Bộ Đề Speaking 1 Cut

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Part 1
1. Do you like flowers?
2. What is your favourite flower?
3. Do any flowers have special meaning in your country?
1. Did you enjoy your childhood?
2. What did you like doing most during your childhood?
3. What did you remember most about your childhood?
Part 2:
Your parents are going to celebrate their wedding anniversary next week. You
are going to give them a present: a couple of movie tickets, a bouquet of
flowers, a handmade card. What do you choose?
Part 3
Equal partnership has some features
- share some routines & household tasks
- childcare responsibility
- work as a team
- your own idea.
Further discussion:
1. How have the roles of husband and wife changed the past 10 years?
2. What roles do grandparents play in a family?
3. What do you think about single - parent family?
Part 1
1. Did you collect anything when you were a child?
2. What do Vietnamese people collect?
3. What will you collect if you have money?
1. Do you like dancing?
2. Why do people like dancing?
3. Where can people learn how to dance in your country?

Part 2:
Your father is going to retire next week. You are thinking of buying him
a present: a bottle of champagne, a puppy, a tie. Which one do you think is the
best present for him?

Part 3:
Waking up early has a lot of benefits
- Keep a healthy diet
- Feel fresher
- Increase work productivity
- Your own ideas
Part 1:
1. Do you like casual or formal clothes?
2. How do you dress to work?
3. What’s your favourite clothing item in winter?
1. Are you a family person?
2. What do u think are qualities of a good wife?
3. Do u think your personality will change when you are older?

Part 2:
You work is 10 kilometers away from home. You are considering
means of transport to work every day: taxi, motorbike, bus

Part 3:
Working from home has a lot of benefits (teleworking = telecommuting)
- Save time
- Increase productivity
- Reduce working stress
- Your own idea.
Further questions
1. What do u think are the drawbacks of working from home?
2. Has the number of people working from home increased …? What are the
3. What should be the most important factor to work effectively when people
work from home?
Part 1:
1. Have u ever worn uniforms?
2. Do u like wearing uniforms?
3. What are the benefits of wearing uniforms at school?
Home punishment:
1. Have u ever been punished by your parents?
2. What are some common types of home punishments?
3. Should children be punished when they make mistakes?
Part 2:
Your brother is in love with a girl at high school, which make u worried.
U are considering 3 options: asking him to stop, letting him continue but under
your control, informing your parents.

Part 3:
Causes of overpopulation:
- Decline in death rate
- Lack of family planning
- Better health care system
- Your own idea.

Further discussion:
1. What are negative effects of overpopulation
2. What can be done to solve overpopulation?
3. Do the developing countries suffer from overpopulation more than
developed ones?
Part 1
1. Did you enjoy your childhood?
2. What did you like doing most during your childhood?
3. What did you remember most about your childhood?
1. Do u use a dictionary? Why?
2. What do u prefer, paper or electronic dictionary?
3. Do u think a dictionary helps to learn E?
Part 2:
City council is planning to spend a million USD to improve the local
environment: planning more trees, building a factory to recycle wastes,
relocating hospital to suburbs.

Part 3:
Fun English learning:
- games
- E clubs
- songs
- your own ideas.
Part 1
Where you live:
˗ Do u live in a big city or small city?
˗ What part of city is the best place for visitors?
˗ Will you live there the whole life?
Weather forecast
˗ How is the weather forecast in your country?
˗ Do you like the way the weather is forecasted?
˗ What are the benefits of the weather forecast?

Part 2: Ways to send wishes:

- Posting on facebook wall
- Making a phone call
- Sending a card
Part 3:
Facebook is a useful tool to learn
- Ways of entertainment
- Way to learn
- Rich source of information
- Your own idea:
Part 1
Weather forecast
1. How is the weather forecast in your country?
2. Do you like the way the weather is forecasted?
3. What are the benefits of the weather forecast?

1. Do you often go to the library?

2. Do you go to the library alone or with someone else?

3. What kinds of books do you read in the library?

Part 2:
Government is asking the citizens’ opinion on how to deal with
smoking in public:
- Fining
- asking smokers to do community service,
- sending smokers to prison

Part 3: Personal Privacy & the internet

- Spam
- Personal information hacking
- Computer viruses
- Your own idea.

