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55W 18412 8 Power Supply Measurement and Analysis Primer

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Power Supply Measurement

and Analysis

Table of Contents Making Magnetic Power Loss Measurements with an

Introduction..................................................................... 3 Magnetic Properties Basics..............................................14

Power Supply Design Questions B-H Plot..................................................................15

Point Toward Measurement Needs................................ 3 Magnetic Property Measurements...........................16
Measuring Magnetic Properties with an
Switch-Mode Power Supply Basics............................... 3 Oscilloscope....................................................................17
Active Component Measurements: Power Line Measurements........................................... 18
Switching Elements......................................................... 4
Power Quality Measurement Basics.................................18
Theory of Power Loss in Switch-Mode Devices..................4
Making Power Quality Measurements with an
Turn-Off Loss.....................................................................4 Oscilloscope....................................................................19
Turn-On Loss.....................................................................5
Power Loss........................................................................5 Power Line Measurements with a Power Analyzer...... 20
Safe Operating Area...........................................................6 Accuracy.........................................................................20

Dynamic On Resistance.....................................................6 Connections....................................................................21

Making Active Component Measurements.........................6 Connections for low power standby.............................21

Choosing the Right Measurement Solution.....................7 Connections for high power.........................................22

Performance Considerations for the Oscilloscope..........7 Power Measurements with a Power Analyzer...................23

Rise Time..................................................................7 Making Standards Compliance Measurements................24

Sample Rate.............................................................7 Power, standby power and efficiency...........................24

Record Length..........................................................7 Harmonics Limits.........................................................24

Power Measurement and Analysis Software..............7 Conclusion..................................................................... 25

Eliminating Skew Between Voltage and
Current Probes..................................................................9 Power Measurements................................................... 26
Eliminating Probe Offset and Noise..............................11 Which Tektronix oscilloscope is right for your power
Automated Offset Removal.....................................11
Manual Offset Removal...........................................11 Power Measurement and Analysis Application
Software......................................................................... 28
Passive Component Measurements:  Magnetics........ 12
Inductance Basics...........................................................12 Choosing Your Next Power Analyzer............................ 29
Making Inductance Measurements with an Oscilloscope.. 12 Complete Your Measurement Solution with
Magnetic Power Loss Basics...........................................13 a Signal Source.............................................................. 30
Core Loss...............................................................13
Copper Loss ..........................................................13

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Power Supply Measurement and Analysis

Introduction Power Supply Design Questions

A power supply is a component, subsystem, or system that Point Toward Measurement Needs
converts electrical power from one form to another; commonly Ideally every power supply would behave like the mathematical
from alternating current (AC) utility power to direct current (DC) models used to design it. But in the real world, components
power. The proper operation of electronic devices ranging are imperfect; loads vary; line power may be distorted;
from personal computers to military equipment and industrial environmental changes alter performance. Moreover, changing
machinery depends on the performance and reliability of DC performance and cost demands complicate power supply
power supplies. design. Consider these questions:
There are many different kinds and sizes of power supplies How many watts beyond rated output capacity can the
from traditional analog types to high-efficiency switch-mode power supply sustain, and for how long?
power supplies. All face a complex, dynamic operating
environment. Device loads and demands can change How much heat does the supply dissipate, what happens
dramatically from one instant to the next. Even a commodity when it overheats, and how much cooling airflow does it
switch-mode power supply must be able to survive sudden require?
peaks that far exceed its average operating levels. Engineers What happens when the load current increases
designing power supplies or the systems that use them need substantially? Can the device maintain its rated output
to understand their supplies behavior under conditions ranging voltage (load regulation)? How does the supply react to a
from quiescent to worst-case. dead short on its output?
Historically, characterizing the behavior of a power supply has What happens when the supply’s input voltage changes
meant taking static current and voltage measurements with a (line regulation)?
digital multimeter and performing painstaking calculations on a
The designer is asked to create a power supply that takes up
calculator or PC. Today most engineers turn to oscilloscopes
less space, is more efficient, reduces heat, cuts manufacturing
for characterization and troubleshooting during design, and
costs, and meets tougher EMI/EMC standards. Only a
purpose-built power analyzers for system-level validation and
rigorous regime of measurements can guide the engineer
compliance testing.
toward these goals.
Modern oscilloscopes can be equipped with
integrated power measurement and analysis
Switch-Mode Power Supply Basics
software which simplifies setup and makes it The prevailing DC power supply architecture in most modern
systems is the Switch-Mode Power Supply (SMPS), which
easier to conduct measurements over time.
is known for its ability to handle changing loads efficiently.
Users can customize critical parameters, The power signal path of a typical SMPS includes passive,
automate calculations, and see results not just active, and magnetic components. The SMPS minimizes the
raw numbers in seconds. use of lossy components such as resistors and linear-mode
transistors, and emphasizes components that are (ideally)
This primer will focus on switch-mode power supply design
lossless: switch-mode transistors, capacitors, and magnetics.
measurements with an oscilloscope and application-specific
software. It will also introduce power analyzers, in the context
of power quality testing.

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Active Component Measurements:

Switching Elements
Theory of Power Loss in Switch-Mode Devices
Transistor switch circuits often dissipate the most energy
Gate Drain
during transitions because circuit parasitics prevent the
devices from switching instantaneously. “Turn-off Loss”
describes the loss when the device transitions from ON to
OFF. “Turn-on Loss” describes the energy lost when the
switching device transitions from OFF to ON.

