Heavy Machinery 14th June 2022

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VERB TO BE : am,is,are

Hello! My name _____ Carl.I _____ from

Australia. I _____ 13 years old and I _____ a
student at a secondary school.My father _____ a
teacher and my mother _____ a nurse.My father
_____ 45 years old and my mother _____
42.We live in the city center.Our house _____ a
small flat but it _____ new and modern.My
grandparents live with us.They _____ retired.

This boy _____ Peter.He _____ my best

friend.He _____ a student at highschool. He
_____ 15 years old.

His parents _____ lawyers.Their office _____ on Curry Street.They live in the city center.Their
house _____ very big and it has got a big garden.We _____ always together after school.

These _____ Michael and Joseph.They _____ twin

brothers.They are 16 years old.They _____ both short
and slim.They _____ in the same class.They _____
always together.They _____ from London.Their
favourite football team _____ Liverpool and their
favourite singer _____ Madonna.Michael's hair _____
blonde and wavy but Joseph's hair is dark and
straight.Michael _____ good at Mathematics and
Joseph _____ good at Physics.They _____ both
interested in seeing new places and camping.Their
house _____ in the country.It _____ a small
cottage.Their father _____ a bus driver and their
mother _____ a shop assistant.They _____ very
happy together.
Copyright © 2013. englishwsheets.com. All rights reserved.
NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________
I am I am not
You are You are not
He is He is not
She is from Canada. She is not from Canada.
It is It is not
We are We are not
They are They are not
Yes, No,
Am I I am. I am not.
Are you you are. you are not.
Is he he is. he is not.
Is she from Canada? she is. she is not.
Is it it is. it is not.
Are we we are. we are not.
Are they they are. they are not.

 Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the above boxes.

1. I am from Canada and my classmate ___________ from Egypt.

2. A: ___________ your brother a teacher? B: Yes, he ___________.
3. Sarah and Jane ___________ at the restaurant.
4. They ___________ at work right now. Where ___________ they?
5. A: ___________ I late? B: No, you __________.
6. Paris ___________ the capital city of France.
7. These cookies ___________ really delicious!
8. Where ___________ your classmates? ___________ they in the cafeteria?
9. I ___________ twenty-two years old. How old ___________ you?
10. Their names ___________ Susan and Jennifer.
11. A: ___________ you William? B: No, I ___________.
12. Grammar is easy. It ___________ difficult.
13. Elephants ___________ very big animals.
14. A: What time ___________ it? B: It ___________ three o’clock.
15. I ___________ very hungry. Let’s go eat!

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. © www.allthingsgrammar.com

●●●ReadTheory.Org © 2010
EnglishForEveryone.Org © 2008
Exercise 1
Using the Verb "To be"
Write the correct form of the verb "To be" in present tense.

Example: I (be) am happy. Example:

You / We / They (be) are happy.
1) I (be) _____ tired.
7) You (be) _____ nice.
2) I (be) _____ hungry.
8) We (be) _____ sleepy.
3) I (be) _____ late!
9) They (be) _____ funny.
Example: He / She / It (be) is happy.

4) He (be) _____ cool.

5) She (be) _____ pretty.
6) It (be) _____ fast.

Now we’ll use nouns instead of


10) John (be) _____ excited.

11) Tiffany and Uma (be) _____
my friends.
12) Ricardo, John and I (be) _____
watching a movie.
18) Nikkos and Billy (be) _____
13) Hadil (be) _____ kind.
playing at the park.
14) Alisa (be) _____ young.
19) The students (be) _____
15) The hammer (be) _____ new.
studying English.
16) My mother and father (be)
20) The test (be) _____ hard!
_____ cooking dinner.
21) My best friend (be) _____
17) Rachel (be) _____ driving to
coming to my house.
●●●ReadTheory.Org © 2010
EnglishForEveryone.Org © 2008
Exercise 2
Using the Verb "To be"
Choose the correct form of "to be" in present tense.

