Biology Test 3

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फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
1. Linnaeus published his concept of (d) Opisthonephric
binomical nomenclature first I 7. Venous heart is founds in:
(a) systma Naturae (a) fishes
(b) Species plantarum (b) amphibians
(c) Genera plantarum (c) reptiles
(d) philosophia Botonica (d) mammals
2. Which of the following is a living 8. Jacobson’ s organ is found in
fossil ? (a) birds
(a) Trilobites (b) lizards
(b) Archaeopteryx (c) fishes
(c) Nautilus (d) mammals
(d) Cheetah 9. The centrum of a typical vertebra
3. Herpetology is the study of : of frog is -
(a) fishes and amphibians (a) Acoelous
(b) amphibians and reptiles (b) procoelous
(c) rptiles and birds (c) Amphicoelous
(d) birds and mammals (d) Amphiplatyon
4. The tusk if the elephant is the: 10. Excretion in the form of uric
(a) modified upper canine acid and urates in birds is helpful
(b) modified upper second incisor in:
(c) modified lower second incisor (a) conserving body heat
(d) a specialized growth from the (b) conserving body water
maxilla (c) removing excess water
5. Which of the following Ca++ (d) eliminating body water
dependent cell-cell adhesion 11. In which of the following
protein is responsible for tissue animals, heart has two
specific recognition process in pacemakers?
vertebrates? (a) Amphixus
(a)Selectin (b) Asterias
(b) Cadgerin (c) Balanoglossus
(c) catarin (d) Herdmania
(d) Vinculin 12. Digital formula of forelimbs
6. Kidney in reptiles is in Frog is
(a) pronephric (a) 0,2 ,2,3,3
(b) Mesonephric (b) 03 ,2, 3, 3
(c) Metanephric (c) 02, 3, 3, 3
फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
(d) 03323 (b) Cardiac stomach
13. The third ventricle is found (c) pyloric stomach
in the (d) Sacculus rotundus
(a) hearts of rabbits 19. In which part of alimentary
(b) brains of rabbits canal symbiotic micro-organisms
(c) hearts of insects are found?
(d) brains of insects (a) Colon
14. Homo sapiens evolved (b) Ileum
during (c) Caecum
(a) Archacopteryx (d) Rectum
(b) Uromastix 20. Schneiderian epithelium is
(c) latimeria found in
(d) Columba (a) Trachea
(b) Nasal passage
15. Recapitulation theory was (c) Bowman, capsule
preposed by (d) Henle loop
(a) Drawin 21. O2- content in the air we
(b) Lamarck expire is
(c) Haeckel (a) 16%
(d) Fischer (b) 18%
16. Mutations are mainly (c) 20%
(a) Harmful (d) 25%
(b) Beneficial 22. Carbonic anhydrase is found
(c) Recessive in high concentration in
(d) Dominant (a) plasma
17. Kupffer calls are (b) Erthrocytes
(a) absorptive cells of ileum (c) Leucocytes
(b) phagocytic cells of liver (d) Lymph
(c) 23. Mast cells secrete
(a) Thromboplastin
(b) Heparin
(d) secretory cell of sebaceous (c) Endorphin
glands (d)
18. The sphincter of oddi is 24. The blood cells which show
found at the end of: phagocytosis in human are
(a) bile duct (a) Monocytes
फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
(b) platelets (d) Non-medullated nerve fibre
(c) Eosinophils 31. Reflex action is governed by
(d) Basophils (a) Central nervous system
25. Largest RBC are found in (b) Autonomic nervous system
(a) lamma (c) Sympathetic nervous system
(b) musk deer (d) None of these
(c) Amphiuma 32. Pneumotaxic centre is found
(d) Necturus in
26. Type of kidney function in (a) pons
fog’s tadpole is: (b) cerbrum
(a) pronephros (c) Hypothalamus
(b) Mesonephros (d) Diencephalon
(c) archinephros 33. Creatin phosphate is found in
(d) metanephros (a) Epitheliam tissues
27. Main excretory product in (b) Neural tissues
birdr and reptiles is (c) Muscular tissues
(a) Urea (d) Bone marrow
(b) Uric acid 34. Otoliths are present in
(c) Ammonia (a) Stomach
(d) Guanine (b) Internal Ear
28. Lens and retina eye in frog (c) Bone marrow
develop from embryonic. (d) liver
(a) ectoderm 35. Which of the following
(b) endoderm glands is celled 4 ‘s’ gland :
(c) mesoderm (a) Pituitary
(d) both a and B (b) Adrenal cortex