Passive Components Turn-Off Loss

Active Components Figure 2 diagrams the calculation of Turn-off loss. After t1,
Magnetics the switch current falls while the diode current rises. The time
Figure 1. Switch-mode power supply simplified schematic. (t2-t1) depends on the how fast the driver can charge the
gate-drain capacitance Cgd of the MOSFET.
SMPS devices also include a control section containing Energy loss during the transition can be estimated by the
elements such as pulse-width-modulated regulators, pulse- following equation:
rate-modulated regulators, and feedback loops.1 Control
sections may have their own power supplies. Figure 1  
illustrates a simplified SMPS schematic showing the power
conversion section with active, passive, and magnetic
SMPS technology rests on power semiconductor switching
devices such as Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect is the average energy loss in the switch during the
Transistors (MOSFET) and Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors transition.
(IGBT). These devices offer fast switching times and are is the voltage at the gate.
able to withstand erratic voltage spikes. Equally important,
is the current through the inductor.
they dissipate very little power in either the On or Off states,
achieving high efficiency with low heat dissipation. For the is when the transition is complete.
most part, the switching device determines the overall
is when the transition begins.
performance of an SMPS. Key measurements for switching
devices include: switching loss, average power loss, safe This formula assumes the linear rise of voltage across Cds
operating area, and more. (capacitance from drain to source) and Cgd. Cds and Cgd are the
parasitic capacitances.
In real-world devices, the capacitances Cgd and Cds are highly
This primer deals with measurements that pertain to the power path, including
tests on internal elements that contribute to the output. Control section non-linear, tending to vary with drain-source voltage. To some
measurements are more conventional waveform- and logic-based observations extent, this compromises the theoretical calculations just
and will not be covered in this document.
presented. In case of an IGBT, the fall time of current would be
higher due to the tail current phenomenon. These differences
make it essential to capture the actual profile of the voltage
variation. An oscilloscope with dedicated power measurement
software can greatly simplify these measurements.

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Power Supply Measurement and Analysis

iA (t)
vA (t) vg qr
Transistor il Transistor
Waveforms iA (t) Waveforms vg

vA (t) il

il t
iB (t) iB (t) vB (t)
Diode t Diode t
Waveforms Waveforms
v B (t) Area -q r -vg
-v g

-v g il
Area on

t0 t1 t2 t t0 t1 t2
Figure 2. Calculation of Turn-off Loss. Figure 3. Turn-on Loss in a MOSFET with clamped inductive load.2

Turn-On Loss Where:

Figure 3 shows the turn-on loss in a MOSFET with a clamped on va energy
is the ia loss in the switch during the transition.
inductive load and with the diode recovery charge. When the t va isia the instantaneous gate voltage.
MOSFET is turned on with a clamped inductive load, the diode t 1

on va ia is the instantaneous current through the switch.

voltage cannot build up until the stored charge is recovered. t 0
Therefore the diode continues to conduct current in the
t1 is when the transition is complete.
t0 v
negative direction until it can block voltage. This leads to huge
on ia transition begins.
isawhen the
loss in the switch. The reverse recovery current depends on t0
the external circuit in the diode path. The charge in the diode Power Loss
depends on the forward current and the di/dt of the fall current
during the off transition of the diode. The total loss is the average power loss in the switch.

Energy loss during the transition is estimated by the following This includes the switching losses and conduction losses. The
equation: total loss is given by the formula


on va ia
Simplified and adapted from a presentation titled Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Where:
Robert A. Erickson,University of Colorado.
is the average power loss in the switch.
is the instantaneous voltage across the switch.
is the instantaneous current through the switch.
is the switching period.

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Safe Operating Area

The Safe Operating Area (SOA) measurement on a switching
device plots voltage vs. current to characterize the operating
region of the device. It is often useful to create an SOA plot for
the diverse operating conditions the power supply is expected
to encounter.
The switching device manufacturer’s data sheet summarizes
certain constraints on the switching device. The object is to
ensure that the switching device will tolerate the operational
boundaries that the power supply must deal with in its
end-user environment. SOA test variables may include
various load scenarios, operating temperature variations,
high and low line input voltages, and more. Figure 4 is an
example of an SOA plot.
SOA tests usually calculate the Power using the following Figure 4. This example from Tektronix’ DPOPWR illustrates an SOA plot for an
SMPS. The plot can be compared with the data published by the switching device
equation: manufacturer.

  Dynamic On Resistance
The resistance of a switching device in the “on” state can
be approximated by using the RDSON value found in the
component’s data sheet. However, the actual resistance (and
is the instantaneous power. therefore the switch conduction loss) is not constant and may
is the voltage. vary significantly with changes in switch voltage or current.

is the current. di/dt and dv/dt

is the sample number. A di/dt measurement represents the rate at which the current
changes during switching, while a dv/dt measurement
represents the rate at which the voltage changes during
The following equation computes the Average Power: switching.
Making Active Component Measurements
To those accustomed to making high-bandwidth
measurements with an oscilloscope, power measurements,
Where: with their relatively low frequencies, might appear simple. In
reality, power measurements present a host of challenges that
is the number of samples in a switching period.
the high-speed circuit designer never has to confront.
The voltage across a switching device can be very large, and
  is often “floating,” that is, not referenced to ground. There
are variations in the pulse width, period, frequency, and duty
cycle of the signal. Waveforms must be faithfully captured and
analyzed for imperfections.

