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Operation, assembly, disassembly and

troubleshooting guide

FlowMaster II rotary driven

hydraulic pump, series “A”
85769, 120 lbs.
85847, 40 lbs.

Date of issue January 2014

Form number 404534C
Section C8 Read manual prior to installation or use
Page 375B of this product. Keep manual nearby for
future reference. Failure to follow
instructions and safety precautions may
result in death or serious injury.
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Explanation of signal words for safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Use of this manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Appropriate use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
General description and information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Damaged pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Installing the Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Lincoln industrial standard warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Special limited warranties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Safety Explanation of signal
Read and carefully observe these installation words for safety
instructions before installing/operating/
troubleshooting the assembly. The assembly
must be installed, maintained and repaired
exclusively by persons familiar with the
instructions. This is the safety alert symbol. It is used
Install the assembly only after safety to alert you to potential physical injury
instructions and this guide have been read hazards. Obey all safety messages that
and are completely understood. follow this symbol to avoid possible
Adequate personal protection must be injury or death.
used to prevent splashing of material on the
skin or in the eyes.
Always disconnect power source
(electricity, air or hydraulic) from the pump
when it is not being used. SAFET Y INSTRUCTIONS
This equipment generates very high Safety instruction signs indicate
grease pressure. Extreme caution should be specific safety-related instructions
used when operating this equipment as or procedures.
material leaks from loose or ruptured
components can inject fluid through the skin
and into the body. If any fluid appears to
penetrate the skin, seek attention from a
doctor immediately.
Do not treat injury as a simple cut. Tell
attending doctor exactly what type of fluid DANGER
was injected. Indicates a hazardous situation which,
Any other use not in accordance with if not avoided, will result in death or
instructions will result in loss of claim for serious injury.
warranty or liability.

• Do not misuse, over-pressurize, modify

parts, use incompatible chemicals, fluids,
or use worn and/or damaged parts.
• Do not exceed the stated maximum
working pressure of the pump or of the WARNING
lowest rated component in your system. Indicates a hazardous situation which,
• Always read and follow the fluid if not avoided will result in death or
manufacturer’s recommendations serious injury.
regarding fluid compatibility, and the use
of protective clothing and equipment.
• Failure to comply may result in personal
injury and/or damage to equipment.


Indicates a hazardous situation which,

if not avoided, could result in minor or
moderate injury.

Use of this manual

Overview General description and The volume of grease during intake is twice
This service page details the procedure that information the amount of grease output during one
must be followed while installing, operating cycle. During the upstroke, the inlet check
and repairing the FlowMaster II rotary The FlowMaster II rotary driven hydraulic closes, and one half of the grease taken in
driven hydraulic pump. pump is a fully hydraulically operated during the previous stroke is transferred
All required parts, tools, and equipment adjustable grease pump. through the outlet check and discharged to
needed to complete the operation of the A 24 V DC solenoid valve is incorporated the outlet port.
FlowMaster II rotary driven hydraulic pump as a method to turn the pump on and off. Fig. 1, page 5 is the hydraulic schematic
are defined and listed within this manual. On this model the pressure gauge is showing the key sub-assemblies of the
Review of the parts list and nomenclature optional and may or may not be shown in pump. Fig. 3, page 7 depicts the actual
is recommended before starting the graphics in this manual. location of those items.
disassembly or operation. Table 1 details the grease output in
proportion to the hydraulic input, which is
affected by temperature. Inspection
Appropriate use Grease output is proportional to the If over pressurizing of the equipment is
All pump models are exclusively designed hydraulic input flow. The pump is primarily believed to have occurred, contact the
to pump and dispense lubricants using designed for centralized lubrication systems factory authorized warranty and service
hydraulic power. The specifications are such as the single line parallel. Single line center nearest you for inspection of the
shown in table 1 for the pump. progressive and two line systems. An inte- pump.
The maximum specification ratings should grated pump control manifold is incorp- Specialized equipment and knowledge is
not be exceeded. orated with the input flow and pressure. required for repair of this pump.
Any other use not in accordance with The pump is driven by the rotary motion Annual inspection by the factory
instructions will result in loss of claims for of the hydraulic motor. Rotary motion is authorized warranty and service center
warranty and liability. converted to reciprocating motion through nearest you is recommended.
an eccentric crank mechanism. The recipro-
cating action causes the pump cylinder to
move up and down. The unit is a positive Damaged pumps
displacement double-acting pump, as Do not use any pump that appears to be
grease output occurs during both the up and damaged, badly worn or operates
down stroke. abnormally.
During the down stroke, the pump Remove the pump from service and
cylinder is extended into the grease. contact the factory authorized warranty and
Through the combination of shovel action service center nearest you for repairs. A
and vacuum generated in the pump cylinder listing of authorized warranty and service
chamber, the grease is forced into the pump centers is available upon request.
cylinder. Simultaneously, grease is
discharged through the outlet of the pump.

