Bộ câu hỏi nói Anh CB3

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ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 1
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your family:
-Tell me about your family?
-Where do you live?
-What do you like doing when you are with your family?

Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes-3 points)

You are going to celebrate your birthday. Where are you going to organize the party: at
home, in a restaurant or in a park? Why?
Part 3: Topic (3 minutes -4 points)
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic The most important inventions.
Your talk should focus on:
- What the most important inventions are.
- Which has changed the world most.
- What benefits we can get from these inventions.
The internet completely changed our life.
+ It's changed the way we contact. With the internet, we can talk to someone face to
face even if they live a thousand km far away.
+ It's also changed the way we find information. Before if you needed to find some
information you have to buy books or try to look for in the hundred pages of the book. But
now you do not have to do that, the internet brings us a huge information, you can find
anything on it.
The internet is really great but nothing is perfect, it also brings us much of problems.
+ fake information
+ don't want to go out --> need to know how to use it right.



ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 2
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your reading habit.
-What do you like to read the best?
- Do you often read newspaper?

- Why do you like to read?

Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You are making plan for your holiday. Where do you prefer to go: To the beach, to the mountain
or to a foreign country? Why?
Part 3: Topic (3 minutes-4 points)
You will be given 3 minutes to talk about the topic Watching films.
You should include the following ideas in your talk:
- Whether you prefer seeing films on TV or DVD, or in the cinema
- Whether you prefer seeing foreign films dubbed or with subtitles
- Whether you prefer Vietnamese films or American films.
If I have to choose between films on tv, on DVD, or in the cinema, I would say that I
love to watch films on TV. Because I love to watch films at home, I love to enjoy my personal
space. I often watch foreign movies with subtitles because I want to hear the real voice of the
actors. It is more interesting than watching films dubbed. I love to watch American movies not
just because it's amazing, it also helps me to improve my listening skill and teach me how to
speak in a native-like tone.


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 3

Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)

Let’s talk about your study:
- what are you studying?
- What do you like about your studying?
- What do you like about learning English?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You have to make decision of the university you are going to apply. There are 3 groups of
people: Family, teachers and friends. Who do you think you could get the best advices? Why?
Part 3:Topic (3 minutes-4 points)
You will have 3 minutes to talk about the topic A person you admire.
Your talk should focus on:
- His/her profile
- The reason why you admire him/her
- His/her impact on you.
Maybe for so many people, they admire a president, the author of the book,...but for
me, the person I admire is a comic actor. His name is Le Duong Bao Lam. Now he is one of the

most popular comic actors in Viet Nam. In recent times, you can see him on all social media,
and he is in the top ten of Buzzmetrics Social Index (BSI) top 10 Influencers Vietnam.
So why am I admiring him?
+ The first reason is he always trying, he tries every day to be better. When he starts to
become an actor, nobody knows him. He doesn't have much money so he has to play a lot of
extras. In the tough time, he even wanted to give up but then he kept trying and now he is one
of the most popular actors in Viet Nam.
+ The second reason is he really loves his family. He is a famous actor but he lives very
simply, he still helps his wife livestream or helps her sell the product at the park or at home.
He and his wife also did charity, especially during Covid-19.
His impact on me. He helps me see that if I keep trying and work hard everything going
to be better. Even sometimes I'm gonna be so tired and wanna give up but just think positive
and keep trying, everything gonna be the right way.


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 4
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about sport.
- Do you play any sport?
- What are the most popular sport in your country?
- Is it better to play sport or to watch TV? Why?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
Your friend is visiting Hanoi. You are going to take him or her around Hanoi. Which means
of transport do you choose; motorbike, bus or car? Why?
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic Reading books.
You should say:
- The advantages of reading books
- The disadvantages of reading books
- Your reading habits.
The advantages of reading books:
+ Bring us the world of information. You can find all the things in books. Different
from the internet, you can find information on the internet too but the level of truth in books is
more than on the internet.
+ help us feel calm and relax our minds after a hard day at work or school. You can
chill on the balcony with a coffee, and a little book and enjoy the fresh air.

Disadvantages of reading books:

+ Reading books is really good and helpful but you know there are so many kinds of
books and not all of that is a good book or you can call it “Unwholesome books”. That kind of
book gonna leads the readers to follow the wrong things or out of mind shape special kids.