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Power Supply Measurement and Analysis

Choosing the Right Measurement Solution For example, if the switching signal has a rise time of 5 ns,
then the oscilloscope should have a rise time of at least
For switch-mode power supply measurements, it is important
1 ns for accurate measurements. A rise time that fast is
to choose the tools that can do the job. To turn the SMPS
typically available on oscilloscopes with a bandwidth of
on and off during test, a pulse stimulus from a signal source
at least 350 MHz. 
may be required. To accurately simulate the gate drive signal
under normal operating conditions, the stimulus must have Sample Rate
adjustable duty cycle, edge transition times, and frequency. 
Sample rate – specified in samples per second (S/s) – refers
To drive IGBT devices, the stimulus must also be able to
to how frequently a digital oscilloscope takes a sample of
generate the required voltage of typically 12 V to 15 V. 
the signal. A faster sample rate provides greater resolution
The oscilloscope must, of course, have the basic bandwidth and detail of the waveform, making it less likely that critical
and sample rate to handle the switching frequencies within an information or events will be lost. To characterize the ringing
SMPS. And, it must have deep memory to provide the record typical during switching in a SMPS, the oscilloscope’s sample
length required for long, low-frequency acquisitions with high rate must be fast enough to capture several samples on the
timing resolution. Power measurements also require at least edges of the switching signal.
two channels, one for voltage and one for current.
Record Length
Equally important are the probes to connect the device to
the oscilloscope. Multiple probe types – such as single- An oscilloscope’s ability to capture events over a period of
ended, differential, and current – are required simultaneously.  time depends on the sample rate used and the depth (record
Application software completes the toolset by making power length) of the memory that stores the acquired signal samples.
measurements easier and more reliable. The memory fills up in direct proportion to the sample rate.
When the sample rate is set high enough to provide a detailed
Performance Considerations for the Oscilloscope high-resolution view of the signal, the memory fills up quickly.
Key performance considerations when choosing an For many SMPS power measurements, it is necessary to
oscilloscope include rise time, sample rate, record length, capture a quarter-cycle or half-cycle (90 or 180 degrees) of
and available power measurement analysis software. the line frequency signal; some even require a full cycle. A
half-cycle of a 60 Hz line frequency is over 8 ms of time. At
Rise Time
a sample rate of 1 GS/s, a record length of 8 million points is
Although the switching signal may be relatively low-speed, needed to capture that much time.
the rise time of the signal may be quite fast. For accurate
measurements, the oscilloscope rise time should be at Power Measurement and Analysis Software
least five times as fast to capture the critical details of fast Application software can make power measurements and
transitions. analysis on an oscilloscope much easier by automating
common measurements, providing detailed test reports
RiseTime SwitchingSignal
RiseTime oscilloscope and simplifying certain complex measurement situations like
measuring both high and low voltage signals for switching and
            power loss measurements.

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= 700 V
Gate Drain

= 100 mV


Figure 5. MOSFET switching device, showing measurement points. Figure 6. Typical signal of a switching device.

Measuring 100 Volts and 100 Millivolts in

One Acquisition
To measure switching loss and average power loss across
the switching device, the oscilloscope must first determine
the voltage across the switching device during the OFF and
ON times, respectively.
Figure 7. The DPOPWR input page allows the user to enter data sheet values for
In an AC/DC converter, the voltage across the switching RDSON & VCEsat.

device has a very high dynamic range. The voltage across

the switching device during the ON state depends upon the dynamic range to accurately acquire (within the same
the type of switching device. In the MOSFET illustrated in acquisition cycle) the millivolt-range signals during the
Figure 5, the ON voltage is the product of channel resistance ON time as well as the high voltages that occur during the
and current. In Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT) and IGBT OFF time.
devices, the voltage is primarily based on the saturation
To capture this signal, the oscilloscopes vertical range
voltage drop (VCEsat). The OFF state voltage depends on
would be set at 100 volts per division. At this setting,
the operating input voltage and the topology of the switch-
the oscilloscope will accept voltages up to 1000 V; thus
mode converters. A typical DC power supply designed for
the 700 V signal can be acquired without overdriving the
computing equipment operates on universal utility voltage
oscilloscope. The problem with using this setting is that the
ranging from 80 Vrms to 264 Vrms. At maximum input voltage,
minimum signal amplitude it can resolve is 1000/256, or
the OFF state voltage across the switching device (between
about 4 V.
TP1 and TP2) can be as high as 750 V. During the ON state,
the voltage across the same terminals can range from a few With the power application software offered with modern
millivolts to about one volt. Figure 6 shows the typical signal oscilloscopes, the user can enter RDSON or VCEsat values
characteristics on a switching device. from the device data sheet into the measurement menu,
as shown in Figure 7. Alternatively, if the measured voltage
These OFF and ON voltages must be measured first in order
is within the oscilloscopes sensitivity, then the application
to make accurate power measurements on a switching
software can use acquired data for its calculations rather
device. However, a typical 8-bit digital oscilloscope lacks
than the manually-entered values.

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Power Supply Measurement and Analysis

Figure 8. The effect of propagation delay on a power measurement.

Eliminating Skew Between Voltage and It is important to understand the impact of the probes’
Current Probes propagation delays on maximum peak power and area
measurements. After all, power is the product of voltage and
To make power measurements with a digital oscilloscope, it
current. If the two multiplied variables are not perfectly time
is necessary to measure voltage across and current through
aligned, then the result will be incorrect. The accuracy of
the drain-to-source of the MOSFET switching device or the
measurements such as switching loss suffer when the probes
collector-to-emitter voltage across an IGBT. This task requires
are not properly de-skewed.
two separate probes: a high-voltage differential probe and a
current probe. The latter probe is usually a non-intrusive Hall The test setup shown in Figure 8 compares the signals at the
Effect type. Each of these probes has its own characteristic probe tip (lower trace display) and at the oscilloscope front
propagation delay. The difference in these two delays, known panel after the propagation delay (upper display).
as skew, causes inaccurate timing measurements and
distorted power waveforms.

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Figure 9. 9.4 ns skew between voltage and current signals. Figure 10. With skew, the peak amplitude of the power waveform is 4.958 W.

Figure 11. Voltage and current signals aligned after de-skew process.  Figure 12. Peak amplitude has risen to 5.239 W (5.6% higher) after de-skew.

Figures 9 through 12 are actual oscilloscope screen views that Figure 11 shows the effect of de-skewing the probes. The two
demonstrate the effects of skew in probes. Figure 9 reveals reference traces are overlapping, indicating that the delays
the skew between the voltage and current probes, while have been equalized. The measurement results in Figure 12
Figure 10 displays the results (4.958 W) of a measurement illustrate the importance of proper de-skewing. 
taken without first de-skewing the two probes.
As the example proves, skew introduced a measurement error
of 5.6%. Accurate de-skew reduces error in peak-to-peak
power loss measurements.

