Supplier Code of Conduct (September 2022) - English

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1. OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
2. BUSINESS PRACTICES ....................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS .................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 ETHICAL BUSINESS PRACTICES ........................................................................................................ 3
2.3 SUBCONTRACTING AND HOMEWORKING.……………………………………………………………….3
3. WORKPLACE STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................. 3
3.1 FREELY CHOSEN EMPLOYMENT ....................................................................................................... 3
3.2 FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION .............................................................................................................. 3
3.3 SAFE AND HYGIENIC WORKING CONDITIONS ................................................................................. 3
3.4 CHILD LABOUR ...................................................................................................................................... 3
3.5 WAGES AND BENEFITS........................................................................................................................ 3
3.6 WORKING HOURS................................................................................................................................. 4
3.7 DISCRIMINATION .................................................................................................................................. 4
3.8 RECOGNIZED EMPLOYMENT .............................................................................................................. 4
3.9 HARSH OR INHUMANE TREATMENT .................................................................................................. 4
3.10 ENTITLEMENT TO WORK ................................................................................................................... 4
4. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................. 5
4.1 PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT ..................................................................................................... 5
4.2 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND REPORTING ......................................................................... 5
4.3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................... 5
5. CONTACT .......................................................................................................................................................... 6

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All Aritzia and affiliates sustainability manuals, guidebooks and policies are intended for use by supplier(s). Please note that
the term supplier(s) refers to third-party partners approved by Aritzia and affiliates and/or sourced directly through Aritzia
and affiliates approved suppliers including but not limited to:

• Finished good facilities.

• Raw material processing sites, fiber producers and fabric mills including but not limited to ginning, spinning, weaving,
knitting, dyeing and finishing facilities.
• Trims, packaging, product component, virgin down and synthetic fill suppliers.
• Subcontractors and affiliate partners.

Aritzia and affiliates’ Supplier Code of Conduct (‘Code’) sets the minimum expectations on social and environmental
responsibility for suppliers. At Aritzia and affiliates, our objective is to conduct our business to the highest level of ethical
standards and social and environmental responsibility.

We have used the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code, UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and International
Labour Organization (ILO) conventions and environmental laws and conventions including the UN Framework Convention
on Climate Change and the Convention on Biological Diversity as a guideline to develop our standards as well as Aritzia
and affiliates’ values, and principles.

Aritzia and affiliates’ suppliers must comply fully with all local and international legal requirements relevant to the conduct
of their businesses and must adopt and follow practices which safeguard workers’ rights and safety, and protection of the
environment. Respecting and upholding human rights is of critical importance to Aritzia, we expect and require suppliers to
respect and uphold internationally recognized human rights as laid out in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights throughout their own operations and supply chain.

It is our intent to only develop partnerships with suppliers who are committed to meeting the standards outlined in this Code
and any non-compliance with this Code or with local and international legal requirements will result in the supplier
relationship with Aritzia and affiliates to be reviewed and re-evaluated.

If for any reason this Code cannot be or has not been upheld, immediate notification to Aritzia and affiliates is required by
contacting us at [email protected].



• Suppliers must have an effective process in place to identify and evaluate labour and human rights risks, safety
and health hazards, environmental impacts and business ethics non-compliances.
• Suppliers will establish all relevant labour and human rights, health and safety, environment and business ethics
• Suppliers must develop tracking, reporting, remediation processes to ensure ongoing compliance and adherence
with laws, policies and other requirements.
• Suppliers will establish processes to identify and deliver relevant and accessible training and communication to
workers effectively. This includes but is not limited to workers fully understanding their rights, how to follow health
and safety precautions and any other company policies and procedures in place.
• Suppliers must undertake the necessary measures to implement corrective and preventive actions to address the
root cause of any non-compliances identified through audits or any other form of risk assessment in a timely and
effective manner.
• Suppliers must establish processes and systems to manage their supply chains effectively including assessing
labor and human rights, safety and health hazards, environmental impacts and business ethics of their
subcontractors and recruitment or labour agents.
• Suppliers must establish effective processes for senior management to evaluate the overall suitability and
effectiveness of management systems on a periodic basis.
• Each supplier and facility is required to have a properly functioning grievance management system for internal
and external stakeholders. Grievance management systems must be widely advertised for stakeholders’
knowledge. Suppliers must maintain records of grievances received and how they were remediated. These
records shall be shared if Aritzia and affiliates requests.

