Biology Test 5

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फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
1. Father of taxonomy is (d) birds and mammals
(a) De Candolle 9. The nerve cord in chordates is situated :
(b) Hooker (a) dorsal to notochord
(c) Linnaeus (b) ventral to notochord
(d) Aristotle (c) inside of notochord
2. Jacobson’ organ is concerned with (d) embedded in the integument
(a) smell 10. Coelom Formation in chordates is:
(b) burrowing (a) Schizocoelic
(c) touch (b) Enterocoelic
(d) vistion (c) primarily schizocoelic but secondarily
3. Heterocoelous centrum is a characteristic of enterrocoelic
(a) Amphibia (d) primarily enterocoelic but secondarily
(b) Reptilia schizocoelic
(c) Birds 11. Cleavage pattern in Amphioxus is:
(d) Mammalia (a) Equal holoblastic
4. Flight Muscles of birds are attached to (b) unequal holoblastic
(a) clavical (c) Epiblasitc
(b) Sternum (d) Meroblastic
(c) Scapula 12. In a frog the number of pairs of cranial nerves is:
(d) Coracoid (a) 5
5. Ctenoid and cycloid scales are found (b) 15
respectively in: (c) 10
(a) Amia and dogfish (d) 20
(b) Rohu and amia 13. Fertillization of ovum takes place in Rabbit man
(c) Amia and spinyrayed fish and other placental mammals -
(d) Spingred fish and Amia (a) Ovary
6. Paedogenesis is observed in: (b) Vagina
(a) axolotl larva (c) Fallopian tubes
(b) negalopa larava (d) Uterus
(c) Caterpillar larva 14. Which one is not a vestigial organ of man?
(d) tornaria larava (a) Nictitating membrane
7. Which one of the following lays eggs yet the (b) Vermiform appendix
female secretes milk: (c) coccyx
(a) Ostrich (d) Epiglottis
(b) Kangaroo 15. Sustainable development means
(c) platypus (a) Continuous development
(d) bat (b) Continuous development for improving the
8. Archaeopteryx is a connecting link between: quality of human life
(a) reptile and amphibians (c) development without environmental
(b) reptiles and aves conservation
(c) reptiles and mammals

फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
(d) development that meets the needs of the (d) Zero
present without compromising the needs of 23. Which of the following forms an irreversible
future generation . complex with haemoglobin of the blood?
16. Ultimate source of genetic variability is (a) Carbon dioxide
(a) mutation (b) pure Nitrogen gas
(b) Genetic drift (c) Carbon monoxide
(c) Gene Flow (d) A mixture of carbon dioxide and helium
(d) Gene exchange 24. In mammals the erythrocytes are produced in:
17. Duct of wirsung is associated with: (a) kidney
(a) gall bladder (b) thyroid
(b) pancreas (c) bone marrow
(c) salivary gland (d) in all the above
(d) urethra 25. The function of yellow bone marrow is
18. Rennin is an enzyme which: (a) Formation of RBC
(a) converts casein into paracasein (b) Formation of blood cells
(b) converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I (c) storage of Glyeogen
(c) Converts angitensin । to angiotensin II (d) Storage of fat
26. Humoral immunity is due to
(d) stimulates angiotensinase
(a) B-lymphocytes
19. ‘Brunner’s gland are found in the submucasa of
(b) T-lymphocytes
(c) L-lymphocytes
(a) Oesophagus
(d) P- lymphocytes
(b) Stomach
27. Urea is produced by which enzyme?
(c) Duodenum
(a) Urease
(d) Rectum
(b) Glutaminase
20. Oxyntic cells secrete -
(c) Arginase
(a) intestinal juice in ileum
(d) Aspartase
(b) Bile juice in duodenum
28. Kidney stones are crystals of
(c) HCL in stomach
(a) Silica
(d) Insulin in duodenum
(b) sodium chloride
21. Which of the following condition will shit the
(c) calcium oxalate
oxygen-haemoglobin dissociation curve to the
(d) calcium carbonate
right in a bohr effect:
29. Internal ear is filled with
(a) highpO2
(a) Endolymph
(b) low pH2
(b) Aqueous humor
(c) low pO2
(c) perilymph
(d) low temperature
(d) Vitreous humor
22. For malic acid the respiratory Quotient (RQ) will
30. Aqueous humor is secreted by
(a) 1
(a) choroids
(b) more then 1
(b) retina
(c) less then 1
फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
(c) ciliary body (c) in the cytoplasm only
(d) lachrymal gland (d) in the nucleus only
31. Aqueduct of sylvius occrs in: 39. Which of the following hormones acts as an
(a) Eye immune suppressor and anti inflammatory?
(b) Heart (a) Aldosteron
(c) Brain (b) Insulin
(d) Ear (c) Cortisol
32. Which is the largest body cell? (d) Estradiol
(a) RBCs 40. Blast disc is constituted by
(b) Neurons (a) hypoblast and mesoderm
(c) Osteocytes (b) epiblast and hypoblast
(d) Sperms (c) epiblast and mesoderm
33. The number of nerve cells present in human (d) epiblast and trophoblast
brain is 41. Biotic potential means:
(a) 10 billion (a) carrying capacity of the medium
(b) 1 billion (b) capacity of individuals to migrate in and out
(c) 100 billion of the population
(d) 200 billion (c) growth curves of population
34. The length of a muscle does not change in (d) reproductive potential of individual
(a) Isotonic contraction 42. In the zygote of frog first cleavage is:
(b) Isometric contraction (a) Merozontal
(c) Titanic contraction (b) Horizontal
(d) Rapid contraction (c) Holoblastic equal
35. The Zygomatic arch of mammals is formed by: (d) holoblastic unequal
(a) Jugal, squamosal and maxilla 43. Gastrula in frog is formed by:
(c) quadratojugal, palatine and vomer (a) invagination
(d) squamosal palatine and vomer (b) emboly
36. Addison diseace is due to : (c) Epiboly
(a) Hyposecretion of adrenal gland (d) All the above three
(b) Hyposecretion of adrenal gland 44. Archaenteron is formed in :
(c) Hypersecretion of pituitary gland (a) morula
(d) Hypersecretion of pituitary gland (b) blastula
37. Which disease is caused by under secretion of (c) Gastrula
adrenal cortex? (d) Neurula
(a) Cretinism 45. Formation of primitive streak in chick embryo in
(b) Dwarfism the first sing of:
(c) Sterility (a) balsulation
(d) Addison’s disease (b) gastrulation
38. The receptor of steroid hormones is found (c) notogensis
(a) on the cell surface only (d) neudrolation
(b) in the cytoplasm or nucleus 46. True placenta is found in-

फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
(a) All mammals 54. The gases associated with green house effect-
(b) Mammals except prototheria (a) Co2, N2o and CFCL3
(c) Mammals except metatheria (b) Co, no
(d) only Eutheria (c) organ cripton
47. Humulin is (d) o3 o2 and co
(a) carbohydrate 55. Nebel prize for passive immunity was awarded
(b) fats to
(c) hybridima (a) Edward junner
(d) protein (b) Emil von Behring
48. First restriction endo nuclease enzyme was (c) Waksman
(a)Hind-II (d) A. Fleming
(b) EcoR-I 56. The element present in thyroxine is obtained
(c) hae III from
(d) bam-I (a) Laminaria
49. From antheraea assama is obtained: (b) Polysphonia
(a)Eri silk (c) Porphyra
(b) Tasar silk (d) Gelidium
(c) Mulberry silk 57. Floridean starch is found in
(d) munga silk (a) Chlorophyceae
(b) Rhodophyceae
50. What is apiculture? (c) Myxophyceae
(a) Culture of aqueous animals (d) Cyanophyceae
(b) Culture of lac insect 58. Phycology is the study of
(c) Culture honey -bee (a) Algae
(d) culture of prawn (b) Ficus
51. Sariska Tiger Reserve is located in (c) Fungi
(a) West Bengal (d) Lichens
(b) Orissa 59. A research student once collected certain alga
(c) Assam and found that its cells contained both
(d) Rajasthan chlorophyll a and chlorophyll d as well as
52. Allopatric speciation is due to: phycoerythrin. The alga, therefore, belongs to
(a) Interplay of geographical isolation and (a) Chlorophyceae
reproductive isolation (b) Phaeophyceae
(b) Geographical isolation (c) Rhodophycease
(c) Isolation (d) Bacillariophyceae
(d) Reproductive 60. The potato crop was destroyed in Ireland in the
53. Energy flow through food chain is always, middle of 19th century due to infection of
(a) Cyclic (a) Colletorichum
(b) Non Cyclic (b) Phytophthora
(c) semi cyclic (c) Alteraria
(d) None of the above (d) Virus

फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
61. ‘Ring worm’ disease is caused due to the (d) Trichogyne
infection of the fungus 69. Which of the following organs function as
(a) Trichophyton absorbing and attaching organs in bryophytes?
(b) Microsporum (a) Rhizoids
(c) Epidermophyton (b) Columella
(d) All of these (c) Thallus
62. Aflotoxins are mainly produced by (d) Root hair
(a) Aspergillus flavus 70. In which of the following pyrenoids are found
(b) Penicillium sp. (a) Riccia
(c) Candida albicans (b) Marchantia
(d) Puccinia graminis-tritici (c) Anthoceros
63. ‘Cyphellae’ in lichens are analogous to which of (d) None
the following structures of higher plants? 71. In Bryophyta the adult plant body is
(a) Stomata (a) Sporophyte
(b) Palisade tissue (b) Epiphyte
(c) Mesophyll (c) Sporophyll
(d) Bundle sheeth (d) Gametophyte
64. Crown galls are produced due to infection of 72. In which of the following secondary growth
(a) Insects takes place
(b) Bacterium (a) Riccia
(c) Virus (b) Funaria
(d) Fungus (c) Selaginella
65. Tuberculosis is caused by (d) None of these
(a) Salmonella 73. The most primitive type of stele is
(b) Diplococcus (a) Eustele
(c) Mycobacterium (b) Solenostele
(d) Streptomyces (c) Protostele
66. Viroids have (d) Siphonostele
(a) SS-RNA not enclosed by protein coat 74. The plants having vascular tissue but lacking
(b) SS-DNA not enclosed by protein coat seeds are placed under
(c) DS-DNA enclosed by protein coat (a) Algae
(d) DS-RNA enclosed by protein coat (b) Byrophytes
67. The viral capsid is made-up of (c) Pteridophytes
(a) Nucleic acids (d) Gymnosperms
(b) Proteins 75. Water-fern which is used as a green manure in
(c) Lipids rice-fields is
(d) Carbohydrates (a) Salvinia
68. In Bryophytes, the female sex organ is called (b) Mucor
(a) Archegonium (c) Aspergillus
(b) Carpogonium (d) Azolla
(c) Ascogonium

फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
76. The medicaine of the cancer ‘taxol’ is obtained (a) Veins
from the bark of which plant (b) Leaves
(a) Taxus (c) branches
(b) Ephedra (d) Flower buds
(c) Cycos 84. The stipules are modified into tendrils in
(d) Picea (a) Smilax
77. Angiosperms differ from gymnosperms in (b) Asphoedelus
having (c) Gloriosa
(a) Vascular tissue (d) Asaragus
(b) Seeds 85. Modification of petiole into a leaf-like structure
(c) Flowers is called
(d) Fruits (a) Cladode
78. Which of the following gymnosperm has the (b) Phylloclade
presence of vessel? (c) Phyllode
(a) Pinus (d) Pistillode
(b) Ephedra 86. Which of the following plants has the largest
(c) Cycas leaves?
(d) None of these (a) Victoria
79. Which of the following is categorised under (b) Lotus
living fossils? (c) Royal palm
(a) Cycas (d) Colocasia
(b) Pinus/Spirogyra 87. In which of the following plants, leaf apex
(c) Selaginella/Least changes into tendril?
(d) Metasequaia/Moss (a) Gloriosa
80. Cycas roots have (b) Smilax
(a) Fungi (c) Australian acacia
(b) Rhizobium (d) Phyllode
(c) Anabaena 88. In Lathyrus aphaca, the tendril represents the
(d) Funaria modification of
81. ‘Sago-palm’ tree has latin name (a) Stipule
(a) Cycas circinalis (b) Leaf
(b) Cycas revoluta (c) Leaf apex
(c) Cycas rumphii (d) Leaflet
(d) None of the above 89. The leaves are trifoliate in
82. Which one of the following statements about (a) Aegle
Cycas is incorrect? (b) Melilotus
(a) Its roots contain some blue-green algae (c) Medicago
(b) It does not have a well organised female flower (d) All of these
(c) It has circinate vernation 90. The role of double fertilization in angiosperms is
(d) Its xylem is mainly composed of vessels to produce
83. Phyllotaxy is the arrangement of (a) Endosperm

फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
(b) Integuments 98. Mark the most famous and productive indian
(c) Cotytedons taxonomist
(d) Endocarp (a) H. Collett
91. The entry of pollen tube through the micropyle is (b) Fr. H. Santapau
(a) Porogamy (c) P. Maheshwari
(b) Chalazogamy (d) M. B. Raizada
(c) Allogamy 99. The head office of Botanical Survey of India is
(d) Geitonogamy located at
92. The growth of pollen tube towards micropyle of (a) Lucknow
ovule is an example of (b) Pune
(a) Chemotropism (c) Kolkata
(b) Hydrotropism (d) Allahabad
(c) Thigmotropism 100. Litchi is native of
(d) Geotropism (a) Malaya
93. In angiosperms, triple fusion is required for the (b) Russia
formation of (c) China
(a) Embryo (d) Mexico
(b) Suspensor 101. In India, Litchi is grown in
(c) Fruit wall (a) Maharashtra
(d) Endosperm (b) Bihar
94. The process of fusion of male nucleus with egg (c) Haryana
nucleus is called (d) Punjab
(a) Syngamy 102. Potato is a native of
(b) Triple fusion (a) Brazil
(c) Double fertilization (b) Peru
(d) Conjugation (c) Panama
95. Double fertilization was discovered by (d) Mexico
(a) Karl schnarf 103. The asa-foetida used for flavouring food
(b) P. Maheshwari is
(c) S.G. Nawaschin (a) Oleoresin
(d) B.G.L.Swamy (b) Gum resin
96. The largest herbarium of the world is located at (c) Hard resin
(a) Geneva (d) None of these
(b) Kew 104. In Acetabularia, the nucleus is located
(c) New York within the
(d) Berlin (a) Crown
97. Which of the following name/s are now invalid (b) Stalk
(a) Linaria linaria (c) Raya
(b) Phrogmites phragmites (d) Rhizoidal part
(c) Both of these 105. The word chromosome was given by
(d) None of these (a) Johnson

फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
(b) Waldeyer (a) Formation of ATP
(c) Benda (b) Ionisation of water
(d) de Duve (c) Joining of two 3-carbon compounds to form
106. Double trisomy is: glucose
(a) 2n + 2 + 2 (d) Excitement of an electron of chlorophyll a by a
(b) 2n + 2 photon of light
(c) 2n + 1 + 1 114. Persons who received Nobel prizes for
(d) 2n + 2+ 4 their work with green plants are
107. The sub-metacentric chromo- somes at (a) Calvin and Borlaug
anaphase appear (b) Flemming and Wakesman
(a) V-shaped (c) Beadle and Tautm
(b) J-shaped (d) Wastson and Crick
(c) X-shaped 115. Name the single most abundant protein
(d) K-shaped on the earth
108. Nucleate component of phloem is (a) Catalase
(a) Mature sieve element (b) malate dehydrogenase
(b) Phloem fiber (c) Amylase
(c) Companion cell (d) Ribulose 1, 5 bis-phosphate carboxylase
(d) All the above oxygenase
109. Vessels are characterstics of 116. In dark reaction
(a) Angiosperms only 6CO2 + A + 12NADPH + H+  C6H12O6 + 6H2O
(b) Gymnosperms only +B + 18H2PO4 + 12 NADP
(c) Pteridophyta only (a) 6 ATP and 6 ADP
(d) None of the above (b) 6 ADP and 6 ATP
110. Non-Porous wood is usually found in (c) 18 ADP and 18 ATP
(a) Dicots (d) 18 ATP and 18 ADP
(b) Monocots 117. In photosynthesis in chloroplast, dark
(c) Cushion Plants reactions occur in
(d) Gymnosperms (a) Grana lamellae
111. The term phloem was coined by (b) Stroma
(a) Hofmeister (c) Stroma lamellae
(b) Hartig (d) Thylakoids
(c) Strasburger 118. The ‘dark reaction’ in photosynthesis is
(d) Nageli called so because it
112. The most abundant protein in the plant (a) Cannot occur during day time
world is found in (b) Can occur in shade
(a) Root hair (c) Does not require light energy
(b) Mitochondria (d) Occurs rapidly at night
(c) Chloroplasts 119. Primary product of CO2 in presence of
(d) Viruses ribulose diphosphate during photosynthesis is
113. The first step in photosynthesis is the (a) 1, 3-diphosphoglyceric acid

फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
(b) Ribulose-5-phosphate (c) 9 : 3 : 4 : 0
(c) 3-phosphoglyceraldelyde (d) 1 : 1 : 1 : 1
(d) 3-phosphoglyceric acid
120. Semiconservative DNA replication by
using N15 was demonstrated by
(a) Taylor
(b) Meselson and Stahl
(c) Hershey and Chase
(d) Meselson
121. Correct base pairing in DNA molecule is
as under
(a) Cytosine-uracil
(b) Thymine-uracil
(c) Adenine-thymine
(d) Thymine-Guanine
122. Incomplete dominance is found in
(a) Pisum sativum
(b) Antirrhinum majus
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) None of these
123. How many types of gametes will be form
by the genotypes Dd Ee Ff
(a) 3
(b) 8
(c) 27
(d) 6
124. A test cross is performed
(a) By selfing of F2-generation plants
(b) By selfing of F1-generation plants
(c) To determine whether F2-plant is homozygous
or heterozygous.
(d) Between a homozygous dominant and
homozygous recessive plant
125. Red and tall dominant character hybrid
plant when crossed with recessive white dwarf
plant (RrTt × rr tt). What will be the ratio of
respective four combinations red tall, red dwarf,
white tall and white dwarf plants in the next
(a) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
(b) 15 : 1 : 0 : 0

फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-

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