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Power Supply Measurement and Analysis

Some power measurement software will automatically

de-skew the chosen probe combination. The software takes
control of the oscilloscope and adjusts the delay between the
voltage and current channels using live current and voltage
signals to remove the difference in propagation delay between
the voltage and current probes.
Also available is a static de-skew function that relies on the Figure 13. Signal conditioning option on the DPOPWR software menu. This selection
sets the current to zero during the “Off” time of the switching device.
fact that certain voltage and current probes have constant and
repeatable propagation delays. The static de-skew function
automatically adjusts the delay between selected voltage and the AutoZero option will automatically null out any DC offset
current channels based on an embedded table of propagation error present in the measurement system. A TekVPI current
times for selected probes. This technique offers a quick and probe also has a Degauss/AutoZero button on the probe
easy method to minimize de-skew. body. Depressing the AutoZero button will remove any DC
offset error present in the measurement system.
Eliminating Probe Offset and Noise
Manual Offset Removal
Differential and current probes may have a slight offset.
This offset should be removed before taking measurements Most differential voltage probes have built-in DC offset trim
because it can affect accuracy. Some probes have a built-in, controls, which makes offset removal a relatively simple
automated method for removing the offset while other probes procedure. Similarly, it is necessary to adjust the current probe
require manual offset removal procedures. before making measurements.

Automated Offset Removal Note that differential and current probes are active devices,
and there will always be some low-level noise present, even in
A probe that is equipped with the Tektronix TekVPI™ Probe
the quiescent state. This noise can affect measurements that
Interface works in conjunction with the oscilloscope to remove
rely on both voltage and current waveform data. Some power
any DC offset errors in the signal path. Pushing the Menu
measurement software includes a signal-conditioning feature
button on a TekVPI probe brings up a Probe Controls box on
(Figure 13) that minimizes the effect of inherent probe noise.
the oscilloscope that displays the AutoZero feature. Selecting

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Passive Component Measurements:  Inductance Basics

Magnetics Power supplies use inductors as energy storage devices,
filters, or transformers. As transformers, they help sustain
Passive components are those which do not amplify or
oscillation in switched mode power systems. Designers
switch signals. Power supplies employ the full range of
need to monitor the behavior of this device under operating
passive components such as resistors and capacitors, but
conditions. The inductance value depends on the current
from a measurement standpoint, the main focus is on the
and voltage source, excitation signal, wave shape, and the
magnetic components (magnetics) particularly inductors and
frequency of operation. Inductance is defined as:
transformers. Both inductors and transformers consist of
ferrous cores wound with turns of copper wire.  

Inductors exhibit increasing impedance with frequency,

impeding higher frequencies more than lower frequencies.
This makes them useful for filtering current at the power
supply input and the output. Where:

Transformers couple voltage and current from a primary is the inductance (Henry).
winding to a secondary winding, increasing or decreasing is the voltage across the inductor.
signal levels (either voltage or current but not both). Thus a
is the current though the inductor.
transformer might accept 120 volts at its primary and step
this down to 12 volts on the secondary with a proportional is the rate of change in a signal; the slew rate.
increase in current on the secondary. Note that this is not There are several different solutions available for measuring
considered amplification because the signals net power inductance. The LCR meter, for example, excites the inductor
does not increase. Because the transformers primary and under test using a built-in signal generator and then uses a
secondary are not electrically connected, they are also used to bridge-balancing technique to measure the device impedance.
provide isolation between circuit elements. The LCR meter uses a sinusoidal wave as the signal source.
Some measurements that help to determine power supply In a real-world power supply, however, the signal is a high-
performance include: voltage, high-current square wave. Therefore, most power
Inductance supply designers prefer to get a more accurate picture by
observing the inductors behavior in the dynamically changing
Power Loss (Magnetic)
environment of a power supply.
Magnetic Properties
Making Inductance Measurements with an
The most expedient tool for inductor measurements in
a live power supply is an oscilloscope. The inductance
measurement itself is as simple as probing the voltage across
and the current through the magnetic component, much like
the switching device measurements described earlier.

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Power Supply Measurement and Analysis

Ferrite Core Material


Power Loss Density, Watts/cm3






50 k

20 k
Figure 14. Inductance measurement results from DPOPWR application software.

Figure 14 shows the result of such an inductance

measurement. Here, the software has computed the
inductance to be 58.97 microhenries.

Magnetic Power Loss Basics

0.01 0.1 0.3
Magnetic power loss affects the efficiency, reliability, and
Bmax Tesla
thermal performance of the power supply. Two types of power
Figure 15. Plot of core loss vs. flux density at various switching frequencies.
losses are associated with magnetic elements: core loss and
copper loss.
It is possible to calculate the core loss using the core
Core Loss manufacturer’s data sheet such as that shown in the
The core loss is composed of hysteresis loss and eddy current Figure 15. Here the manufacturer has specified the loss for
loss. The hysteresis loss is a function of the frequency of sinusoidal excitation in the I and the III quadrant operation.
operation and the AC flux swing. It is largely independent of The manufacturer also specifies an empirical relationship
DC flux. The hysteresis loss per unit volume is expressed by to calculate the core loss at different AC flux densities and
the following equation: frequency.
  Copper Loss 
            The copper loss is due to the resistance of the copper winding
wire. The copper loss is given by:


is the hysteresis loss per unit volume.              

is field strength.
is the flux density. Where:
is the copper loss.
is the rms current through the magnetic component.
is the winding resistance. This resistance depends on
the DC resistance, skin effect, and proximity effect.

