the first half of 2020 versus the first
COVID-19 pandemic half of 2019 have decreased by about 10% (Ministry of Health and
Welfare, 2020), which should be attributed to the serious anti-
As described previously, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on
epidemic measures in the medical institutions and the successful
waste management due to the epidemic control and prevention
personal health care. When comparing the reported quantities of C-
measures such as lockdown and social distancing has been
type medical waste in Taiwan during
reviewed by several researchers (Eroglu, 2020; Fan et al., 2021;
Kulkarni and Aantharama, 2020; Sarkodie and Owusu, 2020; Silva
et al., 2021; Zambrano-Monserrate et al., 2020). More seriously,
this pandemic could cause acute respiratory diseases, thus
triggering the rapid demand for PPE. As a consequence, the medical
waste containing plastic materials will be generated by the
32 Waste Management & Research 39(1) Supplement
Wen-Tien Tsai
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