E-Proceeding Book

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in Conjunction with

“Come with a New Spirit of ASEAN Solidarity”


in Conjunction with

“Come with a New Spirit of ASEAN Solidarity”

Organizing committee :
Advisory :
dr. Soekirman Soekin, Sp.T.H.T.K.L.(K), M.Kes
Prof. Dr. dr. Jenny Bashiruddin, Sp.T.H.T.K.L.(K)
Dr. dr. Trimartani, Sp.T.H.T.K.L.(K), MARS

Steering Committee :
Chairman :
Prof. Dr. dr. Farhat, M.Ked(ORL-HNS), Sp.T.H.T.K.L.(K)
Chairman I :
dr. Marlinda Adham, Sp.T.H.T.K.L.(K), PhD
Vice Chairman I :
dr. Wijaya Juwarna, Sp.T.H.T.K.L
Vice Chairman II :
dr. Adlin Adnan, Sp.T.H.T.K.L.(K)
Secretary :
dr. M. Pahala Hanafi Harahap, M.Ked(ORL-HNS), Sp.T.H.T.K.L.(K)

Editor :
dr. Soekirman Soekin, Sp.T.H.T.K.L.(K), M.Kes Prof.
Dr. dr. Jenny Bashiruddin, Sp.T.H.T.K.L.(K) Prof. Dr.
dr. Farhat, M.Ked(ORL-HNS), Sp.T.H.T.K.L.(K)
Reviewer :
Prof. Dr. dr. T. Siti Hajar Haryuna, Sp. T.H.T.K.L.(K)
dr. M. Pahala Hanafi Harahap, M.Ked (ORL-HNS), Sp.T.H.T.K.L(K)
dr. Adlin Adnan, Sp. T.H.T.K.L.(K)
dr. Jerry Tobing, M.Ked(ORL-HNS), Sp. T.H.T.K.L
dr. Lia Restimulia, Sp.T.H.T.K.L
dr. Carlo Maulana Akbar, M.Ked (ORL-HNS), Sp.T.H.T.K.L

Publisher :
Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara

Secretariat :
dr. Fatin Fatharani Erizal

Address :
Bunga Lau Street No. 17, 20136 Medan, North Sumatera
Mobile phone: +6281269241921
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://aseanorIhns-pin2021.org

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara.

The publisher do not responsibility or legal liability for any errors in the text or
for the misuse or misapplication of material in this work.

Proceeding Book of 19th ASEAN ORL-HNS Congress in Conjunction with 11th

Indonesian ORL-HNS Scientific Meeting was initiated and organized by ASEAN ORL-
HNS Federation. This electronic proceeding aims to provide an opportunity to
present and share the latest innovations and results of studies in
Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.

This electronic proceeding's purpose is to provide international sources of

information to all ENT specialists and other health professionals who are interested in
the science of ORL-HNS in the future. Also, it is expected to improve communication
between ORL-HNS doctors so that it has an impact on the development of
knowledge regarding and stimulates further education, competency, and equality for
ORL-HNS specialists and how roles and activities of ORL-HNS doctors in building
communities in Southeast Asia.

Electronic Proceeding of 19th ASEAN ORL-HNS Congress in Conjunction with

11th Indonesian ORL-HNS Scientific Meeting will be reviewed by experts. This
proceeding book publishes original research, review articles, and case reports. We are
very thankful to everybody within this community who supported the idea of
establishing and developing in Proceeding Book of the 19th ASEAN ORL-HNS
Congress in Conjunction with the 11th Indonesian ORL-HNS Scientific Meeting. We
do hope this proceeding book is useful and acceptable to the readers.

Medan, October 2021

Prof. Dr. dr. Farhat, M.Ked(ORL-HNS), Sp.T.H.T.K.L.(K)

Chairman of ASEAN ORL-HNS Congress


Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb

First of all, I would like to congratulate the North Sumatra branch of the
PERHATI-KL for working hard to prepare for this event The 19th ASEAN ORL HNS
Congress in Conjunction with the 11th Indonesian ORL-HNS Scientific Meeting was
held, hoping that all participants can broaden their horizons, improve competence,
and open future research opportunities.

This significant event is one of the efforts to increase the knowledge of

PERHATI-KL members of Indonesia, considering that there are still many things that
need further discussion and research. There are still many ORL-HNS health problems
in Indonesia that require the hard work of all PERHATI-KL members. I hope that this
event can discuss current developing knowledge and research opportunities in the

Thank you to all speakers and instructors, the committee of The 19th ASEAN
ORL-HNS Congress in Conjunction with 11th Indonesian ORL-HNS Scientific
Meeting, and all parties who have contributed to organizing this event. This event
was successful with the help of many parties. Therefore, we would like to thank the
many parties who have helped organize this event.

At this event, research results, reviews, and case reports were presented by
researchers. The results of the seminar are then documented in this proceeding.
Hopefully this event and proceeding will be useful for readers, both PERHATI-KL
members and the health of the Indonesian people.

Prof. Dr. dr. Jenny Bashiruddin, Sp.T.H.T.K.L.(K)

Chairwoman of PERHATI-KL Indonesia
(Indonesian Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Society)

Dear all colleagues and friends,

It is an honour to welcome all ASEAN and other countries ORL-HNS specialist

on 19th Asean ORL-HNS Congress and 11th Indonesian ORL-HNS Scientific Meeting.
This congress is very special for us because we hope will be held on the end of
Covid-19 pendemic, where until know the Covid-19 still spread on most countries in
the world, by this situation the congress be held by virtual platform.

By the theme “Come with New Spirit of Asean Solidarity” 19th Asean ORL-HNS
congress an Conjuction with 11th Indonesian ORL-HNS Scientific Meeting it will bring
to a new level ASEAN ORL-HNS cooperation that will provide platform for all ORL-
HNS specialist to share the knowledge experience discuss and argument any
controversial issues and updated of knowledge and technology for variety ORL-HNS
problems. This event became one of the venues for ORL-HNS specialists to present
their research, as well as exchange information and deepen research issues, as well as
develop sustainable collaboration.

The committee has worked very hard to ensure this event becomes the most
memorable ASEAN ORL-HNS event. Not forgetting also to all those who have
provided support for the organization of this event and for the preparation of this
proceeding. I think as long as ASEAN ORL-HNS Federation Congress this is the first
scientific proceeding be edited by the committee. I hope that this proceeding can
provide benefits for all parties. Many thank you for all committee had work very

Finally, the committee would like to apologize profusely for all the
shortcomings in organizing this event, starting from the socialization of the activities
until the publication of this proceeding.

dr. Soekirman Soekin, Sp.T.H.T.K.L.(K), M.Kes

President of ASEAN Otorhinolaryngological Head and Neck Federation

WELCOME SPEECH….................................................................................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................................................................................................... iv


Asti Widuri, Rizka Fahriani, Salsa Farida ............................................................................................................................................... 01


M. Tauhid Lestario, Lisa Apri Yanti ......................................................................................................................................................... 04


Aji Kusuma, Lisa Apri Yanti ........................................................................................................................................................................ 07


Nyilo Purnami, Puguh Setyo Nugroho, Hamam Kusumagani ........................................................................... 11


Nina Irawati, Lisnawati, Diar Riyanti ...................................................................... ....................................................... 13

Mirta Hediyati Reksodiputro ................................................................................................................................................................... 16


Indra Zachreini, Jenny Bashiruddin, Semiramis Zizlavsky, Susyana Tamin, Harim Priyono, Ika Dewi Mayangsari, Respati
Ranakusuma, Natasha Supartono, Widayat Alviadi, Heditya Damayanti, Dina Alia, Tengku Siti Hajar Haryuna, Juliandi
Harahap, Nirza Warto, Hidayatul Fitria, Beni Hidayat, Abla Ghanie, Ahmad Hifni, Muslim Kasim, Gustav Syukrinto,
Ratna Anggraeni, Lina Lasminingrum, Muyassaroh, Novi Primadewi, Muhammad Arif Purwanta, Ashadi Prasetyo,
Sagung Rai Indrasari, Mahatma Bawono, Nyilo Purnami, Dyah Indrasworo, Suardana, Eka Putra Setiawan, Putu
Dian Ariyanti Putri, Komang Andi Dwi Saputra, Made Lely Rahayu, I Made Wiranadha, Arman Amar, Eva Nurfarihah, Eka
Savitri, Tjandra Manukbua, Steward Keneddy Mengko, Augustien Yuliet Tamus........................................................................... 19


Nyilo Purnami, Nico Probosutejo, Budi Utomo .............................................................................. ......................... 22


Lia Restimulia .............................................................................................................. ......................................................... 24

Tutwuri Handayani, Arif Dermawan ..................................................................... ....................................................... 26


Steward Keneddy Mengko ....................................................................................... ...................................................... 30

Artono, Nyilo Purnami, Edi Handoko, In Seok Moon .......................................................................................... . 33


Rizka Fathoni Perdana, Ami Pratami Munifah, Sri Herawati Juniati, Muhtarum Yusuf, Erni Rosita
Dewi ........................................................................................................................ ................................................................. 36


in Conjunction with


Asti Widuri1, Rizka Fahriani1, Salsa Farida2
OtorhinolaryngologyDepartment, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Indonesia
Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Indonesia

Abstract Article Info

Introduction: Nasal washing (istinyaq and istitsar) is part of ablution activity that perform as legal Keywords:
requirement for moslem praying five time times a day. It has many good effect to the hygiene of nasal mucosa ablution, nasal symptom, nasal washing, infection
by cleaning the pathogen or allergen, increasing humidity, and improving mucisiliare clearance.
Objective: This study aimed to assess the role of nasal washing during ablation in reduce nasal symptoms and
preventing upper respiratory diseases.
*Corresponding author:
Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted at dormitory student Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta. Assessment of ablution activity perform by mentor and divided into good, fair and poor criteria. Address: FKIK UMY, Brawijaya Street, West
All respondent were provided record of Score For Allergic Rhinitis (SFAR) questionnaire, Covid-19 infection Ringroad, Yogyakarta, 55284, Indonesia
and upper respiratory infection. e-mail: [email protected]
Results: The study showed that nasal rinsing significantly reduced the nasal symptoms and upper respiratory
infection (istinsyaq p= 0.003 and 0.003, istitsar p= 0.006 and 0.000) but not significant influenced to Covid -
19 infection with istinsyaq p= 0.696 and istitsar p= 0.659.
Conclusion: Nasal washing during ablation significantly influenced to reduce nasal symptom and upper
respiratory infection, but not influenced to Covid-19 infection.

1. INTRODUCTION Yogyakarta, by assess of ablution activity of the respondent, mark perform

by mentor and divided into good, fair and poor criteria. All respondent
Human day of life are surrounded by pathogens, pollutants and other were provided record of Score For Allergic Rhinitis (SFAR) questionnaire,
harmful substances. It can enter in our body through mouth, nose and eyes Covid-19 infection and upper respiratory infection.
directly or (1) from contaminated hands and caused inflammation, Descriptive statistics was done by presenting mean and standard
infection or allergic process (2). A prevention of communicable disease deviation for numerical variables and frequency percentage for categorical
relates to interrupt the transmission. Personal hygiene is an important variables. Chi-square test was applied to analyse the categorical variables.
practice in breaking the chain of transmission (3). The level of significance was set at 0.05. SPSS software was applied for
Cleanliness and purification or are one of the great exemptions of statistical analysis.Sub-heading (If any)
Islam. Ablution or wudu in arabic word is the specific action of washing
part of body. Islam places great stress on cleanliness by doing wudu five or 3. RESULT
more times a day (for offering prayers), whether it is in physical or
spiritual terms. Its activity also provide us good personal hygiene and can All 135 student participated in this study were assess their wudu
significantly prevent communicable diseases (4). activity and fulfill questionnaire about SFAR, history of infection and
The breathing of water into the nasal cavity (istinsyaq) and out identity. The percentage of male student was 36.3 % and 63.7 % female,
(istintsar) during ablution as Islamic approach corresponds to nasal rinsing its because of majority student were female. Perfect istinsyaq and istitsar
(5). It activity has many effects to nasal mucosa, such as cleaning antigens activity perform by 25.9 % and 24.5 as showed in table 1.
pathogens, soften crusta, it also dilutes nasal discharges that easier for Table 1. Data characteristic respondent
mucociliary movement to clear up the thick mucus, improves mucociliary
Parameter Total N/% P value
motility, thus improving mucociliary clearance(6) (7). Nasal Irrigations
(SNIs) also can reduce the viral load in the nasal cavities (8). Age Mean 18.53 (17-21)
Gender Male 49 (36.3) NS
Nasal rinsing is a proven adjunctive technique in treating allergic Female 86 (63.7) NS
rhinitis and rhinosinusitis(9)(10). However, the effectiveness of ablution’s Ablution Istinsyaq good 35 (25.9) NS
nasal rinsing in reducing symptoms of rhinitis and preventing URI had not Istinsyaq fair 86 (63.7) NS
Istinsyaq poor 14 (10.4) NS
been tested. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the role of
Istitsar good 33 (24.4) NS
nasal rinse during ablation in preventing upper respiratory diseases. Istitsar fair 87 (64.4) NS
Istitsar poor 15 (11.1) NS
2. MATERIAL AND METHODS SFAR Allergic Rhinitis Y 27 (20) NS
Allergic Rhinitis N 108 (80) NS
A cross sectional study was conducted with the respondent from URI Yes 47 (34.8) NS
student who signed the informed consent before participated in this study. No 88 (65.2) NS
Covid Yes 2 (1.5) NS
Ethical clearance for this study was obtained from the Human Ethics No 133 (98.5) NS
Committee of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta with number
136/PSK/Akd.2020.2021/210330/FKIKUMY. Data collection was
performed at dormitory University Resident Universitas Muhammadiyah

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 01


From 35 (25.9%) respondent who good activity during istinsyaq only can be affected by protease activities produced by allergen, so the nasal
1 (0.007%) report the SFAR symptom more than 7, from 86 (63.7%) washing may improve nasal mucosa function through several physiological
respondent who fair activity during istinsyaq 20 (0.14%) report the SFAR effects as barrier enforcing (13). The statement support to the result of this
symptom more than 7, and from 14 (10.5%) respondent who poor activity
during istinsyaq 6 (0.04%) report the SFAR symptoms more than 7. study the nasal washing during ablation (istinsyaq and istitsar)
From 33 (24.4%) respondent who good activity during istitsar only 1 significantly prevent SFAR score and upper respiratory diseases with p
(0.75%) report the SFAR symptom more than 7, from 87 (64.4%) value < 0.05.
respondent who fair activity during istitsar 20 (0.14%) report the SFAR Ablution movement by washing hands, washing the nostrils, washing the
symptom more than 7, and from 15 (11.1%) respondent who poor activity face, and ears is the healthy living behavior to reduce pathogen and
during istitsar 9 (0.06%) report the SFAR symptoms more than 7. allergen enter to our body (14). Nasal rinsing can be included as part of
From 35 (25.9%) respondent who good activity during istinsyaq 4 intervention reducing URI such as vaccination and use faca-mask among
(0.02%) report the symptom of upper respiratory infection, from 86 male Hajj pilgrims (15). Although in this study the good istinsyaq and
(63.7%) respondent who fair activity during istinsyaq 36 (26.4%) report istitsar not influenced to the Covid-19 infection, its because of the research
tthe symptom of upper respiratory infection, and from 14 (10.5%) during early pandemic and the respondent with minimal social interaction
respondent who poor activity during istinsyaq 7 (0.05 %) report the at dormitory. Ablution also not make changing of bacteria pattern in nasal
symptom of upper respiratory infection. cavity (8). Beneficial effects of each step of ablution is scientifically
From 33 (24.4%) respondent who good activity during istitsar 2 supported but needs further research in this direction (3).
(0.01%) report the symptom of upper respiratory infection, from 86
(63.7%) respondent who fair activity during istitsar 38 (28.1%) report the 5. CONCLUSION
symptom of upper respiratory infection, and from 15 (11.1%) respondent
who poor activity during istitsar 7 (0.05 %) report the symptom of upper Nasal washing during ablation significantly influenced to reduce nasal
respiratory infection. symptom and upper respiratory infection, but not influenced to Covid-19
Based on the result of hypothesis testing using chi-square test the role infection.
of nasal rinse during ablation in preventing allergic rhinitis, upper
respiratory symptom, and covid infection, showed at table 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT

Researchers say thank you to dormitory resident Universitas

Table 2. The influenced of istinsyaq to nasal symptoms and upper Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta who participated to this study.
respiratory infection
Nasal Rinsing Criteria P value REFERENCE
Istinsyaq Good 34 1
Fair 66 20 0.003
[1] Manuele Casale1 VR, Lorenzo Sabatino1, Ciccozzi2 AMaM. Could
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Poor 14 0 [2] Attilio Varricchio1 ILM, Francesco Paolo Brunese3 and Giorgio
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Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 02


[14] Saefulloh A, et al. Covid-19 Prevention (Study of Covid-19 Protocol

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Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 03


in Conjunction with


M. Tauhid Lestario1, Lisa Apri Yanti2
Department of Otorhinolayngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia
Laryngology Consultant, Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstract Article Info

Introduction: Deep neck infection is defined as a collection of pus in potential spaces and facial planes in the Keywords:
deep neck. The incidence of deep neck space infection is 1/100,000 in adults and 2/100,000 in children. Risk deep neck abscess, bacterial culture, antibiotics
factors such as age, oral hygiene and comorbidities such as DM are aggravating factors in deep neck abscesses
patients. Specimen identification via culture is considered very important to obtain the causative organism and
determine the effective antibiotic.
Objective: The purpose of the study was to describe the characteristics and patterns of abscess bacteria in the *Corresponding author:
ENT department of RSMH e-mail: [email protected]
Methods: This study is a retrospective descriptive study using medical record data in patients diagnosed with
deep neck infections who were treated at the ENT department of RSMH from January 2020 to June 2021.
Results: From 48 patients, 30 men (62.5%) and 18 women (37.5%) were found and the age group of 31-45
years was found to be 18 people (37.5%). Most symptom onset was found at 0-1 weeks as many as 27 people
(56.2%). The highest complaints were dysphagia in 32 cases (27.6%), trismus in 31 cases (26,7%), and
odynophagia in 28 cases (24.1%), odontogenic factors were found in 44 cases (91.7%). Most abscesses were
located in multispace, as many as 26 cases (54.2%), while in single space as many as 22 cases (45.8%), with
the most location being submandibular in 8 cases. Diabetes was found as comorbid in 7 cases (46.7%). The
most bacterial findings in culture were Klebsiella pneumoniae ssp pneumoniae in 6 cases (13.3%) and
sensitive antibiotics including ciprofloxacin, meropenem, and tigecycline in 9 cases (23.1%). The most
common complication was mediastinitis in 7 cases (77.7%).
Conclusion: Klebsiella pneumoniae ssp pneumoniae is the most common bacteria found in deep neck
infections with sensitive antibiotics including ciprofloxacin, meropenem, and tigecycline

1. INTRODUCTION to describe the characteristics and patterns of abscess bacteria in the ENT
department of RSMH.2,5
Deep neck infection is defined as an infection of the potential spaces
and facial planes of the neck, which is accumulation of pus in the potential 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS
deep neck spaces. The widespread use of antibiotics today has reduced the
incidence of abscesses, but this condition is still common and remains a This study is a retrospective descriptive study on the bacterial pattern
challenge because it can cause dangerous complications such as of deep neck abscesses in the ENT section of the Mohammad Hoesin
mediastinitis, airway obstruction, jugular vein thrombosis, pericarditis, Hospital (RSMH) Palembang. The data comes from the medical records of
pleural empyema, and even death. There are many factors that are risk patients in the ENT department of the RSMH. The research was conducted
factors for deep neck abscesses, for example in old age and diabetes from January 2020 to June 2021.
mellitus. 1,2 The population and sample of this study were all patients diagnosed with
The incidence of deep neck space infection is 1/100,000 in adults and abscess in the laryngeal-pharyngeal division of the ENT department from
2/100,000 in children. The diagnosis of deep neck space infection is January 2020 to June 2021. The samples included in this study were all
established based on the history, physical examination, and supporting patients diagnosed with deep neck abscess who went to the ENT
examinations, such as blood laboratory examinations and pus culture, as department. The collection of pus samples in the abscesses were carried
well as radiological examinations. 3,4 out at the microbiology laboratory of RSMH. The criteria for patients who
A pus culture is required if there is suspicion of an abscess. Specimens were not included in the study included patients with deep neck abscesses
are collected by aspiration of a localized abscess or other surgical who were not subjected to pus sampling. The number of samples obtained
procedure. The bacteria that cause abscesses are usually polymicrobial, is 48 patients).
consisting of a mixture of aerobic, microaerophilic, and anaerobic.
Infections originating from the oropharynx are mostly caused by normal
flora in the upper respiratory tract, such as Streptococcus and
Staphylococcus. The most common organisms are aerobic S. viridans, H-
hemolytic Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Klebsiella pneumoniae,
anaerobic bacteriodes, and peptostreptococcus. 3,4
It is estimated that the incidence of deep neck abscesses has decreased
significantly since the widespread use of antibiotics. To get the most
effective antibiotics, it is necessary to examine the culture of bacteria and
test the sensitivity of antibiotics to bacteria. The purpose of the study was

