Assessment of Health Care Waste Management (HCWM) in Iraq Effects and Control
Assessment of Health Care Waste Management (HCWM) in Iraq Effects and Control
Assessment of Health Care Waste Management (HCWM) in Iraq Effects and Control
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- This study was carried out to define and implications on the general health and the surrounding
assess the health care waste management (HCWM) in environment (4).
official and private hospitals all over Iraq, in addition to
the public health centers (PHC) focusing on the The technical aspects of the waste management such
development of a short and medium term plan of action as waste handling, storage, development, financial aspects,
and estimating the real needs of sound management. staff responsibilities and roles, surveillance and control
About 43% of official hospitals lack from big containers being essential components in sustaining the operation of
for collecting and segregating of health care wastes. All HCWM system(5) have been seriously affected. It is well
hospitals are in lack of proper unites of treatment and known that field experience of the inclusion of HCWM
disposal of hazardous liquid wastes while 65% of planning within the health care institutions is the first step
hospitals are deficient of incinerators. Most of health towards encouraging the development of better hygienic
institutions do not have adequate well trained staff to practices and optimizing the operation of existing HCWM
handle such health care wastes particularly in official systems. It can also become the catalyst for the
hospitals. However, generated hazardous solid wastes development of material HCWM plans in due course (6)
had been studied and found to be about half a ton per
month in official hospitals, 167 kg per each private Health waste management is part of the hospital
hospitals and 83.3 kg of the PHC center. Accordingly, a hygiene and infection control where the efficient HCWM in
short term and medium term plans of action have been health institutions is of essential importance and role
formulated. towards breakage of infection chain in addition to its
complementary role in infection control inside the health
Keywords:- HCWM, PHC, Official Hospitals, Private institute (7).
Hospitals, Incinerators.
The responsibility of HCWM is shared between
I. INTRODUCTION different sectors starting from the health institute down to
the municipalities services (transportation and proper final
Health care wastes include all wastes (solid and disposal) where together with the essential role of the
liquid) that are generated by health care institutes and ministry of environment participation in monitoring
medical laboratories of both official and private sectors (1). different stages of wastes disposal and legislation of laws
About 75-90 % of these produced wastes are ordinary and regulations towards better management (9).
wastes similar to municipal wastes while the remaining
percentage (10-25 %) are considered as hazardous health Infection may spread to susceptible from hazardous
care wastes (2). The quantity of such wastes varies according HCW either directly by contacts or indirectly by rodents
to several variables such as management instructions, and insects within the hospital particularly if the wastes
health institutes, funds, percentage of materials and the were not handled, packed or stored properly (10).
extent of daily health care provided. However, disease
agents may transfer by different ways such as absorption Improper handling and safety precautions may lead to
via skin cracks, absorption through mucous membrane, via occupational disease. It was reported that about eight cases
respiratory track inhalation and by ingestion where the of occupational AIDS had occurred in France in 1993
infection can be spread by direct contact with body fluids where two cases have been reported to be due to the
and/or by rodents and insects (3). presence of cracks in skin of cleaners (10). Thirty-nine AIDS
cases were registered in the USA in 1993 due to miss
During last two decades, health services were puncturing by needles (11, 12).
deteriorated due to the absence of obvious and sound
polices, strategies and enforcement of legislation for Hazardous HCW categories consist of various medical
handling and disposing of health care wastes (HCW) which wastes such as infections, pathological, sharp,
resulted in poor management of health care wastes and pharmaceutional, cytotoxic, chemical, heavy metals,
causing an increased exposure of patients, medical and radioactive, pressurized containers and used batteries and
support staffs to various hazardous wastes. However, thermometers (1).
improper management of HCW have had serious
Provision of requirements for managing different The task of transfer of health-care wastes from some
stages of HCWM is the most important requirements to institutions to others which do have incinerators is not
achieve sound and proper management that is to say from regular and carry some hazards since they are beyond the
providing bags of different colors to segregate hazardous capacity of incinerators so some are neglected or being
HCW down to big containers for storage and transportation burned locally by firing them inside non-working
to areas of treatment or dumping site. incinerators or in barrels which carry the risk of air
pollution in addition to misuse of wastes which fall around.
Mean generated health Lack of training of HCWM personnel necessitate a
Health Institute wastes Kg continuous training and educating program to all hospital
Monthly Annually staff concerned with HCWM. In addition, the shortage of
Official hospitals 500 6000 HCWM personnel should be managed by motivation or by
Private hospitals 167 2004 contracting with private companies concerned with
Primary health centers 83 996
Total 750 9000 HCWM in hospital and PHC centers is incompetent
Table 3:- The Mean Monthly and Annually Generated and lack fixed responsibility and accordingly improperly
Health Wastes in Different Health Institutions monitored and managed. However, it needs several