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Making Magnetic Power Loss Measurements

with an Oscilloscope
The total power loss and the core loss can be quickly derived
using information from the core vendor’s data sheet and
results from an oscilloscope running power measurement
software. Use both values to calculate the copper loss.
Knowing the different power loss components makes it
possible to identify the cause for power loss at the magnetic
The method for calculating the magnetic component power
loss depends in part on the type of component being
measured. The device under test may be a single-winding
inductor, a multiple-winding inductor, or a transformer.
Figure 16 shows the measurement result for a single winding
inductor. Figure 16. Power loss at single-winding inductor as measured by DPOPWR.

Channel 1 (yellow trace) is the voltage across the inductor

and Channel 2 (blue trace) is the current, measured with a The measured power loss at the primary winding will include
non-intrusive current probe, through the inductor. The power the reflected power of the secondary winding. Therefore, it is
measurement software automatically computes and displays necessary to measure power at the primary and secondary
the power loss figure, here shown as 173.95 milliwatts. windings and compute the power loss using the transformer
Multiple-winding inductors call for a slightly different approach. equation.
The total power loss is the sum of the losses from the
Magnetic Properties Basics
individual windings:
Switch-mode power supplies must be reliable over a wide
range of operating conditions. For optimum performance,
designers generally specify magnetic components,
transformers and inductors, using B-H (hysteresis) curves
supplied by the manufacturers. These curves define the
Computing power loss at a transformer further varies the performance envelope of the magnetic’s core material. Factors
formula: including operating voltage, current, topology, and type of
converter must be maintained within the linear region of the
hysteresis curve. Obviously, with so many variables, this is
not easy.
Characterizing the operating region of the magnetic
component while it is operating within the SMPS is essential
to determining the power supply’s stability. The measurement
procedure includes plotting the hysteresis loop and looking at
the magnetic properties of the inductor and transformer.

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Power Supply Measurement and Analysis

Magnetic Flux Density (B) These variables are used in the following definitions that
pertain to Figure 17:

Bs Magnetic Field Strength (H) is the magnetic field used to

induce magnetic flux in the material under test. Units are
expressed in amperes per meter.
Br µ
υ α (maximum)

υ ι
Saturation Flux Density (Bs) is the maximum magnetic flux
Magnetic Field Strength (H) density that can be induced in the material regardless of the
Hc magnitude of the externally applied field H.
V I l A S


Figure 17. Typical B-H (hysteresis) plot of a magnetic component.
Remanence (Br) is the induced magnetic flux density that
B-H Plot
remains in the material after the externally applied magnetic
The B-H plot characterizes the magnetic properties. field (H) returns to zero while generating the hysteresis loop.
Figure 17 shows a typical B-H plot for a sinusoidal excitation.
Coercive Force (Hc) is the value of H found at the intercept
To make B-H plot measurements, the following information is of the H-axis and the hysteresis loop. This represents the
needed at the outset: external field required to cause the induced flux density (B) to
Voltage across the magnetic component, l A S reach zero during the measurement cycle of a hysteresis loop.
Hc is symmetrical with the positive and negative axes.
Magnetizing current, l A S
Initial Permeability (µi) is the ratio of induced magnetic flux
Number V I
of turns, l A S densities (B) to apply field (H) as H approaches zero. It is the
V I Length, l A S
Magnetic ratio of B to H at any point on the hysteresis loop. In addition,
Maximum Amplitude Permeability is the maximum ratio of B to
V Sectional
Cross I l A S
H on the first quadrant of the positive cycle of the hysteresis
V I Surface
l Area,
A S loop. It is the slope drawn from the origin.

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Magnetic Property Measurements i1 (t) i1 (t) i2 (t)

+ n1 : n 2 +
Inductors are used as filters at the input and the output of the
power supply, and may have single or multiple windings. i M (t)
To make magnetic property measurements, the following
information is necessary: v1 (t) LM v2 (t)
Voltage across the magnetic component, l A S
Magnetizing current, l A S - -
Number V I
of turns, l A S
V I Length, l A S
Magnetic i3 (t)
V Sectional
Cross I l  A S
The inductor voltage and current follow the following equation:
  v3 (t)

  :n3 -
In a typical DC-to-DC converter, the flux in the winding is Ideal Transformer
expressed by: Figure 18. Multi winding magnetic element.



  To calculate the net magnetizing current, it is necessary to

measure i1(t), i2(t) and i3(t). Given the net magnetizing current,
the B-H analysis procedure is similar to that used for a single-
Figure 18 shows a typical multi-winding magnetic element that winding inductor. The flux depends upon the net magnetizing
might be used as a coupled inductor or transformer. current. The vector sum of the measured currents in all the
windings produces the magnetizing current.
The electrical equations governing the operation of this circuit
are as follows:  


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Power Supply Measurement and Analysis

Figure 19. B-H plot for single winding inductor. Figure 20. Inductance and magnetic loss measurements.

Measuring Magnetic Properties with an In Figure 20, Channel 1 (yellow trace) is the voltage across
Oscilloscope the inductor and Channel 2 (blue trace) is the current through
the inductor. After running the inductance and magnetic loss
Dedicated power measurement software can greatly simplify
measurements 100 times, the minimum, maximum, and mean
magnetic properties measurements with an oscilloscope. In
measurement values are displayed.
many instances, it is necessary only to measure the voltage
and magnetizing current. The software performs the magnetic Some power measurement software can also create an exact
property measurement calculations for you. Figure 19 depicts B-H plot for the magnetic component and characterize its
the results of a magnetic property measurement on a single- performance. The number of turns, the magnetic length and
winding inductor. The measurement can also be performed on the cross-sectional area of the core must first be entered
a transformer with a primary and secondary current source. before the software can compute a B-H plot. 

www.tektronix.com/power 17

Current Test Point

(Non-intrusive AC/DC probe)


Filter PFC PWM
VAC control control

Voltage Test Points

Figure 21. Simplified view of an SMPS power supply (primary side only) and its power quality measurement test points. Simultaneous input VAC and IAC readings are necessary for
power quality measurements.