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 04


Table 6. Distribution of antibiotics sensitivity based on pus culture
Table 1. Distribution of subjects based on demographic characteristics Variable n Percentage (%)
Ciprofloxacin 9 23.1
Variable Amount (n) Percentage (%) Meropenem 9 23.1
Type sex Tigecycline 9 23.1
Man 30 62.5
Woman 18 37.5 Ceftazidime 1 2.6
Age group Cefepime 1 2.6
0-15 year 3 6.3 Ertepenem 2 5.1
16-30 years old 11 22.9
Clindamycin 2 5.1
31-45 years old 18 37.5
46-60 years old 9 18.8 Erythromycin 2 5.1
>60 years old 7 14.5 Benzylpoenicillin 2 5.1
Vancomycin 2 5.1
Table 2. Distribution of subjects according to the onset of abscess
occurrence (n=48)
Table 7. Distribution of observed complication in subjects
Variable n Percentage (%)
0-1 week 27 56.2 Variable n Percentage (%)
2 weeks 11 22.9 Mediastinitis 7 77.7
3 weeks 3 6.3 airway obstruction 2 22.3
4 weeks 4 8.3
>1 month 3 6.3 Table 8. Distribution of subjects based on comorbidity
Variable n Percentage (%)
Table 3. Distribution of subjects based on clinical symptoms and risk
factors Diabetes mellitus 7 46.7
Hypertension 5 33.3
Variable n Percentage (%) Pneumonia 2 13.3
Clinical Symptoms Pregnant 1 6.7
Fever 20 17.3
Shortness of breath (dyspneu) 5 4.3
Difficulty opening the mouth (trismus) 31 26.7 4. DISCUSSION
Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) 32 27.6
Painful swallowing (odynophagia) 28 24.1 In this study, deep neck abscesses were often found in 30 men (62.5%)
Risk factors and 18 women (37.5%). And the most age came from productive adults,
Teeth cavities 44 91.7
Bones 4 8.3 namely the age of 31-45 years as many as 18 people (37.5%), where in the
children age group (0-15 years) it was found in 3 people (6.3%), while age
Table 4. Distribution of subjects by location of abscess (n=48) more than 60 years found 7 people (14.5%). In the study, Brito et al.
Variable n Percentage (%) reported that the incidence in children was relatively low, this may be due
Multispace 26 54.2 to a history of antibiotic use, especially in conditions of flu and other viral
Parapharyngeal & submandibular space 18 37.5 infections, which are more common in children than in adults. This is
Retropharyngeal & submandibular space 4 8.3
consistent with the study of Yang et al., who reported that of 130 patients,
Retropharyngeal & pretracheal space 2 4.2
79 (60.8%) were male and 51 (39.2%) were female with a mean age of 32
Temporal & submandibular space (prevertebral space) 2 4.2
years. Syaiful, et al in their study in Surabaya reported that 102 patients
Single space 22 45.8
Retropharyngeal space 3 6.3 (62.96%) of deep neck abscess patients were male and 60 patients
Parapharyngeal space 2 4.1 (37.04%) were female with the highest age being from the 40-60 year age
Submandibular Space 8 16.6 group of 55 patients (33.95). %). This is probably because men tend to
Parotis space 1 2.1 neglect oral hygiene compared to women, and tobacco consumption is
Masticator room 1 2.1 found to be higher in men which affects orodental hygiene which can
Peritonsillar space 7 14.6 cause dental infections and deep neck space infections.1,3,5
Based on the onset of events, in this study report, the most
Table 5. Distribution of bacterial patterns based on pus culture results occurrences were at 0-1 weeks, namely 27 people (56.2%), then 2 weeks
of onset were 11 people (22.9%). There was also an onset of more than 1
Variable n Percentage (%) month found in 3 case (6.3%). This is in accordance with the report in
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2 4.5
Brito et al. where in his study reported the mean time from symptom onset
Streptococcus gordoni 1 2.2 to diagnosis was 8 days with a symptom range showing between 2-20 days
Pneumonia ssp 1 2.2 and the main symptoms were fever and neck pain. 6,7
Klebsiella pneumonia ssp pneumoniae 6 13.3 The most common symptomps found are difficulty swallowing
Escherchia colli 3 6.7 (dysphagia) in 32 cases (27.6%), trismus in 31 cases (26.7%), followed by
Pseudomonas ssp 1 2.2 complaints of painful swallowing (odynophagia) as many as 28 cases
Staphylococcus capitis 1 2.2
(24.1%). In the study of Yang et al, fever, trismus, neck pain and
Streptococcus anginosus 1 2.2
odynophagia were the main complaints in cases of deep neck infections in
Staphylococcus haemolyticus 2 4.5
Acinobacter baunami 2 4.5
both children and adults. Odynophagia was found in 47.7% in children and
Staphylococcus aureus 1 2.2 66.3% in adults. Gujrathi et al, in their study report that most of the
Streptococcus sanguinis 1 2.2 patients complained of pain in 81.48% of patients, followed by swelling of
Lactococcus garvieae 1 2.2 the neck in 77.78%, pain of swallowing in 39.26% and pain of opening the
Sterile/no growth 22 48.9 mouth in 31.11% of patients. 1,8-10 Regarding risk factors, in this report
almost all cases of infection were obtained from odontogenic factors,
namely 44 cases (91.7%), while bone risk factors were found in 4 case
(8.3%). This is in accordance with the study of Syaiful et al, who reported
that the main cause of deep neck infections was odontogenic infections
and other dental infections, which were 112 patients out of a total of
162 subjects studied (69.14%).1,5,11 Multispace involvement in deep
neck infections was common in all age groups, similar to the study of Brito
et al, which had multispace involvement in 41.8% of adults with deep neck
infections. According to this case report, the most spread was found in

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 05


multispace, which involved more than one space in the deep neck, as many infections. Therefore, prevention of deep neck infections can be done by
as 26 cases (54.2%), while in single space as many as 22 cases (45.8%), providing awareness to the public about dental and oral hygiene and
with the most locations being submandibular in 8 cases and peritonsil in 7 routine dental check-ups. In addition, it is also important to pay special
cases. Deep neck infections in adults often involve multiple spaces, attention to high-risk groups such as the elderly and people with diabetes
leading to serious complications and with a more severe clinical course mellitus, where systemic disease conditions can cause life-threatening
than in children. Yang et al reported the most common location in children complications.
was the parapharyngeal space in 18 patients (40.9%), followed by the Early diagnosis and treatment are essential, so all patients should be
submandibular space in 8 patients (18.2%), the retropharyngeal space in 5 started on empiric intravenous antibiotic therapy, which is then adjusted
patients (11.4%). In the adult group, the most common sites were for bacterial culture results and sensitivity. In this case report, the most
multispace in 30 patients (34.9%), followed by parapharyngeal in 17 common bacteria found were Klebsiella pneumoniae ssp pneumoniae, with
patients (19.8%), submandibular space in 12 patients (14.0%), whereas sensitive antibiotics including ciprofloxacin, meropenem, and tigecycline.
adult patients had multispace infections more often than children. 1,3,6,7 Nasal washing during ablation significantly influenced to reduce nasal
Comorbid factors that underlie deep neck infections, mostly found a symptom and upper respiratory infection, but not influenced to Covid-19
history of diabetes in patients, namely in 7 people (46.7%), then infection.
hypertension was found in 5 people (33.3%), pneumonia in 2 people
(13.3%), and patients with the condition pregnant 1 person (6.7%). Among REFERENCE
the major diseases associated with deep neck infection the most common
diabetes mellitus was found in 36.30% and 1.48% of cases of deep neck [1] Yang W, Hu L, Wang Z, Nie G, Li X, Lin D, et al. Deep Neck
infection with pregnancy were found in the case report of Gujrathi et al. In Infection: A review of 130 Cases in Southern China. Medicine
the study of Yang et al, of the 27 patients who had comorbid factors, 17 of (Baltimore). 2015; 94
them had diabetes mellitus. In DM patients, hyperglycemia conditions can [2] Novialdi MRP. Deep Neck Abscess Germ Pattern. Andalas Health
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in Deep Neck Space Infections: An Institutional Review. Annals of
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immunity, will predispose individuals to develop deep neck infections. India. 2020
[4] Huang TT, Liu TC, Chen PR, Tseng FY, Yeh TH, Chen YS. Deep
Based on the results of this case report, the most common bacteria Neck Infection: Analysis of 185 Cases. Otolaryngology-Head and
found were Klebsiella pneumoniae ssp pneumoniae as many as 6 cases Neck Surgery. 2004.
(13.3%), then Escherchia colli as many as 3 cases (6.7%), followed by [5] Rijal S, Romdhoni AC. Bacteria Pattern, Results of Antibiotic
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus haemolyticus, acinobacter Sensitivity Test, and Complications of Deep Neck Abscess Patients
baunamii with 2 cases each (4.5 %). From the research report, some of the in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital. Biomolecular and health science
dominant aerobic bacteria are Streptococcus viridian, Klebsiella journal. 2018.
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Chone CT, et al. Deep Neck Abscesses: Study of 101 Cases.
are Prevotella, Peptostreptococcus, Fusobacterium and Bacteroides.
Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology. 2017;83(3):341-348
Although many previous studies reported Streptococcus species as bacteria [7] Beka D, Lachanas VA, Doumas S, Xytsas S, Kanatas A, Petinaki E,
that are often isolated in deep neck infections, geographic factors and use et al. Microorganisms Involved in Deep Neck Infection (DNIs) in
of antibiotics can influence the variety of bacteria isolated in culture results Greece: Detection, Identification and Susceptibility to
from various studies. Furthermore, the second most common germ that is Antimicrobials. BMC Infectious Disease. 2019. 19:850
often isolated is Klebsiella pneumoniae, where this type of bacteria is [8] Johnson JT, Ronsen CA. Bailey's Head & Neck Surgery
higher, especially in people with diabetes mellitus, both in adults and Otolaryngology Volume one, Fifth edition. Lippincott Williams &
children. Tiwana et al, in their research reported that the majority of culture Wilkins. 2014.
results are sterile (42.6%). It may be due to high dose intravenous [9] Dhingra PL, Dhingra S. Disease of Ear, Nose and Throat & Head and
antibiotic or empiric antibiotic usage before abscess drainage. Gujrathi et Neck Surgery, 7th edition. India: Elsevier India, 2018.
al, in their research reported that the most common microorganisms found [10] Gujrathi AB, Ambulgekar V, Kathait P. Deep Neck Space Infection
in deep neck space infection were streptococcus pyogenes (30,37%) & – A Retrospective Study of 270 Cases at Tertiary Care Center. World
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staphylococcus aureus (22,97%). 1,3,10 208-213
Based on the culture results of this case report, it was found that the [11] Torre DD, Burtscher D, Höfer D, Kloss FR. Odontogenic Deep Neck
highest sensitive antibiotics were ciprofloxacin, meropenem, and Space Infection as Life-threatening Condition in Pregnancy.
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meropenem at 73.58%, cefoperazone-sulbactam 69.36%, and oxacillin al. An Analysis of Clinical Risk Factors of Deep Neck Infection.
66.67%. While Beka et al report, the antibiotic agents used in Greece Elsevier. 2011.
include the administration of a single intravenous antibiotic or a
combination of penicillin, amoxicillin- clavulanic acid, ampicillin-
sulbactam, clindamycin, and metronidazole. 1,5,7
Based on this case report, the following complications were found
including mediastinitis in 7 cases (77.7%) and the incidence of upper
airway obstruction so that a tracheostomy was performed in 2 cases
(22.3%). In the research report of Brito et al, there were two cases with
mediastinitis (1.9%), namely in adults and involving multiple neck spaces.
In mediastinitis, patients often complain of chest pain or shortness of
breath. Har-el et al, described that involvement of the floor of the mouth
and retropharyngeal space is more associated with the incidence of airway
obstruction and a greater need for tracheostomy. 1,6,10,12


Deep neck infections are a common and challenging condition for the
otolaryngologist, and should be treated in an emergency. In this study,
odontogenicity was the most common etiologic factor in deep neck

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 06


in Conjunction with


Aji Kusuma1*, Lisa Apri Yanti2**
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstract Article Info

Introduction: Actinomycosis is a chronic granulomatous infection caused by anaerobic gram-positive Keywords:
bacteria. Actinomycosis is very rarely found in the larynx. This disease is often misdiagnosed due to its non- actinomycosis, larynx, laryngeal mass,
specific symptoms and usually resembles a malignant or granulomatous lesion. tracheostomy, direct laryngoscopy
Case report: A 49-year-old male presented with a chief complaint of hoarseness. Initial examinations
revealed the presence of a laryngeal mass accompanied by pulmonary tuberculosis. Due to upper airway
obstruction, tracheostomy was performed. After receiving tuberculosis treatment, the patient underwent *Corresponding author:
laryngeal mass extirpation using direct laryngoscopy with an endoscopic approach. Pathology examination Address: Jenderal Sudirman Road,
confirmed the diagnosis of laryngeal actinomycosis. After 5 months of antibiotics, the patient showed no Palembang, South Sumatra, 30126, Indonesia
laryngeal abnormalities. The tracheostomy cannule was removed followed by stoma closure. Follow up e-mail: [email protected]
revealed no abnormalities.
Conclusion: Laryngeal actinomycosis is uncommon, and may present as a laryngeal mass that may cause
airway obstruction. Due to its rareness, thorough examination is needed for differential diagnosis. The gold
standard for diagnosis is pathology confirmation. Management consists of antibiotic administration.

1. CASE REPORT oral azithromycin therapy and oral N-acetylcysteine, and was given
recommendations to perform AFB I/II/III and gene expert examinations.
This is a report of a 49-year-old male, works as a rubber tapper and Results of AFB I/II/III examination were +/-/- and gene expert detected
welder living outside Palembang, who was admitted to the ORL-HNS evidence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB).
department, emergency unit of Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Hospital
Palembang (RSMH) with a main complaint of lump-in-throat sensation
since 4 months before hospital admission. Lump-in-throat sensation occurs
continuously and followed by hoarseness. No complaints of choking when
eating and drinking. Approximately 2 weeks before hospital admission, the
patient experienced shortness of breath, regardless of position and weather,
and worsening of hoarseness and lump-in-throat sensation. The patient also
complained of occasional choking when drinking, but was still able to eat
solid food. There is a history of smoking. He was first admitted to a local
hospital, but was then referred to RSMH Palembang. Picture 2. a. Chest x-ray. B. Cervical x-ray
On general physical examination, the patient was conscious, compos
mentis, with vital signs of blood pressure within normal limits, pulse The patient was diagnosed with upper airway obstruction stage II et
115bpm, breathing 28x/minute, and oxygen saturation 97%. Thoracic causa laryngeal mass and pulmonary tuberculosis. Awake tracheostomy
examination revealed inspiratory stridor with suprasternal and epigastric was performed, followed by anti-tuberculosis drug combination for 6
retraction. Neck examination showed no lumps or enlarged lymph nodes. months.
Physical examination of the heart and lungs were within normal limits. Three months later, laryngeal mass biopsy was performed. Evaluation
Examination of the nose, ears and throat within normal limits. On indirect of the larynx showed yellowish granular mass covering the supraglottic
telelaryngoscopy, a yellowish granular mass was observed, covering plicae area. Plicae vocalis and plicae ventricularis was unable to be assessed.
vocalis and plicae ventricularis. Biopsy of the laryngeal mass was performed with direct laryngoendoscopic
approach using biopsy forceps with evaluation of bleeding, and the
collected tissue was sent to the anatomic pathology department.
Anatomical pathology examination revealed actinomycosis and fungal
infection with necrotic tissue in the larynx. CT scan of the larynx was
performed, showing inhomogeneous density masses in the oropharynx,
hypopharynx to the epiglottis causing intraluminal obstruction, with no
visible destruction of the cricoid and arytenoid cartilages, no enlargement
of neck lymph nodes, well-positioned tracheostomy, and an impression of
pulmonary tuberculosis in both lung areas. As cases of actinomycosis often
occurs in immuno-deficient patients, anti-HIV test is performed, yielded
Picture 1. Indirect laryngoscopy examination negative results. The patient was given 625 mg amoxicillin/ clavulanic acid
Laboratory tests showed leukocytes count of 15.330/mm3 and other every 8 hours for 6 months, fluconazole 150 mg every 24 hours for 2
laboratory tests were within normal limits. Chest X-ray shows impression weeks, and proton pump inhibitor drug therapy.
of cardiomegaly, bilateral pulmonary tuberculosis, and right pleural
effusion. On AP/Lateral soft tissue cervical X-ray, soft tissue mass was
observed on the neck region, parallel to C5-C6 vertebrae. The patient was
consulted to the internal medicine department, and diagnosed with
suspected new case of pulmonary tuberculosis. The patient was prescribed

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 07


Picture 3. Laryngeal CT Scan with contrast, showing mass Picture 6. Figure 6. Intraoperative image of 4th direct laryngoscopy
(before and after procedure)
Laryngeal evaluation shows yellowish granular mass on the
epiglottis 2. DISCUSSION
covering the supraglottic area. Plicae vocalis and plicae ventricularis was
unable to be assessed. Extirpation of the laryngeal mass was performed His is a case report of a laryngeal actinomycosis in a 49-year-old male.
with forceps, followed by evaluation for bleeding, and the collected tissue Actinomycosis is more common in people aged 20-60 years with a peak
specimen was sent to anatomic pathology department for further incidence between the ages of 40-50 years. The majority of patients are
examination. Previously prescribed therapy was continued. male with a ratio of 3:1, due to higher prevalence of males having worse
On the ninth day after surgery, the patient was followed-up for oral hygiene and more common findings of oral trauma. Laryngeal
outpatient visit at ENT-NS department. Follow-up visit shows actinomycosis is more common between the ages of 40-50, which is
improvements in prior complaints of coughing and lump-in-throat accordance to this case, however, laryngeal actinomycosis can occur in any
sensation, with no chest tightness. age group. Laryngeal actinomycosis is usually discovered incidentally after
Telelaryngoscopy examination of the anterior epiglottis showed surgical exploration. In this case, the patient has several risk factors, which
fibrinous tissue, absence of mass, absence of blood clot, absence of blood includes smoking, occupational exposure to smoke (welder) and
flow, absence of pus, symmetrical bilateral movement of the plicae vocalis comorbidities of tuberculosis. Chronic inflammation is thought to be a
and plicae ventricularis, and edema of the arytenoid and plicae contributing factor in laryngeal actinomycosis. Chronic inflammation due
ventricularis. Previous anatomic pathology examination results reveal to smoking and exposure to inhalation may cause damage to the mucosal
actinomycosis of the larynx. barrier in the larynx, which facilitates a favorable environment for the
growth of Actinomyces sp. Currently there are no literature that describes
the relationship between pulmonary tuberculosis and laryngeal
actinomycosis, however, Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection may
expand, causing secondary infection and damages the laryngeal mucosa.
Abraskim et al reported four cases of co-infection with pulmonary
actinomycosis and tuberculosis infection, in which co-pathogens
synergistically inhibit host defense mechanisms or reduce oxygen levels in
affected tissues, which promote growth of Actinomyces sp. The most
common symptom of chronic cough, which is also the most common
symptom of pulmonary tuberculosis patients, causing irritation of the
laryngeal mucosa and damages the mucosal barrier, paving the way for
invasive diseases.2,3,5
Symptoms of laryngeal actinomycosis ranges from asymptomatic to
severe. Symptoms may include voice changes, dysphagia, a lump in the
throat, coughing, and even total airway obstruction. Googe et al suggested
that the most frequent symptoms were dysphonia (61.5%), dysphagia
Picture 4. a and b. Laryngeal mass before procedure, c. After mass (34.6%) dyspnea (17.2%), and cough (11.50%). In this case, the patient's
extirpation, d. Mass of the larynx: 2.8 cm x 2 cm x 0.5 cm in size main complaint was a lump in the throat followed by hoarseness since 4
months before admission, followed shortness of breath, and coughing and
Follow-up evaluation of the larynx shows thickening of the left plicae choking when drinking. The slow progression of laryngeal actinomycosis
ventricularis with a smooth surface appearance. Reduction of the left plicae means that there may be a long time period between onset of symptoms
ventricularis was performed with cautery, followed by evaluation for (unspecified) and the clinical diagnosis (up to 6-12 months), which is
bleeding, and thickened tissue was obtained using forceps and sent to associated with erosion and tissue damage in the affected area. Complaints
department of anatomic pathology for further examination, resulted in of laryngeal actinomycosis are related to its affected location,
inflammatory polyps in the larynx region. Evaluation of AFB I/II/III including the supraglottis, glottis or subglottis. Impaired swallowing
examination in patients showed -/-/- results. Chest X-ray evaluation was function with a lump-in-throat sensation and aspiration of the larynx is
performed, and the patient was declared cured from pulmonary associated with the location of the supraglottic mass, causing the epiglottis
tuberculosis. unable to cover the area of rima glottidis during swallowing phase.
Hoarseness worsens slowly progressively to shortness of breath is caused
by airway obstruction, which resulted from disruption of vocal cord
vibrations due to incomplete closure of rima glottidis rhyme caused by
tumor mass. Coughing usually occurs due to secretions flowing into the
larynx and occurs mainly after swallowing movements.2,4,6
Standard measures required for diagnosis include clinical examination
using a rigid or flexible endoscope to allow a thorough assessment of the
surface condition of the primary tumor and the mobility of the vocal cords.
Indirect telelaryngoscopy of this patient revealed a yellowish granular
Picture 5. Intraoperative image of 3rd direct laryngoscopy (before and mass presenting over the plicae vocalis and plicae ventricularis.
after procedure) Laryngoscopy is an examination to determine the appearance of the lesion
which is often represented as a mass covered with fibrotic tissue.
Laryngeal evaluation after 5 months of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid However, this lesion is not specific because laryngeal actinomycosis may
treatment showed no laryngeal masses and no abnormalities in the also present as nodules, ulcers, or papillomatous lesions. The presence of a
laryngeal tissue, followed by removal of tracheostomy cannula. After 2 tumor mass, covering almost the entire rima glottis may potentially cause
months, no abnormalities in the laryngeal tissue was observed. airway obstruction, leading to stridor, cyanosis when eating, difficulty

