Lesson-4 4

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4 Approaches and Systematic and community-owned services to community

Methods in Community Action organizations or bayanihan acts. While
many of these activities occur without the
support of the public sector (in which case
the role of public servants is to ensure that
Methodologies and Approaches of the right conditions are in place for social
Community Actions action to thrive), some require more specific
support from the public sector.
 Partnership building - is a way for your  Evaluation - There are many good reasons
organization to expand its capacity and value for a community group to evaluate its
across your expanding network of efforts. When done properly, evaluation can
stakeholders. It is a relationship between improve efforts to promote health and
individuals,organizations, or groups that is development at any level -- from a small local
characterized by mutual cooperation towards non-profit group to a state wide or even
the achievement of a specified goal. national effort. Evaluation offers the following
Partnerships may take several forms and advantages for groups of almost any
characteristics, depending on the needs of the size:
strategy and desires of the partners.
 Community profiling – a comprehensive  Collecting information about how
description of the needs of a population that is things are done and its results help us
defined or defines itself, as a community, and understand how community initiatives
the resources that exist within that
develop, offering lessons other groups can
carried out with the active involvement of the profit from.
community itself for the purpose of developing
 Providing ongoing feedback can
an action plan or other means in improving
the quality of life within the community. improve community work by encouraging
(Hawlin & continuous adjustments of programs, policies,
Percy – Smith, 2007.p.5 and other interventions.
 Assessment - serves and identifies the
available resources to address the unmet  By involving community members,
needs of the community's most vulnerable people who haven't had a voice may gain the
residents. These assessments help determine opportunity to better understand and improve
theunderlying causes and conditions of local efforts.
poverty within one’s community and identify
unmet needs. The assessment then guides our  Finally, evaluation can help hold
work to implement programs that will help our groups accountable to the community and to
most the grant makers who provide funding. It can
vulnerable residents out of poverty. also help hold grant makers accountable to
 Community Action Planning - The the communities that they serve.
community action plan is one of
the participatory tools used to build the Activity 1.
capacity of community members in taking
action in accordance with the problems, Direction: Choose the correct answer from
needs, and potentials of the community. the choices below.
 Resource mobilization - refers to all
activities involved in securing new and  Partnership building
additional resources for your organization. It  Community profiling
also involves making better use of, and  assessment
maximizing existing resources.  Community action planning
 Social action -is about people coming  Resource mobilization
together to help improve their lives and solve  Social action
the problems that are important in their  Evaluation
communities. It involves people giving their
time and other resources for the common _____________ 1. Collecting information about
good, in a range of forms – from volunteering how things are done and its results help us
understand how community initiatives _____________ 7. It is necessary for students to
develop. be engaged in community action for them to
_____________ 2. A way for your organization to better learn and internalize social
expand its capacity and value across responsibilities.
your expanding network of stakeholders. _____________ 8. Community action becomes
_____________ 3. Action is about people coming effective if we understand the nature of the
together to help improve their lives social problem we are dealing with.
and solve the problems that concerns the _____________ 9. Prioritizing planning is not
whole community. It involves people giving part of community action and civic
their time and other resources for the responsibility.
common good, in a range of forms – from _____________ 10. Systematic methods and
volunteering and community-owned services ethical standards must be observed in
to community organizing or simple neighborly initiating community action.
_____________ 4. A comprehensive description
of the needs of a population. Activity 3.
_____________ 5. Refers to all activities involved
in securing new and additional Direction: Choose one (1) community
resources for your organization. It also problem that happened within the year
involves making better use of, and 2023-
maximizing, existing resources. 2024.
_____________ 6. Serve and identify the
available resources to address the unmet
needs of the community's most vulnerable
1. What are the underlying reasons for the
existence of this problem? Whatare its
_____________ 7. One of the participatory tools
structural roots?
used to build the capacity of community
members in taking action in accordance with
the problems, needs and potentials of the
2. What will you do, in solidarity with others,
to solve the problem?
Activity 2.
Direction: Write TRUE is the statement is
correct and FALSE if not.

_____________ 1. Social Action can be done by

one or more persons.
_____________ 2. The purpose of community
action is for people to work in solidarity in
order to address a certain social problem.
_____________ 3. Community action becomes
less effective if it is guided by systematic
_____________ 4. Social action influences
_____________ 5. Running away from someone
who needs help is an example of
social action.
_____________ 6. It is possible to have a
community without a group of people
sharing common characteristics or interests
and perceived or perceiving itself as distinct in
some respect from the larger
society within which it exists.

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