Table 1

Pump specifications

Hydraulic inlet flow 1.5 U.S. gpm (5,7 liters/min.)

Operating temperature –40 to 150 °F (–40 to 65 °C)
Operating working hydraulic pressure 360 psi (25 bar)
Solenoid voltage, for the on/off solenoid 24 V DC
Hydraulic inlet port, in SAE 4
Tank return port, in SAE 6
Supply inlet hydraulic pressure Maximum 3,000 psi (206 bar)
Pump outlets, in 1/4 in. NPTF

Maximum hydraulic fluid temperature 250 °F (121 °C)

Pump ratio with manifold 10:1

Fig. 1

T 4


8 7

Call out Nomenclature

1 Hydraulic fluid inlet port SAE 4 ORB

2 Hydraulic fluid return to tank SAE 6 ORB
3 Hydraulic motor

4 Lube outlets 0.25 in. NPTF

5 Flow control valve
6 Pressure gauge

7 Hydraulic fluid to vent valve

8 Orifice 0.013 in. (0.33 mm) diameter
9 Pressure reducing valve

10 Solenoid valve

Diagram 1

Grease output vs. temperature at 1.5 U.S. gpm (5,7 liters/min.) hydraulic flow rate

Grease output, [in. 3/min.(cm3/min.)]

14 (229)

12 (196)

10 (163)

8 (131)

6 (98)

4 (65)

2 (32)

-20 (-26) -10 (-23) 0 20 (-6) 40 (-4) 80 (26)
Temperature [°F (°C)]

Fig. 2

Pump dimensions

11.71 in.
(297 mm) 8.75 in.
9.55 in. (222 mm)
(243 mm)

1 /4 NPTF
Lube outlets

1.25 in.
(32 mm)

2.25 in.
(57 mm)

2.25 in. (4x) 0.28 in. (7 mm) holes

(57 mm) (4x) 1 /4-20 threads
3.90 in
(99 mm)

Model Dimension A in. (mm) Dimension B in. (mm) Dimension C in. (mm)

85847 27.10 (688) 24.69 (627) 15.76 (400)

85769 38.90 (988) 36.49 (927) 27.56 (700)

Fig. 3


67 70


Call out Nomenclature

A Hydraulic fluid inlet port SAE 4 ORB

B Hydraulic fluid return tank SAE 6 ORB
72 Hydraulic motor

70 Pressure reducing valve

69 Flow regulator
67 Solenoid valve

64 Pressure gauge
55 Lube outlets 1/4 NPTF

Installing the Pump Fig. 4

The pump was tested in lightweight oil ! If it is necessary to drill mounting
which was left in to protect the pump from holes into reservoir cover, refer to fig. 2
corrosion. Flush the pump before for hole pattern and dimensions.
connecting it to the system to prevent
contamination of the grease with
residual oil.
The pump has flow and pressure controls
integrated into the manifold (66) which are
not adjustable by the user. A normally closed
on/off solenoid valve (67 and 68) is also
integrated into the manifold and will start or
stop the pump operation. A manual override
is on the pump that will allow starting and
stopping of the pump.

1 Mount the pump securely on the drum

cover so that it cannot move or vibrate
during operation. Refer to fig. 4.
2 Attach hydraulic supply line to the inlet
and return line to the manifold ports.
3 Connect material supply line to the pump
4 Plug the unused outlet on the opposite
side of the pump.
5 Install high pressure shut-off valve in the
material supply line. (Required).
6 Connect a 24 V DC power supply to the
solenoid coil (74), using the supplied plug.