29. The joint between incus and (c) Adrenal medulla
stapes is : (d) placenta
(a) Ball and socket joint 36. Adrenal gland in derived
(b) Hinge joint from
(c) Gliding joint (a) Ectoderm
(d) pivotal joint (b) Both ectoderm and endoderm
30. Ranvier’s nodes are found in (c) mesodrm
(a) Cardiac muscle fibre (d) Both ectoderm and mesoderm
(b) striated muscle fibre 37. Rathe’s pouch is related to
(c) medullated nerve fibre (a) pituitary
फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
(b) adrenal (b) the lower layer of blastoderm
(c) gonad (c) bth the upper and lower of
(d) urinary bladder blastoderm
38. First hormone produced (d) after the upper formation of the
artificially by culturing bacteria is primitive steak
(a) insulin 44. Morphogenesis starts with :
(b) thyroxine (a) Morulation
(c) Testosterone (b) Blastulation
(d) adrenaline (c) Gastrulation
39. Hormone for pregnancy test (d) neurulation
is 45. The Yolk sac in mammals is
(a) ADH :
(b) FSH (a) vestigial structure
(c) PRL (b) Digestive structure
(d) HCG (c) Secretory structure
40. Vasectomy causes the loss of (d) Excretory structure
: 46. The unique protein in the
(a) Esterogen brown fat cells is
(b) Testosterone (a) keratin
(c) Androgens (b) Elastin
(d) none of he above three (c) collagen
41. The primitive streak becomes (d) Thermogenin
prominent in hen’s incubated for: 47. Enzymes enhance the rote of
(a) 12hours a chemical reaction by:
(b) 14hours (a) providing optimum pH
(c) 16hours (b) raising the temperature
(d) 18hours (c) combining with substrate
42. Discoidal cleavage is (d) providing ATP
characteristic of: 48. Parthenogenesis is found in:
(a) Mammas, reptiles and fishes (a) moth
(b) Birds, mammals (b) honey bee
(c) Fishes, birds and mammals (c) butter fly
(d) Birds, fishes and reptiles (d) spider
43. In the embryology of chick 49. Pyrilla is pest of
the mesoderm develop from (a) paddy
(a) the upper layer of blastoderm (b) pulses
फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
(c) cotton (c) Ethology
(d) Sugarcane (d) Ecology
50. Biological equilibrium is 56. In chlorophyceae the mode of
exhibited by the: sexual reproduction is
(a) producers (a) Isogamy, anisogamy and oogamy
(b) Consumers and producers (b) Oogamy and anisogamy
(c) producers and decomposer (c) Isogamy and anisogamy
(d) producers, consumers and (d) Oogamy only
decomposer 57. Heterocysts are found in certain
51. Synecology is the study of: (a) Viruses
(a) Community in relation to (b) Bacteria
environment (c) Cyanobacteria
(b) Individuals (d) Mycoplasma
(c) Environment 58. Incepient nucleus is found in
(d) Water (a) Myxophyceae
52. WWF-N has logo for (b) Phaeophyceae
conservation of (c) Rhodophyceae
(a) Tiger (d) Chlorophyceae
(b) Giant panda 59. Sexual reproduction is absent in
(c) R panda (a) Cyanobacteria
(d) polar Bear (b) Fungi
53. The major cause of deletion (c) Algal
of ozone layer is (d) Pteridophytes
(a) Automobiles 60. All fungi differ from algae in
(b) Burning of fossil fuels (a) Lacking motile ciliated gametes
(c) Air conditions and refrigerators (b) Lacking unicellular forms
(d) industrial effluents (c) being coenocytic
54. What is xenobiotic (d) Lacking chlorophyll and in
(a) insecticide having cell wall which is
(b) Fungicide chitinised
(c) Herbicide 61. Clamp connection have been
(d) all of the above recorded in
55. Study of animal behavior is (a) Ascomycotina
called (b) Basidiomycotina
(a) Entomology (c) Both of these
(b) Ethnobiology (d) Basidio and deuteromycotina
फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
62. Bunt of wheat is caused by (c) They lack roots
(a) Ustilago Kolleri (d) Their sporophyte is attached to
(b) U. tritici the gametophyte
(c) U. nuda-tritici 68. Antiseptic properties are shown
(d) Tilletia foetida by the moss
63. Litimus is obtained from (a) Funaria
(a) Roccella (b) Pogonatum
(b) Usnea (c) Polytrichum
(c) Both of these (d) Sphagnum
(d) Cladonia 69. In bryophytes
