Prelim Exam
Prelim Exam
Prelim Exam
1. Mr. Metha talked cleared that all the employees here in his company are excellent and friendly,
however, because of Mr. Franklin partial behavior he decided to passed a resignation letter because he
didn't recognize of the employees. Moreover, Mr. Franklin thinks that he better than Harsha.
Occasionally, we need to be more observable and responsible for our actions because our actions
defines our behavior, culture, and ego. Those actions can affect our performances on work place. Lastly,
we should know how to give value to ourselves and co-workers by giving their best to each duty. No one
can uplifting by belittled their co-workers.
1. Narrate the case with suitable for that case. Justify your title.
The Watson's Public LTD Company was entitled as a company stands by the rule employee quality.
Therefore, the employees are very cordial and have a good behavior. One morning, all the employees
are seeing the bad thing happened in the company, but, they don't have any gradient because the
compensation and benefits that they will get. Moreover, the company faced numerous problem in
supplying materials. The management find out the reason they're experiencing mismatch packing
materials just because the company hired new employees who don't have potential internal candidates.
Lastly, the wrong thing that company did is the new hired employees are placed with higher packager
than the existing employees in the same level.
2. Help the organization to come out from this critical issue. If you are in the role of HR manager, what
will your immediate step to solve this case.
The things that I will make to the company is to take it down all the new hired employees and teach
them the correct process regarding on their job by conducting a seminar and trainings. The importance
of trainings. Trainings has a unique role in teaching, or developing in oneself or others, any skills and
knowledge or fitness that relate to specific useful competencies. Training has specific goals of improving
one's capability, capacity, productivity, and performance.
Consequently, by choosing new hired employees they make a countable problem resulting of problems
like, quality issues, mismatch packing materials, incorrect labeling of materials, not dispatching the
material on time, etc.
By comparison, the existed employee has more experience and expertise than the new hired. At this
time, we must acknowledge the old employees than the new one because they are all mastered in their
jobs. Compare in new hired, they didn't know the right process of the task.