Operation 1 Shut off the material supply line valve. Crankcase oil service interval
2 Turn on the hydraulic pressure. • Check the oil level after every 750 hours
3 Energize the solenoid on/off valve. of machine operation, or monthly.
4 Prime the pump by slowly opening the • Change the oil after every 2,000 hours of
shut-off lubricant supply line valve. machine operation or every year.
WARNING 5 Purge air from the pump. • Use SAE 10W30 motor oil in all units
Do not exceed 400 psi (27 bar) working 6 Verify lubricant is flowing evenly from used in an ambient temperature of
hydraulic pressure. Use high pressure the pump. –40 to 150 °F (–40 to 65 °C). For ambient
components to reduce risk of serious temperatures of 50 to 70 °F (10 to 21 °C)
injury including fluid injection and use Mobil Aero HFA low temperature oil.
splashing in the eyes or on the skin. • Oil level should be at indicating dot on
All accessories connected to the pump ! Do not exceed maximum
dipstick (middle of crankshaft).
outlet must have at least 5,000 psi • Use 10W30 motor oil 15 oz. (0,44 l).
operating temperature of the hydraulic
(344 bar) minimum hydraulic operating fluid 250 °F (121 °C).
pressure. All accessories connected to Never allow the pump to run dry of
the pump inlet must have at least lubricant. A dry pump quickly speeds up,
3,000 psi (206 bar) minimum creating friction heat, which can damage
working pressure. the seals. Monitor supply lubricant level
Failure to comply may result in and refill when necessary.
personal injury. Failure to comply may result in
damage to equipment.

Fig. 5
! All pumps are factory set at 35
360 psi (25 bar) working inlet 31 33 69
hydraulic pressure, with a flow rate of
1.5 U.S. gallons/min. (5,7 liters/min.). B 36
Settings are not adjustable. 70
74 A

! Fig. 5 depicts the location of the
operating valves for the pump.

Call out Nomenclature

A Hydraulic fluid inlet port SAE 4 ORB

B Hydraulic fluid return to tank SAE 6 ORB
55 Lube outlet 1/4 NPTF

64 Pressure gauge
69 Flow regulator
67 Solenoid valve with manual override

70 Pressure reducing valve

72 Hydraulic motor

Disassembly 14 Using a blunt tool, remove the o-rings 22 Remove the bronze bearing (56) from
(54), (53) and back up washer (52) from the tube housing (60). Refer to fig. 8.
Pump outlet pin nuts (55). 23 Using a flat, blunt tool, remove the
15 Loosen the screws (44) holding the o-ring (57) from the tube housing (60).
1 Place pump into a vise. shaft cover (46) on the pump 24 Remove the back up washer (58) from
2 Remove dipstick (31). Refer to fig. 6. housing (37). the tube housing (60).
3 Drain crankcase oil. 16 Remove the retaining ring (48) from the
4 Remove housing cover screws (33). pump shaft (40).
5 Remove housing cover (35) and 17 Remove the pump shaft (40) by pushing
gasket (36). the pump shaft on the retaining ring Notice
6 Remove the hydraulic motor mounting (48) side. ! Slight force may be necessary to
screws (74) and lock washers (73). 18 Remove the retaining ring (63) from the remove the eccentric (5) and crank rod
7 Remove hydraulic motor (72). housing tube (60). Refer to fig. 7. (7) from the housing (37). Tap on the
8 Remove manifold assembly mounting 19 Remove the shovel plug (62) from the crank rod (7) until the eccentric (5) is
screws (65). housing tube (60). above the pump housing (37) and can
9 Remove manifold assembly (66). 20 Remove the spiral retaining ring (61). be pulled from the pump housing (37).
10 Remove pressure reducing valve (70). 21 Loosen and remove the tube
11 Remove flow regulator (69). housing (60). Refer to fig. 7.
12 Remove solenoid valve cartridge (67).
13 Remove the outlet pin nuts (55) from
both sides of the pump housing (37).
Refer to fig. 7.

Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8

33 34 35 56

35 7
31 33 55 58
54 44
69 59
36 66
70 53 60
37 45



25 Using a flat, blunt tool, remove the
61 o-ring (59) from the tube housing (60).
62 26 Using a rubber mallet and piece of brass
or other suitable piece of soft metal,
tap on the crank rod (7) inside the
housing (37).
27 Pull the eccentric (5) and crank rod (7)
out of the top of the pump housing (37).
End of procedure.