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• Suppliers shall operate in full compliance with all industry regulations and applicable laws as well as Aritzia and
affiliates’ business requirements.
• Where there are two conflicting laws, the most stringent will apply.
• Suppliers must conduct their business ethically without bribery, corruption, or any type of fraudulent business


• Suppliers are not permitted to subcontract any part of the work without the express written consent of Aritzia and
• Any suppliers or homeworkers proposed as subcontractors must also meet the standards outlined in this Supplier
Code of Conduct and all other relevant Aritzia policies.



• All labour must be voluntary.
• Suppliers cannot use forced, trafficked, illegal, prison labour, indentured labour, bonded labour or other forms of
forced labour, nor can they engage in human trafficking or slavery.


• Suppliers will respect the legal rights of workers to freely, and without harassment or undue penalty, participate in
worker organizations of their choice. No retaliation towards workers exercising such rights shall arise.
• Worker representatives will not be discriminated against and will be able to carry out their responsibilities in the
• Where, for legal reasons, independent freedom of association or collective bargaining is restricted, suppliers must
allow parallel means for association and bargaining.


• Suppliers will ensure that workers are provided with a safe, clean and healthy work environment, including but not
limited to facilities, accommodation, canteens and toilets including free potable water, toilet paper and soap.
• At a minimum, suppliers will comply with local health and safety regulations including building and structural as
well as fire and electrical regulations.
• Clean food storage and preparation facilities will be provided if appropriate, and in all cases, clean and potable
water will be provided free of charge to all workers.
• New and existing workers shall be provided with regular health and safety training.
• Women who are pregnant will not be required to do work that is prejudicial to the health of the mother or child.


• Suppliers must not use child labour, in line with relevant ILO conventions and national law.
• No hazardous or night work is to be completed by any young worker under the age of 18.
• Suppliers must adhere to all sections of Aritzia’s Child Labour and Young Worker Policy.


• Suppliers will comply with the local requirements for wages and benefits or according to prevailing industry
standard. If the two are conflicting the higher standard will be applied.
• At a minimum, wages must always be enough to meet basic needs and to provide some discretionary income.
Workers will be provided with clear and written information (e.g. pay checks) at least monthly.
• There will be no deductions from wages without the prior written consent from workers or unless permitted under
applicable law. All deductions must be recorded.
• There will be no deductions made for disciplinary purposes.
• Suppliers are responsible to ensure all workers are enrolled in and covered by social insurance, including but not
limited to commercial injury insurance where appropriate.

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• Suppliers will provide all legally required holidays, annual leave, sick leave, severance payments and other
benefits, such as 13th month payments and bonuses, within required periods.
• Parental leave and payments will be provided to all eligible workers as required by law.


• Working hours must follow ILO standards. In line with ILO standards, Aritzia considers 8 hours/day to be regular
working hours and 40 hours/week to be the standard work week.
• Suppliers will ensure that the total hours worked do not exceed 60 hours in any 7 day period inclusive of overtime,
unless exceptional circumstances occur which can be evidenced.
• Overtime must be voluntary and workers must be compensated according to local law or industry standard
(whichever is higher).
• Suppliers must give workers a 7th day of rest, i.e., work a maximum of 6 consecutive days or where permitted by
national law 2 days off in every 14 day period.

• Suppliers will not practice any form of discrimination in hiring and employment, inclusive of discrimination on the
basis of age, race, colour, sexual preference, gender, religion, disability, marital status, union membership or
political affiliation.
• Women who are pregnant will not be discriminated against in hiring, training or retention.
• Suppliers must ensure that all workers are covered by all legally mandated requirements or industry standards
(whichever is higher), including, but not limited to, migrant, pregnant, juvenile or young, contract or temporary,
homeworkers or disabled workers.
• This Code applies to all workers, regardless of worker category or status (including, but not limited to, migrant,
pregnant, juvenile or young, contract or temporary, homeworkers or disabled workers).
• Recruitment, promotion and termination of employment must follow all appropriate legal and ILO standards.
• All workers will receive equal pay for equal work. Suppliers will implement effective systems to evaluate and
monitor wages, and update wage systems when necessary, to ensure no discrimination in pay among workers.


• All work performed must be on the basis of a recognized employment relationship established through applicable
law and practice.
• Every worker shall be provided with a written contract, in their own language, that stipulates conditions for the
employment. The contract must outline the location, requirements and tasks of the role including working hours,
rest days as well as regular, overtime and holiday wage rates.
• All workers must be informed of, and understand, all employment terms included in their work agreement and/or
contract before leaving their original location of residence. Terms and conditions of employment should be
provided in a clear, transparent, verifiable and easy to understand manner, and in accordance to national laws,
regulations, employment contracts and applicable collective agreements.
• Suppliers must ensure all workers understand the contract details and are provided the contract with reasonable
notice for review with a third party if desired prior to signing.
• Obligations to workers, under labour or social security laws and regulations arising from the regular employment
relationship, shall not be avoided through the use of labour-only contracting, fixed-term contracts or through
apprenticeship schemes where there is no real intent to impart skills or provide regular employment.