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 5
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your name.
- What is the meaning of your given name?
- Does your name affect your personality?
- Who can give children’s name in your country?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You are making an advertisement of a competition. There are three groups of advertising
methods: Poster, video clip and brochure. Which one do you choose? why?
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)
You will talk in 3 minutes about the topic Sports.
- Kinds of sports you know
- Popular sport(s) for Vietnamese youth. (Why is it/are they popular?)
- Advantages of playing sport.
In the world, there are 8,000 indigenous sports and sporting games. This may refer to
basketball, football, baseball, and so many others. But for Vietnamese youth, the most popular
sport is football. Advantages of sport:
+ Good for your health, make you sleep better, be happier and more relaxed. Exercise
and sports trigger chemicals in the brain that can make you feel happier and relaxed. If you
play sports outside, you can benefit from fresh air which is said to promote a good night’s
+ Sport brings together a mixture of people from different communities, backgrounds,
religions, and beliefs. Sports can offer a new way to meet others that you may not interact with
day to day. As a result, you can make new friends. And who knows, playing a sport might even
open new career and business opportunities for you.



ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 6
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your hometown.
- What part of your country do you come from?
- What’s the weather like in your hometown?
- Can you describe your hometown?

Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)

A friend is going to take a summer job where she can meet new people. a volunteer nurse, a
tour guide and a sale employee at bakery. Which one would be the best choice? Why?

Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)

You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic Factors that make people happy.
-What factors that make people happy
- What factor is the most important one
- When is the happiest time of person’s life (when we are young or old?).
If you ask me "What are factors that make people happy?", I can tell you there are so
many factors such as no worries money,... But I think the most important factor is a happy
So why is a happy home important that much?
Because home is where you are belonging. After a hard day at school or at work, you
need somewhere to come back and relax your mind so if you live in a happy home when you
come home, you gonna feel loved, and warm and tired feelings are gone and you have the
motivation to do so many others things and love your life more.
But if you live in a family in which the relationships are bad or unhealthy, even if you
are happy, you smile, when you come home, you can't keep that. You have to take the stress
from your own home.
So from that, I believe that a happy home is the most important factor that makes
people happy.
And one more big question is "When is the happiest time of a person’s life?" What do
you think?
For me, I would say the happiest time of a person's life is when we were young. Let me
explain it. A big reason I said that is caused when we were young, we got heath. Is there
anything valuable more than health? I guess not. When you got healthy you can climb the
mountain, go to the sea or do any of the crazy stuff that you want.


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 7
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about shopping.
- How often do you go shopping?
- Do you prefer to go shopping alone? Why?/ Why not?.
- What do you find annoying about shopping? Why?.
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)

You have an evening free and you intend to watch a film. Where do you prefer to watch ; .at
home, at the cinema or at your friend’s house? Why?
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)
You will be given 3 minutes to talk about the topic The Internet.
You should include the following ideas in your talk:
- What has changed because of the Internet
- What will happen with the Internet
- What you would do with the Internet.
The internet completely changed our life.
+ It's changed the way we contact. With the internet, we can talk to someone face to
face even if they live a thousand km far away.
+ It's also changed the way we find information. Before if you needed to find some
information you have to buy books or try to look for in the hundred pages of the book. But
now you do not have to do that, the internet brings us a huge information, you can find
anything on it.
The internet is really great but nothing is perfect, it also brings us much of problems.
+ fake information
+ don't want to go out --> need to know how to use it right.
ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 8
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your hobbies.
-Tell me about any hobbies you have now or had in the past.
-Do you feel you have enough free time for hobbies? Why? / Why not?
-If you had a chance to take up a new hobby, what would it be? Why?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
Your friend is going to England for a year and you want to buy her a present. Three items
are suggested: a camera, an English grammar book and a sweater. Which one would be the best
choice? And why?

Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)

You will have 3 minutes to talk about the topic The wonders of modern world in the family.
Your talk should focus on:
- What is the wonder of the world in your family (for example the equipment in the kitchen)
- What’s good about it.

- What troubles it brings about.