Crankrod and eccentric Fig. 9
1 Remove pivot screws (11) from the
crankrod (7). Refer to fig. 9. 34 35

Notice 44
! Wrist pin bushings (12) often stick 55 54
in wrist pin anchor (13). It may be 53
necessary to use a 5/16–24 bolt from kit
(276275) to remove the wrist pin
bushings (12). 46

52 48

2 Using a 5/16 in.–24 bolt, press out wrist

pin bushing (12). 40
3 Loosen and remove the wrist pin
anchor (13) from reciprocating tube
(25). Refer to fig. 10.
4 Pull the cup seal (16) out of the wrist 61
pin anchor (13).
5 Remove the steel backup ring (17). 62
6 Place the plunger link rod (20) in a vise. 63
7 Using an open ended wrench, loosen
the plunger link rod (20) and remove
from the outlet pin (8).
8 Remove the plunger link rod (20).
9 Remove the retainer clip (19) from the
plunger link rod (20). Fig. 10
10 Using a blunt tool, remove the o-ring
(18) from the plunger link rod (20).
11 Remove the back up washer (15) from
the plunger link rod (20).
12 Remove the o-ring (14) from the 22
plunger tube (52). 9
13 With the crank rod in a vise and using 23
the special tool (T1) provided in tool kit,
276275 remove the plunger link rod 13
(20). Refer to fig. 11.
14 Place the end of the plunger link rod
(20) into the hole of the tool (T1). 15
15 Align the outlet hole of the plunger link 10 16 24
rod (20) with the hole in the special tool 25
(T1). Refer to fig. 11.
16 Insert the pin included in the tool kit
(276275) through the tool and into the
plunger link rod (20) outlet hole.
17 Turn the tool counter clockwise to loos-
en the lower bushing and plunger (24) 20
from the plunger link rod (20).
18 Remove the plunger (24).
19 Remove the check rod from (22) the
lower bushing and plunger (24).
20 Remove the ball (23) from the lower 27
21 29
bushing and plunger (24).
21 Remove the spring (21) from the 30
link rod (20).
End of procedure.

Reciprocating tube Crankrod Fig. 12
1 Loosen the check seat housing (30) 1 Using a hex head wrench, loosen and
with 3/8 in. (9 mm) hex head wrench. remove the two flat head screws (1) from 1
Refer to fig. 11. the eccentric (5). Refer to fig. 12. 3
2 Remove the check seat housing (30) 2 Remove the counterbalance weights (2). 4
from the reciprocating tube (25). 3 Remove the outer (3) and inner (4)
3 Remove the ball cage (28), check ball retaining ring from both sides of the 5
(29) and o-ring seal (27) from the check crank rod (7). 4
seat housing (30). 4 Place the crankrod (7) on the supplied 3
4 Remove the lower bushing (24) from the 2 1/2 in. (62 mm) diameter steel pipe. 1
reciprocating tube (25). 5 Drive the crank eccentric (5) out of the
5 Remove the lower cup seal (26) from the ball bearing (6).
reciprocating tube (25). 6 Drive the ball bearing (6) out of the
crank rod (7).
End of procedure.

Fig. 11


Assembly Pump Fig. 15
1 Install the ball (23) into the lower
Crankrod and eccentric bushing and plunger (24). Refer to
assembly fig. 14. T1
2 Insert the check rod (22) into the pump
1 Place the crank rod (7) on the supplied plunger (23).
2 1/2 in. (62 mm) diameter steel pipe. 3 Place the spring (21) onto the check
2 Refer to fig. 13 and install the ball rod (22).
bearing assembly (6) into the 4 Thread the plunger link rod (20) into the
crank rod (7). pump plunger (24).
3 Place the eccentric (5) in the 5 Insert the lower bushing pump plunger
ball bearing (6). (24) into the suppled tool.
4 Place one end of the inner retaining ring 6 Align the hole in the lower bushing
(4) on top of the eccentric (5). pump plunger (24) with the hole in the
5 Squeeze the other end of the retaining tool (T1).
ring (4) toward the center and slide 7 Insert the supplied pin into the hole of 15 Thread the upper bushing and plunger
retaining ring (4) into place. the tool (T1) and into the lower bushing end (10) into the outlet pin (8).
6 Place one end of the outer retaining ring pump plunger (24). 16 Torque to 110 to 125 in.lbf.
(3) on top of the inner retaining ring (4). 8 Torque the lower bushing pump plunger (12,4 to 14,1 Nm).
7 Squeeze the other end of the retaining (24) to a torque of 110 to 125 in.lbf. 17 Install the back-up washer (15) in the
ring (4) toward the center and slide (12,4 to 14,1 Nm). wrist pin anchor (13).
retaining ring (4) into place. 9 Install the steel back up ring (17) onto 18 Place a new cup seal (16) inside the
8 Align the holes of the counter-balance the threads of upper bushing and wrist pin anchor (13).
weights (2) with the threaded holes of plunger end (10). 19 Clean the threads of the wrist pin
the eccentric (5) and place on 10 Slide the o-ring (18) onto the upper anchor (13).
the eccentric (5). bushing and plunger end (10). 20 Install the o-ring (14) on the wrist pin
9 Insert the flat head screws (1) into the 11 Install the retaining clip (19) on the anchor (13). Refer to fig 14.
counter-balance weight (2) and torque upper bushing and plunger end (10). 21 Insert the upper bushing and plunger
the flat head screws (1) to a torque of 12 Install the o-ring (9) on the upper end (10) into the wrist pin anchor (13)
100–110 in.lbf. (11,3–12,4 Nm). bushing and plunger end (10). and tighten.
13 Place the outlet pin (8) into a vise. 22 Place the wrist pin anchor (13) in a vise.
14 Apply Loctite 242 to the threads of the 23 Tighten the wrist pin anchor (13) to a
upper bushing and plunger end (10). torque of 20 to 25 ft.lbf. (27 to 34 Nm).