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 08


breathing and is potentially life threatening. 2,2,25,26 CO2 laser or microdebrider. The principle of operative therapy is to obtain
Laboratory results showed leukocytes counts of 15.330/mm3 and non- maximum tumor resection possible while also maintaining normal
reactive anti-HIV. Common laboratory findings include mild leukocytosis, structure of the surrounding tissue. Excision of laryngeal actinomycosis
increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein with CO2 laser yield easy removal of the tumor with minimal trauma and
(CRP) levels, which indicate the presence of bacterial infection, but are not impaired function. In this case, microscopic laryngeal surgery was
specific for Actinomyces infection. Some cases of laryngeal actinomycosis performed, since complication of airway obstruction has already occurred
occur in immunosuppressed patients as a result of opportunistic infections in this patient. The goal of operative surgery is to remove the mass, provide
in severely immuno-compromised patients, but is very rarely found in a safe and airy airway, and shorten the required time for antibiotics
immunocompetent patients. In this case, there are no risk factors that may administration. Even if surgery is performed, administering antibiotics is
alter the immune system.2,4,7 paramount to remove any remaining residue and prevent further need for
Neck soft tissue X-ray and CT scan of the larynx revealed soft tissue surgery. Standard medical management of actinomycosis includes long-
mass in the neck region. Imaging techniques usually reveal non-specific term antibiotics for 6-12 months to prevent relapse, but it may be shortened
findings, contributing only to determining the radiological features of the if optimal surgical resection of the infected tissue has been performed, no
mass and its involvement in adjacent soft tissues. This infection usually bone involvement, and satisfactory respond to treatment was achieved.
spreads in close proximity to surrounding tissues or organs, possibly Kolditz et al reported that of 49 people with pulmonary actinomycosis, 24
involving only the soft tissue or bone or even both, eventually producing people were given antibiotics ≤ 6 months and obtained 100% cure rate,
multiple sinus passages. This infiltrative property can be correlated with and six people who were given antibiotics for less than 3 months
the proteolytic enzymes released by Actinomyces. Radiological techniques experienced relapses or local complications, thus it is recommended that
only provide quantitative information of borders, homogeneity and content antibiotics were given for not less than 3 months in patients with
density, localization, and invasion of the lesion to surrounding organs. pulmonary actinomycosis. In this case, the patient was given
Actinomycosis may be mistaken for a neoplasm on CT and MRI scans amoxicillin/clavulanic acid therapy for 5 months following mass
with an infiltrative, mass-like appearance. In one case series, six of seven extirpation, leading to a favorable response with no findings of a granular
patients with actinomycosis were initially misdiagnosed with a malignancy mass on direct laryngoscopic evaluation and histopathology.1,2,4,12
on imaging studies.3,8,9 A cross sectional study was conducted with the respondent from
Management of laryngeal actinomycosis includes maintenance of the student who signed the informed consent before participated in this study.
airway and medical intervention. Overall management refers to Jackson's Ethical clearance for this study was obtained from the Human Ethics
criteria. Tracheostomy is the gold standard for treatment of upper airway Committee of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta with number
obstruction, but tracheostomy has its own complications, both in the short 136/PSK/Akd.2020.2021/210330/FKIKUMY. Data collection was
and long term.10 performed at dormitory University Resident Universitas Muhammadiyah
Pathology examinations revealed histopathological properties of Yogyakarta, by assess of ablution activity of the respondent, mark perform
actinomycosis and fungal infections with necrotic tissue in the larynx. Low by mentor and divided into good, fair and poor criteria. All respondent
host immunity and laryngeal mucosal barrier disruption can lead to were provided record of Score for Allergic Rhinitis (SFAR) questionnaire,
laryngeal infection. Actinomycosis and fungal infections can occur due to Covid-19 infection and upper respiratory infection.
the formation of biofilms, providing resistance to host clearance pathways Descriptive statistics was done by presenting mean and standard
and antimicrobial agents. The most common species of fungus is Candida deviation for numerical variables and frequency percentage for categorical
albicans, which is a component of the normal microflora in the digestive variables. Chi-square test was applied to analyse the categorical variables.
tract. This fungus is considered to exist in hospital environment such as The level of significance was set at 0.05. SPSS software was applied for
circulating air, surfaces such as floors and roofs, or hospital food. Many statistical analysis.Sub-heading (If any)
authors have defined Candida species as the most common fungal agent
isolated from the mucus production of patients with pulmonary 3. CONCLUSION
tuberculosis. Studies of importance of this infection has always been a
Laryngeal actinomycosis is a rare, chronic granulomatous infection of
controversial, due to the fact that nearly 32.5% of throat of healthy people
the larynx caused by Actinomyces sp. which is most likely to be
are Candida carriers. This situation can lead to contamination of the
misdiagnosed. Prompt detection and management of airway obstruction is
sputum sample. Microbiological sampling of lung parenchymal lesions
crucial for the patient. Predisposing factors such as diabetes, tobacco
obtained by flexible bronchoscopy supports the diagnosis. Combined
consumption and pre- existing infections may play a role in the
bacterial and fungal infections increase the frequency and severity of
development of actinomycosis. Diagnosis is confirmed through isolation
disease. The patient was prescribed amoxicillin/ clavulanic acid and
of Actinomyces. Laryngeal actinomycosis is managed with long-term
fluconazole therapy. Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic
antibiotics, preferably penicillin or amoxicillin, and surgical resection may
effective against Actinomyces bacteria. Actinomycosis is a
reduce the duration of antibiotics administration.
polymicrobial infection, so the initial stage of treatment should include
treating other bacteria found at the site of infection. Although Actinomyces
does not produce β-lactamases, administration of β- lactamase inhibitors REFERENCE
such as clavulanate or tazobactam is recommended in order to provide
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Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 010


in Conjunction with


Nyilo Purnami1* , Puguh Setyo Nugroho2 , Hamam Kusumagani3
Dept of ORL-HNS, Fac. of Medicine Airlangga University/ Dr. Soetomo Academic Hospital, Surabaya, East Java
Dept of ORL-HNS, Fac. of Medicine Airlangga University/ Dr. Soetomo Academic Hospital, Surabaya, East Java
Dept of ORL-HNS, Fac. of Medicine Airlangga University/ Dr. Soetomo Academic Hospital, Surabaya, East Java

Abstract Article Info

Introduction: Congenital deafness can be caused by genetic, environmental, and the interaction of these two Keywords:
factors. Genetic factors play about 50-75% as a cause of hearing loss. Hearing loss related to genetic factors/ genetic screening, children, hearing impairment
Congenital Hearing Loss (CHL) can be found in two forms, namely: Syndrome Hearing Loss (SHL) and Non-
Syndromic Hearing Loss (NSHL).
Objective: to initiate the genetic hearing loss screening in Surabaya, to knowing the prevalence of genetic
hearing loss in Surabaya special school, identify the gene mutation for providing the next genetic mapping in *Corresponding author:
Indonesia and identify the gene mutation in family (pedigree). Address: Perum Pandugo, Surabaya, East Java,
Methods: The design of the research are observational, cross sectional, and randomized Study. The sample Indonesia
was examinate by otoscopy and pure-tone audiometry. Blood samples were obtained and DNA was extracted e-mail: [email protected]
from 5 ml blood using standard procedures.
Results: There is 49 children, we found 3 genetic mutation (PDS or SLC26A, GJB or connexin 26 and mRNA
or MTRNR1 gene mutation.
Conclusion: Autosomal recessive mutations in the GJB2/connexin 26 gene are common in nonsyndromic
hearing loss The genetic hearing loss screening has been initiated in students of Deaf school in Surabaya. The
prevalence was found in 3 (6,1 %) students from total 49 students. Mutation varian of genetic Hearing Loss
was detected in each 3 children in school, included the most prevalence varians: GJB2, SLC26A4, dan
12SRNA mitokondria.

1. INTRODUCTION mapping in Indonesia and identify the gene mutation in family (pedigree).
The benefit of the study is significance for hearing loss screening
Hearing is an important factor in the ability to speak and communicate (Diagnose on a molecular basis can early predict hearing loss disability,
verbally. The learning process for hearing babies and children is very detect genetic mutation which may lead to congenital deafness, hearing
complex and varied because it involves aspects of growth and loss patern and post-lingual hearing loss disability, the earlier detected, the
development, embryological development, anatomy, physiology, earlier treated and intervention provide newborns babies of hearing
neurology and audiology. Congenital hearing loss is one of the most impairment with timely and appropriate intervention services and also to
common congenital abnormalities in humans with an incidence of 1-2 in knowing the risk analysis before pregnancy.
1000 newborns. At high levels of family relationship, the incidence
increases to 3-4 out of 1000 population. To prevent this, many countries 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS
including Germany conduct newborn hearing screening tests with Oto
Acoustic Emission (OAE) and Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry The participants of this study were students of Deaf School in
(BERA), which are ideally performed in the first three days to one month Surabaya Indonesia. Inclusion criteria are children with congenital hearing
of life.1,2 loss, profound SNHL (>80 dB). Exclusion criteria are having a history of
Indonesia's health profile in 2005 estimated that 214,100 congenital head trauma, otological disease, meningitis, rubella virus infection, and
deafness occurred in 214.1 million Indonesian citizens, and this number is using ototoxic drugs. Participant’s parents who are willing to follow the
increasing every year due to the high birth rate of 0.22%.3 Congenital research in advance fill out informed consent sheets. Medical history and
deafness can be caused by genetic, environmental, and the interaction of pedigree information were obtained by a questionnaire.
these two factors. Genetic factors play about 50-75% as a cause of hearing This research was conducted ethical review (No.
loss. Hearing loss related to genetic factors/ Congenital Hearing Loss 243/EC/KEPK/FKUA/2020) Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga
(CHL) can be found in two forms, namely: Syndrome Hearing Loss (SHL) on Okt, 1 2020. Ethical exemption was approved by Health Research
and Non-Syndromic Hearing Loss (NSHL).4 Ethics Commitee Fac. Of Medicine Airlangga University Declared to be
Thirty percent of congenital hearing loss is syndromic with ethically appropriate in fulfillment of the standard indication. The design
abnormalities in other organ systems, and 70% is non-syndromic. To date, of the research are observational, cross sectional, and randomized Study.
approximately 600 GPS-related syndromes have been identified, including The sample was examinate by otoscopy and pure-tone audiometry. Blood
Usher, Pandred, Stickler, Branchio-oto-renal, Down's syndromes, etc.2 samples were obtained and DNA was extracted from 5 ml blood using
Based on data from the hereditary hearing loss homepage, there are 123 standard procedures.
genes that cause GPNS; 51 autosomal dominant (DFNA); 77 autosomal DNA samples are amplified with biotin-marked primers by PCR.
recessive (DFNB); and 5 X-chromosome (DFNX).4 Attach amino oligo modified DNA probe onto low-density nylon
The aim of this study is to initiate the genetic hearing loss screening in HybriMem. Single stranded DNA sample anneal to complementary DNA
Surabaya, to knowing the prevalence of genetic hearing loss in Surabaya probe on HybriMem. Optimized condition will only leave completely
special school, identify the gene mutation for providing the next genetic hybridized double stranded hybrids. Enzyme-conjugates attached onto
biotin-marked DNA sample. The conjugation turns to a blue spot when

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 11


substrate (NBT+BCIP) is added. The hybribio hearing loss susceptibility

kit has advantage such as high specificity and accuracy, simple operation,
high efficiency, and whole process for 3 hours with hands-on time only 1


There is 49 children met the criteria were included from total group
160 children in deaf school with high amount from junir high school – B
for about 40 students. From the 49 children we found 3 genetic mutation
(PDS or SLC26A, GJB or connexin 26 and mRNA or MTRNR1 gene


Hearing impairment is one of the most common sensory defects. It

affects approximately 1 in 1000 newborns worldwide and about 4% of
people less than 45 years of age have some form of hearing loss.
Hereditary hearing loss can be classified into syndromic and non
syndromic hearing loss. Non syndromic hearing loss (NSHL) can be
inherited in an autosomal recessive manner (75–80%), autosomal
dominant pattern (20–25%) or inrare instances as an X linked or
mitochondrial pattern of inheritance (1–2%).5
Mutation of the GJB2 gene is the main cause of congenital deafness.
About 50% of GJB2 gene mutations cause autosomal recessive
nonsyndromic hearing loss in the world. In Turkey, about 18.9% of hearing
loss patients are caused by GJB2 gene mutations.6


Genetic/ congenital hearing loss is found in two forms, namely

syndromic and non-syndromic. Gene mutations are the main cause of
hearing loss that occurs in the structures of the inner ear, causing
sensorineural hearing loss. Autosomal recessive mutations in the
GJB2/connexin 26 gene are common in nonsyndromic hearing loss The
genetic hearing loss screening has been initiated in students of Deaf school
in Surabaya. The prevalence was found in 3 ( 6,1 %) students from total 49
students. Mutation varian of genetic Hearing Loss was detected in each 3
children in school, included the most prevalence varians : GJB2,
SLC26A4, dan 12 SRNA mitokondria. Genetic exam is important to
provide a definitive diagnosis, early identifying syndromic/nonsyndromic
deafness before the onset of other manifestations, estimating the risk of
recurrence in family members, reducing the number of repeat audiological
tests or additional tests for sensorineural hearing loss, and treatment
options as well as outcomes.

Identify the gene mutation in family ( pedigree ) Identify the gene
mutation for providing the next genetic mapping in Indonesia


[1] Purnami N, Dipta C, Rahman MA. Characteristics of infants and

young children with sensorineural hearing loss in Dr. Soetomo
Hospital. Oto Rhino Laryngol Indones. 2018;48(1):11.
[2] Vona B, Doll J, Hofrichter MAH, Haaf T. Non-syndromic hearing
loss: Clinical and diagnostic challenges. Medizinische Genet.
[3] Zahara D, Bashiruddin J, Tann G, Munir D, Purnami N, Savitri E, et
al. Gap junction beta 2 gene mutation in indonesian patients with non
syndromic congenital hearing loss. Int J PharmTech Res.
[4] Van Laer L, Cryns K, Smith RJH, Van Camp G. Nonsyndromic
hearing loss. Ear Hear. 2003;24(4):275–88.
[5] Venkatesh MD, Moorchung N, Puri B. Genetics of non syndromic
hearing loss. Med J Armed Forces India [Internet]. 2015;71(4):363–
Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mjafi.2015.07.003
[6] Purnami N, Prabowo GI, Wungu CDK, Handajani R. Detection of
Single‑Nucleotide Polymorphism Gap Junction Protein Beta‑2
Genes in Deaf Schoolchildren of Javanese Population in Surabaya,
Indonesia. Indian J Otol. 2019;25(1):6–10

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 12


in Conjunction with


Nina Irawati1*, Lisnawati2, Diar Riyanti1
Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia – Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta,
Department of Anatomical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia – Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract Article Info

Introduction: Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a chronic inflammatory nasal disease affecting 10–30% world Keywords:
population. Nasal obstruction was found in 70% of moderate-severe persistent AR. Radiofrequency turbinate allergic rhinitis radiofrequency turbinate
reduction given as an initial treatment prior to pharmacotherapy was expected to control inflammation and reduction, mucosal remodelling
lead to physiological mucosal remodelling.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of radiofrequency turbinate reduction on remodelling process in
moderate- severe persistent allergic rhinitis. *Corresponding author:
Methods: A total of 32 patients diagnosed with moderate-severe persistent allergic rhinitis were randomised Address: Pancoran Indah II E4 No.16, Komplek
into radiofrequency group and control group. Radiofrequency group received radiofrequency procedure Liga Mas, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, 12760,
followed by antihistamine H-1 and intranasal steroid, while control group only received antihistamine H-1 and Indonesia
intranasal steroid. Remodelling markers were further evaluated in this study before and after the treatment by e-mail: [email protected]
performing nasal biopsy and immunohistochemical staining using matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), tissue
inhibitor metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1), and plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1).
Results: The ratio of MMP-9/TIMP-1 decreased significantly in intervention group (independent t-test,
p<0.05). PAI-1 expression increased in both group, but no statistically significant difference were found.
Conclusion: Radiofrequency given as initial treatment would be beneficial to control inflammatory in allergic
rhinitis, which then lead to physiological mucosal remodelling. Therefore, it can promote drug absorption
andreduce the use of long term pharmacotherapy .

1. INTRODUCTION formation in the submucosa, obliteration of the veins, destruction of the

gland, inhibition of local immune responses, interference in neurogenic
Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a chronic inflammatory nasal disease inflammation, reduce inflammatory cells, reduce hyperreactivity of the
affecting 10–30% world population.1,2 It is a chronic symptomatic disorder nasal mucosa and chemical mediators in late-phase allergic reactions. This
of the nose induced by IgE-mediated inflammation, characterized by will increase nasal patency and maintain laminar air flow. 10,13
rhinorrhea nasal obstruction, itching, and sneezing, after allergen exposure Currently, the effect of radiofrequency on epithelial remodelling is
of the nasal mucous membrane.3,4 It becomes a major health problem still unknown. We hypothesized that early radiofrequency would have
impacting quality of life, work/school performance and productivity, sleep- effect on inflammatory reaction which further lead to physiological
disordered breathing, medical costs and its association with asthma.5-9 remodelling.
Department of Otorhinolaryngology in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital,
Jakarta reported that there was 62 patient (37%) out of 291 new visits 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS
diagnosed with moderate-severe persistent allergic rhinitis and 68% of
them complained of uncontrolled nasal congestion with visual analog scale This study was conducted from July 2018 to February 2020. Patients
(VAS) ≥ 5 from January to December 2017. diagnosed with moderate-severe persistent allergic rhinitis based on
World Health Organization-Allergy and Its Impact on Asthma (WHO- history, physical examination and skin prick examination were included in
ARIA) recommends oral antihistamine and intranasal steroid as the this study. A total of 32 patients aged 18-55 years old were recruited. All
treatment of choice for persistent moderate-severe allergic rhinitis. patients were given written consent and willing to participate. Patients who
Intranasal steroid is the most effective choice in treating allergic rhinitis had comorbidities such as septum deviation, pregnancy, severe systemic
symptoms, including nasal congestion. Nasal congestion caused by edema disease, acute rhinitis or rhinosinusitis, nasal polyp, nasal or paranasal
of the inferior turbinate and/or turbinate hypertrophy may inhibit intranasal tumour, or coagulation disorder, smokers and those who previously
steroid absorption. Therefore, turbinate reduction procedure is needed. received turbinate reduction or other nasal procedure were excluded.
Various turbinate reduction procedures can be performed.10-13 Previous Patients were assigned into two groups using single-blind block
study was performed to evaluate the radiofrequency procedure after the randomization. The radiofrequency group received radiofrequency
pharmacological therapy who failed to control the symptom. 10 There is no turbinate reduction followed by antihistamine H-1 and intranasal steroid.
study to assess the effect of early turbinate reduction procedure, such as Meanwhile, the control group received the standard treatment of
radiofrequency prior to the pharmacological treatment. antihistamine H-1 and intranasal steroid.
Radiofrequency reduction of the inferior turbinate is a minimally PAI-1, MMP-9, and TIMP-1 as remodelling component were
invasive office procedure using low energy (2-10W) and set time (10 evaluated using immunohistochemistry. The tissue biopsy was obtained
seconds) with heat of 60-900C and energy of 460kHz. This technique through a cunam biopsy from the inferior turbinate. The tissue specimen
effectively reduces the volume of submucosal stromal tissue while was then placed in a formalin buffer solution of 10% and delivered to the
maintaining respiratory epithelium, and has the effect of eliminating long- Department of Pathology and Anatomy for immunohistochemistry
term nasal symptoms.10 Subsequent to the technique, there are scar tissue evaluation. The bleeding was controlled by placing an anterior tamponade
consist of in lidocaine adrenalin 1:5000. Immunohistochemistry staining

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 13


was carried out using primary antibody from Abcam, Cambridge anti- Table 2. MMP-9 and TIMP-1 immunohistochemistry expression in
TIMP-1 antibody [2A5] ab2464, diluted 1:100, overnight; anti-MMP-9 persistent allergic rhinitis
antibody [5G3] ab119906, diluted 1:400, overnight; and anti-PAI1 Immunohistochemistry
antibody ab66705, diluted 1:300, overnight. A tissue biopsy of the inferior Radiofrequency Control group
staining (Mean ± SD) P value
turbinate were obtained before and after the treatment (4 weeks). group (n = 13) (n = 16)
The intensity of immunostaining for MMP-9 and TIMP-1 was Before treatment 2 (2–3) 2 (1–2) 0,015a
After treatment 1 (1–1,75 2 (2–3) 0,001a
determined using Can et al.14 criteria, where 1(+) means 25% staining in -0,375 (-0,5 – - 0,000a
Delta MMP-9* 1 (-0,5–1,5)
the epithelial surface, 2(+) means 25-50% staining in the epithelial surface, 0,167)
%Delta MMP-9* -50% (-67–0%) 50%(-50–200%) 0,000a
endovascular, perivascular, and vascular basal membrane, 3(+) means 2(+) TIMP-1*
and 50-75% staining in the inflammatory cells, and 4(+) means 3(+) and Before treatment 3 (3–3,75) 3 (2,5–3) 0,107a
After treatment 3 (2–4) 4 (2–4) 0,037a
75-100% staining in the matrix. Immunoreactivity index for PAI-1 was Delta TIMP-1* 0 (-1–0,75) 1 (0,5–1,5) 0,005a
count for its positivity and intensity using ImageJ™ program by counting %Delta TIMP-1* 0 (-33–50%) 33% (-25–100%) 0,006a
the number of positive and negative inflammatory cells using Delta MMP-9/TIMP-1
-0,302 ± 0,29 -0,006 ± 0,35 0,016b
immunohistochemistry staining in five different fields of view with 400x ratio**
Comparison PAI-1
magnification. Then, the percentage of inflammatory cells positivity was within group before and after 0,008c 0,753c
determined by dividing the number of positive inflammatory cells by the treatment
total number of inflammatory cells. Radiofrequency turbinate reduction *Median (Interquartile range), **Mean ± SD aMann-Whitney test; bIndependent t-test;
cWilcoxon test
were performed using local anaesthesia by applying a cotton soaked in
lidocaine adrenaline 1:5000 titration and added with xylocaine gel for 10
The reduction of MMP-9 was significantly lower in the intervention
minutes for both nostrils. Then, the inferior turbinates in both nostrils were
group compared to the control group. On the other hand, TIMP-1
infiltrated by a mixture of 1 mL of lidocaine 2% and 2 mL of sodium
increased was significantly higher in the control group compared to the
chloride 0.9% . The radiofrequency probe Sutter was inserted to the distal
radiofrequency group. Reduction of the MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio was more in
end of the inferior turbinate until the black line from the probe was inside
the intervention group compared to the control group (p < 0.05). The
the inferior turbinate (approximately 10-12 mm). Radiofrequency turbinate
expression of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 before and after treatment can be seen
reduction was performed for 10 seconds with heat of 60-900C and energy
in Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively.
of 460kHz. The probe were inserted in two to three sites of inferior
turbinate. Patients were observed for 10 minutes after the procedure. If
bleeding occurred, an anterior tamponade for the nostrils with Netcell®
was applied for 48 hours.
Antihistamine H-1 and intranasal steroid were given based on Allergic
Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) WHO 2008 guideline. 5
Fluticasone furoate was administered twice daily in two sprays (100 µg)
for each nostrils within two weeks. Then, the dose was reduced to once
daily using two sprays (100 µg). Antihistamine H-1 was given in a dose of
10 mg, once daily. Pharmacological treatment was given for four weeks,
and then intranasal steroid was continued for another four weeks.