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 9
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your friends.
- How important is friendship to you?
- Do you have friends who live in other countries?
- What kind of things do you like to do when you get together with your friends?.
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
A group of friends are going to celebrate the end of exams. Three locations are suggested: a
pool, a party club and a restaurant . Which place would be the best choice? Why?
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)
You will talk in 3 minutes about the topic Describe the best day in your life.
Ideally, your talk should focus on the hints below:
- What happened on that day
- How it changed your life
- How you felt about that.
The best day of my life is my 20th birthday, it's the second day of the Lunar new year.
A special thing about my birthday is my nephew has the same birthday as me so we decided to
have a birthday party together. My family and his family had dinner together, we ate and
laughed so much. After dinner we cleaned and then next to the most important part is singing
happy birthday, blowing out the candle, and cutting the birthday cake together.
That day is really special to me because it told me that I'm not a teen anymore. I'm not
seventeen, or nineteen anymore now I'm twenty and it's like I become a real adult. That day
told me that I need to be more responsible for myself, my life, and my future. I need to be
braver, to be more strong, and to be more independent.
I was moved, I was so happy because my big family was there to celeb my birthday, for
me, family together means happiness.



ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 10
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)

Let’s talk about the food.

- What kind of food do you like? Why?
- What kind of thing you don’t like to eat? Why not?
- Do you like cooking? Why?/ Why not?.
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You are going to have a picnic with your family. Going to the beach, mountain hiking and
visiting hometown, which one might be the best choice? Why?
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).
You are given 3 minutes to talk about the topic The biggest invention in modern life.
You should develop your talk based on the following clues:
- What the invention is
- Why you think it is the biggest invention
- How it has changed our life.
The internet completely changed our life.
+ It's changed the way we contact. With the internet, we can talk to someone face to
face even if they live a thousand km far away.
+ It's also changed the way we find information. Before if you needed to find some
information you have to buy books or try to look for in the hundred pages of the book. But
now you do not have to do that, the internet brings us a huge information, you can find
anything on it.
The internet is really great but nothing is perfect, it also brings us much of problems.
+ fake information
+ don't want to go out --> need to know how to use it right.


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 11
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your favorite place.
- What place do you like to visit most?
- Why do you like it?
- Has it changed very much since you first went there? If yes, in what way?.
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
Your family is planning on an oversea trip this Christmas. However, you and your family are
still concerning about how long the trip would last. Between 3 days, 5 days and 1 week, which one
might be the best selection? Why?

Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).


You will have a 3 -minute talk about the topic A really exciting sport event you saw.
You should say:
- Where and when it was
- What happened
- Why it was so exciting.
Basketball is one of the exciting sports and I really love it. But in Viet Nam is not much
popular so I often watch basketball matches online. 
A few months ago, I watched a match of The National Basketball Association (NBA)
a professional basketball league in North America. It was a basketball match between Golden
State Warriors and Brooklyn Nets. Those are all very famous teams. In that match, both
teams played very well and fairly.
I am a fan of the Golden State Warriors so, of course, I hoped that Golden State
Warriors win but it did not happen. The Golden State Warriors took an early lead
but Brooklyn Nets soon drew level. The competition was keen and then the match ended with
a score of 114 to 116, Brooklyn Nets won the match. 
For me, it was one of the most exciting matches I have ever seen because those all teams
are really amazing and it's hard to guess which team win. I thought The Golden State
Warriors win first but it's not. Life always contains surprises.

ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 12
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about the music.
- What kind of music do you like best?
- Why do you like this kind of music?
- What are the benefits of listening to music?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You and your classmates are planning to have a farewell party to one of your classmates,
who is moving to a foreign country.Three places are suggested: in your classroom, in a karaoke or at
a camping site.Which place do you choose? Why?
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic A film that you know or like.
You should say:
- What it is called
- Who are the main characters
- What it is about and why you like it
My all-time favorite film is called Zootopia. Zootopia is an animated film produced by
Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The main voice cast of