Fig. 13 Fig. 14

2 1
3 9
6 13
5 14
2 10 16 24



21 27 29


24 With the wrist pin anchor (13) still in the Fig. 17
vise, align the crankrod/eccentric as-
sembly (7) holes with the wrist pin an-
chor (13) holes. Refer to fig. 16. 22
25 Install the wrist pin bushings (12) 9
through the crank rod (7) and into the 23
wrist pin anchor (13). Refer to fig. 16.
26 Apply Loctite 242 to the threads of the 13
wrist pin bushing screws (11).
27 Insert and thread the wrist pin bushing
screws (11) into the crankrod (7). 15
10 16
28 Torque bushing screws (7) to a torque 24
of 110 to 125 in.lbf. (12,4 to 14,1 Nm).
29 Install the cup seal (26) with the slotted
side toward the center of the
reciprocating tube (25).
30 Place a new o-ring (27) on the lower
bushing and plunger (24).

Fig. 16

21 27 29



11 34 Install o-ring (27) onto check seat 39 Refer to fig. 18 and insert the o-ring
housing (30). (59) into the housing tube (60).
35 Apply Loctite 242 or equivalent to the 40 Place the back up washer (58) into the
threads of the check seat housing (30). housing tube (60).
36 Thread the check seat housing (30) into 41 Insert the o-ring (57) into the housing
31 Slide the lower bushing and plunger the reciprocating tube (25) and tighten tube (60).
(24) into the reciprocating tube (25) using a 3/8 in. (9 mm) hex key. 42 Insert the bronze bearing (56) into the
with the o-ring (27) near the bottom of 37 Torque to 20 to 25 ft.lbf. (27 to 34 Nm). housing tube (60).
the reciprocating tube (25). Refer to 38 Remove the crank rod (7) from the vise. 43 Position the crankrod assembly (7) over
fig. 17. the top of the pump housing (37) and
32 Install the steel check cage (28) into the Fig. 18 lower into the pump housing (37).
reciprocating tube (25).
33 Install the ball (29) into the steel check
cage (28). 56

! For ease of installation of the low- 58
er cup, use a small piece of tubing to
slide the lower cup into the reciprocating 59
tube and over the pump plunger.


