CESC Module 11

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Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: __________________

Section: ____________________________________ Date:_________________________


Background Information for Learners: Methodologies and approaches in community

action will help you understand the purpose of each phase and its implication to the
society such as partnership and how it promotes development to the community as a
The following are the phases of Community Action:
⚫ Establishing links and partnership building with local groups Establishing links is
a process of identifying and locating different actors and players within a community
who share a common interest, purpose and goals. Individual engaged in the different
types of partnership depends on their goals and interests. For example if you
participate in community activities, that is a community-based partnership, another
type of partnership is the government-based, wherein the individual engaged in the
activities of the government as a stakeholder, and lastly, the faith-based.
Coordination, cooperation,collaboration and partnership are just some of the methods
and approaches in building partnership.
⚫ Community profiling Social research method which involves building up a picture
of the nature, needs, and resources of a locality or community, with the active
participation of its members, the aim being to create and implement an action plan to
address the issues unearthed. It matters that you know who is living in the
community for you to assess what type of community you have.
⚫ Needs and resource assessment It is used to assess the resources or skills that
exist among the people or communities with which a project plans to work. For
example, before you formulate an action plan, you have to assess the needs of the
⚫ Participatory action planning and leadership development It is a process by
which a community undertakes to reach a given socio-economic goal by consciously
diagnosing its problems and charting a course of action to resolve those problems.
Experts are needed, but only as facilitators. As a sequence in undertaking
participatory planning, the group involve themselves in gathering information,
consultation, deciding together, acting together, and support independent community
⚫ Resource mobilization It is the process of getting resources from the resource
provider, using different mechanism, to implement an organization’s predetermined
goals. Example, you are going to look
possible stakeholders/organizations that could help you provide the necessary needs
in your action plan.
⚫ Plan implementation It is designed to document, in detail, the critical steps
necessary to put your solutions into practice. It is a step-by-step list of task with
assigned owners and due dates, and helps the project team stay on track. For
example, you have to make a timeline for the activity.
⚫ Monitoring and evaluation
Used to assess the performance of projects, institutions and programme set up by
governments, international organizations and NGO’s. Its goal is to improve current
and future management of outputs, outcomes and impact. For example, evaluate and
monitor how far have you gone with your plan. Learning Competency with Code
Explain the methodologies, and approaches in community action.
Activity 1: Picture Analysis (mix&match)
Direction: Arrange the jumbled letters and match with the different pictures below.
1. PIHSRENTRAP -________________________
2. YTIUMMO GNILIFORP - ________________
3. SDEEN TNEMSSESSA - _________________
4. YROTAPICITRAP NOITCA GNINNALP- __________________________
5. ECRUOSER NOITAZILIBOM - __________________________________
6. NALP NOIATNEMELPMI - _____________________________________
7. GNIROTINOM DNA NOITAULAVE - ___________________________
Activity 2. LIST ME DOWN!
Direction. Supplement the information needed.
2.1. Types of Partnership
2.2. Different methods and approaches in building partnership in the community
2.3. Provide corresponding information for community profiling.
(Sample sheet) Name: ______________________________________ Date: _________
Complete Address: ________________________________________________________
Religion: __________________ Sex: _____ Male ______
Female Age: _____ 15-16 ______ 17-18 _______ 19 and above
Type of family ____ Nuclear ______ Extended ____ Single Parent

Number of Siblings: ______________________

Family Income per month: ______ Php 2000 ______ Php 5000 ______ Php 8000 _____
Php 10000 _______ Php 15000 ______Php 16000 and above
Name some business establishments in your community:____________________________
Do you have schools in your community? ____ Yes _____None If yes, ____
Day Care Centers _____Elementary ____ High School ___
College Are health services available in your community? ____ Yes _____ No If yes, ____
Hea lth Center ___ Clinic____ Public Hospital ___ Private Hospital

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