Kanzul Cell & Molecular Biology

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Synthesis of Protein


Student Name: Kanze-ul-Eman

Roll No: 2K20 / MZOO / 52

Semester: 1st

Program: MSC (Zoology Previous)


The synthesis of
proteins starts with
transcribing the
instructions in
DNA into mRNA.
The synthesis of
proteins starts with
transcribing the
instructions in
DNA into mRNA.
The synthesis of
proteins starts with
transcribing the
in DNA into
 The synthesis of proteins starts with transcribing the
instructions in DNA into mRNA.

 The mRNA is then carried out of the cell's nucleus into

the cytoplasm, specifically into structures called

 Protein production occurs in ribosomes containing


 The tRNA transports the amino acids to the ribosomes.

 The code sequence in mRNA is then translated and specific proteins are
synthesized by stringing amino acids together.

 The production or synthesis of polypeptide chains (proteins) includes two

phases: Transcription & Translation.



In eukaryotes, mRNA is synthesized in the

nucleus from pre-messenger RNA (pre mRNA)

molecules, and then shipped to the cytoplasm,

where translation occurs.

In prokaryotes, transcription and translation

occur in the same cellular Compartment the

cytosol. Ribosomes are the site of translation.


Each protein in every organism is made using the genetic information

stored in the genome. The genetic information is transmitted into two stages
first, the information in the DNA is transcribed into mRNA. Next the information
carried by the mRNA is read to give the sequence of amino acid making up a
polypeptide chain. This overall flow of information is biological cells from DNA to
RNA to protein is known as the central dogma of molecular biology.

The decoding of mRNA is carried out by the ribosome, which binds the
mRNA and translate it with transfer RNA. The ribosome move along the mRNA
reading the message, recruiting the proper tRNA at each step, and synthesizing a
new polypeptide chain.

The correspondence between genes and mRNA dictates the way in which
protein are made. An early rule of molecular biology was beadle and Tatum’s
dictum “one gene one enzyme” The rule was late broaded to include other
proteins in addition to enzyme. Proteins are therefore often referred to as “gene
product” However, it must be remembered that some RNA molecules (such as
tRNA, rRNA and small nuclear RNA) are never translated into protein and are
therefore also gene product.

Furthermore, instance are now known where one gene may encode
multiple protein. Two relatively widespread cases of this are known alternative
splicing and polyprotein. In eukaryotic cell the coding sequences of gene are
often interrupted by noncoding region the introns. The intron are removed by
splicing at the level of mRNA. Alternative splicing schemes may generate
multiple mRNA molecule and same gene. This is especially frequent in higher
eukaryotes, in particular vertebrates. A set of protein generated in this manner
shares much of their sequence and structure.

In eukaryotic cells, most mRNA only carry information from single gene
and therefore can only be translated into a single protein. This causes problem
for certain viruses that infect eukaryotic cells and that have RNA genome. To
circumvent the problem, these viruses make a huge “Polyprotein” from an
extremely long coding sequence in their RNA. This polyprotein is then cut up it
into several smaller protein.

Finally there are occasional oddities such as the generation of two protein
from the same gene due to frameshifting. Despite these exception it is still
generally true that most gene give rise to a single protein.


Transcription is one of the first processes in the mechanism of protein

synthesis in transcription, a complementary stand of mRNA is synthesized
according to the nitrogenous base code of DNA. To begin the enzyme RNA
polymerase bind to an area of one of the DNA molecule in the double helix
(During transcription, only one DNA stand serve as a template for RNA synthesis.
The other DNA stand remain dormant). The enzyme moves along the DNA strand
and “reads” the nucleotides one by one similar to the process of DNA replication,
the new nucleic acid strand elongates, the new nucleic acid strand 5-3 direction.

The process of transcription the DNA double helix opens, and the enzyme
RNA polymerase synthesizes a molecule of mRNA according to the base
sequence of the DNA template.

The nucleotide of the DNA strand are read in group of three, each group is
a codon thus a codon may be CGA or TTA , or GCT or any other combination of
the four bases depending on the codon complementary sequence in the DNA
strand, Each codon will later serve as a “code word” for an amino acid. First,
however the codon are transcribed to the mRNA molecule. Thus the mRNA
molecule consist of nothing more than a series of codon received from the
genetic message in the DNA.

The genetic code is transferred to an amino acid sequence in a protein
through the translation process which begin with the arrival of the mRNA
molecule at the ribosome while the mRNA was being synthesize tRNA molecule
were uniting with their specific amino acid according to the activity of specific
enzyme. The tRNA molecule then began transporting their amino acid to the
ribosome to meet the mRNA molecule.

After it arrive at the ribosome, the mRNA molecule exposes its bases in
sets of there, the codon Each codon of the complementary codon called an anti
code on a tRNA molecule when the codon of the mRNA molecule complement
the anticodon an the tRNA molecule the latter place the particular amino acid in
that position.

The next codon of the mRNA is exposed, and the complementary

anticodon of a tRNA molecule match with it. The amino acid carried by the
second tRNA molecule release their amino acid and the two are linked. At this
position the tRNA molecule release their amino acid return to cytoplasm to link
up with new molecule of amino acid.

One by one amino acid are added to the growing chain until the ribosome
has moved down to the end of the mRNA molecule. Because of the specificity of
tRNA molecule for their individual amino acid and because of the base pairing
between codons and anticodon the sequence of codon and anticodon on the
mRNA molecule determine the sequence of amino acid in the protein being

After the protein has been synthesized completely, it is removed from the
ribosome for further processing and the perform its function.

For example: the protein may be stored in the Golgi apparatus before
being released by the cell or it may be stored in the lysosome as a digestive
enzyme. Also, a protein may be used in the call as a structural component, or it
may be released as a hormone such as insulin after synthesis, the mRNA
molecule breaks up and the nucleotides return to the nucleus. The tRNA
molecule return to the cytoplasm to unite with other molecule and ribosome
awaits the arrival of a new mRNA molecule.

Mitochondria and chloroplast are thought lobe of prokaryotic origin the

symbiotic hypothesis of organelle origin argues that symbiotic prokaryotes

evolved into organelles by specializing in energy production and progressively

losing their genetic independence. Both mitochondria and chloroplast contain

circular DNA that encode some of their own gene and they divide by binary

fission they contain their own ribosome and make their own protein.

Protein is key to such reactions as metabolism, DNA replication and

molecule transportation. They are also key in making sure the human body
reacts properly to stimuli. Proteins do not exist for extended periods of time,
which is why they need to constantly be recreated and taken in as part of a
balanced diet. The proteins eventually degrade or are exported out of the cells. If
the human body did not get enough protein then it would not be able to
replicate DNA, which means that the body would not be able to heal itself,
reproduce or grow as needed. Each protein has a unique amino acid sequence,
which is given to it by the gene that encodes it.

Protein Synthesis is very important because the proteins created during

this process control the activities of the cells. Without these proteins, many of
the processes in the body would fail or not work properly. The DNA in each cell
holds the instructions on how to make the protein, which is why every cell in the
body must have a copy of the DNA.
Student Name: Kanze-ul-Eman
Roll No: 2K20 / MZOO /
Semester: 1st
Program: MSC (Zoology Previous)

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