64. A bacterium divides every 35 (a) Sporophyte is of longer duration
minutes. If a culture containing 105 (b) Dominant phase is sporophyte
cells per ml is grown for 175 minutes, which is parasitic
what will be the cell concentration (c) Dominant phase is gametophyte
per ml. after 175 minutes? which produces spores
(a) 175 × 1015 Cells (d) Sporophytic phase is small and
(b) 85 × 105 Cells generally parasitic on
(c) 35 × 105 Cells gametophyte
(d) 32 × 105 Cells 70. A leafless pteridophyte is
65. Bacterium responsible for (a) Psilotum
fermention of dairy milk is (b) Azolla
(a) Hay bacillus (c) Salvinia
(b) Lactobacillus (d) All of these
(c) Acetobacter 71. The pteridophytes show complete
(d) Rhizobium absence of
66. Dichotomous branching is found (a) Cambium
in (b) Vessels
(a) Ferns (c) Both of these
(b) Funaria (d) Stomata
(c) Liverworts 72. A mixed protostele is seen is
(d) Anthoceros (a) Lycopodium cernuum
67. The unique feature of byhophytes (b) L clavatum
compared to other plant groups in (c) L. serratum
that (d) All of these
(a) They produce spores 73. Syndetochelic stomata occur in
(b) They lack vascular tissues the following gymnosperm
फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
(a) Cycas (a) 700
(b) Dioon (b) 1000
(c) Gnetum (c) 900
(d) Ephedra (d) 800
74. The resin ‘amber’ is obtained 80. A corm is
from (a) A swollen root
(a) Pinites (b) A compressed swollen vertical
(b) Callitris underground stem
(c) Auraucaria (c) Swollen horizontal underground
(d) Podocarpus stem
75. Canada balsam, used as a (d) The swollen end of an
mounting material comes from underground stem
(a) Cycas 81. Cladodes are found in
(b) Abies (a) Asparagus
(c) Pinus (b) Opuntia
(d) Agathis (c) Parkinsonia
76. ‘Cedar wood oil, used in (d) Guava
microscopy is obtained from 82. Thorns are called modified stems
(a) Picea smithiana because
(b) Cedrus deodara (a) They arise from bud in the axil of
(c) Juniperus virginiana leaves
(d) Cryptomeria japonica (b) They arise from branches
77. The seed of the following plant (c) They arise from stem
are edible (d) They are defensive organs for
(a) Cryptomeria japonica grazing animals
(b) Pinus gerardiana 83. When stem is changed into fleshy
(c) Larix decidua green structure, it is termed as
(d) None of these (a) Phyllode
78. Gymnosperms are characterised (b) Corymb
by (c) Bulbil
(a) Multiflagellate sperms (d) Phylloclade
(b) Naked seeds 84.Anatomically and structurally
(c) Winged seeds different but functionaly similar
(d) Seeds inside fruits structures are called
79. Number of species belonging to (a) Divergent
gymnosperms is around (b) Deviants
फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
(c) Homologous 91. Female gametophyte of an
(d) Analogous angiosperm is mostly
85. A piece of potato tuber goes to (a) 7-celled
germinate which has (b) 8-celled
(a) Scales and eyes (c) 11-celled
(b) Roots (d) Multicelled
(c) Stored food 92. The plant part which consists of
(d) Branches two generations, one within the other,
86. Orchid is is
(a) Parasite (a) Germinated pollen grain
(b) Epiphyte (b) Embryo
(c) Symbiotic (c) Unfertilized ovule
(d) Semi-parasite (d) Seed
93. Basic unit of classification is
87. Largest embryo sac is seen in (a) Species
(a) Viscum (b) Genus
(b) Moquinella (c) Family/Sub-species
(c) Helixanthera (d) Order/Variety
(d) Quinchamalium 94. Binomial nomenclature means
88. The polar nuclei are located in the writing the names of plants in two
(a) Pollen tube words denoting their
(b) Embryo sac (a) Order and family
(c) Ovule (b) Family and genus
(d) Thalamus (c) Species and varieties
89. Which of the following is (d) Genus and species
diploid? 95. Binomial nomenclature was
(a) Egg established by
(b) Synergids (a) Linnaeus
(c) Antipodal (b) John Ray
(d) Secondary nucleus (c) A.L. de Jussieu
90. In angiosperms, female gamete is (d) A.P de Candolle
represented by 96. The valid suffix for an order is
(a) Synergids (a) –les