Power Line Measurements Real-world electrical power lines never supply ideal sine
waves. There is always some distortion and impurity on
Power line measurements characterize the interaction of the the line. A switching power supply presents a non-linear
supply and its service environment. It is good to remember load to the source. Because of this, the voltage and current
that power supplies can be of any size, from the small fan- waveforms are not identical. Current is drawn for some portion
feed boxes inside a personal computer, to the sizeable devices of the input cycle, causing the generation of harmonics on
supplying factory motors, to the massive supplies supporting the input current waveform. Determining the effects of these
phone banks and server farms. Each of these has some effect distortions is an important part of power engineering.
on the incoming power source (typically utility power) that
feeds it. To determine the power consumption and distortion on the
power line, power quality measurements are made at the
To determine the effect of the insertion of the power supply, input stage, as shown by the voltage and current test points in
power voltage and current parameters must be measured Figure 21.
directly on the input power line.
Power quality measurements include:
Power Quality Measurement Basics True Power
Power quality does not depend on the electricity producer Apparent Power or Reactive Power
alone. It also depends on the design and manufacture of the
power supply and on the end-user’s load. The power quality Power Factor
characteristics at the power supply define the “health” of the Crest Factor
power supply. 
Current Harmonics Measurements to EN61000-3-2
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)

18 www.tektronix.com/power
Power Supply Measurement and Analysis

Making Power Quality Measurements with an

Digital oscilloscopes running power measurement application
software are a powerful alternative to the power meters
and harmonic analyzers traditionally used for power quality
The benefits of using an oscilloscope rather than the older
toolset are compelling. The instrument must be able to
capture harmonic components up to the 50th harmonic of
the fundamental. Power line frequency is usually 50 Hz or 60
Hz, according to applicable local standards. In some military
and avionics applications, the line frequency may be 400 Hz.
And of course, signal aberrations may contain frequencies
that are higher yet. With the high sampling rate of modern
oscilloscopes, fast-changing events are captured with great Figure 22. Power quality results using DPOPWR Measurement and Analysis Software.
Measurements include True Power, Apparent Power, Crest Factor, Total Harmonic
detail (resolution). In contrast, conventional power meters can Distortion and Power Factor. 
overlook signal details due to their relatively slow response
time. And, the oscilloscope’s record length is sufficient to
acquire an integral number of cycles, even at very high Current probing is a special consideration. There are several
sampling resolution. implementations of current probing architecture:
Software tools speed measurement procedures and minimize The AC current probe is based on current transformer
setup time. Most power quality measurements can be (CT) technology. The CT probe is non-intrusive but cannot
automated by full-featured power measurement software sense the DC component in the signal, which can result in
running on the oscilloscope itself, performing lengthy inaccurate measurements.
procedures in seconds. By reducing the number of manual
The current shunt. This design requires interrupting the
calculations, the oscilloscope acts as a very versatile and
circuit and can cause a voltage drop within the probe itself,
efficient power meter. Figure 22 shows an example of robust
potentially compromising power measurement accuracy.
power measurement software.
The AC/DC current probe is typically based on Hall-Effect
The oscilloscope probes, too, assist in safe, reliable power
sensor technology. This device senses AC/DC current non-
measurements. High-voltage differential probes designed
intrusively and is able to read the both the AC and the DC
for power applications are the preferred tools for observing
components with one connection. 
floating voltage signals.
The AC/DC current probe has become the tool of choice for
challenging power quality measurements in switch-mode
power supplies.

www.tektronix.com/power 19

Power Line Measurements with a Accuracy

Power Analyzer A power analyzer connects directly to the AC line and uses
precision input circuits (a voltage divider and a current shunt)
A precision power analyzer is the ideal tool to use when
to provide power measurements with a basic accuracy of
measuring the power drawn from the AC line by a power
0.05% or better. This class of accuracy is required to confirm
supply. Accurate power and related measurements are used
high levels of accuracy as well as for conformance to power
to confirm the power supply’s overall electrical ratings and its
and harmonics standards.
compliance to international requirements for power, efficiency
and current wave shape. For example, a typical oscilloscope and probe combination
may provide 3% of amplitude accuracy for voltage and
Measurements include:
current. The total power uncertainty will be even greater,
Power (watts) resulting in 3% uncertainty for overall power and efficiency
Low power standby (mW) measurements. This can be very important when designing
to achieve a high efficiency. For example, a nominal 90%
Apparent power (VA) efficiency may be as high as 93% or as low as 87% when
True RMA V and A measured with an oscilloscope. This uncertainty could then
result in either a non-conforming design (measuring above
Power Factor
90% but actual efficiency less than 90%) or unnecessary
Inrush Current extra design optimization (measuring below 90% but actual
Crest Factors and Peak Values efficiency already greater than 90%).

Harmonics (V, A and W) An oscilloscope is the right tool for confirming and optimizing
high-speed switching and other component losses inside
THD (V, A)
the power supply but a precision power analyzer is the best
tool for measuring overall power, efficiency and harmonic

20 www.tektronix.com/power
Power Supply Measurement and Analysis



Lo Hi Lo
Figure 23. Connecting directly to a power analyzer.

Figure 24. Using a break-out box for safe and simple product testing.