Part 1:
Using map:
1. Have you ever used maps?
2. Do you prefer paper or electric maps?
3. Have you asked for direction instead of using maps?
Updating the news
1. How often do you update news?
2. Which sources do you update news?
3. How important is it to update news?

Part 2: Your sister’s classmates speak ill of her on her facebook. What
advice to her:
- Deactivating her fb account
- Telling her teacher
- Talk with those friends

Part 3: self-study skill

- More independence
- Better time management
- Better academic performance
Part 1:
Cooking/ meals:
1. Do you enjoy cooking?
2. What kinds of food are popular in your country?
3. What do you prefer: home cooked or fast food?
1. How did u celebrate your last birthday?
2. What gifts did you receive?
3. What do people in your area do to celebrate their birthday?

Part 2: Your friend has a part time job. What options to her: Shop
assistant, A tutor, A waitress
Part 3: Group work helps students learn better at schools
- Learn from others
- Develop common skills
- Be more active
- Your own idea:
Part 1:
1. Do people go to the park in your area
2. What makes good parks?
3. What are the benefits of parks?
Favourite fruit:
1. Do you like fruit?
2. What is your favourite fruit?
3. How important is fruit important for health?

Part 2: Your class wants to do sth to keep memories of students’ life: Class
uniform, class photo, class video.

Part 3: Visiting foreign country is valuable experience for students

- Increase knowledge
- Good memories
- Make friends
Part 1:

1.What environment problems are popular in your areas?

2.What are the reasons?

3. What can we do to stop these problems?

Post office:

1. Have you ever been to a post office?

2. Can you describe some services offered?

3. What are some good points of sending letters by post?

Part 2: Advertising of a chain of cafeterias: TV, the internet, brochure

Part 3: Childhood is the most important time of a person’s life

- Develop physical health:
- Form personality
- Learn things fast
- Own idea: set good/positive foundation for their success future
Part 1:
Let’s talk about going sight seeing
1. Which places in your area are popular to visitors?

2. Can you describe one of those places?

3. What are the benefits of going sightseeing? knowledge and enrich your
Let’s talk about your favorite flower
1. How often do you buy it? In what occasions?
2. Is this flower popular in your country?
3. Can we plant it?

Part 2: You need to buy some presents for your best friend. There are 3
options suggested: a clothing item, a book, a pair of movie tickets. Which do
you think is the best choice?

Part 3: Trees are essential for the existence of human being

a good
source of

better Trees own
environment idea.

1/ Let’s talk about parties
1. Do you often go to parties?
2. What’s the party do you like best? Why?
3. Do you prefer to go parties alone or with a group of friends? Why?
2/ Let’s talk about Tet holiday
1. Do you like Tet holiday? Why?
2. What do you often do on Tet holiday?
3. What did you do with the lucky money when you were a child?

Part 2: Your family is planning to organize an activity to raise money to help

poor children: a school concert/ a second hand market/ a marathon

Part 3: Studying abroad has many benefits

develop themselves / see the world/ experience different styles of education.

Part 1:

Let’s talk about celebrities( famous people)

1.Who is your favourite celebrity in your country?

2.Do you want to be a celebrity?

3. Do you like any foreign celebrities? Why?/ why not?

4. How do celebrities influence their fans in your country?

Let’s talk about advertisement

1. Are there many advertisements in your country?

2. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?
3. What are the various places where we can see advertisements?

Part 2: Your friend, who is a musician, is having his first song published next
month. You want to buy him a gift to celebrate this special occasion.

A bouquet of flowers/ a handmade card/ a note book

Part 3: There are some drawbacks of online shopping

delay in

quality of good your

is not as good own
as expected it idea.

lack of
Part 1:
Let’s talk about your favorite day of the week.
1. What’s your favourite day of the week?
2. What do you often do on that day? Why?
3. How important is it to have a favourite day of the week?
Let’s talk about sports
1. What’s your favourite sport?
2. Why is it your favourite sport?
3. How important are sports in our lives? Why?