All 135 student participated in this study were assess their wudu Picture 1. Immunoreactivity of MMP-9 expression. Radiofrequency
activity and fulfill questionnaire about SFAR, history of infection and group at initial (A), control group at initial(B), radiofrequency group
identity. The percentage of male student was 36.3 % and 63.7 % female, its during follow up 4 weeks (C), control group during follow-up (4 weeks)
because of majority student were female. Perfect istinsyaq and istitsar (D)
activity perform by 25.9 % and 24.5 as showed in table 1.

Table 1. PAI-1 immunohistochemistry expression in persistent allergic

Immunohistochemistry Radiofrequency Control P value
staining (Mean ± SD) group (n = 13) group (n = 16)
Before treatment 0,62 ± 0,14 0,61 ± 0,14 0,972a
After treatment 0,69 ± 0,17 0,66 ± 0,17 0,714a
Delta PAI-1 0,08 ± 0,26 0,11 ± 0,24 0,775a
%Delta PAI-1 2,18 ± 52,19% 8,93 ± 49,49% 0,945a
Comparison PAI-1 within 0,263b 0,345c
group before and after
aIndependent T-test; bDependent T-test; cWilcoxon test

In this study, immunohistochemistry was performed to evaluate the

expression of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 before and 4 weeks after the
intervention. Immunohistochemistry staining of MMP-9 showed that
MMP- 9 was mostly expressed in epithelial cells, glandular, inflammatory Picture 2. Immunoreactivity of TIMP-1 expression. Radiofrequencygroup
cells, and rarely seen in the matrix. Hence, the MMP-9 positivity value at initial (A), control group at initial (B), radiofrequency group during
varied from 1(+) to 4(+). The expression of MMP-9 can be seen on Picture follow up 4 weeks (C), control group during follow-up (4 weeks) (D)

TIMP-1 expression using immunohistochemistry staining could be

observed in epithelial, glandular, inflammatory cells, perivascular, 4. DISCUSSION
endovascular, inflammatory cells and matrix with positivity values 2(+) to
This is the first study to evaluate the effect of radiofrequency on nasal
4(+). The TIMP-1 immunohistochemistry expression can be seen in
mucosal remodelling. Both groups in this study showed an increase in
Picture 2.
PAI-1 expression in week 4 after treatment, yet the increment of PAI-1 in
both groups was < 10%; therefore, it was not clinically important.
Additionally, no significant difference of PAI-1 expression in both
treatment groups. A slight increase in PAI-1 expression was necessary to

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 14


create the fibrin deposition and restore the epithelial barrier in allergic de Loos D, et al. Uncontrolled allergic rhinitis and chronic
rhinitis. rhinosinusitis: where do we stand today? Allergy. 2013;68(1):1-
A significant reduction of MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio was clearly seen in 7.
the intervention group compared to the control group. These results were in [12] Hellings PW, Fokkens WJ, Bachert C, Akdis CA, Bieber T,
accordance with previous research by Kyo et al.15 which stated that there Agache I, et al. Positioning the principles of precision medicine
was a noteworthy elevation in TIMP-1 expression in the nasal mucosa after in care pathways for allergic rhinitis and chronic rhinosinusitis -
topical corticosteroids administration. High TIMP-1 level inhibit MMP-9 A EUFOREA-ARIA-EPOS-AIRWAYS ICP statement. Allergy.
expression, thereby reduces the symptoms by controlling inflammatory 2017;72(9):1297-305.
reaction and leads to physiological remodelling. Besides inhibiting MMP-9 [13] Hytonen ML, Back LJ, Malmivaara AV, Roine RP. Radiofrequency
expression, TIMP-1 also plays a role in reducing the migration of thermal ablation for patients with nasal symptoms: a systematic
inflammatory cells by inhibiting ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 expression, which review of effectiveness and complications. Eur Arch
is high in allergic rhinitis patients15. Within-group analysis showed that Otorhinolaryngol. 2009;266(8):1257-66.
the reduction of the MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio was significant only in the [14] Can IH, Ceylan K, Caydere M, Samim EE, Ustun H, Karasoy
intervention group and was not found in the control group. This finding DS. The expression of MMP-2, MMP-7, MMP-9, and TIMP-1
suggests that early radiofrequency treatment has a role in preventing in chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal polyposis. Otolaryngol Head
pathological remodelling in moderate-severe persistent allergic rhinitis. Neck Surg. 2008;139(2):211-5.
[15] Kyo Y, Kanai K, Asano K, Hisamitsu T, Suzaki H. Suppressive
effect of fluticasone propionate on MMP expression in the nasal
5. CONCLUSION mucosa of allergic rhinitis patients in vivo. In Vivo.
Radiofrequency given as initial treatment for allergic rhinitis played
an important role in controlling inflammatory and lead to physiological
remodelling. As a result, it can repair the epithelial barrier which can
enhance drug absorption and most importantly reduce the use of
pharmacotherapy in long term.


This research was supported by the XXXX Grant PIT9 in 2019 with
Contract Number: NKB-0117/UN2.R3.1/HKP.05.00/2019.


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Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 15


in Conjunction with


Mirta Hediyati Reksodiputro
Facial Plastic Reconstructive Division, Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, Indonesia.

Abstract Article Info

Introduction: PRF or PRFM is a new generation platelet product consisting of a three-dimensional fibrin Keywords:
matrix. This biomaterial can be utilized to improve wound healing and outcome of plastic reconstruction plastic reconstruction, PRF, wound healing
Clinical Applications: The biomaterial had proven its uses in improving wound healing, facial plastic surgery
(nasiolabial fold, athropic acne scar, and to reduce echymosis after rhinoplasty), in fat grafting and skin
grafting procedures. *Corresponding author:
Discussion: PRF or PRFM is a development of PRP with a different, robust physical form that may have Facial Plastic Reconstructive Division,
additional advantages in different clinical conditions. The three-dimensional fibrin matrix in PRFM entraps Department of ENT, Faculty of Medicine,
thrombocyte and growth factors, resulting in the gradual release of growth factors to the wound site over time. University of Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo
There are many available commercial kits, but modification of PRFM preparation methods are present to Hospital
ensure easier access to this biomaterial. Jalan Pangeran Diponegoro No. 71, Kenari,
Conclusion: PRFM is a bioproduct developed from PRP with potential to improve would healing and Senen, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia, 10430.
outcome of reconstructive procedures. Further utilization of PRFM and development could benefit the patients email: [email protected]
and medical society.

1. INTRODUCTION and Hansen’s disease, thus healing of this ulcer had been thoroughly
looked upon. Various modalities have been used to treat ulcers, including
Tissue engineering is the combination of cell, scaffold, and growth moist dressing, vacuum closure, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Recent
factors used to promote tissue regeneration. The recent development of literature shows PRFM effectiveness in the treatment of non-healing
tissue engineering has created numerous biological products that can help chronic ulcers. PRFM can be used as an inexpensive treatment option for
accelerate wound healing. The development of biological products that can chronic ulcers.
be used in everyday clinical situations will significantly affect the Kartika et al.4 did a randomized control trial of diabetic foot ulcers at
prognosis of surgery, especially for facial plastic reconstruction. two hospitals in Jakarta. Thirty subjects were recruited and randomized
One of the bioproduct development is platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) or into PRF, PRF + hyaluronic acid, and control groups. Treatment was
platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM), which is a platelet-derived product. administered at baseline, day 3, day 7, and day 14. The ulcer was examined
Before PRFM, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) was more commonly used in the using digital imaging, and the biomarker was analyzed using the ELISA
clinical setting, it is a concentrate of autologous platelets as a source of method from wound swab specimens. PRF + hyaluronic acid group shows
growth factors, but the use of PRP has several drawbacks, such as the no significant increase in wound area compared with PRF group; on the
liquid or gel consistency that causes the product to dissolve in surgical other side, control group shows a significant increase in granulation area
sites. Furthermore, the growth factor is usually released abruptly within the compared to other groups.4,5 Wound swab’s IL-6 level was significantly
first two days of injection.1,2 lower on day 7, and VEGF was significantly higher on days 3 and 7 in PRF
PRFM is a new generation platelet product consisting of a three- - hyaluronic acid group compared to other groups.4
dimensional fibrin matrix. It is macroscopically denser and more elastic. A study by Nagaraju et al.6 used 10 ml of venous blood, centrifuged
The fibrin matrix entraps thrombocyte and growth factors, resulting in the at 3000rpm for ten minutes in a sterile tube without anticoagulant. The
gradual release of growth factors to the wound site over time. Previous PRFM layer was separated, transferred onto sterile gauze, and applied to
studies had shown the use of PRFM in wound healing in which concluded Hansen’s foot ulcer disease. After five days, the PRFM was removed, and
that there is an increase in the level of PDGF, VEGF, bFGF, and TGFβ on the ulcer was assessed for its area and volume. The procedure was
the first day after application, which gradually decreases the next few days, repeated every week. In seven patients, all ulcers show improvement with
which is not seen in PRP injection.1–3 This paper will look upon the
mean area improvement of 93.52% and volume improvement of 97.74%. 6
practical use of PRFM to enhance wound healing and in other plastic
reconstruction related procedures. 2.2. Clinical Application of PRFM in Facial Plastic Surgery

2. CLINICAL APPLICATION According to Sclafani7, PRFM has been used in several settings of
facial plastic surgery, including minimally invasive therapy and
2.1. Clinical Application of PRFM In Wound Healing intraoperative use. PRFM injected into nasolabial fold has been shown to
yield significant improvements within 2 weeks. PRFM can also be used to
Wound healing is an intricate process consisting of four major steps,
treat atrophic acne scars. PRFM can be mixed with autologous fat and then
hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and maturation. PRFM has been
injected as autologous fat transfer. For intraoperative use PRFM can be
continuously used and proven to be effective in helping wound healing in
numerous clinical conditions. This knowledge had become the basis of injected after lateral osteotomies to reduce ecchymosis after rhinoplasty .7
PRFM use to improve healing in numerous surgical procedures.
Plantar ulcer is one of the most common complications of diabetes

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 16


2.3. Clinical Application of PRFM and Fat Graft widely used in clinical settings. One such example is the FIBRINET tubes
which can produce PRFM from whole blood.2 However, the use of the
Vocal cord paralysis causes dysphonia, which interrupts aforementioned commercial tools has several drawbacks, including (1)
communication and interaction. Use of PRFM with autologous fat tissue in High prices, rendering the use of PRFM in a clinical setting to be
injection laryngoplasty can be used to treat this condition. Autologous fat economically dubious; (2) concentration of platelet in PRFM is unknown,
is one of the best fillers used in this procedure since it is highly absorbable
increasing the possibility of not achieving the creation of ideal PRFM.
into body tissues.8 PRFM used involved in this part can improve fat In order to overcome these problems, Reksodiputro et al.15 proposed
viability by increasing angiogenesis and adipogenesis. This application will to overcome the problems mentioned above and cover the weaknesses of
result in the fat graft improving clinical outcomes of laryngoplasty while the existing invention through a modified method to produce PRFM. The
reducing the risk of repeated procedures. Adipose tissue stem cells (ASC)
proposed modified method showed that mixing PRP with 25 mM of 1M
in fat graft secret growth factors and cytokines that increase vascularization
CaCl2 and centrifuging at a speed of 2264 G for 25 minutes at room
and slow down immune response.9 PRFM is an advanced form of Platelet temperature can reliably produce ideal PRFM comparable in quality to the
Rich Plasma (PRP) which contain a high concentration of platelet, fibrin commercial kit.15 This finding help eases accessibility to use PRFM in
formation, and slower release of growth factor. PRFM will work countries where there’s limited availability to commercial kit, further
synergistically with fat graft.10 This fat graft was harvested from increasing the chance that patients can get the full benefits of PRFM.
abdominal fat and removed with scissors. The fat was cleaned and sheared Even though numerous studies have been made regarding the use of
into microlobular form, while PFR was made by taking 10 mL peripheral PRFM, its utilities have not been maximized. A recent, ongoing study in
blood and centrifuged and mixed with a fat graft to create filler for our center had been conducted to look upon the possibility of using PRFM
injection.11 A single-blinded randomized control trial conducted by
to prevent resorption of cartilage graph, especially in microtia patients
Reksodiputro et al.11 showed that a combination of PRF and fat graft in after Nagata procedures.16 The result of that study has a potential to
injection laryngoplasty have the potential in enhancing fat viability and significantly increase patient’s quality of life and reduce the burden from
improve quality of life, which is clinically significant, but not statistically re-operation. The author of this paper hoped and invite fellow clinicians to
significant with the control group (which received fat tissue graft only). 11 conduct more research surrounding the use and development of PRFM to
improve healthcare for patients around the world.
2.4. Clinical Application of PRFM in Skin Graft
A study conducted by Reksodiputro et al.12 showed that PRFM
helped healing in Full-Thickness Skin Grafts (FTSG). This study used a PRFM is a bioproduct developed from PRP with proven potential to
porcine skin graft harvested from the back of the pig. After harvesting, improve would healing and outcome of numerous reconstructive
grafts were reimplanted to their original location with or without PRFM procedures. Its further utilization and development could benefit the
application. PRFM was applied at the centre of the bed underneath the skin patients and medical society.
graft. The graft was fixated by tight over suture for 7 days post-surgery.
Subsequent punch biopsy was then conducted to obtain samples for REFERENCE
macroscopic (skin colour), extracellular matrix (collagen), microscopic
(PMN, macrophage, and fibroblast) and ELISA (TGFβ1 and PDGF) [1] Sclafani AP. Safety, efficacy, and utility of platelet-rich fibrin matrix
analysis to determine the level of wound healing activity. This study in facial plastic surgery. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2011;13(4):247–51.
observed that PRFM and PRP, as autologous platelet preparation, [2] Lucarelli E, Beretta R, Dozza B, Tazzari PL, O’Connell SM, Ricci F,
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3. DISCUSSION Dardik H. Autologous platelet-rich fibrin matrix as cell therapy in the
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In terms of choices of biomaterials, the obvious questions were a 2008;16(6):749–56.
comparison between PRP and PRFM for wound healing. As with the [4] Kartika RW, Alwi I, Suyatna FD, Yunir E, Waspadji S, Immanuel S,
creation of PRFM, currently, there are multiple methods and commercial et al. The Role of VEGF, PDGF and IL-6 on Diabetic Foot Ulcer
kits available for the preparation of PRP. Most of this method will produce after Platelet Rich Fibrin + Hyaluronic Therapy. SSRN Electron J.
a product in liquid or gel form. Due to these physical properties, 2021;
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could be washed out during an operation. hyaluronic acid. Syst Rev Pharm. 2020;11(12):519–26.
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(CaCl2) and centrifugation were added to PRP in order to produce PRFM with Hansen’s disease. J Cutan Aesthet Surg. 2017;10(1):3–7.
without the need for additional exogenous thrombin. The addition of CaCl2 [7] Sclafani AP. Applications of platelet-rich fibrin matrix in facial
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cross- links to form a matrix that contains viable platelets.13 The resulting [8] Ahmad S, Muzamil A, Lateef M. A study of incidence and
PRFM is a solid thin sheet with a more robust physical structure than the etiopathology of vocal cord paralysis. Indian J Otolaryngol Head
liquid PRP. Observation using SEM found high concentrations of non- Neck Surg. 2002;54(4):294–6.
activated, functional, intact platelets within the PRFM’s fibrin matrix. [9] Ren Y. Fat Grafting with Adipose Stem Cells: The Successes and
Challenges. Cell, Stem cells Regen Med. 2015;1(2).
These platelets in PRFM had been proven to release a relatively
[10] Kobayashi E, Flückiger L, Fujioka-Kobayashi M, Sawada K,
constant concentration of growth factors over 7 days, compared to PRP
Sculean A, Schaller B, et al. Comparative release of growth factors
where the release of growth factor from thrombocyte occurs at once in the from PRP, PRF, and advanced-PRF. Clin Oral Investig.
beginning of application. The PRFM can replicate the effect of a natural 2016;20(9):2353–60.
wound healing response (i.e., the three-dimensional formation of a cross- [11] Reksodiputro MH, Hutauruk SM, Koento T, Fardizza F, Hakim
linked fibrin matrix). This scaffold-like fibrin matrix is essential as a place RYR, Audindra S, et al. Randomised clinical trial: Effect of
for platelet adhesion. This scaffolding helps localize platelets and administering platelet-rich fibrin to autologous fat tissue in injection
ultimately increases the concentration of growth factors to the desired point laryngoplasty for vocal cord paralysis. Ann Med Surg. 2021;68.
or location for tissue regeneration.14 [12] Reksodiputro MH, Harahap AR, Siregar NC, Malik SG, Bashirudin J,
As had been previously mentioned, PRFM can be made through Boesoirie MTS, et al. Comparison between PRP and PRFM on FTSG
centrifugation of PRP and addition of CaCl2, however the exact time of healing profile: Macroscopic, microscopic and ELISA evaluation.
Ann Med Surg. 2021;
centrifugation and amount of CaCl2 to produce ideal PRFM is
[13] Carroll RJ, Arnoczky SP, Ms SG, Ascp MT, Connell SMO.
challenging. Commercial kits for preparing PRFM had been available and

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 17


Characterization of Autologous Growth Factors in Cascade ®

Platelet- Rich Fibrin Matrix ( PRFM ) Characterization of
Autologous Growth Factors in Cascade ® Platelet-Rich Fibrin
Matrix ( PRFM ). Processing. 2005;4–5.
[14] Roy S, Driggs J, Elgharably H, Biswas S, Findley M, Khanna S, et
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inducing endothelial cell proliferation. Wound Repair Regen.
[15] Reksodiputro MH, Harahap AR, Setiawan L, Yosia M. A Modified
Preparation Method of Ideal Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix From Whole
Blood. Front Med. 2021;8.
[16] Kim A, Park HY, Lee H, Oh KS. Risk Factors for Delayed Resorption of
Costal Cartilage Framework following Microtia Reconstruction. Facial
Plast Surg Aesthetic Med. 2020;22(6):456–63.