The standard current inputs of a power analyzer will measure To measure low power standby (milli-watts) use the low
a large range of current, from milli-amps to 20 or 30 amps current input on the power analyzer. This is labelled A1A to
RMS. This is suitable for moist power supplies up to 3kW. signify a maximum 1A RMS input that whose range runs from
micro-amps up to 1 amp RMS.
A single power analyzer wattmeter input channel consists of a
voltage input pair (VHI and VLO) and a current input pair (AHI and To avoid errors, special care should also be taken with the
ALO). voltage connection such that it is made on the source side of
the current shunt. An extra terminal (VLO Source) on the break-
These connections are simplified by use of a break-out
out box makes this convenient.
box that makes the analyzer connections with 4mm safety
connectors and provides a standard AC outlet for connection Details of these connections and the measurement methods
to the power supply. can be found in another Tektronix primer, “Standby Power
Primer” available from www.tek.com/power.
Connections for low power standby.
The standard current inputs of a power analyzer will measure
a large range of current, from milli-amps to 20 or 30 amps

www.tektronix.com/power 21

Power Transducer Power Analyzer Input

0 to 100W None Low current (1A) input
0.5W – 3kW None Normal (20A) input
1kW + Simple current 1A or 20A input to
Transformer match the transformer
Precision current 1A or 20A input to
transducer match the transformer
Figure 25. Tektronix CT-xxxx-S precision current transducers.
Transducer with a EXT AHI Voltage input
voltage Output (Shunt
or Rogowski coil)
Connections for high power Table 1. Current measurement technique for different power supply input power.

To extend the measurement range of a power analyzer

above its rated direct input (typically 20 or 30A RMS), current
transducers are used.
In each case the power analyzer provides a suitable, matched
The transducer may be a simple current transformer, a high current input and that input may be selected and scaled such
performance active current transducer or a device (a resistive that the correct actual current is displayed and recorded by
shunt or Rogowski coil) that produces a voltage output that is the power analyzer.
proportional to the current being measured.

22 www.tektronix.com/power
Power Supply Measurement and Analysis

Figure 26. Default PA1000 measurements. Figure 27. 14-measurement display.

Figure 28. Power supply waveform. Figure 29. Power supply harmonic content.

Power Measurements with a Power Analyzer The power analyzers menu system may then be used to
select and display further measurements.
For basic power supply measurements, no set up of the
analyzer is required.

www.tektronix.com/power 23

Figure 30. Tektronix PWRVIEW standby power measurement.

Figure 31. PWRVIEW PC software charts harmonics and compares to limits.

Making Standards Compliance Measurements

Power, standby power and efficiency Efficiency is calculated from a measurement of input power
(PIN) and output power (POUT).
Many international agencies lay down limits for different
aspects of power supply and end-product power and energy
For power supplies, efficiency and no-load (or standby) power Power analyzers measure a wide range of both AC and
is regulated by: DC signals and so can convenient and accurate efficiency
measurements can be provided by using multiple power
US Energy Independence and Security Act analyzers simultaneously.
EC Ecodesign Directive Measurements of standby power to the above programs
EC IPP Mobile Device Charger Rating require special techniques that are described by the European
standard IEC62301 Ed.2. To measure standby power in
For the domestic and office devices and appliances that are
this way, PC software is used to calculate and verify the
powered by power supplies then further programs limit the
measurement stability and uncertainty that is required.
energy efficiency and standby power of the complete end
product: Harmonics Limits
Using PC software coupled to the power analyzer, harmonics
California Energy Commision measurements may be quickly and conveniently recorded and
compared to the limits of IEC61000-3-2 and others.
EU Eco-Label
Software features such as PDF report export provide
Nordic EcoLabel complete reporting functions for power supply conformance
Blue Angel (Germany) measurements.

Top Runner (Japan)

Energy Saving (Korea)
Power is measured using a power analyzer as described
above and compliance is checked by comparison with the
limits described by the relevant program above.

24 www.tektronix.com/power
Power Supply Measurement and Analysis

The power supply is integral to virtually every type of line-
powered electronic product, and the switch-mode power
supply (SMPS) has become the dominant architecture in
digital computing, networking, and communications systems.
A single switch-mode power supply’s performance or its failure
can affect the fate of a large, costly system.
Measurements are the only way to ensure the reliability,
stability, compliance, and safety of an emerging SMPS design.
SMPS measurements fall into three principal categories: active
device measurements; passive device measurements (mostly
magnetics); and power quality tests. Some measurements
may deal with floating voltages and high currents; others
require math-intensive analysis to deliver meaningful results.
Power supply measurements can be complex.
The modern digital oscilloscope has become the tool of choice
for characterization and troubleshooting measurements. When
equipped with appropriate probing tools and automated
measurement software, the oscilloscope simplifies challenging
SMPS measurements while providing fast, accurate answers.
For system-level validation and compliance testing, power
analyzers deliver measurements with specified accuracy and

www.tektronix.com/power 25

Power Measurements
Which Tektronix oscilloscope is right for your power applications?

Automatic TPS2000B Series MDO/MSO/DPO4000 and MSO/DPO5000B Series DPO7000C Series

Manual with TPS2PWR1 Module MDO/MSO/DPO3000 Series with DPOPWR Option with DPOPWR Option
with DPO4PWR, MDO3PWR, or
DPO3PWR Module

Bandwidth 100 MHz to 200 MHz 100 MHz to 1 GHz 350 MHz to 2 GHz 500 MHz to 3.5 GHz

Record Length 2.5 k Up to 20 M Up to 250 M Up to 500 M


Sample Rate Up to 2 GS/s Up to 5 GS/s Up to 10 GS/s*1 Up to 40 GS/s*1

Maximum Input Voltage (see Voltage Probes, page 22) 300 VRMS CAT II 300 VRMS CAT II 300 VRMS CAT II 150 VRMS

Automated De-skew X X X

Isolated and Floating Channels X

Special Features

Windows Operating System and Desktop X X

Battery Powered Operation X

FFT Plots X X X X



True (Real) Power

Line Power Quality Measurements

Reactive Power

Apparent Power

Power Factor

Crest Factor

Phase Angle


Total Harmonic Distortion


Line Ripple
I/O Analysis

Switching Noise

Pre-Compliance Testing to EN61000-3-2



MIL Standard 1399

Switching Loss Measurements

Active Component

Safe Operating Area

Dynamic Resistance (dv/dt, di/dt)