51 Install the screws (33) with o-rings (34) Fig. 21
! Failure to align the key on the into the pump cover (35).
shaft and the key way in the eccentric 52 Torque the screws (33) to a torque of
10 to 15 in.lbf. (1,1 to 1,6 Nm).Insert 33
will result in damage to equipment.
and thread the housing tube (60) into 31
the pump housing (37). Refer to fig. 22, 34
page 15.
53 Install the hydraulic motor (72) on the
pump housing (37).
54 Thread the hydraulic motor mounting
44 Align the crank rod (7) with the shaft screws (74) with lock washers (73) into
(40) mounting hole. Refer to fig. 19 and the pump housing (37).
fig. 20. 55 Torque the mounting screws (74) to a
45 While aligning the key (39) on the shaft torque of 50 to 55 ft.lbf. 37
(40) with the eccentric key way (5), slide (67,8 to 74,5 Nm). Refer to fig. 22,
the shaft (40) into the eccentric (5). Re- page 15.
fer to fig. 20. 56 Install the o-rings (71) in the motor
46 Install the retaining ring (48) on the (72). Refer to fig. 22.
shaft. (40). 57 Place the manifold (66) on the hydraulic
motor (72).
Fig. 19 58 Thread the four manifold mounting
screws (65) into the manifold (66).
44 59 Torque the screws to 20 to 25 ft.lbf.
(27,1 to 33,9 Nm).
60 Install the manual override solenoid
45 valve (67) into the manifold (66). 68 Install the shovel plug (62) into the
46 61 Torque the solenoid valve (67) to a housing tube (60).
torque of 25 to 30 ft.lbf. (33 to 40 Nm). 69 Install the spiral retaining ring (63).
62 Install the pressure reducing valve (70) 70 Install the o-ring (54) in the outlet pin
48 in the manifold (66). mounting hole groove of the pump
63 Torque the pressure reducing valve (70) housing (37), as shown in
40 to a torque of 35 to 40 ft. lbf. fig. 22, page 15.
(47 to 54 Nm). 71 Install the back up washer(52) inside
64 Install the flow regulator (69) into the the outlet pin nut (55).
manifold (66). 72 Install the o-ring (53) inside the outlet
Fig. 20 65 Torque the flow regulator (69) to a pin nut (55).
torque of 35 to 40 ft.lbf. (47 to 54 Nm). 73 Line up the outlet pin and thread the
66 Refer to fig. 22, page 15 and torque outlet pin nut (55) into the pump
the housing tube (60) to a torque of 20 housing (37).
to 25 ft.lbf. (27,1 to 33,9 Nm).
67 Refer to fig. 22 and insert the retaining Notice
ring (61) into the second groove of ! Refer to page 8 crankcase oil
the housing tube (60). service for oil recommendations.

47 Install the shaft cover (46) on the pump 74 Torque to 30 to 35 ft.lbf. (40 to 47 Nm).
(37). Refer to fig. 23. 75 Fill the crankcase with oil up to indicator
48 Insert and thread screws (44) with lock dot on dipstick (31).
washers (45) into shaft cover (46) and 76 Install the crank case oil dip stick (31)
pump housing (37). and torque to 10 to 15 in.lbf.
49 Install new cover gasket (36) on pump (1,1 to 1,7 Nm). Refer to fig. 22,
housing (37). Refer to fig. 21. page 15.
50 Install the pump cover (35). End of procedure.


Condition Possible cause Corrective action

Pump does not run No pressure on gauge (64)

• Closed supply line shut off valve Open shut off valve
• No power to solenoid valve (68) Correct electrical fault
• Faulty solenoid (68) Replace solenoid (68)

• Insufficient hydraulic fluid supply Check hydraulic supply for proper

pressure and flow

Pressure is shown on gauge (64)

• Closed fluid outlet line Check outlet line and clear obstructions
• Pump is stalled due to grease back pressure Check vent valve in system
• Pump is seized or damaged Dismantle the pump and repair
Defective or seized component
See disassembly and assembly procedure

Pump speeds up or runs erratically Low level of grease or reservoir is empty Refill reservoir
Follower plate is stuck and separated from grease Check follower plate and container for damage
Pump piston or checks are worn Disassemble the pump and repair

Pump runs, but output is low Insufficient hydraulic fluid supply Check hydraulic supply and adjust flow
using valve (69)
Inlet pressure low Increase pressure using valve (70)
Faulty inlet (29, 30), faulty discharge check Replace faulty components
(23, 24) or damaged o-ring (27)

Weepage from housing cover (35) Cup seal (16) or o-ring (14) wore out Check seals and replace if necessary

Pump becomes noisy Crankcase needs oil Check dipstick (31) and fill with oil as required

Pump does not build pressure Worn wrist pin bushing (12) Check the bushings and replace if necessary
Foreign material holding lower check open Dismantle and clear check
Consider adding grease filter to system

Parts and tools

Tool list
7/16 in. open end wrench
1 1/2 in. open end wrench
3/4 in. open end wrench

12 in. adjustable wrench

1/8 in. hex head wrench
5/32 in. hex head wrench

1/4 in. hex head wrench

5/16 in. hex head wrench
3/8 in. hex head wrench
1/4 in. drive socket
1/4 in. socket
5/16 in. socket

Pick to remove seals and spiral retaining rings

Small snap ring pliers
Special tool kit 276275

Phillips screwdriver
1/2 in. hex head wrench


Torque wrench ft.lbf. and in.lbf. (Nm)

Hex head socket adapters (required to torque hex head screws)
Loctite 242 medium strength thread lock or equivalent