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 18


in Conjunction with


Indra Zachreini1, Jenny Bashiruddin2, Semiramis Zizlavsky2, Susyana Tamin2, Harim Priyono2, Ika Dewi
Mayangsari2, Respati Ranakusuma3, Natasha Supartono2, Widayat Alviadi2, Heditya Damayanti4, Dina Alia5,
Tengku Siti Hajar Haryuna6, Juliandi Harahap7, Nirza Warto8, Hidayatul Fitria9, Beni Hidayat10, Abla Ghanie11,
Ahmad Hifni11, Muslim Kasim12, Gustav Syukrinto13, Ratna Anggraeni14, Lina Lasminingrum14, Muyassaroh15,
Novi Primadewi16, Muhammad Arif Purwanta17, Ashadi Prasetyo18, Sagung Rai Indrasari18, Mahatma Bawono19,
Nyilo Purnami20, Dyah Indrasworo21, Suardana22, Eka Putra Setiawan22, Putu Dian Ariyanti Putri22, Komang
Andi Dwi Saputra21, Made Lely Rahayu21, I Made Wiranadha21, Arman Amar23, Eva Nurfarihah24, Eka Savitri25,
Tjandra Manukbua26, Steward Keneddy Mengko27, Augustien Yuliet Tamus27
Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (ORL-HNS), Faculty of Medicine Universitas
Malikussaleh/ Cut Meutia Hospital North Aceh Utara
Department of ORL-HNS, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta
Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine Unit, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta/ Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
Department of ORL-HNS, Fatmawati Hospital Jakarta
Department of ORL-HNS, Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Universitas Syiah Kuala/Dr. Zainoel Abidin Hospital Banda Aceh
Department of ORL-HNS, Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Universitas Sumatera Utara /H. Adam Malik Hospital Medan
Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Universitas Sumatera Utara
Department of ORL-HNS, Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Universitas Andalas/M. Jamil Hospital Padang
Department of ORL-HNS, Awal Bross Hospital Pekan Baru
Department of ORL-HNS, Eka Hospital Pekan Baru
Department of ORL-HNS, Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Universitas Sriwijaya/M. Husin Hospital Palembang
Department of ORL-HNS, Mitra Husada Pringsewu Hospital Lampung
Department of ORL-HNS, Kota Tangerang Hospital
Department of ORL-HNS, Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Universitas Padjajaran/Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung
Department of ORL-HNS, Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Universitas Diponegoro/Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang
Department of ORL-HNS, Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Universitas Solo/Dr. Mawardi Hospital Solo
Department of ORL-HNS, Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Hospital Klaten
Department of ORL-HNS, Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Universitas Gajah Mada/ Dr. Sardjito Hopspital Jogjakarta
Department of ORL-HNS, Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Universitas Gajah Mada/Akademik Hospital UGM
Department of ORL-HNS, Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Universitas Airlangga/ Dr. Sutomo Hospital Surabaya
Department of ORL-HNS, Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Universitas Brawijaya/ Dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang
Department of ORL-HNS, Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Universitas Udayana/ Sanglah Hospital Denpasar
Department of ORL-HNS, Panglima Sebaya Hospital Tanah Grogot
Department of ORL-HNS, Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Universitas Tanjung Pura/Sultan Syarif Mohamad Alkadri Hospital Pontianak
Department of ORL-HNS, Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Universitas Hasanudin/Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital Makasar
Department of ORL-HNS, Lakipadada Hospital, Makale, Tana Toraja
Department of ORL-HNS, Kandou Hospital Manado

Abstract Article Info

Background :A high prevalence of congenital hearing loss in Indonesia indicates the requirement of a study Keywords:
identifying potential maternal risk commonly associated with congenital hearing loss. congenital hearing loss, pregnancy, medication
Objective: To identify history of medicine use during pregnancy of mothers whose children with congenital
hearing loss. *Corresponding author:
Address: Department of Otorhinolaryngology
Methods: A cross-sectional study using a questionnaire collected during an interview was conducted Head and Neck Surgery Faculty of Medicine
retrospectively. Based on our sample size calculation and quota sampling methods, we included 535 mothers Universitas Malikussaleh – Cut Meutia Hospital
who had children with congenital hearing loss visiting 24 hospitals across 17 provinces in Indonesia. North Aceh
Results: Most of the respondents are middle-aged women at between the age of 30 and 39 years old (55%) Jln. Medan Banda Aceh Km 6 Bukit
with the age average of 34.1 year. Most of them were housewives (71.8%) and had a high school education Rata Lhokseumawe Aceh
(52.5%). Out of 535 respondents, 68 women (12.7%) took medicine during pregnancy which mostly were email: [email protected]
analgesics (6.9%), followed by anti-hypertension medicine (3.2%) and herbals (1.5%).
Conclusion: Most mothers who had children with congenital hearing loss have taken analgesics during their
pregnancy. A high-quality cohort study assessing history of medication use during pregnancy and other
potential factors as risks for congenital hearing loss is required.

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 19


in Conjunction with

1. INTRODUCTION respondents to be recruited from each province.

We reported the results with numbers of events with percentage for
Congenital hearing loss is defined as hearing impairment present at dichotomous outcomes and means with standard deviation for continuous
birth due to ear inability to transform mechanical energy from sound outcomes. As it was limited to a descriptive study, we did not continue this
vibration to electrical energy in the auditory nervous system.(1) Congenital with formal statistical analysis.
hearing losscan cause speech impairment and language development
affecting chil1d8ren learning ability and psychosocial skills.(2)The
prevalence of hearing loss is estimated at 5% in the world's population or 3. RESULT
approximately 360 million people, including 32 million children.(2) The
prevalence estimates worldwide vary between one to three per live births. We had 535 mothers of children with congenital hearing loss who
(3) In Indonesia, the 2018 Basic Health Research conducted by the Health responded and completed the questionnaire by the interview. Table 1
Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Health Republic showed that most respondents at the age between the age of 30 and 39
Indonesia demonstrated that the proportion of congenital hearing loss in years old (55%) with the age average of 34.1 year. Most of them were
children aged 24 to 59 months was 0,11%. (4). Whilst, the 2005 Indonesian housewives (71.8%) and had a high school education (52.5%).
Health Profile showed that the prevalence of congenital hearing loss was
approximately 214.100 people. This number will increase every year with
Table 1. Demographic characteristics of mothers whose children had
the increase in population due to the high birth rate by 0.22%(5)
congenital hearing loss

Hearing loss in children is caused by several factors, such as genetics, Demographic Characteristics n (N=535)
infections during pregnancy (e.g., rubella, Cytomegalovirus), infections Age in years (mean ± standard deviation) 34,1 ± 6,409
during childhood (e.g., meningitis, measles, mumps, chronic suppurative Age (n, %)
<20 years 3 (0.6)
otitis media), conditions at birth (e.g., low birth weight, asphyxia, icterus, 20 – 29 years 129 (24.1)
congenital ear and auditory nerve malformation, and ototoxic medication 30 – 39 years 295 (55.1)
use during pregnancy, newborn, and childhood. The prevalence of 40 – 49 years 99 (18.5)
>50 years 9 (1.7)
congenital hearing loss caused by the ototoxic medication use during Education (n, %)
pregnancy and childhood was 4%.(2) Elementary school or below 42 (7.9)
Junior High School 73 (13.6)
Ototoxic medication is medication that can damage inner ear High School 281 (52.5)
bilaterally resulting in hearing loss with or without balance Diploma 34 (6.4)
Bachelor 91 (17.0)
disorder.(6)(7)Hearing loss caused by ototoxic medication may be Masters 14 (2.6)
permanent due to the damage of outer hair cell function. However, the Occupation (n, %)
Housewives 384 (71.8)
damage may only be reversible if the damage is limited to the marginal Private sector employee 66 (12.3)
cell. Ototoxic medication includes aminoglycoside antibiotics, platinum- Civil servant 34 (6.4)
based chemotherapy, salicylic acid, antimalarias, and loop diuretics Risks Female migrant worker 1 (0.2)
Self-employed 50 (9.3)
of developing hearing loss following the ototoxic medication use are the Medication use during pregnancy (n, %) 68 (12.7)
existing hearing loss, complications in the kidneys, or genetic
predisposition.(6) We aimed to identify the history of medicine use during Out of 535, only 68 respondents (12.7%) took medicine during their
pregnancy of mothers who had children with congenital hearing loss.(6) pregnancy which mostly were analgesics (6.9%), followed by anti-
hypertension medicine (3.2%) and herbals (1.5%) (Table 2).


Table 2. Medication taken by mothers whose children had congenital
This was a cross-sectional study conducted from January to December
hearing loss during pregnancy
2020. We retrospectively collected personal information of congenital
hearing loss patients in hospitals equipped with Brain Stem Evoked Medications N (N=68)
Anti-hypertension 17 (3.2)
Response Audiometry (BERA) for diagnosing congenital hearing loss. Chemotherapy for cancer 1 (0.2)
Using these data, we contacted parents of congenital hearing loss patient to Chemotherapy for cancer 0 (0)
Heart disease medication 4 (0.7)
arrange an interview by phone. During the interview, we asked questions Kidney disease medication 0 (0)
described in a questionnaire specifically developed for this study, such as: Analgesics 37 (6.9)
Anti-malaria 1 (0.2)
history of antihypertensive, analgesics, herbals, chemotherapy, Herbals 8 (1.5)
tuberculosis, cardiovascular and kidney disease medications use the target
population was patients with congenital hearing loss in Indonesia, and the
accessible population was patients with congenital hearing loss in 24
hospitals in Indonesia which were equipped with BERA examination. For 4. DISCUSSION
the sample study, we included mothers of patients with congenital hearing
loss aged 6 months to pre-marital age diagnosed based on BERA This study showed that only 12.7% of middle-age women who had
examination and had complete data, including their personal information, children with congenital hearing loss reported they took medicine during
in the hospital medical records. We planned to recruit minimum 400 their pregnancy, which mostly analgesics. Over 60% of women reported
women from 17 prespecified provinces in Indonesia, based on sample size taking analgesics, particularly nonopioid, both prescribed and over-the-
calculation using numbers of patients with congenital hearing loss counter, during their pregnancy. Unfortunately, more than half of available
(n=214,100 people) according to the 2005 Indonesian Health Profile and analgesics was at category C and D for pregnancy in the third trimester.(8)
95% confidence level. We used quota sampling methods by setting 23 Atmadani et al (2020) reported that 11.7% of pregnant women in
Indonesia took at least one dose of analgesics during their pregnancy.(9)

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 20


Alsaeed et al (2021) reported that the most common analgesics taken by [11] Babb M, PharmD, Gideon Koren, MD FRCPC FACMT, and
pregnant women worldwide was acetaminophen followed by the Adrienne Einarson, R. (2010). Treating pain during pregnancy. Can
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (10). Acetaminophen Fam Physician, 56(1), 25,27.
within standard therapeutic doses is considered as the safest analgesics for [12] Sohal KS, Moshy JR, Owibingire SS, S. I. (2020). Hearing Loss in
Children: A Review of Literature. Journal of Medical Sciences,
women during the whole stage of pregnancy. (reference). Whilst NSAIDs
40(4), 149–161.
is not recommended for pregnant women at 20 weeks or later due to
[13] Ganesan, P., Schmiedge, J., Manchaiah, V., Swapna, S.,
insufficient evidence of teratogenic effects on unborn children in the first Dhandayutham, S., & Kothandaraman, P. P. (2018). Ototoxicity: A
semester of pregnancy (11). Ototoxic medication taken during first challenge in diagnosis and treatment. Journal of Audiology and
trimester pregnancy, particularly in sixth and seventh week, could result Otology, 22(2), 59–68. https://doi.org/10.7874/jao.2017.00360
congenital hearing loss (12). There are more than 600 medications [14] O’Sullivan, M. E., Perez, A., Lin, R., Sajjadi, A., Ricci, A. J., &
classified as ototoxic (13). The aminoglycosides are broad-spectrum, Cheng, A. G. (2017). Towards the prevention of aminoglycoside-
bactericidal antibiotics potentially associated with congenital hearing loss. related hearing loss. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 11, 1–14.
These antibiotics are widely used particularly low- and middle-income https://doi.org/10.3389/fncel.2017.00325
countries due to low production cost. (14). Other ototoxic medication is
cisplatin which can cause sensorineural high-frequency hearing loss,
related to the dose, administration methods, and duration of medication.(6)
In this study, we did not identify other potential factors that could
increase the risk of congenital hearing loss, both from the maternal and
placental factors during the pregnancy, such as genetics and infections. We
identified this as one crucial limitation of this study. Other limitation of
this study was a recall bias arising from data collected retrospectively.
However, this study was the first multicenter study that involved numerous
hospitals across 17 provinces in Indonesia.
Due to limitations of this study and the importance of identifying the
medication use during pregnancy as a risk for congenital hearing loss, a
high- quality cohort study assessing this exposure along with other
maternal and placental factors is required.


This study demonstrated that most women have taken analgesics

during their pregnancy. A high-quality cohort study assessing history of
medication use during pregnancy and other potential factors as risks for
congenital hearing loss is required.


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[8] Price, & Collier. (2017). Analgesics in pregnancy: An update on use,
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Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 21


in Conjunction with


Nyilo Purnami1* , Nico Probosutejo2 , Budi Utomo3
Dept of ORL-HNS, Fac. of Medicine Airlangga University/ Dr. Soetomo Academic Hospital, Surabaya, East Java 2Dept
of ORL-HNS, Fac. of Medicine Airlangga University/ Dr. Soetomo Academic Hospital, Surabaya, East Java 3Dept of
IKM-KP, Fac. of Medicine Airlangga University/ Dr. Soetomo Academic Hospital, Surabaya, East Java

Abstract Article Info

Introduction: Tinnitus is the perception of sound, which is not produced intentionally, and the comes from an Keywords:
an involuntary way in the owner’s head. The questionnaire consists of 20-item and 12-item questions transadaptation, validation, TPFQ-12, TPFQ-20
representing 4 independent domains, namely emotion, hearing, sleep and concentration.
Objective: to transadaptation and validity TPFQ-12 and TPFQ-20 in Indonesian which were applied to
Tinnitus patients at the URJ Audiology Unit Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya.
*Corresponding author:
Methods: The design of this research is descriptive analytic with crosssectional approach. This research was
conducted at the Outpatient Policlinic. This research was conducted from September 2019 until April 2020. Address: Perum Pandugo, Surabaya, East Java,
Data was Collected using general ear examination, DPOAE and audiometry as well as filling out a Indonesia
questionnaire. e-mail: [email protected]
Results: In the most hearing, hearing was not normal is 27 people (77.2%). Cronbach's Alpha value on item
12 questions is 92% while on item 20 questions is 95%. Based on the correlation coefficient on the TPFQ-12
all significant 0.000 p value <0.01 with a correlation value of r> 0.6.
Conclusion: There is no difference between the Tinnitus primary function Questionnaire in question 12 and
question 20. Question 12 valid and reliable can be used and represents question 20.

1. INTRODUCTION developed by Richard Tyler (2014) is valid, reliable, and sensitive and can
be used as a tool to measure the quality of life of tinnitus patients. The
Tinnitus is a common clinical symptom. Tinnitus is the perception of questionnaire consists of 20-item and 12-item questions representing 4
sound, which is not produced intentionally, and that comes from an independent domains, namely emotion, hearing, sleep, and concentration,
involuntary way in the owner's head, or it may seem to him to do . This known as the Tinnitus primary function questionnaire.
condition is chronically experienced by a large proportion of the The tinnitus primary function questionnaire was previously developed
population (>15%) and severely debilitates about 1-2% of the population, at the University of Iowa and has been translated into various countries
affecting sleep, concentration, and productivity at work.1 In many cases of such as China and Sweden. This questionnaire has received validation
tinnitus can not be eliminated, the best treatment for tinnitus sufferers is
permission and was developed into Indonesian from Prof. Tyler straight
how to reduce the impact of tinnitus on the patient. Tinnitus affects the
away. It is hoped that this questionnaire can be applied and used as a
quality of life of sufferers, One of the treatments that can be done is
measuring tool for the quality of life of tinnitus sufferers in Indonesia.
tinnitus counseling and currently several studies have provided counseling
Therefore, as a first step, research needs to be done to translate the
via the internet.2 questionnaire into Indonesian and validate it on the patient.
Research from Franke et al (2012) states that 30-40% of the adult
population has experienced tinnitus and 0.5-2.5% of them have impaired 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS
quality of life.3 World prevalence reports that around 10-20% of the
population has experienced tinnitus symptoms.4 Tinnitus symptoms occur This research is a descriptive analytic study where this study uses a
cross sectional research approach where both variables are observed at the
in almost 61% of the young adult population (Crandell et al., 2004). 5 A
same time at the same time. This research was conducted at the Outpatient
report from the Neurotology division of the audiology section of RSUD
DR. Soetomo reported that from 2016-2018 there were 420 patients who Clinic (IRJ) audiology RSUD Dr. Soetomo was conducted in September
came to the Audiology clinic with complaints of tinnitus. Male patients are 2019 to April 2020. This study will determine whether the Tinnitus
the most patients with a total of 315 patients compared to women as many primary function questionnaire which has been developed into Indonesian
as 105 patients where the most patients are at the age of 31-40 as many as and is valid to be applied to tinnitus patients in measuring the patient's
232 patients. quality of life.
Attempts have been made to establish consensus for patient All research samples will receive treatment: providing information,
assessment and outcome measurement.6,7,8 However, recent systematic consent to participate in the study, general ear examination, examination
reviews have shown that more than 100 instruments were used for primary using DPOAE and Audiometry and filling out a questionnaire. The
outcome measures in clinical trials (Hall et al., 2016). ). 9 Several sampling technique was carried out by consecutive sampling that met the
questionnaires are widely used worldwide, including the Tinnitus Handicap inclusion and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria in this study were
that the patient had unilateral or bilateral tinnitus, had been suffering from
Inventory (THI)10, the Tinnitus Handicap Questionnaire (THQ). However,
tinnitus for 3 months, and was willing to be a respondent. While the
the THI could not distinguish between sleep disturbances, difficulty
concentrating, decreased social enjoyment, and hearing loss. In addition, exclusion criteria were suffering from hearing loss other than tinnitus,
refusing or not attending the scheduled examination.
THI cannot play a role as a guideline in the treatment of tinnitus. 11 Recent
research has found that the latest questionnaire The data processing and analysis of the questionnaire results for each

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 22


factor were tested for validity and reliability using the Cronbarch's alpha This is also supported by Chinese research explaining that the 20-item
test (p>0.5 = reliable) with the help of the SPSS program which previously and 12-item versions of the Chinese TPFQ Questionnaire are reliable and
tested the normality of the data first. Different test using Mann Whitney valid measures of tinnitus. The TPFQ can be used in the assessment and
test and T-Test. management of tinnitus among the Chinese-speaking population.12
The questionnaire consists of 20-item and 12-item questions
In this study there were 35 respondents who suffered from tinnitus for representing 4 independent domains, namely emotion, hearing, sleep, and
3 months. Based on the most age distribution in the age range 17-29 and 60 concentration, known as the Tinnitus primary function questionnaire.
years and over, namely 8 (22.8%), age 30-39 is 7 (20%), age 40-49 is 6 There is no difference between the Tinnitus primary function
(17.2%) and age 50-39. 59 which is 6 (17.2%). While the most gender is Questionnaire in question 12 and question 20. Question 12 valid and
female, namely 21 people (60%) and 14 people (40%). The highest hearing reliable can be used and represents question 20.
threshold value (NAD) was at normal and mild degrees, namely 8 people
(22.8%), moderate 7 people (20%), moderate-severe 6 people (17.2%), ACKNOWLEDGMENT
weight 4 people (11.4% ), and very heavy 2 people (5.8%). The most
hearing was abnormal hearing, namely 27 people (77.2%) while the normal The Author like to thank all the member of Audiology unit in the
hearing was 8 people (22.8%). General Hospital Dr. Soetomo Surabaya for research support.
In the results of the questionnaire reliability test, the value of
Cronbach's Alpha on the 12 questions item is 92% while the 20 questions REFERENCE
item is 95%. Based on the correlation coefficient on the TPFQ-12 all
significant 0.000 p value <0.01 with a correlation value of r> 0.6. In [1] Dobie RA. 2014. Noise induced hearing loss. In: Bailey BJ, Johnson
Question-1= 0.78; Question-2 = 0.84; Question-3 = 0.86; Question-4= JT, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology. 5th ed. Philadelphia:
0.70; Question-5= 0.60; Question-6= 0.61; Question-7= 0.70; Question-8= Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2530-40.
0.79; Question-9= 0.68; Question-10= 0.79; Question-11= 0.71; and [2] Jasper, K., Weise, C., Conrad, I., Andersson, G., Hiller, W., and
Kleinstäuber, M. 2014. Internet-based guided self-help versus group
cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic tinnitus: a randomized
Based on the correlation coefficient on the TPFQ-20 all significant controlled trial. Psychother. Psychosom. 83, 234–246. doi:
0.000 p value <0.01 with a correlation value of r> 0.6. In Question-1= 10.1159/000360705
0.84; Question-2 = 0.69; Question-3 = 0.70; Question-4= 0.76;Question-5= [3] Franke Wallha¨usser-E, Brade J, Balkenhol T, D’Amelio R, Seegmu¨
0.80; Question-6= 0.74; Question-7= 0.80; Question-8= 0.79; Question-9= ller A, Delb W. 2012. Tinnitus: Distinguishing between Subjectively
0.81; Question-10= 0.68; Question-11= 0.63; Question-12=0.73; Question- Perceived Loudness and Tinnitus-Related Distress. Plos One. Vol. 7,
13= 0.77; Question-14= 0.77; Question-15= 0.59; Question-16= 0.70; Issue 4
Question-17= 0.70; Question-18= 0.73; Question-12= 0.68; Question-20= [4] Silvestre R. A. A, Ribas A., Marques Jair M, de Lacerda A. B. M,
0.77. 2013. Tinnitus in adolescents and its relation to the use of personal
Based on the distribution of the TPFQ questionnaire, there are 4 sound systems. International Tinnitus Journal;18(2):138-142
variables, namely PKONS, PEMS, PPEND, and PTIDR. The average of [5] Crandell C, Mills TL, Gauthier R. 2004. Knowledge, behaviors and
attitudes of hearing loss and hearing protection among
PKONS20 is 45.2; PEMS 20 is 62.2; PPEND20 is 44.8, and PTIDR 20
racially/ethically diverse young adults. J Natl Med Assoc 96: 176-
is36.8 ,while the mean of PKONS12 is 49.1; PEMS 12 is 55.6; PPEND12
is 46.5, and PTIDR 12 is 36.3. [6] Langguth, B., Goodey, R., Azevedo, A., Bjorne, A., Cacace, A.,
Based on the results of the Mann-Whitney difference test on TPFQ12- Crocetti, A., et al. 2007. Consensus for tinnitus patient assessment
TPFQ 20, it was found that all the variables in the questionnaire did not and treatment outcome measurement: Tinnitus Research Initiative
differ between TPFQ12 and TPFQ 20. The concentration variable P12-P20 meeting, Regensburg, July 2006. Prog. Brain Res. 166, 525–536. doi:
had a p-value of 0.595, emotion P12-P20 had a p-value of 0.954, Hearing 10.1016/S0079- 6123(07)66050-6
P12-P20 p-value is 0.052, and Sleep P12-P20 p-value is 0.664. [7] Landgrebe, M., Azevedo, A., Baguley, D., Bauer, C., Cacace, A.,
Coelho, C., et al. 2012) Methodological aspects of clinical trials in
4. DISCUSSION tinnitus: a proposal for an international standard. J. Psychosom. Res.
73, 112–121. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2012.05.002
The Tinnitus Main Function Questionnaire is a new questionnaire [8] Zeman, F., Koller, M., Langguth, B., Landgrebe, M., and Tinnitus
(TPFQ) specially designed to evaluate the outcome and effect on tinnitus Research Initiative database study. 2014. Which tinnitus-related
experienced by patients. In this study, the questionnaire focused on four aspects are relevant for quality of life and depression: results from a
subcategories, namely emotion, concentration, hearing and sleep. This large international multicentre sample. Health Qual. Life Outcomes
affects the life of a person in socializing and relaxation.11 The benefit of 12:7. doi: 10.1186/1477-752 5-12-7
the TPFQ is that it provides information about the severity of tinnitus and [9] Hall, D., Haider, H., Szczepek, A. J., Lau, P., Rabau, S., Jones-Diette,
symptoms experienced, as well as providing information related to several J., et al. 2016.
subcategories (concentration, emotion, hearing and sleep scale).
lsof tinnitus treatments in adults. Trials 17, 1–19. doi:
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of 10.1186/s13063-016- 1399-9
the Tinnitus questionnaire on 20 questions and 12 questions in Indonesian [10] Newman, C. W., Jacobson, G. P., and Spitzer, J. B. 1996.
which would later be applied to patients with Tinnitus. The questionnaire Development of the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory. Arch. Otolaryngol.
consists of 20-item and 12-item questions representing 4 independent Head Neck Surg. 122, 143–148.
domains, namely emotion, hearing, sleep, and concentration, known as the [11] Tyler, R.S., Noble, W., Choelho, C., & Ji, H. 2014. Development and
Tinnitus primary function questionnaire. The results of this study showed Validation of Tinnitus Primary Function Questionnaire. American
that the questionnaire on 20 questions and 12 questions was valid and Journal of Audiology, 33: 1-13
reliable. [12] Tyler, R.S., Zhou N, Yao, Z., Tao L, Ma F. Tinnitus Assessment:
The results of this study are comparable with research by Tyler, 2014 Chinese Version of Tinnitus Primary Function Questionnaire. 2021;
that the TPFQ in Indonesian is comparable to the original TPFQ. doi: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-146043/v1
Cronbach's alpha values range from 0.81 to 0.94 for the original TPFQ,
while in this study Cronbach's TPFQ alpha value of 20 questions was 0.95
and in TPFQ 12 questions is 0.93. So it can be concluded from this study
that the question 12 tinnitus questionnaire can represent questions 20, as
evidenced by the Cronbach's alpha value and the p value of the different
test. In this study, there was no difference between item 20 and item 12
questions related to tinnitus.

