Chemistry Question Paper Second Year

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Half-Yearly Examination
HS 2nd Year
Full Marks: 70 Time: Three Hours

General Instructions:
(i) Question 1 is compulsory.
(ii) From Question 2, answer any ten.
(iii) From Question 3, answer any nine.
(iv) From Question 4, answer any three.

1. Answer the following questions:

1×8= 8
a) Give an example of elastomers.
b) What are monosaccharides?
c) What is meant by ‘limiting molar conductivity’?
d) In the following pair of compounds, which will react faster by SN1 mechanism and why?

e) What is an emulsion?

f) Which point defect in its crystal units increases the density of a solid?

g) Express the relation between conductivity and molar conductivity of a solution held in a

h) What type of semiconductor is obtained when silicon is doped with arsenic?

2. Answer any ten questions: 2×10=20

a) A zinc rod is dipped in 0.1 M solution of ZnSO4. The salt is 95% dissociated at this
dilution at 298 K. Calculate the electrode potential. [ E°Zn2+ /Zn = – 0.76 V]
b) The standard electrode potential (E°) for Daniel cell is +1.1 V. Calculate the ΔG° for
the reaction
Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)
(1 F = 96500 C mol-1)

c) Explain what is meant by

(i) a peptide linkage
(ii) a glycosidic linkage.

d) Write the main structural difference between DNA and RNA. Of the four bases, name
those which are common to both DNA and RNA
e) Draw the structures of the monomers of the following polymers:
(i) Teflon
(ii) Polyethene

f) Differentiate between molecular structures and behaviours of thermoplastic and

thermosetting polymers.

g) How are the following conversions carried out?

(i) Benzyl chloride to benzyl alcohol,
(ii) Methyl magnesium bromide to 2-methyl- propan-2-ol.

h) Complete the following reaction equations

i) Name the two groups into which phenomenon of catalysis can be divided. Give an
example of each group with the chemical equation involved.
j) Write the dispersed phase and dispersion medium of the following colloidal systems:
(i) Smoke
(ii) Milk

k) What is the formula of a compound in which the element Y forms ccp lattice and atoms
of X occupy 2/3rd of tetrahedral voids?
l) The unit cell of an element of atomic mass 108 u and density 10.5 g cm-3 is a cube
with edge length, 409 pm. Find the type of unit cell of the crystal. [Given : Avogadro’s
constant = 6.023 × 1023 mol-1].

3. Answer any nine questions: 3×9=27

a) Define the following:

(i) Schottky defect (ii) Frenkel defect (iii) F-centre

b) An element occurs in bcc structure. It has a cell edge length of 250 pm. Calculate the
molar mass if its density is 8.0 g cm-3. Also calculate the radius of an atom of this
c) What happens in the following activities and why?
(i) An electrolyte is added to a hydrated ferric oxide sol in water.
(ii) A beam of light is passed through a colloidal solution.
(iii) An electric current is passed through a colloidal solution
d) Classify colloids where the dispersion medium is water. State their characteristics and
write an example of each of these classes.
e) (a) Draw the structures of major monohalo products in each of the following reactions

(b) Which halogen compound in each of the following pairs will react faster in SN2
(i) CH3Br or CH3I
(ii) (CH3)3 C – Cl or CH3 – Cl

f) How can the following conversions be carried out:

(i) Aniline to bromobenzene
(ii) Chlorobenzene to 2-chloroacetophenone
(iii) Chloroethane to butane

g) Calculate e.m.f. of the following cell at 298 K:

2Cr(s) + 3Fe2+ (0.1 M) → 2Cr3+ (0.01 M) + 3 Fe(s)
h) Write down the structures and names of the products formed when D-glucose is
treated with
(i) Bromine water
(ii) Hydrogen Iodide (Prolonged heating)
i) Amino acids may be acidic, alkaline or neutral. How does this happen? What are
essential and non-essential amino acids?
j) Explain the following terms giving a suitable example for each:
(i) Elastomers (ii) Condensation polymers (iii) Addition polymers
k) Write two uses of each of the following polymers.
(i) Polypropylene (ii) PVC (iii) Nylon-6, 6
l) Write the structures of the monomers used for getting the following polymers:
(i) Neoprene (ii) Melamine-formaldehyde polymer (iii) Buna-S

4. Answer any three Questions: 3×5=15

a) An element has an atomic mass 93 g mol-1 and density 11.5 g cm-3. If the edge length of its
unit cell is 300 pm, identify the type of unit cell. Write any two differences between
amorphous solids and crystalline solids.
b) (i) Differentiate between adsorption and absorption.
(ii) Out of MgCl2 and AlCl3 which one is more effective in causing coagulation of
negatively charged sol and why?
(iii) Shape selective catalysis
c) (a) Write the structural formula of A, B, C and D in the following sequence of reaction:

(b) Illustrate Sandmeyer’s reaction with the help of a suitable example.

d) (i) What are fuel cells? Give an example of a fuel cell.

(ii) Calculate the equilibrium constant (log Kc) and ΔrG° for the following reaction at
Cu (s) + 2Ag+ (aq) ⇌ Cu2+ (aq) + 2Ag (s)
e) What are enzymes? Describe their functions. Give one example each of water soluble and
fat-soluble vitamins. Draw pyranose structure of glucose.


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