Zootopia is Ginnifer Goodwin as Judy Hopps, a young optimistic rabbit from Bunnyburrow
and a newly appointed member of the Zootopia Police Department. Jason Bateman as
Nicholas P. "Nick" Wilde, a sly red fox who is a small-time con artist. It tells a story of an
unlikely partnership between a rabbit police officer and a red fox con artist as they uncover a
criminal conspiracy involving the disappearance of predators.
I love it because it carries so many meaningful messages. It tells us to be brave and try
everything even if we lost another fight but just start again. We only live once, just try, failed
and grow. It tells us that anyone can be anything. There's no matter who you are or where you
live, just live with your dream and try your best to pursue that dream, even if you failed, at
least you tried.
ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 13
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about the transportation.
- Can you say something about the transportation in your hometown?
- What is the common means of transport in your country?
- Do traffic jams often occur in your hometown or in your country? How to solve the problem?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
Your friend said that “you are too fat , you should lose weight” and they advise you to take
up three kinds of sport; doing morning exercise, going to the gym and jogging . Which one do you
choose to take up? Why?.
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic Your ideal holiday.
You should say:
- What your ideal holiday is
- How you feel about it
- Where you are going for the next holiday.
Maybe for so many people going on a trip is the best way to enjoy their holiday. But for
me, I just want to spend my time at home on my holiday.
That's not because I don't want to go out just because I get car sick seriously and now
I'm a student at university, I'm not staying home much so that's why I want to spend more
time at home with my family and friends.
My ideal holiday is to wake up on my bed, listen to a little music in the morning and
start the day. I'm going to spend my time taking care of my plants and cooking lunch for my
family. In the afternoon I'm going to go for a stroll around the lake. In the evening, I'm going
to invite some friends to come over and have fun together.

When you hear about my holiday you might think "It's so boring" but for me, it's not.
I feel so comfortable, and relaxed, all the stress is gone. I'm really happy and enjoy the time
with people that I love.
The next time on my holiday, I have a new idea. I want to travel by motorbike with
friends. Maybe we can visit somewhere near Ha Noi city such as Tam Dao, Sa Pa or Ha Giang.
That's going to be a happy memory and one of the most wonderful experiences for me.
ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 14
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about the travel.
- Have you travelled outside your country?
- What do you think the best way to travel?
- If you were going on a long trip, who would you prefer to go with? Why?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
Last week your teacher gave you an assignment on Science & Technology. You need to find
information to complete the assignment. Three are 3 sources that you can search the information
from: Internet, magazines and books . Which one do you choose? Why?
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic The typical dishes from your country.
You should say:
- What they are
- What differences between the typical dishes in your country with those from other countries
- Where and how they are popular in your country.
When we hear about Viet Nam, the first dishes that come to our mind may be Pho or
Banh Mi, but there are one typical dishes is common and tasty that everyone should try
Noodle and Tofu with Shrimp Sauce or Bún đậu mắm tôm.
The uniqueness of Bún đậu mắm tôm are you going to eat noodles tofu and so many
other toppings such as boiled shank, chả cốm,... with the special sauce - Shrimp Sauce. Shrimp
paste is a "specialty" of Vietnamese cuisine. For foreign tourists, they first time to enjoy
shrimp sauce will feel uncomfortable but enjoy and then see the unique taste of this street
I don't know exactly when or how Bun Dau becomes famous but I just know one thing
Ha Noi is definitely the haven of Bun Dau. Bun Dau Mam Tom is a rustic dish of the Northern
people but a subtle combination of Vietnamese cuisine. This dish is often used as a snack and
is often found on the streets of Hanoi. And in Ha Noi best known for Bun Dau Hang Khay. If
you have a chance to come to Ha Noi, let's try it. It going to be a special experience.


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 15

Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)

Let’s talk about your future plans.
- What are you planning to do after graduating from your university?
- What are you planning to do in the next 10 years?
- What are your plans about your own family in the future?.
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You are going to move to a new flat but you can’t afford to buy all furniture for it. There are
3 things: a TV, a dishwasher and a fridge. What do you think you will buy? Why?.
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic Your ideal jobs.
You should say:
- Which jobs you find most interesting
- What requirements of them
- What you like to do any of them.


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 16
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about yourself.
- Can you tell me about your typical working day?
- What do you like most about your studying/ your job?
- How do you spend your weekends?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
Your best friend is going to hold her birthday party next week. Which gift you are going to
bring her? Why? A book, a birthday cake or a bunch of flowers.
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic Your favorite film star.
You should say:
- What film he/ she has been in
- What is the best role he/ she has ever played
- What he/ she is famous for.

My all-time favorite film star is Leonardo Dicaprio. He has been in What's Eating
Gilbert Grape, Romeo+Juliet (1996) and so many others but I think the most famous film he
has been in is Titanic in 1997.
DiCaprio was launched into international stardom with its release of it. With his wide
variety as an actor and performer, DiCaprio has wowed audiences and industry executives
worldwide. He is regarded as one of Hollywood’s most versatile, forward-thinking, and choosy
He is not just famous as a great actor. He is also famous as an environmentalist who
deeply cares about our planet. The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation (LDF) has donated over
$80 million in grants to 200+ environmentalist projects working in 50 countries and all five
oceans. He truly cares about children and has adopted a little girl from an orphanage in South
Africa. While shooting for ‘Blood Diamond’ in South Africa, he met a girl at an orphanage
and immediately decided to adopt her. Along with that, he also donates to various children's
welfare foundations like SOS Children’s Villages. He has a golden heart, indeed.