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 23


in Conjunction with


Lia Restimulia
Departement of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara

Abstract Article Info

Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a condition associated with an IgE-mediated inflammatory response. Mesenchymal Keywords:
stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stem cells that have immunoregulatory abilities by secreting various allergic rhinitis, stem cell, regulatory T cells
cytokines and have the potential as promising therapeutic modalities for allergic airway diseases, including
AR. This paper wants to explain further about the mechanism of stem cells in regulating regulatory T cells.

*Corresponding author:
e-mail : [email protected]

1. INTRODUCTION such as IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13. The process continues with infiltration and
activation of effector cells such as eosinophils, Th cells, and B cells within
Allergic rhinitis (AR) is an inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa a few days, causing chronic allergic inflammation. Treg and Th1 cell
caused by allergens via IgE. It has clinical symptoms such as rubbing the insufficiency is associated with allergic inflammation involving the Th2
nose, sneezing, runny nose, and nasal congestion (1,2). IgE antibodies can immune response in RA patients (10-12).
trigger mast cell degranulation that releases inflammatory mediators such Treg cells are the primary key in the allergic pathophysiology of the
as histamine, causing early-phase AR inflammation (2-4). Current sensitization phase by suppressing the inflammatory response, and play a
chemical drugs against AR are limited to antihistamines, anti-leukotrienes, role in controlling acquired immunity by suppressing the response of
and intranasal corticosteroids, which can relieve allergy symptoms but do effector T cells, B cells, eosinophils, and mast cells. The immune response
not entirely control allergic reactions (7-9). Therefore, it is necessary to of Th1 and Th2 cells is suppressed by the secretion of IL-10 and TGF-β.
develop safer and more effective therapies. On the other hand, MSC has Treg cells cross communicate with APCs to suppress T cell activation
been widely studied as an anti-inflammatory treatment in many diseases through a direct cell-cell contact mechanism, thereby inducing apoptosis
related to inflammation and the immune system (1,7,10,11); however, its (11-13).
use in treating AR still requires further research. The cluster of differentiation of 25+ Treg cells in AR patients is not
The mature form of Dendritic cells as Antigen Presenting Cells with perfect. Some evidence related to this is the reduced ability of peripheral
the help of IL-25, IL-33, and TSLP, present antigens to Th0 with MHC blood CD4 + and CD25 + cells to suppress T cell proliferation during
class II, and release IL-1, which activates Th0 to proliferate into Th1 and pollen season andreduction of FoxP3 gene expression in nasal secretions of
Th2. At the same time, APC produces IL-10, which can control the action RA patients (13).
of Th2 and regulatory T cells. Dendritic cells play an essential role in Stem cell is a self renewing and undifferentiated that can have the
allergic rhinitis, with a high efficiency level against Th (Hypponen et al., potential to differentiate into any organ specific cell, depending on the
2009). In addition, dendritic cells also produce IL-12 to induce interleukin organ. The ability of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) to immunoregulate
production by Th1. Th0 cells differentiate into Th2 with IL-4 and TSLP, causes MSC to be widely used as a therapy. Mesenchymal stem cell is one
but this process is also controlled by T reg with the help of IL-10 and TGF- of the kind that a multipotent stem cell in the form of spindle-like shape
β produced by dendritic cells (10). which can be derived from bone marrow, adipose, umbilical cord, dermis,
Th2 cells induce B cells to become plasma cells by producing IL-4, synovial membrane, and gingiva (10-15).
IL-5, and IL-13 along with chemokines, thus producing IgE. This process Mesenchymal stem cells secrete TGF-β and IL-10 and, together with
is also influenced by dendritic cells and NK cells. The binding of IgE to B TSLP induce Treg cells. Treg cells themselves also secrete TGF-β, which
cells and mast cells occurs through FcεRI, which is expressed on these inhibits T cell work and B cell proliferation. Interleukin 10 is also
cells. In allergy sufferers, FcεRI is a high-affinity IgE receptor. IgE-FcεRI produced by Treg cells as immune system regulatory cytokines that
complex captures significant allergens that are not phagocytosed by downregulate T cell expression and macrophage activity. Treg cells also
macrophages. Th2 cells also induce mast cells via chemokines and IL-9. secrete IL-35 induced by ILC-2 and Th2 as the primary regulatory
Mast cells here degranulate due to the cross-linking process of IgE, and cytokines similar to TGF-β. It can directly inhibit Th2, suppressing IL-4
produce histamine (11). In addition, Th2 also produces IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, and transcription factor GATA-3 to suppress Th2 proliferation (12-15).
IL-13, and chemokines which function to stimulate the differentiation and
maturation of eosinophils in the bone marrow and help migration into the 2. CONCLUSION
bloodstream, and subsequently in the nasal mucosa. Interleukin 5 activates
eosinophils to release mediator substances such as MBP, ECP, and EPO, MSCs increases T reg cells through TGF-β and IL-10. It is expected
PAF, leukotriene, which cause nasal symptoms in the form of runny nose, that research can be continued to find a long term safety, duration of
sneezing, congestion, and nasal itching (12). response, the exact doses, and the technical feasibility of such cell-based
Clinical symptoms that arise due to this process include sneezing, therapies..
runny nose, itchy nose, congestion, and eye symptoms. The allergic
process continues 6-12 hours after exposure. It releases chemokines such REFERENCE
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Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 25


in Conjunction with


Tutwuri Handayani1*, Arif Dermawan2
Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (Kasih Ibu General Hospital, Denpasar, Indonesia)
Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (Universitas Padjajaran/dr.Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia)

Abstract Article Info

Introduction: The standard procedure of Allergic Rhinitis (AR) Management in Indonesia is based on
WHO-ARIA 2008 guideline the study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of subcutaneous immunotherapy Keywords:
(SCIT) for AR patients in Kasih Ibu General Hospital Denpasar. allergic rhinitis, effectiveness, immunotherapy.
Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness of subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) for AR patients in Kasih
*Corresponding author:
Ibu General Hospital Denpasar.
Address: Jl. Teuku Umar 120, Denpasar, Bali,
Methods: The study was conducted from 2018 to 2019, 21 subjects, quantitative descriptive design, Wilcoxon 80115, Indonesia
Signed-Rank test and the McNemar test, significant if the p-value < 0.005 and not significant if the p-value > e-mail: [email protected]
Results: There was significant improvement (p<0.005) in ARIA classification, nasal symptoms,
nasoendoscopy finding and quality of life (QoL).
Conclusion: Allergic rhinitis patient management by subcutaneous immunotherapy is effective.

ARIA management in Indonesia has been carried out following WHO-

1. INTRODUCTION ARIA recommendations 2008. However, 2008 WHO-ARIA guidelines are
intended to formulate AR management guidelines or management according
Allergic rhinitis (AR) is inflammation of the nasal mucosa mediated by to the local environment and circumstances [1] [7]. Until now there is no
Immunoglobulin E (IgE) after exposure to allergens. The inflammatory data on the effectiveness of AR management based on 2008 WHO-ARIA
reaction manifests as rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, sneezing, and itchy nose. Guidelines in Denpasar. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the
Clinical manifestations will repeatedly appear every time a person is exposed effectiveness of the 2008 WHO-ARIA guidelines in the local scope of
to the triggering allergen [1]. Although there is no national prevalence data for Denpasar. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the 2008 WHO-ARIA guideline
AR in Indonesia, a previous study was conducted in 2010 at the Department of recommendations will be carried out based on the guideline’s therapeutic
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung goals, including improvement of ARIA classification, nasal symptoms,
showed the prevalence of AR of 24.5% endoscopic findings, and QoL of patients with SCIT. Therefore, this study
[2]. From medical record Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung that 66,4% AR aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of SCIT management or management in
patient aged 10-29 years and 45,1% of them are students [3]. Clinical AR patients according to 2008 WHO-ARIA guidelines at the ENT
manifestations of AR often lead to decreased quality of life (QoL). Department of Kasih Ibu General Hospital Denpasar.
Decreased QoL is caused by sleep disturbances and problems with social
activities, school, and work performance [1] [3]. This can lead to 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
decreased productivity [4].
Subcutaneous Immunotherapy (SCIT) is a repeated injection of This study was conducted at the ENT Department of Kasih Ibu General
specific allergens for AR therapy. The dosage will gradually increase for Hospital Denpasar and used a quantitative descriptive study design. This
patients with type 1 hypersensitivity symptoms to protect against allergic study was conducted from 2018 to 2019. The study samples were AR
symptoms and inflammatory reactions due to allergen exposure [5] [6]. patients treated at the ENT Department who met the following inclusion
SCIT appears to be effective several years after its cessation and improves criteria: patients with MP-AR, MSI-AR, and MSP-AR classifications;
the QoL of allergic patients [1]. patients initiating SCIT between 2018 to 2019. And patients who had
According to the 2008 World Health Organization (WHO) Allergic undergone SCIT for 12 months with allergens from Alk-Abello. The
Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) Guidelines, AR is classified exclusion criteria: patients who started SCIT outside the specified
according to the severity of the disease and the duration of symptoms. The timeframe, patients who underwent SCIT for less than 12 months, patients
classification consisted of mild intermittent AR (MI-AR), mild persistent who did not follow the SCIT schedule regularly, and patients classified as
AR (MP-AR), moderate or severe intermittent AR (MSI-AR), and MI-AR.
moderate or severe persistent AR (MSP-AR). This classification This study included 21 AR patients who came to the ENT Policlinic.
determines the AR treatment plan, including allergen avoidance, patient Subject data was taken from medical records, and permission to disclose
education, pharmacotherapy, and specific immunotherapy. information was obtained through the Hospital Ethics Committee. The data
Pharmacotherapy also differs for each classification, including intranasal were statistically analyzed to determine the frequency of variables and the
corticosteroids, H1 antihistamines, and leukotriene receptor antagonists effectiveness of immunotherapy.
(LTRA). For persistent AR, intranasal corticosteroids are recommended The study variables evaluated included AR classification according to
as first-line therapy. Specific immunotherapy is only recommended for 2008 WHO-ARIA guidelines, nasal symptoms measured by the Visual
MP-AR, MSI-AR, and MSP-AR [1]. However, the management of AR Analogue Scale (VAS), nasoendoscopy findings according to Lund and
patients can be adjusted if the patient improves or worsens in the ARIA Kennedy criteria, and QoL disturbances [8] [9]. The classification of AR

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6


consists of MSP-AR, MSI-AR, MP-AR, and MI-AR. Nasal symptoms are

rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, sneezing, and itching. The symptoms were each Characteristic of Research Subject Base
scored according to the VAS scale. There are three groups based on the VAS on Occupation
score; mild:<2, moderate:2-5, and severe:>5. Assessment based on
nasoendoscopy scores, assessed for the presence or absence of nasal 42,9%
secretions and mucosal edema based on Lund and Kennedy criteria. The 10
secret score consists of; a score of 0 if not found nasal secretions; a score of 1 9
obtained if there are watery and clear secretions; a score of 2 obtained if there
are thick and purulent secretions. Edema score consists of; a score of 0 if 8 33,3%
mucosal edema was not found; a score of 1 if it showed mild mucosal edema;
a score of 2 if it showed severe mucosal edema. Impaired QoL was reported 7
as an impaired quality of life and not impaired quality of life. These variables 6
were taken from the patient's first visit record at 0-month, 3rd month, 6th 23,8%
month and 12th month. 5
The data were then analyzed to evaluate the frequency of each variable at 4
each time point to look at the differences between each time frame and the
significance of the changes using the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test and the
McNemar test. The result are considered significant if the p-value < 0.005 2
and not significant if the p-value > 0.005.
The general characteristics of the subjects were mostly women
(66.7%), with the highest age group being 21-30 years old (38.1%), Employee Student Housewife
followed by 11-20 years old (33.3%). The majority of the subjects were
students (42.9%) and housewives (33.3%).
Chart 3. Characteristic of Research Subject Base on Occupation

Characteristic of Research Subject Base on Age

Characteristic of Research Subject Base
on Multimorbidity Condition
9 38,1%
8 33,3% 20 90,5%
7 18
16 71,4%
6 23,8%
5 14 57,1%
4 12
2 4,8% 6
1 19,0%
11 - 20 yo 21 - 30 yo 31 - 40 yo 41 - 50 yo 2
Chart 1. Characteristic of Research Subject Base on Age Asthma Conjunctivitis Rhinosinusitis Otitis Media Urticaria

Characteristic of Research Subject Base on Gender Chart 4. Characteristic of Research Subject Base on
Multimorbidity Condition

Male 33,3% All subjects had the multimorbidity disease. Most subjects were found with
rhinosinusitis (90.5%), conjunctivitis (71.4%), urticaria (57.1%), asthma
(47.6%) and otitis media (19.0%).
According to 2008 WHO-ARIA guidelines among study subjects at study
Female 66,7% entry, the classification of AR was MSP-AR with 66.7%, none of the subjects
were classified as MI-AR. At 3rd month of therapy, the frequency of patients
0 5 10 15 classified as MSP-AR was reduced to 9.5%, with the highest frequency in the
MI-AR classification of 66.7%. At 6 th month of therapy, none of the subjects
were classified as MSP-AR and MSI-AR. Only 9.5% were classified as MP-
Chart 2. Characteristic of Research Subject Base on Gender
AR, while the rest were MI-AR by 90.5%. Evaluation at 12th month found
100% of patients in the MI-AR classification. Statistical analysis results
obtained the difference was very significant (p<0.005) for 12 months after
SCIT. However, with the Wilcoxon test, a significant improvement was
obtained at 3rd month after SCIT (p<0.005), that difference at 6 th month and
12th month was not significant (p>0.025).
The most nasal symptoms before SCIT were given were severe rhinorrhea
as many as 16 subjects (76.2%), moderate nasal congestion as many as 13
subjects (61.9%), nasal itching as many as 11 subjects (52.4%), and sneezing
degrees as many as 14 subjects (66.7%). There was a significant difference
after SCIT for 12 months (p<0.005). In the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test, there
were significant results in rhinorrhea symptoms between 0 month to 3rd month
(p<0.005), 3rd to 6th month (p<0.025), and 6th to 12th (p<0.025).

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6


Table 1. ARIA Classification, Nasal Symptom, Nasoendoscopy and QOL Impairment Changes at 0, 3rd, 6th and 12th Month

AR Patient 6th month 12th month P value P value P value

Variable 0 month 3rd month (a)* (b)** (c ) ***
n % N % n % n %
Aria Classification
MSP-AR 14 66,7% 2 9,5% 0 0,0% 0 0,0%
MSI-AR 4 19,0% 1 4,8% 0 0,0% 0 0,0% P < 0,005 P > 0,025 P > 0,025
MP-AR 3 14,3% 4 19,0% 2 9,5% 0 0,0%
MI-AR 0 0,0% 14 66,7% 19 90,5% 21 100,0%
Nasal Symptom
• Rhinorea
Severe 16 76,2% 1 4,8% 0 0,0% 0 0,0%
Moderate 5 23,8% 11 52,4% 6 28,6% 0 0,0% P < 0,005 P < 0,025 P < 0,025
Mild 0 0,0% 9 42,9% 15 71,4% 21 100,0%
• Nasal Congestion
Severe 8 38,1% 0 0,0% 0 0,0% 0 0,0%
Moderate 13 61,9% 10 47,6% 2 9,5% 0 0,0% P < 0,005 P < 0,025 P > 0,025
Mild 0 0,0% 11 52,4% 19 90,5% 21 100,0%
• Itching
Severe 6 28,6% 1 4,8% 0 0,0% 0 0,0%
Moderate 11 52,4% 8 38,1% 2 9,5% 0 0,0% P<0,005 P<0,005 P>0,005
Mild 4 19,0% 12 57,1% 19 90,5% 21 100,0%
• Sneezing
Severe 14 66,7% 0 0,0% 0 0,0% 0 0,0%
Moderate 7 33,3% 10 47,6% 1 4,8% 0 0,0% P < 0,005 P < 0,005 P > 0,025
Mild 0 0,0% 11 52,4% 20 95,2% 21 100,0%
• Secret Score
2 11 52,4% 1 4,8% 0 0,0% 0 0,0%
1 10 47,6% 9 42,9% 4 19,0% 0 0,0% P < 0,005 P < 0,025 P > 0,025
0 0 0,0% 11 52,4% 17 81,0% 21 100,0%
• Edema Score
2 7 33,3% 1 4,8% 0 0,0% 0 0,0% P < 0,005 P < 0,025 P > 0,025
1 14 66,7% 9 42,9% 3 14,3% 2 9,5%
0 0 0,0% 11 52,4% 18 85,7% 19 90,5%
QOL Impaired
Impaired 21 100,0% 3 14,3% 1 4,8% 0 0,0% P < 0,005 P > 0,025 P > 0,025
Not 0 0,0% 18 85,7% 20 95,2% 21 100,0%
Note : AR: Allergic rhintis; ARIA: Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma; MSP: Moderate severe presistent; MSI: Moderate severe
intermittent; MP Mild persistent; MI: Mild intermittent; n: Number of AR patient; %: Percentage of AR patient, *P value (a) is the differences in
variable between Month 0 and 3, **P value (b) is the defferences in variables between Month 3 and 6, ***P value (c) is defferences in variables
between Month 6 and 12.