Part 2: Your cousin is a freshman at a university in Ha Noi. His parents are

thinking about whether he should live: in the university dormitory/ rent a flat
with his friends/ stay with a relative.

Part 3: Camping is good for students:

fresh air

Camping your own


net working
Part 1:
Let’s talk about holidays
1. How do you spend your holiday?
2. Would you prefer to go with your friends or family?
3. Where are you going next holiday?
Let’s talk about Internet
1. Can you access the Internet from where you work?
2. How does the Internet help you work or study?
3. What are the risks for the Internet users?

Part 2: You have fast won 1 billion VND in a lottery. You are considering
how to spend your money: Buying gold/ buying a house/ saving it in a bank?

Part 3: Traditional music should be kept


historical Traditional your own

values music idea.

Part 1:
Let’s talk about writing blogs
1. Have you ever written online blogs?
2. What topic do you often write about?
3. What are benefits of writing blogs?
Let’s talk about angers
1. How often do you get angry?
2. What do you often do when you are angry?
3. What do you do to control your anger?

Part 2; You want to buy some clothes: a shop, an open air market, or an
online store?

Part 3: Private cars should be banned in big cities

pollute the

cause traffic private your own

jams cars idea.

waste money
Part 1:
Let’s talk about traditional music
1.What’s your favourite song?
2. Do you often listen to traditional music?
3. How important is traditional music in your country?
Let’s talk about cooking class
1. Have you ever been to a cooking class?
2. Would you prefer to go there alone or with someone else?
3. How important is it to know how to cook?

Part 2: your sister wants to lose weight. There are 3 options: going to the
gym/ taking weight loss drugs/ going on a diet/

Part 3: Cohabitation

higher rate of

more financial your own

issues idea.

more tension
Part 1:
Let’s talk about the radio:
1. Do you listen to the radio?
2. What are channels do you listen to?
3. What are benefits of listening to the radio?
Let’s talk about updating news
1. Do you keep up to date with the news?
2. What’s your news’ source?
3. How important is it to keep up?
Let’s talk about dancing
1. Have you ever been to a dancing club?
2. Would you like to go there alone or with someone else?
3. How important is it to know how to dance?
Part 2: Who can help weak students: teacher, academic advisers, an excellent
Part 3: Making a cake has a lot of advantages

save money

relax Making a cake your own


make friends
Topic: Friend
1. Who’s your best friend?
2. What do you usually do together?
3. What makes a good friend?
Topic: High school
1. Did you enjoy your time at high school?
2. What subjects did you like most when you were at high school?
3. What would you like to change about the subjects at school?

Part 2: How do you spend to your weekend holiday: with family, with
friends, alone

Part 3: Technology has a lot of benefits to students


provide learning your own

source Technology

reduce cost of
Speaking Test 21
Part 1:
Talk about your exercise.
1. How often do you do exercise?
2. Would you prefer to do exercise alone or with other people?
3. How important is it to do exercise?
Let’s talk about favourite beach.
1.What is your favourite beach in Vietnam?
2. How often do you go there?
3. What do you often do when you are there?

Part 2: Your volunteer group is organizing a trip to help children in remote

areas. There are 3 options to choose: Book, Money, Clothes. Which do you
think is the most suitable?

Part 3: Higher education should be free for everyone.

chance for

A safer Higher
world education

Solution to
Speaking Test 22
Part 1:
Let’s talk about body language use
1. Do you often use body language in communication?
2. In what situations do you use body language
3. What are benefits of using body language?

Let’s talk about weather.

1. What is the weather like in your area at this time of year?
2. Which season do you like best? Why?
3. Do you prefer to live in cold region or hot region? Why?

Part 2: Your close friend is going to study abroad. There are 3 presents
to choose:
- A backpack
- A book
- A beauty product

Which present do you think is the most suitable?

Part 3: There are qualities to make good teachers


Love to good
teaching teachers

Good teaching
Speaking Test 23
Part 1:
Let’s talk about seasons in your country.
1. How many seasons are there in your country?
2. What is the best season to visit your hometown?
3. What seasons do you think is the most fun?