Parts list

Item no. Description Part no. Quantity Item no. Description Part no. Quantity

1 Flat head screw (1/4–28 x 1 3/4) 270635 2 39 Woodruff key 272560 1

2 Counter weight 272197 2 40 Pump shaft 277397 1
3 Retaining ring 270609 2 41 Retaining ring 272561 1

4 Retaining ring 270608 2 42 Ball bearing 272556 1

5 Crank eccentric 270666 1 43 Shaft seal 2725542) 1
6 Ball bearing 270607 1 44 Screws 272557 4

7 Crank rod 270665 1 45 Lock washer 66051 4

8 Outlet pin 270670 1 46 Bearing cover 272549 1
9 O-ring (nitrile) 342551),2) 1 47 O-ring 2725592) 1

10 Upper bushing and plunger 2750001) 1 48 Retaining ring 272563 1

11 Pivot screw 275006 2 49 Ball bearing 272555 1
12 Wrist pin bushing 275005 2 50 Retaining ring 272562 1

13 Wrist pin anchor 274992 1 51 Drain plug 244752 1

14 O-ring 2750152) 1 52 Backup washer 2498372) 2
15 Backup washer 2749981),2) 1 53 O-ring 2498382) 2

16 Cup seal (polyurethane) 2749991),2) 1 54 O-ring 2707192) 2

17 Steel back-up ring 2749971),2) 1 55 Outlet pin nut 270619 2
18 O-ring 2727911),2) 1 56 Bronze bearing 270674 1

19 Retainer clip 2749961),2) 1 57 O-ring (polyurethane) 2498392) 1

20 Plunger link rod See chart 1 58 Backup washer 2706522) 1
21 Spring 2771682) 1 59 O-ring (nitrile) 344312) 1

22 Check rod 277167 1 60 Housing tube See chart 1

23 Ball 3/16 660102) 1 61 Retaining ring 277398 1
24 Lower bushing and plunger 275002 1 62 Shovel plug 270707 1

25 Reciprocating tube See chart 1 63 Retaining ring 270705 1

26 Cup seal (polyurethane) 2706252) 1 64 Pressure gauge 270768 1
27 O-ring (nitrile) 2750112) 2 65 Socket hd screw (5/16-18 x 1 1/4) 270680 4

28 Ball cage 272179 1 66 Manifold 270771 1

29 Ball 3/16 660012) 1 67 Solenoid valve cartridge 275412 1
30 Check seat 270664 1 68 Din coil (24 V DC) 275592* 1

31 Dipstick with o-ring 275369 1 69 Flow regulator 277818 1

32 O-ring 2750152) 1 70 Pressure reducing valve 277819 1
33 Self-threading screw 8 x 1/2 270633 6 71 O-ring (fluorocarbon) 2712362) 2

34 Gasket (screw) 2529862) 6 72 Hydraulic motor with o-rings 277740 1

35 Housing cover 275009 1 73 Lock washer (3/8) 272566 4
36 Cover gasket (nitrile) 2706302) 1 74 Socket hd screw (3/8-16 x 1 1/2) 277405 4

37 Pump housing 278230 1 75 Orifice fitting 270735 1

38 O-ring 2725672) 1 76 Din plug 242209* 1

Non-common repair parts

Part number

Model 85769 Model 85847

20 Plunger link rod 277383 277975

25 Reciprocating tube 277734 277979
60 Housing tube 277738 277981

1)Included in 275186 repair kit

2)Included in 277723 repair kit
* Indicates change.

Fig. IPB 1




10 15 14







Fig. IPB 2




Fig. IPB 3




68* 66








* Indicates change.