Symptoms of nasal congestion had significant results at 12 months after Statistical analysis in 0 month to 3rd month showed significant results
SCIT (p<0.005), and in the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test, there were (p<0.005), while at 3rd month to 6th month and 6th month to 12th month, there
significant results at 0 month to 3rd month (p<0.005), 3rd month to 6th month were in significant results (p>0.025).
(p<0.0025), but there were a difference result at 6 th month to 12th month
were not significant (p>0.0025). Symptoms of nasal itching have significant
results after 12 months after SCIT (p<0.005), and there are significant 4. DISCUSSION
results from the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test at 0 month to 3 rd month
In this study, the incidence of RA was higher in female (66.7%) than male
(p<0.005), 3rd month to 6th month were significant results (p<0.0025), but at
(33.3%). This is similar to the previous study in Bandung, which was 53.3% in
the 6th month to 12th month were not significant (p>0.0025). Symptoms of
2014 and 69.7% in 2016 [10][11]. This high prevalence in female is due to
sneezing there were significant results up to 12 months after SCIT
hormonal differences between the sexes, where estrogen is known to be pro-
(p<0.005), there were significant results at 0 month to 3 rd month (p<0.005),
inflammatory and thus predisposes to atopy [13].
significant results at 3rd month to 6th month (p<0.005) but at 6th month to
In this study, most were found in the age group 21-30 (38.1%). This was
12th month there were not significant
also found in two previous studies in the 18–34 year age group (52.7%) and
(42,4%) [10][11].
Based on the Lund and Kennedy nasal endoscopy criteria results
The distribution of occupation is also similar, with the highest being
after 12 months of SCIT, the score analyzed with the Friedman test
showed a significant result (p <0.005). However, the Wilcoxon Signed students (42.9%) and the second-highest being housewives (33.3%). It is
known that AR affects school-age children and thus causes learning
Ranks test showed significant results at 0 month to 3 rd month (p<0.005)
disorders.1 Study subjects were mainly between 21-30 years (38.1%), and this
and 3rd month to 6th month (p<0.025), while at 6th month to 12th
trend decreased with age. Previous studies have shown a decrease in atopy
month, the results were not significant (p>0.025).
with age. A decrease in the concentration of allergen-specific IgE is thought to
In the QoL, 21 subjects (100%) had problems, and it started to decrease
be the cause of this phenomenon [13].
at 3rd month after SCIT to 3 sujects (14.3%), and 6th month to 1 person
All subjects had the multimorbidity disease. This is an accordance with
(4.8%), and after 12th month, all patients did not experience QoL
what stated in the Task Force Report that AR is an organ specific
interference. In the statistical analysis of QoL between 0 month to 12th using manifestation of allergic disease. As such, it coexists with other organ specific
the McNemar test, there was a significant difference (p <0.005).
disorder that have a common allergic basis. It is therefore rarely found in

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6


isolation but frequently has associated multimorbid disorders [14]. This (ARIA) di bagian THT-KL RS. Hasan Sadikin Bandung periode 1
is the same as with the previous study that rhinosinusitis is the common Januari - 31 Desember 2009. Procceding of The 6th Jakarta Intenational
prevalent comorbidity in AR patients [2]. Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Course and Workshop; 2010 Mar 4-7; Jakarta.
There was a significant change in the distribution of ARIA Jakarta:Perhimpunan Dokter Ahli THT-KL; 2010.
classification between 0 month to 3rd month. The frequency of MSP-AR, [3] Fauzi, Sudiro M, Lestari BW. Prevalence of allergic rhinitis based on
MSI-AR, and MP-AR decreased between the start of therapy to 3 rd WHO (ARIA-WHO) questionnaire among batch 2010 student of Faculty
month, where the frequency of MSP-AR was 66.7%, MSI-AR was 19.0% of Medicine Universitas Padjajaran. AMJ. 2015; 3(4): 620- 5.
MP-AR was 14.3% at the start of therapy. Furthermore, it became 9.5% [4] Katelaris CH, Lai CK, Rhee CS, Lee SH, Yun WD, Lim-Vanora L, et al.
for MSP-AR, 4.8% for MSI-AR, 19.0% for MP-AR, and 66.7% for MI- Nasal allergies in the Asian-Pasific population: result from the allergies
AR in 3rd month, decreasing by 9 5% for MP-AR, and MI-AR was in Asia-Pasific population: result from the allergies in Asia- Pacific
90.5%. Lastly, all patients were classified as MI-AR at 12th month. These survey. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2011;25(Suppl1):S3-15.
findings indicate that patients who received therapy according to 2008 [5] Canonica GW, Durham SR. Allergen immunotherapy for allergic
WHO-ARIA guidelines experienced improvements in the ARIA
classification. A previous study supported the finding that AR patients rhinitis and asthma: A synopsis. Available from:
classified as moderate-severe experienced a significant reduction in https://www.worldallergy.org/education-and-
disease severity to mild [11] [15]. programs/education/allergic-disease-resource-
Symptoms of nasal rhinorrhea, congestion, itching, and sneezing center/professionals/allergen-immunotherapy-a-synopsis
also showed significant improvement from the start of therapy until 6th [6] Moote W, Kim H, Ellis AK. Allergen-specific immunotherapy. Allergy
month, and only rhinorrhea symptom showed a significant result until Asthma Clin Immunol. 2018, 14(Suppl 2): 53.
12th month. Most patients have moderate and severe symptoms, and [7] Brozek JL, Bousquet J, Baena-Cagnani CE, Bonini S, CanonicaGW,
most of the patient's symptoms improved to moderate and mild at 6th Casale TB, et al. Allergic thinitis and its impact on asthma (ARIA)
month [10]. guidelines:2012 revision. J Allergy ClinImmunol. 2010;126(3):466- 76.
The nasoendoscopy score was assessed for the presence or [8] Sybilski AJ. Visual analogue scale. A simple tool for daily treatment
absence of nasal discharge and mucosal edema based on the Lund monitoring in allergic rhinitis. PediatrMed Rodz. 2018; 4(3): 277-81.
and Kennedy criteria. This study showed a significant improvement
[9] Lund VJ, Mackay IS. Staging in rhinosinusitis. Rhinology.1993; 31: 183-
in the observation time of the nasoendoscopy score (p<0.005) during
12 months immunotherapy. However, significant improvement was
[10] Moeis RM, Sudiro M, Herdiningrat RBS. Allergic rhinitis patient
only seen at 3rd month and 6th month after immunotherapy, whereas
characteristic in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung in
after endoscopic findings, improvement was not significant. This
Indonesia. AMJ. 2014; 1(2):75-80.
suggests that SCIT can influence the course of AR [16].
[11] Aziza A, Dermawan A, Kusumah Dewi VY. Effectiveness of allergic
The decreased QoL distribution showed a significant change rhinitis management related to WHO-ARIA guideline on Allergic
(p<0.005) at 3rd month of therapy, 85.7% of patients did not experience Rhinitis and Its Impact on Asthma (ARIA). AMJ.2016; 3(4): 538-40.
any disturbances. However, at 6th month and 12th month after SCIT, [12] Osman M, Hansell AL, Simpson CR, Hollowell J, Helms PJ. Gender-
there was no significant decrease (p>0.025). This improvement indicates specific presentations for asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema in primary
that SCIT has the long-term ability and can affect the natural course of care. Prim Care Respir J. 2007; 16(1):28-35.
AR due to an increase in IgA, the effect of IL-10, and inhibition of IgE- [13] Scichilone N, Callari A, Augugliaro G, Marchese M, Togias A, Bellia V.
dependent mast cell activation. This mechanism causes a decrease in the The impact of age on prevalence of positive skin prick tests
accumulation of inflammatory cells [5] [6]. This finding aligns with a
previous study in which ARIA recommended therapy that significantly and specific IgE tests. Respir Med. 2011:105(5):651-8.
improved nasal symptoms, QoL, and disease severity after four weeks. A [14] Cingi C, Gevaert P, Mosges R, et al. Multi-morbidities of allergic rhinitis
different study also showed that SCIT was effective in reducing in adults : European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Task
symptoms in AR patients [11] [16]. Force Report. Transl Allergy. 2017; 7:17.
During this study, there were a few difficulties in collecting data, due [15] Valero A, Izquierdo I, Giralt J, Bartra J, del Cuvillo A, Mullol J.
to changes in the hospital system. This study is the first study to evaluate Rupatadine improves nasal symptoms, quality of life (ESPRINT-15) and
the effectiveness of AR management with SCIT and is based on 2008 severity in a subanalysis of a cohort of Spainsh allergic rhinitis patients. J
WHO-ARIA guidelines at Kasih Ibu Hospital Denpasar. There are many
Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2011;21(3): 229-35.
studies on the effectiveness of allergen immunotherapy but there are no
[16] Pradana Y, Madiadipura T, Sudiro M, Dermawan A. Efektivitas
studies in this city. Therefore, further research is needed.
imunoterapi terhadap gejala, temuan nasoendoskopi dan kualitas hidup
5. CONCLUSION pasien rinosinusitis alergi. ORLI. 2012; 42(2): 88-95.

SCIT for 12 months was effective in reducing ARIA classification,

decreasing nasal symptoms, improving nasal endoscopy findings, and
improving QoL in AR patients, with improvement was obtained since 3rd
month of immunotherapy and lasted up to 12 months.
Despite the differences between ARIA practice and
recommendations, the management of AR patients based on 2008 WHO-
ARIA guidelines proved to be effective and suitable for local situations in
Kasih Ibu Hospital Denpasar. Thus, 2008 WHO-ARIA guidelines are
suitable for use in other health facilities that mimic the conditions of this
study and can thus be used as guidelines for local management of AR


[1] Bousquet J, Khaltaev N, Cruzz AA, Denbrug J, FokkensWJ, Togias

A, et al. Allergic rhinitis and its impact on asthma (ARIA) 2008.
Allergy. 2008;63(Suppl86):S8-160.
[2] Sodikin A, Madiadipoera T. Karakteristik penderita rhinitis alergi
sesuai dengan guidline allergic rhinitis and its impact on asthma

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6

in Conjunction with


Steward Keneddy Mengko
Bronchoesophagology Division, Department of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery Medical Faculty of Sam Ratulangi University/ RSUP Prof. Dr.
R.D. Kandou, Manado, Indonesia

Abstract Article Info

Introduction: Indonesia is one of the countries that has been widely affected by the spread of COVID-19 Keywords:
infection, resulting in the death of the community, including health workers. Various endoscopic procedures COVID-19 pandemic, esophageal foreign
by Otolaryngologist-Head and Neck Surgeon including esophagoscopy in the management of esophageal body earring, esophagoscopy
foreign bodies are aerosol generating procedures (AGP) which are very risky for the transmission of the
COVID-19 infection. In this case, reported an earring esophageal foreign body in a 7-month-old baby girl
without complaints who were treated during the COVID-19 pandemic at the ORL- HNS Department of RSUP *Corresponding author:
Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Manado. An initial preoperative SARS-CoV2 examination was carried out, preparation Address: Department of Otolaryngology—Head
of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and standard equipment modifications according to existing facilities and Neck Surgery, Medical Faculty of Sam
and service policies during the COVID-19 pandemic at the hospital. Ratulangi University/ RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D.
Case presentation: A 7-month-old baby girl from a family with poor economic status, came with a history of Kandou Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia Jl.
accidentally swallowing earrings while playing. The patient is calm, conscious and active, able to eat/ drink Raya Tanawangko Malalayang Manado
milk smoothly . No vomiting and respiratory problems. X-ray image shows an earring-shaped radioopaque e-mail: [email protected]
foreign body in the esophagus at the level of the CVII-TH1 vertebra. The patient was operated on by rigid
esophagoscopy under general anaesthesia. An earring was found in the esophagus just below the cricoid,
extracted and then hospitalized in the pediatric ward.
Clinical discussion: ingested foreign bodies often occur in children aged 6 months to 3 years. The suspicion
of a foreign body was obtained from the parents as witnesses supported by x-photo cercvicothoracoabdominal
examination. Furthermore, laboratory examinations and initial screening of SARS-CoV2 carried out for this
patient, consulted to the pediatric department and preoperative anesthesia. In this case, the foreign body was
extracted in a standard operating room and a rigid scope according to the facilities in the hospital. The
operation was successful and the patient then treated with pediatrician in the pediatric ward until discharged
Conclusion: History of ingestion of foreign bodies through history taking from parents as witnesses, clinical
symptoms, physical examination and the results of the AP/lateral cervicothoracoabdominal x-ray are very
important for diagnostic assessment and management with esophagoscopy according to existing facilities in
the hospital with careful preparation related to the COVID-19 pandemic

1. INTRODUCTION pediatric gastroenterologists, radiologists and anesthesiologists is often

required for optimal patient management.11,12
Currently, the attention of the whole world is mostly focused on the
Several factors determine the choice of treatment for esophageal
global COVID-19 pandemic with its enormous impact.1-5 Home isolation foreign bodies (EFB), including: age and clinical condition of the patient,
in the long term has the potential to increase the risk of household size and shape of the ingested foreign body, anatomical location of EFB,
accidents in children such as foreign objects stuck in the Ear, Nose and
doctor skill level, available instruments, surgeon preference. 13,14
Throat including the esophagus.6 During the COVID-19 pandemic otolaryngological procedures such as
Ingestion of foreign bodies by children is a common problem bronchoscopy, laryngoscopy, and esophagoscopy have a high risk of
worldwide. Factors that make it easier to swallow foreign objects in transmitting the Corona virus. The risk is high due to the potential for
children, among others: immature tooth growth so that food cannot be droplet exposure and aerosolization during the procedure, so various
chewed properly, children's instinctive tendencies due to their curiosity so innovations and precautions are needed to prevent transmission to medical
that they often put various objects in the mouth. This often occurs in
children aged 6 months - 3 years.7,8 The type of foreign body ingested
varies in the community according to eating habits and sociocultural
factors. Coins, magnets, batteries, small toys, pieces of plastic, jewelry, 2. CASE REPORT
buttons, bones, or piece of food are common items ingested in
children.Several studies report that metal coins are the most frequently A 7-month-old baby girl from a family with poor economic status,
ingested foreign bodies in children.7-10 came with a history of accidentally swallowing earrings while playing. his
In 80-90% of cases, the foreign body passes spontaneously through parents witnessed the incident but could not prevent it from being
the upper gastrointestinal tract but is occasionally retained in the swallowed. Only one earring is still attached and then it is taken as an
esophagus and need to be removed to avoid complications including: example to the hospital. The patient is calm, conscious and active. No
upper GI obstruction or perforation, bleeding, ulceration, fistula. Risk of fever, cough, dispnea and vomiting. History of feeding: complementary
complications may increase 1% to 35% with iatrogenic maneuvers, very foods for breast milk with vegetables and meat since 6 months years old,
dangerous mediastinitis can occur. 40% of foreign body cases pass but consumes more breast milk. the baby can still eat and drink smoothly.
asymptomatically in children.11 10% - 20% of cases require endoscopic history of defecation and urination: normal.
removal, and 1% or less require surgery. Most cases of esophageal foreign General conditions dan vital sign was normal. Fully alert. Body
body in children can be treated safely via endoscopy under general weight 6,8 kg. On physical examination there was no abnormality in
anesthesia. The collaboration of ENT specialists, pediatric surgeons, mouth and throat. On auscultation air entry was bilaterally equal, with no

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 30


signs of cyanosis or abnormal sound. The radiograph of neck and chest in to pull such an object behind the endoscope because of the risk of
anteroposterior view revealed the metal density of earring shaped foreign perforation.11,15,16
body as suspected at the level of seventh cervical vertebra (C7) until first Esophageal foreign bodies are retrieved most commonly by using
thoracic vertebra (T1) (Picture 1.) esophagoscopy, with the rigid esophagoscope used more commonly than
the flexible esophagoscope. The advantages of rigid esophagoscopy
include: excellent visualization of the esophagus, a variety of types and
sizes of extraction instruments and the ability to examine the esophagus
directly after removal of the foreign body. In addition, because the
procedure is performed under general anesthesia the airway is protected,
the child is in no discomfort, and there is a great element of control over
both the patient and the procedure. The relative disadvantages are the
small risks of a general anesthetic and the greater cost of this procedure
compared with any of the other techniques.14
Before induction of anesthesia, all endoscopy equipment is evaluated
by the endoscopist and will need to be ready for immediate use in case of
emergency. Ideally, an esophagoscope that fits for infants 3-18 months
years old based on the guidelines is a pediatric esophagoscope with a
Picture 1. A radiopaque FB (earring) diameter of 5-6 mm.17 In our hospital, a rigid esophagoscopy is provided
as a golden standard for EFBs removal as for this case, despite the
Further laboratory examination and screening with SARS-CoV2 limitations in the scope of infant's size, it can still be modified with the
antigen swab showed negative results . appropriate scope from other departments endoscopies set. We performed
We diagnosed this patient with esophageal foreign body (earring) and extraction esophagoscopy under general anesthesia and the EFB was
planned extraction esophagoscopy under general anesthesia. Patient was successfully removed using alligator forcep.
consulted to the pediatric department and preoperative anesthesia. In this In this case, extra strict preparation is required because it is related to
case, the foreign body was extracted in a standard operating room instead the COVID-19 pandemic with the risk of transmitting the Severe Acute
of negative pressure and a rigid scope according to the facilities in the Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
hospital. The limitation in our hospital is that only adult and adolescent SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19 has spread widely
size esophagoscopy is available which does not suit the patient's needs, so and become a global pandemic. The virus is transmitted through fomite
the scope must be modified using other departmental endoscopes in the exposure, respiratory droplets, and aerosolization. Certain ENT procedures,
operating room that match the size of the esophageal lumen. including esophagoscopy, has the potential to trigger droplets, so it is
The rigid scope was inserted and the earring foreign body was found referred to as an aerosol generating procedure (AGP). 1-4 Many hospitals
just below cricoid. The foreign body was held with forceps and then are adapting to the new challenges related to SARS-CoV-2 infection, so
earring removed carefully avoiding damage to surrounding structures. No efforts are being made to create new guidelines of COVID-19 to protect
intra-operative complications were seen. As suspected from radiographs health workers and reduce the spread of transmission.4,5
earring stick with mucus were retrieved (Picture 2). All team members in It is necessary to determine the risk stratification prior to endoscopy
the operating room wear PPE according to protocol. which is divided into emergent, urgent, and nonurgent. Life-threatening
conditions, for example, removal of impacted foreign body in esophagus or
bronchus, moderate-to-severe tracheal or bronchial stenosis, symptomatic
central airway obstruction, massive hemoptysis, or migrated stent are
included in emergency cases. Pathways for emergent and urgent cases
operating room (OR) is shown in Picture 3.5

Picture 2. Esophageal FB (earring)

The operation was successful and the patient was then treated with a
pediatrician in the pediatric ward, there was no sign of perforation during
the postoperative follow-up until discharged 2 days later.
Picture 2. Esophageal foreign body (earrings) after removal


Ingested foreign bodies often occur in children aged 6 months to 3

years.7,8 The suspicion of a foreign body at this 7 months years old baby
girl was obtained from the parents as witnesses, clinical symptoms,
physical examination, supported by x-photo cercvicothoracoabdominal
examination. Furthermore, laboratory examinations and initial screening of
SARS-CoV2 carried out for this patient, consulted to the pediatric
department and preoperative anesthesia. In this case, the foreign body was
Picture 3. pathway for operating room cases5
extracted in a standard operating room instead of negative pressure and a
rigid scope according to the facilities in the hospital.
Based on the above scheme, esophagoscopy in this case is a low-risk
There are different methods of removing EFBs, for example: the use
COVID- 19 emergency because the COVID-19 test results within 24-48
of Foley catheter, McGill forceps, bougienage, pharmacologic maneuvers,
hours are negative so that the operating team personnel can only use
and endoscopy.13,14 Rigid and flexible esophagoscopy are the primary
standard PPE according to the protocol in table 1.5
modalities for esophageal foreign removal. Rigid esophagoscopy is a safe
and effective procedure for foreign body esophagus. It should be done
early to reduce mortality and morbidity.6,14 Rigid esophagoscopy in
children requires a general anesthesia. Flexible endoscopes may be used
without an anesthesia, but if a sharp FB is suspected, it might be dangerous

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 31


Table 1. PPE recommendations for procedure team members5 ingested foreign bodies in children: A retrospective review of cases,
Scrubing/nursing/scrub Cleaning crew and review of the literature. OJPed, 2013, 3, 428-435.
Anesthesia provider http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ojped.2013.34077
COVID+ patient for • Single-use N95 + • Single-use N95 + • Surgical mask
[13] Fowler GC. Esophageal Foreign Body Removal. In: Fowler GC, et al
ed. Pfenninger & Fowler’s Procedures for Primary Care. 4thed.
any procedure face shield/goggles face shield/goggles • Face
Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2020; 1792p.
• Hood • Gown shield/goggles
[14] McGahren ED. Esophageal Foreign Bodies. Pediatrics in Review
• Gown • Double gloves • Gown 1999;20;129. DOI: 10.1542/pir.20-4-129.
• Double gloves • Shoe covers • Gloves [15] Yang W, Milad D, Wolter NE, Propst EJ, Chan Yvonne. Systematic
• Shoe covers review of rigid and flexible esophagoscopy for pediatric esophageal
Asymptomatic patient • Single-use N95 + • Single-use N95 + • Surgical mask foreign bodies. Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 139 (2020) 110397.
for bronchoscopy, face shield/goggles face shield/goggles • Face https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijporl.2020.110397.
esophagoscopy, • Gown • Gown shield/goggles [16] Syahputra DA, Kusmayadi DD, Indriasari V, Kusumowidagdo F.
laryngoscopy • Double gloves • Double gloves • Gown Unusual esophageal foreign body in neonates: A case report. Int. J.
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Surg. Open 85 (2021) 106236.
Asymptomatic with • Standard PPE • Standard PPE • Standard PPE
[17] Sulman CG, Holinger LD. Stridor, Aspiration, and Cough. In: Bailey
negative COVID-19
BJ, Johnson JT. Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology. 4thed.
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History of ingestion of foreign bodies through history taking from parents

as witnesses, clinical symptoms, physical examination and the results of
the AP/lateral cervicothoracoabdominal x-ray are very important for
diagnostic assessment and management with esophagoscopy according to
existing facilities in the hospital with careful preparation related to the
COVID-19 pandemic. Preoperative planning with SARS-CoV2 testing,
standard PPE and appropriate precautions base on risk stratification of the
case and equipment availability is essential for any endoscopic surgery
during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 32


in Conjunction with


Artono1*, Nyilo Purnami1, Edi Handoko2, In Seok Moon3
Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga – Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital,
Surabaya, Indonesia
Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya – Dr. Saiful Anwar General Hospital, Malang,
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Yonsei University, South Korea

Abstract Article Info

Background: Factors that contribute to the success of Intact canal wall Tympanoplasty (ICWT) have yet to be Keywords:
certainly known. Several studies show varied success rates and success criteria. benign-type chronic suppurative otitis media,
Objective: To learn the correlation between the perforation size and patency of Eustachian Tube and the eustachian tube patency, perforation size, intact
results of graft uptake on benign-type Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) patients that undergo ICWT canal wall tympanoplasty
*Corresponding author:
Methods: This research used observational descriptive analysis. The participants were patients diagnosed with Address: Department of Otorhinolaryngology
benign-type CSOM who were treated with ICWT surgery in 2018. Data such as demographic data, smoking
Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine,
history, clinical findings including perforation size of tympanic membrane, Eustachian Tube patency, results
Universitas Airlangga – Dr. Soetomo General
of pure-tone audiometry examination, results of graft uptake, and type of Tympanoplasty were collected from
Academic Hospital, Jalan Mayjen Prof. Dr.
each participant. The statistic tests in use included contingency coefficient correlation test and Fisher exact Moestopo No. 6-8, Airlangga, Gubeng,
Surabaya, East Java 60286, Indonesia e-mail:
Result: Most of the participants were male (53.13%), the average age was 28.03 ± 12.32 years old, and most [email protected]
participants do not smoke (71.87%). The overall graft uptake success rate is 71.87% (n = 23), while the failure Phone: +6231-5501649
rate is 28.12% (n = 9). Pure Tone Average (PTA) was 37.19 dB at pre-op and 25.79 dB at post-op, which is a Orcid ID: 0000-0002-7510-8687
significant improvement (p=0.000) with average hearing improvement (PTA-Gain) of 15.75 dB. The patent
Eustachian Tube functions give the best graft uptake results of 88.90%, followed by partial patency at 75%
and non-patent at 40% (p=0.020). The highest average of PTA in non-patent function of the tube is 20.94 dB.
Hearing threshold improvement (PTA-Gain) on patent, partial, and non-patent ETF groups differs
significantly (p=0.046). Results of graft uptake on small and medium perforation size show the highest rate of
(81.80%), followed by large perforation (50%). The highest PTA in total perforation size is (18.90 dB), then
medium (15.14 dB), and small (6.22 dB). The perforation size of TM before surgery does not correlate with
the success of graft uptake (p=0.297). The size of perforation correlates with improvement of hearing
threshold (p=0.011).
Conclusion: Eustachian Tube’s function has correlation with the success of graft uptake and hearing threshold
improvement (PTA-Gain), while the perforation size of TM before surgery correlates with hearing threshold
improvement (PTA-Gain).

