Responsible Suppliers Declaration

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ACCIONA's main objective with its suppliers, contractors and collaborators of any commercial

type, including but not limited to companies, corporations, temporary or long-term joint
ventures, etc., is to establish stable and long-lasting relationships of cooperation, in secure
digital environments, based on honesty, transparency and trust, to minimize the risk of
breaching human and social rights, ensure regulatory compliance, in particular but without
limitation, concerning matters relating to ethical conduct and integrity, and to reduce the
company's environmental footprint. All of this while guaranteeing the supply of goods and
services with the highest standards. ACCIONA seeks to involve the company, its employees and
its supply chain in a commitment to Ongoing Improvement, and to include Society as an
affected party and stakeholder.
Since joining the United Nations Global Compact, ACCIONA has undertaken the challenge of
phasing in the ten Universal Principles on which the Compact is based in conducting its daily
business, and of notifying its stakeholders with the utmost transparency and objectivity with
regard to its progress in this connection.
Through this document, we aim to convey to you our commitment to these principles and share
them with you, recommending that you join the UN Global Compact and adopt our management
system for corporate social responsibility practices.
The ten principles of the Global Compact ( ) are:
Human Rights
· Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally
proclaimed human rights, within their scope of responsibility.
· Principle 2: Businesses should make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
· Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition
of the right to collective bargaining.
· Principle 4: Businesses should uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory
· Principle 5: Business should uphold the effective abolition of child labor.
· Principle 6: Businesses should uphold the elimination of discrimination in respect of
employment and occupation.
· Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
· Principle 8: Businesses should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental
· Principle 9: Businesses should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally
friendly technologies.
· Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and
As part of its commitment with its suppliers, ACCIONA will implement a process to control and
monitor their performance throughout the duration of the commercial relationship. Likewise, it
may also review the orders or contracts carried out, once a supply has been delivered or a
service executed.
The assessment will be conducted taking into account the supplier's performance in the
following areas:
- Quality - Environment
- Deadlines - Administrative obligations
- Health and Safety Management - Technical capacity
As a result of the assessment, the supplier will be assigned a rating level of either A, B, C or D. If
the supplier’s performance is unsatisfactory (three D ratings), it may be deemed as a “Non
valid” supplier by the ACCIONA Group. This situation may be reversed when any of the issues
that were causing it have been remedied, which will be verified through an audit, if applicable, or
by drawing up an action plan to mitigate and resolve the shortcomings.
Likewise, the company CONFIRMS that it has read and knows the Code of Conduct, accepts the
Ethical Principles for suppliers, contractors and collaborators of ACCIONA, and that it knows
and undertakes to comply with ACCIONA's following minimum standards in connection with
Integrity, Quality and Environment and Personal Data Protection [1] :
1. Code of Conduct
2. Ethical Principles for suppliers, contractors and collaborators.

Supplier hereby acknowledges that it has read, accepts and commits to abide by the Ethical
Principles applicable to all of ACCIONA´s suppliers, contractors and collaborators.” Link:

Supplier has a channel at its disposal, the ACCIONA Ethical Channel: , enabling it to report any actions that may be construed as a
breach of the conducts and behavior laid down in this document. It should also use this channel
for any queries on how to interpret these principles.

