Demo Lesson Plan

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Grade 11/12 School Acelo Badelles Sr.

l Acelo Badelles Sr. Memorial High School Learning Area Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
Daily Lesson Teacher Dennis O. Herodias Quarter Second
Plan Teaching Date and Time April 11, 2022 / 03:00pm-04:00 pm Grade Level 12 HUMSS (Ruby)

A. Content Standard: Show understanding of the materials and techniques
B. Performance Standard: Design a production using available materials and appropriate techniques
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives:
After going through the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Discuss the local materials in creating art,
2. Identify the materials used by different artists, and
3. Recognize local materials found in your community that can be used
in creating art
(CAR 11/12TPP-Oc-e-11)

Topic: Local Materials Used in Philippine Contemporary Art
A. Reference:
1. Curriculum Guide of Contemporary Philippine Arts from The Regions, Page 2
2. Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region, Alternative Delivery Mode, Quarter 2 – Module 1, First Edition, 2020
B. Other Learning Resources: Overhead projector (if available), laptop and speaker, visual materials, meta-strips


A. Preparatory Activities
• Prayer
• Checking of Attendance and Collecting Assignment
• Physical Arrangement
• Orient on rules and proper conduct inside the classroom.
B. Review of the previous discussion/ lesson
o Who are the different Filipino contemporary artists? Name at least two.
o Who among those Filipino artists you like the most? Why?
C. Lesson Proper
1. Activity
Motivation (Five Minutes)

1. The class will be divided into four groups.
2. The teacher will call a representative from each group as volunteer/s to carry each of the letters in front.
2. Other groupmates who are sitting will arrange the letters being shown in front.
3. After arranging all the jumbled letters, their answers will be check.
4. Each correct answer corresponds to 1 yellow star which is equivalent to 10 points
5. The group who accumulate with larger points will be announced as the winner on the later part of the discussion

Developmental Activities
•Activity (Five Minutes)

1. There will be photos to be shown.
2. All of the pictures are different artworks made in different materials.
3. The goal of each group is to figure out what materials are those artworks made of.
4. After which, each representative will come in front to present their output for checking.
5. This activity is equivalent to 1 yellow star which is good for 10 points

2. Analysis

Instructions: Each group will answer (based on the pictures they had pick earlier from
task #2) the following questions.
1. What are the materials or objects used by the artist?
2. Do these materials bring out the intended effect of the artist?
3. If the artist had chosen other materials, do you think the same effect will be
achieved? Why and how?
4. If you are the artist, will you use the same materials or you will use another?
3. Abstraction
o Video Presentation: Local Materials Used in Contemporary Arts
o Discussion of the topic:

Philippines is rich in natural resources. From the mountain to the sea, we have unlimited materials that can be used to
create different artworks.

Local Materials in the Philippines that is used for arts and craft
Abaca - belongs to banana family. Its fibers have a natural luster with colors ranging from pure white to ivory and dark

Bamboo – is used in creating many products. It is used in construction, textile, musical instruments and many more.

Buri – is extracted from matured leaves of buri palm. The fiber is durable and resistant to moisture.

Capiz shells- are translucent to allow light to pass through, but still allow privacy. The capiz comes from the windowpane oyster
(placuna placenta) found in the coastal waters of the Philippines and are known for their beautiful mother of pearl look.

Rattan – belongs to the palm family. There are different types of rattan palms, such as high or low climbers, single stemmed
or clustered rattan species.

Sea Shells - hard exoskeleton of marine mollusks such as snails, bivalves, and chitons that serves to protect and support their
bodies. This material is usually used in making ornaments and house decorations.

 Generalization
At the end of the discussion, the students will be asked about their learning on the discussion.

4. Application
The teacher will ask the students to make their own contemporary art.
Suggested Activity:
Materials Needed:
1. Construction/Special Paper
2. Scissors
3. Glue

Expected Output:
Rubrics to be used in rating your team output.
Excellent (4) Good (3) Satisfactory (2) Need Improvement (1)
Following project directions All directions were followed Followed most directions Followed some directions None of the directions were
Used of Creativity Used own ideas and Used own ideas most of the Used some imagination Did not use own ideas or
imagination time imagination
Behavior Respectful and well-behaved Behaved well for most of the Misbehaved during most of Not respectful and behave
during the making process time the time poorly
Effort put into project Took time and worked hard Worked hard for most of the Put small effort into the Rushed through and did not
on the project time project work hard


Word Puzzle:

Find the words about the different materials used in creating art.

1. Used by the writer
2. color pigments mix with
1. Search in the Internet for artworks by Alfredo and Isabel Aquilizan, Pacita Abad, or Impy Pilapil.
Choose one artwork that you like.
2. Study the materials that the artist used for the artworks.
Note how he/she put together the materials to form an art piece. Then answer the following questions:
Describe the artwork.
• What is the subject matter of the artwork?
• What materials are used in the artwork?
• What are the dominant colors?
• How do the size of the repeated elements vary?
• How is texture used?
• Is it beautiful?
• Why do you think so?


A. No. of Learners who earned 70% on the formative assessment
B. No of Learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Observed by:


Teacher 1 JHS-Assisting Principal SHS-Assisting Principal

Noted by:


Principal III

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