(b) Carpel (b) –ales
(c) Egg (c) –aeles
(d) Pollen grains (d) –alaes
फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
103. Plant cells usually differ from
97. The plants of the following pulses animal cell in the absence of
are erect shrubs (a) Endoplasmic reticulam
(a) Lens culinaris (b) Ribosomes
(b) Cajanus cajan (c) Centrioles
(c) Vigna radiatus (d) Mitochondria
(d) Vicia faba 104. The structure which bears
98. The oldest cereal used by human anthocyanins is
beings is perhaps (a) Chloroplast
(a) Rice (b) Chromoplast
(b) Barley (c) Vacuole
(c) Wheat (d) Etioplast
(d) Oat 105. Aerenchyma tissue is found in
99. Finger millet it (a) Hydrophytes
(a) Sataria italic (b) Xerophytes
(b) Echinochloa colonum (c) Sciophytes
(c) Panicum miliare (d) Mesophytes
(d) Eleusine coracana 106. Flax fibre is obtained from the
100. The term ‘copra’ is applied to plant
which part of coconut? (a) Linum
(a) Pericarp (b) Crotalaria
(b) Mesocarp (c) Boehmeria
(c) Endocarp (d) Corchorus
(d) Seed 107. The thickening in collenchyma
101. Who stated ‘omnis cellula e is due to the deposition of
callula’? (a) Lignin
(a) Purkinje (b) Pectin
(b) Schleiden (c) Cutin
(c) Schwann (d) Suberin
(d) Virchow 108. Jute fiber is obtained from the
102. In which organism plastids are plant
not found? (a) Linum usitatissimum
(a) Bule-green algae (b) Boehmeria nivea
(b) Bacteria (c) Corchorus olitorius
(c) Fungi (d) Hibiscus sabdariffa
(d) All of the above
फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
109. ‘White bud of maize’ is caused 115. The element essential for
due to the deficiency of photolysis of water is
(a) Copper (a) Chlorine
(b) Boron (b) Nitrogen
(c) Zinc (c) Oxygen
(d) Molybdenum (d) Boron
110. Which element forms part of 116. Chlorosis is caused due to the
structure of the chlorophyll deficiency of
molecule? (a) Calcium
(a) Iron (b) Boron
(b) Magnesium (c) Iron
(c) Calcium (d) Copper
(d) Cobalt 117. The minimum amount of base in
111. Which one of the following is the phage  × 175
not an essential element for plant? (a) Cytosine
(a) Iron (b) Adenine
(b) Zinc (c) Guanine
(c) Potassium (d) Thymine
(d) Iodine 118. Circular DNA is found in
112. Copper is present in (a) Viruses
(a) Plastocyanin (b) Bacteria, chloroplast and
(b) Plastoquinone mitochondria
(c) Quinone (c) Chloroplast and mitochondria
(d) Ferradoxin only
113. The element which plays (d) All the above
important role in nitrogen fixation is 119. In a dihybrid F1 progeny from a
(a) Mn cross AABB × aabb, the genotypes
(b) Mo AABB, AABb, AaBB and aabb will
(c) Cu be found in the ratio
(d) Zn (a) 1 : 1 : 1 : 1
114. Which of the following is not a (b) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
micronutrient? (c) 3 : 3 : 1 : 1
(a) Mo (d) 1 : 2 : 2 : 1
(b) B 120. How many types of genetically
(c) Zn different gametes will be produced by
(d) Mg
फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-
a heterozygons plant having the (d) Nucleoproteins
genotype AABbCc ? 125. Human immuno-deficiency
(a) Two virus (HIV) has a protein coat and a
(b) Four genetic material which is
(c) Six (a) SS-DNA
(d) Nine (b) SS-RNA
121. A cross between pure tall pea (c) DS-RNA
plant with green pods and dwarf pea (d) DS-DNA
plant with yellow pods will produce
……. tall F2 plants out of 16
(a) 15
(b) 7
(c) 12
(d) 13
122.In a certain plant, red fruit (R) is
dominant over yellow fruit (r) and
tallness (T) is dominant over
shortness (t). If a plant with RrTt
genotype is crossed with a plant that
is rrtt. What will be the percentage of
tall plants with red fruit in the
(a) 100%
(b) 25%
(c) 50%
(d) 75%
123. Which of the following is a
heterosporous plant?
(a) Ophioglossum
(b) Equisetum
(c) Regnellidium
(d) Lycopodium
124. Prions are infectious
(a) Nucleic acids
(b) Lipids
(c) Proteins
फ्री नोट्स और टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए जुड़ें हमाऱें टेलिग्राम चैनि परः-

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