3. Minimum Integrity standards

3.1 The supplier, contractor or collaborator knows the Principles laid down in the Anti-
Corruption Policy, Crime Prevention and Anti-bribery Policy and Fiscal Policy:
3.2 The supplier, contractor or collaborator knows the ACCIONA Group Anticorruption
3.3 The supplier, contractor or collaborator has not been sentenced in a final legal ruling or
involved in cases of corruption, criminal proceedings or lawsuits relating to business corruption,
bribery, influence peddling or money laundering. Otherwise, it undertakes to present the related
information for the purposes of analysis the seriousness of the events.
3.4 The supplier, contractor or collaborator through its registration as a supplier of ACCIONA, as
well as its participation in the bidding events to which he is invited by the ACCIONA Group,
confirms that it maintains effective controls to prevent conflicts of interest over its group of
employees that participate in the aforementioned events and they agree to communicate them
if they so manifest. Additionally, it undertakes to make available to ACCIONA the adequate
evidence of the controls it carries out in the area of conflict of interest prevention over said
4. Minimum Quality standards
4.1 In the event of not holding ISO 9001 certification, the supplier, contractor or collaborator
undertakes to plan, develop and control the necessary processes to comply with the
requirements for contracting with ACCIONA.
5. Minimum Environmental standards
5.1 The supplier, contractor or collaborator undertakes to comply with the applicable legal
environmental requirements.
5.2 The supplier, contractor or collaborator knows the principles provided in the four
environmental policy documents of ACCIONA (Climate Change, Environment, Biodiversity and
5.3 In the event of not holding ISO 14001 certification, the supplier, contractor or collaborator
undertakes to comply with ACCIONA's environmental management plan.
5.4 They must report any existing investigations or legal proceedings resulting from any
violation of environmental regulations and must immediately submit the related documentation,
if applicable, so that ACCIONA can analyze the severity of the situation.
6. Security of the Information
The suppliers, contractors and collaborators declare that they have and can prove that they
have sufficient resources and the necessary technical and organisational means to ensure a
suitable level of security in their communications and information systems, such that it
guarantees the availability, integrity and confidentiality of ACCIONA’s information. They must
have a security system that is either certified or in accordance with the standards in force on
the matter from time to time.
7. Protection of Personal Data
The supplier, contractor or collaborator hereby declares that they will keep completely
confidential and not disclose any data or information that they may have access to on the
occasion of the performance of the obligations arising, where applicable, under the contract.
Inter alia, the supplier, contractor or collaborator hereby declares as follows:
7.1 The supplier, contractor or collaborator hereby undertakes to meet the technical security
requirements and statutory requirements for the protection of personal data in accordance with
the legislation in force in their country and, more specifically, if it is applicable, the provisions of
(EU) Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to
the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, or other specific data
protection regulations.
7.2 The supplier, contractor or collaborator is aware of the principles contained in ACCIONA's
Personal Data Protection Policy (, and more
specifically the policy that applies to ACCIONA’s suppliers, contractors or collaborators (“Data
Protection” at
7.3 The supplier, contractor or collaborator undertakes to inform ACCIONA of any breach
and/or of the commencement of any disciplinary proceedings [for any breach] classed as gross
or very gross, as well as any existing legal proceedings resulting from any violation of the
regulations for the protection of personal data, and where applicable, undertakes to
immediately submit the related documentation to ACCIONA via
[email protected].
7.4 The supplier, contractor or collaborator undertakes to notify any incident or personal data
breach that might affect the personal data provided by ACCIONA or processed on behalf of the
latter immediately to [email protected].
The supplier, contractor or collaborator hereby accepts that it has received by ACCIONA access
or complete and accurate copy of the above-referred documentation, and that it has been
accepted, the acceptant being a person sufficiently empowered for this purpose. Likewise,
suppliers are hereby informed that any future modification that they must make to their data or
to the information provided and that any modification made by ACCIONA to the questionnaire,
the codes, the standards and/or the procedures referenced in this declaration will be governed
by the provisions herein set forth.
ACCIONA reserves the right to conduct, on its own or through entities it designates, the relevant
audits of the supplier, who, by signing this document, agrees to collaborate in said audits.
The supplier, contractor or collaborator understands that if they provide incorrect information or
documentation to ACCIONA or fail to provide such information, it could result in the automatic
termination, for valid reasons, of any contract that they may have with ACCIONA.

[1] Therefore, if a supplier, contractor or collaborator does not agree with or cannot comply with
these Ethical Principles, minimum requirements or ACCIONA's Code of Conduct, they must give
notice in this regard by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

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