Modulation Analysis

Passive Component

Magnetic Power Loss

Flux Density

B-H Plots

*1 On One Channel

26 www.tektronix.com/power
Power Supply Measurement and Analysis

TPS2000B Series MDO/MSO/DPO4000 and MSO/DPO5000B and

with TPS2PWR1 Module MDO/MSO/DPO3000 Series DPO7000C Series
with DPO4PWR, MDO3PWR, or DPO3PWR Module with DPOPWR Option

Power Industrial Power Power Supply SMPS Design &

Applications Automotive Troubleshooting Development
SMPS Design & Pre-Compliance
Development (Military and Industrial)
Probes TPS2000 Series The MDO/MSO/DPO3000, MDO/
oscilloscopes achieve the MSO/DPO4000, MSO/DPO5000, and
best power measurement DPO7000 Series digital phosphor
performance when oscilloscopes are equipped with
combined with the the Tektronix Versatile Probe
following probes. Interface (TekVPI). TekVPI™ probes
are versatile, feature-rich, and easy-

High Voltage Differential Probes TekVPI High Voltage Differential Probes

Features Model Numbers Features Model Numbers
Safely make measurements of floating - P5150 Offers GHz performance to - TDP1000*2*3*4
or elevated circuits with the oscilloscope - P5122 analyze Switch Mode Power - TDP0500*2*3*4
grounded. Supply (SMPS) designs.
- THDP0200*2*3*4
Wide dynamic voltage range from Versatile device under test (DUT) (measures up to ± 1500 V)
milli-Volts to kilo-Volts. connectivity and ease-of-use. - THDP0100*2*3*4
(measures up to ± 6000 V)

Current Probes TekVPI Current Probes

Features Model Numbers Features Model Numbers
Transformer and Hall effect technology - TCP2020 Exceptional bandwidth (DC to 120 MHz) - TCP0020*2*3*4
enhance AC/DC measurement capabilities. - TCPA300 with and broad dynamic range (milli-Amps tp - TCP0030A*2*3*4
Wide dynamic current range from milli- TCP303,TCP305A, hundreds of Amps.)
- TCP0150*2*3*4
Amps to kilo-Amps. and/or TCP312A Split core construction makes it easier and
quicker to connect to the device under
test (DUT).

*1 TPS2000 Series requires 1103 power supply.

*2 MSO/DPO3000 Series requires TekVPI external power supply 119-7465-XX when total oscilloscope probe power usage exceeds 20W.
*3 MSO/DPO5000B Series requires TekVPI external power supply 119-7465-XX when total oscilloscope probe power usage exceeds 15W.
*4 MDO3000 Series supplies up to a total of 25W of oscilloscope probe power.

www.tektronix.com/power 27

Power Measurement and Analysis Application Software

DPOPWR for the MSO/DPO5000, DPO7000, and

MSO/DSA/DPO70000 Series Oscilloscopes
Multi-vendor probe support with auto-deskew capability 
Quickly measure and analyze power dissipation in power
supply switching devices and magnetic components
Generate detailed test reports in customizable formats

DPO4PWR for the MDO/MSO/DPO4000 Series,

MDO3PWR for the MDO3000 Series, and DPO3PWR
for the MSO/DPO3000 Series Oscilloscopes
TekVPI probe support with auto-deskew capability
Quickly measure and analyze power quality, switching loss,
harmonics, SOA, modulation, ripple and slew rate in power
supply switching devices

TPS2PWR1 for the TPS2000 Series Oscilloscope

Quickly measure and analyze instantaneous power,
harmonics, switching loss, phase angles, dv/dt and di/dt

28 www.tektronix.com/power
Power Supply Measurement and Analysis

Choosing Your Next Power Analyzer

Measuring Power and Energy.
The PA1000 and PA4000 power analyzers combine accuracy with ease of use to provide design and test engineers with high-
value measurement solutions. They feature patent-pending SpiralShuntTM technology to guarantee robust performance over a
1-year calibration interval and during changes of current and temperature.

PA1000 Single-Phase Power Analyzer PA4000 Multi-Phase Power Analyzer

Best in class accuracy and connectivity. Easy to use yet The PA4000 incorporates the latest technology for
packed with features to speed the design and test of power uncompromised accuracy plus a long list of standard features
supplies and any product connected to the AC line. to fit nearly any power-conversion test application.

Product Highlights Product Highlights

0.05% reading + 0.05% range basic accuracy 1 to 4 wattmeter channels with precision matched V and I
inputs, 1000V RMS 30A RMS direct input
Dual shunts maximize accuracy for low and high current
measurements 0.01% reading + 0.04% range basic accuracy

USB, Ethernet and GPIB interfaces 1MHz bandwidth

PWRVIEW PC software for measurement and control. Application specific test modes for Motor Drives, Ballasts,
Includes IEC62301 Ed.2 standby power Standby Power and Energy Integration

Harmonics, Inrush and Energy (W-h) measurements Harmonics measurement to the 100th

Color display of 4 or 14 Color display with waveform graphics, vector bar chart.
measurements and waveform, Each wattmeter channel features
harmonics and energy trend both high- and low-range
graphics. SpiralShunt™ measuring inputs.

www.tektronix.com/power 29
Contact Tektronix:
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* If the European phone number above is not accessible,

please call +41 52 675 3777

Contact List Updated June 2013

For Further Information

Tektronix maintains a comprehensive, constantly expanding collection of
application notes, technical briefs and other resources to help engineers
working on the cutting edge of technology. Please visit www.tektronix.com

Copyright © 2014, Tektronix. All rights reserved. Tektronix products are

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publication supersedes that in all previously published material. Specification
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