1. INTRODUCTION mastoid and to reconstruct the hearing mechanism with or without

tympanic membrane grafts.(6) Factors influencing the success of ICWT
Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is a chronic middle ear surgery are still in debate. Many factors have been investigated to
infection that lasts more than two months characterized by persistent determine what influences the success of graft closure and hearing
perforation of the tympanic membrane and continuous or intermittent improvement. Various studies that have been conducted have shown
discharge of secretions from the ear.(1) CSOM is known to be one of the varying success rates and success criteria. Several studies have shown that
most common diseases in developing countries, one of which is Indonesia. the success factor of ICWT surgery depends on the size and location of the
(1,2) Data from WHO (World Health Organization) shows that the perforation, the ossicular status, the type of graft and the function of the
prevalence of CSOM in developing countries such as Malaysia, Philippines Eustachian tube. Other influencing factors include operating technique,
and Thailand is still relatively high, namely 2-4% compared to that of operator experience, previous surgical history and smoking status. (2,7,8)
developed countries in Europe such as Australia, England, Denmark and The purpose of this study is to learn the relationship between the size of
Finland which is around 0.4%. (3,4) Persistent tympanic membrane the perforation and patency of the Eustachian tube and the results of graft
perforation and continuous discharge from the ear can cause conductive uptake in benign-type CSOM patients undergoing ICWT surgery.
hearing loss up to 60 dB, which is considered a serious disability. If
intervention is not carried out, it can cause serious complications. (5) The 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS
surgical therapy approach to benign-type CSOM is the Intact canal wall
tympanoplasty (ICWT). The removal of middle ear and mastoid disease is Participants of this study were benign-type CSOM patients who
performed by maintaining the posterior wall of the external acoustic canal. underwent surgery in 2018 at Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia.
The goals of ICWT surgery are to eradicate disease in the middle ear and This study used an observational descriptive analysis. Inclusion criteria

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 33


included patients diagnosed with benign-type CSOM who underwent (20.94 dB). The results of PTA-Gain in patent, partial and non-patent ETF
ICWT surgery. Exclusion criteria were the presence of underlying disease groups are significantly different with p=0.046. The strength of the
such as diabetes or immunodeficiency, cholesteatoma and revised surgical relationship is weak (r=0.304). The graft uptake on small and medium
cases and incomplete data. There were 136 patients diagnosed with benign- perforations shows the same results, namely 81.80%, while for large
type CSOM and 56 of them (41.18%) underwent ICWT surgery. The perforations it shows 50%. PTA is greatest at total perforation size (18.90
number of samples that met the inclusion criteria was 32 patients (57.14%). dB) followed by medium (15.14 dB) and small (6.22 dB). The preoperative
Participants were identified on their demographic data, smoking history, size of TM perforation does not correlate with the success of graft uptake
clinical findings including size of eardrum perforation, Eustachian tube (p=0.297), but it correlates with improved hearing threshold (PTA-Gain)
patency, pure tone audiometry (PTA) examination, graft growth results and (p=0.011). This relationship is weak (r=0.403) (Table 2).
type of tympanoplasty. Perforation size was assessed in small (less than
50%), medium (50% to 75%) and large (more than 75%). Eustachian tube Table 2. Correlation between Eustachian Tube Patency and Perforation
Size and PTA Gain
patency is measured by means of ETF-P (Eustachian Tube Function-
Perforated) in Impedance tympanometry. Results of the PTA before and Participant Graft Graft PTA PTA PTA
No. Uptake Uptake PRE- POST- Gain
after surgery are measured in decibels (dB). Results of postoperative PTA Rate Rate OP OP (dB)
examination and graft uptake were evaluated after 3 months after surgery (%) (dB) (dB)
and analyzed. Data analysis was conducted using contingency coefficient EustachianTube
correlation Test and Fisher exact test on SPSS statistical package (version Patent 18 16 88.90% 49.72 41.06 8.66
16.0; SPSS). The level of significance was p<0.05. Partial 4 3 75.00% 68.75 47.25 21.50
Non 10 4 40.00% 60.94 40.00 20.94
Patent p=0.020 r=0.304
3. RESULT Perforation Size
Medium 11 9 81.80% 46.67 40.44 6.22
A total of 56 participants (41.18%) underwent ICWT surgery, 32 of Total 11 9 81.80% 60.56 45.42 15.14
which (57.14%) met the inclusion criteria. The majority of participants 10 5 50.00% 56.10 37.20 18.90
p=0.297 r=0.403
were male (53.13%). The average age was 28.03 ± 12.32 years, with p=0.011
median age of 25.50 (13.00-68.00) years. The youngest participant was
13.00 years old and the oldest was 68.00 years old. Most of the participants
do not smoke (71.87%). The distribution of patients according to graft 60 56.75
uptake success rate is provided in Table 1. Out of the 32 participants that p=0.000
underwent ICWT, the overall success rate of graft uptake rate is 71.87% (n 50
= 23), failure rate is 28.12% (n=9), and the highest success rate of graft 37.38 37.19
uptake is in ≤ 20 years (81.81%) age group. Smoking has significant
correlation with graft uptake success with the rate of 82.60% (p=0.031). 30 25.79
Tympanoplasty type does not correlate with the graft uptake success 18.91
(p=0.447) (Table 1). 13.42
Table 1. Success rate of graft uptake
Quantity Graft Uptake Success
PTA AC (dB) PTA BC (dB) Mean AB Gap (dB)
Success Failure Rates
Sex pre operasi pasca operasi

Male 15(53.13%) 12 3 80.00% Picture 1. Comparison of PTA Results Before and After Surgery
Female 17(46.88%) 11 6 64.70%
≤ 20 11(34.38%) 9 2 81.81% 4. DISCUSSION
21-30 13(40.60%) 9 4 69.20%
>30 8(25.00%) 5 3 62.50% This research does not show a tendency for sex differences. Out of 32
Education participants, the age varies from 13 to 68 years old, with an average of
Elementary School 0 (0,00%) 0 0 0.00% 28.03 years old. The highest result is shown by ≤ 20 years age group
Junior High School 3 (9.38%) 2 1 66.67% (81.81%). Several studies show similar results.(9,10) This indicates the
Senior High School 20 (62.50%) 14 6 70.00% fact that CSOM is primarily a middle ear infection that tends to occur in
Bachelor 9 (28.12%) 7 2 77.78% the first decade of life.(10)
Smoking This study shows overall graft uptake success rate of 71.87% (n = 23).
Yes 9(28.12%) 4 5 44.44%
This is in accordance with the study conducted by Alam which reported
No 23(71.87 %) 19 4 82.60%
graft uptake results of 71.4%.(7) Several other studies show different
(p = 0.031)
results. Shiromany reported 83.6% success rate of graft uptake(11) and
Naderpour et al. reported similar results at 93.3%.(12) Results of
Type of Tympanoplasty
tympanoplasty surgery among smokers and non-smokers continue to be a
Type 1 25 (78.13%) 20 5 75.00%
controversial issue.
Type 2 2 (6.25%) 2 0 100.00%
In this study, smoking participants have significant correlation with
Type 3 3 (9.38%) 1 2 33.33%
graft uptake success with the rate of 82.60% (p=0.031). This is in line with
Type 4 1 (3.12%) 1 0 100.00%
Cantrell’s study.(13) Several studies claimed that there are differences in
Type 5 1 (3.12%) 0 1 0.00%
the results of graft uptake and hearing improvements in smoking and non-
smoking patients.(8,12)
Eustachian Tube dysfunction refers to disruption of middle ear
PTA at pre-op amounts to 37.19 ± 18.52 dB (with a range of 23.00- ventilation function caused by abnormal opening of the Eustachian Tube.
86.25 dB), and 25.79 ± 15.04 dB at post-op, which statistically saw Good middle ear aeration is essential for the success of the tympanoplasty
significant improvement of p=0.000 with PTA-Gain of 11.40 dB (Picture procedure.(7,14) This study shows that patent Eustachian tube function
1). The patent Eustachian Tube’s function provides the best graft uptake gives the best graft uptake results (88.90%). Eustachian Tube Function
results of 88.90%, followed by partial (75%) and non-patent (40%). (ETF) is significantly related to the success of graft uptake (p=0.020). The
Eustachian tube patency significantly correlates with the success of the rates of improvement of hearing threshold (PTA-Gain) in patent, partial,
graft uptake (p=0.020). The largest PTA in non-patent tube function is and non-patent (block) ETF groups differ significantly with p=0.046,

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 34


despite the weak relationship (r=0.304). These results are in line with that media in rural areas of eastern Nepal. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head
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gave final approval of the version to be published and agreed to be
accountable for all aspects of the work.


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Sociodemographic profile and the associated factors of chronic otitis

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 35


in Conjunction with


Rizka Fathoni Perdana1*, Ami Pratami Munifah1, Sri Herawati Juniati1, Muhtarum Yusuf1, Erni Rosita Dewi2
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga/ Dr. Soetomo Teaching Hospital
School of Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga

Abstract Article Info

Introduction: Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is a collection of symptoms due to gastric contents or Keywords:
gastroduodenal backflow reflux fluid. The prevalence of LPR is very difficult to determine because of the laryngopharyngeal reflux, LPR, GERD, extra-
limitations of the gold standard and the considerable variation in LPR symptoms. esophageal reflux, chronic respiratory disease
Aim: to determine the profile of laryngopharyngeal reflux patients
Method: This research used analytic retrospectively, the data obtained from the medical record of outpatient *Corresponding author:
unit of the Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Outpatient Unit, Dr. Soetomo Teaching Hospital. The data
obtained in the study are displayed in tables and analyzed descriptively. The research sample was taken Address: Mayjen Prof. Dr. Moestopo No.47,
according total sampling from January 2017 to December 2018 who met the inclusion criteria. Surabaya, Jawa Timur, 60132
Result: 42 samples met the requirements. 64.29% patient were female and 35.71% were male with the e-mail: [email protected]
majority of patient was patient was 41-50 years old (26.19%). Most of the comorbidities had a history of
GERD about 76.2%. The mean of the reflux symptom index score performed was 18.38, with a standard
deviation of ± 8.01 and the reflux findings scores was 9.11, with a standard deviation of ± 4.25. The most
frequent complaints experience was frequent mucus or clearing of the throat (90.48%) and the most frequent
finding in laryngeal endoscopy was erythema/hyperemia (88.1%).
Conclusion: Profiles of patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux were mostly female with age between 41 and
50 years old. The main complaint of the throat felt blocked, and the most comorbidities were GERD

1. INTRODUCTION laryngopharyngeal reflux who are examined at the Otolaryngology-Head

and Neck Surgery Outpatient Unit of Dr. Soetomo Teaching Hospital,
Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is a collection of symptoms due to Surabaya.
gastric contents or gastroduodenal backflow reflux fluid. It contains acid,
pepsin, and other digestive enzymes to the esophagus, larynx, and 2. METHODS
hypopharynx, causing contact and injury to the tissue in the upper
aerodigestive tract. Laryngopharyngeal reflux has hoarseness, throat This study is a retrospective study using secondary data from the
clearing, chronic cough, globus sensation, postnasal drip, dysphagia, and Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Outpatient Unit (URJ), Dr.
sore throat.1-3 Laryngopharyngeal reflux has no specific or pathognomonic Soetomo Teaching Hospital, Surabaya Indonesia. The research data were
symptoms.1,2 Laryngopharyngeal reflux may be a symptom continuation taken from the medical records of LPR patients examined from January
of gastroesophageal reflux.2,4 2017 to December 2018.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition that can be The research sample was of a population that met the inclusion and
differentiated and separated from LPR. 1,3 The most prominent clinical exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria in this study were
symptoms of GERD are heartburn, regurgitation and difficulty swallowing. laryngopharyngeal reflux patients over 18 years of age who had undergone
2 RSI and RFS examinations at the Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
The prevalence of LPR is not known with certainty, but it is estimated
that 20-30% of patients with laryngeal complaints are LPR patients. The Outpatient Unit of Dr. Soetomo Teaching Hospital, Surabaya. The
incidence of the population with symptoms of LPR in the UK studied by exclusion criteria in this study were age less than 18 years and
Kamani et al. was 34.4%. Research conducted by Koufman was cited by abnormalities in the larynx.
Kamani showing symptoms and signs of LPR in about 4-10% of patients
coming to Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery doctors.5 The 3. RESULT
prevalence in America in 2016 was 9.7% of all those who went to
otolaryngology doctors. The prevalence of LPR is very difficult to LPR patients who checked at the Otolaryngology- Head and Neck
determine because of the limitations of the gold standard and the Surgery Outpatient Unit, Dr. Soetomo Teaching Hospitals from January
considerable variation in LPR symptoms. 3 2017 to December 2018 showed 73 patients, 31 patients did not meet the
The diagnosis of LPR is based on history, clinical symptoms and inclusion and exclusion criteria, so only 42 samples met the requirements.
laryngoscope examination.3 Belafsky, et al., Developed the Reflux A total of 27 LPR patients (64.29%) were female, and 15 (35.71%) were
Symptom Index (RSI) and Reflux Finding Score (RFS) to simplify the male.
diagnosis of LPR. The RSI questionnaire consisted of nine items to assess Distribution of Age
various symptoms associated with LPR. Each piece has a scale ranging The youngest age who experienced LPR was 20 years old, while the
from zero (no complaints) to five (severe complaints), with a maximum of oldest age who experienced LPR was ≥ 71 years.
45 indicating the most severe symptoms. An RSI score higher than 13 is
considered abnormal and shows an LPR.6 The RFS score uses an
endoscopic examination of the larynx with eight criteria. An RFS score
more magnificent than seven means an LPR. 7 Based on the description
above, this study aims to determine the profile of patients with

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 36


Table 1. Distribution of Age

Annoying cough 22 52,38
Age (year) Number Percentage (%)
A lump in the throat 37 88,09
20–30 9 21,43
Heart burn, chest pain, indigestion, acid 33 78,57
31–40 7 16,67 regurgitation

41–50 11 26,19
Distribution of Reflux Findings Scores
51–60 8 19,05
Erythema/hyperemia of the larynx in 37 patients (88.1%) from 42
61–70 4 9,52 total samples was the most frequent finding in laryngeal endoscopy.
≥ 71 3 7,14
Table 6. Distribution of Reflux Findings Scores
Total 42 100
Finding Number Percentage (%)
Distribution of Comorbidities
Most of the comorbidities had a history of GERD as many as 32 Subglottic Edema 24 57,14
patients (76.2%), followed by hypertension in 8 patients (19.04%). Two
Ventricular obliteration 25 59,52
patients (4.76%) had no comorbidities.
Erythema/hyperemia of the larynx 37 88,10
Table 2. Distribution of Comorbidities
Edema the vocal cords 36 85,71
Comorbidities Number Percentage (%)
Edema the larynx thoroughly 34 81,00
GERD 32 76,20

Hypertension 8 19,04 Posterior commissural hypertrophy 23 54,76

No comorbidities 2 4,76 Granuloma / granulation tissue 6 14,29

Total 42 100 Thick endolaryngeal mucus 17 40,48

Major Complaints 4. DISCUSSION

The main complaint that was rarely felt was lumpy throat in 15
patients (35.71%). The ratio between men and women is one to three. A similar study
was conducted by Kesari et al. On 200 LPR patients consisting of 123
Table 3. Distribution of Major Complaints (61.5%) women and 77 (38.5%) men.8 Another study conducted by
Major Complaints Number Percentage (%)
Andriani, et al., for 51 patients with LPR, there were female (62.75%) and
male (37.25%) patients.9 The youngest age of LPR patients who sought
Throat feels lumpy 15 35,71
treatment was 20 years old, and the oldest was more than 71 years. The
Hoarse voice 12 38,58 largest age group with LPR was 41 to 50 years old, with 11 patients
Swallowing pain 6 14,29 (26.19%) (Table 1). The results of this study were the same as those
conducted by Ratunanda, et al., with the largest age group 40-49 years as
Difficulty swallowing 4 9,52
many as 41 patients (47.6%). 11
Throat feels dry 3 7,14 Over 40 years of age, there has been a change in the laryngeal
Heartburn 2 4,76 mucosa, namely the superficial layer of edema in the lamina propria,
especially in women after menopause. Mucus production is reduced due to
Total 42 100
changes in the glands in the larynx. Old age histologically, the
endoplasmic granular reticulum and Golgi apparatus in the mucus and
RSI and RSF Score serosa of the larynx are small so that the quality and quantity of secretions
The mean of the RSI score performed on LPR patients was 18.38,
are reduced. Other changes occur in the epithelial mucosa of the vocal
with a standard deviation of ± 8.01. The mean RFS score in LPR patients
was 9.11, with a standard deviation of ± 4.25. cords, which becomes thinner so that at the age of over 40, the larynx is
susceptible to acidic substances.
The comorbidities of LPR sufferers in this study were GERD totaling
Table 4. RSI and RSF Score
32 patients (76.2%) (Table 3). This study follows Nennstiel et al., where
Assessment Mean Standard Deviation (SD) most comorbidities were GERD in 12 patients (57%). 13 Reflux
RSI 18,38 ± 8,01 gastroesophageal disease is a physiological backflow of gastric content into
the esophagus, which can occur 50 times a day, especially after eating.
RFS 9,11 ± 4,25 Inflammation of the larynx can be a cause of GERD. Laryngopharyngeal
reflux is a supraesophageal manifestation of GERD caused by gastric
Reflux Symptom Index contents’ backflow into the laryngopharynx, thus showing a significant
Frequent mucus or clearing of the throat in 38 patients (90.48%) of correlation between GERD and LPR. The backflow of acid in LPR is acted
the total sample of 42 were the most frequent complaints experienced by by GERD.14 Patients who have GERD and LPR are related to each other.
LPR sufferers. LPR sufferers found that the main complaints that caused patients to
go to the hospital were 15 patients (35.71%) of the throat felt blocked
Table 5. Distribution of Reflux Symptom Index (35.71%) and the hoarse voice of 12 patients (28.58%) (Table 3). This
study follows the one conducted by Lechien et al., The main complaint that
RSI Number Percentage (%)
many people feel is a lump in the throat and hoarseness of 16 patients
Hoarseness 28 66,67 (20%). 12 Putri, et al., conducted a similar study. The main complaint was
Frequent mucus 38 90,48 the feeling of a lump in the throat of 43 patients (91.5%). 15 Some of the
clinical symptoms of LPR sufferers can include irritation of the throat,
Excessive mucus / PND (post nasal drip) 35 83,34
changes in voice, and trouble swallowing. Symptoms of throat irritation
Trouble swallowing 23 54,76 can include a dry or itchy feeling in the throat, throat clearing or clearing
the throat, a sensation of mucus, chronic cough, globus sensation, and sore
Cough after eating / lying down 18 42,86
Difficulty breathing / choking 17 40,48 Reflux causes the mucosal barrier to be damaged, causing trauma,

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 37


inflammation, and dysfunction of the respiratory cilia, causing clinical Source of Funding
symptoms of a blocked throat, pharyngeal globus, and throat clearing. The research was funded by the authors
Reflux also increases nasal secretions and the sensation of secretions in the
back of the nose.15 The mean RSI score in this study was 18.38, with SD ± Conflict of Interest
8.01 (Table 5). This study follows the one conducted by Karakaya et al., None
The mean RSI score was 18.3, with SD ± 4.4.17. Another study conducted
by Asyari, et al., obtained a mean RSI score of 18.53 with an SD 4.46.10 REFERENCE
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Ethical Clearance
Taken from Ethical Committee Faculty of Medicine, Universitas

Copyright © 2021 by Yayasan Perhati Sumatera Utara, ISBN: 978-623-98585-0-6 38

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