• Suppliers will treat workers with respect and cannot use or threaten to use any form of physical, sexual,
psychological or verbal abuse, harassment or intimidation.
• Suppliers will have formal grievance and disciplinary procedures in place. Suppliers must maintain records of
disciplinary actions and grievances received and how they were remediated. These records shall be shared if
Aritzia and affiliates requests.


• Suppliers will only employ or use workers with a legal right to work in the country. All workers, including migrant
and employment agency staff, must be validated by the supplier for their legal right to work by reviewing original
• All original right to work (including work permits), identification documentation (including passports and other
identity papers), travel documentation, and other personal legal documentation must be retained by the worker.

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• Suppliers will only use registered employment agencies.
• Suppliers must not accept any fee or deposit from workers for employment. Fees associated with employment are
the sole responsibility of the employer.
• All workers are to have full freedom of movement, including within a country, region or area and to leave a
country, region or area.
• Workers must not receive financial penalties or be punished for terminating employment. Workers do not require
permission to change employer.
• All workers must have access to grievance process and dispute resolution mechanisms, as well as to effective
and appropriate remedies.
• Suppliers must adhere to all sections of Aritzia’s Migrant Worker Policy.



• All Suppliers must conduct operations in a manner consistent with local and international environmental laws,
regulations and conventions, including but not limited to air, water, land, chemicals and waste management.
• Suppliers are encouraged to implement systems to monitor and minimize the impact of their operations on the
• Suppliers must immediately inform Aritzia and affiliates if they are cited as having breached an environmental limit
or regulation at any of their sites.
• A remediation plan for any breaches should be immediately established by the suppliers and communicated to
Aritzia and affiliates.


• Suppliers shall maintain adequate tracking systems to understand facility environmental impacts and maintain
relevant documentation.
• Suppliers are required to disclose their environmental performance through the Higg Facility Environmental
Module (FEM) including details of facility air emissions, environmental management systems, water, energy,
waste, wastewater and chemicals.
• Higg FEM assessments may be subject to third party verification.
• Suppliers must track all energy and fuel sources and report quantity used in the last calendar year for each
• Facility air emissions directly emitted at the site of operations and production must be tracked.
• Details of all water sources at each facility must be tracked, including details of how and from where the site
obtains water.
• Wastewater generated from industrial and domestic operations must be tracked and reported.
• Volumes of all hazardous and non-hazardous waste streams must be recorded and reported.
• All equipment must be regularly maintained and meet permit requirements.


• Each facility must have a dedicated employee on-site in charge of environmental management activities.
• Suppliers must adopt pollution prevention measures and set a long-term environmental strategy for each of their
facilities to reduce their impact.
• Each facility must maintain an inventory of chemicals used in operations and production, including supplier
identification for each chemical product and safety data sheet (SDS).
• All employees must be trained on chemical hazards, risk, proper handling and what to do in case of emergency or
• Open burning and dumping of waste on-site must be forbidden and any on-site incineration must be controlled.
• All streams of waste including but not limited to paper-based and plastic packaging, textile off-cuts, must be
disposed of following the local legal requirements, while prioritizing the reduction of such waste.
• All hazardous waste transporters, treatment and disposal facilities must be licensed and permitted.
• All equipment must be regularly maintained and meet permit requirements.

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Aritzia and affiliates are committed to ethical business practices and will not tolerate any bribery or corruption. We expect
the same of our suppliers and partners, including our third-party audit teams. We expect our suppliers and partners to
ensure their supply chain complies with all of Aritzia and affiliates’ policies, standards and Supplier Code of Conduct,
including our zero tolerance for bribery or corruption. If you believe that bribery, corruption or any non-compliance with
Aritzia and affiliates’ standards, policies or Supplier Code of Conduct has occurred immediate notification to Aritzia and
affiliates is required by contacting us at [email protected] or through the Aritzia and affiliates confidential
whistleblowing hotline +1-844-488-5677.

By signing below, the undersigned acknowledges they have read and understood the above requirements, agrees to
comply with Aritzia and affiliates’ Supplier Code of Conduct as outlined above, and acknowledges that violation of any of
the standards may result in termination of the business relationship with Aritzia and affiliates.

Supplier Name

Authorized Signature

Name and Position


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