Let’s talk about art.

1. Who is your favorite artist? Why so?
2. Can you name a song that describes yourself?
3. What kind of music do you listen to the best/ least?

Part 2: You have two weeks off before the exam. Which one would you like
to choose? Revise for the tes? A short vacation with family? Join friends’
parities for sleepovers.

Part 3: Strict discipline at school brings about a numerous benefit for

knowldege /

teach work your

ethics Strict
(morality) discipline

Keep learning
Speaking Test 24
Part 1:
Talk about community service
1. What kind of community service have you done
2. Who usually works for community activities?
3. What are the benefits of participating in community activities?

Talk about exams

1. How do you usually feel before exam?
2. Which is your style of preparing exam? Prepare long before exam or
just before exam? Why/Why not?
3. What do you think about doing a home assignment instead of written

Part 2: Reading is encouraged in high school. Some materials are suggested:

Textbooks, Picture books, References books? Which one do you think is the
best choice?

Part 3: Learning a new skill is beneficial


Live a more
a new your own
life skill idea.

Speaking Test 25
Part 1:
Talk about relationship with parents
1. Are you closer with your Mom or Dad? Why?
2. What do you and your Mom/ Dad do together?
3. Do you want to live with your parents when you are married?
Talk about your favourite music web
1. Do you often listen to online music? Why?
2. What’s your favourite music website? Can you describe it?
3. What makes it your favorite?

Part 2: You need money for charity. There are some options to choose:
companies/ schools/ individuals. What do you choose?

Part 3: Having a healthy diet is good for your health.

keep fit

a your
prevent healthy own
diseases diet idea.

refresh your

Follow up questions:
1. What makes a balanced diet?

2. What have you done to raise your awareness of healthy diet?

3. Is diet or exercise more important?
Speaking Test 26
Part 1:
Talk about cinema

1.How often do you go to the cinema?

2.Would you prefer to watch films at home or at the cinema?

3.How important is it of going to the cinema/ What are benefits of going to

the cinema?

Talk about staying healthy

1. What do you do to live healthy?

2. Do you think eating healthy or doing the exercise is important? Why?

3. Can you suggest some ways to stay healthy?

Part 2: A friend from Nha Trang city wants to visit HN this weekend. There
are 3 places: HCM mausoleum, Hoan Kiem lake; Ha noi museum. Which is
your best choice?

Part 3: Students are encouraged to go to art galleries.


learn galleries

with others

1. How important are art galleries in education?

2. What have you done to encourage people to visit art galleries ?
3. Are art galleries popular in the future?
Speaking Test 27
Part 1:
Talk about working/ school uniform
1. What clothes do you wear to work/ school?

2. Should you wear uniforms to work/ school?

3. What clothes don’t you like wearing to work/ school?
Talk about healthy eating
1. Do you have a balanced diet?

2. What food do you often eat?

3. What food do you eat more?
Part 2: Your child is entering primary school. Which school do you want to
choose: a school with high focus on personality/ a school on academic
development/ a school with relaxed atmosphere.

Part 3: Online learning has many benefits


low your
costs of learning
learning idea.


1. Who takes advantage of online learning most?

2. How has technology changed the way people learn?
3. Is online learning more popular in the future? Why?
Speaking Test 28
Part 1:
Talk about sport activities
1. What sports do you play to keep fit?
2. Do you like watching or playing sports/ Why?
3. Which sport is the most popular in your country?

Talk about where you live

1. Tell me about it?
2. What do you like most about where you live?
3. Do you live there for a long? Why?

Part 2: Your family is discussing how your 7th grade nephew spends summer
holiday. There are some options for him to choose: joining a summer camp/
doing a military training/ staying with grandparents in the country side.

Part 3: After school activities are beneficial for students


sense of school your own
commitment activities idea.


1. Are common extra- curriculum activities for students compulsory?

2. Should extra- curriculum activities be compulsory? Why?
3. What have you done to encourage students to participate in extra-
curriculum activities?

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