Reading Comprehension - Verb To Be

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To be /am /is/ are


The verb to be is used to say

something about a person, thing,
or state, to show a permanent or
temporary quality, state, job or
occupation, and nationality.

Reading Comprehension
I. Complete the sentences with
Good Morning, I am Susan Myers, I am a reporter at Central affirmative form of verb to be.
News and today I am making a report on immigrants, today´s 1. Jacob ______ my best friend.
guests are two immigrants from China, they are Jane Lee, 2. She ______ a French singer.
and Peter Lee, they are Students at the community college, 3. My cat _______very fluffy.
she is 19 years old and he is 20. They are students but they 4. I ______ a good student.
are not workers. They live in an apartment downtown. 5. Billy and Ruth ______ doctors.
6. I and Ryan ______ policemen.
Susan: Where are you from? 7. They _______ in the kitchen.
Peter: We are from the Guangdong Province. 8. I ______ tired.
Susan: Are you happy in America? 9. He ______ 26 years old.
Jane: Yes, we are, we enjoy living here. 10. We ______ friends.
Susan: Jane, is your real name Yang Lee? 11. Her dog ______ black.
Jane: No, it’s not, it is Dai-xia, and it means summer. 12. It ______ cold today.
Susan: Thank you very much. 13. You ______ old.
14. I ______ an actor.
They are two Chinese people living the American Dream, this
is Susan Myers reporting from the Community College, and II. Complete the sentences with
tomorrow we will have more guests in “living in America”, see negative form of verb to be.
you soon! 1. Bella __________ my sister.
2. She __________ my mother.
3. I __________ your brother.
True or false T F 4. Kevin __________ her son.
1. Susan Myers is a teacher at the community College ______ 5. Bill _________ rich.
6. We __________ cousins.
2. They are from Vietnam ______
7. He __________your father.
3. Peter is a student at Harvard ______ 8. That flower __________ red.
4. Jane is 25 years old ______ 9. They __________ in my house.
10. It __________ sunny today.
5. They live in an apartment downtown ______
11. You __________ Peruvian.
Read the text and complete with the verb to be 12. I __________ very fat.
Hello! My name ……………… Lucas and I ……………… thirteen
years old. I ……………… (not) from United Kingdom, my family III. Put the sentences in the
and I …………………………..from Peru. I have two brothers. They interrogative form of verb to be.
………… in secondary school. Miguel ……………….. fifteen and 1. Edward is a smart boy.
Luciano ………………………sixteen. We go to “Jose Galvez” __________________________
school. The school……………………………(not) small, 2. I am in my car.
it………………….. very big. __________________________
My parents …………………… (not) at home every day because
3. You are a teacher.
they work a lot. My mother …………… a nurse and my father
………………… an engineer. At weekends we ……………… together __________________________
and we have good times in our new house which…………………… 4. It is hot today.
in Cajabamba. ……………… (you) a student? What __________________________
……………………… (your favourite sport)? 5. Betty is beautiful.
How old …………………………… (you)? __________________________

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