Lincoln industrial standard damages, therefore the above limitation or Declaration of conformity according to
warranty exclusion may not apply to you. machinery Directive 89/392/EEC
This is to declare that the design of the
Standard limited warranty FlowMaster II rotary driven hydraulic pump
Lincoln warrants the equipment Special limited warranties in the version supplied by Lincoln Industrial,
manufactured and supplied by Lincoln to be One Lincoln Way, St. Louis, MO.
free from defects in material and Special limited 2 year warranty 63120, U.S.A., complies with provisions
workmanship for a period of one (1) year SL-V series, single injectors-85772, of Directive 89/392/EEC.
following the date of purchase, excluding 85782,replacement injectors-85771,
there from any special, extended, or limited 85781 and FlowMaster II 85731, 85732, Applied harmonized standards in particular:
warranty published by Lincoln. If equipment 85733 and 85734
is determined to be defective during this Lincoln warrants the SL-V Injector series EN 292-1 Safety of machinery part 1 Basic
warranty period, it will be repaired or and bare FlowMaster II “pump only” models terminology, methodology
replaced, within Lincoln’s sole discretion, to be free from defects in material and
without charge. workmanship for two (2) years following the EN 292-2 Safety of machinery part 2
This warranty is conditioned upon the date of purchase. If an injector model (single technical principles and specifications
determination of a Lincoln authorized or replacement) or "bare" FlowMaster II
representative that the equipment is pump is determined to be defective by EN 982 Safety of machinery, safety
defective. To obtain repair or replacement, Lincoln, in its sole discretion, during this requirements for fluid power systems and
you must ship the equipment, warranty period, it will be repaired or their components, hydraulics,
transportation charges prepaid, with proof replaced, at Lincoln’s discretion,
of purchase to a Lincoln Authorized without charge. EN 1050 Safety of machinery, principles for
Warranty and Service Center within the risk assessment
warranty period. Special limited 5 year warranty
This warranty is extended to the original series 20, 25, 40 bare pumps, pmv bare
retail purchaser only. This warranty does not pumps, heavy duty and 94000 series bare
apply to equipment damaged from accident, reels
overload, abuse, misuse, negligence, faulty Lincoln warrants series 20, 25, 40 bare
installation or abrasive or corrosive material, pumps, PMV bare pumps, heavy duty
equipment that has been altered, or (82206), mini bench (81133, 81323), and
equipment repaired by anyone not all 94000 LFR series (single arm and dual
authorized by Lincoln. This warranty applies arm) bare reels to be free from defects in
only to equipment installed, operated and material and workmanship for five (5) years
maintained in strict accordance with the following the date of purchase. If equipment
written specifications and recommendations is determined by Lincoln, in its sole discre-
provided by Lincoln or its authorized field tion, to be defective during the first year of Paul G. Conley, Chief Engineer
personnel. the warranty period, it will be repaired or December 16th, 2003
This warranty is exclusive and is in lieu replaced at Lincoln’s discretion, without
of any other warranties, express or charge. In years two (2) and three (3), the
implied, including, but not limited to, the warranty on this equipment is limited to
warranty of merchantability or warranty repair with Lincoln paying parts and labor
of fitness for a particular purpose. only. In years four (4) and five (5), the war-
Warranty on items sold by Lincoln, but ranty on this equipment is limited to repair
not manufactured by Lincoln are subject with Lincoln paying for parts only.
to the warranty consideration, if any, of
their manufacturer (such as hoses, Lincoln Industrial contact information
hydraulic and electric motors, electrical To find Lincoln Industrial’s nearest service
controllers, etc.) Assistance in making center in the United States, call customer
such warranty claims can be offered as service at 314-679-4200. For international
required. callers dial 01-314-679-4200. You may
In no event shall Lincoln be liable for also use our website lincolnindustrial.com.
incidental or consequential damages.
Lincoln’s liability for any claim for loss or
damages arising out of the sale, resale or
use of any Lincoln equipment shall in no
event exceed the purchase price. Some
jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or
limitation of incidental or consequential

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The Power of Knowledge Engineering These competence areas include bearings and
Combining products, people, and application- units, seals, lubrication systems, mechatronics,
Bearings and Lubrication
housings systems
specific knowledge, SKF delivers innovative and a wide range of services, from 3-D computer
solutions to equipment manufacturers and pro- modelling to cloud-based condition monitoring
duction facilities in every major industry world- and asset management services.
wide. Having expertise in multiple competence SKF’s global footprint provides SKF customers
Mechatronics Services
areas supports SKF Life Cycle Management, a with uniform quality standards and worldwide
proven approach to improving equipment reliabil- product availability. Our local presence provides
ity, optimizing operational and energy efficiency direct access to the experience, knowledge and
and reducing total cost of ownership. ingenuity of SKF people.

® SKF is a registered trademark of the SKF Group.

® Lincoln is a registered trademark of Lincoln Industrial Corp.
™ FlowMaster II is a trademark of Lincoln Industrial Corp.
Mobil is a trademark of Exxon Mobil Corp.
Loctite is a registered trademark of Henkel Corp.
© SKF Group 2014
The contents of this publication are the copyright of the publisher and may not be reproduced (even extracts) unless prior written permis-
sion is granted. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication but no liability can be
accepted for any loss or damage whether direct, indirect or consequential arising out of the use of the information contained herein.
SKF PUB LS/I4 14406/R1 · EN · April 2014 · Form 404534C

lincolnindustrial.com skf.com/lubrication

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