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 17
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about keeping fit.
- What sorts of things do you do to keep healthy?
- How often do you play sport?
- How can we get young people to do more sport?

Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)

If you did very well at your school/ organization, your boss/ your headmaster would give a
bonus of a trip to Tokyo, New York or London for a week. Where would you choose to go? Why?
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic Family.
You should say:
- What you know about nuclear and extended families
- Pros and cons of living in these kinds of families
- What size is perfect family. (Explain why?)
In simple words, a nuclear family consists of the husband-wife and their unmarried
children. The modern family is a typical example of the nuclear family. When you live in a
nuclear family you going to get more freedom and privacy and shared responsibilities and
interdependence. Privacy enables couples to spend time together, couples are freer to express

their expectations of each other. What's more, living in a nuclear family means that couples
enjoy greater freedom in making decisions together and with their children.
But the biggest issue faced by couples when living in a nuclear family is Problems with
work-life balance. Couples have to face difficult situations such as the child falling sick or
working to meet a deadline. During such times, the lack of support from extended family
members may not be forthcoming.
Advantages Of Extended Family Living Sharing economic responsibilities. Adult
children often move back in with their parents as they start off their careers or to help them
save money to buy their own homes. Willing and healthy grandparents can also help take care
of young grandchildren during the day, which can save the family a significant amount on
childcare costs. This family structure saves from the loneliness that is generally felt in the
nuclear family. Children have many members that can help them in their education.
The disadvantage of Extended Family The extended family has too much of a
responsibility for elderly members. Loss of independence. Loss of privacy as there are too
many people around all the time. I think the nuclear family is a perfect size. Because now we
live in a modern world and we need to change the mindset of new general to be better so the
nuclear family is a perfect way to do that.
ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 18
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about studying English:
- Do you like learning English?
- What do you find most difficult about studying English?
- What is the best way for you to study English?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
If you could choose a job for your brother/sister, which one would you choose for him/her in
three following jobs? Why? A teacher, an engineer or a doctor.
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic Collections.
You should say:
- What kinds of things people often collect
- Why people collect things
- Do you collect anything? Did you use to collect things when you were younger? What? Why?
Have you ever loved something so much? Such as when I was a child I really loved dolls
or maybe so many people love books, wine or antiques. So when people love something they
often try to collect them.

So Why Do People Collect Things?

There's no big reason, people collect things just for pure enjoyment and because the
act of collecting is fun. Many people find that the joy and excitement of finding a new treasure
for their collection become their primary reason for collecting.
Many individuals think of collecting as an investment, and they purposefully collect
rare and vintage items like antiques, stamps, coins, toys, and even rare whiskies with the hopes
that all of their stuff will accumulate value over time.
Right now, I'm not into anything so I have to say that I don't get any collection but as I
said "When I was a child, I really love dolls" so that's why I got a doll clothes collection when I
was in primary school. I considered it a treasure, not because of any big reason just because I
loved it.


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 19
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your free time
- Do you have much free time in your life?
- What do you like doing in your free time?
- How much free time do you think a person should have every day?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
Your parent’s wedding anniversary is coming. You would like to make them happy by
buying them a wedding cake, cooking them a delicious meal or giving them two tickets for holiday.
Which one will you do? Why?
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic Know about our world.
You should say:
- What man-made things on Earth can be seen from space
- Why women live longer than men
- What is the most terrible natural disaster to have hit the Earth.

ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 20
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about the place you are living.
- Describe the house or flat/apartment in which you are living at the moment?
- Do you think it is better to live in a house or a flat/apartment?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a garden?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You and your family is going on a holiday to Sa pa ( in Lao Cai). You have three choices for
accommodation : A hotel, a guest house, a home-stay . Which one might be your best choice? Why?
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).
You will have a 3 -minute talk about the topic Know about our world.
You should say:
- Animals have feelings
- What the Earth’s oldest are living things
- What is our life in the next century.

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