Example: I (be) am excited.

Example: Jessica and Akbar (be) are happy.
Example: The new car (be) is nice.

1) The bag (be) ________ blue. 2) The rocks (be) ________ hard.

A. am A. am
B. are B. are
C. is C. is

3) The children (be) ________ young. 4) Thomas (be) ________ nice.

A. am A. am
B. are B. are
C. is C. is

5) The game (be) ________ difficult. 6) They (be) ________ tired.

A. am A. am
B. are B. are
C. is C. is

7) I (be) ________ thirty years old. 8) Susan and Juan (be) ________
A. am
B. are A. am
C. is B. are
C. is

9) Teddy (be) ________ my friend. 10) We (be) ________ in English

A. am
B. are A. am
C. is B. are
C. is
●●●ReadTheory.Org © 2010
EnglishForEveryone.Org © 2008
Exercise 3
Using the Verb "To be"
Write the correct form of the verb "to be" in present tense.

Note: The verb can be positive (+) or negative (-). Use not to form the negative.

Example: My teacher (be) is nice. (+)

Example: The cat (be, not) is not hungry. (-)

1) The old man (be) ________ wise. 2) The sun (be) ________ hot.

3) The children (be) ________ eating

4) I (be) ________ happy. I (be, not)
bananas. They (be, not) ____ ____
____ ____ sad.
eating apples.

5) The racecar (be) ________ fast. It 6) My friend (be) ________ buying a

(be, not) ____ ____ slow. new car. Her old car broke down. It
doesn't work anymore.

7) I (be) ________ at the beach with 8) Ko and Jacob (be) ________ very
my family. It (be) ________ hot and smart. Ko (be) ________ a scientist
sunny outside. The ocean water and Jacob (be) ________ an
(be) ________ warm. engineer.

9) The library (be) ________ open 10) The school (be) ________ small. It
until 9:00 p.m. (be, not) ____ ____ big.

11) The books (be) ________ new. 12) Tommy, Steven, and Teddy (be)
They (be, not) ____ ____ old. ________ acting in the school play.

13) Beatrice (be) ________ at her 14) It (be) ________ hot outside. It
house. (be, not) ____ ____ cold outside.

16) Judith (be, not) ____ ____ at

15) You (be) ________ finished with
home. She (be) ________ school.
the quiz!
●●●ReadTheory.Org © 2010
EnglishForEveryone.Org © 2008
Exercise 4
Using the Verb "To be"
Write the correct form of "to be" in present tense.

My name (be) ________(1) John. I (be) ________(2) fifteen years old. I live

on a farm. It (be) ________(3) in the country. It is quiet in the country. It (be, not)

____ ____(4) loud in the country.

I wake up early. Sometimes, I wake up before the sun rises. Sometimes, it

(be) ________(5) still dark when I wake up. But I don’t mind. I like waking up that

early. I like the way the country looks in the morning.

The first thing I do after I wake up is milk the cow. After I (be) ________(6)

finished milking the cow, I bring the milk to my mom. I think she uses it to make

breakfast. She makes a delicious breakfast. My mom

(be) ________(7) a really good cook.

Next, I feed the pigs. One time, I asked my mom how come my little sister

doesn’t feed them. She said it is because my sister (be, not) ____ ____(8) strong

enough. But I still don’t understand. She is almost as strong as me! I guess my

mom doesn’t want my sister to get hurt. After all, the pigs can (be) ________(9)

pretty rough, especially when they (be) ________(10) hungry.

The last thing I do (be) ________(11) feed the chickens. That (be)

________(12) easy. I just throw some food down on the ground and they run out

and eat it. While the chickens (be) ________(13) eating, I go into their house to

collect their eggs. Chicken eggs (be) ________(14) really good to eat. They (be)

________(15) easy to cook too. That is what I do in the mornings. I (be)

________(16) pretty busy.

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